wartime america: world war ii v. vietnam war

Wartime Wartime America: America: World War II v. World War II v. Vietnam War Vietnam War Lizzy S. AHAP – KLM Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY

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Wartime America: World War II v. Vietnam War. Lizzy S. AHAP – KLM Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY. Essential Question:. What was national support like in wartime America during World War II and the Vietnam War?. On the Road to War: World War II. A Period of Isolationism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Wartime America: World War II v. Vietnam War

Wartime Wartime America:America:

World War II v. Vietnam World War II v. Vietnam WarWar

Lizzy S. AHAP – KLMHorace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY

Page 2: Wartime America: World War II v. Vietnam War

What was national What was national support like in support like in

wartime America wartime America during World War II during World War II

and the Vietnam and the Vietnam War?War?

Essential Question:Essential Question:

Page 3: Wartime America: World War II v. Vietnam War

On the Road to On the Road to War:War:

World War IIWorld War II

Page 4: Wartime America: World War II v. Vietnam War

A Period of A Period of IsolationismIsolationism

After breaking the isolationist policy during World War I in 1917, the United States returned to their reclusive ways during the 1920s, by drawing up a series of antiwar treaties.Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)

15 nations signed including the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany.

Each nation declared that they would no longer engage in war “as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another.”

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A Period of A Period of IsolationismIsolationism

In the 1930s, European and Asian developments accelerated. This worried the U.S. government, for fear that we might be going to war again.

Congress passed a series of laws in order to keep our isolationist policy, and out of the developing war.


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FDR’s Quarantine FDR’s Quarantine SpeechSpeech

On October 5, 1937, President Roosevelt delivered a speech in response to Germany and Italian participation in the Spanish Civil War, and Japan’s growing power in China. FDR held sympathy for the Allies,

making it difficult for the U.S. to remain completely neutral

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FDR’s Quarantine FDR’s Quarantine Speech (cont.)Speech (cont.)

“…the will for peace on the part of peace-loving nations must express itself to the end that nations that may be tempted to violate their agreements and the rights of others will desist from such a cause.”

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Staying Out of WarStaying Out of WarCongress attempted to stay out of war by passing these bills:Neutrality Act of 1935

Embargo of arms shipments to any foreign nation involved in the war

Neutrality Act of 1937 Tightened control on the U.S. economy

(no assisting belligerents)

Neutrality Act of 1939 “Cash and carry” policy – no American

ships used to transports goods across the ocean

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Conflict in the NationConflict in the Nation

Anti-war, advocated the isolationist policy and complete neutrality

Aimed to enforce the Neutrality Acts

Prominent members: Aviator Charles

Lindbergh Future President

Gerald Ford Publisher Joseph M.

Patterson (New York Daily News)

Pro-war, advocated aid to the Allies in the war

Supported the Lend-Lease Act

Prominent members: Governor Adlai

Stevenson (IL) U.S. Representative

Claude Pepper (FL) Hollywood

screenwriter Philip Dunne

Journalist William Allen White

America First Committee

Committee to Defend America (by

Aiding the Allies)

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The Public OpinionThe Public OpinionAfter France’s defeat, Americans’ opinions about the war’s outcome began to shift. By July 1940, over 66% of Americans (from opinion polls) believed that Germany posed a direct threat to the U.S.

Congress responded with the Burke-Wadsworth Act in September 1940.Burke-Wadsworth Act: established

the first peacetime military draft (in U.S. history)

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Declaration of WarDeclaration of WarPearl Harbor inspired a sense of unity among Americans.After the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, Congress approved FDR’s request for a declaration of war against Japan.A few days later, the U.S. also went to war against Germany and Italy.A view of the raid on

Pearl Harbor

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On the Road to On the Road to War:War:

Vietnam WarVietnam War

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Supporting the Supporting the FrenchFrench

The Vietminh, the Vietnam nationalists, led by communist Ho Chi Minh, threatened the French-dominated regime.

The French went to the U.S. looking for supportFebruary 1950: President Harry

Truman agreed to provide direct military and economic aid, also recognizing the Bao Dai regime (the French-dominated regime).

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The First Indochina The First Indochina WarWar

After Truman, President Eisenhower had supported the French as well, against the Vietminh.By 1954, the U.S. was paying 80% of France’s war costs.The war steadily turned against the French, and Eisenhower pulled out U.S. support.The French government eventually left Vietnam after the Geneva Accords (1954), which officially had ended the war.

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U.S. and South U.S. and South VietnamVietnam

After the Geneva Accords, the U.S. became the principal benefactor of the South Vietnam, through economic and military aid.

U.S. President Eisenhower greeting South Vietnam’s President Ngo Dinh Diem

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The Viet CongThe Viet CongNational Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam

Supporters of Vietminh and North Vietnam who lived in the South

Aimed to reunite the nation under a communist leadership by overthrowing Diem’s “puppet regime.”

