warm-up quiz. 1. what does nullification mean? 2. what did jay’s treaty accomplish?

Warm-up Quiz

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Warm-up Quiz

Page 2: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• 1. What does nullification mean?

Page 3: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Page 4: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• 3. What was the purpose of the Alien & Sedition Acts?

Page 5: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• 4. What did the U.S. gain in Pinckney’s Treaty?

Page 6: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Jefferson’s Administration

Page 7: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Why do we accept the result of presidential elections?

Page 8: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?
Page 9: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Election of 1800• Very nasty campaign;

Federalists say Jefferson will bring revolution, D-R say Adams wants to make himself king.

• Jefferson ties with his own VP candidate Aaron Burr

• Congress has to decide; Hamilton tells Federalists to pick Jefferson

• How will Federalists respond to losing power?


Page 10: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• Election of 1800 was the first peaceful transfer of power between opposing parties

• Jefferson inaugurated in new capital.

Page 11: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Midnight Appointments

• Just before Jefferson’s inauguration Federalists enlarge the courts so they can appoint Federalist judges– Kept control of judicial branch

• Most important was new Chief Justice John Marshall

Page 12: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Bad blood…. • Burr later kills Hamilton in a duel.– Hamilton had called

Burr a “dangerous man…not to be trusted”

– Turns out he was right

– Burr later accused of treason & exiled after he tried to engineer the secession of Western states

Page 13: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Early Supreme Court

• Chief Justice John Marshall expanded the power of the federal government

• Marbury v. Madison establishes the principle of judicial review – the Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional.

Page 14: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• Jefferson tried to use impeachment to remove Federalist judge Samuel Chase but failed– Discouraged future

administrations from fighting judiciary w/impeachment

Page 15: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Conflict in North Africa• Barbary States in

North Africa had been capturing U.S. ships

• Washington and Adams paid for protection (since British no longer protected us), but the pirates raised the price on Jefferson

Page 16: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Barbary Wars – Navy and Marines fight back.

They blockade Tripoli & eventually pirates give up.

Page 17: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Jefferson wants farm economy

• Where will he look for more land?

Page 18: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

France is in turmoil

• Continued conflict in Europe

• French lose Haiti. • Napoleon agrees to

sell Louisiana for $15 million

• Role of Adams (avoided war w/France) & Hamilton (we borrow $15 mil from British)

Page 19: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Strict or Loose Construction?• Constitution doesn’t authorize the

President to buy land

Page 20: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• Louisiana Purchase– Doubles the size of the U.S.– Secures the Mississippi for American farmers in west– We own New Orleans.

Page 21: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Lewis & Clark• Sent to explore new territory

(helped by Sacajawea)• Secured claim to Oregon &

focused nation on westward expansion.

Page 22: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

• French and British continue to fight in Europe

• U.S. getting rich off of trade with French colonies in Caribbean

Page 23: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?
Page 24: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

The Empire Strikes Back

• British keep impressing U.S. sailors

• What about our Navy?– Jefferson disliked

professional military; he had put most of the navy in storage.

– Storing the navy works as long as others respect our neutrality, but British/French see Jefferson as weak. French start to seize our merchant ships also.

– Still LOTS of money to be made, so American merchants risk it.

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Then the British attack a U.S. warship

• U.S.S. Chesapeake attacked by a British frigate

• British seize four sailors – one British, three American.

• Americans are furious, but Jefferson is a pacifist. How does he avoid conflict?

Page 26: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Embargo Act of 1807• Ends trade with ALL

foreign nations. • British & French ignore

it (they only respect military force) but it devastates the American economy

• New Englander -- “Like cutting one’s throat to cure a nosebleed”

• Next president (Madison) removes embargo.

Page 27: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

France and Great Britain keep on fighting…

Page 28: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Revolution of 1800 Posters

• In groups of 2-3 you will create campaign posters for the Election of 1800

• Posters must address the positions of the parties on the following issues and use NO WORDS except for the name of the party.

• They must be creative and come up with symbols/drawings/pictures to illustrate the basic principles of each party

Page 29: Warm-up Quiz. 1. What does nullification mean? 2. What did Jay’s Treaty accomplish?

Revolution of 1800 Posters• Posters must address the positions of the parties on

the following issues and use NO WORDS except for the name of the party.1. Economic vision

2. Type of central gov. (Limited or strong)

3. Who should run the gov.

4. Foreign relations

5. Position on the National Bank

6. Strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution

7. Candidate

8. Political party