was yahshua born on christmas?yahshua was conceived six months (about 25 weeks) after yonahan's...

WAS YAHSHUA BORN ON CHRISTMAS? Is it true that Yahshua was born at Christmas as Christians teach and celebrate? WRITING ANALYSIS. In English: Christ's Mass The word Christmas is a shortened form of "Christ’s Mass". The word "Mass" is a Latin word that means "oering." So "Christ’s Mass" literally “Oering of the Messiah”. Messiah's oering was of course his crucifixion, not his birth. When a person says in English "Merry Christmas" he is actually saying "Happy Crucifixion of the Messiah." Furthermore, Christians observe “Christmas” (the Messiah's Oering) once every year. However the Scriptures tell us that the Messiah was oered once for all and is not oered over and over again every year (Hebrews 10: 1-4, 10-14). An annual “Christ’s Mass” is therefore clearly unbiblical. END OF QUOTE. Yahshua's birthday? The Christian Book of Why admits that December 25 was NOT the day of the birth of the Messiah: "Most biblical scholars agree that the birth did not, in fact, occur in December at all." (CBW p. 205) When Yahshua was born the shepherds were watching in their Silvano fields. 2: 8) which could not have happened in winter. In fact, it can be shown that Mashiach was born in Sukót (Huts / Tabernacles). The key to calculating the date of Mashiach's birth is Silvano 1: 5 where we learn that Zekhariah the father of Yojanán was a priest of the AbiYah course. The priests became so numerous that not all of them could serve in the Temple all the time, so they were divided into 24 courses (Divré Hayamim Álef / 1Cron. 24). Each course served two weeks each year, once in the early rain (first part of the year) and once in the late rain (second part of the year). There were also three weeks in which all priests were required to serve, these were the three pilgrimage festivals.( Devarim/ Deut 16:16). 24 times 2 is 48, plus three is 51. The AbiYah course is the eighth course (Divré Hayamim Álef / 1Cron. 24:10) which served the tenth week during the early rainy portion of the year (this is because during Easter and Shavuot (Pentecost) all the priests served together ( Devarim / Deut. 16:16) Zekhariah had his vision while serving in the Abiyah

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BlankWAS YAHSHUA BORN ON CHRISTMAS? Is it true that Yahshua was born at Christmas as Christians teach and celebrate?
In English: Christ's Mass
  Yahshua's birthday? The Christian Book of Why admits that December 25 was NOT the day of the birth of the Messiah:
"Most biblical scholars agree that the birth did not, in fact, occur in December at all." (CBW p. 205)
When Yahshua was born the shepherds were watching in their Silvano fields. 2: 8) which could not have happened in winter. In fact, it can be shown that Mashiach was born in Sukót (Huts / Tabernacles).
The key to calculating the date of Mashiach's birth is Silvano 1: 5 where we learn that Zekhariah the father of Yojanán was a priest of the AbiYah course.
The priests became so numerous that not all of them could serve in the Temple all the time, so they were divided into 24 courses (Divré Hayamim Álef / 1Cron. 24). Each course served two weeks each year, once in the early rain (first part of the year) and once in the late rain (second part of the year). There were also three weeks in which all priests were required to serve, these were the three pilgrimage festivals.( Devarim/ Deut 16:16). 24 times 2 is 48, plus three is 51.
The AbiYah course is the eighth course (Divré Hayamim Álef / 1Cron. 24:10) which served the tenth week during the early rainy portion of the year (this is because during Easter and Shavuot (Pentecost) all the priests served together ( Devarim / Deut. 16:16) Zekhariah had his vision while serving in the Abiyah
course in the tenth week (It becomes obvious that he served during his first course not his second, as it will show the time relationship as we progress.) So Zekhariah's vision occurred during the tenth week of the year (and the year begins in Abib around 14 days before “Easter”). We must add another two weeks before Yonahan (John) could be conceived, due to the laws of purity (Vayigrá / Lev. 12: 5; 15:19, 25). So Yonahan was conceived in the 12th week of the year. He was born about 40 weeks later during the 52nd week of the year (12 + 40 = 52) which brings us to Easter. So Yonahan was born on Easter, the same time that EliYah according to Scripture was to appear.
Yahshua was conceived six months (about 25 weeks) after Yonahan's conception. This means Yahshua was conceived around week 37. Yahshua was born 40 weeks later (around week 77, this is week 25 of the following year) which brings us to the time of Moedim / fall festivals.
There are several keys indicating that Yahshua was born in Sukkot:
1. Betléham was "crowded." This could not have been due to a census that could be conducted throughout the year. Every Jew was obliged to go to Yahrusalaim / Jerusalem for Sukót (Devarim / Deut. 16:16). This would have crowded Yahrusalaim / Jerusalem, as well as Betleham just five miles away.
          so Yahshua was probably born in a sukah / cabin.
3. If Yahshua was born on the first day of Sukót then he would have been circumcised "on the eighth day", a festival that immediately followed Sukót. This day was the original "Simchat Torah" (Rejoicing in Torah) which has now been distorted by tradition and rituals outside of Torah and is celebrated the following day in Rabbinical Judaism. So Yahshua would have entered into the covenant on the day of "rejoicing in the Torah." according to the Jewish tradition (NOTE, we do not care what day or what rabbinical feast the messianics want to apply to them now)
4. When the malach / angels appeared to the shepherds they made an affirmation "... behold, we have come to declare good news of great joy to you." (Silvano. 2: 10-11)
5. Sukkot is symbolic that Elohe dwells in a "cabin" with us.
Now in MattiYah 2: 7-8, 16 Herod kills all children from two years of age and below. The fact that he killed on such a wide margin indicates that he did not know exactly how long the Mashiach had been born. Yahshua's parents fled to
          By this time Herod must have subtracted dead or they could not have gone to the Temple. Herod must have died during the 40 days between Yahshua's birth and his dedication 40 days later. Herod is known to have died in September (according to the Roman calendar) of year 4 AE (as historians show) So Yahshua must have been born in the fall (this rules out the one that Zekhariah would have been serving during the second course of the year of AbiYah, as that would put Yahshua's birth in the spring and would not account for Herod's death in the 40 days after his birth in the fall.) This also tells us that Yahshua's year of birth was 4 A.E ..
[At the Festival of Cabins:].
Therefore WE declare that Yahshua WAS NOT BORN ON THE DATE OF THE ROMAN CALENDAR. (December 25)
Yhemaelh Zeev