wca, ., a ut-.. · jqcf"aajj hu been prete.ruatdmlly aolema ate lr only ~ to...

VoL 1. II!JEA..'I"''"LE. 'W AJIJIIINGTON TEBBJ:TORV MONDA V G. J ANUN'WTA , .. BOlVJili BJlOS. '•litital ._,tion iA. aball bedooe 'll'bom hAwnnl<l Pft(er 000 -didato No. O. WBOU1\l.l: .o...'<D -- . .. 'lrilb the $75,000,000 ol onrplaa rneuae be.... , .... W'ilbam B-·• tho Ch•ncb, M...t 1 .,. t)e(; .. """ extorted lrem tho __ ... ? l'hla edii<Wal Americu ciliiEII, 1111llilJ· .... altho; bo<•ow or. lol . al Ti•o!i ..... Q. B.. 0,... ::&J ._, 8 ency rn .,.._.:...:_ ._ oc:liAUJI'" .J.l"u.w .. ..t... __ ,, b a ooUertion ot Ancieoc ·- 0 - -• .:...,• r• .._., - · _ ..., ...... , hriDj:athe n>ked iMuoC hri4r.Cqrm D ...... b-- U 1 beli...-iug «>lltnldietiona? .l -- = -- l'r. 'IT - I.- DnJ-.u onN W':l t to The pr'f'Seut of the e&idt: - ·' - J alou rnne .JLf:ll.IKIIItil, 'Ire bope l ila& U. lbe- .wiO.W plaialybeCore Co- aadtbeooan- C '' 0 ""uo•o ...Uttbo oiJ c.tLoli., - .,...,... the 1lepoblieoD party will be bJ", aad il will be ohoohaleiJ mo...-lble _, os . :::b...-do beli•N. aDd DO more. J ::::.::- .. to lbooo .,. Uh Nos. 428, 430 and Pine u.. party of..-. Co- will bo toa•oid i&, eo .. to bop i& oat o1 tho Tofu.- ar...,.. N-ln<>!<.- 'Ibe woal.lbe..,ned DOW for ....,rtiD• just StreelS. COIHCI to bfgla 0... ,.,..,... wbkb hn•• I1Ut DAtioaal eltctioa. No party whida _ ... report of "• ll<efttAry of tho I I ••.,..od ia JSCO. 1.: ...... ,. We are not y et iuf'oi"'Dfll de!oittly ,. ·h c-tha-, the '"h'd, •• '\:cda.r, •• &1141 ''p_ll." .IGe Par.f?n" O Of ""-t'f' \loDe at ua.e JDOM ,__ •b:•r&tdl.. OPPICUL DlllECI'OaY. u::co Ck-p l ..tvto.., • • ••.••. J>w. "it:l o.-n.J T. n.ur ................. eo.a-tr Lf'w".S \". ....................... SbrrUt GardDtr ....... ... .. . ·-·-····· A..titor. ........ ... ......... TrttNrcr. F, Wbn.orth,,,., •••••••.• • . $tl:n'eJ111'. WIIL.t.m. B. SboodJ •••••••••••••.•••. .•.•••••••• •.••• ••.. •• •• Rur, L &Dd l'nodt lie. .. 1'1ul:io'fll" ..... ······ -- r c.. P..r'&ia ... ....... .. L. -r. ....................... •••• &an. beoa"" loag _ .... , n.e clemAnd :erases to apply a L>rge pan oCibis ...,.. TfNOory oogbt to be Among tbe mo.t thia aewrdi;foa. :ro..,<Juwg•, 0e.."'eell.hn' t. tr.t. ttf. o( the TOtns ro.JlllOt lous;e-r 00 plu to the repeal e>f wb» are c-alled iutnaetift aDd iD.terHti:o.g of On.! Ta:rillti" u i:l maJe in my sbon lai c. denied. and we trust that the Jesderl of " pro&eethe duties" cu. reasoaabl7 es· The u.tiou U uow m.al:i.ng how will be n\Odoa in the the Bepubliua puty will late the worlt pOd to <any llliuoio OI'IAJ otM D<Jitb. ._ apoa Ute '-!<ot - l,OW • ...,. ? the Cathotio o( rPi orm M..rDMtl7 ill. Da.t wbi ... ..._. Sa.u. D6l yeu. 8Nif. Dad&ily n-,.&eaee thron light C1arieliaa ..... W noc toDIIider the thill IDOTemai fM ftfonn - - -- --- upu:u. q.......Uon» vi taxation, ot banldog, Catholi.o Cltristi3n or 187'2 u orthodox should be ge:Der&l. lhe abaee wbie:h NEXT. at alL Oner isfsinto tbe celestial city Seattle clluaeteri ze politieal, or ntJ.,no party. Shall ... enr get t.o the bottom. of this for gt:D«:t.tioo1 by the ableilt witb doctrines whie:}\ the other toe&ll'! cJia;euai.oDI llhoGid DO& M forgotten. dazag-beap ot eorruptioo wlaich hM been .. He .b:t..-.all tbe rich reaults of ignorant of. Is lb.&!; ·•one Lord. oue - 'So reform.,.... be oobotaDtial 00 lofl8 u -.-endh, tbo upooore oCibe Tweed laid Wore him; be di- Wth, oue bopli>.-m?" DoiUJlb ,., I T. - -•pt to IMk• 1"'-' abuao -.lraOJ? E...,da,we ...Uauw oonuola all tbeM upori- to 'be I am au STt!A.RT CRICHTOS ., .... for adioeoaoi-olpriDciplts. Few dioco•o<J, and u tbo foul ..... is meolo; aDd once • yeaz be oaght to c:itiztA•bo rean aottoU.Mr..,bimaad BREWERY • ' jollrDala adm.it the t rue c.bouacter ol raked O\"H ..-e 1\.od aU manaer of 11De%· make to Congress a report whieb &hould the old Catboli('!". I am a layman. aDd pected LbiD;;o .., ..... , .. th it. H.,., is flOG" in thebitotoryaL aothoroCsishoolts,whiohhn .. soldbv PllOPIUE'l'OR. _ ..... , ...... ,... Uoth aDd -- llr . O'Briaa'o titili! bill, -- ODe< or hU .. .... "7 ao l Jtl li..oaaciAl ,.;. teas or tbousauda . ... the t::oited Slot..;_ -- in u 11"ritiog doWll .. .. .. wbo bold rien by u. Cocuuuee or SeTeuty aad I rrut.y l\Jlflfer to the J!tt)u;)(Tl$1".$ .& 1 · dil'.-1 from tbtir own. ..... ,. ap CoalroUtr CollDOU;,Ioek<d in report thisyar i•..,.. l ma. ..promiaeut lay Catholic." U .d.Je, .Beer, Oar olteatloa bu.... ,. ..ued to Ibis u.. ombraoeoC llr. George Jo.... _ llr. thio 11 ol tho kind. ll .. ,., .,.,. .. ot •b • not. theu I am oolyallimplc IA:o C.tbo- Port er and nbjoet ...... u,. by the maDn<r ia which Tweed'• clwtB is seen lo be the maD· ....... .. and c .......... or tho Go ...... tio, wbo f .... ll!!l'!ly iDd- Dollia:;or .•. the P'"-ti""n jovmal '-1M Mr· alacture of l!epnbli<»ba, aDd are ole:u- au.! ...Wactory; ita de- Warwick Castle. La Bee tai.D men who attempt to IMd the party llr. Twwd hi.Judf to be tdi&or or the &ailN of work _ of d•· _ ger r, iutead of leuiDg aloe parlJ J.eod them. .,..m.ip&1 JlopubtieQl o( the .. >l l3 wn!Un Ill &ll IUldJi geot, Tho cli<pa U,h from London •onOIIJIC• Superior Qualihj, i 1 1 Wood and TIUs bod pmctiat ol trybogto esrommu - Slat.e eapital. n. AlbaRJ' E...w.g b""':"""' atyle;_ bitt these clerical merit& iog the p:utiAI dEstruction or Warrick aieate meu •bo dl1fer in personal pre-. Jqcf"aaJJ hu been pret e.ruatDMlly aolema aTe lR only to \'\"e CAA-tla alb ma.ny h eart• with ButtlCA lumcs or in their n .. ,. of nped.ieuey tmJ rirtnons iD its hom- OCUi&OD to discuss Ndness. Tho itt lituated on A or of Ia•. bu iocrnaecl•itbio the bHt ilid over Tweed'• Uaiqaity; i& .... hen Jta rccommc.wbl.ioll& of f'f'reuae branch of the Rh ·er A Yon. the year. It Nfti"" ..,.. foretl •bea &a- ioupreuibly at the IDfte D&JDe u ttu a:nd in.eapui· withio a mile of tho bcftutifql to..- 11 of .tor SlliDDH oppoeed lbe San Domiogo or • T:lmman:r l!epobUeaa; bu b•Jd IJ to d...Uol! tha ••bit<' or tho L<nau nst< n. and almO!'& wilbia oiP. L or edleme. The sar-nerrieable that oll£ht to be uh.:uned aot to 83 ! ehild- The smooth lanes and ro:a.ds of the adm.ini.trat ion, who alW"'.fl s."'y: of ibett: aad barins improT'ed the ocea- ":h for suhsidis t o_ d on:PS!le ship. of Engbnd. w:tllcd bJ" blooming •• Long live the kias .. to lhe mau who sion of the rum of the Ring to oft'er order to equal· roW'S.. are found b en b their perfection. (;irH. thrun p&b'Ontl.g•. and are the first mOi& beaoti(al remarks tlpoD the wick- tty Wllb foret;u which our The eutle ool of a henry wood, to gin him a blow hU power Mneuofbt.iug vidoM:tnd lbe propr. t ty .lA .w.s t..&bJl For the the noble t"'" of •bieb abo •t ft"&Sel.. eouceired the briiHant iden or bfing good. Bat it tnm.s out :n - .se ... t tt to. that the itw battlemf'nta like 4 elO!W! al.baUi.!. of driring llr. Su.amer from. the ne- while the 'C"U under d.iscusion ocnment l!l olteT! as 3 One dd tower, t'lll!..d •• ClCSlr'il'' is ®· Alhauibra Bj\cr Hall.' pablieau partr. They...-ere OD'qlftriog in l1areh and .lpri.l, lh70, ll.r. T •eed .. . r_hn aud will de-ot atKl l'.l'Tlmhtin .... the s tODes flli rl'r" \. ia '!'cir denoaciotion•. 011ol atlribnt.- him .. lbe poo of re\isiOn in the 10 tho 1. boncycoml>od by tiwo. Goy's To,. ·i r _ T ltE t:O<DERStan;;- won.D U.TORM eJ his COU!110 to ••o<J me>n1110ti<e 11•1 of that •ry I"'P<T: tbe kodius ..... 9 •. . tbo ac lj01DIIIfl boUI<mrnts are an- ll:a!b a.rrh·-e auoJ dr-put u r ol- the tb1 lh abon eotablhili.wcaa be ia...-ented . Senator Trumbull arric:les on the reorganization o( the A A . D toacbffl by dtt:lf _ lrttJ%Qla. r gray walli ,.,.. , = ............ """"""'" ...... ,,..,. .. ,_.,_ ..-._., the objocl of "'Jaally biti.Er e.ttadr.s gonrnment of :\ew York City ..-ere snb-- n Ollinger. ..ponte the trom the stneta """'""· Collf<nl& _, .\ llootlr -- ...._ wbeo he expooed lbeUllco..:itutionali!y milled to <he Boso fo r •rproTal ; ••d il The S. Y. Jt-tl.od'.$ proclAimed that or tho nl1oge on onesiue, lbe Lenm be- .... 1 F C.__. P. t- S. b. e:r-,, Charlo tr llonr-•, Cmalrrilmnl. < I ,.:•». T-u.l"'-""-• ' - .. .. ... PB::&J::&J or the Ka-KI.u bill. S.Mtor Schon Ia ll•ll•d by l"N' -lt!;"!{ .. lllc> probobl y itt. ••• •·uo l • .iu;;la , .. uwiucat cl<r· ine OQ the other oi4•. -.rilh .. st piAill• .. ... , .....,_ ..... , ...... ,. .. ,.,. ........ bu boeu uumorcifullJ dmoanced .. .,. hew a grt.>i dw about the iall or lay Ca.lbotic In the Uepul>tio-wbo of rolliag nrdure bor oad. .- ,.<4. ..,._..., ,_.,......._ """""· I.udlow- -., ut- .. lln>wa"• ambitiouo r.cti ooillt for his • Ice money or TI.!Dm•y) t1uo Cor tbe baa dared to join ia tbo aoble \\'ben vioitora pruealed the..,..IYeo PHEUTt."3.l BEER, .,__' •· _. • • · ,._ ,";:: .::::.-...: bl>eral Jlopubli<au. bu been obamtfal- The pre-t editon of 1k Jov,....l of the loho CbanceUor or tbol name, ,... old porlm ia,blocl. -..ge would •J!l""U'. S.urPLE IT 1 IJ.: trellt<>d beaaae be bu reflll<!d to Col- ba•e oucceeded to power ..WC.. U... ha p- opoaded thoo: Triblo... lllld clleorrully iarilA! lbem inlo ber IW,.."':t and s.mbb: A.niTe• 3 • . .. FlAil aunEJIIEI ....... .. lo w the riags of oftlce-bolden and mo- PY period, &Dd · ·e must belie:n The tfnu. procnine.nt iA of •• square room UDC.ler the QUU4:She .,._._ ,. ...,.,.._, •. •. uopolisU. O.aenl Cos bo ror two when they U>llre ""1baL. "lla&OT.:r oe••ml coostrootiono. SeeiftheCollo..-- !;llt<ny, whereGny'o uruor wu kept. Fnotlln r.. .,,_, .. Bl ..., -.b , ..... ,.., ., ..... , 107 1111. r oan been the objed of moot an..-v- -mea may ha•• U..J !.:>•• i111< d...mptiou anawon 1o that r.rm. Thili ronuer Earl of Wnnrick ..... bo<e .v rn · ..... j P. rutab1e cttn.ebbeeauseb.a dilf"'r&J rith Dt'r"er i o, ited llr . Tweed to diebietbe Yr CAther wus the We Cbanecllor\\"4!- bee:n A tojndge by the 5ize and .... . '. • ........ ... ... . r es and Tin Warn. the aad - iu ol prac- policy or tbe parer. &Ad no•er got aDJ ...., .. b. of New York StAle, r or ...-.aty wei,;bl or ho ... snd bodya11Jl01', shiolds. ..,;':"...": .. ';: \i tical ci•il stz>'l .. ref orm. Oo•. Palmer, or 1Wo ""'uey. ob.UI tbo bme or 1"*"' lho chief Ja<Jg. ol the C<>art or b,_t.piAtes, ••lkin; •taft'•. Ill""''" and 1 •· <1_., .. _ .._. . ornlinois,bu!reqoenUybeoalledan potitical institution lii<e Til< E._...;,., Cbno..., ry here. t;bortly Wore beiog lilting-pol co. Thore..-erealsoo rib or t:npriucipled •• rn:tlcontent'' beee.ase be Jc1¥:TA6.1 be carried in the pocke_tio uf the admitted t·o practice law io the courts of the duo eow killed by the giant. the tus.'k hu &ned to upbolJ the CoutiW.tioa &lld ul..cusc w&. o bappe.D for the and nf t: nitf'd States. 1 and shoalder·b lnde of a. "ild bo:lr, and to n:Wntain the ri ght of ciriJ b'Ol'em- to be its manAged? Editon a eoo.-m to the B omn.n Catholic a.n immense d oo.ble-f<li;ed s \T'OTd., wexgh- .t"..rt Ur>. !Unl, nL l"o:1: Bl&hJ,J' : AIThCII, 11 .\.X. l).-pU1a,. ll<.mda]'t-, U .._,X llo ... IUU. J..ufb1tt!!f.\.n) ft. McNAUGHT & LEARY, . \..t oc: Seattle, W. T. b Sa:-me aDd Diarkt Coart& Tari tl;l.,-. -- - --- ---- -- ----- JOHN J. McCILVRA, OII'ers to the pubilc tbo Jaran& and molll a,"llllat oiiUtary Ullllrpillloatl ODd -Y come llllll may go, bul ThCbnT<ll. In order iatelligeotly to .., .... , t.-enly po...W.. wbk h lbc l:"••t sp«i.atlfSislatioo. Eoo.l*J JovrMl goet ou fure .. er. Jf at o( Dl! faith, 1 purchased a Jibnuy Earl W'icllledi then there wne Spnnisb These mt'n haTe beeu ••de_m..a.- lao DO bette__r del'eosa to offer than this oC Catholic st:tnu.ard aotboritiet:, several hAl berts. English mACfl.. italiAn daggers, KO:UC!!I, •• 'f ools. •• "knaveg_, •• &c.d "sore mild diJe.Jaimer O( persoul responsibil· buodre<J TO lumH. They were the A genen}'l and hNJs. " hold &nd itt by the who aow write for works of emiu.e-u.l tbeologia.na. dogula.tie e:oougb to stock 4D. a:rmon- r'a escab!ish- O('Iini. onJ Ul4c-rent from t bOM of uac it__... rt o·f aad aroidaDce lN.atUH, Church historic• of a..aquel'-- meuta. But tbe wm cnrio stt,. tdlowu Presitlent or ot ra.l.ing pohtidau •ho which oo court oC public optuion eouhl tioued authorily-awong tbt m Dol- to aU Ti!iton l':iS .. Goy's pD.Dch ·bo.-1. " eonttol the X ow, all these .oc:rpt-•e most throw Mide ...-ith the l ioger·a Cltwr tll lliitory. Afohln'a S¥1"'" TbU " f'Mcl '«'AS m1 \de ot lbe ftn.tst bell· S. P. ANDREWS be$t of COOKITG, PLJf.LOR A.YDBOX S TO VE S ! ! men are lUpubli<aM who npr eoeoL thDl3111 olber obtteoed idols lhal oow "'"'--• Biobop En,-t.and'o Lia- met.-.1 . and""" ..-i!.hoot a crock or IL••· priocirJes of the Republican turty with stre'«' higbny. Wb11t gant•s works, and i.Ddeed., all ind,...c,t- 1be old lAdy assnre.l ht>r ,.i:sitors th.1.t urwvb.ble eouide'Ucy. ' fk polirjeiaas buabng ahall bo d.isoo•UE11 nut ? staDcbnl authoriciee., so.eb u Bomaa ahe saw this bo•l Sllecl and emptied lOJ.TJ..BLEJt.l.J'Q:I8 wbo pro•e tbeiroWDUO· -Trii.IUit. Cat lwliopre ..... and tborooro ...,.,.,. oigbltim .. ln oae .-b..,. lbo r;;:;',.:;":"" 1o lnWA,.. Ill .n _,. or wortbi- bJ dol!ceaclirtl to lowl"' r- •- - plW.ed oC tloe clergy Ia tba country pt -..1 EArl•ttaiued his lll&jori ty . A• E•er brongbt to Pa,...t Solllld. !!Oaahl>eo, =>DOC Sllow tbot those lead- :llo.«w><DT n._.... T>LKDa.- Tho plo<e upoa tho bllnry-4hel<... 1 mado il boldo ouo bu. udred and t wo !;lllJ<>n...., hue eTe :a disregarded tbe rtatforms moM fntilflll SCMUCe of count'Cltioo. mJVlf per(ecUy Cami1iar ...-ith the do:;· uaere ClU.;t hnve beeo. drunk uu tbL o..·· ... of lite party, aacl the .oti l'A awo11g lhe fe• m.:mbera of CongrHil m.u of tho l 1 htt.rcll. the seriptusl au· O\'CJ' hundr ed. gallanA. or •bleb are rec:ldeMly apoo \hew al)d othe r lcodiDG politiciADS oow in tbo ritit!S and the traditioa11 of the more lhAn three thouSA.Ud t wo hnndreJ are too friwolO'CU to o.otiee:. Wuhington i.s the (alll.re policJ of ibe Chutt_h opon •bicb wuo founded. qaana of puue.h! 'Ih.e ouwl.ie.r ul guHU .A .t ot: SE.\TILE, W. T. cow ... x ,.- xca>!'(4.Ll.. 'IF.\.U:II> x. -tOM-L McCONAHA & YORK, Cmundon, Jttor ruys, "rs in Chancery . and tors in .JdmiralhJ. alk1 1 SEATTLE. W. T. 1f. )l. 1'0U, So un Pt'eUC'. .. ()()().K_ S'I'O, . E, E<ery l!epabl.ian bu the portlsaa 0.1110CT11tic I""'Y· llontgom..y Blair, Tho cogent """"'D!Iwbioh indno<d "'" ean be imo;;incd. rlght to dift'er lruw L4a F aekJ.cut. or in a int.c"icw "'ith a local ro- t oeonneet myself 'With the church o( Walkiog (rom the lodge toward the With aD4 for froiD&D1 other oaicez' u pon DNMUrCS port· u.discOS&edthianbjec:t't'erJfreHJ. Rome were, th.:d other eburehea were cutle-, 5wprl»es of bean&y met ilae BUCK' S CELEBJUn:D either Wood or Coal. wllicb nn - <011lemplaud hJ tbe lo the 00 .,.. o1 the OODorna&iou be COIISiaDUy ohaogillg lbeir dogmas, &lld tranlla at e•ery alrp. Tho potll wu loa wiU ...U be a tnwo oolol' tbot dirioe lruLb, mlllt of ita cot lbroagb t he r.;olld roolt. wbidl wu IRVINC BALLARD. K" & Cowl8tlbr at IA.v:, Itchen Fnrniture D,rpGbl.i.ctln nlltil a pbtform is I knew Ge p. Grant" I p<Jlities in l SCS O'W"D 1l3ture be I was almOit conred willa trailing YiDn uul made. If Uae Prftident bM a policy of to be Democ.ntie. and 1 was iA (;)Tor of iastm.etcd UU\t I had ju:iaed a Church brigbt soft mOMH. TbN& were- moQods 1a.i.. ,.-a to e.nlorce- tbo will af giT'iog blm tll o DewQCI'l\tic uvaa.i.uation whieb beld ODe let ol dogm.u. !rom \he of 8o...us and orchids e\·uy•bc.re. and tbe Be-publican pu-ty, he bM no rigbt Cor :bo Presi<Uncy. In f'-'Ct. lhero was dAys of Christ to tile end of au time, lhe earth wu an e.IAKic t. 1 .M.."ttbJ or LARRABEE & WHITE, Cuunse/<Jr$ 1 Attomeys at Lmc. Frenif. and Englil!h Ware.<, - DO tllopooiwn. .. Car .. welr.uow, collllldemble talk aboal thll! •<t> al tboL and wbiob beiug the ('bureb cstablil!bed dare . T•U lr<H inlerl•o<d their thoec who difr er from him. Ume:, uditwasnotdi,UU,kfaJto Graut. byourSarlour. could no&. te3ch In one bi"8D('htl abon, and ft1nnetl a leAfy "l1ae who salJBiitute per- J wt.ot to Yor-k &nd talked witb and to one geoeration of meu what area-de ult'nding to the .. u 0 twl. A.&- aooal recrio:U.utioo t'or political mscu. Til.leo. San!ord E. Cl:uan::b., and it did not t8t.h ia aanther: thM what- CCDdi.Qg a fti gb.t of stone st eps under a JaJXLn, r.,,, Copper and Sheei l ror1 Trcrcs. aion aro d oitl8 the m sen-icf' eYer man of the ant oeutury m.ajestiJ poKh. 'risitof'!l entered the and . • h other-a. a.ud tlae ,. aothori.aed -. kJ off t! r ftt'ftt'labned u tlae "---.... of h1s Cb--b .tnl•illfl·roomt IIA•• l'ft 'l The w-onts of the are as- Col, I0\\'""1 : " Tbe gn:at la:ill, the diui.u.g.-hal!. ......... QODipL;>t ly bvned out. The of pietur"t' .!, AJld work.. of art. and of a rticle• of n-rlu. ,..... gmt a.od mctt deplorable. •• \\ "be&&aer a!l the«.e •• •· with l.beir i treASures of an and antiqu1ty. tU'e locla.did 'ltitbill tha liiWHpri..lte tft'lll " ot.ht!r l1aU& •partmeu ts," we c&.a.ll at ""1· DolatlH ........... u..Jioai<;o that th,.,. D.ft', We are S1ll])tia.ed tk aa. ao furthu ck>bil'l haTe bMn NUt.- .POiili, l?'l'he Soulheailrn Rail.-•r of En. ghuut hrL" uked for tbt right. to combiae with the ltaihr ay of Frs.nce, with from lht\ Gonrnments Ot F ran<'e and E.og l.:a.od, to improve t be c:ommanit"4tion het• ·etu anti the Contiaenl. " Tbe pro. posed improvement will 1nron :lD an •ler--•n.ler G:crOU the Cb.aanel The piAn or """ propoi<d is altoge-ther n eW'. ·" boildc_r hu Joit. MYernl .. dr"!t da. u .. b ou. lo Londoo, all ml\<lo or eoocrete from artie to W"':lter-tnltb. And · ar«L Tbis bilberto ne;le<te.J bruldiog ril\1. imp.:rviou& alike to 8re and wac.er way Uo lUK"d wil.h a-ouomy aud it is thoug1at, C or tbe tunnel. The plru:t nrt>ediogly 6implo, ADd rom 'llH'Ud& itxlf O.S In DUU7 fortifications, h4rbon and other in France, E..ugllod a.ud the (ni tOO States, concnte has bMo. 1Ul!d the least d es tracb.Die of all materiNI. where the of oce3.n wn.res and the aenr uuiag trittuatio11 of .... tcr · to be tonU,oded wilb. So bj cd to tho luh iog o f tbe wues, ia. tho mo&t e-rpos_ cd s.ittllltion.s-u at F.,d(lystone- wheN. wonll1 have bee.o loose.ned a..nd fttlletl to pieees.. i& re:maina MAnn &WI the rock oo wliich it Wb..-re lll1 iron tunnt l, no watt«r how «" with what care att ended to. be inj uTed by ru st aud berome bT tilne, concrete will be increased by ll.rmDe&S aud year b,. yeAr Tb., mnt.eritt.l!t. fol' ita Mnl!ltmctioo am the cbapest possible-, M.Dd a.nd stones. in a.baad!a.nce being Connd on se:uhn.re., while " Portllllld oemmt. •· the ollly otb- a ingOOieat ot concrete. CAD cd At a little more t han tbe oost of ex, etwatJon . We haot io tbil country Tcry li\tgO deposita of eemrut mit:- eJ by utnre and read'f' .lor use io tho) ma:n1!:t.cture of concret;, :md the result. ot tht aperimenta now m1.king or pro ... """"' i 1 EosJ•nd -rill be of mucb Ia..._ e-st tou.. [? M•n itL.tAuoe lbcnriag au na- dl,... 'lrilb wlUeb bQDWI boo .. clisoj>- pc'ftr. llr . Pe1.g.-Uy ei ... the bet tbot tbe Dut rh Gonrnment iD 1853 dr.Uoe-l off tbe Haa:rlem lake, on which thcr& ll!ld been mnny aud aanl tights, &ed wht'fO had found t. grave. The ouual-"' and treuc.h .. ew ,tag to A eooshlC"mbte depth tb.r'OQ¥1a the I'Helled Jtmrl Dlo:'"t h!iTe h.:t.J &.D as· lellj;{b or theii!IOIIde ol miloa, and yd no& a lluae •Aa from lnt to INt:. Some and n. ' "' coiu, aad OM •r uro ttel.!l, alalte reW'Ardfd the ao.tiqtn'ie. 'fb4"\ w&tcbl'd the operntiou with tbe hope or _.. rich ha:T4:':st, Hare, as in ral'e'U {}e ... po6it.5. And n ... er graTc-b ;"tneraRr.voT-b of art alone Cornilbed .. ldeiiCIO or tho ex:ist4:':nc:e ot eT'f'D (bough a.o JMrt of the drpoait cottld be more t.ha.o thrN htUidred old. A& th8lake W'3.<ofOrru· ed by an iunacbtion to lliards the eu,t\ of' the ccutury. Solicitors in Chancery, ( Di>palelt .B•ild..._,.,) l!lEATTLF- Tin and Me!alk R nn.ftnfJ, Lead and Iron Pipe. Aft IDJtlnD.g t e pArty Gran& the Democratic DDmiutioa , .---- --r.- ....... Gothic U.U. •hieh., tlae tdcgnm aDd the oaaae or rdono.-.': Y. Eetn- whida 1 did, boot Grant Cooled me; b• must be eacb ODd all _tbo llllllle dOj;IQM .... .. completely bm-acd ont." This U!g Post. ....,. uu.IJ coq_1W'ttiag wi.th .... Wa&h- tb.at a man of the JU.D.ekeoth h.all..-aa •a inscotted with ook darteued [F'The llammoth Ca,·e is [7Thc recommaulation oC a D&ti.ln- burue had got bold of bim. aDd jaH hla dogmu. n .-. L,- ou pand .-u Cl!llTed th e (or s:d11 fnr !::100.000. and a cumber or aJ po;Wt.lt.legraph, made, ;, ...... ,,.b.,t allenard Bawliu ame oat with bLl ODAblo to beh e_n tha& DO more docrnuco embl<m or the b._ ... Lbe bear &Ad capitalilibt ia Loui<rille. Ky., ore tollting clill'a<Ul fo.-- boll> hJ the Pnoidcnt Oal<ua opee<b. Be would hA•e tal<en eonld be req11ired or the lAtter than of nq;:;ed !!lall'." The Boon .- ... laid ..nth or formU.g a compqJ and b<ryiog it, .... tl>o root ...... r GOilanl, bu .,. tbo Democratic _...ation II be-·· lbo former. 'Ibe Cll risthD of tbo S..L '"" alld wbilelllabo of YouetilUI- - JlDIIillfl up. new &Ad fl)leo(ll<t 011 s--t1J Ia ita r.- bat tt.. ODellf'C1l- b · good eotmy clld DOl helieft in the 1111&111- On the lide-...U. aoc:i<nt ........,. ""' tbe prem- Ia place eC .. . p,_,t McNAUCHT & LEARY. PIPE lriT'TI·- --· -- 1 b •• llep ubli<aJt; •! IWo bili ... or ol Bome; the ADler- .,; .. ID&IlJ --of tbe old frame, , ............ e I'll 11 - ,...,... 1 - l'reoi<leat; tllat tbo &old IUm tha& a Bq>abli.,._. 110mmatinn '> -r . - -r - ·> - -..-- SE. \TTLE, w. T. ao .. r,.ment is nob ODOIIgh to build - bu liUI 10 - ill hie ..... Oatbollc of 1800 did ""' ......... in of ll.aboa'• work. ''Th• -"'· Real Estate &Dd Tax &_., 1 -- - epap1a u- ,......., pri•• ..... ,..._ • . mont Y tbe inCallibilitJ of tbo BolD&Il Poetill' . Battle of the A...-•." exquitdt<ly -- ----- -- -"{;Q"- JOB WORV wiD -build them. Tho- , ...... olociioa. U ..... , DOl taagbl to him. and II bu does .,...ed in wood. .... abo ia this great Ia P...-1-. Sew York. !'- 11 a IU:.!L El>'TA TE roop& and aolcL _n. iDe will applr to •• ery otbB baoinea ln .,.. .. ., to 1M IRif!lldlioa tllat o.... - beUeTe II be- ha .. Cbriatiao ball; beaideo ..... 1 u-.r w-cnb o1 art. mill whkb ........ from paper..,. Ofti. LOA.'"I .._......... ;. the eot1D"7o ld 1M Gen--t do Gnnl't ll(bDillistrati bao beoa a Ba- barlal. Thu, the good Cotbotie wbo 'Ibe "lied Dra wllls-room .. was full ol elM u •illt JNIIIS. capo. ....... - · CLAnlS ...u..... ed. AD .- .... , ...... tbe "-'- oUIM rail-]'-- aDd pobliah a ll ,..- oDO, llr . Blair esdrlimocl: ctied;, 1!160 bald jallt .,... doctriae leR ;..-. -taiuiug ,._.,,.. ,_ Y .. , ...... t...rla, eto., wbk!b.,. ui4 to ba - aloe - · al'ord 'W11]'! .,;" w-lool old Bopolbliooa io thaD tbe s-...1 Colbolic ot 1871 lloldo d]'ko. lla'-". P-1 "- · aad oaporior .. ..-1 or -.I. Tho J!I'P"YFOB @!ALE. doDOai..,.._ ...Siaa., .... _ aewopapen. 11 """ to o..&•--- Be-all wbeDbe...-Uotothep.... -otbis otbw_..._ n.. "Cedar"--'- oC\ot-l>eiflllpnl-' L build railwa,w aad 1o pebliM joouulo load .---· -·--..· ...-. ,.._ ---.--. P OTSD;CITY OF l:IE.&.Trl.E, Ira- like-. w-bere pn.-ato ODlerpri• will DOl do the old Alltl-llta..., era. Loot Iou.iouitJofCaiUI? lou.io ,_ .. eoataiMd-ot'tlol-.-al- dried. .... -..1. aDd •bjedod to a ro•edaud atmopoo•ed. ,_tbinp,- liMy will-pay. hie_of..,_., ___ ,.. Cllrnebt ...w. ...-_- ....... _- poial.- beattllat wooald.-or --..iloof .U.O, LU'DS ;, tu.,. :&:itup, Soo- GIVE ME A TRIAL. u tWa ......... ot .. -*1 J101ae1- aDd TnrDbltll. Be bu .. _ , oa J tbelaloll'ili*7 of tbe llilloap of 1r1p ill ...,_,- - _,. ltlad. Tho -aaw ta lifiWIODd- bowiab and lolaud Coantiea. ..... ,.. ellMd- plea 1o to be -.-a •-. &Ilea lot or __.,latin JlopclblicsD lD _bia -. jtll& hfttoll, of -.u.I hJ Guido l!eui; trily baDdlal, aad doonolnA. ollrint, -r.-atBOLJIES'IIA.BBOB, OnleD'- Cabillotwbomba .... lbetebJ-... "l'be Oil& n.. ..-,._.-- oo eollod lealt,orouilyb-t. l.u...'IO lliL.Cm, KUJUL'I'EO, POBT odto. .._ - .• JINI& - eMbolic Cluuda lllioo - ......... - ...... - _ .... , ...... Gnat (7Aft.rthegreullreiai.oadollia ... vu;o. -unan: , PIICEI TO lilT 11E TIMEI. ::;-.::. •::-lot-: ==..: co;:_ -:.::o:-__ biO ..... _ :7' :!!. m':::--:! .U.O . .... ..-..1 -Lui PAilJil!. r;rColl- -m.- ...... .....,._ .--;. tbe.... _p!MM. ...a l>riflll the . . U.W - tbel it lo -; the Ordoo oil-; aloo porud ol ....ua, udall iu -- 1o oqwa1 undor colti•atiou, on the nile, Black, iDe elM lion badoa of Ita polilical aDd iroefll<ieat to the, .... .. clodriDO of 77oo 81. Looolo tbel 1\ ia - wW - •- nqaind tbe1 IIGboot nwo.y, FMI ol ...... ,._, bftPt, aad - ...u. .-w be et Cedar, and Danmilb .BiTftL w ..£1 r =• ·- .U the - 111 t1o1 .,.._ , _. _,. tllat ,.. -.. lo bolio" ill 1810, - Ia the tm.. o1 - -aie lolltory Ia oo daHly - ltriek aad tbet An..... ,_Forl!ealltlj!tnrtaado..:ood. - -- .,__... ue Coot eomiDI"P toiL Clll:io&aad Wo.t.pallloo. It loMJINI& __...witlatbeloiQ-Eiiabotb -- Se'! t- ; Beejomiu s...l-. -oll - aad- MTt aadx..il-"- ._, otbu ftiD- _,_ Cotiroruia, etc. ere. CIIIM..al IT., lll11U, _ W. T. rr B01b - ot are lPa _. b7- 1a 1o1o -- Nenllniatheol4_.. .__ u.. ta- ... .._..._ ..... , ,. ... ,_ -- •cu-ciiiiT __ -ru,. Ia _,.. apillll t1o1 iDooae ..., ..... bia potier. Bo- OUIIODd ....n, n. y- <>/ -" :&:..U..tlo bdot,".,. u.. CIM ...... •- ...... &P.ANDRB"W .. :-...-,.::...-..::::'!.;;: S.W. , W. T. Aag. 2$. 1117 L JOlt Aolpll .. ll'lL lid. ....._ .&II ............. a4 'fW1 lllllf epptllllk& 1i1loa ooUl wm..o- 1o ....... Colliloleu "-!!ffil u Wanriell ._ ............ a.. ' lnm Pir- m ODd Gtted to nit. A Gr.a:JLU. Al!IIOB'ni:E!IT OF

