warriors of shadows: path of darkness manuscript

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  • 8/6/2019 Warriors of Shadows: Path of Darkness Manuscript



    Warriors of Shadows: Path of DarknessPath Saga Volume One

    Book Two: Path of Demons

    By Steven Schultz

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    Introduction: The book of Shiar

    In the light shadow dead realm, Macre was not pleased to see his army of Demons getting

    crushed by Lacre's forces. Macre wasn't also pleased at Kiask for returning in the AngelShadow World as a young man instead of an older body that he once had but Kiask was

    back in the shadow dead realm and asked, "can I have the book of the Shiar?" "No youcan't handle the book only gods can," said Macre. The book was a summoning book of

    darkness and Macre was keeping it for keeps so Lacre can't use it. In the book cover therewas an upside down cross and that had brown leather book covers that laced in the pages

    of death spells and summons. "I will give this book to my library," said Macre, leaving

    the throne chair and started to walk to the book shelf. The book was accidentally droppedby Macre and started to become unstable with explosive energy came out to blast Macre.

    "Agh," yelled Macre and Macre got hurt but was okay. The book vanished.

    It vanished to Lacre's hands and Lacre was pleased to see his new aged book is ready to

    use. Lacre looked at the first page where there were two spells and one summon spell wason it. "Look Janron there is a spell where Umoor can be revived," said Lacre, to Janron.

    "Yes sir we can use this to summon only Lords Status warriors or creatures with that kind

    of power in their shadow spirit energy," said Janron. "Well Umoor come forth and cometo my aide I need help," commanded Lacre. And, Umoor came out of a dark hole in the

    sky of the dark shadow dead realm and landed hardly breaking the ground underneath

    him. Leeches everywhere surrounding Umoors body and went up to him and showed

    Umoor his true power of darkness. "So your power is Leeches and your summoning skillsare great as well Umoor don't waste the power," said Lacre. "Why do I have a limit to my

    power?" asked Umoor. "No you idiot you die if you exceed the amount of summoning

    powerful monsters," said Lacre. "How is there a limit on summoning powerful DarkCreatures?" asked Umoor. "I don't want to tell you again if you summon up to five

    powerful monsters that exceed your own powers your spirit will come back here and be

    imprisioned again," said Lacre, impatiently, "besides go and destroy all white forcedemons in the demon shadow world." "Okay I bring Janron with me," said Umoor. "Fine

    I go," said Janron

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    Chapter One: Umoor's Son

    One of the portals opened to the Dark Shadow World, known as Darcian to Umoor,

    Umoor a leech humanoid with blonde human hair with leeched skin body and a humans

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    legs and arms are all muscled with muscles under neath them. Mecee, the scout flyer birdof darkness which had feathers of black wings and black body that signalifies the

    darkness energy that it has. Black Birds Mecee are fast in speed and in intelligence but

    lack in strength. Teha Lizards of the Dark variety roamed free during the onslaught of

    the original Teha Lizards on the planet of the Demon Shadow World. Umoor waited forall the roaming free Lizards to follow him and saw three hundred lizards catching the

    smell of Umoors sweat that made them crave with drool dripping down their mouths

    waiting to eat Umoor. Umoor waiting for a sign to look for in the weakness in the armyand found two red instead of black lizards that had hair tentacles coming down to their

    shoulders. These lizards were also Teha but, they were leaders. Ummick and Tedor were

    their names. "Tedor what the heck is the master of the old ways here?" said Ummick."Well I think that he is here to destroy us again," answered Tedor. "Well I think that we

    were able to live off of plants when we died and began to form into a humanoid lizards

    but with a plant sense of knowledge," said Ummick. "Then we should tell Umoor todestroy us again so we can live another life," said Tedor. "No!!" yelled Umoor, ravaging

    against his enemies of the Teha soldiers, hearing what the two were saying. "I need to

    know that I am crazy over what Umoor has to say to us but I feel the aches in mystomach to eat him," said Tedor. "No, you hand bag I will use you as a hand bag while I

    destroy all of you, so come on," said Umoor, pointing to the Teha.that are still standingaround Umoor while the lizards are attacking with swords in the air.

    A giant mech called Escalbia, or the Esclaven named by the humanoid pilot that had

    silver hair. This silver hair man had blue skinned body and dark spots all around his

    body's chest that was covered with silver tiny spots of three lined together to make asingle dotted line. These markings are known as Darkdom, which it is meant by dark

    teachers of the arts of the planet of the shadow spirit dimension named Darcian, the

    markings were glowing with energy popping out of his skin like an energy tree atChristmas time with dark red and dark green energies lighting the cockpit of the shadow

    mech. But, this Christmas tree effect was only to drain the energy out of the pilot to give

    to the mech for energy to use for attacks and for fuel. The energy giving out was a lotand the pilot ate twice an hour to keep his shadow spirit inside of him to heal on inside

    the mind of Deracin. The giant birds of the Mecees were attacking the mech under

    Umoor's directions. The Shade Mech Esclaven, full of energy and fired upon the DarkBirds and vanished them into vapor by shooting them in the head. The energy blast

    destroyed the birds of the Mecees and the mech is turning to shift into a land mech

    instead of a four winged humanoid mech. This land mech was a human tank design that

    had two orbiting eye probes that follow the mech.

    The mechs arms and legs are opening up into an energy shield generator that forces the

    tank to blast through the Teha advance. Shooting its fire cannons on each arm and legswith a single barrel on the chest fired upon the Teha soldiers. The soldiers cried in pain

    soon after the blast and Ummick got vaporized through the blast. This blast was big and

    heavily strong, strong enough to destroy the Teha soldiers. Umoor confused with the

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    assault against the lizards and shot energy at Tedor to finish him off.

    Umoor went towards the shadow mech and asked, "are you on my side?" "No, I am not

    on your side Umoor nor Janron's nor Vegreth's side neither of you are satisfying my thirst

    for dark energy," said Criz. "Well what is your name?" asked Janron. "Well I think thatyour name is not important to me but, I will tell you my name I guess if you dare to

    challenge me in a mech duel then I will tell you my name," said Criz, inside the shadow

    mech. "Well then its on," said Umoor, waving his hands to summon an alive mechoidcalled Deranger. Deranger had four metallic wings with bio mech armor which is alive

    that causes status effect of confusing the opponents agility inside the shadow mech.

    Umoor not the pilot of the shadow bio mech becuase of the mech being already usingcrystal energy of darkness that was in a core that showed Criz a weak spot in Deranger.

    "Mmm...I think that this core where the crystal is inside in would be dangerous for me to

    destroy but, I know that I will destroy this mech with one blow," said Criz, to himselflooking at the human like mechoid. These giant mechs fought with counters and started

    to fly in the air. "Shoot me if you dare Deranger I got a surprise for you," said Criz,threatening Deranger. "Oh and what surprise is that?" asked Umoor, eating blood energy

    from the ashed body pieces that were laying on the ground using a whip like wyrm insidehis body eating the ground while it sucked all of the lizards blood energy that was left in

    it. "Well it is this Umoor," answered Criz. "Well what is it?" asked Janron, looking at a

    piece of metallic energy beam heading towards Deranger. "No, stop Criz don't destroyhim," said Lacre, in the sky as an one eye cloud. "So, your name is Criz," said Umoor.

    "Yes it is my name what do you want old man," said Criz, to Umoor. Deranger took the

    hit on its core and started to self destruct. "Well, I see that is why you want me to stopattacking it but, I didn't hit it yet," said Criz. "Yes you did with a metallic energy beam,"

    said Lacre.

    "No it was not mine but, of Metal Energy from a different shadow warrior that is in ashadow mech," said Criz, "over there over beyonder." Pointing north to a mountain

    range where all Dark Metal tribes been hosting conventions for shadow mechs to be

    bought and sold at. "So, they have a conventions in that area and shootings are normal

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    there so, it was not me," said Criz. "And, how do you know of that?" asked Umoor."Because your my father Umoor," said Criz. "Ahh, so he came back and now he is at

    revenge for me killing him in the elemental wars in the past so what does he want from

    me?" asked Umoor, to himself. Lacre reading Umoor's thought patterns and said to

    Umoor inside his mind, "I think that you need to know that Criz was reborn from being aspirit to human being on Earthian and now he wants revenge for killing him in the first

    war," said Lacre. "Oh and how are you going to stop him from killing me?" asked

    Umoor."Well I think that he is not giving me a chance to protect you, Umoor," said Lacre.

    "But your all powerful and also the oldest of the brothers so, why can not you doanything?" asked Umoor.

    "Because father and son reunions are good and decent and after all Umoor I told you to

    kill all of the white force demons on the shadow planet of Demons not in the Darkness

    Shadow World," said Lacre, mad.

    "Oh yeah I forgot that but listen to me, I control my own destiny you freed me from myslavement so you are no longer my god to worship but to praise Macre for all he had tried

    to do to destroy you," said Umoor. "No, don't praise me you evil lying beast of cat nip,"said Macre, in the eye cloud acting like Lacre, "so how did you know it was me?" "I

    knew that Lacre didn't have one eye in the sky thinking and telling Criz what to do to

    destroy me," said Umoor. "I stopped Criz from destroying your summon so how am Igoing to stop telling Criz to destroy you?" asked Macre. "Well for starters I think that

    you need to know that revenge is not the answer to solve problems between good and

    evil," said Umoor. "Well evil is evil and good is good, and I am on the good side of theshadow energy and magic," said Macre. "But my son is not only good nor only evil he is

    both," said Umoor. "Yes, in fact he is a natural trait as a human being born into the

    shadow energy and magic instead of being given it by a mere shadow spirit from anotherdimension," said Macre. "Okay guys that is enough of talking now I will destroy this bio

    mech, so I can destroy my father for making me into a human," said Criz, yelling. "Well

    kido I think that you will not see that Deranger is already gone and besides that Umoorsays he is sorry in his dark heart of his," said Macre. "Okay sir I will go to Charles and

    see what he is up to then bye Umoor and until we meet again I let you live just this once

    and I will tell you that I would not be alone next time," said Criz, leaving the shadow

    world by portal.

