· web viewmultiplication word problems read the word problems carefully, underline or circle the...

Letter for Year 2 Mrs Horton’s class: 25 th January 2021 Dear children and parents, Wow, another great week! I am very impressed with the English and maths work that you have been doing, and your work in other subjects too. We have made some super progress in subtraction this week, and I have really enjoyed reading your information about the Wright brothers. Fabulous facts! Our home learning journey is becoming much more familiar to us all now as we approach week 4; well done everyone who is making such a brilliant effort. It is great seeing so many of you every day via Zoom, and the children who are attending school in their bubble are working very hard too! This letter includes your home learning for the week beginning Monday 25 th January. All resources have been posted on Google Classroom ready for you. As you know, we are keen to facilitate continued sharing of work, feedback and praise and we are now able to do this via Google Classroom. Your child will be able to ‘turn in’ some work via Google Classroom this week. Please aim for a piece of English (perhaps a piece of extended writing) and a piece of maths (perhaps Thursday’s task which is the most challenging) if you can. Our [email protected] email is now primarily for queries from parents and we will continue to do our best to support you with any questions you may have. Please can all children remember to bring some home learning to share during Friday’s Zoom call. We will now only share additional items if they are a special project such as art or craft. Happy news! Well done our class - we won the ‘Battle of the Bands’ on ttrockstars again this week! Your next Year 2 battle starts … NOW! Let’s make it 3 weeks in a row!

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Post on 26-Jan-2021




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Letter for Year 2 Mrs Horton’s class: 25th January 2021

Dear children and parents,

Wow, another great week! I am very impressed with the English and maths work that you have been doing, and your work in other subjects too. We have made some super progress in subtraction this week, and I have really enjoyed reading your information about the Wright brothers. Fabulous facts!

Our home learning journey is becoming much more familiar to us all now as we approach week 4; well done everyone who is making such a brilliant effort. It is great seeing so many of you every day via Zoom, and the children who are attending school in their bubble are working very hard too! This letter includes your home learning for the week beginning Monday 25th January. All resources have been posted on Google Classroom ready for you.

As you know, we are keen to facilitate continued sharing of work, feedback and praise and we are now able to do this via Google Classroom. Your child will be able to ‘turn in’ some work via Google Classroom this week. Please aim for a piece of English (perhaps a piece of extended writing) and a piece of maths (perhaps Thursday’s task which is the most challenging) if you can. Our [email protected] email is now primarily for queries from parents and we will continue to do our best to support you with any questions you may have. Please can all children remember to bring some home learning to share during Friday’s Zoom call. We will now only share additional items if they are a special project such as art or craft.

Happy news!

Well done our class - we won the ‘Battle of the Bands’ on ttrockstars again this week!

Your next Year 2 battle starts … NOW! Let’s make it 3 weeks in a row!

Please come and join in our afternoon zoom meetings if you can …

On Monday afternoon, you are invited to get creative and join in with an Art workshop. All you will need to bring is:

· a square piece of paper (20cm x 20cm is about the right size) any colour you like.

· some scraps of paper in other colours

· scissors

· a glue stick

On Tuesday afternoon, we are going to continue with our story-time sessions. I cannot wait to find out what happens next in Fantastic Mr Fox – can you? Remember to bring some snugglies with you.

Please note, the additional Zoom meetings are optional.

It has also been brought to our attention that the BBC has launched Blue Peter on YouTube and it is free to subscribe.  Have a look and see what you think.

This week’s ‘WOWs!’ go to …

Our brilliant bubble children … The bubble teachers at school have been telling me how proud they are of the children working with them. They are also seeing fantastic work and they are really enjoying working with you. Well done to all children attending bubbles in school!

Our amazing Zoomers … Well done to all of the regular zoomers – you are all amazing children, and I am very proud of you! Well done to all of you who took part in the Big Quiz on Monday afternoon, we had some excellent scores.

Our super story time fans … It’s important to work hard but it is also important to relax, so on Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed the first few chapters of Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. Well done everyone who listened carefully and enjoyed the story. Don’t forget, I am looking for volunteers in a few weeks’ time to read a story of your choice to the audience on zoom.

Our ttRockstars superstars … I am so proud that our class won this weeks’ battle of the bands again, great job everyone who had a go. A big congratulations to Maisie who scored the most points, and also Evie, Liam, Avery, Poppy, Ethan H and Jessica who all achieved super scores and contributed to our win. Excellent work children!

Keep up the good work everybody and let’s have another fabulous week.

My very best wishes to you and your families,

from Mrs Horton

Date: Monday 25th January

Daily English:

Daily Maths:

Unit - Connecting with others

Listen to the story, ‘Under The Same Sky’. Read by Tom Hardy on CBeebies.


Task: Think about someone you would like to connect with at the moment. Maybe …

· someone in your family who you are missing at the moment

· someone you want to thank for doing an important job (e.g. a key worker, Mrs Mander – who is working hard to keep all of us safe and challenging us to carry on with our learning)

· someone who is by themselves (e.g. a neighbour who your family know).

Choose a person who you want to write a letter to:

Use the Planner and jot down some brief ideas.

