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DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES (ENGLISH) QUESTION BANK Name of the Course: Technical English-II Course Code: HS6251 Year: I Semester: II UNIT – I PART – A REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS Complete the following irregular and regular verbs (4× ½ = 2) Present past past perfect 1. Arise arose ___________ 2. Buy bought ___________ 3. Become ___________ become 4. Catch ___________ ___________ 5. __________ ___________ taught 6. Close ___________ ___________ 7. __________ built built 8. __________ ___________ flown 9. Creep ___________ crept 10. __________ froze frozen 11. __________ paid ___________ 12. Throw ___________ ___________ 13. Sing ___________ ___________ 14. ___________ ___________ slept 15. Show ___________ ___________ 16. Learn ___________ ___________ 17. ___________ wrote ___________ 18. Kill ___________ ___________ 19. Walk ___________ ___________ Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering Dhaanish Nagar, Padappai, Chennai - 601301.

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Name of the Course: Technical English-II Course Code: HS6251 Year: I Semester: II




Complete the following irregular and regular verbs (4× ½ = 2)

Present past past perfect

1. Arise arose ___________2. Buy bought ___________3. Become ___________ become4. Catch ___________ ___________5. __________ ___________ taught6. Close ___________ ___________7. __________ built built8. __________ ___________ flown9. Creep ___________ crept10. __________ froze frozen11. __________ paid ___________12. Throw ___________ ___________13. Sing ___________ ___________14. ___________ ___________ slept15. Show ___________ ___________16. Learn ___________ ___________17. ___________ wrote ___________18. Kill ___________ ___________19. Walk ___________ ___________20. Phone ___________ ___________21. ___________ imagined ___________22. ___________ ___________ waited23. Phone ___________ ___________24. Appreciate ___________ ___________25. Number ___________ ___________26. ___________ was/were ___________27. Shut ___________ ___________28. ___________ ___________ burst29. ___________ rode ___________

Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering

Dhaanish Nagar, Padappai, Chennai - 601301.

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30. ___________ ___________ done


Change the following sentences into passive form: (1×2 = 2)

1. Pinto bought a watch last month (AU May/June 2014)2. The old lady tells interesting stories (AU May/June 2014)3. They have announced the results (AU Jan 2009)4. We can generate heat for welding in many ways. (AU Jan 2009)5. They are constructing a new bridge across the river. (AU Jan 2009)6. The engineers have introduced many innovations in aeronautical industry. (AU Jan 2009)7. This will prevent metal surfaces from coming into contact. (AU May 2004)8. The Egyptians knew the art of jewellery making as early as 3000 BC. (AU June 2011)9. One can easily solve this problem. (AU June 2005)10. The company had manufactured high powered engines. (AU Dec 2008)11. The government of India gives awards to outstanding scientists. (AU Jan 2011)12. All section of people discuss climate today. (AU Jan 2011)13. We can use coal to produce detergents, explosives and paints. (AU April 2010)14. Indian Airlines has introduced the automatic printing of tickets in major cities (AU Dec 2002)15. A very small quantity of nuclear can produce enormous amount of energy. (AU Dec 2002)16. Multinational companies make huge investments oil-rich countries. (AU April 2003)17. We use radiation measuring instruments to monitor radiation levels. (AU Dec 2003)18. Electricity board is laying cables in every nook and corner of the city. (AU Jan 2010)19. The social welfare organization gave a gift worth Rs.1000 to all self-help groups. (AU Jan 2010)20. Teachers can best sow the seed for type of behavior at a tender age. (AU Jan 2005)21. Bhutan has maintained a policy of careful, controlled development order to preserve its natural identity.

(AU Dec 2005)22. Users have maintained this pump themselves (AU June 2005)23. China produces thousands of electronic devices every year. (AU June 2005)24. The editors have retained the broad themes of the original book in the revised editions. (AU June 2007)25. The ornithologist observed the activities of the owl over a period of few months. (AU June 2007)26. The doctor will give you instructions.27. The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow.28. The crew paved the entire stretch of highway.29. Avoid cell phone while driving.30. Check your battery every day.

Change the following sentences into active voice. (1×2 = 2)

1. Alternative sources of energy have to be used by us to tide over the energy. (AU Jan 2010)2. The prices of essential commodities must be brought down by the authorities. (AU Jan 2010)3. They are often taken to interesting places by their friends. (AU Jan 2010)4. Precautions should be taken by everyone while entering the chemistry lab. (AU Jan 2010)5. Data will be required by the management on capacity utilization. (AU Jan 2004)6. The crew found the meteorological information very useful. (AU Jan 2010)7. Many faults have been ascribed to dams by people. (AU Jan 2005)

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8. The art of jewellery making was known to Egyptians as early as 3000 B.C. (AU May 2005)9. My friend was awarded a medal by the Chairman for his new project. (AU Dec 2010)10. The nuclear reactor is controlled by control rods. (AU Jan 2010)


I. Use the homophones in sentences to distinguish their meaning. (2×2 = 4)


2. bread, bred3. career, carrier4. carat, carrot5. cell, sell6. coat, quote7. cord, chord8. council, counsel9. coward, covered10. coarse, course11. deer, dear

12. week, weak13. see, sea14. advice, advise15. altar, alter16. accent, ascent17. beach, beech18. bail, bale19. bare, bear20. birth, berth21. break, brake

II. Read the following sentences and insert the right homophones

1. Although he walked two kilometers a day, he could not ______ (loose lose) his weight (Anna Univ. May/June 20014)

2. The lady of the house faced many difficulties in the absence of her _______ (made/maid) (Anna Univ. May/June 20014)

3. The child _______ (through/throw) the ball into the tank (Anna Univ. May/June 20014)4. They met _____ (there/their) friends in the park. (Anna Univ. May/June 20014)5. Some wounds _______ (heal/heel) slowly6. I don’t know _______(him/hymn) 7. She was afraid she would ______ (loose/lose) her pain8. I want to ____ (meet/meat) my friend9. She dipped the ______(oar/ore) into the water10. We want _______ (piece/peace) not war11. You can slip on a banana ______ (peel/peal)12. There was a ______ (plain/plane) crash13. You _____ (pray/prey) God14. I have studied the ______ (principal/principle) of Economics

Read the homonyms and give an example for each:

1. Band2. bank3. Lie4. Tip5. Mean6. Ring

7. Bark8. Bat9. Bow10. Fair11. Fine12. Ground

13. Lie14. Light15. Pole16. Sole17. Trunk18. Well

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19. Row 20. Can


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

Learning is a process that every single human being undergoes. It is not just yearly or even monthly process, but a day to day one as well. We observe people around us-how they speak and act. In learning about others we learn about over selves in the bargain, and also how it is best to interact with other people. We learn the true meaning of terms such as integrity, kindness, sincerity, dedication, love, acceptance, appearance, appreciation, humanity and encouragement only from honest actions; not just from words.

