washixgtox. a railroad horror · washixgtox. flwiabl-oobiipfbok1hewati01al capital. a bill in...

WASHIXGTOX. flWI aBl- OOBIIP FBOK1HE WATI01AL CaPItAL. A Bill in Kanehstter't Interttt Tht B»v: I Cot*-rn lt Ita- Rtcop- tir»B. Brr .. our Kftfala >i.t.' \\ . '.mary IO, N!r. Wis*. . \ bill for the , tic budding at Manchee- of an W !>. c.. t i li nt /.«, har*j taylor; a States and anti Naval Cob rank and p-> ''¦¦ Donielle, and i I Goff ; "ii i isk, i I* it. Pe ; ( ' a Mr. . th. ir t the v. i l HF' ' crowd npon \ M rs. a ind ti," r of thi I; titit-d f tho Itet ,t leas! ri I ; rill be our next M i : in i Hint ii i om; in ks. .*r., the In- iver- the i rials of I \" iciatii ii sud M. .. fai t conni.Hi' r. ,1, with , U'la- Mr. non for tbe appointment mitI indeflnitel*, ld I tn unation I int.. tbe buo- t sud pay I to t!i" tat nd of ! ,.., i ,lll ol' .dr. I:, rrj off« red a where the |l cb d tl.un Citisena either ill- property thal tbe I shall bs ... to the United Bi Mr. - irgoed that the ..ould create j.'. in the of tba lufL Mr. lit-rrv explained the put] '.nu nt ami adi tion Mr. Peck aai.l that tb nt hail Ih i, talked rsaaliy van I .. 1 iti..'.,.-' I "H.' l that tl !<. rally opp .. I t>. it, thinking that it uoul i ba ia the way of rtieltietit. and that fl aav wah to have tata BBOm ¦ paid to the htavaund kane* the aibxena to pnrau* . them. 'Ihe resolution waan jed. .1 \.as, 14 J Slr. Bael stated that as all direct taxes ¦ uniform it wo t-ct tba direct tux from the huttt-a «hicti lind m>t paid it, or:.. r< lund to those Hutt h which had paid it the amount /oj-t-dirt-Iy paid l.y them. The latu-r waa wild tin- lull propOBi d to do. Mr. liruy favored the BSB~b*BM of the b.ll, but argued that bb the Ktutrs had -it*lt .iir.eilv with th* OeneralOovern* llieot, BO the (i>. ut ral tioVtlli lit hhould dasi cdisvtij with kb* bUtea m teiuiivi- ng tho amount, anrl he moved to tinko ad Hm proviso in th* third h- ctiori that rta BJ the tax waa eollretcil eitherittrect- f tm by th., cala of property tbs sums 0 tadd were to be bald ia trust f..r tbs » milt of th.- h.ira <.f those from whom hey ware Ha .- tusidl ft rj h imp.-rini' th* bill mt. moved to amend tho >rovi»., to be struck ont by naklng spp y 01 ra tba ..ted liv ih- I nited Ht itea, tarted lo, ".t 2 o'clock the hill *** ..I i.*i I" s ithout 'mt',er action. Mr. Chandler offered a rt-aohifion in- itrUCtiCg the .lilllie.ul-. pur" mt., tin- tojipreasion of \ . solora! citiw ii* <.f Jackson, M. he r. -. nt municipal election .nd nc i participat on il not Ittorney and by tlc- Deput ector ot In!' t:. il Ret jn.e io. I I '. puty United on tba able. Thc Benet. 1:,, thc c, n lideratii u <>' the Blah oi I. made a ina! ii. \t the close "f Mr. Wilson'a apeeeh Mr. Coke obtaim d Al i by Mr. Bntli r I'lth'i. of tbs Tree- ¦ atmy and ates to lands m actually j-1 ¦' k! I'.j'T e> nt. ii took np cv '..r fi\:a thu Ju itli I. of 1.. (,> : . I.am h to bi ipreme ... .,f tia i littee sub Mr. i repot! :lu. Judiciary (!onn ittee on t. n of U'd'itm r. . ,11 to bc the Inti lur. Mr. -ii'ii, r. fr "i: the Poat-<Hflce ("om- "ii tin nomin 11 .M. ia ... i.ir. Ad- ha devoted loexecntivi I uni tn- Soi it ..." P. M.. :, Noaa* ni K<iiti*eiui,i!,,..,. 'I he Bpe ikt r announced tin H).jK,irit el, of Alabama, and ..'r. Pl .' v, as hu mix r- fl Mcansami to I : ¦. ! urn*, of Missouri, from tl "ii -.ppropi iii, ur ul. and lt Whs ll -terrel 9 1 he r thi Auction of Pills untinished yeaterday viss po, bills were introdnct I uni referred aa follows: I'y Mr. Woodburn, of Neva.".: I'i thc purchase of not 1< t>i thai rer bullion pei ." into dr. < fall in ger, of St w Him For tb iblic si rvic*. bill reqnu lissa] of sll ¦, ice -'¦ h" nr not cit i eitbi i tivitj ur ii ituralizatinn.! Wy Mr Wi I New York; To an¬ the refunding of the national nto and .Udah <i By Mr. Henderson, of North na I'., prescribe the t. rm of .,lTic.- ol [lersons < mployi ,| in the civil service. By Mr. Nichols, of North < 'ai lol- t!., repeal ot the internal-revenui laws. I'y Mr. McClammy, of North Caro the ( "Hon of a public build itytttville, Mr. Cowies, of North Carolina nd dc puty i. to collectori of inti r uni rcvei I;. Mr. Imn ona, nf North <' .- For the erection of a public budding al S. C. li' mer, of Pennsylvania I'o mei. ce the penaionsof those whi bave i, ia or who an di a! endorsed by tbe Unit < Maimed-Hohbera' ns and tht ii.md Army oi il e Republi 'h Carolina To prohibit Hu- use of i-tovea or oi lamps mi i Uao, ti I whi"! i ni tin- ir- aanry maj pur uiid. By Mr. Phelan, '¦. ..: Ti ry sysl >m tis. Cy \l r. Knloe, of Tennessee: T< i.t.i. iii it money oi I counterfeit n Bj .Ur. Wis., "f Virginia for tin .i of a public building ut .Men By Mr. T. H. Browne, of Virginia the wid, nrfmen who I"- theil livi in ile lim- ot dii'y. Ai-o. .'ni the erectioi .t Newport News \a. Bv Mr. Guenther, of Wisconsin : T< erect" -'"ll for the lli\esti\'a tum of ile- istioi nfl for it- pricea ol .: '.!r. forwood, "I toorgia : Foi tho erection of a public building al hi. med. Ihe 4 .it hon. *, ttl' lt I eli iii on (J lo Itu PreaMeni. atc*" Wai ii orson, Janusrj ;. The a beautil Ajrofist lie meet I !- Va., li ration of tbe jubilee o Pope Leo Xiii., al which ri * w. re adopt- .1 1 the p dd to oar H.. j o den jubili c." snd nt whici (lowing remarks wi rc include ii au addi f Iii ': ic nd " While id t ace al! undi r theil conf i..tu : -'u to on Father, (nt bestts sn tribute t, \. ..lt ut of ihe United wno bat Mi.', hu llolim-.s a beautifully n SJ bowl a',.. ¦. our Ultrai ' Roman t-iii, and I , but I t himself a Catholic, - . I BC! llaiep, llicl-.t!- (>t ali narrow-minded influences AI honor to the I sidenl who gen. intatpteted l.y his aotion the spirit am letter of ont glorious Constitution.H Vf« \atlouul Hank Kill. Itt* WaBBUXOrTOB, .binn try lil. The bil introdncedby Senator Vootbeea to-da; in relation ti"> tb* national bankin'* aa sociati. i - was prc pan d by Comptroller ol tin -i cieney Ireuhi'Iai and embodie amendments w tbs national bankin- . ,| by th >i e!v''< r from timi t. tune. A statSBSent int pited l.y l.n troller of tba provisions an.l pur ni ihe bill J*- submitted witl it, from which it appears timt th. s that officers of bank bhail constitute a majority ot the board of direct is; require that the dineUna shall take oath tt inform theaneolvi condition of the bank; forbids the Ot ','iitii/atioii of national banks witi Lmnches; divides national banks ink two chi**ea.thoac with a canitul offfSSO, having mot* thai that amount of capita] ; rtduees th amount of bonds niptm fl lo I*' fl*9p0Sat i .! by smaller hanks trorn one colart, tw om- tenth of their capital, am thad, by larjier banks from goO.OOO t, B^ojTJOO; provides for ih<- custody am ination of pla- am thus UMrSti ut pxmtuig naUvttai t-aui nntf-s, ond for the do*«»nie»ion of mab*- ' rmi no louder in nae; .?i-riiiits mitiuiiid Wuk note* to be oount*M b* part of tho com r. Borra i baaks; ia*asaia I i|,un ic nt that bunks pxtcndinir their oorparata sxisteaoe shall, after boras se*!*, deposit lustful OlOIlOJ t > ti amount of their outstanding oirculii- r-xtenda lo th» * nt ir national bunk cu ntlatiOB the pt^viaioni of the law winch ii -. rs.- ti. t!i mi. I er profi! aria s from the fa imiiki; extending their eorporal ice t. redeem tii*--r not i Milk* nt t:, soaping a eaah res. rsv against the (rovi rnment de- p.,-n*: gives more elasticly tothe \ i u's l-iii.n ol tbe Law whs h ii.-:.ns to one tenth the capital of bank loans of money; provitjN * >king lunns t'outrarv to Isa ; n net i fruin tv ford. Uv in trausmitl be pro¬ vision aa to a semi-annual tit. upon cir* inc the 1 oaks I rora tbe . tm dicola*! nj un tbe minimum di bombi required by lass-; secures to na-1 batiks adi rtion against "Nt" nnd muntcipal taxation nnd al i uv them ot a dia id- vantage in competition -sith corporo- - Limier ape- sn 1 malu s it I ry to allix law to drtmUting notes printed for na- ! batiks. the Deficiency t.i,r,.»',.n lilli. IKyt' Washinot. ', in bill report, d to the ' ila} tl by the failm * cy bill of ipnationa for tho dt ti'i' and prior yt ara, :.' Hie ii.! ..-. ft cooditi in of tbe il or alters in their n number of items included bill. '1 be np ti'.ii fur I'lintiiit-: sUver certifl otes sad two liar not mini)'. bill np- "1 308, vs lille thc I aaa upon in thi parried a toto) appropriation of Imoe foraboiil mid snotl DOO for tl., i: ivy, 1 bet ss. re :. d in Ihe r I'he only turo of ll is the following paraj rapl, which wns nt the instance Al en,. i ..nt ral: " I bat do part of ony appro] isl in mode for the judi- ony civil ollie t vs hu has neg- i make hi* r. turu andi r section B33 of the Rt tat dStatufc x I, manner os thc '-f rm -( leneral d i-'ct. mi th' At)..!rn ;,-. leneral is i"!lcd".'!! to approve for payment but bitch account nnl* ia ho is satisfied thal ithfully sccounted for all . I ii .1 be includi d in the return, and tbat lur making dock ts and indexes, taxing costs ami u!l .tiler services on trial, argument, or og of ii qui stion ol' ju monal privi- a herein di ciaion ia rt nd red, the shall Ins ol tbe larg) -t appro- for re payment to importera of excessive de- in customs Huit-i nnd another of dhil.M t for arm*/ tronaporta A ipeiultui ni tn Un* I mist ll lit lon. illy tell graph t" ii minis- 10..Ml introduced in tlie Huns.- to-day a joinl resolution following omendmt at to the tion namely: le X\ I, f-. cl ni. Congreti ihall have puvs.r to grant aid to the public- it 'hool syot< m ol tin- several Bl the I inion. n dion -. The aid so grant ,1 ah tm milhun dollars annually, to be distributi <1 pro rata among iii oil lt bl.Sis Ol illili appropriation so mode shall be paid to the p non or ¦it- d by .iii i'i ol the Legn-latnre b Htate which bIi ill -p. rift tba! thc l.ceivid shall be expended for public achoo! pinpi-, i ali Section I- Con i ia shall i ol tbe expenditure of ti." sp* bi rein providi d fur, but it mus- ie- i ju ire >t report from the Stat" officer or it sim; the esme, nnd if it sbsll appear from ri t; al tbe aid bo grant* d. or ont p irl ol it, boa d< ded fur ¦ ol purpos b, it mny withhold from subsequent appropriations an amount equal to that .spend, d. The I'orean l'.ml>u»s> . [Bj Wism v.i<>n, duiimiry 10.-.The princi pal members of the Coreen Embassy called at tbe Department ol State to-day and poid their respects to -. Bayard. Arrongemente were made for their in lo ti;.' Pp ni. ni in a (csv days lt is, thi -tii-n.lly settled that tbe Kmbasaj still be officially Si crotorf 1.uiiiar. SI lld Wai :. .ir ti ->!. in.ur., .i li .nc of hi nuts at Iii to-day. Ai tar}* Muldrow assumed the duties of the office ol ry p uding the rmation of Mr. \ A (teni (it tn Ullin it'I lieut rr. lefrapta t tl January 10..At the eon evicts ol' the In nell contingeut of the Salvation Army ia tbe theatre Francais last uighl an attempt i i the building on nra by i.ii ki: uss n person. Thc il! ce nd lil rc s secreted themselves during the and afb r the tbi atrt stn. closed piled a * ty of shavings and matches to- i, mptied the contents of a hottle of ooal-oil on thia, anti Ure to it. Fortunately tbe police w.re attracted by the glare and managed tu extingnioh the ilaroc* >n is t-Npres-, ,1 the bt ti r cl isa of French Canodiana for tbe daat-ordly action. Altnelti-U lev Indian*. |Hy telagrapa to ti, Dtaj Tombstorb, A d'.. January 10..Sn- perintendent Russell, ol the Sim Pablo miiie, in Sonora, arrived here yet .,: taya i party of tour m.-ii wt re ott icked uinety mill ¦ s.mtli of j .vp.nd,es. One ot the prospector* named Jacobs waa killed. andVBigJake Offer wns mortally wounded. The other men fought the Indiana off aad theo escaped. dims sir" thoughl to be the tome that d '.lom General Miles nt the time t.f iit ionia t i iubn adi r. nnd have dace been midiii^ Southt ru Sonora. A Paii.iiiMir Mint. Bffapfe to me i)i ; Biea.1 Ai-1-., .hu.nary Ml. . Ness.* st.is received lure Ye-f. id i_V (if tile shootingol Poym -'< r Ktaffin nt u rail- v, .\ , in u ii.- i urmiagham .Min. nd railroad. Ha lac um* ii.vulv. d m * row With B BOgrO, nnd another iief.ro cuii- |.1 lied bim itt- of h r. .