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    Umoor done eating all of the ashes of the dead lizards and talking to Criz, he followed

    Janron, which knew the world better than Umoor himself, and said, "I think that Deranger

    is still alive and is weak to a point where he fakes exploding into dust particles that harmthe other mechs bodies giving them viruses in their computer controls." "Oh thanks to

    tell me that but, I don't care if Deranger had that ability or not if he or it has powers that

    we don't even know about why he couldn't touch Criz while doing a thirty hit combo withits energy whip," said Janron. "Well I think that is selling me nothing to know that I have

    forgotten how it worked that Criz was still alive and well," said Umoor, thinking about

    his son. "Yes, I know that this world is linked to Earthian as well as the Demon ShadowWorld, I wonder what other shadow worlds has been linked to Earthian," wondered


    "I don't know and don't care about that but, I do know this I will see to it that this world

    will be linked to other worlds as well in the physical dimension," said Umoor. "Then itwill be done," said Lacre. "Then it will be what I will shall have it done to be," said

    Laven. "Our truth is about to be revealed," said Lacre, inside Umoors' head. "Yes, it willbe our grandest idea yet," said Laven. "Laven what you are doing in dark shadow

    world?" asked Janron. "Well what are you the same?" asked Laven. "Not anymore I am

    different and I need to change to Umoor's side," said Janron.

    Chapter Two: Angels light

    In the shadow dead realm of Macre's, the angels flee from the Angel Shadow World.

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    Deran, the leader of the White Angel force on Angel Shadow World, thought to himselfthat he should not have escaped since he almost won Arch in a heated battle. "So Macre

    why did I flee to this realm for?" asked Deran. "Well Deran, Arch is evil and he had been

    seduced by evil energy long time ago," said Macre. "Then why did I flee?" asked Deran.

    "Well Deran, people like you are also my precious creations other than other elements butlisten to me I need you here for many of reasons," said Macre. "Kiask, Liask and myself

    will go to the land of Teir on the planet of the Gods to find the Light Orb that was trapped

    in a church bell long time ago," said Deran, looking at himself with pleasement that hedidn't get hurt by Arch. Janris and Denri been able to come out of the portal in the

    shadow dead realm and started to cry that Deacia been turned Demonic Angel by the

    touch of Arch's madness. "Well Janris and Denri why so crying?" asked Macre.

    "Because our mother Deacia been cursed to being a Demonic being with skinnier armsand skinnier legs and have black wings instead of white," answered Denri, the oldest son

    that had four wings on his back instead of two that makes him stronger than a two winged

    Angels. "Denri stay here while Deran comes with us to the land of Earthian where thewhite orb is hiding," said Kiask. "Not that orb we need the god orb to make a shadow

    human strong with his or hers shadow spirit," said Deran. "Not anymore we will go tothat place, we will first go to Earthian to pick a shadow human to become the first

    legendary Light Shadow Warrior," said Kiask. "Okay, then Liask and I will go to theworld of Gods and find out how Arch became evil again," said Umark, with Denri

    holding his head. "Well Deran is the one that wanted to go to the God Shadow world but

    its been abandon long time ago since the first war way back when," said Kiask. "Yes Iwill still go and do things the way I wanted it to be," said Deran.

    Deran, Denri still holding his head, and Liask went in the shadow portal and started to

    run out of the portal towards a chapel in the God Shadow World. This gigantic worldwas not really a planet but a dimension known only to Lacre and Macre as the God

    Dimension. All Gods been hiding through a crystallic orb known as a God Orb. "Five

    thousand Gods of Light been absorbed into one orb and that was called the God Orb,"said Deran, to Denri now putting his hands on his hips. "Liask, I want to know that these

    Gods were absorbed during the war between Elements," said Deran. "No that not true,

    the gods absorbed to much energy through their shadow spirits and became twenty

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    Legendary Orbs. Ten Good and decent ones to Ten Evil and Impure ones, so there aretwenty orbs all over the God dimension," said Liask. "Then we need the Light energy

    orb to become the white angel shadow warrior of Legends," said Deran.

    The three walked towards the chapel and found three dead god beings that were indicated

    by what they wore were leather vests and leather shirts but with a symbol of Macre'sMetal Wings engraved in their armor. "So, the three gods protecting the orb been

    destroyed but how were they, they were Nova God Status," said Deran. "Yes they were

    only three other status could killed them," said Liask. "Does your power measure up tothem Liask?" asked Denri. "Not anymore," said Liask. "Then who have killed God

    status warriors?" asked Deran. "It was me, Demonicus,"said Demonicus. "Wait the

    Demon God, Demonicus is alive but, I thought Lacre was the Demon God," said Deran.

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    "No you fool, I have the only reason to be a True God and not just a brother to a

    Supreme Ultimate God either,"said evilly by Demonicus. "Then how are you going to

    kill us if you don't want to know where the Light Energy Orb is," said Denri. "I don't

    know where it is either but I am not going to defeat this guy alone," said Liask. "Then I

    will fight while you two get out of here," said Denri. "It's too late to run for you two but,

    in that case that I have to fight I will destroy you Denri then I will kill the other two whilethey are portalling out of here,"said Demonicus, Demonicus is a five winged demon that

    had black skinned scaled body with big muscles and huge head that couldn't fit his body,but that is his strength. Liask and Deran ported to the shadow dead realm soon after the

    portal closed behind them they saw Denri got his head chewed off from the big head

    mouth of Demonicus'. The sharp fangs of Demonicus had flesh from Denri's body.Denri now dead went back to the Shadow dead realm and allowed himself be trapped

    underneath the lake of Imprisonment.

    Chapter Three: Open War!!Battle One: Macregge' Battle Field

    In the land of Macregge' of the planet of the Angel Shadow spiritual beings known as theAngel Shadow World where all peace lived but, changed do to Arch's rising darkness that

    plagued the world, Argus and Fark spent wielding swords of energy through their bio

    armored hands that were feathered white and black stripes. Argus told Fark to wield thesword larger than his. "Come on you can do it," Argus encouraged Fark, while holding

    his sword larger than three feet as of Fark's sword being three feet. "Okay master I will

    change hands and start wielding the sword differently," said Fark. Archem glanced to his

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    surroundings which was an open battle field and found Fark wielding the sword smallerthan Argus. "Okay, now they have to fight don't they?" asked Inn, the Plague Shadow

    Warrior, to Archem. "Yes, my young warrior's have grown to be stronger than I could

    have imagined," said Archem. Archem had black leather skulls for armor as his bio

    armor and two black evil wings and had red glowing evil eyes. "Well your eyes are likeglowing with anger Archem, why?" asked Butha, a female Plague Shadow Warrior.

    "Becuase I have to hunt down the ones that are strong and decent, plus I want revenge for

    those who escaped my master's wrath," answered Archem. "So, we will see who cansolve this power struggle within themselves while holding unto their lives," said Butha.

    "Well exactly my point my dear youngling of a sister," said Archem, only three thousand

    years older than Butha, which was only fifteen years old. "Well your elder shadow spiritmust have been growing a lot now since your previous form Archem," said Inn. "Okay

    now two of you go out to disrupt their training while I sneak behind them and take them

    to the depower room up in Arch's Flying Artifact Arch," said Archem, pointing behindhim to two of winged Plague Shadow Warriors. Plague Shadow Warriors have a beast

    form which were a body form of Plague Beetles which were known to the shadow

    warriors as of a tiny horde of a humanoid beetle that had two pinchers as a sword thatcame together as a body with four wings made out of beetles red flesh.

    Fark looked up towards the sky seeing beetles everywhere surrounding the entire camp

    grounds in the middle of the battle field. "Hey master look up there, there are many tinybeetles coming towards us," yelled Fark, to Argus. "What, there are tiny beetles up

    there," said Argus, looking in the sky, not noticing the body form of the tiny beetles.

    "Well open your eyes master but, don't open them for too long or your going to form intoa demon angel," said Fark, seeing the beetles energy form which was a darkish red

    energy that only the mind can see. Argus opened his eyes and saw a horrific detail of a

    flesh winged beetles and changed into a Demonic Angel Shadow Warrior. "No master Isaid don't open up your eyes not as long as you did," emotionally expressed by Fark, not

    even looking with his eyes. Argus spent his few moments remembering Fark as his

    apprentice then said, good luck my student." Argus flew off towards the Plague Beasts

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    and started to be eaten alive by the plague beetles sharp tiny mouths. "No! master comeback don't be eaten alive," yelled Fark. Argus's body filled the tiny beetles stomachs and

    they soon dropped to the ground into the body forms of the Plague Shadow Warriors.

    "Well, I think that seeing you two can help me destroy you," said Fark. "Well we ate

    your master so, we are stronger than you ever wanted to be aagh," said Inn, grasping forair when Archem strangled his throat. "Archem why are you destroying him?" asked

    Butha. "Because you two disobeyed my authority and commands now you all will pay

    dearly," said Archem.