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Post on 05-Sep-2019




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Page 1: wca, ., a ut-.. · Jqcf"aaJJ hu been prete.ruatDMlly aolema aTe lR only ~ to &tateiS"mllDI

VoL 1. II!JEA..'I"''"LE. 'W AJIJIIINGTON TEBBJ:TORV • MONDA V HOB~ G. J ANUN'WTA , .. TRltV.,;;~S.;;-;I;:t!t:?:.=u:-.~====='"'"'==~-~====~==>

BOlVJili BJlOS. '•litital ~ ._,tion iA. "~ aball bedooe 'll'bom hAwnnl<l Pft(er 000 -didato No. O . WBOU1\l.l: .o...'<D --. .. ~ 'lrilb the $75,000,000 ol onrplaa rneuae be....,.... W'ilbam ~-"- B-·• ·~· tho 11Dj;haage~ Ch•ncb, M...t 1 .,. -·~ t)e(; • .. • """ extorted lrem tho __ ... ? l'hla ~-~ ~-him ~--~:-:~-bull,··-· - edii<Wal Americu ciliiEII, 1111llilJ· .... altho; bo<•ow or. lol. al Ti•o!i .....

Q. B.. 0,... ::&J ._, 8 ency rn .,.._.:...:_ r--~ ._ aa~~e~~: oc:liAUJI'" .J.l"u.w • .. ..t... __ ,, b a ooUertion ot Ancieoc ·-0- -• .:...,• r •

.._., - • · _ ...,......, hriDj:athe n>ked iMuoC hri4r.Cqrm D ...... G-•~ b-- U -.~:-;-"0 ~ 1 beli...-iug «>lltnldietiona? .l -- = --l'r. ,~1 ~ 'IT- I.- ·-~ DnJ-.u onN ~e• W':l t to ~-•: The pr'f'Seut o..-n~r of the e&idt: - ·' -:£J ~eu alou rnne .JLf:ll.IKIIItil, 'Ire bope lila& U. lbe- .wiO.W plaialybeCore Co- aadtbeooan- lndj;oBamtOJ, IODd~-l!e<ft•·- C '' 0

""uo•o ...Uttbo oiJ c.tLoli., -.,...,... the 1lepoblieoD party will be bJ", aad il will be ohoohaleiJ mo...-lble _ , os . :::b...-do beli••N. aDd DO more. J ::::.::-.. to lbooo whi~ .,. Uh

Nos. 428, 430 and ~34 Pine u.. party of..-. Co- will bo toa•oid i&, eo .. to bop i& oat o1 tho Tofu.- ar...,.. N-ln<>!<.-'Ibe woal.lbe..,ned DOW for ....,rtiD• just StreelS. COIHCI to bfgla 0... ,.,..,... wbkb hn•• I1Ut DAtioaal eltctioa. No party whida _ ... report of " • ll<efttAry of tho I he-~ I ••.,..od ia JSCO. 1.:......,.

We are not y et iuf'oi"'Dfll de!oittly ,.·h c-tha-, the '"h'd, •• '\:cda.r, •• &1141 ''p_ll."

.IGe Par.f?n"O Of ""-t'f' deeni~ \loDe at ua.e JDOM ,__ •b:•r&tdl..

OPPICUL DlllECI'OaY. u::co co~.

Ck-p l ..tvto.., • • ••.••. .Ju~J~~o-..:Vt J>w."it:l C~ o.-n.J T . n.ur ................. eo.a-tr J~.

Lf'w".S \". W~kolf ....................... SbrrUt GardDtr ~ ....... ..... . ·-·-····· A..titor. ou~ c.s~ ........ ... ......... TrttNrcr. f"~ F , Wbn.orth,,,., •••••••.• • . $tl:n'eJ111'. WIIL.t.m. B . SboodJ •••••••••••••.•••. AJIIJoeMOr~ .JOhoall~tk- .•.•••••••••.••• • ••.. •• •• ~ ~r Rur, ~Wiry L \'~. &Dd l'nodt lie.



~.:. .. :·~::-~:::::::::::::::::~:.-::: 1'1ul:io'fll" n.~ ... .. ·· ·· ·· -- .TY?~ r c.. P..r'&ia .......... ~···~···~···· · .. ~· L. -r. "rc~~ ....................... ~.

~lkwwu__. ••• • ~··············C\CJ~

&an. P"-:ra.n.~ beoa"" loag _...., n.e clemAnd :erases to apply a L>rge pan oCibis ...,.. TfNOory oogbt to be Among tbe mo.t ~~CCt>pt thia aewrdi;foa. :ro..,<Juwg• , 0e.."'eell.hn' t. tr.t. ttf. • o( the bon~ TOtns ro.JlllOt lous;e-r 00 plu to the repeal e>f wb» are c-alled iutnaetift aDd iD.terHti:o.g d~t:s of On.! Ta:rillti" u i:l maJe in my sbon laic.

denied. and we trust that the Jesderl of " pro&eethe duties" cu. reasoaabl7 es· the~· The u.tiou U uow m.al:i.ng how m..a.~~y chao~ will be n\Odoa in the the Bepubliua puty will late the worlt pOd to <any llliuoio OI'IAJ otM D<Jitb. ~;. ._ apoa Ute '-!<ot - l,OW • ...,.? '16-~,. the Cathotio o( rPiorm M..rDMtl7 ill. b~~ Da.t wbi ... ..._. Sa.u. D6l yeu. 8Nif. Dad&ily n-,.&eaee thron light C1arieliaa ot~7:l .....W noc toDIIider the thill IDOTemai fM ·~ ftfonn - - ----- upu:u. q.......Uon» vi taxation, ot banldog, Catholi.o Cltristi3n or 187'2 u orthodox should be ge:Der&l. lhe abaee wbie:h NEXT. ~c~, whiehha..-ebeen~oabtfnJiy at alL One r isfsinto tbe celestial city

Seattle clluaeterize politieal, or ntJ.,no party. Shall ... enr get t.o the bottom. of this d~ for gt:D«:t.tioo1 by the ableilt witb doctrines whie:}\ the other i~ toe&ll'! cJia;euai.oDI llhoGid DO& M forgotten . dazag-beap ot eorruptioo wlaich hM been ~U~ra .. He .b:t..-.all tbe rich reaults of ignorant of. Is lb.&!; ·•one Lord. oue

- 'So reform.,.... be oobotaDtial 00

lofl8 u -.-endh, tbo upooore oCibe Tweed ~~nence laid Wore him; be di- Wth, oue bopli>.-m?" DoiUJlb,., I ~><­SEATTLE,~~. T. - -•pt to IMk• 1"'-' abuao -.lraOJ? E...,da,we ...Uauw ~oDd oonuola all tbeM upori- lie~• to 'be ri~bt. I am au ~\m<rina

STt!A.RT CRICHTOS .,....for adioeoaoi-olpriDciplts. Few dioco•o<J, and u tbo foul ..... is meolo; aDd once • yeaz be oaght to c:itiztA•bo rean aottoU.Mr..,bimaad

BREWERY • ' jollrDala adm.it the true c.bouacter ol raked O\"H ..-e 1\.od aU manaer of 11De%· make to Congress a report whieb &hould the old Catboli('!". I am a layman. tb~t

fSu~cessortoCricltfnn!J-Ddlis} ~-oppoD!DI8. aDd toomaJ~yediton> pected LbiD;;o ..,....., .. th it. H.,., is l>o•l"'~eu< flOG" in thebitotoryaL aothoroCsishoolts,whiohhn .. soldbv PllOPIUE'l'OR. _ ..... ,......,... Uoth aDd -- llr. ~- O'Briaa'o titili! bill, -- ODe< or hU ...... "7 aol Jtl li..oaaciAl ,.;. teas or tbousauda . ... the t::oited Slot..;_

-- in u 11"ritiog doWll .. ... . wbo bold rien by u. Cocuuuee or SeTeuty aad b~ •a~. • P~"'Wy I rrut.y l\Jlflfer to the J!tt)u;)(Tl$1".$ .& 1 · dil'.-1 from tbtir own. .....,. ap CoalroUtr CollDOU;,Ioek<d in ~- &oolw~u·o report thisyar i•..,.. lma. ..promiaeut lay Catholic." U .d.Je, .Beer, Oar olteatloa bu....,. ..ued to Ibis u.. ombraoeoC llr. George Jo...._ llr. thio11 ol tho kind. ll .. ,., • .,.,. .. ot •b• not. theu I am oolyallimplc IA:o C.tbo-

Porter and nbjoet ...... u,. by the maDn<r ia which Tweed'• clwtB is seen lo be the maD· ......... and c .......... or tho Go ...... tio, wbo f .... ll!!l'!ly iDd- Dollia:;or .•. the P'"-ti""n jovmal• ~oa.., '-1M Mr· alacture of ~o l!epnbli<»ba, aDd m~t are ole:u- au.! ...Wactory; ita de- Warwick Castle.

