web-enabled solutions for medical image- communication...

JiveX Web-enabled solutions for medical image- communication and processing JiveX [rv] Review User Manual Version: 4.2 As of 2007-05-29 VISUS Technology Transfer GmbH Philippstaße 5 D-44803 Bochum Germany Phone: +49 (0) 234 58819 0 Fax: +49 (0) 234 58819 29 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.visus-tt.com

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Web-enabled solutions for medical image-communication and processing

JiveX [rv] ReviewUser ManualVersion: 4.2

As of 2007-05-29

VISUS Technology Transfer GmbH

Philippstaße 5

D-44803 Bochum


Phone: +49 (0) 234 58819 0

Fax: +49 (0) 234 58819 29

E-Mail: [email protected]

Internet: http://www.visus-tt.com

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JiveX® is a class 2b product within the scope of directive 93/42/EEC.

JiveX® has Section 510(k) clearance for QS regulation 21 CFR 892.2050.

© Copyright VISUS Technology Transfer GmbH, Germany -- www.visus-t t.com

JiveX® is an internationally registered trademark. All rights, including those of t ranslation, reserved.No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or util ized in any form by any electronic,mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording,or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from VISUS Technology TransferGmbH.

The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this document, but make no expressedor implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibil i ty for errors or omissions. No l iabil ity isassumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of theinformation or programs contained herein.

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimedas trademarks. Where those designations appear in this text and VISUS Technology Transfer GmbH wasaware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps.

This product includes software developed by L2FProd.com (http://www.L2FProd.com/).

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 3 User Manual

Table of contents

1 Overview 6

2 Login 7

2.1 Starting the Client 7

2.2 Logging in 7

2.3 Changing the Password 8

3 Menu 9

3.1 Diagnostic Client Menu 10

3.2 Demonstration Client Menü 11

3.3 Mammography Client Menu 13

4 Tool bar 13

5 Study manager 14

5.1 Search area 14

5.1.1 Searching 15

5.1.2 Wildcards 15

5.1.3 Search configuration 15

5.2 Series display 16

5.2.1 Result set 17

5.2.2 Sort ing 17

5.2.3 Optimal width for columns 18

5.2.4 Configuring the table 18

5.2.5 Result view 19

5.3 Actions 19

5.3.1 Requesting key images 20

5.3.2 Requesting compressed images 20

5.3.3 Patient name fi lter 20

5.3.4 Sending studies 20

5.3.5 Image Report 21

5.3.6 Restoring archived image data 21

5.3.7 Change Assignment 22

5.3.8 Study Verification 23

5.3.9 Deleting images 25

6 Viewing section 26

6.1 The Pictorial Index 28

6.2 The Viewport 29

6.3 Split series 33

6.4 The Status Bar 34

6.5 Scouts and scanlines 34

6.5.1 Scanline display accuracy 35

6.6 View cutl ines 36

6.7 Previous Studies 37

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 4 User Manual

6.8 Multi Monitor Support 39

6.8.1 Connecting dif ferent Monitors 40

6.9 The Viewing Section Toolbar 41

6.9.1 Processing Functions 42

6.9.2 Cine 51

6.9.3 Image Annotations 53

6.10 Saving Presentation States 57

6.11 Volume Rendering 58

6.11.1 Creating a planar reconstruction 59

6.11.2 Manipulating a reconstruction 60

6.11.3 Propert ies for al l reconstructions 61

6.11.4 Modifying the oblique reconstruction 64

6.11.5 Algori thm used for oblique reconstruction 65

6.11.6 Requantize an image series 66

6.11.7 Preconditions for reconstruction 67

6.12 Exporting to JPEG, BMP, PNG, PNM, TIFF, AVI and DICOM 69

6.12.1 Propert ies of AVI Export 70

6.13 Key Images 70

6.14 Displaying and Editing the Result 72

6.14.1 Using Textmodules 72

6.15 Integrated Video Playback (Windows) 73

6.15.1 Start Video Playback 73

6.15.2 Requirements for Videoplayback 74

6.15.3 Troubleshooting 75

6.16 Printing 76

6.16.1 Print Preview 76

6.16.2 Selecting a printer 77

6.16.3 Page Setup 78

6.16.4 Background 79

6.16.5 Key-Images 79

6.16.6 Image Matrix 80

6.16.7 Mouseactions 81

6.17 DICOM Print 81

7 Job-Manager 84

7.1 Control Elements 84

7.2 Job Status 85

7.3 Attributes 86

8 JiveX Job-Order and Attributes 87

8.1 DICOM Send Jobs 87

8.1.1 Creating DICOM Send Jobs 87

8.1.2 Attributes 87

8.2 DICOM Print Jobs 88

8.2.1 Attributes 88

8.3 Archive Job 89

8.3.1 Archive Job Attribute 89

8.4 Image Report Job 90

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8.4.1 Image Report Job Attribute 90

9 Hanging Protocols 90

9.1 The „General“-tab 92

9.2 The „Fullscreen“-tab 94

9.3 The „Matrix“-tab 94

9.4 The „Series“-tab 95

9.5 The „Mammography“-tab 96

9.6 The „Previous Study“-tab 97

9.7 Subsequent use of hanging protocols 98

10 The View Menu 100

10.1 Configuration of the Graphical User Interface 100

11 The Help Menu 102

12 Image Report and Archiving 104

12.1 Creating an Image Report Job 104

12.2 Automatically Created Image Reports 106

13 Troubleshooting 107

13.1 Login 107

13.1.1 License warnings 107

13.1.2 Insufficient Memory 108

13.2 Graphic Boards 108

13.2.1 Grayscale Display 108

13.2.2 DirectX Incompatibili ty 109

13.3 Java Runtime Environment 109

13.3.1 Font Loading 109

A Index 111

B Glossar 112

C Safety Regulations 114

D Keyboard Shortcuts 114

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 6 User Manual

1 Overview

The JiveX [rv] Client consists of a search and request tool for image series (studymanager), and a viewer for displaying and editing images. Both of these tools areavailable as tabs.

Fig. 1: Study Manager of JiveX [rv]

Each tool is selected by clicking on the corresponding tab.

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 7 User Manual

2 Login

2.1 Starting the Client 7

2.2 Logging in 7

2.3 Changing the Password 8

2.1 Starting the Client

After starting the JiveX Client, the programm will check the display‘s colour depth. Ifthe colour depth found does not meet the specifications, an error message will showup.

Fig. 2: Colour Depth Error

2.2 Logging in

Every user has to log in the JiveX server with his/her name and password. Pleaseenter your name and the password into the designated text fields (Fig. 3). The field"server" contains the default address of the JiveX server which is predefined duringprogram setup. It should be left unchanged.

Please ask your administrator for your password. The server will open a guest-account Username:"Guest" Password:"Guest" by default.

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 8 User Manual

Fig. 3: Login window

After the confirmation using the "OK" button the client tries to log into the JiveXServer.

There are some errors/warnings that may occur while logging in:

User unknown

Wrong password

Server not reachable

Insufficient Memory

Corrupt User Profile

No free licenses available

For further information about these messages please refer to the chapter"Troubleshooting".

2.3 Changing the Password

Clicking on this entry in the menu bar opens a dialog box with which thepassword can be changed (Fig. 4). Enter your name, the current passwordand also the new password. The new password has to be confirmed.

Fig. 4: "Change password"-Dialog

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3 Menu

There are 4 available menus: File, View, Extras und Help.

Functions from the "File" menu:

Print - Printing of image data.

Export - Exporting of image data.

Open DICOM-File - Opens an external DICOM file and DICOMDIR files.

Save Profile - Saves preferences of current users.

Logout - Logging off the currently connected JiveX server.

Exit - Closes the JiveX Review Client.

When logging off the current window position and size, as well as the last selectedarchive device and medium add on are saved in the user's profile on the server.

The "View" menu functions:

Function Panel - Contains functions for configuring the function panel.

Preview Panel - Contains functions for configuring the preview panel.

Fullscreen - Shows/hides function and preview panels in viewer mode.

Menubar - Shows/hides the menu bar.

Toolbar - Shows/hides the tool bar.

Annotations - Contains functions for showing/hiding DICOM annotations.

Context Menu - Options for the Context Menu.

The View-menu offers also menu items to navigate quickly through available studiesi.e. „Next Study“, „Previous Study“. Furthermore a menu entry "Diagnostic Client" orresp. "Demonstration Client" is available respectively, if you have started thecorresponding licensed client.

Diagnostic Client - Contains specific functions concerning the Diagnostic Client GUI configuration.

Demonstration Client - Contains specific functions concerning the Demonstration Client GUI configuration.

The "Extras" menu functions:

Change Password - Changes the user's password.

Configure Search - Modifies the search configuration.

Open Calibration - Loads a screen calibration file.

Set Ambient Light - Specifies an ambient light value.

Use Calibration - En-/disables the previously opened calibration settings.

Display Testpattern - Display the SMPTE Testpattern.

Hanging Protocols - Opens an editor for the hanging protocols.

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DICOM Dump - Shows all DICOM information of the selectedstudy/series.

Dump File - Shows all DICOM information of an external file.

DICOM Print Manager - Shows a job manager for DICOM-Print-Jobs.

DICOM Send Manager - Shows a job manager for DICOM-Send-Jobs.

Image Report Job Manager - Shows a job manager for Image-Report-Jobs.

Restore Job Manager - Shows a job manager for Restore-Jobs.

Functions from the "Help" menu:

User manual - Opens the user manual

About - Shows a dialog box containing program specific information (e.g. program version).

3.1 Diagnostic Client Menu

The submenu „Diagnostic Client“ contains additional user interface layout optionsthat are available only for a Diagnostic Client. Mainly, these options should improvethe ergonomics on systems with more than one screen connected.

Fig. 5: Diagnostic Client Menu

Study Manager on first monitorIf this options is checked and the application main frame is stretched over twoscreens on a dual monitor system, the study manager will be shown in a splitpane in the first (left) monitor.

Study Manager in separate windowsIf checked, the study manager will be moved into a separate window. Thiswindows can be freely positioned on any screen. This option is recommendedwhen using a system with two high resolution (medical) displays in combinationwith a 3rd (smaller) display to be represent the study manager window.The keyboard shortcut CTRL-Shift-X can toggle this option on/off. The window

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 11 User Manual

position is stored separately for both the detached study manager window viewand the integrated view.

Reduced Study Manager font sizeThis option is only activated when the study manager is detached into a separatewindow.For ergonomic reasons, JiveX automatically adapts (increases) the UI font sizewhen detecting displays of 2 megapixel resolution or higher to keep fontsreadable. Using a 3-display hardware setup as outlined in the previous section,with the study manager placed on a 3rd (lowres) display, fonts may appear toolarge on it. Checking this menu option now decreases the font size of the studymanager again.

All matrix allowedUsing a setup with two highres (medical) displays for images, it is very unlikelythat the user wants to see a single image stack stretched over both monitors, cutby the monitor frames. Thus, the Diagnostic Client offers an option to disablesuch matrix settings (default is „false“, if not stored otherwise in the user profile).If required, the option can be enabled again.

Normal Layout / Multi Monitor LayoutThis switch toggles the UI layout between standard layout and a layout adaptedfor a two display setup. If set to „Multi Monitor Layout“, the image viewer isoptimized for systems with more than one (highres) display attached. Forexample, in Multi Monitor Layout, the preview and function panel will becloned, one for each screen.

3.2 Demonstration Client Menü

The submenu „Demonstration Client“ contains additional user interface layoutoptions that are available only for a Demonstration Client. Mainly, these optionsshould improve the ergonomics on systems with more than one screen connected.

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Fig. 6: Demonstration Client Menu

Split user interfaceIf this option is checked, study manager and image viewer will be arranged sideby side in one frame (intended to be stretched over two displays).

Study Manager on first monitorIf this options is checked and the application main frame is stretched over twoscreens on a dual monitor system, the study manager will be shown in a splitpane in the first (left) monitor.

Study Manager in separate windowsIf checked, the study manager will be moved into a separate window. Thiswindows can be freely positioned on any screen. This option is recommendedwhen using a system with two high resolution (medical) displays in combinationwith a 3rd (smaller) display to be represent the study manager window.The keyboard shortcut CTRL-Shift-X can toggle this option on/off. The windowposition is stored separately for both the detached study manager window viewand the integrated view.

Reduced Study Manager font sizeThis option is only activated when the study manager is detached into a separatewindow.For ergonomic reasons, JiveX automatically adapts (increases) the UI font sizewhen detecting displays of 2 megapixel resolution or higher to keep fontsreadable. Using a 3-display hardware setup as outlined in the previous section,with the study manager placed on a 3rd (lowres) display, fonts may appear toolarge on it. Checking this menu option now decreases the font size of the studymanager again.

All matrix allowedUsing a setup with two highres (medical) displays for images, it is very unlikelythat the user wants to see a single image stack stretched over both monitors, cutby the monitor frames. Thus, the Demonstration Client offers an option to disablesuch matrix settings (default is „false“, if not stored otherwise in the user profile).If required, the option can be enabled again.

