washington herald. (washington, dc) 1910-10-16 [p …...to our animal societies is beyond...

THE msaiserras HERALD SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 1910 I I l 10 J I The MANS STORE Hi Best Clothes In AmericaAl- ans Store Make Fall Suits and Overcoats are not merely as good as tailored to order clothes they are better in every way They are designed by the highest salaried artists in the world they are made of the very cream of the best woolens produced this season arid they have a dis tinctiveness and a character in style fit and finish that no tailor can imitate And they are not only better but they cost less than madetoorder clothes And there is no gamble in buying them for they must must satisfy you in every way or you do not take them The best dressed men at the society- at the business AI S M they get more satisfaction and save money by doing it M S M Fall Suits and Overcoats F ct iL iJoO Worth or Money Back Amman 10057 Pa i 1- t I J betterfar snapa fitthey clubsin theatersin circleswear clothesand to 3500Mo- neys J8 Avenue- S a p t iZ- y 4- lt 5 S 1YY S 0 S z r I 3 t- f ti- The a The return home is a more joyfui one with Electric Light 1 to welcome you A And living in a home equipped for this modern illuminant is more convenient and 1 The cost very reasonable and the benefits derived are I inestimable POTOMAC POWER CO 213 14th Street N W Telephone Main 7260 I ttttmmm mmm n mmr- I u II j II a fi u it- Ii ij is fi g tt U ttW i ELECTRIC f- immmm nttt1TtttrTt1uwun umnmnmmnmm if I L i w comfort- able L S TT I II- II == == = = = RANDLE HIGHLANDS CAPITOL QFVUS WHITE HODS 8 Handle Highlands J the same distance from the CaDltoI ns Dupont Circle Lots and building sites from 50 to 1000 Easy terms U S Realty Company- 7th and Pa Avo N W The Preference Is r Given COKE Whtn it Is a qotttlon of fuel to 55 us for cook ire you BO mWiks in ehoooins It tfre eccvllfipt rwolt- cd i jrwiponsiTe supply coke at J tttte iwiwj- H S D b ls Ursa Ceke dtH ertd 1JO- H M Lutlwls Lart deUrered U70 52 ta Hwhes Lareo Coke deOifweJ SM- iS lijfkeb Omhed Coke lieltvered U 6- j M Dui trashed Coke 5 60 UutJiels Crutbed Cote dHi erd J6JO WASHINGTON GASLIGHT CO H m TEVTH STI1EET NW While you think of it telephone your Want Ad to Ths Washington Herald and ijfii will be seat you at 1 cent word umnutUUWUU H h whet make a We p 1 del ftrodI r t i- mmtUunwtU tttuuum i 4 A s coke if t Cob = > Now Is tho time to purchase your Dont put it oft another lay We handle only the best coal obtainable and youll find our prices reason able R J M C GRACE N E Phono Lincoln 233 H K FULTON E tabll bed ISra 314 9th St N W Money to Loan Wafclie ii Dllunonclfi nml Jevrelry BARGAINS AT RETAIL The Famous N RYE V JMS aId J12i Order by A Leo TENNESSEE 100 Bottle A- J The Shoomaker 1231 E Street N 4- V Eitibllihed l 5i Phone Mtla tlSKa- SJwtkd or ember pten rtllw in itjla sTored fr larj dreeiy ht COAL 4th P Stu l r r 10 1 OOMAKER i PEn reD pbo Co- t W t f 1 r 9 f supply a j r ¬ + + + + + HUMANE WORKERS ADJOURN AND GO Plea for Birds Last Note of Weeks Conference iJHANKS EXTENDED CAPITAL City In Scored for Condition of Work Horses but Delegate Think fibs liitulity Watt LnclilnK Mra huntington Smith of Boston Beads IntereJitliiK Paper After a week of busy warfare in the interest of suffering man and beast the first American International Humane Conference adjourned at 4 oclock yestor day and the nearly 400 delegates began returning to their homes Mter striking a friendly blpw for the horses of Washington which wore de- clared tho most abandoned over seen by many of the visitors resolatlons were passed yesterday deploring the slaugh- ter of birds here and elsewhere condemn- ing moving picture shows of Improper character urging street Improvements for the sake of hardworking draft horses and denouncing bullfighting and overcrowding fowls and cattle in ship- ment Vote of Thiinks to City A vote of thanks was extended to Washington for the hospitality accorded the delegates IV Francis H Rowley president of the Massachusetts Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals spoke at the morning session on The animal and the public health The debt that all ranks of our social owe to the societies for the preven- tion of cruelty to animals for the long persstent and coniiriuini struggle to protect the unnumbered millions of crea tures whose flesh is used for food from mans inhumanity he said to secure PUC h legislation as shall make it ible to bring thorn to the place of slHiightcr in as fit condition as may bo nrd as little liable to become unwholo some and poisonous as food from suf- ferings entailed by reason of hunger and thirst and abuse and fright this debt to our animal societies is beyond compu- tation Hr Lefflinrwella Addre n Slaughterhouse reform was the topic handled by Dr Albert Lefllngwell of Aurora N Y and Mrs Huntington Smith of Boston submitted a piper showing the need of properly conducted shelters for animals T W Tomlinson of Denver George P McCabe solicitor of the Department of Agriculture and William T Hornaday superintendent of the Bronx Zoological Park New l ork City were other speakers at the morn- ing session STATE SOCIETY CONVENES MlnniaslpplanN Hold Firiit Meeting of Winter Season The Mississippi Society of Washington held its opening meeting of the season at Pythian Temple last night President J W McCormick reviewed the work of the society and told of the plans to make the meetings this season the most pleasant of any held heretofore The musical numbers on the programme included a vocal solo by Miss Margaret Howard accompanied by Miss Louie DaleLeedes a piano solo by Mrs Fred Beall monologue by Plnlay Hayes and- a short address by Capt Fred Beali Mrs C V Pettoys had charge