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Jack Ruff Bill Sherman ARCH 3120 November 26, 2019 Water Management in New Orleans: Ecology as Infrastructure Situated on a swath of low-lying land bordered by Lake Pontchartrain to the north and the Mississippi River to the south (see Figure 1), the city of New Orleans is extremely vulnerable to the threat of flooding. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina exposed this vulnerability, inundating the city with heavy rainfall and storm Figure 1: A Map of New Orleans showing its situation between Lake Pontchartrain to the north and the Mississippi River to the south. sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCrv7n3ojmAhUjT98KHXwvDd0Q8gEwAHoECA0QAQ

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Jack Ruff

Bill Sherman

ARCH 3120

November 26, 2019

Water Management in New Orleans: Ecology as Infrastructure

Situated on a swath of low-lying land bordered by Lake Pontchartrain to the north and the Mississippi River to the south (see Figure 1), the city of New Orleans is extremely vulnerable to the threat of flooding. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina exposed this vulnerability, inundating the city with heavy rainfall and storm surges that resulted in the collapse of the city’s artificial levees.[footnoteRef:1] Massive flooding ensued (see Figure 2), killing nearly 2000 people and causing an estimated $100 billion dollars in damage.[footnoteRef:2] [1: History.com Editors, “Hurricane Katrina,” https://www.history.com/topics/natural-disasters-and-environment/hurricane-katrina, (November 9, 2009).] [2: Ibid. ]

Figure 1: A Map of New Orleans showing its situation between Lake Pontchartrain to the north and the Mississippi River to the south.


As the effects of Climate Change progress, New Orleans is becoming increasingly vulnerable to the threat of flooding. The existing infrastructure of the city is ill-equipped to respond to the rising sea levels and the increased frequency of extreme weather events that accompany climate change. This paper aims to examine the ecological and infrastructural history of the city of New Orleans in relation to the heightening effects of climate change in an effort to generate an ecology-based infrastructural strategy that would bolster the resilience of the city in the event of flooding. The paper will begin with an exploration of the ecological and infrastructural history of the city, followed by an analysis of the primary threats posed by climate change. Then, this information will be considered in the development of an ecology-based infrastructure plan addressing water management in a city increasingly threatened by flooding.

Figure 2: This image shows the extent of the flooding and the damage it caused in New Orleans. Many houses are submerged.


The ecological history of New Orleans is closely linked to its infrastructural history. The ecology of the city can be traced back to the Ice Age, when runoff from melting glaciers carried sediment down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. Approximately 7200 years ago, the mouth of the river began to press seaward, resulting in the large-scale deposition of these sediments by the tides and currents at the mouth of the river. The gradual accumulation of these sediments resulted in the formation of mud, constituting the emergence of Louisiana from the Gulf Shore. The areas closest to the Mississippi River rose the highest in elevation, as they accumulated higher deposits of sediment. Areas farther from the Mississippi River received just enough sediment to rise above sea level, resulting in the formation of swamps. The areas farthest away from the Mississippi River received the smallest deposits of sediment, resulting in the formation of grassy wetlands and saline marshes.[footnoteRef:3] Thus, the coastal low-lying area in which the city of New Orleans would develop was defined by a triad of ecological conditions: elevated land masses along the banks of the river, swamp lands farther out from the river, and marshes in the outer regions. [3: Richard Campanella, “How Humans Sank New Orleans,” https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/02/how-humans-sank-new-orleans/552323/), (February 6, 2018). ]

This ecological diversity would prove to be crucial in defining the infrastructural development of the city. The native peoples that originally inhabited the area around New Orleans tended to adapt to the fluidity of these ecologies, simply moving to higher lands in the event of flooding. However, with the arrival of the Europeans in the 18th century, this dynamic relationship with the land was replaced by a focus on settlement. In 1718, the French settlers established the city of New Orleans on “two narrow strips of land” along the Mississippi River.[footnoteRef:4] The strips of land were natural levees, the first of the three ecologies that defined the area. Between ten and fifteen feet above sea level, the strips of land were surrounded by swamps and marshland (see Figure 3). For the first two centuries following the founding of the city, urban expansion and development were confined to these two strips of land. As a result, much of the city’s urbanization, architecture, and infrastructure were informed by this underlying topography.[footnoteRef:5] This can be seen in the situation of the French Quarter, the historic core of the city, along the bank of the Mississippi River. [4: Ibid.] [5: Ibid. ]

Figure 3: This map shows the French Settlement of New Orleans along the bank of the Mississippi River. It also outlines the relationship between the elevated land masses along the bank of the river and the swamps and marshes in the outlying regions.