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Study Manager | Image ViewerThis options are available only when using the „Split user interface“. Here, youcan toggle the layout (positioning) of the Study Manager and Image Viewer in theapplication frame, either left | right (default) or right | left.

Normal Layout / Multi Monitor LayoutThis switch toggles the UI layout between standard layout and a layout adaptedfor a two display setup. If set to „Multi Monitor Layout“, the image viewer isoptimized for systems with more than one (highres) display attached. Forexample, in Multi Monitor Layout, the preview and function panel will becloned, one for each screen.

3.3 Mammography Client Menu

The submenu „Mammography Client“ contains additional user interface layoutoptions that are available only for a Mammography Client. The options available areidentical to the options for the „Diagnostic Client“, see section above.

Fig. 7: Mammography Client Menu

4 Tool bar

Right below the menu bar the tool bar offers quick access to some of the mostcommonly used actions. The appearance/display may vary because some action arenot available to all users due to restrictions specified in the user profile.

The tool bar can be switched off using the "view" menu.

Fig. 8: Tool bar

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 14 User Manual

5 Study manager

5.1 Search area 14

5.1.1 Searching 15

5.1.2 Wildcards 15

5.1.3 Search configuration 15

5.2 Series display 16

5.2.1 Result set 17

5.2.2 Sorting 17

5.2.3 Optimal width for columns 18

5.2.4 Configuring the table 18

5.2.5 Result view 19

5.3 Actions 19

5.3.1 Requesting key images 20

5.3.2 Requesting compressed images 20

5.3.3 Patient name filter 20

5.3.4 Sending studies 20

5.3.5 Image Report 21

5.3.6 Restoring archived image data 21

5.3.7 Change Assignment 22

5.3.8 Study Verification 23 Navigation through Studies 24 Release an Assignment 24 Assigning a Study 25

5.3.9 Deleting images 25

The study manager provides you with functions for image search and request. Itsmainframe is divided into a database service provider, a search area, a series displayand a status bar.

The database service provider contains general functions, e.g. program informationand log out. In the search area, criteria can be defined and a search can be run. Theseries display shows the search results and provides functionalities for the imagecommunication. When logging out, the position and size of the application’s mainframe is stored on the JiveX Server.

5.1 Search area

The search area (Fig. 9) is an application for series searches in a chosen database. Byclicking on the triangle in the upper left corner, the display of the search area boxcan be minimized.

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Fig. 9: Search area

The following functions are available:

Run search

Reset all fields

Abort a running search

By pressing the F5 kexyou can re-run the search. Your study-/series-selection criteriawill be kept.

To run a predefined search use the combo box in the upper right corner.

You can also switch the server you are connected to using the combo box in theupper left corner.

5.1.1 Searching

By default, the database can be searched for the following information:

Patient’s name

Patient’s birthday

Study Date

Study Description

Study ID


A search is run by pressing <enter> or by clicking the button.

5.1.2 Wildcards

The *-symbol can be used as a wildcard for all textfields of the search area. In caseyou use the JiveX [rv] Client to access data from a non Visus-JiveX component, itmight be necessary to change the *-symbol to the %-sign.

5.1.3 Search configuration

You can modify some of the search parameters using the „Search configuration“-dialog box from the „Extra“-menu. There you can specify how many studies andseries are shown at once in the study manager’s tables. You can also configure an„update interval“. If this function is enabled the last search is rerun after thespecified amount of time.

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5.2 Series display

The series display (Fig. 10) lists the search results in a table and providesfunctionality for image communication.

Fig. 10: Series display

The table displays identified entries in the following way:

Archive status - The archive status indicates if a study has been archived.

The study has not been archived yet.

The archiving process for the study has been started.

The study has been archived.

Online status - The online status indicates a series'/study's image availabilityUncompressed image data is available.

Only compressed image data is available.

There is no image data (available) online. To access the specifiedseries/study a Restore Job has to be created.

The following functions can be applied to the entries:

Request a series.

Request a series and loads it in the second viewer.

Request key images only on/off.

Request compressed images on/off.

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Show all studies for the selected patient.

Send the selected entry to a predefined DICOM node.

When connected to a remote server and a local worklist is available thisaction transfers the selected study to the local worklist.

Display all study relevant information in a separate dialog box.

Add the currently selected study/series to the image report selection.

Open the image report dialog box for creating image report jobs.

Restore archived image data from an offline archive.

Change a series’ assignment.

Delete all selected studies from the database.

Note: The buttons' availability depends on the currently logged in user's profile. Forexample, the Delete-button is only available in administrative accounts / ifyou have administrator rights.

5.2.1 Result set

The resultset for a database query is limited to a certain number of rows. Please usethe following navigation buttons to browse through the result set:

First series or study.

Previous series or study.

Next series or study.

Last series or study.

5.2.2 Sorting

By left-clicking on the column’s header, the column is sorted in ascending order. Asecond mouse click sorts it in descending order. An arrow inside the table headerindicates the sorting order.

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Fig. 11: Arrow indicating the sorting order

It is also possible to define a second and third sort criterion in the user's profile.

5.2.3 Optimal width for columns

Please Double-click on the head of a column to set it's optimal width. Please use thecontext menu of the column head to calculate the optimal with for the whole table.

5.2.4 Configuring the table

It is possible to configure the table’s columns. Beside the displayed default settings,there are several others to choose from. To change the layout right-click on one ofthe column headers. This opens a context menu (Fig. 12) which enables you to eitherdisable the selected column or to enable any of the columns listed in the menu.

Fig. 12: Configuring the Series display

You can also resize the tables' height by dragging the horizontal bar between thetwo tables up or down. Another possibility is to maximize each of them pushing thelittle arrows on the left side of the divider bar.

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Fig. 13: Arrows

5.2.5 Result view

If configured by the administrator the Review Client is able to integrate a text area inthe lower table in which result texts are displayed when available.

Fig. 14: Result text area

You can manipulate the text area size in the same way as the table size.

5.3 Actions

To request a series of images, they need to be selected from the table first. Thecorresponding series is displayed after either pressing <enter> or clicking on thebutton or . Additionally, it is possible to request a series of images bydouble-clicking on their respective table entry.

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To request two series simultaneously e.g. for comparative reasons (or a directcomparison), you have to select them both and confirm by pressing <enter>.

5.3.1 Requesting key images

Using the toggle button, it is possible to suppress loading non-key images whenrequesting a series or study. If the requested series does not have any key images thisoption will be ignored and all images will be shown.

5.3.2 Requesting compressed images

Enabling the toggle button causes the Review Client to request compressedimages from the server if available. Disabling it requests uncompressed images. Ifthe requested series does not have or only has compressed images, this option maycause the client not to load any images.

5.3.3 Patient name filter

To search for all available studies with the selected patient's name, please press the


5.3.4 Sending studies

To send a study to a remote DICOM Storage SCP, select the study and push the button. Receivers that should be listed as targets have to be configured on the serverby the administrator.

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Fig. 15: Send study dialog box

Select the target from the combo box in the upper right corner. Depending on thereceiver's configuration a compression of image data may be available. Afterpressing the OK button a DICOM-Send-Job will be created.

If no receivers are available a warning message will appear.

Fig. 16: No receiver message

5.3.5 Image Report

The buttons and are explained in the chapter ‘Image Report creation’.

5.3.6 Restoring archived image data

After image data has been archived it may be compressed or deleted. If you need theuncompressed image data (e.g. to generate an image report) you have to create aRestore Job. Select all studies you want to restore and press the button. If theselected studies do already have the status the request will be canceled and thefollowing message appears:

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Fig. 17: ‘No restore job created’- message

5.3.7 Change Assignment

It is possible to change a series‘ assignment to a study. For example this way you can

move a series from one study to another. Clicking the -button shows all functionsin a separate window.

Please note that the user needs DELETE-rights to use this function.

Fig. 18: Assignment dialog box

Depending on your selection in the series manager there are different functionsavailable:

Cut the currently selected series.

Undo a previously cut.

Paste a previously cut series to the currently selected study.

Extract the selected series to a new study. You can edit some of the newstudy’s attributes in a separate dialog.

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Merge all selected studies. After selecting this function you have to selecta master study into which all other studies will be merged.

5.3.8 Study Verification

When using a DICOM Modality Worklist in your workflow, incoming studies can beautomatically checked against existing worklist entries. Studies that can not beassigned to specific worklist entry, e.g. due to no worklist entry available duringimage acquisition or mistyped patient’s demographic data at the imager’s console,can retroactively be assigned by the user. To manually assign a study to a worklistentry, the acting user needs edit- and delete-rights in JiveX.

The current status of assignment of a DICOM study can be reviewed in the accordingstudy table column:

The study has not been assigned yet.

An automated assignment of the study failed. This study has to be assignedmanually by the user.

A worklist entry has successfully been assigned to the study.

An assignment of this study is impossible.

To assign a study to a worklist entry or release the assignment again or to simply

view the current assignment, please click the button to open the studyverification dialog window.

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Fig. 19: Study Verification Dialog

The study verification dialog is divided into three functional parts: The uppermostpanel that shows information about the currently selected study, the (collapsible)worklist query panel below and the worklist entry table in the lower part of thedialog.

If, on opening the study verification dialog, the selected study has been assignedsuccessfully, the worklist table will show the assigned worklist entry only.Otherwise, the table will automatically list the worklist entries of the past 7 days. Navigation through Studies

To select another study from the study manager table, you can use the navigationbuttons in the upper right hand corner of the dialog, see Fig. 19. Alternatively, youcan directly select a study in the study manager table with a single click; this willupdate the study verification dialog fields automatically. Release an Assignment

To release an already assigned study again, please click on the button „Release“. Arelease also will automatically reset the AccessionNr of a study.

Please note that processing a release action might take some time, dependent on thestudy size and actual server workload, since every image of the study as to beaccessed.

After a release, the newly released study can be reassigned again.

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 25 User Manual Assigning a Study

To assign a study, please select the related entry from the worklist table and click onthe button „Assign“ in the bottom left hand corner. A double click on a row in theworklist table will also trigger an assignment action.

If an assignment of the study is not possible, the status display next to the „Assign“button will show an explanation why.

Possible reasons are:

The study is protected

You don’t have the necessary right to modify study assignments

The study is currently processed by the server (e.g. during image data receive)

The study is no longer available on the server

No study has been selected

No worklist entry has been selected

In the case of trying to a assign a study to worklist entry is already assigned toanother study, a warning dialog is displayed, see next figure. Thus, to assign theworklist entry multiple times, you must answer yes in this dialog.

WARNING: Assigning a worklist entry to multiple study may result in datainconsistency!

Fig. 20: Warning Dialog: Worklist entry already assigned

Please note that processing a release action might take some time, dependent on thestudy size and actual server workload. Every image of the study is being accessed,changing the patient’s demographic data, accession number and study descriptionaccording to the selected worklist entry.

After all changes have been applied, the next study from the study manager talbewill automatically be selected.

5.3.9 Deleting images

A selected series can be deleted by pressing <delete> or clicking the button .

However, use this command with care! Not only will the corresponding image filesbe deleted but also the corresponding database entry of the study.

!!! Caution!!! This action cannot be undone and should only be available to userswith administrative rights.

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6 Viewing section

6.1 The Pictorial Index 28

6.2 The Viewport 29

6.3 Split series 33

6.4 The Status Bar 34

6.5 Scouts and scanlines 34

6.5.1 Scanline display accuracy 35

6.6 View cutlines 36

6.7 Previous Studies 37

6.8 Multi Monitor Support 39

6.8.1 Connecting different Monitors 40

6.9 The Viewing Section Toolbar 41

6.9.1 Processing Functions 42 Application Mode 42 Image Locking 42 Selecting an Image 43 Selecting a Viewing Section 44 Grayscale Windowing 44 Zoom Functions 46 Filter 47 Magnifying Glass 47 Rotating / Fl ipping / Invert ing / Reset 48 Image Orientation 49 Altering the presentation matrix 49 Panning 50

6.9.2 Cine 51

6.9.3 Image Annotations 53 Drawing Annotations 54 Manipulating Annotations 55 Deleting Annotations 55 Calculation Functions 56 Shutters 56

6.10 Saving Presentation States 57

6.11 Volume Rendering 58

6.11.1 Creating a planar reconstruction 59

6.11.2 Manipulating a reconstruction 60

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6.11.3 Properties for all reconstructions 61 The Slab 61 The display method 62

6.11.4 Modifying the oblique reconstruction 64

6.11.5 Algorithm used for oblique reconstruction 65

6.11.6 Requantize an image series 66

6.11.7 Preconditions for reconstruction 67

6.12 Exporting to JPEG, BMP, PNG, PNM, TIFF, AVI and DICOM 69

6.12.1 Properties of AVI Export 70

6.13 Key Images 70

6.14 Displaying and Editing the Result 72

6.14.1 Using Textmodules 72

6.15 Integrated Video Playback (Windows) 73

6.15.1 Start Video Playback 73

6.15.2 Requirements for Videoplayback 74

6.15.3 Troubleshooting 75

6.16 Printing 76

6.16.1 Print Preview 76

6.16.2 Selecting a printer 77

6.16.3 Page Setup 78

6.16.4 Background 79

6.16.5 Key-Images 79

6.16.6 Image Matrix 80

6.16.7 Mouseactions 81

6.17 DICOM Print 81

A viewing section is a clearly arranged display of a certain number of images (e.g. aseries of images). It consists of a pictorial index, a status bar. (Fig. 21) andadditionally, there are viewports which display either a single image or a matrix ofimages (see section Altering the image matrix). The pictorial index contains allloaded images as thumbnails. The status bar provides information on the currentdisplay. When Compare Mode is activated, JiveX simultaneously displays two ormore viewing sections. Thus you can easily compare images.