Progressively grew in power, eventually becoming the U.S. and South Vietnam’s opponent in the war

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Support Under Support Under JohnsonJohnson

After President Kennedy’s coup to overthrow Diem, Lyndon Johnson felt obligated to continue giving support to South Vietnam.President Johnson used his executive powers to eventually lead the nation into war, which initially, the public stood defiantly behind.1964 Presidential Election: Johnson was viewed as a “moderate” concerning the war issue compared to his opponent, Barry Goldwater.

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Gulf of Tonkin Gulf of Tonkin IncidentIncident

According to President Johnson, American destroyers had been attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin

Americans viewed this incident as an act of aggression

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Johnson’s ResponseJohnson’s ResponseAfter the Gulf of Tonkin incident, President Johnson responded with a message to congress:“…the United States intends no

rashness, and seeks no wider war. We must make it clear to all that the United States is united in its determination to bring about the end of Communist subversion and aggression in the area.”

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Gulf of Tonkin Gulf of Tonkin ResolutionResolution

Congress responded to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, by passing the Gulf of Tonkin ResolutionAuthorized the president to “take all

necessary measures” to protect American forces and “prevent further aggression in Southeast Asia.

“an open-ended legal authorization for escalation of the conflict”

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A ComparisonA ComparisonThe U.S. became involved in WWII and the Vietnam War due to attacks on the nation (Pearl Harbor and Gulf of Tonkin incident, respectively).

President Roosevelt and President Johnson were sympathetic to one side in the beginning of each war, eventually intervening America on that side.

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Women In The War:Women In The War:World War IIWorld War II

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Rosie the RiveterRosie the RiveterThe “ideal women worker” – loyal, efficient, patriotic, prettyA huge icon for women during World War II, and in American wartime propagandaInspired women to get involved in the wartime effort

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Rosie the Riveter Rosie the Riveter (cont.)(cont.)

Rosie the RiveterLyrics by Redd Evans and John

Jacob Loeb, 1942

“All the day long,Whether rain or shine, She's a part of the assembly line.She's making history, Working for victory, Rosie the Riveter… …That little girl will do more than

aMale will do… …Rosie is protecting Charlie, Working overtime on the rivetingmachine……There's something true about, Red, white, and blue about, Rosie the Riveter.”

Norman Rockwell1943

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The Domestic ViewThe Domestic View

Grow your own, Can your own

Make This Pledge: I Pay No More Than Top Legal Prices

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The Domestic ViewThe Domestic ViewWomen were told to conserve in order to support the war effortCarry groceries instead of using car

Preserved tired rubber

Grow more food Increased food production, plus self-sufficiency

Sew and repair clothing rather than buying new clothes Save cloth for the troops

Raise money for and contribute to war bondsContribute morality

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Military WomenMilitary WomenExcluded from combat positions

Some served doing traditional “women’s work” in military branches (i.e. cleaning and secretarial duties)

Many women became nurses, or used their nursing expertise to help in the war effort (i.e. Red Cross, military nursing units)

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Military WomenMilitary Women

Enlist in the WAVESJohn Falter

More Nurses are Needed!

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Military Women Military Women Women in the U.S. military during World War II:Army: 140,000Navy: 100,000Marines: 23,000Coast Guard: 13,000Air Force: 1,000Army and Navy Nurse Corps: 74,000

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Women in the War:Women in the War:Vietnam WarVietnam War

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Military WomenMilitary WomenMany of the women in this war were forgotten, men dominated this warAround 11,000 American women were stationed in Vietnam during the war.Roles in the military:Nurses in the Army, Navy, and Air ForcePhysiciansPhysical therapistsPersonnel in Medical Service CorpsAir traffic controllersCommunications specialists Intelligence officersClerks

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StatisticsStatisticsThe American women who served in Vietnam:U.S. Army: 4,675U.S. Navy: 423U.S. Marine Corps: 36U.S. Air Force: 771Number of women killed: 8

Total number of U.S. military personnel who served in Vietnam: 2,709,965

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Vietnam Women’s Vietnam Women’s MemorialMemorial

Designed by Glenna GoodacreDedicated to the women who served in the Vietnam War, and for the families who had lost loved onesReminding Americans of the comfort and care women had provided during the war

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A ComparisonA ComparisonWorld War II had been a major advancement for women in the U.S., but once the men had returned, women were back to their domestic lives.

Vietnam War had occurred right after the “baby boom” period, and the men had dominated during the war. The women were overlooked, and referred to as the “forgotten soldiers,” unlike their larger roles in World War II.

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Wartime Effort:Wartime Effort:World War IIWorld War II

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Peacetime Peacetime PreparationsPreparations

World War II was the first American war to establish a peacetime military draft: the Burke-Wadsworth Act.

The U.S. economy had already devoted some of their industries to aid the Allies.Supplied ships and munitions to

Great Britain

Engaged in naval combat with German U-Boats in the Atlantic

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Support the WarSupport the War

“Don’t Let That Shadow Touch Them”Issued by the

Treasury Department

“United We Win”Alexander Liberman


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War Production War Production BoardBoard

Established January 1942 by executive order

Converted America’s peacetime economy into maximum wartime production

Directed war productionSupervised the production of over

$185 billion worth of weapons and supplies

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“Waste Helps the Enemy”Vanderlaan

“When You Ride Alone You Ride With Hitler!”

