waterway project rm framework - aaltodoc.aalto.fi

Oliver Heinonen The development of a waterway project risk management frame- work A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science Espoo 5.9.2016 Supervisor: Professor Terhi Pellinen Advisors: D.Sc. Arja Toola, D.Sc. Jakub Montewka

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Oliver Heinonen

The development of a waterway project risk management frame-work

A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science

Espoo 5.9.2016

Supervisor: Professor Terhi Pellinen

Advisors: D.Sc. Arja Toola, D.Sc. Jakub Montewka

Aalto University, P.O. BOX 11000, 00076 AALTO


Abstract of master's thesis

Author Oliver Heinonen

Title of thesis The development of a waterway project risk management framework

Degree programme Transportation and Environmental Engineering

Major Transportation and Highway Engineering Code R3004

Thesis supervisor Prof. Terhi Pellinen

Thesis advisors D.Sc. Arja Toola, D.Sc. Jakub Montewka

Date 5.9.2016 Number of pages 61 Language English


The success of a waterway construction or maintenance project is strongly dependent on the management of risk. Striving for better results in their projects, the Finnish Transport Agen-cy (FTA) had recognized the need to improve the resources, tools and guidelines available for the risk management of waterway projects. However, the target is ambiguous, as the optimal approach to risk management cannot be explicitly defined. There are no objective means available for determining an optimal approach to risk management, and there are no risk management standards which would explicitly discuss projects conducted in the context of a larger organization. Instead, various international and national standards and guidelines exist for risk management, each focusing on their own subject matter. Therefore, the first question one must ask in order to develop the practice of risk management is how does one determine which standard or guideline is the most valid in a given context? In this thesis, a literature review, several expert interviews, and an expert survey were used to gather information about the theory and the current state of waterway project risk man-agement in Finland. This was supported by a limited amount of information from Sweden and Denmark. The FTA waterway risk management framework, which includes the guide-lines, tools, human resources, policies, processes and commitment available for managing risk, was evaluated utilizing the ISO 31004:2013 technical report for the implementation of the ISO 31000:2009 standard for risk management. This evaluation result was used to iden-tify the possibilities of developing the risk management framework. Based on these results, the following risk management tools and processes were developed:

three risk management processes tied to the structures of waterway projects,

three hazard checklists,

the inclusion of opportunity management,

the enhancement of the risk analysis process, and

a model for the establishment of the context of the risk management process. The tools and processes were validated through case studies and user group testing, based on which the feasibility of the enhancements was assessed. Finally, recommendations were made for the development of the waterway project risk management framework.

Keywords risk management framework, waterway project, construction, maintenance

Aalto-yliopisto, PL 11000, 00076 AALTO


Diplomityön tiivistelmä

Tekijä Oliver Heinonen

Työn nimi Vesiväylähankkeiden riskienhallinnan puitteiden kehitystyö

Koulutusohjelma Yhdyskunta- ja ympäristötekniikka

Pääaine Liikenne- ja tietekniikka Koodi R3004

Työn valvoja Prof. Terhi Pellinen

Työn ohjaajat TkT Arja Toola, TkT Jakub Montewka

Päivämäärä 5.9.2016 Sivumäärä 61 Kieli englanti


Vesiväylien rakentamis- ja kunnossapidon projektien onnistuminen riippuu merkittävästi riskienhallinnasta. Tavoitteenaan edistää riskienhallintaa vesiväyläprojekteissa, Liikenne-virasto oli havainnut tarpeen kehittää vesiväylähankkeita palvelevia riskienhallinnan re-sursseja, työkaluja ja ohjeita. Ei kuitenkaan ole täysin selvää, millaiseen riskienhallintaan tulisi pyrkiä. Ei ole olemassa objektiivista tapaa määritellä optimaalinen lähestymistapa riskienhallintaan, eikä yksikään riskienhallinnan standardi suoraan käsittele projekteja, jotka toteutetaan osana laajempaa organisaatiota. Vaikka useampi kansainvälinen ja kan-sallinen standardi ja ohje käsittelee riskienhallintaa, ne huomioivat vain oman erikois-alueensa. Ensimmäinen kysymys vesiväyläprojektien riskienhallinnan kehittämisessä kuu-luikin, kuinka määritellään, mikä riskienhallinnan standardi tai ohje soveltuu tar-koitukseen parhaiten. Diplomityössä kerättiin ensin tietoa vesiväyläprojektien riskienhallintaan sovellettavasta teoriasta sekä tämänhetkisistä käytännöistä Suomessa, Ruotsissa sekä Tanskassa. Tiedon hankinnan menetelminä käytettiin kirjallisuuskatsausta, asiantuntijahaastatteluita sekä asiantuntijoille suunnattua kyselyä. Liikenneviraston vesiväylähankkeiden riskienhallinnan puitteita, eli mm. ohjeita, työkaluja, resursseja, politiikkaa, prosesseja ja sitoutumista arvi-oitiin käyttäen riskienhallinnan standardin ISO 31000:2009 jalkauttamisohjetta ISO 31004:2013. Arvioinnin perusteella tunnistettiin ensin riskienhallinnan puitteiden kehi-tysmahdollisuuksia, ja sen perusteella kehitettiin seuraavat riskienhallinnan työkalut ja prosessit:

kolme vesiväylähankkeiden läpivientiin sidottua riskienhallinnan prosessia,

kolme vaarojen tarkistuslistaa,

mahdollisuuksien hallinnan sisällyttäminen riskienhallinnan prosessiin,

riskianalyysin parannuksia, sekä

malli riskienhallinnan toimintaympäristön määrittelylle. Kehitettyjen työkalujen ja prosessien toimivuutta tarkasteltiin tapaustutkimusten ja käyttä-järyhmätestauksen avulla, joiden perustella arvioitiin työkalujen ja prosessien hyödyllisyyt-tä ja toimivuutta. Lopuksi tehtiin suosituksia vesiväyläprojektien riskienhallinnan puittei-den kehittämiselle.

Avainsanat riskienhallinnan puitteet, vesiväylähanke, rakentaminen ja kunnossapito


Good stories provide simple and coherent account of people’s actions and intentions…

The fact that many of the important events that did not occur involve choices

further tempts you to exaggerate the role of skill

and underestimate the part that luck played in the outcome.

Daniel Kahnemann

Acknowledging the existence of narrative fallacy and the illusion of understanding, one could

see a set of random events leading first to the beginning, and eventually to the finishing of this

work. But randomness does not provide good stories, and stories are the thing with people.

My story begins with birth, and for that I would like to thank my parents, Nina and Harri, for

nurturing me and supporting me to an apparently healthy individual. Yet a story which begins

at birth is inevitably too long for an A4, so I’ll skip a few things and thank Saku Viita-aho, for

poking me at the correct direction. Without him, I doubt I would have discovered the tiny

civil engineering sub-field of project risk management in time for writing this thesis.

Next, I’d like to thank my current employer at Ramboll, Outi Lehti, firstly for answering that

phone-call with a “Sure, we could use a thesis worker – let me point out a gap in the current

knowledge”, and secondly for all that support and assistance during the course of this work.

I would like to express a huge thank you to the steering group at the Finnish Transport Agen-

cy; my advisor Dr Arja Toola, along with Tero Sikiö and Marko Reilimo, who provided nu-

merous thoughtful insights and ceaseless support. I would also like to thank Maritta Polvinen,

Mervi Harju, Hannu Nurmi, Arto Säilynoja, Simo Kerkelä, Tommi Tervo, Per Lagerström,

Peter Jonsson, and Finn Mølsted Rasmussen for guiding me deeper into the world of risk

management and waterways.

My advisor Dr Jakub Montewka, without your sharp and advising wisdom the structure of the

work would have remained incomprehensible, which undoubtedly would have come back to

haunt me. And Professor Terhi Pellinen, I am thoroughly thankful for your comprehensive

help in this work.

And for the last, I warmly thank the Finnish Transport Agency for providing the necessary

financial framework for this work, saving me from bankruptcy.

Espoo, 5.9.2016

Oliver Heinonen


Table of Contents

Abbreviations and terms ............................................................................................................. 3

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Research background ................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Research objectives ...................................................................................................... 6

1.3 Scope and limitations ................................................................................................... 6

2 Literature review ................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Theoretical background of the research ....................................................................... 7

2.2 A theoretical approach to project RM .......................................................................... 8

2.3 Waterways and waterway projects in Finland ............................................................. 9

2.4 Risk concepts ............................................................................................................. 12

2.5 Project risk management ............................................................................................ 19

2.6 Waterway specific risk management approaches ...................................................... 21

3 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 22

3.1 Research approach ..................................................................................................... 22

3.2 Research process ........................................................................................................ 22

Literature review ......................................................................................... 22 3.2.1

Expert survey .............................................................................................. 23 3.2.2

Semi-structured interviews ......................................................................... 23 3.2.3

Evaluation of the current FTA practice of waterway project RM .............. 24 3.2.4

Development of waterway project RM constructs ...................................... 24 3.2.5

Construct evaluation and validation ............................................................ 25 3.2.6

4 Results ............................................................................................................................... 28

4.1 The environment for RM in the Finnish waterway industry – survey results ........... 28

Survey respondents ..................................................................................... 28 4.1.1

RM experience ............................................................................................ 28 4.1.2

RM benefits and drawbacks ........................................................................ 28 4.1.3

Discussion and conclusions about the survey results.................................. 30 4.1.4

4.2 Waterway project RM in the FTA and Sjöfartsverket – expert interviews ............... 30

The interviewees ......................................................................................... 30 4.2.1

The state of waterway project RM in Finland ............................................. 31 4.2.2

Waterway maintenance and projects in Sweden ......................................... 32 4.2.3

Result validity ............................................................................................. 33 4.2.4

4.3 Evaluation of the current FTA practice of waterway project RM against the ISO

31000:2009 ................................................................................................................ 34

Evaluation against the principles of RM ..................................................... 34 4.3.1


Evaluation of the risk management framework ........................................... 35 4.3.2

RM process .................................................................................................. 38 4.3.3

Summary of the recognized framework development possibilities ............ 41 4.3.4

4.4 RM constructs and validation results ......................................................................... 41

A RM process tied into the lifetime of waterway projects .......................... 41 4.4.1

Waterway specific hazard checklists ........................................................... 43 4.4.2

Opportunity management as a part of RM .................................................. 45 4.4.3

Modified FTA risk analysis process ............................................................ 46 4.4.4

Model for establishing a project’s RM process context .............................. 48 4.4.5

Summary of the validation results ............................................................... 49 4.4.6

5 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 51

5.1 The problem of determining the correct path for RM ................................................ 51

5.2 Towards the management of uncertainty ................................................................... 51

5.3 Mutual trust and the contracting model ...................................................................... 53

5.4 The next steps for FTA ............................................................................................... 53

5.5 The reliability and applicability of the results ............................................................ 54

5.6 Theoretical connections and contribution .................................................................. 55

5.7 Recommendations for further research ...................................................................... 55

6 Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................. 56

References ................................................................................................................................. 58

Appendix 1: Waterway classification in Finland

Appendix 2: Summaries of waterway project RM guidelines in Sweden and Denmark

Appendix 3: Interview Questions

Appendix 4: Survey scoring methodology and survey form

A4.1 Survey scoring methodology

A4.2 Survey form

Appendix 5: Summaries of the FTA RM framework documents and systems

Appendix 6: The constructs

A6.1 Waterway project RM process descriptions

A6.2 Hazard checklists

A6.3 Model for establishing a project’s RM process context

A6.4 Modified risk matrix


Abbreviations and terms

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable – is used to describe a level of

risk which is optimal in comparison with the cost of the further po-

tential treatment or mitigating actions.

ERM Enterprise Risk Management – consists of active and intrusive

processes that (1) are capable of challenging existing assumptions

about the world within and outside the organization; (2) communi-

cate risk information with the use of distinct tools (such as risk

maps, stress tests, and scenarios); (3) collectively address gaps in

the control of risks that other control functions (such as internal

audit and other boundary controls) leave unaddressed; and, in do-

ing so, (4) complement – but do not displace – existing manage-

ment control practices. (definition by Mikes & Kaplan 2014).

Essential tools of RM (FI: Riskienhallinnan perustyökalut) – Comprises of the following

four tools,): SWOT-analysis, risk map, risk management form, and

risk matrix. (Liikennevirasto 2015).

FTA Finnish Transport Agency (FI: Liikennevirasto)

ISO International Organization for Standardization

Project A project is a temporary endeavour to create a unique product,

service, or result. The temporary nature of projects indicates that a

project has a definite beginning and end. The end is reached when

the projects objectives have been achieved or when the project is

terminated because its objectives will not or cannot be met, or the

when the need for the project no longer exists. (PMI 2013:3).

Risk An unexpected negative or positive situation or event, which pre-

vents or disturbs the realization of objectives, process or action, or

provides new possibilities for achieving them. Risk has a magni-

tude, which is quantified based on the probability and the severity

of consequences. This is the definition is by the FTA (Liikennevi-

rasto 2015) – see also the definition of ISO 31000:2009 in Section


RA Risk assessment is a systematic process consisting of risk identifi-

cation, risk analysis and risk evaluation. (ISO 31000:2009 and

Liikennevirasto 2015).

RM Risk management is a systematic process consisting of establish-

ing the risk management context, risk assessment, risk treatment,

monitoring and reviewing, and communication and consulting.

(ISO 31000:2009 and Liikennevirasto 2015).


RM framework The set of components that provide the foundations and organiza-

tional arrangements for designing, implementing, monitoring, re-

viewing and continually improving risk management throughout

the organization, see also Section 2.4. (ISO 31000:2009).

RM plan Scheme within the risk management framework specifying the

approach, the management components and resources to be ap-

plied to the management of risk

RM approach The manner in which a risk management problem is solved.


1 Introduction

1.1 Research background

A majority of the international freight across the borders of Finland is transported by freight

vessels, which navigate the archipelago along specific waterways. These waterways are con-

structed and maintained by the Finnish Transport Agency (FTA). The construction and

maintenance work is divided into individual projects, where private service providers conduct

the practical work while the FTA reserves the role of a client. The projects come with differ-

ent complexities and magnitudes, ranging from the Baltic Sea waterway deepening projects to

the replacement of a few navigation marks on a freshwater lake.

These projects face numerous risks, or uncertainties related to the achievement of project ob-

jectives. These risks arise, for example, from the ambiguity of the contract and tender docu-

ments, or from the lack of knowledge about the time required for dredging work. The respon-

sibility for navigating the field of project risk lies primarily on the client who uses the tender

process and contracting to transfer a share of that risk to the service provider. The risks faced

in these projects are perhaps best demonstrated through the hazard checklists in the Appendix

A6.2 Hazard checklists, and in Liikennevirasto (2012).

The success of a project is more or less dependent on the success of the management of pro-

ject risk. However, the success of project risk management is determined by a number of fac-

tors, most of which exceed the boundaries of single projects in an organization such as the

FTA. These factors include e.g. the guidelines, tools, human resources, policies, processes and

commitment available for managing risk, which together form a risk management framework.

Thus, in order to evaluate or develop the risk management approach in individual waterway

projects, one must consider all the factors of the risk management framework.

For the application of risk management to waterway construction and maintenance projects by

the FTA, the role of risk management has been to control the environmental, health and safety

risk. The FTA’s general approach has recently been adapted towards a wider perspective on

project risk. Nevertheless, while the guidelines and policy for risk management have been

adapted to include financial and schedule risk, the available tools and processes have not. It

should be noted, that not all risk management is necessarily good – on the contrary, Hubbard

(2008) argues that in some cases bad risk management can lead to worse results than with no

risk management at all.

Systematically striving for better results in their projects, the FTA had recognized the need to

develop the risk management framework for the use of waterway project risk management. In

theory, optimal risk management reduces the amount of risk up to a level, where the means

and the cost of reducing the risk matches the benefits of the reduction. However, it is not

completely clear, what kind of risk management produces the optimal results in practice.

There are no objective means available for determining an optimal approach to risk manage-

ment, and there are no standards, which would explicitly discuss projects conducted in the

context of a larger organization. Instead, the field spans a number of standards and guidelines

for risk management, each focusing on their own subject matter – so, when concerned about

waterway construction and maintenance projects inside an organization, should one expect to

find the optimal risk management approach in the risk management standard for organiza-

tions, enterprises, projects, or perhaps waterway traffic? It appears that the field of risk man-

agement is fairly immature, despite – or because of the vast number of standards.


The FTA’s current risk management approach for infrastructure projects is based on the risk

management standard ISO 31000:2009, although the standard has not been thoroughly im-

plemented. The ISO standard is complemented with a technical report for its implementation,

the ISO 31004:2013, which describes a process for the evaluation of the current practice

through the comparison of the practice with the standard. This evaluation process was per-

ceived as the necessary tool for understanding the shortcomings and the connections of the

current practice.

1.2 Research objectives

The objective of the research was to improve the practice of risk management in waterway

projects in Finland, while providing theoretical contribution through the framework of con-

structive research. In other words, the objectives of the research were to:

1. Analyse and clarify the FTA risk management framework for waterway construction

and maintenance projects while suggesting improvements, and

2. Develop risk management constructs (tools and processes) for the application of the

improvements in practice.

The constructs were to be designed from the point-of-view of being used by the management

of waterway projects. The constructs primarily serve FTA project managers in conducting risk

management in their projects, and secondarily the various service providers in these projects.

1.3 Scope and limitations

The scope of this research spans the construction and maintenance of the FTA governed wa-

terways in Finland. Thus, the planning phase of waterways is outside the scope of this work.

The designed risk management constructs focus on the bottom-up, or micro-level ERM ap-

proach, describing the risk management manoeuvres conducted by the project management to

address local-level risks, as described by Nocco & Stulz (2006). These are described by the

FTA (2016) as operational risks.

The scope of the research includes the whole variety of risks a waterway project can be vul-

nerable to. These include e.g. financial, safety and environmental concerns.

