we extend a warm welcome to visitors and new parishioners · wed 5 9.30 am serafino dora, rip thurs...

Served by the Carmelite Friars 02 July 2017 Whitefriars, 35 Tanners Street, Faversham ME13 7JW Tel. 01795 532449 [email protected] Website : www.whitefriarsfaversham.org Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Faversham with Teynham Usual Weekly Liturgy see Diary Dates for any changes Saturday 6.00 pm Sunday: 8.00 am, 10.30 am (Sung) & 6.00 pm 9.15 am (Teynham) Plain Chant Mass: 6.00 pm, 1st Sunday Weekday Mass: 9.30 am (check Diary Dates) Holy Days: 9.30 am & 7.00 pm Confession: At call Morning Prayer: Monday - Saturday 9.10 am Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday 10.15 - 11.15 am New Parishioners: please complete one of the Parish Registraon Cards at the back of the church Mass Intenons for the week: 1-8 July Sat 1 6.00 pm Alwyne Henshaw, RIP Sun 2 8 am Parish 9.15am John Zmuda, RIP 10.30am Cearan & Louise Burton, 25th wedding anniversary 6.00 pm Daisy Ayle, RIP Mon 3 9.30 am Jen—very ill Tue 4 9.30 am Mick Holman, ill Wed 5 9.30 am Serafino Dora, RIP Thurs 6 9.30 am Joseph Gallagher, RIP Fri 7 9.30 am Peter Kearney—major operaon Sat 8 9.30 am Kumaravelu family Diary Dates July 2 Second collecon: Peters Pence 2.00 pm Future of Teynham Meeng 6 7.30pm J&P meeng, Whitefriars 7 9.30am Sacrament of the Sick during Mass 8 NO EKCSG meeng today 9 Second collecon : Apostleship of the Sea Weekly Collecons: 25 June 2017 Faversham : £787.74 (incls GA: £450.20) Teynham : £45.10 (incls GA : £29.00) CAFOD: £382.69 Gift Aid We invite all tax-paying parishioners who have not done so already to consider joining the scheme. Please contact Linda or Frances Rehal at Whitefriars. When you are updang your will, please remember the upkeep of the church. Thank you all for your support 2nd Collecon: Peters Pence We extend a warm welcome to visitors and new parishioners Called to be witnesses of charity Pope Francis has repeatedly called each of us to "open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters who are denied their dignity, and let us recognise that we are compelled to heed their cry for help!" Peters Pence The Peter's Pence Collecon we take today unites us in solidarity to the Holy See and its works of charity to those in need, providing the pope with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster and disease. Urgent Appeal: Sleeping Bags/Blankets The Faversham Refugee Solidarity Group is urgently appealing for these two specific items. Due to ad hoc and unsuitable alternaves, migrants are returning to the bull-dozed junglesite in Calais, and to the local lorry-parks or industrial areas. Local police and CRS riot units rounely water or pepper spray any bedding found temporarily vacated by migrants either shopping, meeng others or going to the toilet. If you have unneeded, good-condion sleeping bags or blankets stored away, please help. See the accompanying noce or the poster in the church. Marys Meals - Liberia Thanks to the generosity of individual members of the parish, last week we sent £630 for their specific project providing meals to children in Liberia.

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  • Served by the Carmelite Friars

    02 July 2017

    Whitefriars, 35 Tanners Street, Faversham ME13 7JW Tel. 01795 532449 [email protected]

    Website : www.whitefriarsfaversham.org

    Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Faversham with Teynham

    Usual Weekly Liturgy see Diary Dates for any changes

    Saturday 6.00 pm Sunday: 8.00 am, 10.30 am (Sung) & 6.00 pm 9.15 am (Teynham)

    Plain Chant Mass: 6.00 pm, 1st Sunday

    Weekday Mass: 9.30 am (check Diary Dates)

    Holy Days: 9.30 am & 7.00 pm

    Confession: At call

    Morning Prayer: Monday - Saturday 9.10 am

    Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday 10.15 - 11.15 am

    New Parishioners: please complete one of the Parish Registration Cards at the back of the church

    Mass Intentions for the week: 1-8 July

    Sat 1 6.00 pm Alwyne Henshaw, RIP

    Sun 2 8 am Parish

    9.15am John Zmuda, RIP

    10.30am Cearan & Louise Burton, 25th wedding anniversary

    6.00 pm Daisy Aylett, RIP

    Mon 3 9.30 am Jen—very ill

    Tue 4 9.30 am Mick Holman, ill

    Wed 5 9.30 am Serafino Dora, RIP

    Thurs 6 9.30 am Joseph Gallagher, RIP

    Fri 7 9.30 am Peter Kearney—major operation

    Sat 8 9.30 am Kumaravelu family

    Diary Dates


    2 Second collection: Peter’s Pence 2.00 pm Future of Teynham Meeting

    6 7.30pm J&P meeting, Whitefriars

    7 9.30am Sacrament of the Sick during Mass

    8 NO EKCSG meeting today

    9 Second collection : Apostleship of the Sea

    Weekly Collections: 25 June 2017 Faversham : £787.74 (incls GA: £450.20)

    Teynham : £45.10 (incls GA : £29.00) CAFOD: £382.69

    Gift Aid We invite all tax-paying parishioners who have not done so already to consider joining the scheme. Please contact Linda or Frances Rehal at Whitefriars.