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Pictorial index

Status bar

Fig. 21: Viewing section

In Compare Mode the active viewport is marked with a green frame. You can select aviewport by simply clicking on it. If a viewport displays a matrix of images, theselected image has a cyan frame. There can only be one selected viewport or matrixelement at a time.

6.1 The Pictorial Index

The pictorial index displays a miniaturized overview of every image loaded in theviewing section (Fig. 22). These miniaturized images are ordered by image numberderived from their DICOM information. If such a miniaturized image is clicked withthe left mouse button, it is displayed in a previously selected viewport. This viewportis then marked with a green frame. If the thumbnail is clicked with the right mousebutton, its successional images are displayed as well, provided the viewport shows amatrix. Otherwise, only the clicked image is displayed (see section Changing theImage Matrix).

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Fig. 22: Pictorial Index

When the mouse pointer is moved over a certain image of a viewport, thecorresponding image in the pictorial index is marked with a white frame (Fig. 22).

You can also drag and drop images from the pictorial index to the image viewportwith a pressed mouse button.

If you click the right mouse button on the pictorial index, a context menu allows youto toggle the current series sort order (of the series under the mouse cursor) or toremove the series or whole study from the viewer.

6.2 The Viewport

The viewport is the display area for images. When the mouse pointer is moved overthe image, the corresponding thumbnail in the pictorial index is marked with a grayframe.

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The upper red box in the upper right corner allows locking an image (see sectionLocking Image). Locked images cannot be manipulated and are excluded from allfollowing operations. This is of particular interest if you want to use the applicationmode Series. In this case image manipulations are applied to all images displayed inthe viewing section, except the locked ones (see section Application Mode).

For the JiveX[rv] and JiveX[dv]-Light the second red box allows to mark images askey images.

The lower red box can be used to chain series. If you chain two or more series, youcan pan, zoom, flip or rotate and navigate all these chained series simultaneously.However, the function Windowing is excluded from this chain mode.

Patient information can be displayed in the viewport’s upper left corner (see sectionNavigation Panel). In the middle of the right border you can display a ruler and ateach side orientation letters can be shown. Additionally, the consecutive imagenumber of each image in its series can be displayed.

Clicking the right mouse button on the viewport opens a context menu (as long asthe click position is not located on the border of an annotation). This menu (see Fig.23) allows the following operations:

Show one of the loaded series in the current viewing section. If you have morethen one study, the series are submenu items of their studies in the menu.

The action for the left mouse button can be toggled (pan, window, zoom ornavigate).

Viewer specific annotations such as patient information, a ruler, orientationletters, JiveX image number and user defined DICOM tags can be switched on oroff.

A copied annotation can be pasted to the current image or to all images of thecurrent series.

Change the scout icon or show cutlines or a locator image.

Export the current image / matrix / series as JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, etc.

To print the current image / matrix / series use the print submenu of the contextmenu. The bottommost menu item will switch the compare mode on or offdepending on the current mode.

Selection of the series matrix (Compare mode=2x1, Single series mode=1x1,predefined matrices).

Zoom to original size or to maximize the images in their viewports.

Split series (only CT and MR – see below).

Toggle the series sort order.

Choose a predefined window setting.

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Fig. 23: Context menu

Depending on the context, some more menu items are available:

Lock all / Unlock all to lock or unlock all image areas of the selected viewingsection.

Show only key images / Show all images shows only the key images of theselected series or displays the whole series.

Show previous study (inside) and Show previous study (aside):If you have a main examination (study) and one or some previuos studies, youcan show the matching series of a previous study either series beside series or

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the previous study beside the main study.Example: A main study (MS) of MR modality is shown in a 2x2 series matrix:

T1 sag T2 sag

T1 cor T1 cor

A previous study (PS) now can be showed that way, that either relating series ofthe main and the previous study are showed side by side („inside“) or that thestudies are showed side by side („aside“).

The result would be:

Show previous study (inside) Show previous study (aside)

T1 sag(MS)

T1 sag(PS)

T2 sag(MS)

T2 sag(PS)

T1 sag(MS)

T2 sag(MS)

T1 sag(PS)

T2 sag(PS)

T1 cor(MS)

T1 cor(PS)

T2 cor(MS)

T2 cor(PS)

T1 cor(MS)

T2 cor(MS)

T1 cor(PS)

T2 cor(PS)

Attached to the right side of the image (matrix), a vertical scrollbar is displayed. Itcan be used to navigate through the currently loaded series: a mouse click above orbelow the scrollbar nub or on the scrollbar’s arrows will shift the images in thecurrent matrix by one complete matrix up or down (e.g. when the current matrix is3x3, the next 9 images will be displayed). If the [CTRL] key is pressed whileclicking, images will be shifted by one row up or down; dragging the nub itself willshift image-wise. You can also navigate through the series with the cursor keys, orwith up- and down mouse-movements with a pressed right mouse button.

Moreover, the mouse wheel can be used to navigate through the images of a series.It functions in much the same way as the scrollbar: Each wheel turn (click) shiftsimages matrix-wise, pressing the [CTRL] key while using the wheel will scroll by onerow.

If the ‘S’-key is pressed during the navigation and the viewer is in the comparemode, both series will be scrolled through synchronously by the same number ofimages.

If the ‘E’-key is pressed during the navigation and the viewer is in the comparemode, both series will be scrolled through synchronously by the same distance inmillimeter. However, if the two series differ in thickness, images might be skipped.

Additionally, panning or zooming in/out on an image can be achieved by using theappropriate buttons on the mouse wheel.

If you press the left mouse button (and hold it down) and then click the right mousebutton, the action for the left mouse button is changed to the next possible action(see the statusline action icon) – that means: window -> navigate -> zoom -> pan ->window.

If at least two series are being displayed (with the same image direction), you canequalize the image planes of these series to view similar images of the same(nearest) image position. To do so you have to choose a source series to which youwant to equalize another series. Press the shift key (and hold it down) and press theright mouse button over the "source“ series (and hold it down too). Then move themouse to the "destination“ series and release both the mouse button and the shiftkey. The context menu will open and a new menu item named "Equalize imageplane“ appears. Choose that item and the "destination“ series will show images ofthe same (nearest) image position as the source series.

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In some cases you wish to change the image order, that means an image from e.g.the third position must be moved to the 5th position. To do that you can select theimage, press the shift-key (and hold it) and move the image with the left mousebutton to the destination position. The images should be shown in a matrix. You canuse the [Pause]-key to show all images of the current series in an optimized matrix.

6.3 Split series

With the menu item „Split series“ coherent CT or MR series and their seriescomponents are separated. There are three types of split methods: Acquisitiontechnique, Time sequences and Position sequences.

Acquisition technique

With this method the images are checked for attributes of their acquisition techniqueand separated by differences. These attributes are e.g. echo time, repetition time,image orientation or a contrast agent.

Time sequences

In cardio diagnostics you often find sequences of images on the same position as atime sequence (e.g. over one heart beat). For example: over 30 images over time per6 different positions. These series can be split keeping images of the same positiontogether. With respect to the above mentioned example this results into 6 series eachwith 30 images.

Position sequences

Some modalities create series with multiple image positions like 30 coronal imagesof the head, 30 coronal images of the chest and 30 coronal images of the abdomen.

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Such a series would be split into 3 series containing 30 images each. This methodalso allows to split images with the same image position (to allow MPR).

6.4 The Status Bar

The status bar shows information about the viewport’s status or the operations inprogress. E.g. while performing a grayscale windowing, the status bar displays thecorresponding values of the window’s center and width.

Fig. 24: Status Bar

6.5 Scouts and scanlines

It is possible to display a scout inside the image viewport, in case of an existingscout image. After displaying the scout image you can set this image as image scout.

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Fig. 25: Context menu

The scout is then displayed in the bottom right hand corner of each image viewport.The scanline of each image is marked in the scout with a yellow line. The scout viewcan be disabled by selecting the appropriate menu item form the context menu.

6.5.1 Scanline display accuracy

To calculate and display the scanline accurately, the angle between the norm vectorsof the scout image plane and the displayed image plane should be less than 10degrees. Dependent on the set recording parameters, this criterion may not befulfilled in some studies. As a result – mathematically speaking – it is not possible tocalculate an accurate value to display an exact scanline.

However, by allowing a user defined "deviation“ of the expected 10 degree minimumangle JiveX is able to generate a so called „projection“ of the image plane. This isthen being displayed onto the scout plane instead of a scanline. In this case, thescanline is displayed "dashed“. Additionally, a yellow exclamation mark with anaccording tooltip is being displayed on the scout image.

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Fig. 26: Scanline plane angle warning

6.6 View cutlines

Via the context menu you can activate the cutlines. If many series are displayed ineach image the cutline from the selected (focused) image including the imagenumber will be shown (if possible):

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Fig. 27: Cutlines

6.7 Previous Studies

Once a study or series has been loaded into the viewer using the command "PreviousStudies“ accesses any previous study of the patient. The "Previous Studies“ dialogbox can be opened via the context menu (right click on image) or by clicking thebutton of the menu toolbar. The screenshot (see below) shows the way in whichthe dialog box lists all previous studies of the patient, here sorted by study date inascending order.

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Fig. 28: Dialog window „Previous Studies"

To mark studies for loading tick the checkboxes in front of the studies. Should onlysingle series of a study be loaded, one click on the arrow of a study entry willexpand the series list for that study. Once all required studies / series have beenselected press the "Load selection“ key to initiate the data transfer. To load allstudies listed you can directly click "Load all“. "Cancel“ closes the dialog boxwithout loading any additional images.

Studies that are already loaded will be displayed in italic letters with a prefix<already loaded> whereas studies that are offline or not accessible will be markedwith a prefix <not available>.

The upper part of the dialog shows an „Information“ section with a summary aboutselected/loaded studies as well as an „Options“ section. Both sections can beexpanded or collapsed using the small triangle buttons in the frame top.

The section „Options“ can set the following attributes for access to previous studies:

Study Selection: Same JiveX Patient ID

If this option is active, the study list will contain (all studies of) patients that are

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detected by the JiveX Server to be identical with the case actually displayed.

Same Patient IDIf this option is active, the study list will additionally contain (all studies of)patients that have the same Patient ID as case actually displayed.

filteredThis is related to the option „ Same Patient ID“.Since, principally, there might be DICOM studies in the system stored undera wrong Patient ID (because the modality sent it that way), the study list of allpatients with the same Patient ID might contain data from more than onepatient. If „filtered“ is checked, falsely detected data sets are removed fromthe study list computed with the option „Same Patient ID“.

Same name & birth dateIf this option is active, the study list will additionally contain (all studies of)patients that have the same name and birth date as case actually displayed.

Additional Study Information:

Patient nameIf selected, the patient’s name is displayed with each entry in the study list (seeFig. 28). This can be useful when patients with identical Patient ID are dislayed,to check whether all studies are from the same patient or not.

Patient birth dateIf selected, the patient’s birth date is displayed with each entry in the study list.

Patient sexIf selected, the patient’s sex is displayed with each entry in the study list.

Please remark that changes in the „Options“ section will not be applied directly tothe study list. You will have to click the buttn „Update“ first.

6.8 Multi Monitor Support

By default, multi monitor systems are supported. For a proper display, dual monitorsystems must fulfill the following requirements:

Both monitors running at identical screen resolution

Both monitors running at identical color depth (using an identical color model)

The multi monitor mode of the image viewer is optimized for two monitors in a row,one next to each other (nevertheless, two monitors in a column are possible as well).The user interface of the image viewer will automatically switch to special modeadapted to multi monitor display, as shown in Fig. 29.

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Fig. 29: User interface in multi monitor mode

One function panel together with a preview bar is displayed to the left and righthand side of the application frame. The functionality of both areas stays transparent,e.g. modifying the zoom factor on the left function will move the slider on the rightfunctions panel as well. In dual mode, actions will always be applied to that series(or image) which is currently being selected (marked by the green frame).

The other differences to the single monitor mode are:

Dialogs and input boxes are placed on the screen relative to the position of themouse pointer. For Example, if the mouse pointer is on the right monitor, theprint preview dialog box will appear in the center or the right monitor.