- bold up !»,-> ciimi* while bia .. shot lum. llutlili it fctill Baise, but will Hluiost cert.iinly tin-, ihe tVHBTO who i dui tin* (-hooting escaped, bm -.. uer ia in jail hi te. - Ihe Uentiiehx Nena! oraltlp. i ii:y t.iek-iui.h io til.- DtoaooaTa,] > Lortsv im.e, Kv., .January lu..The Ki Mucky Lesgialatars rotaa t<> d.iy fur "titor. lu the li' buhot riBiiltt-d : Jan.es B, Heck il'cm.,- crut). 86; Hom \V. O. bradley (iaVepub- - bcuui, 2\ ; A. S. Cardin (I.alx»r), 1. In the Senate Reck. 88 ; Bradley, 7. To- i monow at uixm the joint buhot will be I Uk. ii aud tue form of mskiug Bael asa- I alor for another Uiiu vi bi* veal* will bc a Cla-WplvtVli, A RAILROAD HORROR FRIGHTFUL ACCintNT TO THE POBT. LABD ffalj EXPRESS. A Derailment Canttt lad Brtvoa-ffiaa Par- toni Xilltd and Many Woandta-Par- tiealart of tht Dltatttr. [Ur t*lefr»pri to thu Dlspat.-ti.l Mwii'.i'.i. Mans , January 10,.The Portland express which left Heston for Portland st I o'clock met with a Beriona nt, ut Bradford this aftcm- oa while cr"*»iDK the'lbiverhill bridge over i-.vcr. Ihe train con¬ ni s locomotive und eight cars, lt had passed "ii to the bridge from the Bradford sida ia safety, when siui- di niy lin- fi rw.irl trucks of the Munker broke. Tba Bato**** wits hurled npon its side, Pwo coaches were tlir.,-\n off ths track ami coin- pletely wiec ed, being piled up against the Bradford os^boase, The iiain a is a lune Riid tunning at ordinary spaed, a ftre-alarni ara* sound- t d mn.itiliiiti ly, ar.d tie th rsartmsnt re- spondi d, but their services were not Hf il. rs did not take tire. i moned find the wounded and dying were rapidly cared for. Sting the WTeck was immediately pushed forward with .. Al '-'r.'V' o'clock hi bodies had Liken from the Wit "k. Sim lid ol them were disfigured beyond "recogni¬ tion. The hat of killed, as far aa can be a.-". rtained, is ssfollows John < ''Brien and dohn Maddin, of bradford (railroad io null, ; C. P. Ooo Iwin, wit.-, snd child, of Kinochnnk, Maine, aad an un- D mun lu.vin | in las pocki t a canl o.i which *.' is tin- ii,nae "d. ll,i.'i"ton." / [woof tbe dead men aud one of Un :. ly won ided WI rc rail¬ road section-men, who were ins small j tba side of the "toad, winch was destroyed by the cara crash¬ ing into it. Nil e bodies have been taken out of the wreck. Fifty-two pas- rs \ .r" v onndi d, son ol them badly. A uni!; h ive 1». ti taken to t!i" ei1;. hospital The sccidi n! happened betwi n BredVord station and th-- bridge, mid wns caused l y the taili 00 a curve whets made to run on the bi Ige, The amoking-car mu en tu the brid'.:.' and turn* d -. ¦. rm coach smashed nit., th. water-tanl bouse, and the othei throogb tin se PDBTUBB DBTAttS or THK r>ls.*.sT--p.. Thi* train does not stop at Bradford, snd was going al great speed, Tbe <,, orgi toa ii br landing . \ neat the uf"r-t ink bouse, at ti:- Bradford end ol tbe bridge, wait t ti:- \|'i' I to p -ii-.i r to lin'" I lull. Aa the express rounded tbe curve two - and wml d i lolishing the wah r lank ',. this bouse a nt tion hands wi re i sting diam r, J. (i'll, an, a r tin d merck int ol Iking with tbe auction banda, and waa killed, tog. thet witb Taylor,om ol tbe hil" car that into tbe t ink bouse knocke 1 thi oonda- ut, tiltiii<_-; the heavy tunk upon th crushing (brough tbe t >\> o! the car und doing fi stitt] within. '1 be n st ",.r behind il a -.ii" car ;,h< ad of it, adding to the h.i\" I illi d and woondoo were mostly io these two car". '. behind tin si ran down alongside thi getown train, bai q with tbe engine of tbal ?r,.iu. Thi p. opie m the imoker I I ol expo ii. nee. i in of ti,.- v, tu el * on tbe ir,,-ii 'nick broke an ! I imped sgainsl the end ol th" bl ing the car t. careen, and it ran upon the brui., distance upon tbe tlei p.i then the other way and ii,.- iron-work of thi >-ide of the bridge, 'i be p. whom Hare were sb foiim th. liiM-b. .-* nt tia top Ol tl." eal'. While i who had auflicien! pn a ii mind lo think that the cat ** hiing off the bridge to the river bi ii, igi out, none ol thi .. injured. Such as were sble rushed bael "l|'i d those who were imprisonei in the wn* ked t li". :,. ire f. o'.- of physici ms in Brad ford w..s summoned by telepho they were quickly at band, and tin wounded were oared fur aa Boon ns re r ; ,1, wm W01 *"TB*D. Tlc following l- acorrected list of tb killed: i I renee Hazlewood, residence on All. John O'Brien, of i . .". i. iv, ri, \u;e, and child, o Kennet,uni. William !V.y!.,r, section hand. A. I,. Walker, of Uarrison, Mc Charles rhurlow, of Newton Junction N. H. Josephus bhaw, of boston. .it.a n people ar.- too si riotislyhur to be moved from Havt-rhill. Borneo them "'ill undoubtedly die. A majorit* o! tbe wounded wera able to proceed ti their hon,, -. ¦i iii: si nu.s r. Thc ¦- supposed to bi onetl by a switch-rod bteakin* tbe engine and three forward car had passed over tbe switch. '1 he whet ls axles, snd journals were found to b Bound after ti.- aoeident lin- switel and., badly brokei that it i.s impossible at {'resent to BSCi t tain tin* exact truth. The train wai ons of the fin* st i quip ped 00 the ti ad. lt was rum cording to the engineer's story, ai anon eighteen milea au hour. Alter thi smoking-cat had broki n apart from tb rear portion ol thc train cud boitndei i.a h.,rd on tba bridge the air brake on the eat was autouiati cally applied, and tb* car wa thrown on its side. It is proballeths let foi th;.- brake tl I bat falk n into the ic lu.ind Merrimac river one hundred feet below. Ihe bani pin atringers of tb* bndga were badly splin but the bridge, which ia ot iron withstood the severe -sirain and waa ii no way injured. [here wert al.out forty passenger*, ii the smoking-car ss mar as can b learned, but they all escaped witbon although nearly idl o them wen- badly shaken up and a nun; ber had th. ir clothing torn from thei bodica All of the cars were BOJUipp* with tho o beater, and n portioit of the. cars Caught Falllnar HIT tn Cake Nblpmeuta. [Hy tel*praph tu ths iJlspnti'h.) PirrsBOSOH, Jannary io..On accour of tl, ding off in coke shiv ne nts within the pi«t mouth coke open tOtS nave been oom pt ih-d to close dow tiieir nv, ns two days a week to prever market A few month peratora complained of acarcit-. c bul at pt! BSnl they havo more car than they have ute for. Th* cause i ii'ii-tiuii in tba demand of coko tb* abutting down of raii-unlls. It '. iu tb* ^tru-*(-le now i ki .Timi manilla', tun rs and railway BM04SJSBS Ba* hut" decided not to pntcbaas ney rails unt the j.r.ct WBB n-diii'ed 'to tfJO iht tot ni n: iiiulactur-rsstill dt-iuaud fnu $3.1 U> |35 per ti>n, and upon one pn text after another have dosed down th nulls one bj one, Mime to make repair Bte , until to-day nearly all of the stet- rad india of tia- country are idle. an IWBas.Ifa Dania*-* Bait. (By taleerapn v> tnt .Msimb-ti.1 Jackson, Ibbdx., January lu..At tl; term of the Circuit t'ourt which coi veutd vi st.rday one of th*- most witt re» kaj suits for ilamag.¦ v. r tried in tl Btate waa flailed, lt is the case of bbs* Fr.ilerick Uoward, D. D., pastor of ti i Central t'uptibt church in this oity, fi , $0,000 damagi-* Bnaiuat -tuleen of ti. leading merni**-*** of tho First Baptist chnrch, inciuditiu* tlc pastor, and 1 alto spiinst the Forked Demr t Hlarlc, of thia city, thu 7Win**--- Bmptist, at Memphis, rind the Baptist Re/lector, ol Chut'snooct. Th* papers v included in the snit published a Btrong s article la 18B6as*ntad by **ixti sb members j of thc Firs! Baptist chnrch, in which the peat record of Dr. Howard was painted ni very diirk colors. They charged tint he hod 1-orue two or three otiose* in South Carolina nnd Georgia hs "Howbtt." "Hewlett."mid "Howard"; teat be bod el.,ped arith .mother min'* wife ia South Coroliaa trlstr-i * with aagross; hud bee,j guilty of male-j c feaaance while un otntsal, and other 11 (lamBginir charges. Howard tosaEag- lishman by birth, nnd bis father live* in ( London. Both aid.- have tokeatola-ll minons testimony in Europe, and Attar- t ness Hnllock, for tin* deft i. and H. 1). t for t'ne plaint ill", baVS jn-t ta- I turii'd from South Carolina and (our- 1 gat, where ti., y have s Birched the court r-cords and takes di p. -itiotis corn- I prising hun.ir< ds of pages, bminr-nt J di st hus i. ..,*_ hqJ the 3 case Mill bs ably bandied. j TUe ni-u.liiu Nlrike. j < fliy te,a.-ft.,,r, tottas I'lapati-ti.] t rmi.Ai.r.i.r;:iA, damian, 10..One of I the Beading strikers at Sorriotown laat < night attacked sn engineer upon his lo-1 i e .motive nnd knocked lum nowa with a t pUng-pinand it took three men t drive the riot i from tbe engine und :ir- 1 r.-st him. Ha i.-) now locked np awaiti trial. i Titers wa* no meeting of tho General \' Execrative Boord of Kaighta of Lath rtt> . lav, beean*!* univ three cuiil.l er and it requires four a qnornm. Barry, Aylenevorth. and 11 tsry Hay. i ure her.. Mc< loire, Carlton, and Bail yule moving about I country mid cutinut be found pron If ono of tlic-n .sin,did :. j,i,ir to-uigbt the formalities preceding a i wouldretinire another d About I*.") cars of coal passed down the lag toad to-day, all from individ¬ ual miii'-s. Bach ol these mint i ¦ river the Reading rood have a c of .'ki'i ci rs p. r day; bul aome "f it is dropped along the rood before reaching Reading. Bevel us 'Jd per cnt. al ova tb I' have been offered by ownera of individual mil es. bul tl ir mi n r. filled ii emil v., re to i ma over the Reading road, Nobs ol tbs Schuylkill min,ra nave cs yel experioaoed the al¬ fi et of the sin!." ,-i ;, Jinan 'ill sv iy. There is still due them p iy, which .1 he .iv will dis!ni,Ute theil the ie i'lir.si'ii.ruiA, .lu, ry IO tts bring an earlj a ttl< ol' til' entirely within tue rsnge of probability. it is leained tl H. Whiting, uf pony, held Quite . renee with " leroi ifanogi r McLeod and other Readl of high rank to- day, ami altin uah oil of those concerned an- extreme.*/ reticient aa t.> who! ipired, the L. lit: li gi ni rallj tinned thal preliminary taken looking i" o settlement within a short tune either by compromise or ll tion. Pott's vi i. rr. l's., January 10, ni'.-t imports ,i action in the strike situa¬ tion t,.-diiy ss,I- tbe forn ation ol millee ut leading mere intile men country to wail noun Preaident Corbin mid ni-.'." an arbitration. I' getber with thc principal ont ide towns, ti d u| on- thii and I rapider! nt 11 .. aing. \ . mi n;-t.'.ii.i>, Sits*--" rs, Pa., -bit nary 1". The En- terprise c..! Cutup:.nv ja ti. 1 its miners will r c.- e H pi r e. nt. odvance <>s r the .-*_'.".ii b.'i-is, arel Ihe companj P> use the Pi un ivlvonis reilro id thal n unit.ii men will not handle the pro Iud o Affairs in RaaalO. (Rr ,V > Tch.i ; ry 10..1 it tl for 1888 will rctri nen ¦_¦ ,01 1,1 lp ol which 8,1) 0,000 roubles vsiil account of redui ol the nd Morin* ts. '1 bo ¦/""/ nal '/' 's'. i il bl ickm tilerson I col re profiting by the fa t thal the antin : tensen! to tin* Czar have aol been found, to attribute their authorship t" Russian diplomats, who they can with impunity di I eiiln y try to pl e'. d r themselves by r< pt:.,., r suspi- bich can't affect tht m. Arrongemi ats for themovi a ant of tbs court na." been altered and the in family still moke o Bhorter stay in m. Petersburg thaa was mt. mini. The bis tinnily will come here Thursday aud will bold tl is New-Year's reception Friday, b il that is over they will immediah Iv return tu the pilaf" st Oatachioa. The Court iiad been uliliuiilic. d will be abandoned, Ail these changes of the programme ar" da ry of a plot against the life of I larne number of persons bave b en arrested her.- for participation in the plot. Among them ur.* savarol offlcera o anny who hod just arrived in St, burg from tho provinces. I'i.il Aoalust the (Our. fBy Anjcdo-Aniuri.