As students, we expect to learn these life lessons on campus both within and outside the class room. Students play such an instrumental role in influencing and educating fellow students. Sadly, it is very difficult to find students true to their beliefs, firm in the stands they take and confident of their values. Many take easy way out, rather than being whom they truly are, which is not as easy as it sounds. They slide into the easiest gateways camouflaged in the form of a group of close friends.

Yet why do these students feel such a sense of loneliness? Why is it that even though they appear to have things figured out, they are all still alone? All that I choose to boldly say is that if being different means that you stand alone, then do not be afraid to be the only one brave enough to be the person everyone is secretly wishing that he/she was.

The real dilemma in our educational system is that many students are afraid to be who they really are. They have been taught by people around them that it is not acceptable to laugh at things that other people do not think are funny, that it is not proper for them to think differently from their parents and most importantly, that it is not right to voice your own problem.

Sooner or later you will look upon yourself wandering how much you have accomplished in life. However successful you may become, it is only the satisfaction of embarrassing what really makes “you” and appreciating what you really feel, that will make you genuinely happy. That is education at its best.

A. Choose the correct answer (5×1= 5)

1. What do you gain by learning about others?a. We learn about the environment b. We learn about the worldc. We learn about our true self d. We do not learn much

2. What helps us to understand the meaning of kindness?a. dishonest actions b. sincere actionsc. serious actions d. daring actions

3. Most students suffer a sense of loneliness becausea. they do not study well b. they do not have enough friends c. they do not get good education c. they are afraid of themselves

4. What is the best education, according to the author?a. that which helps you to get job b. that which helps you to earn a lot of moneyc. that which makes you to understand your true self d. that which makes you

5. who could be the author of the passagea student a parent c. teacher d. a spiritual leader

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B. Mention whether the following sentences are “True” or “False” a. Learning is common to all human beings.b. We do not learn the meaning of life from words alone.c. Students cannot educate other students.d. It is simple to find out who we really aree. To be different means to dress strangelyf. Most of our students are not courageous

C. Choose the definition which best suits the given words as they are used in the text.

1. Instrumentala. Musical b. mechanical c. interesting d. important

2. Slidea. unchanged b. fall into c. changed gradually d. rise up

3. Camouflageda. comforted b. decorated c. controlled d. disguised

4. Dilemma a. Advantage b. problem c. solution d. action

5. Figured out a. understood b. appreciated c. discovered d. imagined



1. Fill in the blanks with modal verbs conveying the meaning indicated in brackets: (May/June 2014)

a. Dhoni ------------- play cricket well. (ability) b. ------- can we go for a walk? (suggestion) c. It ------ rain today. (possibility) d. He ------- take care of his parents in their old age. (moral obligation)

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs choosing from the list given:

(can, should, must, may, would)

You ______ come for the fitness camp if you want to get back in shape. You will be provided with food at the camp but you _____ bring snacks like whole grain biscuits if you wish. However, fried snacks will not be allowed. You ____ use cell phones in the camp, but you _____ switch them off during the exercise and yoga sessions.

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs choosing from the list given below:

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(ought to, would, may, must, can)

He has been working for more than 11 hours. He ___ be tired after such hard work. He ____ prefer to get some rest. He ____ be permitted to take rest. Later, he ____ do the work better.

4. Choose the suitable modal verb:

(a) When I was at school, I ___ run several miles at a stretch. (can/could/might)(b) The doctor said he ____ examine the patient. (can/must/would)(c) He ____ get through if e prepares well. (could, can, should)(d) I ____ rather read a book, than watch a movie. (should/would/ can)

5. Use the correct modal verb:

(a) You _____ finish this work before going to bed. (necessity) (must, dare, may)(b) He ____ stand alone. (ability) (ought to, can, dares to)(c) The film _____ be a great success. (strong possibility) (ought to, could, will)(d) The problem _____ be too difficult to solve. (weak probability) (might, can, will)

6. Use the correct modal verb:

(a) He ____ come to class yesterday because he had a doctor's appointment. (shouldn’t, couldn’t, mustn’t)(b) I _____ buy those shoes if I were you. (wouldn't, shouldn't, couldn’t)(c) You ____ not smoke inside a hospital. (ought, should, may)(d) I _________ like to buy a similar mobile for my brother. (could, must, would)

7. Use the correct modal verb:

(a) You _____ see the mountain ranges even from my bedroom. (ability)(b) _____ I take this book? (permission)(c) ____ you join us at lunch? (suggestion)(d) The passengers ___wear their seatbelts at all times. (necessity)

8.Use the correct modal verb:

(a) The boys _____wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have class at 8:00 am.(b) I ____ be able to play the piano when I finish my piano class.(c) You _____ n't work on my computer. (prohibition)(d)You ____ drive carefully in bad weather. (advice)

9. Use the correct modal verb:

(a) You ____ stop smoking or you’ll get lung cancer. (order)(b) A reader ____ borrow up to six books at any one time. (permission) (c) _____ I pick up the children up from school today? (suggestion)(d) I ____ earn a lot, when I was in the US. (past ability)

10. Use the correct modal verb:

(a) You ____ have informed me about this beforehand. (obligation) (ought to, have to, may have to)(b) I ____ try my best to help you. (promise)

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(c) My friend ___ visit us on his way back home. (probability)(d) I think it ___ rain on Friday. (prediction)


1. Make sentences using any TWO of the following phrasal verbs: (May/June 2014)

(a) break down (b) catch up) (c) drop out (d) give in

2. Make sentences using any TWO of the following phrasal verbs:

(a) bring up, check in, drop out, hang up

3. Give the meaning of the phrasal verbs as they are used in the following. (May/June 2014)

a. Sachin rang up his mother.b. He takes after his father.c. The thief broke into the house last night.d. The chief guest gave away the prizes to the winners.

4. Give the meaning of the phrasal verbs as they are used in the following.

(a) The Prime Minister called on the President after his foreign tour.(b) My friend has taken over as the Principal of this college.(c) It is very difficult to figure out the passage.(d) Don’t idle away your time.

5. Give the meaning of the phrasal verbs as they are used in the following.

(a) Companies failing to adhere to safety guidelines are penalized. (b) Why doesn’t Sathish turn up today?(c) I must insist on returning my car. (d) Fire broke out at night.

6. Give the meaning of the phrasal verbs as they are used in the following.

(a) You must attend to your work and stop talking. (b) Shanthi came across some of her old family photos. (c) My mother burst into tears when she saw me getting the gold medal.(d) Do these plans fit in with your arrangements?

