we are entering “holy week.” one of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...we are...

We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During these days we celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the last week of His earthly ministry. I want to challenge you to use the daily devotions we have prepared for you and your family. Each day you will find the events that occurred during the week. Take a few minutes to read through these events. Imagine you are present as these events take place. You will also find a devotion. A special thank you to Betty McGlaughn for helping write these devotions. As you read the devotions, imagine yourself observing these events. Finally, you will find some activities for you and your family to do together. These activities are designed to reinforce the devotional thought for the day. Select one of the activities to do as a family. In the world we live in, be creative and adapt the activities as needed. The church staff joins me in praying for you. We look forward to the time we can be back together as the body of Victory. In the meantime, look for opportunities to share the love of Jesus throughout the Easter season. In Christ’s Service, Todd Capps Discipleship/Senior Adult Pastor

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Page 1: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During these days we celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the last week of His earthly ministry. I want to challenge you to use the daily devotions we have prepared for you and your family. Each day you will find the events that occurred during the week. Take a few minutes to read through these events. Imagine you are present as these events take place. You will also find a devotion. A special thank you to Betty McGlaughn for helping write these devotions. As you read the devotions, imagine yourself observing these events. Finally, you will find some activities for you and your family to do together. These activities are designed to reinforce the devotional thought for the day. Select one of the activities to do as a family. In the world we live in, be creative and adapt the activities as needed.

The church staff joins me in praying for you. We look forward to the time we can be back together as the body of Victory. In the meantime, look for opportunities to share the love of Jesus throughout the Easter season.

In Christ’s Service,Todd CappsDiscipleship/Senior Adult Pastor

Page 2: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

Passion Week 2020How many sermons or Sunday School lessons have you heard about Holy Week, the

last week of Jesus’ life on earth – the week preceding His death, burial, and resurrection? As you read the Scriptures, there is a lot to glean from the events as

Jesus heads to the cross. You may think, I’ve read these passages over and over; there is not anything new I can discover. This year, challenge yourself to approach Holy Week

in a different manner.

God created us with imaginations. Use your imagination to envision what He says in His Word. Imagine yourself on the streets of Jerusalem. Imagine yourself as a part of the

crowd as Jesus approaches. Imagine yourself as a bystander during Jesus’ trial. Imagine yourself present at the crucifixion.

As you begin each daily devotion, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what He wants you to know and experience. Take a few minutes to use your mind’s eye – your imagination to more than “see” the events, ask God to help you experience the events on each day.

Page 3: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

Sunday, April 5 • Triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Matt. 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:28-38; John

12:12-19)• Jesus weeps over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41)• Jesus looks around Jerusalem and returns to Bethany with the disciples (Mark 11:11)

Imagine watching as Jesus approached the city of Jerusalem, the city of God. What’s that He is riding? A donkey? Riding into the city on a donkey fulfilled one of the many prophecies spoken of Him. He will fulfill many more of them before the week is over.

Imagine yourself being a part of the crowd as they spread their clothes and branches on the road in honor of His entry into the city. Join in the crying out of “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” Look at the people around you – do they really understand Who Jesus is? They seem to think He is coming to deliver them from the oppression and rule of the Romans. Do they really think He is going to be their King so their lives will be better?

When the people want to know who Jesus is, the multitudes said, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.” Have these people heard about the healings, miracles, and deliverance He performs everywhere He goes? Have these people heard Jesus is the Promised One, the Messiah? Do these people see their need for a Savior? Do they know Jesus has come to seek and save the lost?

Sadly, the people on the street welcoming Jesus into their city were only focused on the here and now. They were not thinking about eternity. Yet, Jesus was entering the city to provide a sacrifice the people had never experienced or would never experience again.

Reflection• What do you hear from the people in your crowd? What would they say if Jesus

approached your city today? • What do you think about Jesus? Who is He to you? How would you welcome Jesus to

your city? • How would a Christian versus a non-Christian welcome Jesus into his city?

Activities• Draw pictures of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Imagine being a part of the crowd. Talk

about people’s feelings as Jesus approached. Ask: “How would you feel if Jesus came to our town? How would people respond to Jesus?”

