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AP Euro Unit 1 Study Guide Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Exploration Terms Black Death Hundred Years' War (1337-1452) Joan de Arc (1412-31) Jan Hus (1373-1415) revolts--jacquerie/Ciompi Hanseatic League Brethren/Sisters of Common Life mysticism Great Schism (1378-1417) William of Ockham (1300-49) vernacular literature Dante's Divine Comedy Christine de Pisan (1364-1430) Golden Bull Giovanni Bocaccio (1313-75) Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510) Fillipo Brunelleschi (1377-1466) Michelangelo (1475-1564) Castiglione's Book of Courtier (1528) Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Donatello (1386-1466) humanism Niccolo Machiavelli/The Prince (1513) Masaccio (1401-28) Petrarch (1304-74) Leon Battista Alberti (1404-72) perspective civic virtue (virtu) Lorenzo Valla (philology) (1405- 57) guilds Italian city-states women's roles/status Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444) Isabella d'Este (1474-1539) Vittoria Colonna Giralamo Savanarola (1452-98) Lorenzo de Medici (1449-92) condotierre Peace of Lodi (1454) Wars of Italy (1494-1529) sacking of Rome (1527) Fall of Constantinople (1453) Balboa (1475-1517) Columbus (1451-1506) conquistadores Hernando Cortes (1485-1547) Bartholomew Diaz (1450-1500) Ferdinand and Isabella Vasco de Gama (1469-1525) Prince Henry, Navigator(1394- 1460) Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) War of the Roses (1455-85) Henry VIII (1509-1547) Louis XI "the Spider" (1461-83) Castile and Aragon reconquista Charles V (1516-56) Habsburg-Valois rivalry Ottoman empire Unit Outline Later Middle Ages Medieval Life idea and role of universal Church feudal and monastic institutions town life and guilds Scholasticism Gothic architecture style: hierarchy, other-worldliness, focus on God, sense of stasis AP Euro Unit 1 Study Guide: 1

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AP Euro Unit 1 Study Guide Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Exploration

TermsBlack Death Hundred Years' War (1337-1452)Joan de Arc (1412-31)Jan Hus (1373-1415)revolts--jacquerie/CiompiHanseatic LeagueBrethren/Sisters of Common LifemysticismGreat Schism (1378-1417)William of Ockham (1300-49)vernacular literature Dante's Divine Comedy Christine de Pisan (1364-1430)Golden BullGiovanni Bocaccio (1313-75)Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510)Fillipo Brunelleschi (1377-1466)Michelangelo (1475-1564)Castiglione's Book of Courtier (1528)Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)Donatello (1386-1466)humanismNiccolo Machiavelli/The Prince (1513)Masaccio (1401-28)Petrarch (1304-74)Leon Battista Alberti (1404-72)perspectivecivic virtue (virtu)Lorenzo Valla (philology) (1405-57)guilds

Italian city-stateswomen's roles/statusLeonardo Bruni (1370-1444)Isabella d'Este (1474-1539)Vittoria ColonnaGiralamo Savanarola (1452-98)Lorenzo de Medici (1449-92) condotierrePeace of Lodi (1454)Wars of Italy (1494-1529)sacking of Rome (1527)Fall of Constantinople (1453)Balboa (1475-1517)Columbus (1451-1506)conquistadoresHernando Cortes (1485-1547)Bartholomew Diaz (1450-1500)Ferdinand and IsabellaVasco de Gama (1469-1525)Prince Henry, Navigator(1394-1460)Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521)War of the Roses (1455-85)Henry VIII (1509-1547)Louis XI "the Spider" (1461-83)Castile and AragonreconquistaCharles V (1516-56)Habsburg-Valois rivalryOttoman empire

Unit OutlineLater Middle AgesMedieval Life

idea and role of universal Churchfeudal and monastic institutionstown life and guildsScholasticismGothic architecture

style: hierarchy, other-worldliness, focus on God, sense of stasisChallenges

dynastic conflict--changing idea of kingship (v. Vatican)Golden Bull (1356)--Pope blocked out of HRE choiceHundred Years' War (1337-1452)--Eng. claim on Fr. throne

style of warfare impact on knighthoodWar of the Roses (1455-85)

divided ChurchBabylonian captivity (1309-77)

