wars and nuclear weapon technology_ashok rawal_6th august_2011

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    MS/ HEENA A. KAPADIA (M.Sc., M.Phil)

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    Mahakal is that divine energy that shall fulfill tomorrows goal of world transformation.

    It is also called Rudra. Transformation is always full of strife and terrible or Raudra in

    nature. Hence activities of Lord Rudra too are believed to be of this type. By enacting the

    Tandav dance he sets rolling Pralaya or world annihilation. One can find terrible

    poisonous snakes coiled round his torso. His army comprises of ghosts, spirits etc. What

    can one say about the piercing power of his Trishul weapon? When he plays his Damru

    (hand drum) all directions manifest terrific storms. Thus so terrible is Lord Rudra who is

    also the harbinger of Era Transformation in the form of Lord Mahadev-Mahakal. Yet in

    this terrible Raudra form of his dwells a great aspiration of world being in the ultimate

    analysis. Hence on his scalp dwells the immortal nectarine River Ganges. Also resides

    there, the moon which is a symbol of peace and coolness. Nandi Bull his vehicle represents

    magnanimity, faith and goodwill towards all. He neither allows poison to fall on the ground

    nor does he swallow it entirely but since he holds it in his throat he is called Neelkanth.

    Such then is the form and nature of Maharudra or Mahakal.

    The name of Lord Mahakals presiding deity is Goddess Mahakali. Mahakal is a reality-

    Mahakali is his active potential. If Mahakal is called the sun, Mahakali is its rays. The

    reality could be anything, yet its experience is most important. We can experience Lord

    Mahakals presence only via Goddess Mahakali.

    In mythological tales of Purana literature one can read about hair raising divine sports or

    Lilas of Goddess Mahakali. When demonic activities ruled the world sins and wickedness

    augmented direly. The balance of the world and society got tainted and when lack,

    discontent and waywardness of the psyche became widespread, Goddess Mahakali by

    appearing as an Avatar challenged vileness in the world. She waged a war with it and thus

    vileness had to bite dust. That discontent and chaos that manifests before true peace ushers

    in is truly a Super Power. Hence in order to shoulder the responsibility of rendering easy to

    endure all Durg or hardships of the world, Goddess Mahakali is also addressed as Durga.

    This Durga Energy is the holy consort of Lord Shiva or well being. Generally as far as the

    duo of male-female is concerned males are given chief importance. But over here this does

    not hold true. In the divine couple of Shiva-Shakti, Shakti the female aspect is given more

    weight age. In the Sanskrit language within the name Shiva, the i Matra connotes Shakti

    or Divine Energy. If you remove this Matra Shiva gets converted to Shava which means a

    dead corpse.

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    Lord Mahakal has incarnated time and again in this world. In order to fulfill the goal of

    Era Transformation time and again he has incarnated in many forms and executed many

    Lilas or divine sports. All his external appearances have been varied but yet his inner

    aspiration has been one only viz. Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritan.

    Dharma sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge

    Goddess Mahakali executes acts such as pacifying Lord Mahakals wrath, inducing zest in

    his inner personality, not allowing his power to diminish even a wee bit and disallow any

    obstructions coming in the way of his mission. In pictures of Mahakali, Shiva is seen lying

    down flat on the ground and Shakti is seen dancing on his chest. What this connotes is that

    Shiva loves Shaktis dance that is full of zest and joy of heart. If Shiva were not to get this

    zest he would be rendered a mere formless standstill witness and seer or Drishta. Hence

    both in unison carry out that mission for which they incarnated in this world.

    In day to day terminology Mahakali can be called a Great Revolution too. This is possible

    via the cooperation of divine souls oozing with true discrimination faculty and sacredwisdom. Prajapati created Goddess Durga by gathering whatever little energy remaining in

    demigods who were in despair. Durga defeated demons like 1) Madhu-Kaitab 2)

    Mahishasur and 3) Shumbh-Nishumbh. Madhu-Kaitab meaning mental weakness,

    wickedness, emotional waywardness etc. Mahishasur means political anarchy, leadership

    that strays towards vileness and misuse of authority. Shumbh-Nishumbh means

    mismanagement in the social and economic arena. All these 3 are seen imbalanced in this

    world today. Due to problems witnessed here people the world over undergo hardships. In

    order to rectify this distorted situation there is a need of revolutions within our thinking

    process, politics, society and economy the world over. This terrific dance of Goddess

    Mahakali and her destructive-creative actions help fulfill the desired goal of her

    incarnation in this world. This process aids fulfilling Lord Mahakals sacrosanct wish.

    In the arena of sacred sentiments Lord Mahakal and Mahakali can be called a divine

    couple representing faith and trust. In the form of agitating struggle and a revolution one

    can see their terrific wrath. In the form of sacrifice and service this divine couple elicits

    peoples greatness. In the high intellectual class of the world they can be noted as true

    discrimination and steadfastness. In the form of character and ethics they become symbols

    of civility. In the form of valor and zealous activities they represent true human values. The

    chief mission of this divine couple is to reinstate good behavior in place of vile ones, replace

    imbalance with world balance etc. Time and again in order to succeed in this mission this

    divine couple takes an Avatar in various forms while executing various divine tasks.

    In contemporary times too Lord Mahakals activities are going on in a well managed

    fashion. Mahakali is directing the incarnation of her friends/aides viz. 9 Durgas. It is not

    possible for people of todays modern times to identify them. Today they can be seen only

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    as normal ordinary humans and akin to what other prophets of past times had faced,

    people may mock at them too.

    No individual is a Messenger of God from birth itself. Lord Mahakal and Goddess

    Mahakali render them vehicles and mediums on special occasions and via these physically

    embodied beings, subtle divine energies execute divine tasks in the world. The activities ofinvisible divine energies can be fulfilled only via a visible medium. Hence whenever God

    sees proper credentials in a person makes him/her a medium of their divine mission as per

    prevalent times in this world. The initial phase of the lives of great personalities like

    Valmiki, Angulimal, Amrapali, Surdas etc was of a mediocre type. But when this Super

    Divine Energy (God) entered their souls it did not take long for their mediocre lives to get

    transformed into true greatness.

    Ordinarily this is what happens. People who appear to be very ordinary on apt occasions

    are seen to shed their old beliefs, aspirations and activities akin to a snake giving up its old

    withered skin and without paying heed to people nearby who mock and oppose them, inorder to execute the great role of era Transformation along with unlimited valor start their

    stupendous task. At such time we must understand that Lord Mahakal and Mahakali have

    aided the incarnation of a divine stream in their souls.

    In these days in the subtle world the foundation of Era Transformation is becoming

    stronger. Lord Mahakals wish can never remain unfulfilled and hence Mahakali is

    immersed in rendering more terrific her creative and agitating activities. Within the souls

    of innumerous world intellectuals intense upheavals are taking place and many men-

    women by renouncing their lowly selfishness daringly in order to fulfill Mahakals divine

    wish are imbibing his divine light. There is no doubt that they will successfully marchforward and shall most definitely play the world historical role of Neo Creation.








    Era transformation shall definitely take place. The mode of thinking of humans and lifes

    ethics shall totally reform for the better. World society management in future shall not

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    remain as is seen today. This no doubt is Gods divine wish hence its arrangement shall

    take place sequentially by itself. Lord Mahakals Tandav Dance is becoming more terrible

    and ferocious so as to destroy to shreds all opposing elements seen today. Added to varied

    options in order to execute this glorious task shall be a chain of my future austerities.

    In monsoons grass that had previously dried up suddenly starts growing lushly and seedsburied in the ground start sprouting forth on their own. Thus the beauty of earth dazzles

    one and all. Similarly in future days to come innumerable latent souls shall enter the folds

    of a divine onrush and for neo creation goals great tasks that are both creative and based

    on struggle shall be executed both at the individual and collective level. On seeing the

    results of all this everyone shall be astounded. These people may not be directly related to

    Yug Nirman Missions meritorious deeds they may be unaware of tasks taken up by this

    great organization yet know for sure its source of inspiration shall be that via whose divine

    light all of us are immersed in carrying out this most important endeavor.