The layout of the image viewer is optimized for a full screen display. Thisguarantees that when the application’s main frame is maximized to full screen,none of the images displayed in the matrix is cut by a monitor’s frame.

In contrast to single monitor systems, when running the image viewer in singlemode, only those matrixes with an even number of columns are allowed. Incompare mode, any matrixes are allowed.

Pressing the CTRL key while the application’s main window is maximizedthrough a mouse click, the window will be stretched on both monitors and takeup all the available space.

6.8.1 Connecting different Monitors

The dual monitor mode with Windows operating systems by default does not forbidusing different Monitors, e.g. with different resolution or color depth. If the monitorsconnected do not have the same screen resolution, the user interface of JiveX willnot automatically switch to dual monitor layout.

If the monitors do not use the same color depth, JiveX will always use the colormodel of the primary system monitor as a base for calculation and display of images.

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6.9 The Viewing Section Toolbar

The viewing section toolbar is organized in tabbed panels which providevarious controlling and image manipulation functions (Fig. 30). Grayscalewindowing is only one example of the functions contained in the Functiontab panel. Opening the tab panel Cine offer the possibility to perform a film-like display of all images of a viewing section („Cine-loop“). The tab panelAnnotations contains functions to create and manipulate graphical andtextual annotations.

The different functions are organized in function groups. Each group hasits own frame with a small ‘click-able’ triangle in the upper left corner.When clicked with the left mouse button, this triangle opens or closes afunction group (Abb. 9/10). If the triangle points up, the function group isopen showing all the avaliable functions. If the triangle points down, thefunction group is closed.

Fig. 30: Viewing Section Toolbar

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6.9.1 Processing Functions Application Mode

The application mode defines if image manipulations, e.g. grayscale windowing orzoom, are applied to single images or to complete series.

Fig. 31: "Apply to" Function Group

The following application modes are avaliable:

ImageManipulations are applied to the image previously selected. The selected imageis marked with a green frame.


Manipulations are applied to all images of a series except the locked ones. InCompare Mode, manipulations are applied only to the series of the currentlyselected viewing section.

Please remember that geometric and textual Annotations (see chapter ImageAnnotations), Calculations (see chapter Calculation Functions) and Shutters (seechapter Shutters) will always be applied to the actual image. In this case, theselected application mode will be ignored. Image Locking

Locking an image: Each viewport has a small red box in the upper right corner (Fig.32). This box can be activated and deactivated with a mouse-click. If an image hasbeen locked, it will be excluded from all manipulations applied hereafter, until thelock is deactivated again.

Alternatively, in order to lock or unlock images, you can also use the context menu.

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Fig. 32: Activated lock Selecting an Image

An image is selected by clicking into the viewport displaying the image. Theviewport is then marked with a green frame. The corresponding image in thepictorial index is also marked with a grey frame (Fig. 33).

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Fig. 33: Image 2 selected Selecting a Viewing Section

If JiveX [rv] is running in Compare Mode, there are two viewing sections. One of theviewing sections is selected automatically when an image has been chosen. Grayscale Windowing

JiveX [dv] provides you with different options to apply grayscale windowing. Theeasiest way is to use the left mouse button (if the left mouse button action isassigned to windowing). If another left mouse button action is selected, you canpress the ‘W’-key while pressing the left mouse button to window the images. Bykeeping it pressed and at the same time moving the mouse vertically, the grayscalewindow’s center can be changed. By moving the mouse horizontally the grayscalewindow’s width is altered. The corresponding values are displayed in the statuspanel.

The viewing section toolbar supplies you also with a function group for windowing(Fig. 34).

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Window Center-Input Box

Standard WindowPresets

Window Width-Input Box

Window Sliders

Fig. 34: Function Group Grayscale Windowing

The desired width and center can be entered into the two input boxes. Afterconfirming the entry by pressing the return key, new values are applied to thedisplay. Predefined sets can be selected by clicking on the icon Standard WindowPresets. Windowing can also be altered with the window slider when thecorresponding icon is clicked on (Fig. 35) .

WindowSliderWindow Center

Window SliderWindow Width

Fig. 35: Grayscale Window Sliders

The window presets can also be restored via the context menu of the images.

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Fig. 36: Context menu with window presets Zoom Functions

Another function group within the viewing section toolbar provides further optionsto alter the size of the images.

An absolute magnification can be entered into the input box. Images can bedynamically zoomed out or in by using the slider. The icon 1:1 displays the image inits original size (or exactly: One pixel of the DICOM image corresponds to one pixelon the monitor). JiveX can auto-calculate the image size in order to optimize its fit inthe viewport. To do so click on the icon Fit to Viewport.

Fig. 37: "Zoom" Function Group

Clicking on the icon ROI Zoom (Region Of Interest) (Fig. 32) selects a desired areaof the image using the mouse. First, activate the icon ROI Zoom with a mouse click.Then, position the mouse pointer on the image and select/mark the desired area(keep the left mouse button pressed while moving the mouse). A yellow rectangleappears which marks the selected area. As soon as you release the mouse button, theselected image area is adapted to the current viewport size and displayed zoomed inmaximally. To change the zoom factor press the ‘Z’-key whilst dragging the imageinto the viewport with the mouse.

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With the „Adjust Ruler“-checkbox you can adjust the rulers of all visible images, sothat all images have the same measurements. If one of the images is then zoomedin/out, all images are adjusted in their size accordingly. Please note that imageswithout given pixel sizes are excluded from this ruler adjustment. Filter

If images are displayed inside the viewer you can decide which kind of displaymethod should be used for the images. At the moment three different types aresupported. These filter types are applied to all images inside the viewer:

Unfiltered. If images are displayed with a zoom factor greater 1.0 the additionalpixels are replicated.

Interpolation. If images are displayed with a zoom factor greater 1.0 theadditional pixels are calculated as average values to generate a ‘smoother’ look.

Sharpen. Edges within images are emphasized (big color changes are callededges).

Fig. 38: "Zoom" Function Group Magnifying Glass

The ‘magnifying glass’ option allows to magnify sections of the underlying DICOMimage – without loosing the orientation inside the image. The magnifying glass canbe moved over the image using the mouse. To move the selected area or to resize itjust drag the mouse inside the resizebox in the bottom right hand corner of themagnifying glass area.

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UnderlyingDICOM image

Display of window (width andcenter) and the zoom factor of themagnifying glass

Fig. 39: The magnifying glass

The window settings and the zoom factor of the magnifying glass can be changed,too. To change the window settings (width and center) you may press the ‚W‘-keywhile moving the mouse with pressed left mouse key. To change the zoom factor youmay press the ‚Z‘-key while moving the mouse with pressed left mouse key. In bothcases the mouse pointer must be inside the magnifying glass area. The figure aboveillustrates the magnifying glass above a DICOM image with a different windowsetting and a greater zoom factor.

The magnifying glass can be activated either with a) the lens-button inside thefunction panel or with b) the keyboard shortcut ALT-M and a following mouse clickon an image or with c) a pressed M-key while clicking on an image.

To close the magnifying glass, simply click beside the lens window. Rotating / Flipping / Inverting / Reset

The viewing section toolbar tools to further manipulate the display of images (Fig.40). Images can be reset, inverted, rotated in 90° steps (both anti-clockwise andclockwise) and flipped vertically as well as horizontally.

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Rotate left



Rotate right

Fig. 40: "Common" Function Group Image Orientation

If the displayed image contains information about its orientation, the information isbeing shown at the margins of the image in a letter coded fashion. The orientationinformation adapts to rotation and flip operations. The following letters are used:

A - AnteriorP - PosteriorL - LeftR - RightH - HeadF - Foot

The context menu "Annotations / Image Orientation" shows or hides the letters. Altering the presentation matrix

This function group alters either the series matrix to view multiple series or theimage matrix for multiple images inside one series (Fig. 41).

The number of rows and columns can be entered into the two input boxes of eachmatrix area. The input is confirmed by pressing the return key. By clicking on theicon Image Matrix Presets or Series Matrix Presents a predefined matrix (like 1x1,2x1, 1x2, 2x2, 2x3, 3x3, ...) can be selected.

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Fig. 41: "Matrix" Function Group

By double-clicking on the image, the current (selected) image will open in afullscreen mode. With JiveX[rv] you can choose the matrix of the fullscreen mode viathe hanging protocols. The selected image is displayed maximally zoomed in. Afurther double-click restores the previous matrix setting. Panning

To pan images you have to move the mouse pointer into the viewport, press the leftmouse button and keep it pressed while moving it. An additional click with the leftmouse button opens the panning function. Alternatively, press the ‘P’-key whiledragging the image with the mouse. The mouse pointer turns into a hand. Releasethe mouse button to stop dragging the image.

You can also hold down the mouse wheel (like a button) and pan the image bymoving the mouse.

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6.9.2 Cine

Additionally, the program contains a so called Cine-function. All images loaded intoa viewing section can be viewed like a movie. The speed of this application can bechosen freely. It is possible to play the loop forward as well as backward.

To start, simply click on the icon Start Cine. Accordingly, click on the icon StopCine to halt it.

Use the slider to vary the speed1.

Enter the number of the starting and a finishing image, respectively into the Positioninput box. (The animation can be restricted to a limited number of images from acertain series by omitting ones from either the beginning or the ending).

1 The maximum speed is dependent on the hardware of your computer. With the slider you specify the desired value; thereal speed may be lower in case of slow hardware.

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Fig. 42: "Cine" Tab

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6.9.3 Image Annotations

There is a whole variety of drawing tools to annotate images. They have their owntab panel in the viewing section toolbar of the viewer.

Fig. 43: Overview „Annotations“

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 54 User Manual Drawing Annotations

Please, select a color and a type for the annotation you wish to create (see Fig. 44).All annotations except polygons require two clicks with the left mouse button. Clickonce to start drawing the annotation, then move the mouse pointer and click asecond time to finish the annotation.

When drawing polygons, use as many left mouse clicks as you need to define newpolygon points. A final double click will finish the annotation.



Open polygon




Text withanchor point



Fill annotation

Circle withcenter point

Circle over 3points

Fig. 44: Types of Annotation

A dialog box is opened when creating a textual annotation. Please enter yourannotation text into the „text“ field of this dialog box. Further characteristics can bedefined here: the positioning of the text, its color and the creation of an anchorpoint if desired. After confirming the entry, the position of the text is determined bythe first mouse click, the anchor point is set with a second click.

If you press the [C]-key while creating an annotation, the mouse cursor will behidden to allow accurate positioning of points/lines/objects.

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Textual annotationswith anchor point

Textual annotationswithout anchor point

Fig. 45: Textual Annotations Manipulating Annotations

Existing annotations can be altered. By simply clicking on an annotation and keepingthe left mouse button pressed, it can be shifted. Please make sure you click on the(imaginary) bounding box of an annotation you wish to modify.

If an annotation has been selected, a context menu can be opened with the rightmouse button. From this context menu a property dialog can be opened. Theposition of the annotation can be altered in relation to other annotations and it isalso possible to delete the annotation completely.

In the property dialog of a graphical annotation, it is possible to subsequently alterthe color of the annotation. Unfilled closed annotations can be filled and vice versa.Annotation positions can also be converted from image relative into display relative,which means, that they are not shifted together with the image anymore.

If you are creating textual annotations, a dialog box - similar to the initial propertydialog - appears. Here, the text can be corrected, its position can be altered and theanchor point can be switched off. Additionally, the color can be changed andswitched from image relative to display relative.

Normally you can either move the text of a textual annotation or its anchorpoint. Ifyou press the Ctrl-key during the move you can move the whole textual annotation.

You might be in need of the option to alter the order of overlapping or filled inannotations on the screen. In that case, you are able to use the context menu to shiftannotations from the background to the foreground. Deleting Annotations

An annotation can be deleted by using its context menu.

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 56 User Manual Calculation Functions

On the images, distances and angles can be displayed and a statistical evaluation ofthe pixels can be run. Annotations are drawn in the pre-selected color and arecreated as explained above. To calculate an angle, the three points of its two armsare entered through mouse clicks. Distances are calculated the same way as lines aredrawn and running a statistical evaluation is comparable to the drawing of arectangle. The image DICOM information is used for the calculation. If no sizeinformation is contained in the image, the distance information is specified in pixelvalues.

Angle measurement

Open angle measurement

3 way angle measurement

4 point angle measurement

Distance measurement

Line relation measurement

Parallel line with distance

Plumb line with distance

Statistic measurements (rectangle)

Statistic measurements (polygon)

Statistic measurements (circle)

By using the context menu, it is possible to subsequently alter the color (by clickingon „properties“) as well as the position. It is, of course, possible to deletecalculations again.

