ways to lower overhead costs at your small business

Ways to Lower Overhead Costs at Your Small Business

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Post on 19-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Ways to lower overhead costs at your small business

Ways to Lower Overhead Costs at Your Small Business

Page 2: Ways to lower overhead costs at your small business

Most small business owners know that you have to spend money to make money. However, you don’t have to spend every penny you earn just to make the business thrive. There are tons of minor things you can do to cut down on

spending and increase your bottom line. While these solutions won’t make or break your bottom-line, the small

costs can start to add up quickly.

Here are 11 ways you can lower the overhead costs at your small business:

Page 3: Ways to lower overhead costs at your small business

Turn off the lights

It might seem like a silly solution, but turning off

the lights in rooms that you are not using in your

office can add savings to your energy bill.

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Buy used furniture

You can find perfectly good office furniture at used

furniture stores in your city. They might have a few

scratches or dents, but the savings will be well over

50% off the new retail value.

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Go paperless

The costs for paper and printer ink can be very

high. Cut those costs and use digital options as

much as possible.

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Work from home

If you’re a one man or woman show, don’t waste money on

renting an office space. Instead make a home office, separate

from your living area, and work out of your home. Even if you

have a few employees, allowing them to telecommute can save

you the pain of having to pay for rent.

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Cut travel costs

Business trips don’t need to be a first class

experience every time you have a conference or

trade show to attend. Instead opt for getting a

coach airline ticket or staying in a less expensive


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Create training resources for new employees

Avoid wasting your seasoned employee’s time on training new employees.

Instead, develop a PowerPoint or video that has all of the training

information for the new employee. Simply have new employees watch the

training PowerPoint or video and have any follow-up training and

questions covered by seasoned employees.

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Buy used electronics

You can buy quality used or refurbished computers, laptops,

mobile devices, and printers at a fraction of the retail price. Use

the savings to buy the more high-end electronics that are

required to run your business.

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Trade services

Use your negotiation skills to barter or trade with

other businesses. Chances are that you can find

another business that needs your services and

would be willing to trade services that your

business can use.

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Use independent contractors

Don’t waste time and money hiring and training employees when you

can easily contract the work out. There are numerous sites that can

pair you up with a qualified freelancer or contractor. Plus, you’ll save

money on overhead costs that you would typically have to spend on

employees such as insurance and taxes.

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Cut your landline

Do you still have a landline at your business location? Consider

cutting the landline if it’s not essential to your business. With

most cell phone plans offering unlimited minutes, you could

easily get by with just using your cell phone as your main

business phone line.

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Ask employees

Be sure to ask all of your employees on ways that

the business can cut costs. Your employees may

know places to cut costs that you’ve never even


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