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  • 7/31/2019 Web Application Load


  • 7/31/2019 Web Application Load


    3) Page validations with and without JavaScript enabled

    4) Ajax and JQeury functionality

    5) Font size validation

    6) Page layout in different resolutions

    7) All images and alignment

    8 ) Header and footer sections

    9) Page content alignment to center, LHS or RHS

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    SQL Injection How to Test Web Applicationsagainst SQL Injection Attacks January 17th, 2009 Security testing , Web Testing

    Security testing of web applications against SQL Injection, explained with simple examples

    By Inder P Singh.

    Many applications use some type of a database. An application under test might have a user

    interface that accepts user input that is used to perform the following tasks:

    1. Show the relevant stored data to the user e.g. the application checks the credentials of

    the user using the log in information entered by the user and exposes only the relevant

    functionality and data to the user

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    An approach for Security Testing of WebApplications November 17th, 2008 Security testing , Web Testing

    This is guest article by Inder P Singh


    As more and more vital data is stored in web applications and the number of transactions on

    the web increases, proper security testing of web applications is becoming very important.

    Security testing is the process that determines that confidential data stays

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    confidential (i.e. it is not exposed to individuals/ entities for which it is not meant) and

    users can perform only those tasks that they are authorized to perform (e.g. a user should

    not be able to deny the functionality of the web site to other users, a user should not be

    able to change the functionality of the web application in an unintended way etc.).

    Some key terms used in security testing

    Before we go further, it will be useful to be aware of a few terms that are frequently used in

    web application security testing:

    What is Vulnerability?

    This is a weakness in the web application. The cause of such a weakness can be bugs in

    the application, an injection (SQL/ script code) or the presence of viruses.

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    7 basic tips for testing multi-lingual web sites July 23rd, 2008 Testing Skill Improvement , Testing Tips and resources , Web Testing

    This is a guest article by: Inder P Singh

    These days a number of web sites are deployed in multiple languages. As companies

    perform more and more business in other countries, the number of such global multi-lingual

    web applications will continue to increase.

    Testing web sites supporting multiple languages has its own fair share of challenges. In this

    article, I will share seven tips with you that will enable you to test the multi-lingual

    browser-based applications in a complete way:

    Tip # 1 Prepare and use the required test environment

    If a web site is hosted in English and Japanese languages, it is not enough to simply change

    the default browser language and perform identical tests in both the languages. Depending

    on its implementation, a web site may figure out the correct language for its interface from

    the browser language setting, the regional and language settings of the machine, a

    configuration in the web application or other factors. Therefore, in order to perform a

    realistic test, it is imperative that the web site be tested from two machines one with the

    English operating system and one with the Japanese operating system. You might want to

    keep the default settings on each machine since many users do not change the default

    settings on their machines.

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    Tip # 7 Be aware of cultural issues

    A challenge in testing multi-lingual web sites is that each language might be meant for

    users from a particular culture. Many things such as preferred (and not preferred) colors,

    text direction (this can be left to right, right to left or top to bottom), format of

    salutations and addresses, measures, currency etc. are different in different cultures.

    Not only should the other language version of the web site provide correct translations,

    other elements of the user interface e.g. text direction, currency symbol, date format etc.

    should also be correct.

    As you might have gathered from the tips given above, using the correct test

    environment and acquiring correct translations is critical in performing a successful test

    of other language versions of a web site.

    It would be interesting to know your experience on testing multi-language websites.


    Mozilla firefox 3.0 release is available for testingnow May 23rd, 2008 Testing News , Testing Tips and resources , Web Testing

    Mozilla released its Firefox 3 release candidate internet browser to public for testing

    purpose only. Mozilla Firefox is the most popular internet browser after Microsofts Internet

    explorer. By releasing this Firefox 3.0 version to developers and testers community,

    company wants to make sure product is fully ready for final release.

    Company is taking feedback from testers and web developers to improve and fix most

    of the bugs before advancing to next version.

    This is a good opportunity for beginners and experts in web testing. You can test this

    Firefox browser version 3 on your machine. As many of our readers asked me how to

    and from where to test the web applications, this would be a great example of testing web

    product.Test Firefox 3 preview version from all testing aspects like UI, functionality, installation/

    uninstallation, different plugin management in Firefox, browser security, performance,

    memory and load testing.

    Do it manually or use any automation tool. Report your feedback to Firefox team.

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    Here is how to start guide:

    1) Download the Firefox release candidate 3 version. Download from here . You can

    download Firefox 3.0rc1 from above download page. You can also download other language

    packs if you are familiar with other languages if any.

    2) Read the Firefox 3.0rc1 release notes and known issues here. From this page you will get

    idea of different testing scenarios and how you can test this application.

    3) If you find any bug then report that bug to Firefox team using online Bugzilla . Before

    reporting any bug please read all known issues and bug filing instructions . You can also use

    this feedback form to send your feedbacks.
