· web view2021. 1. 29. · reading – everyday 15 minutes minimum daily...

KS1 Daily Session Plan - Week Beginning: Monday 1 st February 2021 Phonics- everyday 40 minutes Reading – Everyday 15 minutes minimum Daily phonics 40 minutes – Your child will be sent Phonics links each morning on Class Dojo Reading a variety of books at home. Your child could share a book with an adult or read aloud ( 15 minutes every day). Listen to a story being read at: We will share class stories read by the grown-ups at school on a Monday and Friday on Class Dojo. On a Wednesday we will post a link to a story online. Your child also now has access to Oxford Owl which will enable you to access some of the Read Write Inc texts for your child’s level. English Maths Mental Health Week

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KS1 Daily Session Plan - Week Beginning: Monday 1st February 2021

Phonics- everyday 40 minutes

Reading – Everyday 15 minutes minimum

Daily phonics 40 minutes – Your child will be sent Phonics links each morning on Class Dojo

· Reading a variety of books at home. Your child could share a book with an adult or read aloud (15 minutes every day).

· Listen to a story being read at: 

· We will share class stories read by the grown-ups at school on a Monday and Friday on Class Dojo. On a Wednesday we will post a link to a story online.

· Your child also now has access to Oxford Owl which will enable you to access some of the Read Write Inc texts for your child’s level.



Mental Health Week


40 Minutes : Can I become familiar with a traditional tale?

This week is National Storytelling Week. We will be spending the week getting to know a story in detail so that by Friday you will be a confident storyteller and can share videos of you telling your story on your portfolios.

Look at the National Storytelling Week PowerPoint on our website - Listen to the storyteller retelling ‘The Gingerbread Man’. As you’re listening think about:

· What do you like about how the story has been told?

· What makes a good storyteller?

Year 1: You will be using ‘The Three Little Pigs'

Use this PowerPoint (available on our website) to listen to the story:

You might want your grown-up to read it to you a couple of times. Then read it again and this time try to join in with as much of the story as you can.

Once you are familiar with the story, discuss the following points:

· What story language is used e.g. once upon a time, happily ever after?

· What are the main events and things that happen in the story?

· Who are the main characters in the story?

· What is your favourite part of the story?

Year 1 challenge: Discuss how the different characters might be feeling in the story. Explain why you think this.

Year 2: You will be using ‘Little Red Riding Hood’

Use this PowerPoint (available on our website) to listen to the story:

You might want your grown-up to read it to you a couple of times. Then read it again and this time try to join in with as much of the story as you can.

· What story language is used e.g. once upon a time, happily ever after?

· Who are the main characters in the story? Think about what each character may be thinking and feeling throughout the story.

· What are the main events and things that happen in the story?

· What is your favourite part of the story?

Year 2 challenge: What are the main themes/morals of the story? What is the story trying to teach us?

Complete the Story Review (on website-homelearning-resources-01.02.21-Story Review)

40 minutes: LO: Can I solve problems using repeated addition?

Starter: Counting from a given number in 2’s to 20/ 5’s to 50

This week we will begin to learn about multiplication and division. To begin we will be using repeated addition.

Repeated addition is a way of teaching multiplication by changing sums into a repeated set of additions. For example:

2 x 4 = 8

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8

Using objects solving the following problems:



Y1 Activity: Complete multiplication as repeated addition sheet using objects.

Y1 Challenge: Can I practice, write and recall my 2 times table?

Y2: Complete multiplication as repeated addition ladybird sheet using pictures to help solve. Use example below to assist.

2 x 3 = 6

2 + 2 + 2 = 6

Y2 Challenge: Can you use repeated addition to solve the following problems?

2 x 7 =

2 x 9 =

2 x 10 =

5 x 8 =

5 x 5 =

5 x 10 =

This week is Mental Health Week. Resources can be found on the home learning weblink below:

Your child might like to keep a Wellbeing Journal throughout the week to help them focus on the day ahead and channel their feelings in a positive way.

40 minutes: L.O: Can I talk about the signs of poor mental health?

It’s important that a child feels able to openly talk about their emotions, especially during difficult times. We will be reading through the ‘Scrambled Heads’ story to open up discussions about how we are feeling. We will talk about the ways we can express our feelings and seek help when we are feeling low.

The Scrambled Heads story can be found on the website.

Read up to this page with your child:


Draw 4 pictures to represent how your life-skills buddy might feel when their brain is poorly.