The accountabilities, relationships, and human or financial resources internal to a project were

not in the scope of this work. Also the planning of the practical implementation of the risk

management constructs in the FTA organization was not included in the scope of this work.


2 Literature review

2.1 Theoretical background of the research

Although this research focuses on the project level of RM in waterway environment, the or-

ganization or enterprise perspective is adopted for interpreting the success or failure of the

RM in an organization encompassing several projects. In other words, the assumption is

made, that the organizational, or enterprise risk management (ERM) approach applies to sin-

gle projects in a larger organization, and that the micro-level benefits of ERM can be sought

for without accounting for the organization-level benefits (as described by Nocco & Stulz


In order to successfully analyse and develop an ERM framework, a theory, or a basis for that

analysis is required. However, as Mikes & Kaplan (2014) and Bromiley et al. (2015) argue,

no established theory exists, which would explain the success of one risk management ap-

proach over the other in the field of ERM.

To cap the hole, Mikes & Kaplan (2014) propose the contingency theory, which claims that

the success of a given ERM practice or “mix” depends on the contingent variables, such as the

managed risk types and the industry. In other words, they suggest that risk management will

be most effective when it matches the inherent nature and controllability of the different types

of risk the organization faces. Mikes & Kaplan propose a “minimum necessary contingency

framework” (Figure 1) for the basis of practical use of the contingency theory.

In the case of the relatively new and unestablished contingency theory, a “common body of

knowledge” describing the best combinations of factors is not readily available. Therefore, to

provide a measure for the organizational effectiveness of an ERM approach, Mikes & Kaplan

(2014) following Otley (1980) suggest using user satisfaction surveys and managerial percep-

tions of the ERM function as potential indicators.

Contingency theory suggests that an ERM mix should be divided into its fundamental RM

components for its observation and development. This is also the suggested approach for im-

plementing the RM standard ISO 31000:2009; the technical report ISO 31004:2013 suggests

the evaluation of an organization’s RM practice against the ISO 31000:2009. Thus it is as-

sumed that the implementation process described in ISO 31004:2013 is in line with the con-

tingency theory, and will provide the necessary information for this research to contribute to

the knowledge on the practical application of the theory.

The choice of using the ISO standard family as the basis for the approach in this research was

influenced by the FTA’s use of the RM standard ISO 31000:2009 as the primary reference for

both the organization-scale and infrastructure project scale RM guidelines (Liikennevirasto

2015 and 2016d). The implementation level of the ISO 31000:2009 to the FTA waterway pro-

ject RM practices is analysed in Section 4.3.

Yet it should be noted, that there is no guarantee that the ISO 31000:2009 describes the best

RM solution for waterway projects – the ISO 31004:2013 is merely seen here as an adequate

practical guideline for facilitating the analysis of the current waterway project RM approach.

Instead, the field of project risk management research could equally well provide adequate

tools for waterway project RM – especially when dealing with large, complex projects with


multiple organizations, where project successes are clearly linked with higher level of RM

implementation (Harvett 2013).

Figure 1: The minimum necessary contingency framework of the contingency theory, adopted

from Mikes & Kaplan 2014.

The theoretical connection between ERM and project RM in the context of this thesis is fur-

ther explored below in Section 2.2.

2.2 A theoretical approach to project RM

As the ERM approach should look at the RM processes from the organizational level, and is

thus appropriate for the organization to pursue its collective goals, the actions of the individu-

al waterway project and project risk managers are assumed to more likely reflect the goals of

individual projects. Given this assumption, the waterway project risk management framework

would need to be able to reflect the environment of individual waterway projects in a way that

also assists in the pursuing of organization-level goals.

However, the question of how projects and their subsequent risks should be managed is all but

clear. What the scholars (and some of the practitioners) of project management collectively

appear to agree on, is that the most functional management approaches reflect the project


properties, such as the project complexity, and thus vary between projects (Harvett 2013, At-

kinson et al. 2006, and Lehtiranta 2014). This is in line with the contingency theory of ERM

(Mikes & Kaplan 2014), and from an organization’s management’s perspective might call for

a similar “common body of knowledge” as the contingency theory.

The PMBOK – the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMI 2013) – answers the prob-

lem from the point-of-view of conventional project management. However, the risk manage-

ment approach in PMBOK is shallow, and doesn’t account for all of the varying properties of

project risk. “Perhaps the conventional common view of project management is essentially to

see the project task as a set of processes to ensure a project meets its (predetermined) objec-

tives. Then the whole raison d’etre of project management is to remove (or substantially re-

duce) uncertainty about meeting specified objectives. However, project management in this

sense is a castle built on shifting sands if in practice objectives are unclear, contradictory, or

impossible. Many endeavours recognised and ‘managed’ as projects experience problems for

this reason.” (Atkinson et al. 2006).

Figure 2: The seven dimensions of project hardness and softness, adapted from Crawford &

Pollack (2004:650).

These varying properties include at least the perceived hardness vs. softness of projects, relat-

ing to the amount of needed disciplines and the strength of the predefined project objectives

(Atkinson et al. 2006, Harvett 2013). Crawford & Pollack (2004:650) describe the seven di-

mensions of hardness and softness of projects, illustrated in Figure 2. Another such property

is project complexity, which is explored for example by Harvett (2013).

However, the question of how to choose the correct or best approach for each project’s risk

management is still left unanswered. This might call for a similar answer as the contingency

theory of ERM – a common body of knowledge for project RM approaches, with the ability

to differentiate between the variables with significant effect on the approach functionality and


2.3 Waterways and waterway projects in Finland

Waterway as a structure

From an engineering point-of-view, a waterway can be described as an underwater 3D-space:

a guaranteed water depth delimited from the sides with virtual lines. The places of these lines

and a ship’s position in relation to them are acknowledged by the navigator based on the on-


board navigation system – or, if the technology should fail, the navigator is guided by a map

and a compass, using the help of sea-marks placed along the route. On the top of the surface

the 3D-space continues as guaranteed space above the route, where the possible bridge struc-

tures or power lines keep away. (Liikennevirasto 2013).

The construction process of such waterways is relatively simple compared to e.g. construction

of buildings: one measures the concurrent depth of the water inside the given 3D-space,

dredges away the extra, and places the sea-marks along the route in accordance to the plans:

either as floating buoys anchored to the bottom or as solid structures on ground. Some sea-

marks include electronic parts, such as lights and power devices, others reflect radar signals,

but most work as simple visual aids with reflective surfaces.

The maintenance works are in principle not much more complicated: one ensures that the

seamarks are in a good enough condition to fulfil their task and sees to that the route depths

have not shallowed during the flow of time, due to e.g. erosion outside the given 3D-space.

Maintenance also includes here the management of registers and the conducting of certain

enhancement projects. (Kerkelä 2016).

The freshwater waterways add some complexity with their canals, which are built to connect

lakes with each other and the sea, and their locks, which enable ships to transport between

lakes with differing elevations. The locks and canals include massive mechanical structures

and concrete walls, which call for use and care on a daily basis (Kerkelä 2016), and require

deep trenches during the construction phase.

The technical uncertainties in waterway projects arise from the long distances, large vessels,

and the water element, the combination giving rise to questions related to weather, safety, and


The Finnish waterway network

The waterways in Finland are classified on a scale of six classes according to their required

service level, which again are based on the waterways’ importance to transportation. The wa-

terway classes VL1 to VL2 regularly serve freight transportation, while classes VL3 to VL6

include shallower waterways, which serve economically less important transportation. The

lengths of the waterways both at sea and in freshwater environments are described in the Ta-

ble 1. The descriptions of the waterway classes can be found in Appendix 1: Waterway classi-

fication in Finland.

Of the 19 894 km of waterways in Finland (as in 2012), 16 254 km are governed by the FTA.

The remaining 3 641 km are under private governance, of which 2 697 km are classified as

VL6, the lowest service level waterways. These were delimited outside the scope of this work

due to their different form of governance, although there appears to be no reason why the con-

structs would not work for VL6 waterway projects. (Liikennevirasto 2013).

One feature of the waterway network in Finland is the annual freezing of all of the freshwater

routes for several months. Depending on the winter, almost the whole Baltic Sea might freeze

as well, which has happened five times during 1958–2008 (Merenkulkulaitos 2008:27).


Table 1: The length (km) of public waterways per waterway class in Finland in 2012. The

FTA columns stand for waterways maintained by the FTA, while the “Other” columns stand

for waterways maintained by others. Adapted from Liikennevirasto 2013.

Figure 3: The figure describes the ice circumstances in the Baltic Sea during winters. The

middle picture describes the average scope of ice coverage, while on the left is the minimum

and on the right the maximum ice coverage in the Baltic Sea. Adopted from Merenkulkulaitos


FTA waterway projects

The FTA waterway projects run mostly on funding from the government budget, while some

of the projects receive additional funding from the EU or other public organizations. FTA

does not conduct almost any of the practical work itself, but the projects are publicly tendered,

and conducted by private companies. In order to provide a functioning market, the work is

divided into projects.

The funding for waterway maintenance and small projects is allocated in the FTA budget un-

der waterway maintenance (FI: vesiväylänpito), with the sum of ca. 80 M€ in 2015.

(Liikennevirasto 2016c:32–44). Waterway maintenance includes in the taxonomy of the FTA

the two separate classes: care and use, and upkeep (Kerkelä 2016).

Coastal Freshwater Total

FTA Other FTA Other FTA Other

VL1 2 172 km 111 km 0 km 0 km 2 172 km 111 km

VL2 1 023 km 81 km 757 km 8 km 1 780 km 89 km

VL1 - VL2 3 195 km 192 km 757 km 8 km 3 952 km 200 km

VL3 2 642 km 84 km 2 071 km 7 km 4 713 km 91 km

VL4 892 km 68 km 284 km 3 km 1 176 km 71 km

VL5 876 km 565 km 3 077 km 17 km 3 953 km 582 km

VL6 643 km 932 km 1 817 km 1 765 km 2 460 km 2 697 km

VL3- VL6 5 058 km 1 652 km 7 245 km 1 778 km 12 302 km 3 441 km


VL1 - VL6

8 231 km 1 848 km 8 005 km 1 786 km 16 254 km 3 641 km




Care and use contains the daily maintenance tasks, such as using locks and taking care of sea-

marks. The work is mostly arranged in five-year projects, and from year 2016 the use and care

in Finland is divided into 15 projects, of which four are being tendered in 2016 (Kerkelä


Upkeep, on the other hand, includes a variety of project types from planning and research to

repair works and register management, and the sizes of the projects vary. These are mostly

tendered through general agreements. (Kerkelä 2016).

Funding for larger projects is allocated separately from the figure of waterway maintenance.

In 2015, two such waterway projects were given separate funding. These included the Rauma

harbour waterway deepening project with government participation of 27 M€ (2015-2017)

(Liikennevirasto 2016b), and the transfer of the Savonlinna waterway with government partic-

ipation of 4 M€ in 2015. (Liikennevirasto 2016c:32–44).

While the waterway maintenance projects are mostly managed completely by FTA employ-

ees, in larger projects a separate project management consultant is often acquired to take care

of the practical management tasks, enabling a thin organisation from the FTA’s side.

2.4 Risk concepts

The standard ISO 31000:2009 for risk management defines a number of terms related to risk.

There are, however, other academically used definitions as well, and depending on the con-

text, the definition of risk itself can vary substantially. This does not necessarily that mean all

the interpretations are equal; there is no guarantee that the definition generally used for a giv-

en context is the best one for that very context. (Aven 2012).

The following sections describe some risk concepts as they are found in the literature, and

especially in the ISO 31000:2009, to provide the necessary background for interpreting the

results of the study.

A definition of RM Framework

A risk management framework defines the approach of an organization for managing risk.

ISO 31000:2009 defines a risk management framework as follows:

Risk management framework – set of components that provide the foundations

and organizational arrangements for designing, implementing, monitoring, re-

viewing and continually improving risk management throughout the organization.

NOTE 1 The foundations include the policy, objectives, mandate and

commitment to manage risk.

NOTE 2 The organizational arrangements include plans, relationships,

accountabilities, resources, processes and activities.

NOTE 3 The risk management framework is embedded within the organi-

zation's overall strategic and operational policies and practices.

The success of risk management will depend on the effectiveness of the framework providing

the foundations and arrangements that will embed it throughout the organization at all levels.

The framework assists in managing risks effectively through the application of the risk man-

agement process at varying levels and within specific contexts of the organization. The


framework ensures that information about risk derived from the risk management process is

adequately reported and used as a basis for decision making and accountability at all relevant

organizational levels. (ISO 31000:2009).

Figure 4: The process and principles of designing and maintaining a risk management

framework, adapted from ISO 31000:2009.

Constant monitoring and continual development of a risk management framework are re-

quired in order to ensure that risk management is effective and continues to support organiza-

tional performance (ISO 31000:2009).

The definition of risk

The starting point of this work, when it came to the definition of risk, was the definition by

the FTA (Liikennevirasto 2015), which treats risks as events with probability and conse-


Risk is defined as an unexpected negative or positive situation or event, which

prevents or disturbs the realization of objectives, process or action, or provides

new possibilities for achieving them. Risk has a magnitude, which is quantified

based on the probability and the severity of consequences.

The origin of the FTA risk definition is the ISO 31000:2009. However, based on one of the

authors of the FTA guideline (Liikennevirasto 2015), the definition of risk was altered to pro-

vide easier comprehensibility in the practical, project level.

In contrast, ISO 31000:2009 defines risk as follows:

Risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives.

NOTE 1: An effect is a deviation from the expected – positive and/or negative.


NOTE 2: Objectives can have different aspects (such as financial, health and safety, and envi-

ronmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide, pro-

ject and process).

NOTE 3: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential events and consequences, or a

combination of these.

NOTE 4: Risk is often expressed in terms of combination of the consequences of an event (in-

cluding changes in circumstances) and the associated likelihood of occurrence.

NOTE5: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of the deficiency of information related to, un-

derstanding or knowledge of an event, its consequence, or likelihood.

While the definitions do resemble each other, there are also differences. The practical differ-

ences resulting from the changes to the ISO 31000:2009 risk definition should be considered.

One noteworthy consequence of the differences is that uncertainty, being omitted in the FTA

definition of risk, can more easily go unnoticed in the course of risk management. Rather, the

closest match to “uncertainty” is the part “unexpected event or situation” in the FTA defini-


Aven (2012:37) classifies risk definitions into nine categories. One category is the ISO

31000:2009 definition. However, the FTA definition (Liikennevirasto 2015) appears to better

fit the following category: “Risk = Probability and scenarios/Consequences/severity of conse-

quences”. Aven quotes four definitions fitting this category, of which the following one is in

practice identical to the definition of the FTA:

Risk is equal to the triplet (si, pi, ci), where si is the ith scenario, pi is the probabil-

ity of that scenario, and ci is the consequence of the ith scenario, i = 1,2,…,N; i.e.

risk captures: What can happen? How likely is that to happen? If it does happen,

what are the consequences? (Kaplan et al. 1981).

Aven (2012:42) finds that the best possible definition for measuring risk is the combination of

consequences and uncertainty (C & U). This differs from the definition of ISO 31000:2009,

but only so little that Aven (2012) describes the ISO 31000:2009 as a special case from the C

& U definition.


A risk assessment, as any predictive assessment, inherently contains uncertainties. The as-

sessments are based on models describing the inherently uncertain world, be the model in the

assessors mind or explicated as mathematical formulas. The question is not whether or not

uncertainty is involved in an assessment, management strategy, or analysis, rather it is how

much uncertainty is involved. The identification and characterization of the uncertainties and

weaknesses related to the models, methods, and expertise used to assess and manage risk is

imperative to the credibility of RM. (Modarres 2006:12).

In some cases, a division can be made between epistemic (reducible) and aleatory (not practi-

cal to reduce) uncertainties (Modarres 2006:335). This might facilitate a better decision mak-

ing process in RM.



Bias is defined by the Bloomsbury Reference Dictionary (1994) as “that which causes the

mind to incline towards a particular object or course; inclination; bent; prejudice”. In the con-

text of risk management, bias can be understood to cause the results of assessments to con-

sistently differ from an “objective” or most likely value.

Bias can be unwilling and go unnoticed, or it can be a willing and very aware decision, such

as when a civil engineer conservatively decides to double the thickness of a concrete beam to

guarantee the strength of a structure, acknowledging that the actual strength of the structure is

likely to be a lot bigger than the one stated to the customer.

Figure 5: An evidence assessment scheme for Bayesian Network risk analysis, adapted from

Goerlandt & Montewka (2015:47).

There is a number of sources for bias in risk management, and as such their existence itself

should not be problematic. The problem arises, when unacknowledged bias is linked to uncer-

tainties about relatively large risks. The connection is depicted in Figure 5, which describes

an evidence assessment scheme for selecting alternative hypotheses. This was used by Mon-

tewka et al. (2015) to identify the riskiest of their evaluations.

Categorization of risks

The FTA (2016) divides risks into operational, process, and strategic risks, depending on the

level of organization on which the risk affects. Using this division, all the risks in the FTA

waterway projects fall into the category of operational risks.

However, from the perspective of the ERM contingency theory, Mikes & Kaplan (2014) di-

vide risk into three categories:

1. Preventable risk, which arises from routine operational breakdowns and undesired

employee actions.

2. External risk, which the organization cannot influence itself, but only prepare for.


3. Strategy execution risk, which inherently follows from the business decisions to gen-

erate returns (or in the case of waterway projects, from the decision to provide

transport network services).

This division is mostly in accordance to Nocco & Stulz (2006:8–10). These categories appear

to provide a good basis to determine the most suitable actions to control a risk.

Conducting a risk assessment

During a risk assessment the possible risks or hazards are first identified, then their mode of

action and possible consequences are analysed, and last their significance is evaluated; wheth-

er they should be concerned about and taken action, or not. The process of a risk assessment

according to ISO 31000:2009 is depicted in Figure 6.

Figure 6: RM process as described in ISO 31000:2009.

