web applications

Web Application Security || The White & Black of Security ||

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Post on 18-Nov-2015




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Web application security is a branch of Information Security that deals specifically with security of websites, web applications and web services.At a high level, Web application security draws on the principles of application security but applies them specifically to Internet and Web systems. Typically web applications are developed using programming languages such as PHP, Java EE, Java, Python, Ruby, ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET or Classic ASP.


  • Web Application Security

    || The White & Black of Security ||

  • Overview

    Understanding the Web

    Different Web Technologies

    Attackers view on the Web

    Different kinds of attacks on Web Application


  • Understanding the Web



    Web application



    Web browser

  • In the old days...

    Black hats exploited

    Holes in the Underlying OS

    Bugs in the web server

    Weaknesses in the TCP/IP Protocol

  • ...and we built defences

    We strengthened the perimeter


    Intrusion Detection Systems

    Virtual Private Networks

    We fixed the OS and the Web Servers (well,almost)

  • The playing ground shifted

    Attackers began looking for holes in the web applications

    New exploits were discovered

    And, this fuelled greater black hat activity

  • Advantages !! Attackers

    Lack of awareness Ignorance in Security

    More focus on functionality


    Complexity is Growing

    Increasing Business Demand


  • How do we respond ?

    Understand how attackers work

    Their modus operandi

    Their exploit techniques

    Understand the vulnerabilities

    The root cause of the problem

    Understand how to detect



  • Myths - Developers

    The users will behave themselves

    The users will only send required inputs

    The users cannot manipulate drop down lists

    The user cannot manipulate hidden fields

  • Myths - Developers

    The Application has all enforcements

    Javascripts will take care of validation

    Username and password is encrypted on login page

    We are on Secure Channel

    Our data is transmitted over SSL

  • Fact...

    Validation is not enough

    It needs to be secure

    SSL only guarantees communication security

    It even guaranteed that our attackers are delivered securely

  • Administrator - Myths

    Technology takes care of security

    My Firewall thwarts all attacks

    My IDS/IPS can detect any attacks

    There are very few transactions happening on this application

  • Penetration Testing Methodology

    Understanding the application

    Creating a threat profile

    Creating the test plan

    Executing the test cases


  • Penetration Testing Methodology

    Understanding the application

    Study the business purpose

    Study the application features

    Study the traffic between client and server

    Creating a threat profile

    Creating the test plan

    Executing the test cases


  • Penetration Testing Methodology

    Understanding the application

    Creating a threat profile

    Identify all possible threats to the application

    Prepare a threat profile or business risk document

    Creating the test plan

    Executing the test cases


  • Penetration Testing Methodology

    Understanding the application

    Creating a threat profile

    Creating the test plan

    Map the threats and the technical risks

    List down all possible attacks for a particular threat

    Prepare test plan on how to attack and what to attack.

    Executing the test cases


  • Penetration Testing Methodology

    Understanding the application

    Creating a threat profile

    Creating the test plan

    Executing the test cases

    Manual / Tool based execution

    Interpret the results

    Observe all expected/unexpected results

    Execute again


  • Penetration Testing Methodology

    Understanding the application

    Creating a threat profile

    Creating the test plan

    Executing the test cases


    Executive Summary

    Findings Summary

    Baseline findings with standards

    Detailed description of findings with solutions


  • Information Gathering

    Through IP/domain

    Through Web Server & its error messages

    Through Database & its error/warning messages

    Programming Language warnings/error messages etc

  • Information Gathering

    Through IP/domain




    Through Web Server & its error messages

    Through Database & its error/warning messages

    Programming Language warnings/error messages etc

  • Information Gathering

    Through IP/domain

    Through Web Server & its error messages

    Viewing Directory Indexing and Signatures

    Accessing files which are not available etc

    Through Database & its error/warning messages

    Programming Language warnings/error messages etc

  • Information Gathering

    Through IP/domain

    Through Web Server & its error messages

    Through Database & its error/warning messages

    Inserting invalid data in the input boxes, check the messages displayed

    We'll discuss more in coming slides

    Programming Language warnings/error messages etc

  • Information Gathering

    Through IP/domain

    Through Web Server & its error messages

    Through Database & its error/warning messages

    Programming Language warnings/error messages etc

    Default messages displayed by programming languages could reveal much information.

