warm up – image analysis. essential question ■what is something you thought was true, only to...

Download Warm Up – Image Analysis. Essential Question ■What is something you thought was true, only to find out later it was wrong?

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Introduction ■FINALLY…a truly global time ■Americas & Oceania join Afro-Eurasia in trade ■The encounters between these worlds drastically changed societies, economies, politics, demographics and environments


Warm Up Image Analysis Essential Question What is something you thought was true, only to find out later it was wrong? Introduction FINALLYa truly global time Americas & Oceania join Afro-Eurasia in trade The encounters between these worlds drastically changed societies, economies, politics, demographics and environments EUROPEAN EXPLORATION Factors that led to European Exploration 1.Advances in European ship design Technology gained from trade also a benefit Caravel Compass Accurate maps Astrolabe Rudders & sails Factors that led to European Exploration 2.Europeans desire to spread Christianity Competing with popularity of Islam Reconquista Targeted South and East Asia Every expedition carried missionaries Changes in Christianity sparks evangelicalism Incentives given to France, Spain, Portugal Protestant Reformation split church but also added more competition Had to beat the Protestants Factors that led to European Exploration 3.Trade as a motivator Europeans werent dumbthey could see the profit to be had with the luxuries coming out of Asia Trade is going to trigger the Renaissance as well as the growth of cities Once they understood the value of the Americas Why Western and not Eastern Europe? Russia had no warm water ports; so expanded its land empire and didnt reach Pacific Ocean until 17th Century European countries with Atlantic Ocean coast had advantages over land-locked countries in the east What about China? China did send fleets to Indian Ocean to trade and explore Treasure ships 400 feet long Commanded by Zheng He Brought back animals, plants, goods & people from Africa & India Ming emperor cancelled the expeditions because of great expense Nothing out there that we dont need the Middle Kingdom Had the ability but chose not to What will this lead to? Use your knowledge of current events. PORTUGAL LEADS THE WAY TO NEW LANDS Spain follows Why Portugal and Spain first? 1.Geography Long Atlantic coastlines Proximity to Africa 2.Reconquista Spains re-conquering of Iberian Peninsula drove the Muslims from Spain Gave Spanish leaders a strong patriotism were eager to expand their influence Portugal South, Spain West Why Portugal and Spain first? 3.Italian trade domination in Mediterranean Portugal & Spain wanted to by-pass them Therefore went South & West Portugal Goes South Prince Henry the Navigator (not a navigator but a real prince) Established a navigation school on Atlantic coast Trained sailors and sponsored many expeditions along west coast of Africa They discovered Madeira & Azores Islands Portugal Goes South 1488 Bartolomeo Dias rounded tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope) 1498 Vasco da Gama made it to India Portugal established link to the east Spain goes West Had no choicethe only unclaimed direction Believed Afro-Eurasia was the only land mass Made sense to them that to sail west was to find India, the Indies or China (Cathay) Columbus convinced Ferdinand and Isabella that he would find for them Glory and Gold and claim new lands for God GOD, GOLD & GLORY Spain goes West Spanish & Columbus thought he made it to India Area later called West Indies The mistake actually paid off Spain eventually accumulated great wealth because of agriculture and mining: Sugar Gold & Silver END 1/6/2016 Columbian Exchange The transfer of animals, plants, diseases and people due to the contact between the peoples of Europe, Africa and the Americas Old World to New World Plants Rice Wheat Barley Oats Coffee Sugar Bananas Animals Horses Cattle Pigs Sheep Goats Chickens Horses changed the culture of almost EVERY Native American group Sugarcane allowed Europeans to create huge plantations and caused the Atlantic Slave Trade Old World to New World Disease Measles Chicken Pox Smallpox Yellow Fever* Malaria* Influenza Common Cold Small pox, eradicated whole villages Arawak People of the Caribbean 100% Caused the greatest human destruction since the 14th century Black Death Estimated 90% of the Native American Population This cause vast, uninhabited areas for Europeans to conquer and settle New World to Old World Plants Avocados Peanuts Corn Potatoes Beans Cacao (Chocolate!) Chicle (Gum!) Tobacco Animals Llamas Alpacas Guinea pigs Potato became popular in Europe easy to store and grow Maize became a staple in Africa and China Foods created population growth wherever planted New World to Old World Disease Syphillis Hepatitis Polio Tuberculosis Human Migration caused by Exchange Most migrated voluntarily but Africans forcibly Some European forcibly as indentured servants Penal colonies Spanish males Very few females Miscegenation Vast Sugar Plantations Encomienda Decimation of native population led to importation of African slaves Human Migration caused by Exchange Portugal first to tap into already existing slave trade in Africa Shipped them to plantations in Brazil Spain follows by buying from factories on the Slave Coast on the West African Coast Middle Passage To the Caribbean Religions of the Exchange Christian Missionaries accompanied every expedition to the New World Catholic clergy zealously spread the holy word by holding mass baptisms but didnt include the usual instruction A unique Catholic culture arose as a result Mining and the Exchange Aztec/Mexican gold went straight into Spains treasury Incan/Peruvian silver became the metal of global exchange American silver traded in Asia for spices, silk and anything else desired by Europeans (Remember You have nothing we (China) need? they really meant you have nothing that we needexcept silver.) Japan enters into this exchange because they have silver too THIS IS THE FIRST TRULY GLOBAL EXCHANGE NETWORK END OF 1/7/2016 COMPARING COLONIAL SOCIETIES IN THE AMERICAS A Whole New World Europeans did not just conquer and govern established societies: they created wholly new societies: All were shaped by mercantilism Theory