· web viewintroduction, trade credit, bank od, commercial bills, discount securities, promissory...

Institute Of Business Administration Allama I.I. Kazi Campus, Jamshoro University Of Sindh Phone Numbers: +92-22-9213200, +92-22-9213181-90 Ext. 2009, Web Site:http//cba.usindh.edu.pk/Email:[email protected] Curriculum of BBA (Hons) P-I Course Details Course Name: Financial Institutions and Markets Course Code: 508 Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hours (per week) Course Description/Objective This course will cover the overview and procedural knowledge of financial markets, institutions, mechanisms and instruments. The course will emphasize on the nature and operational variety among various financial institutions and markets in order to develop financial insights. These financial institutions and markets constitute banking sector, non-banking financial institutions, debt & equity market, foreign exchange market and derivative market. Learning Outcomes After the completion of this course students will be able to: Have clear understanding about financial markets and institutions Understand interest rates and its impact in the economy Know the types of major financial markets Understand use of Financial instruments Understand Role of regulators in financial markets Course Contents (Plan) Week 01 Overview of the Financial System Introduction, Functions of the financial system, Financial Instruments, Financial Markets, Globalization, Financial Institutions Introduction, Main activities of banking,

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Institute Of Business Administration

Allama I.I. Kazi Campus, Jamshoro

University Of Sindh

Phone Numbers: +92-22-9213200, +92-22-9213181-90 Ext. 2009, Web Site:http//cba.usindh.edu.pk/Email:[email protected]

Curriculum of BBA (Hons) P-I

Course Details

Course Name:

Financial Institutions and Markets

Course Code:


Credit Hours:

3 Credit Hours (per week)

Course Description/Objective

This course will cover the overview and procedural knowledge of financial markets, institutions, mechanisms and instruments. The course will emphasize on the nature and operational variety among various financial institutions and markets in order to develop financial insights. These financial institutions and markets constitute banking sector, non-banking financial institutions, debt & equity market, foreign exchange market and derivative market.

Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this course students will be able to:

· Have clear understanding about financial markets and institutions

· Understand interest rates and its impact in the economy

· Know the types of major financial markets

· Understand use of Financial instruments

· Understand Role of regulators in financial markets

Course Contents (Plan)

Week 01

Overview of the Financial System

Introduction, Functions of the financial system, Financial Instruments, Financial Markets, Globalization, Financial Institutions

Week 02

The Banking Industry

Introduction, Main activities of banking, Sources and Uses of funds, Off-balance-sheet business, Prudential Regulations

Week 03

Non-bank Institutions

Introduction, Investment & Merchant banks, Life & General Insurance, Superannuation funds, Finance companies, Building societies, Cooperatives, Export Finance

Week 04

Equity Markets

Introduction, Nature of the corporation, Stock exchange, Share markets

Week 05

Share Market and Corporations

Introduction, Investment Decision: Capital Budgeting, Financing Decision: Equity, Debt & Risk, IPO, Listed Businesses, Alternative Equity Funding

Week 06

Share Market and Investors

Introduction, Investment, Buying & Selling, Taxation, Fin. Performance Indicators, Pricing, Stock Market Indices

Week 07

Debt Markets: Short-Term Debt

Introduction, Trade Credit, Bank OD, Commercial Bills, Discount Securities, Promissory Notes, Negotiable Deposit, Advance Cash facility, Inventory Loans, Account receivables

Week 08

Mid Term

Week 09

Medium to Long-Term Debt

Introduction, Fully-drawn Advances, Mortgage Finance, Debentures, Unsecured debt, Fixed interest securities, Leasing and its types, Direct Credit

Week 10

Government Debt and Monetary Policy

Introduction, Govt. borrowing requirement, Government securities, Monetary Policy, Payment System

Week 11

Interest Rate Determination

Introduction, Macroeconomic context of interest rate, interest rate of loanable funds, Interest rate term, Risk structure


Foreign Exchange Market

Introduction, Forex Market Players, Operation of FX market, Spot and Forward transactions, Spot and Forward quotations