    In future times the entire world shall be rendered righteous and theist in the true sense ofthe term and on this very earth divinity shall manifest in humans and world society shall

    bloom forth with bliss bestowing heavenly situations. Mans thinking thus shall not be

    relegated to augment wealth, fame and the arrogant ego so as to leave behind a large

    inheritance for their children and grand children. Instead every world individual via a

    magnanimous standpoint shall accept world welfare as the ultimate goal of life and that

    they will feel their very existence satiated by using their capabilities, potential and brilliant

    talent for world well being. The future times are fast approaching in order to fill up the

    psyches of world humans with generous instincts. At that time selfish, greedy and deluded

    people shall appear in a hated and wicked society. At every step they will be mocked and

    sidelined. Today those who possess enormous wealth are worshiped. But tomorrow only

    those who renounce personal comforts shall be honored. At that time devotees of God and

    righteous people shall not be labeled hypocrites who run greedily after Ridhi-Sidhis or

    supernatural powers for personal aggrandizement. A persons glory shall be measured not

    via how much Mantras he/she chants, worships God via rituals etc but only through the

    medium of how righteously/ethically they act and whether they live lives full of sacred high

    stature ideals.

    This is a fact that individual selfishness is a blazing curse on societys progress and

    security. World humans shall thus have to reform their psyche. Else everywhere crime and

    unethical activities shall increase alarmingly.

    Thus it is best that we all today itself transform our thinking process and the manner in

    which we utilize it. One must totally give up earning wealth illegally and misusing it in

    sense titillation acts. Such useless actions must be immediately bid adieu so that in future

    we can save ourselves from muck in the form of censure and insults thrown at us. We must

    all get ready to apply our time, labor, psyche, intellect, vigor, aura and wealth to world

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    In the history of material progress right from time immemorial till today 3 incidences have

    been most revolutionary and important. It is important from this standpoint that it has

    created the substratum of totally transforming the world. The 1 st incident was of the

    discovery of fire element, the 2nd was unveiling of dynamite and 3rd was nuclear fission of

    the atom. Due to discover of fire mankind developed the self faith that he was capable and

    powerful to live life aptly. From this discovery the importance of brain power was at first

    accepted. Previous to this primordial man depended and accepted only bodily strength and

    might as the be all and end all of life. Step by step as mans intellect developed more and

    more he took up agriculture, made a home for himself and his family members and learnt

    the art of building small machine like tools with the help of which somehow the cart of his

    life moved ahead albeit a bit erratically. Now he could to an extent get protection from

    natural calamities and attacks from ferocious beasts.

    The 2nd important incident was the discovery of dynamite. It was at first openly made use

    of in the 1st world war for destroying the enemy camp. One got a very gross inference of the

    power and potent nature of matter. Now man exhibited zest to unveil subtle energies and

    forces of matter. It was the most famous incident of the commencement of the 19 th century

    wherein man came across the power of dynamite. In comparison to the actual discovery

    what was more important that a foundation was readied to think, unearth and actually

    attain subtle energies of matter.

    The 3rd and most important incident in the annals of world scientific history was nuclear

    fission of the miniscule atom. In the Atomic Age man jumped ahead so gigantically that in

    its comparison all other world incidents pale. That amount of energy which man could not

    generate for millions of years now came his way manifold times more.

    If one does not have optimal power of digestion even good, tasty and nourishing food can

    prove to be heinous. In fact nourishing substances like clarified butter or Ghee too on suchoccasions function as poison in our body. No doubt with due effort various energies and

    forces were tapped by world humans yet farsightedness regarding their wholesome usage

    was not developed. Energy that could function as immortal nectar is today getting

    converted to venom. Such a Super Demon in the form of atomic bomb was created that in

    front of it the prolific tainted deeds of demons mentioned in mythology seem miniscule in


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    This Super Demon (nuclear bomb) proved to be even more destructive than imagined by

    those who created it. Wise politicians opine that the atom bomb was dropped on Japan to

    stop the 2nd world war. To an extent this appears to be true and yet it needs deeper

    research too. Our topic of discussion here is not about researching into whether it was right

    or wrong because over here we are throwing light on its destructive power and the vile

    intellect that created it as a result of which innumerable people died in sheer agony.

    The fire of the 2nd world war on taking the form of a gigantic blazing forest inferno

    engulfed a big portion of Asia. Japan despite being a tiny country was becoming invincible

    to its enterprise, valor and daring. Till the morning hours of 6th August 1945 Hiroshima

    was a secure town whereas Tokyo and other cities were shattered by bombs thrown by

    American B 29 airplanes. The citizens of that town felt danger looming large because that

    region was the Army HQ and Distribution Depot. Americas Secret Agents knew about

    this. At exactly 8 am, Japanese radar technology got information that at quite a height 3

    foreign airplanes are circling the sky. During times of war it is quite common that airplanes

    hover in the sky. Japanese citizens and army personnel did not pay much heed to this

    development and hence did not make any special security arrangements. They did not have

    even an iota of an inkling that these airplanes not only are not commonplace but that they

    are clouds that will rain death on Japan and convert entire Hiroshima into a gigantic

    graveyard. In a few moments this historic explosion occurred. This explosion was akin to

    skies falling on earth. The entire atmosphere was ablaze with blinding light. Due to terrific

    heat and ferocity of fire flames that erupted thousands of people were burnt to death akin

    to dry grass blades. The region of 5 square miles burnt to ashes due to hot storms moving

    with a speed of 500 miles/hour. Such a big town entered the womb of earth exactly as it

    does when a gigantic earthquake manifests. All homes and mansions of the town werepounded to pulp. There was not even a tiny place where people could rush in order to

    protect themselves. Everywhere one could find explosive terrific energy and without

    discriminating it burnt to naught all creatures and materials. Immediate information of

    78000 people dying was issued and yet leading important newspaper agencies of the world

    pegged the number at more than 0.1 million people.

    On that very day the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped by America at 11 hours 2 minutes on

    another industrial town of Japan called Nagasaki. Very much similar to the dire fate of

    Hiroshima this incident too was ferociously destructive. A region of 5 square km in a few

    minutes got burned to ashes. Immediately, 50000 people entered the womb of death.Almost a similar number of people were bruised and handicapped very badly.

    It took 52 seconds for the bomb dropped from a height of 42500 yards height to land on

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki towns. These bombs took the form of a gigantic ball of fire in the

    sky whose temperature was 1 billion degree Centigrade and from a distance of 1 mile it

    appeared 100 times more terrific than the blazing sun.

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    One day after these episodes Japans governing authorities sent General Sezoris to

    appraise the situation in those regions. When the General returned he said: After the

    Bomb raining wicked American planes went away Hiroshima and Nagasaki was

    immersed in deep darkness/gloominess wherein only one dead blackened tree was visible.

    Hence it seems that in these towns only one black crow was dwelling. When we landed on

    the airport after getting down from the plane, all plants, grass etc seemed like red blazing

    flames. Everywhere there was the deadly silence of a graveyard. On seeing the mountains

    of dead corpses my eyes were flowing with tears. I harbored intense hatred for war within

    my inner being. Despite being any army officer my state at that time was akin to a child

    that was full of fear.

    The number of people dying during the 2nd world war was about 0.6 billion people. Russias

    0.1 million soldiers and 7 million civilians, Polands 5.8 million people, Germans 3.5

    million soldiers and 0.78 million civilians, Chinas 1.31 million soldiers and 0.22 billion

    civilians, Japans 1.3 million soldiers and 0.672 million civilians, Yugoslavias 0.356 million

    soldiers and 1.2 million civilians, UKs 0.264 million soldiers and 0.1 million civilians and

    USAs 0.292 civilians died.

    Although the 2nd world war ended yet it etched a permanent tainted spot on the scalp of

    world humanity. For the first time the world gauged the destructive capacity of an atomic

    bomb. Right from that time till today many nations of the world are rushing to design this

    bomb. It is believed that more than 50000 bombs have been made the world over. Its

    potential is extraordinarily mighty. In comparison to the bomb dropped on Hiroshima,

    bombs that are 50000 times more potent have been designed today. If even one of these

    explodes it is difficult to even imagine the ghastly havoc of death that shall ensue in the

    entire world. Knowingly or otherwise increasing tensions the world over are dragging

    Super Power nations of the world towards an explosive situation. What shall hence be the

    result? All this is beyond the ken of ones imagination.