7. Give the meaning of the phrasal verbs as they are used in the following.

(a) We deal in computer software.(b) James gave up the idea of competing in the election.(c) Anitha broke off in the middle of the sentence.(d) The Tamil Nadu government has set up this monument in memory of Bharathiar.

8. Make sentences using any TWO of the following phrasal verbs:

Cut down, keep on, make up, turn down

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9. Make sentences using any TWO of the following phrasal verbs:

Set in, wind up, bring about, drop in

10. Make sentences using any TWO of the following phrasal verbs:

Give up, look into, carry out, take after


1. Rewrite the following into sentences indicating purpose: (May/June 2013)

a. A clock -------------- to show the time of the day. b. A calendar ----------- to show the days, weeks and months of a particular year. c. A telescope: view stars and other celestial bodies.d. A catalyst: speeds up a chemical process.

2. Give purpose statements for any TWO of the following. (May/June 2012)

(a) An auditorium (b) A printer (c) A thermostat

3. Write purpose statements for any TWO of the following: (May/June 2011)

(a) Cell phone (b) Computer (c) I-pod

4. Write purpose statements for any TWO of the following: (May/June 2011)

(a) Refrigerator (b) washing machine (c) constructing a by-pass road

5. Write purpose statements for the following:

(a) air conditioner (b) scanner

6. Write purpose statements for the following:

(a) a flow chart (b) a litmus paper

7. Make sentences expressing purpose using the hints given below:

(a) a catalyst: speeds up a chemical process(b) experiment: demonstrate a principle

8. Make sentences expressing purpose for any TWO using the hints given below:

(a) robot: does heavy and dangerous jobs (b) catalyst: speeds up a chemical process (c) telescope: view stars and other celestial bodies.

9. Make sentences expressing purpose using the hints given below:

(a) experiment: demonstrates a principle (b) thermostat: maintains temperature at a constant level

10. Make sentences expressing purpose for any TWO using the hints given below:

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(a) rheostat: controls the current flow (b) lubricant: makes a machine move easily and smoothly (c) microphone: amplifies one’s voice.



a) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry about. In other words, it must be, durable, distinct, divisible and portable. When we think of money today, we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal which we call coins, or as printed notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use. They will buy nothing, and a traveler might starve if he had none of the particular local money to exchange for food.

Among isolated people, who are not often reached by traders from outside, commerce usually means barter. There is a direct exchange of goods. Perhaps, it is fish for vegetables, meat for grain, or various kinds of food in exchange for pots, baskets, or other manufactured goods. For this kind of simple trading, money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavour food, shells for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. These things –salt, shells, or metals-are still used as money in out of the way parts of the world today. Salt may seem rather a strange substance to use as money, but in countries where the food of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an absolute necessity. Cakes of salt, stamped to show their value, were used in Tibet until recent times, and cakes of salt will still buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa. Cowrie sea shells have been used as money at some time or another over the greater part of the OLD WORLD. These were collected mainly from the beaches of the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean, and were traded to India and China. In Africa, cowries were traded right across the continent from East to West. Four or five thousands went for Maria Thereasa dollar, an Australian silver coin which was once accepted as currency in many parts of Africa.

Metal, valued by weight, preceded the coins in many parts of the world. Iron, in lumps, bars or rings is still used in many countries instead of money. It can either be exchanged for goods, or made into tools, weapons or ornaments. The early money of China, apart from shells, was of bronze, often in flat, round pieces with a hole in the middle, called “cash”. The earliest of these are between three thousand and four thousand years old—older than the earliest coins of the eastern Mediterranean.

Nowadays, coins and notes have supplanted nearly all the more picturesque forms of money, and although in one or two of the remote countries people still hoard it for future use on ceremonial occasions such as weddings and funerals, examples of primitive money will soon be found in museums.

(i) Choose the correct responses: (4×1=4)

A. Aristotle said money should be(a) made of metal (b) durable, distinct, divisible and portable (c) 2000 years old (d) made of high quality metals.

B. Nowadays we think of money as(a) made of either metal or paper (b) pieces of metal (c) printed notepaper (d) useful for starving travelers

C. In some parts of the world a traveler might starve

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(a) even if his money was of the local kind (b) even if he had no coins or no notes (c) if he did not know the local rate of exchange (d) even if he had plenty of coins and notes.

D. Barter usually takes the place of money transactions where(a) there is only salt (b) the trading needs of the people are fairly simple (c) metal tools are used(d) money is unknown

(ii) Answer the following questions in a sentence or two. (2×2=4)

1. What were the various means used in ancient periods in place of money?2. Write a note on the use of cowrie shells.

b) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Think of the days when there were no computers and no modern means of transport. Human life was highly restricted due to the unavailability of technological applications. Daily life involved a lot of physical activity. Life of the common man was not as luxurious as that of modern times, but he was more active. Exercise was integrated into routine physical activities. It was contrary to the sedentary lifestyle of today, which leaves no time for exercise and fills days with inactivity and laze. Today we don't want to, and thanks to technology, don't even need to, walk, move around or exert physically to get things done. We have the world is at our fingertips.

We think of technology as a boon to society. I am afraid; it's not completely a boon. The Internet has bred many unethical practices like hacking, spamming and phishing. Internet crime is on the rise. The Internet, being an open platform lacks regulation. There is no regulation on the content displayed on websites. Internet gambling has become an addiction for many. Overexposure to the Internet has taken its toll. In this virtual world, you can be who you are not, you can be virtually living even after you die. Isn't this weird? Children are spending all their time playing online and less or almost no time playing on the ground. Youngsters are spending most of their time social networking, missing on the joys of real social life.

Think of the days when there were no online messengers, no emails and no cell phones. Indeed cellular technology made it possible for us to communicate over wireless media. Web communication facilities have worked wonders in speeding long-distance communication. On the other hand, they have deprived mankind of the warmth of personal contact. Emails replaced handwritten letters and communication lost its personal touch. With the means of communication so easily accessible, that magic in waiting to reach someone and the excitement that followed have vanished.

Moreover, we have become excessively dependent on technology. Is so much of dependency good? Is it right to rely on machines to such an extent? Is it right to depend on computers rather than relying on human intellect? Computer technology and robotics are trying to substitute for human intellect. With the fast advancing technology, we have started harnessing artificial intelligence in many fields. Where is the digital divide going to take us? How is our 'tomorrow' going to be? 'Machines replacing human beings' does not portray a rosy picture, does it? It can lead to serious issues like unemployment and crime. An excessive use of machines in every field can result in an under-utilization of human brains. Over time, we may even lose our intellectual abilities. You know of the declining mathematical abilities in children due to use of calculators since school, don't you?