Weimer Pursell1943

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Enlisting TroopsEnlisting Troops

“Man the Guns, Join the Navy”McClelland Barclay


“Want Action? Join the U.S. Marine Corps!”

James Montgomery Flagg 1942

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Population (millions)

Enrolled (thousands)


WWII 133.5 16,353.7 12.2%

Enrolled (thousa


Combat Other Wounded Total Ratio

WWII 16,353.7

292,131 115,185 670,846 1,078,162 2.6%

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Wartime Effort:Wartime Effort:Vietnam WarVietnam War

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Enlisting TroopsEnlisting TroopsMilitary draft faced some protest from the American public

President Nixon and his special assistant, Henry Kissinger, came up with a “lottery” system in 1969.19-year-olds with low lottery numbers

were draftedMet a lot of protest and controversy

Later on, President Nixon created an all-volunteer army

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The Tet OffensiveThe Tet OffensiveThe first day of the Vietnamese New Year, January 31, 1968, North Vietnam launched an enormous attack on the U.S. and South Vietnam.

Suggested to the U.S. how brutal and barbaric the war was becoming

Completely undermined U.S.’s national support – within weeks the opposition to the war doubled

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Opposition to the Opposition to the WarWar

The Anti-Vietnam War movementProtests

Invasion of Cambodia - Kent State End to War - Marches in Washington


Teach-ins: students and faculty coming together, discussing the war University of Michigan University of California, Berkeley

National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam Burned draft cards – New York

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Population (millions)

Enrolled (thousands)


Vietnam War 204.9 8,744.0 4.3%

Enrolled (thousan


Combat Other Wounded Total Ratio

Vietnam War

8,744.0 47,369 10,799 153,303 211,471 3.6%

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A ComparisonA Comparison

America’s national support differed when comparing World War II to the Vietnam War. Despite each war’s start with a strong sense of unity, support increased as WWII continued, yet decreased throughout the years that the U.S. battled Vietnam.

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Works CitedWorks CitedBarclay, McClelland. Man the Guns, Join the Navy. 1942. Powers of Persuasion. The National Archives. 3 June 2007. <http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/powers_of_persuasion/man_the_guns/man_the_guns.html>. Brinkley, Alan. American History: a Survey. 12th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. 730-736. 835-844. 870.Columbia University. "War Production Board." Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. New York: Columbia UP, 2000. Evans, Redd, and John J. Loeb. "Rosie the Riveter." The Kimberly Jensen Home Page. 1942. Western Oregon University. 4 June 2007. <http://www.wou.edu/las/socsci/kimjensen/Rosie%20the%20Riveter%20Lyrics.htm>. Falter, John. Enlist in the WAVES. Recruiting Posters for Women from World War II. Department of the Navy. 4 June 2007. <http://www.history.navy.mil/ac/posters/wwiiwomen/wavep1.htm>. Flagg, James M. Want Action? Join U.S. Marines Corp! 1942. U.S. World War II Posters: Recruit. 3 June 2007. <http://www.rare-posters.com/ww2recruiting.html>. Fried, Ellen. "From Pearl Harbor to Elvis: Images That Endure." The U.S. National Archives & Records Administration. Winter 2004. 2 June 2007. <http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2004/winter/top-images.html?template=print>. Isserman, Maurice. America at War: World War II. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2003. 19-21. Johnson, Lyndon B. "President Johnson's Message to Congress." 5 Aug. 1964. 4 June 2007. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/vietnam/psources/ps_tonkingulf.html>.

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Works Cited (cont.)Works Cited (cont.)Look At Our Soldiers! Bring Them Home! 1968. Centre for the History of the Media at UCD. UCD Dublin. 4 June 2007. <http://www.ucd.ie/mediahis/>.Make This Pledge: I Pay No More Than Top Legal Prices. The Art of War: World War II Posters From the Government Documents Collection. West Texas A&M University. 3 June 2007. <http://www.wtamu.edu/library/documents/posters.shtml>. More Nurses are Needed! World War II: Poster. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 4 June 2007. <http://www.britannica.com/eb/art/print?id=76144&articleTypeId=0>."Number of American Women Who Served in Vietnam, U.S. Military." The American War Library. 1988. 4 June 2007. <http://womenshistory.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=womenshistory&cdn=education&tm=485&gps=133_8_1020_548&f=10&tt=14&bt=1&bts=0&zu=http%3A//members.aol.com/warlibrary/vwamw.htm>."Statistical Summary of America's Major Wars." Special Collections LSU Libraries. 13 June 2001. Louisiana State University. 3 June 2007. <http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/other/stats/warcost.htm>. "The Image and Reality of Women Who Worked During World War II." Rosie the Riveter: Women Working During World War II. 8 May 2007. National Park Service. 4 June 2007. <http://www.nps.gov/pwro/collection/website/rosie.htm>.

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