that governments should encourage exports and accumulate money to serve their countries Colonies should provide closed markets for the mother countrys manufactured goods A Whole New World Europeans did not just conquer and govern established societies: they created wholly new societies. But colonies differed widely, depending on native cultures and the sorts of economy that were established Mercantilist thinking fueled the European wars and colonial rivalries around the world in the early modern era Central & South America In the Lands of the Aztecs and the Incas Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires (early sixteenth century) the most wealthy, urbanized, and populous regions of the Western Hemisphere within a century, the Spaniards established major cities, universities, and a religious and bureaucratic infrastructure economic basis of the colonial society was commercial agriculture and mining (gold and silver) Central & South America In the Lands of the Aztecs and the Incas Rise of a distinctive social order Replicated some of the Spanish class hierarchy Accommodated Indians, Africans, and racially mixed people Spaniards were at the top, increasingly wanted a large measure of self-government from the Spanish Crown Emergence of mestizo (mixed-race) population Gross abuse and exploitation of the Indians More racial fluidity than in North America Central & South America Colonies of Sugar Lowland Brazil and the Caribbean developed a different society Regions had not been home to great civilizations and didnt have great mineral wealth until the 1690s But sugar was in high demand in Europe These colonies produced almost solely for export Central & South America Colonies of Sugar Arabs introduced large-scale sugar production to the Mediterranean Europeans transferred it to Atlantic islands and Americas Portuguese on Brazilian coast dominated the world sugar market 15701670 Then British, French, and Dutch in the Caribbean broke the Portuguese monopoly Central & South America Colonies of Sugar Sugar transformed Brazil and the Caribbean Production was labor intensive, worked best on large scale can be called the first modern industry had always been produced with massive use of slave labor Indians of the area were almost totally wiped out or fled planters turned to African slavesat least 80 percent of all African captives enslaved in the Americas ended up in Brazil and the Caribbean Central & South America Colonies of Sugar Much more of Brazilian and Caribbean society was of African descent Large mixed-race population provided much of urban skilled workforce and supervisors in sugar industry North America Colonies of Sugar plantation complex based on African slavery spread to southern parts of North America but in North America, European women came earlier result was less racial mixing, less tolerance toward mixed blood sharply defined racial system evolved slavery was less harsh North America Settler Colonies in North America a different sort of colonial society emerged in British colonies of New England, New York, and Pennsylvania British got into the game late; got the unpromising lands but British society was changing more rapidly than Catholic Spain North America Settler Colonies in North America Many British colonists were trying to escape elements of European society British settlers were more numerous; by 1750, they outnumbered Spaniards in New World by five to one by 1776, 90 percent of population of North American colonies was European Indians were killed off by disease and military policy small-scale farming didnt need slaves North America Settler Colonies in North America England was mostly Protestant; didnt proselytize like the Catholics British colonies developed traditions of local self-government Britain didnt impose an elaborate bureaucracy like Spain British civil war (seventeenth century) distracted government from involvement in the colonies North America gradually became dominant, more developed than South America END OF 1/8 CONTINUITIES IN THE GLOBAL NETWORKS OF EXCHANGE Period 4 is not all Atlantic, all the time Continuities in Religion Islam continues its spread across Sub-Saharan Africa and into East and Southeast Asia (Indonesia and Philippines) Buddhism moves across SE Asia and into parts of Central Asia Hinduism is core in India Continuities in Trade Indian Ocean trade continued to thrive European merchants could only joined if they cooperated with the local rulers of the port cities because they couldnt dominate this long-established organization Atlantic trade volume eventually surpassed the Indian Ocean trade Continuities in Agriculture Most people in the world were STILL farmers most growing just enough for their families to live on with a little left over to sell Others grew a single crop to be exported for food (initial commercial farming) Changes occurred because of the flood of new foods from the Americas Continuities in Migrations Just before 1492 most mass migrations had ended Hawaii inhabited by 900 Tahiti by c 1300 Bantu Migration near end built Great Zimbabwe ATLANTIC SYSTEM & SLAVERY Latin American society a direct result of cultural blending: food, faith, family structure and racial identities Economics and the Atlantic World Includes interaction between 4 continents Africa, Europe, North and South America Latin America is a cultural territory included in the Atlantic World that indicated areas that were once controlled by Portuguese or Spanish England, France, the Netherlands also had colonies in the Americas (primarily North America but also Caribbean Islands) All competed with each other for a part of the global market Thirteen English Colonies North American colonies were considered backwater and an after-thought Not a big deal because there was little profitaka no GOLD, SILVER or SUGAR Biggest commodity to come out of North America was fish, cod to be exact Triangle Trade Sugar, Rum, Cod from Americas to Europe for silver Silver to Africa for slaves Slaves to Americas to work the plantations THIS IS AN OVER-SIMPLICATION Mercantilism Use of raw materials from the colonies to make products to sell globally The country must have a positive balance of trade Govt tax imports (tariffs) and invested with private trading companies British East India Company British EIC made and enforced their own laws ect with rulers