The impact of technology on society is deep. It is both positive and negative. Technology has largely influenced every aspect of living. It has made life easy, but so easy that it may lose its charm one day. One can

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cherish an accomplishment only if it comes after effort. But everything has become so easily available due to technology that it has lost its value. There is a certain kind of enjoyment in achieving things after striving for them. But with everything a few clicks away, there is no striving, there's only striking. With the developments in technology, we may be able to enjoy all the pricey luxuries in life but at the cost of losing its priceless joys.

(i) Choose the correct responses: (4×1=4)

1. The meaning of the word, ‘sedentary’ (a). Concentrating (b) deskbound (c) dynamic (d) active and inactive

2. Weird means(a) peculiar (b) ghostly (c) sincere (d) normal

3. Excessive use of machines and devices results in_________ use of the brain(a) optimal (b) ignoring (c) sufficient (d) limited

4. In the virtual world, one can live (a) while living on earth (b) while both living and after death (c) only after death (d) none of these.

(ii) Answer the following questions in a sentence or two. (2×2=4)

1. List out the reasons for the author’s unhappiness about the impact of technology?2. What were the joys of the pre-technological age?


1. a. Write a letter to your friend inviting him / her to attend a festival organized in your college. (May 2014) Or1. b. Write a letter to your friend reviewing a film you have watched recently. (May 2014)

2. a. Write a letter to your friend accepting his / her invitation to attend his / her birth day party. Or2. b. Write a letter to your friend giving your review of a book you that has impressed you much.

3. a. Write a letter to your father requesting him to permit you to go on an educational tour. Or3. b. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him / heron winning the gold medal in weight lifting at the intercollegiate competition.

4. a. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your studies and stay at your college. Or4. b. Write a letter to your sister giving her your review of the book you read.

5. a. Write a letter to your father requesting him to give permission for attending a 10-day NSS camp organized by your college. Or 5. b. Write a letter to your friend sharing your experience in the recently undertaken educational tour.

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Complete the given conditional statements suitably:

1. If the supply of lubricant fails, _________(AU April 99)2. __________ if the quality of steam flowing through the cylinders is increased.3. If the engine is serviced regularly, _________ (AU April/May 2009)4. If he ran all the way, he ___________(get) there in time. (AU Jan 2010)5. If you study hard, _____________. (AU June 2006)6. If some more IT parks are established, ________(AU Dec 2010)7. If the fuel prices increases rapidly, __________ (AU Dec 2008)8. If you had watched the commonwealth games, _______ the Indian sports persons.( AU Jan 2011)9. If I _______enough money, she ________ very happy.(be)10. If there is a power breakdown, _____________________.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate cause and effect expressions:

1. Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, ___________ the rainforests are being destroyed.2. Kerosene sellers have raised their prices _______________________________3. Hemp can be used to make paper, ________it could reduce the need for logging.4. Coal is still a very important source of power,___________________5. Alternative energy are being investigated,______________________

6. Join the ‘causes’ in Column A with the ‘effects’ in Column B using cause and effect expressions such as: Because , because of , caused by, due to and owing to and make sentences.

Column A Column B(i) Loud horns and blaring loud speakers damage to ear drums(ii) Chemical pollution greenhouse effect and ozone pollution(iii) construction of big dams evacuation of thousands of families(iv) Depletion of bamboo forests increase I soil erosion.

7. Complete the following with appropriate Cause and Effect expressions: (AU May/June 2014)

(i) Neeraja did not go to college yesterday. She had a high fever.(ii) Nalini fainted in the class. She did not have breakfast.


1. Use any TWO the following words in sentences of your own first as noun and then as verb: (AU Nov/Dec 2009)(i) Produce (ii) Project (iii) Convict

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2. Use any TWO the following words in sentences of your own first as noun and then as verb: (AU May/June 2012)(i) Reason (ii) project (iii) experiment

3. Make sentences of the following words as nouns and then as verbs: (AU Nov / Dec 2012) (i) Convict (ii) report

4. Make sentences of the following words as nouns and then as verbs :( AU May/June 2011)(i) Convert (ii) import

5. Make sentences of the following words as nouns and then as verbs :( AU Nov/Dec 2009)(i) Book (ii) record

6. Use any TWO of the following words in sentences of your own first as noun and then as verb: (AU Nov/Dec 2010)(i) Contact (ii) project (iii) progress

7. Useany TWO of the following words in sentences of your own first as noun and then as verb: (AU May/June 2009)(i) Object (ii) conduct (iii) rebel

8.1. Use any TWO of the following words in sentences of your own first as noun and then as verb:(i) Transfer (ii) break (iii) hope

9. Use any TWO of the following words in sentences of your own first as noun and then as verb:(i) shake(ii) record(iii) subject

10. Use any TWO of the following words in sentences of your own first as noun and then as verb:(i) Subject (ii) work (iii) conduct


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end of it:

Professor Gavraud is an engineer who almost gave up his post at an institute Marseilles because he always felt ill at work. He decided against leaving when he discovered that the recurrent attacks of nausea only worried him when he was in his office at the top of the building. Thinking that there must be something in the that room disturbed him, he tried to track it down with devices sensitive to various chemical and even with a Geiger counter, but he found nothing until one day, just as he was about to give up, he leaned back against the wall. The whole room was vibrating at a low frequency. The source of this energy turned out to be an air-conditioning plant on the roof of the building across the way, and his office was the right shape and the distance from the machine to resonate in sympathy with it. It was this rhythm, at seven cycles per second that made him sick.

Fascinated by the phenomenon, Gavraud decided to build machines to produce infrasound so that he could investigate it further. In casting around for likely designs he discovered that the whistle with a pea in it issued to all French gendarmes produced a whole range of low-frequency sounds. So he built a police-whistle six feet long powered it with compressed air. The technician who gave the giant whistle its first trail fell down dead on the spot. A post-mortem revealed that all his internal organs had been mashed into a jelly by the vibrations.

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Gavraud went ahead with his work more carefully and did the next test out of doors, with all observers screened from the machine in a concrete shelter. When ready, they turned the air on slowly -and broke the windows of every building with in a \ half mile of the test site. Later they learnt to control the strength of the infrasound generator more effectively and designed a series of smaller machines for experimental work. One of the most interesting discoveries to date is that waves of low-frequency can be aimed and that two generators focused on a particular point even five miles away produce a resonance that can knock a building down as effectively as a major earthquake. These frequency-7 machines can be built very cheaply.

(a) Choose the correct answer: (4x1/2 =2)

(i)Professor Gavraud fell ill because(1) there were chemicals in his room (2) his office was too high up(3) he was affected by vibrations (4) he was a very sensitive man.