For the both open angle calculations you can move the lines or the text separatelyfrom the whole annotation if you press the Ctrl-key during the move. Shutters

By using shutters, structures inside a chosen area can be shut out. There are threedifferent types of shutters (circles, rectangles and polygons). Each one of the threecan be used only once on an image, in accordance with the DICOM standard. It is,however, possible to combine the different types of shutters. With a second click ona shutter button you can remove a selected shutter type.

A selection list among the buttons enables you to define the gray value used to fillthe shutter’s surrounding.

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Abb. 1: Shutter

6.10 Saving Presentation States

Please see chapter "Result Display" for a description how to save Presentation States.

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6.11 Volume Rendering

The „Volume Rendering“ function panel (Fig. 46) offers different methods for planarreconstructions (axle-parallel („axially“) and inclined („oblique“)) of a series. Thereconstructed image stack is created dynamically and initially exists in the memoryof the computer only. Before a reconstruction is possible, any series to bereconstructed must be loaded completely into the JiveX viewer. The reconstruction isproduced on demand on click of a button (section 6.11.1).

Fig. 46: The „Volume Rendering“ function panel

The section 6.11.1 describes how to create a MPR whereas section 6.11.2 describesthe different properties of the reconstruction. The MPR function is only selectable ifthe series loaded permits an appropriate treatment. Otherwise the control elementsare deactivated.

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6.11.1 Creating a planar reconstruction

The function group „Create MPR“ offers functions to assist planar and inclinedreconstruction. These functions are available only if the series is loaded completelyinto the viewer and is suitable for a multi-planar reconstruction (see section 6.11.7).

A planar reconstruction is accomplished with the „orientation“ buttons (see Fig. 47).The reconstruction takes place alternatively axially or oblique:

Fig. 47: The function area for the creation of a dynamic picture series: Line 1:individual axial reconstructions (coronal, sagittal, transverse) and all three axial

directions; Line 2: oblique reconstruction and all four directions

Every of the four possible axle-parallel space orientations coronal , sagittal ,transverse and oblique is represented by a button. The dynamicallyreconstructed image stack replaces the current view in the viewport. When firstshown, the middle slice of the reconstructed stack is initially selected in theviewport.

All three reconstructions (coronal, sagittal, transverse) are computed in one stepby the button. The display changes to a 2x2 series matrix with a1x1 picturematrix (stack) each. All currently displayed series are replaced by the newlyproduced reconstructions.This button serves as a shortcut to generate all three axial reconstructions.

All four reconstructions are computed in one step by the button. The displaychanges to a 2x2 series matrix with a1x1 picture matrix each. All currentlydisplayed series are replaced by the reconstructed stacks.This button serves as a shortcut to generate all four reconstructions.

All processing functions available for static image series are available forreconstructions, too (cutlines, windowing, zooming, etc.).

The reconstructions are represented as newly generated image series in thepictorial index with a series description defining the axle of the image stack. Incontrast to static picture series the dynamic reconstructions are not representedthrough „thumbnail“ views of the original sized images and their view can notthe deflated („reduced view“).

In the top right hand corner of the images displays an overlay text to indicatethat the stack is a reconstruction. If a Slab is selected (see section, theslab thickness is appended to the text (see Fig. 48, Fig. 50).

From the original series, a reconstruction can be created only once per axle andper display method, resulting in a maximum of 12 possible dynamicreconstructions (three display methods for any of the four image spaceorientations). If the execution of an already existing reconstruction is requested,

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the reconstructed series is loaded into the active viewport and no newreconstruction is created.

Fig. 48 shows reconstructions of all four image space orientations.

Fig. 48: Reconstructions of all image space orientations.

6.11.2 Manipulating a reconstruction

After a reconstruction has been done, its representation can further be changed usingthe „properties“ area. The control elements are selectable only if a dynamicallyproduced reconstruction is in the current (active) viewport. Elements which are notapplicable for the selected picture series are deactivated. On static picture series,none of the operations is possible.

Some control elements are selectable for all reconstructions, others only for obliquereconstructions. Section 6.11.3 describes the elements which are selectable for allreconstructions. Section 6.11.4 describes the elements which are only applicable forthe oblique reconstruction only. In section 6.11.5, further characteristics of theoblique reconstruction are described.Requantization as a special manipulation of a selected (source) series is described insection6.11.6.

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6.11.3 Properties for all reconstructions

Two parameters are available for all reconstructions: the „Slab“ and the „DisplayMethod“. The Slab

A manipulation of the displayed volume range can be done by defining a Slab. Arange of a volume is called Slab if it represents a range (number of) of subsequentimages of the image stack that is rendered to the screen using a defined algorithm(e.g. MIP) and displayed as „one slice“. The Slab can be defined by a number ofimages to be combined or in mm „thickness“ There are two input fields available forchanging the Slab. The view of a slab displayed in a viewport is updatedautomatically after any input change in either of the fields. Remark that the twoinput fields are linked, that means that altering the value of the one willautomatically adapt the other.

Fig. 49: Defining the properties of a Slab

The default Slab for any created reconstruction is set to 1 slice that is equally to theslice thickness as defined in the recording parameters of the imaging modality2.

The Slab is calculated immediately by the help of the voxel spacing of the imagesseries. The correlated input field of other unit is updated immediately. The Slab canbe defined slice-wise on the original image stack only. If the Slab is defined bydistance in millimeters, it is rounded automatically to a multiple of the slicethickness.

Example:The transversal images of a series have a slice thickness of 2mm. Thus, thespacing in view direction summarizes in 2mm steps. This means, a Slab of 10layers measures 20mm. Although a Slab of 19,9mm can be entered in theinput field „Distance [mm]“, this value is rounded on 20mm, since onlywhole voxel layers can be summarized.

If a Slab of 5 layers is entered, a corresponding distance of 10mm iscomputed automatically.

Fig. 50 shows JiveX after a change of the Slab.

2For axially parallel reconstructions, the spacing of the z-axle is defined by the pixel spacing of theoriginal series. Doing oblique reconstruction, the smallest spacing occurring in the volume is used.

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Fig. 50: The viewer after modifying of the Slab. In the top left viewport shows thecoronal reconstruction with a Slab of 24 layers. The Slab is indicted by the green lines

in the other reconstructions.

The annotations in the top right hand corner of the viewport show the selectedSlab and the used display method (MIP, AVG or MIN).

The Slab can be individually adjusted for each reconstruction and will beindicated in the other viewports if cutlines are activated. The display method

For the summary of several image stack layers through a Slab, three different displaymethods are available (see Abb. 6). These are:

MIPUsing the „Maximum Intensity Projection“, each displayed pixel represents thelargest, i.e. the brightest gray value that occurs at this position in the layerswhich are to be combined by the adjusted Slab into one image.

AVGUsing „Average Intensity Projection“ summarizes all pixel values at a position inthe layers and calculates the arithmetic average, which is displayed.

MINThe „Minimum Intensity Projection“ is the counterpart to the MIP algorithm,using the smallest occurring gray value.

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Fig. 51: Selection of the display method.

Any newly created reconstruction is initially using the same display as its origin,or „MIP“ if the original series was a static series. The display method can bechanged at any time. However, changing the display method will create It is tobe noted however, that the represented dynamic series is not changed, but that anew series with the selected display method is produced.

An example showing all three display methods is shown in Abb. 7.

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Fig. 52: Different display methods compared: All reconstructions show a Slab of 25mmas visualized in the cutline of the bottom right hand corner viewport. The top left

shows a Maximum Intensity Projection, the top right an Average Intensity Projectionand the bottom left a Minimum Intensity Projection.

6.11.4 Modifying the oblique reconstruction

For the oblique reconstruction, besides the properties already introduced, supportsadditional properties for manipulating the view axle (Fig. 53).

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Fig. 53: The parameters of the view axle. The right slider represents the rotation of thehorizontal axle, the lower slider the angle of the vertical axle. The values for the

angles are whole degrees measured in goniometer unit (-180 - +180).

The view axle equals to the direction in space of the z-axle of the viewport showingthe oblique reconstruction. The view axle can be modified by two slidersrepresenting the rotation angles: One for setting the horizontal axle of the view (therows of the images), the other for the vertical axle (the columns of the images). Therotation axle settings remain constant even when a series is rotated or flipped. Thebutton resets both angles to zero, shifting the oblique reconstruction into itsinitial position.

The rotation angles can also be interactively manipulated with the mouse: pressthe X key on the keyboard and the left mouse button together. The mouse cursorshould change to a oblique rotation arrow cursor. Moving the mouse up anddown changes the horizontal angle, left and right changes the vertical.

6.11.5 Algorithm used for oblique reconstruction

The computation of the oblique reconstruction is far more complex than a standardcomputation of the stack along the default transversal, sagittal or coronal axle andrequires high CPU usage. Depending in the number of images in the stack and theslab range, there may be noticeable delays in the screen refresh when interactivelychanging the view axles.

If the delay is not acceptable and should be avoided, it is possible to modify thecomputation of the reconstruction. The algorithm will then compute less voxels,resulting in a faster screen and refresh less exact view during rotation.

Fig. 54 shows the control elements for adjusting the interactivity.

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Fig. 54: Selecting the quality of reconstruction

There are three settings available:

The setting „Accurately“ is activated per default. Each pixel of the displayedpicture is visualized at a maximum quality. The algorithm takes morecomputational steps and may result in a slower refresh.

The setting „Speedily“ is a compromise between view accuracy and speed3.

If the setting „Fast“ is selected, it is guaranteed that at least 5 pictures per secondare reconstructed. Depending on speed of your computer, the image quality maybe reduced noticeably.

A reduction of the image quality as a result of the setting „Speedily“ or „Fast“ isapplied only while changing the view axle interactively. Once the mouse buttonis released, the view is recomputed at maximum quality!

6.11.6 Requantize an image series

A reconstructed image stack can, when displayed, be „requantized“ by clicking the„Requantization „ button on the function panel (see Fig. 46). The process ofrequantization (irreversibly) summarizes a defined number of slices of its originalimage series. Thus, a requantization offers the possibility to reduce the overallnumber of images of a series, e.g. for export or printing purposes or for reducing theamount of data.

The requantization algorithm is basically identical to the slab calculation on adynamic series as introduced above. The user specifies the number of summarizedimage slices (see section and a display method (see section Bothinput field are pre-filled with the values of the series to be requantized (that is in thecurrently selected viewport). Fig. 55 shows the requantization dialog window.

3This setting replaces the “Trilinear” interpolation with a “Nearest Neighbour” interpolation.

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Fig. 55: The Requantization dialog window: The box „current series“ shows theproperties of the selected original series. The input fields in the lower part of the

dialog preview the properties of the requantized series.

The input field „Number of summarized slices“ is currently the only modifiablevalue. The value entered defines number of slices in the resulting series and theirslice thickness accordingly.

Confirming with „OK“ starts the requantization process immediately. The new imageseries is added automatically to the viewer. The original series is not removed and isstill available.

A requantized image series is no longer a dynamic series. Its properties, e.g. thenumber of requantized imges and the viewing method can not be altered after therequantization process.

In most cases, the number of slices of the image series to be requantized may notbe divided by the number of slices of the resulting series without a numerical„rest“. Thus, the last slice of the resulting series usually is a bit „thinner“.

Because of the last „thinner“ slice, a requantized series may not be suitable for aplanar reconstruction any longer (see section 6.11.7, statement 5).

6.11.7 Preconditions for reconstruction

The planar reconstruction cannot be applied to all image series. The followingpreconditions must be fulfilled:

1. The series must contain at least two images.

2. The pixels of the source image series must be stored with 16 Bits gray or less perpixel (DICOM Tag „Bits Stored (0028,0101)“).

3. The pictures are sorted ascending by image position. It is recommended to usethe Hanging Protocol feature „Automated Image Sorting“ to ensure the correctorder. If this Hanging Protocol option is deactivated, the resulting reconstructionmight appear headfirst or can not be created at all (buttons stay disabled).

4. All images of the source series (stack) are parallel in their z-axle.

5. The distances between each pair of images is constant throughout the wholeseries and is not equal to zero.

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If one or more preconditions are not fulfilled, a reconstruction is not applicable andthe control elements of the Volume Rendering function panel (see Fig. 46) staydisabled.

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6.12 Exporting to JPEG, BMP, PNG, PNM, TIFF, AVI and DICOM

JiveX supports the export of images in JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PNM and DICOMimage format.

Please click on the ‚Export‘-button on the navigation panel (see chapterNavigation Panel), to select images and save them to the hard drive (disk).There are a number of selections to choose from before saving the image:

The user can either export the original image with its present windowing statusor alternatively export the image together with the currently selected viewportand all the annotations belonging to it. (Not available when exporting to DICOM)

Either the selected image, the current matrix or all images of one series can beexported.

The size of the image to be exported can be changed. (Not available whenexporting to DICOM)

When exporting to JPEG you can choose between three different levels of quality.The higher the quality, the larger the exported files.

When exporting to DICOM you can anonymize the DICOM files.

Fig. 56: Export

If exporting a matrix or series, the image number will automatically beappended to the filename. If e.g. a series of 42 images is exported to JPEGsusing the filename „TestSeries“, files named from „TestSeries_000.jpg“ to„TestSeries_041.jpg“ will be generated.