    Under such conditions one is naturally drawn towards the error made which tells us that it

    is just not enough to gather energy/power but that discrimination must be inculcated which

    controls and manages it optimally. Thus well being of world humanity can be assured. If

    this is ignored deadly episodes witnessed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki can again repeat


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    Wars instead of showcasing civility actually exhibit our uncivilized nature. Along with

    augmenting of civilized behavior the importance given to wars and weapon technology

    must diminish a great deal. Bang opposite to this todays so called world civilized humans

    are competing with each other to produce mass destruction weapons. In fact this mad rush

    for hoarding more and more ghastly weapons refuses to die down.

    In days of yore when wars/battles were fought face to face its terrible ghastly nature was

    much less. Only those who were majority in number were strong, shrewd and valianttasted victory. All others had to stare at defeat. Today facts of war are bang opposite in

    nature. Via nuclear technology today man seated in one corner of the world can drop a

    bomb in any near or far off region of the world. These bombs are so destructive in nature

    that it will take only a few bombs to destroy the entire human race of the world. All this is

    the donation of modern science.

    By aptly using this energy attained due to modern scientific research man has not only cut

    short distances on planet earth but also that between planets, satellites etc in interstellar

    space. A very important invention in the form of television has been given to us by modern

    science. It now depends on the discrimination (Viveka) faculty of man how wholesomelyand aptly he uses energy given to us all by science.

    Trillions of cash are being wasted foolishly for creating materials that destroy humanity

    and also for expenses incurred for nurturing gigantic armies. In the recent past

    International Peace Research Center published a book wherein it has given statistics of

    various countries expenses to maintain their defense and army personnel. These statistics

    definitely are startling. According to data given in this book, nations the world over in 1970

    AD incurred expense of 1 billion dollars for making weapons. The same amount of cash is

    used by all world countries in human welfare tasks like health and education.

    So much expense is wasted on soldiers and the defense forces. Even if 20th portion of this

    money was used to help underdeveloped and developing countries it would have been

    enough for 10 long years. This amount is 6% of the worlds income.

    Wastage of expenses in creating weapon technology is continuing to increase alarmingly

    day by day. The reason via weapon vaults are increasing is the mad rush and competition

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    progress believe it more beneficial to increase its armed and defense forces. Pakistan is one

    such country. Such countries that love waging wars prove to be headaches for other


    A very tainted influence is seen on developing nations with reference to army pacts and

    weapon trading. They are entangled in the problem of daily earnings of their citizens onthe one hand and yet they add the burden of wars on their weak shoulders. Those

    developing countries who voluntarily take up such a burden reap a downfall like Pakistan.

    Not only has this rat race of making new deadly weapons created a background of

    destruction of the human race but that along with it nuclear testing and discharge of

    nuclear wastes have become a major world problem. Due to nuclear radiations newer

    diseases are emerging. Nuclear testing executed in the womb of the ocean along with bomb

    explosions are proving venomous for the waters therein, plant life, microbes etc.

    Testing and explosions are carried out in the ocean. Nuclear wastes are thrown into the sea.Thus nuclear radiations pour malefic influences in sea water and life therein. When clouds

    are formed from such sea water and they pour rain on earth during monsoons, radiations

    too accompany them. Thus it proves hazardous for human and other creatures health.

    Such detrimental effects posed by weapons are not new at all. In a symbolic manner and in

    the form of storytelling it has been depicted in the epic Mahabharat as the episode of

    Musal Churna or pestle being pounded. This resulted in the destruction of Yadava race in

    Dwapar Yuga or Era. It is hence that in India a control in the form of spiritual

    discrimination was put over scientific advancement.

    There is only one way to save mankind standing on the precipice of destruction which is by

    giving up selfish national gains such a cultural consciousness be awakened at the world

    level so that not only the rat race to hoard more and more arms gets stalled but that world

    humans heart becomes so cosmic in nature that oneness of soul with all creatures is

    nourished. It is Indian culture that can become this all important ladder of advancement of

    world humanity. At such times if Indians resolve to give this sacred gift to bleeding

    mankind no doubt desired results shall be witnessed the world over.

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    Wealth possesses creative energy. With its aid so many important useful tasks can be

    executed and wholesome goals can reach their target. But along with this we must not

    forget that wealth if misused can shower untold harm too.

    As per the 1980 report of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural

    Organization or UNESCO published in Encyclopedia Britannica every year the world

    over 0.01 trillion 0.72 billion 7.8 million dollars are used in creating the armed forces and

    war technology/ammunition. This amount constitutes 7.2% of the worlds total income.Expenses pertaining to education the world over is 0.01 trillion 2.9 billion dollars. This

    constitutes 5% of worlds total income. Every year, the amount of money used for health

    safety is 0.58 trillion 7.3 billion 3.5 million dollars which is 2.5% of the worlds total


    In the year 1970 the statistical figures of the amount of cash used by various countries in

    the name of armed forces and weapon designing is as follows:

    USA-7.4 billion 4 million dollars; USSR-3.9 billion 8.5 million dollars; West Germany-0.6

    billion 2.1 million dollars; France-0.6 billion 9.1 million dollars; Britain-0.5 billion 9.1

    million dollars; Italy-0.2 billion 10.1 million dollars; Poland-0.2 billion 2.2 million dollars;

    East Germany-0.1 billion 9.9 million dollars; Canada-0.1 billion 8.4 million dollars,

    Czechoslovakia-0.1 billion 11.3 million dollars; India-0.1 billion 11.6 million dollars;

    Australia (in 1979)-0.1 billion 2.7 million dollars; UAR-0.1 billion 4.7 million dollars;

    Sweden-0.1 billion 10.2 million dollars and Israel-0.1 billion 12 million dollars. These

    statistics are of those leading world nations which are available. The figures for remaining

    countries are not available.

    According to a UN survey report merely 6 countries spend 80% of the total world

    expenditure per year on arms and weapons. These countries are USA, Soviet Union, West

    Germany, Britain, France and China. This means that these 6 countries expenses per year

    to gather weapons is 0.3 trillion 5.1 billion 8.3 million Rupees whereas nations of rest of the

    world accrued expenses of Rupees 6.2 billion 13.4 million. Right since the year 1951 till

    today the amount to expenses to hoard weapons increased 173 times. In 1951 totally 3

    million dollars were used. Till 1974 this augmented to 1.8 billion dollars and in 1980 it

    reached 0.4 trillion 1.4 billion 7.2 million Rupees.

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    In 1870 Germanys armed forces expenses were 0.18 million pounds, in 1880 it was 0.288

    million pounds and in 1914 it increased to 1.9 million pounds. In those very years the

    expenses of Austria-Hungary were 0.82 million pounds, 1.32 million pounds and 3.64

    million pounds respectively. The defense force expenses for British Empire were in those

    years 2.34 million pounds, 2.53 million pounds and 7.68 million pounds respectively. In this

    manner these expenses were 4.6% of GDP (Gross National Product) of Germany, 6.1%

    GDP of Austria-Hungary and 3.4% of GDP of British Empire in the year 1914.

    At the time of the 1st world war initially per day 13600 cartridges were used. In the year

    1914 per day 50000 cartridges were required which was fulfilled till March 1915. But in

    January 1915 itself per day 80000 bullets were demanded which were fulfilled by

    September 1915. Again a requirement of 150000 bullets was felt which were 10 time more

    than the initial demand.

    In 1917 at the time of the 1st world war 1.6 million French laborers were asked to make

    weapon materials for waging wars.