La Bee tai.D men who attempt to IMd the party llr. Twwd hi.Judf to be tdi&or or the &ailN nm~ of tb.~ work _of ~· d•· _ ger r, iutead of leuiDg aloe parlJ J.eod them . .,..m.ip&1 JlopubtieQl D#~per o( the ~lll .. >l l3 wn!Un Ill &ll IUldJigeot, Tho cli<pa U,h from London • onOIIJIC•

Superior Qualihj, i1

1 Wood and TIUs bod pmctiat ol trybogto esrommu- Slat.e eapital. n. AlbaRJ' E...w.g b""':"""' atyle;_ bitt these clerical merit& iog the p:utiAI dEstruction or Warrick aieate meu •bo dl1fer in personal pre-. Jqcf"aaJJ hu been pret e.ruatDMlly aolema aTe lR only ~ to &tateiS"mllDI<hi~- \'\"e CAA-tla alb ma.ny ~\meriea.n h eart• with

ButtlCA lumcs or in their n .. ,. of nped.ieuey tmJ distn!BIIia~ly rirtnons iD its hom- ~hare OCUi&OD h~er to discuss Ndness. Tho ~le itt lituated on A or of Ia•. bu iocrnaecl•itbio the bHt ilid over Tweed'• Uaiqaity; i& .... hen Jta ~· rccommc.wbl.ioll& of f'f'reuae branch of the Rh·er A Yon. the ~m. year. It Nfti"" ..,.. foretl •bea & a- ioupreuibly ~ked at the IDfte D&JDe nf~nn. ·~ u ttu a:nd ~ufeued in.eapui· withio a mile of tho bcftutifql to..-11 of .tor SlliDDH oppoeed lbe San Domiogo or • T:lmman:r l!epobUeaa; bu b•Jd IJ to d...Uol! ~~~ tha ••bit<' or tho L<naunst< n. and almO!'& wilbia oiP.L or edleme. The sar-nerrieable •~friends" that ToT~& oll£ht to be uh.:uned ~ncy. and~ •~le, aot to 83! ehild- Stnt!ord~ The smooth lanes and ro:a.ds of the adm.ini.tration , who alW"'.fl s."'y: of ibett: aad barins improT'ed the ocea- ":h ~ for suhsidis t o_ d on:PS!le ship. of Engbnd. w:tllcd bJ" blooming hedg~­•• Long live the kias .. to lhe mau who sion of the rum of the Ring to oft'er ~ms, ~0 order ~0 r~re ~t to tba~ equal· roW'S.. are found ben b their perfection. (;irH. thrun p&b'Ontl.g•. and are the first mOi& beaoti(al remarks tlpoD the wick- tty Wllb foret;u ~htpp1ug which our The eutle ri~ ool of a henry wood, to gin him a blow wh~u hU power Mneuofbt.iug vidoM:tnd lbe propr.t ty rnt.u~ .lA.w.s baY~ t..&bJl awa,.~ For the the noble t"'" of •bieb etn~er abo•t ft"&Sel.. eouceired the briiHant iden or bfing good. Bat it tnm.s out th~t :n-.se ... t tt 1~ C!DOug~ to. r~ru.:u:t that the itw battlemf'nta like 4 elO!W! al.baUi.!. of driring llr. Su.amer from. the ne- while the c~:- 'C"U under d.iscusion ocnment l!l olteT! mruleqna~. as

3 One dd tower, t'lll!..d •• ClCSlr'il'' is ®· Alhauibra Bj\cr Hall.' pablieau partr. They...-ere OD'qlftriog in l1areh and .lpri.l, lh70, ll.r . T •eed ...

1101'~ ~0 r_hn ~lQD. aud will ~rot"~ de-ot atKl l'.l'Tlmhtin .... the stODes fllirl'r" \. ia '!'cir denoaciotion•. 011ol atlribnt.- him .. lfh•l~ lbe poo of re\isiOn in the ~~=1';!:g 10 tho wo•o-r--~' · 1 . boncycoml>od by tiwo. Goy's To,.·ir

_ T ltE t:O<DERStan;;-won.D U.TORM eJ his COU!110 to ••o<J me>n1110ti<e 11••1 o~ of that • •ry I"'P<T: tbe kodius ..... 9 •. .'~:... . ---~··· on~ tbo aclj01DIIIfl boUI<mrn ts are an-n,..~ ll:a!b a.rrh·-e auoJ dr-put u rol- the pu~ tb1 lh abon eotablhili.wcaa ro~J be ia...-ented. Senator Trumbull arric:les on the reorganization o( the A A . D toacbffl by dtt:lf _ lrttJ%Qla.r gray walli ,.,.., = ............ """"""'" ......,,..,. .. ,_.,_ ..-._., the objocl of "'Jaally biti.Er e.ttadr.s gonrnment of :\ew York City ..-ere snb-- n men~ Ollinger. ..ponte the eourt~-=ls trom the stneta """'""· Collf<nl& _, .\ llootlr -- ...._ wbeo he expooed lbeUllco..:itutionali!y milled to <he Boso for •rproTal; ••d il The S. Y . Jt-tl.od'.$ proclAimed that or tho nl1oge on onesiue, lbe Lenm be-

!'~ li-Alll~euru.l".s--.._~ .... ~ 1 F C.__. ~. P . ~ t- S. b. e:r-,, Charlo • tr llonr-•, Cmalrrilmnl.

< I,.:•». T-u.l"'-""-• ' - .. ..... PB::&J::&J L'D'N~ or the Ka-KI.u bill. S.Mtor Schon Ia ll•ll•d by l"N' -lt!;"!{ .. lllc> probobly itt. ••• •·uo l • .iu;;la , .. uwiucat cl<r· ine OQ the other oi4•. -.rilh .. st piAill• ~,_.:~ :!;'=~ ~·.~i. ~. ~ ..... , .....,_ .....,......,. .. ,.,. • ........ bu boeu uumorcifullJ dmoanced .. .,. hew a grt.>i dw about the ~<eret-oer· iall or lay Ca.lbotic In the Uepul>tio-wbo of rolliag nrdure bor oad.

.-,.<4...,._..., ,_.,......._ """""· I.udlow- -., ut-.. lln>wa"• ambitiouo r.ctiooillt for his indoper~dent • Ice money or TI.!Dm• •y) t1uo Cor tbe baa dared o~olJ to join ia tbo aoble \\'ben vioitora pruealed the..,..IYeo

~-=:-..~.~·~_:;:•;~; PHEUTt."3.l BEER, :.~~~:.:::~:~:; =";:.~~~""'...!'.,:~~=;:..~~ ~::'=o~.:~!~~~=-":~ :.:;:.::~-:~::;,:::u~he:~ • • .,__' •· ~ _. • • · ,._ wl~ ,~t,~~ ,";:: .::::.-...: bl>eral Jlopubli<au. bu been obamtfal- The pre-t editon of 1 k Jov,....l of the loho CbanceUor or tbol name, ,... old porlm ia,blocl. -..ge would •J!l""U'. ~.:~:;;'..":' .:=:•-;~~~~ ll<~~'":im S.urPLE IT


~ IJ.: trellt<>d beaaae be bu reflll<!d to Col- ba•e oucceeded to power ..WC.. U... hap- opoaded thoo: Triblo... lllld clleorrully iarilA! lbem inlo ber IW,.."':t and s.mbb: A.niTe • ...-~. 3 • . .. FlAil aunEJIIEI........ .. lo w the riags of oftlce-bolden and mo- PY period, &Dd · ·e must belie:n lh~t The tfnu. procnine.nt iA ausceptib~ of l~"e • • square room UDC.ler the QUU4:She .,._._ ,. ...,.,.._, • . •. ~•"'•· •· uopolisU. O.aenl Cos bo ror two when they U>llre ""1baL. "lla&OT.:r oe••ml coostrootiono. SeeiftheCollo..-- !;llt<ny, whereGny'o uruor wu kept.

Fnotlln r.. .,,_, .. Bl ..., -.b ,.....,.., .,....., ' · 107' · 1111. r oan been the objed of moot an..-v- -mea may ha•• olu~, U..J !.:>•• i111< d...mptiou anawon 1o that r.rm. Thili ronuer Earl of Wnnrick ..... bo<e .vrn· ..... w:..~..-.. j P. ~ ~ ~~------------- rutab1e cttn.ebbeeauseb.a dilf"'r&J rith Dt'r"er io,ited llr. Tweed to diebietbe Yr CAther wus the W e Cbanecllor\\"4!- bee:n A gi.ao~. tojndge by the 5ize and ..... '. • ........ • ... .... ~to res and Tin Warn. the P~Jeut aad - iu fn~r ol prac- policy or tbe parer. &Ad no•er got aDJ ...., .. b. of New York StAle, ror ...-.aty wei,;bl or ho ... snd bodya11Jl01', shiolds. ..,;':"...": .. ';: ~~~.~~ \i tical ci•il stz>'l .. reform. Oo•. Palmer, or 1Wo ""'uey. D~t ob.UI tbo bme or • 1"*"' lho chief Ja<Jg. ol the C<>art or b,_t.piAtes, ••lkin; •taft'•. Ill""''" and


• • · <1_., .. _.._.. ornlinois,bu!reqoenUybeoalledan potitical institution lii<e Til< E._...;,., Cbno...,ry here. t;bortly Wore beiog lilting-polco. Thore..-erealsoo rib or t:npriucipled •• rn:tlcontent'' beee.ase be Jc1¥:TA6.1 be carried in the pocke_tio uf the admitted t·o practice law io the courts of the duo eow killed by the giant. the tus.'k hu &ned to upbolJ the CoutiW.tioa &lld ul..cusc iD.di..-id~ w&.o bappe.D for the th~ Stat~ and nf &.h~ t: nitf'd States. 1 and shoalder·blnde of a. "ild bo:lr, and to n:Wntain the right of ciriJ b'Ol'em- ~DoD~Dec& to be its manAged? Editon ~e a eoo.-m to the B omn.n Catholic a.n immense doo.ble-f<li;ed s \T'OTd., wexgh­

.t"..rt Ur>. !Unl, nL l"o:1: Bl&hJ,J' : AIThCII,

~lap. 11 .\.X. l).-pU1a,. ll<.mda]'t-, U .._, X

llo ... IUU.

J..ufb1tt!!f.\.n)ft. IM:Y~.

McNAUGHT & LEARY, .\..t ~orncyf4 oc: Ln,.~,

Seattle, W. T. Will~~~ b Sa:-me aDd Diarkt Coart&

~ W»lWW:~ Taritl;l.,-.

-- - --------------JOHN J. McCILVRA,

OII'ers to the pubilc tbo Jaran& and molll a,"llllat oiiUtary Ullllrpillloatl ODd -Y come llllll ocllto~ may go, bul Th• CbnT<ll. In order iatelligeotly to ..,...., l~~t~ t.-enly po...W.. wbk h lbc l:"••t sp«i.atlfSislatioo . Eoo.l*J JovrMl goet ou fure .. er. Jf at o( Dl! n~w faith, 1 purchased a Jibnuy Earl W'icllledi then there wne Spnnisb

These mt'n haTe beeu ~..111!\1 ••de_m..a.- lao DO bette__r del'eosa to offer than this oC Catholic st:tnu.ard aotboritiet:, several hAlberts. English mACfl.. italiAn daggers, KO:UC!!I, •• • 'fools. •• "knaveg_, •• &c.d "sore mild diJe.Jaimer O( persoul responsibil· buodre<J TOlumH . They were the A genen}'l trunclU~OD, and ba,t;l~ hNJs." ~1Ue th~y hold &nd npre~ itt by the ~n.tlemco who aow write for works of emiu.e-u.l tbeologia.na. dogula.tie e:oougb to stock 4D. a:rmon-r'a escab!ish­O('Iini.onJ Ul4c-rent from tbOM of uac it__... *»rt o·f eonf~o-u aad aroidaDce lN.atUH, Church historic• of a..aquel'-- meuta. But tbe wm cnriostt,. tdlowu Presitlent or ot ra.l.ing pohtidau •ho which oo court oC public optuion eouhl tioued authorily-awong tbt m Dol- to aU Ti!iton l':iS .. Goy's pD.Dch ·bo.-1." eonttol the palroJlae~· X ow, all these .oc:rpt-•e most throw i~ Mide ...-ith the l ioger·a Cltwrtll lliitory. Afohln'a S¥1"'" TbU "f'Mcl '«'AS m1\de ot lbe ftn.tst bell·


be$t assort~D.eot of



S TO VE S ! ! men are lUpubli<aM who npreoeoL th• Dl3111 olber obtteoed idols lhal oow "'"'--• Biobop En,-t.and'o WO<~I, Lia- met.-.1 . and""" ..-i!.hoot a crock or IL••·

priocirJes of the Republican turty with stre'«' lh~ politi~ higbny. Wb11t gant•s works, and i.Ddeed., all ind,...c,t- 1be old lAdy assnre.l ht>r ,.i:sitors th.1.t urwvb.ble eouide'Ucy. 'fk polirjeiaas buabng ahall bo d.isoo•UE11 nut? staDcbnl authoriciee., so.eb u Bomaa ahe saw this bo•l Sllecl and emptied

lOJ.TJ..BLEJt.l.J'Q:I8 aadeditor.~, wbo pro•e tbeiroWDUO· -Trii.IUit. • Catlwliopre ..... and tborooro ...,.,.,. oigbltim .. ln oae ul~bt • .-b..,. lbo r;;:;',.:;":"" 1o lnWA,.. Ill .n _,. or ~ wortbi- bJ dol!ceaclirtl to lowl"'r- •- - plW.ed oC tloe clergy Ia tba country pt-..1 EArl•ttaiued his lll&jority . A•

E•er brongbt to Pa,...t Solllld. !!Oaahl>eo, =>DOC Sllow tbot those lead- :llo.«w><DT n._.... T>LKDa.-Tho plo<e upoa tho bllnry-4hel<... 1 mado il boldo ouo bu.udred and two !;lllJ<>n...., u~ hue eTe:a disregarded tbe rtatforms moM fntilflll SCMUCe of count'Cltioo. mJVlf per(ecUy Cami1iar ...-ith the do:;· uaere ClU.;t hnve beeo. drunk uu tbL o..·· ... of lite party, aacl the IG~ .oti• l'A awo11g lhe fe• m.:mbera of CongrHil m.u of tho l 1htt.rcll. the seriptusl au· C'L~OD O\'CJ' cigb.~ hundred. gallanA. or •bleb are rec:ldeMly c.~ apoo \hew al)d other lcodiDG politiciADS oow in tboritit!S and the traditioa11 of the more lhAn three thouSA.Ud two hnndreJ are too friwolO'CU to d~e o.otiee:. Wuhington i.s the (alll.re policJ of ibe Chutt_h opon •bicb tb~y wuo founded. qaana of puue.h! 'Ih.e ouwl.ie.r ul guHU

.A .t toruc~· ot: I.At.~, SE.\TILE, W. T.

cow ... x ,.- xca>!'(4.Ll.. 'IF.\.U:II> x . -tOM-L

McCONAHA & YORK, Cmundon, Jttorruys, Solicit~

"rs i n Chancery. and Proc~ tors in .JdmiralhJ. Ontcu-~o.·at alk1 1 D~h ~.

SEATTLE. W. T. 1f. )l. 1'0U, Soun Pt'eUC'. ..

()()().K_ S'I'O,. E, E<ery l!epabl.ian bu the portlsaa 0.1110CT11tic I""'Y· llontgom..y Blair, Tho cogent """"'D!Iwbioh indno<d "'" ean be imo;;incd. rlght to dift'er lruw L4a F aekJ.cut. or in a r~ea.t int.c"icw "'ith a local ro- toeonneet myself 'With the church o( Walkiog (rom the lodge toward the

With or~~ aD4 for froiD&D1 other oaicez' u pon DNMUrCS port·u.discOS&edthianbjec:t't'erJfreHJ. Rome were, th.:d other eburehea were cutle-, 5wprl»es of bean&y met ilae


either Wood or Coal. wllicb nn - <011lemplaud hJ tbe lo the 00.,.. o1 the OODorna&iou be COIISiaDUy ohaogillg lbeir dogmas, &lld tranlla at e•ery alrp. Tho potll wu ~piaU-; loa wiU ...U be a tnwo oolol' tbot Ullt~, dirioe lruLb, mlllt of ita cot lbroagb the r.;olld roolt. wbidl wu

IRVINC BALLARD. K" .lllorne~J & Cowl8tlbr at IA.v:, Itch en Fnrniture

D,rpGbl.i.ctln nlltil a dil'er~nt pbtform is I knew Gep. Grant" I p<Jlities in lSCS O'W"D 1l3ture be a:ztda..mgeabl~. I was almOit conred willa trailing YiDn uul made. If Uae Prftident bM a policy of to be Democ.ntie. and

1 was iA (;)Tor of iastm.etcd UU\t I had ju:iaed a Church brigbt soft mOMH. TbN& were- moQods

1a.i.. ,.-a to e.nlorce-~ tbo will a f giT'iog blm tllo DewQCI'l\tic uvaa.i.uation whieb b eld ODe let ol dogm.u. !rom \he of 8o...us and orchids e\·uy•bc.re. and tbe Be-publican pu-ty, he bM no rigbt Cor :bo Presi<Uncy. In f'-'Ct. lhero was dAys of Christ to tile end of au time, lhe earth wu an e.IAKic t.1.M.."ttbJ o r T~r-

LARRABEE & WHITE, Cuunse/<Jr$1 Attomeys at Lmc.

Frenif. and Englil!h Ware.<, - DO tllopooiwn. .. Car .. welr.uow, collllldemble talk aboal thll! ••<t> al tboL and wbiob beiug the ('bureb cstablil!bed dare. T•U lr<H inlerl•o<d their toad~ thoec who difrer from him. Ume:, uditwasnotdi,UU,kfaJto Graut. byourSarlour. could no&. te3ch In one bi"8D('htl abon, and ft1nnetl a leAfy "l1ae mea..~ who salJBiitute per- J wt.ot to ~ew Yor-k &nd talked witb S~ ~""'@ and to one geoeration of meu what area-de ult'nding to the ~ .. u0

twl. A.&­aooal recrio:U.utioo t'or political mscu. ~- Til.leo. San!ord E. Cl:uan::b., and it did not t8t.h ia aanther: thM what- CCDdi.Qg a ftigb.t of ston e steps under a JaJXLn, r.,,, Copper and

Sheei l ror1 Trcrcs. aion aro doitl8 the ~dent m sen-icf' eYer d~ • man of the ant oeutury m.ajestiJ poKh. 'risitof'!l entered the and . • • h other-a. a.ud tlae,. aothori.aed -. kJ offt!r ftt'ftt'labned u tlae "---.... of h1s Cb--b

.tnl•illfl·roomt IIA•• l'ft'l ~r-~ta•·td. The w-onts of the d~tt.b are as-Col , I0\\'""1 : " Tbe gn:at la:ill, the diui.u.g.-hal!. &nd(ll}.q~~~ ......... QODipL;>t ly bvned out. The dntru ~·tioo of pietur"t'.!, .Ut~, AJld otlw:~ work.. o f art. and of a rticle• of n-rlu. ,..... gmt a.od mctt deplorable. •• \\"be&&aer a!l the«.e •• d:;-awillg-roo~ •· with l.beir i esti~ble treASures of an and antiqu1ty. tU'e locla.did 'ltitbill tha liiWHpri..lte tft'lll

" ot.ht!r l1aU& •partmeuts, " we c&.a.lla t ""1· DolatlH ........... u..Jioai<;o that th,.,. D.ft', We are S1ll])tia.ed tkaa. ao furthu ck>bil'l haTe bMn NUt.- .POiili,

l?'l'he Soulheail• rn Rail.-• r of En. ghuut hrL" uked riidL'\Jli~Dt for tbt right. to combiae with the ~onberu ltaihra y of Frs.nce, with n.~ce from lht\ Gonrnments Ot F ran<'e and E.og l.:a.od, to '·improve tbe c:ommanit"4tion het•·etu En~lantl anti the Contiaenl." Tbe pro. posed improvement will 1nron :lD an •ler--•n.ler p~ G:crOU the Cb.aanel The piAn or oon>~trur.:tioa """ propoi<d is altoge-ther n eW'. ·" boildc_r hu Joit. ftuio~;bed MYernl .. dr"!t da.u .. bou. • lo Londoo, all ml\<lo or eoocrete from artie to ce!W-ftoorin~. W"':lter-tnltb. bal~ ni~ door!ite~ And · ar«L pavem~t. Tbis bilberto ne;le<te.J bruldiog mat~ ril\1. imp.:rviou& alike to 8re and wac.er way Uo lUK"d wil.h a-ouomy aud n~ it is thoug1at, Cor tbe tunnel. The plru:t sc~ nrt>ediogly 6implo, ADd rom 'llH'Ud& itxlf O.S pr.eli~Abl~. In DUU7 fortifications, h4rbon and other publi~ "·or~s. in F rance, E..ugllod a.ud the (ni tOO States, concnte has bMo. 1Ul!d the least d estracb.Die of all materiNI. where the 'r"i~>lence of oce3.n wn.res and the aenr uuiag trittuatio11 of ....tcr · to be tonU,oded wilb. So bjcd to tho luhiog o f tbe wues, ia. th o mo&t e-rpos_ cd s.ittllltion.s-u at F.,d(lystone- wheN. gr:u:ait~ wonll1 have bee.o loose.ned a..nd fttlletl to pieees.. i& re:maina MAnn &WI

the rock oo wliich it ~- Wb..-re lll1

iron tunnt l, no watt«r how ~ «"

with what care attended to. woul~ be injuTed by rust aud berome dilapi~tec:.t bT tilne, concrete will be increased by ll.rmDe&S aud hnrdoet~a year b,. yeAr • Tb., mnt.eritt.l!t. fol' ita Mnl!ltmctioo am the cbapest possible-, M.Dd a.nd stones. in a.baad!a.nce being Connd on se:uhn.re., while " Portllllld oemmt. •· the ollly otb­a ingOOieat ot concrete. CAD be-~­

cd At a little more than tbe oost of ex, etwatJon. We haot io tbil country Tcry li\tgO deposita of eemrut m."'te~ mit:­eJ by utnre and read'f' .lor use io tho) ma:n1!:t.cture of concret;, :md the result. ot tht aperimenta now m1.king or pro ... """"' i 1 EosJ•nd -rill be of mucb Ia..._ e-st tou..

