web patshala final_ver

7/9/2008 WebPatshala.com WebPatshala Solutions Pvt Ltd WebPatshala.comTM EDUCATION: TODAY, TOMORROW AND BEYOND

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7/9/2008 WebPatshala.comWebPatshala Solutions Pvt Ltd

History of Education

According to Swami Vivekananda,

Education means that process by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, and intellect is sharpened, as a result of which one can stand on one’s own feet.

In Gurukulas, the students can have the ideal character of the teacher constantly before them, which serves as the role model to follow.

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AgendaKey TrendsConcern?SolutionValue For School?Value For Parents?Features WorkflowSetup ProcessOperating Model

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Key Trends

School ERPIncreased EffectivenessPaperless EnvironmentAutomating the functional departments

E LearningVisualizing the theories in the subject

Still there is gap in information dissemination to all the stake holders

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Teacher needs support from Parents for Child’s improvement

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Concern?Parents having Vital role in Child’s education,

Unable to access real time information

Contribute effectively to child’s growth

Busy Schedules

Detect the Study Behaviour

Monitor Child’s attendance

Examine Child’s performance and Assignments

Communicate with teachers on daily basis and review

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Son, Have you got your progress cards today?I think you are done with your tests right?

No Mummy, We didn’t get the Progress cards

Son, Do you have any homework today for Maths or Science?

Present Situation

No Dad, I am going for Play

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Ohhhh..very tired Lalbagh Tour for 1st std students. Not able to inform to all parents by calling…..uffff

Oh! I really Pity you but we need to inform Parents about them

Present Situation

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ResearchDecades of research proves that when parents are involved, students have:

Higher grades, test scoresBetter school attendance Increased motivation, better self-esteem Lower rates of suspension better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school Fewer instances of violent behavior Ref:(www.ncpie.org/WhatsHappening/researchJanuary2006.html)

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Solution-What we Offer

Empower parents, teachers and students by providing real time information on right time

Our Offering is

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Son, I have checked and you got progress cards today and whether you will give it or shall I tell you the marks

Mummy, We didn’t get Progress cards

Come on Open up Algebra 4 problems homework that was given by Mr Ramesh, your Maths Teacher

Ohhhh! My Dad knows everything now. Earlier he was not like that

After Situation

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Life is now much easier. I am able to send message reg tours only in one click to all Parents by using Webpatshala SMS Service

Good. At last we have found an easy way.

After Situation

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Value For School?

No CostStay in touch with Parents 24/7Distribute Mark Cards, Attendance report, Homework details both Online and through MobileProgressive Technology Adoption (SaaS model)24/7 information AvailabilityIntuitive User Interface – Reduction of data upload timeOn Call/email SupportFacility to upload data via mobile (mPatshala)Increased parent’s satisfaction Higher Quality in Child’s education

Deployment of entire system in only two week’s time

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Value For Parents?

Access to Real time information about their wards in right timeIncreased ProactivenessImproved Engagement Better Communication with TeachersTrack Performance and take informed decisionContribute effectively to Child’s developmentInformation can be accessed through web or mobile (mPatshala)24/7 information available

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Online Progress Report and TrackingStaff and Student Schedule InformationAttendance Report Assignment/Homework ManagementMessaging with Staff and parents in communityOnline Notice/Message boardSMS alerts (Daily, Monthly Reports)Collaboration between Staff and Students via mPatshalaTM

mPatshala is a SMS service where parents receive data through SMS on their mobiles.Schools can send Bulk SMS

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Work Flow




Parent Access through Web

Parent receiving



School Administrators

Teacher Uploading Data through Mobile

Student Access Through Web



Server with Data

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Step 1

Data Collection

Step 2

Feeding Data into System

Step 3


Step 4

Testing the Entire System

Step 5

Training Staff and Go Live

Setup Process

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Very Low TCOCompletely free for schoolsSubscription prices for PARENTS start as low as 1200 INR per year

Ohhh!. This is very less than my monthly post paid bill


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For Details Contact


[email protected]

WebPatshala Solutions Private Ltd# 373, 2nd floor, 1st Main,42nd cross,8th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore-82.