A variety of methods and approaches exist for each of the phases of a risk assessment. An

encompassing analysis of commonly accepted risk assessment methods can be found in the

standard ISO 31010:2009, along with their delimitations and strengths.

The assessment methods presumably most often used in the FTA projects are indirectly de-

fined in the Liikennevirasto (2015) guideline as “the essential tools for risk management”. In

the context of construction and maintenance projects, these include hazard checklists, a risk

matrix, and a risk management plan form with columns for risk analysis, treatment, and fol-



The first part of a risk assessment, risk identification, produces the causes and source of the

risks, and the events, situation or circumstances under which the threat or opportunity affects

the objectives. The result is often a list of identified risks and a description of their nature.

The second part, risk analysis, should provide an understanding of the identified risks accord-

ing to the adopted risk definition, which in the case of ISO 31000:2009 is the effect of uncer-

tainty on objectives. Risk analysis involves consideration of the causes and sources of risk,

their positive and negative consequences, the likelihood that those consequences can occur,

and the availability and effectiveness of existing controls. These can be expressed in various

ways, with various degrees of detail, and the process of risk analysis should reflect this. For

example, the consequences and the likelihood can be expressed as point values, or they can be

expressed as distributions, enabling the different sources of uncertainties to affect the result of

the analysis and the way the result should be understood.

In order to provide a credible estimation of risk in a given frame, the correlation between the

different risks and their sensitivity to external factors should be accounted for in the analysis

(ISO 31000:2009). E.g. the change in the value of a navigation mark is likely to correlate with

the value of dredging work, as they both are tied to inflation. Or the results of a risk analysis

could be sensitive to the experienced level of analyzer confidence, especially in an environ-

ment which is difficult to forecast (Kahnemann 2011:209–221).

Figure 7: A qualitative risk matrix including both positive and negative dimensions of conse-

quences. Adapted from Hillson (2002:238).

A common differentiation is done between qualitative and quantitative risk analysis. A quali-

tative risk analysis accounts for the risk on scales with verbal values, without a clear and exact

connection with any numerical or probabilistic values. A quantitative risk analysis, on the

other hand, produces all the values on a numerical and probabilistic scale, resulting in a sig-

nificantly more precise definition of the risks. A semi-quantitative approach can be found in

between, where the probability and consequence are divided into categories, which are de-

scribed with numerical values. For example, a risk analysis conducted with a risk matrix can

be either qualitative or semi-quantitative, depending on the matrix and the procedure of the




















analysis. Figure 7 depicts a risk matrix supporting a qualitative risk analysis. (ISO


According to ISO 31000:2009, the risk assessment process ends with risk evaluation, where

the result of the risk analysis is compared with risk acceptability criteria, and the risks’ ac-

ceptability or intolerability is evaluated.

Risk assessments play a significant role in risk management processes. The exact definition of

a risk assessment varies depending on the applied standard, but for the use of this thesis the

ISO 31000:2009 definition is used, as this is in accordance with Liikennevirasto (2015).

To sum up, “Risk assessment provides decision-makers and responsible parties with an im-

proved understanding of risks that could affect achievement of objectives, and the adequacy

and effectiveness of controls already in place. … The output of a risk assessment is an input

to the decision-making processes of the organization.” (ISO 31010:2010).

ISO 31000:2009 risk management process

The risk management process model described in ISO 31000:2009, and used in Liikennevi-

rasto 2015, comprises of the following parts: establishing the context, risk identification, risk

analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment, monitoring and review, and communication and con-

sulting. The process flowchart is depicted in Figure 6.

By establishing the context, the organization articulates its objectives, defines the external and

internal parameters to be taken into account when managing risk, and sets the scope and risk

criteria for the risk management process. Establishing the context is the process of answering

e.g. the following questions: what are the constraints under which risk management is carried

on; what is the environment and the regulations, internal and external to the organization at

hand? What is the scope, strategies and parameters of the activities of the parts of the organi-

sation where risk management is being applied?

After establishing the context, and assessing the risks, the treatment of the risks is planned.

Risk treatment is generally regarded to have four possible options when discussing negative

risk: avoid, transfer, mitigate and accept. The corresponding actions for positive risks are to

exploit, share, enhance and ignore (Hillson 2002:238–239). The objective of the risk treat-

ment is rarely to minimize the risk with negative consequences and to maximize the positive

risk, as this would likely result in treatments with unreasonably high cost. Rather, the risk

treatment decisions should usually aim for a level of risk which is a compromise between the

cost of further risk treatment and the expected effect of the remaining risk. This level is often

referred to as “As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)” (Modarres 2006).

The constantly ongoing RM processes include monitoring and review, and communication

and evaluation. Monitoring and review ensures that the risk documents and plans are up-to-

date and the treatments effective, while communication and consultation works to keep all

relevant stakeholders and organization members acknowledged of the risks and their treat-


ISO 31000:2009: “Risk management can be applied to an entire organization, at its many are-

as and levels, at any time, as well as to specific functions, projects, and activities.”

Risk management principles are not dependent on the scope of risks, and guidelines may be

presented on a general level to fit “managing any form of risk in a systematic, trans-

parent, and credible manner, and within any scope or context.”


Another risk management process, especially designed for projects, is described in the

PMBOK (PMI 2013), and discussed below.

2.5 Project risk management

PMBOK project risk management process

PMI (2013:311) defines risks related to a project as project risks, thus making a division be-

tween the regular risks to an organization and project risks. PMI (2013:312) divides the pro-

ject risk management process into six phases on a linear continuum, as described in Figure 8.

Figure 8: The multi-organizational RM process, MORM, adapted from Lehtiranta (2014),

along with the traditional PMBOK process. Note that Lehtiranta describes the MORM pro-

cess to include multiple feedback loops, the longest line is from collective learning back to

committing and selecting participants.



Multi-organizational RM process (MORM)

Owner (O) Architect (A)







Plan RM

Plan multi-


al RM

Plans MORM

for early


Plans own

role in MORM

Plans MORM




Plans own

role in MORM

Select and



Plans proc.

strat., tender

process and

contracts for

A and PM




on RM


tender req.

on RM; Plans


process and





on RM

Identify risks


risk analysis


risk analysis






meetings and

risk response

plan for





and risk



meetings and

risk response







and risk


Monitor and

control risks

Monitor and

control risks


early phase

updates for


Updates own

risks in





updates for


Updates own

risks in


Monitor and





MO feedback


MO feedback


MO feedback


MO feedback
















Identify and



specific risks







expert in risk



and meetings



and meetings



risk mapping


and meetings


At least the following relevant differences can be observed between the ISO 31000:2009 and

PMBOK (PMI 2013):

1. The RM process is described as linear instead of cyclical. The temporary nature of

projects has likely caused PMI (2013:312) to describe project risk management on a

simple linear continuum instead of the cyclical, ever-repeating process described in

ISO 31000:2009. This does not mean, however, that the process would not be cyclical,

as the Control Risks process includes the item Risk Reassessment. Yet the way this is

depicted in PMBOK is clearly different from ISO 31000:2009.

2. Risk analysis is specifically divided into a qualitative and quantitative part.

3. Monitoring and review, and communication and consultation are replaced by a single

process: Control Risks.

The PMBOK (PMI 2013: 27–28; 313–318) describes the process of planning risk manage-

ment in a project. It assumes that certain inputs are available from the organization when a

project is started. From the viewpoint of risk, these include the following:

1. Risk categories

2. Common definitions of concepts and terms

3. Risk statement formats

4. Standard templates

5. Roles and responsibilities

6. Authority levels for decision making, and

7. Lessons learned.

The PMBOK Guide (PMI 2013) uses the term “Control Risks” for the process of implement-

ing risk response plans, tracking identified risks, monitoring residual risks, identifying new

risks, and evaluating risk process effectiveness throughout the project. The Control Risks pro-

cess is used to determine if:

1. Project assumptions are still valid,

2. Analysis shows an assessed risk has changed or can be retired,

3. Risk management policies and procedures are being followed, and

4. Contingency reserves for cost or schedule should be modified in alignment with the

current risk assessment

The PMI (2013:312) risk management process is further extended for use in multi-

organizational context by Lehtiranta (2014), which is discussed in the following section.

A multi-organizational extension to project RM process

Lehtiranta (2014) describes a risk management process for projects with several organizations

(see Figure 8). The foundations of the process lie firstly on the project risk management pro-

cess described in the PMBOK (PMI 2013), and secondly on complexity theory and its appli-

cations to project risk management.

As the waterway projects run by the FTA always include more than one organization, the

multi-organizational approach is noteworthy. Lehtiranta (2014) points out that the traditional

project risk management theory is the most useful for simple project organizations, while the

complexity-based project risk management theory has better applicability for complex project



The MORM systematic presentation of parallel RM processes in multi-organization construc-

tion projects guides construction project managers more efficiently, setting up the RM process

for their multi-organizational projects. A multi-level process chart enables participants to un-

derstand their roles more easily than in case-by-case project RM plans. MORM is designed to

respond to the complexity of construction project risks by systematically increasing the op-

portunity for risk communication, response innovation, and flexible sharing of risk responsi-

bility. (Lehtiranta 2014).

However, the MORM process is not applicable to waterway projects as such, as it is designed

to meet the needs of a PM consultant run building construction process. Yet the structure is

not irrelevant, as the waterway project organizations may include similar sub-organizations as

described in the MORM process. E.g. the one of the case projects includes two separate own-

ers, a PM consultant, and the main contractor (MC). Still, the process needs to be specifically

adapted to fit each project’s needs and organization.

Furthermore, Lehtiranta (2014) strains that the use of MORM requires all focal participants to

understand its principles, have appropriate access to the related tools and documents, and be

committed to systematic risk management.

2.6 Waterway specific risk management approaches

A number of detailed risk management procedures and guidelines have been developed by

international organizations for the context of waterways. These include the Formal Safety

Assessment (FSA) by the International Maritime Organization (IMO 2002), a highly technical

and complex risk assessment guideline, designed to provide a clear justification for proposed

regulatory measures and to allow comparison of different options (IMO 2016). Another ex-

ample is the Risk Management Guideline 1018 by the International Association of Marine

Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA 2013), which is intended as a general

description on RM methodology for marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN).

However, these guidelines are specifically applicable only to the planning phase of waterways

or marine vessels, and therefore are of little to no use in the construction or maintenance

phase of waterways, and do not bear additional value to the application compared to the ISO

31000:2009 and PMBOK (PMI 2013) guidelines.

In addition to the RM approaches that are international by nature, a brief comparison was

made concerning the waterway project risk management approaches in Sweden and Denmark.

The project setting in these countries differs from the setting in Finland, and their relevance to

the FTA waterway project RM framework development varies depending on the context. The

available guidelines from Denmark (Transportministeriet 2010 and Soefartsstyrelsen 2013,

2016a, 2016b) focus on the financial and navigational RM of waterway project risks, and pro-

vide a basis for benchmarking risk management approaches during the whole timeline of sin-

gle infrastructure projects. However, they leave the practical RM related to project manage-

ment in construction and maintenance phase projects somewhat undiscussed. The available

guideline from Sweden (Sjöfartsverket 2016), on the other hand, discusses the risk manage-

ment process from the perspective of organizational objectives. While being on a very practi-

cal level, it provides only limited relevance to construction and maintenance phase projects.

The understanding of the Sjöfartsverket’s approach to RM was complemented with several

interviews, as discussed in Section 4.2. Summaries of the Danish and Swedish RM documents

can be found in Appendix 2: Summaries of waterway project RM guidelines in Sweden and



3 Methodology

3.1 Research approach

The research falls into the domain of constructive research, which aims to solve practical

problems while producing an academically acceptable theoretical contribution. Constructive

research is pragmatic, and is interested on the instrumental value of knowledge in dealing

with practical problems. The constructive research approach may be regarded as a form of

case/field research, with the research result consisting of the construct itself, and of the practi-

cal and theoretical contribution of the work. (Kasanen et al. 1993:246, Lukka 2000, and Lehti-

ranta 2014:18–20).

Figure 9: The elements of constructive research, adopted from Kasanen et al. (1993:246).

The constructs developed during this work are managerial constructs; they deal with manag-

ing risk. Thus, the managerial construction research framework described by Kasanen et al.

(1993) and Lukka (2000), and later used by Lehtiranta (2014) in the context of risk manage-

ment in construction projects, was determined applicable to this research (see Figure 9).

Kasanen et al. (1993:246) characterizes the approach by dividing it into the following six


1. Find a practically relevant problem which also has research potential

2. Obtain a general and comprehensive understanding of the topic

3. Innovate, i.e., construct a solution idea

4. Demonstrate that the solution works

5. Show the theoretical connections and the research contribution of the solution concept

6. Examine the scope of applicability of the solution

The reasoning logic of constructive research ultimately follows that of abductive inference.

Although stronger deductive and inductive inferences are included in this process, the strength

of the reasoning of the process as whole is limited. (Shank 2008).

It should be noted, that the failure of a developed construct does not implicitly mean failed

research; instead, a failure on the practical level can still have significant theoretical implica-

tions through the refinement and improved understanding of the theory (Lukka 2000).

3.2 Research process

Literature review 3.2.1

First, pre-understanding relevant to the research subject was obtained through a literature re-

view. The answers to the following questions were sought for in the literature:


1. What is a waterway, in which quantities are there waterways in Finland, and how are

waterway projects defined by the FTA?

2. What is risk and how does that relate to risk management and risk management


3. How do practical project risk management approaches differ from organizational RM?

4. How are waterway risk management approaches described in international publica-


This information was gathered from the FTA guidelines, and from applicable standards. Fur-

ther depth on the subject was pursued in relevant scientific literature. The results of the litera-

ture review are represented in Section 2.

Expert survey 3.2.2

An internet-based survey was set up for the participants of a national waterway seminar di-

rected to FTA employees and representatives of private service providers; dredging and

maintenance contractors, harbours and pilotage providers. The survey was sent to altogether

117 recipients, of which 48 answered.

The objectives of the survey were to give:

1. Insight on the experience and attitudes towards risk management in the waterway in-

dustry in Finland

2. Ideas on the development of the waterway project RM framework

After answering a number of questions about their background, the participants were first

asked to evaluate their experience of RM in different types of waterway projects, then the

experience they had on managing different risk types in these projects, for the third the bene-

fits and drawbacks they identified in RM, and for the last they were asked for possible ideas

or recommendations they had for developing the framework for waterway project RM.

Based on the respondents’ personal evaluation, they were given a “RM experience score” on

an ordinal scale from 1 to 5, and a “Risk type experience score” on an ordinal scale from 1 to

3. The benefits of RM were asked to be identified from a list based on ISO 31000:2009, with

“project facilitation” as an additional list item. The drawbacks were asked to be identified in a

similar manner, although the list was not based on any external source.

The survey form and the methodology of the experience scores are discussed in the Appendix

4: Survey scoring methodology and survey form.

Semi-structured interviews 3.2.3

To complement the information from the literature review, altogether nine expert semi-

structured interviews were held as a part of the research, seeking out an understanding of the

current practice and the views held by the practitioners both in Finland and Sweden. The ob-

jectives of the interviews were to provide:

1. An understanding of the current practices of waterway project risk management in


2. An understanding of the risks encountered in waterway projects

3. The possibility to compare risk management frameworks to the ones used in waterway

project risk management in Sweden


4. Views of the current practitioners in terms of e.g. possibilities for enhancement of risk

management and properties of a risk management framework they hold important

The interviewees were first contacted to prime the participants for the forthcoming interview

phases and to schedule meetings or corresponding video calls. Next they were approached

with an e-mail containing the interview questions for the interviewees to prepare, and then the

experts were interviewed virtually or face-to-face.

The questions asked during the interviews are listed in the Appendix 3: Interview Questions.

The interview discussions were allowed to deviate from the questions, giving depth to the

subject. The interviewer actively participated in the conversations and the interviews through

additional questions and arguments.

Evaluation of the current FTA practice of waterway project RM 3.2.4

The obtained understanding was then used to evaluate the existing FTA waterway RM

framework in accordance to the technical report ISO 31004:2013 for implementing the risk

management standard ISO 31000:2009. The result is one interpretation of the implementation

level of the ISO 31000:2009 from the FTA waterway projects’ perspective. The evaluation

provided a systematic, although imperfect analysis of the FTA’s development possibilities,

which were later utilized as the basis for the development of risk management constructs.

The ISO 31004:2013 technical report suggests the following steps for the design and imple-

mentation of a RM framework:

1. Compare current practice with that described in ISO 31000:2009.

2. Identify what needs to change and implement a plan for doing so.

3. Maintain ongoing monitoring and review to ensure currency and continuous im-


The first phase of the adopted design process is to evaluate the existing framework and prac-

tice against the ISO 31000:2009. This is divided into the evaluation of the principles of RM,

the evaluation of the previous framework, and the evaluation of the RM process.

For the application in this thesis, the meaning of the second step was changed to correspond

to “Identify and discuss what could be changed and define the constructs that could be devel-

oped to help achieve the change”. The third step was omitted due to being outside the scope

of this thesis.

Instead of seeing the evaluation results as an absolute statement, the value of the evaluation is

the ability of the evaluation to provide development possibilities leading to successful con-


Development of waterway project RM constructs 3.2.5

In the context of creating managerial constructs, in most cases, the simplest idea is the most

adequate one. Thus, a working construct is relevant, simple, and easy to use. (Kasanen


The chosen RM framework development possibilities were addressed by five separate risk

management constructs. The choice was made based on their appropriateness for being devel-

oped in the framework of a thesis, on the necessity of the development, and on the ability of


the available validation possibilities to address the functionality of the development. This re-

sulted in the following constructs:

1. A RM process tied into the lifetime of waterway projects, meant for integration into

the other organizational processes of the FTA

2. Waterway specific hazard checklists

3. Opportunity management as a part of RM

4. A modified version of the FTA risk analysis process using a risk matrix

5. A model for establishing the context of the risk management process

The constructs were first developed as a “best guess” approach about the identified develop-

ment possibilities’ potential for construct development.