• Learn about refugees in Middle Tennessee. Talk with your family about how to help these people from other places learn about Jesus’ love.

Page 4: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

Monday, April 6• Jesus curses the fig tree (Matt. 21:18-19; Mark 11:12-14)• Jesus clears the temple (Matt. 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-18; Luke 19:45-48)• Chief priest and elders question Jesus (Matt. 21:23-27)• Some Greeks ask to see Jesus (John 12:20-36)• Jesus responds to the crowd’s unbelief (John 12:37-50)• Jesus and the disciples return to Bethany (Mark 11:19)

It’s a new day, Monday, and Jesus is entering the temple – God’s house – the place where everyone meets to offer sacrifices for his sins and to hear the Scriptures read.Imagine Jesus walking by as you offer your sacrifice. He sees the money changers’ tables, and the people selling doves for sacrifices. Imagine the expression on His face as He observes the people buying and selling, making His Father’s house a den of thieves when He knows it should be a house of prayer. Imagine the people’s responses as Jesus turns over their tables and drives the people out of the temple.

Now picture a different scene. See the blind and lame coming to Jesus for healing. Notice the response of the chief priests and scribes, the religious people. Notice how they respond to the people praising Jesus for the wonderful things He has done.

With which group of people would you associate – those coming to Jesus for help or the religious leaders upset about His actions? What are the religious leaders afraid of? Are they afraid of Jesus? Are they jealous of Him? Do they sense the people will feel Jesus is more important than them? Do they feel they are the only people who are “right” because they uphold the law? Think about the responses of the religious leaders. Now, again reflect on the purpose of Jesus’ life. How do you see His actions accomplishing His purpose?

Reflection• What do you think about Jesus saying God’s house is called a house of prayer? • Why were the religious leaders upset about Jesus healing people? • In what ways have you had to deal with a self-righteous religious person? • How do the events on Monday point to the cross?

Activities• Look for various church buildings in your community. Talk about the purpose of church

and how attending church helps people grow in their spiritual lives. Pray for the church leaders.

• Write a note to an elder person in your family or neighborhood. Pray for specific needs of the individual.

• Thank God for people who teach and minister in our church. Write a note of encouragement to a church leader or teacher.

Page 5: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

Tuesday, April 7• Disciples see the withered fig tree (Matt. 21:18-22; Mark 11:20-26)• Jesus’ authority is questioned by the priests (Matt. 21:23-27; Mark 11:27;33; Luke

20:1-8)• Parable of the two sons (Matt. 21:28-32)• Parable of the vineyard (Matt. 21:33-46; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-10)• Parable of the wedding banquet (Matt. 22:1-14)• Paying taxes to Caesar (Matt. 22:15-22; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:20-26)• Sadducees inquire about resurrection (Matt. 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40)• Jesus is asked, “Which is the greatest commandment?” (Matt. 22:35-40; Mark

12:28-34)• Pharisees ask, “Whose Son is the Christ?” (Matt. 22:41-46; Mark 12:35-37; Luke

20:41-44)• Jesus preaches about the hypocrites (Matt. 23:1-39; Mark 12:38-40; Luke 20:45-47)• The widow’s offering (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4)• Jesus teaches about the end of time (Matt. 24:1-51; Mark 13:1-37; Luke 21:5-36) • Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt. 25:1-13) • Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30; Mark 13:33-37)• Jesus teaches about the sheep and the goats (Matt. 25:31-46)

The sun rises on Tuesday, only three days before the crucifixion. Imagine yourself journeying with Jesus. Listen to His teachings by the use of parables (kingdom principles related to things the people of Jesus’ day would understand). One of the many wonderful aspects about Jesus is His desire for people to fully understand what He teaches. Jesus is clear about God’s expectations from His people.

Imagine sitting among a group of people as Jesus begins to speak about a man who was going to leave his servants in charge of certain aspects of his farm while he was away. One servant received five talents, another got two, and a third servant received one. Each of the servants was given talents according to his ability. The servant who received five talents worked and made five more talents. The servant who received two gained two more. But the servant who had only one talent hid it because he was afraid of how the master would respond if he lost it. When the master returned he called the servants to him. He praised the two servants who had used their talents and gained more. However, the servant who hid his talent was called wicked and lazy. The master took the talent from the servant and gave it to the servant who had five.