    Few thousand Light Force Angels came over a giant hill flying over it shooting beams ofenergy towards the base camp. The camp was in flames and Archem teleported out of

    the camp towards a few White Angel Warriors. "So you guys finally found where my

    headquarters is good job, but open your eyes and see me in plain daylight you scumbagscome on," said Archem, fighting off a few angels when they were closing their eyes.

    "So, having your eyes shut will help us not turn into demonic angels? that is swell," said

    a stupid angel warrior, that lacked in intelligience. Denron and Kenron spent walkingthrough the ranks of the soldiers of the Angels and found Archem fighting his way out of

    the fighting angels. "Plague Shadow Warriors emerge from my body and attack," saidArchem, releasing Plague Beetles out of his mouth. The Plague Beetles emerged from

    being tiny and a lot to Warrior forms of humanoid types. The Plague Shadow Warriorsuniform is bio technology that uses Plague Beetles as armor.

    Plague Shadow Warriors ate some beetle energy coming from their hands and shot

    energy from their mouths towards the Light force Angels. The Angels scattered awayfrom the blast but, the blasts were too many for the Angels to dodge completely. "I think

    that my Plague Shadow Warriors are my favorite," said Archem, with pleasement. "Well

    I think that we need to go out and fight as well, what do you think Denron?" askedKenron. "Yes we do need to open our eyes while the Plague Master tries to capture our

    hearts," said Denron. "We will do that then use his power to defeat him because our light

    energy is not enough to fight him off with because he eats light shadow energy," saidKenron. Running towards Archem the two angel leaders kept their eyes open and soon

    became Dark Angels instead of being Demonic. "So we didn't inherit the shadow power

    of Archem why?" asked Denron, in a different voice like a very low dark voice. "We

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    didn't wrong," said Kenron. With dark wings that were feathered not scaley like theDemon Angels, Denron and Kenron flew away while not attacking Archem. "Sir Arch

    what do I do next?" asked Archem, talking in his mind telepathically to Arch that was

    five hundred miles away from the battle field. "Well I think that we need to create more

    Dark Angels but, also create Demonic as well, though I don't know that you can changethe light to dark," said Arch. "Well I have to destroy the rest of the Angel Shadow

    Warriors then come towards you and protect you from the Dark Angel Force that only

    can be commanded by an unkown force that we have not saw since the Elemental Wars,"said Archem.

    Battle Two: Battlefield of the stars

    Killickin, Dillick, and Friscillik, triplets of Lancero, the legendary villain of Core Regionof the Core Galaxy have been training in the arts of the Core Energy of Darkness on the

    planets of Cro Core and Lo Core. Cro Core and Lo Core twin planets near each other in

    simularitie close to each other and in each sky one of them are like moons in the sky butreally close to each other. One nation out of few hundred of Core Evil Alliance, have

    been battling the Evil Nations with intent of peaceful lives. Core is the darkness that can

    not be renamed as Light or any other elemental attributes because of their pure darkness.

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    "Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Metal, Light, Midnight, Sunrise, Cavanicus, and any othertype elements are going to be destroyed by our wrath," said Killickin, to Friscillik.

    Friscllik is a woman with dirty blonde hair and had blue eyes. She worked for her two

    brothers and started to seem to be holding a secret. "I can tell something in yourexpressions that you will destroy the planets with one whole blast, aren't you brother?"

    asked Friscillik. Nwork, the Core Elf, arrived to see Dillick. "So your finally here with

    us, Nwork," said Killickin. "Yes, I have informed the Lord that we will destroy theAngel Shadow World when Arch becomes dead from an illness that I will cast upon

    him," said Nwork, touching his Crystal Core in his chest with his two foot dagger. "We

    will accompany you with the casting of the spell when we are ready to leave thisrebellion training planet," said Killickin. "Well I think that this planet needs something

    like a forest or a grassy fields or something like that to boost your training instead of

    training in the barren wastelands of the Rebel Core Elites," said Nwork. "Well whatshould we do then? asked Killickin. "Well we can do this that we should gather for the

    casting of my spell then we can see how Arch will die through the viewing portal," saidNwork, sniffling his gooey liquid through his nose that was green. "Okay we go with

    you but, I want this barren wasteland to not become fertile again with grass and deadcorpses of animals feeding the ground to be fossilized to return as skeletal corpses down

    in the Core Rebellion Armies Bases," said Friscillik. "Well then I have a few days to

    capture the Rebellion's leader to make this planet ours," said Nwork. "I think that itwould seem that to be that in case we do summon the spell to Arch, but I think that I need

    to know this if you plan to destroy the Rebel Leader it will decrease my power," said

    Killickin. "Why?" asked Friscillik. "Because I think that the leader of the Rebel CoreSkeletons and the Core Beasts, had a spell cast on me when I was younger in my early

    years as an infant," said Killickin. "Well I think that is the truth because I think that I had

    been with the Rebels and be defected to the Core Evil Alliance when I was in my youthas a Elf Teen," said Nwork.

    Well I never knew that you were once a Rebel, but look at this Nwork, I have an energy

    sphere and this could destroy you, but I give you respect instead," said Killickin, holding

    the black sphere. "What kind of Respect?" asked Nwork. "The respect as a being and the

    respect as my minion and my trusted sorcerer," answered Killickin. "So, when do weattack the leader then my master," said Nwork, actually surprised see how respectful his

    master can be even though they were evil. "Today, up in space where the battlefield of

    the stars is at," said Killickin. "But we can not breathe in space," said Fricsillik. "No but,Nwork can cast a spell for us to not breathe and stay alive through air crystals that will be

    in our chest cores that will allows us to breathe," said Dillick. "Good now can we go to

    the battle field now?" asked Nwork. "Yes, it would seem that the Leader is attacking ourplanet with his multiple cannon that is on his unusual looking Shadow Mech," said Corvi,

    coming in from the Mechanoid Type Deathscreamer. "I think that he is above and

    beyond trying to fight off the leader for us way up there in space," said Fricsillik. "Yeah

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    well I have to do it so, listen I have to know this isn't Killickin the leader of the CoreEvils?" asked Corvi. "Yes I am why?" asked Killickin. "Becuase I wanted to know

    when I beat the leader, I will gain the powers of the Core Skeletons and they don't know

    it yet," said Corvi, inside his mind.

    "We can not let Corvi attack Corevas, the ruler of all Rebels on Cro Core," said Nwork.

    "Why is that?" asked Killickin, turning his head around his shoulder talking down to himwhere the Core Elf was standing. "Well because if he destroys the leader he gains power

    and energies impossible to gain if your just a pilot member of the Core Elites," said

    Nwork. "What do you mean by that?" asked Corvi. "I wanted to kill the leader formyself not for your sake but for mine to destroy Arch," said Nwork. "Not a chance," said

    Corvi. "Then what should I do?" I am down here on the planet of Cro Core and you are

    right in between it," said Nwork. "Not anymore your not Nwork," said Corvi, swoopingdown to grab the Core Elf with his black bionomic hand of the Deathscreamer.

    "Nwork!!" yelled the triplets, at the same time. "What do you need is us to fly up there inour shadow mechs as well," said Killickin. "Nope you won't," said Corvi. "Why is that?"

    asked Killickin, inside his mech now looking for an engine starter. "All of your startingengines are gone and the keys are gone as well," laughed Corvi, holding the three keys.

    Killickin so mad at himself for leaving the keys in the mech and the other two left theirs

    behind as well that Corvi stole. "Great now what?" asked Dillick. "We watch the battlebetween the fusion of Nwork and me what else," answered Corvi, fusing mechoid to

    Nworks body into one body.

    Fusion completed and Corevas was still watching his men dying in the fields of the Blood

    Valley on a different world. "So, Corevas is just sitting there and I am right behind him

    and he can not do anything about it," said Corvi. "Your mech is amazing using its core

    energy to fuse with me," said Nwork, as a head on the computer of the cockpit of thepilot. "Well I had no choice, but to use you in your energy to attack the leader of the

    Rebellion," said Corvi. "Are you light?" asked Nwork, sensing energy that he never felt

    before fusing with the mech. The mech changed from black head with no ears to greenwith ears and from a black body to a green body. The chest is the same of blackness, but

    shorter and now more wider. Muzzled suction mouth that was black and had the ability

    to suck in armies of Core Skeletons to its body for using them for energy. Deathscreamerhad black armor plates around the center of the mech around the Core Chamber.

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    "No, I am not light, but I am darkness and pure darkness," said Corvi. "Then you mustknow that attacking the leader will do us some good you know that right," said the

    computerized Nwork. "Yes, I do know now what to do against Corevas," said Corvi.

    "Attack," yelled Killickin, towards his cloaking warriors that were behind of Corvi.

    These warriors were cloaking skeletons and started shooting from their hands with energyin them and started to shoot at Corvi. "What the heck are you doing," said Corvi, seeing

    the damaged back of his shadow mech through his computer probes that allows him to

    see behind him while looking in front of him. "So, Killickin is the Rebel Leader notCorevas," said Corvi, to Dillick and Friscillik. "What the heck, now what Killickin is the

    new good guy no way I thought he could been a true master of us, but he betrayed us,"

    said Friscillik. "Yep, and all of it I started to see why I needed skeletal training here onthis planet you see all the long I have been here I gathered an army of skeletons that can

    be invisible for a short period of time and when Nwork decided to fuse with the mech, I

    started attacking Corvi," said Killickin, recapping what he had done. "So, you are thebetrayer the fortune shadow master told me while I was on Lo Core," said Dillick. "Well

    yes I guess that it would seem that so, what now?" asked Friscillik. "Does anyone know

    that Arch is our enemy, but now we have to face each other instead I want it differentthan this," said Corvi.

