dalmenyprimaryschool.files.wordpress.com · web view2020/10/08  · schools should be encouraged to...

Dalmeny Primary School staff and parent/carer guide - 10-08-20 This information is as up to date as possible but please be aware that guidance is continually changing. Follow current Corona Virus advice at https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and- poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19 Please note self isolation is 14 days. Do not come to school if you need to self-quarantine because you have returned from a country which is not on the Government’s quarantine exemption list https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-public-health- checks-at-borders/pages/exemptions/ Arrangements for school return We are delighted to be able to welcome our children back to school and want to make sure they feel safe and secure with the changes that will be in place to reduce the transmission of COVID 19. Therefore, the return to school will be phased over three days from Wednesday 12 th August to allow our children, parents and staff to become familiar with the changes at the school. This week will be an Induction Week for all children. Child’s surname begins Wednesday 12 August Thursday 13 August Friday 14 August A - L Start back and attend full day Do not attend Attend P1/2 and P4/5 12:15 finish P3 and P6/7 12:25 finish M-Z Do not attend Start back and attend full day As above To reduce possible cross contamination, each ‘group’ or ‘bubble’ will contain a teacher, a PSA and the children in each class who will stay together for the day. Lunches (only packed lunch) will be eaten in the classroom. Due to the narrowness of the corridor and layout of the school, we will have staggered start times, breaks, lunches and home times. 1

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Dalmeny Primary School staff and parent/carer guide - 10-08-20

This information is as up to date as possible but please be aware that guidance is continually changing.

Follow current Corona Virus advice at


Please note self isolation is 14 days. Do not come to school if you need to self-quarantine because you have returned from a country which is not on the Government’s quarantine exemption list https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-public-health-checks-at-borders/pages/exemptions/

Arrangements for school return

We are delighted to be able to welcome our children back to school and want to make sure they feel safe and secure with the changes that will be in place to reduce the transmission of COVID 19. Therefore, the return to school will be phased over three days from Wednesday 12th August to allow our children, parents and staff to become familiar with the changes at the school. This week will be an Induction Week for all children.

Child’s surname begins


12 August


13 August


14 August

A - L

Start back and attend full day

Do not attend


P1/2 and P4/5

12:15 finish

P3 and P6/7 12:25 finish


Do not attend

Start back and attend full day

As above

To reduce possible cross contamination, each ‘group’ or ‘bubble’ will contain a teacher, a PSA and the children in each class who will stay together for the day. Lunches (only packed lunch) will be eaten in the classroom. Due to the narrowness of the corridor and layout of the school, we will have staggered start times, breaks, lunches and home times.

Friday Home time for P1/2 and P4/5 – 12:15 and for P3 and P6/7 – 12:25

Physical distancing between adults and between adults and children from different families must be observed. This means normal access into the school for parents and carers will be severely restricted to maintain the safety of everyone. 

We ask that children come into the playground no more than 5 minutes before their start time and line up at the assigned entrance. P1-P3 children will enter through the P1 door and P4 – P7 children through the main door. Children are asked to bring only essential items into school as nothing can be left in school overnight, including the children’s indoor shoes. It is recommended that your child wears clothing that can be washed frequently and blazers or any items which require dry cleaning should not be worn to school. We will continue to encourage regular handwashing when children are in school and hand sanitisers will be widely available throughout the building. Enhanced cleaning will take place daily.

Before leaving home

· Check you have no cough, high temperature or loss of sense of smell/taste. If you have any of these, stay at home and follow medical advice at https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19 Staff let your line manager know.

· Do not come to school if you need to self-quarantine because you have returned from a country which is not on the Government’s quarantine exemption list https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-public-health-checks-at-borders/pages/exemptions/

· Everyone must comply with the NHS Test and Protect Team instructions. If you are contacted and asked to isolate, do not come to school.

· Wash hands using the method below before leaving home. Use hand sanitiser if you cannot access soap and water. For nursery children it is advised that only soap and water is used.

· Children can wear school uniform. However, if it is easier for parents to wash other clothes such as T-shirts and joggers, then children may wear these also.

Arriving at school

1. Please arrive at the correct times as indicated above. Children to come into playground no more than 5 minutes before start time. This is to maintain social distancing between adults, year groups and households

2. Please do not park outside the school gates in the yellow zone or across neighbouring driveways. Do not car share with different households.