of the entertainment and refreshments MISS NORCROSS GIVES RECITAL Petworth Club Entertainment One of Seruianft Best Under the auspices of the Kappa Eta Alpha the boys club of the community Miss Evelyn Rees Norcross the dramatic reader gave a recital in the Petworth Methodist Episcopal Church on Friday evening The programme Included interpretations from The Lion and the Mouse and sev- eral shorter selections of various kinds all rendered In a sympathetic nnd pleas- ing manner that held the attention of the audience Miss Norcross was assisted by Mrs Anna M Miller pianist The Kappa Eta Alpha is the only club for boys and young men In Petworth NEW SCHOOLHOUSE FINISHED Cleveland Park Building AVlll Be Occupied Xext Wednesday Eaton School erected in Cleveland Park will ba taken possession of by the board of education next Wednesday and will be Immediately occunled It is an eightroom structure costing J60000 and Is considered one of the most modern scholhoueea In Washington The fourroom addition to the Chevy Chase School will be occupied tomorrow The board of education will hold its regular meeting next Wednesday Watch for a City at Randle Highlands BULLET HITS COMPANION Accident on EiiKtern Branch Serlou for Boy IlnntHiunn While hunting English sparrows on the Eastern Branch yesterday afternoon John Kendrlck nine years old of 1131 Penn street northeast was accidentally shot in the right shoulder by a com- panion Paul Zier fifteen years old of 1132 Penn street KendrIck walked to Twentyeighth and M streets northeast with his brother Wallace Kendrick and was removed to Casualty Hospital in an ambulance Physicians ptobed for the bullet but were unable to find it It is thought it lodged between two muscles near the right lung Kendrick will bo removed- to the Childrens Hospital today An Xray photograph win be taken in order to locate the bullet and it is probable- an operation will be performed Wonderful Aero Plights at College Park Ride out in a TTCO tadcab or touring car Rate 3 hour Tel North 1212 J II Chamberlain Pushes Away Funeral services for James H Cham berberlaln a Georgetown merchant who died yesterday will be held at 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon at Mount Tabor M P Church Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery- Mr Chamberlain was In business In G orgotown for forty years He was a trustee anti steward of Mount Tabor Church and was afllllated with the Odd Fellows and Masons He Is survivdd by his wife and eight children ot IfE I I I i poe ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PLACES OF INTERESTLi- brary of Ccngref0r 9 a m to 10 p in on secular day from 2 p m to 10 p m on Sundays sod on certain holidays During July August and September dotes 1 p u Saturdajs Public LibrirjOren 9 m to 0 p m holidays D a oj to 9 p in Sundays 2 to 9 p m White HouseOren 10 a m to 2 p m United States CapitolOpen 9a m to 430 p rn Corcoran Gallery of AttrOrcn free Tuesday Thursday Saturday 030 a IB to 4 p m Sunday 130 to 130 p m Other dip 25c admls ioo State War and X ry department Open 9 a 2 p m original Declaration of Independ once is in the library at the State Department United States Treawry Open 9 a m to 2 p m United States Patent OfficeOpen 9 a in to 2 p ra- Unlttil State Pension BureauOpen D a m to 1 P m United Po t ro 0p n 0 a m to 2 p m UaiMBston City PoUofficeOren all hours The Dead Loiter Office k if the city postoffice National Itotonie JaKlensOpan 8 a rn to 5 p m Mali Oommlaflo 0a to 4J30 p m Army Medical MaieumOpaa 9 a HI ts ISO p m National MweumOpro 0 n m to 4S p m in eluding holiday Agricultural DtparttnentOpen 3 ra to 430 p m- JtutMii of Engraving sad PrfntiazOpon 9 a m to 1J6 p m WuhfMcMn IIocMMt SNtt feet in B sht OpB 638 a to 420 p a Btorater raw fr m 9 a a to 4 p m- Ss ttfeoutaN iMtUNtfonOroa 9 a m to 13- i m Usebxltoe boiMaiM- Ooienuneat IMattoj OfflceQpee 10 a m to 2 p Nary YardOpaa 9 a m to 530 p m Southwoith C Mth sad Vimxtt sic Kay ilaaMonHowe of Fraiicia Scott Key SUr fir ete l lUauer 3K3 M street wet Open daily except Sued ay 9 a ra to 530 p ra Admhaion free IN TUB SUnunns Arlit fton Nttional Cemetery Mount OHwt rnutery Training Scbo for Beys ubdefttburg- Xoofccfetl Itrk open all day Reck Creek Bridge and Pack Chevy Clinic and Kctutogtdn Naval ObwTatoa Open 9 a m to 3 p Mount Vrrnon the hens and tomb of Washing ton Opeu 11 a m to 5 p United States Soldiers HomeOpen 9 a m to mnact United States Naval Academy Annapolis Md VETERAN EXPIRES SUDDENLY- John S Rankin Won Captaincy for Valor in War Employe of Government Printing Ofncu for Jinny Years anti Xative of Indiana John R Rankin a veteran of the civil war who w familiarly known as Capt Rajikia WM f und 11 fel AS in his bed yesterday morning at his home 15- 1MaasachuMtts avenua northeast Heart failure is given a the cause Ho was sixtyeight year old a member of Phil Sheridan Poet G A R tho Loyal Lo and oUter aociaUes and had been employed at the Government Printing Office When the civil war broke out he was attending Asbury University and though but eighteen years old he immediately enlisted in the Union After years service he was commissioned first lieutenant for bravery on the neW and before the end of the war attained the rank of captain Though Capt Rankin was Horn in Indiana he had been living here a long- time having worked in tho Government Printing Office for the last twenty years He was prominently identified with the Typographical Union in this city He always retetmed to Indiana at election time voting a straight Republican ticket a he had done all his life He te survived by his wife and three children who may make their home hereafter in Indianapolis He will be burled in Arlington Cemetery Tuesday The funeral arrangements are incomplete