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Sem I Office Management and Computer Application BUSINESS CORRESSPONDENCE CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION:- In our day to-day life we exchange our ideas, thoughts and other information with our friends, relatives and other people. Sometimes we directly talk to them and sometimes we also write letters to them. In letters we express our feelings in a few words, we may ask for any information or we may write about a complaint in connection with our problems. Similarly businessmen also exchange ideas, information by writing letters. They communicate business information to customers, suppliers and others and at the same time receive a variety of letters from them. In this lesson let us know about different types of letters used in the process of business transactions. MEANING:- Communication through exchange of letters is known as correspondence. We communicate our feelings, thoughts etc. to our friends and relatives through letters that may be called personal correspondence. A Businessman also writes and receives letters in his day to-day transactions, which may be called business correspondence. Business correspondence or business letter is a written communication between two parties. Businessmen may write letters to supplier of goods and also receive letters from the suppliers. Customers may write letters to businessmen seeking information about availability of goods, price, quality, sample etc. or place order for purchase of goods. Thus, business letters may be defined as a media or means through which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities. IMPORTANCE:- Now-a-days business operations are not restricted to any locality, state or nation. Today production takes place in one area but consumption takes 1

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In our day to-day life we exchange our ideas, thoughts and other information with our friends, relatives and other people. Sometimes we directly talk to them and sometimes we also write letters to them. In letters we express our feelings in a few words, we may ask for any information or we may write about a complaint in connection with our problems. Similarly businessmen also exchange ideas, information by writing letters. They communicate business information to customers, suppliers and others and at the same time receive a variety of letters from them. In this lesson let us know about different types of letters used in the process of business transactions.

MEANING:-Communication through exchange of letters is known as correspondence. We communicate our feelings, thoughts etc. to our friends and relatives through letters that may be called personal correspondence. A Businessman also writes and receives letters in his day to-day transactions, which may be called business correspondence. Business correspondence or business letter is a written communication between two parties. Businessmen may write letters to supplier of goods and also receive letters from the suppliers. Customers may write letters to businessmen seeking information about availability of goods, price, quality, sample etc. or place order for purchase of goods. Thus, business letters may be defined as a media or means through which views are expressedand ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities.

IMPORTANCE:-Now-a-days business operations are not restricted to any locality, state or nation. Today production takes place in one area but consumption takes place everywhere. Since the businessmen as well as customers live in far off places they don’t have sufficient time to contact each other personally. Thus, there arises the need for writing letters. In the past the situation was not so. Business letters were not essential in olden days. But now the importance of letters has increased because of vast expansion of business, increase in demand as well as supply of goods.

The importance of business letters:-

i) Help in maintaining proper relationshipNow-a-days business activities are not confined to any one area or locality. The businessmen as well as customers are scattered throughout the country. Thus, there is a need to maintain proper relationship among them by using appropriate means of communication. Here business letters play an important role. The customers can write letters to the businessman seeking information about products and businessmen also supply various information to customers. This helps them to carry on business on national and international basis.

ii) Inexpensive and convenient mode


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Though there are other modes of communication like telephone, telex, fax, etc. but business information can be provided and obtained economically and conveniently through letters.

iii) Create and maintain goodwillSometimes business letters are written to create and enhance goodwill. Businessmen at times send letters to enquire about complaints and suggestions of their customers. They also send letters to inform the customers about the availability of a new product, clearance sale etc. All this results in cordial relations with the customers, which enhances the goodwill of the business.

iv) Serves as evidenceWe cannot expect a trader to memorise all facts and figures in a conversation that normally takes place among businessmen. Through letters, he can keep a record of all facts. Thus, letters can serve as evidence in case of dispute between two parties.

v) Help in expansion of businessBusiness requires information regarding competing products, prevailing prices, promotion, market activities, etc. If the trader has to run from place to place to get information, he will end up doing nothing. It will simply result in loss of time. But through business letters, he canMake all enquiries about the products and the markets. He can also receive orders from different countries and, thus enhance sales.


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Essential Qualities of a Good Business Letter

A letter should serve the purpose for which it is written. If a businessman writes a letter to the supplier for purchase of goods, the letter should contain all the relevant information relating to the product, mode of payment, packaging, transportation of goods, etc. clearly and specifically. Otherwise, there will be confusion that may cause delay in getting the goods. Again the quality of paper used in the letter, its size, colour etc. also need special attention, because it creats a positive impression in the mind of the receiver. We may classify the qualities of a good business letter as:

a. Inner Qualities; andb. Outer Qualities

a) Inner Qualities – The inner qualities of a good business letter refer to the quality of language, its presentation, etc. These facilitate quick processing of the request and that leads to prompt action. Let us discuss the various inner qualities of a good business letter.