Valuing Currency

Introduction, Equilibrium exchange rate, Factors affecting exchange rate, Sensitivity of exchange rate, Economic variables, Purchasing power parity


Derivative Market: Futures Contracts

Introduction, General principles of hedging, Futures transaction, Futures instruments, Futures participants, Hedging & risk management, Forward rate agreements


Project Presentations

Recommended Text Book

Financial Markets & Institutions, Frederic S. Mishkin and Stanley G. Eakins, (Latest) Edition,

Reference Book

Financial Institutions and Markets, Jeff Madura , latest Edition,

Financial Market & Institutions, LM Bhole, latest Edition,

Curriculumof BBA (Hons) P-I

Course Details

Course Name:

Cost & Management Accounting

Course Code:

BUS 351

Credit Hours:

3 Credit Hours (per week)

Course Description/Objective

The Course deals with examining Cost Accounting as a tool for providing information for manufacturing, internal reporting, external reporting as well as for managerial decision making. This course focuses on cost allocation, process costing systems, spoilage, relevancy of revenues and costs, cost allocation decisions, process costing systems, cost-volume-profit, variable costing, profit planning, overhead analysis and capital budgeting decisions.

Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this course students will be able to:

· Analyze the basic principles and procedures of cost accounting as a first step in the Manufacturing process.

· Solve problems in the subject areas of Process Cost Systems and Job Order cost systems

· Cost data for the decision making of the higher management.

· Cost of production and cost of goods sold statements for onward reporting to financial statements.

Course Contents (Plan)

Week 01

An Overview

Need for Managerial Accounting, Financial & Managerial Accounting, Organizational Structure, Buss. Environment, JIT, TQM, BPR, TOC, Professional Ethics

Week 02

Cost Terms and Concepts

Manufacturing Costs: Materials, Labor and Overhead, Product and Period Costs, Cost Classifications, Inventoriable Costs, Variable and fixed Costs, Direct &Indirect Costs

Week 03

Job-Order Costing

Process Costing, Job-Order Costing, Job Cost Sheet, Predetermined Overhead rate, Flow of Costs, Material, Labor and Manufacturing overhead, Clearing account, Non-manufacturing costs, Under & Over-applied Overheads

Week 04

Process Costing

Comparison of Job Order & Process Costing, Process Cost Flows, Material, Labor & Overhead cost entries, Weighted-Average Method, Production Report, Cost Reconciliation

Week 05

Cost Behavior

Variable Costs, True Variable & Step-variable Costs, Fixed Costs and its types, Mixed Costs Analysis

Week 06

Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

CVP Analysis, Contribution Margin Ratio, Break-Even Analysis, Target Profit Analysis, Margin of safety, CVP and Cost Structure, Operating Leverage, Sales Mix and Break -Even Analysis

Week 07

Variable Costing

Absorption and Variable Costing, Comparison of Absorption & Variable Costing, Income Data & Changes in Production, Costing Method and its uses

Week 08

Mid Term

Week 09

Profit Planning

Basic Framework, Personal Budgets, Budget Period, Zero-Based Budgeting, Sales Budget, Cash Budget, Sales Forecasting, Preparing Master Budget, Budgeted Statements

Week 10

Flexible Budgets

Characteristics of Flexible Budget, Static Budget, Variable Overhead Variances, Spending & Efficiency Variance, Overhead Rates, Analysis of Fixed Overhead

Week 11

Decision Making & Costs

Cost Concepts, Adding Product Line, Dropping Segment or Product lines, Make or Buy Decision, Opportunity Cost, Constrained resources, Joint Product Costs, Activity Costing


Capital Budgeting Decisions

Planning Investments, NPV and Cash Flows, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Total, Incremental & Least Cost, Uncertain Cash Flows, Ranking Investment Projects, Payback Method


Statement of Cash Flows

Basic Approach, Simplified Statement of Cash Flows, Full-Fledged Cash Flows, Issues in Cash Flows, Allocating Costs


Financial Statement Analysis

Limitations of Financial Analysis, Comparative and Common –Size Form, Ratio Analysis, Short-Term & Long-Term Creditor, Comparative Ratio Analysis


Project Presentations

Recommended Text Book

Managerial Accounting , Garrison H. Ray, Noreen W. Eric (latest) edition, McGraw Hill.