[? M•n itL.tAuoe lbcnriag au na­dl,... 'lrilb wlUeb bQDWI boo .. clisoj>­pc'ftr. llr. Pe1.g.-Uy ei ... the bet tbot tbe Dutrh Gonrnment iD 1853 dr.Uoe-l off tbe Haa:rlem lake, on which thcr& ll!ld been mnny sb.ip~b aud aanl tights, &ed wht'fO lhYe~ds had found t. •~tny grave. The ouual-"' and treuc.h .. ew ,tag to A eooshlC"mbte depth tb.r'OQ¥1a the I'Helled Jtmrl Dlo:'"t h!iTe h.:t.J &.D as· grogot~ lellj;{b or theii!IOIIde ol miloa, and yd no& a ~1c lluae •Aa e.A.h~

from lnt to INt:. Some Y«~pnDA and n.

'"' coiu, aad OM • r uro ~TN-­ttel.!l, alalte reW'Ardfd the ao.tiqtn'ie. 'fb4"\

w&tcbl'd the operntiou with tbe hope or _.. rich ha:T4:':st, Hare, as in ral'e'U {}e ... po6it.5. And n ... er graTc-b ;"tneraRr.voT-b of art alone Cornilbed .. ldeiiCIO or tho ex:ist4:':nc:e ot m~n~ eT'f'D (bough a.o JMrt of the drpoait cottld be more t.ha.o thrN htUidred y~rs old. A& th8lake W'3.<ofOrru· ed by an iunacbtion to lliards the eu,t\ of' the ai~nth ccutury.

Solicitors in Chancery, ( Di>palelt .B•ild..._,.,)


Tin and Me!alk Rnn.ftnfJ,

Lead and Iron Pipe.

Aft IDJtlnD.g t e Repabli~n pArty Gran& the Democratic DDmiutioa , .---- --r.- ....... Gothic U.U. •hieh., tlae tdcgnm ~:•. aDd the oaaae or rdono.-.': Y. Eetn- whida

1 did, boot Grant Cooled me; b• must be eacb ODd all _tbo llllllle dOj;IQM .... .. completely bm-acd ont." This

U!g Post. ....,. uu.IJ coq_1W'ttiag wi.th .... Wa&h- tb.at a man of the JU.D.ekeoth «~atary h.all..-aa •ainscotted with ook darteued [F'The llammoth Ca,·e is ofl'er~l [7Thc recommaulation oC a D&ti.ln- burue had got bold of bim. aDd jaH ~ ~ hla dogmu. n .-. ~-- L,- l&b~; ou ~acb pand .-u Cl!llTed the (or s:d11 fnr !::100.000. and a cumber or

aJ po;Wt.lt.legraph, made, ;, ......,,.b.,t allenard Bawliu ame oat with bLl ODAblo to behe_n tha& DO more docrnuco embl<m or the b._ ... Lbe bear &Ad capitalilibt ia Loui<rille. Ky., ore tollting clill'a<Ul fo.-- boll> hJ the Pnoidcnt Oal<ua opee<b. Be would hA•e tal<en eonld be req11ired or the lAtter than of nq;:;ed !!lall'." The Boon .-... laid ..nth or formU.g a compqJ and b<ryiog it, .... tl>o root ...... r GOilanl, bu • .,. tbo Democratic _...ation II be-·· lbo former . 'Ibe CllristhD of tbo S..L '"" alld wbilelllabo of YouetilUI-- JlDIIillfl up. new &Ad fl)leo(ll<t ~·tel 011 s--t1J Ia ita r.- bat tt.. ODellf'C1l- • b · good eotmy clld DOl helieft in the 1111&111- On the lide-...U. aoc:i<nt ........,. ""' tbe prem- Ia place eC ... p,_,t

McNAUCHT & LEARY. PIPE lriT'TI·- --· -- 1 b •• • sot~ llepubli<aJt; •! IWo • ~ bili ... or the'-'~"-- ol Bome; the ADler- b~ • .,; .. ID&IlJ --of tbe eba.~. ri~'-~ old frame, ~-~ , ............ e oL~ I'll 11 - ~ ,...,... 1 - l'reoi<leat; tllat tbo &old IUm tha& a Bq>abli.,._. 110mmatinn ' > -r • . ~ - -r - ·> - -..-- -~ ~ SE.\TTLE, w. T. ao .. r,.ment is nob ODOIIgh to build ~1- - bu liUI 10 - ill hie ..... Oatbollc of 1800 did ""' ......... in -~copy of ll.aboa'• -~ work. ''Th• -"'·

Real Estate &Dd Tax &_.,


--- epap1a u- ,......., pri•• .....,..._ • . mont Y tbe inCallibilitJ of tbo BolD&Il Poetill'. Battle of the A...-•." exquitdt<ly ----------"{;Q"- JOB WORV wiD -build them. Tho- ,...... olociioa. U ....., DOl taagbl to him. and II bu does .,...ed in wood. .... abo ia this great Ia P...-1-. Sew York. !'- 11 a

IU:.!L El>'TA TE roop& and aolcL _n. iDe will applr to • • ery otbB baoinea ln .,.. .. ., to 1M IRif!lldlioa tllat o.... - beUeTe II be-ha .. Cbriatiao ball; beaideo ..... 1 u-.r w-cnb o1 art. mill whkb ........ from paper..,. Ofti. LOA.'"I .._......... ;. the eot1D"7o ld 1M Gen--t do Gnnl't ll(bDillistrati bao beoa a Ba- barlal. Thu, the good Cotbotie wbo 'Ibe "lied Drawllls-room .. was full ol elM u •illt JNIIIS. capo. ....... - · CLAnlS ...u.....ed. AD .- ....,...... • tbe "-'- oUIM rail-]'-- aDd pobliah all ,..-oDO, llr. Blair esdrlimocl: ctied;, 1!160 bald jallt .,... doctriae leR ;..-. -taiuiug ,._.,,.. ,_ Y .. ,...... t...rla, eto., wbk!b.,. ui4 to ba

- aloe - · al'ord 'W11]'! .,;" w-lool old Bopolbliooa io thaD tbe s-...1 Colbolic ot 1871 lloldo d]'ko. lla'-". P-1 "-· aad oaporior .. ..-1 or -.I. Tho J!I'P"Y• FOB @!ALE. doDOai..,.._ ...Siaa.,...._ aewopapen. 11 """ to o..&•--- Be-all wbeDbe...-Uotothep....-otbis otbw_..._ n.. "Cedar"--'- oC\ot-l>eiflllpnl-' ~-'to·""-L build railwa,w aad 1o pebliM joouulo load .---· -·--..· ...-. ,.._ ---.--.


OTSD;CITY OF l:IE.&.Trl.E, Ira- like-. w-bere pn.-ato ODlerpri• will DOl do the old Alltl-llta..., era. Loot at~- Iou.iouitJofCaiUI? lou.io ,_ .. eoataiMd-ot'tlol-.-al- dried. ....-..1. aDd •bjedod to a ro•edaud atmopoo•ed. ,_tbinp,- liMy will-pay. hie_of..,_., --.~an ~to• ___ ,.. Cllrnebt ...w. ...-_-......._- poial.- beattllat wooald.-or --..iloof

.U.O, LU'DS ;, tu.,. :&:itup, Soo- GIVE ME A TRIAL. u tWa ......... ot .. -*1 J101ae1- aDd TnrDbltll. Be bu .. _, oa ~ J ~ tbelaloll'ili*7 of tbe llilloap of 1r1p ill ...,_,- - • _,. ~ ltlad. Tho -aaw ta lifiWIODd-bowiab and lolaud Coantiea. .....,.. ~ ellMd- plea 1o to be -.-a •-. &Ilea lot or __.,latin JlopclblicsD lD _bia -. jtll& • ~ hfttoll, of -.u.I "~-· hJ Guido l!eui; trily baDdlal, aad doonolnA. ollrint ,

-r.-atBOLJIES'IIA.BBOB, CA~ OnleD'- aloe~do.Uthe ~ Cabillotwbomba .... lbetebJ-... 0iDc:itu~Mi,oltsite4il;jaatulbe-- "l'be Oil& n....-,._.-- oo eollod lealt,orouilyb-t.