In the 1800’s, the city of New Orleans began to expand out from the initial levee on which it was founded. Citizens began to create embankments along the river composed of parcels of land that directed water back to the swamp via a network of drainage ditches. Outflow canals were dug to increase the efficiency of drainage to the swamp and neighboring plantations utilized ditches to control the concentration of water in the soil. For many of the initial water projects, gravity was the main source of energy. But early on in the century, steam power was introduced as a technology that could strengthen the city’s drainage system. In 1893, the city enlisted a team of expert engineers to figure out how to create a comprehensive drainage system that was more effective. After producing a detailed topographic map of the city, they found that some areas within the city were actually below sea level. The cause would eventually be understood as anthropogenic soil subsidence, the sinking of land as a result of human action. When runoff is removed and artificial levees prevent the river from overtopping, the level of the groundwater lowers and the soil above it dries out.[footnoteRef:6] Compounded by the decomposition of organic matter in the soil itself, this results in the formation of air pockets in the soil. As these pockets are filled in by sediment, the ground actually sinks. [6: Ibid. ]

By 1905, the city was serviced by forty miles of canals, hundreds of miles of pipelines and drains, and six pumping stations (See Figure 4). The system could pump out 5,000 cubic feet of water per second. As the twentieth century progressed, the city expanded into the surrounding swamp land that had been “conquered” by the city’s infrastructure.[footnoteRef:7] But as the city expanded into the subsided areas that were continually serviced by the city’s drainage system, the subsidence only worsened. Subsided communities were lined with artificial levees and floodwalls. By 1935, only seventy percent of the city was above sea level.[footnoteRef:8] [7: Ibid. ] [8: Ibid. ]

Figure 4: This image shows one of the city’s massive canals and one of the pumps.


When Hurricane Katrina made landfall in August of 2005, the sunken elevation of much of the city compounded with the inadequacy of its water management infrastructure resulted in the massive flooding that wreaked havoc on the city. One of the primary weaknesses of the drainage system was the network of canals. The walls of the canals had been constructed on top of the original marsh soil with layers of compacted clay above it to reinforce the wall. When the canals filled up during the storm, the connection between the marsh soil and the clay layers above it proved to be too weak and the water pressure from within the canal blew out the walls at this boundary.[footnoteRef:9] The destruction of Hurricane Katrina highlighted the inability of artificial infrastructure to protect a city like New Orleans, rooted in coastal water ecologies of rivers, swamps, and marshes, from extreme flooding events. [9: Chris Reed, Nina-Marie Lister, and Jane Wolff, PROJECTIVE ECOLOGIES, (BARCELONA: ACTAR, 2019).]

In order to explore ecology-based design solutions that could help New Orleans adapt to future flooding events, it is imperative to understand the increasing impacts of climate change on the city. The primary drivers of climate change that contribute to flooding events in coastal areas are relative sea level rise (RSLR), severe storms, and changes in wind and wave behaviors. Relative sea level rise is the result of the thermal expansion of water in the oceans and the additional volume of meltwater from glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.[footnoteRef:10] This rise in sea level is a serious threat to the city of New Orleans in its potential erosion of the coastlines that act as a barrier between the city and storm surges. Additionally, the rising sea level could contribute to the flooding of the Mississippi River. Both of these effects heighten the potential severity of flooding in New Orleans in the future. [10: Christopher B. Field, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015).]

Severe storms, such as tropical cyclones and extratropical cyclones, can generate storm surges in coastal areas. Since the 1970s, there has been an increase in the frequency and intensity of the strongest tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic. Coupled with projected increases in heavy precipitation events in the future, storm surges exist as a serious threat to the city of New Orleans.[footnoteRef:11] The storm surge of Hurricane Katrina played a large part in the overwhelming of the infrastructure, chiefly the destruction of the canal walls. With projected increases in the frequency and intensity of severe storms, New Orleans is extremely vulnerable as a low-lying coastal city. [11: Ibid. ]

In addition to relative sea level rise and severe storms, wind and wave behaviors pose a credible threat to the city of New Orleans with respect to flooding events. Changes in wind climate, as a result of global increases in average atmospheric temperature, affect large-scale wave climate. Energy dissipation as a result of the breaking of waves on shorelines contributes to elevated coastal sea levels through both wave setup and beach erosion. As a result, changes in wind and wave climates affect sediment dynamics in coastal areas. Additionally, these patterns can harm coastal populations with increased storm surges and flooding.[footnoteRef:12] In the case of New Orleans, situated along the Mississippi River close to the Gulf of Mexico, these patterns heighten the effects of flooding on the city and its population. [12: Ibid. ]

With an established understanding of the ecological and infrastructural history of New Orleans and the threats posed to the city by climate change, speculation into ecology-based design solutions to develop the city’s resilience with respect to flooding events can be conducted. The devastation waged by Hurricane Katrina on the city of New Orleans outlined the inability of artificial infrastructure to protect the city from extreme flooding events. As the effects of climate change progress, the potential for extreme flooding events in the city will only heighten. Thus, it is clear that infrastructural alternatives for New Orleans need to be centered in the pre-existing ecologies of the region: the elevated land masses along the banks of the river, the swamp lands farther out from the river, and the marshes in the outlying areas.