Examples of things that can affect our mood:

· Weather

· feeling frustrated when things go wrong

· Missing your friends and family

· Losing a game

· Having a disagreement with someone

Challenge: Can you label your pictures with emotion words that describe how your life-skills buddy might be feeling.


40 minutes: LO: Can I speculate, imagine and explore ideas?

Year 1 and Year 2:

Start by recapping your story from yesterday – can you tell the story to your grown-up?

Storytelling is more than just reading the words of a story aloud. It takes other skills as well. It is important to use different tones in your voice when you are telling a story. If your voice stays at the same level, it is boring! You will want your voice to go higher and lower, louder and softer. These games will help you develop the skills you need to make yourself a good storyteller.

Game 1: Counting from 1 to 10

First, read a part of the story you are learning. Keep your voice the same level. Don’t go high or low or loud or soft. Just say it flat.

Now count from one to 10 (out loud!) in these different ways:

· As if you were an angry parent who said, “I am going to count to 10 and if you’re not in the bedroom by the time I get to 10, you’re in big trouble.”

· As a very little child just learning to count

· As if you were very sad because you thought everyone had forgotten your birthday, but then you walked into your living room and saw 10 birthday presents sitting on the floor. How would you count them?

· As if you were telling someone a telephone number when the phone was not working right.

· As if you were counting pennies as you dropped them into a piggy bank.

Read the same part of the story again that you read before. This time, let your voice go loud and soft. Go high and low. Go fast and slow. Do you hear the difference? Which way sounds better? Why?

Game 2: Walk the Walk

Storytelling isn’t just words; it’s movement, too. You will have to move around while you tell your story. You will use your arms and legs. You will use your hands and face to tell the story.

Walk across the room six times. Each time, pretend something different:

· You are coming home from school and you know you have a lot of chores to do when you get there.

· You are walking through a foot of snow.

· You are walking barefoot in a very sticky, squishy swamp.

· You are walking across a blistering hot desert.

· You are in a graveyard at night walking through the tombstones.

· Your right leg is in a cast.

· You are walking through honey.

Record yourself playing these games and post them on your portfolio.

40 minutes: Can I use repeated addition to solve problems?

Starter: Counting in 5’s from a given number up to 50

Start by recapping what we learnt yesterday about repeated addition.

Today we will be moving on to solving repeated addition involving 5s.

Practice solving the repeated addition number sentence below using objects.

5 + 5 + 5 =

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =

Y1 activity: Complete repeated addition worksheet 5s and 2’s using objects.

Y1 Challenge: Can I practice, write and recall my 5’s time table?

Y2 Activity: Complete repeated addition worksheet 2.

5 x 3 =

5 + 5 + 5 =

Y2 Challenge: Can you wire the following repeated addition number sentence as multiplication problems.


2 + 2 + 2 = 6 / 2 x 3 =6


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 =

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 =

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =

40 minutes: Can I ask for help and support when I need it?

Today we will be looking at some of the ways we can ask for help and feel comfortable to talk to a trusted person.

Can you create a cosy den with your child? This should be somewhere they feel comfortable and you are unlikely to be distracted.

Read up to this page – The story can be found on the school website. Talk with your child how mental illness can’t be seen, like a broken arm, but it’s just as real. List some of the signs that someone is struggling with their mental health and might need to get help.

Activity: Can you create a spider diagram listing the trusted people you can talk about your feelings with. You could draw pictures of the people that can help us.

Spending time together by doing something fun and creative, such as crafts, baking or walking, gives you a space where there’s no pressure to talk but the opportunity is there if your child feels ready.


40 minutes: Can I retell a familiar story?

Listen to your story again, join in as much as you can.

To help plan your storytelling we need to think about what happens in the story and when. This will help you to decide which bits to include when storytelling and it will help you to think about any actions or props you may need as part of your story.

Year 1: Use the story planner on the website to recall and record the main parts of the story.

Once you’ve finished, see if you can retell the story using your story planner.

Year 2: Use the story map on the website to recall and record the main parts of the story.

Once you’ve finished, retell the story using your story map.

Send us clear photos of your story maps or videos of you using it to retell your story.

40 minutes: Can I use repeated addition to solve problems?

Starter: Begin by counting in 10’s to 100 and back.

Today we will be using pictorial representations to solve repeated addition problems.