Reference Book

Cost and Management Accounting, Matz and Usry, latest Edition, ,.

Curriculum of BBA (Hons) P-III

Course Details

Course Name:

Organizational Behavior

Course Code:


Credit Hours:

3 Credit Hours (per week)

Course Description/Objective

Organizational Behavior (OB) is an interdisciplinary field drawing from numerous disciplines including psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, organization theory, management, and many others. Effective management of human resources within organizations requires an understanding of various behavior and processes. Managers need to know why people behave as they do in relation to their jobs, their work groups and their organizations. This knowledge of individuals' perceptions, motivational attitudes and behavior will enable managers to not only understand themselves better, but also to adopt appropriate managerial policies and leadership styles to increase their effectiveness.

Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this course students will be able to:

· Develop an understanding of Organizational Behavior tools and concepts used in organizations.

· Identify and illustrate the individual, team & organizational-level factors affecting organizations.

· Analyze the impact of individuals and team behavior on organizational productivity

· Apply the OB concepts learned in this course in different organizational situations.

· Evaluate the impact of organizational structure, design, culture and change.

Course Contents (Plan)

Week 01

Organizational Behavior: An Overview

Management Functions, Roles & Skills, Effective Manager, Manager’s Job, Organizational behavior, Challenges & Opportunities for OB, OB Model, Case Study

Week 02

Workforce Diversity

Demographics, Diversity & Discrimination, Biographical Characteristics, Abilities, Diversity Management, Case Study

Week 03

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Attitudes Components, Job Attitudes, Job satisfaction, Measures & Causes of Satisfaction, Satisfied & Dissatisfied Employees, Cultural Implications, Case Study

Week 04

Personality and Values

Personality, Myers-Briggs Indicator, Big Five Personality Model, Personality Traits, Values, Terminal, Instrumental and Generational Values, Job & Organization Fit, Case Study

Week 05

Perception & Decision Making

Introduction, Perception Factors, Attribution theory, Shortcut in Judging, Perception affecting Decision Making, Rationale Model, Intuition, Biases & Errors, Individual Differences, Organizational Constraints, Ethical Decision, Case Study

Week 06

Motivation Concepts and Applications

Theories of Motivation: Hierarchy of Needs, X and Y, Two-Factor & McClelland’s Theory, Contemporary Theories, Applications: Job Design & Model, Employee Involvement, Pay Structure, Reward System, Benefits Package, Case Study

Week 07

Group Behavior and Work Teams

Classifying Groups, Group Development, Group Properties, Group Decisions, Group v/s Teams, Types of Teams, Effective Teams, Individual to Team Player, Case Study

Week 08

Mid Term

Week 09


Functions of Communication, Communication Process, Downward, Upward & Lateral Communication, Oral, Written and Nonverbal Communication, Networks, Grapevine and Electronic Communication, Communication Channel Section, Communication Barriers, Experiential Exercise and Case

Week 10


Trait Theories, Behavioral Theories, Contingency Theories, LMX Theory, Charismatic & Transformational Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Mentoring, Case study

Week 11

Power and Politics

Leadership & Power, Formal Power, Personal Power, Dependency, Power Tactics, Unequal Power, Politics, Causes & Consequences of Politics, Case Study


Conflict and Negotiation

Conflict Thought, Conflict Process, Negotiations: Bargaining Strategies, Negotiations Process, Negotiation Effectiveness, Third-Party Negotiations, Conflict & Culture, Case Study


Organizational Culture

Introduction, Strong & Weak Cultures, Formalization, Culture’s Functions, Sustaining Culture, Stories, Rituals, Symbols, Language, Ethical & Positive Culture, Case Study


Change and Stress Management

Change Forces & Resistance, Politics of Change, Managing Change, Culture for Change, Stress Management, Sources of Stress, Individual Differences, Unmanaged Stress


Project Presentations

Recommended Text Book

Organizational Behavior By Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Neharika Vohra. (Latest) Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.