    In the shadow mech of white armor and black lining plates of Corevas, started to open up

    its chest and Corevas looked like Killickin and Killickin looked like Corevas. "Wait asecond now, Corevas was not in the Core Shadow mech and he actually is on the

    ground," said Dillick. "Yep you fools, you should have known its me that was in that

    mech waiting for my men to return from the Blood Valley Battle that happend today,"

    said Killickin. "Then which side are you on?" asked Nwork, in the loud speaker. "I amon the side of Umoor," said Killickin. "What Umoor?" asked Dillick. "You know

    Umoor from his betrayal here on this planet and made the skeleton leader Corevas

    himself," said Friscillik. "Yes, I know that, but why do we have to fight our brother andthe leader of the rebels for?" asked Dillick. "Because we are the remaining forces on the

    planet of Cro Core and you are going to be destroyed," said Killickin, readying his giant

    energy bomb that was in space and shot it towards Cro Core killing the Deathscreamerwith dust particles and went through Dillick and Friscillik making them vanish. Corevas

    was happy that he was going to mix powers to Killickin while his planet was getting

    destroyed by pieces from the blast of energy. "Sir, I worked for you and now you work

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    for Umoor understand that Lancero is really alive and now he will be unhappy with thechoices you made to be Umoor's favorite henchman," said Corevas. "Its okay now give

    me the powers of your skeleton powers and we will fight the war at the Demon Shadow

    World, like Lacre had planned," said Killickin. "Good sir here is all my powers and

    abilities towards you they will help you gain the objective," said Corevas.

    Chapter Four: Into the Demon Shadow World

    Umoor with the power of Diamonds and walked steadily towards the far end of a temple

    in the Dark Shadow World. "So master now since you have diamond powers what are

    you going to deal with Charles?" asked Janron. "Well I think its unusual for me to say

    this, but I think that I need to attack the Deamer Temple for which it holds the powers ofTempest," said Umoor. "Father I need to know that Tempest power is not for the pure

    evil," replied Criz. "So what I think that we need it to gain more summons to attack the

    remaining Teha Soldiers and the Teha Elites," said Umoor, franticly. "Hey look upthere," said Janron, looking at the glowing red tip of the Tempest Orb on top of the tip of

    the Deamer Temple. "Well so there is the orb," said Umoor. "Well father arent you

    going on top of it and take the orb for yourself or what?" asked Criz. "Nope I won'tSemerster will," answered Umoor, coughing up a liquid being from his mouth that was

    blue with dark scales inside his liquid body. Semerster had two wings and started to fly

    towards the orb. The orb glow black and started to fire energy at Semerster blowing the

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    arms of Semerster at once he touched the orb. Semerster went towards the orb again thewhirlwind energy waves of dark red colors cut the legs off the liquid monster, but

    Semerster regenerated two of his humanoid legs and whip like arms. "Well he is

    regenerative but weak," said Criz, sensing the weak trainee like type of energy which is

    the weakest of energy gained by a monster or creature or human. "Well I know that he isweak, but he is regenerative and the orb will give him Lord Status which is necessary for

    accomplishing my goal to destroy Arch and the white force demons," said Umoor. "Yes

    father that it could be true, but I think that your making a monster to wield that kind ofpower," said Criz. "Shut up kid let your father talk and let him do things his way,"

    Janron scolded.

    Criz took off flying angry at the thought of a weakling like Semerster and the thought ofhim not having a chance to get the orb. "Well I think your son will take Tempest like a

    true champion of the Tempest Legendaries," said Janron. "Yes, but like true championsthey will all fall under my spell," said Umoor. "Why is that?" asked Janron. "Because

    Semerster is not really a monster," said Umoor. "Oh really, why is that?" asked Janron,with disbelief in Umoor. "Well I tell you later okay Janron," said Umoor. "Okay

    master," said Janron.

    On the Demon Shadow World.....

    Hyde, the White Force Leader of the White Force Demons, held his last meeting with his

    council members Crux and Lt. Shadowslayer. "Shadowslayer is the most recent Lt. thatwill help us evade the attacks of Vegreth, Umoor, and, a new evil called the Core," said

    Crux, to Hyde. "Why is this your last meeting with us anyways Hyde?" asked Jackal, the

    third council member. "Because Jackal I will destroy you and all the remaining white

    force demons, instead of Umoor destroying us," said Hyde. "Not yet you will destroy allof us," said Mirror Ben, the Jade White Force demon true leader. "Ben what are you

    doing here?" asked Hyde. "Because you will not destroy us, we are pure and decent now

    and forever, I think that Kiask says hi, goodbye," said Ben, throwing a blue energy orbdestroying Hyde's hide and scales and destroying his body. "Good Mirror Ben," said

    Lion. "Lion," all council members said out loud and Crux asked, "well I need to know

    how you survived that explosion from Fallon?" "I think that it does not matter how I gotto be alive once again, but its no secret if your a light force demon," said Lion. "What do

    you ever meant by that Lion," said Shadowslayer. "Well if you mind you own dane

    business, I think that you would let me talk to Crux alone," said Lion. "Why?" asked

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    Crux. "Well matter of minding kind of business that I want you to be with me for somelone time since you are a half Lion demon and half Devil wing, I think you otta talk to me

    alone," said Lion. "Okay Lt. Shadowslayer and Mirror Ben go out of the chamber and go

    to the spire which will launch you out of the Demon Shadow World," said Crux, talking

    to his kind. Looking at Lion and the way Shadowslayer walked with his tail straightpointing at Lion shooting a laser at him, Crux watched what happend next. Lion dodged

    the laser shot that was coming at him. "Okay, now for the real test," said Lion. "What

    test?" asked Crux, frustrated with Shadowslayer tail blast missing. "So what do youwant now?" asked Lion. "You wanted to talk to me so, here I am," said Crux, landing his

    feet down on the ground from floating in the air with his wings.

    "So showing off your powers aren't the right thing to do,Esca Gaba," chanted Lion,

    making a spell to make Crux not fly disabling his wings energy. Crux used Crucifix

    Cross and shot it towards Lion. Lion engulfed in Light energy and started to be rippedapart by the energy wave. Lion vanished, but didn't go to the crystal nor either to the

    planet of Earthian. Lion was vanished to the Dark Shadow World, where Umoor was

    hiding his power away from Lion.

    "Great now I have to go through this planet instead of going to the planet of Earthian,"said Lion, dusting himself off and regenerated his body by using his new powers. "So

    your here as well," said Vegrain, a dark mysterious young teen that had blonde hair withsnakes for energy chains coming down from his hands. "So I am here I need to talk to

    Umoor where is he?" asked Lion, looking around. "Oh I see that traitor, no haven't seen

    him, he might be at the Deamer Temple fishing for a false Orb named Tempest," saidVegrain. "Oh so you know what I want him for then," said Lion. "No, I haven't said that

    you wanted it, oh I see you want the real Tempest Orb?" asked Vegrain. "Yes I do,"

    answered Lion, looking at the sky seeing a few Liquid beings flying swooping down toattack. "Now attack my Liguids," said Vegrain. Liguids are Semersters and have the

    same ability of Umoor's creation, but are much far stronger as warrior type shadow

    warrior energy level. "Okay then I guess that they are going to attack me then," saidLion, dodging Liguids attacks of swooping down and attacking with whip like arms

    whipping at him. Lion used an energy attack called Lion Blaster and shot all of the

    Liguids that were flying all over him. "Kindly I say that you are most powerful thanUmoor, I can tell," said Vegrain. "Well I see that you have strong shadow warriors not

    the real things," said Lion. "Yes because they are basically humans turned into

    Semersters with warrior type abilities that a trainee level Semersters don't have," said

    Vegrain. "Oh I see then you should know that I want the Tempest Orb, like I said beforeso, give it to me," said Lion, grabbing at Vegrain's orb bio-case. A bio-case is a living

    organ of a beast like alien that carries powerful orbs that only a carrier can carry by not

    using it as a shadow warrior. "Listen Vegrain I know who you are and not giving me thatorb, so I will teach you a lesson in manners when I say give it to me," said Lion, walking

    straight towards Vegrain. "Well Lion," said Vegrain, moving backwards to the edge of a

    cliff, "no, you are not the one I seek for returning the orb to someone I work for." "Sad,but true, so I will decide your fate," said Lion, pushing Vegrain off the cliff, and grabbing

    the bio-case. Vegrain used his snake energy chains and grabbed with them the cliffs' wall

    that made a clinging sound that made Lion not hear it. "So, I am safe for now, but he has

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    the orb of the Dark Tempest, not the holy or the hunter type orb, but the darkness orbwhich he will use as a tool for destruction, ha ha ha, I just made him do that for nothing,

    ha ha ha, I like that in a evil creature like him," said Vegrain, hanging down from the

    chains that were latched on to the cliffs wall. Vegrain used a portal and time shifted to

    his own time..

    Chapter Five: The Destruction

    Lion now has the bio-case with him and started to feel unplesent with himself. "What

    have I done to Vegrain, I should have chosen him to be an ally to defeat Umoor," said

    Lion. to himself. The lion faced demon walked towards a red glowing energy and sawUmoor watching his creation taking the orb. "Hey Umoor," said Lion, talking to Umoor's

    back. "What do you want, and who the heck are you?" asked Janron, looking at Lion.