(ii) He constructed a very large copy of a police whistle because he wanted to(1) produce low-frequency sounds (2) improve its design(3) compare it with an organ (4) see the effect it had on people.

(iii)The first experiment with the machine(1) caused a major earthquake (2) broke all the windows in nearby buildings(3) made a noise like an organ (4) killed the man who switched it on.

(iv)Which of the following precautions was not taken by Professor Gavraud in his second experiment?(1) The observers were protected by a concrete shelter. (2) The experiment was done outside.(3) The compressed air was turned on slowly. (4) A smaller machine was used.

(b)Mention whether the following statements are True or False: (6 x ½ =3 )

(i) Professor Gavraud left his job because he felt sick.(ii) The cause of the sickness was not in his room.(iii) The air-conditioning plant had nothing to do with his sickness.(iv) The result of the first trial was worrying.(v) He did his second test indoors.(vi) Later on, he designed even bigger generators.

(c)Choose the appropriate definition for the given words or phrases as they are used in the text : ( 6x ½ = 3)

(i)infrasound(1) high frequency sound (2) low frequency sound(3) medium frequency sound (4) heavy frequency sound

(ii) to track down(1) to smell (2) to detect(3) to examine (4) to remove

(iii)to give up(1) to go on (2) to stop(3) to collapse (4) to find out

(iv)turned out to be(1) was shown to be (2) was intended to be(3) was thought to be(4) was known to be

(v)casting around

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(1) looking for (2) hoping for(3) asking for (4) sending for

(vi)went ahead(1) delayed (2) proceeded(3) hurried (4) changed



I. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it:

As you read this, your eyes should be doing three things: Focusing from dist; to near, converging inward to a single point and angling downward. But with electric screens fast supplanting print, this law of nature is turning upside down: We are focused too long, too close, too high and too often. As India fast-tracks to the digital era people work or play the day away on LCD screens, vision problems are spiral Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is the newly-minted catch-all term now doing rounds.

If humans spend a third of their lives asleep and a third awake, most of the third is spent staring at computer screens today. And computers make the eye shift focus between the screen, document, and keyboard 25,000 times a day - equivalent 60 push-ups a minute - says a 2004 report by the Industrial Design Centre of IIT, Madras. If an office worker spends 80,000 hours sitting at a desk throughout his career oi average, and more than 50 percent use computers on the job-as estimated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the US, it is hardly a surprise tha percent develop CVS.

In the present context of an IT revolution, the nation's computer population st; between 15 and 20 million. People work long hours too - 60 hours a week compare' 43 globally (ASSOCHM Survey, 2007). (Nearly 40 million Indians surf the Net e day and 180 million gab away on cell phones. About 90 percent computer-users star the small screen over four hours a day. Three out of five of the 1.1 million IT workfi spend over 10 hours every day squinting at screen (Cyber Media Dice-TNS Rep 2007).

Ten years back, CVS was unheard of. Today out of 12 patients a day, tw( three would show computer-related eye strain. The latest issue of the Indian Journa Ophthalmology surveys 300 ophthalmologists and reports that they average 16 ( patients a month. Nearly 98 percent patients show eye strain, 82 percent headache percent burning eye, 66 percent watering, 61 percent redness, 44 percent shoulder \ and 36 percent neck pain.

Working on A computer is really different than if you were reading a book < newspaper We are used to looking down to read, but focusing on a vertical computer system puts strain on the eye. Position your monitor 16 to 30 inches away from your eyes. The screen should be four to eight inches lower than eye-level, so you are looking slightly down towards it. A real option is wearing special occupational or computer glasses during work. The new-millennium disorder is churning out trendy slogans. One is, "Blink, Breathe and Break" (blinking 20 times a minute, breathing often to increase blood flow, and taking a break after 20 minutes of non-stop computer work). There is also "the 20-20-20 rule". Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on something 20 feet away. CVS is a bit like a spam. We may get the suffering we invite, but that does not stop it from being a pain. Yet preventing CVS is just as simple as deleting spam from an e-mail inbox. Blink on it.

(a) Say whether the following statements are true or false: (5x1=5)

(i) Most of the humans spend one-third of their lives in staring at computer screens today.(ii) 15 to 20 million IT professionals work 60 hours a week.(iii) 1.1 million IT workforce spend over 10 hours every day squinting at screen.

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(iv) Reading a book or a newspaper is like working on a computer.(v) Take a 20-second break and focus on something 20 feet away for every 20 minutes.

(b) Answer the following in a sentence or two: (5x1=5)

(i) State the main cause for the increase in vision problems?(ii) What is the estimation given by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the US?(iii) Mention the Cyber Media Dice-TNS Report, 2007.(iv) Indicate the details of survey conducted by the Indian Journal of ophthalmology.(v) What is "the 20-20-20 rule"?

(c) Choose the response which best reflects the meaning of the text: (2 x 1 =2)

(i)As you read this, your eyes should be doing three things:(1) Squinting (2) Winking (3) angling downward (4) Ogling

(ii) If humans spend a third of their lives asleep and a third awake, most of the final third is(1) Converging inward to a single point today (2) Focusing from distance to near(3) Spent staring at computer screens today (4) Angling downward.

(d) Complete the following sentences

(i) The screen should be four to eight inches lower than eye-level, ______________(ii) Today out of 12 patients a day, two to three would show ________________(iii) Preventing CVS is just as simple as deleting span ________________(e) Give a suitable title.


1. The following are the notes taken at a meeting. Write the minutes of the meeting:

Board of Studies of The Department of English: Adithya College of arts and Science – PG Library – 10 a.m to 14th March 2015.

Present: Dr. Balaraman (Chairman), Mr. Govindaraj, Dr. Mrs. Laxmi, Mrs. Varalakshmi, Mr. Raguram.

Discussion on:

a. Syllabus for Part II English – change of texts for poetry and Shakespeare (UG). Suggestions of reference books for Journalism and Mass Communication (PG)

b. List of subject experts for external valuation of scripts – suggested and approved.

c. Constitution of sub-committees – review of texts and testing patterns for the new courses added. Next Meeting: 14th April 2015.

2. The agenda for a student union meeting is as follows:

a. to discuss organizing a cultural event in the college. b. To discuss the budget.c. To fix responsibilities for organizing different functions like Programme, guests and honor, food, stage decoration, logistics , food , publicity

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d. As the secretary, write the minutes of meeting making assumptions of your own to present a report to the college management.