Jesus taught this parable to show God has given people talents (abilities), and He expects people to use them to serve Him. God is not a difficult master as the one with one talent thought about his master. God has a plan for His people, and He desires them to be obedient and follow His plan.

Page 6: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�Reflection• What talents/abilities has God given you?• In what ways are you using your talents/abilities for Kingdom work?• What’s your opinion of God – is He a hard-master or a loving Father? Why?

Activities• Make a list of each family member’s talents. Talk about how your family can use your

talents to serve God. Perform a family talent show. • Read Mark 8:35-36. As a family, talk about things that may get in the way of

commitment to Jesus. Pray and ask God to help your family follow Him wholeheartedly.

• Invite an unchurched neighbor to watch our online Easter service.

Page 7: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�Wednesday, April 8• Sanhedrin plot to kill Jesus (Matt. 26:1-5; Mark 14:1-2; Luke 22:1-2)• Mary anoints Jesus for burial (Matt. 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:2-8)• Judas agrees to betray Jesus (Matt. 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-6)

The rooster crows! Time to get up and start another day. Imagine preparing breakfast for yourself and your family. As you enjoy breakfast recall the times you have overheard Jesus’ conversations with the religious leaders (the chief priests, Pharisees, and Sadducees). Think about the times these men have tried to trick Jesus, catch Him in a lie, or committing some sin against the Law. Imagine the religious leaders’ anger and frustration because they were never able to find anything against Jesus. He never sinned, so He never did anything they could use against Him.

The time of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (The Passover) is drawing near. Imagine the people rushing around the city preparing. Imagine the religious leaders who are busy plotting how they might kill Jesus. Notice that Satan, the enemy of God, is busy as well. He is busy taking the opportunity to get Judas (one of Jesus’ disciples) to promise to betray Him. Imagine the conversation between Judas and the religious leaders. Because Judas was one of the twelve disciples, Judas knew the places Jesus went and had close access. At the end of the conversation the religious leaders are overjoyed. They have found the solution to their problem with Jesus. They agree to pay Judas thirty pieces of silver for his betrayal of Jesus. Imagine Judas as he blends in with the other disciples.

While Judas was making his plans, Jesus knew Judas’ heart.

Reflection• How could Judas, one of Jesus’ own disciples betray Him?• Have you ever been betrayed by a friend or family member? How did it make you

feel?• In what ways have you betrayed Jesus? How do you think it makes Jesus feel? Why?

What have you done to ask for forgiveness after your betrayal?

Activities• Talk about ways people betray each other (saying things that are not true, accusing

someone of something, etc.) Ask: How does it make you feel when someone betrays you? What should you do when you betray someone?

• Take a prayer walk around your neighborhood. Stop in front of each home and pray for the people living inside it.

Page 8: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�Thursday, April 9• Passover preparation (Matt. 26:17-20; Mark 14:12-17; Luke 22:7-14)• Disciples ask, “Who is the greatest?” (Luke 22:24-30)• Jesus washes the disciples’ feet (John 13:2-15)• Jesus says one of the disciples will betray Him (Matt. 26:21-25; Mark 14:18-21; Luke

22:21-23; John 13:21-30)• The Last Supper (Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:15-20)• Judas Leaves (John 13:30)• Jesus gives a new commandment (John 13:31-35)• Jesus says Peter will deny Him (Matt. 26:31-35; Mark 14:27-31; Luke 22:31-34; John

13:36-38)• Jesus states He is the way to the Father and promises the Holy Spirit (John 14:1-31)• Disciples sing a hymn (Matt. 26:30; Mark 14:26)• Jesus and the disciples leave the Upper Room (John 14:31)• Jesus teaches He is the Vine (John 15)• Jesus teaches about the Holy Spirit (John 15:26-16:33)• Jesus prays for Himself, the disciples, and all believers (Matt. 26:36-46; Mark