BIBLE STUDENTS IN SESSION Henry 11 F Mnofnrlnnd Will Ad- dress Institute This Afternoon The second days session of the How ard University Bible Study Institute opened yesterday with an hour with a model Bible study class conducted by H S Elliott How to enroll and maintain attend ance was the subject of an address by W A Hunton who gave many valuable hints Harrison Elliott explained at the afternoon session the real object of Bible study Eerciaes will on m this morning at tM nHth an aftdroee by Thomas J Jones Dr E I Parks will talk on the spir itual basis of the Bible study move- ment The feature of the lay will be an ad dress at 4 oclock by Hwnry B F Mac farland who will take as his subject The Bible study from the standpoint professional man The institute will come to a close with an address by Harrison S Elliott K of C More than 1006 District Knights of Co- lumbus will attend the annual vesper service of the order in St Vincent de Pauls Church this afternoon at 4W J OConnell state chaplain of the or- der will be the celebrant and Rev P J Meagher 0 P will preach Music will be rendered by the sanctuary choir of St Pauls Church 1 Moists Realize that a sup- ply of cool drink Ing water IB a blessing when out on a long run over country roads The Veco Bottle Registered will keep a generous amount of water Ice cold for 72 hours or keep any liquid hot 24 hours Costs Only 100 The Vaco Bottle is no more a luxury but a necessity Every bottle guaranteed HENRY EVANS Inc 1006 F St N W Wholesale and Retail Druggists a The O n tn c IlL apthor- of The UoJt in is on ot- a Vesper Service Today Re- P 1 in- to Stat is Iou army j3 i 1kt1 > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MORE MONEY NEEDED Estimates for District May Exceed 12000000 JUSTIFIED BY THE Schools Come in for a Goodly Share Provision for Mnuy New Tenchem Increane In All I 1 GOOjOOO Figures from Branches of Public Service Trimmed Estimates tot the operation of the Dis- trict government forwarded yesterday by the Commissioners to tl Treasury De- partment aggregate more than 1200000- 0an increase of jl500000 over the previous year The estimates cannot be published according to law until after they are submitted to Congress In the increased expenditures made pos- sible by the DlstrlcVa larger revenue the schools will fare well with an ap of about tf000600 Provisions ar made for many now teachers and additional building sites The reclamation of AnacostI flats Wil low Tree Alley the purchase of the Mont rose tract for a public park and the con struction of a bridge across Rock Creek at Q street are Important Items in the years budget The lastjf Congress the purchase 1 the Montrose tract but the Comptroller of the Treas- ury held that the act did not contain an appropriation for purpose Economy All Around Police and lire departments will tare well in the estimates though Chief Wag ners recommendation for an appropria tion of J75009 for high water pressure Is not embodied Title Item has been in eluded in the estimates for several years Though the increase in estimates is nearly 1540000 the Commissioners have forced economy In every department The figures from every branch of the public service have been trimmed until brought- to the present total GET INTO MARINE CORPS G 4C ShinIer anti D S Barry Ap- pointed Lieutenants George 1C Shuler of New York City and David S Bary will bo appointed second lieutenants in the United States Marlue Corps tilling vacancies caused by retirement of Col Paul St C Murphy Second Lieut Paul J Levering Barry is the sun of David S Barry wlio is a prominent newspaper man of Washington being for many years head of the New York Sun bureau In this city LEAVES ESTATE OF 60000 of Dennis Horizon In Admitted to Probate will of Dennis Hodges 260R P street northwest who died October 12 died yesterday giving his daughter R Horigan property valued at SlUM and his personal estate which has not yet boan valued Mr Horigan left an estate of tfiOOOO consisting of houses in Georgetown The remainder of his estate went to his three sons William D Horigan Dr Joseph A Horlgant of Kansas City and Francis Horigan of Baltimore One of the oldest residents of the Dis- trict Mr Horigan was for flf tytwo years connected with the Naval Observatory whore he had become a fixture Beautiful October Weddings trade more beautiful by Glides exquisite floral work 1214 F at READY FOR SHOW OPENING Commissioner Rudolph AVlll Preside- nt Householders Exhibit With thQusands of tickets sold through the medium of local organizations the National Manufacturers and Household- ers which opens at Convention Hall Monday October 24 promises a unique disolay Commissioner Cuno H Rudolph will officiate at formal opening and will deliver an address Gen George H Har- ries will follow Mr Rudolph on the platform and President William Gude of the Chamber of Commerce will conclude the trio of opening addresses After the opening exercises the Knlshts of Pythias headed by Grand Commander WiHey will march into the hall The uniform rank K of P will be present and Washington Company No 1 Capt Fred Pelzman commander will march In uniform and may give an exhibition drill CoHwell Company No 7 Capt Wil- liams commanding will act as escort One of the features of the exhibition will bo the display of the Washington Florists Club which has secured 10500 square feet in the and will set up a replica of the famous Fushlmi Moun- tain of Jaan Brothers RelinquIsh Claim In order that flowers may be placed- on the grave of John S Farrell whose will contained a codicil to that erect and was declared Invalid by Justice Gould In Probate Court five brothers have re- linquished all claim to the estate The estate was yesterday conveyed to Mrs Mary J Farrell