· web view2020. 8. 8. · lydford on fosse parish council...

Meeting of the above named Parish Council held on Thursday 13 th August 2020 at 1830 hrs via Zoom Present: - Cllrs. Emsley, Evans, Fielding, Marten, Purcell & Rood, together with the Clerk Also in attendance: - 5 members of the public PLEASE NOTE OUR PARISH WEBSITE: August Minutes 120/20 Open Public Participation Session No comments 121/20 Policing/Neighbourhood Watch Guy Dury has been replaced by Tim Richards as our PCSO. Lynne Mitchell reports of more scams in our area. See website for updates. A new NHW service “Avon & Somerset Live” seems to be going well so far. 122/20 Ultrafast Broadband There has been no alteration in the status of the project since last month due to the Coronavirus situation. Consequently, discussions with Openreach regarding the final payment are still suspended. More information will be forthcoming when the situation improves. Closed Council session 123/20 To receive apologies for absence Apology received from Cllr. Bartlett. 124/20 Declaration of Member’s Interests None 125/20 Minutes of previous meeting June Minutes were approved and will be signed once face-to-face meetings recommence. 126/20 Matters arising from previous minutes None. 127/20 Planning matters - /1 New Planning applications: (1) 2020/1227/VRC 1 Lydford on Fosse Parish Council Meeting

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Lydford on Fosse Parish Council Meeting

Meeting of the above named Parish Council held on

Thursday 13th August 2020 at 1830 hrs via Zoom

Present: - Cllrs. Emsley, Evans, Fielding, Marten, Purcell & Rood, together with the Clerk

Also in attendance: - 5 members of the public


August Minutes

120/20Open Public Participation Session

No comments

121/20Policing/Neighbourhood Watch

Guy Dury has been replaced by Tim Richards as our PCSO. Lynne Mitchell reports of more

scams in our area. See website for updates. A new NHW service “Avon & Somerset Live”

seems to be going well so far.

122/20Ultrafast Broadband

There has been no alteration in the status of the project since last month due to the

Coronavirus situation. Consequently, discussions with Openreach regarding the final

payment are still suspended. More information will be forthcoming when the situation


Closed Council session123/20To receive apologies for absence

Apology received from Cllr. Bartlett.

124/20Declaration of Member’s InterestsNone

125/20Minutes of previous meeting

June Minutes were approved and will be signed once face-to-face meetings recommence.

126/20Matters arising from previous minutes


127/20Planning matters-

/1New Planning applications: (1)


Application to vary 1 (drawings), 10 (hard and soft landscaping. Pre- Occupation) of planning

approval 2020/0387/REM for the erection of 14no. dwellings and associated access. Matters

of appearance/landscaping/layout/scale to be determined.

Site East Of Toy Farm Castle Cary Road Lydford On Fosse Glastonbury Somerset

Comments submitted to MDC 13th August 2020

/2Applications Awaiting Decision: (4)


Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved for the erection of 1 single storey dwelling with details of access, landscaping, layout and scale.

Land At Cotton’s Lane, Castle Cary Road Lydford On Fosse Glastonbury Somerset

Comments submitted to MDC by 22nd May 2020 and re-submitted 13th August at Mendip’s


Signed: _________________________________


Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved for the construction of five dwellings and associated vehicular access with details of access & layout.

Church Lane, East Lydford, TA11 7HD

Comments submitted to MDC by 26th May 2020. Applicant has agreed to provide the 8m

buffer strip continuously along the North boundary, although this has not yet been amended

on the plans submitted to MDC.


Erection of a single storey dwelling with associated access and parking

Land east of Squires Mardi’s Lane, West Lydford

Comments submitted to MDC by 3rd June 2020


Use of land for stationing mobile home for agricultural worker

Willow Bank Farm, Lydford On Fosse Somerton TA11 7EZ

Comments submitted to MDC 6th March 2020

/3New Planning Decisions: (1)


Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 2016/2701/OTS for the erection of

14no. dwellings and associated access. Matters of appearance/landscaping/layout/scale to be determined.

Site east of Toy Farm, Fosse Way Lydford On Fosse Somerton TA11 7DW

Approved with conditions

/4Planning Enforcements: (0)

128/20 Finance:

/1Payments Due

The following payments were approved and electronically signed. The invoices will be signed at the next face-face meeting. Councillors to receive electronic copies.

Name of Payee

Description of Cheque


Additional payments made since the last notification of the Agenda:


Clerk’s Salary for Jul ‘20


Shepton Mallet Landscapes

Cricket Grounds Maintenance



Playground Safety Audit


The following payments are due:

J. Nicol

Clerk’s Salary for Aug ‘20


Somerset Forge Ltd

Fingerpost restoration


/2To agree accounts for June/July 2020

The accounts were sent electronically to Cllr Rood for approval.

/3The bank reconciliation for June/July 2020

The reconciliations were sent electronically to Cllr Bartlett and will be signed

during the next face-face meeting.

129/20To receive reports on the following Posts of Responsibilities:


A37 road closure starting 17th August for Network Rail repairs.


– Budgens pavement improvement scheme – Cllr Marten to enlist help of Lydford Bulletin to

track down Mr Collet, regarding his permission for works to go ahead.

Signed: _________________________________

- Fingerpost – Somerset Forge works complete


– Lane improvements behind Cross Keys pub to Babcary is underway. Bollards to be

completed by MDC soon.

/4Website - Coronavirus information updated weekly.

130/20Planning Applications - Review of anonymous comments

Clerk to write councillors’ decision into the standing orders.

131/20Ash View Farm – Waiting on response from Environment Agency, due early September.

132/20Anti-social behaviour/Village Group

- Group have been very proactive, and land owners have agreed to put up signs and close up

gaps in gateways. Litter pickers have been active every evening that the weir is busy.

Adam Mitchell (chair) has informed landowners of their insurance liabilities.

- Funding request for high viz vests agreed

- Cllr. Rood to paint the scratched sections of the war memorial before VJ celebrations.

133/20Speeding on new 40 mph section of A37

Still lots of speeding in this section. Enforcement van has recorded a top speed of 90 mph.

Cllr Emsley has registered the layby as a Speedwatch site. The assessment is due in the next

month. Probable need for extra “speed limit now changed” signage and improved road


134/20Honeypot Lane update

Reply to landowner’s email to be sent by Clerk, and establish whether police advice was

given regarding use of electrical tape and the positioning of a stockfence.

135/20Mead Lane Bridge Update

Crestmoor Construction Services have been awarded the works contract. Works to start once

the Environment Agency have given their consent. Once designs have been finalised,

steelwork can be completed. Works to be completed by March 2021.

136/20Electricity Bill – vote

Councillors were unanimously in favour of supporting this bill.

137/20Agenda items for next meeting


138/20The date of the next meeting was confirmed as September 10th 2020, 1830 hrs.

Meeting finishes: 1929 hrs

Minutes prepared by Julie Nicol, Parish Clerk

Signed: _________________________________