3. Once you have dropped your child off, please move away from the gates and leave the area.

4. No parent/carers are to enter the playground except for 1 parent of P1 children. P1 – P3 children will be dismissed at the end of the day as usual by staff into an adult’s care. School staff will help children get to their lines. Nursery parents can hand their children over to staff at the nursery door.

5. Clean or sanitise your hands before you enter a building. Follow the instructions at the hand cleaning station outside the building.

6. Staff go to your allocated classroom. Check cleaning has taken place. Report immediately to a member of the SLT if cleaning has not taken place. Step outside the classroom and wait for instructions.

7. Ensure rooms are as well-ventilated as possible.

8. Staff register pupils in the normal way and place registration sheet in the poly pocket on the outside of your door.

Children with significant additional support needs

1. Individual risk assessments should be completed by the family and staff before the child returns to school.

Risk assessments and Health & Safety concerns

1. Anyone can request an individual risk assessment if they feel they are at increased risk Eg Black & Minority Ethnic members of our school community, members of our school community whose medical practitioners have recommended an individual risk assessment at school.

2. Report any health and safety concerns to the school’s H&S Committee which comprises

· Laura Brandon, Headteacher

· Nicky Lovegrove, Business Manager and trade Union Rep

· Diane Forbes, Principal Teacher (parent contact)

· Adele Shields, Teacher


· All adults and children must wash their hands with soap and water at the following times:

· When entering the classroom

· Before leaving the building

· After exercise (Eg PE, outdoor play)

· Before and after using the toilet

· Before and after eating/drinking

· Teachers should re-teach this to all children. Parents should remind children regularly of the

handwashing technique.

· Nursery children should use soap and water and not alcohol hand sanitiser.

COSHHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Human Health) staff advice for alcohol hand sanitiser

1. Eyes: Bathe the eye with running water for 15 minutes. Transfer to hospital for specialist examination. 

2. Skin: Wash with fresh water and soap. Seek medical advice if irritations persist. 

3. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Wash out mouth with water. If conscious, give half a litre of water to drink immediately. If unconscious and breathing is OK, place in the recovery position. Transfer to hospital as soon as possible. 

4. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice if condition worsens or does not improve. 

Respiratory hygiene

1. Good respiratory hygiene must be practised. Children, young people and staff should be encouraged to:

• Catch coughs/sneezes with tissues or elbow

• Avoid touching their faces

• Keep windows/doors open to aid ventilation

Teachers and parents should re-teach this at the start of the new school year.

Social distancing

1. In our school a “group” or “bubble” means a whole class group for the purposes of social distancing guidance.

2. Nursery: there is currently no requirement for physical distancing between children.

3. Primary: there is currently no requirement for physical distancing between children.

4. Two-metre physical distancing should be maintained between adults and other adults.

5. Two-metre physical distancing should be maintained between adults and children/young people who are not from the same household, wherever this is possible.

6. Wherever possible, keep children and young people within the same groups for the duration of the school day. Groups should not mix, wherever possible.

7. There will be no large gatherings such as meetings, assemblies, choirs and sporting events. Where it is necessary to bring groups together, alternative mitigating actions should be put in place, such as limiting the time spent together

8. Only one adult at a time in the resources bay.

Face coverings

1. Face coverings should not be required for most children (those clinically advised to wear a covering are an exception).

2. Where adults cannot keep 2m distance and are interacting face-to-face for 15 minutes or more, face coverings should be worn.

3. Anyone (whether child, young person or adult) wishing to wear a face covering in school can do so.

4. Parents should teach children how to correctly remove a face mask to avoid spread of infection.

5. Should the prevalence of the virus in the population start rising, nationally or in parts of Scotland, schools may wish to encourage the wearing of face coverings, especially among adults and older young people in secondary schools.

6. Adults may need to remove face masks when talking to children with additional support needs or whose first language is not English.

Visitors to school

1. Adult visitors to school are strictly by appointment and limited only to those that are necessary to support children and young people or the running of the school.

2. Meetings with parents will, until further notice, be by phone call.

Movement between schools

1. Movement between schools (e.g. of temporary/supply/peripatetic staff etc) should be kept to a minimum, until further notice.

2. Where movement between schools is necessary, the number of interactions should be minimised, and the 2m distancing between adults should be adhered to wherever possible. City of Edinburgh council has adopted the following guidelines that must be followed:

3. Staff moving between schools should only visit one school per day, in which they could have direct contact with up to two ‘contacts’. A single contact is defined as one child, a group of children, a single member of staff, a group of staff, a parent or carer, a family group.