-mi caljie lo BM In-patch.), \ li'NN.v, January 10..The Allgt mt Inc /., itim:i mys it n.is received Information from a reliable Booree in st. Petersburg that a plot against the Czar bas 1». cuver.il, and that numeroua p- ra ms, in- olndiagasvaralarmy offlcera, have bein arrested un tho charge of being mpli- oated in it. Bbblci, January 10..Private dis-1 patebea received bera from Warsaw Boy that the conspiracy Ogsinst the Czar 'nd ita centre in St. Petersburg, and tl was of unusUiilmuu'iiil ideas Mgardaboth the number and position of tho \ implicated. Tbe Hope and llrilisri I'ilirrini*. [By An-jlu-Ani'-ri-sri COU* to th* Dispatch.] Lome, January b»..The Pope to-day received the british pQgrima, who :,t"d by the Cuke of Norfolk. The t rope, replying to BB address presented 1! to him by the pilgrims, said he Mt > grateful for the iider. si Queen Victoria ak in her Catholic ¦abjects and prayed for her prosperity with that of her na- I tion, whom he loved sad admired. He hoped for the restoration of peace be- 11 tween tho different parts of the kiiit*(loni, und thut tho irritatiu*? .pn-stious which - now divid*. them O'ollld ba settled and i rea*oD and equity taku their place. 11 In the course of his reply the Pope I j asked tba bishops preswnt tor counsel as f to ahat he could do for the good of so s important a nation. One of the bishops f mentioned tho proposed new education s law The Papa suawered that he would like for them balma looting Komi* 1 tn draw up definite proposals on the - bu!j"'t, aud he concluded: "I hope :::ethiug may soon he done. I have 1 already alluded to the subject in my 1. ttas to the i >ueeu." The British pilgrims presented £1,600 to the Pope. ti The las.- ol lil Untie. [Special telegram to Ute Dlapatco.] Clifton PoaaB. V*., January 10.. Tho first day's proceedings of the spe- i cial committee af thc Legislature ap* ooiiiteil to iiiYPetii,'*tt- the eligibility of e I A. M. McChntio for a neut iu tue Vir- i- dBia Legislature concluded at 10 o'clock J- to-night. The preponderance of the e evidence was decidedly against MoClin- tic, although it is like sifting a bushel of e chaff for a few grains of wheat. Ihe r eouituittee evidenced thegreuti -t coarte- 0 1 ly iu the latitude ot evidence allowed. 'ho committee will undoubtedly get li rough wifn ni] the evidence to t*> m- roilu-ed in time to leave for Hi-hinonil ii the 1:10 afternoon train to-morrow, imong th* witneast-s examined to-day ¦nn .'Mr. EL I,. I'arriah, nf Covington, nd W. M. McCliiitic, of Waria Springs, ..rt t \ 11 a new/ -rni*i.. un fate of Royall owen Snatch. I hit*ve* ( »plnr..l. (Sp»v*1al ti*lt*gr»m to tho IH»pa','h.l :snri!ii. Va., Janmirv 10..In I-- County Court of Chesterfield to-day n hi* third trial Koyall W. Owen was onviotad of felony, with a verdict of wo years in t;,e penitentiary. The eas-* faa niven to tb* jury after midnight nd tb* venliet wa.t rendered shortly be- DN noon. The Court, however, on mo- ion of the prisoner's counsel, set aside he verdict as contrary to the law and vidence and era rited a new trial to take dace at tb* next term. owen lives near this city, an.l th* barga against him is seduction under rromtaw of marriage. Inning tba trial e-P rday on»* of tba witnesses for the Tonecution was ordered hy the Court ut,, the custody of tho sheriff on tbe bergeof mtimitlation of a witness for be defi ¦-,< afra. Pauline Hobbins, a lndv who is isitiiiR friends bate, was robbed on 'yenmore stra i thia afternoon by a gang if negro youths, who ran against bet od snatched ssatoheland money from r lu,rids. Warrants wero issued for he nrrest of six boya, ranging in Rtfo rom thirteen to eighteen years, charged vith the robbery, and several of the par¬ ra been caught and most of tho toidi property recovered. John I'. Pk ree, the young white man i with robbery, was allowi it" sum of |260 by tue mayor this rut: m.v s or .H%**4 iiiaTF.st. Pava-Saal anil Otht-r Itt-tii* I rom Onr ¦late* CISs*. Mr. James !¦'. bradley left yesterday mu nimr on a viait to Lynchburg. Mr. Robert B. Taylor and bride (nee radon) have returned from their trip North. .Mr. ThomaaJ. Waymaek ia somewhat inproved ait, a li ug attack of rheuma- ISlll. til of ti"- money needed to pay for he n pain ol the Bainbridge-Street Baptist church lus been raised except *100. So cases of spacial interest bave been tried at lins term of the I i rt. Mr. William T. Martin, \iho has 1 .¦. Q tick for a wi s, was able to sit liv. City-Attorney Chark - V. Meredith, of Hichmond, was in tbe city j Mia Mary )'. Mimina died at ant arly hour j eaterday morning at her n di nee, atom i tit' ii'cea .. d v. i-i tli" mothi r-in law ol William Holton and John Bevill, i ., widely known and loved. Tne tin- Central M. tn,.,list church thia afternoon ut :i o'clock. A sp ig of the Committee on Finan e was held in the Council cham¬ ber last night, Present: Messrs, J. I. Perdue, John O'Brien,and I'. W. Weis Ila- ii .'¦ ting was called to pass ob bills aad considi r tho routine b !. adv tor tuc Conned meeting Fridaj -. Mortuary iteport. the actual tiler (ot tb* w< ck anding ". f D' 'iHi: Asthma, 1 ; spo o pneumonia, 1 j illy driv.-ti inti ¦ tion, ¦..; . 1 ; convulsions, croup, 1 cystitis, 1 ; diph ¦, 1 ; t xtra uterine pregnancy, I entero a litia, I ; fibroids of uti rn psy, l ; fi vet, gastric, i ; fe 'taltra valve*), 1; h. morrh ig<. ..- inani timi, 1 ; pm uni, nia, l ; premature birth leiden! d), 1 ; unknown r of deaths in tho city Tb oi Btill-births, 'di. Caatlaaatal i .mi st*, itu ii,-ht* or Honor At a regular meeting of Continents 394, Knights of Honor, held last rlnli, (h orge L. ( urrie I'. ii. h., installed the following officer for the pr. t var : J. W, Carter, ictator; M. 1. -gue, dictator v \ Johnston, rici did dor; T. I.. Johns saaistant dictator; J. K. Lamkin, report r; b. s. tnderson, financial reporter C. E. Fitzwilson, treasun r; 1'. M McDowell, chaplain ;C. ii. Suns, guide J. E. i uardian C. li. Wren sentinel; P. Whitlock, John Maxwell and Charles H. Hagan, trusteea Aftc tin- installation tb* l». Ct. 1>, was givei pper. Itcvivul Nervier*. Tin- revival services at the Seventh Street Christian church oondneted b; the bev. John ti. Sbouae, of Li tington Ky., ate Well attended and iut-n.a.-iti; in interest Mr. Bho ile an, earnest Bpi aker, and his forcible and ten der appeals to the minds and hearts o his i, not fail to aocomplial much good. Hi-- sermon last night oi blinding and hardening effects o sin" wan a masterly effort and ws 1 to by al ii wit! breath1,'- attention. Ile will pren, every night this week. lil. I,111,.11"t Illl'Ultl'. Last nights good-audience witnesae the play of .. Humbug," in which Mi Kolan.I Ke.l took tU>.- principal eharai ter. From beginning to end of th ly tbe plaudits were coutinuom Mr. lietd is al.ly supported, anti n pains seem to have bat n taken to tends the comedy I attractive aban*. He gives u vt ry phasing and deligbtfi t ntertainmeni .. Humbug" will be given at the mat. nee t., .lay, and .*Cheek" at night. tiri* at Hit* Trtitlt'g-ar H'wrka. Last night al-out 9*30 o'clock an alan of fire was turned in from Box86. corm ..-nth and Arch street* The nV partment soon responded and found th the b ilet-room to he iu a I,la/.. 1 he men went to work with a will an soon bad tbe fiamssundetoontroL Han about |500; fully insured, Th cause of the tiro 13 not known. Tho Illiston Star 4 ompanj. Mb* Medora Henson Emmerson, b< prano;Mim Nella brown, elocutionist .Mr. Walter P, Emmerson, corncti* and Mr. Kudo!pk King, pianist, ha*. I ..en engaged for the neit musicale < the Mozart Association. in* s»e*p¦Wests tun. A number of the society young ladi. will give to tht-ir gentlemen friends leap-year mask bail at belvidere Hall < Friday night. It ia to be in the true - a mask ball, since no one, not evt rones, will bo admitted to tho hu without a mask._ Iii* t ir,- la I urania. Ala. [By U)i.-i;ra-'ti tv me Dlapateb.) XIoNToottEitr, Ala., January 10..- special to th** Astwcrtiter from Eufaul AU., says that a tire broke out that* at o'clock to-night at rubia's Brook** Bte** and gutted the builthng. Tub latest hu vices are to the effect th the fire it raging l»eyond control, at that tho entire I dock is threatened. Tl gas ia turned off; the water supply exhausted, and the inhabitants are pani stricken. fall or*. [B-r talefraeti to Um Dispaicbd Bai.TiMoitB, .January 10,.John J Sickel and John !'. Kellen, trading Sickt-1, Ilel'eu ¦ Co., notions and whi goods, niiule an assignment to-day f tim benefit of creditors to William Dixon Tho bond of the trustee 11200,000, FINANCIAL. B1W Y0BK. BALYIBOBS. ABB BICB- BOSD ITOOE IXCBASOIS Grain, Proriaioai, Cattoa, Tobacco, Tnr- pan'.ioa, Rosio, far, aad Peanut Markus. (By Uklagraph fa the niapateh,] J*Jbw Yobs. January lo.--Tb**t.K*k market waa n't so strong or nc iva as y«*ten!ay, and apeeulo¬ tion lacied vim, tim gt-nrraj folding bein* rair.T u.*riah. TB* w*aAn»sBof Lou..ville and va-n- Tille waa tte rn.kst StWaaptCOOOB featara Lood-vn waa seller, and the dAcUaS wa* attributed todi*. a*: i-faction at tlio OOttoo of Uia, tUtOsSkWO. Ihe te.tr* OOM mort aMtv* au I accreaslve than they have beeu for soui* .lays past, ami th* natural «ir*ii*tti of the mara at w*. ra .isled at every t-hlch gave Hie list * favannh ati'l wav»r- Inar appearani-a. dorine th* e.rly lr»iHnB!. No naloo was mad*on '.nythlng*i'ept Iaiui*- .1 ,. and th* market *>a,.i at-i-itai its si. i-jtui wa* ;«*ader of the mar ke., nan * taught heavily, thn-ign ui«r* waa pT**aaur*OOOaOMn*aOMfe andtharo Kaaalaoa eijtcilnr In lt tn a marked tiUut. Keadinf voa freely Bold, tint lt* support wa* of .siid s.,mawhat myatiflel iho atrael; bat Ihe pressure vt aa relieved lat" lu tl.o day and it iMinaiuivl Without further ebOOfO Trtt.lln* In SVa-rern 1: ,|, ard N*W K-.flaud Attr*1."1 ¦¦. ma BltOOttoO, bot th* :n> v.M.reut* in Uli rest Ot th* » ti. vt«ry an.ail and mtniptirtant. 1U* market ranged wlih n fractionalameuatasaUOor Mady at Irreg ulai- ch***** from last evcnli k'« t COO rotol salas, SIS.OU) aliares. Nsw losr. January li. I «s dull and firm. M .ney rasy at .1*4 per cent, K»- .-hange-Loug, IM1,: snort, 488V (Jovernmeuia rr>Mfn*..Ex'-hai**** quiet anti flrta; long, . assy at 4a.'>: elrs-lu* at 4. Sjh-'l'i-.'aaiiry balau,*ea. <*o'.«l, |111.siA*v,0i«;: irr'-n-v, {,,s-.,,n.i. tioveiuuieiits 'IC; 4 ... ',...,.,; 4-i per coats, IO?).-. Stat* txiiidsdulL Alabama-Ua»i A, lins.!<»**) li, .*,'., small.lin Oorj-la Ta. mortgage . .101S North Carolina .tineoi «**.ii* Ni rth Carolina t's. ra console. i t -.¦* 6s..¦- , Virginia l-e.. Virginia consols.,aske-l) 4V -nita and Ohio . an ! N .t'th*'.'«'..ni. Iii* btcofOOOd Ni)r-liw»sV.rQjpr*f'»ried.... liaiawar.., Lacttovaooaad weetara . .v**-'. Hast 'l>nii.*saee railroad. !"¦* lok* Hbor*.*' H . fi\ M.'inrdil* and t h»idratou. M Slid 111". ll"* .. an I' I »'(*' kt-i .HM NewOrieana Paclflc l«t mortgapi*. \'»\ . . 1 . k and Western protOROd. I . . Nerlli-- ,-farrell. 47», . W\ . H nd and Weat F- mt Terminal.M-, Rool [Blood.ll: . st. lani preferred.Hi't Telar, radii *. tSft] iee il *., I Ired. S01| . lOe Now Jeiany t'entral. 7**'i VllkS.'.el , . tts'. Western I lon . iottc.ii-"., iui-i .. en s' .. . UH BALTIMORE ITOCZ KABKST. BilATMOtO, Md.. January ia.Virginia ne* Sid to-tliir. BICHMOND STOCK IXCHANOI. tv, Jaaaary tc, i««* "ii v, -FirtsT BOAOO. 1.; 0 RA at I'iii'4. "ins; | lol Ooria urtu, a.m. -tani* 4<*'a.WT Stat* ,ts .1... v, reucy.US Stats Bsctrorriia. .1 '/s.1") (tl ousol*. Il 4) _. I' t-i'i'-i. -. cw .SS** (>l V Irgln ',-. Id.ttl ..si a afii-r lanuarr, SB.--tl *& i nv . Kli-hinoud cltj Vt.111-,' ns l'l'liln. ..I'JU Bau h.ni> harlot** i-tr-i.1*1 columbia a id Ur**nvUle ttl 6*a.. 7s «.loon l'C 1 Income. 4*o, "..lDl'-J I"-'. ,¦«.' Isa* 11 .>>... Iii Ii. al Da .100 .. 1 Imu. guid o'* .KB s t Macs, lt *.'*. l' i Iii I... v,,iit K. and (hes. 1st*'*,.Ul US 1. 1 *r.'ltn* let T's.IM Nt th l Molina lat Ca. '.Xl ui.KUAostooaa /*ur. Allitnia an 1 ( t.arlott*.Inri -. k. arollna.l,"J loo Peteraourf.loo mi*; uss I c, div. obliKBtton.i 0 ll.) Ill ll., V. ».'. !'. V's, -Mar.HO Kn ...¦rsburj'.lu>) HW ll!.' Hank -sru. a-. : city.2» !".Ha; tm Btl -mi .l.-i IU UM ¦'..tilter-Hav.Vb IS 17 Old D',mini, u S. S. Co.I'to .. PO liRAIB AND COTTOB IXCBAB0B. Rica mond, January IS, 1MB orrBBi.siiS. WllllT.-lfil bllatielB, I ..UN. ¦<. taisbelA .Ml Ll. Ol KAI.-Ii tuns. SALBS RBrOKTF.D TO 9BCBBTABT. B7BIAT. siit.-i, is tcisheiaatWio'/flc Shor lol .-. of)...rt: tri it--day til *l.»ai. Itt* bushell; sam day : 1 s.,ie* !o-<lay .bela; sam* day last yea BdM bu*b*lo oflarliifs so far tbi- ya.ir, a*0\S -. oaiu'i iiuiH last year, 7:4,1 in buel.il ,,a rauK* of |>rlc*s lo-tlay, SS to N .'