1. A pole which is 10 metres long (Nov/ Dec 2014)2. A tank with a capacity of 100 litres (Nov/ Dec 2014) (May / June 2011)3. A match lasting for five days (Nov/ Dec 2014) (May / June 2011)4. A project work worth 3 crores (Nov/ Dec 2014) (May / June 2010)5. A journey of 40 kilometres (Nov/ Dec 2014) (May / June 2010)6. A gathering of 250 students (May / June 2014)7. A seminar for two days (May / June 2014)8. A colony with 175 houses (May / June 2014)9. A fleet of 3000 cars (May / June 2014)10. A committee consisting of 6 members (Nov/ Dec 2014)11. A petrol tank with a capacity of 5 litres (Nov/ Dec 2014)12. An apartment with 3 bedrooms (Nov/ Dec 2014)13. A course with the duration of five days (Nov/ Dec 2014)14. A lecture for 3 hours15. A book in six volumes (May / June 2013)16. An experiment conducted over 10 years’ time (May / June 2013)17. A company which is 15 years old (May / June 2013)18. A lab with 30 computers (May / June 2013)19. a lamp of a power of 60 watts (May / June 2012) (May / June 2011)20. a flask with a capacity of 10 litres (May / June 2012)21. a match lasting 50 overs (May / June 2012)22. A motor bike of 100 kilograms (May / June 2010)23. A budget estimate of 5 lakhs (May / June 2010)24. A book with eighty pages25. A period of 45-minutes26. A team consisting of three men27. An investment of Rs. 3,50,00028. A research grant of Rs. 2 lakhs29. A DC supply of 240 volts30. a monitor with a size of 21 inches.


1. David who is studying in an Engineering college is good at baseball. David does not like to play baseball. (but) (Nov/ Dec 2014)

2. I could not find any costly shoes. I searched all the rooms in my house. (yet) (Nov/ Dec 2014)3. She was extremely tired after a lot of work in the office. She could not sleep. (even though)4. They were eating burgers. We saw them at lunchtime. (when)5. He was rich ______ (however / and / although), he was generous.

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6. The guests arrived ______ (before / yet/ after) we had finished arranging the hall.7. She wrote to her friend. Her friends live in Vietnam. (who)8. The book is very interesting. The book is about Japanese culture. (which)9. She is rich _____ (therefore/however/otherwise), her cousin Kavery is poor.10. He didn’t earn money ________ (moreover/therefore/ although), his wife decided to get a job.11. The kids didn’t study, _______ (therefore/nonetheless/otherwise) , they failed in the course.12. You’d better take taxi, _______(consequently/ furthermore/otherwise), you’ll arrive late.13. The test was very tough. Many students got high marks.14. The population of the world goes up. The demand for food goes up.15. Glass breaks easily. Glass has many useful properties.16. The weather was terrible, ______(furthermore/besides/therefore), we decided to delay our trip.17. I enjoy reading this new magazine.________( moreover/nevertheless/however), it has good articles.18. We live in the same building. _____( therefore/however/furthermore), we can hardly see each other.19. Mini computers are very cheap. They are smaller and slower than mainframes.20. The price of petrol has raised much. Consumers have not stopped buying cars.


Use the following idioms in sentences of your own:

1. burn the midnight oil (May / June 2014)2. At the drop of a heat (May / June 2014)3. A piece of cake (May / June 2014)4. miss the boat (May / June 2014)5. off the cuff (AU Model QP)6. a bitter pill to swallow (AU Model QP)7. To cry wolf8. to have an axe to grind

9. Blow his own trumpet10. burning question11. to catch someone’s eye12. blow it13. big shot14. down to earth15. keep one’s ear to the ground

ii. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom from the given options:

1. He used his friends to help him get into the civil service by back door. (May / June 2014)a) Using physical force b) in an unfair way c) nonviolence means d) using leadership skills

2. Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company. (May / June 2014)a) Not giving food b) keeping them in the dark roomc) Not permitting them to go out d) do not know about the plan

3. Mrs. Brown is the salt of the earth, always ready to give ______ (AU Model QP)a) His place b) His money c) helping hand

4. I’ll lend you an ear if you want to _______ a) listen to me b) talk about it c) write about it

5. The management of the PSU offered a golden handshake to many of their aged employees as they _________ (AU Model QP)

(a)wanted to be polite to them (b) wanted to give them gold(c) wanted to cut down on the man power (d) wanted to make them happy

6. People took Pooja’s words with a pinch of salt because ____(AU Model QP) a) they found she was not completely dependable (b) they had a salt deficiency (c) they found her words too bland (d) they found her too sweet

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7. He stood his ground in support of his friend ________________________________. a) because there was an earthquake (b) in spite of several family interferences c) since his friend was going to faint (d) as there was a flood.

8. The film hit the box office with a flying start as _____________________________. a) it had a very poor collection (b) the cinema halls were empty c) there was poor reception from the audience (d) collected the highest revenue on day 1.

9. The economy crisis brought the country __________ a) to its knees b) to its head c) to its stop

10. The party last night was great. Everyone had ______a) ball b) a ball c) a bowl



1. Ved Engineering Solutions is looking for a dynamic engineers from all branches for its Chennai office. Incumbent should be an engineer from a reputed institute and should have a minimum of two years experience working with 10 – 25 member teams. Send your application with your resume to The HR Manager, Ved Engineering Solutions, ArignarSalai, T. Nagar, Chennai – 17. (AU Model QP)

2. Your friend is working as Quality Control Engineer in Shailam Software Solutions. But he has now got ajob elsewhere and has given notice. He informs you that his resignation will create a vacancy in the company, which you could fill in. He advises you to email your application and CV to the HR Manager at [email protected]. Prepare an email and resume for this purpose. (AU Model QP)

3. Write a letter of application to The HR manager, Dell Info Systems, Bangalore for the post of Software Quality Tester.

4. Write a letter of application for the post of a junior engineer to the Divisional Engineer, MambalamDivision, Chennai Telephones, 786, Anna Salai, Chennai-35. (May/ June 2013)

5. Write a letter of application for the post of an assistant engineer to the human resource Manager, HRC Communications Ltd., 390 Lake view Road, Santhome, Chennai-600 004. Attach a separate resume with your letter. (May/ June 2014)

6. Draft a letter of Job application in response to the following advertisement:Candidates holding a bachelor’s / Master’s degree with a background in engineering are required for work on company for the post of engineer. Applicants must also possess excellent writing skills and the ability to work in team. Send the CV to Mr. PromodTiwari, Human Resources Dept. Exclusive software, North Main Street, Chennai – 67. (Nov/Dec 2012)

7. Read the following advertisement published in “The Times of India” and write a letter of application. Enclose your resume with the letter of application. (Nov/ DEC 2014)

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Read the following advertisement uploaded in the website – http://tech and write your cover letter in the E-mail format and the resume in the attachment file format and send them to the following e-mail ID (Nov/ DEC 2014)

Tech Solutions (P) Ltd – ChennaiRequire Software Developer

To work as software trainee in java, C++, dot net & lamp Attractive pay package Experience : Freshers can apply Eligibility : B.E. / B. Tech. Location : Chennai.