· what you want to tell them, e.g. what you have been doing for home learning, what you have been playing or reading or making

· perhaps you want to ask them a question

· a statement of good wishes to them

Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Today your task is to fill in the missing numbers on the number tracks. You will need to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Some children will just count in 2s. Most children will try counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Date: Tuesday 26th January

Daily English:

Daily Maths:

Task: Use your planning notes to write your letter to the person you have chosen.

You can use the ‘Under the Same Sky Writing sheet’ or you can use your own.

Include a picture, if you would like to.

Challenge: Post your letter.

Choose which success criteria to use.

You can fill in the success criteria as you write. Or you could write independently and then work with a grown-up to evaluate your writing and see which challenges you have met.

Remember to refer to the phonics mats and common exception words to support your spelling attempts.


Please find today’s maths task on MyMaths.

Date: Wednesday 27th January

Daily English:

Daily Maths:

Task: Choose a SPAG task - verbs or adverbs - to complete.


Firstly, try the multiplication questions using your knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Then most children will try solving other multiplication calculations by drawing arrays.

Date: Thursday 28th January

Daily English:

Daily Maths:

SPAG Task: Do you love non-fiction texts and learning real facts? Wait until it is dark and then go outside with a grown-up and look at the sky. What can you see? What is out there?

Create some noun phrases about the sky at night and then write them as compound sentences in your description. Maybe research some interesting facts on the internet about the solar system and include them in your sentences too.

Multiplication Word Problems

Read the word problems carefully, underline or circle the important numbers, write a calculation to solve the problem.

Some children may try the ‘reasoning’ problems on the third page, other children may complete just page 1 and 2.

Date: Friday 29th January

optional English/Art

Daily Maths:

Catch up on any reading, spelling or SPAG work that you want to complete.

Or choose another activity from the list below.

Multiplication Dice Game

There are 3 games, each getting more difficult. Choose the most appropriate game for you and have a go at playing (with an older sibling or an adult).

If you don’t have a dice, there is a net on Google Classroom so you can make your own.

Daily Spelling:

Daily Reading:

Children who access Nessy:

· 10 to 20 minutes of Nessy

All other children:

· start learning this week’s spellings – see the spelling sheet posted on the website with this letter

New spellings will be posted each week. The spelling task will include suggested strategies for learning the spellings.

All children:

· choose a Bug Club book

Please remember, it is really important to talk about your reading with a grownup to check your understanding. Revisit your Bug Club books to improve your fluency and understanding.

· or you might enjoy choosing a book from the

e-library on home.oxfordowl.co.uk

· or you might enjoy choosing a Book Trust book https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Remember to keep working to learn the common exception words if that is part of your reading challenge as well.

Optional extra challenge for readers aiming to be ‘secure’ or higher: Please read the ‘Reading Challenge: Meanings of words.’

Daily Mental Maths:

Optional daily PE:

Mental Maths:

Use ‘Hit The Button’ to practise your knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20.


Have a you visited Mathszone? It full of super resources to support your learning in Maths.


You might like Save The Whale.


Use ttrockstars to improve your recall of times tables, including 2, 5 and 10.


If you like a ‘speed’ challenge, download one of the minute strips sheets that have been posted in the Year 2 toolkit on Google Classroom.

Perhaps you would like to dance this week …





You might enjoy being in the audience too…



Joe Wicks has also relaunched his ‘PE with Joe’ and he will be leading live workouts online on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Optional SPAG:

Optional PSHE/RHE and story-time:

There are two verb-related challenges to complete.

SPAG challenge Verbs

SPAG challenge Adverbs

Do a ‘mindful’ challenge. These can help you to feel calm and give your mind a break during your busy day. Take your pencil for a little walk then colour it in.

Lie down, close your eyes and do a mindful body scan. https://www.mindful.org/mindfulness-for-kids/#activities

Story-time with a focus on self-worth: Watch The Hueys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmry14iqC7E and talk about the story with your grown-up. Is it okay to be different? What is special about you?

Complete the I Am An Amazing Person challenge.

Design your own jumper on the Huey challenge and annotate the Huey with all the things that are brilliant and special about you.

Optional Computing:

Optional Science:

Online Safety

Wonderful Websites? Task –

Look carefully at the different websites, cut them out and stick them on the sorting sheet in the correct column. Think carefully about whether they would be safe for children to use or not.


Try our ‘Use of Materials’ challenge – see if you can identify some different objects when you are having your daily exercise. Try to identify what material they are made of.

Optional Music:

Why not improve your singing and learn some songs with ‘Sing Up.’


Try some crazy songs … Alice The Camel

Hey, My Name Is Joe (you might know the actions from Music lessons with Mr McFarlane)

Little Green Frog (you might know the actions from Music lessons with Mr McFarlane)


You could even invite your friends to Zoom or FaceTime and sing along together.

Optional Art:

We know lots of children are missing spending time with friends at the moment.

Your Art challenge is to create a Friendship chain to celebrate all of the special friends you have.

You could decorate each person on the paper chain as one of your special friends.

On the back of the person you could write words to describe them and why they are such as special friend. I’m sure your friends would love to see your chain during a Friday Zoom call.