4. Visiting staff who are not able to physically distance at work, i.e. they need to provide personal care or work with very young children, should be based with one child or group of children and in one school.

Movement of staff within a school and delivery of NCCT (teacher non-contact time)

1. With regard to movement of NCCT teachers (who cover class teachers’ non-contact time) between classes and across settings, this is permitted but should be minimised wherever possible. Schools should be encouraged to follow SNCT and LNCT guidance on how flexibility of time over a 2- or 4-week period may help to reduce movement of staff across classes.

2. Non-Contact Time should be organised in large chunks (i.e. 2 days per month or equivalent) to avoid specialist teachers covering non-contact time moving frequently between classes. This may mean that specialist teachers will be asked to undertake other subjects.

3. Schools should plan how shared staff spaces are set up and used to help staff to distance from each other. The number of people in staff rooms at any one time should be limited to ensure distancing can be maintained. City of Edinburgh Council advocates the abolishment of staff rooms for staff purposes currently.

4. Advice is expected to follow for higher-risk activities such as food technology, drama, dance, music tuition etc.

Physical Education (PE)

1. Current restrictions mean PE must take place outdoors.

2. Sharing of sports equipment should be limited with cleaning of equipment between groups if sharing must happen.

3. Children should come to school dressed in suitable clothing for outdoors PE on their assigned day.

4. Changing rooms cannot be used currently.

5. If the weather is very wet (i.e. continual heavy rain) we will cancel PE lessons.

Pupils will be required to have an indoor pair of shoes appropriate for day to day classroom activities as well as an outdoor pair of shoes for PE lessons

Teachers will inform families which day their child/children will be taking part in PE.

Wet Weather Kit

PE will take place outdoors therefore appropriate wet weather clothing will be required in case of showers/ inclement weather. A pair of over trousers (showerproof/ waterproof trousers) and a lightweight jacket (showerproof/ waterproof jacket) is recommended. This ensures no pupil will end up with wet clothes for the rest of the day if caught in a shower.

Classroom layout

1. Excess furniture should be stacked in the hall to maximise space for social distancing. Do not leave furniture or resources in any other area of school.

2. Current guidance is that children should continue to not sit face-to-face.

3. Ensure the adults in the room can remain 2 metres from each other and from children wherever possible.

4. Remove all difficult to clean and fabric items such as bean bags, cushions and rugs from the class.

5. All surfaces and floors must be clear at the end of each day to allow cleaners to do their job thoroughly.

6. Books can be borrowed from class and school libraries. Once returned these should be stored in a sealed crate for 72 hours before being made available to other children. Plastic covers should be wiped down with a disinfectant spray and clean cloth.

Children sharing equipment tbc

1. Don’t share toys and equipment until further notice wherever possible. Equipment that must be shared should be cleaned in between users with a disinfectant and clean cloth.

2. Give each child a named bag and each child keeps their own pencils, erasers, pens, scissors etc in the bag. The bag stays in school to help prevent infection. Children can help organise this in week 1 if necessary.

3. iPads or laptops should be used by one class for one whole day and then wiped down as per the instructions below by the class teacher/ PSA. Return these to the charging trolleys for overnight charging.

Home learning on days children are not attending school

If we must implement home learning/blended learning again, we will use Learning journals as we did during lockdown. If a child is self-isolating and can work from home, we will also use Learning Journals or a home learning pack focussing on Literacy and Numeracy.


The priority is to evacuate the building as safely and as quickly as possible. Maintain social distancing between adults wherever possible.


1. There will be no public access to toilets to prevent infection.

2. Only one child at a time will enter/use the toilets. P1-P3 will use one set of toilets and P4 – P7 the other.

Snacks and lunches

1. Children can eat snacks in the playground after washing their hands.

2. Children to bring their own named water bottles.

3. Packed lunches only will be eaten in classrooms. Children can bring their own packed lunches from home or parents can order school packed lunches. All P1 to P3 children, and children in year groups P4 to P7 who are entitled to free school meals, will receive a free packed lunch.

4. The proposed menu may consist of a meat, fish or vegetarian sandwich, fresh cut fruit and vegetable pots, a hot soup/hot/cold pasta or rice pot.

5. The packed lunch menu is now available on Parent Pay to book and will run from August to October, with the intention to return to the standard menu at the end of the October break. 