After the creation of the first versions of the constructs, a workshop was held, attended by a

number of FTA experts on waterways and risk management. The participants commented the

constructs and provided further development ideas. This feedback was utilized in the devel-

opment process, and the final versions of the constructs were developed based on the feed-

back from the validation process described below. The constructs are described in Section 4.4,

and they can be found in full scale in the Appendix 6: The constructs.

Construct evaluation and validation 3.2.6

The construct validation process consisted from a development workshop, three case studies,

and a number of external commentaries on the constructs. Pilot case studies are the preferred

means to test and improve a construct (Oyegoke 2011), and thus their weight in the develop-

ment process is regarded as more significant than of the workshop and the commentaries.

The development workshop was attended by FTA RM and waterway experts (as described

above) and the whole combination of constructs were discussed, although on varying levels of


The three case studies are shortly described below, along with the corresponding participants.

All the case studies were additionally participated and facilitated by the author and a RM ex-


1. Case A, a construction-phase harbour development project combined with the deepen-

ing of an existing waterway on the Baltic Sea. The case study took place about a

month after the launch of construction works, and it was attended by the constructor,

project management consultant, pilotage service provider, and both the client organi-

zations; the harbour and the FTA, with the FTA also being represented by the RM


2. Case B, a care project on the Baltic Sea. The case study took place between the tender-

ing process and the beginning of the contract period, attended by the service provider,

and the client, RM, and commotional safety sub-organizations of the FTA.

3. Case C, an inland highway bridge replacement project, along with a change in the wa-

terway alignment and corresponding dredging operations. The case study took place

shortly before the tendering process of the construction works, attended by the client,

RM, and commotional safety sub-organizations of the FTA.

The Cases A and C had risk management plans available for being utilized in this study. The

plans included risks identified from both project management and safety and health perspec-



Table 2: The validation process of the developed constructs. Read from left to right.

The duration of each of the case studies was approximately three hours, including an introduc-

tion, risk identification, and discussion, of which contents varied. The studies were succeeded

by a crude risk analysis and structuring of a treatment plan by the author, which was later

commented by the case study participants. The themes covered during each case study are

described in Table 2.

Construct validation parameters

The validation of the constructs was based on two factors:

1. The evaluation of the constructs in the frame of weak market testing.

2. The enhancements in the projects’ RM plans, produced by the use of the constructs.

Kasanen et al. (1993:253) describe the market-based validation process of managerial con-

structs. He argues that the testing of the pragmatic adequacy of a construct takes time and

requires several attempts of application. The following market tests are based on the concept

of innovation diffusion, i.e., managerial constructs are viewed as products competing in the

market of solution ideas.

1. Weak market test: Has any manager responsible for the financial results of his or her

business unit been willing to apply the construct in question in his or her actual deci-

sion making?

2. Semi-strong market test: Has the construct become widely adopted by companies?

3. Strong market test: Have the business units applying the construct systematically pro-

duced better financial results than those which are not using it?

Validation processI. F

TA e


t w



II. Ca

se A





t gr






V. Ca

se C

1. Waterway project RM process x x

2. Waterway hazard checklists

- project management x x x

- construction x x x

- maintenance x x

3. Opportunity management x x x x

4. Enhanced FTA RA process

- consequence interval x x x

- dual probabilities in matrix x x x

5. Model for establishing RM context x x x

* The construct validation part III. stands for the "FTA waterway condition

management process development group"


An essential precondition to the application of market-based validation of managerial con-

structs is the existence of the market of managerial solution ideas (Kasanen et al. 1993). The

role of the FTA in the Finnish waterway projects ensures that the potential market of the con-

structs is mostly limited to government-run projects, inflicting that the true competition on the

market of managerial solution ideas is perhaps more questionable than in companies operating

in the market. Thus, the necessary but simplifying assumption was made, that the FTA project

management have at least a collective ability to adapt to managerial circumstances and new

ideas, which would entail the concepts of innovation diffusion and market testing to be valid

in evaluating RM constructs for Finnish waterway projects.

A weak market test was determined as approved, if two or more in an FTA waterway project

organization found the construct useful or successful in their work, and the possible critique

expressed by them or others during the validation process was insignificant in comparison

(e.g., the critique concerned a minor detail that could be changed without compromising the

functionality of the construct).

The enhancements in the RM documentation consisted of risks that had previously not been

recognized in the RM plans. In the Case C, these enhancements also included improved

treatment options for previously identified risks.


4 Results

4.1 The environment for RM in the Finnish waterway industry – survey results

Survey respondents 4.1.1

The Internet-based survey was used for building up insight on the experience and attitudes

towards risk management in the waterway industry in Finland. The 48 respondents corre-

sponded to the service providers and infrastructure managers involved in waterway projects in

Finland. Of these 19 represented the FTA and 29 represented private companies: dredging and

maintenance contractors, harbours and pilotage providers. The respondents’ offices had a de-

cent areal spread along the Finnish coast and the most important freshwater waterways.

Of the 48 respondents, 36 had been involved in a waterway-related risk assessment, or

claimed further professional responsibility on waterway RM.

35 of the respondents were, or had experience of being managers, management consultants, or

entrepreneurs. Only two of these had less experience in RM than participation in a waterway-

related risk assessment. Of the remaining, 12 had experience in maintenance, planning, sur-

veying, or permits. One respondent did not clearly state the contents of his work.

RM experience 4.1.2

The data shows that the respondents have a wide experience of RM in different types of wa-

terway projects. Freshwater waterway RM experience is represented less in the data than sea

waterway RM experience, with the average RM experience scores corresponding to 1,75 and

2,38 on the scale from 1 to 5.

While other explanations can be equally valid, the scores appear to be in relation to the total

length of high priority waterways in freshwater and sea environments, contributed by the ad-

ditional workload due to the locks and bridges on the freshwater waterway network. Given

this assumption, the respondents appear to represent the Finnish waterway projects fairly well.

The average Risk type experience score for each risk type were relatively close to each other

for safety, economic, environmental, quality and schedule risk (on a range from 2,10 to 1,88).

Reputation and RM process risks had lower average scores (1,48 and 1,52), while political

risk was almost not managed at all (avg. score 1,19). The low score of the political risk type

could relate to a low level of political risk for waterway projects in Finland, or to a low level

of credible risk control mechanisms for political risk.

RM benefits and drawbacks 4.1.3

Experience of RM in different types of waterway projects appears to have a small correlation

to the perceived benefits and drawbacks of RM. However, even if the correlation were statis-

tically significant, the level of the correlation is so small, that it doesn’t make a difference in

practice. This could be interpreted so, that experience in RM doesn’t significantly affect the

perceptions on the usefulness of RM. See Figure 10.


Figure 10: Survey respondent number of identified benefits and drawbacks plotted against

their RM experience score.

Nevertheless, the identified benefits and drawbacks tell a story about the purposes RM is per-

ceived useful for. Table 3 and Table 4 describe the count of the benefits and drawbacks iden-

tified by the respondents in different types of waterway projects.

Table 3: The benefits of waterway project RM identified by the survey respondents.

Table 4: The drawbacks of waterway project RM identified by the survey respondents.










0 1 2 3 4 5

Number of identified

benefits or drawbacks

RM experience score

Identified benefits

Identified drawbacks

Linear (Identified benefits)

Identified benefits in waterway project RM Times identified

Improvement in the identification of opportunities and threats 39

Enhancement in health and safety performance, as well as in environmental protection 38

Improvement of loss prevention and incident management 37

Encouragement of proactive management 25

Establishing a reliable basis for desicion making and planning 24

Improvement in information flow 20

Improvement in stakeholder trust 19

Improvement of organizational learning and resilience 19

Improvement in reporting 15

Effective allocation and use of resources 15

Increasing the likelihood of achieving objectives 13

Enhancement in expense control 12

Facilitating of carrying out projects 10

Improvement in operational effectiveness and efficiency 10

Identified drawbacks in waterway project RM Times identified

Increase in workload 32

Increase of expenses 22

Increase of useless bureaucracy 20

Increase of requirements 18

Focusing on irrelevant 13

Weakening of information flow 1

Deterioration of stakeholder trust 1


The gap between the most and least often identified benefits of RM is relatively large. The

first four items in Table 3 were identified by more than a half of the respondents. These items

include the ones pursuing proactiveness in risk management and identification, as well as

health, safety, and environmental protection.

The last four items in Table 3 were identified by less than or about quarter of the respondents.

These include items pursuing efficiency, expense control, and facilitation of projects and

achieving objectives – economic values.

The list of identified drawbacks in Table 4 speaks the same language: the items “Increase in

workload” and “Increase in expenses” were identified the most. However, RM is not seen

completely irrelevant, as only a quarter of the participants recognized “Focusing on irrele-


Discussion and conclusions about the survey results 4.1.4

The survey results indicate that the attitudes towards waterway project RM are not affected by

the amount of experience in RM.

Safety, economic, environmental, quality and schedule risk are managed the most in the Finn-

ish waterway projects. However, the respondents appear to believe RM is not nearly as good a

tool for pursuing economic, quality and schedule efficiency, than it is for pursuing safety and

health, and environmental protection.

The majority of the respondents currently had a managerial job description. They were also

almost identically the ones with waterway RM experience. While it is likely that the managers

are the ones managing risk in practice, it is also possible that the practical level risk manage-

ment is being done by others, not included in the survey, and thus the results of the survey

would only describe a part of the practice of waterway project RM. However, the managers

are likely the ones also making decisions about RM and its applications, diminishing the pos-

sible effect of subordinates.

Another possible source for bias is that the respondents likely didn’t significantly strain their

thinking during the survey. The questions were relatively challenging, if given due attention,

and as such the answers more likely reflect the respondents’ quick conceptions than their best

understanding. (See, for example, Kahnemann 2011:19–105).

The results did not appear to differ significantly between the FTA employees and other re-


4.2 Waterway project RM in the FTA and Sjöfartsverket – expert in-terviews

The interviewees 4.2.1

Altogether twelve (12) waterway construction and maintenance experts were interviewed. The

interviewees were either managers (10) or project managers (2) of some kind, and they had

their backgrounds in sea- (6) and freshwater (6) waterways, both in construction (3) and

maintenance (9). The interviewees represented the public (5) and the private (3) sector in Fin-

land, and the public sector in Sweden (Sjöfartsverket, 4 interviewees).


All the interviewees believed their own knowledge in risk management to be adequate, given

their professional roles. Yet most of the interviewees involved in maintenance admitted that

they could as well have more knowledge.

The state of waterway project RM in Finland 4.2.2

The eight Finnish interviewees described that RM is an appreciated and well established part

of waterway projects. The details, however, clearly differed between the waterway construc-

tion and maintenance projects.

Health and safety risks, and supposedly environmental risks, were recognized well managed

in all projects. This is at least partly due to laws and regulations, calling for encompassing

safety documentation and assessment from both the client’s and the service provider’s side.

By strictly adhering to the regulations about the required paperwork, the client’s project man-

agement secures their own back in case of an accident, and transfers a part of these responsi-

bilities to the service provider. The downside of these regulations is a big amount of safety

documentation and associated workload per project, while the actual impact on occupational

safety by the documentation itself is small; e.g. the buoy light repairer himself is not likely to

both read and internalise the tens of pages of text, given that the text somewhat repeats itself

from project to project.

Table 5: RM perceptions of the eight Finnish interviewees.

A more clear division between the lifecycle phases of waterways derives from the economic

RM perspective. While most of the monetary value of the waterway is tied in and decided for

in the planning phase, some economic risks persevere to the construction and maintenance


nning a

nd pro


s (3




ce (5)

Interview summary

Has positive experience of the "essential tools of RM"* x x

Identifies benefits in RM x x

RM includes more than just health and safety risks** x ½

Health and safety RM

RM is a regular routine x x

Benefits from RM have been monitored x x

RM is systematically a part of decision making x x

Project RM (without health and safety risks)

RM is a regular routine x 0

Benefits from RM have been monitored x 0

RM is systematically a part of decision making x ½

* Incl. hazard checklists, RM plans and risk matrices

Has positive experience of the "essential tools of RM"*

**Health, safety and environmental risks are monitored regularly in site meetings in both

maintenance and construction projects.


phase, while new risks arise. The interviewees with experience in waterway construction pro-

jects conceived the economic perspective of RM to be in a good state in those projects, while

the ones with maintenance background identified the economic risks to have been left outside

the focus of the RM practices. Table 5 depicts the risk management perceptions of the eight

Finnish interviewees. Subjective in its nature, it provides a qualitative image of managerial-

role interviewees, and describes these differences between the construction and maintenance


The FTA guideline defines “the essential tools of RM”, with which risks are being analysed in

waterway maintenance projects (Liikennevirasto 2015). These include a combination of haz-

ard checklists, a risk matrix, and risk management plans. However, the hazard checklists only

exist for occupational health and safety risks, while checklists for the project management

concerns of waterway projects are not available. These could include e.g. procurement risks,

or the uncertainty on the precise quantities of material to be dredged during the project.

The difference between the health and safety, and general routines for RM might be linked to

the monitoring of the benefits of RM. The waterway industry, and the construction industry as

a whole, has seen a significant decline in safety-related accidents during the last few decades,

in which the systematic identification and minimizing of safety risks has no doubt played a

remarkable role, along with the development of technology. The effect of a systematic ap-

proach to RM from an economic perspective RM was found more difficult to monitor and

observe, which is likely to affect the attitudes towards economic RM.

Some of the interviewees pointed out, that the contractor and the client/project have different

responsibilities and thus perceive risks differently. They shared the opinion that the waterway

planning phase risks are not managed properly. The latter could have an influence to both

construction and maintenance phase RM.

It is also noteworthy, that the system for providing risk information flow between the FTA

projects was found unclear, and that while the principles of the flow were described in the

FTA guideline, the practical application of the principles did not exist.

Waterway maintenance and projects in Sweden 4.2.3

The waterway infrastructure in Sweden is maintained by Sjöfartsverket, a similar public or-

ganization as the FTA, but focused only on waterways instead of roads and railways as well.

These, along with large waterway projects are entrusted to Trafikverket, where large projects

are defined as being approximately worth more than three billion Swedish kronor (or about

300 M€). The maintenance of waterways is defined similarly as in Finland. The maintenance

works are mostly conducted by employees of the Sjöfartsverket, and thus private companies

play a significantly smaller role in maintenance than in Finland.

On the contrary, minor waterway construction projects are conducted in a fairly similar man-

ner as by the FTA: Sjöfartsverket is the client, and private service providers conduct the work.

However, project management consultants play a less significant role, as the project organiza-

tions on the client’s side comprise of about 50-50 of Sjöfartsverket’s employees and private



While the maintenance organization of the Sjöfartsverket is different to the FTA maintenance

projects, the approach for RM is quite similar. Risks are analyzed using a risk matrix, and


then listed on a RM plan. RM always takes into account the economic, social, and environ-

mental risks – which correspond to the three pillars of sustainability. However, the mainte-

nance department interviewees appeared to put most weight on the safety risks, or the risks

encountered in their daily work, which can be seen as a logical consequence from having their

own employees at risk.

The maintenance department interviewees also recognized the possibility of the management

of positive risks, while having to admit that they are rarely to be identified on the project lev-

el, but more often on the organizational, or process level.

Sjöfartsverket construction projects

The interviewed Sjöfartsverket project manager for construction projects discussed the project

management side of RM. He claimed that the use of partnering contracts has significantly

improved the quality of project RM compared to the use of fixed-budget contracting. This is

achieved through the involvement of the constructor, designer and other possible stakeholders

in the RM process, and their incentivizing with common stakes in project’s success.

The described RM process itself was similar to the practice of the waterway projects in Fin-

land, with minor differences in e.g. the way the risks are presented to the offerors in the tender

phase, and in the elaboration of RM workshop frequency in the construction phase (quarter-


As a result of the successful experiences with partnering contracts, the private sector in Swe-

den was described to have culturally “grown up” in the use of RM, extending the benefits of

the partnering contracts all the way to fixed-budget contracting, as the stakeholders have un-

derstood the power of mutual trust and successful RM. The mutual trust can be further sup-

ported by the client through the use of multi-day kick-off meetings after the tender phase,

where all the stakeholders point out their goals and often realize that 80–90 % of their goals

concerning the project are the same, ending up with a kind of “partnering agreement” and a

constructive social environment for the project.

However, some fixed-budget projects arrive with tensions between the stakeholders arising

from the fear of one of the parties abusing the others for business intentions, in which case

RM through common workshops was not seen as a beneficial tool for the successful accom-

plishment of projects.

The RM benefits were found hard to measure or monitor, but subjectively the benefits ap-

peared obvious: the result isn’t just a reduction in project risk levels, but better overall solu-

tions for the project, reductions in costs and schedule, and improvements in efficiency. The

key to success was claimed to be found in good and honest discussions between skilled peo-

ple striving for a common goal.

Result validity 4.2.4

The sample of the interviewees was similarly biased as the respondents in the survey: both

samples consisted of mostly or exclusively manager-level employees. Thus, the results emerg-

ing through both methods could be attributed as a fairly likely image of the reality perceived

by the managers. It is, however, possible that the waterway-related managers have in average

a biased view on RM conducted under their control, as they have personal stakes in the suc-

cess of this RM.


Inductively, the results provided here do not entail the RM practices of the FTA projects, even

when the results properly reflect the managers’ understanding. Still, no better source was

available for the information.

Additional biasedness to the results may have been inflicted by the interviewers’ active partic-

ipation in the conversations, and the subjective nature of the interpretation of the results.

However, the results were not affected by the survey discussed in Section 4.1, as these inter-

views were conducted before the design of the survey.

4.3 Evaluation of the current FTA practice of waterway project RM against the ISO 31000:2009

The evaluation represents a fairly subjective and shallow understanding of the FTA waterway

RM practice. Instead of seeing the results as an absolute statement, the value of the evaluation

is the evaluation framework itself, and its ability to provide development possibilities leading

to successful constructs.