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Great Schism (1378-1415)Jan Hus--burned at stake in 1415conciliar movement

intellectualWilliam of Ockham--govt. secular, criticize Aristotle/reasonJohn Wycliffe--future Reformation challenges

Black Death/faminebegan in 1346killed 33-50% of Europe's populationpsychological and demographic impact

social lifejacquerieCiompi Revolt (1378)

A New Spiritmore focus on individualmore focus on here-and-nowvernacular literature--realism, national settingless faith in instit. Church, more mysticism

Result: Strain on existing institutions, ripe for social/intellectual changeThe RenaissanceRebirth of classical past

a strong contrast with the Middle Ages?Petrarch

style: secularism, virtu, humanism, civic virtueCauses

new focus on this world after 14th centurywealth/indep. of Italian city-states (location)new ideas/text--from Byzantine Empire (falling to Ottomans)urban life--culture

Renaissance Society25% in towns, 10% elsewhere (econ. center, surr. countryside)cities ruled by wealthy elites--bankers, merchants, etc. (Medici, Sforza)luxury goodsstronger sense of community/cohesion (b/c of relative prosperity)family--patriarchal, extended (w/servants), women gain only in educ.

Idealshumanists--liberal arts (grammar, rhetoric, history, moral phil.)

Petrarch--"the father of humanism"CastiglioneValla--philologyBruni--Florentine Academy

Machiavelli--circumstances of his writingThe Prince (1513)civic virtue (condotierre)

Artstyle and subjects--linear, perspective, symmetry, shading, individualsarchitecture--Brunulleschi (dome), Alberti painting/sculpture

Massaccio (Expulsion of Adam and Eve)Botticelli (Spring, Venus)

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da Vinci/Michelangelo (Renaissance Men)role of Church--caveat to secularism

Politicscontests for local supremacy--Milan, Florence, Venice, Naples, Papal Statesstability through seigneurs, local elites (Council of Ten), MediciPeace of Lodi (1454)Venice--Great Council, strongest through navy/tradefall of Italian states--rise of Ottomans (affects trade), voyages of exploration,

in middle of dynastic rivalriesWars of Italy (1494-1529)sack of Rome (1527)

result: Renaissance spreads but conditions no longer favor Italy, center of Europe shifts to North and West (Spain, G.B., Low Countries)European Exploration and Empire/New Monarchsimpact: changed balance of power and intellectual universeMotives--God, gold, and glory

spices of Asiatechnological innovations, $ from bankingRenaissance mentality

ExplorersPrince Henry the NavigatorPortugal--spices and slaves (short-lived empire)Columbus sails for newly-united Spain Balboa, Magellanconquistadores--Cortes, Pizarro (types of individuals)type of control/impact on indigenous peoples/disease

Impact--reassess views of themselvesEurope in 1500 (diversity of forms/states in need of unity)

East--loose Scand., Mongol/Ottomans, Russia, Poland-LithuaniaCentral--HREWest--Spain (reconquista), G.B., France

New Monarchsdifficulties--strong nobles, cult./reg'l diversity, transport, dynastic conflicts,

other powers (Church, etc.)changes in warfareRussia--gained at expense of Mongols

Ivan III--rewards for boyars/army, Orthodox ChurchIvan IV--punished/moved boyars, loyalty of army, peasants to serfs

Poland declines--weak central rulerG.B.

War of Roses depletes noblesHenry VIII-royal domains (taxes), depts. of state, coerce/kill nobles

Privy Council and Parliament increased (Reformation)France

indep. arist. and provincialismLouis XI--marriages, alliances, consumption taxes, nat'l army

Spainregional diversity (Aragon/Castile)reconquista/Inquisition--nationalismCharles V--bureau. courts (often absent)

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Dynastic Strugglesmilitary technology and continuing chivalrypersonal rivalries (Henry VIII, Francis I, Charles V)Valois v. Habsburg (often in Italy)--vie for HRE titlePavia (1525), Francis captured, turns tables w/Henry/SuleimanTreaty of Cateau-Cambresis

overall trend: growing power of state, aided by econ. advances

Possible Multiple-Choice QuestionsAP European HistoryExam, Unit 1

1. Which of the following explorers, sailing under the flag of Portugal, reached the west coast of India in 1498 after rounding the Cape of Good Hope and crossing the Indian Ocean? a. John Cabot b. Vasco da Gama c. Bartolomeo Diaz d. Amerigo Vespucci e. Ferdinand Magellan