the mother who can use the money set aside for decorating- her sons grave for twenty years The estate Is valued at 4000 LOCAL MENTION EXCURSIONS TODAY KorfolSt and Washington Steamboat Compaaji steamers from foot of Sercnth rtrvct for Old Point Comfort and Kerfolk at 615 p m Steamer Charles JTacalester for Mount Wrnon leans Seventh street wharf at 10 a m acd 239 p m Can from Fifteenth street and New Tort arena otrjr Quarter hour for Zoo Park Chair Chaw and Cenainfton Washington Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railway operates sixtythree limited trains each day between Washington and Baltimore tearing Fif- teenth it and New York are on the hour and halt hour Alto hourly trains to Colonial Annapolis and the great United States Saul Academy Cars from 15th H sta ne White Howe Sta- tion every half hour 6 a m to 12 p m to Mt Oliret Lapdco Brcntwood Bladeosbarg- SSc Our Famous Stews 25c Phila Oyster Chop House 513 11th nw Criterion IVhUky Full Quart John T Crowley f31 14th st nw Restaurant announces the arrival of choice Lynn havens Cape Cod Salts and Blue Point oysters also New England soft clams lobsters and other deep sea delicacies which will be prepared and served in Harveys original and inimitable style New features at Harveys this season are a special dinner menu of choice en tries roasts c ready to serve between 6 and S and special aftertheater supper dishes all well cooked and properly served Music Is a special feature at all meals Freshest and DeBt In fven Foods Phila Oyster Chop House 513 nth nw Made the I au- thorized th an Ill The wa Show the F show chili ali 1 4 REVENUE- S Mary r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLOSE DAILY AT 6P MCREDIT SATURDAY AT 9 P M The Hub Solves Every Homefurnishing Prob lem With Genuine Underselling Bargains and EasytoLiveUpto CREDIT Terms Another Great Bed Combination Colonial iron Bed Mattress and Woven Wire Springs All For A bed combination that surpasses any value ever offered It consists of one new design Colonial Iron Bed like cut in white and gold blue and gold or green and gold one Cotton Top Mattress and one Voven Wire Spring all for the price of the bed 775 J J iiTn1115iEUUt- iii ¬ This Exact 1650 DRESSER 1t50 I Designed Quart rii Oakfinish Dresser with carved tcy shaped tandlLrds large oval Fren plate mirror and French leGs clear substantial construction I This Exact 15OO CHIFFONIER To Match Dresser 9E50 f A companion piece for the dresser the handsomest and best bunt Chiffonier ever offfrpj for the Highly quartered JJ oak finish fhe ubs- S Corner 7th and D Stse 4 S Beautifully p o I 7 TJ a4 t J p money polished E5 ± W C T U BRANCH MEETS Mrs Slnjpnon Presides at Heights Gathering The Washington Heights branch of the W C T U met Thursday in the Wash ington Heights Presbyterian Church The vice president Mrs Simpson presided Mrs F J Lukins conducted devotions and Mrs C Emlg sang a solo New officers of the union are President Mrs L F Olney vice president Mrs M E Simpson recording secretary Mrs B M Truby corresponding secretary Mrs C E Emlg and treasurer Mrs J M Willis Mrs G W Prewitt made an address- on cooperation of temperance and mis sionary societies The following were named as delegates to the annual con vention October 19 and 20 in McKendree Church Mrs E A Weeks Mrs C W Cuthbertson Mrs C W Richards Sirs W B Robinson Alternates Mrs Amelia Boynton Mrs Robert Gummell Mrs T E HJgleneld Mrs C L Curtis BETTER SERVICE DEMANDED Interstate Commerce Orders Two Improved Increased trafllc facilities with morO frequent service were ordered yesterday- by the Interstate Commerce Commission- on the Fourteenth str ei and Anacostia lines The order will go into offtct Octo- ber 31 The order requires fiveminute headway- on the Anacostia lines Instead of seven and onehalf minutes as now required The petition of the Capital Traction Com- pany for an extension of the summer schedule to October and November was denied and cars must be operated on the Fourteenth street line under throeminute headway Guard rails have been ordered for all open cars that pass trolley poles within three feet of the track Byron Andrews Dend Byron Andrews former owner of the National Tribune died at Janesville Win yesterday He left Washington several weeks ago with his family hoping to re gain his health Word was received here Thursday that Mr Andrews was getting better The chenille dtli to hive another inning B Connuh lon Lines In I J Washing- ton going TelilOgs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Lanman Engraving Floor POST BUILDING Halftone Work a Specialty Best Facilities for Line En- graving All Orders Executed by Expert Workmen Designing and Illustrating by Competent Artists Publishers and advertisers vhn use illustrations find it to their advantage to examine our work and prices Telephone Main 673 WANTS MORE ROOM Dr Vurfleia of FreedmenK hoe pltnl for hew Buildings In his annual report to the Se retar of the Interior Dr W A WarfieM sv- geonInchief at Fre dmens Hosplra urges the necessity of an addition to t hospital and tu erection of R stpaa building for tho housing of nurses I1 nurses home Surgeon Vwfleld report can be erected for W2JM will a suitable place for pathologtel work n addition Thor is an urgent need of larger pltal quarters Dr WmrileJd aswrts 1 cause of the demand for service ri Dr Warfteld also wants t eleven acres of hospital property fers i During the past yar a total of 2 3 In- door patients wore treated and IT v er received in the outdoor department Xea ly 1860 operations performed of which 645 were of a major nature The turbans with the very brim of black velvet are obntinuins in favor CompanySi- xth will especiall 8 and aft 1 i annually t deep straht Asks ore f ¬ ¬ >