14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46; John 17) • Jesus is betrayed, arrested, and forsaken (Matt. 26:37-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke

22:47-53; John 18:2-12)

Thursday! How quickly the week is passing. Imagine being in the Upper Room as Jesus and His disciples celebrate the Passover meal. Imagine the disciples’ response when Jesus states, “One of you will betray Me.” Sorrow and wonder is displayed on the disciples’ faces as they begin to ask, “Is it I, Lord?” Even Judas has the nerve to ask the question. Imagine Jesus’ response as He responds to Judas, “You have said it.” How could Judas, a trusted disciple do this? (The reality is Jesus knew Judas would do this, yet He chose him.) Imagine the disciples’ response as Judas leaves the room.

Imagine the feeling in the room as Jesus speaks to the disciples, revealing that they would all be scattered and stumble because of Him. Imagine the boldness of Peter as he declares he will never stumble or deny Jesus. Imagine the heart of Jesus as He tells Peter he will deny Him three times that very night.

Imagine the heaviness in the disciples as they leave the Upper Room and make their way to the Garden.

Imagine the scene as Judas approaches, kisses Jesus, and then allows Him to be arrested.

Reflection• Are you surprised the ones closest to Jesus ran away when they came to arrest Him?

Why?• How do you think you would have responded if you were in the garden when Judas


Page 9: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�• In what ways have you denied Jesus? How did your actions impact your relationship

with Him?

Activity • Before Jesus and the disciples left the Upper Room they sang a hymn. Pick several

Christian songs to listen to. Discuss what you learn about God from the words of the songs. Select a song to sing together as a family. Prepare a special meal for your family. As you cook, talk about how people prepared for the Passover Meal.

Page 10: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�Friday, April 10• Jesus taken to Annas and Sanhedrin (Matt. 26:57-68; Mark 14:53-65; John 18:12-14)• Peter’s denial (Matt. 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-18,25-27)• Judas hangs himself (Matt. 27:1-10)• High priest questions Jesus (John 18:19-24)• Pilate questions Jesus (Matt. 27:11-26; Mark 15:1-15; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:28-40)• Jesus sentenced to be crucified (Matt. 27:27-31; Mark 15:16-20; John 19:1-16)• The crucifixion (Matt. 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:17-27)• Jesus dies (Matt. 27:45-56; Mark 15:33-41; Luke 23:44-49; John 19:28-37)• Jesus is buried (Matt. 27:57-66; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42)

After all that took place yesterday, it would have been good to get some rest, but who could sleep with everything that is taking place in the city.

Imagine being in the courtyard when Jesus is taken to the high priest as the elders and the council bring false testimony against Jesus, hoping to have Him put to death.

Move from the courtyard to an audience with Pontius Pilate, the governor. Imagine listening to Pilate question Jesus, trying to determine who He is as well as what the religious people want him to do. Imagine Pilate’s response as he attempts to release Jesus. Imagine the people’s response shouting out “Let Him be crucified!” Imagine the love of Jesus being demonstrated through all of this.

Finally, Pilate succumbs to the desires of the people. Jesus is led away, mocked, and stripped. They put a scarlet robe on Him. Imagine the pain of a crown of thorns being placed on His head. Imagine the soldiers as they bow and mock Jesus saying, “Hail King of the Jews!” Imagine humanity spitting on and striking the Son of God.

Imagine Jesus’ dedication as He is led away to Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, to be crucified. Imagine the pain Jesus undergoes as the nails are driven into His hands and feet.

Stop! Reread that last paragraph. Stop and imagine the price Jesus paid.

Imagine the feeling that comes over the land as darkness falls.

Imagine the pain Jesus endures hanging on the cross.

Imagine standing at the foot of the cross with the women.

Imagine hearing Jesus cry out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

Imagine hearing Jesus take His last breath.

Imagine Jesus is dead!

Page 11: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�Reflection• What do you think about the events of the day?• What do you think about Jesus’ willingness to die for you?• How thankful are you for Jesus’ willingness to die for you?• Jesus died to provide a relationship with God the Father. Have you accepted God’s

gift of eternal life? If not, why not? If you have, what have you done with that gift?• Who have you told recently about the sacrifice of Jesus?