Evaluation against the principles of RM 4.3.1

The standard ISO 31000:2009 defines eleven principles to be complied with in order for risk

management to be effective. This is used as the starting point for the evaluation of the effec-

tiveness and efficacy of the current FTA approach to waterway project RM.

ISO 31004:2013 claims the following “Rather than simply implementing the principles, it is

important that the organization reflects them in all aspects of management. They serve as in-

dicators of risk management performance and reinforce the value to the organization of man-

aging risk effectively.”

Table 6 describes the results of the evaluation of the RM principles. The left column lists the

risk management principles, and the right side describes the subjective evaluation of the reali-

zation of the principles. In the middle a three-category classification gives an approximation

of the level of ISO 31000:2009 implementation, where “x” stands for “good level of imple-

mentation”, “½” for “partial implementation”, and “0” for “not implemented”.

As the evaluation is a subjective interpretation of the reality with incomplete knowledge of

the subject, the conclusions made in the evaluation try to reflect this uncertainty.


Table 6: Evaluation of the realization of ISO 31000:2009 RM principles in the practice of

waterway projects.

Evaluation of the risk management framework 4.3.2

In order for the FTA waterway project RM framework to be analyzed according to ISO

31004:2013, the documents, systems and information based on the interviews were arranged

to fit the ISO 31000:2009 definition of a risk management framework. This is depicted in the

Table 7, which describes the information sources and the available waterway project RM

tools and systems, divided according to the ISO 31000:2009 RM framework definition. The

documents 1–5 are publicly available to service providers, while the systems and guidelines

6–8 are available to FTA employees, and to service providers through agreements. Summaries

of the documents and short descriptions of the systems can be found in the Appendix 5:

Summaries of the FTA RM framework documents and systems, and they are written from the

perspective of waterway project RM.

Risk management principle Pra



creates and protects value


Not demonstrable in the project quality or management

application, nor does it appear to be much used for those

purposes. Safety, on the other hand, is regularly followed

through e.g. the anomaly and risk register TURI, and the

effectivity of the recent approach can be observed e.g.

through the change in safety culture during the last decade

is an integral part of all

organizational processes


Safety and health RM is integrated into all tendering

processes as far as possible. However, the project

management risks, and the process risks covering all the kinds

of projects have not even been identified, though this is under

development at the FTA.

is part of decision making


While this is not completely clear based on the available

knowledge, the interviewees claimed all the risk knowledge to

be accounted for in the decision making.

explicitly addresses



The risk assessments conducted with the help of a risk matrix

express uncertainty through the use of semi-quantitative

probability classes. However, the nature and cause of that

uncertainty is left undiscussed, leaving the understanding of it

on a superficial level.

is systematic, structured and

timely 0

A systematic, timely and structured approach in e.g. a

project's timeline does not exist, although the assessment of

safety risks is inluded in all tender processes.

is based on the best

available information


The inputs to the risk management process are mostly based

on experience and expert judgement. However, the historical

data and the risk assessments from previous projects is not

accounted for. Furthermore, the possible divergence among

experts is not taken into account in decision making, as the

divergence doesn't surface to the risk management plans.

is tailored


The risk management approach is desinged explicitly for

infrastructure construction and maintenance purposes. The

available hazard checklists however do have a gap when it

comes to waterway projects and their management.

takes human and cultural

factors into account?

The data does not provide clues of this information.

is transparent and inclusive ? The data does not provide clues of this information.

is dynamic, iterative and

responsive to change?

The data does not provide clues of this information.

facilitates continual

improvement of the


The notions that this work is being conducted and that TURI is

being implemented for project RM purposes, provide anecdotal

evidence of the continual development of the organization in

terms of RM.


The ISO 31004:2013 stresses that especially the subclauses 4.3.2 to 4.3.7 of the ISO

31000:2009 should be evaluated against the framework. These describe the design of a RM

framework regarding policy, accountability, integration into organizational processes, re-

sources, and establishing internal and external communication and reporting mechanisms.

Table 7: The building blocks of the FTA waterway project RM framework.

RM policy

The FTA risk management policy is described on a general level in Liikennevirasto (2016d),

and infrastructure project specifically in Liikennevirasto (2015). These appear to be in line

and support each other, together describing a clear and conformable policy, which reflects the

principles of RM as described in ISO 31000:2009.


The accountability and authority for managing risks in waterway projects is expected to usual-

ly be clear, as each of the projects is appointed a project manager. Their competence in RM is

outside the reach of this evaluation, although the survey discussed in Section 4.1 does indicate

they have due experience in RM.

It might prove worthwhile to establish a process for project management RM competence

development, if such does not exist in the FTA.

The building blocks of

the FTA waterway project RM


(ISO 31000:2009)1. F





2. F

TA Infra




3. S


y RM




4. R

M in






5. R


in roa

d ca


6. F

TA p


ss m


7. S


y an

d R

M reg



8. T


r an

d PM g



9. S













policy x x

objectives x x

mandate x

commitment x x

Organizational arrangements

plans x x

relationships x x

accountabilities x x

resources x x x x x x x x x

processes x

activities x x

1.      FTA RM Principles (Liikennevirasto 2016d)

2.      FTA RM Protocol for transport infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto 2015)

3.      Safety risk management procedure for infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto 2012)

4.      RM in railway planning (Liikennevirasto 2010)

5.      Risks in road care service agreements (Tiehallinto 2009)

6.      The FTA process management system

7.      Safety and RM register (TURI)

8.      Internal tender and project management guidelines and contract forms


Integration into organizational processes

The integration of RM into organizational processes is deductible through observation of the

FTA process management system and the tender and project management guidelines. While it

should be acknowledged that the process management system was under development during

the writing of this thesis, it also noteworthy that it did not include RM as internal to the de-

scribed processes from the project management perspective.

Instead, RM was described solely as a safety and health task, which is included as a part of

the tendering process and work site meetings. Likewise, RM is included only as a safety and

health related part of the tender process in the tender and project management guidelines.


Table 8: Evaluation of the adequacy of RM resources in the practice of waterway projects, as

described in ISO 31000:2009.

The ISO 31000:2009 stresses the importance of appropriate RM resources in six categories.

Their evaluation against the FTA waterway PM framework is discussed in Table 8, where the

left column lists the risk management resources as defined by the ISO 31000:2009, and on the

RM resource category Ava




People, skills, experience

and competence½

The people and their experience levels are shortly assessed in

Section 4.1 - however, the assessment of their skills and

competence is not possible based on the available

information. Note: see category below.

Resources needed for each

step of the risk management



A clear understanding of the sufficiency of resources for RM

was not provided by the sources. However, one open

comment by a FTA survey respondent noted the following:

"Although the availability of benefits (through RM) is obvious,

RM is often left disregarded due to the scarcity of resources."

(Based on the survey described in Section 4.1). While the

value of the comment is anecdotal, it does provide a due

reason for the investigation of the subject.

The organization’s

processes, methods and

tools to be used for

managing risk


The RM process, methods and tools are publicly available for

use. From waterway project RM perspective, the available

hazard checklists do not include waterway-specific hazards.

Instead risk identification is instructed to be conducted

through the adaptation of other, somewhat applicable


While this may in some circumstances be a valid approach, it

requires expert knowledge, and would be more

straightforward with especially designed hazard checklists.

Documented processes and



The documentation of the RM process is on a superficial level

when compared to the ISO 31000:2009 standard. The

documentation focuses on risk identification and

communication, leaving establishing the context, risk analysis,

risk evaluation, and monitoring in practice undiscussed.

Information and knowledge

management systems


The safety and RM register (TURI) was under implementation

during the writing of this thesis. Waterway project risks were

bound to be included in the system in the future. See

Appendix 5: Summaries of the FTA RM framework documents

and systems.

Training programmes?

Information of RM training programmes for the FTA project

management was not availble for this research.


right a subjective evaluation of the resources in practice. In the middle a three-category classi-

fication gives an approximation of the level of the resources, where “½” stands for “not

enough resources for optimal RM”, and “0” for “no relevant resources”.

Internal and external communication and reporting mechanisms

While the FTA guidelines (Liikennevirasto 2015 & 2016d) describe how information should

flow from a project to another, no clear mechanism is available for that purpose. The imple-

mentation of the FTA safety and RM register is likely to bring a possibility to exchange in-

formation efficiently.

However, the register’s reporting mechanism is not capable of producing an overview of the

risks concerning the projects of a given type, nor classifying or combining those risks to cate-

gories, and thus provides only limited possibility of benchmarking relevant projects’ RM in-

side the FTA. This challenge does also relate to the method of risk analysis, see the Section

4.3.3 below.

The ISO 31000:2009 lists a number of other, additional purposes for the risk communication

and reporting mechanisms. These purposes, however, are mostly relevant for other levels of

the FTA RM hierarchy than project RM, or the information relevant for their assessment was

not available, and therefore these purposes were not analyzed.

RM process 4.3.3

The FTA project RM process in construction and maintenance phases is based on the follow-

ing essential tools of RM: hazard checklists, risk matrix, and risk management plan

(Liikennevirasto 2015). The process and the tools are discussed phase-to-phase in the follow-

ing sections.

Communication and consultation

The process of communication and consultation is not described in the FTA documents. The

standard ISO 31000:2009 recommends a consultative team approach for the whole RM pro-

cess, but how this relates to the FTA practice is not acknowledged by the author.

Liikennevirasto (2015) dictates that the use of expert workshops should be used as a source of

risk information. However, the experts’ roles are not extended beyond the risk assessments.

Establishing the context

Establishing the context is included in the guideline Liikennevirasto (2015) as a part of the

RM process. However, it is not explained in any manner in the guideline. According to ISO

31000:2009, this should include establishing the external context, internal context and the

context of the RM process.

It can be assumed, that infrastructure projects run by the FTA are conducted in a fairly similar

context in comparison with each other, and thus the establishing of the external and internal

contexts can understandably be omitted in some cases. Yet the third part, the context of the

RM process is always different, as all the projects are different in a way or another. It might

be worthwhile to give this part of the process due attention.


Risk identification

Risks in FTA waterway projects are identified with the help of varying hazard checklists.

These are divided in Liikennevirasto (2015) into groups, which should be considered accord-

ing to project phase and type.

From waterway project RM perspective, the available hazard checklists do not include water-

way-specific checklists except for care service agreement projects – instead, risk identifica-

tion is instructed to be conducted through adaption of other checklists. While this may in

some circumstances be a valid method, it requires more expert knowledge and time than with

especially designed hazard checklists.

ISO 31010:2010 lists the following strengths (+) and limitations (–) in the use of checklists as

a tool for the risk identification process:

they may be used by non-experts

when well designed, they combine wide ranging expertise into an easy to use system

they can help ensure common problems are not forgotten

they tend to inhibit imagination in the identification of risks

they address the ‘known known’s’, not the ‘known unknown’s’ or the ‘unknown un-


they encourage ‘tick the box’ type behaviour

they tend to be observation base, so miss problems that are not readily seen

To counter the limitations of the check-list approach, ISO 31010:2010 recommends pairing of

the checklists with a more imaginative technique that identifies new problems, with the imag-

inative technique preferably applied first. This imaginative technique could, e.g., be brain-

storming of a kind, when applied in an expert workshop.

Risk analysis

Risks are analyzed in the FTA waterway projects with the help of a risk matrix on a semi-

quantitative scale.

ISO 31010:2010 lists the following strengths (+) and limitations (–) in the use of risk matrices

(or consequence/probability matrices) as a tool for risk analysis:

relatively easy to use

provides a rapid ranking of risks into different significance levels

a matrix should be designed to be appropriate for the circumstances so it may be diffi-

cult to have a common system applying across a range of circumstances relevant to an


it is difficult to define the scales unambiguously

use is very subjective and there tends to be significant variation between raters

risks cannot be aggregated (i.e. one cannot define that a particular number of low risks

or a low risk identified a particular number of times is equivalent to a medium risk)

it is difficult to combine or compare the level of risk for different categories of conse-



Results will depend on the level of detail of the analysis, i.e. the more detailed the analysis,

the higher the number of scenarios, each with a lower probability. This will underestimate the

actual level of risk. The way in which scenarios are grouped together in describing risk should

be consistent and defined at the start of the study. (ISO 31010:2010).

However, the FTA guidelines do not provide much advice on how to use the matrix and thus

acknowledge its limitations and shortcomings, fully exposing the risk management process to

those limitations. Additionally, these drawbacks somewhat undermine the RM policy re-

quirement for always comparing the risk and its treatment on a uniform scale, for how could

this be possible, if the matrix’s use and interpretation is very subjective? (Liikennevirasto


The risk matrix is used in the FSA process as well, but its use is delimited to an initial screen-

ing of the risks, which is a part of risk identification, not analysis (IMO 2016:10).

For the last, it should be noted, that risk is defined here to include uncertainty relating to

events with positive consequences. Equally, risk analysis (and assessment) should be focused

to both negative and positive consequences, if consistency with the definitions is to be main-

tained. This should be reflected in the tools for risk analysis, if the positive consequences are

to be identified and sought after through the process of RM.

Risk evaluation

Risk evaluation is conducted simultaneously with the risk analysis, as the risk rating achieved

from the risk matrix corresponds to a policy on risk treatment. Thus, risk evaluation does not

exist as a separate phase of risk assessment.

Risk treatment

The current risk management forms do not require analyzing the efficacy or efficiency of the

chosen risk treatment. Instead, the treatment of single risks, is, at least sometimes, decided

upon simultaneously with the analysis of the risk, without the truly questioning the treat-

ment’s capability of reducing risk (based on a statement by one of the interviewees).

With the implementation of the risk and safety register in FTA projects, analyzing the effect

of the treatment becomes compulsory. This has the possibility to improve the level of risk

management, but only if the analysis of the treatment is given due attention.

Yet even the analysis of the effect of risk treatment does not remove the problems of risk ma-

trices; their tendency to produce subjective results. Without dealing with the problem of sub-

jectivity of the risk analysis both pre- and post-treatment, it is impossible for the risk manager

to stand behind the claim of the treatment’s capability of reducing the risk a given amount.

Monitoring and review

Clear process descriptions on the monitoring of project management risks do not exist for the

knowledge of the author. The realization of the project-internal monitoring process is in prac-

tice likely to vary between projects.

The implementation of project-external monitoring and review processes and the definition of

their responsibilities would provide a tool for improving the project RM in individual pro-

jects. E.g., ISO 31000:2009 proposes the use of the progress in implementing risk treatment

plans as a performance measure.


Summary of the recognized framework development possibilities 4.3.4

The FTA waterway project RM practice was recognized to have the following possibilities for


1. Integration of project (and process) management RM into organizational processes,

including the FTA process management system and the project management and ten-

der guidelines.

2. Design of waterway-specific hazard checklists.

3. Uncertainties about the risk, its analysis, and the treatments capability of reducing risk

could be more explicitly assessed.

4. Development of the mechanism for risk information flow between projects and from

historical data (e.g. through the use of information source checklists in the project


5. Implementation of RM training programmes for project management (if such do not


6. Improving the sufficiency of RM resources in waterway projects.

7. Complementing the RM guidelines in relation to conducting “communication and

consultation”, “establishing the context”, “risk evaluation”, and “risk treatment”.

8. Introducing monitoring and review processes for project RM, regarding project man-

agement related risks.

9. Designing processes for using the risk and safety register (TURI)

10. Pairing the use of checklists with more imaginative risk identification techniques.

11. Improving the risk analysis approach with risk matrices with 1) information about its

limitations, 2) introduction of more objective risk metrics alongside the matrix, and 3)

the inclusion of positive risks.

While the list above is not expected to be complete, it does provide a number of development

ideas for the FTA waterway project RM framework. Of these ideas, the following were cho-

sen as the basis for the development of constructs in the frame of this research: 1, 2, 3, 7 (part-

ly), 10, and 11. These constructs are described in the following section.

4.4 RM constructs and validation results

A RM process tied into the lifetime of waterway projects 4.4.1

Construct description

The construct consists of three individual processes, each describing the process of RM in a

type of waterway project. These include full-scale construction projects (Figure 11), care and

use service agreements (Figure 12), and comparably smaller maintenance projects (Figure

13). The RM processes for the construction and care and use projects are somewhat unambig-

uous in comparison to the process for small maintenance projects; the maintenance project

process descriptions includes a three-category classification of the significance & RM ap-

proach combinations for the maintenance projects. This stems from the great variability be-

tween different maintenance projects, which cannot be easily described with a single process.

A similar classification is in use by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans


The value of the construct is that it describes how the risk management process should be

conducted in the course of projects on a general level. No explicit descriptions of these pro-

cesses were previously available in the FTA. While the constructs are not likely to represent


the best possible RM processes, it provides an initial level of descriptions, which could be

eligible for their implementation in practice. Ideally, their functionality would be monitored in

the course of future projects, and they would facilitate continuous development by describing

“best practice” approaches at the FTA.

However, to fulfil the corresponding principle of the ISO 31000:2009, the processes should

eventually be integrated as parts of the FTA process management system and the FTA tender


Figure 11: The RM process tied to the lifetime of a construction project.

Figure 12: The RM process tied to the lifetime of a care service agreement project.

The process descriptions mostly follow the same structure: first, the risk assessments are con-

ducted before the tendering process. The risk management plan is updated during the con-

struction or project execution, and in the end of the project the successfulness of the risk man-

agement is evaluated and the remaining risk defined. The process descriptions have been

adapted to fit the properties of each project type and corresponding terminology.

The process description figures proceed from the left to the right. The green shapes represent

risk assessment, blue shapes the risks inflicted to the project, which have been identified, as-

sessed, and described in the risk management plan. The grey shapes represent other risk man-


agement activities, such as the allocation of project risk to the service provider through the

tender process.

Figure 13: The RM process tied to the lifetime of an upkeep project.

The complete descriptions or legends for the processes can be found in the Appendix 6: The


Construct validation results

The project RM process was commented and developed by two groups of experts in the FTA:

by the participants of an expert workshop arranged for this purpose only, and by a process

development group responsible for waterway management in the FTA. The construct was

presented as such, without commenting on the future form or use of the constructs.

