wavelet-based reconstruction for …...spectrum lab !!spectrum lab!!spectrum lab!! spectrum lab 1....

Spectrum Lab 1. Overview 3. Continuous-Domain Analysis 7. Simulation Results References 4. Discrete-Domain Analysis Definition 1 (Vanishing moments) A wavelet has p +1 vanishing moments if R t k (t)dt =0, for k 2 J0,pK. Lemma 1 Let x(t) be a polynomial of de- gree p, (t) be a wavelet with p +1 van- ishing moments, and y (t)= M λ {x(t)}. Then, y (t) := (y )(t)= P k (k - k -1 )(t-t k ), where (t)= - Z t -1 ()d. Acknowledgements 2. Problem Formulation 5. Main Result: WAVE-BUS 6. Reconstruction Algorithm WAVE-BUS with λ =0.15: (a) Signal x(nT ), its modulo sam- ples y (nT ), and the reconstruction ¯ x(nT ); (b) wavelet filter output y g (nT ), and the estimate ¯ z (nT ). The reconstruction error was computed to be -330 dB. 15 20 25 30 0 20 40 60 SNR in (dB) SRNR (dB) WAVEBUS RFD Modulo operation: (a) Input signal x(t) and its modulo version y (t); and (b) piecewise-constant signal z (t). An illustration of the transfer characteristics of a clipping-ADC and a self-reset-ADC with the thresholds at ±λ. where z (t)= P k k 1 [t k ,t k+1 ] (t) is a piecewise-constant signal. 1. Given y (t)= M λ {x(t)}, reconstruct x(t). 2. Given y (nT )= M λ {x(nT )}, reconstruct x(nT ). y (nT )= M λ {x(nT )} = x(nT ) - z (nT ) where z (nT )= P k k 1 Jn k ,n k+1 K (nT ). Proof: p +1 va WAVE-BUS : WAVElet-Based Unlimited Sampling Selection of sampling interval (T ) : Sufficient condition for exact reconstruction: Sampling interval T T f 2p 2λ L(2p) . Output : y (t) = M λ {x(t)} := mod (x(t) + λ, 2λ) - λ, = x(t) - z (t), Discrete version : y (nT ) = M λ {x(nT )} = x(nT ) - z (nT ), Input: y (nT )= M λ {x(nT )}, L, λ, p, T Output: ¯ x(nT ) Method: Algorithm 1 : WAVE-BUS. Key idea: Use wavelets to annihilate the smooth parts of y (t). Estimation of k s: by matched filtering. Sufficient condition for exact reconstruction: (t k - t k -1 ) > (2p - 1) = ) 2λ L < (2p - 1). Let T f := min k (n k - n k -1 ) be the minimum sampling interval. For no overlap: T f > supp{m[n]}. Support of Daubechies wavelet filter of order p is 2p. A sufficient condition on T : T< T f 2p . From Lipschitz continuity, |x(t + ˜ T ) - x(t)| L ˜ T < |x(t + ˜ T f ) - x(t)| L ˜ T f < 2λ, 8t. Hence, at any t k , no folding happens in the interval (t k ,t k + ˜ T f ). Thus, ˜ T f T f . λ -λ λ -λ OUTPUT INPUT x(t) y SR-ADC (t) y C-ADC (t) x(t) z (t) y (t) (a) (b) t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 t 7 -2λ 2λ -4λ 0 λ -λ Sunil Rudresh, Aniruddha Adiga, Basty Ajay Shenoy, and Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560012, India Email: {sunilr, aaniruddha, bastys}@iisc.ac.in, [email protected] WAVELET-BASED RECONSTRUCTION FOR UNLIMITED SAMPLING Signal-to-reconstruction-noise ratio (SRNR) vs input SNR for WAVE-BUS and repeated finite-difference (RFD) 1 method. 0.5 0 0.5 0 1 x ( nT ) y ( nT ) ¯ x( nT ) 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 TIME (s) y ( nT ) (a) (b) x ( nT ) y ( nT ) ¯ x( nT ) y g ( nT ) ¯ z ( nT ) LASSO: arg min h = ky g - Ahk 2 2 + γ khk 1 1. Wavelet filtering: (y g )[n]=(y g )[n] 2. LASSO (compute n k s and k s): arg min h ky g - Ahk 2 2 + γ khk 1 3. Compute ¯ z [n]: P k k 1 Jn k ,n k+1 K 4. Reconstruct x[n]:¯ x[n]= y [n]+¯ z [n] Compactly supported g [n]: Daubechies filter of order p with support J0, 2p - 1K. Computing {n k } : A - convolutional dictionary of time-shifted versions of m[n] h - sparse vector with h[n k ]= β k and supp{h}=cardinality of {n k } Lemma 3 Let y (t)= M λ {x(t)}, where x(t) is a Lipschitz-continuous signal that satisfies |x(a) - x(b)| L|b - a|. Then, we have ˜ T f := 2λ L T f . Sum of sinusoids of frequency 4 Hz and 7 Hz with T =2 ms. The work has been funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India through the project “Sub-Nyquist Sampling.” Conference travel funded by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and SPCOM 2018 travel grant. Lemma 2 Let x[n] be the samples of a polynomial of degree p, and let g [n] be a discrete wavelet filter with p +1 vanish- ing moments. Then, y g [n] := (y g )[n]= X k β k m[n - n k ] with β k =(k - k -1 ) and m[n] := - n X k =-1 g [k ]. Annihilation of a sampled polynomial of degree p: X n2Z n k g [n]=0, for k 2 J0,pK. Self-reset analog-to-digital converter (SR-ADC): [1] A. Bhandari, F. Krahmer, and R. Raskar, “On unlimited sampling,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), July 2017, pp. 31– 35. [2] K. Sasagawa, T. Yamaguchi, M. Haruta, Y. Sunaga, H. Takehara, T. Noda, T. Tokuda, and J. Ohta, “An implantable CMOS image sensor with self-reset pixels for functional brain imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 215–222, Jan 2016. [3] I. Daubechies, “Ten Lectures on Wavelets,” SIAM, 1992. [4] S. Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Academic Press, 2008. [5] R. Tibshirani, “Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, vol. 58, pp. 267–288, 1994.