The formation of the swamps and marshes was a direct result of the situation of the area within the convergence of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River. In times of flooding, the swamps and marshes served as a natural network of green infrastructure to collect excess water, preserving the elevated land masses. The expansion of New Orleans from the initial strips of land along the river to the surrounding swamp lands resulted in the destruction of this natural infrastructure. While the drainage system devised by the city has proven effective in day-to-day drainage, the reality is that the destruction of the pre-existing swamp land cannot be offset by a series of canals and pipelines. In order to create a city that can adapt to extreme flooding events, the current artificial infrastructure needs to be combined with a system of green infrastructure.

In the process of retrofitting the existing infrastructure of New Orleans with a new system of green infrastructure, OMA’s Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge: A Comprehensive Water Plan for Hoboken provides strategies and frameworks that are useful in consideration of a hybrid infrastructural system. The project proposes an urban water management strategy for the coastal city of Hoboken, New Jersey, which was devastated by Hurricane Sandy in 2012. The communities of Jersey City, Hoboken, and Weehawken were particularly susceptible to storm surges and flash floods. The plan proposes a strategy of “Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge” for the city of Hoboken (See Figure 5). The “Resist” component is composed of a combination of hard infrastructure and soft landscapes for coastal defense. The “Delay” component provides policy recommendations, guidelines, and urban infrastructure to slow rainwater runoff. The “Store” component advocates for a circuit of interconnected green infrastructure to store and direct excess rainwater. Finally, the “Discharge” component utilizes water pumps and alternative routes to support water drainage.[footnoteRef:13] [13: Mohsen Mostafavi and Gareth Doherty, Ecological Urbanism, (Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2016).]

Figure 5: An axonometric view of OMA’s four-part water management strategy for the city of Hoboken, New Jersey: Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge.


In the generation of an ecology-based infrastructure plan aimed at increasing the resilience of New Orleans in the event of flooding, there are two primary features of OMA’s Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge: A Comprehensive Water Plan for Hoboken that could strengthen a plan for New Orleans. The first feature is the hybrid nature of the water management plan: hard infrastructure and green infrastructure are synthesized to create a dual defense system along the shore. In the context of New Orleans, this precedent of hybrid infrastructure is helpful in considering the ways in which the existing infrastructure of the city is incorporated into an updated ecology-based system. The second feature of OMA’s plan for Hoboken is the diversity of water management strategies that are employed. Not only does the plan utilize numerous forms of water management infrastructure, from hard infrastructure along the shore to soft landscapes within the city, but it also positions these infrastructures such that they act as multiple lines of defense. If employed in New Orleans, the diversity of these water management strategies would strengthen the resilience of the city by providing multiple approaches to flood mitigation. The diversity of these strategies ensures that if one form of infrastructure fails, such as the canals in the case of Hurricane Katrina, another form of infrastructure can respond and prevent the entire system from failing.

With the aim of strengthening the resilience of the city with respect to flooding, I would propose a three-part plan to retrofit the existing infrastructure of New Orleans with an ecology-based infrastructure. The first part prioritizes the defense of the city’s shoreline boundaries, utilizing a combination of hard infrastructure and soft landscapes. The second part is centered on the modification of existing spaces within the city to create an expansive network of green infrastructure. The third part focuses on the integration of this green infrastructure with the existing water management infrastructure to effectively store and discharge water.

The defense of the city’s shoreline boundaries would consist of two primary defenses: an outer shell of hard infrastructure and an inner band of soft landscapes. The hard infrastructure would take the form of a habitable levee, a series of raised platforms along the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain providing venues for public activities and protection from flood waters. Within this outer defense, a band of soft landscapes functioning as shoreline parks would encircle the city, assisting the habitable levees in creating spaces for public interaction while aiding in the absorption of potential floodwaters. Figure 6 illustrates the sectional relationship between the habitable levee bordering the water and the soft landscape within.

Within the city itself, existing spaces would be modified to produce an expansive network of green infrastructure. This network of green infrastructure would be composed of landscapes referencing the native ecologies of the city: the elevated land masses, the swamp lands, and the marshes. The medians of major roads, such as Napoleon Avenue and Jefferson Avenue, would be replaced with sunken strips of green infrastructure aiding in the storage and discharge of excess stormwater. Functioning like a marsh, these strips would consist of depressions filled with waterlogged grasses (See Figure 7). In the event of heavy rainfall or flooding, these channels would collect surplus water and redirect it to larger canals and pump systems.