l.u...'IO lliL.Cm, KUJUL'I'EO, POBT odto. .._ .._.._.._ot~'--"• IODd~-the ~·a~ - .• c~ao- JINI& - eMbolic Cluuda lllioo rr-U..paaelo.eoiliotBIODd~ - .........- -· ...... - _...., ...... Gnat (7Aft.rthegreullreiai.oadollia

~~~ • ... ~::_ vu;o.-unan:, PIICEI TO lilT 11E TIMEI. ::;-.::.•::-lot-:==..: co;:_ -:.::o:-__ biO ....._ :7' ~= ~ ~;;:; :::;~;:.ld.~:: ~ :!!. =:-:~= m':::--:! .U.O . .... ..-..1 -Lui PAilJil!. r;rColl- -m.-...... .....,._ .--;. tbe...._p!MM. ...a l>riflll the . . U.W - -· tbel it lo -; the Ordoo oil-; aloo • porud ol ....ua, udall iu --1o oqwa1

undor colti•atiou, on the nile, Black, iDe elM lion badoa of Ita polilical aDd iroefll<ieat to the,.... .. clodriDO of 77oo 81. Looolo tbel 1\ ia - wW - •- nqaind tbe1 IIGboot nwo.y, FMI ol ......,._, bftPt, aad - ...u. .-w be et Cedar, and Danmilb .BiTftL w ..£1 r =• ·-.U the - 111 t1o1 .,.._, _. _,. tllat ,.. -.. lo bolio" ill 1810, - Ia the tm.. o1 - -aie lolltory Ia oo daHly - ltriek aad tbet ~

An.....,_Forl!ealltlj!tnrtaado..:ood. - -- ~- .,__... ue Coot eomiDI"P toiL Clll:io&aad Wo.t.pallloo. It loMJINI& __...witlatbeloiQ-Eiiabotb delay:.o..;~ --Se'! t - ; Beejomiu ~ s...l-. -oll - C~ aad- MTt a.....-ia-MDJ..--a~ aadx..il-"- ._, otbu ftiD- _,_ Cotiroruia, etc. ere. CIIIM..al IT., lll11U,_W. T. rr B01b - ot ~ are ~ _..~ lPa tha&~--'1 _. b7- 1a 1o1o -- Nenllniatheol4_.. .__ u.. ta- ... .._..._....., ,. ... ,_ --

•cu-ciiiiT • ~~m. __ -ru,. Ia _,.. apillll t1o1 iDooae ...,..... bia potier. Bo- OUIIODd ....n, n. y- <>/ 1M~ -" :&:..U..tlo bdot,".,. u.. CIM ,.-~a--. ...... •-...... ~==.cm,f &P.ANDRB"W .. :-...-,.::...-..::::'!.;;: :.~..==.;:;~..!.:: :::::..=;u..~::;::: ='!~-==-~;::: :::~=:sb:;:

S.W., W. T. Aag. 2$. 1117L JOlt Aolpll .. ll'lL lid. ....._ .&II ............. a4 ~ 'fW1 lllllf epptllllk& 1i1loa ooUl wm..o- 1o ....... Colliloleu "-!!ffil u Wanriell ._ ............ a.. '

lnm Pir- m ODd Gtted to nit.

A Gr.a:JLU. Al!IIOB'ni:E!IT OF

Page 2: wca, ., a ut-.. · Jqcf"aaJJ hu been prete.ruatDMlly aolema aTe lR only ~ to &tateiS"mllDI


Ho! tor Christmas Dinner!

Drug Store. =--iogfromheat ...,_on."' Ld 111 all W'l'lle...UU.,.....,..wdolook s ttl bear in mind.""'"...,..,.,, that a_.. JDce a& PariaiiCDCioiJ ue ~ a!- ea e


OOO](BS & PUlll'1DU:Y, IEAnLE. W. T.


!» d R~~ ,~t• f h • compooitepoople.iDUI;rated forcer ~ ag <iii'-· ~ tliopa t • lain general purpooes iDa centftl alb.

ry goTt"''DDDeat. but difl"~ntiated, fot

- a. eertain - ,..._,., illlo oe•<"-============= lucal ao-remmaata. TheU Gait,. l• DOl ._B.EllUit BllOWX. : : ; : : EDD'OR. the ~ocarration of • --.but. tlw

meucred and co-optratiYe harmony of -;:;ana:- ..... .,. • .Ja•aary "· 18T!I.. nu orgn:o isut. The 1~ independen~

_ or the put• is jnst u necessary to the

Senator Morton as a Resur- ~ r ight oct ion of the wbole, "" ;., the liru· reCtiOn)St. i~ ~d guarded •UprcUIL*C$ dthA h,-,R.d.

, · o1 OIIIJ-tembo of a degree Is al- .....tl7 .............., ...a juiiJ. The f:ec1 bet•- " ....,fort" ...a •• oaf- 11&7 r..r IIIICh impolllio llnl.alit)' to be ~orillll" ,.-.lo•oria_llaa_l>J. To . . - ,...,..._ .. bo--~-... BJUt:nn~o Sncnrn< or ~b: - cirill.r.ed people in the warW, 1\ it

A ••'1 pr-ett)' specimen o f prmbu& . .......,.ed to dn tbe ..-herbarou deed&. come ao.band fr~ London TIA \"'idon&. TIM MW republic Us fulloW'fiiC1 Ia tJM; ll ie an almauac lD _JJJ1UJY colon. ecn'ft- roota&epe of \he Commuue, tJae Empin­iog 79 I"'S""• pubtiBhed for the great aDd aU I he dreary ph1U1k>ID8 of ....,.Ued Loudon Houw. of Turner, Beeton. &; _.. ... enunen&a Wb1cll baTe preceded Ua-to Tunotall Tbe 6rot Pagoos are O<CUpied e- . . . . •

w. T.


Drugs, Chemicals,

Patent Jledi·


Ale and Porter ! Equal to the BeSt Imported.


School nnd mnnk Booka, Fan· cy G~, Tobacco, Uig:.\.1.",

Newspapers, PcL;od­icnls, Books nnd


- IL is o sy&'tem, therefore. not of predom· Senator Morton. of ln<lirula, bas been inance but of equilibrations and balnn­

Tilitin: New Enz11lD{1. of lnte, to dis- ce.a; p~to tbe puta a.o unchecked 801'­f!OI'li"M of a "fery oovt!l eabj,oct. lie hoM I ertit;uty aud you aurrenOO them todt. been leetorins, at both Proridenee and ruption and cbaOB; whereu it you gin BoMoo, on what be terms the ~ntional it to the centro you in._om1'fl the apeedr Ideo. though in former t imes it ..-u congestion of despotis m. The ebtes, oiled the doetrine of St4tc Sovereigftty. j •eting severally aa distinct. politict.l It is s upposed ~y most people that the bodieo:t, ruo not sove.reign i neithe-r is the ,,~~cuces of tho late war hrn·a act tl.u t whole pocovle., as a oollecthe . undistin· doctnne at !'est, but they are Dot 10 10- guished aggr~te, sovereign; but the terprcted by the Jean u:d and b_onoro.ble I soveuiJllltY liea in the integral or or­t;en.Ucma.n from the West. 11e ts c.1e:u-1y ~anic ..-bolt>, tmd in tbe composite peo­o f t~e opinion that lbe bullcm of onr pte aeting concun-e:ntly u one peop&e. eoldien fu-.ed to nplode U.e be.K"tty, Uld vet tbroug,b their MTeral loea1 or and tbac a 'Yollf'y ot ::enatonal 1ogu: stnu; o.rg:auiutions. mnst he added to lhe volley or the can· 'fbe poioL ;8 one ·or importance. as DODB. ia order to eleneh the a~enl. Mr. )lorton ~ 'feTJ 1rell, bee&~ it it

. a 1i.t of theiz ---'·: then follow Of the aboolute lDJUIWC<! of thio aebon

•tlh &---- there is no question. 11. RueHl was Alt~mately ac:JI~n{lar,rcma.rbbl~ euute barged with notb.ing but poULi.cal faoh,.

cines, etc.



aod a.d•ertilemenla: _nut comes a ~a.- ~~be had been Cf.DYicted of AD1 in&· tiful Yie.w of. Eaqoimall harbor. ~ m oaa erime the cue would. be different. part a! the fiJ'l~g.sq~n al~chor, a Be took aides with tbe CoaunUDe wbea table of' Dominion ~tiee on DD~riA. there .-as

00 recognised b'OTorD ment iD

experts, &c., covers. thiTt~n pages, the F:rancc and when ono DlAD'e opinionB remain~er ig occnpted Wllb • reada· •ere .,; good ,.. a.notber't. Be maizr bte arucle on .'be P'~ pteeeot ud talncd his opinioDA in • humane manner . future of lhe Se .. Dorratnion. A map He was ool respoa.sibJe for the atroei­•ho~ ~· . rout.. of tbe propos_ed tie& of his asscciates- CireomstaD.ces Cautuliau i'aciftc llai.hray RCCOmpa.ntU th "ti

0 the ruling govem­

tbe aJmauac. The .-bole i1 e1ecuted iu made ~ oppos.t :.We • priaoner waa lbe beil style of the typographic ut. rue.ot. e wu pot.ed the iormA- f

8 &nd reftecla the highest Credil Up<>n convfcf<-d u( ha~i~g op vemmen and ••:roeza ,1; ... ., ••• ll .... rs Tumer. Beel<>n k Tuoslall, wbo UOD or tho e:Ooi"''J f!O ..

erished as a m.flrlyr to free thought and ~~r~~~~~:." tbub for the copy before ua. ~ree acdno. J.J. Tbicn cannot build ap

We add our thanks for a copy. It iB 6 8 table government iD thif' ••J. Blood, ~"Y eredilabl• "' the llerch=t• or when ujuauy spilled,; •• poor cement . Wines, Liquors, etc. \letona. He •hou.ld b.A.•c taken a ICfSaon from th~


Bli:EC'BEn o" SPtntTti.A.Lt!DI.-The New United Stntel. Oo.r go.,.emment not

York TriL•n• puulishe• the follo.nug only esisted io r..t, but by right, dur- Orders from Abroad Solicited JettcT fcoln Henry Wnd BcQC!ber ; iug our lata eit'il .-ar; and J•l at the

Sru :-AIIow '~c to sny tbalin thedia- ctoeo of tho struggle we generouly told •· a. MADDOCU. courte of Sunday night, a portion or the offenders to go o.bont their busi.DHe. 8c&We. J__,. 1• l8'l'1•

Only $2 50 per dozen. tics to be returned.


New Jewelzy Stozel

CHAS. NAEHER, Commercial Street, opposite

Horton's B ctnk, MA.KER AND DEALER nl

Fine Watches, Olock.'l, J mceln;, Silrer, and Silver Plated


w=~y~t ~~'!o:U~J)~~~ •Lila uwtltd'

~ew .Jtock o1 f}CJo&b, l mC rtef'i\'rd u<t pun' hued Cor Cdn in New

Yorll. lltkde4 for tbls warkrt, buJ"eiV woWd do wt!U by Ant1. (:al.llnf4 &1. lha.


Call and tumln(lourat~k or

HOLIDAY• COO OS! Orden; for Books, P Eriodicals, llu:ii<'

or anything pmo.ining to the bulil· De..,, will oo p romptly filled .

Call aud C'XftJJ.Iine onr stoek. You maytoeesomet.hiDg

that. you need. We arc orderiog

and r ece-iving fresh good& every day. ~m'hrrll . urn . ::ztr - ---

RICH PRESENTS For the Holidays!

A.T Tlffi

By CHARLES NAI:HEK, (Opposite Horton ·,g Bank.)

Unronmaatt:ly the logic or tbP Senntor only on tho extreme cousoUJ atioD.Al i!l not. by an,- meaDs of the ftlOSt. con- ground tho.' tbo policy of iDtedtireDce vincing kind; it it damnges the ancient in the southern states, of which he is a t heory, it does eo by eeUio~; up anothe r st.rconoo.& supporter, ca:a o.& all bo josri· in its pln(!e; nnd when the r eader to be ficd. To furthor thn.l policy, or to pre­persuaded reaches the tnd of the rea- pare the ..-ay for mf':u;uretJ atill wore ob­JKm inl' h e*" doubtrul whether tho ttn'J..,.. JM::liODI\ble, be raliH tho gbo&t of &lak atitnto be ool, ou the whole, m ore dnn- 10vudgut!, whkh he pummels ,.•ith ' erous thno tho tenet it aims to sup- noisy zeal, in the hope thu.t his clawor pla~t. Mr •. ~l~rton i.'$ a ~nbtlti. nnd in- 1J nntl resouudin~ Llow-s may ~r.:ct. atlcu-. cemou.s polih.,um; h e wntes Wlth force tion (ro m the twin monstr·Oilty of cen· And Rp~'AkS whb volnhility, if not cl~ I trali zntion ,.·bich he a.droitly sbQ\'C9 ira ­queoee; but we IU'e n ot. . impresseU 'by I to its pl:u:c. Bot in t.hiare:Jp<.-e' lto mis-­his aeen~cn u a constitutiooallawyeT I reckonJt; Cor the J>OOt>le of tho oonnt::r nor by his row-ers and trrnlq) !lS a. stalE:-S- nrc too discerning, too well taught. m mun. I the. n:~.tnre of their iust1tutioos twd too

which was reported in this morning's 'I'bose men who ront;ht again at the fecJ. Tribu TI~, I did not discus!. " Spiritual· erol gonromcnt from 1861 to 1865 wer.e­i.am " M tbnt tam is aow understood , traiton, bot oa.r go•erm ... nl. atrengtb­


H ~~~c::r:! ~n° ~:J'S!~lJlg:~~k~~ a.i~~~D~ri:!t~! ;:~ 5t p ·tln']J n(:'W EST and HEST &tuck of

C Ja.riMtn•o'"' Goodl!f Sortb M Portland, ~omLttfng of

botthe Scriplurallcnchin~ .. retpcctins ened itoclC by forgiving them. Jol. Bo... JF:an tv ID> TD~~ }13 all the Divino Spirit. Modern "StAritunl- ~~el joined a faction in oppoaition 1.o ao- J

lAdies Wntehcs, ........... Solid Gold. He has •lar1P' stock of Gcuta' do. . . . . . . . . . . . "

Taste. i.sm "wtta barely alluded to, but with- other fACtion, and yeateriaythatfaction,

St11to ao"'erei~ty, as it 'W_"S h eld nn J tho!ou~hly penetrnted by the spirit of the ol<l plantation theory, 11 unrptC'~- jnstica to allow l.be mere C'! pe<Ucnls of t i.omt\..1y a )oct ilil• ne: no one U1'fW~ 11 t.h.: puli ,i.,;u.a) to blind their eyee to tbe Rny more. In the acbool·hooSPs of ~eW" blnuclc!'s of the st.'lteEmtm.-E effiina England it hns tttl!en place with Indian Posl..

ont a.ftinna.tion or denial. If your re- at lost aucet'Urnl xlew him. Cil·illizn... port shall be interpreted u nn e:rpres- tion ia evidently going baclnrard in sion of my 'fiew& on the modern doetrino FraneP. or SrirHun1ic;.m , T nm nn 'lldlline tn 00 "!!!!~""'!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!'

l'osmogonie. nr the mPtAllie tr:1ctors of P erkius. E-ren tho sp:t,red monument Tribute ~Re&pect.

responsible for itlt stnlewcuts. I look with profonnd intere-st upon nll \\·isc ef. forts t o tl«luee tLe ReiP.nti8~ truth from tlH\t esln\ordinary class of tlhenomcnn


()fBon.rbonic persistence, Mr. Alesander At. n rPgular meetirut of tho Wuh.ing-11. Stephen .s, broocbe11 it tenderly, and too Tcrtitnry Pioneers' Association of the magniloquent ToombR has bteome, Seattle. held on the evening of JnnDAry in. rt~nrclto it, as tho bymn-boo!.s w y, 1st, IR7'2, the following r~lution \\'Afl

"a tlol{ful sound." In other word", it 1 nllopted, and co piC'S ordt!tCtl to be fur­

is n!l <len.d 1\S Julius Crett.'\r j 1tn1l it puz- nished to the ci:r ptll*fS with r"-ques' 7.1es n~ to "Understand \\'by l{r . .llorton to pnb1h,b.

,.·bicb bavo become so comm on in our N day, nnrl to ,.,bieh, nt length- in Eng· ew lnnd at least- the attf'ntion of men of tbe higb!'Mt scicntit\o nttnimuent ho!' h••f'n aeriou Miy turnctl. Dut I bl\'fe nenr yet bfen eonyinccd tht\l tbcflc rewnrkl\­blo modem phenomenn originated from the interposition ol spirits outs:idt or


Fhould hn\"e sane n.U tbc wny from the Itesolved. T htlt onr wnrmcat h eartrclt lmuks of th o llissi.ssippi to the Atlnntie ~;ym p:lt.biea Rre ext~>ndell to our denr coW to ph10go his pnrticular flnSo"f'r in brother nnd fe11o•·-towusmnn, D exter tho body of tlie f1rnd mont~n·b. in the Horton, in lhi' hia bonrof boren.vNa~::nt

the humnn body. JIE!(llY WARD DEF;CHER.

Dnooxu:o:, DC<'(Iru bor •lib. midst of a j ubitlnnt <:nekle o r rbe:.toric. nnd aftticlion. It ba,·iug plcnl:lt"<l our JSDIA.~~ L...; hA~.-On n.rriviu; nt Docs b e imngine thnt tho nncr-.tble UM.venly Fr ther to c~ll o10r brother 's :\rknnsn..<i City ..-e round the citizen11 in e lrpse is going to bOJ'St i~ cerements, bc.lovcd ..,.ife and cowpauion, Hn.nnab the 'frildest Rtnte of es:cite.m'"nt oTn the nnd arise .. -ith more th:J.n its origillal E. Horton, .-o recognize in it an ir-e· re.lurn or A pArty who h nd jn~:<~l nrri•ed ' 'igor? partl!.Jie Io~io himself nnd f~mily. the with tho remains or one of tbcir DUD1be.r

If tlutt. be his impression, le t. ns quiet IOM of 8".1 exemplary t:hriJStil'lD, t\ kind who bn.d been brnt (\)l.r mnrtle rPd, RCA] p­his f l!a.r& by tho assr.rnnce that not only m other and a noLle , ·oman. She hu e<l aud tbf' hend sent:d rrom tho body, ·is state sovereignty dead, bnL iL is nry but gone before to a nil tho coming or besidco showing other marks or !=bar· Uco.l.l. The mummies thAt sleep in the her earLhly frieDd. "There ia rcat for iil:m nbout the he:\d o.r.d bOOy. Thco

:::~~:b:~:~~~~~~~t (~~ ~~;:r:~p:: tb ~ wLSry; there is rMi for" her. :::;;~~~:~~:::Mmi~~:y:~~n:fh~e::~ of the snn, th.'\n nro tbo t.h~t0ries or oar Our Scientific Summary. Re o.z:d hUt broth e.r·iu-lnw, were in pur-


l!lr 'lo..N FRA.NCI!!!ICO,

A L'lrgc nnd well selected Stock of

DRY GOODS, Clothing,

Boots and Shoes, TOBACCO

Alm Silver nnd Silver PL'Itcd W nrc, LBdiea' Opera Choios, · · · · · " :: l'IASQUERADE, :: Chatelain, ........ " "

Will he gi•ea


A limited number of Tickets may be obtained of the Committee at $-l eaeb.

Supper will be sei'Ted aL the Hall No tioketo will oo oold aL the door. No penon wilJ bondmittcd 1U1m&&ked. Carriages .-ill be io atlendance.

B. GATZERT, C. P . STOl\1::, T. !\. RUSSELL, SA:If'L F. COO)!BS, Wll. H. GJ.LLLUI,

ScatUe, Dec. 30, 1871. ·

~1ss ~· V. BeLl!.. ~ Would announce to the cit-

7-cns of Seattle nod vicinity,

And t he largest and tlnefJt a.ssm1n1ent oC N eck1aces, . . • . . . . • 11

Gold nnc1 Silver Watches nnd o7,'t.' v~~· Ch.~i ns, · · · · · · · ,',' s;;;, . Jewcly New st)·le roove~~~-~-~f "~AT<.: HE:):

Xorlh of Portlao<l. n o would. lavite u evly ""ultbo.Dl, llnssachusetts; 4'..U to """'nlilll!! h is stQO'k. Appleton k Tr:\cy;

-- Dnrtlett;

REPA.IRL ..... G.



Gold Watches and Chains,


Ellery ; H ome ;

Elgin, Illinoh: ADd the mngnifieent steul wiucler l"nitHl i!ttnt~ \\"ntc.h ; nl~o. the ed~.·brnted Am' knn Ladies' Wntch . Xew Sty le Lndics' Setts, .... Solid Gol.t. Cbniu Brncel<lB, .•....... . . Band •' .. . ....... . u "

Studs and Slco,•e Buuoms, a grout Ym-iely or GolJ Ke.r:c.

Cha rms, Lockets, Gohl :\t'!d Silnr mount("(\ S~cfes,

GolJ and Siln.r 'tliim.blcs, Gold Rings aud l'oW!, and

lllarge f'jUnntity fJI J~wtl­

cn;' Co in. A fiol' ,;todt of

Silver and Silver Plated Ware, pb.ted on l\lckel

Silverand Whi<e~l etal. A large variety o(

politi cal strnetnro wW c:h on ee fornished ll. D6t'Crgic, a French chemis t, fiuW; Bnit of o. •·oand(..d baffialo, with n team ,:.:rona{ls for the nice melo•lpbtsi?s o~ tb.at walter coutniuing only ono- four· nntl wn:;on, v. h ('u th~o•y l'o'tro !lOt npou

~:~;:n~ n;~:i~~~ b~~:ntn!~c:= ~~~~t:e tllousanllth o( it s w€:ight o£ cubonie Ly a party or luflinns, nnd ~iug some M!\'Cr:\.1 Stutes of the United States are ncid l)u fficed for the disinfection of Uw di,;.tl'mce from the ro z\in pnrty, were n~tn.11.ly •• free, sovereign and inclo-- "dea 1-honse" in Pari51 during the bot.· ent ofr, the one being ki lled au<l the pendent St.Btes,·• ench posscs&iog tho toot weather, " ·ben it coot.A.Wod six or ath er nnt being ronntl or mnking his ap­Ttgbh and capable of exercising lbe senn bodies. pe-n.rnncoe n_fter tliJjgcnt scnreh. He i~ powers of a clistinct nntion ; thnt. their Tho iuhnbitnuttJ of JlcW'.nli·Je, Corn- supp<MU!ll t o Ua R cnpti\·c, or el~o thnt h e retntion.s to the Union are n mere vol- wall, the birthplace or ::-Jir l:J umpbrer ~Jhr.rcd tho 8.'\mC f.,to nud hns not yN untary eomp.1et or len;,rue, which they Da\'y, ha.l'e <le<:ided to erect a statue to bct"n fo·nncl, fJr he baa been cut ofT nncl

are at liberty to break whenever they his memory. It wiiJ be executed :Liter :f ::rdv:7i:~~hout ou the pla.ins to die m~y deern tbo cootUtioD.tJ infringed .i the portrnit of Dny b,y Hir 1'homR~ Tho pu.rty consist inc of nine. in nnru. thit.t. nuUi6cntion, secession, disruption Ln.wrencc, nod will CO&t $30,000. Abo lx!:r from v:~.rioe sectiont oft be CO\tutry. sttc in nny ~~ensa rightful. n ot rno1u- tbe city of Glasgow \\'ill plncc in George The IIUUOSaCre oceurcd some seventy

that she has engaged in the AND CIGARS~ , .

cnt.crprtsc of snpply mg the

Of tbc Lt.TF.on Brn.:r.a &ad Jt.UT Q'C.A.LttY

oompri!JnK e ,·oy arttde iu the liue. l',~:n.:;y tt;OOD&,

At tho lowest li\·ing prices.

t ioua.ry re medies for n.buses ; tbc.so n o- ::,r:b"o ~:~:~~:!:~~~err:~~= i\J~~~~ miles .-est of this place, fU1d as tberft is Hu llS, \'o"e say, nro 08 utterly pel"ishcd as a pnrty of Osage lndinnfl known to be


Croceries, Crockery and

Class Ware. A XD A 0 ENEilAL AS80RTllE..'"T OJ'

Housekeeping Goods.

1\lnrkct with the very latest

styles of

Hat and Bonnet


Fancy Goods,

Solid Silverware, 1D l"&rlo.:ty.

Electro Pbted Ware,


Spedacle~, Oompass~s,

etc, etc.

FANCY GOODS! the institubon of l!bvery, t or whose Lord n086(1 &till contin1JC8 b la (lXperL in tbit.t vicinity, belonging to Dig flill 'K behoof a.nd benefit thcywuo prinei p..t.lly rncnts on tho be~t of tho 11tnrs, bnt tbo bond. it is ZdUpposcd lbay committed tbe

~~rv::~!~::::~n~:::!~ :;:0 ~:~ rcs:a1U3 np to this date nppcu to ns an~ de.ctl.- Journal of l'ommuct.

The nbovc Goods, which oro offered for snlo nt, price~ dc(ring competition, were .Afillinenj, and Tbo abovo ll!fock pn!IM':allan.rc oppor&UD111