. dla, xit) tni-hels rery |OiKt I c rn.-; 11 bu OO at I*.-.: X'' ll t-ry k .-! Bl MBXS *>i bushels TeryK'", I ¦!, bUBSelB vt-ry joel at t' ^ Total eal.-...f ern, S04bU*b*lA ru. i's. W . ; flo* *''. t:.'.75: auparflte, |i.7i f..v.at',.',*': ramUy,|iaK&0; pat*u litmily,c-j,i ar/, lt.. iiUii. ros bbpobi. Mark'..*. envrATtova VlDUI.tV,-.. Low tftpoi ino, 11-lla, UOOB Oiil'IN AIlT, -,,,-. BICHMONO TOBACCO MABKST. Jancabv ST* li*'l about ,'. ef I.Aiae on tl innrktit tOksdar, OOd prices sere mg* *ttU.-fa t ry, ruanloi up to l$% and 13c- 'sw looil dai mty [sst, while some lute* *oM 1 IO 7 ., arel |,mimili at iH and over. The averai ,shi.k(,(») Was al>.ut douli ti's at same date. namely, 17.IS strain Mid at It.aOaA.'s) m-day for no. quality. Thi* West Virflula brlxhlH w»re test. ¦fall to-day at auction, and price* were hl| with splrit'-d billing, tboufiri nothing fin* extra was .ffercl. Very in, pa>-ka*-es w* ia io 11 tu. The b-at sold al 40"., lowest Ifga -nt a .i'i sud flue color will eell high, ai outers .-uni m..re willina to pulupwlibotb ImporfocUooa of leaf to get good color. Nt wi-ateru typ.a aeut here as eamplea of li week's sales .-how very high wea'orn market,. irk, and will stimulate Mis on Virgin -. our uiarKul fer all gralee of old a uewisetlll Uro low, aud tuual keep ailvanett sui we uoto elrta-iy a much stronger feeling all kind-, willi uo li'.tl* apcculatire buyt .luletly. BIOKMOBD LIVB-STOCX BABBST JAMCAttr l'L-KeeelpU: 406 b**4 cattle, hog*. Sales: 909 bead cattle, 19 aln-ep, it* hogs. Pri.-es: Cattle.Beet, tatV*. rr.**; medium togo. , ¦. griste; c. 1..mon to f"ur,«)«*-»<-.. froras. >heep-3l»aSa gross. Hogs-fi*, wc. net. Bull*.al*a*.*, grues. MARKET! BT TB1IGBAPH NKW TORK. Nsw Tobb, Jauuary 10..Cotton qul*t; asl " ll; bale*: upla'-.l-.. 1 Sc; orleans, IO)*.-.; lit-, Hi.dT) bars ; i-iiiorts.toGreat t-ritn .. BOtUB HItT; to rr*' a, 4.4Uls*l**; to lb* ti ut, -..mi'sbale.-: »t a-k. l,.*sM,Ms b*i«*. **OV ern flour quiet and ataatly. VVbeal.(lpn. cpened a -hade lower, but soon strengshar sui rattled -,a',i*,. oloalng steady and a lr uuder Ute brat; <aab. *a-t,c higher and vi qatatj W I red. January, 90,',c. Kauri* DI MlaUl V-. War W-»»l**«-» Corn-Optl. A fairly a ilvit and »»*',.:. blfber. cl,sing sleat; coab Brm and moderate demaml; No. t, Jai *, ary. eitaaai-ac.; February. «0-,a*lt,c.; M 7 MKattata oat* \,*s»r. higbei an 1 unatt-i No. I. Juuuory, arv,*j»>,c.; M S t***.!*-*.; mo westt U -fa lu Ufht demsutl. CoS>< .4 hair Kio sieaty at 117.71; opUou* opened w- , andcioeod st:.mger; No. 7 kio. Jauuary. li: d .41.V.1), frbruary |44.**0a|lA-a*i; May, |1< i0 111 ML Sugar quiet and firm; refined qu Boi*.sas*s stiiiady. Cotton-se*4 oil -JBaSTc. '* erode), UWOMO. for reflnrd Roaiii atoadv C- tl Cr, sall.M. Turpentine flrmer ai Ak*. UL iu iu.H*.rri.te demaud. Wool stead." and qu Cork fairly a-tlve aad arm; meas, |t\**Aafl! f..r enrt-year aid, B*«f SulL fut-meaie Bi Midd lea nominal. Lard dull and bea vt; w. .ru ateam, I* for obott-*; January, t7.(S*|7. Bay, ISCaa4«.0-l. rr*lfbi* dull. UAMTBOUK. BAi.Tiaoua, Mo., January lO.-4'otton il and easy, ml 11.log, I0i«al0',e. flour ate. '." aui urta. V. hstat.*oulborn fl. iu for i:hoic->; 1 J. tatala*).-.; amber. Sial/rc.; wswteru blaber; N ,. v>liner r*d, spot ti^o. bid; .Uuuary, 8*a«ti * ,uarT. BlliallOSie*.; May, 94k,atM-|t-, Ct* , U*d aouiuiru ti-teilt**; wall*, tj-jaeV^r,; jajj Ma-M. wetti-ra .a-rt*r ant] doll; tait**, t-pot, r*v,»wv'.: January, ia-, aaa**- r*brt**r«, Mar<-b. SO-. **k*d. nala Irmin southern and P**nn*ylran'a, 'Call'*. ; a **t»ro whit*. 4 lat**.; wwttru wini JSmVttm. Hf* Itu, BlBSaTOU ProrlMoti* .?«**d«> aad >it«t*sc l*ot*"»>»« Btaa*r *( f-'aia.a*. Sirs* ***l*r a«a dull; Iraak. SDaSla; Urned, lSalnV. Petroleum ht«ti*r; r<* fined. TV'-. < "ff"* -lull and n-'nilnal: feto '.arirtm, ordinary .*> fair, isaiHtaai 5 t*>pv>*r ra- fined firm at i.iaM.. ".""nukey a-aa-ty at tl.l-Vtll.lt. omar «ri'cl** unhanged. Pr*ighu ... I.lr*rpool VT ..?air,**'Joli; uotton. 7-Ml.; Sour, ls. ttl.; arala lower, SafPa-l CBlCAOa Ca-CAOO. January 10..rioar quiet Ko Sra-I wheat nominal. Na t '-..rn. 4e",*4"*c. Ba t oat*, ,r,ss«e.-. Pork. Sl^aSlilo. lard, IT BO. KDorl.rU; *Me* (loo*-), 17-84. Ory-Mltad tfcool- <l«.i»a.it*.ii,Si-atai& -mort clear tun (botad), BS a Hist ML \VhU**r, tl.ia Leading future* ranged: O-xtiiH*. Uiinmt, CtMtiaa Water. 11*. eta. cu January. 77 VU, **7l< F*orury. 7?*< TS TB Bay. Bl St* MH coan. January. 4«H 49 4f May. w>, IA* UH Oa*B, May.a. ji , U-, Mlf- Mt*a-I*oa*u January... IIMf) flMtX .."...*»< May.IXSf'tJ 16.8*. la.tf'f Lataat Jaauary. Mt TBS TT\( May. T.w* 1MH .'.a**' KHOaT-RlB*. Jan y arni Feb arr.. .... .... May. Sli atTiaw or mt cate tao hsbkbt. C'lict io. January id. -All mart*!* oa .'haag* ''.*:,..! saM aaa faatai-tlata i^ ,i»y with t.ut trifling .rhan gi** fr ,rn y-vi'lay'* fl elng figure* May wfeaal ".tarted to m higher al Slo. aad during tee tart*- pan Ot Uta ts-attaa aa* ""wry dull. Ileavr ti \*-i in vc tv .-verru lar«a operator* tmn»1 ih* roark*! upward *. l "BJ noou Mar h»d r*ii l,.-l t>, vi ,.--. and for half an hour w»» *t.-*.|y ».,.iinl M , \ Bart «»m M feature* mifald* al ll,*** lo.liti.'mal buring. t urn opanaS .iii'b»nf-,i kart tie***. r>uytug t«> i-.jv.-r slioiU »<>.,¦ ¦»us*d . -burp B4*r*aa**B In fri,-.-*, and May told up to My. bal irwil *t MV". Oatt *.'ld witt.lu S"- 'ant*, l-rtiftilon* during tu* eeltr* n,"uiii(. Th* ar*. rtt-alt of ti"** were dUaprx.lniliif arid prt,-** hither There app»*red l***>'li*|i>«iitii>n toeell iii* pt*o4ttot, and a ilri'.*r f-*.|iu« d*«ei..pt*t lu park dna to Itbaral barta* by <>u* oriwoUig* trader* who had g" <! onler* and at tim*-* ii.'K all th*.-r,w,l w.altl tail lard aaa tb* cUt-.l arti'l* on th* Hat, mil daollnad aaJSe. and ohwa-i «t loalda figure*. Bborttiba wera *ua«ly with fair mata ST. UK li. ST. I/OCtt. January ia.Flour quint, ua- cl anted, BM finner. Wheat No. t rel, rata, *. I.I, Sar. *>*.**". v'-l .inn-. Bl vast "ta .tn, *-r..,». raah, - ,-. January, 4?',c. ; May, 4»\a**'v- Oat* hlgtvrt Bay, WhNkey steady atSLOB. cmuuraaTL t'lBiisuiTt. Januaiy Sf". -Wheat qti1»t; Vo* V.. I, rn -.il v.,,,,;.,,., ic; Na i nil] lurk .iul*t Lan! dull ur %. BX Hulk-in* la,-,,n -te*,ly v.i.l ni »Blakay .WaUy at ILOS, ll its suit* and ***>. WIIMlMiTot. WttiiiNOTnv, .laienry ia rarp*ntln* frra tl a Braal strained, BBtar.; t-A, «r linn *t fl. fm le lur}.riiliQ«-, Ulm; hurd, |U0- yrll.w lip an.l trlrgla, Ula UH tsVILLS. ins, KT., January lil.- Maik*W uul*t and un, RIB rOBI < OTTOS FI'Tl'I****.. N'rtr Yent, January i lat re- celptt. I,-'--1 bali «. i.' 1410 'k*!*-*. Kuturet ¦lu-i .-, > .1 f, li k" altO-Ul. I V ,T. t na ai; /«iy, i .11-j.tS; i RORVOLI PsUKUT ataAKIT. ilt«l>.,r'<"l f'Tthe Dttpalr*.! .Usriar IO BarBal taatvir and strcmf*r. Receipt* r#rr li»avy. Prim*, ^a.t',r.; extra. Ike.; »in*ii-' t, BaSiac : commoa, li, a* nat BpatV inti, '.'S .. tu, I tao, I »>l4>»'-. ".i»i|»*-r.,i Vt ll ll uni and tilt* tl ut* is I'riara. [Hy lapin iBtttlraa taltta t<> th* Dttpatcai bi::.i,iv, .laiiiniry lu..Emjiaror Wil- I;.um i iiifiiueil tu beti jeNterlay. Hs had a fairly good Dight* nat and ia frta t.f j.atn to tlay. Tb* I'iu*..erorr replying to an addreas fruin the nalt-worki ra of Hui ie, BOBtaiBing New-Vear'a coiii*rntti- lati"iis, said Utattha news r. KanbtiK tba Crown brioc* was excellent, and thal th* wurst fears had paaasd awaj, Tho bopawaanow j istifi.-d tbal the l'rii.c** would be able to return to berlin iu Uio a-nruif. _ "lr. Poej.lrrly lui prov lo*;. Wn.v Kt., .Iiuunrv lo. Grand*Mast*r**Workinan I'ow.ferlv ia slowly improving and stfii'lii.T gnlning strangtb. He dani- - fin- n p in that ba int. nils foing so florida, "senator tl llamt Kniiuiiiiiateii I >aa Mt.i tea, lon \, .lanna' ut ir Wilson w.ia raBnminassd by lbs !',¦- poblioa* SSBBBOB ol' the Lvgi-datur*- thu evesiag. ¦ IIK4TIIM. Ml VMS. .-I"n.i. ut SSS i'*11»ni-e In Mau. t.«*- 'ri ur. 1 v. ki.,ii *uei*-», Mrs. M*HY If. Ml MM-, ttS'.l lil I isry l-\, ts*. l)**a. >.*t mothar, <hntt heat left ut, V\ n thy I.,** mf»rtt deei.ly f*el; But 'tl* Oi,'I abu hatti bereft ua. He eau all ,,ur anrtuwa baal BBawwall, my .hlidreu, lament no mora; lin not lost, hut K'.ut l«(or*>. BtaalS lb* l>iaee lu which 1 Ut. A* ye are now. so ono. wat I My time baa come, and 1 awi iona, 1 o lear* you ihut all forlorn. "fat li..pe on, ol.tl lren.do u«t delay; iBof your mather and still ,.i.*. y *l ur »i,«l ant rairit , wl»<,1s year only frleoA, I ill death your tren liles soon »ill sui: Yal (.ray h., ni- au 1 do not err: The Savtoifr lied for you aud L Funeral will laka pla,* at f*0tral Metk,.'1t«t ihur-n at 8 o'.-loak f. SSI. JANI'ABY 11TII. I'l'ivuils aud ati^ualutaDceaart lartteu to BUM t. MOHlUi.-Med, tn Maai-hestar. Va.. ,lao.,ll.r at USU A. M. <H UK t.i. Kiar DIL tinly ia.d of Matti* au 1 Jauitt T. Morrl*; aged i and Ave mouths. An ansel nama ona *< l>mn nlflbt MeavKu't tlory so liestow, ll MrTTlt fn.ui ,ur *ltht. U hat null wa. Loni, at inorbtng light Hu-, wen ami lot har (of lier lift WM short, (wa* hut a hr.-alh - A s.i'i.e, % laar, a kite, tben dean. Tor* frota oar arata ot hrfe and i-art Thia !arltni»ol our hop* and prayer. fOBatal »ill take j. ne*) from trie r»«ldro<-e, Hil .i mri'"i, HU- 'Wstine*>la»- AM'llt* NOOK n. 'J u' io.*. r'rteu'U of Ut* family ara '.'lld. I'elwrntjurg and Ilaltimore paper* pleat* <-opr. NKCHOHH-DleS. Tti*s.!ay. Jaouary 3. BB*,*. 1*0a. BL,al tbe renlnoce ,,f i.ls psrente. ci 1 Bl ba tt-raat, JOSBTM IIENRT. lovtnt child »t BUzalMth aud Urary Naurobr; aged ona yt tr. 'Manila's hahy, papa's darling. \> :,y ul word u* to conar.le T Why not walt lill ibouooulds't wbUper: Ki*-, nie, pSSta, B* I muai go? Kutieral will uke placa TO-DAY (Wadnatday) fruu. St Mary » Oem,an ('otholtc .hutxti alt I'. M. 11 cin,l» and a»;uaiulahce» UrlUKl 19 attend without further notice. * Ho Do KUM..Died, al B**JBS*SjSSB Ital nlabt, at the re,ldtnca of Uits-m. K K. K«»:irer* SltnorUi Tweniy-niirbtb Hreet, Hr. K1CUAKD KODOBJU; aged set-.-u'y-BHveu. Ile l»ave* tbraa trna, 'wo daughter*, aad many friend* to ire-urn hu dtato. ii eral will tala pla.'* TO-MOKKOW (Tliurr-day) MOItNINi; at ly ,'<-!.r k from Ul* ,. Friend* »., 1 a iuainiar.ee* lorded w SSBBatL si M PF.-Died. Janr.arr 10. l-eB-atlrSD P. M., at the residence of ber bu*l«ud. 1817 ea<l Mam sl.eet, Mr*. KU.*AHKHI S'l'VMPK, b*lo»*4 wits of Peter Stumpf, and daughter of Jotu Metatr- *.'kmi lt; aged thirty-six year*. Ibe fur,..iel wm b* BSBBBBBB od la thia ara- uitiic»meta 'itniM i*iiri.iiiir.itt. KiNIATt hS Al.MA.NAt . JiNCtBT ll. Boartaat HiaaTioB: Htin-eu. "l:l» Mornlag. SST \ Jil E*- t tl lr-OKTor UICMMOND. JsNL'iat la\*M SBBBVaBi .tti-amer Ariel, Oeyi. N,rfolll. 1 nited BUlaa mall, tn en-baud 1st), and paattanger*, L. B. Talula, agcuL Ifawawt "¦Veamer Old Dominion, Con.-B, N*w Tort, mfr hsudlao and pa-aengera, ii. W. AUen * Ca, age nu. steamer Ooldtboro',-.Philadelphia, mer. chaoUta* and pa*»*ugers, J. Vf. Mclarnca, agent. Hark Bvfro*t, tk>,m, Rratll. flour. Sark Harald, larsen. Kio Grand* do Bul or Pelotaa, flour. .rk-boonor -peedwell. Webb. NorfoU, llgUVtO load grain; vestal, Curtis A Parter. POKTOP NKWItiRP NKW4, JABI'ABT ld, 1**B> lb/ tolegrapS.1 aaasvast St'.-amslilp tiotht-nburg city, Harrison, Boatoav stasnuBlp rrln.-eea. Need, lialvrstob. lo ovai SiaaaitSib Senei-a, tta'ier, *A**4 Po4nt,ao4 Mtllo-i tor *a*w Yuk. fSILBIX -.teaatabtp tVbay. Brutani, -..-, ooaletl. ^,¦6oooor8 Ka'* H. ogd.-n, I otter, Pro»ld*n."*-, J. M. Krowu. Hruwi', Near \ ofk; W*ybii*t»tt» . eli. Noifoiii; K. Wiuiaii, Booaatt, Baltt- nw niora. .. nilli ll. i in a...*¦».*.¦ r',J rp\VO ORTH KKK KOOMH, tiV lT-t*jfJ lM i ABU K'KiiRNTI.KMKN, niKBJDfTatwM No. M ea*l Krautllu »lrevt. .* ll-St _^_^ Ol Vi Dc-tata. Ntrioati. Bank op vibhikia.) 'I'arriD STt,TB»i*»tpsT»r* DBroairiat > Kii'HMONi*, V*., IXkouiIxi rat, lvO. ) rVHV. DlRKCl\)K8t>F THi8 BANK .1 hare ttl* day deolara-t a DIVIUINO cul of Ih* .ataing* ol th* patt tia months .>< 1 ""SS CKMr. ifreool a.l lav.". t-avaU* t»> lb* iu**- ho'dor* eu a..¦, afiei the JU DAV Ol' J * >1 Md, itxH. ga w. Ua. B* tvu. a*ats*aati