Figure 6: The section above shows the elevated mass of the habitable levee bordering the Mississippi River. Within this outer shell, a band of soft landscapes serves as a second line of defense by absorbing excess water.

Figure 7: This section illustrates the sunken nature of the median marsh with respect to each lane of Napoleon Avenue.

Additionally, parks and open spaces would be converted to hybrid landscapes of elevated land masses, swamps, and marshes, facilitating public accessibility while storing and redirecting water in the city. While the city has a number of larger parks with hybrid landscapes, such as City Park and Audubon Park, these exist as outliers within the dense urban grid of the city. By integrating these hybrid landscapes into and throughout the existing fabric of the city, water retention and discharge would be significantly more efficient.

Further, the existing canals within the city would be updated to fit within this network. The concrete walls of the canals would be replaced with elevated embankments of compacted soil. Lined with an array of grasses and trees, these embankments reference the native ecologies of swamps and marshes, mitigating the severity of flooding along the canal by absorbing excess water. The canals become axes of public interaction, with the embankments doing double duty as park spaces and green infrastructure.

To help spur the creation of this green infrastructural network within the city, policy would be introduced that incentivizes the creation of green roofs and localized green infrastructure projects with tax credits. This would provide an opportunity for green infrastructure to reach the densest parts of the city where a lack of urban real estate makes large-scale green infrastructure projects difficult.

The integration of the green infrastructure with the existing infrastructure of the city hinges on the specific roles of each water management strategy in storing or discharging excess water. Many of the green infrastructures, including the median marshes, hybrid landscapes, and green roofs, are tasked with the storage of excess water, ultimately delaying extreme flooding events. Many of the existing infrastructures, including the updated canals and the network of pipelines and pumps, are tasked with the discharge of excess water, redirecting this water out of the city. Thus, these infrastructures work together to store water, ultimately preventing flooding in the short term, and to discharge water, ultimately preventing flooding in the long term.

By utilizing a variety of water management strategies and positioning them throughout the city, my proposal for an ecology-based infrastructure in the city of New Orleans bolsters the resilience of the city by providing a multifaceted response to the threat of flooding. The shoreline defense of habitable levees and soft landscapes acts as the first line of defense against external flooding, while the internal hybrid network of green and hard infrastructure mitigates the effects of flooding by storing and discharging excess water. Engaging with the native ecologies of the region, the introduction of green infrastructure into the existing infrastructure of the city allows for a more effective response to flooding.

One of the primary challenges in retrofitting the existing infrastructure of the city of New Orleans lies in the integration of this infrastructure into the cultural and historical fabric of the city. While a return to native ecologies is the best strategy in developing a green infrastructure for the city, the reality is that much of the city has been built upon artificial land that replaced these ecologies. Thus, the infrastructure of the city must engage with these native ecologies where it can: along roadways, in existing parks, in vacant lots. In my proposal, the often-overlooked margins of space within the city become opportunities for the resurgence of these native ecologies within the existing cultural framework. This allows for the preservation of the city’s cultural identity and architectural history amidst the transformation of its infrastructural system.

With the increasing effects of climate change, New Orleans’ position as a low-lying coastal city renders it particularly vulnerable to extreme flooding events. Accompanying the urban expansion of the city, the degradation of native coastal ecologies that served as natural water management infrastructures has heightened this vulnerability. The devastation of Hurricane Katrina outlined the importance of utilizing native ecologies in the infrastructure of the city. As the city of New Orleans looks to the future, a water management infrastructure based on these native ecologies is essential in maintaining the resilience of the city with respect to flooding. Thus, I am proposing a three-part plan to retrofit the existing infrastructure of New Orleans with an ecology-based infrastructure. The first part prioritizes the defense of the city’s shoreline boundaries, utilizing a combination of hard infrastructure and soft landscapes. The second part is centered on the modification of existing spaces within the city to create an expansive network of green infrastructure. The third part focuses on the integration of this green infrastructure with the existing water management infrastructure to effectively store and discharge water. By engaging with native ecologies while preserving the cultural identity of the city, this plan provides a sustainable solution to the threat of extreme flooding events in New Orleans.


Campanella, Richard. “How Humans Sank New Orleans.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, February 6, 2018. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/02/how-humans-sank-new-orleans/552323/.

Field, Christopher B. Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

History.com Editors. 2019. “Hurricane Katrina.” HISTORY. March 13, 2019. https://www.history.com/topics/natural-disasters-and-environment/hurricane-katrina.

Mostafavi, Mohsen, and Gareth Doherty. Ecological Urbanism. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2016.

Reed, Chris, Nina-Marie Lister, and Jane Wolff. PROJECTIVE ECOLOGIES. BARCELONA: ACTAR, 2019.