    In 1914 the British Army owned 100 motor trucks. Till 1918 this number climbed up to


    In the 1st world war the percentage of war expenses from taxes was: USA 37%; Britain

    30%; Germany 12%. In the 2nd world war this was 44% and 50% respectively. In 1913-14

    the amount of war expenses from direct taxes were: Britain-9.4 million pounds, in 1917-18

    it was 54 million pounds and in 1919-20 it was 72 million pounds. In 1914 57% of total war

    expenses came from direct tax collection. In 1917-18 it augmented to 80%. In 1913 paper

    currency distribution of 13 million pounds increased to 54 million pounds in 1919. In 1920the purchasing power of British pound currency augmented 3 fold in comparison to that in


    Before the 1st world war East Germany was 80% self sufficient as far as food and grains

    was concerned. But in 1918 Germans had 64% food/grains, 18% non vegetarian food and

    12% fat/oil was made use of. It was diminishing of food supplies that lead to Germanys


    In 1940 the USA President was given the authority to hand over 0.1 billion 30 million

    dollars as loans for buying weapons to such countries of the world whose bonds were

    secure from the very beginning. Along with this he got the power to produce such war

    materials amounting to 0.7 billion dollars. This later increased to 1.3 billion dollars. Till the

    end of the 2nd world war the value of distributed war materials based on bond loans was 1.5

    billion dollars.

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    Forty percent of total requirement of war materials of the entire world and 55% of total

    expenses to actually wage the war was shouldered by USA. During the world war USA

    increased its total income 2 fold and a 50% increase was noted in citizens consumption.

    In 1940 USA appointed 7 million workers and amongst these 3 million was enlisted in their


    In the designing and production of the atom bomb dropped on Japan, the cost price

    involved was 0.1 billion dollars.

    Between the years 1965-74 in the worlds non communist countries 0.1 trillion dollars were

    used for military hardware expenses wherein 3 billion dollars worth hardware was at the

    level of international donation or trading.

    In less developed countries 0.6 billion dollars per year are used for military materials. USA

    sells 4 million dollars worth war materials to less developed countries and in fact some

    materials are given without cost.

    The total value of sale of weapons of Russia was 6 million dollars, Britains was 4 million

    dollars and Frances (in 1960) was 5-7 million dollars.

    Between 1955-68 many developed countries of the world either bought or produced via

    foreign license 7000 combat planes, 1800 transport planes, 3300 trainer planes, 1500

    helicopters, 11900 tanks, 180 war ships and 810 petrol boats.

    Those nations of the world that sell and distribute weapons in high measure are USA,

    Russia, Britain, France, West Germany, China, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden,

    Czechoslovakia, Israel, Netherlands and Canada.

    Due to fear, terror and blind aping of larger countries other smaller ones too are in the rat

    race for weapon hoarding. On the basis of changing world circumstances, scientific

    advancement and very latest modern inventions developed nations keep a storehouse of

    newer weapon technology and sell their old weapons to those nations via loans or free but

    with strings attached that follow their own political etc ideology. In this manner even

    developing countries spend 170 million rupees per year to amass weapons. In this manner

    the lay psyche harassed by starvation and poverty in the name of security are forced to buy

    weapons and capitalist, communist, socialist countries as mute spectators to all this silently

    encourage such trade.

    The amount of money spent on killing people in wars is becoming more and more

    expensive. Research analysts opine that in the era of Julius Caesar it took only 5 rupees to

    kill an enemy soldier but in the times of Napoleon Bonaparte it took 2000 rupees to do so.

    In the 1st world war America in order to kill an enemy soldier spent 0.15 million rupees

    whereas in the subsequent world war this expenditure climbed up 10 times. In the same

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    way during the days of Vietnam War in order to kill each guerilla soldier 1.3 million rupees

    was spent. In the Gulf War all previous records were broken and millions and billions of

    rupees which should have been utilized for all round development was misused for

    destructive purposes. This trend has certainly not been obstructed and instead is moving

    ahead with dire speed.

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    Today about 17.5 million people are getting trained for waging wars. They are being

    trained to imbibe the art of using murderous weapon, killing other humans and thus

    destroying precious wealth of the world. This then is their artistic skills. All specialties of

    their inner personality are used for this goal. Apart from this some 70 million people are

    immersed in designing/production of weapons and running industries to fulfill other

    requirements related to the armed forces. Apart from this is the highly intellectual set of

    people who via their brain talent conduct such research and unearth techniques with the

    aid of which very easily more and more destruction can ensue. They think that their talent

    shall succeed by unfolding less expensive and more potent solutions for destroying world

    people and hordes of wealth.

    In this world there are more than 15 million people whose annual income is about 500

    rupees. Half of the lay public whose monthly income is 40 rupees is such whose average

    income is even worse. Very rarely they eat a sumptuous meal and get enough cloth to hide

    their naked starved bodies. Majority of them just gobble a little food procured somehow

    and with tattered cloth try to hide their nakedness.

    For this poor world public can we not come forward and do something? Are thosepowerful people incapable of doing the needful in this direction? Those who analyze all this

    studiously tell us that if not all at least large powerful nations of the world get together and

    work in this direction a lot good can be done. If these countries decide to use that wealth

    and human resources so far misused in waging futile wars is used to uplift humanity

    immersed in strife then the income of these poor 15 million people can double in a few

    months itself. They will now earn 1000 instead of 500 rupees per year. Thus by crossing the

    line of intense poverty for the first time they shall tangibly attain at least the basic

    requirements of daily living.

    If all this wealth is used for constructing houses in the subsequent year then about each ofthese 200 million people will get a respectable roof over their heads that today are living in

    slums which are worse than sheds in which animals are kept. If gigantic arrangements are

    made for less expensive cottage industries in the 1 st year, building homes in the 2nd year,

    education in the 3rd year, health in the 4th year and

    electricity/dams/transport/communication etc in the 5th year then this 5 year plan can

    positively transform the destiny of 17.5 billion people that constitute half the worlds

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    population. In fact this can be done by Russia and USA itself. And even if not with full zeal

    even with limited zeal other countries of the world step in this direction know for sure that

    all the backwardness of the world shall disappear into thin air. Thus nowhere shall we see

    the terrific Tandav dance of agony and downfall which today with its hell like burning and

    stench is marring the worlds atmosphere.

    Man possesses both the power to destroy and create too. He can destroy and neo create too.

    Once energy is used for a particular purpose it will reach its target be it destruction or


    For eons together our eyes visualize and our ears hear about the manifold amount of world

    population and wealth being destroyed during battles and wars waged. Innumerable

    people were involved in building towns, dams and bridges for which untold amount of

    material means were used. These in fact were centers of hope for world lay public. It was

    believed that under its shelter many people for a long time span shall get comfort so as to

    lead peaceful lives. But alas all their hopes fizzled to naught. Bombs made from basket fullof dynamite were dropped on these buildings and in a jiffy they were pounded to dust. In

    this manner creation was defeated and destruction tasted victory.

    Explosions ensue in hot wars, dynamite too erupts in a fiery manner and dead corpses get

    dragged here and there. The children of those who die wail aloud in agony. Poverty,

    inflation, starvation and diseases that are the result of untold destruction of wealth aid in

    sprouting of many hardships and although man erroneously thinks wars to be cheap in fact

    in actuality are very expensive.

    Studies by Soviet Union conclude that merely in the production of nuclear weapons 20000such scientists and technicians are at work that from the standpoint of intellectual skills are

    of very high stature. Added to this, their aides number are even much more. As per a

    report published by UN amongst scientists and technicians of the world 25% are immersed

    in production and newer inventions of war technology/weapon designing. 50% of expenses

    of the world scientific fraternity is used for paraphernalia required by soldiers to fight

    horrific wars. Three fourths of inter planetary satellites set rolling in interstellar space are

    meant to find information of war based activities and get all secret data. According to ILO

    in the whole world about 200 million people are enlisted in the army. Every year this

    number increases n fold. It is inferred that 4 parts of the worlds labor force is immersed in

    social tasks and 3 parts are of the soldier class. On the one hand so much wealth power andhuman resources are being used for destructive purposes whereas on the other hand due to

    lack of wealth a major portion of the worlds population faces various types of problems

    and strife.

    According to well known specialists on an average in this world 1 million dollars are used

    for weapons per minute. With the help of so much cash at least 100 new jobs can be created

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    or else 100 flats can be built. If for 6 minutes production of weapons is stopped then with

    this saved money a very modern hospital with latest medical technology can be constructed.

    With the amount of expenses used to produce weapons per minute, 4000 tons milk can be


    Innumerable people the world over are unable to get 2 square meals a day. Hence even if

    for 1 minute weapon production is stalled these hungry people can imbibe new life force.

    This is the great thinking of known specialists.