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Page 1: WASHIXGTOX. A RAILROAD HORROR · WASHIXGTOX. flWIaBl-OOBIIPFBOK1HEWATI01AL CaPItAL. A Bill in Kanehstter't Interttt Tht B»v: I Cot*-rnltIta-Rtcop- tir»B. Brr.. our Kftfala >i.t



A Bill in Kanehstter't Interttt ThtB»v: I Cot*-rn lt Ita- Rtcop-

tir»B. Brr

.. our Kftfala >i.t.'

\\ . '.mary IO, N!r. Wis*..

\ bill for the, tic budding at Manchee-

of anW !>. c..

t i li nt /.«, har*j taylor; a

Statesand anti

Naval Cob

rank and p->''¦¦

Donielle, and

i I Goff ; "ii


isk, i I*it. Pe ;



Mr. .

th. ir

t the v. i

l HF'


crowd npon\ M rs.


ind ti,"

r of thi I;

titit-df tho Itet

,t leas!


; rill be our next Mi

: in i Hint ii i om; in ks.


the In-




rials of I\" iciatii ii sud

M. .. fai

t conni.Hi'

r. ,1, with , U'la-Mr.

non for tbe appointmentmitI


ld I tnunation I

int.. tbe buo-

t sud payI to t!i"

tat nd of !

,.., i ,lll ol'

.dr. I:, rrj off« red a

where the|l cb d tl.un Citisena either ill-

property thal tbeI shall bs


to the United BiMr. - irgoed that the

..ould create j.'.in the of tba lufL

Mr. lit-rrv explained the put]'.nu nt ami adi

tionMr. Peck aai.l that tb nt hail

Ih i, talked rsaaliy van

I .. 1 iti..'.,.-' I "H.' lthat tl !<. rally opp .. I t>. it,

thinking that it uoul i ba ia the way ofrtieltietit. and that fl

aav wah to have tata BBOm ¦ paid to thehtavaund kane* the aibxena to pnrau*

. them.'Ihe resolution waan jed. .1 \.as, 14 J

Slr. Bael stated that as all direct taxes¦ uniform it wo

t-ct tba direct tux from thehuttt-a «hicti lind m>t paid it, or:.. r< lundto those Hutt h which had paid it theamount /oj-t-dirt-Iy paid l.y them. Thelatu-r waa wild tin- lull propOBi d to do.

Mr. liruy favored the BSB~b*BM of theb.ll, but argued that bb the Ktutrs had-it*lt .iir.eilv with th* OeneralOovern*llieot, BO the (i>. ut ral tioVtlli lit hhoulddasi cdisvtij with kb* bUtea m teiuiivi-

ng tho amount, anrl he moved to tinkoad Hm proviso in th* third h- ctiori thatrta BJ the tax waa eollretcil eitherittrect-f tm by th., cala of property tbs sums0 tadd were to be bald ia trust f..r tbs» milt of th.- h.ira <.f those from whomhey ware Ha .- tusidl ft rj

h imp.-rini' th* billmt. moved to amend tho

>rovi»., to be struck ont bynaklng i» spp y 01 ra tba

..ted liv ih- I nited Ht itea,tarted lo, ".t 2 o'clock the hill ***..I i.*i I" s ithout 'mt',er action.Mr. Chandler offered a rt-aohifion in-

itrUCtiCg the .lilllie.ul-.pur" mt., tin- tojipreasion of \ .

solora! citiw ii* <.f Jackson, M.he r. -. nt municipal election.nd nc i participat on il

not Ittorney and by tlc- Deputector ot In!' t:. il Ret jn.e io. I I '. putyUnited on tbaable.Thc Benet. 1:,, thc c, n

lideratii u <>' the Blahoi I. made a

ina! ii. \tthe close "f Mr. Wilson'a apeeeh Mr.Coke obtaim d

Al i by Mr. Bntli r

I'lth'i. of tbs Tree-¦ atmy and

ates to lands m

actually j-1¦' k! I'.j'T e> nt.

ii took np cv

'..r fi\:a thu Ju

itli I. of 1.. (,> : . I.am h to biipreme

... .,f tiai littee sub

Mr. i repot!:lu. Judiciary (!onn ittee on t.

n of U'd'itm r. . ,11 to bcthe Inti lur.

Mr. -ii'ii, r. fr "i: the Poat-<Hflce ("om-"ii tin

nomin 11 .M. ia... i.ir.

Ad- ha devoted loexecntiviI uni

tn- Soi it ..." P. M.. :,

Noaa* ni K<iiti*eiui,i!,,..,.'I he Bpe ikt r announced tin H).jK,irit

el, of Alabama, and..'r. Pl .' v, as hu mix r-


to I :

¦. ! urn*, of Missouri, from tl"ii -.ppropi iii, ur

ul. and lt Whs ll -terrel9

1 he r thi Auctionof Pills untinished yeaterday viss po,

bills were introdnct I unireferred aa follows:

I'y Mr. Woodburn, of Neva.".: I'ithc purchase of not 1< t>i thai

rer bullion pei." into

dr. < fallinger, of St w HimFor tb iblic si rvic*.

bill reqnu lissa] of sll¦, ice -'¦ h" nr

not cit i eitbi i

tivitj ur ii ituralizatinn.!Wy Mr Wi I New York; To an¬

the refunding of the nationalnto and .Udah <i

By Mr. Henderson, of Northna I'., prescribe the t. rm of .,lTic.- ol[lersons < mployi ,| in the civil service.

By Mr. Nichols, of North < 'ailol- t!., repeal ot the internal-revenuilaws.

I'y Mr. McClammy, of North Carothe ( "Hon of a public build

itytttville,Mr. Cowies, of North Carolina

nd dcputy i. to collectori of inti runi rcvei

I;. Mr. Imn ona, nf North <' .-

For the erection of a public budding alS. C.li' mer, of Pennsylvania

I'o mei. ce the penaionsof those whibave i, ia or who an di a!

endorsed by tbe Unit <

Maimed-Hohbera' <¦ ns and thtii.md Army oi il e Republi

'h CarolinaTo prohibit Hu- use of i-tovea or oi

lamps mi i Uao, tiI whi"!

i ni tin- ir- aanry maj puruiid.

By Mr. Phelan, '¦. ..: Tiry sysl >m t«

tis.Cy \l r. Knloe, of Tennessee: T<

i.t.i. iii it money oi

I counterfeit n

Bj .Ur. Wis., "f Virginia for tin.i of a public building ut .Men

By Mr. T. H. Browne, of Virginiathe wid,

nrfmen who I"- theil liviin ile lim- ot dii'y. Ai-o. .'ni the erectioi

.t Newport News\a.Bv Mr. Guenther, of Wisconsin : T<

erect" -'"ll for the lli\esti\'atum of ile- istioi nfl for it-

pricea ol.:

'.!r. forwood, "I toorgia : Foitho erection of a public building al


Ihe 4 .it hon. *, ttl' lt I eli iii on (J lo Itu


Wai ii orson, Janusrj ;. Thea beautil

Ajrofistlie meet I!-

Va., li ration of tbe jubilee o

Pope Leo Xiii., al which ri *

w. re adopt- .1 1 thep dd to oar H.. j

o den jubili c." snd nt whici(lowing remarks wi rc include ii

au addif Iii ': ic nd " While

id t ace al! undi r theilconf i..tu : -'u to on

Father, (nt bestts sntribute t,


..lt ut of ihe Unitedwno bat Mi.', hu llolim-.s a beautifully

n SJ bowl a',.. ¦.

our Ultrai ' Romant-iii, and I , but I

t himself a Catholic, -

. I BC! llaiep, llicl-.t!-(>t ali narrow-minded influences AIhonor to the I sidenl who gen.intatpteted l.y his aotion the spirit amletter of ont glorious Constitution.H

Vf« \atlouul Hank Kill.Itt*

WaBBUXOrTOB, .binn try lil. The bil

introdncedby Senator Vootbeea to-da;in relation ti"> tb* national bankin'* aa

sociati. i - was prc pan d by Comptrollerol tin -i cieney Ireuhi'Iai and embodieamendments w tbs national bankin-

. ,| by th >i e!v''< r from timit. tune. A statSBSent int pited l.y l.n

troller of tba provisions an.l purni ihe bill J*- submitted witl

it, from which it appears timt th.s that officers of

bank bhail constitute a majorityot the board of direct is; requirethat the dineUna shall take oath tt

inform theaneolvicondition of the bank; forbids the Ot','iitii/atioii of national banks witi

Lmnches; divides national banks inktwo chi**ea.thoac with a canitul offfSSO,

having mot* thaithat amount of capita] ; rtduees thamount of bonds niptm fl lo I*' fl*9p0Sati .! by smaller hanks trorn one colart,

tw om- tenth of their capital, am

thad, by larjier banks from goO.OOO t,

B^ojTJOO; provides for ih<- custody amination of pla- am

thus UMrSti ut pxmtuig naUvttai t-aui

nntf-s, ond for the do*«»nie»ion of mab*- '

rmi no louder in nae; .?i-riiiits mitiuiiidWuk note* to be oount*M b* part of thocom r. Borra i baaks; ia*asaia Ii|,un ic nt that bunks pxtcndinir theiroorparata sxisteaoe shall, after borasse*!*, deposit lustful OlOIlOJ t > ti >¦

amount of their outstanding oirculii-r-xtenda lo th» * nt ir national

bunk cu ntlatiOB the pt^viaioni ofthe lawwinch ii -. rs.- ti. t!i mi. I

er profi! aria s from the faimiiki; extending their eorporal

ice t. redeem tii*--r noti Milk* nt t:, soaping aeaah res. rsv against the (rovi rnment de-p.,-n*: gives more elasticly tothe \i u's l-iii.n ol tbe Law whs h ii.-:.ns to onetenth the capital of bank loans of money;provitjN * >king lunnst'outrarv to Isa ; n net i fruin

tv ford. Uvin trausmitl be pro¬vision aa to a semi-annual tit. upon cir*

inc the 1 oaks Irora tbe.

tm dicola*! nj un tbe minimum dibombi required by lass-; secures to na-1

batiks adi rtion against"Nt" nnd muntcipal taxation nnd

al i uv them ot a dia id-vantage in competition -sith corporo-

- Limier ape-sn 1 malu s it I ry to allix

law todrtmUting notes printed for na-

! batiks.the Deficiency t.i,r,.»',.n lilli.


', in bill report, d to the' ila} tl

by the failm * cy bill ofipnationa for tho

dt ti'i' and prior yt ara,:.' Hie ii.! ..-. ft cooditi in of tbe

il or alters in theirn number of items included

bill. '1 be npti'.ii fur I'lintiiit-: sUver certifl otes sad

two liar not

mini)'. bill np-"1 308, vs lille thc

I aaa upon in thiparried a toto) appropriation of


mid snotlDOO for tl., i: ivy, 1 bet ss. re

:. d in Ihe r

I'he only turo ofll is the following paraj rapl,

which wns nt the instanceAl en,. i ..nt ral: " I bat do part

of ony appro] isl in mode for the judi-ony civil ollie t vs hu has neg-

i make hi* r. turuandi r section B33 of the Rt tat dStatufc x

I, manner os thc '-f rm -( lenerald i-'ct. mi th' At)..!rn ;,-. leneral is

i"!lcd".'!! to approve for payment butbitch account nnl* ia ho is satisfied thal

ithfully sccounted for all. I ii .1 be includi d

in the return, and tbat lur making dockts and indexes, taxing costs ami u!l.tiler services on trial, argument, or

og of ii qui stion ol' ju monal privi-a herein di ciaion ia rt nd red, theshall Ins ol tbe larg) -t

appro- for re

payment to importera of excessive de-in customs Huit-i nnd another of

dhil.M t for arm*/ tronaportaA ipeiultui ni tn Un* I mist ll lit lon.

illy tell graph t" ii

minis- 10..Mlintroduced in tlie

Huns.- to-day a joinl resolution.¦ following omendmt at to thetion namely:

le X\ I, f-. cl ni. Congreti ihallhave puvs.r to grant aid to the public-it 'hool syot< m ol tin- several Blthe I inion.n dion -. The aid so grant ,1 ah

tm milhun dollars annually, tobe distributi <1 pro rata among iiioil lt bl.Sis Ol illili

appropriation somodeshall be paid to the p non or

¦it- d by .iii i'i ol the Legn-latnreb Htate which bIi ill -p. rift tba! thcl.ceivid shall be expended for

public achoo! pinpi-, i aliSection I- Con i ia shall i ol

tbe expenditure of ti." sp*bi rein providi d fur, but it mus- ie-

ijuire >t report from the Stat" officer orit sim; the esme, nnd if it sbsll

appear from ri t; al tbe aid bo

grant* d. or ont p irl ol it, boa d<ded fur ¦ ol purpos b,it mny withhold from subsequent

appropriations an amount equal to that.spend, d.

The I'orean l'.ml>u»s> .

[BjWism v.i<>n, duiimiry 10.-.The princi

pal members of the Coreen Embassycalled at tbe Department ol State to-dayand poid their respects to -.

Bayard. Arrongemente were made fortheir in lo ti;.' Pp ni. ni in a

(csv days lt is, thi -tii-n.llysettled that tbe Kmbasaj still be officially

Si crotorf 1.uiiiar.SI lld

Wai:. .ir ti ->!. in.ur., .i li .nc of hi

nuts at Iii to-day. Aitar}* Muldrow assumed the duties

of the office ol ry p uding thermation of Mr. \

A (teni (it tn Ullin it'I lieut rr.

lefrapta t tl

January 10..At the eonevicts ol' the In nell

contingeut of the Salvation Army ia tbetheatre Francais last uighl an attempt

i i the building on nra byi.ii ki: uss n person. Thc il! ce nd lil rc s

secreted themselves during theand afb r the tbi atrt stn. closed piled a

* ty of shavings and matches to-i, mptied the contents of a

hottle of ooal-oil on thia, antiUre to it. Fortunately tbe

police w.re attracted by the glare andmanaged tu extingnioh the ilaroc*

>n is t-Npres-, ,1the bt ti r cl isa of French Canodiana fortbe daat-ordly action.

Altnelti-U lev Indian*.|Hy telagrapa to ti, Dtaj

Tombstorb, A d'.. January 10..Sn-perintendent Russell, ol the Sim Pablomiiie, in Sonora, arrived here yet.,: taya i party of tourm.-ii wt re ott icked uinety mill ¦ s.mtli of

j .vp.nd,es. Oneot the prospector* named Jacobs waa

killed. andVBigJake Offer wns mortallywounded. The other men fought theIndiana off aad theo escaped.dims sir" thoughl to be the tome that

d '.lom General Miles nt the timet.f iit ionia t i iubn adi r. nnd have dacebeen midiii^ Southt ru Sonora.

A Paii.iiiMir Mint.

Bffapfe to me i)i ; Biea.1Ai-1-., .hu.nary Ml.

. Ness.* st.is received lure Ye-f. id i_V (if tileshootingol Poym -'< r Ktaffin nt u rail-v, .\ , in u ii.- i urmiagham .Min. ndrailroad. Ha lac um* ii.vulv. d m * row

With B BOgrO, nnd another iief.ro cuii-

|.1 lied bim itt- of h r. .-

bold up !»,-> ciimi* while bia ..

shot lum. llutlili it fctill Baise, but willHluiost cert.iinly tin-, ihe tVHBTO who

i dui tin* (-hooting escaped, bm -..

uer ia in jail hi te.-

Ihe Uentiiehx Nena! oraltlp.i ii:y t.iek-iui.h io til.- DtoaooaTa,]

> Lortsv im.e, Kv., .January lu..TheKi Mucky Lesgialatars rotaa t<> d.iy fur

"titor. lu the li'buhot riBiiltt-d : Jan.es B, Heck il'cm.,-crut). 86; Hom \V. O. bradley (iaVepub-

- bcuui, 2\ ; A. S. Cardin (I.alx»r), 1. Inthe Senate Reck. 88 ; Bradley, 7. To-

i monow at uixm the joint buhot will beI Uk. ii aud tue form of mskiug Bael asa-I alor for another Uiiu vi bi* veal* will bca Cla-WplvtVli,



A Derailment Canttt lad Brtvoa-ffiaa Par-toni Xilltd and Many Woandta-Par-

tiealart of tht Dltatttr.