Send your application with the Resume to the mail ID : [email protected]

9. Read the following advertisement published in “The Hindu” dated 12-04-2015 and write a letter of application. Prepare a CV that needs to be enclosed with the letter of job application.(May/ June 2012)

Godrej Company requires PRODUCTION MANAGER for its factory near in ChennaiQualification : Graduate in Mechanical EngineeringWork experience: Two years in production department of a Manufacturing Plant, preferably Steel Manufacturing Company.

Send your application to the following address:The Executive Director,Godrej Company Limited,45, Greams Road, Chennai- 600 035

10. Draft a letter of Job application with CV in response to the following advertisement:(May/ June 2012)

Wanted: Technical Support ExecutivesQualification: Any degree in Engineering with proficiency in English and good interpersonal skillsMail to: The Personnel Manager,

Tamsung Solutions International, 38, O.M. Road, Chennai – 600 096

Job : Software EngineerCompany: Kamal Info Systems Private Ltd.Location: HyderabadSkills: Capital Markets, Object Orientation Project Planning, Design patterns in Java, C++

Send your application with the Resume to :The HR Manager, Kamal Info Systems Private Ltd.No. : 14, Greams Road, Hyderabad-500 002

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1. Complete each sentences with a suitable relative pronoun given below: Who, Whom, Whose, that, which

1. All ………….. glitters is not gold.2. Students ………….don’t work hard will not be promoted.3. The man …………….is working in the garden is my cousin.4. The professor …………….. teaches English loves us.

2. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word given in brackets:

a. ________________ you told me was really strange.( That, Who, What)b. I wonder ____________ he is absent today.(what, why, when)c. Do you remember the day __________ we studied together? (why, when, how)d. She is rich ______________ her sister is.(so, than, as)

3. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word given in brackets:

a. She came back _________she was tired.(since, if, unless)b. Susan runs faster ________Jessie does.(as, so, than)c. I’ll wait here ____________he comes.(till, since, so)d. __________ hard you try , you may not get it.(whatever, however, whenever)


1. Use the following Collocations in sentences to bring out their meaning:a. annual turnover b. close a deal c. cease trading d. go bankrupt

2. Use the following Collocations in sentences to bring out their meaning:a. odd jobs b. new invention c. proper manner c. get ready d. splendid performance

3. Use the following Collocations in sentences to bring out their meaning:a. match fixing b. problem solving c. waste management d. make over

4. Use the following Collocations in sentences to bring out their meaning:a. turned on b. think aloud c. listen carefully d. follow closely



1. Your family is about to leave for Ooty on a two-week holiday. Your father has asked you to prepare a checklist of things to be done before you leave the house. Prepare an eight-item check list to give your father. Remember to give a title to your checklist. ( AU May 2009)

2. Imagine you are the team leader of your branch and you are going to Mumbai for an industrial visit. Write a checklist. (AU May 2009)

3. Imagine that you have to go to Hyderabad to attend an interview. Make an eight item checklist with a proper title which will help you prepare for the interview. (AU June 2010)

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4. Imagine that you have the Sports Secretary of your college. Prepare a checklist of eight most important activities that you have to do for the smooth conduct of sports day celebrations. (AU June 2011)

5. Prepare an eight item checklist for preparing a good laboratory report. ( AU April 2007)

6. Imagine that you have to conduct your brother’s marriage next month. Prepare a checklist of eight important activities that you would like to do to conduct the function in a grand manner.(AU Dec 2011)

7. As the Student President of your college, you are heading the organizing committee to organize a National Level Science Exhibition. Prepare an eight item checklist to conduct the exhibition without any problem. (AU June/July 2009)

8. As the student President of your college and head of the organizing committee you organize a seminar. Prepare an eight set item check list to conduct the exhibition without any problems. (AU April 2005)

9. Write a set of 8 checklists of important things to be done when one wants to go a trip by car.

10. You have decided to go on a weeklong tour with all your family members. Prepare a set of 8 checklists that to be checked before leaving the house.

11. Write a checklist of 8 for safety of temporary structures such as shamianas and pandals.

12. Write a set of 8 checklists for your college cultural day considering yourself as the Cultural Convener of your college.


1. What are the different kinds of reports? Provide an illustration for any one of them. (AU 2010)

2. Write an essay on the structure of a report? Explain a project report with an illustration. (AU 2010)

3. Imagine you are the Staff Secretary in your college. Submit a report to the Principal of your college regarding improving the results. (AU Dec 2010)

4. A committee has been appointed by a manufacturing company to consider the demands of the labour union for higher wages, fewer hours of work and better service conditions. Draft the report of the committee giving its recommendations.

5. Imagine that you are the coordinator for the project on educational short films. In general, students show a lot of enthusiasm in seeing films. For the project, you have produced seven short films related to science and technology. Write a report in not more than 300 words about short films that you have produced for the project. (AU June 2014)

6. Chennai Metrowater proposes to set up a water supply project, partially funded by the users, for the IT companies situated along the Rajiv Gandhi Salai and East Coast Road. These companies depend on private water tankers to meet their daily needs and they expect Chennai Metro water authorities to find a solution to tis long pending problem. Imagine that you are the consultant for this project and you have been requested to submit a detailed report to The Chief Engineer, Chennai Metro water. You have to make a survey of the demands of various types of users and their willingness to pay for the service. In your report, you can suggest the tariff for various types of users. Besides, you have to identify the deficiencies in the existing water supply

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system and provide suggestions to implement the project successfully. Prepare a report in not more than 300 words. (AU Nov/Dec 2014)


1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

Man has won his dominant position on this planet by his command of technology. Other animals have to take nature as they find her; they must fit into the environment that she provides as best they can. Man alone changes the shape of this world. He moves things about; he alters them in a constant effort to create an environment more hospitable than that, which nature has thrust him into. Technology is the sum-total of all different techniques by which man changes his environment.

Technology is characteristics of all human societies, and it exists even among least developed tribes and communities. Even the Eskimo uses a number of techniques make life more comfortable for him. He makes clothes; he builds an igloo and the boat. He uses needles and knives; he gets food by means of fishing lines and harpoon. All these are techniques for changing his wild habitat into an environment that suitshim better.