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Page 1: WAVELET-BASED RECONSTRUCTION FOR …...SPECTRUM LAB !!SPECTRUM LAB!!SPECTRUM LAB!! Spectrum Lab 1. Overview 3. Continuous-Domain Analysis 7. Simulation Results References 4. Discrete-Domain




! ! Spectrum Lab

1. Overview

3. Continuous-Domain Analysis

7. Simulation Results


4. Discrete-Domain Analysis

Definition 1 (Vanishing moments)

A wavelet has p+1 vanishing moments


Rtk (t) dt = 0, for k 2 J0, pK.

Lemma 1 Let x(t) be a polynomial of de-

gree p, (t) be a wavelet with p + 1 van-

ishing moments, and y(t) = M�{x(t)}.

Then, y (t) := (y ⇤ )(t) =P

k(↵k �

↵k�1)⇠(t�tk), where ⇠(t) = �Z t

�1 (⌧) d⌧ .


2. Problem Formulation

5. Main Result: WAVE-BUS

6. Reconstruction Algorithm

WAVE-BUS with � = 0.15: (a) Signal x(nT ), its modulo sam-

ples y(nT ), and the reconstruction x̄(nT ); (b) wavelet filter

output yg(nT ), and the estimate z̄(nT ). The reconstruction

error was computed to be �330 dB.

15 20 25 300




SNRin (dB)


R (d



Modulo operation: (a) Input signal x(t) and its modulo version

y(t); and (b) piecewise-constant signal z(t).

An illustration of the transfer characteristics of a clipping-ADC

and a self-reset-ADC with the thresholds at ±�.

where z(t) =P

k ↵k1[tk,tk+1](t) is a

piecewise-constant signal.

1. Given y(t) = M�{x(t)}, reconstruct x(t).

2. Given y(nT ) = M�{x(nT )}, reconstruct

x(nT ).

y(nT ) = M�{x(nT )} = x(nT )� z(nT )

where z(nT ) =P

k ↵k1Jnk,nk+1K(nT ).

Definition 1 ( Proof: )

A wavelet has p+1 vanishing moments


Rtk (t) dt = 0, for k 2 J0, pK.

WAVE-BUS: WAVElet-Based UnlimitedSampling

Selection of sampling interval (T ):

• Sufficient condition for exact reconstruction:

Sampling interval T Tf

2p 2�L(2p) .

Output:y(t) = M�{x(t)} := mod (x(t) + �, 2�)� �,

= x(t)� z(t),

Discrete version:

y(nT ) = M�{x(nT )} = x(nT )� z(nT ),

Algorithm 1 : WAVE-BUS.

• Input: y(nT ) = M�{x(nT )}, L, �, p, T

• Output: x̄(nT )

• Method:

1. Wavelet filtering: (yg)[n] = (y ⇤ g)[n]

2. LASSO (compute nks and ↵ks):arg min

hkAh� ygk2 + �kygk1

3. Compute z̄[n] :P

k ↵k1Jnk,nk+1K

4. Reconstruct x[n] : x̄[n] = y[n] + z̄[n]

Algorithm 1 : WAVE-BUS.