    This amount of cash spent on war technology helps merely in creating streams of

    bloodshed of world humanity. These battles and wars are never initiated for some great

    ideology or principle but that the chief aim behind it is to boss and lord over other nations.

    When a war is waged against a particular country, the latter too out of self defense has to

    use weapons. Whose path was apt and whose was otherwise? This decision ordinarily is

    taken on the basis of who won or not. Those who win are known to use broadcastingcommunication systems to prove their point as correct.

    Regarding this innumerable innocents are killed and many families are ruined. In the past

    2 world wars there was untold loss of wealth and human life. Even if one tries to imagine

    this our hands will stand on end. If for 1 year weapon production is stopped then this

    wealth saved can solve so many problems faced the world over. In order to ward off

    illiteracy in the world it takes on an average 0.1 million rupees to open 1 primary school. In

    this manner 4,147,000 such schools can be opened. If in 1 school 200 students get admission

    then primary education can thus be imparted to 829,440,000 children of the world. From

    the above mentioned amount of cash saved 414,000 intermediate colleges can be opened(each made from 1 million rupees) or else for higher education if universities are

    inaugurated 414 universities can be opened (each costing 1,000,000,000 rupees) within 1

    year itself.

    Instead of literacy this cash is used to ward off diseases and augment good health 4,146,200

    primary health centers can be opened (each costing 0.1 million rupees). Else modern

    medical equipment each made from 0.5 million rupees and 829,400 hospitals with adept

    medical surgeons can be opened. If from one primary health center even if 500 people get

    good medical treatment then from the total number of primary health clinics opened

    283,600,000 people can benefit from medical treatment given there. If wealth used forweapon building is instead diverted for making arrangements for food distribution in the

    world, then about 34,300 people can be given food every year per individual for 1200


    The immediate needs of basic human living are food, health and education. If step by step

    the amount used for weapon production per year is diverted to solve each world problem in

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    a well managed manner then by and by in a few years the world can gain victory over

    problems faced in the arena of food, education and health. In the 2nd phase for the all round

    advancement of the human race other programs can be taken up.

    But all this is possible only when a wholesome intellect advances in world humans because

    with a tainted intellect we can stare gloomily at a downfall only. It is being seen that mans

    legs are heading towards destruction. Even from the past incidents of destruction/downfall

    humans refuse to learn a lesson and realize deeply how much wealth and human lives have

    been lost. It is inferred that on 9th March 1945 when USA dropped an explosive material of

    2000 ton from a 276 B-29 plane on Tokyo 186,000 Japanese were killed and the citys 158

    square miles area burnt to ashes and along with this 14 aircrafts were destroyed totally.

    On 6th August 1945 this very B-29 air plane dropped the first hydrogen bomb on Hiroshima

    and after 3 days it dropped and 2nd atom bomb on Nagasaki.

    As a result of these 2 bomb explosions about 200,000 people died. In fact till today peopleare yet enduring the malefic radioactive effects of these terrible bomb explosions.

    If these powerful personalities involved in sending scores of people into the jaws of death

    had instead used their skills in the field of education, agriculture, gardening, sculpting,

    acting etc they could have aided great world human progress. But what can we say about

    demons inebriated by war frenzy? They are only immersed in arrogantly sitting on the

    heads of those people who steer the ship called this world and thus inflict untold wealth and

    human loss the world over.

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    Quite some time back the western philosopher Gibbon had said that mankind instead of

    fearing attacks of natural calamities and violent beasts of the jungle must actually fear his

    own human fraternity. This suspicion of Gibbon certainly is not without a cause. Rising

    amount of expenditure in the name of security and production of newer arms on a regular

    basis tells us how speedily a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood amongst world humans

    is dissipating. Day by day man is becoming more violent. World tensions are on the rise at

    an alarming pace due to production and hoarding of mass destructive weapons and thesuspicion of a 3rd world rolling in is becoming more potent.

    In past wars that have been fought what has the human race lost or achieved? On

    measuring all this it is clear mankind has lost a lot and attained very miniscule. The

    statistics of wars waged in the 20th century and number of people killed therein are as

    follows. In the year 1904-5 in the war between Russia and Japan 130,000 people were

    killed. In the years 1912-13 in the Balkan War 200,000 people died. In the Civil War in

    Spain (1932-39) 431,000 soldiers and 225,000 civilians died. In the Korean War in 1950-53

    581,823 soldiers and 400,000 civilians died. Between the years (1914-18) in the 1st world war

    4,418,000 soldiers and 1,300,000 civilians died. Between the years 1962-75 in the VietnamWar the total number of people who died was 4,000,000.

    The more humanity has progressed materially the more wars also he has fought in tandem.

    The above statistics are of bigger wars waged. Apart from these smaller ones too were

    fought. In the past 7 decades the number of wars fought is thus. From the years 1898-1907,

    9 wars were fought; from 1908-1917, 15 wars; 19-18-1927, 11 wars; from 1928-37, 8 wars;

    from 1938-47, 12 wars; from 1948-57, 28 wars; 1958-67, 45 wars. Proper statistics after the

    year 1967 are not available yet its number of wars would be more than 70.

    These then are figures of the history of how much human and wealth power has been lostdue to wars which is enough to teach a lesson to so called thinking class of the world. In

    fact situations of contemporary times are more fearful. In the past not a lot of advancement

    was seen as far as scientific technology was concerned. They in those days did not possess

    destructive atomic bombs. If today wars were fought we doubt whether mankind can

    sustain its very existence. It takes only a few minutes to pound to pulp the entire human


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    We perforce must learn a lesson and take due inspiration from experiences of past dire

    world situations. Thos world nations that are wealthy and powerful must ask themselves

    whether by imbibing energy hoarding and ideology of attacking other countries they can

    sustain their nations security permanently. In fact in this Nuclear Age this is well nigh

    impossible. The human race standing on a road that has 2 directions viz. life and death

    must think at the world level and take apt decisions in accordance. There are 2 roads. One

    leading to total destruction and if mankind insists on walking on it know for sure that the

    entire human race shall end. The 2nd road is of neo creation. Walking on this path ensures

    that joyous situations in heaven shall materialize on planet earth. This decision lies in the

    hands of great world thinkers as to what they choose. By imbibing the ideology of world

    well being they must contribute towards neo creation of world situations or else by insisting

    on destroying the world the human race too shall become extinct. Under contemporary

    circumstances we shall have to think at the world or global level. No solution shall be

    forthcoming if we think only about paltry selfish gains.

    The 1st step required in this direction is obstructing the increased zest for producing mass

    destruction arms/weapons and then use all this wealth and resources for creative tasks the

    world over. As per a report published by the Romanian Government 2000 tons of wheat

    can be bought from the amount of cash used for producing weapons each minute in the

    entire world. If for 10 minutes factories producing arms in the entire world are shut down

    then from the wealth saved a modern super specialty hospital with advanced medical

    equipment can be built. From the amount spent in producing an F-14 war plane 9 new

    schools can be opened. From the amount of one aircraft used in wars a hydroelectric power

    station can be constructed. From the cash of 1 Leopard Tank 50 flats can be built. From

    the amount of money used in training programs for Tank Wars 78 preprimary schools andfrom the amount of 1 war submarine ship 16,000,000 children can be given education.

    From the amount of money for 1 missile 2 hospitals can be opened.

    The 2nd step which needs to be taken is to reinstate human values and ethics the world over.

    At all costs mans biggest wealth is his inner sensitive sentiments which in comparison to

    material wealth benefits must be given infinitely more importance. In comparison to

    national, communal and religious sect welfare, only by giving supreme importance/honor

    to human ideals and values, international tensions and difference of opinion can end once

    and for all.

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    Modern science has its own glory and progress has its own importance. One can never

    oppose the utility value and requirement of both these. Despite this its true benefits accrue

    only when both are used for wholesome creative goals of the world. Energy used for

    destruction always proves to be harmful. The more one possesses power and capability the

    more one can use it either for destruction or neo creation and development.

    This is the Era of Progress. Talent in the arena of modern science leads especially in this

    field. Various world governments are known to cooperate with them and encourage their

    march forward. They find no difficulty in supplying scientists with large amounts of meansand apparatus for scientific research. Industrialists and businessmen are on the lookout

    ceaselessly for those opportunities that shall render themselves more powerful and wealthy.