More advanced civilizations have more complex technologies, but the basic pattern is always the same. There must be means to get food; so the hunter invents the sp the bow and arrow, or the boomerang; and the farmer invents the hoe or the There must be means to move things about plough, so the community domesticates the ox and the horse and invents the boat or the wheel. There must be means to ward of the weather, so the community makes clothes and huts and invents the tools that are needed to make them. These and other tools need to be strong and durable, so civilization gradually moves on from stone to bronze, from bronze to iron, and so on. And when we think of our present age as the age of light metals, we see ourselves in the traditional of progress that began with stone, bronze, and iron.

Your owntechnological progress then has been, natural continuation of earlier trends. When today we breed new stains of corn, we are following the same aims as the first farmers. And when we send a rocket above the atmosphere, we are following the line begun by the invention of the wheel.

However, there is one respect in which our technology is markedly different. We have transformed the simple tools of the past into complex machines. For example, man has used such a tool as the hammer since long before historical records began. But it was only in historical times that he discovered that the hammer could be made into a trip hammer that is, could be made to deliver its blow again and again automatically, When a tool is made to repeat the same mechanical action, it becomes a machine. Modern civilization is built on the use of machines in this way. However clever they may appear, all machines at bottom are as simple as the water wheel they do nothing but save us from carrying out ourselves a fixed and repeated sequence of actions.

(i) Answerthe following questions ( 4 x 1 = 4 )

(1) What is technology?(2) What is the common feature between the technologies developed by advanced and less advanced

civilizations?(3) In what respect is the modern technology different from that of the past?(4) What are the techniques used by the Eskimos to better their life?

(ii) Say whether the following statements are true or false: ( 4 x 1 / 2 = 2 )

(1) Technology is typical of only a few societies.(2) Humans have used simple tools since time immemorial.(3) Other animals can modify their environment.(4) Eskimos represent less developed society.

(iii) Complete the following appropriately: ( 4 x 1 / 2 = 2 )

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(1) Human beings have achieved a powerful position on earth because of their________.(2) The spear or the bow and arrow are __________.(3) In this passage, the present age is referred to as the ____________________ .(4) A tool becomes a machine __________________.

II. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

It is like a horror movie without an end. Scenes of death and devastation brought on by the "worst ever quake to hit the country since independence" are now etched permanently in our memory. On the morning of January 26, the unstable earth under the Rann of Kuteh in northern Gujarat heaved ard collapsed causing an earthquake that recorded 6.9 in the Richter scale (China recorded 7.4 and the U.S. measured 7.9 due to different methods of calculation). But no scale can possibly measure the magnitude of the desolation and sorrow that the killer quake left behind in the villages, towns and cities of Gujarat. Places like Bhuj, Anjar, Bachau and Sukhpur have been completely flattened. Building collapsed trapning thousands of people in the rubble and left the survivors with nothing to live for. We saw the grief-stricken faces of those who had lost their families, distraught men, women and children huddled in the open in the cold night, terrified villagers on foot desperately looking for places that might be safe.

What causes an earthquake? The surface of the earth is made of huge plates. They slowly move over, under, and past each other. Sometimes the movement is gradual. At other times the plates lock into one another unable to release the energy created by the movement. When this accumulated energy grows strong enough, the plates break free and snap into a new position. Vibrations make the structures around quiver and shake and fall. The fracture in the earth's crust is called a "fault". If all the stress has not been released, more tremors (aftershocks) can occur in the fault zone. The epicentre is the point on the earth's surface directly above where the quake is focussed. Earthquakes can occur beneath the ocean floor. Then immense waves (tsunamis) as high as 15 metres caused by the freed energy travel across the waters at great speeds and reach the shores. They engulf the coastal areas and cause severe damage.

India has a grim history of earthquakes. Calcutta (1737), 300,000 dead and Assam (1897) saw the worst of them. A series of tremors ravaged Udaypur, Uttarkashi, Chamoli, Latur and Jabalpur in the last twelve years. The Rann of Kutch itself lost 2000 people in the 1819 quake and again last year. Dams built in the quake-prone areas, concentrations of population; decrease in ground water level can all be reasons for these disasters, say environmentalists. Dr. R. Bilham of Colorado warns that because of the southward movement of the surface, 60 per cent of the Himalayas are overdue for quake.

(a) Say whether the following statements are True or False: (2 x1 = 2)

(i) Rann of Kutch suffered earthquake in the year 1897.(ii) Earthquake in the oceans causes huge waves upto 15 metres.

(b) Write short answers in 1 or 2 sentences: (2 x 2 = 4) (i) Mention what is 'fault', (ii) What is epicentre?

(c) Choose the correct choice among the following: (2 x 1 = 2)

(i) Mention which one of the following is not a cause for earthquake:1. Dams built in the quake prone area. 2. Concentration of population.3. Decrease in ground water. 4. Himalayan mountains.

(ii) The exact power of January 26 earthquake in Kutch is

1.6.9 in Richter scale2.7.4 in Richter scale

3.7.9 in Richter scale4.6.7 in Richter scale

Page 25:€¦  · Web viewDEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES (ENGLISH) QUESTION BANK. Name of the Course: Technical English-II. Course. Code: HS6251. Year: I


1. Students ambition.


a. Which course has the most students interested in?b. Apprximately how many students were opted in the courses such as lawyer and singer?c. Order the courses by enrolment form lowest to highest?d. Which career is the most popular and least popular?2. Write in 100 words about the following details given in the Pie chart:

Page 26:€¦  · Web viewDEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES (ENGLISH) QUESTION BANK. Name of the Course: Technical English-II. Course. Code: HS6251. Year: I

3.Write 100 words about the following table which describes the diffenretn units of small scale industries in Tamilnadu and in India. Year No. of units in Tamil Nadu No. of units in India1. 1985-86 72,000 53,0002. 1986-87 82,000 57,0003. 1987-88 91,397 15,76,0004. 1988-89 1,02,224 17,0100

4.In recent report (Nov 2013), Tamilnadu(TN) emerged as the top state with 59 universities followed by UP with 56 and AP with 46 universities. It was also reported that TN has a 9.5% share of the total universities in the country. Now based on the information given above, answer the following:

a) how many universities are there in India ?b) What is the percentage share of UP and AP?c) What other information can you get from the data given above?d) Draw a table representing the information above.e) Draw a pie chart for the data given.

5. The market share of Major Internet Service providers in India in 2010 was as follows: BSNL 58 % , MTNL 14%, Airtel 8 %, Reliance 8% and Hathway 2 %. From the details above , first put the information in tabular form and pie chart. Write a detail ote on Internet Service providers in India based on the information given.

Prepared by

UNIT – I Mr. K. Anbumani

UNIT – II Mr. D. Charley Samuel

UNIT – III Ms. Mary Surya Kala

UNIT – IV Mr. V. Sasi Kumar

UNIT – V Mr. S. A. Sadaffunisha