• Input: y(nT ) = M�{x(nT )}, L, �, p, T

• Output: x̄(nT )

• Method:

1. Wavelet filtering: (yg)[n] = (y ⇤ g)[n]

2. LASSO (compute nks and ↵ks):arg min

hkAh� ygk2 + �kygk1

3. Compute z̄[n] :P

k ↵k1Jnk,nk+1K

4. Reconstruct x[n] : x̄[n] = y[n] + z̄[n]

Definition 1 ( Key idea: )

A wavelet has p+1 vanishing moments


Rtk (t) dt = 0, for k 2 J0, pK.

Use wavelets to annihilate the

smooth parts of y(t).

• Estimation of ↵ks: by matched filtering.

• Sufficient condition for exact reconstruction:

(tk � tk�1) > (2p� 1) =) 2�L < (2p� 1).

• Let Tf := min

k(nk � nk�1) be the minimum

sampling interval.

• For no overlap: Tf > supp{m[n]}.

• Support of Daubechies wavelet filter of order

p is 2p.

• A sufficient condition on T : T < Tf

2p .

From Lipschitz continuity,|x(t+ T̃f )� x(t)| LT̃f < 2�, 8t.Hence, at any tk, no folding happens inthe interval (tk, tk + T̃f ). Thus T̃f Tf .

From Lipschitz continuity,|x(t+ T̃f )� x(t)| LT̃f < 2�, 8t.Hence, at any tk, no folding happens inthe interval (tk, tk + T̃f ). Thus, T̃f Tf .











t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7






Sunil Rudresh, Aniruddha Adiga, Basty Ajay Shenoy, and Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560012, India

Email: {sunilr, aaniruddha, bastys}@iisc.ac.in, [email protected]


• Signal-to-reconstruction-noise ratio (SRNR)

vs input SNR for WAVE-BUS and repeated

finite-difference (RFD)


−0.5 0 0.5−0.5




x(nT ) y(nT ) x̄(nT )

−0.5 0 0.5−0.5



TIME (s)

yg(nT ) z̄(nT )



−0.5 0 0.5−0.5




x(nT ) y(nT ) x̄(nT )

−0.5 0 0.5−0.5



TIME (s)

yg(nT ) z̄(nT )



−0.5 0 0.5−0.5




x(nT ) y(nT ) x̄(nT )

−0.5 0 0.5−0.5



TIME (s)

yg(nT ) z̄(nT )



LASSO: arg minh

= kyg �Ahk22 + �khk1

Algorithm 1 : WAVE-BUS.

• Input: y(nT ) = M�{x(nT )}, L, �, p, T

• Output: x̄(nT )

• Method:

1. Wavelet filtering: (yg)[n] = (y ⇤ g)[n]

2. LASSO (compute nks and ↵ks):arg min

hkyg �Ahk22 + �khk1

3. Compute z̄[n] :P

k ↵k1Jnk,nk+1K

4. Reconstruct x[n] : x̄[n] = y[n] + z̄[n]

Compactly supported g[n]: Daubechies

filter of order p with support J0, 2p� 1K.

Computing {nk}:

A � convolutional dictionary of time-shifted

versions of m[n]

h � sparse vector with h[nk] = �k and

supp{h}=cardinality of {nk}

Lemma 3 Let y(t) = M�{x(t)}, where

x(t) is a Lipschitz-continuous signal that

satisfies |x(a)� x(b)| L|b� a|. Then, we

have T̃f := 2�L Tf .

• Sum of sinusoids of frequency 4 Hz and7 Hz with T = 2 ms.

• The work has been funded by the Science and Engineering ResearchBoard (SERB), Government of India through the project “Sub-NyquistSampling.”

• Conference travel funded by Indian Institute of Science, Bangaloreand SPCOM 2018 travel grant.

Lemma 2 Let x[n] be the samples of a

polynomial of degree p, and let g[n] be a

discrete wavelet filter with p + 1 vanish-

ing moments. Then, yg[n] := (y ⇤ g)[n] =X


�k m[n � nk] with �k = (↵k � ↵k�1)

and m[n] := �nX


Annihilation of a sampled polynomial of

degree p:


n2Znkg[n] = 0, for k 2 J0, pK.

Self-reset analog-to-digital converter


[1] A. Bhandari, F. Krahmer, and R. Raskar, “On unlimited sampling,”in Proceedings of International Conference on Sampling Theory and

Applications (SampTA), July 2017, pp. 31– 35.

[2] K. Sasagawa, T. Yamaguchi, M. Haruta, Y. Sunaga, H. Takehara, T.Noda, T. Tokuda, and J. Ohta, “An implantable CMOS image sensorwith self-reset pixels for functional brain imaging,” IEEE Transactions

on Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 215–222, Jan 2016.

[3] I. Daubechies, “Ten Lectures on Wavelets,” SIAM, 1992.

[4] S. Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Academic Press,2008.

[5] R. Tibshirani, “Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso,”Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, vol. 58, pp. 267–288,1994.