[Ur t*lefr»pri to thu Dlspat.-ti.lMwii'.i'.i. Mans , January 10,.The

Portland express which left Heston forPortland st I o'clock met with a Beriona

nt, ut Bradford this aftcm- oawhile cr"*»iDK the'lbiverhill bridge over

i-.vcr. Ihe train con¬ni s locomotive und eight cars,

lt had passed "ii to the bridge fromthe Bradford sida ia safety, when siui-di niy lin- fi rw.irl trucks of the Munkerbroke. Tba Bato**** wits hurlednpon its side, Pwo coaches were

tlir.,-\n off ths track ami coin-

pletely wiec ed, being piled upagainst the Bradford os^boase, Theiiain a is a lune Riid tunning at

ordinary spaed, a ftre-alarni ara* sound-t d mn.itiliiiti ly, ar.d tie th rsartmsnt re-

spondi d, but their services were notHf il. rs did not take tire.

i moned find thewounded and dying were rapidly caredfor. ,¦ Sting the WTeckwas immediately pushed forward with

.. Al '-'r.'V' o'clock hi bodies hadLiken from the Wit "k. Sim lid ol

them were disfigured beyond "recogni¬tion. The hat of killed, as far aa can bea.-". rtained, is ssfollows John < ''Brienand dohn Maddin, of bradford (railroad

io null, ; C. P. Ooo Iwin, wit.-, sndchild, of Kinochnnk, Maine, aad an un-

D mun lu.vin | in las pocki t a canlo.i which *.' is tin- ii,nae "d. ll,i.'i"ton."

/ [woof tbe dead men aud oneof Un :. ly won ided WI rc rail¬road section-men, who were ins small

j tba side of the "toad,winch was destroyed by the cara crash¬ing into it. Nil e bodies have beentaken out of the wreck. Fifty-two pas-

rs \ .r" v onndi d, son ol thembadly. A uni!; h ive 1». ti

taken to t!i" ei1;. hospital The sccidi n!happened betwi n BredVord station andth-- bridge, mid wns caused l y the taili

00 a curve whetsmade to run on the bi Ige,

The amoking-car mu en tu the brid'.:.'and turn* d -. ¦. rm coach smashednit., th. water-tanl bouse, and the otheithroogb tin se

PDBTUBB DBTAttS or THK r>ls.*.sT--p..

Thi* train does not stop at Bradford,snd was going al great speed, Tbe<,, orgi toa ii br landing

. \ neat the .¦ uf"r-t ink bouse,at ti:- Bradford end ol tbe bridge, wait

t ti:- \|'i' I to p -ii-.i r to lin'" Ilull. Aa the express rounded tbe curvetwo - and wml

d i lolishing the wah rlank ',. this bouse a nt

tion hands wi re i sting diam r,

J. (i'll, an, a r tin d merck int olIking with tbe auction banda,

and waa killed, tog. thet witb Taylor,omol tbe hil" car thatinto tbe t ink bouse knocke 1 thi oonda-

ut, tiltiii<_-; the heavy tunk upon thcrushing (brough tbe t >\> o!

the car und doing fi stitt]within. '1 be n st ",.r behind il a

-.ii" car ;,h< ad of it, addingto the h.i\" I illi d and woondoowere mostly io these two car". '.

behind tin si ran down alongside thigetown train, bai

q with tbe engine of tbal ?r,.iu. Thip. opie m the imoker I I ol expoii. nee. i in of ti,.- v, tu el * on tbe ir,,-ii'nick broke an ! I imped sgainslthe end ol th" bl ing the car t.

careen, and it ran upon the brui.,distance upon tbe tlei p.i

then the other way andii,.- iron-work of thi

>-ide of the bridge, 'i be p.whom Hare were sb foiimth. liiM-b. .-* nt tia top Ol tl." eal'. While i

who had auflicien! pn aii mind lo think that the cat **

hiing off the bridge to the river biii, igi

out, none ol thi ..

injured. Such as were sble rushed bael"l|'i d those who were imprisonei

in the wn* kedt li". :,. ire f. o'.- of physici ms in Brad

ford w..s summoned by telephothey were quickly at band, and tinwounded were oared fur aa Boon ns re

r ; ,1, wm W01 *"TB*D.

Tlc following l- acorrected list of tbkilled:

i I renee Hazlewood, residence onAll.

John O'Brien, ofi

. .". i. iv, ri, \u;e, and child, o

Kennet,uni.William !V.y!.,r, section hand.A. I,. Walker, of Uarrison, McCharles rhurlow, of Newton Junction

N. H.Josephus bhaw, of boston.

.it.a n people ar.- too si riotislyhurto be moved from Havt-rhill. Borneothem "'ill undoubtedly die. A majorit*o! tbe wounded wera able to proceed titheir hon,, -.

¦i iii: si nu.s r.

Thc ¦- supposed to bionetl by a switch-rod bteakin*tbe engine and three forward car

had passed over tbe switch. '1 he whet lsaxles, snd journals were found to bBound after ti.- aoeident lin- switeland., badly brokeithat it i.s impossible at {'resent to BSCi t

tain tin* exact truth.The train wai ons of the fin* st i quip

ped 00 the ti ad. lt was rum

cording to the engineer's story, ai anoneighteen milea au hour. Alter thismoking-cat had broki n apart from tbrear portion ol thc train cud boitndeii.a h.,rd on tba bridge the airbrake on the eat was autouiatically applied, and tb* car wa

thrown on its side. It is proballethslet foi th;.- brake tl I batfalk n into the ic lu.ind Merrimac riverone hundred feet below. Ihe bani pinatringers of tb* bndga were badly splin

but the bridge, which ia ot iron

withstood the severe -sirain and waa iino way injured.

[here wert al.out forty passenger*, iithe smoking-car ss mar as can blearned, but they all escaped witbon

although nearly idl o

them wen- badly shaken up and a nun;

ber had th. ir clothing torn from theibodica All of the cars were BOJUipp*with tho o beater, and n

portioit of the. cars Caught

Falllnar HIT tn Cake Nblpmeuta.[Hy tel*praph tu ths iJlspnti'h.)

PirrsBOSOH, Jannary io..On accourof tl, ding off in coke shivne nts within the pi«t mouth coke opentOtS nave been oom pt ih-d to close dowtiieir nv, ns two days a week to prever

market A few monthperatora complained of acarcit-. cbul at pt! BSnl they havo more car

than they have ute for. Th* cause i

ii'ii-tiuii in tba demand of cokotb* abutting down of raii-unlls.

It '. iu tb* ^tru-*(-le now iki .Timi manilla',

tun rs and railway BM04SJSBS Ba* hut"decided not to pntcbaas ney rails untthe j.r.ct WBB n-diii'ed 'to tfJO iht tot

ni n: iiiulactur-rsstill dt-iuaud fnu$3.1 U> |35 per ti>n, and upon one pntext after another have dosed down thnulls one bj one, Mime to make repairBte , until to-day nearly all of the stet-rad india of tia- country are idle.

an IWBas.Ifa Dania*-* Bait.(By taleerapn v> tnt .Msimb-ti.1

Jackson, Ibbdx., January lu..At tl;term of the Circuit t'ourt which coi

veutd vi st.rday one of th*- most witt re»

kaj suits for ilamag.¦ v. r tried in tlBtate waa flailed, lt is the case of bbs*Fr.ilerick Uoward, D. D., pastor of ti

i Central t'uptibt church in this oity, fi, $0,000 damagi-* Bnaiuat -tuleen of ti.

leading merni**-*** of tho First Baptistchnrch, inciuditiu* tlc pastor, and 1alto spiinst the Forked Demr tHlarlc, of thia city, thu 7Win**---Bmptist, at Memphis, rind the BaptistRe/lector, ol Chut'snooct. Th* papers v

included in the snit published a Btrong s

article la 18B6as*ntad by **ixti sb members jof thc Firs! Baptist chnrch, in which thepeat record of Dr. Howard was paintedni very diirk colors. They charged tinthe hod 1-orue two or three otiose*in South Carolina nnd Georgia hs

"Howbtt." "Hewlett."mid "Howard";teat be bod el.,ped arith .mother min'*wife ia South Coroliaa trlstr-i *

with aagross; hud bee,j guilty of male-j c

feaaance while un otntsal, and other 11(lamBginir charges. Howard tosaEag-lishman by birth, nnd bis father live* in (

London. Both aid.- have tokeatola-llminons testimony in Europe, and Attar- tness Hnllock, for tin* deft i. and H. 1). t

for t'ne plaint ill", baVS jn-t ta- I

turii'd from South Carolina and (our- 1gat, where ti., y have s Birched the courtr-cords and takes di p. -itiotis corn- I

prising hun.ir< ds of pages, bminr-nt Jdi st hus i. ..,*_ hqJ the 3

case Mill bs ably bandied. jTUe ni-u.liiu Nlrike. j <

fliy te,a.-ft.,,r, tottas I'lapati-ti.] t

rmi.Ai.r.i.r;:iA, damian, 10..One of Ithe Beading strikers at Sorriotown laat <

night attacked sn engineer upon his lo-1 ie .motive nnd knocked lum nowa with a t

pUng-pinand it took three men tdrive the riot i from tbe engine und :ir- 1r.-st him. Ha i.-) now locked np awaititrial. i

Titers wa* no meeting of tho General \'Execrative Boord of Kaighta of Lath rtt>. lav, beean*!* univ three cuiil.l

er and it requires foura qnornm. Barry, Aylenevorth. and 11

tsry Hay. i ure her.. Mc< loire,Carlton, and Bail yule moving about Icountry mid cutinut be found pronIf ono of tlic-n .sin,did :. j¦ j,i,ir to-uigbtthe formalities preceding a iwouldretinire another dAbout I*.") cars of coal passed down the

lag toad to-day, all from individ¬ual miii'-s. Bach ol these mint i ¦river the Reading rood have a cof .'ki'i ci rs p. r day; bul aome "f it is

dropped along the rood before reachingReading. Bevelus 'Jd per cnt. al ova tb I'

have been offered by ownera ofindividual mil es. bul tl ir mi n r. filledii emil v., re to i ma over the Readingroad, Nobs ol tbs Schuylkill min,ranave cs yel experioaoed the al¬fi et of the sin!." ,-i ;, Jinan 'ill sv iy.There is still due them p iy,which .1 he

.iv will dis!ni,Ute theilthe ie

i'lir.si'ii.ruiA, .lu, ry IOtts bring an earlj a ttl<

ol' til'entirely within tue rsnge of probability.it is leained tlH. Whiting, ufpony, held Quite . reneewith " leroi ifanogi r McLeod andother Readl of high rank to-day, ami altin uah oil of those concernedan- extreme.*/ reticient aa t.> who!ipired, the L. lit: li gi ni ralljtinned thal preliminary takenlooking i" o settlement within a shorttune either by compromise or ll

tion.Pott'svi i. rr. l's., January 10,

ni'.-t imports ,i action in the strike situa¬tion t,.-diiy ss,I- tbe forn ation olmillee ut leading mere intile men

country to wail noun Preaident Corbinmid ni-.'." an arbitration. I'

getber with thc principal ont ide towns,ti d u| on- thii

and I rapider!nt 11.. aing.

\ . mi n;-t.'.ii.i>,

Sits*--" rs, Pa., -bit nary 1". The En-terprise c..! Cutup:.nv ja ti. 1 its miners

will r c.- e H pi r e. nt. odvance <>s r the.-*_'.".ii b.'i-is, arel Ihe companjP> use the Pi un ivlvonis reilro id

thal n unit.ii menwill not handle the pro Iud o

Affairs in RaaalO.(Rr ,V > Tch.i

; ry 10..1it tl

for 1888 will rctri nen ¦_¦ ,01 1,1 lpol which 8,1) 0,000 roubles vsiilaccount of redui ol the

nd Morin* ts.'1 bo ¦/""/ nal '/' 's'. i

il bl ickm tilerson I colre profiting by the fa t thal the

antin : tensen! to tin*Czar have aol been found,to attribute their authorship t"

Russian diplomats, who they can withimpunity di I eiiln ytry to pl e'. d

r themselves by r< pt:.,., r suspi-bich can't affect tht m.

Arrongemi ats for themovi a ant of tbscourt na." been altered and the infamily still moke o Bhorter stay in m.Petersburg thaa was mt. mini. The

bis tinnily will come hereThursday aud will bold tl isNew-Year's reception Friday, b ilthat is over they will immediah Iv returntu the pilaf" st Oatachioa. The Court

iiad been uliliuiilic. d will beabandoned, Ail these changes of theprogramme ar" da ry of a

plot against the life of Ilarne number of persons bave b enarrested her.- for participation in the plot.Among them ur.* savarol offlcera o

anny who hod just arrived in St,burg from tho provinces.

I'i.il Aoalust the (Our.

fBy Anjcdo-Aniuri.-mi caljie lo BM In-patch.),\ li'NN.v, January10..The Allgt mt Inc

/., itim:i mys it n.is received Informationfrom a reliable Booree in st. Petersburgthat a plot against theCzar bas 1».cuver.il, and that numeroua p- ra ms, in-olndiagasvaralarmy offlcera, have beinarrested un tho charge of being mpli-oated in it.

Bbblci, January 10..Private dis-1patebea received bera from Warsaw Boythat the conspiracy Ogsinst the Czar 'ndita centre in St. Petersburg, and tlwas of unusUiilmuu'iiil ideas Mgardaboththe number and position of tho \implicated.

Tbe Hope and llrilisri I'ilirrini*.[By An-jlu-Ani'-ri-sri COU* to th* Dispatch.]Lome, January b»..The Pope to-day

received the british pQgrima, who:,t"d by the Cuke of Norfolk. The

t rope, replying to BB address presented1! to him by the pilgrims, said he Mt> grateful for the iider. si Queen Victoria

ak in her Catholic ¦abjects and prayedfor her prosperity with that of her na-

I tion, whom he loved sad admired. Hehoped for the restoration of peace be-

11 tween tho different parts of the kiiit*(loni,und thut tho irritatiu*? .pn-stious which

- now divid*. them O'ollld ba settled andi rea*oD and equity taku their place.11 In the course of his reply the PopeI j asked tba bishops preswnt tor counsel asf to ahat he could do for the good of so

s important a nation. One of the bishopsf mentioned tho proposed new educations law The Papa suawered that he

would like for them balma looting Komi*

1 tn draw up definite proposals on the- bu!j"'t, aud he concluded: "I hope

:::ethiug may soon he done. I have1 already alluded to the subject in my

1. ttas to the i >ueeu."The British pilgrims presented £1,600 tothe Pope.

tiThe las.- ol lil Untie.

[Special telegram to Ute Dlapatco.]Clifton PoaaB. V*., January 10..

Tho first day's proceedings of the spe-i cial committee af thc Legislature ap*ooiiiteil to iiiYPetii,'*tt- the eligibility of

e I A. M. McChntio for a neut iu tue Vir-i- dBia Legislature concluded at 10 o'clockJ- to-night. The preponderance of thee evidence was decidedly against MoClin-

tic, although it is like sifting a bushel ofe chaff for a few grains of wheat. Iher eouituittee evidenced thegreuti -t coarte-0 1 ly iu the latitude ot evidence allowed.

'ho committee will undoubtedly getlirough wifn ni] the evidence to t*> m-

roilu-ed in time to leave for Hi-hinonilii the 1:10 afternoon train to-morrow,imong th* witneast-s examined to-day¦nn .'Mr. EL I,. I'arriah, nf Covington,nd W. M. McCliiitic, of Waria Springs,

..rt t \ 11 i» a new/ -rni*i..

un fate of Royall owen Snatch.I hit*ve* ( »plnr..l.