6. The menu and allergen info has now been posted on the council website showing parents the offer available to pupils (please note PPP schools will follow the same menu)–https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/downloads/download/12852/primary-school-lunch-menus-with-nutrition-and-allergen-information 

7. All meals will be served in disposable packaging with disposable cutlery, so any contamination risk is minimised – the use of shared water or milk jugs should be discouraged at this time as any reusable option could potentially increase the contamination risk with equipment and cutlery returning to kitchen. 

8. Kitchens will be undertaking additional cleaning protocols and will be ensuring staffing work in designated areas to minimise any contamination.  

9. Pupils will be encouraged to wash hands before and after eating. 

10. Staggered lunches are required to ensure a smooth service in and in maintaining social distancing within groups in the playground. See timings in table above.  

11. All packed lunches will be served in the classrooms, and older children will be encouraged to wipe down their desks after use. Lunches may be eaten in an outdoor space (if weather allows). 

12. Parents can book packed lunches on Parent Pay for £2.25 per primary meal. 

End of the school day pick up of children

1. Parents and carers should not wait in the playground, so we can maintain social distancing. The only exception is P1/2, where one parent or carer can collect their child/children while observing social distancing.

Staff breaks and lunches

1. These will be staggered to avoid crowding in the staffroom and staff toilets. The staffroom is limited to 3 people at a time.

2. Please do not share plates, cups or cutlery. Bring your own from home and return these home for cleaning.

3. Please wipe down surfaces where you have been eating/drinking. Use the disinfectant and cloths in the area.

4. Staffrooms should only be used for the preparation of refreshments and the use of the boiler tap /kettle.

5. Wherever possible, breaks for respite and consumption of food should be taken elsewhere. E.g. classroom, staff base to avoid cross contact of furnishings etc.

6. If staggered breaks are in place, rotas should be clearly identified and shared with all staff.

7. Where the staffroom needs to be used capacity should be based on current guidelines of 2m distancing

8. Seating and areas that are not in use should be properly identified to ensure safe distancing.

9. Other appropriate areas must be identified if the staffroom does not have capacity and staggered breaks are not possible

10. Microwaves should not be used

11. Fridge use should be limited to milk (please clearly label)

12. Staff should bring in lunch daily and use their own appropriate storage for this, e.g. Thermos, Cool bag

13. Utensils including cups and cutlery should be your own and staff should take them home every day to be washed properly

14. Handwashing should be used before using the staffroom or hand sanitiser may be used if no handwashing facilities are available

15. Handwashing should be used before and after using any equipment to reduce transmission onto and from equipment, e.g. boiler tap, kettle.

16. If tea, coffee, sugar and milk are to be shared, you should wash your hands before and after use and where possible, place a disposable paper towel under your hand to open lids.

Outdoor play

1. Please take your class outdoors to learn and play as often as practicable. It is safer to be in the open air during Covid-19. It is good for physical and mental health. Brief children on social distancing, handwashing before and after being outside, not touching face (explain why Eg you might pick up infection from the fixed play equipment)

2. When playing outside, don’t share equipment. Children can play lane games, timed games etc.

3. Outdoor play equipment (trim trail) does not need to be cleaned in between groups using this.

First aid and personal care

1. Where adults cannot keep 2m distance and are interacting face-to-face for a sustained period (Eg for 15 minutes or more), face coverings should be worn (or, in certain limited circumstances, PPE - see section on PPE and other protective barrier measures, below).

2. If a child needs first aid or personal care, ask a trained first aider to go to the medical room and put on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which consists of (in the order shown)

· Gloves

· Apron

· Mouth and nose mask

· Face visor

3. School office team to call parent and explain the injury and the care provided. Explain PPE was used.

4. Complete an injury note for the child to take home.

5. Make sure you wipe down the surfaces where you provided first aid or personal care and dispose of all materials safely in the bin.

Medicines and medicines forms

1. Medical forms can be found on the council website. These must be completed and handed in to school before we can accept medication. We need 2 copies of the form.

2. Please call Mrs Melville to arrange a time to bring forms and medication to school.

Bikes, scooters etc

1. Children must dismount at the school gate and lock bikes and scooters at the bike racks.

End of day before leaving your classroom

1. Clear all surfaces for cleaning

2. Clear all floor areas for cleaning

3. Disinfect toys and equipment using the cleaning instructions below.

· Screens – clean using a damp soapy cloth (unplug from the electrical supply first)

· Smooth surfaces, keyboards wipes or disinfectant cloth. Dispose of cloth.

· Toys Milton fluid trugs.

· Note from Health & Safety Team on use of Milton fluid...