    "Well I see that Umoor has a sidekick with him," said Lion. "Yes, but listen to me that

    you are not the one we are after," said Umoor, turning around to see Lion. Janron lookedover to Lion and asked, "what do you want from us?" "The Tempest power," answered

    Lion. "Then I guess you are here for the orb then," said Umoor. "Yes, I am looking for

    the orb," said Lion. "Where is Vegrain?" asked a survivor Liguid. "Well I threw him offthe cliff," answered Lion, looking around to see the liguid. "I am up here you doofus,"

    said Liguid, up in flying around. "Well I think that you need to give that wave orb or

    else," said Lion. "No way, if you give me the Tempest Orb!!" yelled Liguid. "Wait asecond you have the Tempest Orb and tell me you didn't have it Lion your a disgrace to

    Umoor's lineage," said Janron, talking to Lion. "Yeah that is right betray him Janron,"

    said Liguid. "Well what is your real name Liguid?" asked Umoor. "Well I'll tell you, my

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    name is Herald," answered Herald. "Well you are a torn up Liguid Shadow Warrior thatused to be with Darrellen," said Janron. "What is your human name?" asked Umoor.

    "Well my name is Korg," said Korg. "Well Korg nice to meet you, but you have to know

    this once you grab on to the tip of the orb's tail you can control its power," said Umoor.

    "How about Lion, he tossed Vegrain over the cliff," said Korg.

    "Don't you worry about that now just get me that orb," said Umoor, thirsting for more

    power. "Well I guess we have to wait to kill Lion then," said Janron. "Yes Janron, but I

    know that we can go to destroy Lion, but you know that we cann't do that for what he hasin his hands," said Umoor. "Well then what should we do then?" asked Korg. "Don't

    worry so much just get the orb," commanded Umoor. Lion then walked behind Umoor

    and started to attack with slashing his blades of energy at Umoor cutting a lot of leechesoff of Umoor's back. Dead Leeches from the blades were on the energy blades of Lion

    and started to melt the hands of Lion.

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    "What the, I think that I need to know that if Umoor's leeches are melting my hands, thenhe is pure evil, what secrets does he hold?" asked Lion, to himself while he melted away

    from the leeches coming back alive and eating his newly found body. "Soo sorry Lion,

    but you need to live a different way of living see ya," said Janron, knowing to control theleeches. "Hey Janron," said Umoor, acting nervous. "Yo what?" asked Janron. "I think

    that you just destroyed the bio-case, but not the orb," said Umoor. "Oh no, I forgot

    shoot," said Janron, stomping his feet. "Hey guys, should I get the Wave Orb or not?"asked Korg.. "No I don't think so, now since its fifteen minutes until the Dark Shadow

    World will be up in smoking ruins," said Umoor.

    "What do you meant by that?" asked Lorukai, a Dark Shadow God. "So you know,

    aagh!!" yelled Korg, being swallowed by the Dark Giant Shadow God that was thirty feet

    tall. "Not him," replied Umoor. "Who is that?" asked Janron, frightened at the look atthe sight of the Ugliness of the bald headed giant. "He is the one that sent me to Lacre's

    imprisionment chamber," said Umoor, shaking some of his leeches off his body to have

    them morph into a block wall that was black. "Well I see your scared of me," saidLorukai. "Kai's got an attitude," said Goddess Dark Angel named Coruukai, flying up

    towards the wave orb gathering its wave abilities. "So she here as well," said Umoor.

    "So what," said Janron. "What do you mean by, so what?" asked Umoor. "They are my

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    friends," said Janron. "Well I think I am out of here," said Umoor, trying to escape, butcouldn't. Because of Janron's abilities to trap Umoor with an energy force sphere. "So

    Janron, you came by to the temple and we are not to happy about you trying to get the

    wave orb," said Coruukai. "We were trying to stall Umoor, but I couldn't because of

    Lion intervened," said Janron. "Give me the orb of the Tempest before you gatherenough energy from it by holding it and you will gain the Tempest Bio armor," said

    Coruukai, that had long black hair with white figure, but with black feathered wings.

    "No goddess I won't," said Janron, gathering energy for an extreme attack.that allowedhim to become a Guardian Level Tempest Shadow Warrior. "So, trying to attack me,

    because you are not allowing me have the orb, fine then I will use this wave orb and start

    using it," said Coruukai. Coruukai gained the wave orb energies to the max and used"Wave Upmere" which was an energy attack that uses wave energy towards Janron.

    Janron got hit and started to flinch his arms in a way that he got stunned.

    Umoor seeing the fight unfolded and saw that he couldn't run or help out. The giant

    glanced at Janron and Janron was frozen solid. "Well I thought I can hurt him, Lorukai,"said Coruukai. "Well I think that he only can be frozen for a time anyways Coruukai,"

    said the Giant. "Well then we should go," said Coruukai. "Well I think that it is wise to,"

    said Lorukai. "Well I guess you won't send me back to the imprisoned chamber after allhuh," said Umoor, untrapped. "Remember Umoor, you cann't attack a full god and live

    to tell the tale," said Coruukai. "We have to go before Vegrain tells us to stop using up

    his power," said Lorukai. "Okay Lorukai," said Coruukai, flying away carrying the giant

    with her energy ray carrying him over the edge of the cliff and started to time portal outof the time frame.

    "I guess that I am alone, all alone," said Umoor. "Yes, ssss, yes you aressss," said theSerpent God Korill. "So you are huge snake with black and white skin with hard armored

    plated bio being," said Hylisk. "Yes I am minion," said Korill. "So, I see you two are

    the snake and its controller," said Umoor. "No, I am the controller of Hylisk, not theother way around," said Korill. "Well I see you are on the wrong planet," said Umoor.

    "Not any more, the demons took my planet and killed all of my Teha soldiers on the

    Demon Shadow World," said Korill, "and Harol would not care if I took the Dark Teha

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    from this world to be mine." "How could you do that Korill, you need to know that Ionce ruled this planet," said Umoor. "Harol would not do anything for its creations

    except for a few like you Korill," said Janron, unfreezing. "Good now its your chance to

    kill Janron, Umoor," said Hylisk. "No serpent minion," said Umoor. "Well then you

    have failed us," said Korill. Before Korill was talking to Umoor, Hylisk chanted a saying,"go to sleep, go to sleep my Umoor."

    Inside Umoors' mind ...

    Janron ported to a portal to go to the Demon Shadow World.

    "Good he is gone now for some sort of reason," said Korill, "now you have to find himand destroy him." "Not anymore I won't destroy no more darkness creatures or beings for

    that matter," said Umoor. "Just do it for me Umoor," said Lacre, being as Korill. "Well Isee Lacre, master, but you told me to destroy the white force demons not dark beings,"

    said Umoor, kneeling down to the ground. "Well servant, you should have destroyedJanron, he knows too much about the two orbs," said Lacre. "I think that there are two

    orbs here on this planet, the orbs you are talking about are on Demon Shadow World,"

    said Umoor. "Well I see that, but what are you doing here if you were just getting todestroy the white force demons on the planet of Demons," said Lacre. "Well I see Lacre,

    master, but I need to know that I need to gain power to destroy the white force demons,"

    said Umoor. "Not anymore you won't, come here," said Lacre "Never," said Umoor "Soyou want to disobey me?" asked Lacre, to himself, "then parrish." Umoor morphed into a

    wall while Lacre shot at the leeched wall and kept on shooting until Umoor started to feel

    weak. "Well I see that you are weakening by my weak energy burst and you are notallowing me to control you, you should know that it said in the book you will disobey

    me," said Lacre. "Well Lacre, master, I will disobey you and turn the tide in the war

    against you, but if you will allow me to go on my own for a while," said Umoor. "No, Inever wanted you to serve me anyways," said Lacre. "Why is that?" asked Umoor.

    "Because, I am Macre," said Macre, changing voices from Lacre to himself. "Wait then

    you know that Janron fled why?" asked Umoor. "Because you dimwitted fool, the core

    are coming and you will be dead here on the Dark Shadow World," said Macre. "Thankyou for telling me that," said Umoor.

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    "Yes, it was my idea for you to be all alone," said Hylisk, changing into Lacre. "Wait asecond Lacre you obey your brother and working for him," said Umoor. "That is not

    your concern Umoor," said Macre. "Shut up brother he was talking to me," said Lacre.

    "Then he will parrish Lacre once and for all," said Macre. "How can I?" asked Umoor, "Iam Darkness and Diamond so, you will take me in from your side Lacre, or your side

    Macre," said Umoor. "No, my side is not empty for a lord like you," said Lacre. "Then

    why summon me if you dared not to have me in the shadow dead realm where I belongedto," said Umoor. Macre and Lacre disappeared. "What!? Gone!? Was it an illusion or

    what?" asked Umoor, talking to himself.

    "Well I think not Umoor that was just a dream," said Hylisk, making the dream in

    Umoor's mind while fighting Janron, all of Umoor's dreams that were nightmares ofniceness and kindly things came true. It was Lacre that summoned Umoor. "So, I think

    that I know a few tricks in the mind game business," said Lacre, as an eye of evil dark

    energy that was in Umoor's mind by Hylisk's powers. "So what, I know a few myselfLacre Hylisk," said Umoor. "So you know who I am," said Hylisk. "But who is the

    Serpent God really?" asked Umoor. "A powerful spell made by me," said Lacre. "So

    who side are you on Macre's or your own and why did you make us fight against eachother and make us do things that normal people do for a living in the dimensions of Spirit

    and Time?" asked Umoor. "Well, because I thought of it would seduce Macre in

    controlling his true powers," said Lacre. "So you haven't seduced him yet have you?"