While the export runs, a progress bar is displayed to inform about the exportstatus.

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6.12.1 Properties of AVI Export


The export to AVI file format is available for DICOM multiframe images only andmust be separately configured in the user profile. By default, the export to AVI isdisabled.


For exporting, the AVI data stream is generated by the JiveX Server. Thus, thecompression algorithm („codec“) used is also configured in the JiveX Server. Thedefault codec used is the XVID codec which generated MPEG4 compressed data. Toplayback the AVI file, you must have an MPEG4 codec installed on your computer.


Creating an AVI from larger DICOM multiframe series is a CPU intensive job andmight take some time, dependent of the current workload of the JiveX Server. Whencreating an AVI, the following dialog is displayed. If you choose to „Continue“working, the JiveX Review might react somewhat slower for the time the AVI isstreamed.

Fig. 57: Continue work during export

6.13 Key Images

Key images can be defined to mark result-relevant images. To mark an image as akey image click in the second red box located in the upper right hand corner of eachimage viewport. A key icon is being shown in this box. To remove the key imagestatus, just click in this box again.

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Fig. 58: Key Images

In the thumbnail tree key images are marked with a key symbol, too. The contextmenu of the image viewports opens the result view. From this dialog box you cansave the key image status (among other things).

Out of the study browser you can load only those images (out of a whole series)which are marked as key images. To do so, please click on the button with the keysymbol.

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Fig. 59: Loading key images

6.14 Displaying and Editing the Result

Use the viewer’s context menu or „Display study result“-button to display andedit the result of a series. This allows to enter or edit the resulted text. Saving theresult also saves both the key image status and the image presentation (including theannotations). After reloading the series the image presentation including theannotations is restored.Additionally, also key images out of a series can be loaded.

6.14.1 Using Textmodules

The user's available textmodules are displayed at the editor’s right side. Please usethe Textmodule menu to manage the available textmodules.

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6.15 Integrated Video Playback (Windows)

On Microsoft Windows the Review Client supports the playback of movies within afullscreen window. Images that belong to movie sequences are marked with an smallmovie icon in the Viewport and the Thumbnail-Tree (see the following image)

1: marker for images that contain a movie

6.15.1 Start Video Playback

If the computer is configured properly for video playback (see requirements) you canstart the movie by doubleclicking the the image or using the context menu „showmovie“. The playback might be delayed by some seconds, because the movie datahas to be retrieved from the server first.

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Playback Controll Elements

Display and control the current position of the movie.

Load previous or next movie.

Start and Pause Playback.

Toggle repeat on / off.

Toggle between 1:1 and maximum size.

2: Playback Controls

Click the close icon or doubleclick the playback screen to close the fullscreenwindow.

6.15.2 Requirements for Videoplayback

Requirements Client:

The image data has to be retrieved from the JiveX Communication Server.

The Client runs on Microsoft Windows OS.

DirectX, Version 9 or later is installed.

Windows Mediaplayer, Version 9 or later is installed.

The CoDec, required for VideoPlayback are properly installed on the clientcomputer (MPEG 4). The JiveX Communication Server distribution alreadycontains the XviD CoDec that could be installed on the Clients, too. Anotheroption for MPEG4 decoding is to install the ffdshow CoDec, that also offers andeinterlacing option.

Requirements Server:

JiveX Review Web is installed.

The Service "HTML Distribution Service" is activated.

(The JiveX Communication Server has to be configured by a trained JiveX ServicePartner.)

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6.15.3 Troubleshooting

Playback on an different Monitor

By default the movie is always shown on the first monitor connected to the clientcomputer. You have to set the property "jx.fullscreen.monitor" to the desiredmonitorindex (starting by 0) to start the playback on another monitor. Theseadjustments should be done by a trained JiveX Service Partner.

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6.16 Printing

JiveX is able to print selected views and image data. The user can preview and editthe layout before printing.

Use the main menu or the context menu to open the image print dialog box.Also the shortcut CRTL-P will open the print dialog (paper print of the matrix).

6.16.1 Print Preview

The image print dialog box shows a preview of the printout according to the currentprinter settings of the operating system. For better orientation, rulers are drawnabove and left of the printout preview. Red numbers mark the horizontal and vertical(start) position of the image with an origin in the upper left corner of the sheet. Theimage´s width and height is represented by the blue numbers and vertexes. The dotlines can be used for an exact positioning of the image within the sheet.

Fig. 60: Print Preview Dialog

The print dialog box displays the name of the print job in its title bar. Whileprocessed by the system´s printer spooler, the same name will be used to allow theuser to track the progress of the job.

Measurement units will automatically be displayed in inch or cm, according to thecurrent localization of the Java-Runtime-Environment. However, it is possible toswitch units manually at any time.

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Fig. 61: Unit chooser

The position and size of the object to print can be modified using the button panelon the right handsite of the print preview dialog window.

Move left

Move right

Move up

Move down

Center on paper

Smaller in size

Bigger in size

Maximize on paper

6.16.2 Selecting a printer

Using the preview dialog menu, you can select any of the available printers. Whenswitching to a different printer, JiveX will automatically validate / confirm the oldpage settings (Paper format, margins, object size) and adapt them to the new printerif necessary. Since the printer selection dialog box is not Java-based, Java will openthe system´s default printer menu.

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Fig. 62: Windows "Print" Dialog box

6.16.3 Page Setup

More detailed page settings are available from the system's default ‘page setup’menu. Changes made here will be confirmed and transferred to the current pageformat settings.

Fig. 63: Windows "Page Setup" Dialog

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6.16.4 Background

To improve the contrast between the picture and the background e.g. if the picture issmaller than the image display area, the background color can be changed.

Abb. 2: Background-color-chooser

6.16.5 Key-Images

If key images are highlighted in the Viewing section, they can be displayed in thePrint-Preview window. To activate this function, select „Print symbols“. A small key-symbol will be shown in the upper right corner of the image display area.

Abb. 3: Turning key-images on and off

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Abb. 4: Key-image-symbol

6.16.6 Image Matrix

Subsequent changes to the image matrix can be made by using the image matrixdialog menu. Free spaces are filled automatically. However, if the image matrix hasmore spaces than images the remaining fields stay blank.

Abb. 4: Image matrix settings

Note: To select the image matrix menu go to either „Print matrix“, "Print series“ or"Print preview“.

Referring to the "Print preview“ option: Every matrix field of a series has its ownimage matrix settings. Therefore changes made in the image matrix dialog box applyto only one specific series matrix field.

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6.16.7 Mouseactions

The following mouse functions can be used in the print preview menu to furtherchange ‘print settings’ of the images.

Changing the window level of a specific image or on every image(dependents on the "apply to“-settings).

Panning the image in its printing section.

Fit the image in its viewing section.


Reset all settings.

Note: Similar to the ‘viewing section’ settings, there is no option to lock a singlepicture. All settings apply to either one specific image or to all images in an imagematrix (dependent on the "apply to“-settings).

6.17 DICOM Print

If a valid DICOM printer is installed and configured, you are able to print DICOMimages on film. Over the menu (File->Print->DICOM->...) you can decide whetheryou will print a single image, the visible matrix, the visible view area or the wholeseries. After selecting the menu item the print dialog window will appear.Alternatively, open this window via the context menu of the viewer (Print->DICOM->...). The commonly used hotkey CRTL+D starts the matrix view DICOM print.

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Fig. 64: DICOM print dialog box

With this menu you can select the appropriate DICOM printer, the film orientation(portrait or landscape) and the matrix of displayed images.

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Fig. 65: Changing the matrix

After a click on the Print-button a Print-Job will be created and send to the DICOMprinter.

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7 Job-Manager

7.1 Control Elements 84

7.2 Job Status 85

7.3 Attributes 86

8.1 DICOM Send Jobs 87

8.1.1 Creating DICOM Send Jobs 87

8.1.2 Attributes 87

8.2 DICOM Print Jobs 88

8.2.1 Attributes 88

8.3 Archive Job 89

8.3.1 Archive Job Attribute 89

8.4 Image Report Job 90

8.4.1 Image Report Job Attribute 90

The menu item "Job-Manager" from the menu "Administration" opens the Job-Manager-Dialog. From this dialog all jobs can be observed and manipulated.

7.1 Control Elements

The upper part of the dialog can be used to enter and execute queries. The followingfunctions are available:

Search: Executes a query.

Reset: Reset all fields of the input mask.

The lower part of the dialog shows a table displaying the result of your query. Fromthe table, the JiveX-Job to be modified can be marked. The following actions areavailable:

DeleteDeletes the entire JiveX-Job from the schedule list. This action is only availablefor jobs showing the status HOLD, FINISHED, FAILED or ABORTED.

HoldHalts a JiveX-Job, available for jobs with the status NEW or RESTART.

RestartRestarts a JiveX–Job, available for jobs with the status HOLD, FAILED, ABORTEDand FINISHED.

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AbortAborts a JiveX–Job, available for jobs with the status ACTIVE.

Fig. 66: Job-Manager

7.2 Job Status

Each JiveX-Job has its own status that signals when and if a JiveX-Job has beenscheduled and if errors have occurred during processing. The following stati aredefined:

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Status Description

NEW Newly created jobs, to be scheduled.

RESTART Jobs that have been restarted.

HOLD Jobs halted by a user.

ACTIVE Active Jobs that are currently being processed.

FINISHED Jobs that have been completed successfully.

FAILED Jobs that have been terminated due to an error.

ABORTED Jobs terminated by a user.

ABORTING Jobs that are in the process of terminating.

WAIT Jobs that are pending.

7.3 Attributes

Attribute Description

Jive Job Data ID ID of the Job (unique).

Login Name Name of the user that has initiated the JiveX-Job.

JiveX Service Name of the JiveX-Service processing the job. EachJiveX-Job is unequivocally connected to a service.

JiveX Server Name of the JiveX-Server processing the JiveX-Job.

Creation Date Data and Time when the JiveX-Job has beencreated.

Scheduled Date Exact Date for starting the JiveX-Job. This attributeis for documentation purposes only and is nevermodified. Decisive for the schedule is the value ofthe attribute „Next Scheduled Date“.

Next Scheduled Date Next Date for (re-)starting the JiveX-Job. Thisattribute is decisive for the time of job scheduling.When a job is created, the value of this attributeequals the value in „Scheduled Date“, but isautomatically modified by halting or restarting ajob.

Type Type of the JiveX-Job. Contains one of thefollowing values:

IMAGE REPORT Image Report Service

ARCHIVE Archiving service

DICOM PRINT Dicom Print SCU Service

DICOM SEND Dicom Storage SCU Service

IMAGE CREATION Image Creation Service


RESTORE Restore Service

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REQUEST RESULT Request Result Service

Start Date Exact Date when the job has been started.

End Date The Date the JiveX-Job ended.

Status Current job status, see above section (NEW,RESTART, ACTIVE, HOLD, FAILED, FINISHED,ABORTED, ABORTING).

Priority Priority of the JiveX-Job.

Number of Failures Number of failures trying to process this job.

Error Message Contains a more detailed message when an erroroccurred.

8 JiveX Job-Order and Attributes

8.1 DICOM Send Jobs

Images are processed as DICOM Send Jobs within the DICOM Storage SCU Services.

8.1.1 Creating DICOM Send Jobs

There are different ways of creating a new DICOM Send Job:


Within the JiveX DICOM Storage SCP Service it is possible to define rules for anauto-routing mechanism. For each auto-routing, a new JiveX-Job willautomatically be created.

User triggered

From the user interface of the JiveX Clients, a user can manually initiate theforwarding of an image by pressing the send button. For each sending process, anew JiveX-Job will be created. The user who has created the job can be identifiedby the job’s „Login Name“ attribute.

8.1.2 Attributes

Attribute Description

Target Defines a DICOM Node to receive the image data.

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DICOM Level Level of data transfer. This value is related to theDICOM Query/Retrieve Model. The followingvalues are allowed:

Instance: Single instances are send (i.e.DICOM images).

Series: All instances (images) of a series aresend.

Study: All instances (series) of a study aresend.

Delete Images Not used.

DICOM Keys Contains an unequivocal UID for data to betransferred. The UID depends on the DICOM level:

Instance: SOP Instance UID of the instance.

Series: Series Instance UID of the series.

Study: Study Instance UID of the study.

Root Contains the DICOM attributes "Patient ID“ and"Patient Name“ of the data to be send as well as(dependent on the DICOM level) the followinginformation:

Instance: Study Instance UID and SeriesInstance UID.

Series: Study Instance UID.

Transfer Syntax List Contains a list of transfer syntax descriptors thatare used for the transference.

Number of Images Total number of DICOM objects to be send.

Images sent Number of images already sent.

If a Send-Job is aborted and restarted again, onlythe objects that have not been sent are transferred.To re-send the already sent images you have toHOLD the job first. This resets the number ofalready transferred images.