Practice solving these problems using pictorial representations:

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 =

5 + 5 + 5 =

Y1 Activity: Complete 2’s/5’s ’s activity worksheet

Y1 Challenge: Practice, write and recall 10’s times table

Y2 Activity: Complete missing number worksheet 3

Y2 Challenge: Can you think of any multiplication problems and solve them using repeated addition?

45 minutes: Can I list some of the things I can do to improve my mental health?

Read to the end of the Scrambled Heads book.

Talk with your child about some of the ways you can stay happy or help you feel better when you’re feeling low. Remember that sleep, diet and personal hygiene are important here.

You could write or draw some ideas on this sheet.

Take time throughout the week to allow your child to do some of these things. Perhaps you could plan to do some of these activities at the weekend. Have fun!

Some ideas of simple things you could do:

· Play board games together

· Get active and exercise

· Dance or sing to your favourite song

· Go outside and engage with nature, you could put some food out for the birds in your garden and use the bird spotting guide to help you identify them.

· Try a mindful breathing activity-


40 minutes: Can I retell a story using a storyteller voice, actions and props?

Today we want you to look back at your story map from yesterday.

Using a different coloured pen, make notes on your map about

· when you might use your voice differently e.g. loud voice, deep voice, etc

· when you might include actions in your performance

· any facial expressions you might use

· any props you might use when performing your story

Spend time practising telling your story and include the voice changes, actions and props you have thought about. Make sure that your voice is clear and audible.

40 minutes: Can I use my knowledge of repeated addition to solve number problems?

Starter: Begin by counting forwards and backwards from a given number in 2’s/5’s/10’s

Today we will use what we’ve learnt to write multiplication number sentences.

Explain that 2+2+2= is the same as 2 x 3=

5+5+5+5= is the same as 5 x 4 =

Solve using repeated addition:

2 x 4 =

2 + 2 + 2 + 2=

Y1 Activity: Solving multiplication number sentences using repeated addition. For this activity you can use objects or pictorial representations depending on what you are most confident using.

Y2 activity: Can I solve missing number sentences? Use your knowledge of repeated addition and multiplication to solve problems. Use the example below. Complete the worksheet below.

2x _ =8

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 =

Y2 Challenge: Can you practice, write and recall your 2 and 5 times tables.

60 minutes: Can I talk about the things I am grateful for in my life?

When we are feeling low or anxious we can think about what we are grateful for in our lives to help improve our mood.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude means being thankful or appreciative. You may hear the expression 'I owe you a debt of gratitude' and this means that someone is thankful for what you have done for them and hopes one day to do something that you will be grateful for.

Encourage your child to think about recent events and focus on all the things they still have in their lives to be grateful for.

Talk about the good things around you including friends, school, family and kindness.

Challenge: Create a Gratitude Tree together.

Your child can add a word or sentence onto each leaf on the tree and colour it, before cutting them out and sticking them on to the gratitude tree.


30 minutes: Can I gain and maintain the interest of the listener?

It’s performance day! Today we want you to retell your story using everything you have put together over the week.

If you can, video yourself performing a retelling of your story and share it with your teachers on your portfolio – please let us know if you are also happy for us to share them on Class Dojo with others.

Challenge: National Storytelling Week is all about inspiring us to tell stories. Using what you’ve learnt create your own story to tell.

You can use different things as inspiration for your story:

· Use either the fairy tale or superhero storytelling prompt sheets on our school website and create a story around the setting, characters and props that you land on.

· Collect some objects from around your home to create a ‘storytelling basket/box’. You could include some toy characters and objects such as pebbles, sticks, leaves and use them as inspiration to create a story.

Remember to perform your stories, using your voice, props and actions, once you have created them. You can share your storytelling baskets and storytelling videos on your portfolio.

30minutes: Can I express my thinking and explain my reasoning?

Maths Talk Maths talk creates an opportunity for thinking, talking, exploring and enjoying mathematics.

Take a look at the problems. Can you use your knowledge of repeated addition to find and prove the answers?

You can use phrases like:

I notice that...

I figured out...

I compared...

The strategy I used to help me was...

I know that...because...

Using what you’ve learnt this week. Work through the sheet below and discuss with your child. What strategies could you use to find the answer? How did you come to your answer?

Feel Good Friday

As this week is Mental Health Week we would like you to take some time with your child to focus on your family’s wellbeing.

Take a look at the grid below and choose some activities that you think you would enjoy doing together.

See large copy (on website-homelearning-resources-01.02.21-Feel Good Friday)