    When you are updating your will, please remember the upkeep of the church.

    Thank you all for your support

    2nd Collection: Peter’s Pence

    We extend a warm welcome to visitors and new parishioners

    Called to be witnesses of charity Pope Francis has repeatedly called each of us to "open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters who are denied their dignity, and let us recognise that we are compelled to heed their cry for help!"

    Peter’s Pence The Peter's Pence Collection we take today unites us in solidarity to the Holy See and its works of charity to those in need, providing the pope with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster and disease.

    Urgent Appeal: Sleeping Bags/Blankets The Faversham Refugee Solidarity Group is urgently appealing for these two specific items. Due to ad hoc and unsuitable alternatives, migrants are returning to the bull-dozed ‘jungle’ site in Calais, and to the local lorry-parks or industrial areas. Local police and CRS riot units routinely water or pepper spray any bedding found temporarily vacated by migrants either shopping, meeting others or going to the toilet.

    If you have unneeded, good-condition sleeping bags or blankets stored away, please help. See the accompanying notice or the poster in the church.

    Mary’s Meals - Liberia Thanks to the generosity of individual members of the parish, last week we sent £630 for their specific project providing meals to children in Liberia.

  • Please pray for the sick and housebound members of our parish: Audrey Bampton, Aida Berens, Shelagh Bradley, Millie Castelino, Freda Costa, Thyra Coulson, Bridie Fordham, Carol Gostling, Barbara Harris, Jeanne Harvey, Mauney Isaac, Leo Kane, James Kilcoyne, Ruth Mackay, Barnaby Marchant, John McGill, Denis Lloyd, Joan O'Sullivan, Julian Philips, Emma Taggart, Brian Taylor, Elizabeth Toolan, Joshua Wilkinson and Fr Wilfrid, also for Tracy Harmsworth.

    Please remember in your prayers all those who have died recently, especially Kathleen O’Leary, Errol Montrose, Grace Walker and Lotty Hilden, and those whose anniversaries are about this time including: Martin Liddle, Theresa Schmeill, Arthur Mitchelmore-Hawkins, Daisy Aylett, Mark Richards, Gertrude Screeton, John Regan, Ron Galligan, Pat Chapman and Augusta Lewis.

    May they and all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

    Our Parish is served by a Community of Carmelite Friars

    Feast of the Translation of St Thomas The Parish of St Thomas of Canterbury invites us to Mass at 8 pm on Friday, 7th July. The preacher for the celebration will be Fr Robert McCulloch, SSC.

    Wedding Bells! As they prepare for their wedding on 22nd July, we pray for Siobhan McCabe and Philip Hayward.

    Eucharistic Ministers’ Recollection Day All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are committed to an annual Day of Recollection. Fr. Joseph Chalmers, O.Carm, has kindly agreed to lead their Day on Saturday 16th September in the St Jude Welcome Centre. Please give this date a priority in your diary.

    Do you know anyone who may need the help of the

    SVP? Please contact: 07563 702033

    Parish Day Shared Lunch List Attached once again is the updated food list for the Parish Day celebration. As you can see, there are still many items that need to be filled. Please help, especially with sandwiches and tray baked cakes. Please put your name on the list and return it to Whitefriars as soon as possible. Thank you.

    The Future of Teynham? Important Meeting

    Our future use of the Methodist Chapel in Teynham is uncertain. There will be a very important meeting for all interested and concerned parishioners at 2.00 pm at Teynham on Sunday, 2nd July. Rev. Helen Letley, representing the Methodist Circuit for this area, will be present to help us understand the situation more clearly.

    Thanks from Rob and Meridy Harris Rob and Meridy thank parishioners for their greetings, blessings and prayers on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary last weekend. At 10.30 am Mass, it was good to be in a church filled with joy, song and even spontaneous dancing! May many more happy years be theirs.

    Tim and Sarah Thatcher rejoice! We offer our congratulations to Henrietta (née Thatcher) and Matthew Sawdon, who had a lovely baby girl during the week. Tabitha Sarah Christabel was born on Wednesday, 28th June. Congratulations!

    PARISH DAY: 11.00 am - 4.00 pm

    Uniting in Prayer & Celebration

    One Mass at 11.00 am on Sunday, 16th July

    NB: As this is an annual opportunity to gather the whole parish

    all other Masses (except Sunday 6.00 pm) will be cancelled.

    Shared Lunch - Sharing Talents - Groups Exhibition - Christian Mime Artist

    Invite and bring your family, friends and neighbours

    80 Years

    Tanners St.

    The role of the Church in Less Economically Developed Countries

    The fifth of our monthly Conversations

    20th July at 8.00 pm. St. Jude Welcome Centre

    The Church has a significant role in education, health and social support in LECDs

    Kate Swinfield will lead the evening. She was a second-ary school teacher for 40 years. She had a special inter-est in supporting families in challenging circumstances, later becoming head of a special school for students with severe behavioural, emotional and social difficul-ties. She retired in 2014 and went to Timor Leste as a lay missionary to teach English in the Carmelite Formation Centre in Hera.

    Join us for a stimulating evening.