8.2 DICOM Print Jobs

The Configuration of the DICOM Print Service is described in the "Configuration"-chapter <DICOM Print SCU Services>.

8.2.1 Attributes

Attribute Description

DICOM Level Level of the data transfer. This value is related tothe DICOM Query/Retrieve Model. The followingvalues are allowed:

Instance: Single instances are send (i.e.

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DICOM images). Series: All instances (images) of a series are

send. Study: All instances (series) of a study are


Image References Contains an unequivocal UID for the data to betransferred. The UID depends on the DICOM level:

Instance: SOP Instance UID of the instance

Series: Series Instance UID of the series

Study: Study Instance UID of the study


The printer configuration's name.

Matrix Printer matrix.

Copies Number of copies.

PrintMode Print mode.

Nr. of Images unused.

Nr. of Images (send) unused.


Printer Status unused.

Printer Status (Job) unused.

Presentation State Printer's Presentation State.

Target Defines a DICOM Node receiving the images.

8.3 Archive Job

Archive Jobs are created by the Archive Job Creator Service. They are stored in thedatabase as JiveX Archive Jobs. The Configuration and Management of these jobs isdescribed in the Offline Storage Manual.

8.3.1 Archive Job Attribute

Attribute Description

Status Properties Status information.

Sub Status Status information.

Option Properties Set of options.

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8.4 Image Report Job

Jobs for creating Image Report Media are stored in the database as JiveX ImageReport Jobs. They are created using the JiveX Client software. The Configuration andManagement of these jobs is described in the Offline Storage Manual.

8.4.1 Image Report Job Attribute

Attribute Description

StatusProperties Status information.

Sub Status Status information.

Option Properties Set of options.

9 Hanging Protocols

In some cases you want to display DICOM images with a special window setting or agiven zoom factor, or you want to change the viewing section matrix whenvisualising e.g. CT images. The hanging protocols allow you to introduce thosesettings.

With the Extra-menu you can open the hanging protocols-editor dialog window (seebelow).

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Fig. 67: Hanging Protocol editor

Hanging protocols can be applied to studies and their series that fit a given criteria,consisting of a modality and a study description. They also have an ‘alias’ name foran easier identification. This ‘alias’ name will be shown in the context menu forsubsequent use too.

An important attribute is also the function „use automatically“. If the box is ticked, ahanging protocol can be used automatically while loading images. Otherwise youcan use hanging protocols subsequently over the context menu.

To create a hanging protocol for all studies/series, just enter an asterisk in themodality and study description field. This asterisk can be used as a wildcard.

To define additional conditions, click on the 3-points-button on the right side of thecondition-dropdown-list. A new dialog window will open (see next figure):

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Fig. 68: Condition editor

Here you can enter a list of DICOM-tags with an alias name (which can be selectedin that drop down box in the hanging protocol dialog). You can choose an operator(=, >, <, >=, <=, !=) and a value to check.

All topics of a hanging protocol can be accessed via tabs („General“, „Full screen“,„Matrix“, „Series“ and if applicable „Mammography“ and „Previous Studies“).

If the viewer contains DICOM images, the study and series description fields on therespective tabs can be filled automatically with the known descriptions. In this caseright of these fields a button will appear. After clicking on this button, a drop-downlist will open with all study or series descriptions (depending on the field) known inthe viewer.

Any change to the hanging protocols must be accepted with the „Update“-button, aselection of another hanging protocol accepts changes, too. The „Copy“-buttonduplicates the current hanging protocol (which is not „used automatically“ becausethe criteria will overlap with the source hanging protocol).

The dialog box can be closed with the „OK“-button (all changes will be saved) or the„Cancel“-button (without saving the changes).

Please note: Any changes to the hanging protocols will be save to your user profile(on the server) when you log out of JiveX[rv]. However, just closing the JiveX[rv]application will discard any changes!

9.1 The „General“-tab

The „General“-tab contains attributes for common viewer settings.

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Fig. 69: The „General“-tab

Use automatically means this hanging protocol can be used during the imageloading process. Otherwise it can be applied subsequently. If there are manyhanging protocols with the same criteria (modality and study description) onlyone hanging protocol can be „used automatically“. This attribute is equal to thecheckbox inside the table with the list of hanging protocols (first column, named„Use“).

Summarize all images means that series from the same modality will besummarized to one series of that modality.

Split multiframes will separate all frames of a multiframe image

Automatic sorting will sort all series in the same direction which means fromanterior to posterior, from right to left and from head to foot. A given seriessorting in the series tab will override this setting.

Automatic image orientation will rotate or flip images to achieve a standarizedimage orientation

Restricted sync. Scrolling will scroll linked series only in case of an equal imageorientation.

Filter HPs in contect menu will hide HPs with a wrong modality or a wrong studydescription

Cutlines: Enables or disables cutlines inside the viewer.

Ruler adjustment: Enables or disables the ruler adjustment mode.

Autoplay multiframes will start the cine mode after navigating to a multiframeimage

Apply functions to: Changes the mode to „this image“ or „current series“.

Image filter: Changes the filter method for image visualization. Possible valuesare: Interpolation, unfiltered and sharpen.

Function panel: Shows or hides the function panel.

Thumbnail tree: Shows or hides the thumbnail tree.

Play AVI/MPG in fullscreen will play movies in a fullscreen player

Don’t show scout series loads but not visualizes scout series

Next HP will define a following hanging protocol that can be applied with the[+]-key on the numeric key pad. The previous called HP cann be applied withthe [-]-key on the numeric key pad.

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9.2 The „Fullscreen“-tab

The „Fullscreen“ tab will configure the appearance of an image after double-clickingon it.

Fig. 70: The „Fullscreen“-tab

Fullscreen is equal to a 1x1 series matrix does not open a fullscreen window withthe selected series, but changes the series matrix to 1x1 (per monitor) and showsthe selected series there.

The Fullscreen-Imagematrix defines the image matrix inside the fullscreen mode(after a double click on an image). The default matrix is 1x1 per monitor. In caseof a double monitor system you can decide (if you maximize only one series) ifthis matrix is expanded to all monitors or if it defines the matrix on one monitor.

Start cine in fullscreen starts the cine mode after maximizing an image

Show functions in fullscreen shows a toolbar with the most common viewerfunctions on the top border.

Always show one series in fullscreen maximizes always only one series, even ifnormally two series would be maximized on a double monitor system.

9.3 The „Matrix“-tab

Inside the „Matrix“-tab you can define a series and an image matrix. You can alsoassign series to viewing sections and link them with other series. To assign series toviewing sections, enter the series description at the correct series list item and - incase of loaded preliminary enquiries – include the study index (values from 1 to n).The main study has the index „1“, previous studies start at index „2“. If you wish toshow a specific image inside a series, you can set the image number. To link checkthe checkbox „Link“.

You can also create MPRs in three orientations (coronal, sagittal, transversal) withthree methods (MIN, MAX, AVG).

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Fig. 71: The „Matrix“-tab

9.4 The „Series“-tab

Inside this tab you can change series-specific attributes like window settings, zoomor topogram settings:

Fig. 72: The „Series“-tab

For multiple series settings just add a new series item (see buttons "New“ and"Accept series“).

With the series description the right settings for a series can be both found andapplied. Existing series items will appear in the list box on the right side.

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Separate combined series separates combined series to different series likefunctional heart scans (multiple image planes for different times).

The following four window setting types cannot be selected at one time. Only one ornone of these settings can be used:

Window defines a window for a series.

Use Pixel Range means, a window will be calculated out of the minimal andmaximal pixel value of a series.

Window-Offset defines an offset for a given window. The center and width valuesare added to the given window.

Optimize Window calculates a window out of the pixel range, excluding aproportional percentage derived from the upper and lower pixel values.

Ignore Presentation LUT ignores a PLUT that could incorrectly invert images.

Invert series inverts a series

Zoom defines a zoom factor for a series.

Image sorting defines a sort order for images inside a series. If the automaticsorting is activated, this setting overrides the automatic sort order.

Topogram shows a topogram icon on each image in the bottom right corner. Incase of IHE-conform images the topogram icon can be found automatically or itcan be manually specified by a series description and an image index (valuesfrom 1 to n).

Image locator shows the image locator inside the image area.

9.5 The „Mammography“-tab

The „Mammography“-tab is only available in the Mammo Client. This menu specifiesthe alignment and orientation of mammography images.

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Fig. 73: The „Mammography“-tab

Correct orientation of mammo images flips mammo images if necessary.

Auto image alignment sets images to left or right alignment (in relation to thecenter)

Ignore VOI LUT ignores a VOI LUT to avoid a false image visualization

Auto shutter enables the mammography auto shutter

Image order defines the image order for mammography images as RCC-LCC-RMLO-LMLO or RCC-RMLO-LCC-LMLO

Start sector sampling starts the sector sampling

Place earlier views to the end places wrong images with an earlier timestampalways to the end of the mammo series.

9.6 The „Previous Study“-tab

With this tab you can load fitting preliminary enquiries. If the box „Load previousStudies“ is checked, fitting studies will be loaded in addition to the chosen studyfrom the JiveX[rv] series manager. These studies can be restricted with the followingoptions:

Maximum number of studies restricts the number of additional loaded studies.

Starting from this date sets a start date from which studies can be loaded

Otherwise studies can be loaded with Studies of the last n days/weeks or month.

Load only the following studies loads only studies with the given criteria(consisting of a modality and study description).

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Fig. 74: The „Previous Study“-tab

9.7 Subsequent use of hanging protocols

Hanging protocols can be used subsequently. All hanging protocols fitting to themodality of the current series under the mouse cursor will appear in the contextmenu. Thus fast matrix changes are possible or a quick series assign to viewingsections.

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Fig. 75: Contextmenu with hanging protocol items

Excluded from the subsequent use of hanging protocols are the separation orcombination of series (separate / summarize) and the loading of preliminaryenquiries.

Also you can define a sequence of hanging protocols via the „Next HP“ option. Thenyou can apply a chain of HPs with the [+]-key (numeric key pad) or go backwards inthe list of applied HPs with the [-]-key (numeric key pad).

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10 The View Menu

10.1 Configuration of the Graphical User Interface

With the View-menu you can easily configure the graphical user interface ofJiveX[rv] (see Fig. below).

Fig. 76: View menu

Please note that both the "Diagnostic Client“ and the "Demonstration Client“-menusare only available with the appropriate licenses.

The "Function Panel“ menu shows or hides the function panel of the viewer ortoggles its position from right to left. With the "Preview Panel“ menu you can alsoshow or hide the preview panel (thumbnail tree) or swap positions (to left or right).

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The item "reduced“ means that DICOM series will be displayed in the tree as onlyone icon. The number of images is shown as a bold number inside this single icon.

With the "Fullscreen on double click“ menu item you can toggle the view within theviewer with a double click on an image viewport. After the first double click thefunction panel and the preview panel will hide (only the image viewport isdisplayed) and after another double click the previous view of the viewer is restored.If the box of the "Fullscreen“ is checked, the viewer will always start in the fullscreen mode (without the preview panel and the function panel).

With the "Menubar“ menu item you can hide the menu bar. Remember that you canrestore the menu bar with the shortcut "CTRL-Shift-M“!

With the "Toolbar“ menu item you can show or hide the toolbar behind the menubar.

With the "Annotations“ menu item you can show or hide the four categories of fixedannotations (patient info, ruler, image orientation and user defined annotations).These can be toggled over the context menu of the viewer as well.

With the "Diagnostic Client“ menu item (which is available only with the appropriatelicense) you can configure the JiveX[rv] for a multi monitor layout. The first checkbox menu item shows the study manager only on the first monitor or on the wholeapplication frame size (which might appear out of focus on a multi monitor system).The second entry "All matrix allowed“ allows or disables matrices that would not fiton a multi monitor layout (all matrices with odd number of columns). The selection"normal layout“ and "multi monitor layout“ changes the viewer over to the respectivelayout. In the multi monitor layout the viewer has two function and preview panels(one on each side).

With the "Demonstration Client“ menu item (which is available only with theappropriate license) you can divide the application frame into two sections namelythe study manager and the viewer. They will be shown simultaneously. Using theselection menu items "study manager | image viewer“ or "image viewer | studymanager“, respectively defines the layout.

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11 The Help Menu

The help menu opens either the user manual or the About dialog window (see Fig.below).

Fig. 77: The help menu

The JiveX[rv] user manual will open using the application Adobe Acrobat Reader.

If you click on the „About“ menu item, the ‘About’ dialog box will open (see Fig.below).

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Fig. 78: The About dialog window

To copy the window content to the clipboard of your operating system use the„Copy“ button.

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12 Image Report and Archiving

If the Offline Storage Services are properly configured within the JiveX System, yourare able to

Write Image Report Media (e.g. a CD containing the patient’s image data)

Archive image data and findings with an archiving workstation.