of purcbald~

certain. I ndf'ed, experiments made A BoL~:---:; R;~RY .-Oo

:~~ :u;tC:og:J~n~tsf:~ t:o ::;: ~~~!,Y ::~~;::~[ ~~:{::~~d~~:r~: the Wa.~biDt-lon traiu ofthe New Jersey

<:lu.•mist. to revive tho old d octrino of iuMi()n&. for Uo found that the b c4t ro- Railrorul, dno in Jcr~y City nt G :10 1)htot,ri¥ton, or fo.r a profeasor of the ceivcd on a. lhennometic apparatll& w· & turdAy lJloruing, Mr. 8. 0. Fronch Smithsonian to batter away nt tho gee... mioished " ith the increased elevation or ~owbug Wt.lt a p:1~engcr. Doring logical bypothcsiA of Whiston. of tbo portion or Hky to whi ~h tbe in· the trip be fell asleep, ancl \\"D.S waked

Dot tLo ie.atLtor hu ILil objoct in tbnt1 (Otnunent wtw e•posed. Tbia 1Mt effect by a nun holding something undec hi" ycvi,·ing the llain, aod k:illiug him once it tto gre.t nnd "ariable that it will be nose. Yr. }'tencb got. up from hi" llG.a.in, which i¥ to resuscitate another dimeolt to allow for it 80 18 to obtain seat ADd knocked tho fellow dowu. He form Q( Uoctriuo thA\ in our opluion oomparablo retsnlts from diff~rent &tars. tbeu calle<l tbfit concluctor, llDcl the ~ts ought to be as dead u: its rellow. D o of tko case were stated to him, bcU. tbe d isp.'lt.ches Sta.te liiOTereiguity, in order The origin of tho twche AStronomical eondnctor refll.'40d to take ao1 ootice of to make u.s bf'lien thn.t the other e:s:- &ywbols which indicate the htrelve gign~J tbc complaint. On tho trniD. Arriving t rcme of Stato subseoicncy ia Uie on1y of the zotliac ia very ingeniously es- .a.t New Drunswiek tho chloroform thief nJtemativc. "Tbc ata.tes, " he ays, plnincd Ly the Be'". T. D . Droorue, of ~;otorrtha car, lca.\iug ~biud b.iiJl a "hold their rigbli by tbe ngreewPnt or ~odolk, Eng., who, in an article iu lhc black lcnlher &aklb el , •bich waa found consent. of the Mtion ;'' not frow Any Astroowmical Re!}isl~r. shows that racb of to cont&Uo a complete sel. of burg:lar'a& ., .. borrowed and originnl power which th.,.. <ymbol;i is formed of tho line or toolB and a round p ncknge, wbicb be they po58('Sij8 u f'tutcs, tmt tll.'ti utively linea whith iucluUe Lho prineipnl stars hutl r("preseuted to be guld coin. Upon from the Constitution of tho Uui1ed of t.he eonstella.tiou or sip wbicb it opening the pac- &ge which •u thCI Stat.ca. u it was adopted in 1787. ThEir stands for. The paper is il111Strated by end eir<:nwferooce of a 820 gold piece, rigbta are. granted to them by the ~· uz exeelleu' ptnte, nnd i• worthy of bci.Dg it wu round to be a tin can filled with t.ion, of which they are not tbc co-ordi· r~nd 'by all int.ereate<l in ~tronomicul f\mnll ahot. Tbe ruc:aJ. fe&ring that ll.r. nate, bu~ tbo sobordintlto p:uts, and curiosities. Tho same aaLhor, in a pre. Freocb would haDcl biw onr to &he. which rightl lt ill to be prea&uwed Lho vio\UI paper ItAya UaaL lao thio.b he bA& pollee on ILI'rivill$C In Jcney CitJ, lcfl lM mtion may modify n.nd recall a.' uy 'discovered the origin ol the characters can it.t. aucb. ha&te th.at be roraot. to IUe time tbnt. in ill supreme plen.snre it of the Bebnw Alphabe& iD lhe cou.figur· hia plu.oder with him. Hr • .B. C. Bam· t'Lecma tiL II. U the old cowwlNation atious ot Lbc oowo~lt.L.Wna. ilton, a pnnenger on tha aamo train, tloelrine, over agRin, bul. oTer agaio iD lD. tho NoYI"mber number of the ..-a.a robbed or f l GO, without. doubt, by ih worst fora : uL&ered .-itb a lAUI.ude ~1.mt1ican J c>tml:lll of Sdt.llce Dr. B. T. this Rtlmo p&rly, on the Oraogo aocl ol m.eauing tUt wo111d have atartled Craig, of Washington. gi•• an aeeount Ales:andria llaiJroad, aouU.. ot Wubing­Natban Daweo, Fiaher Ameo or ~udge or experimonts made on the tempera- toD City.-{J'n..Wn (N. ~-) Sidle Sto":. "A.e God is o":er thfl uninne," ture of W. body derilag the inteue and Gautk. ucla.hua Kr. Morton, •n • be blll'lt ol coutinued b.t of the aumm.er of 1870. A ~ A.ocmuT.-A Mr. :Uo11'at, of lbdoric, •• 80 tlul aal.ioa. U o..-u tAo Tbe ortliDuy t.tmporat.aro of the ba· Boee towDehlp, Obio_ being UDAble to .a-."~ ia t o •r. the nation~· om. -body ia 98.<1 ~ Fahranheit, ahoo& a •lw!lo oul of hi& rille la&ely, rupot.eut, ~ble, beyond quntioa or and during fonr II. oftea J"bes G degree~ t()ok it apan,. reiDO't'ed the powder from control, while the lft.ake o.ro tho poor. abo•e UU. poUa& wilboa& a eeue of in· the b reech ud laid the barrf,l iD a d cpendeuiiUid needy c:reotuno or ita .._..a beal proportiOiled 1<> U... tJit. blldtiiiDlth 'a forgo to melt out the boJ. bouolJ. ta.rbanee oC temperatan. The bigbMt. 1~ Nothing nnuual wu obaened,

purohoscd expressly for the G Vi . '" 1l Uit .Art' RET AU. TRADE, nnd n a root aruty q, 0 t• J;la.u:ds~nlo and Uuiqo close in~pection will convince des. Purchnf<Crs that tho Jllncc for bargains is at the

Yesler's Corner.




HAY, Etc.

lOITN A. WOODWARD, Coma or Uill and CcDmercia1 8t't.

~Goods delivered to any }Xlrt of the City or suburbs free of chnrgc.

s .. 111o, ~aauary 1, 111'11. Gil.


Steilacoom, W. T.

Lager Beer,

Ladies wishing their llata At extremely low prices.

nnd Bonnets trimmed "com- Articles purchased, cngrnv-

me 'il f.'lnt," -and desirous of cd f: f h reco c arge. improving the condition of their wnnlrobe genernlly, are The public are invited to requested toe.~mine her stock CALL E.A.B.LY before purchasing elsewhere. And make their selection~.

In ad eli t ion to the above she has a well selected

Btook of !eJI to suit all ages from the child to the Miss.

DOLLS, with and without vocal powel'll.

TEA SETTS, of various sizes and styles to suit tho 111011t fastidiOUl!juvenile bouse­wife.

PAT. SAFES for the boys, with the Teller oo duty.

Unlimited !!port filr aU in the PaL VELOCIPEDE, and

Fast Trotting HOSRE with Jockey Driver.


W. G. J.1MIS ON, TJ'attlk .Vaktlr, .TeweUcr a•ul

EnnJ!rctuer, next door to Railroad HorU6, Commer­cinl street, Seattle, If'. T.

December U, lS'il. 'ltt.


Calif.onda urw,; ad ~rauaty.

626 Montgomery Street, ( ......... t.c.~ .....

San Fruncit:lOO. Deeeaba J, Ur.t. "


Branil.ie.s, Win~ and .Liguqrs.

316 Front Street, comer of Commercial,



~Como ono ! Come 11.11!! nl.IJ'f"l':­aminc t he Stock bretor~ buying eb.-.

where! 1 !£I Seattle, December I . :u;n.

St.-. ZEPHYR, ~ !!~f\l~e.\~~·~ ~~~~~i~ au• I t-.-turu. cuu.nc.:tlug wltb 'blo .\'Gn/1 l'a,..( al BeatUe, botb lU!f. lN•H' SuiiJr- ~m )lrtt •bY" .mel TbnNidap!. ai. 8 o·docl, .L. x "' l••lkb· tng a ll(uli:<lh .o and Tulaii{t. &lam. on \n ~ u es<la.ys &n<t l'l1day1J.

Dt.'C\.mberl ,l.&71. ld

U. S. MAfL RTEA)[ , Jllr

Nor1;l:1 Pa.o11J.o, 0~. E. A. STARR.

LF;tu~~,.0~~~e!tn!~ ';!~~~!:~~·;~~ h>UoCIIzlllg at StellacOoW, T ao.:om a, Se&U it", Fort }f adl>lOn, PLrt (i a.mblt'. Port Ludlow, an•l p, t\ TO.-nJit!»d; arriving at \ ' lcluria on ))t>nJJl• ud Thlll:'l'dayiJ at a o·f.:todr. P. x.

Lcaw:fl \'ktoria for Olym p ia. ~1'7 1'11• kl.IY and l'riday, at li o'ci«k. x .• \om·b tng at tlao. ~>ame port".aad arrlrlnl!atOlyropia at 5n'rliltk ,., . )1. o r the: rollou'ing Wt"tl.tlt!klaf and Sattl!'· dar. ·


OJrmpia to StcilKoom. ... .... . . • ••• .. f ""T~ .. .......... , . •. •. .. " •• Sta ttle . . . .......... ... ..... . " "r...n M'adl.@IOo ......... .. ... . •· ·• Port Oan1ble .... ... ........ . " " P ort l~odlow ..... . .... ... . . . " " 1\tn T U,."DIIO!Uol., •• •• ••• . ••. " " Vlcton• ... . ............ .. . . .

r.c~unt ' • "'" altMeament~. Tlh' ~ct.mf'r Ia new. M&ll.n~b. ~ml::ll 1.1·

polnUUf'.lllS ftn;t tia58. l~ng,·l'll (':IU upon arrhme IIi tllcir deliUD.atioo oo .,..-b t UDe. ~mbtrl,t8'it.

p~~~? JLUL .TI:~M8BJP CO:C•

FOR 1\~W YOaii' Yla .P.&~ sUU·


~M and Pror:isions.

Now. tl&ia seem• to ua quite u bad u t eiDperatDN to •bich tbe dootor could but. Tf!ry 1000 Ur. .Mo.r&l's little girl. any of Lhe •apriee or the ol<l aoutbern baat llimaelf 4uriag the IIIOII10iable111m- nine yeon old, who wu lllancliug l>:r eehemeoftboughl. Jt isjast u thor- IDR' (llnuW.eaan}wu W-).7 degrees u.id, .. Pap1 it hurta." Wbath1ll'ta? .. oqb a mi.MAke or pe.rvenJiou of the Fahrenheit. "AI. thi.a tetupentnrc," he Mid be; U.. tlwu pot bu band oa. lift natuN or our political coDIIiLalioa. •11> " I Cell 'quit. ~:r o•er- left bip to ludiealc lhe plaoo, anti Dpoll Tbe voople or the Uaited S<atea .,.. h .... ad. • • • Whea the tempera- esami,__ it .... fcnuad iJw the ball ... ~ a .. iooply, complele, eouool· l•ure or my body ... below 1111 c1oftr- had beea Coureed rr,_ lhe guD b:r the 14ate4 people, like tho people of Spaiu I •e-o:n felt uu<Omfortabl:r be$. In fact, haaled aiz, and hacl llruck the girl ou 9' F~ or Eaglaacl; whereeaiD t.ruth I oatia6edm}Mif l>J ft!peUed lriala that &he loft hip, _..a aroiUid tha bod,­tlM ~ -.,., .... DIJII> and s tory l a tempe ...... ,... or Dll.i ~ mul& be lodpd in the rip& los. p104aeiag prob­of lllcir collllitulloti i1, that thc:r ara l .-hod bdoro the IODMiioa of 111lrer- 1111111 falal woud.-.ll:<otMft!lr.

Sok .tl~e'IIU, o,. t'M Paciftc 13:'" Pa b · •t be" Coast for tire 8ak of tM cele-

y er 11 Vlllt tore lnvrted LLO:r'Dli'E.Jt'TUCb..':r' selecting your preBtlllt& WHISli'EJ". Corner Front aml Clay Sti•·

SAN FRANCISCO. ~-l. t8Tl, Ill.

-.. !!"'

wt( .. .. I


*"' .. h

e l< :hi: $ c ....

' ""' ;frt fit .... ot

·in t1J 1 o

:lu ....

c .tl !l


7 1L .d

J' ,c


Page 3: wca, ., a ut-.. · Jqcf"aaJJ hu been prete.ruatDMlly aolema aTe lR only ~ to &tateiS"mllDI

r. !:

,. I d.


... .. '· ;::

"' 10 .. a.o • .. ... .. "'

~· T ':; OD

"'· ~ ~·· ~-


.................... Crawford~ Grer.erifB, Barrmgton's Provisions, Scftw~B-\C~EI\S Sn. Nolnll P .anc, lu. 3d, 1872. ...............

Edil<ir DUpofcA: OFf!CllL PAPER OP Dill crrY. Tlle-1-clo .. - IWolrip

= = ==========lie two~ There 16lbo- ...

A.UIV.U. .AJa) .. ~. -IID&.DM.

-·~ PM:D~C.CIIpL-t.m. ~ ~ ... ...._ .. ....,._.nan. ..,._I •· •.: to.c1tiaC M ,._ oa JloMa,..; ... -.----.~. ______ ............ . ,. ... paJ ia >'"10101ia, ocl•a- MW booD ...

oeiYed bJ the uLboritiea tha& ua armed

r.,_ bas left some port (~ 1o be Teue1'&UJ ...u.b a Tiew of p&&i.Dg Vie. •-J. B. Laar, Cllllilt-1...,. a.ua..; .._.

p~ Doe.l7-'fto -- ., ...

lmmor,'DoionapprooriJic, -"' --lbo~ alia_,_ ....

C01Ufl.... -~ " 8U1'1'11£8! COLUKI,

Rooo.aD«B'a Co1J"H. - ODe plain drunk this week. The cit)' a- ia­lhtreby to the amount or t10.

-- ·----Gf' Tile Prinee Altrtd ODd another

~t('awer are to make aemi-moatblJ trips fro[U San Frauciteo to Victoria and Souocl ports.

toria. aDdyoo&en~a~ H. lol. a ... .Doat, ~::"::~":'"!':. "::"'~. ~ vraa brought. mto Vaetona harbor a..~We. ~ ce...w;, ... eo.uwr uad

ia Crout or Lbe citJ reociJ Cor oclioD, ndaloO 1alolld; -..n.c. --.. • ­aud the Spar,..,..1wJ,.k ~ "' the ...,._ B •· •·

iolralioD - aoallol oC lbo P-. Tile ,_,.... ..... ..,.u..n...- ia the -1>17. the -"'"-Gpo paoiag it. He qao&od Lord Brvagham aad Pruide.Dt Graat aa aappol'liJag hi• TicW11. S.Uc\ that England WU OU)J

fne.tnde wlleft there .... oppooitioR. Tbo eebemewaa li.ally rejeeted b7a 1arJ;o mnjorily. Tll• ladies ol StrM­hoarg h&ve org1lDized a eoiiUilitlee to ~i•• aubseription. for the t-J!DeDt of the Freocll iDdemnitJ to GemwiJ. G •u. r-her'IDAD ud Lieut. Gaaa an e:~-> pected. to am .... to-morrow.

Brick Store, sron a BVUD!, Wludesale and ~il


t?'Tboll.rot:L> mileoofthoS. P.R. R. from K.-.1"""' uortb, wu eoDlpleled be­fore J ltn. 1st 1S:7~, as reqaired. L1 the chArter. ....

mouth of &be outer harbol', wua a&eam etc. Au»I, Capt. 1. B. t.a~tw ..... so ~"oft up aud enry thing pn;pand Cor a tl{;hl. .........., .... ......._ Rnmore were, tha& &D a&tack apoD th& IJtt. Clu:~~AU~~. C.JIIabl 0'-J, ~to 1Do-

~U11'UUUJ~1DfAl~he tlpett· ::::::..~~\MO::..i.~o.S.t~ .... ed, a poBSO or 1peciA1 police were , • _ ~ rolled 1uto senicd ~nd stationed o& Lh-=! s!C::~\~=·B=~u.;.~~'::.: bo.nk or J:ldti&b Norlll Amedca. 'Ibe I Stt. )hay Wooo.r:rr, c.ptaia eo.pu.e, folo bankers were iJ& a aLate or ucih:-mtutt. ~ w. a.cy J*l'l ot the 8oaDd.

!V' 'l"b•nuto F. Y. Snyder & Co. f.)r a. New Yean prese.nt of 11 fl»e fut goose. These km dly though ho .. y dinners tend to lighte:a a Cello"" epir­iu cou.sidnably.

[7 J. A. Woorlw&rd ofl'en tbia week a ucw Aoc.!o: cri' groceri~ dry goods, cl.t~t'binr. elc.. to his customers. Sec hi3 t'llh'ertiM.meot. and gi""e him a call Rr-member th• plAce \.Mifr'~t tomtt'


'I be ttten.ruer CaUforuia arrived atLMJ.oi- t Mr. 11..~ C.Jil. BtD,..., terry brhrMD

W4U-ou 'roesd.:ts morning. hATJng uar- hl~&ndPortBI.&kiJ, eW1'71Ac .....a.-.b:cl&M

rowly escaped goiug uh.ore ..-b.ile lying ud ~u:r.n. at a.nchor in Royal J:toa.t.Li. Sbo loot str. ZEPDYII. C:aptain Wright. Je.,.n ~le oue u£ bee aochors IUld c:baioa aud pat lloodar11 u4 Than;da.f'l'l, at 9, ._ • .. for~ into EsquUu.!L in distrtu. Had on ua.J.a. ltm :r and lllh..I"'DCdtat.e port~~.

boArd 15 .oldien for San JWUl. u.d ±! Prom the Port. To wnMud Atyw. puaugers lor &uod porta and a large The ship Ocean Traveler. CapL Wm. freight. Will leave for &.n JUAn u lfunay, eleared 011 Satarday for cau.o. 5000 as she caD proe11r0 another auc:bor Pera. She eani.es !rom Port Gamble auJ cLAin-tivw lln:uw t() SuWtle awl 1409,613 feeL ol rvugb lumber, DS,108 01) rupiA. feet of <lreued lambor, •alaod "' ft .

Lo•DO~, Dee..iS-The Frmcla oq1l&d. ron will proceed immediale 11 to Gr...., to snpport cla.iJu of Fnmrb l"ili2PM tn ailnr m.inft. PriJloo de' JoiDrille it abom to rooigo Ills-t in the ~mbly to ..a...gtben.-;tionof DIICd' Aamale, Thitt...n gives a State dinner on Saturday in honor of Emperor &: Empresa ol ~

WBOLZ8.ll.K 'l'BAD'£ OP SUT!'L&.- ."-.

\'Cr)* ~rood i.rulic:ulOJl of 0,te inevttable roursc of tndo on tho &nod is seen from tbe rRCt tha& one of oar leading 1\nns, Scb..-obcu>bcr Dros. &: Co., sold to a single firm at T nUMiplast "Week, a bill or gooas ru. a cost of $3,000.

A GA-Le--A t('rranc gale C1l wiud blew iu the "traits on l'd\lny. I t is SAid that the people of Port 'l'o\Tnseod espected to scu the bon96 tumbling about their hc:.J.rl~. Tho Mteau·u~r ~orth l'aci.ti.c h.'\d to poL b:k:.k. to Victoria, &a.d Capt. Starr s;~.ys be h!I.S seldom seen web a blow.

Peon Son'D Cou.o:a..-We ht\\'O r&o

c.oeive1ltbe 6nt threo numbers oC this UL.\\" daily, and hereby extenJ. ou.t baud to the new aspirnnL for pnblic {avo!'. The shL't't J)rcsents a. neAt typbographi­t"lll ;l pf!f'drnnf'#'o .. with a JOOmnwhnt. P1':t!.~

g."tntt.otl vi:;nctle llt. the b.ftkl. and is cditt U \\ilh nbility. his a politietU po­Jl' r, nml "'t.arts onL in the i nle.rel't nf t h·u. Or.~ut. Wo aro llO't a.d.vincd by t1e paper itself, ••ho is the Publisher. P rnpriNnr nr- f'.tlitnr Thi'J will b Arrlly lo. lo oar now cxperienco of O\'Cr 40 :,.a~. we do not recolleei a t.iugle iD­-.J"lnC"f" of SUCC68 wheu the Editor ...-u nulmown.. The Albomy .Aryus, •·as Crt.r-'Kclt: the ~/ou;,nl Tbur!ow w, e ! ; the /}u...J., Uryan1; the Glullt, BlAir; the 1Trib~Ltt., GreeJ:r.

A Goon DrnLXY.-The d isplay at. the -rue1t zuuket of Dooth, Foss & Borst ou )tt ~· \'( 1\.nJ dity was fntly up to the times. W l' UUtil:t..J 40 qmU"~nl o( ~f from

-<"a.ttle a'fern.sing 1,000 ponndii et~.cb;

1'-' lillC:-aM' cA mutton, 2&.0 lbe ncb; three porten weighing 1.110 pouut!s; one ,.~:11 calf f.lttened io a hut house, ~ll PQoudo, beiides .._, ~. 'buJ cbe.....,, blood •ud li•er puddings, (lri~ nl~:\U,..cf.c , etc., hansing round JlfOmiscuoM.Jy o.nd decomted witb t.mcy t1mb be:Lriag tb.e followiug: iucription.s:

•· ~head more of choice bte'ft'tf held in r~rre for our caat.omcre.''

" \\*e stu.ds tho -.'rul&a of our custom­t::rs."

' ' Our monopoly bes quality &d. best Jlf;ee," de.

H t4it Gnu '1~s noL rlcase itt cu• ~·.lrllt:I'S it must have 'fery hard (!ustom­u~ to please~=·:_ ... _,__ __

C.n.owno OCT.-As usual a -ootnmn o( m:tUcr goes O\'er this week : The uo·w Vt~ull.toufPhillipa:, Hortoo& Co., U..mkers ..•.• " A Coaa~t"~Dptable Aet., •. the soo•·blilling a ( 'hiaa WQ!llrm on :Sew Ye-Ar~ Ls ar. Jvl u£ L&ll ti'"u•u wt:u ..... . The ,. CaUen of New Yean D•1·" ..•• Tbt• OJd 1-'dlo•·• eleetioo: E. Cal\*ert. ~. C.;W. Ke!d~nb.ur, V.O.;Geo. N. )lcCoualla, W. S.; aDd C. W Moore, .,. •• S .. ... " Tbe Leap Year Boll," op!eodid

' '"""""' brij;ld cy"' Tarlton, Silk._ Grl'nB(JiU"' etC!., etc .•.• ,}'AlJ of IW awo.­w:;:." nobody burt, too much &oow on lop ..•. Four uew stores s;oiDg np i:a F>lc;ht o( om o11ice .. .. Phillips, H ortoa

& Co. uteoding thP-U wllll.rf .•.• JkL a.U Uti!t ean trt".U go o•or to DUke T<)C)m to tbtouide the arre~t of the thief Dota T~Kt.cd. Xo"' let Ul know how muc.b 1.>1oncy rout Conntl iu t.Ju1 Olympis lt. c-d'rcr's Sate, the key ol...-hicb wo.s lOii& ~ud the Wo~~ sent to Scm FnDcisco to be 01')(; 0~. -------

1< We•· A heal")' sole aU dAJ Tuesday 3SG.J9.

from the~~- d. Y. 1 ll.;rk: \'-Idette, Gapt. td'cntt, clear(M:I on t: ,..... .. ,.. u ._._ SAtnnlAy Afteruoon for San Pranci .w:o

ColCI&:<J>IoJILI St:a.t·I>JO:WL.- A gOD· LlemAn c:nme iuto our office lnst oveuiuz. Q.Ud rt:marked that be iut.e.nded to com-meoce tho ne..- }ear cconomieaUy. He

She c:uTies !ro."tt Tacoma 591,584 teet roo;;b lumber, ~.600 lath.s, CODIJigned to 11<..... llAMOD, Ac"- &: Co., <alned 1\t $3,001.

had during the pASt, upe:u.ded n.bout The bar:tentioe W. H . GAwley came two bit& a week tor to~ but. that in in htro fora btllborouSaudaymorning futuro he would e5ehew the .-ce<~, IW.d She is lumber ladt-n f.rotD f!ort aadisoD, de,·oto tho amount anN, to paying Cor bound for San l"r.mcisco.

the D.a..n.Y Cou:&n:n. We eonuot. be so The ship Marmion ran back to this unparli!UDentory u to mention his port lnsl Frid.'ly eveuins: to make a bar~ name, but il &nJ one has Lbe eurisoity bor, btn·i •8 euoou.ntered a heary N. E . to ace the model JtcnUcma.n, let him suow st.orm in lbo Strait. call upou the n e\\·Jy elec:&ed Ttorritorial 'l'bo bark Glimpse, Capt. Sorman. IU'­

A.uditor, and it he debies his identity, ri"t"e 1 Saturday morninSt, 13 days from dvn"l btli<r:e lim.-Cooaiw. 5.w Pedro. F irat port of l""""'l'" light