2. Bartholome de Las Casas, a Dominican monk, was known for his: a. conversion to a pagan religion and starting a Native American Church b. magnificent monastery he built in Cuba c. championing the plight of Indians under Spanish rule d. cruel and barbarous treatment of the Indians e. voyages of exploration in Central America

3. During the Renaissance, humanism contributed LEAST to which of the following? a. popularization of medieval legends b. renewed interest in original Greek and Roman manuscripts

c. development of modern national languagesd. promotion of liberal arts educatione. refinement in social manners and personal habits

4. All of the following are qualities that Renaissance humanists would have admired EXCEPT:

a. self awarenessb. ascetic mysticismc. physical beautyd. intellectual excellencee. classical education

5. Petrarch stated his belief that the millennium after the fall of Rome (476) was:a. the zenith of western civilizationb. an age of darknessc. similar to the rule of Romed. a model for Europe to followe. an age of economic recovery

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6. The great emphasis the humanists placed upon education was expressed in their belief that it should:

a. be a purely private concernb. be based primarily on the Biblec. prepare a man for public affairsd. be technical in naturee. be equal for men and women

7. The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) was fought primarily to:a. secure the power of the Holy Roman Empireb. drive the Moors out of southern Spainc. expel the English from Franced. solidify the power of the Habsburgse. reduce Russian dominance in the East

8. Early trade between Portugal and India during the fifteenth century included such items as:

a. cinnamon, pepper, and gemsb. pinewood, gold, and chromec. china, cloves, and slavesd. silver, rum, and sugare. coal, iron ore, and fish

9. A sixteenth-century traveler would have been most likely to encounter this type of architecture in which of the following European countries?

a. Spainb. Francec. Germanyd. Englande. Sweden

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10. Machiavelli's ideas as expressed in The Prince promoted: a. a modern secular approach to power politics b. a unified republican state in Italy c. little in the way of lasting influence d. a new attitude of moral responsibility among politicians e. evil deeds by rulers

11. Humanism's impact on the writing of history included: a. anti-Christian attacks on medieval historians and non-humanists b. an emphasis on political, economic, and social forces c. a stress on God's influence on human events d. ...humanists were uninterested in history e. an increased reliance on archaeological evidence

12. Renaissance humanism drew its main inspiration from: a. religious mysticism b. classical languages and literature c. the curricula of medieval universities d. political reforms of the Holy Roman Empire e. the ideas of Dante's Inferno

13. Italian artists in the fifteenth century began to: a. ignore nature and paint for expression b. copy the works of previous artists c. use more muted colors d. experiment in areas of perspective e. move away from the study of anatomical structure

14. Ferdinand and Isabella supported the expulsion or forced conversion of Muslims and Jews in Spain because: a. Ferdinand and Isabella were hostile to religious faiths other than Catholicism b. Ferdinand and Isabella feared that if they did nothing many Christians would leave Spain c. Spanish Muslims and Jews were believed to hinder the economic development of Spain d. Spanish Muslims and Jews outnumbered Christians in most large cities in the kingdom e. Spanish Muslims and Jews were protected by foreign powers hostile to Spain

15. "In the Middle Ages...the human consciousness...lay dreaming or half awake beneath a common veil....woven of faith, illusion, and childish prepossession....In Italy this veil first melted into air; an objective treatment and consideration of the state and of all things of this world became possible." This author, who helped create the modern concept of the Renaissance, is: a. Machiavelli b. Jan Hus c. Jacob Burckhardt d. Leonardo Bruni

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e. Marsilio Ficino

16. There were relatively few women Renaissance humanists because: a. they faced social barriers to intellectual pursuits and development b. the plagues and famines took a heavier toll on women than men c. they were more interested in marriage and family matters than intellectual life d. they were confined to reading the vernacular e. their temperaments were less suited to humanism than men's

17. The economic fields in which Florence assumed a leading role were: a. metalwork and textiles b. finance and food processing c. conquest and plunder d. textiles and finance e. finance and shipping