The jobs for writing Image Report Media are generated by the JiveX Client (pleasesee next section). The export process itself (this includes writing to a media) thencan run on a special archiving workstation. The „Offline Storage Console“ which ispart of the archiving station is the controlling user interface handling Offline ExportJobs and Archiving Jobs.

The archiving station itself might be installed together with the JiveX Client on thesame computer or on a separated workstation (set-up for archiving and offlineexport). For further information, please refer to the „Installation Manual“ of theJiveX[cs] Communication Server.

12.1 Creating an Image Report Job

To create an Image Report Job, select the series or studies which you want to transferto an Image Report Medium using the JiveX [rv] Review Client. In the study managerwindow, mark (select) the appropriate data sets with a single mouse click and thenpress the button to transfer them to the image report. Repeat until all series orstudies have been added to the image report. Now, click on the button togenerate an Image Report Job. (Alternatively, you might directly click on the button to export the currently selected study or series only). A summary dialogwindow opens where you can adjust the Image Report Job settings before sendingthe data to the JiveX archiving station. This dialog box shows three tabs (see Fig.below):

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Fig. 79: The tab "Standard"

On the first tab ("Standard") the estimated size in MB of the Image Report Job to becreated as well as the number of series / studies and the capacity of the mediuminserted in the arching device is shown. You can edit the medium descriptor andaddition description here. The length of the medium descriptor is limited to eightcharacters.

Fig. 80: Tab "Extended"

Using the "Extended" tab selects the preferred archiving device (in case more thanone device is configured). Please note that to guarantee the proper function of thesedevices they should be configured by the system administrator.

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Additionally, you can select a layout for the image report. The text panels below thedrop down selection boxes display information on the archiving device and theselected layout.

Fig. 81: Tab „Selection List“

The tab "Selection List" displays the selected series / studies which will betransferred to the Image Report Medium. You can remove entries from the list byhighlighting them first and then clicking on the „Remove“ button.

If you have adjusted the Image Report Job settings, use the "Create Job" button togenerate the Image Report Job. The "Reject" key will close the dialog window anddiscards the current selection. The "Close" button exits the dialog window savingyour selection so that you can add more series and studies.

12.2 Automatically Created Image Reports

It is possible to automatically create Image Report Jobs for every study received bythe JiveX server. For further information see the chapter "Configuration" of theserver's user manual.

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13 Troubleshooting

13.1 Login

By default, the name of the current user will be displayed as a (pre-entered) input forthe user text field of the login dialog box. Do disable this function and thereby leavethe user input field blank initially, please enter the following command into the JavaRuntime Environment:

rv.login.usesystemlogin.enabled=falseOn Windows operating systems, this feature can easily be added to the section"[JVM_PROPERTIES]“ of the configuration file "RVStart.ini“ or "RVStartWS.ini“. Ifunsure how to modify the configuration file please contact your system’sadministrator.

13.1.1 License warnings

If all available licenses are in use, a window appears informing the user that themaximum number of available log-ons is about to be exceeded. Nevertheless theviewer can be used.

Fig. 82: License warning

If a diagnostic or demonstration client is started and there is no free license for thatclient type available, a standard ReviewClient license is acquired instead. Pleasenote that all diagnostic or demonstration specific features are disabled in this case.

If a review client is started and there is no free license for that client type availablebut there is a free diagnostic license available, this license is used instead.

Please note that this may cause performance problems in that you can start lessdiagnostic clients than diagnostic licenses available, because some of the diagnosticlicenses are used by normal review clients.

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Fig. 83: Diagnostic license warning

13.1.2 Insufficient Memory

The client checks the memory available for the Java-VirtualMachine. If there is notenough memory available to start the client aborts logging in and shows an errormessage.

Fig. 84: Insufficient memory error

13.2 Graphic Boards

13.2.1 Grayscale Display

If grayscale displays or graphic boards are used, the system setup should use a staticgrayscale palette with 256 colors. The according parameters can normally be enteredin the driver of the graphic board.

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J iveX [rv] 4.2 109 User Manual Dual- and Multi-display Setups

Connecting multiple displays to a single workstation system sometimes results inrendering problems on grayscale displays. Here, Java can force applications to berendered in grayscale, by setting a (system-wide) environment property:


If unsure how to set system-wide environment properties, please contact youradministrator. Barco Medical Graphic Boards

A known problem of BarcoMed graphic boards (3MPxxx, 5MPxxx) is the occasionalincorrect display of cursor icons. To circumvent this problem on windows operatingsystems, please disable the video cursors. Barco can supply a registry patch toautomate this. Please contact the Barco support for appropriate instructions andfurther details ([email protected] or [email protected]).

13.2.2 DirectX Incompatibility

In case of graphical problems of the JiveX [rv] or incompatible hardware to theWindows DirectDraw you can disable DirectDraw for the Java Virtual Machine. Notethis should be only done with care because disabling the DirectDraw will causereduced performance of JiveX [rv] (e.g. in the DICOM Viewer).

To disable DirectDraw for Java, you can pass the property:


to the Java Virtual Machine. On Windows systems, this property can easily be addedto the section „[JVM_PROPERTIES]“ of the configuration file „RVStart.ini“ or„RVStartWS.ini“. If unsure how to modify the configuration file, please contact youradministrator.

13.3 Java Runtime Environment

13.3.1 Font Loading

For unknown reasons, sometimes the detection of installed system fonts during thestartup of the Java Runtime Environment fails. So far, this problem has only beenreported for Windows operating systems. You may get the following error message(see below):

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Fig. 85: Font initializing problem

As a result, the Java Runtime Environment does not start up and dies. The followinginstructions will circumvent this problem: To skip the system font initializing duringstartup, please pass the parameter


to the Java Virtual Machine and try to run JiveX [rv] again. On Windows systems,this property can easily be added to the section "[JVM_PROPERTIES]“ of theconfiguration file "RVStart.ini“ or "RVStartWS.ini“. If unsure how to modify theconfiguration file, please contact your administrator.

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A Index


Add On Files (selection within client).............................................. 105


Archive Job ................................ 89

Auto Routing

Auto Routing and Jobs ................ 87



export of images......................... 69



button of the Study Manager ........ 17


Job............................................ 87



export of images in JPEG, BMP,PNG, TIFF and PNM image format............................................. 69


Image Report

Image Report Job ........................ 90

Job creation ............................. 104



Administration ........................... 84

Archive Job ................................ 89

DICOM Send ............................. 87

Image Report Job ........................ 90

Job Attributes (general) ............... 86

Job Status .................................. 85

Jobmanager................................ 84

Offline Storage JobSiehe Job/Archiveund Job/Image Report


export of images ........................ 69


Keyboard Shortcuts ......................114


Login ............................................. 7



Keyboard Shortcuts ...................114

Tastaturkürzel ................... 115, 116


Offline Storage

Offline Storage Job ............ Siehe Job

Services ...................................104



changing password ....................... 7


export of images ........................ 69


Report Layout (selection within client)..............................................105



Search Area of the the StudyManager ................................. 14

Study Manager .............................. 14



export of images ........................ 69

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B Glossar

• Archive Job Creator ServiceJiveX Service that creates Archive-'Jobs' for image data to be archived.

• CineThe image viewer's cinematic display mode.

• CSJiveX Communication Server.

• DICOMDigital Imaging and Communication in Medicine - A standard for medicalimages.

• DICOM Print SCU ServiceImages can be printed (time triggered, via the DICOM interface) by the JiveX-Server using one or more JiveX DICOM Print SCU Services.

• DICOM Storage SCP ServiceThe JiveX server receives images from the DICOM interface after the interfacehas received them from one or several concurrent JiveX DICOM Storage SCPServices.

• DICOM Storage SCU ServiceImages can be send (time triggered, via the DICOM interface) by the JiveX-Serverusing one or more JiveX DICOM Storage SCU Services.

• Grayscale windowingAlternates an image's brightness and contrast.

• GUIGraphical User Interface.

• HTML Distribution ServiceThe HTML Distribution Service processes requests from JiveX clients for HTMLbased image distribution (JiveX Review Web). Using this service, images can berequested from the JiveX-Server.

• Image MatrixA viewport displays either a single image or a matrix of images.

• Image Report ServiceService to write image data to offline storage media like CDs or DVDs.

• JavaA platform independent programming language.

• JiveX ServerA server that executes JiveX Services.

• JobA 'job' defines the order and the properties in which a service/function is beingprocessed or carried out. It can be created either by a JiveX-Client or a JiveX-Service.

• Job ManagerGraphical User Interface - maintains/controls/administrates jobs.

• HISHospital Information System.

• Offline Storage ServicesService of the JiveX System to write data to external media like CDs or DVDs.

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• Pictorial IndexThe pictorial index contains all loaded images as thumbnails.

• ProfileHolds the user specific customizations.

• ROIRegion Of Interest.

• SCUService Class User - User of a DICOM Communication Service.

• SCPService Class Provider - Provider of a DICOM Communication Service.

• SOPService Object Pair.

• Study ManagerThe study manager provides functions for image searches and requests.

• UIDUnique Identifier.

• ViewportThe viewport is the display area for images.

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C Safety Regulations

Doing diagnostic findings on medical image data with the JiveXDiagnostic Client requires a certified display monitor following theGerman MPG (Medizin-Produkte-Gesetz) standard.

Please observe the legal regulations and recommendations of certifiedmedical hardware vendors.

D Keyboard Shortcuts

To make working easier for the user, there are keyboard shortcuts for those functionsof the study manager used most frequently.

Keyboard Shortcut Function

[Ctrl] + 1 Switches to a 1x1 Matrix

[Ctrl] + 2 Switches to a 2x1 Matrix

[Ctrl] + 3 Switches to a 1x2 Matrix

[Ctrl] + 4 Switches to a 2x2 Matrix

[Ctrl] + 5 Switches to a 5x5 Matrix

[Ctrl] + 6 Switches to a 2x3 Matrix

[Ctrl] + 7 Switches to a 3x2 Matrix

[Ctrl] + 9 Switches to a 3x3 Matrix

[Ctrl] + P Paper print (matrix)

[Ctrl] + D DICOM print (matrix)

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + S Show / hide tool bar

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + M Show / hide menu bar

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + F Show / hide function bar

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + T Show / hide preview tree

[Home] Loads the first study from the study manager’s study list

[Pg up] Loads the previous study from the study manager’s studylist

[Pg dn] Loads the next study from the study manager’s study list

[End] Loads the last study from the study manager’s study list

[Alt] + [Enter] Toggle fullscreen

[Alt] + [Cursor Up] Zoom in (image)

[Alt] + [Cursor Down] Zoom out (image)

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[Alt] + 1 Original size

[Alt] + 2 Fit image to view panel size

[Alt] + M Starts the magnifying glass

[F2] Slows down Cine mode

[F3] Speeds up Cine mode

[F4] Starts and stops Cine mode

[F5] Displays the first image

[F6] Displays the previous image

[F7] Displays the next image

[F8] Displays the last image

[F5] Displays the frame of a multiframed image

[F6] Displays the previous frame of a multiframed image

[F7] Displays the next frame of a multiframed image

[F8] Displays the last frame of a multiframed image

[Del] Deletes a selected annotation

[Crtl] + [Del] Empties the focused viewing section

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del] Empties all viewing sections

[F9] ... [F11] Optional: execute a hanging protocol

[F12] Only Mammography-Station: Sector sampling

[I] Invert image(s)

[G] View/hide fixed annotations

[C] While creating an annotation: Hide mouse cursor

[H] View/hide painted annotations

[L] View/hide image locator

[Pause] View all images of the current series in an optimalmatrix

[+] (num key pad) Apply the following hanging protocol (as defined)

[-] (num key pad) Apply the previous hanging protocol (as applied)

[K] Mark image as key image

[/] (num key ped) Only Mammography-Station: Toggle Mammo-Autoshutter

[*] (num key pad) Reset images

To override the currently selected default left mouse button action in the imageviewer use this keyboard shortcuts:

Keyboard Shortcut Function

W Windowing

R ROI-Zooming

Z Zooming

F Draw an arrow

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P Panning

D Distance measurement

N Navigate through series

S (or N+S) Synchronous navigation (index-based)

E (or N+E) Synchronous navigation (distance-based)

M Magnify

[Ctrl] + le. mousebtn. Move parts of annotations (like measurements)

[Shift] + le. mousebtn. Change image positions manually (drag’n’drop‘

[Shift] + ri. mousebtn. On crossing a viewing section border: Equalize image plane

The mouse buttons can be used for multiple actions

Tastaturkürzel Funktion

Le. mousebtn As configured: pan, window, zoom, navigate.

Ri. mousebtn + mousemove

Image navigation, on multiframed images: framenavigation

Ri. mousebtn (click) Show context menu

Mouse wheel rotation Image navigation, on multiframed images: imagenavigation

Pressed mouse wheel +mouse move


Pressed mouse wheel +mouse wheel rotation


Ri. mousebtn + mousewheel rotation

Series navigation

Pressed le. mousebtn +short ri. Mousebtnclick

Toggle left mouse button action