Uu,·r Sw:cw. .u W.u..LA W '"-I.A.- A southerly winds, latter part &troog north dispatch reeci"Yed in Portland from east • ·inds. Sbc is bound to Port WallA WaliA My& that. during Wt w.:ek BW.ely to looJ 1umbel' for San Fran· the rcnDtf')" in that TiCillhJ W"aB YfiiteJ ci.lco. J\ iJ •ortby of meulion tha&. by tho ,..e,·cr'"-st storm known for yoan. Co.pt. Sorman mndo the pu.s:lCO from a •·u.s intensely cold as well a.<: lJoiSler· San Pedro lo thi8 place wUh bot. t..ltf'ft' ons. Tho road-side arc repwte<l t.o bE- men before tho JQU~ aull biB two ofticus. Mrewu with dead And dyiu~ &lock, And Onring tho t)ftSI;.3ao from tho entro.ncc a larJDer lroze. to dcdth nt his own door. 1 o£ the StmiL W lhi11 pbco 'tmS the only Onn au.'\n is said to have Jost GQO bend of timo ou '-he trip tlk\t a.ny bu.t the light slx>ep (ro!D I be sev<1rily or tho wcnthor. a.Ul& wcro io tiC.

lu Umatilla county 000 1:tead &.ro ropor· Our harbor baa {ol' lhe last few day& ted .lo:.>t from this canM. Io. aU di- prc•~nte<l an ttuWiUa.Uy lively appMr­rections tbe losses An{\ s uft'enngg .o.re anee, there being uo le$11 than 10 YC.!Mls

..,.ery STeat. ! lying n.t anchor wind bound. Co:o.~PIILlCTTO l lli'J:.lCII Gou.n.-Tbe •

'\rMhiugton eorrc~·pondcnt of tho N. Tho lhip Lookout w,w towed to l'ort ¥. /Jerald •J'I stepA au bfin" taken, Ludlow lur. Saturdoy to load lowber

unUer the auspieies or llon~~ome.Ty ~.r San ~. eb.artered by the Blair, Chart~ Sumner ADd otbe111, to o.rt Lndlow llill Co. ~ttlempt tho impellcluneut of PtC.t~idont Tho Sle3.nler Foworitc 1efl lnst Satm­Ornnl. Tho e.h.'ll)$:•-K agWust the PrQIU· dny nft ~rnoou for Uellin~bam b.'ly. wilb dent aro all b:ascd upon Jtis action in iO tona or freitiht .for the .llell.i.ngbam the St. Domiugo seh~we, iD conn<.>c-tjon B.'l.y Coni Cotupany, brought up trow v-ith which he is alleged to have been Sao Ftallci8co bt the ahip Lookout. guilt~· of Tiolat ions of iatematiouallaw . , Tbe s e.r return~ to-cluy IW(l r~ The tb.llll"" are or tho - rioliculon• porta the a re lD the -· ..... cb:.m.ctcr , o.ud e&n onl7 re&nlt i n raiiriog been exti i..he<l nod c.hA& tho mino Ge:1 . Gra.n.t higher iu public esti.rua- will probabl be in wor1tiug order wit.h-

tion. I iu o. mouth. A L'EEP s...~ow.-On Sunday morning The sloop Sea Bird, c,.,pL Francia.

on r citi1.ctut were Mari!OO, ou emerging uriveJ. to-daylrom PorL Ludlow with a froo1 their dn llinb'"· ... ith n!Sight ..-It- <3'1;0 or hunber ror l'i<L~go lslaDd. ~~ in this p.-.rt of \~'ll8bingtou T r- The stoop F raud• parted hu JWea ntory ouly a'bont once Jll twenty yean. while lying at lhe wharf, and betore saU Between midnight nnd ilinrn, snow to C!Oold be made oo bn she drifted ashore. 1hc depth of at leAst. six inc.bcs had Sht) WAS gotte1:a oft' the uD dar. Dam­Co1leo. W'e qoes1ioo wbether, in 1\U}' age, lo&t her rudder. one uigbt or day, •itbio !be keu oC the \"essels r-ding. •·oldest inhabitant," an ~UAI amount UTS..U.Wr.-ship Georges and bark ohnowlwldeseeuded. Tba&iLmustbtLve C. L. Ta.Jioraad bArk Oa1ll"aa'd. fall t'!u with t.XUafmlinary mpidity was: P oaTDJsoovur.- BilrkAdclideCoope.r. e'f"i tlent fi"'ta t.l.e f.:ct that tho surfAce or PoRT DJ..A.Sa.1'.-.8ark lt:lart.ba Ride--­the -.·o.ter near abc:rc, lor many 1cres iu out, &mpsoa aod Eogli¥h ahip T borcu.

extent, was co<eted with a thick alw;b: T>co>LL-BarkCaroliar &ed GlimpN.

:=::! ~lh:=:~,.fal::n=~ S.u.TrLE.-Bark Cesarwitch. PoaT LtrDLOW'.-Sbip Lookout.

ucd to 5now until noon, wbeo Jt gradu· p087 G.l.lOIL.II:.-Bark Zillah &Dd ally ct'Med. At nightfall a light bail DncUA \"iotA. aud rnin stL io; tbc afol'i!SO.id •·oldel& i.D­hebitau&" eoaldll"& say wlleu.&loia llop­ped, because it 1Wl raiDed wheo he weuLto bed.

l eE A!'!~ l.Luu.-Tbey don't mis weD. FoT A week the Columbia D.Dtt \Villlunct­te were ieed onr; du.riPg that time we bod no maiL SiDce the ice ltu become thick and fi.rm tmough to admit of it, a a mftD bM eroeeed whb I be mall o t1 bia~ Vac.k, and we haTe got. a moiety of "·hat 1r"M due. lf Portland is to be ice­bound h1 winter, tt wtU be lllcmnbeat Oil tho ,Pos141 Departllleut to liud All· other di.tribulint! ofllce.

SADt..T DturroL""l'I'!D.- Tho good peo­ple of Steilacoom tmd Se&u.le manilee.t much ehagri.D. ADd diuppoiotmeat at .. e dccCJion of tba RAitro.d o.gontl in favor of OIJ1Dpia. We ue somewhat ~urpri~ tberent, beeauso •·e aapposecl ue:ry eaae ..- in tboH towm; wu p r.­pared r. 1M ftiiDit. Ho....... ....,. bu~ onlJ to bide their time. Each .no i• t ... •xponimeft a lib good to ... tuue a& &lie propu tiwa. And Lb.,. have oot maDJ Je.ft to wait.-T~.uv.

Tbcr o ha•e entered 6:. thil districl,. at the C~ HOGM, during \he year rnn;ne n ... mller 31&t. 187L :iUAmer· ie:<n ........ tollDing 100, 4Gi tou, aud 74 foreia;o veuels. tonuing 20,900 tona, m.a.kiog 1he total number of • eaela entered for lbo year 1198, aDd 133, 432 ton~. 'l1:da: d :'IH not iudude the 'fe..-.&eL.

engaged ill tbe ooutieg trade, UDder lieeu&e,

SE.\ TTU, J!UJ. '-Arri•od, propeUor Calitoru.ia, R •yA, UILfdP.r, diar.harged freight ODd uiJed for OIJ'lllpia 5th. SoUled from Portland 29th, croooed the bar ne.xt. da7 &nd IIDOOantered heavy gales. Pa&iaro Royal Ilo&dl foraafetr, lost anchor and chain and rau lor Ea.­qaimalt, whfft aho llltt.J)I\liM U.. loa. Tile admirable lleAID.UI&hip of Cap<. Har tandhiaaecompliahed olloen UY"ed

tho abip r...,.. doltraelioL } 'nro8T Lila .... s..n...

A. E. Slacltpole, 1 pkg.; SioDO & D~tr· n•tl, !of-t; B. G. SltiaD. '; lolm LNry, 1; D. S. Smith, 8; 8. Obera.2; )[ary De .... y. 2; 1L C. Gnat. •: II., B . .t Co., S:.O; SliD~ Wo, 3; W. T- .t Co.,

3; 11'. Keydea-. tOO; L. -·· ,7. So f .. r..- &lie _.people or S..W•

manifeotmg cbacrilllllld diappolnlment at the selectioD of 01,..,.. as the point of conn.ection of the Rail.nwt between KalamA aDd ~1111d. we bcs to _.....,

the Editor of the Tribuae that •e

Tile bo.rt c-.rielo ia at tlaa 8oatlle Cool CompomJ'• wb..C laki"' ia a....._

Pou :w-.-SIIIp W"lld Wood. Dec. ~ed-lluka&iae w. H.

lmve he-ard hnt n Rinc,1" r.Mltimt.Dt aDd GawleJ.

-lbat ~ o .. oC oatiofaclloa. Pou .o....-, 1aa. 1- llallaoi-Jiook . OlJ'lllpoe ae•~ ....... - .... COD be 11. Jlldaoa&. f« !laD~ aa any_,. • nftl ul 8oaUie, nor Is..& I the ~,...pe:rity of tho laU<r depeDII ia &DJ v~="::~.,".:: CODSUionble degNe .. _ tho q- ... , · ••a--

\" """"· Dec. iS-EmpeJOr"a apoecb to lbo lldclu:1>Lb l<Hioy aUnct..'<l more tba,u onli.p,;u-y o.UentioD. 1'J1e dis­patche1' contAin a lo11g jumble of a sketch or tho Speech with DOt an idea or CA!·I oC IUIJ oorl of iwportaDCO lo QIU"

rcadcn. W J.Sli.ISOTOX, Dec. 29-Total am.OUDt

of currency of all kiudB ou&ataWli.Dg thii; dAI<l Ia $30,20G, 710. Seentary of T.--llrJ to-day oddre.....J lbo CollowilljJ letter w .U CoUeetor• or Cllllo1DI.

Sir: The rules in regiU'd to appolnt.-. weu~ iu tb., Civil Service, prepaTed by tho Commiuion aud appro•ed by tho PnwWeut Lake dec& on Moadaa7 nut. Appoin~lllll in yoar oal<ee wiU be wade iu a.cooNaDce waUl U.o.e rulea u Car as p raeticable. lt will be DeeeMArJ lo doaigute eommilleccs of eompelellt persous to mAke a cowplate euwiD.f... liou of caudid.ates.. etc. , etc.

NKw You:, Dec. 2<J-The aaatical Guz.et&e oC this city ha.a recei•ed .. • ,._ port from l.Jolttou to the dr.!eL that. the U. tl. frtgale, Wabosb oil her _., ac:t088 the Athmtic enco~m&.eced a eev6re gulo, LD wWch 30 or 40 m~a were laM

Ot'erb.lard. :BosTox, Dec. 29- Reported lou or

W o.'bluib not er-editcd hero. Auun, Dec, :19- l\"e,. 1lailrood

bridge ac:rou Hadson ri•er comple&.ed. LtTtL• 11oc1t, Ark., D..,. 29-EsteD­

Jri,·e fire broke ont-Wt night in lhilcily, tltld deRtroyed an ('otiro block. Lou efitimAted M tt.OO,OOO, i.tiu.nt.Dce about ~:J.i,OOO.

y.,. You, Dec. 30-Tile Trilnme "'J9 it is certain. that it wu '1'1reed 's in­tention to re:m.tn ooocealed until be can take hit Mal ila the Senate, bat lhia po.rpose b3a been SU!Ipccted. for aome limo, IUld willaot S&\'6 hil.l !rom aneac., ll is knowu lh&& steps haYe already bef:u taken which 'fl'lll derm tnm, &U<I be ... w be clialod,ned from hio ooaeeal­we.sat and ro~D.m.'liiUld on e~.a.utra sn•er than aoy yet made. It is 'ff!ry well un­derstood thK Tweed eaJlllOl obtain b.ill. II. is certain &hat. hi8 bueineu complica­t iou.!lare 1oeb tbal it wall be hopoui.ble for him to roali7A 8-lOO,O()O cub, Of to ..eeuro $ 100.000. Nothing is left Cor him but ftigbLor imprisonment .

Li•ter- Bou Tweed afler hidiuj; """7 fu wauy da)'S has beeA found and at· .-..oW<~.

S.L"( FJL.L"(CIBCO, Dee. 29-Very haATJ rain:l have continued for t•o weeka tbrougl.oat CaliforniA. the lltreama .ue high. buL have not reached Lhe high wa&er muk or 1861-2. Ia 10me loca. t.ioos da.rnagt.• of eau.i~ exu.ot. a.ro rtporled. but uothins d..i.IM&erou. The greatest des&.. -udiouol property wu wrought by the fh "It MYent Mowen. •llieb were aooompanied hJhip wiada. Tbooo rellidiuc iD the Uoe ot--bJ water, haYe tdnce bad lime 10 4riYe their li•..atock &Dd remo•e U..U poop­a<yto places or oa!ety. v..,· little .. gret ia oxp.- io& the .._, while Were itt m~ rejoiciog oYer Uae proe.­pec& of &ll ahiUUI&Dt hanea& the C.'>lll·

i.ng .euon. lol.o.an..,.._ Dec. !19--TIIe l .. eeahcmo

Tuba city broke to-day - 'lfuhed """7 ooree& of the \"allojo railioocl tmoll.­great foan are eotertailled tha& &be oil1 would be tlooded, but u Jo& lluo ""ler bas oot llamo&ed tho to..,., E•eniag. The ...... r is fully .. bigla &0 1M -of ISG2. Tile .SIJ le- hod a a111&11 bole cut in it near the Bu.ck:e1e mill, bu.t U. ww aooo repaired. ADo~ amall.loak ,.... foamd, hut a larp Coree of men are &.lliDg il. up.

&ca.>UnO, Dee. 29-The nrr .... .,. Uaower hen tJais monai:a&: Will MGOID· pamed hJ • alitlbt fall ot ...u. willa tbW>der - ligblDiag; tho ri .. n an rapi.Jiy riling- it will - be aarpri-

.... if tiM -"' - tiM -~ mark ol 2l feet lo-lligla~ ri•• pap marb a helP& oC t1 fell 8iaeheo.

Po&n.AJ~D, loa. 5tb.-'lloe -Aju arrhocl ,_.....,- .,. Fla. ......

Evun, l aa.'-llbas--a

gno& deel ..... -- Sw>d&J,-·­

~----a ... ---pnnilecl_ ..,... daJDigb&. Oaathe~d- I&

--~- IJiolaJ. &lop sot ia- a& fa< I01IUI .......

Sr.wPA.DMJt 'Vua...-Tbe''Double iuclined pilUle water whtcl" for aide wheel i \e:UDe:n ..-u tried the put week on I.nll;e Uuaon by a parlJ of our eiti­ze.ns. ll ta the i.Ju·elllioD o f & ci tizen. of Seattle. and .-e ore iDIODDed a Canat wu 6.led in the Pateat. OSee some time fiince. 'Ibe wheel was a sncceu. ac­~mplisbiDg more than ita: projector •up­po""'l it would. By &hio wbeol tile OOD­

eu.-~ioo a.Dd con&equen.t trco:mor caused by lhe paddle wheel U. wholly ob•iated, as well AS the JOI\5 of po•edn the down ..-.n~ blo .... -tiM qpwvd lift or .,..._ t~r. The wbff:l wbc.n pla.eed on oue end or a abafl oa a wbileiWI boat, &Dd Lbe old p&dd1e wheel oa tbe other eDd, proved iu prope.1Ullg capMity to be &u•

~rior. l\"hett, the ue..r • heel ._... Jll:>ee<l UpoD both sideo, tho boat with­OUt an iDeftUell applieMioa of power n• propcll<d at llD iaereued Epced, nnd this. al:MilolutfiJ without coueuJHioa nnd eon-.equent tremor ADd free from lift ond foaming or the 'ft!D. P=ti­co.l mecb.Wca nod ~- Iteam· boat men prou,or.nce the wbe<>lallecidNl succoss, ZtlJd aa deWD.ed to UDiTersal "'l!Jpti~u. * O H

or lh• tmainao. t r ""' linnqnalmifo I anini"' tbo bo.rk At1oa1io"' a-t.~a P ... ia .. le<ted for the lbrollgh lioe-it Dee. 10· U. aot ID the power of &DJ ..,. or com· P on DlleoTDT, laD. ~ bin&tlou or .... "'d•prhes...Uie"' !>or Bark Adalaida Cooper, r ..... i'lulala­prc-cmiMDCe in~ mont Mhlrall eo. odvan!Aj;ee Cor a metropolia, thaa UJ PonG......, I&D. '-IWW- ,Bod olhq poiat OD the 6oGDd. B-Villa, b II&J1 Frucilooo.

-,.., lu& ........ willa 1M maila of tho t3d. Bi•enatill "'1 llaP -boalaoaPit&ri•er- ....... -nmeal<> jOIIII, bat we bopt lo pi a lluoap ..... ro-aigb&. ..... - Ia Lbia •allaJ bas - _....., 1&114 liooltP ._.,._ lblllan "'1 10ft --la.,_l>la.


COn~IAL mEET, Family Groceries, !I;IIV Are atlllba tiM - whh ...

Flour, Ham, Bacon,

TCIUI, CollCe, Spice~~, 'Qt{MENSE STOCK SEATTLE. W. T. Picklce,

Ship and Steambont stores, OP

Ai: rr:~v:, pleue Uae General Menhaodizc,

Crdwford&Harriogton Shelf and Building ADd an ia tiM ....,;pt o1 - by

-J OT<:rf ..-! arrloias frpa

HARDWARE, SJ.lii'JU.lfCISOt. MtsEus' and FAR!fEIIS' Tools

Bardware,GrocerietJ, and Implements,



English Picklea,

W.INES J.BD LIQUOBS, or U.e- bnDda, Fomp - J>o.


Oaratoaol ~ Ia .......... .... boUe M DOW ft'Pide, .......... to UIIJ C.

..... load ..... ~..,.nor ......... .. toU. ._.,.._.......,... tw •eaa.

Shovels, Spuiel,

Axes, Brush Boola!, Scythes, Froes,

GrindstonCil, etc.

Crockery, 0L'U!8 Ware,

Paper Hanginb"'l, Paint.'!, Oils, Turpentine,

Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Oakum,

Rope, all sizes from t to G inoOO.., Blocks, SlllevCil,

Rigging, Cnnl"ns, Duck,

Sail Twine, ROO, White,

lJn.J fl:ooU, ~in!J; Helo &M;C.po,

Booa. lib-.

(;lgan- ·~

~ -l'loriai­


._, Bt,ol, llljell Henl .....


c.rpota - Oil Clotho,


Wiaeo- Liq­


Groand Feod,


and Green Lantel"ll8, Oil,

and Ship Chandlery generally. BLAOKS"lll'l.H alul O.ARPENTER

... ............... .....,. .. _u..,oa oo ~rwe are offering our 1lJOLS,

entire Stock at prices which LOW A. FIGUREd f .. e y competition.

Farming Implements.

___ ..,.._....,_ ... UU.'I"wrUoot'rwW~ C..U a.l~ov




···-· Till

Ia-ZVDrrmlfG,- a

In Boots N ocdlo to a a. Aa.ehor.

and Shoes We have a. most ~pletc

l\Si!Ortment, OOIISisting in part "'• eaa u4.neD ""' •- • ...,. of lloaDillaflngelaimto~.ro.

we bay Oil llloelt ia lbe - marUte Philndelphia,

Boston and

San Fmncisoo make.

Ladies' Misees' and

Children's Balmoml, Button and Congm~~,

BOOTS. Gent's, Miner's, Logger's

Cool'l!e, Kip and Calf Boot&

Also, Boy's and Children's

Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Rubbera.&Dd Artics.

lOB (J.I.811,

ADd CID pat Goeda below

-1'11ukf111to 1M pabllo ror.-.._,

'ft-.Jial11"'*-l& ~·· ..na 1M -!Ita&

BRICK STORE, D ry Goods, wo.~aaw ... 1M....,,_ Ulll'DS!

- CALIP&BlU.l IUJID:1'II, a looJII • Commercial Street,

IUmE. W. T.



Furnishing G~cds.


Weeollllaa ...... ott.lloaal ..

Tbe beet IIIII!OI'ted Goods -. wlllo 1M - ... -­

IIDd ~ priol!ll Oil ~ l'llnlllla npplieel&

8ouDd. Wbol~e Prl-

.bol ......... - laa ,..,...,._ 4 Oar fiailiti• arelllllh tbU we

.. 1JIDERAELL arq al all I ...-..

The prooC oC the Pudding -


....... .ur. SEA'ITLE, W. T.

...... ... SCHW A.BA.CJID ~ ...

........ .... '1' ...........


Page 4: wca, ., a ut-.. · Jqcf"aaJJ hu been prete.ruatDMlly aolema aTe lR only ~ to &tateiS"mllDI


The Old llan'1 Dream. ... ...... ... ol ,.,.aN lor;

om tt.d.,. ~ •prbtc: r•...._.._a~"<f.

et<haDpable 'lllllle· Labor il 11M - --nioed lola ,._ .. coDClitioD of the •nr; uw baa chug· ..... _a __ _ .. ~ ld .,.llflt.bbld '*'-'

Ftoau ~ .. foual or tt.tMI IU..-e ... OMptd,.recll:llcdft.ua OI'Wb.llllao..-..l~.

Kr UatczUDc aa;tl ~ t b.e pn,-u. A.od c.t.b:nl,r a~~ WAC ~ahJ :

... ., I buc t ou.;latht-.tl\"o:f't!l.l ha.._r. nr h..Wy wt.hlaa:.b apeJ.

&ct. Ia tll£oft nothiDC tu thy trxk, Tn bid i "-ff"llwt17 •tAJ",

~ lJto ntft .... b""1 '*'' ToftbdtJie.-b.tw._.d.r,__.,~·

A.ll,lrutat.ou.I <.CW't)Q)ankin..l! """iU.OUI. mte what •~re U!e 1

Olio bliA I c;uu:wt lraTf' b.b!Dd; I 'D ta~mr-~ioua-wl!~!

1'be qpltoM a -.plllrc pcu Aat ......,.._ csi.Dbow b ...

.. Tbo ll1&a wuuld w • boy aplll; A.QIJ 1:xl a tta.bazW toG!"

.. AD<.lt.fi tbtren~ f('l UM&Id DefQft t be ctwace appear!'

Rcftt.m.Lber. all t:.:r .ntu b.r.\'1! ded With t berfo 4'*"'.'h"ln& reaa.. ..

.... J, JU: f«liJftllOIT "«OuJd ~ lly fond ~mal Jus-:

1 ('oU)d no: beer to kt,·e lbem all­t"ll tab-my~t-bop.!

Tbe lillllllal ..... l 4roppcd 11.1.1. pra: " Whr, Uuaw1U ot nr d O;

'!"be man w-oa-14 boa bof a4P~ia. ADcJ be a rawer too:"'

AD£1 ao 1 lan&'k<l- wJ J ... ..J.,ot..r woke or. hoQaehoW rih 1 .. DOllill..-

1 'f'T'Ota till' dfta• .-btn nl!mlldl broke!, T o pi~ llae PY-halrcd bofa.

~omt and fanu. A ~TZU·· c~ oa \"~~IS-:.

-Tho Chio- mol.e many J:inds of water-proof ,-lll"ni.rWes. one of which is a)mponnded as follows: To thn.--e tmrl& or fresh, beaten defibrinated blood nud roar f'Ort• or tilad<ed limo, ..W • litU• alumo and ,.ou btl.-e A thin, ltield us m&M wbleh i s im.mcdint r:ly 18dy tur W~e. II •1,~ tu twy ordi...uy wood~ eo box or e\"eo to a common stmw bMke& two or throt: tints, the box or l:oAoltel will bo pu(ccUy _, .. aod oil tight. A paste-..I box oeneo! with thiJI pt'ep&mtion asar..mcs the co.IUii.l:ILen­q of board and OOeomce: wAter and oil tight. If this preparation is impenious to kero~~ene, i l4 n lue would be ,·cry ~· Au erperimcnt in that direction bJ eoating tho inside of cub wight lrad to importAnt resnlt.

'r&sn:fo L111J&teJ.T!!fO Onn. Some in st:uiou inventor hAl coutrind an A[)oo

p&rab1A to teat the relative merit of lu­bricating oils. Tbt! point i.a decided by an indicator tbat rt>gisters the diJJ'ereut degrees o( h~ produced by tbe action of the mO<!hilwrJ daring lbe le<t. the heat revealing the relative amount ot -friction, decides tho mtrit. of the lobri­c:Uor ued. Tb.c innntion i!'l tn lN! pllt·

ented. &;7 It tnqnetllly happons tht p!liut.

Cl"'' eptMh plabl or other glAM windowu ..-beu lhey are painting the sills. Soda cm<lted ill nry bot woters and applied ~iLL. 6 &Of t .ft.rulDd will cntiJ'cly removo

the point. . \'ay H..l.BD c~.-Some repairs

bdD8' f'CCJuired to the litouo llolepe lead·

iDg to a garde.o, a l'ft'D.cll m:lSOn used Portlaud ceme.ot mU:ed with finely di· "Ylded cuL IUl1l •ru~hl·bon &line.os. aud. broken up borinons, inste:W. of v.;lh s."ln<l. 'The renlt. bas \JH.n that. the mass bns U..-ume eo bard as no& to adw.iL oC b@iog brokr.o either w'ilb hnmmer or pickn1:e.

t7 Wire rope ill moro th.."ln t...-ice 1bo strength of hemp rope of tL.e same cir­cumference. Splicing a rope iB suppoa­ed to .-eaken. it ooe.eighlh.

ed the .-n oad 1M rono&illto caW ... ted lolda; lbo& boa eoTet'ed !be -wllh.U ....... - wilk ....... ; .... hllpn • JiloAI1, eomlalt aa4 • sa.rc... i-d ar ....... t, misei'J, ODd lw'l!amm.

0'" We ma ota11d or WI b1 our o.-a attioaa •

llCTTOM TilE Bmr )lu.T.-A great m&DJ tillers of tbe roU dr.\~ out mistra.­ble...,., limpl1 - tbe1 will ,. •• sit1l in eatiug aU pork. bUDll antl •buuJd(·rs in «pring and 5awmer, '!.._a diob or goW mottoa .. - g!re lhem new life aDd streugtb. We meon to rtJK'at n thouaad timet, or at leat ull what we say has aomo e1Fcct apon our eou&W'y11U!:D, lhall\ pound of lf!O'u, tt"ud(!,r, juicy mutton cu t..o prod.aecd for baU the CO-'>l of the taJ»e qaa~~tity or Jp.t pork; that it is in.tluil<!ly healthier food, •peciu.Uy in the aoDimer BeUOD: aDd Lbat thOfie who eat it become more mueulu, and caa do mon work whh ~ ....... coso to themoelv.., lbAll those v.-ho W Cat pork. W e know nothing more d(:.Ucioos thaD. smoked monon hawo or Southdo•·· bree-d or ahfep. \"enbou iiMll U DOL Rperior. By tUnOkins A portion uf the 8.eA!l of a sheep most Counilies ClW dispose o( the four quartcra in aa eoo1101llic:a.1 &:&aDDer bdure 8.llY part of it would Jq)()il.