18. Despite being outmanned and having less wealth at its disposal, England won major victories early in the Hundred Years' War because of: a. mobile cavalry b. the courage of their kings c. more intelligent and better-trained officers d. superior longbow archers e. superior naval forces

19. Which of the following was NOT a major technological innovation that supported the voyages of exploration? a. astrolabe b. axial rudder c. steam power d. caravel e. compass

20. The House of Hapsburg greatly strengthened its power and position in Europe by: a. buying up vacant thrones from penniless royal families b. conquering opponents in a series of major wars c. conquering the Balkan peninsula from the Turks d. negotiating a series of strategic marriages e. controlling the profitable trade with the East

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21. This painting above, “Creation of Adam,” by Michelangelo, best expresses the principles of:

a. neo-Platonismb. Scholasticismc. medieval pietyd. classical revivale. Roman symmetry

22. Which of the following was a consequence of the New Monarchs’ policies of centralization? a. a weakening of the nobility’s power b. greater religious tolerance c. the elimination of towns’ autonomy d. continual wars of annihilation e. continued dynastic instability

23. An important consequence of the Black Death was: a. a loosening of the feudal system b. a decrease in wages for peasants c. an increase in the power of the nobility d. an expansion in the power of the monarch to tax e. an increase in trade and commerce

24. Which of the following is the correct definition of the term encomienda? a. colonial officials based in Spain b. the largest political unit of Spanish colonial administration c. a new technique of textual criticism d. royal courts within the New World e. a labor system that exploited natives

25. In fifteenth-century Europe, Muslim culture exerted the greatest influence on which of the following societies?

a. Englishb. Frenchc. Germand. Italiane. Spanish

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26. In 1500 the two most powerful autocracies (rule by one person) in Eastern Europe were

a. Muscovy (Russia) and the Ottoman Empireb. the Ottoman and Byzantine Empiresc. the Byzantine Empire and Poland-Lithuaniad. Poland-Lithuania and Hungarye. Hungary and Kievan Russia

27. Which of the following is the best description of musical development during the Renaissance?

a. composers turned away from church music to writing popular ballads b. the use of Gregorian chant was abolished c. the vernacular declined in use d. there was an increase in polyphonic compositions e. little changed in music during the Renaissance

28. Which of the following BEST explains the impact of the Later Middle Ages?a. Trends from the High Middle Ages continued with little change.b. The power of the Catholic Church was strengthened.c. Social unrest succeeded in overthrowing an unequal class structure.d. Upheaval in all areas of life set the stage for the Renaissance.e. Renewed political stability led to peace and prosperity.

29. For people living during the Renaissance, the Church was: a. useless b. a central part of their lives c. less important than viewing art d. an enemy of all that was new e. distant from the daily life of the common person

30. How did the Hundred Years’ War affect European politics? a. it ended the Papacy’s influence in Central Europe b. it led to the English capture of the French throne c. it led to Joan of Arc’s canonization as a saint d. it led to the decline of chivalry in warfare e. it promoted an era of renewed peace and stability

31. Which of the following was NOT an important result of the printing press? a. the spread of humanist and religious reform ideas b. an expansion in the number of people who could read c. an increase in cooperation among scholars d. a rapid decline in Latin and Greek texts e. its rapid expansion into Italy and Central Europe

32. The War of the Roses was influential for accomplishing which of the following? a. French acquisition of Burgundy b. expulsion of the Moors from Spain c. suppressing a rising religious revolt in France d. uniting the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon

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e. the ascendancy of the Tudors

33. Renaissance Popes seemed to be LEAST concerned with their role as: a. religious leaders b. rulers of the Papal States c. military leaders d. patrons of the arts e. patrons of architecture

34. The Italian humanist who is generally given credit for the view that his own times were "the dawn of a new era," and an improvement over the Dark Ages was

a. Dante Aligheri b. Lorenzo Valla c. Pico della Mirandola d. Baldassare Castiglione e. Francesco Petrarch

35. "Thus all artists are under a great and permanent obligation to Michelangelo, seeing that he broke the bonds and chains that had previously confined them to the creation of traditional forms." The author, Vasari, in Lives of Artists, was expressing the view that:

a. Michelangelo was a radical who threatened artistic tradition b. artists should be honored as geniuses who create beautiful new

works c. all honest work, including oil painting, was a "holy calling"

d. great art brought fame to the artist's city-state e. only during the Renaissance had truly beautiful art been created