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-10-16 [p …...to our animal societies is beyond compu-tation Hr Lefflinrwella Addre n Slaughterhouse reform was the topic handled by Dr Albert

THE msaiserras HERALD SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 1910



10 J



Best ClothesIn AmericaAl-

ans Store Make Fall Suits and Overcoatsare not merely as good as tailored to order clothesthey are better in every way They aredesigned by the highest salaried artists in the world

they are made of the very cream of the best woolensproduced this season arid they have a distinctiveness and a character in style fit and finishthat no tailor can imitate And they are not onlybetter but they cost less than madetoorder clothesAnd there is no gamble in buying them for theymust must satisfy you in every way oryou do not take them

The best dressed men at the society-

at the business AI S M

they get more satisfaction and savemoney by doing it

M S M Fall Suits and Overcoats

F ctiL iJoO

Worth or Money Back

Amman10057 Pa









clubsintheatersin circleswear


to 3500Mo-neys


S a




y 4-

lt5 S 1YY






3 t-




aThe return home is

a more joyfui one

with Electric Light1

to welcome you

A And living in a home equippedfor this modern illuminant is

more convenient and1

The cost very reasonableand the benefits derived are

I inestimable

POTOMAC POWER CO213 14th Street N W Telephone Main 7260


ttttmmm mmmn mmr-I

uII j II



Ii ij

is figtt UttW i


immmm nttt1TtttrTt1uwun umnmnmmnmm


IL i









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Handle Highlands J the samedistance from the CaDltoI ns DupontCircle Lots and building sitesfrom 50 to 1000 Easy termsU S Realty Company-

7th and Pa Avo N W

The Preference Isr Given COKE

Whtn it Is a qotttlon of fuel to55 us for cook ire you BO mWiks in

ehoooins It tfre eccvllfipt rwolt-cd i jrwiponsiTe supply coke at

J tttte iwiwj-

H S D b ls Ursa Ceke dtH ertd 1JO-

H M Lutlwls Lart deUrered U7052 ta Hwhes Lareo Coke deOifweJ SM-

iS lijfkeb Omhed Coke lieltvered U 6-

j M Dui trashed Coke5 60 UutJiels Crutbed Cote dHi erd J6JO



While you think of it telephone yourWant Ad to Ths Washington Heraldand ijfii will be seat you at 1 cent word



make aWe p

1del ftrodI r



mmtUunwtU tttuuumi








Now Is tho timeto purchase your

Dont put it oft another lay Wehandle only the best coal obtainableand youll find our prices reasonable

R J M C GRACEN E Phono Lincoln 233

H K FULTONE tabll bed ISra

314 9th St N W

Money to LoanWafclie ii Dllunonclfi nml Jevrelry


The Famous

N RYEV JMS aId J12i Order by

A Leo TENNESSEE 100 Bottle A-

J The Shoomaker1231 E Street N 4-

V Eitibllihed l 5i Phone Mtla tlSKa-

SJwtkd or ember pten rtllw in itjlasTored fr larj dreeiy ht


4th P Stul

r r10 1


PEnreD pbo

Co-t W

tf 1 r 9








+ +



Plea for Birds Last Note of

Weeks Conference


City In Scored for Condition of WorkHorses but Delegate Think fibsliitulity Watt LnclilnK Mrahuntington Smith of BostonBeads IntereJitliiK Paper

After a week of busy warfare in theinterest of suffering man and beast the

first American International HumaneConference adjourned at 4 oclock yestorday and the nearly 400 delegates beganreturning to their homes

Mter striking a friendly blpw for thehorses of Washington which wore de-

clared tho most abandoned over seen bymany of the visitors resolatlons werepassed yesterday deploring the slaugh-

ter of birds here and elsewhere condemn-ing moving picture shows of Impropercharacter urging street Improvementsfor the sake of hardworking drafthorses and denouncing bullfighting andovercrowding fowls and cattle in ship-

mentVote of Thiinks to City

A vote of thanks was extended toWashington for the hospitality accordedthe delegates

IV Francis H Rowley president ofthe Massachusetts Society for the Pre-

vention of Cruelty to Animals spoke atthe morning session on The animal andthe public health

The debt that all ranks of our socialowe to the societies for the preven-

tion of cruelty to animals for the longpersstent and coniiriuini struggle toprotect the unnumbered millions of creatures whose flesh is used for food frommans inhumanity he said to securePUC h legislation as shall make itible to bring thorn to the place of

slHiightcr in as fit condition as may bonrd as little liable to become unwholosome and poisonous as food from suf-ferings entailed by reason of hunger andthirst and abuse and fright this debtto our animal societies is beyond compu-

tationHr Lefflinrwella Addre n

Slaughterhouse reform was the topichandled by Dr Albert Lefllngwell ofAurora N Y and Mrs HuntingtonSmith of Boston submitted a pipershowing the need of properly conductedshelters for animals T W Tomlinsonof Denver George P McCabe solicitorof the Department of Agriculture andWilliam T Hornaday superintendent ofthe Bronx Zoological Park New l orkCity were other speakers at the morn-

ing session


MlnniaslpplanN Hold Firiit Meetingof Winter Season

The Mississippi Society of Washingtonheld its opening meeting of the seasonat Pythian Temple last night

President J W McCormick reviewedthe work of the society and told of theplans to make the meetings this seasonthe most pleasant of any held heretofore