Activities• Sit in darkness with your family. Think about the darkness on the earth when Jesus

died. Light a candle. Remind your family that believers are taught to be light in the world. Ask God to help you share His light and love with people around you.

• As a family decide on a message about Jesus’ death you can tell other people. Post your message about Jesus on all of your social media accounts.

• Make Easter postcards as a family. Write Bible verses, messages about Jesus, and the gift of salvation on large index cards. Deliver the cards to your neighbors.

Page 12: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�Saturday, April 11Scripture is SILENT about the events of the day.

Following Jesus’ death on Friday afternoon, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for Jesus’ body. Joseph and Nicodemus buried Jesus’ body. Evening came and now it is morning.

The Scriptures are silent about the events of this day. Take some time to reflect on the events of the week. Just a few days ago, you stood along the street as Jesus entered Jerusalem. You listened to Him teaching. Observed Him clear the temple. Watched as He celebrated the Passover in the Upper Room with His disciples. Saw Judas betray Jesus. Watched as He was arrested, tried, and crucified.

Somewhere in the recesses of your mind you seem to recall Jesus saying He would die, but He would rise again on the third day. You know nothing like this has ever happened before, but this is Jesus, the Son of God, who said this. Yes, Jesus – the same Man who healed the sick, made the lame to walk, caused the blind to see. He has never told a lie, and He would not start now. There is HOPE – Hope because tomorrow is the third day. Tomorrow you believe you will see your hope fulfilled when Jesus proves He has defeated death and it no longer has any power over you. Imagine the anticipation that is building as you are watching, waiting, and praying. Imagine the feeling knowing today is day two! Day Three is only a few hours away.

Reflection• What events of the week have impacted your life the most? Why?• What stirred your faith in Jesus?• What did you learn about Jesus this week?• What type of anticipation are you feeling knowing it’s DAY TWO – tomorrow is DAY


Activities• Wrap your mailbox post or porch posts with purple ribbon. When someone asks about

the ribbon, tell them about Jesus.• Sing songs about Jesus as you drive around your community. Ask God to help your

family live in ways that show Jesus’ love to others.

Page 13: We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy … › wzukusers › user-24481394...We are entering “Holy Week.” One of the most holy times of the religious calendar. During

�Sunday, April 12• Jesus is alive (Matt. 28:1-7; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-8)• Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (Matt. 28:8-10; Mark 16:9-10; John 20:11-18)• Jesus appears to the disciples (John 20:19-23)• Chief priests hear of Jesus’ resurrection (Matt. 28:11-15)• Jesus appears to Thomas (John 20:24-29)• Jesus appears to the disciples on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)• Jesus appears to the disciples (Luke 24:36-45)

Did you sleep last night? It’s the third day! Jesus has been in the tomb three days! You saw Him die on the cross, you wept in the crowd with His mother, you watched as He was buried, now it’s DAY THREE! Will anything happen?

Imagine walking with the women as they make their way to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body for final burial.

Imagine arriving at the tomb to find the stone rolled away.

Imagine looking for Jesus’ body.

Imagine being told, “Jesus is not here! He is risen!”

Imagine running to tell the disciples and the others what you have seen and heard!

Imagine running beside Peter as he approached the tomb, verifying everything is just as he was told. Imagine seeing the linen burial cloths lying there.

Imagine Jesus appearing before you – He is ALIVE. You no longer have to IMAGINE His resurrection. It actually happened! Jesus promised He would rise from the dead, and He did! He promised He would provide eternal life, and He does! He promised forgiveness for sin and He delivered! Hallelujah! He’s Alive! Jesus Christ is risen indeed!

Reflection• Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead? What difference does His resurrection

make in your life?• When did the truth of the resurrection become real to you? • Is Jesus living in your life? How do you demonstrate His resurrection to others?

Activities• Text messages such as JESUS IS ALIVE! and JESUS LOVES YOU! to people who

need to hear the truth about Jesus.• Invite each family member to share what Easter means to them. • Shout as loud as you can: JESUS IS ALIVE!