    Hence just like government authorities the wealthy class of the world give ample help in all

    possible ways to modern scientists for reaching peaks of scientific research endeavor and

    creating a basis for all round benefits for them. In these very situations those streams of

    science getting opportunities to lead over others which hands over more power to various

    governments and wealthy strata of the world. It is on this basis that weapon production,

    material science research and industrialization have got more encouragement and it has

    reached pinnacles of progress.

    After reading about hair standing on end past battles and world wars mere thought of a

    future war induces fast heart beats. In it not only those who attack and those attacked shall

    get harmed but that entire world human society shall face a massive loss of progress and

    development. Not only this, it shall be difficult for human existence to sustain itself. On

    noting statures of weapons and the result of its usage fear of a super world annihilation

    stares ferociously at us all.

    Right from the 19th century till the 1st world war, since the 2nd world war till today the

    number of mass destruction weapons is increasing at a breathtaking pace. Not only are new

    types of weapons being invented but that mind boggling transformations are being seen in

    traditional weapons used so far. Ere a 3rd world war took place it is difficult to deduce what

    type of weapons shall be employed.

    In the final days of the 2nd world war Germany had designed such a rifle that could fire

    bullets ceaselessly one after another. From those days till today new editions and forms of

    such rifles have surfaced the world over. In traditional rifles used only one bullet at a time

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    reached its target but with these new rifles a ceaseless shower of bullets can be aimed at the

    enemy camp. These new rifles too now have even newer versions. On the one hand

    whenever required continuously bullets can be rained and at other times they can be aimed

    one at a time. The 2nd new change made is that such technology has been installed in these

    rifles that the target cannot be missed whether it is sunshine or a dark gloomy night.

    Further such other rifles are being designed wherein in place of traditional bullets, a rain

    of sharp thorns that measure lesser than the tip of a sharpened pencil can be aimed at the

    enemy. In future days there is a possibility that in place of rifles with the help of rocket

    launchers every soldier can target missiles at the enemy armed forces. One more possibility

    is that soldiers could be given guns that can shower streams of laser rays at the enemy.

    Although so far such weapons are being read only in some books yet the bare reality is that

    such weapons have already been produced.

    In weapons that are in vogue cannons are given much more weight age. In the past decade

    many countries have designed such light weight and powerful cannons which like rifles can

    be picked up easily for transport. Tanks are looked upon as very important weapons to

    fight ground based wars. In the 2nd world war Germany via many experiments and their

    showcasing proved its great utility value. Today tanks designed are very advanced in

    nature. Noteworthy progress has been made by France, Britain, Russia, America, Sweden

    and Germany as far as latest designing of tanks is concerned. Ordinarily tanks used to be

    very heavy in weight and with difficulty it could be used. Germany has designed such tanks

    that weigh less than 40 tons. In this direction France and Britain have surged much ahead.

    These nations have produced such tanks which are not only much better from all angles

    than all tanks that have come into the limelight so far but that its weight too is less than 10

    tons. What is more mind boggling is that so far a long line of cannon balls were fitted onthe tank but now they are fitted in the insides of the tank. Along with this tanks with lesser

    heights too have been produced.

    Thus so far we have talked about traditional weapons used in waging wars. In the past 3-4

    decades progress beyond the ken of human imagination has been made. In the middle times

    of 1950 within the area of transport a high speed propelled Hover Craft has been designed.

    It is a fast moving vehicle that makes deafening noise and gives out a lot of black smoke.

    Many nations the world over are immersed in bringing about bigger changes in this Hover

    Craft via research. Specialists surmise that last year America for its navy has readied such

    a Hover Craft weighing 160 tons that can carry with it 400 navy personnel or other warmaterials to places thousands of miles afar.

    After the 2nd world war amongst those weapons with newer versions beyond mankinds

    imagination missiles predominate and today possessing missiles means a matter of status

    symbol for that nation. Not only bigger nations of the world but smaller nations like Brazil

    and South Africa too are immersed in designing hi tech missiles.

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    For years many countries for research purposes have been launching satellites in space.

    Specialists opine that today such satellites have been made which in the name of conducting

    research can also drop bombs at targeted enemy countries.

    Today a lot of discussion is heard regarding chemical warfare and especially since USA

    dropped the Napalm Bomb on Vietnam peoples attention have been drawn to this. In the

    1st world war apart from gas, poisonous gas and Napalm Bombs too were used. What is

    noteworthy is that in the 1st world war that inferno like missile used by Germany Napalm

    Bomb is a newly well researched form of it. In this manner about 0.5 million ton Napalm

    Bombs have been dropped on various countries of the world. In the Korean War 3000 ton

    and in the Vietnam War 0.4 million ton Napalm Bombs showered by America shook the

    world terribly.

    The human race is well aware about traditional wars but in the 20th century untold

    advancement of modern scientific research newer standpoints of war has been thrown

    open. On the one hand where science and technology has given world humanity means to

    lead a more comfortable life there it has also made arrangements for their ghastly death.

    Atomic bombs weighing right from 1 kilo ton to 60 mega ton and even more powerful ones

    have already been produced and it is believed that by the end of 1994 more than 15000

    plutonium bombs per year shall be made.

    A material scientist of Canada called Alvin Polepond has placed before us statistical data

    wherein merely USAs nuclear potency has been mentioned. According to him let us

    imagine that in a big hall 0.1 million people have gathered and each has 3 atomic bombs in

    his hands. Each of these bombs has the capability of causing deaths akin to those noted in a

    bomb dropped on Hiroshima in Japan. Thus he says today USA alone possesses so much

    nuclear power. Complete data for other countries has so far remained unknown. Yet it can

    be inferred that atomic bombs possessed by all countries of the world is equivalent to the

    destructive capacity possessed by billions of TNT. This measure is so manifold every person

    belonging to the worlds population can be killed 50000 times. What greater curse can

    befall on the worlds thinking capacity and what worse taint could attack the world human

    intellect wherein man insists on making a program of murdering himself 50000 times?

    The energy possessed by the first atomic bomb dropped on Japan was 20000 TNT. It is

    difficult to understand 20000 TNT because none has seen so much power focused in one

    single area. If in a fair we stand on a high hill and visualize 20000 people gathered in this

    fair so much weight cannot be endured by that region. Right since then till today even more

    potent nuclear bombs have been designed. It is n fold more destructive than all the deaths

    caused by the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

    In 1954 the 1st hydrogen bomb was tested. Its potency was 15 mega ton TNT. Its power was

    50 times more than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. All those gigantic bombs of

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    the world are of the potential of 1000 mega ton TNT. Its capacity to kill is 5000 times more.

    It is inferred that even if erroneously 1 bomb explodes it can kill 40,000,000 people. Via

    missiles they can be transported from one place to another or dropped at very far off

    destinations too.

    Army chiefs who have experienced the previous world wars together have written a book

    called The 3rd War. In it they have thrown light on causes of future wars and weapons

    used to wage wars. The authors opine that before commencing a world war the one who is

    the attacker must mull over the fact whether it possesses the capacity to endure the

    repercussions of war. It is possible that this fear wards off wars for sometime at least. Yet

    what is definite is that those radiations that are emitted by production of nuclear weapons

    and their hoarding their sequential destructive play cannot save man from enduring its


    On cogitating over sciences attainments a reactions regarding weapons one has to

    conclude that progress and development should not be directionless. Further its goal

    should not be lowly that encourages nourishing of selfish gains. In the direction of true

    development the use of the intellect, labor and material means succeed only when those

    who are backward are uplifted and those who have risen are raised further to higher levels.

    If scientific progress had marched ahead in this direction or shall do so in future only then

    can it be called truly successful. Else this effort may prove to be ghastly which is seen today

    as far as knowledge, science, wealth, effort, art etc is concerned.


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    Every object of the world can be used in 2 forms viz. creative or destructive. On the one

    hand where creative endeavors contributes towards maintaining joy, peace and good

    management of world individuals and society there destructive tasks shatter society and

    renders individuals unruly, full of indiscipline criminal in nature. Bodily strength,

    intellectual prowess and wealth are very potent and capable in their own way yet its

    importance and utility value rests heavily on its apt wholesome usage. No doubt they are

    important yet only if those who are aggrieved, pained and weak are helped appropriately.