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    asked Umoor. "No he is hard to swallow his energy and magic," said Lacre. "Then whyusing his power to summon without him doing anything?" asked Umoor. "Umoor, you

    should know what happened?" asked Lacre, figuring out what Umoors' plan before

    Umoor did anything. Umoor and Lacre finished talking and went separate ways, Umoor

    went to the Demon Shadow World to find Janron that was killed by Lacre.

    Chapter Six: The Destruction Part Two

    Destruction came across a few days later when Umoor decided to go the Demon Shadow

    Tower. Badel Tower was near, but Umoor had no army and his strength was belowaverage of a lord level and his energy almost empty. "I need the Legendary orb," said

    Umoor. He was talking to himself since no one near him heard him from his moaning of

    the words. "I know your not here to find Janron and not here to destroy a certain armywhy are you here?" asked Jill. "Jill is that you?" asked Umoor. "Yes, it is me," answered

    Jill. "Well nice to see you," said Umoor. "Welcome home Umoor," said Jill, showing

    him inside the house that was in the Shadow Tower Courtyard. "Well I was wishing thatwe have some time together, but Kreptshaw and Vegreth has been raiding against

    Earthian as we speak," said Jill. "How can I stop them?" asked Umoor. "I thought you

    didn't want to fight darkness anymore," said the leech spirit, inside Umoor. "Well I think

    that one more time won't hurt destroying a few dark demons," said Umoor. "I thoughtyou were the master of Darkness," said Jill. "No, I am not, I worked for a giant named

    Lorukai, but he decided to imprisoned me in the shadow dead realm, but Lacre used his

    old book on the orders of Macre to send me back to the dark shadow world," said Umoor."So thats why Lacre's men and Macre's men have stopped the war," said Jill. "What

    war?" asked Umoor. "The war that started it all," said Jill. "Thank god that you are a

    Oracle Shadow Lord Being," said Umoor. "Yes, but I also have the Elder shadow spiritinside me as well, so I can live an immortal life," said Jill. "That is what you think," said

    Umoor, in his mind. "I think that you will be good once again Umoor, just don't fight the

    white force demons Umoor," said Jill. "Then I will do some things that would summon

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    only darkness creatures or beings I can not be good again," said Umoor. "Then stopfighting Teha's and Lorukai and Coruukai," said Jill, foreseeing the past. "Well Oracle

    since you know the past of mine would you be part of my army?" asked Umoor. "Well

    yes I think that it would be nice to asked by you, since you create your own army by the

    wave of your hands," said Jill. "No, I am recruiting now I should have done that insteadof summoning creatures that makes me go back to imprisonment," said Umoor. "Then

    change," said Jill, flapping her four demonic wings to sit down on the stairs of the house

    that had three floors. "Well I can not change because darkness eats light so, darkness hasto destroy darkness, but I need an army," said Umoor. "You sound like a good guy," said

    Jill. "Why is that?" asked Umoor. "Because you sound so nice now what happend to

    you?" asked Jill. "Well I saw Lacre and Macre being together and now there is no war nomore," said Umoor. "Yes, there is a war, a war within," said Jill. "Oh the Demon Civil

    War," said Umoor. "Yes, Goron had his army taken hostages and prisoners from the

    Chamber of Imprisonment of Vegreth Towers all across the land and made themZombites," said Jill. "Well I think that since your pure black skin and your red glowing

    eyes are so beautifully evil Jill," said Umoor. "Thank you, but have you heard me?"

    asked Jill. "Yes, I have why?" asked Umoor.

    "Because I have an army of Lady of Bloods that rose to attack Thuster's father Krukox

    and Gore the father of Vegreth and Goron," said Jill. "Well I think that Gore will be myresponsibility to destroy, but Krukox will be mine next to be my servant as he is to Gore,"

    said Umoor. "Good that is Evil now Umoor what happend?" asked Jill. "Well I think

    that looking at myself that I want to know that I am leech being and have leeches all overmy body to morph into anything I want them to form into," said Umoor. "Hey I have an

    idea," said Jill. "Use the Leeches as beings?" asked Umoor. "Yes it would seem they

    enjoy your powers of darkness and light inside of you," said Jill. "Well then I will be onmy way to Gore and finish him off like I did before," said Umoor, "but this time I won't

    destroy his body not head but to destroy his head and melt it with my leeches," said

    Umoor. "Good evil," said Jill. "Yes it is evilly good," said Umoor. "Well I think thatWereguards and Werewraiths are coming to attack," said Jill, looking outside of the

    window in her house to see out for watching. "Oh they have come to attack, here in the

    land of Ertia," said Umoor. "Yes, they are controlled by the wolf god Durant," said Jill.

    "Okay then I will use the army here of yours to attack them, but I don't want to attackthem head on," said Umoor. "Then we can shoot at them at afar," said Jill, using her

    portal to go to the top of her tower, with Umoor beside her.

    "Werewolves go and destroy the demon village of Tierna," said Durant, talking to

    thousand were wolves in the tower near the villages of Ter Ter Tierna which borders the

    territories of Werewolves and Demons. "The three hundred Wereguards andWerewraiths are attacking madam," said Kiro, the villager kid. "Good I think that we

    will have a surprise for them," said Jill. "What kind of a surprise madam?" asked Kiro.

    "Well kid none of your business," said Umoor. "Well good luck on being evil and

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    attacking them," said Kiro, vanishing from the blast of energy right in front of Umoor'sfront side. Umoor angry at Kiro's death and started to go towards the one that killed

    Kiro's. He walked a few short blocks around village houses that were made out of

    Demon Skin. Umoor saw the shooter who shot Kiro and asked, "did you know who you

    were killing." "Yes, but when do you expect me to stop hurting incident demons becausethey are not," said Durant. Five Wereguards guarding Durant. They were looking at

    Umoor and attacked him with black fur energy wave that came out of the werewolf skin.

    Umoor got hurt badly by the fur wave and started to heal with his leeches. "Umoor, youcan not hide your darkness powers," said Durant. "Why?" asked Umoor. "Because you

    need to catch a Were Orb to become one of us," said Durant. "Okay, I found two orbs in

    the planet of darkness, so you are the ones who made that wave orb," said Umoor. "If ithad a tail and a red tip that spills out wave energy and its red then yes," said Durant.

    "Then Coruukai grabbed the wrong orb," said Umoor, thinking to himself.

    All of the werewolf army attacked the village and destroyed it. All ten buildings were

    destroyed and tents and civilians. Dead Demon bodies all around the village shaking fear

    towards the ones that survived. Oracle Jill and Umoor came along with the twentysurvivors from the village and decided to have Umoor carry his orb of the werewolf. The

    orb gave a glowing red color to light the way for the darken skies above them. One

    survivor plead to Umoor not to go his fort that he made way back when the Elementalwar began when it started way long time ago. "So you want not peace within the

    werewolf sect then you'll need my assistance," said Umoor, leading the way up a hill near

    the bellows of a beast type field that was alive. This field was known as the demon fieldof dreams, where all non-demonic creatures are slain or converted to be demons. This is

    where all demons are born. Lucidio and Lucid kid Demon guardians of the living field

    ran up towards Umoor and saw that the villagers needed rest and full health from the giftsof the demonic field. Thousands of eyes from the field awoken while Lucid said, "open

    your eyes Gonder its the villagers from Tierna." "They want healing powers of

    darkness," said Lucidio. "Well I think the twenty villagers would need it, but the two

    Spirit Beings would not want that," said Gonder, opening its big hill top mouth. "Goinside the path where inside of his mouth will give you the orb of Blood," said Lucid, to

    Umoor. "Good I need that power," said Umoor. Jill with the twenty demons that had

    wings of four, went inside the chest of the field and started to gain powers of healing.Oracle shadow warrior was not a demon being, but turned into one since she followed

    one of her students from the village, towards to the inside of the chest.

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    Chapter Seven: Destruction Part: Three

    Umoor grabbing the orb of Blood came to be one of his true triumphs, but looking at Jill,Umoor tossed her aside and left her by the twenty survivors and the two kid guardians.

    Umoor vanished and became a god of blood shadow being status of energy power.

    Inside the shadow dead realm...