36. In which area did the status of women rise and opportunities for them increase most during the Italian Renaissance?

a. types of occupations held b. influence on society's values c. ownership of property d. access to education e. political power

37. Which of the following best describes the political and economic environment of much of fifteenth-century Italy? a. A few large states dominated by a wealthy landed nobility

b. A strong unified Italian monarchy that patronized the arts c. Many independent city-states with prosperous merchant oligarchies d. Control of most of Italy by the pope, who encouraged mercantile

development e. Feudal backwardness and a stagnant economy

38. Which of the following differentiated Italy from the rest of Europe? a. good harbors b. high degree of urban development c. strength of the Catholic Church d. devastation of the Plague

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e. subsistence agriculture.

39. The guide to being a Renaissance man was: a. The Courtier b. The Prince c. The Discourses d. The Decameron e. The Inferno

40. Which of the following was the primary French source of revenue? a. gabelle b. tithe c. taille d. aide e. excise

41. Which of the following led to the other three? a. papacy at Avignon b. Council of Constance c. Great Schism d. decline of church prestige

42. Which of the following resulted from the other three? a. high rate of urbanization b. center of classical culture c. geographic location in Mediterranean d. interest in humanism within Italy

43. The "new monarchs" of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries: a. accepted the domination of the church as necessary b. sought to bring military operations under royal control c. attempted to dismantle medieval bureaucracies d. continued the trend toward decentralization e. maintained a diplomacy based on political cooperation and peace

44. As a result of the Black Death, Europeans: a. discovered that bacteria caused disease b. had more children c. improved personal hygiene d. earned less in wages e. pursued fatalistic art themes

45. Which of the following was NOT introduced into Europe from the New World? a. tomatoes b. potatoes c. horses d. cocoa beans e. syphilis

46. Which of the following is in correct chronological order?

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a. Black Death, printing press, discovery of New World, sack of Rome b. The Prince, Petrarch, capture of Constantinople, Papacy returned to Rome c. Hundred Years’ War ends, sack of Rome, Michelangelo’s David, printing press

invented d. Great Schism, Black Death, sack of Rome, printing press e. printing press, Papacy returned to Rome, Great Schism, Michelangelo’s David

47. The conflict that led to the end of the Italian Renaissance was: a. the Lodi War b. the Habsburg-Valois Wars c. Hundred Years’ War d. War of Milanese Succession

e. Spanish Inquisition

48. Which of the following did NOT facilitate the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs? a. steel weapons b. cultural backwardness

c. disease d. native alliances

e. horses

49. Religious unrest in the fifteenth century was characterized by: a. John Hus being burned at the stake as a heretic b. John Wyclif’s Lollard movement in Germany c. a strengthening of the Catholic Church's prestige d. the conciliar movement weakening papal power e. the decline of mysticism and popular religious devotion

50. Which was a common result of peasant and urban revolts in the fourteenth century?

a. the lower classes gained equal political power b. the Papacy sponsored calls for social reform c. a strengthening of royal power to promote order d. short-lived success followed by repression e. the establishment of religious utopias

51. Which of the following is the BEST explanation for the rise of slavery in fourteenth century Europe?

a. parents’ desire for their children to interact with playmates from other cultures

b. wars of conquest waged in Africa and Asia c. a labor shortage caused by losses in the Black Death d. a result of New World voyages of exploration e. a decline of the Italian economy brought on by inflation

52. “Religion supplies the pretext and gold the motive.” This statement was a contemporary characterization of:

a. the launching of the Spanish Armadab. the execution of Charles Ic. the posting of the Ninety-Five Theses

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d. new religious orders such as the Ursulines and Jesuitse. Spanish and Portuguese expansion in the New World

53. After Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, which of the following cities claimed to be the “Third Rome”?

a. Moscowb. Budapestc. Madridd. Genevae. Warsaw

54. Renaissance humanism is primarily defined as:a. a curriculum based on the study of the classics, rhetoric, and historyb. an antireligious program dedicated to the destruction of the Churchc. an artistic style that portrayed the depraved state of human beingsd. a philosophical movement that emphasized the beauty of naturee. a religious movement that attempted to make Christianity relevant to daily


55. The ability of relatively small European forces to conquer the powerful Aztec and Incan empires can be attributed to all of the following EXCEPT:

a. lack of immunity to European diseases among the Aztec and Incan peoplesb. superior European military technologyc. ineffective defenses of Aztec and Incan citiesd. indigenous people’s lack of familiarity with horsese. successful European missionary activity

56. In addition to the conquest of the last Muslim outpost in Spain at Granada and Columbus’ voyage to the Americas, which of the following occurred in 1492?

a. Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon.b. Portugal was united with Spain.c. The Spanish defeated the Turks at Lepanto.d. The plague broke out in Spain.e. The Jewish population was expelled from Spain.