Milton is a good product for disinfecting numerous surfaces, and in its ‘normal’ solution of 60ml in 5l of water it can be used widely with no need to rinse the surface after cleaning and offers protection for 24hrs.

However, guidance for disinfecting for Covid-19 changes significantly:

Gloves are to be worn as this solution may cause irritation,

The surface to be disinfected should be first cleaned with soap and water,

A solution of 300ml in 5l of water should be prepared, (a 5-fold increase in solution)

The surface should be cleaned and left for 15mins,

The surface should then be rinsed with clean water, as damage could occur to surfaces.

School events

The following changes will take immediate effect from 10/08/20 and until further notice.

Previous Event

New arrangement

Person in charge

Parent Forum meetings

TEAMS (own devices)

PF chair

Parent teacher consultations

phone call.


Staff meetings and Learning Meetings

TEAMS video calls where possible. PE Hall with 2-metre social distancing seats.


Concerts and other events with large audiences.

Cancelled until Government restrictions on large gatherings are relaxed.


Open classrooms

Cancelled until Government restrictions on large gatherings are relaxed.


Person falling ill whilst in school

1. If anyone feels ill when in school, alert a member of SLT.

2. Attending staff member to put on PPE as shown below.

3. A child feeling ill will be taken to the isolation room (SfL room). Staff feeling ill will be relieved of their duties and asked to travel home immediately. Staff should book a Covid-19 test as soon as possible.

4. Put the sign up on the isolation room door saying “isolation room in use”

5. Open a window.

6. Assess the ill person. If you suspect it is Covid-19. Ask the person to sit down and maintain at least 2 metres distance. Continue to wear PPE. Alert the school office and ask for a parent to collect the child from the P1 external door.

7. Stay with the person until collected. Explain the symptoms to the person collecting the ill person. Ask them to return home immediately, avoiding other people where possible and telephone for medical advice.

8. Clean the medical room once the person has gone.

· Use Milton fluid and a cloth to wipe down all surfaces and objects Eg pen used to record. See Milton fluid solution notes above.

· Place all PPE and cleaning waste safely in a sealed double bin bag. Take this to the waste quarantine area where it will be kept for 48 hours before being placed in the general waste outside.

9. Report the suspected Covid-19 case as per policy. Enhanced cleaning to be arranged if there is a case of suspected or confirmed Covid-19.

10. Risk assessment and discussion with senior managers whether school needs to close or not following confirmed Covid-19 cases.

11. If someone develops Covid 19 symptoms within the bubble, test immediately and all the bubble members go home

12. If the person tests negative and everyone is symptom free within the subsequent 48-hour period, then the whole bubble returns

13. If the person tests positive, the whole bubble follow the self-isolation procedures

Extra-curricular activities and school trips

1. Residential visits and visits involving transport are not currently permitted.

2. School swimming is not currently permitted.

3. Active Schools Team and Parent Council clubs are currently not running.


1. Council cleaning services will have an enhanced cleaning regime in place.

2. Fogging electrostatic disinfecting will take place monthly when the building is empty.

3. For environmental decontamination (cleaning and disinfection) after a possible Covid case has left the school- staff see SLT for advice.

4. Staff please alert your cleaner if there is an issue and cleaning is required in response.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

1. For the majority of staff in schools, PPE will not normally be required or necessary. Where it is required or necessary the following arrangements will apply.

2. PPE is stored in the First Aid Room.

3. The PPE bag consists of gloves, aprons, nose/mouth masks and face visors or goggles.

4. Risk assessments exist for children and young people with more complex needs, including those with emotional and behavioural needs. These risk assessments will be updated as a matter of priority considering changes to provision such as environment and staffing.

5. Soiled items, cleaning materials and used PPE should be placed in sealed black bags and these are to be stored in the disposal area for 48 hours before being placed in the waste area outside.

6. Specific guidance COVID-19: guidance for first responders has been developed and published for first responders who, as part of their normal roles, provide immediate assistance requiring close contact until further medical assistance arrives. This guidance sets out clearly what you are required to do if you come into close contact with someone as part of your first responder duties. It covers the use of PPE and CPR.

7. The types of PPE required in specific circumstances are set out below:

· Routine activities: No PPE is required when undertaking routine educational activities in classroom or school settings.  

· Suspected COVID-19: Gloves, aprons and a fluid-resistant surgical mask should be worn by staff if a child or young person becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 and needs direct personal care. Eye protection should also be worn if a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes such as from coughing, spitting, or vomiting. Gloves and aprons should be used when cleaning the areas where a person suspected of having COVID-19 has been.  