    Thus if individual selfishness and narrow mindedness are nourished and that this energy is

    wasted in carrying out unethical and tainted tasks where can we find its glory? The same

    holds true for intellectual might. The intellect is worshiped and reinstated as Lord Ganesh

    amongst the 5 deities in Hindu Culture only because it is wholesomely used for creative


    Everyone is well aware of how much wealth contributes towards the advancement of joyful

    comforts utilized by the individual and world society. Yet if these are misused man gets

    immersed in various drug, alcohol etc addictions and becomes an unruly criminal. Energy

    may be of any type yet its importance lies only if it is used for creative goals. Energy

    misused for destructive ends sprouts forth many major world problems.

    Everyone is aware of the fact that capability lies in the deep recesses of things. A superficialglance tells us that man is a walking, moving and working physical body. If man enters

    deep into his inner body from the external gross one he possess not only intellectual

    prowess but also is the owner of the hidden wealth of sensitive sentiments. If only this latent

    wealth is awakened and activated man has the potential to become a great saint and leader.

    Almighty Lord has hidden these specialties not only in the deep recesses of humans and

    other living beings but that in the inner cave of inert materials also dwell infinite vaults of

    energy. An ocean of energy dances in the nucleus of an atom that is considered to be the

    smallest unit of matter. Its proof can be got when the nucleus of an atom is pierced. On 1 st

    March 1954 at 6.12 am near the Pacific Ocean America executed a nuclear test. As a result

    of nuclear fission a small island nearby got scattered into tiny pieces. Radiations emitted by

    this explosion affected millions of germs, plants etc in areas of hundreds of miles. At a

    distance of 17 miles from the area of nuclear testing called Marshall Island and Bikini the

    sound of the explosion was heard 6 minutes after the testing was done. After 2 hours, ash

    akin to white ice started raining on this region. As a result the eyesight of so many people

    was lost forever. Many faced diseases of the skin and intense burning sensation. In one such

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    testing it was figured out that amongst these, half the number of people had turned semi


    Many countries of the world despite witnessing the destructive repercussions as mentioned

    above are yet participating in the rat race for producing mass destruction weapons. On

    noting this doesnt it appear that the so called highly intellectual man is heading towards

    insanity? Daily destructive bombs are being produced the world over to satisfy the greed of

    amassing more and more power. In this chain one more ghastly ring is conjoined. This is in

    the form of production of newer types of bombs like laser bombs. Although so far no

    country has used this against any other country yet its testing itself is so heinous that on

    noting it we can say that these tests by themselves have the potential to destroy the very

    existence of world humans and other creatures. A medium sized bomb shows its

    repercussions in an area of 100,000 square miles. If these tests are carried out over a long

    period of time the oxygen of the atmosphere combines with nitrogen and water to form

    nitric acid. This nitric acid in turn induces burning of the skin and eyes. Due to nuclear

    fission the crop and harvest of surrounding regions get totally destroyed. Neutron particles

    emitted via nuclear fission combines with nitrogen of the atmosphere creates in such a

    radio isotope which aims it deadly influence at microbes and plant life for thousands of

    years at a stretch. The isotope Carbon-04 absorbed via young plants dwells in flowers and

    fruits. The latter are used by humans and other creatures and thus get ensnared by the

    venom of their radioactivity.

    A quality possessed by radioactive elements is such that that advances energy in that very

    manner in which burning coal getting converted to as does to heat. As per a survey till 1959

    the measure of strontium in the Stratosphere layer of the earths atmosphere was 40pounds due to explosions created by super bomb testing. This measure was found due to

    tests carried out by USA, Russia and England. Since those times till today the rush to carry

    out nuclear tests is gathering more and more momentum. From the above basis one can

    infer how venomous has our atmosphere become. This strontium by destroying calcium in

    plant kingdom usurps its place.

    In 1969 scientists had put forth this possibility that in every world human the measure of

    strontium is increasing. They opined that if all the strontium of the earths atmosphere

    reaches the womb of earth majority of people shall have to face cancer. Genetics specialists

    think via the process of the above mentioned change a great change can be noted in theform and appearance of humans. In a discussion amongst scientists of the National

    Academy it was worryingly thought that if the verve to continue nuclear testing intensifies

    then till 2000 AD plant kingdom affected by atomic explosion shall emit such large

    amounts of Krypton-85 gas that the central latitude/longitude of the northern hemisphere

    shall become fully active. Thus a malefic influence shall be noted in microbes, plant life etc

    leading to annihilation.

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    It seems that every human detests, abhors and hates its own fellow humans as a result of

    which instead of aptly using nuclear energy for well being of fellow humans more and more

    terrible technology is being produced by him. Even the nation that attacks another nation

    using atomic bombs accrues no benefits. Not only does it kill various creatures but wealth,

    houses etc gets destroyed in the offing. For a long time this thought was buzzing in the

    brains of world scientists that such bombs must be designed which although kill humans

    does not destroy wealth, property and other materials. This effort to an extent succeeded

    using neutron bombs. Such bombs although definitely murder human beings yet land,

    buildings, technology etc does not get destroyed in any way. From such explosions very less

    heat waves are released. In this manner hardly any harm is noted on buildings and

    material objects yet because neutrons are emitted with high speed and large numbers 80%

    of energy that is emitted kill various creatures.

    In order to understand as to how after explosion of a neutron bomb humans are forced to

    die writhing in sheer agony, its influence can be categorized in 3 areas. One area is where

    the actual explosion occurs and here all creatures/humans present die immediately. The 2 nd

    area is nearby the explosion where living beings/humans die in a few hours or in a few

    days. The 3rd area is full of radiations where due to its influence in 1 or 2 years 70% people

    die of cancer, TB etc. Those who somehow remain alive are rendered mentally or

    physically challenged till ultimately death engulfs them.

    If this super energy is not used for creative purposes ghastly repercussions shall have to be

    faced by us all. Thus entire human race shall stand on the dizzy precipice of total

    extinction. One can never say when an insane country shall insist on misusing nuclear

    energy and in a matter of minutes shatters the very existence of planet earth.

    Not only world individuals and creatures but the utility value of nuclear energy dwells in

    creative goals. By renouncing the avarice of unlimited energy emitted via destruction, if we

    ponder over the relatively limited energy of creativity this very atom shall contribute

    greatly in augmenting joy/comforts of world humans. Scientists are well aware that when 2

    elements unite a 3rd material is created. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to for water. Lone

    hydrogen and oxygen do not have as much utility value when compared to the results of

    their combining with each other. The 2 positive and negative electrodes of electricity

    remain separate and scattered but when these 2 are united electricity starts flowing, which

    in turn is used for various tasks. When the sperm and ovum are united a miraculous resultin the form a new creature being born is witnessed. Thus all are well aware of the principle

    of cooperation.

    How dangerous is the application of destruction can be noted clearly if pages of world

    history are deeply pondered over. Small time people set rolling the flow of streams of blood

    everywhere. When Jaisingh acted unfaithfully India had to don the noose of slavery to

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    aliens for centuries. A lone Alexander induced so much bloodshed merely to hoard power

    and wealth. Hitler by masterminding the 2nd world war sent thousands of people into the

    jaws of death. A destructive scene ensued due to atrocities inflicted by demons Ravan and

    Kansa. On the one hand where the destructive activities of these people inflicted so much

    loss there small time people engaged in creative tasks contributed so manifold in uplifting

    human culture the world over.

    Lord Buddha gave us the teaching of compassion, love and selfless service. That ideal of

    renunciation and sacrifice was showcased on imbibing which any human can become a

    super human. The western world shall be greatly indebted to Lord Christ and Socrates for

    carrying out great tasks that benefit humanity. In the scientific arena ladies like

    Montessori, Florence Nightingale, Jenny etc contributed manifold via their endeavor to

    proliferate joy and peace everywhere.