To llEnoTolU.TOD roa \\'urrea Uu. -.\. corret~pootleot &eudi the l l•rol ..1\ .. t ao l"'orku Lho foU(n.-iug: Aa lbe tomato &eUOil is now be.re. I ean ooDtriUute one way for keepi.ag them for 11iuter ue that may be ne• to &Omo of yoor rend· ers. I ate llwllla Fobruary, olleecland scasoued with eogar and a little rln~. I bat. seemed o<rery way M nice L" toma.· tws fresh picked from the \'iaes. They trcro preserved lD tho following manner : DU.Ot,·o a te~e~:~p of W t. in a b-Allon of -n.ter. Piek ripe tomatoeS, bn~ not onT ripe, leariog aliltle of the .Uemon. The tomatoeS must be well conred with the briue, and they 'rill keep till ~g or 0\'e.r.

To TMT Eor.s.-Tbe follo-.iog comea f.rom a booaewlfe; of eollllie iD itsell it ia nothing new: Put tho tip of your to ugue to Ole broad eud. This end is a.l•·aya 'flttU'W, compAte\1 ... -ith the point­ed awl It it tee.&. eold. the tt;e: ill uo­miat:rhbly bod.

t7 If your pot&toca uo ....tery, pat a pi«e of little &boat at~ large .a a ben'•· egg iq tho pot, aud boil wiib them, anrl they •·•U come out u mealy u you pleue. So Mys an csch:-.uge.

IJ"' lluob her ia oa•ed b1 foddering 11"ith pine. boan.k, &aid oue; aye, true as piuc boarrls keep out the eokl, which woulJ othcrwU:.e hnvo to be u('clled or pnn·idcd ~nst. with grain and hay. K~p ttltA:k wucw, LuL uuL luu .-.cw.. is

our lklvice; A~ provido for Tcuti.latioo, both for stables and sitting-rooms.

T o bring for«ard the UaJ. aetions of othus to excuse onr owu , is like ..-aah­lng oontelves in wud.

.\ celebrnted physician oai.& to Lol\l EJJoo 'JJ brotber. Sir Willi::un Scott. rather mo_... fliprautJr lJJnu became tbe gra"rity of his profession: • • I oa bow, u.l\e_r forty. a m."\n is ahra.ya either a fool or a pbrstc:bn. •• The llarouet. archly replied iu an i.usinuaUng "YOic:e: ·· P er­l:iape he lllJif be both, Doctor."

Tho ~<"W Englnud Mcdienl Ga~Ut snyo: "An olol lad! followed up an Epi«eop."ll Biabop, atbo troYcled through his diot:ese. nnd was confirmed seve~·al

timt?S Ue:fore she wu d<:tect~. She wished lhe ordinance repeated. because abe bad • uwie.rstoocl ii wu good for the rbtnmntism.' "

Tbt exnd popubtlou of Ohio. aecord· ing to the late ce•sua. it it,G65,00:l. The po}>ulnlion of CinciDDat.i is given a~ 216,2-tl.

W.n-r or Ot:CUt:os.-A great (\ea} ot talent is laM tb the world for the .-nut ()( a liltlo conrugo. Ever1 «lai &ec<IJJ to tMi.r pa•e:a & D1UDbcr Cf obleoro meo, -,.:ho have only remained in obtlcurity because lheir timidity hAs prennted t hew from m.aki.DA a flnR. el!'vrt, aud wbo, it they only hAd bee.o iodocNI to In round muulx-n thoamonnt collect.-

ed from income since the re"Yeaoe law --- pasiK.'<l mar be ad dowu at $232.-000,000.

A V crmont mAD h.1 • establiahod a ateam top fl\CtO,.,. lo Nuremberg.

SirRobcnPt>elonce p...S...tedaf.t.nn. n's club in England .,;lb twoirou pion of the best build. On his nex&. risi.t be fo=d tho old pion wilb. tbe wooden mould bonrds egn.in a~ work.

begiD, would. ill all probability, baYe £ODe groat Jea~ ia tho caret"!" oH Bmc. TJ>efedio,llaal,illdoiJts ... mutnot .taDd llhi'ering on the OOnk, thio.kin~ ut U.a oolJ and tho dllager, but jur~p in ud .cramble throngh aa well u we CAD. II will liOt do ID be porpdoall1 calculat­ing riP:• aDC1 adjusting ~. i t did Ter'/ well beJa>re &ho flood, when a wan could eoonlt his friends upon au in· tc.ad4KI public.Uioa for n hoodud and Aftr,..... a:ud.UTe t.o ece .._...... "Sir," .. id ame:mber or tb.o dub, for lis or ~~e'\·co centuries nttcn.Tard; but. ,. ~e tried th~ iron, oud wo 00 all of one at praont a mtlD tlonhL, ond wait!l 011 m.Jo<L that they do mUo the WC\:ds

hie brothers. ant\ his uorlts. and h g grow." puti<:olor frieods, till one oiAy he Buds At alrial, OOl loog ago, ODO f1C lbe that he Lo olsty-11•• years or OJ:<', tlmt trlu.-o, an old lady or ooJDe elgbty be baa 1o.a. 80 mncb lime in cowtu.ltio.g years. ...-as cloi;dy qnestiooed by the 4rlt ooui.u aod parti.cola.r frieDd.ll thAt opeo.i.ng counsel relative to the cloor­h~thu uo time to follow their adrice. &W~&of hereJMitcht. There ia 110 Httlo timo fQr on~nquetw:l· .. Can you see me?" &aid h o. i..._ U p.....U. U&alopportuuiCJ IJ.4ps •• YH, '' wu a.u11'e.rcd. • ...,.. The •at period o~ life" ~t.ich "How wcU ~ JOU see me?" ~r-mu:. ch~ to n:uture, il enr, ts 10 sisted the la.-Icr· c:otdiaed, that. it W DO bod. nlle ID ~h '' WeU eDoagh ;..po...W tJ,e Lid)', up 1M JMCH~~I1• LD aocb tdlaa~. or a ''&o .ee tba& you'n ueither a ~e;ro. a.o liWo Tlol•aco dona to tbe fediJ>sw, aod IDdlaD, 110r a ..,..ueuw.." • ..-....so ill det~aneo ~r atri<• """ oobor calenlalioo.-.Sid..., s .. illt.

..&. .8tiDDft'L 'houoiiT.-Wheo eogi­_. woold bridll" • atffiUD lboy ortn .ny OTer at Bnot bol a llillgle lbreed. Willt that lbeJ -h a wiN urooo. Then otral1cl ill added to otrud. UDtil a

The W altleJdH; ban hired a room in Roma fo• ~ ,-...., aud OOGUDeoeed pothlie wonhip lboon• oooa aa ~le aft« the eily ,._ lUidor the power or lM llaliaOOT-Dl, .... tM Itai­U......._.

I~ ia laid for planb. and now Heorr Con·ell, the .<l:roaaat, reply­the bold tDgiDeer BD<Ia ..Ce root ... 7an!l ·~ to Ule b.rpotheata of !be ~ll walb from aida to oido. So• God takoo Tol<graph, 1ba1 " ..,...balf ol 1M aam· from 1111 1t0111e golden ·threoded pleuure, ber or poC.-Ioaol - W booD aDd atretchel it .hew:e into Uea•en. b11ed. iD the e.urcPe of their•oca&ion. ·• l'llell he lakes aehild, ODdlhollal'rieDd. •JO lila& p( tile lbree lb--.! 4Ye Thao he bri<lj;eo clealh, aa4-.. the hiUidr<d a.oeenta oset'llled ill E ruope

dJeapi8fll 1M- U.W. to lad ~heft aad America, - - ae17 .. " n7 biiMr ODd thitba bet- lhe t.-o ....., -.loci. opbereo. l'bworiiO&to.SOwlra&a ... lo.,..-.

w...-n • to Iaber, ..a w- 01111 ...u1 ,.. topnr.. loJMII.-IJibe tW IIWl ~ ovcrylbiug po:;oa;oed . or ...bliJue ol monl........._


Colonial Hotel Brandl.

T ':. ~,.::',?:::" ....... vs ,__,...

Jrnrchase &: Salo nf Lands.

JJ ill atfentl to t/1e Pa!f"~nt of Ttl-ll'ls it• all tlte l»lll•tiu

West of the Cascades. Will, thrnu~l• a

Pioneer Drug Store. 1101• -.-cw,IT.

!!teattle. 'W'. T.


*'"':t~~t:~-c:r=-= ,.....~eo U.ca.k. boCb

Wholestile & Retail! uw.-.a;_.....ot • ..,. ~ot

.,.,..... a&.dkluel. ~ ....... ,.. .._.,.. Cb~ ou., Faatr ()oo;a)a.. ~··a... .,....,u .. ae.

AaeD~ For




()Ike OD Coonmemal Sbeel, --

"!'=.:! t.:.:-:;:-JS. L ... u4

~P.;.,"'Flnt -. two .....

·---rn-11111*"-:-..;:r-PONY SALOON,


:U:cDON ALD lr: loi.UJll'UY,

co--erclal su-cct:.


~!~.:~r=~~~ It• eacl• Cou nly,J!,.ard Tit,.- ...,...,,, ... ,.. •. • m. ......., --~ ....,..--1;. '"'... bcr Lands t~J!(lii.St tlt'prt:dt~- -.-.;~ ---~

RECEPT!Oli OF FAliiL!ES, tiona. DENTISTRY! TullEE ornCE& nr 'I'IIE DISP.u"CB

u~~rm:.v.u~~~:~~T0~ll~1W~~ c. ][ LARRABEE, & Co. BCll.DL~OB-~~~~ \'!doria, A ........ '"''· 3mts. H IUILDII& DR. J. c. IRASSt, • • DtiTIST. omcE DISPATC The Great :Medical

Discovery ofWash-American Hotel, Ta~ &"tree"toll

Vlcto~·lo. H. c .• T~! ~=~~zctC:U!U::::! Hold. ba\'lll{C ~n """'-'aUr tnarro,'f.'(l fn aiiiR &>.-pu"lnM."DIIt, be ll. now pnopel't'd to t>&r Pl"lt­tkw lndi.M'MUcDla w bill l._t roa• aDJ lblt JJUb­Ucbl#."lUra.l

AT II&DOCED Pille-. City no.r:uc--111 pr-r day .. .............. f 1 00 Board autl Lodgm;J pu wed: ........•• 10 00 '¥7 l,IWJj:-Brc.kfl-q, G}i to U o"duck;

1Ancb. 12&o 2: DilliM'T,Sto7, vt..wr~.a, Atl~"'"' ». ura. :amu.

I. LANDSBERGER & CO. Jl.liCY.lC'n!8Dl& 0..

Spnrklin,:r '\Vine, D&A.I.EUS nf

C/w;,.., Nuliw Wiu"" a11d Brandies

423 to 4flgJnekao•• Street, SAN ·FRA..'i'CISCO,

Decrmbt'r I, l :tll. Itt.

NoUoe. A~~~~~~;. ".E~~~~~~~?!!'~ notf! tb!ed lrllt"tot Nira-, Jll11 ht, lfJ'H. tor s::JOO, r-:rabl... t wo:.lve utun ths alter tl:Ue •itl»oul "* to ~11Uaw t'•u'-"t:.UO. ' '

HulDa ~'t·l~ ao ..,..1k1 4'nMt..L-... Ikro tor 8aid DUIO, 1 Wlll aol .,_,- tllo Mllk'.

A. s. nrmtrs. ~a.t5callk!,W.T.,~.l3tb,18'tl. :l•·.i

D:l:vo:roe Notice.

~All lnml~ placed with us for .. lie, will 00 nuvcrtiscd at our expense.


AT C.R.\ Y08 ll.\RBOR.

F~ct0~!~~~~~~ aDd .w.r aarlpbkl MIUIUI. Price 1$ pa .ae. a-n-"-·

J'()Rl' 01300\ 'F.RY.

~,ooo t,~= .. ~-;-='::: -....of Pan Dl«ofttT. Prlr:e ~ JIU atft.


AT.:~·!~~t?.;~~::=~ :::::f!:!~".ft~~·~~ ~~= a~.·~. 91) IUQIU. 1:&: lG anel u fl.;,

SEAlTI.E. ~ a~~ ACB~on lAkf' ..-uhl•.ttoa.

NMt?I•Wr latw~.cb~!= =~lo~ ~=~ pr-r IICft eKUnhq: to baUoat .

C:ITI' ..........

A. Mackintosh, ington Territory!

Notary Publo and Oonveyauoer, u.u. liST An .ccn TAX AOIIliT. M E R C E R'S PAIIACEA!

rtu a ....,r.'•"' Abotnd of Title ID all Lando iD King Connt7. 'Vill altODd to the purchMe And We of I..antb a.uy­.vban 011- PnRet Sound. Rtlfl!cial atteu· lion paid to the tnwarer of :Ileal FAtale ODd pA)',ptlll of Tueo. Patro11af;" oo­lie:itid and satW'ad.ioo gu.motee..t.

Olllce with Co0l117 A1&Ciitor, Seattle, .ltillg C.o., W. T. 0<2311


Market. BOOTli, FOSS lr: BOilST,

Commercial ~!.

IIM'tDI ~ur ~ _. ftfltted t ldl: _..

~t;.::::~.:r~~=~J:bl! bayiafJ ~od a Dl&rkd that W a nedit 10 lht!~inkf"iit.Jor8f'aulc. ~ ....-kt wm w. aqppUect .;tJa tbolel

:l.l:cot; oud V c gctnble ... ConMd !Jt.tf aud Pod". J16 bam:!l : aaoted liNt .. Port, S....tle't. 8olopa ...... Jk.ed t :ht'f!M. Tripot:. C-CC .. ~k. ~tal (;an! WIIJ br «{ftlll to the ~tall IJWie. ~ f'tout •twc.d f"• ,.....,. oe &M-Lr

~k:~ twlq 1-.m•apUr at~dHt to. --lltll·-· lkattle. oet. »U, 1~ • •


Prepared by Dr. Thomas Mercer

&t Seattle, W&ahington ·'


Tills ~ion bJ. nfthlllf tm'.-rN br Jlr · Mrr"""r, •bo llYn bU pchUual alkul.iul. lbe~\0.

It promo~:~ digr'StiOD aDd 5ttmu1ata the dif. f(lfleDt orpru1 fntn hfsWly IIC"UuD.



.ILI.Ie!t• .... Te-~l•••r •• ... lr W......,.l C:• ... •l- IE.-f'tof-. •

,.-,_....., aiUenJ an DOt a. ~i~ J"alkJ

Drlak. J1J1111. ol P-r R••· \\'Il l"'"'• r....r s.trt•• ... llrr • .., • ••••• ,..,, .... tend. •etd &ad nNt._.. La pt .. _, lboo: '-'•. ui&.~"'T•58."" •• .A, ppct~'" -R"Wrn:n.'"4• tb.l.,... the U,.IH Oil t.,tii"'llk:rr::rw:IU .,.ln.~ HI aN a li'M K'-""Udo~ • ...Jet fMm th• ~~ &ooU lUIS _. of CaliaH"ai&o J"ree- fro• an Alc.••lie Sll••laaiJI., Tb<.,- ue c., C.IKE A'P IILOOU PI.RU' IER acul .\ I . I I!'K UIYISU PRISCII"J ... ;.. • ~ Bo:o:•tv••t<H ..w tu•fc-o,..tor of tb• s, ~~·~•."'"'"" h~ro«aUJI(Wotwn•ll mattoratt~l rttotorlr&c lh. J. to a b•tthy ceadltlon. :-lo J('I"''IO c u b\ .. u.,. Ol.t._. ace.Nlul' to cUnd&oat -.1 ruua.la ""-.: u a wdL ...,..,W .... l h•tr \In_. •M nnt ~ ..... 111 mlaen.T poil'OII or olh,._,. Dl!:ll.nl'. aD!l tr. , _ onus WU:ed Wond the ll(lllo: or n-llQ.Jr.

'I'IMr are a ( :e•flc P•.-.•'' '"C! •• ..... 11 • • a ... ale", tw"~hur. aiM. tile rteMh:a.r • or aet(DC ... a JICIW~rlul a..'""lliD n-!1.-riUC ('....,.. Uo ::1 or ta.!saamaUou ~r lll.t Lh't'r, eul of al, a. Tialrftl OrzMit.

FOil. YKJIALB("C'Ulrt .. AIST~ ·~ lu JOQU¥orCJkl. nurritd or l'lrl.~. at 11w cb•' t n~ oratth3 tiUlloi U.., thHOT.-ic t:!

.... a....-.-~ .. L II' ... Jal•••tuarJ and Ca.raal&" H a..-..

••11.- aatl U•••· o,.-.~poatA ar I• tllfe.ll--. B l llaaf'o. lh·•hle• l . .. Jale r•hlral }o"eYc:r~~t Pl--•,.r• ar 111e lll .... t ,IYrr, Kldwlf'J" aiHI Dladtlrr, theH B tuen b:t\'e ~-' -t.~uL 1-'-.n. Pl•aera an ca~a~d bF Yllla•c:• 01..._ wlllda Ia pftitrallr p~tf'd "' d.tran.-f"N.1.1 J the nl•e.tl•e Ort'n ....

Dltsrz""'·' ua txntca:.,..Ttol. n~Nn h .. t he!--hoalileu., C.--.u.-h~, T~

~=-~~~D~~~r ;~~:•:..: \ A ....... l"'llplta\iof-'1 olllwl nrsrt. lnltawrr~.t \he Lan,p. Pall. t.. \IMt,...11k»M ot uw. Kitll)ll'f' a bnndftd ot.bn a.-ha~ul 'J'Illfl'tOUI• t.N 1bc- toe­-sni~cl~a.

T be,. in~ \he&~:scil-d M.l~~ torpid u...- aad Gow•1s. wbirh rrntlet ttw.ll UQC'QQ.Jii:N dlkK7 iq cl-.n.:nr: tl•lJkiOd (o/a!l• pQritiet., aMI impartl1111 tteW H!o and dJ:Of ~ Q, .. ~.,.......

•O& 8K I~ Dl8&.t.8K»4. 1:'.11lptf(MU. Tf"'.~'f. Sal\ Jlbnml. Ulot.che!l. I!~ l'iawl~ l"'bt"l.-t. Boll&. ~. mn.-·WOfbU.SmM n-L~•

I~!~~~~I!~J~~r:'.: e\'4!1' ----~.are lilen!IY dull!: np tm:lc-r·

~::!, GU~~~~!::c!~: i~l:'~t;.>t '!:"" u;:.: • hwet.be ...-tncrNulou•oCthclr':nr.uivt<'lf'f'C. t.~ the Ylti• t.ed 8~ •""'"tt'"~ryon~""~

IIDpnritle tlru-i:lbiK thrOtla'h tbe Q.lu ln J"'&r',.., Jbuptiou•arSoft!•: ~- lt1t"MI JOII WC ~and .tltm:f-.h hi , l)., n-_iJ,,: .. ~ .... : when kl.s r-t.•ndJIMirf.,.,lltet• .;:n r,o!l rnn•~ ~.:.-. &M blooll ........ and\M Mallh<tt &.ill! 'f"­wtUfonow.

PI !II~ 'I' A PE. and Dl.htr WOR3fii', 111boc .. &be.,..._ or.., m•nf~A.are•:l«tU..J ~aedrnaoft-'il 80Ln BY .&.LL DRUG018TS AND nn~ J. WAUilt. ~- R- H. XCDtl~.U.V&

~:~:!t~'1,~~·!\~~ North WN!t Land Agency. YAlUAIU TDWN PROPEITYI

'I., 'lOR l!iiA.LE-SisiJ feet (root. r iugoutbeBay, in lhe botlneupan.ot &atUe. Inquire of


F. V. Snyder & Oo., PBOI'BIETOBS.

HUYaTHE IJE!!IT .• !kine ~' daalped tor ' ""'• ~

D:I:V'Oli."C>O N'OtiOO·

T~rrl::Ju~: -:r-~r::l;IOD,l M In the Dlw.trkt Omrt nt th,. !l.l Jndlrlal Olllo

trict ol Waahlngtou. Tcnitory, b oldins knn11at Re&lt:e, C11t Klog, IUtiap alkl SuobO:Da.ia N UD· ..... To J<JIIV:l F. Ft!rf1u6ot•:

Voa an ~by aociltd tUt Fulk!ia A. Fu. ~haJJ Glo:d a complaint aJt:ain•t you. in lht! abo\"'Pt-ntltltd Coun .wkkb wiJJwmt"on W 1lt b .._..,t &t tb(' 11M ttonu ul tht• Court ..-htcb a.baU OOIIlliKIK'o.i w<lft u....a ~l.a 1rMU s!u.T t1M Wb dar ofJ)(occruhM'. A. D. l Kl l , an(l unJt-M ,.uu ap. petr al 1116 laid h;rm aud am.wcr , tblo NJUO will ~ ..W.n u conf~l9oi..J and l bfl Jtra).-r ~ it'!'Utcd Tb~ vb,kort and pnyt-r or .. w rom­J)Udnt 1•to tcr1u•e • ~or uJ,·toH'C! trnwu fo!llt. OU t iM Cf'OtiDd Of Oot-gi«t &hd ~ to u!M:e t~ultable l'f'll,vilqo~t f.:w rour ra.wn,. a.ad ror ow. t'rn:..lk:tu t.b.C-relapn,-...dfor.

:»cSAUOBT k J.ZAHY. AU.-t J• (rw I'J.._.ti • •

OotuplalDl Gb.l l.be lkh llq or Oe-~•brr. 1tfi1 •

Dh-or'cc Notice.

Tnrl~~:;~·} u Ia tiM Dtatrkl Coart nl3tl l...tklal DWrk-t

Of 111tMbln.-.on TenitOI]', holding lf'nlllial ~ Ue-, f~ IUq, &"-P ..a So®o~ c•QuatM ...

To &1 rtth l'arkt'r: Toa are be~by 111otifif'd th•t Ro~ Pa.rkr r

bu: tUed a r:qmplai Dl acaiAal ,-ou fa Oae abo\·e cntiUcd Ouurt. wbft-h will (!(ltne on: to be beard at tbt llr"'U tcnu arthr (Jonrt "hk-b •hall com. lQ("'"' ni<Jnl I b.w •is. W\"t"i• artf,.r t he bM.b a., ot ~mlw-r, Uf1l,..,. ...... J'*~t.Maud AlllfWt r , tlHI Malt! wtU Ill'! takra • eollfftllllfd aud 11ut pr'll.)'t'1' ttwn.'itr '"'*'t~l. 1'b" objed. .s\(1 J)f'a.JrtO'l Mid t-otn'*'ot lt co II('I:Un;, a~ or Jh,.on"e rron1 fOll oo the $:1'Qn Dd of abut.loo­nl(-'Dt l<ltO\"Cr UDe yNr, aud (AIC othoir rdk:f M llwi•.....,.l-'-'d for. o~' ._-4 ~~'ft~it'T0~~~'t-r, •· '-' Pb!ntUI''a At&OnVft.

Notito! Notire! U you willh to sec the


General Merchandize Ever brought to thi.~ Ter­

ritory, ju~t drop in to the Store of



C. H. LARRAB££ .1: CO.

FOR SALE. 0':. 1nliDBY ISL.\!a>-«) AerH at 18 : 80

•c:n::~~ atfG. OD CA.IIUO ISLAJID.-..8) Acm~ a& $4, M; 40

,\ow; W'Uf'r Front, !.$. Jrt::KIJ~TE()-..310 .\crn at SR. POBT TOWNIIDD-lS KrN at 1:.:5. BU..Ll.XOU.\ll BA. T~ .lnH at tl2 10. H.E.lTI'LE-~Acrf-'latm.

-c. a. LA&~UDS. • co. (Di8ptltcl• B,.il<lings.)

Seattk, 0...1. 16, um.


Joa J'l\c~Tt~G.· ILwing mndc large addi­

tions to our Job Dcpnrbncnt

of the

111tr;tit Jtults OF TYPE,

We are prepnred to e-xecute on the shortest notice nnd in

the best IDIIDDCr 1

El'O>\J :tiariOt!J nf


El H .. JJ,, ftti,._os, ~.r:tl.cr ~.ralls,


C~f\DS, $egal$lanls,

Stove~ and Jletals, Jawntrs' ~JtitJfs, 112 and 11-J. Battery Street,

SA..~ FB.A..~CISCO. And llll other printiog in

fte Bmla=ilaag~ Til. &8t PflrloiJk &me i11

the Mar!..vt.

our line, on the IDOI!t reuooa­

ble ~Alnus.

DIBPA.TOH BUILDIIGS. ( Eatrancc o, Jf'uh i"'.tton. St.)

October l , 18il.

Meat and V egetablaa !01' aak • .U., Coned Bed and Pork: f!IDO' ed ~~-::'BolopaS.-..;IIINde~.

All tbolle: ra,.oriq 1111 W1lb 01-'lknil from abmad =~~ OD patklllar Mtftltloq beiug paid to

tc:!~~~=.t:~-:r tbe pa.ut.

P . V. 6l'TDEII. CO. Bte&Ue, Od. 30. ar.o. o:10tr




P~'LDlo~nry Syrup

For l!!lolo


' Dr. Mftftr rdCTil to the dtlztftJI ol a...ttJe :!ucl':_ Souad l,OCDenll)", wbo b.a.-e .W taJ.

THOMAS MERCER. Seattle, w. T.., laDe 5th,tm.

I . I. lllt'IU'UY.

People's Market ! )ilal.zman &: lllur~h9,




lf7We keep OD ... -;a the l.rg«t Sind: .I Btll_la ... o.-hr 011 tlwl Coa~>t. acd ... ..

L~~ =t:!f' =~:. '::::::;., ''"' T:J.\ol Cm;hiobS or- lt--.eri.:l.

JACOB STRAHLE &; CO. liGallarblfiol:t....-.1.

SA~ }ItA ~('L-.('(1.

.:TCa JK.,...Ja ,·~aeen •ad F••rJ 1\" .... .t all JdaU '-'""-

LINFORTH, KI:LLOGG & RAil (Satt'tM0111 10 L. B. JlellChlr! A; Co.l

Nw. 3 anJ 5 rl!O~'"T STREET,

llad.a.g ncein"l a DeW and exteuai-re aaaortDteDt or a11 killdo or Fourlk Strcrt, betu·cct• M«i,. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY,

antl lf'!Mltinf!l otb. wu=.r\LE A.!'fD BeWJ Du..kf-'1 Ia an Fumilme, Pic&llfto.

,._ B..- TrimiDillp, etc. ,

We on BOW nad7 to tliapla7 ID u.­wiah~Jra!Deumille oar otoek, ODd whieh

"" will .. u at 111eh prien u will 111U


BUSSEL lo: SBOBEY, Pruprieton.

-------R. ABRAMS'

LIVERY STABLE, 8eeale, W. T., ~ 3, 1870. c11tf cOr. C-....W and WuhingtoD llq,


STAR SALOON -:::::.ur»:::-

Ten-Pin Alley, Oommeraial St., 8eaU.le, W. T.

L. o. ll.l&llo• •.•..•. honu:Toa.

T IR - ot ·-· u.a-- a... SeaWe.~C:.~. ~ft

T=!t.;~~~~~ ~*:~ horiDg B~ ... ~. ADd opmled Mddle uimala, ClUJ lad them at lblo ltlable.

Bon. hoarded b7 !be clay or weelt.

D, a. LOIID.


• • W. &to.U.



~~~~~~~ TIO~~: WII.(UIU '1'0 WIX

0011"8, IILDID .UCD .,._ ILUI().


wi~UICI~.aa8tt.drl._ ~i:a ..-.,u,....;..to . ....._.



Oa.mb Submerged Double-Actina


_..,J,.t..-.a.Oct.•. JtOT· THE C'IIEAPE8T,


llOBT DOABLE p {J)fl

Ira tM Worlci. --.... -~ ... ., _,. .. , .. -n~. ::..-:J: :x::.eu-=-'...: :-::: .:::Gt-:. ~";: ~ ~·~-·-..... .. -...: --.,":-:u.=---.. - .- ... --.-~,--MOVE A RAISE BUILDINOI. _ ... ""'_


Foreign and Domeatio Winer. llrudiee Wbilkieo, Etc.,

No. I~ Commercial Sired, SeotU• \\'. f , Goouaiae Cauer Whiskey AI .. •rs .. ·

bud. [ j tf

• .. •