    Macre fighting Lacre in an intense battle. All energies concentrated unto the fight leftLacre and Macre fight as long as they could. "Brother why do we have to fight for?"

    asked Macre. "We have to, we are dark and light," said Lacre. "What I am only light

    your dark," said Macre. "Yes I know but your chin is hurting me," said Lacre, in pain byMacre's angel head crushing down on his shoulders. "Well I think that you can get out of

    this hold, Lacre," said Macre, holding Lacre with his arms. "My power is more than you

    can handle Macre," said Lacre. "But your in pain," said Macre. "Well maybe we need to

    not be in pain," said Lacre, squeezing the life out of Macre by using his skin as a lifesucker. "Lacre so when did you get your powers anyways?" asked Macre. "We got our

    powers from traveling Shadowin when we were children of a Supreme God named

    Hesus," answered Lacre, "but anyways let us stop fighting and start fighting with ourarmies." "Sad and not true we are the last of our armies Vegreth took your army and my

    demons got destroyed by your henchmen Umoor and Hyveo," said Macre. "No they

    didn't attack them you destroyed them by using them instead of your angels and nowArch reawaken with powers of Darkness as an Angel," said Lacre. "So your saying that I

    have destroyed my own men by what means?" asked Macre. "I am not in the mood to

    tell you so, here is a gift before your dead," said Lacre, giving healing powers of darkness

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    to Macre. "Why giving me healing powers of darkness since you were light but given thepower of darkness since you had darkness inside of you," said Macre. "Listen stop

    talking and start thinking on what your doing to me," said Lacre. "Well I need to put this

    hold on you because it will drain your powers and your skin is sucking life energy out of

    me, but I am already dead and alive at the same time," said Macre. "So my skin is nothurting you at all," said Lacre, pushing away from Macre. "Hey Lacre catch this," said

    Macre. Lacre caught the energy sphere destroying his third eye. The third eye was in the

    top of the head of him. "Well that was a sneaking way to get yourself pummeled," saidLacre. "Not really brother go back to where you came from," said Macre. "Destruction

    of evil is placed Macre, but the light will never shine through the greatest creation of my

    fathers," said Lacre, ported to his shadow dead realm, weakened.

    Few hours later.....

    Macre been healing his wounds from the light pit. Inside the light pit in the light shadow

    dead realm, Macre went inside to know about the truths of Arch's betrayal and Lacre's

    mean streak. "Mmm...So, I have been betrayed by my own creations, I can not believeit," said Macre. "What should I do?" asked Macre, to himself. "Hey Macre," said a

    lonely parrot named Tarot, that had four white colors different shades of white in fact, but

    one shade of white is red where his feathers are liquidy. "Yeah wait I feel that Tarod ofthe Gothic Wraiths have been betraying me a lot Arch is about to attack my lair and

    palace," said Macre, reading Tarot's feathers. "I think maybe you should stick with one

    subject instead of all things Macre," said Tarot. Kiask landed on the platform training inthe palace where Arch is waiting to fight.

    "What is taking so long?" asked Arch. "Well Arch I am not ready to fight you at all goon ahead to fight Liask he is ready for you," said Kiask. "Okay, then I will come back

    and kill you as well," said Arch, flapping his silvery black wings of three. "Well

    feathered I guess," said Kiask. "Well I think that we need to practice more on speaking toevil," said Arch. "Why is that Arch your not as evil as you thought you were," said

    Kiask. "No that is not of your concern," said Arch, evilly speaking. "Then go, I have

    nothing for yah," said Kiask. "Well I guess Light hate betrayers," said Arch, leaving thepalace gates to find Liask waiting for a challenge. It took a few hours to go by and Macre

    still in the light healing pit. "Well I guess we play Blitzkrieg," said Liask. "And how can

    I do that without the monsters or creatures to do that," said Arch. "Well I give you a

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    moment to summon up to three monsters," said Liask. "Okay I will summon Dragos,Dragon Humanoid, and last, but not least Black Angel," said Arch. Then the three

    monsters came out of the ground showing the powers that Arch had "Okay then choose

    one monster to fight with then when its fainted or knocked out place an emplacement

    summoned monster to fight for it," said Liask "Okay then whets next?" asked Arch, notknowing what he is going to do first. "Well first you place the monster in front of you to

    let the opponent know that it is their turn to summon," said Liask. "Okay then I will take

    Dragos to the battle zone," said Arch. "Okay then I place Beezel and let them fight," saidLiask.

    Chapter Eight: Ending of a good guy

    "Hey Liask!!" yelled Kiask, "Arch is evil don't allow him to hit you with his dark AngelShadow monster." "Don't worry Kiask," said Liask. "Hey guys I know you don't want to

    help me to destroy you at once then, let me go see my old master," said Arch. Kiask

    went out of the palace and flew towards Liask's side. "No more Blitzkrieg," said Arch."Then we will fight you for real then," said the spirit guardians. "But I have a dinner

    date with Macre," said Arch. "Yeah his head on the platter," said Liask. "No really

    dinkle dork," said Arch. "Well we fight you then we just stall you because we are weakerthan you," said Kiask. "Hey Kiask don't tell him that you stupid," said Liask. "Ah, but I

    know you guys are weaker than me even fused Guardians you will not be the ones to beat

    me," said Arch, knowing the old technique of fusing shadow spirits inside one's body."So, your a semi-god of Dark Angels, but fused your dark energy and light energy into

    one and made yourself vulnerable to change," said Kiask. "Well now I know that you

    guys are telling me things that I don't know about, but then again I can do the things to

    you like I never done before," said Arch. "And what is that? Destroying us so we justcome back with new bodies," said Kiask. "Hey Kiask don't tell him our secrets," said

    Liask. "Ooopsey," said Kiask, ported to Macre. "Well it is only me and you now Liask

    join me or parrish," said Arch. "Never Arch," said Liask, preparing for a spirit typeattack that was glowing with light energy called Shadow energy. "Well you want to

    attack me then attack," said Arch. "I want to tell you that I will not be the one to destroy

    you," said Liask. "Well attack," said Arch, really evil now, and shot an energy speartowards Liask. "Hey now that energy spear is illegal attack no fair," said Liask. "You

    don't see that I am evil, how rude of you," said Arch. "Hey you know rudeness is in your

    blood as well," said Liask. "Yeah because I am evil duh," said Arch. "Arch stop playing

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    around and attack him," yelled a voice in Arch's mind. "Well then I guess I will attackyou Liask," said Arch. "Oh I heard that you can hear voices like all shadow warriors

    can," said Liask. "Yeah so," said Arch. "Then you must be a shadow human," said

    Liask. "Yeah so get to the point," said Arch. "The point is that all shadow humans have

    all weakness to crystals," said Liask. "What do you meant by that?" asked Arch. "Well Iwant to know how you can be an angel if you were a shadow human," said Liask. "Well

    I have no time to tell you, so go away from me," said Arch, preparing a energy bomb in

    the ground to attack ready position. "Well I think talking has ended," said Liask.

    The fight began while the energy bomb from the ground attacked Liask. Liask dodged atthe attack and fired an energy wave of bullets of light energy to attack Arch. Arch flew

    higher up in the sky of the shadow dead realm and fired an enormous heat signaturebomb to fully attack Liask, but in the way of Liask was Macre ready to eat the energy

    bomb. Macre ready to form into the angel beast form that was bigger than his temple,

    and palace combined, Macre grew with enormous shadow energy and shadow magic thathe could hold in his mind and remembered to eat the sphere bomb before it hit his

    dimensional realm. Macre ate the black bomb by swallowing it whole and transformed

    into a normal human being. "What the it was a fake bomb," said Macre, in his true form."Well you can't be serious Macre, you changed a lot," said Liask. "Now I have to be

    back in my angel form before Arch takes my throne," said Macre. "Hey he is heading

    that way now sir," said an Angel Officer, that had a hat that said officer on it.

    "So finally I found the throne of Macre's," said Arch, looking at the throne chair. Sitting

    on the throne Arch found light energy going through himself and sought darkness

    destroying the light energy going inside him making the light energy turn to darkness."Ha Ha Ha," laughed Arch, "I am immortal now ha ha ha ha."

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    have been aching of the powers you behold to me,"said Demonicus, in his mind talkingto Criz. "Well I know that you can kill Dragons with one blow but listen to me Garuda is

    in charge here and he will destroy everything that is evil," said Criz. "Even though youwere thought to be evil you do have a point,"said Demonicus. "So what should we do?"

    asked Criz. "Well we can destroy all dragons guarding Garuda and Lavance then we

    can go on the throne of fire to become Dark fire,"said Demonicus. "Why should we do

    that? Anyways Garuda is so powerful that he split his power into two crystal formations,"

    said Criz, knowing that from Earthian school. "Well you are knowledgeable how evil thatis I want it to be a killer trick to see what would happen if you defeated Lavance the true

    Guardian of Garuda,"said Demonicus.

    "Even though you are the strongest of the Demons and Dark creatures besides Hadeshimself I was wondering if you were a mere beast that awoken in a wrong place," said

    Criz. "Well I think that you would do some things for me before you go and defeatLavance but your smart butt remarks are not what I need in a Destroyer of Legends,"

    said Demonicus. "Oh so the two fire Legendaries, the phoenix and the Dragon," saidCriz. "Yes, it would seem that you were a Shade Shadow Warrior known as Gilag, themaster of Shades,"said Demonicus. "Listen Demonicus I need life with fire in order to

    curse them, to weaken Garuda's warriors not to destroy them but to take its throne ofpower to gain the Supreme Ultimate God Status level of energy," said Criz.

    No one has consumed that much power before in one's mind and spirit and body," saidGaruda, flying in with three Fire Golems. "Then its said that only in legends that

    Champions of the Legendary Orbs can harness that much power, but I have the legendary

    orb for Shade and I need Fire," said Criz. "You can not understand what your saying

    Criz the only way to destroy Garuda is to burn it out its flame before it becomes ash,"

    said Demonicus, vanishing to another place in the world. "Wait come back!!" yelled

    Criz. "So your boss is gone now its you and me one on one," said Garuda, the phoenix

    shadow warrior. "Man versus man you got to be kidding me you have your Golems toprotect you," said Criz. "Yes so they will stand down when we fight," said Garuda.