The musical numbers on the programmeincluded a vocal solo by Miss MargaretHoward accompanied by Miss LouieDaleLeedes a piano solo by Mrs FredBeall monologue by Plnlay Hayes and-a short address by Capt Fred BealiMrs C V Pettoys had charge of theentertainment and refreshments


Petworth Club Entertainment Oneof Seruianft Best

Under the auspices of the Kappa EtaAlpha the boys club of the communityMiss Evelyn Rees Norcross the dramaticreader gave a recital in the PetworthMethodist Episcopal Church on Fridayevening

The programme Included interpretationsfrom The Lion and the Mouse and sev-

eral shorter selections of various kindsall rendered In a sympathetic nnd pleas-ing manner that held the attention of theaudience Miss Norcross was assisted byMrs Anna M Miller pianist The KappaEta Alpha is the only club for boys andyoung men In Petworth


Cleveland Park Building AVlll BeOccupied Xext Wednesday

Eaton School erected in ClevelandPark will ba taken possession of by theboard of education next Wednesday andwill be Immediately occunled

It is an eightroom structure costingJ60000 and Is considered one of the mostmodern scholhoueea In Washington Thefourroom addition to the Chevy ChaseSchool will be occupied tomorrow

The board of education will hold itsregular meeting next Wednesday

Watch for a City at Randle Highlands


Accident on EiiKtern Branch Serloufor Boy IlnntHiunn

While hunting English sparrows on theEastern Branch yesterday afternoonJohn Kendrlck nine years old of 1131

Penn street northeast was accidentallyshot in the right shoulder by a com-

panion Paul Zier fifteen years old of1132 Penn street

KendrIck walked to Twentyeighth andM streets northeast with his brotherWallace Kendrick and was removed toCasualty Hospital in an ambulancePhysicians ptobed for the bullet butwere unable to find it It is thought itlodged between two muscles near theright lung Kendrick will bo removed-to the Childrens Hospital today AnXray photograph win be taken in orderto locate the bullet and it is probable-an operation will be performed

Wonderful Aero Plights at College ParkRide out in a TTCO tadcab or touring

car Rate 3 hour Tel North 1212

J II Chamberlain Pushes AwayFuneral services for James H Cham

berberlaln a Georgetown merchant whodied yesterday will be held at 2 oclocktomorrow afternoon at Mount TaborM P Church Burial will be in RockCreek Cemetery-

Mr Chamberlain was In business InG orgotown for forty years He was atrustee anti steward of Mount TaborChurch and was afllllated with the OddFellows and Masons He Is survivddby his wife and eight children




















brary of Ccngref0r 9 a m to 10 p in onsecular day from 2 p m to 10 p m on Sundayssod on certain holidays During July August andSeptember dotes 1 p u Saturdajs

Public LibrirjOren 9 m to 0 p m holidaysD a oj to 9 p in Sundays 2 to 9 p m

White HouseOren 10 a m to 2 p mUnited States CapitolOpen 9 a m to 430 p rnCorcoran Gallery of AttrOrcn free Tuesday

Thursday Saturday 030 a IB to 4 p m Sunday130 to 130 p m Other dip 25c admls ioo

State War and X ry department Open 9 a2 p m original Declaration of Independ

once is in the library at the State DepartmentUnited States Treawry Open 9 a m to 2 p mUnited States Patent OfficeOpen 9 a in to 2

p ra-

Unlttil State Pension BureauOpen D a m to 1

P mUnited Po t ro 0p n 0 a m to 2 p mUaiMBston City PoUofficeOren all hours The

Dead Loiter Office k if the city postofficeNational Itotonie JaKlensOpan 8 a rn to 5 p mMali Oommlaflo 0 a to 4J30 p mArmy Medical MaieumOpaa 9 a HI ts ISO p mNational MweumOpro 0 n m to 4S p m in

eluding holidayAgricultural DtparttnentOpen 3 ra to 430

p m-

JtutMii of Engraving sad PrfntiazOpon 9 a mto 1J6 p m

WuhfMcMn IIocMMt SNtt feet in B sht OpB638 a to 420 p a Btorater raw fr m 9 a ato 4 p m-

Ss ttfeoutaN iMtUNtfonOroa 9 a m to 13-i m Usebxltoe boiMaiM-

Ooienuneat IMattoj OfflceQpee 10 a m to 2p

Nary YardOpaa 9 a m to 530 p mSouthwoith C Mth sad Vimxtt sicKay ilaaMonHowe of Fraiicia Scott Key

SUr fir ete l lUauer 3K3 M streetwet Open daily except Sued ay 9 a ra to 530p ra Admhaion free

IN TUB SUnunnsArlit fton Nttional CemeteryMount OHwt rnutery

Training Scbo for Beysubdefttburg-Xoofccfetl Itrk open all dayReck Creek Bridge and PackChevy Clinic and KctutogtdnNaval ObwTatoa Open 9 a m to 3 pMount Vrrnon the hens and tomb of Washing

ton Opeu 11 a m to 5 pUnited States Soldiers HomeOpen 9 a m to

mnactUnited States Naval Academy Annapolis Md


John S Rankin Won Captaincy forValor in War

Employe of Government PrintingOfncu for Jinny Years anti

Xative of Indiana

John R Rankin a veteran of the civilwar who w familiarly known as

Capt Rajikia WM f und 11 fel AS in hisbed yesterday morning at his home 15-

1MaasachuMtts avenua northeast Heartfailure is given a the cause Ho wassixtyeight year old a member of PhilSheridan Poet G A R tho Loyal Lo

and oUter aociaUes and had beenemployed at the Government PrintingOffice

When the civil war broke out he wasattending Asbury University and thoughbut eighteen years old he immediatelyenlisted in the Union Afteryears service he was commissioned firstlieutenant for bravery on the neW andbefore the end of the war attained therank of captain

