we share ideas front of mind better, faster, cheaper terry weaver

Download We Share Ideas Front of Mind Better, Faster, Cheaper Terry Weaver

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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We Share Ideas Front of Mind With whom do you want to be Front of Mind? What’s the penalty for failure? How do you stay there? –Active –Passive


We Share Ideas Front of Mind Better, Faster, Cheaper Terry Weaver We Share Ideas Front of Mind What is it? Someone* remembers you (your company) Someone* remembers what you do Someone* is thinking about whether you can solve his/her problem Someone* would call you (not someone else) first if he thought you could * Insert: A Prospect or A Customer We Share Ideas Front of Mind With whom do you want to be Front of Mind? Whats the penalty for failure? How do you stay there? Active Passive We Share Ideas Time Likelihood of Recall % Front of Mind Declines with Time Your Competitor Prospects time of need We Share Ideas Front of Mind Refresh = Touch Likelihood of Recall % Time Prospects time of need We Share Ideas Touches What Kind? F-o-M MetricRange Type:ActivePassive Frequency:FrequentSeldom Cost per touch:LowHigh Measurability: (feedback loop) LowHigh We Share Ideas An Active, Frequent, Low Cost, High Measurability Touch? Trackable We Share IdeasMarketing --The Good Targeted (customers, prospects) Inexpensive Renews Front of Mind Reinforces your Brand & your message Drives traffic to your website Builds credibility Provides a reason to come back (honey pot) Not technically challenging We Share IdeasMarketing The Bad & The Ugly Requires content (from somewhere) Has to provide value to the audience Knowledge (ideas, applications, tips & tricks) Events (industry events) Links to other information resources Requires repetition Needs to be regular (consistent interval) Needs to be someones job We Share Ideas Does this really work? We Share Ideas CEBI Site Visits March 2009 Newsletter Economic Survey We Share Ideas CEBI Site Visits April 2009 Newsletter Economic Survey 2 We Share Ideas Whats Trackable? Wouldnt you like to know Whos reading? Whos clicking through? On what? When? How many times? We Share Ideas How would I use this data? We Share Ideas 1.Export Clickthroughs & Opens to Excel 2.Import into CRM or Prospect Database 3.Query to find engaged prospects 4.Prioritize engaged prospects We Share Ideas 4 3 2 E-Newsletter Samples We Share Ideas Front of Mind Refresh = Touch Likelihood of Recall % Time We Share IdeasMarketing --The Good Targeted (customers, prospects) Inexpensive Renews Front of Mind Reinforces your Brand & your message Drives traffic to your website Builds credibility Provides a reason to come back (honey pot) Not technically challenging Is Trackable who, what, when, how many