  • Application Database Communication

    Application connects to database using username and password

    Queries the DB for specific information

    DB replies with matching row(s)

    Web Server





  • The familiar HTTP

    HTTP is anonymous and stateless

    No persistent connection between user and server

    Each request is discrete

    For a new request, the server has no way of knowing if its related to the previous request.

  • HTTP Requests 2 main types

    GET , when you click on a link

    GET /AccountSummary?account=34325543&type=credit_Card HTTP/1.0

    Host : www.accountsample.com

    POST , when you submit a form

    POST/Login/Login.action HTTP/1.0


    Host : www.sample.com

  • And we can see those requests

    Web Proxy Editors

    Tool to intercept traffic between browser and server

    We can modify the data before sending to the server

  • Web Proxy Editor

    Intercept the traffic between browser and the web server

    Web Browser

    Web Server

    Proxy Server

  • HTTP Request & Response Formats


    GET http://www.infosecawareness.in HTTP/1.0 (request-line)

    Headers (0 or more)



    HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (Status-line)

    Headers (0 or more)



  • Cookies

  • Cookies

    Piece of info stored on the client by the server

    Persistent -

    Text file written to the client's harddisk

    Valid for as long as the expiry date

    Expiry set by the server


    Stored in the browser's memory RAM

    Lost when browser is closed

  • Cookies details

    Set using two main methods

    HTTP headers and javascript

    Enable a server and browser to pass information among themselves

    Cannot be shared (read or written) across DNS domains

  • Cookie Manipulation

    Real world example

    Cookie: Location=India; ADMIN=N; time=10:30; SessionID=BasedRteR234553636336

    The attacker can simply modify cookie to:

    Cookie: Location=India; ADMIN=Y; time=10:30; SessionID=BsedRteRt12345535353453

  • Session Management

    Process of keeping track of user's activity

    Happens across period of interaction between the client & server

    Basic aim is to avoid repeated authentication (userid/pwd) for every request.

    Cookies or Session Ids are like passports or gate passes

    Needtobeshowneachtimetheyareaskedfor else you'llbethrownout.

  • Session Management Best Practices

    Strongly bind the token to specific user data.

    Use SSL or IPSec when possible

    Use a strong random-number generator for session tokens

    Never accept new tokens submitted by a client

    Never include sensitive information in the token

    Use secure cookies

    Set short cookie timeouts as appropriate for your application

    Use relative and absolute timeouts

    Delete session token both from client and server after logout

    Allow users to manually terminate a session

    Always issue a new token with each login

    Use cookie based tokens and page tokens whenever possible

    Use non-persistent cookies wherever possible

  • Terminating Sessions

    Invalidate session ID both from client and server side

    Set the session ID to null on client side either using Set-Cookie or using Javascript

    Explicitly delete all user session objects on server side

  • Direct URL access a.k.a Forceful Browsing

    Forceful browsing Its is an attempt to access a Resource that was not intended to be.


    This happens when there is inadequate authorization checks in the application

    There may be strong authentication but what about authorization?

    Its like having a huge Iron Gate with big locks but with broken wall.

  • Solutions

    Authentication and authorization must take place at every page.

    Don't assume that authorized users, once logged in, are going to behave as expected !

  • All of you know SQL.....

    SQL Structured Query Language

    Allows us to access and manipulate a database

    SQL can :

    Execute queries against a database

    Retrieve data from database

    Insert new records in a database

    delete records form database

    Update records in a database

    Create new db, tables in db, stored procedures, views

    Set permissions on tables, procedures and views

  • Points to know and understand

    SQL Data Manipulation Language

    Select, update, insert, delete

    SQL Data Definitional language

    Create , alter, drop

    Aggregate functions

    Sum(), count()...etc

    Group By


    Stores in DB just as regular data is

  • What is SQL Injection ?

    Trick to inject Structured Query Language (SQL) query/command as an input via web browser

    Any parameter that the web application passes through to a database

    An attacker can go to extent of dropping tables from database.

    Lets See a Demo

  • How does SQL Injection Work ?

    Common SQL Query

    Select * from users where login='star' and password='kitkat';

    In code:


    when injected something its replaced like this...