· Intimate care: Gloves and aprons should continue to be used when providing intimate care to a child or young person. This can include personal, hands-on care such as washing, toileting, or first aid and certain clinical procedures such as assisted feeding. 

· Fluid-resistant surgical masks and eye protection should also be worn if a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes such as from coughing, spitting, or vomiting.  

· Gloves and aprons should be used when cleaning equipment or surfaces that might be contaminated with body fluids such as saliva or respiratory secretions.  

8. Remove PPE as instructed in this diagram.

9. Parents should ensure children wearing face coverings know how to safely don, remove and store these to prevent infection risks for others.

The use of (and cleaning of) IPads and IT Equipment

A. General Guidance

1. Staff to follow general hand hygiene rules when dispensing and collecting equipment*

2. Pupils are to follow general hand hygiene rules before and after use of equipment*

3. Allocation of one iPad to one child at any one time

4. Equipment is logged out and back in

5. No devices brought to school by children from home at this time

6. If suitable supply of equipment available – rotate the use by 48 to 72 hours

Plastic is the surface the virus remains viable on for the longest - up to 72 hours. On stainless steel the virus was detected up to 48 hours after application.

*Hygiene Guidance: wash hands with warm soap and water for 20 seconds


There is no requirement for any form of PPE to be worn when cleaning the equipment.

C. Cleaning Recommendations

Apple iPad: Apple has produced guidance to the cleaning of its products.

Using a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes may gently wipe the hard, nonporous surfaces off your Apple product, such as the display, keyboard, or other exterior surfaces, It is strongly recommended that you “Do not use any bleach related product. You avoid getting moisture in any opening, and do not submerge your Apple product in any cleaning agents.

· Use only approved and provided 1 stage cleaning wipes

· Use only a soft, lint-free cloth or specialised wipes.

· Avoid abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels, or similar items;

· Avoid excessive wiping, which might cause damage or performance;

· To avoid electric shock, unplug all external power sources, devices, and cables;

· Don't get moisture into any openings;

· Clean all surfaces; screen, back surface and sides

General advice being that equipment is cleaned when:

· The user hands the device back in after use

· There is a change of user

· Unauthorised use by someone else

Regularly wiping down of the monitors should be carried out depending on its us, this would be similar for most IT equipment i.e. keyboards or similar hand-held devices. How regular and frequent would it be for school staff to assess depending on the regular and frequent use of their equipment

Fixed PC’s / Monitors and Keyboards

· These should be cleaned using the appropriate wipes and cleaning solutions

· One user per PC station

· Where possible the same user is allocated the PC as before

· Regularly wiping down of the monitors and other exposed parts should be carried out depending on its use, this would be similar for most IT equipment i.e. keyboards or similar hand-held devices. How regular and frequent would be for school staff to assess depending on the regular and frequent use of their equipment

If hand hygiene guidance is observed by pupils and staff, then this is seen as a balanced and measured approach, therefore reducing the contact and cleaning of equipment by teaching staff to an acceptable minimum level.

Reporting of Covid-19 cases

Significant Occurrence Reporting (Reporting of Symptomatic children/staff)

If a member of staff reports that they have become symptomatic (Covid-19) other staff who have been working alongside them should be made aware confidentially, and asked to monitor their own health, as normal. Managers should complete a Significant Occurrence report for staff or children who become unwell with symptoms.” The form must be completed and emailed to:

[email protected]

The form should state the date the member of staff’s symptoms began. Staff must not be in the building if they have symptoms.

A copy of the Significant Occurrence Reporting form can be accesses in the Schools Operations Risk Toolkit (SORT)

Severe symptoms in an adult

If they are so unwell that they require an ambulance, phone 999 and let the call handler know you are concerned about COVID-19. Whilst you wait for advice or an ambulance to arrive, try to find somewhere safe for the unwell person to sit which is at least 2 metres away from other people. If possible and it is safe to do so, find a room or area where they can be isolated behind a closed door, such as a staff office or meeting room. If it is possible to open a window, do so for ventilation. The individual should avoid touching people, surfaces and objects and be advised to cover their mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when they cough or sneeze, and then put the tissue in the bin. If no bin is available, put the tissue in a bag or pocket for disposing in a bin later. If you don’t have any tissues available, they should cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow. Where possible, a separate bathroom should be designated for the individual to use.