(Sp»v*1al ti*lt*gr»m to tho IH»pa','h.l:snri!ii. Va., Janmirv 10..In

I-- County Court of Chesterfield to-dayn hi* third trial Koyall W. Owen was

onviotad of felony, with a verdict ofwo years in t;,e penitentiary. The eas-*

faa niven to tb* jury after midnightnd tb* venliet wa.t rendered shortly be-DN noon. The Court, however, on mo-

ion of the prisoner's counsel, set asidehe verdict as contrary to the law andvidence and era rited a new trial to takedace at tb* next term.owen lives near this city, an.l th*barga against him is seduction underrromtaw of marriage. Inning tba triale-P rday on»* of tba witnesses for theTonecution was ordered hy the Courtut,, the custody of tho sheriff on tbebergeof mtimitlation of a witness forbe defi ¦-,<

afra. Pauline Hobbins, a lndv who isisitiiiR friends bate, was robbed on

'yenmore stra i thia afternoon by a gangif negro youths, who ran against betod snatched ssatoheland money from

r lu,rids. Warrants wero issued forhe nrrest of six boya, ranging in Rtforom thirteen to eighteen years, chargedvith the robbery, and several of the par¬

ra been caught and most of thotoidi property recovered.John I'. Pk ree, the young white man

i with robbery, was allowiit" sum of |260 by tue mayor this

rut: m.v s or .H%**4 iiiaTF.st.

Pava-Saal anil Otht-r Itt-tii* Irom Onr

¦late* CISs*.Mr. James !¦'. bradley left yesterday

mu nimr on a viait to Lynchburg.Mr. Robert B. Taylor and bride (nee

radon) have returned from their tripNorth.

.Mr. ThomaaJ. Waymaek ia somewhatinproved ait, a li ug attack of rheuma-ISlll.

til of ti"- money needed to pay forhe n pain ol the Bainbridge-StreetBaptist church lus been raised except

*100.So cases of spacial interest bave been

tried at lins term of the Ii rt.

Mr. William T. Martin, \iho has 1 .¦. Qtick for a wi s, was able to sit

liv.City-Attorney Chark - V. Meredith, of

Hichmond, was in tbe city jMia Mary )'. Mimina died at ant arly

hour j eaterday morning at her n di nee,atom i tit'

ii'cea .. d v. i-i tli" mothi r-in law olWilliam Holton and John Bevill,

i ., widely known and loved. Tnetin- Central

M. tn,.,list church thia afternoon ut :io'clock.A sp ig of the Committeeon

Finan e was held in the Council cham¬ber last night, Present: Messrs, J. I.Perdue, John O'Brien,and I'. W. Weis

Ila- ii .'¦ ting was called to pass obbills aad considi r tho routine b!. adv tor tuc Conned meeting Fridaj


Mortuary iteport.the actual tiler

(ot tb* w< ck anding".

f D' 'iHi: Asthma, 1 ; spoo pneumonia, 1 j

illy driv.-ti inti¦

tion, ¦..; . 1 ; convulsions,croup, 1 cystitis, 1 ; diph

¦, 1 ; t xtra uterine pregnancy, Ientero a litia, I ; fibroids of uti rn

psy, l ; fi vet, gastric, i ; fe'taltra

valve*), 1; h. morrh ig<. ..- inanitimi, 1 ; pm uni, nia, l ; premature birth

leiden! d), 1 ; unknownr of deaths in tho city

Tb oi Btill-births, 'di.

Caatlaaatal i .mi st*, itu ii,-ht* or HonorAt a regular meeting of Continents

394, Knights of Honor, held lastrlnli, (h orge L. ( urrie

I'. ii. h., installed the following officerfor the pr. t var : J. W, Carter,

ictator; M. 1. -gue, dictator v \Johnston, rici did dor; T. I.. Johnssaaistant dictator; J. K. Lamkin, reportr; b. s. tnderson, financial reporter

C. E. Fitzwilson, treasun r; 1'. MMcDowell, chaplain ;C. ii. Suns, guideJ. E. i uardian C. li. Wrensentinel; P. Whitlock, John Maxwelland Charles H. Hagan, trusteea Aftctin- installation tb* l». Ct. 1>, was givei

pper.Itcvivul Nervier*.

Tin- revival services at the SeventhStreet Christian church oondneted b;the bev. John ti. Sbouae, of Li tingtonKy., ate Well attended and iut-n.a.-iti;in interest Mr. Bho ile an,

earnest Bpi aker, and his forcible and tender appeals to the minds and hearts ohis i, not fail to aocomplialmuch good. Hi-- sermon last night oi

blinding and hardening effects osin" wan a masterly effort and ws

1 to by al ii wit!breath1,'- attention. Ile will pren,every night this week.

lil. I,111,.11"t Illl'Ultl'.

Last nights good-audience witnesaethe play of .. Humbug," in which MiKolan.I Ke.l took tU>.- principal eharaiter. From beginning to end of th

ly tbe plaudits were coutinuomMr. lietd is al.ly supported, anti n

pains seem to have bat n taken to tendsthe comedy I attractive aban*.He gives u vt ry phasing and deligbtfit ntertainmeni

.. Humbug" will be given at the mat.nee t., .lay, and .*Cheek" at night.

tiri* at Hit* Trtitlt'g-ar H'wrka.

Last night al-out 9*30 o'clock an alanof fire was turned in from Box86. corm

..-nth and Arch street* The nVpartment soon responded and found th

the b ilet-room to he iu a I,la/..1 he men went to work with a will an

soon bad tbe fiamssundetoontroL Hanabout |500; fully insured, Th

cause of the tiro 13 not known.

Tho Illiston Star 4 ompanj.

Mb* Medora Henson Emmerson, b<

prano;Mim Nella brown, elocutionist.Mr. Walter P, Emmerson, corncti*and Mr. Kudo!pk King, pianist, ha*.I ..en engaged for the neit musicale <

the Mozart Association.in* s»e*p¦Wests tun.

A number of the society young ladi.will give to tht-ir gentlemen friendsleap-year mask bail at belvidere Hall <

Friday night. It ia to be in the true- a mask ball, since no one, not evt

rones, will bo admitted to tho huwithout a mask._

Iii* t ir,- la I urania. Ala.

[By U)i.-i;ra-'ti tv me Dlapateb.)XIoNToottEitr, Ala., January 10..-

special to th** Astwcrtiter from EufaulAU., says that a tire broke out that* ato'clock to-night at rubia's Brook**Bte** and gutted the builthng.Tub latest hu vices are to the effect th

the fire it raging l»eyond control, at

that tho entire I dock is threatened. Tlgas ia turned off; the water supplyexhausted, and the inhabitants are panistricken.

fall or*.[B-r talefraeti to Um Dispaicbd

Bai.TiMoitB, .January 10,.John JSickel and John !'. Kellen, tradingSickt-1, Ilel'eu ¦ Co., notions and whigoods, niiule an assignment to-day ftim benefit of creditors to WilliamDixon Tho bond of the trustee




Grain, Proriaioai, Cattoa, Tobacco, Tnr-pan'.ioa, Rosio, far, aad

Peanut Markus.

(By Uklagraph fa the niapateh,]J*Jbw Yobs. January lo.--Tb**t.K*k market waa

n't so strong or nc iva as y«*ten!ay, and apeeulo¬tion lacied vim, tim gt-nrraj folding bein* rair.Tu.*riah. TB* w*aAn»sBof Lou..ville and va-n-Tille waa tte rn.kst StWaaptCOOOB featara Lood-vnwaa seller, and the dAcUaS wa* attributed todi*.a*: i-faction at tlio OOttoo of Uia, tUtOsSkWO. Ihete.tr* OOM mort aMtv* au I accreaslve than theyhave beeu for soui* .lays past, ami th* natural«ir*ii*tti of the mara at w*. ra .isled at every

t-hlch gave Hie list * favannh ati'l wav»r-Inar appearani-a. dorine th* e.rly lr»iHnB!. No

naloo was mad*on '.nythlng*i'ept Iaiui*-.1 ,. and th* market *>a,.i at-i-itai its

si. i-jtui wa* ;«*ader of themar ke., nan * taught heavily, thn-ign ui«r* waa

pT**aaur*OOOaOMn*aOMfe andtharoKaaalaoa eijtcilnr In lt tn a marked tiUut.

Keadinf voa freely Bold, tint lt* support wa* of.siid s.,mawhat myatiflel iho atrael; bat

Ihe pressure vt aa relieved lat" lu tl.o day and itiMinaiuivl Without further ebOOfO Trtt.lln* InSVa-rern 1: ,|, ard N*W K-.flaud Attr*1."1 ¦¦. ma

BltOOttoO, bot th* :n> v.M.reut* in Uli rest Ot th*» ti. vt«ry an.ail and mtniptirtant. 1U*

market ranged wlih n fractionalameuatasaUOorMady at Irreg ulai- ch***** from last

evcnli k'« t COO rotol salas, SIS.OU) aliares.Nsw losr. January li. I «s dull

and firm. M .ney rasy at .1*4 per cent, K»-.-hange-Loug, IM1,: snort, 488V (Jovernmeuia

rr>Mfn*..Ex'-hai**** quiet anti flrta; long,. assy at 4a.'>: elrs-lu*

at 4. Sjh-'l'i-.'aaiiry balau,*ea. <*o'.«l,|111.siA*v,0i«;: irr'-n-v, {,,s-.,,n.i. tioveiuuieiits'IC; 4 ... ',...,.,; 4-i per coats, IO?).-.Stat* txiiidsdulLAlabama-Ua»i A, lins.!<»**)

li, .*,'., small.linOorj-la Ta. mortgage . .101SNorth Carolina .tineoi «**.ii*Ni rth Carolina t's.

ra console. i t

-.¦* 6s..¦- ,

Virginia l-e..Virginia consols.,aske-l) 4V

-nita and Ohio .

an ! N .t'th*'.'«'..ni. Iii*btcofOOOd Ni)r-liw»sV.rQjpr*f'»ried....

liaiawar.., Lacttovaooaad weetara ..v**-'.

Hast 'l>nii.*saee railroad. !"¦*lok* Hbor*.*' H

. fi\M.'inrdil* and t h»idratou. M

Slid 111". ll"*.. an I' I »'(*' kt-i .HM

NewOrieana Paclflc l«t mortgapi*.\'»\ . . 1 .

k and Western protOROd.I .


Nerlli-- ,-farrell. 47»,

. W\. H

nd and Weat F- mt Terminal.M-,Rool [Blood.ll: .

st. lani preferred.Hi'tTelar, radii *. tSft]

iee il *., I Ired. S01|. lOe

Now Jeiany t'entral. 7**'iVllkS.'.el , . tts'.Western I lon .

iottc.ii-"., iui-i .. en s' ... UH

BALTIMORE ITOCZ KABKST.BilATMOtO, Md.. January ia.Virginia ne*

Sid to-tliir.

BICHMOND STOCK IXCHANOI.tv, Jaaaary tc, i««*

"ii v, -FirtsT BOAOO. 1.; 0 RAat I'iii'4.

"ins; | lolOoria urtu,a.m.

-tani* 4<*'a.WTStat* ,ts .1... v,

reucy.USStats Bsctrorriia.

.1 '/s.1") (tlousol*. Il 4)_. I'

t-i'i'-i.-. cw .SS** (>l

V Irgln ',-. Id.ttl..si

a afii-rlanuarr, SB.--tl*&i nv


Kli-hinoud cltjVt.111-,' ns

l'l'liln. ..I'JUBau h.ni>

harlot** i-tr-i.1*1columbia a id Ur**nvUle ttl 6*a.. 7s

«.loon l'C1 Income. 4*o,

"..lDl'-J I"-'.,¦«.' Isa* 11 .>>...

Iii Ii. al Da.100.. 1 Imu. guid o'* .KB

s t Macs, lt *.'*. l' i

Iii I... v,,iit K. and (hes. 1st*'*,.Ul US1. 1 *r.'ltn* let T's.IM

Nt th l Molina lat Ca.'.Xl

ui.KUAostooaa /*ur.Allitnia an 1 ( t.arlott*.Inri -. k.

arollna.l,"J looPeteraourf.loo mi*; uss

I c, div. obliKBtton.i 0 ll.) Illll., V. ».'. !'. V's, -Mar.HOKn

...¦rsburj'.lu>) HW ll!.'Hank -sru. a-.

: city.2» !".Ha; tmBtl-mi .l.-i IUUM

¦'..tilter-Hav.Vb IS 17

Old D',mini, u S. S. Co.I'to .. PO

liRAIB AND COTTOB IXCBAB0B.Rica mond, January IS, 1MBorrBBi.siiS.

WllllT.-lfil bllatielB,I ..UN.

¦<. taisbelA.Ml Ll. Ol KAI.-Ii tuns.

SALBS RBrOKTF.D TO 9BCBBTABT.B7BIAT. siit.-i, is tcisheiaatWio'/flc Shor

lol .-.

of)...rt: tri it--day til *l.»ai. Itt* bushell; sam

day : 1 s.,ie* !o-<lay.bela; sam* day last yea

BdM bu*b*lo oflarliifs so far tbi- ya.ir, a*0\S-. oaiu'i iiuiH last year, 7:4,1 in buel.il,,a rauK* of |>rlc*s lo-tlay, SS to N


dla, xit) tni-hels rery |OiKt I crn.-; 11 bu OO at I*.-.: X''

ll t-ry k .-! Bl MBXS *>i bushels TeryK'",I ¦!, bUBSelB vt-ry joel at t' ^

Total eal.-...f ern, S04bU*b*lAru. i's.

W . ; .¦ flo* *''. t:.'.75: auparflte, |i.7if..v.at',.',*': ramUy,|iaK&0; pat*u

litmily,c-j,i ar/, lt.. iiUii.

ros bbpobi.Mark' ..*.

envrATtovaVlDUI.tV,-..Low tftpoi ino, 11-lla,UOOB Oiil'IN AIlT, -,,,-.


ST* li*'l about ,'. ef I.Aiae on tl

innrktit tOksdar, OOd prices sere mg* *ttU.-fat ry, ruanloi up to l$% and 13c- 'sw looil dai

mty [sst, while some lute* *oM 1

IO 7 ., arel |,mimili at iH and over. The averai,shi.k(,(») Was al>.ut douli

ti's at same date.namely, 17.IS strainMid at It.aOaA.'s) m-day for no.

quality. Thi* West Virflula brlxhlH w»re test.

¦fall to-day at auction, and price* were hl|with splrit'-d billing, tboufiri nothing fin*extra was .ffercl. Very in, pa>-ka*-es w*

ia io 11 tu. The b-at sold al 40"., lowest Ifga-nt a .i'i sud flue color will eell high, ai

outers .-uni m..re willina to pulupwlibotbImporfocUooa of leaf to get good color. Ntwi-ateru typ.a aeut here as eamplea of liweek's sales .-how very high wea'orn market,.

irk, and will stimulate Mis on Virgin-. our uiarKul fer all gralee of old a

uewisetlll Uro low, aud tuual keep ailvanettsui we uoto elrta-iy a much stronger feelingall kind-, willi uo li'.tl* apcculatire buyt.luletly.

BIOKMOBD LIVB-STOCX BABBSTJAMCAttr l'L-KeeelpU: 406 b**4 cattle,

hog*.Sales: 909 bead cattle, 19 aln-ep, it* hogs.Pri.-es:Cattle.Beet, tatV*. rr.**; medium togo.

, ¦. griste; c. 1..mon to f"ur,«)«*-»<-.. froras.>heep-3l»aSa gross.Hogs-fi*, wc. net.Bull*.al*a*.*, grues.


NKW TORK.Nsw Tobb, Jauuary 10..Cotton qul*t; asl

" ll; bale*: upla'-.l-.. 1 Sc; orleans, IO)*.-.;lit-, Hi.dT) bars ; i-iiiorts.toGreat t-ritn

.. BOtUB HItT; to rr*' a, 4.4Uls*l**; to lb* ti

ut, -..mi'sbale.-: »t a-k. l,.*sM,Ms b*i«*. **OVern flour quiet and ataatly. VVbeal.(lpn.cpened a -hade lower, but soon strengsharsui rattled -,a',i*,. oloalng steady and a lruuder Ute brat; <aab. *a-t,c higher and vi

qatatj W I red. January, 90,',c. Kauri*DI MlaUl V-. War W-»»l**«-» Corn-Optl.

