water quality h. behrendt, m. grossmann, h. gömann, u. mischke, a. schöll, j. steidl glowa-elbe...

Water Quality H. Behrendt, M. Grossmann, H. Gömann, U. Mischke, A. Schöll, J. Steidl GLOWA-Elbe GLOWA Status conference 19 May 2005 Cologne Linkages of quantification tools for the estimation of costs – ecological state relationships in the surface waters of the Elbe catchment Tasks of the Working Package Results of Phase I Concept of Phase II Conclusions

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Water Quality

H. Behrendt, M. Grossmann, H. Gömann, U. Mischke, A. Schöll, J. Steidl

GLOWA-ElbeGLOWA Status conference 19 May 2005 Cologne

Linkages of quantification tools for the estimation of costs – ecological state relationships in the surface

waters of the Elbe catchment

Tasks of the Working Package

Results of Phase I

Concept of Phase II


Water Quality

VH I: Integration und -coordination Integrative Methodological Approach GLOWA-Elbe (IMA)

Regional actors, decision bodies

Frame of Development

VH II: Regionalisation of Global Change











VH V: Cross conflict field scenario analysis




VH IV: Conflict field

Surface Water Quality

Nutrient entry

Cost-efficiency analysis

Eco-hydrological Indicators

Socioeconomic Indicators

VH III: Conflict field

Surface Water Availability

Run off regulation

Multi-criteria analysis

Eco-hydrological Indicators

Socioeconomic Indicators

Project advisory board

Water Quality


Development of a system of models,

for scenario calcula-tions of possible changes of nutrient concentrations and ecological state in the Elbe:

• due to climate changes and

Precipitation Temperature

• socio-economic development and


Connections of people

WWTP technologies

• environmental targets (e.g.WFD)

Ecological state of the water bodies of the Elbe and coastal zone

Water Quality

Results phase I:

Establishment of a harmonized database for the modeling of nutrient emissions into the total Elbe catchment

Begin of cooperation with Czech institutions (e.g. boundaries of Czech subcatchments, unified soil loss map, tile drained areas, statistical data)

Water Quality

Estimation of the nutrient emissions into the total Elbe catchment:

• Applicability of the model for areas outside Germany

• Estimation of nutrient emissions for 184 subcatchments in the Elbe

• Model calculations for different time periods in the past

Long term changes of P-concentrations at Zollenspieker

Diffuse P emissionsin the Elbe Basin

Water Quality

Changes of nutrient emissions due to climate

• Use of precipitation and discharges of WATERGAP 4 for two different climate models

• Depending on the used climate model the N emissions can increase or decrease up to 15%

• Scenario calculations on regional changes of discharge and nitrogen emissions for 2025

Water Quality

Changes of nutrient emissions due to changes of global climate and regional human activities

The socio-economic changes in the past influenced strongly the nitrogen emissions

The changes due to climate changes are probably low

Water Quality

Interactions between agricultural activities and nitrogen emissions

Only the introduction of a strong N-tax leads to a substantial reduction of N-emissions from agricultural areas.

The maximum potential for the reduction of N-emissions is about 1/3 compared to 1999

Water Quality

GOWA-Elbe Phase II

Ecological consequences

Human activities

Climate changes


Find solutions which have large ecological effects with a optimum of costs

Nutrient loads

Water Quality

Linkage between nutrient loads and ecological state of the river

Classification of phytoplankton in


Tool for the modeling:


Water Quality

Classes and linkage between phosphorus and phytoplankton in rivers

Classes and linkage between nitrogen/phosphorus and ecological state

of the coastal zone?

Water Quality

Linkage between human activities and nutrient loads

Activities in urban area

Agricultural activities

Measures for sewers / WWTP / connection of

peoplecentral versus decentral


Water Quality

N taxe

Catchment 1 Catchment 2


Increasing costs




Reduction of N / P load (t/a)




Costs (€/a)

Degree of application

Cost – efficient combination of measure?

- Scenarios

- Bio-economic model

Min! (Costs * Degree of application)

random condition N / P reduction targetsl

Costs and effects

Water Quality


• A harmonized database for the total Elbe for the diffuse sources of nutrient entries exists. An enlargement for point sources is needed for the calculation of individual measures.

• Average changes of climate are compared to human activities of minor importance for the nutrient emissions. But what is the sensitivity of biological indicators and which changes can be expected for extreme changes?

• Beside the emissions the retention processes determine the nutrient concentrations and ecological state of the water bodies. Measures for changes of retention have to be studied especially for lakes and wetlands.

• The combination of the model MONERIS with the models RAUMIS and SWIM is realised for the study of agricultural and climate influences on the nutrient emissions and loads.

• This set of models have to be enlarged by bio-economic and ecosystem models to estimate the costs of different ecological states of the water bodies

Water Quality

Thank You

For Your Attention!