The response from the first expert group was uniformly positive, although some details in the

processes required further development.

The latter meeting was not participated by the author of this work, and the “silent approval”

transmitted as second-hand information may represent a biased piece of information. Addi-

tionally, the group is only responsible for waterway maintenance, and thus one of the three

described processes in the construct was outside the group’s interests.

Together, the commentary on the process could be seen to represent a tentative positive result

from a weak market test.

Waterway specific hazard checklists 4.4.2

Construct description

Three hazard checklists were designed, each covering a certain part of the risks encountered

in waterway projects. The checklists were given the titles Project management, Construction,

and Maintenance. The idea of application was for all of the projects to cover Project manage-

ment, and then Construction and Maintenance checklists were to be covered based on the pro-


The checklist structure was based on Liikennevirasto (2010). The Project management check-

list was adapted from Liikennevirasto (2010) to include waterway terminology and tender


process risks, while the Construction and Maintenance checklists were created from the

scratch, based on the semi-structured interviews, available risk management plans from rele-

vant projects, and the available FTA waterway guidelines.

The Project management hazard checklist included hazards relating to e.g. contracting, regu-

lations, the society, and information flow – elements which are present in some form in every

waterway project. The hazards included in the waterway Construction and Maintenance

checklists were assumed to concern different types of actions or functions required to be made

in the course of waterway projects. These included for example the dredging and quarrying

functions for construction projects and the different types of operations that are conducted to

the sea marks in maintenance projects. In addition, certain elements were found to cause un-

certainty to all types of projects. These elements included e.g. weather- and ice-related haz-

ards, waterborne traffic hazards and technical hazards, such as equipment failure.

In addition, the use of the checklists was combined with the use of brainstorming before the

checklists, to enable a more imaginative identification process in accordance to the ISO


The whole set of hazard checklists can be found in the Appendix 6: The constructs.

Construct validation results

All the checklists were given positive feedback in the expert workshop, although the mainte-

nance checklist did face more changes than the project management or the construction

checklist. The amount of risks identified in the case studies per hazard checklist is described

in Figure 8. The number before the plus describes the number of recognized threats, and after

the plus the number of opportunities. E.g., the figure “11+4” should be read as “11 threats and

4 opportunities”. The use of all of the checklists was preceded with a short brainstorming ses-

sion, and the numbers described in Table 9 include the risks encountered through brainstorm-


Table 9: The number of identified risks in each of the case studies through the use of hazard


The precise effect of combining brainstorming with the use of checklists was not analyzed

after the case studies. However, it was perceived as a good addition to the checklists by some

Number of identified

risks through the

use of the hazard


e A


e B


e C

Project management 11+4 n/a n/a

Construction 11+5 n/a 6*

Maintenance n/a (12+4) n/a

Previously identified 21 n/a 12**

**Includes only the risks concerning the waterway

part of the project

*Additionally, five health and safety risks were



of the participants, and did in every case study collaborate with at least one risk that would

have otherwise been left unidentified.

The project management checklist was tested only in the Case A, and having been previously

(before minor modifications) in use in road and rail projects in Finland, its general usefulness

well established, and the testing of the checklist was not as profound as with the other lists.

The checklist redeemed comments such as “this should have been taken into consideration

way before in this project”, which speaks for the usefulness of the checklist. The checklist

was also requested by the Case C project management, narrating a demand for the list.

The construction hazard checklist was tested first in the Case A project, and then in the Case

C project, in which the waterway played a significantly smaller role. This was also reflected

in the numbers of new identified risks (see Table 9). However, as the Case C project was only

approaching the tendering phase, some of the identified risks caused immediate need for ac-

tion, and even if only to ensure that certain details exist as expected, the practical collabora-

tion of the hazard checklist was evident.

The maintenance checklist, on the other hand, did not appear to serve its purpose as well as

the other checklists. Instead of facilitating conversation about the risks, it ended up facilitating

the adjustment of the very checklist to more closely comply with the FTA hierarchy of wa-

terway maintenance terminology. As a consequence, all the risks identified were a result of

the brainstorming technique, and the checklist was developed after the case study.

The cause for the low result of identified risks using the maintenance checklist allows several

hypotheses, which could true simultaneously or separately. Firstly, the checklist might have

indeed been so faulty, that it drove the concentration away from the project in question. Sec-

ondly, the result might have been affected by unsuccessful facilitation and preparation of the

participants. Thirdly, the contractor and the FTA project management had a long history in

the industry, and thus had learned to navigate the minefield well enough to not see the any

significant uncertainty in the project at all.

But what appears equally possible, is that the perceived risks from a project’s success per-

spective during a waterway care and use service agreement contract period simply do not con-

tain the potential for the project to truly fail. This was further indicated by the comment about

the RM plan: “It’s important that the paperwork is in condition. But what really matters is

how to transform it into risk-informed actions of the men at sea, not the red tape.” A possible

explanation is that the risks concerning the service during the contract period are completely

transferred to the contractor, resulting in the risks and their treatment mostly being private

trade secrets. Either way, this allows speculation on whether the risk assessments are useful at

all from the FTA’s perspective during the contract periods of the agreements.

Opportunity management as a part of RM 4.4.3

Construct description

It is widely recognised in the field of project management research that project RM should

focus on both threats and opportunities (Atkinson et al. 2006, De Meyer et al. 2002, Hillson

2002). The natural tendency is to focus on the negative, resulting in even obvious opportuni-

ties to be overlooked, or at best addressed reactively (Hillson 2002). Thus, the inclusion of the

management of opportunities was seen as a possible way to focus the project management’s

attention to opportunities in addition to the threats.


However, even though the management of both opportunities and threats is generally seen as

better than just managing threats, the literature acknowledges that the explicit management of

uncertainty would be even better. This is further discussed in Section 5.2.

The management of opportunities was included in the FTA RM process through the inclusion

of three positive elements in the different parts of the RM process. Firstly, the identification

process was complemented in the brainstorming technique by the requirement to include an

equal amount of positive and negative uncertainties affecting the project. Secondly, the hazard

checklists were reinforced with checkboxes for “opportunities” (see Table 10). And thirdly,

the risk matrix was expanded with a positive axis for the consequences; resulting in a 5 x 10

matrix instead of the preceding 5 x 5 FTA risk matrix. The risk matrix can be found in the

Appendix 6: The constructs.

Table 10: The hazard checklist structure modified for opportunity management.

1.1 Contracting and resposibilities

Opportunity Threat No risk To be


1 Assignment contents

2 Resposibilities and their allocation

3 Contract interfaces

4 Changes/additions in contracts

5 Warranties, insurances

6 Conflict resolution

7 Work quality defects

8 Quality assurance

9 Responsibilities for plans and their quali-ty

Construct validation results

The idea of including a positive dimension in the risk matrix got positive feedback in most of

the testing occasions, as it shifts the risk identification process towards the opportunities.

Some comments were expressed before the case studies, doubting the occurrence of opportu-

nities through the RM process. Yet the numbers in Table 9 are clear: opportunities were iden-

tified as a part of the RM process, although their amount was a fraction of the identified


The risk rating of the identified risks was high, more than half of them receiving risk rating of

3 or higher (interpreted as “moderate” and “demanding action”). However, despite the appar-

ent good results, the author was left with the impression that most of the identified opportuni-

ties might not lead to any managerial actions or changes, and thus the actual average quality

of the identified opportunities might be worse than what the numbers proclaim.

Modified FTA risk analysis process 4.4.4

Construct description

While the construct described in Section 4.4.1 describes the whole process of RM taking a

general-level approach, this construct looks into its sub-process of risk analysis. The risk


analysis process was enhanced through two changes to the risk matrix and the corresponding

RM form:

1. The requirement of including an interval of possible consequences in the risk man-

agement form, instead of a simply choosing a single consequence category.

2. The inclusion of a parallel percent values in the risk matrix probability scale

The first enhancement contributes to the uncertainty and explicitness of the risk values. A 90

% confidence interval for the consequence could likely be appropriate for the analysis pro-

cess, along with a half-day confidence interval training for all participants as proposed by

Hubbard (2008). However, for the use in this study, a specific confidence interval was not


The second part of the construct was a controversial, additional scale of probabilities in the

risk matrix, in a way that in did not even closely match the original probability scale. Its pri-

mary purpose was to produce a comparison point for the original probability scale and to pro-

duce discussion about the probabilities of the risks.

The risk matrix can be found due to its size in the Appendix 6: The constructs.

Construct validation results

The testing of this construct was perhaps the most controversial part of the validation process,

and the testing process brought up results that were not expected prior to the case studies.

The use of currency-scale interval for the possible risk consequences was discussed and, in

part, tested in one of the cases. Initially, it was commented that it would not be possible to

determine any interval for the consequences, but when given a rough proposal for the interval,

the adjustment of the numbers towards a reasonable estimation was suddenly found possible.

However, the client organization appeared reluctant to discuss the exact numbers concerning

the possible consequences of the risks. When stressed, they commented that the discussion of

the numbers might prove useful, but this should be done internally to the client organization,

without any external service providers – indicating that the information were too sensitive for

the ears of others – while risk information based on the analysis with risk matrix were not.

The client organization representatives of another case, on the other hand, approved the idea

of analyzing risk consequences with intervals, with a statement claiming that all additional

information is useful.

The second part of the construct, the inclusion of non-matching percent values on the proba-

bility scale of the risk matrix, was tested in each of the case studies, after being deemed rea-

sonable for testing in the expert workshop.

The inclusion in the matrix was typically acknowledged by the case study participants with a

single remark, but no other comment was expressed during or after the case studies, or when

commenting the results. Thus, no effect was detected to have been caused by the enhance-

ment. This consequently indicates that the actual values on the probability axis of the matrix

play no significant role in the risk analysis process using a risk matrix. This controversy pro-

vides reasonable doubt that the use of the risk matrix would generate results with practical

usefulness – or that the potential for making accurate conclusions about the ALARP level of

the risk based on the matrix analysis alone were possible.


Rather, it appeared that the use of the risk matrix was based more on the risk classes than the

probability-consequence scale. This was reflected during and after the case studies in com-

ments such as “We think this risk should be level 3 instead of level 2”, or “We can’t give a

level 5 to it. They’d look at us badly in the RM department, without understanding the true

nature of the risk.”

Should this hypothesis about the low level of information of the matrix-evaluated scores be

true, it would contradict with the FTA RM Principles (Liikennevirasto 2016d), which requires

the risks and their treatments to be analysed in a way that allows direct comparison of the RM

resources and the corresponding gains. While it should be noted, that one cannot definitely

declare how this observation would affect the project results compared to a more specific

analysis method, it appears clear, that the expertise and the experience of the service providers

and other stakeholders cannot be utilised in full extent in the RM process or risk-related deci-

sion making when only using a risk matrix in the risk analysis.

Model for establishing a project’s RM process context 4.4.5

Construct description

A simple visual tool, a model or a form, was created to provide a simple way for establishing

the context of a RM process. Its idea is to depict the different aspects to be covered by the RM

process, and it should be prepared for each RM process individually.

Figure 14: An example of the model for establishing a project’s RM process context.

Establishing the context is described as the first part of the FTA and ISO 31000:2009 RM

process. However, it should be noted, that the construct does not cover the whole “establish-


ing the context of the RM process”, as described by the ISO 31000:2009, but rather focuses

on describing the project objectives. Of course, the construct can be used in various ways de-

pending on the project and risk management approach, but its value is in its ability to present

project variables in an easy and visual manner.

Figure 14 describes one example of the model, while two further examples can be found from

the Appendix A6.3 Model for establishing a project’s RM process context.

Construct validation results

The model for establishing the context of RM was perceived as useful and appropriate for

composing the scope of the project for the use of the RM process. It was in all case studies

silently accepted as the basis for the risk assessment, although its level of use varied between

projects. Especially the participants external to the project organizations seemed to benefit

from the construct.

Summary of the validation results 4.4.6

Table 11 summarizes the construct validation process results. The results concerning the use

of project management and construction hazard checklists, and the form for establishing the

context for the RM process are clear: they were proved in practice and seen useful by the


Table 11: The validation results of each developed construct.

Validation results per constructW



ket te



k id





1. Waterway project RM process x n/a

2. Waterway hazard checklists

- project management x x

- construction x x

- maintenance x ½

3. Opportunity management x ½

4. Modified FTA RA process

- consequence interval ½ n/a

- dual probabilities in matrix n/a n/a

x n/a5. Model for establishing project

RM context


The maintenance checklist was seen useful as well, although the practical use of the checklist

along with the corresponding project RM process description would require further discus-

sion, development, and testing, before taking on a full-scale implementation into the FTA

processes and guidelines. One possibility for the development of the process would be to ap-

ply it to the combined, yearly tender preparation phase of all the maintenance projects instead

of the application to individual maintenance projects.

Equally, the other project RM process should go through further development before imple-

mentation, but they appear to be somewhat better founded as such, based on the positive expe-

riences from the case studies relating to construction projects.

The management of opportunities as a part of the RM process was a well-received construct.

Although the quality of the identified opportunities in the case studies per se is questionable,

the potential of switching the project management’s mind-set towards the positive weighs on

the other end of the scale. This would reflect the comment of the FTA’s Swedish counterpart

about “getting to the offensive side” of RM.

The results and reception concerning the modified FTA RA process were less impressive,

implying that more research and development work is needed for the application of the con-

struct in practice.


5 Discussion

5.1 The problem of determining the correct path for RM

The success or failure of a RM approach in either enterprise or project context – or both – is a

result of a complex interplay of factors relating to an activity. Therefore, one cannot make

definite conclusions about the successfulness of an approach in an activity based on the expe-

riences from another activity. The same problem applies to “best practices” of RM, and to the

constructs developed during this research – they do not necessarily work in other contexts

than which prevailed during the initial experiments.

However, from this follows that the approach which was initially applied to a context is rarely

the best one in the next context. This could firstly mean that the experimenting with different

methodologies in different contexts should be a constantly ongoing process. Secondly, this

could mean that instead of describing a “best practice” approach, a toolbox containing a varie-

ty of RM approaches and their success in varying contexts might be more useful.

The creation of such toolbox at the FTA would, of course, inflict its own demands – at least

two of which require changes in the current project practice: first, the monitoring and meas-

urement of different levels of RM processes and their successfulness should be enhanced,

possibly according to the guidance of ISO 31000:2009. The practice-based definition for

ERM by Mikes & Kaplan (2014:14) points towards the same direction with their requirement

of [successful] ERM consisting of “active and intrusive processes … capable of challenging

existing assumptions”. Second, the RM sub-process of establishing the context should be

brought to a level, which allows for the other project risk managers to use that information for

choosing their approach.

Without the information provided by such a toolbox, the use and development of project RM

approaches inside the FTA can only be based on intuition and heurestics about the practice

and on incomprehensive information from single case studies.

This is partly what was done during the course of this research. The next three sections below

describe some hunches along with reasoning on potential development directions for the wa-

terway project RM at the FTA.

5.2 Towards the management of uncertainty

The construct introducing the management of opportunities in addition to threats provides one

step towards the management of risk as it is defined in ISO 31000:2009: “the effect of uncer-

tainty on objectives”. However, the use of the construct does not quite reach the target of

managing uncertainty, but rather dodges the question.

Atkinson et al. (2006) argue that even though RM of both threats and opportunities produces

better results than only focusing on the negative, the approach still falls short: “It does not

facilitate consideration of aspects of variability that are driven by underlying ambiguity and

lack of information.” Effective uncertainty management needs to address uncertainty in a

broad sense, with the consideration of all sources of significant uncertainty and associated

responses, such as the lack of information, ambiguity, characteristics of project parties, trade-

offs between trust and control mechanisms, and varying agendas in different stages of the

project life cycle.


A more explicit focus on uncertainty management is required. This can be facilitated by pay-

ing attention to the involved parties and their respective objectives in three ways (Atkinson et

al. 2006):

1. Treat the definition of objectives as a key part of managing projects

2. Project management should clarify and manage desired trade-offs between multiple

performance objectives

3. Ownership of uncertainty requires specific consolidation – decisions need to be made

about how uncertainty and associated issues should be allocated to the different par-

ties, recognising that different parties have different objectives, perceptions of project

risk and different capabilities for managing associated sources of uncertainty.

However, in order to switch the focus onto the uncertainties instead of the threats one must

account for the method of their measurement, or risk analysis. Although in some cases the

matrices might provide a good medium of measurement, a more intuitive way could be found

from the use of intervals, or probability distributions (see e.g. Modarres 2006), which make it

possible to describe the inherently probabilistic information in an unambiguous way. For ex-

ample, using a risk matrix to analyse a risk with both positive and negative consequences

would require choosing a value from both the negative and the positive axis, leading to a very

unintuitive description of the risk.

Nevertheless, the use of risk matrices is very established in the FTA, and if this approach for

risk analysis were truly dysfunctional, it would likely have been substituted with a better solu-

tion already during its implementation process. This could be explained by the historical de-

velopment of RM in Finland, where it was first implemented during the 1980’s and 1990’s in

safety, environmental, and quality contexts (Räikkönen 2002:13–20); it is notably more diffi-

cult, or less intuitive to identify risks with positive safety or environmental consequences, and

thus generating adequate methods and tools for their management can be considered signifi-

cantly less fruitful. One could imagine that after the risk matrices were found useful in their

initial context, they were simply migrated into the use of more general project RM without

diligent checking for compliance, the result of which is the concurrent FTA project RM ap-


The prevailing ambiguity of risk information in the Finnish project RM could also be ex-

plained through effectivity and efficiency. Lehtiranta (2014) describes similar phenomena

regarding the uninformativeness of risk information as discussed in Section 4.4.4: Modified

FTA risk analysis process in her case study about the project RM in a complex Finnish con-

struction project: “The activities involved in the identification and analysis of risk are in prac-

tice intertwined. Risk analysis in the case projects is often intuitive, and the main assessment

is simply made between the qualitative categories, ‘significant’ and ‘insignificant’. … The

identified [RM] processes seem to be more based on heuristics and intuition than on calcula-

tive analytics”. She seems to suggest this could be at least partly a result from the pursuit for

effectivity and efficiency in the construction phase of projects, in which case the relative lack

of information could be a by-product of using a two-dimensional matrix for describing infor-

mation which by nature would be well represented by the two categories: significant and in-


In either way, or even if neither were true, a conscious decision should be made about the

level of information which should be pursued by the risk analyses in the FTA waterway pro-

jects. In making this decision it should be acknowledged that one problem with relying on

heuristics and intuition is that they only serve well in environments in where the decision


maker has had the ability to learn and adapt their mental models from previous projects or

phenomena in an environment which is sufficiently regular to be predictable (Kahnemann


5.3 Mutual trust and the contracting model

Atkinson et al. (2006) underline the importance and development of mutual trust in well-

performing projects, especially when the project contains significant uncertainties. This was

equally stressed by an interviewee from Sjöfartsverket, who described their “best practice” of

a multi-day kick-off workshop in the beginning of each project, where project objectives and

risks are discussed between the participants, and mutual trust is developed. “Usually 80–90 %

of the [stakeholder] objectives are, in fact, the same”, helping to provide a solid surface for

mutual trust without changing the contract.