    Garuda used Phoenix Beam towards Criz, but Criz stopped the beam by using Shade

    Mirror magic attack that allows all energy attacks to be reflected back at Garuda. "So

    you have a defense attack that is fine but you know something darkness is not my desire

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    fight you know because the darkness went beyond my powers," said Garuda. "So you areweak instead of being a Legendary your weak," said Criz. "That is what I want you to

    think," said Garuda, talking inside his mind for no one to hear. "I will destroy you if you

    dare to challenge me to a duel," said Criz. "Well that is why I am challenging you

    because you are evil," said Garuda. "Well then I think that you will know that I am ShadeShadow I go inside the body to control you and then I will be supreme Legendary ha ha

    ha," said Criz, charging against Garuda with a reflection energy field on him to stop all

    attacks of energy but not magical energy. "Well I guess you are charging me but listenhere trying to go inside me would not be preferably right," said Garuda. "Shut up and

    fight me," commanded Criz. "Not exactly I will as thought I would but listen I will

    return this place and you will be sorry," said Garuda, porting to another place inVolcanian. "What the he vanished," said Criz. The three fire golems were giant and shot

    fire energy balls at Criz. "Oh three Golems good now I can destroy them," said Criz,

    running away from the fire balls that the giants were throwing at him.Criz threw Shade Shadow Energy Bolts at the golems and the golems were being

    attacked by Criz getting destroyed.

    Demonicus roamed free destroying cities of Lavan and Lavale on the planet of

    Volcanian. "Oh no!! Not Demonicus," said Lavance the first, trying to destroyDemonicus Clones. Lavance used fire orb sphere to attack Demonicus burning

    Demonicus eyes. "Aggh," said Demonicus, in his true natural state. "So fire is your

    weakness I see your part Earth," said Lavance. "Don't worry about me and my attributesare but listen I need power to destroy if I don't destroy I loose my life as a Demon God,"

    said Demonicus. "Then I will destroy you and you will become judged," said Lavance,

    throwing a Judge beam towards Demonicus. Demonicus got destroyed by the beam andthe beam was still going to space and onward showing how strong Lavance the first was

    strong in Fire Attributes.

    Criz felt pain in his head that shown him that Demonicus got destroyed by the Legendary

    Fire Lavance, "I will be careful on what to do with Garuda and Lavance they are all

    powerful too powerful ha ha ha ha," laughed Criz, porting to the Dark Shadow World.

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    Chapter Ten: Battle One: Open Fields

    Krukox and Gore went on to making Davan Warriors. These Davan Warriors were

    strong demons but lacked in smartness. Wavan Wings created by Gore, scouted the areaswhere Goron and Lady of Blood armies roamed free to gather forces for the Horned

    Zombies. "The blood knights are going towards a camp of ours," said Wavan Leader, to

    three other Wavan Wings. "Well I think we should report it to Krukox and our fatherLord Gore," said Wavan Wing, a blue silver winged beast.

    On a moon shine night of the Demon Shadow World, Goron looked at the moon to gainmore power and does so by his horn. This horn was red and bloody that was dripping

    blood downwards and did so much that the moon gave Goron new and better powers. The

    moon also gave rise to Moon Gazers that fly towards the moon to gaze its glorified shineof energy. Moon Gazer Zombies were horrifying scary they had three eyes that were

    shining red in line together with blood dripping down them instead of tears. Moon Gazer

    Zombies had white skin like the Zombican Zombies but were also black striped wingedcreatures rather than being humanoid like identities as the Zombies.

    Zombies of the Zombican rose to tens of thousands each time they marched acrossed the

    cities that were in their way. Five cities devoured by the Zombies and Goron was pleasedwith his army that was growing higher then normal. Davan Warriors marched out of the

    biggest city created by Krukox and fought hard against the marching Zombies that were

    coming in from each side of the city. Krukox in the tower in the middle of the citylooked below him to see all Zombies, Blood knights and Moon Gazers coming after him

    by flying upwards to the opened top tower where Krukox trains. "So you are here now I

    am going to show you the power of Demons," said Krukox, seeing the first hundred

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    zombies closing in on him. Jumper Mosquitos created by Krukox were only three ofthem since they were big in size and looked like real Mosquitoes but they jump instead of

    flying. The creatures fought using the drain tube of their mouths known to Krukox as

    Suckers and the zombies were drained out of their magic, making the zombies powerless.

    The other Mosquito choose not to use it suck tube to drink magic out of the zombie thatwas eating it's leg that was bigger than the zombie and the Mosquito changed to a zombie

    horned mosquito and jumped on top of Krukox, drinking Krukox's blood energy and

    magic energy making Krukox dead. The two remaining Mosquitoes decayed from theother hundred zombies biting the mosquitoes and changing them to zombies as well.

    "Well I have Jumping Mosquitoes now that is awesome," said Goron. "Yeah and we

    knew they would betray us too, my husband," said Lady of Blood.

    "Dera city is occupied with white force demons sir what should we do," said Zombie

    Leader, that had a red beret hat on named Dervan. "Well since you were once Angel and

    now a Zombie Angel that has a horn to control you, you should know that the leaders ofthe white force demons would help the Zombie Demons but I know this that now they

    won't," said Goron, looking at his viewing portal of Dera City that blew up in smoke."What do you mean that Charakle and Genova are not with us as Zombie White Force

    Demons," said Zombie Leader. "Yeah that is what I am saying," said Goron. "Well thenwhat should we do?" asked Thuster. "We should gain attacking to Gore not the city of

    Krukox," said Thuster. "Well I guess that what I wanted to do but this city was in the

    way," said Goron. "Well Gore is the source of Demons because he and Dementoria grewup together and made Demons by making the Demon Field of Dreams," said Thuster.

    "Goron sir we are being swallowed by land covering us," telepathically said by Gorn, the

    Moon Gazer that the land was eating up with land spikes for teeth. "Well I guess weneed to portal to the Grave Shadow World," said Goron, to Derangia. "Yes, lets get out

    of here," said Thuster, to Derangia. Derangia made a portal to the Grave Shadow World

    and started to port to the world vanishing with Goron and Thuster leaving the thousandsof Zombie Creatures get eaten by land and buildings.

    Gore knew his end was near after what happend to Krukox but suddenly felt happier thathe had the Demon Field of Dreams ate all Zombie Creatures in the Trap that Krukox

    knew it would of worked. Gore knew for certain that Krukox would become a new spirit

    when ate or drained by Krukox's creatures and now that happend Gore grew tired that hisDream Field ate all of his creatures buildings and all creatures and cities he created

    during the creation of the Werewolf that became missing from the battle against Crux.

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    Battle Two: Crux Versus Werewolf

    "So you have be kidding me Crux your energy nearly hit me," said Werewolf Grey. "So I

    noticed but I will destroy you," said Crux. "Well I think that you would die from theattack I used on you earlier," said Grey. "What do you meant?" asked Crux. "You will

    be destroyed by the beam by now," said Grey. "Well nope I am stronger than you," said

    Crux. Crux flying higher above Grey and shot energy towards Grey. Grey dodged theblast and Crux showed speed towards Grey and started blasting continuously towards

    Grey. Grey then rushed behind Crux while Crux was going a different direction and

    Grey shot another beam towards Crux. Crux immune to the blast that didn't hurt him andwent off to a speedy retreat. Crux flew towards Badel Tower which was a few miles

    away and took Crux for a surprise.

    Toman Warriors, known to Gore as Hurlslugs, after the creature that looks like a slug but

    humanoid, ran amok across the towers top floor that was opened top and Crux saw Lt.Shadowslayer attacking the Hurlslugs with someone that looked like Crux didn't want to

    know about. His name was Stavin, Shadow slayers creation, a Shadow Warrior Slayer,

    Crux was imaginable scared, so scared in fact that he decided to port to the shadow dead

    realm of Macre's. "So retreating back to the Shadow Dead Realm I see foolish childfoolish," said Shadowslayer. "So master what should we do with the Toman Warriors?"

    asked Stavin. "Well I will destroy them or I should not, well I guess I will keep them

    around," said Lt.Shadowslayer. "Well it finally worked then," said Stavin. "Well yes itdid, Gore didn't send these creatures I did," said Shadowslayer, "ha ha ha ha ha."

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    Chapter Eleven: Strife's new army

    Strife landed in the council room of the Angel Headquarters in the True Holy Shadow

    World, known only to Hesus, which in fact made Strife so unpleasement with himself.

    He was so unpleased with himself that he wanted out of the shadow world, but to anextent he didn't know what would happen next. "So your Strife right?" asked Jalor.

    "Yeah so why?" asked Strife. "Because I am the Dimensional Ultimate Supreme ShadowBeing, also I am known as a very high Council member," said Gory. "Oh your who

    now?" asked Strife. "Well I am Gory and these are my three triplets of CouncilMembers, known as Angel Commander Tobovo, another one as Miss Killy, and my other

    daughter Goddess of Nova Beings Korva," said Gory, taking a moment to breathe and

    asked, "do you know us now?" "Nope never heard of you four nope I haven't," saidStrife, shaking his head no. "So what are you doing here?" asked Killy. "Well I guess I

    stumbled upon you," said Strife, looking around that made him quit shaking his head and

    looked at the ceilings' pictures of High Arch Angels flying in a manner that made Strifecry.

    "So why are you crying?" asked Korva. "Well Miss Korva I never knew how holy you

    are," said Strife, in an amazement. "How holy you think we are?" asked Gory. "Well

    your really are holy aren't you?" asked Strife. "Well yes we are holy and whateve