Reference Book

Organizational Behavior By John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. James G. Hunt, Richard N. Osborn. 7th Edition,

Curriculumof BBA (Hons) P-III

Course Details

Course Name:


Course Code:


Credit Hours:

3 Credit Hours (per week)

Course Description/Objective

This course provides you with a detailed overview of auditing. It commences with an introduction to international auditing including changes in the audit profession and professional and regulatory organisations.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course it is expected that the student will be able to:

· Given authentic scenarios, evaluate the environment within which the professional auditor operates

· Given auditing pronouncements, identify and describe the range of activities, processes and responsibilities that an auditor faces in his/her professional role

· Given case studies, analyse the legal liability and ethical issues, and formulate strategies using common law and ethical decision-making frameworks

· Given worked examples for the audit risk approach, examine how auditing techniques and theory can influence professional auditing practices and relate these to current research

· Given a problem case and corresponding data sets, design an audit program using the principles of internal control and audit testing procedures.

Course Contents (Plan)

Week 01

International Auditing Overview

Week 02

Types of Audit

· Classification on the basis of organization

· Classification on the basis of function

Week 03

Audit Program, Audit Note Book and Audit Procedure

· Preparatory Steps Before Commencement of Audit

· Audit program, its Importance

· Types of audit program

· Audit Notebook, it all Votary and uses.

· Audit procedures

Week 04

Professional Practice

Week 05

Risk assessment

· Introduction to risk

· Materiality

· Assessing the risks of material misstatement

· Responding to the risk assessment

Week 06

Audit Report and Communication

· Definition of audit report

· Value of audit report

· Basic Elements of the Auditor’s Report

· Types of Reports Expressing Audit Opinions

· Matters that Do Not Affect the Auditor’s Opinion (Modification of anAuditor’s Report Containing an Unqualified Opinion)

· Circumstances That May Result in Other Than an Unqualified Opinion

· Uncertainties Leading to Qualification of Opinions

· Communications with those Charged with Governance

Week 07

Substantive Testing and Audit Evidence

· The basic of evidence

· Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence

· Substantive Audit Procedures

· Audit Procedures for Obtaining Audit Evidence

Week 08

Mid Term

Week 09

Audit Sampling and Other Selective Testing Procedures

· Audit Evidence

· Selecting Items for Testing to Gather Audit Evidence

· Statistical versus non statistical sampling approaches

· Design of the sample

Week 10

Internal Controls

· Definition

· Basic elements of internal control

· Objectives of internal control

· Types of internal control

· Internal control and the auditor

Week 11

Understanding the Entity, Risk Assessment and Materiality

· Understanding, Assessing and Testing Internal Controls

· Understanding of Internal Controls and Documentation

· Assessing Control Risk

· Overall Responses to Assessed Risk

· Prepare Planning Memorandum and Audit Plan

· Tests of Controls

· Evaluate Sufficiency and Appropriateness of Audit Evidence

Week 12

Performing Substantive Procedures

Week 13

Testing Balance Sheet and Income Statement Accounts

Week 14

Internal Audit

· Internal audit and corporate governance

· Distinction between internal and external audit

· Scope of the internal audit function

· Internal audit reports

Week 15

Revision for Exam

Recommended Text Book

 Rick Hayes, Roger Dassen. Principles of Auditing: An Introduction to International Standards on Auditing. (Latest Edition). Prentice Hall.

Recommended Reference book

1. Auditing principle and techniques by S.K Basu

2. Principles of auditing by khawajaamjadsaeed

3. Auditing by ArensLoeBbecke

4. Principle of Auditing by Javid H. Zuberi