Yet there are projects, where the participant objectives simply are not the same, and the de-

velopment of mutual trust and open discussion of uncertainties inevitably results in one or

more of the stakeholders abusing that trust to their own benefit. According to the Sjöfartsver-

ket interviewee, in these cases an open RM process is not the correct tool for project success.

Instead, the interviewee had personally seen the positive change brought by [public-private]

partnering contracts, which, if used correctly, aligns the stakeholders’ goals and enables a

good working environment for RM.

The validation results indicated a restraint of the communication of quantified risk infor-

mation between the parties of a project. This hindered the risk analysis by firstly removing the

contractor’s experts from contributing to the project RM from their perspective, and secondly,

in the case example, also implied that the use of the more precise risk analysis methods was

not applied in the risk analysis. Whether this in fact was affected by lack of mutual trust is

unclear, but the hypothesis should not be disregarded either.

A possible redemption would be to create and nurture a climate of mutual trust among the

project participants. Also, following the example of Sweden into the use of partnering con-

tracts is a noteworthy possibility.

5.4 The next steps for FTA

The current FTA waterway project RM framework is in practice a one-size-fits-all approach

for safety and health risks, falling short from the standard it refers to in a number of ways.

Although, under the contingency theory, it is not evident that the ISO 31000:2009 standard

would provide the best possible framework for waterway project RM, nothing was found to

point toward the standard not being adequate in this context.

Instead, the author recommends the FTA to continue with the implementation process of the

standard (assessed in Section 4.3), while respecting the complexity and needs of single wa-

terway projects. For the use of the constructs, the first steps could be to apply the developed

hazard checklists into practice, and to include and develop the project RM processes as inte-

gral parts of waterway project process descriptions and tender guidelines. The subsequent step

could be to tilt the RM plane toward the management of uncertainty instead of focusing on

threats and opportunities alone, and to establish a project start workshop practice along the

footsteps of the Swedish (see Sections 5.2 and 5.3).

During the course of this research, one development idea surfaced continuously: the RM in

the planning phase of waterway projects is inferior if not completely lacks existence. To pro-


vide a reliable basis for decision making in projects, and a natural flow of risk information

from planning to the construction phase, the RM processes and approaches in the waterway

planning phase need to be developed. The ISO 31000:2009 standard could provide a good

starting point for the work, while e.g. the project RM manual of California Department of

Transportation (2012; and Maria-Sanchez 2012) might enable adequate benchmarking.

Another idea worth considering would be to create a “common body of knowledge” contain-

ing the RM tools, approaches and structures that can be used in varying applications and pro-

jects throughout the FTA. A wiki-like structure could enable the managers and project man-

agers to rate and comment the different practices based on their experiences, and describe the

RM approaches they perceive to be most adequate.

5.5 The reliability and applicability of the results

The reliability of the results varies between the different parts of the thesis. Some conclusions

are backed up by the survey, the interviews, the RM framework analysis and the validation

process of the constructs. These represent a very reliable level of information. In the other end

of the scale of reliability lie the subjective interpretations made by the author based on the

single case studies.

Especially the results of the FTA waterway RM practice evaluation in Section 4.3 represent a

fairly subjective and shallow understanding. Thus, instead of seeing the results as an absolute

statement, the value of the evaluation is the evaluation results and their ability to provide de-

velopment possibilities leading to successful constructs.

Special consideration should be applied to the reliability of the validation process results. The

sample of the study was relatively small, and although it represented some of the largest wa-

terway projects being conducted during the work, the majority of different projects and pro-

ject types were left outside the case studies. Thus, even if the constructs worked in the given

environment, they might severely lack functionality in another.

The validation of constructs through market testing included the simplifying assumption that

the FTA project management have a collective ability to adapt to managerial circumstances

and new ideas. However, this is not necessarily true. The FTA as a public service provider

does not compete on the market, and thus the existence of forces inflicting positive change in

the efficiency and efficacy of the management practices is not self-evident, but rather a ques-

tion of government policies and political willpower.

But perhaps the most significant factor affecting the result reliability is the author’s biases and

perceptions. The share of the author’s participation and subjective interpretation throughout

the validation reporting is notable, and neither objectiveness nor the lack of biases can fully

be guaranteed.

The applicability of the constructs outside of the Finnish public sector waterway projects is

limited, although possible. There is no good reason to expect construct functionality outside

their proper context; only through understanding the constructs’ initial environment should

the constructs be adopted. However, at least some of the results should be applicable to the

other types of waterway projects run by the FTA. These projects are conducted using partly

the same guidelines and other RM framework items in a similar cultural and legislative envi-

ronment as the studied waterway projects.


5.6 Theoretical connections and contribution

The conducted research has its roots in the contingency theory of ERM. The results suggest

that the ISO 31004:2013 could provide an adequate basis for the analysis of the “ERM mix”

in those organizations, which have implemented or are guided by the ISO 31000:2009 stand-

ard for RM.

This work describes one ERM mix combined with a group of contingent variables. As it will

require a significant amount of additional data to determine the best variables for forecasting

the successfulness of a RM approach, it cannot be known for certain whether this research

contains all of them or not. To counter this effect, this analysis made in this thesis tries to cap-

ture a variety of factors affecting and describing the RM process.

The validation results of the developed constructs indicate that hazard checklists combined

with brainstorming approach provides a functioning tool for the risk identification in water-

way development projects in the Finnish waterway projects. The rest of the validation results

provide less coherent information on the performance of the available and developed RM

tools and approaches. The practical functionality of the other constructs should be observed

over longer periods of time.

The results described in this thesis could be utilised in the development of a “common body

of knowledge”, as described by Mikes & Kaplan (2014).

5.7 Recommendations for further research

The development of a common body of knowledge consistent with the contingency theory

would provide significant help to practitioners worldwide. As the practices for disclosing cor-

porate risk information vary, and often reflect the most ambiguous and non-comparable in-

formation possible, the risk information available from the corporate sector is minimal

(Hookana-Turunen 2000). Thus, the public sector could play a significant role as the source of

the information for the development of an established body of ERM risk knowledge – which

could be especially beneficial in a small market like Finland.

On the other hand, a crucial research possibility in terms of the credibility of project RM

would be the development and eventual implementation of such RM tools and practices,

which allow risk analysis to be conducted unambiguously while not compromising process

efficiency. Borrowing from Lehtiranta (2014): “Research should rather be concerned with

understanding and supporting the mechanisms of assessing what type of uncertainty matters

and how to identify and manage it. Alternatively, the finding can be taken as a challenge of

identifying or innovating the quantitative techniques that would, in fact, fit into the project

practice, resulting into less biased and more easily visualized risk information.”


6 Summary and conclusions

A constructive research approach was taken upon to clarify and develop the Finnish Transport

Agency’s waterway project risk management (RM) framework. Relevant preunderstanding on

the subject was gathered from the literature, and through expert interviews and an expert sur-

vey. Based on the preunderstanding, the FTA waterway project risk management framework

was evaluated following the technical report ISO 31004:2013, which describes the implemen-

tation process of the RM standard ISO 31000:2009. The evaluation of the framework allowed

analysing the FTA RM practice in a structured and clear manner.

The findings suggest that the focus of the FTA waterway project risk management has been in

safety and health risks, while the risks affecting project objectives have not been given due

attention. While the FTA guidelines for RM call for the management of risks affecting project

objectives, the practice has not followed. Instead, the FTA waterway project RM framework

was found to contain several deficiencies, which can be claimed: e.g. the lack of adequate

tools, process descriptions, resources, and commitment for managing risk.

Based on the identified development possibilities, the following risk management tools and

processes were developed and validated though case studies and user group testing:

1. three risk management processes tied to the structures of waterway projects,

2. three hazard checklists,

3. the inclusion of opportunity management,

4. the enhancement of the risk analysis process, and

5. a model for the establishment of the context of the risk management process.

The results of the validation process suggest that the developed risk management tools and

processes could be partly taken into practice as such, while some items should be further de-

veloped and discussed. On a larger scale, the developed RM tools and processes and their

validation results appear to significantly improve the FTA waterway RM framework.

Based on the findings, the management of risks affecting project objectives could be more

fruitful when perceived as “uncertainty management” instead of looking for threats and op-

portunities. Even if the management of threats were a more intuitive way to manage safety

risks, it seems counterintuitive from the point-of-view of managing risks to project objectives.

Furthermore, the weaknesses of the current risk analysis methods should be acknowledged by

the practitioners, and the possibility to make conclusions based on these methods should be

discussed internally at the FTA.

In the long term, the development and monitoring of RM inside the FTA should be systemat-

ic, and could for example include project personnel to develop their commitment. And from

the projects’ perspective, the most beneficial RM process requires mutual trust between the

project participants. The development of trust could be emphasized through, e.g. kick-off

workshops or alliance contracting.

The level of RM described by the ISO 31000:2009 standard appears at least partly worth pur-

suing in waterway projects, while the ISO 31004:2013 technical paper describes a seemingly

good structure for analysing and developing the RM framework.

These results are expected to be valid in the Finnish waterway projects run by the FTA, and

up to some extent in other types of FTA transport infrastructure projects. Yet it is likely, that


any waterway project in the northern parts of the globe would be affected by similar risks, and

thus some parts of the results or developed constructs may be applicable outside Finland.

However, the reliability of the results is affected by the limited amount of data along with the

subjective of interpretation of the results.



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Appendix 1: 1/1

Appendix 1: Waterway classification in Finland

The FTA waterway classificationAdapted from Liikennevirasto 2013


First class




Nationally or areally significant maritime

commerce main waterways, which are used to

transport a significant share of waterway



Second class




A maritime commerce waterway with mostly

areal significance, or a parallel or connective

waterway in the vicinity of a main waterway.



waterways for

utility traffic

Waterways serving e.g. ferry traffic, fishing

ships, barge traffic, timber rafting and areally

significant passenger traffic.

VL4Yachting main


A yachting main way, which forms a uniform,

longer route on the coast or inland between

two areas.

VL5Local yachting


A local waterway, e.g. the route from a main

waterway to a harbour or a connecting line

between two waterways



A low-level shallow waterways serving









A waterway built and

maintained primarily for

maritime commerce.

Maritime commerce is used

here to describe coastal

traffic that pays waterway

fee. In the freshwater

environment the Saimaa

deep waterways are

understood as maritime

commerce waterways.

Waterways built and

maintained primarily for

boat traffic or other traffic

excluding maritime


Appendix 2: 1/2

Appendix 2: Summaries of waterway project RM guidelines in Sweden and Denmark

The waterway authorities in Sweden (Sjöfartsverket) and Denmark (Transportministeriet)

were expected to be potentially relevant in terms of benchmarking their approaches of water-

way project risk management. This was supported by the countries’ relative similarity to Fin-

land, and a good availability of information. These expectations were partly fulfilled in the

frame of this research, and the summaries of the available documents are presented below.

The information from the Sjöfartverket’s interviews is discussed in detail in Section 4.2.3.


The risk analysis process for the organization-level approach of Sjöfartsverket consists of the

following three phases (Sjöfartsverket 2016):

1. Analysis of objectives and their sub-objectives. This also includes a screening of the

strengths of dependencies between objectives (say, the availability of VTS services is

a more important contributor to port activities than the communal rescue service).

2. Risk identification concerning the predefined objectives.

3. Risk analysis and risk treatment. The risks are first divided into the classes of sustain-

ability (environmental, social, economic), and then analysed with a semi-quantitative

risk matrix with scales from 1 to 4. The risk analysis approach is fairly similar to the

FTA approach.

The result of the process is a risk analysis report, similar to the FTA spreadsheet.


From the perspective of financial steering of infrastructure projects, the Danish Ministry of

Transport divides the projects into 5 phases (Transportministeriet 2010):

1) Preliminary research and consequent decision making

2) Proposal for decision making and construction decision making

3) Detailed planning

4) Tendering

5) Construction and introduction

Even though this research considers only the construction and maintenance projects, the risk

assessment methodology in the planning phases are shortly summarized here to provide a

background for understanding the steering in the latter phases. It should be noted, that based

the Transportministeriets document (2010), risk and financial governance should be regarded

as tightly spun together. This enables a better level of financial forecasting, and the possibility

for the Danish Ministry of Transport to see the whole picture of risks in their different pro-

jects. On a practical level, the budget takes financial risk into account on both the project level

and on the level of single risks.

In phases 1 and 2, the financial and the risk management plans are reviewed by an external

operator, which focuses on the “weak points” and the feasibility of the project plans. From the

decision making’s point of view, the assumptions made in the budget are explicated, and the

consequences of those assumptions not holding true are clearly stated.

Appendix 2: 2/2

Figure 15: A flowchart describing the risk management process of a single project

(Transportministeriet 2010:25).

The Figure 15 describes the risk register management process in the Danish transport infra-

structure projects, and depicts how the identified risks affect the project budget, and how risk

assessments are seen as separate from the risk register.

During a project’s construction planning, tendering and introduction (phases 3-5), the project

status is reported twice a year, including the development and updates in the project’s risk

register. Formal risk assessments are conducted with similar intervals, with regard to the pro-

ject status report. (Transportministeriet 2010:30–36).

From the safety, or navigational risk perspective of all the waterway projects in Denmark,

both in public and private projects, the planning phase risks are assessed based on a specific

assessment form by Soefartsstyrelsen (201Pha3). In the case of larger construction projects,

the Formal Safety Assessment by the IMO (2002) can be required (Soefartsstyrelsen 2016a).

On the practical level of identifying risks and their potential treatment methods, the hearing of

seafarers and related authorities is included as a compulsory step of the Soefartsstyrelsen’s

(2016b) permit process.

Appendix 3: 1/1

Appendix 3: Interview Questions

The following questions were discussed during the semi-structured interviews:

1) Preliminary information:

a) Job label

b) Short description of tasks and work history

2) How familiar are you with risk management? In which kind of projects are you familiar

with it?

3) What kind of tools have you used for managing risk? Do you acknowledge your affiliates

to have used certain tools? (E.g. risk matrix, risk map)

4) Which guidelines and materials have you used for risk management?

5) Do you find that risk map, risk matrix and risk management plan are adequate tools for

use in waterway project risk management? Why/why not?

6) What kind of benefits do you perceive that risk management brings/could bring to water-

way projects?

7) How are these benefits measured or how should they be measured?

8) Has the information provided through risk management been systematically taken into

account in decision making?

9) Do you find that your know-how in risk management is adequate, taken your position?

What kind of things do you find challenging?

10) How does the risk management you have done in the projects of the FTA compare with

the risk management conducted in your own business activity? (Not asked from the FTA,

Sjöfartsverket or Trafikverket interviewees.)

Appendix 4: 1/4

Appendix 4: Survey scoring methodology and survey form

The results and the general methodology of the survey are discussed in section 4.1.

A4.1 Survey scoring methodology

RM experience score (1–5)

The participants evaluated their experience of RM in six categories of waterway projects:

planning, construction, and maintenance in both sea and freshwater environments. Each of

these categories was evaluated on an ordinal scale from 1 to 5, with the explanations:

1. No experience

2. (empty)

3. I have participated in a risk assessment

4. (empty)

5. Is an essential part of my job description

The points of the categories were averaged for each participant, resulting in a “RM experience

score” on an ordinal scale from 1 to 5.

Risk type score (1–3)

The evaluation of RM experience of different risk types was conducted in a similar manner as

the RM experience score, but the ordinal scale for each category ranged from 1 to 3, without

the empty categories in between:

1. No experience

2. I have participated in a risk assessment

3. Is an essential part of my job description

These questions were asked specifically with a requirement that the RM has had to be system-

atic, where systematic was defined as “the management activity being retraceable”. However,

it must be noted, that this requirement does not necessarily guarantee a RM approach that

would comply with any standard, and also given that a “trace” can mean practically anything,

the answers cannot be interpreted as to have practical relevance except for being compared

with each other.

The evaluated risk types included the following: work safety, traffic safety, quality, environ-

mental, economic, schedule, political, reputation and RM failure risk.

The points of the categories were averaged for each participant, resulting in a “risk type

score” on an ordinal scale from 1 to 3.

RM benefits and drawbacks

The respondents were given a list of possible RM benefits as listed in the ISO 31000:2009, to

which was added a statement about “facilitating project success”, and a comparably shorter

list of possible drawbacks due to RM. The respondents were asked to tick the benefits and

drawbacks they identified with RM. The respondents were also given the possibility to write a

benefit or a drawback of their own.

Appendix 4: 2/4

A4.2 Survey form

The form is a direct translation form the original, Finnish survey form.