57. The political strength of the Medici family in Florence was initially based on:a. a close alliance with the papacyb. the influence and wealth of their bankc. the support of the lower classesd. the support of a powerful citizen militiae. their tenure in various municipal offices

58. “I say that, in my opinion, in a Lady who lives at court a certain pleasing affability is becoming above all else, whereby she will be able to entertain graciously every kind of man with agreeable and comely conversation suited to the time and place and to the station of the person with whom she speaks.” The author of this passage was:

a. Petrarchb. Botticellic. Machiavelli

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d. Castiglionee. Pope Leo X

59. Beginning in 1452, which family traditionally gained election as Holy Roman Emperors?

a. Medicib. Valoisc. Habsburgd. Wittelsbache. Luxembourg

60. The Renaissance began to wane in northern Italy because of the:a. French invasion of 1494 and warfare that ensuedb. invention of the printing pressc. cessation of traded. discovery of fewer classical textse. re-conquest of the city states by the Papacy

61. What was a major contribution of the Italian city-states to early modern diplomacy?

a. they developed the idea of a universal Catholic empireb. they demonstrated how internal division could bring outside invasion

c. they employed regular ambassadors and the concept of balance of power d. they waged war with mercenary soldiers e. they demonstrated the power of revolutionary nationalism

62. Marriages in Renaissance Italy were: a. engaged upon spontaneously b. based primarily on love and mutual affection c. easy to dissolve or annul d. to assist social mobility or cement political unions e. used primarily to suppress women's opportunities

63. All of the following contributed to the growth of the Renaissance EXCEPT:a. the wealth of the Northern Italian city-statesb. business requirements for better educationc. rediscovery of classical textsd. the strength of the Counter-Reformatione. secularization of the Papacy

64. Renaissance thinkers argued that women should be educated:a. just like men b. with emphasis on history and philosophyc. not at alld. with emphasis on poetry and religione. confined solely to music, dance, and knitting

65. Artists in the Renaissance:a. painted only religious subjects

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b. were ignored by the publicc. worked solely for the Popesd. experimented with new stylese. favored an abstract style

66. The term “humanism,” when applied to Renaissance Italy, refers primarily to the:

a. renewed interest in the scientific method at many Italian universitiesb. capitalist values advanced by leading Italian merchant bankersc. antireligious movement among leading Italian intellectualsd. scholarly interest in the study of the classical culture of Greece and

Romee. non-Christian themes that became prominent in Italian art and literature

67. English entrepreneurs financed the establishment of New World colonies primarily through:

a. subsidies and loans from the royal familyb. private funds from the creation of joint-stock companiesc. investment funds from European national banksd. profits received from pirate activities and attacks on Spanish fleetse. money and materials borrowed from the Dutch

68. Italian society differed from the rest of Europe during the Renaissance in which of the following ways?

a. Strong traditions of kingshipb. Political unity centered on the papacyc. Number of urban commercial centersd. Rapid pace of agricultural innovatione. Matriarchal political leadership

“They are ungrateful, changeable, simulators and dissimulators, runaways in danger, eager for gain; while you do well by them they are all yours; they offer you their blood, their property, their lives, their children when need is far off; but when it comes near you, they turn about.”