    The terrific energy of the atom can be used only for creative purposes. If our brain

    removes the one sided thinking of misusing energy in destructive tasks and instead diverts

    the same for creative goals so much benefit can be accrued by the entire world. Everyone

    knows that in future major resources of fuel energy in the form of wood, coal, petrol etc is

    going to get depleted. Thus all eyes are on the most potent conduit of energy i.e. solar

    energy. Even the salty water of the sea can give us energy. This very task can be executed

    by evolving the technique of wholesome creative usage of nuclear energy. With its aid the

    energy requirements of the human race can be fulfilled and various kinds of deadly

    diseases too can be successfully combated. To the extent that by converting the salty nature

    of the sea into a potable one the thirst of so many creatures including humans can be


    In various countries via nuclear energy gigantic factories, industries and machines are

    being run. By placing carbon, iodine, cobalt etc in the atomic reactor they are rendered

    active via radioactive principles. In the world of agricultural development and medical

    therapy these active principles play a major role. Developing countries of the world too are

    using nuclear energy in running cars, air planes railway engines and so on. In this direction

    due to wholesome usage of atomic energy human joy and peace shall bloom forth in a big

    way and if misused only massive destruction and strife shall land in our laps. An example

    of this is as follows:

    Very close to Americas Nuclear Research Institute in a farm many sheep were being

    nurtured. Due to radioactive dust emitted from research work 6000 sheep died. When the

    post mortem was done the cause of death was said to be venomous influence of radioactive

    particles. These particles were found also in penguin birds dwelling on the North-South

    Poles of earth. Hence scientists there are more alarmed about radioactive dust.

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    When nuclear bombs explode poisonous elements used to make the bombs are emitted

    which form smoky clouds. This smoke in a short while merges into the earths atmosphere

    and enters the bodies of various creatures both visibly and invisibly. These poisonous

    atoms are called atomic dust and today the entire world is so worried by its malefic

    influence that they are not that alarmed in comparison for problems like over population,

    smoke emitted by various factories etc.

    In 1963-64 China exploded an atom bomb and as a result Japan and other neighboring

    countries were truly worried. Indias Atomic Energy Department in order to understand

    the control and repercussion regarding the above explosion had employed more than 9000

    highly qualified researchers. In 760 different areas radioactivity and presence of radiations

    were tested. All types of food items were tested and after that this data was placed in front

    of us that radioactivity has diminished a great deal in food items and hence our health is

    not facing any major danger.

    The words used in the broadcasted message given above tells us that regarding this either

    due to scientist or political pressure or in order to protect people from fear they are not

    willing to publish original facts/data unearthed and yet they do not deny this

    nuclear/atomic dust poses a serious problem for world humanity/living beings.

    After this, China exploded a 3rd atomic bomb. Over there no progress accrued regarding

    the disarmament movement. At that hour amongst great thinking people and scientists

    compassion dawned for welfare of mankind and started proclaiming that most definitely

    usage of nuclear bombs is not only heinous but that its testing too is no less fraught with

    destructive repercussions. If we wish to sustain human existence not only must the

    destruction oriented scientific research the world over be obstructed but that more and

    more sentiments, institutions and programs that nourish human values bloom forth in

    every nook and corner of the world. We must not rest satisfied with this much only. We

    must make due action to get protected from the dire repercussions of nuclear explosions

    that have taken place so far the world over. If we do not heed caution its dire results shall

    have to be faced by world humanity in the form of epidemics, cancer, muscular weakening

    and so on. Due to this malefic effect the future generation could face eyesight/hearing

    problems, pigmy like height and semi lunacy.

    Due to bomb explosions that smoke of venomous principles emitted by it contains

    strontium which affects the plant kingdom in a major way. After one single explosion for

    27 years it resides in the earths atmosphere. Iodine 131 remains for 1 week and other

    elements after a few days merges but yet this measure remains on earth without doubt.

    These poisonous principles enter our bodies directly via vegetables, fruits, milk etc or

    indirectly via the bodies of other creatures. The most nourishing principle for a healthy

    human baby is calcium which in a major way is got from milk and fruits. Although milk

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    energizes us all but before this too strontium is present in it. What shall happen to the

    future generation of the world if the amount of strontium increases in the bodies of

    children due to drinking that milk got from animals that eat plants containing strontium?

    Due to this worry Indias Atomic Energy Department gave us data so as to save ourselves

    from the mal effects of nuclear activity in a major way.

    This influence is seen in other food items apart from milk. Hence according to scientists we

    must eat all fruits and vegetables only after washing them thoroughly and peeling their

    skins properly. This poisonous influence is seen majorly on skins/peels of potatoes. Hence it

    is alright to use potatoes while cooking vegetables but not only must they be washed

    properly but all their peels must be removed. Ere this strontium enters our body there is a

    danger of cancer attacking our body.

    In order to protect milk from the dire influence of strontium scientists are designing new

    technology but as of now they warn us that if we wish to save our children from the heinous

    influence of nuclear activities mothers instead of giving cow etc milk to their children must

    commence breast feeding their babies. This atomic dust latches on to rough skinned fruits

    like pineapple, figs etc more than other smooth skinned ones. Thus rough skinned fruits

    must be eaten meagerly and even if you eat it, remember to peel it properly.

    Under the aegis of UNO when research was conducted on radioactivity influence on tea, it

    was found that tea leaves get quickly influenced by it. Tea very swiftly imbibes the mal

    influence of strontium. Unfortunately in India tea is grown in a major way and its usage

    too is increasing day by day. Thus drink as less tea as possible.

    The life force of the body can be rendered steady and pure via diet restrictions, self controland intense labor which we perforce must do. Yet that question regarding how to obstruct

    the dire influence of the environment is very complex and serious.

    The Plain Truth magazine in October 1968 published the warnings given by scientists

    published in an article called The sky is changing. They opined that since nuclear

    activities have augmented the temperature of the entire world till 2000 AD shall rise

    further by 2 degrees Centigrade and thus the ice on the Polar Regions of our earth shall

    commence melting. The height of oceans shall increase. Ports shall submerge in the ocean

    and Jal Pralaya or water shall reside everywhere.

    Regarding this Dr John Gofman who made the first atom bomb opines that the extent to

    which the world public is dangerously facing effects of nuclear radiations, its inference is

    50% less. He said that future generations shall face genetic problems due to atomic

    radiations. The more and more nuclear tests are being carried out deeper into the womb of

    our earth this danger too is increasing in tandem. According to Dr Gofman children in

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    comparison to adults face more dire results. Those children who get affected by these

    radiations tend to face deadly diseases like cancer when they become adults.

    If wars are stopped even then both the radiations emitted when atomic energy is generated

    and the ash that remains in these nuclear reactors are very heinous. Slowly but surely they

    generate such radiations in the atmosphere that materials and living beings shall get

    cruelly affected. Under such circumstances the utility of food items diminishes and diseases

    that are its repercussions rise direly. A very complex question remains virtually

    unanswered as to where to throw the nuclear waste that result due to applications by

    atomic energy institutes. Even after burning terrible radiations remain behind and

    wherever it is kept it creates danger.

    Via tests executed by laboratories of USAs Columbia University it has been found that in

    virtually every earth denizen radioactive strontium-90 can be found. Slowly this measure is

    increasing. When nuclear testing explosion occurs at that time the subtle particles of

    strontium jump up to a height of 11 km and slowly they land on the ground. From the

    ground they enter plants, animals and human beings. As per the conclusions drawn from

    testing done under the guidance of Dr John Lores Krupp before 1945 AD not one person

    had strontium-90 in his/her body yet today it is found in entire world individuals. It is

    found in a major way in American children. Even if wars do not ensue yet continuous

    bomb testing efforts increases the measure of strontium-90 which shall result in extinction

    of the human race.

    As per data from experiments carried out, strontium-90 powders our bones and aids

    manifestation of incurable diseases. In a major way it reaches the human body via milk

    consumption. Scientists maintain that if this sequence of nuclear testing continues till 2100

    AD a fifth portion of heinous measure of strontium-90 shall enter every earth human. The

    present state tells us that the number of nuclear based electric power stations is rising

    swiftly the world over. By the end of this decade in America by itself the number of atomic

    electric power houses and nuclear reactors shall cross 1000 and at that time electricity shall

    in a major way be produced from nuclear energy.

    Nuclear based electric powerhouses have contributed a great de