Page 1/3

Appendix 4: 3/4

Page 2/3

Appendix 4: 4/4

Page 3/3

Appendix 5: 1/4

Appendix 5: Summaries of the FTA RM framework docu-ments and systems

The formal, partly public, partly FTA internal framework structure concerning waterway pro-

ject RM consists of the following documents:

1. FTA RM Principles (Liikennevirasto 2016d)

2. FTA RM Protocol for transport infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto 2015)

3. Safety risk management procedure for infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto 2012)

4. RM in railway planning (Liikennevirasto 2010)

5. Risks in road care service agreements (Tiehallinto 2009)

6. The FTA process management system

7. Safety and RM register (TURI)

8. Internal tender and project management guidelines and contract forms

The documents 1–5 are publicly available to service providers. Systems and guidelines 6–8

are available to FTA employees and to service providers through agreements.

1. FTA RM principles (Liikennevirasto 2016d)

The document describes the RM policy; the objectives, principles, responsibilities and im-

plementation of RM on the FTA level.

The following are listed as the objectives of RM in the FTA:

1. increase the likelihood of achieving objectives;

2. improve the identification and management of opportunities and threats;

3. improve governance;

4. establish a reliable basis for decision making and planning, and for allocating re-


5. comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and international norms; and

6. secure funds and property.

RM should be transparent and comprehensive; the stakeholders in- and outside FTA should

be included in the process. Internal communication increases risk awareness, helps to learn

from the realized risks and to understand the made decisions throughout the FTA. The com-

munication channels for risk include project meetings and the internal communication chan-

nels of the FTA.

The RM resources should be in relation to the expected gains. Taking risks should always be

a well-considered, case-dependent decision, which requires evaluating the expenses of both

the risk treatment option and the significance of the risk in a uniform manner. This enables

comparing the risk and its treatment. However, risks affecting safety or environment should

always be minimized and controlled.

Risks are classified to strategic, process and project risks, where the strategic risks affect the

whole FTA, the process risks affect a certain process which usually encompasses a number of

projects at once, such as the development of the waterway network, and finally the project

risks affect a single project, such as the Rauma harbor waterway deepening project.

2. FTA RM protocol for transport infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto 2015)

Appendix 5: 2/4

The FTA guideline defines the risk management approach for infrastructure projects. It can be

seen as the building block between the RM principles and the infrastructure-type specific risk

management frameworks.

The infrastructure projects, to which the guideline is applied, span a great variety of projects

when it comes to temporal, spatial or monetary figures. Thus, the guideline defines infrastruc-

ture project risk management in a fairly top-level manner, and refers to other guidelines and

tools for application to specific infrastructure types.

The guideline lists four central principles of risk management:

1. Risk assessment is a part of the decision making, leading, planning and controlling of

a project.

2. Confirming that the made decisions do not surpass the appointed risk level or risk

management capability is a part of decision making.

3. The project actively reduces or removes risk through its own actions.

4. Accidents are prepared to with plans, which ensure an efficient delimitation of damage

and quick repairing actions.

In addition to these, the guideline explicitly states a group of other principles for risk man-


5. Risk management is done consciously, and is planned and continuous.

6. Risk management has to span all of the risks and problems related to the different

phases of the project.

7. The goal of risk management is to produce a safe product in a controlled manner.

The guideline divides infrastructure projects into the planning, construction, and maintenance

phases, and describes the required safety and risk management documents in each phase. It

lists risk types and existing FTA hazard checklists which are to be assessed in each project

phase. These hazard checklists include the Safety risk identification procedure for infrastruc-

ture projects (Liikennevirasto 2012), RM in railway planning (Liikennevirasto 2010), and

Risks in road care service agreements (Tiehallinto 2009). The hazard checklists are each a

part of a separate risk management guideline or manual, but the use of both the checklists and

the manuals can be adapted according to the project.

The requirements of transferring RM-based knowledge between projects and project phases

are defined, although the practical procedures are not included in the document.

The described risk management process is similar to the one of ISO 31000:2009, and a short

guidance for assessing risks through workshops is included.

The guideline defines “the essential tools of risk management”. These include SWOT-

analysis, risk maps and hazard checklists, a risk management plan form and a risk matrix.

3. Safety risk identification procedure for infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto


The Safety risk identification procedure for infrastructure projects, also known as the INFRA

risk map, is a manual, to which is attached a risk management form, a risk matrix, and several

hazard checklists with a risk map front page enabling a quick peek on a project’s safety con-


Appendix 5: 3/4

The manual describes a risk management process in which the attached tools can be used, the

descriptions for their application, the required documents in each project phase, and guidance

for assessing risks through workshops, along with an example of participants of a waterway-

related RM workshop.

The hazard checklists cover the following subjects:

1. Working environment

2. Traffic

3. Dangerous jobs

4. Other activities

5. Occupational health

6. Implementation and use

The checklist items include e.g. general work methods, work phases and items, and abstract

dangers or concerns.

In the context of the definitions made in the RM protocol for transport infrastructure projects

(Liikennevirasto 2015), the safety risk identification procedure combines a group of essential

tools of risk management.

4. RM in railway planning (Liikennevirasto 2010)

The guideline describes in detail the policy, process, objectives, principles, methods and prac-

tices of both RM and single risk assessments. The included RM tools follow the structure of

the Safety risk identification procedure for infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto 2012), in

order to achieve compatibility between methods, although SWOT-analysis is also included for

use in the preliminary planning phase.

The hazard checklists cover the following subjects:

1. Risks relating to the execution of the project

2. Process risks [read: project management risks]

3. Planning risks

4. Environmental risks

5. Risks of construction and maintenance phases

While the titles appear universal, the lists do not in practice apply to waterway projects. The

list number 2 makes an exception, and is applicable, though it does contain some railway vo-


5. Risks in road care service agreements (Tiehallinto 2009)

The guideline handles risk management principles and practices in planning, tendering and

execution of road care service agreements. This includes detailed process descriptions of both

the RM process and the risk assessments, descriptions of the required documents, and some

guidance for a risk-informed tendering process. The included RM tools follow the structure of

the Safety risk identification procedure for infrastructure projects (Liikennevirasto 2012).

The hazard checklists cover the planning, tendering and execution of service agreements thor-

oughly, but on a very general level, and thus they could be useful in waterway related service

agreement tendering processes as well.

Appendix 5: 4/4

6. The FTA process management system

The FTA process management system describes all the processes in the FTA. The processes

are described hierarchically. The top level consists of the main processes of the organization,

which in turn consist of a number of sub-processes. Each of these processes is appointed to an

owner, which correspond or should correspond to the management hierarchy of the FTA.

The risks to the main process match the strategic risks of the FTA, while the risks to the sub-

processes correspond to the process risks, which are defined in the FTA RM Principles


The process management system is under development, and the process descriptions are not


7. Safety and RM register (TURI)

The safety and RM register of the FTA is a system for containing the information of the safe-

ty and project risks, and the detected safety anomalies in FTA projects and on the rail net-


The risk register includes fields for risk description and consequence, risk treatment and its

follow-up, and risk level before and after the treatment, which is based on the semi-qualitative

FTA 5x5 risk matrix.

The full-scale commissioning of the system in all FTA projects was underway during the

writing of this thesis, and was bound to finish by the end of year 2016.

8. The FTA internal tender and project management guidelines and contract forms

The internal tender and project management guidelines and contract forms can be found in an

FTA internal wiki-like-environment – the term “project management toolbox” might describe

it well.

In terms of waterway project RM, the toolbox provides an example of a risk management

plan, contract forms including safety risk management tools, and guidelines for tendering and

management of each project phase.

Appendix 6: 1/17

Appendix 6: The constructs

A6.1 Waterway project RM process descriptions

The processes are described on a general level in Section 4.4.1.

Appendix 6: 2/17

Appendix 6: 3/17

Appendix 6: 4/17

Appendix 6: 5/17

Appendix 6: 6/17

A6.2 Hazard checklists

1. Project management checklist

1.1 Contracting and resposibilities

1 Assignment contents

2 Resposibilities and their allocation

3 Contract interfaces

4 Changes/additions in contracts

5 Warranties, insurances

6 Conflict resolution

7 Work quality defects

8 Quality assurance

9 Responsibilities for plans and their quality

Appendix 6: 7/17

1.2 Guidelines and regulations

1 Technical guidelines and regulations

2 Safety regulations

3 Environmental regulations

4 Other regulations

5 Regulation changes during the project (laws, norms, EU-enactments)

6 Application of guidelines and regulations

7 Client's guidelines

8 Other guidelines

1.3 Society

1 Acceptability achievement

2 Interaction and informing

3 Public image

4 Political cycles

5 Government economy

1.4 Resources and know-how

1 Client's resources

2 Service provider resources

3 Special know-how

1.5 Permits

1 Acknowledging permit requirements

2 Conditions for permits

3 Permit schedules

4 Permit complaints

5 Changing requirements of permit authori-ties

6 Permit terms

7 Authority resources

1.6 Schedule

1 Authority processing times

2 Prolonging of planning / construction

Appendix 6: 8/17

3 Realism of schedules

4 Critical points of schedules

5 Implementation schedules

6 Effects of other projects

7 Special schedules

1.7 Cooperation and information flow

1 Municipalities

2 Authorities

3 Harbors

4 Pilotage

5 Other organizations

6 Inahbitants, citizens

7 Service providers

8 Service users

9 Other traffic forms

10 Construction site atmosphere

1.8 Finance

1 Project estimate and its structure

2 Market situation

3 Government funding

4 Municipality funding

5 Other funding (ppp, companies, EU)

6 Contracting prices, market situation

7 Budgets, finance monitoring

8 Plan quality and research accuracy

1.9 Tendering

1 Contract terms

2 Source information

3 Bidding, tender process

4 The amount of offers

5 Complaint process

6 Contract documents

7 Interaction during the bidding process

2. Construction checklist

Appendix 6: 9/17

2.1 Dredging and quarrying

1 Mass balance

2 Dredging technique

3 Quarrying and intermediate storing of ex-plosives

4 Blasting (danger to outsiders)

5 Scanning

6 Working order

7 Storage and loading

8 Relocation of lines and devices

9 Braking of safety devices

2.2 Fills

1 Contaminated soil

2 Mass balance

3 Fill solutions and capacity

2.3 Civil engineering structures

1 Piers and erosion slabs

2 Bridges

3 Harbors

4 Canals

5 Locks

6 Embankments, mass stability

7 User requirements

8 Erosion

2.4 Navigation marks

1 Fixed navigation marks

2 Buoyant navigation marks

3 Temporary navigation mark arrangements

4 Navigation signs

5 Light and energy device work

6 Informing from the work

7 Care responsibilities

2.5 Environment

1 Contaminated soil

2 Spreading of contaminated sediments and nutrients

3 Cloudiness of surface waters

Appendix 6: 10/17

4 Oil leaks ashore and to water

5 Solvent, paint, etc. substance leaks

6 Noise in the vicinity of housing or environ-mental protection areas

7 The effect of the noise to fishes

8 Effects to fishing industry

9 Work in the vicinity of nesting areas during nesting season

2.6 Waterborne traffic

1 Communication and informing

2 Communication during emergencies

3 Traffic and construction works coordination

4 Non-pilotaged traffic, pilotage service pro-viders and shipbrokers

5 Maintenance traffic external to the project

6 Construction site traffic, coordination of multiple contracts

7 Yachting, fishing

8 Reacting to changing markings

2.7 Weather

1 Exposure to wind, swell

2 Ice circumstances, duration of open water season

3 Weather conditions during lifting

4 Blasting works during lightning

2.8 Technical matters

1 Special solutions

2 Water level measurement, coordinate sys-tems

3 Satellite positioning

4 Equipment failure

5 Anchoring

6 Water flow

2.9 Other

1 Diving work

2 Surveys

3 Documentation of changes

Appendix 6: 11/17

4 Sea-lane enactment

3. Maintenance checklist


3.1 Fixed navigation marks

1 Light and energy device work

2 Sector work

3 Radar beacon work

4 Clearing; environment care

5 Risk caused by structural type

6 Work at a height, and climbing

7 Onshoring

3.2 Buoyant navigation marks

1 Light and energy device work

2 Anchoring

3 Pre-tensioning

4 Lifting

3.3 Other navigation mark work

1 Navigation mark condition monitoring

2 Navigation mark remote control

3 Navigation mark installation, relocation, modification and removal

4 Temporary navigation mark arrangements

5 Navigation signs

6 Care work

7 Diving work

8 Electrical work

9 Hot work operation

10 Surface treatments

3.4 Canals

1 Condition monitoring

2 Remote control

Appendix 6: 12/17

3 Lighting

4 Clearing; environment care

5 Shaft work

6 Diving work

7 Electrical work

8 Building of maintenance dams

9 Winter traffic assistance


3.3 Need for separate risk identification:

1 Planning

2 Keeping of register

3 Sea-lane enactment, see a separate list of enactment documents

3.4 Waterways and navigation marks


Monitoring of civil engineering structure condition (lighthouses, piers, cardinal marks etc.)

2 Renovation and construction

3 Dredging, see "Construction" checklist

4 Fixed navigation marks

5 Buoyant navigation marks

6 Temporary navigation mark arrangements

7 Navigation mark installation, relocation, modification and removal

8 Anchoring

9 Navigation signs

10 Surface treatments

11 Diving works

3.5 Canals

1 Renovation and construction

2 Surface treatments

3 Diving works

3.6 Investigations

1 Sounding, laser and multibeam

2 Scanning

Appendix 6: 13/17

3 Ground surveying and boring


3.7 Environment

1 Oil leaks

2 Solvent, paint, etc. substance leaks

3 Noise in the vicinity of housing or environ-mental protection areas

4 Work in the vicinity of nesting areas during nesting season

5 Bird nests in navigation marks

6 Bird and animal excrements

7 Effects to fishing industry

8 Water flow

3.8 Waterborne traffic

1 Communication and informing

2 Communication during emergencies

3 Traffic and construction works coordination

4 Other waterborne traffic

5 Reacting to changing markings

6 Loss of steerability, anchor failure, ship handling

3.9 Weather

1 Exposure to wind, swell

2 Ice circumstances, duration of open water season

3 Weather conditions during lifting

4 Frost, cold working conditions

5 Water level alternation

3.10 Technical matters


Information traffic (incl. satellite posi-tioning)

2 Equipment failure

3 Anchoring

Appendix 6: 14/17

4 Water level measurement, coordinate sys-tems

5 Sea warnings and navigation mark error messages

3.11 Other

1 Documentation of changes

2 Logging of actions

3 Care responsibilities

4 Haste

5 Common worksites

6 Storage and harbor operations

A6.3 Model for establishing a project’s RM process context

The model and its use are demonstrated through the three examples from the three case stud-

ies. Two of the case examples are provided below, and the third can be found in Section 4.4.5.

Appendix 6: 15/17

Appendix 6: 16/17

A6.4 Modified risk matrix

The matrix includes the modifications related to the RM constructs Opportunity management

as a part of RM and the Modified FTA risk analysis process.

Risk level analysisRisk consequence- What would usually follow from the realization of the risk- What would be the consequence in the best/worst case- Project specific

Consequence type 1No consequences




5Very big

5Very big




1No consequences

Personal injury No injured Slight injuries,sick leave less than 14 days

Serious injuries,sick leave more than 14 days

Deaths Several deaths Zero injuries - usabilitydepends on project

Financial effect No property or businessdamage

Financial effectLess than 2000 €

Financial effect2 000 - 1 000 000 €

Financial effect1 000 000 - 5 000 000 €

Financial effectMore than 5 000 000 €

Financial effectMore than 5 000 000 €

Financial effect1 000 000 - 5 000 000 €

Financial effect2 000 - 1 000 000 €

Financial effectLess than 2000 €

No property or businessdamage

Operational effect No effect to planning orcontract scheduleNo claims

Hinders planning or contractorworkSmall claims

Impedes planning orcontractor workSerious claims

A month's delay in the projectscheduleBig claims

Several months' delay inscheduleVery big claims

Several months' reducementin the project scheduleVery big improvement inquality

A month's reducement in theproject scheduleBig improvement in quality

Promotes planning orcontractor workRemarkable improvement inquality

Slightly promotes planning orcontractor workSlight improvement in quality

No effect to planning orcontract scheduleNo quality effect

Traffic effect No effect on traffic Slight traffic impediment Serious traffic impediment Big traffic impediment Very big traffic impediment Very big traffic benefits Big traffic benefits Remarkable traffic benefits Slight traffic benefits No effect on traffic

Risk probability- How often is the realization possible- How often does the risk realize

Environmental effect No environmental damage Slight environmental damage,minor impediments, easilyrepairable

Serious environmentaldamage, moderateimpediments, repairable

Big environmental damage,moderate and vastimpediments, repairable

Very big environmentaldamage, moderate and vastlong-term impediments,hardly repairable

Very big ecosystem-levelenvironmental benefit

Big environmental benefits Remarkable environmentalbenefits

Slight environmental benefits No effect on environment

Risk probabilityLiterate description


No consequences Slight Serious/remarkable Big Very big Very big Big Remarkable Slight No consequences Treatment classification

5 Very commonAppears atleast 10 times a year

80-100% Very common Slight Moderate Serious Unbareable Unbareable Very remarkable Very remarkable Remarkable Moderate Slight

V class V+ class4 CommonAppears atleast once a year

60-80% Common Negligible Slight Moderate Serious Unbareable Very remarkable Remarkable Moderate Slight Negligible

IV class IV+ class3 OccasionalAppears atleast once in 10 years or once duringthe project execution

40-60% Occasional Negligible Slight Moderate Moderate Serious Remarkable Moderate Moderate Slight Negligible

III class III+ class2 RareAppears atleast once in 100 years or once duringthe product's lifetime

20-40% Rare Negligible Negligible Slight Moderate Serious Remarkable Moderate Slight Negligible Negligible

II class II+ class1 Very rareAppear less than once in a 100 yearsTheoretical, is not known to have occurred duringconstruction or use

0-20% Very rare Negligible Negligible Negligible Slight Moderate Kohtalainen Slight Negligible Negligible Negligible

I class I+ class

Negative consequence seriousness / magnitude Positive consequence magnitudeE




Immediate action

Action in the currentproject phase

Actions must be planned

To be followed

No treatment needed