69. The political assessment above of Renaissance citizens can be found in:a. Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtierb. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesarc. More’s Utopiad. Machiavelli’s The Princee. Cellini’s Autobiography

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70. The house above, designed by Palladio and constructed in Italy during the sixteenth century, illustrates the architectural influence of:

a. Egyptian palacesb. Roman bathsc. classical templesd. Byzantine monasteriese. medieval castles

71. Portuguese commercial expansion in the sixteenth century resulted ina. military conflicts with Arab explorers over the religious conversion of

indigenous peoplesb. seizure of Muslim coastal forts to serve as Portuguese trading

posts and military basesc. the discovery of the Christian ruler of Ethiopia, Prester Johnd. the sacking of Istanbul by Portuguese explorerse. the destruction of the Dutch East India Company

“If a Prince wants to maintain his rule, he must learn how not to be virtuous, and to make use of this or not, according to his need.”

72. The passage above best reflects the argument ofa. Thomas Moreb. Machiavellic. Louis XIVd. Frederick the Greate. Napoleon I

73. Lorenzo Valla’s demonstration that the Donation of Constantine was fraudulent weakened the papacy’s claim

a. that Lutheranism was a heresyb. of supremacy over the Orthodox Churchc. that good works were necessary for salvationd. to extensive territories in Italye. to supremacy over church councils

74. All of the following were common subjects of Italian Renaissance works of art EXCEPT

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AP Euro Unit 1 Study Guide Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Exploration

a. equestrian statuesb. nude figuresc. portraitsd. figures from mythologye. peasant life

75. "A prince should have only one end and one idea in mind, take only one subject for study, and it is war, its science and discipline; for it is the only science that deals with the ruler's problems....[Success in war] not only maintains those born to princedoms but often causes men of private origin to rise to that rank....The first cause of losing power is the neglect of this art; the cause of winning power lies in its mastery." In writing the passage above, Machiavelli drew on his observations of:

a. feudal warfare in medieval Europe b. warfare among the Italian city-states c. sixteenth-century religious wars d. warfare among European colonial powers e. warfare during the Crusades

Essay Questions’77: To what extent and in what ways may the Renaissance be regarded as a turning point in the Western intellectual and cultural tradition?

‘85: To what extent is the term “Renaissance” a valid concept for a distinct period in early modern European history?

’94: Explain the ways in which Italian Renaissance humanism transformed ideas about the individual’s role in society.

’96: Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period, referring to specific works and artists.

’03B: To what extent and in what ways did women participate in the Renaissance?

’04: Analyze the influence of humanism on the visual arts in the Italian Renaissance. Use at least THREE specific works to support your analysis.

‘09B: Evaluate the changes and continuities in women’s public roles during the Renaissance.

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Page 18: · Web viewa. conversion to a pagan religion and starting a Native American Church b. magnificent monastery

AP Euro Unit 1 Study Guide Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Exploration

‘10B: Analyze the ways in which the two works above, Perugino’s Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter (1481–1483) on the left, and Michelangelo’s David (1501–1504) on the right, represent the values of Italian Renaissance culture.

’93 DBQ: Renaissance Education

’78: Why were Europeans able to achieve economic and political control over many non-European peoples between 1450 and 1650?

’79: European monarchs of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries are often referred to as the “New Monarchs.” What was “new” about them? Do their actions warrant this label?

’80: Explain how economic, technological, political, and religious factors promoted European exploration in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

’89: “In the fifteenth century, European society was still centered on the Mediterranean region but by the end of the seventeenth century, the focus of Europe had shifted north.” Assess the validity of the statement above with reference to economic and political developments in this period.

’92: Analyze the changes in the European economy from about 1450 to 1700 brought about by the voyages of exploration and colonization. Give specific examples.

’97: Focusing on the period before 1600, describe and analyze the cultural and economic interactions between Europe and the Western Hemisphere as a result of Spanish and Portuguese exploration and settlement.

’03: Explain how advances in learning and technology influenced fifteenth- and sixteenth-century European exploration and trade.

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Page 19: · Web viewa. conversion to a pagan religion and starting a Native American Church b. magnificent monastery

AP Euro Unit 1 Study Guide Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Exploration

’05: Using examples from at least two different states, analyze the key features of the “new monarchies” and the factors responsible for their rise in the period 1450 to 1550.

’06: Analyze the effects of the Columbian exchange (the interchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the New World) on the population and economy of Europe in the period 1550 to 1700.

’11: Analyze the factors that contributed to the increasing centralization of Spain and the factors that contributed to the continuing fragmentation of Italy in the period 1450–1550.

’12: Analyze various ways in which technological developments contributed to the expansion of state power in the period 1450 to 1600.

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