A fairly a ilvit and »»*',.:. blfber. cl,sing sleat;coab Brm and moderate demaml; No. t, Jai

*, ary. eitaaai-ac.; February. «0-,a*lt,c.; M7 MKattata oat* \,*s»r. higbei an 1 unatt-i

No. I. Juuuory, arv,*j»>,c.; MS t***.!*-*.; mo

westt U -fa lu Ufht demsutl. CoS><.4 hair Kio sieaty at 117.71; opUou* opened w-

, andcioeod st:.mger; No. 7 kio. Jauuary. li:d .41.V.1), frbruary |44.**0a|lA-a*i; May, |1<i0 111 ML Sugar quiet and firm; refined qu

Boi*.sas*s stiiiady. Cotton-se*4 oil -JBaSTc.'* erode), UWOMO. for reflnrd Roaiii atoadvC- tl Cr, sall.M. Turpentine flrmer ai Ak*. UL

iu iu.H*.rri.te demaud. Wool stead." and quCork fairly a-tlve aad arm; meas, |t\**Aafl!f..r enrt-year aid, B*«f SulL fut-meaie BiMidd lea nominal. Lard dull and bea vt; w.

.ru ateam, I* for obott-*; January, t7.(S*|7.Bay, ISCaa4«.0-l. rr*lfbi* dull.

UAMTBOUK.BAi.Tiaoua, Mo., January lO.-4'otton il

and easy, ml 11.log, I0i«al0',e. flour ate.'." aui urta. V. hstat.*oulborn fl. iu for i:hoic->; 1

J. tatala*).-.; amber. Sial/rc.; wswteru blaber; N,. v>liner r*d, spot ti^o. bid; .Uuuary, 8*a«ti* ,uarT. BlliallOSie*.; May, 94k,atM-|t-, Ct*

, U*d aouiuiru ti-teilt**; wall*, tj-jaeV^r,; jajj

Ma-M. wetti-ra .a-rt*r ant] doll; tait**, t-pot,r*v,»wv'.: January, ia-, aaa**- r*brt**r«,

Mar<-b. SO-. **k*d. nala Irminsouthern and P**nn*ylran'a, 'Call'*. ; a **t»ro

whit*. 4 lat**.; wwttru wini JSmVttm. Hf* Itu,BlBSaTOU ProrlMoti* .?«**d«> aad >it«t*sc l*ot*"»>»«Btaa*r *( f-'aia.a*. Sirs* ***l*r a«a dull; Iraak.SDaSla; Urned, lSalnV. Petroleum ht«ti*r; r<*

fined. TV'-. < "ff"* -lull and n-'nilnal: feto'.arirtm, ordinary .*> fair, isaiHtaai 5 t*>pv>*r ra-

fined firm at i.iaM.. ".""nukey a-aa-ty attl.l-Vtll.lt. omar «ri'cl** unhanged. Pr*ighu... I.lr*rpool VT ..?air,**'Joli; uotton. 7-Ml.;Sour, ls. ttl.; arala lower, SafPa-l

CBlCAOaCa-CAOO. January 10..rioar quiet Ko Sra-I

wheat nominal. Na t '-..rn. 4e",*4"*c. Ba toat*, ,r,ss«e.-. Pork. Sl^aSlilo. lard, IT BO.KDorl.rU; *Me* (loo*-), 17-84. Ory-Mltad tfcool-<l«.i»a.it*.ii,Si-atai& -mort clear tun (botad),BS a Hist ML \VhU**r, tl.iaLeading future* ranged:

O-xtiiH*. Uiinmt, CtMtiaaWater. 11*. eta. cu

January. 77 VU, **7l<F*orury. 7?*< TSTBBay. Bl St* MHcoan.

January. 4«H 49 4fMay. w>, IA* UHOa*B,May.a. ji , U-, Mlf-Mt*a-I*oa*u

January... IIMf) flMtX .."...*»<May.IXSf'tJ 16.8*. la.tf'f

LataatJaauary. Mt TBS TT\(May. T.w* 1MH .'.a**'KHOaT-RlB*.

Jan y arni Feb arr.. .... ....

May. SliatTiaw or mt cate tao hsbkbt.

C'lict io. January id. -All mart*!* oa .'haag*''.*:,..! saM aaa faatai-tlata i^ ,i»y with t.uttrifling .rhan gi** fr ,rn y-vi'lay'* fl elng figure*May wfeaal ".tarted to m higher al Slo. aadduring tee tart*- pan Ot Uta ts-attaa aa* ""wrydull. Ileavr ti \*-i in vc tv .-verru lar«aoperator* tmn»1 ih* roark*! upward *. l "BJnoou Mar h»d r*ii l,.-l t>, vi ,.--. and for half anhour w»» *t.-*.|y ».,.iinl M , \ Bart «»m Mfeature* mifald* al ll,*** lo.liti.'mal buring.t urn opanaS .iii'b»nf-,i kart tie***. r>uytug t«>i-.jv.-r slioiU »<>.,¦ ¦»us*d . -burp B4*r*aa**B Infri,-.-*, and May told up to My. bal irwil *tMV". Oatt *.'ld witt.lu S"- 'ant*, l-rtiftilon*

during tu* eeltr* n,"uiii(. Th* ar*.

rtt-alt of ti"** were dUaprx.lniliif arid prt,-**hither There app»*red l***>'li*|i>«iitii>n toeelliii* pt*o4ttot, and a ilri'.*r f-*.|iu« d*«ei..pt*t lu

parkdna to Itbaral barta* by <>u* oriwoUig*trader* who had g" <! onler* and at tim*-* ii.'Kall th*.-r,w,l w.altl tail lard aaa tb* cUt-.larti'l* on th* Hat, mil daollnad aaJSe. and ohwa-i«t loalda figure*. Bborttiba wera *ua«ly with fairmata

ST. UK li.ST. I/OCtt. January ia.Flour quint, ua-

cl anted, BM finner. Wheat No. t rel, rata,*. I.I, Sar. *>*.**". v'-l

.inn-. Blvast"ta .tn, *-r..,». raah, - ,-.January, 4?',c. ; May, 4»\a**'v- Oat* hlgtvrt

Bay, WhNkey steadyatSLOB.

cmuuraaTLt'lBiisuiTt. Januaiy Sf". -Wheat qti1»t; Vo*

V.. I, rn -.il v.,,,,;.,,.,ic; Na i nil] lurk .iul*tLan! dull ur %. BX Hulk-in*

la,-,,n -te*,ly v.i.l ni »Blakay .WaUyat ILOS, ll its suit* and ***>.

WIIMlMiTot.WttiiiNOTnv, .laienry ia rarp*ntln* frra

tl a Braal strained, BBtar.; t-A,«r linn *t fl. fm le lur}.riiliQ«-, Ulm;

hurd, |U0- yrll.w lip an.l trlrgla, UlaUH tsVILLS.

ins, KT., January lil.- Maik*W uul*tand un,

RIB rOBI < OTTOS FI'Tl'I****..N'rtr Yent, January i lat re-

celptt. I,-'--1 bali «. i.' 1410 'k*!*-*.Kuturet¦lu-i .-, > .1 f, li k" altO-Ul.

I V ,T.t na ai; /«iy,

i .11-j.tS;i

RORVOLI PsUKUT ataAKIT.ilt«l>.,r'<"l f'Tthe Dttpalr*.!

.Usriar IO BarBal taatvir and strcmf*r.Receipt* r#rr li»avy. Prim*, ^a.t',r.; extra.Ike.; »in*ii-' t, BaSiac : commoa, li, a*nat BpatVinti, '.'S .. tu, I tao, I »>l4>»'-.

".i»i|»*-r.,i Vt ll ll uni and tilt* tl ut* is


[Hy lapin iBtttlraa taltta t<> th* Dttpatcaibi::.i,iv, .laiiiniry lu..Emjiaror Wil-

I;.um i iiifiiueil tu beti jeNterlay. Hshad a fairly good Dight* nat and ia frtat.f j.atn to tlay. Tb* I'iu*..erorr replyingto an addreas fruin the nalt-worki ra ofHui ie, BOBtaiBing New-Vear'a coiii*rntti-lati"iis, said Utattha news r. KanbtiK tbaCrown brioc* was excellent, and thalth* wurst fears had paaasd awaj, Thobopawaanow j istifi.-d tbal the l'rii.c**would be able to return to berlin iu Uioa-nruif. _

"lr. Poej.lrrly lui prov lo*;.Wn.v Kt., .Iiuunrv lo.

Grand*Mast*r**Workinan I'ow.ferlv iaslowly improving and stfii'lii.T gnlningstrangtb. He dani- - fin- n p in that baint. nils foing so florida,

"senator tl llamt KniiuiiiiiateiiI >aa Mt.i tea, lon \, .lanna'

ut ir Wilson w.ia raBnminassd by lbs !',¦-

poblioa* SSBBBOB ol' the Lvgi-datur*- thuevesiag.


IIK4TIIM.Ml VMS. .-I"n.i. ut SSS i'*11»ni-e In Mau. t.«*-

'ri ur. 1 v. ki.,ii *uei*-», Mrs. M*HY If.Ml MM-, ttS'.l lil I isry l-\, ts*.

l)**a. >.*t mothar, <hntt heat left ut,V\ n thy I.,** mf»rtt deei.ly f*el;

But 'tl* Oi,'I abu hatti bereft ua.He eau all ,,ur anrtuwa baal

BBawwall, my .hlidreu, lament no mora;lin not lost, hut K'.ut l«(or*>.BtaalS lb* l>iaee lu which 1 Ut.A* ye are now. so ono. wat IMy time baa come, and 1 awi iona,1 o lear* you ihut all forlorn."fat li..pe on, ol.tl lren.do u«t delay;

iBof your mather and still ,.i.*. y*l ur »i,«l ant rairit , wl»<,1s year only frleoA,I ill death your tren liles soon »ill sui:Yal (.ray h., ni- au 1 do not err:The Savtoifr lied for you aud L

Funeral will laka pla,* at f*0tral Metk,.'1t«tihur-n at 8 o'.-loak f. SSI. JANI'ABY 11TII.I'l'ivuils aud ati^ualutaDceaart lartteu to BUM t.

MOHlUi.-Med, tn Maai-hestar. Va.. ,lao.,ll.rat USU A. M. <H UK t.i. Kiar DIL

tinly ia.d of Matti* au 1 Jauitt T. Morrl*; agedi and Ave mouths.

An ansel nama ona *< l>mn nlflbtMeavKu't tlory so liestow,

ll MrTTlt fn.ui ,ur *ltht.U hat null wa. Loni, at inorbtng light

Hu-, wen ami lot har (oflier lift WM short, (wa* hut a hr.-alh -

A s.i'i.e, % laar, a kite, tben dean.Tor* frota oar arata ot hrfe and i-artThia !arltni»ol our hop* and prayer.

fOBatal »ill take j. ne*) from trie r»«ldro<-e, Hil.i mri'"i, HU- 'Wstine*>la»- AM'llt*

NOOK n. 'J u' io.*. r'rteu'U of Ut* family ara'.'lld.

I'elwrntjurg and Ilaltimore paper* pleat* <-opr.

NKCHOHH-DleS. Tti*s.!ay. Jaouary 3. BB*,*.1*0a. BL,al tbe renlnoce ,,f i.ls psrente. ci 1

Bl ba tt-raat, JOSBTM IIENRT. lovtnt child »tBUzalMth aud Urary Naurobr; aged ona yt tr.

'Manila's hahy, papa's darling.\> :,y ul word u* to conar.le TWhy not walt lill ibouooulds't wbUper:Ki*-, nie, pSSta, B* I muai go?

Kutieral will uke placa TO-DAY (Wadnatday)fruu. St Mary » Oem,an ('otholtc .hutxti alt I'.M. 11 cin,l» and a»;uaiulahce» UrlUKl 19 attendwithout further notice. *

HoDo KUM..Died, al B**JBS*SjSSB Ital nlabt, atthe re,ldtnca of Uits-m. K K. K«»:irer* SltnorUiTweniy-niirbtb Hreet, Hr. K1CUAKD KODOBJU;aged set-.-u'y-BHveu.

Ile l»ave* tbraa trna, 'wo daughter*, aadmany friend* to ire-urn hu dtato.

ii eral will tala pla.'* TO-MOKKOW(Tliurr-day) MOItNINi; at ly ,'<-!.r k from Ul*

,. Friend* »., 1 a iuainiar.ee* lorded wSSBBatL

si M PF.-Died. Janr.arr 10. l-eB-atlrSD P. M.,at the residence of ber bu*l«ud. 1817 ea<l Mamsl.eet, Mr*. KU.*AHKHI S'l'VMPK, b*lo»*4 witsof Peter Stumpf, and daughter of Jotu Metatr-*.'kmi lt; aged thirty-six year*.

Ibe fur,..iel wm b* BSBBBBBB od la thia ara-uitiic»meta

'itniM i*iiri.iiiir.itt.

KiNIATt hS Al.MA.NAt . JiNCtBT ll.

Boartaat HiaaTioB:Htin-eu. "l:l» Mornlag. SST

\ Jil E*- t tl


.tti-amer Ariel, Oeyi. N,rfolll. 1 nited BUlaamall, tnen-baud 1st), and paattanger*, L. B. Talula,agcuL Ifawawt"¦Veamer Old Dominion, Con.-B, N*w Tort,

mfr hsudlao and pa-aengera, ii. W. AUen * Ca,age nu.steamer Ooldtboro',-.Philadelphia, mer.

chaoUta* and pa*»*ugers, J. Vf. Mclarnca,agent.Hark Bvfro*t, tk>,m, Rratll. flour.Sark Harald, larsen. Kio Grand* do Bul or

Pelotaa, flour..rk-boonor -peedwell. Webb. NorfoU, llgUVtO

load grain; vestal, Curtis A Parter.

POKTOP NKWItiRP NKW4, JABI'ABT ld, 1**B>lb/ tolegrapS.1

aaasvastSt'.-amslilp tiotht-nburg city, Harrison, BoatoavstasnuBlp rrln.-eea. Need, lialvrstob. lo ovaiSiaaaitSib Senei-a, tta'ier, *A**4 Po4nt,ao4

Mtllo-i tor *a*w Yuk.fSILBIX

-.teaatabtp tVbay. Brutani, -..-, ooaletl.^,¦6oooor8 Ka'* H. ogd.-n, I otter, Pro»ld*n."*-,

J. M. Krowu. Hruwi', Near \ ofk; W*ybii*t»tt». eli. Noifoiii; K. Wiuiaii, Booaatt, Baltt-

nw niora... nilli ll. i in a...*¦».*.¦

r',J rp\VO OR THKKK KOOMH, tiV lT-t*jfJlM i ABU K'KiiRNTI.KMKN, niKBJDfTatwM

No.M ea*l Krautllu »lrevt. .* ll-St

_^_^OlViDc-tata.Ntrioati. Bank op vibhikia.)

'I'arriD STt,TB»i*»tpsT»r* DBroairiat >Kii'HMONi*, V*., IXkouiIxi rat, lvO. )

rVHV. DlRKCl\)K8t>F THi8 BANK.1 hare ttl* day deolara-t a DIVIUINO cul ofIh* .ataing* ol th* patt tia months .>< 1 ""SSCKMr. ifreool a.l lav.". t-avaU* t»> lb* iu**-ho'dor* eu a..¦, afiei the JU DAV Ol' J * >1 Md,itxH. ga w. Ua. B* tvu.a*ats*aati