Though Capt Rankin was Horn inIndiana he had been living here a long-time having worked in tho GovernmentPrinting Office for the last twenty yearsHe was prominently identified withthe Typographical Union in this cityHe always retetmed to Indiana at electiontime voting a straight Republican ticketa he had done all his life

He te survived by his wife and threechildren who may make their homehereafter in Indianapolis He will beburled in Arlington Cemetery TuesdayThe funeral arrangements are incomplete


Henry 11 F Mnofnrlnnd Will Ad-

dress Institute This AfternoonThe second days session of the How

ard University Bible Study Instituteopened yesterday with an hour with amodel Bible study class conducted byH S Elliott

How to enroll and maintain attendance was the subject of an address byW A Hunton who gave many valuablehints Harrison Elliott explained at theafternoon session the real object of Biblestudy

Eerciaes will on m this morning attM nHth an aftdroee by Thomas J JonesDr E I Parks will talk on the spiritual basis of the Bible study move-ment

The feature of the lay will be an address at 4 oclock by Hwnry B F Macfarland who will take as his subject

The Bible study from the standpointprofessional man The institute will

come to a close with an address byHarrison S Elliott

K of C

More than 1006 District Knights of Co-

lumbus will attend the annual vesper

service of the order in St Vincent dePauls Church this afternoon at 4W

J OConnell state chaplain of the or-

der will be the celebrant and Rev PJ Meagher 0 P will preach Musicwill be rendered by the sanctuary choirof St Pauls Church

1 MoistsRealize that a sup-

ply of cool drinkIng water IB ablessing when outon a long run overcountry roads

The Veco BottleRegistered

will keep a generous amount ofwater Ice cold for 72 hours orkeep any liquid hot 24 hours

Costs Only 100The Vaco Bottle is no more a

luxury but a necessity Everybottle guaranteed


Wholesale and Retail Druggists



O n tn



apthor-of The







Vesper Service Today














> ¬












Estimates for District May

Exceed 12000000


Schools Come in for a Goodly ShareProvision for Mnuy NewTenchem Increane In All I 1

GOOjOOO Figures from Branches ofPublic Service Trimmed

Estimates tot the operation of the Dis-

trict government forwarded yesterday bythe Commissioners to tl Treasury De-partment aggregate more than 1200000-0an increase of jl500000 over the previousyear The estimates cannot be publishedaccording to law until after they aresubmitted to Congress

In the increased expenditures made pos-

sible by the DlstrlcVa larger revenuethe schools will fare well with an ap

of about tf000600 Provisionsar made for many now teachers andadditional building sites

The reclamation of AnacostI flats Willow Tree Alley the purchase of the Montrose tract for a public park and the construction of a bridge across Rock Creekat Q street are Important Items in theyears budget The lastjf Congress

the purchase 1 the Montrosetract but the Comptroller of the Treas-ury held that the act did not contain anappropriation for purpose

Economy All AroundPolice and lire departments will tare

well in the estimates though Chief Wagners recommendation for an appropriation of J75009 for high water pressure Is

not embodied Title Item has been ineluded in the estimates for several years

Though the increase in estimates isnearly 1540000 the Commissioners haveforced economy In every department Thefigures from every branch of the publicservice have been trimmed until brought-to the present total


G 4C ShinIer anti D S Barry Ap-

pointed LieutenantsGeorge 1C Shuler of New York City

and David S Bary will bo appointedsecond lieutenants in the United StatesMarlue Corps tilling vacancies caused byretirement of Col Paul St C Murphy

Second Lieut Paul J LeveringBarry is the sun of David S Barry

wlio is a prominent newspaper man ofWashington being for many years headof the New York Sun bureau In thiscity


of Dennis Horizon In Admittedto Probate

will of Dennis Hodges 260R Pstreet northwest who died October 12

died yesterday giving his daughterR Horigan property valued at

SlUM and his personal estate which hasnot yet boan valued

Mr Horigan left an estate of tfiOOOO

consisting of houses in Georgetown Theremainder of his estate went to his threesons William D Horigan Dr Joseph AHorlgant of Kansas City and FrancisHorigan of Baltimore

One of the oldest residents of the Dis-

trict Mr Horigan was for flftytwo yearsconnected with the Naval Observatorywhore he had become a fixture

Beautiful October Weddingstrade more beautiful by Glides exquisitefloral work 1214 F at


Commissioner Rudolph AVlll Preside-nt Householders Exhibit

With thQusands of tickets sold throughthe medium of local organizations theNational Manufacturers and Household-ers which opens at ConventionHall Monday October 24 promises aunique disolay

Commissioner Cuno H Rudolph willofficiate at formal opening and willdeliver an address Gen George H Har-ries will follow Mr Rudolph on theplatform and President WilliamGude of the Chamber of Commerce willconclude the trio of opening addresses

After the opening exercises the Knlshtsof Pythias headed by Grand CommanderWiHey will march into the hall Theuniform rank K of P will be presentand Washington Company No 1 CaptFred Pelzman commander will marchIn uniform and may give an exhibitiondrill CoHwell Company No 7 Capt Wil-

liams commanding will act as escortOne of the features of the exhibition

will bo the display of the WashingtonFlorists Club which has secured 10500

square feet in the and will set upa replica of the famous Fushlmi Moun-

tain of JaanBrothers RelinquIsh Claim

In order that flowers may be placed-

on the grave of John S Farrell whosewill contained a codicil to that erectand was declared Invalid by Justice GouldIn Probate Court five brothers have re-

linquished all claim to the estate Theestate was yesterday conveyed to MrsMary J Farrell the mother who canuse the money set aside for decorating-her sons grave for twenty years Theestate Is valued at 4000