    Select * from users where login='' OR 1=1 ;--

    where -- is comment in most sql like Oracle, PostgreSQL, Mysql, HSQl,

    /* comment*/ - for some, ({}) - Informix, DB2

    OR 1=1 makes the condition true what ever is the username


  • SQL Injection - Contd..

    Thus, the Magic Quotes, 'OR' and '=' are mostly used to test the SQL injection.

    When an application is vulnerable for SQL injection, Blind SQL Injection can also be used. Blind SQL injection can be done using logical stmts injected into the SQL statement like OR 1=1

    Usually usage of GROUP, HAVING in the query statements throws error messages with clear cut field types which helps SQLInjection

  • Remember

    All these attacks are successful only when the application or end user is given access to the administrator of the database.

    Countermeasures Restrict users through web applications

    grant all on *.* to root@localhost identified by '';

    grant on .* to

    user@localhost identified by 'password';


  • HTML Injection

    HTML Injection happens due to the functionality of the client browser.

    The browsers are coded to identify some special characters and act accordgingly when request received.

    Scripting tags that are most often used to embed malicious content include , , and .

  • Cross Site Scripting ( XSS)

    A cross-site scripting vulnerability is caused by the failure of an web based application to validate user supplied input before returning it to the client system.

    Insert html code that is parsed by browser. e.g. javascript, fake login form

    Javascript can capture form data, key strokes and send it to a remote IP address

    The most popular CSS/XSS attack (and devastating) is the harvesting of authentication cookies and session management tokens.


  • Types of XSS

    Reflective (non-persistent)

    Injected code is reflected off the web server

    Delivered to the victims via another route (email or another web server)

    Error messages, search engines etc

    Stored (persistent)

    Stored in database/filesystem

    Delivered to the victims from the same web server

    CMS, Blogs/Forums etc

  • Reflective XSS

    Any page that takes user input and displays it back as is:

    Ex: Search results, validate user details.

  • Steps in Reflective XSS

    The web site gathers user input

    User input is displayed back to user

    Attackers crafts URL with a script in it and sends to victim

    Victims click on the link

    Script in the URL is send to server as user input


    Script runs on client

  • Cross Site Scripting in Internet Banking Attacker.com

    Malicious link on webpage

    or email with malicious link


    Reflected Code

    Send cookie to attacker

    Malicouse Code

    http://bank.com/account.jsp?Send cookie to attacker.com

    http://bank.com/login/ Executed






    2 3



  • Stored XSS

    The site takes user input

    Attacker gives input with malicious code

    Stored it in databae without validating it

    Another user tries to view the input

    The appliction shows the input with the script

    The script executes on the victim's browser

  • Javascript URLs


    An example Javascript url


    Type the above in browser and check if alert pops up

    Works also with HTML tag

    Is tag necessary to execute Javascript ??


  • How to detect XSS

    Insert all possible combinations of malicious code on all data fields on all application forms

    Malicious scripts - http://hackers.org/xss.html

    Remember SSL doesn't help in defending XSS


  • Few Observations

    We din't click on anything to get the script executed

    There was no tag

    What other events are there?

    mousedown, mouseup



    mouseover, mouseout, mousedown

    mouseenter, mouseleave

  • Defending XSS

    Don't allow HTML in posts

    Filter out dangerous characteds



    Completely Automatic Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart

    Aim to introduce an entry that requires human intervention

    Protection against Brute Force or Misuse

    Avoiding automatic submissions

  • Insecure Implementation

    We are not focusing weakness of CAPTCHA generation

    Verifying CAPTCHA on client side

    Having limited set words

  • CAPTCHA Implementation best practices

    Generated on server side

    Verified in server side

    Strings must be randomly generated

    Must be bound to a session

    Must be regenerated after each successful or unsucessful attempt

  • White and Black Listing

    White Listing array of allowed characters

    Whats your choice while coding?

    Would you prefer to check your fields with white list or black list

    Black Listing array of special character which are not to be allowed.

  • Secure Your application

    Log HTTP Requests

    Use web application firewall to check requests.

    Validate all fields at client and server side

    Review source code for vulnerabilities

    Create threat model and perform risk assessment of


    Database Security

    Passwords use hashing techniques

  • Web Vulnerability Scanner


    Paros Proxy





    Acunetix *

  • Thank You