EXCURSIONS TODAYKorfolSt and Washington Steamboat Compaaji

steamers from foot of Sercnth rtrvct for Old PointComfort and Kerfolk at 615 p m

Steamer Charles JTacalester for Mount Wrnonleans Seventh street wharf at 10 a m acd 239p m

Can from Fifteenth street and New Tort arenaotrjr Quarter hour for Zoo Park Chair Chaw andCenainfton

Washington Baltimore and Annapolis ElectricRailway operates sixtythree limited trains each daybetween Washington and Baltimore tearing Fif-teenth it and New York are on the hour and halthour Alto hourly trains to Colonial Annapolis andthe great United States Saul Academy

Cars from 15th H sta ne White Howe Sta-tion every half hour 6 a m to 12 p m to MtOliret Lapdco Brcntwood Bladeosbarg-

SSc Our Famous Stews 25cPhila Oyster Chop House 513 11th nw

Criterion IVhUky Full QuartJohn T Crowley f31 14th st nw

Restaurantannounces the arrival of choice Lynn

havens Cape Cod Salts and Blue Pointoysters also New England soft clamslobsters and other deep sea delicacieswhich will be prepared and served inHarveys original and inimitable style

New features at Harveys this seasonare a special dinner menu of choice entries roasts c ready to serve between6 and S and special aftertheater supperdishes all well cooked and properlyserved Music Is a special feature at allmeals

Freshest and DeBt In fven FoodsPhila Oyster Chop House 513 nth nw










































The Hub Solves Every Homefurnishing Prob

lem With Genuine Underselling Bargains and

EasytoLiveUpto CREDIT Terms

Another Great Bed Combination

Colonial iron Bed Mattress and Woven Wire

Springs All For

A bed combination that surpasses any value ever offered Itconsists of one new design Colonial Iron Bed like cut in white andgold blue and gold or green and gold one Cotton Top Mattressand one Voven Wire Spring all for the price of the bed 775






This Exact 1650


1t50 I

Designed Quart riiOakfinish Dresser with carved tcyshaped tandlLrds large oval Frenplate mirror and French leGs clearsubstantial construction


This Exact 15OO

CHIFFONIERTo Match Dresser

9E50 f

A companion piece for the dresserthe handsomest and best bunt

Chiffonier ever offfrpj for theHighly quartered JJ

oak finish

fhe ubs-

S Corner 7th and D Stse






7 TJ



J p

money polished




Mrs Slnjpnon Presides atHeights Gathering

The Washington Heights branch of theW C T U met Thursday in the Washington Heights Presbyterian Church Thevice president Mrs Simpson presidedMrs F J Lukins conducted devotionsand Mrs C Emlg sang a solo Newofficers of the union are President MrsL F Olney vice president Mrs M ESimpson recording secretary Mrs B M

Truby corresponding secretary Mrs C

E Emlg and treasurer Mrs J M WillisMrs G W Prewitt made an address-

on cooperation of temperance and missionary societies The following werenamed as delegates to the annual convention October 19 and 20 in McKendreeChurch Mrs E A Weeks Mrs C WCuthbertson Mrs C W Richards SirsW B Robinson Alternates Mrs AmeliaBoynton Mrs Robert Gummell Mrs TE HJgleneld Mrs C L Curtis


Interstate CommerceOrders Two Improved

Increased trafllc facilities with morO

frequent service were ordered yesterday-by the Interstate Commerce Commission-

on the Fourteenth str ei and Anacostialines The order will go into offtct Octo-

ber 31

The order requires fiveminute headway-on the Anacostia lines Instead of sevenand onehalf minutes as now requiredThe petition of the Capital Traction Com-

pany for an extension of the summerschedule to October and November wasdenied and cars must be operated on theFourteenth street line under throeminuteheadway

Guard rails have been ordered for allopen cars that pass trolley poles withinthree feet of the track

Byron Andrews DendByron Andrews former owner of the

National Tribune died at Janesville Winyesterday He left Washington severalweeks ago with his family hoping to regain his health Word was received hereThursday that Mr Andrews was gettingbetter

The chenille dtli to hive another inning


Connuh lonLines











Lanman Engraving



Halftone Work a SpecialtyBest Facilities for Line En-


All Orders Executed by ExpertWorkmen

Designing and Illustrating by

Competent Artists

Publishers and advertisers vhnuse illustrationsfind it to their advantage toexamine our work and prices

Telephone Main 673


Dr Vurfleia of FreedmenK hoepltnl for hew Buildings

In his annual report to the Se retarof the Interior Dr W A WarfieM sv-geonInchief at Fre dmens Hosplraurges the necessity of an addition to thospital and tu erection of R stpaabuilding for tho housing of nurses I1nurses home Surgeon Vwfleld reportcan be erected for W2JM willa suitable place for pathologtel work naddition

Thor is an urgent need of largerpltal quarters Dr WmrileJd aswrts 1

cause of the demand for service riDr Warfteld also wants t

eleven acres of hospital property fers iDuring the past yar a total of 2 3 In-

door patients wore treated and IT v erreceived in the outdoor department Xealy 1860 operations performed ofwhich 645 were of a major nature

The turbans with the verybrim of black velvet are obntinuins infavor



will especiall


and aft

1 i



deep straht