(i) Simplicity - Simple and easy language should be used for writing business letters. Difficult words should be strictly avoided, as one cannot expect the reader to refer to the dictionary every time while reading letter.

(ii) Clarity - The language should be clear, so that the receive will understand the message immediately, easily and correctly. Ambiguous language creates confusion. The letter will serve the purpose if the receiver understands it in the same manner in which it is intended by the sender.

(iii) Accuracy - The statements written in the letter should be accurate to, the best of the sender’s knowledge. Accuracy demands that there are no errors in the usage of language - in grammar, spellings, punctuations etc. An accurate letter is always appreciated.

(iv) Completeness - A complete letter is one that provides all necessary information to the users. For example, while sending an order we should mention the desirable features of the goods, i.e., their quality, shape, colour, design, quantity, date of delivery, mode of transportation, etc.

(v) Relevance - The letter should contain only essential information. Irrelevant information should not be mentioned while sending any business correspondence.

(vi) Courtesy - Courtesy wins the heart of the reader. In business letters, courtesy can be shown/expressed by using words like please, thank you, etc.

(vii) Neatness - A neat letter is always impressive. A letter either handwritten or typed should be neat and attractive in appearance. Overwriting and cuttings should be avoided.

b) Outer Qualities –

The outer qualities of a good business letter refers to theappearance of the letter. It includes the quality of paper used, colour of the paper, size of the paper etc. Good quality paper gives a favourable impression in the mind of the reader. It also helps in documenting the letters properly. Let us discuss the various outer qualities of a good business letter.


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(i) Quality of paper - The paper used should be in accordance with the economic status of the firm. Now-a-days the cost of the paper is very high. Therefore, good paper should be used for original copy and ordinary paper may be used for duplicate copy.

(ii) Colour of the Paper - It is better to use different colours for different types of letters, so that the receiver will identify the letters quickly and prompt action can be taken.

(iii) Size of the paper - Standard size paper (A4) should be used while writing business letters. The size of the paper should be in accordance with the envelopes available in the market.

(iv) Folding of letter- The letter should be folded properly and uniformly. Care should be taken to give minimum folds to the letter so that it will fit the size of the envelope. If window envelope is used then folding should be done in such a way that the address of the receiver is clearly visible through the transparent part of the envelope.

(v) Envelope - The size and quality of the envelope also need special attention. The size of the letter should fit the size of the letters. The business firms use different types of envelopes i.e., ordinary envelope, window envelope, laminated envelope Business Correspondence etc. In window envelope there is no need to write the address of the receiver separately on the envelope. It is clearly visible through the transparent part on the face of the envelope, which may be called as window. In laminated envelope a thin plastic sheet or cloth is pasted on the inner side that gives extra protection to letters from being damaged during transit.

Parts of a Business Letter

We have discussed above the qualities of a good business letter. The quality will be maintained if we give proper attention to each and every part of the letter. Let us now learn about the different parts of a business letter.

The essential parts of a business letter are as follows:

1. Heading -The heading of a business letter usually contains the name and postal address of the business, E-mail address, Web-site address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, Trade Mark or logo of the business (if any)

2. Date - The date is normally written on the right hand side corner after the heading as the day, month and years. Some examples are 28th Feb., 2003 or Feb. 28, 2003.

3. Reference- It indicates letter number and the department from where the letter is being sent and the year. It helps in future reference. This reference number is given on the left hand corner after the heading. For example, we can write reference number as AB/FADept./2003/27.

4. Inside address - This includes the name and full address of the person or the firm to whom the letter is to be sent. This is written on the left hand side of the sheet below the reference number. Letters should be addressed to the responsible head e.g., the Secretary, the Principal, the Chairman, the Manager etc. Example:


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M/S Bharat FansBharat ComplexHyderabad Industrial ComplexHyderabadAndhra Pradesh - 500032The Chief Manager,State Bank of IndiaUtkal University CampusBhubaneswar,Orissa- 751007

5. Subject - It is a statement in brief, that indicates the matter to which the letter relates. It attracts the attention of the receiver immediately and helps him to know quickly what the letter is about. For example,

Subject: Your order No. C317/8 dated 12th March 2003.Subject: Enquiry about Samsung televisionSubject: Fire Insurance policy

6. Salutation - This is placed below the inside address. It is usually followed by a comma (,). Various forms of salutation are:

Sir/Madam: For official and formal correspondenceDear Sir/Madam: For addressing an individualDear Sirs/Dear Madam: For addressing a firm or company.

7. Body of the letter- This comes after salutation. This is the main part of the letter and it contains the actual message of the sender. It is divided into three parts.

(a) Opening part - It is the introductory part of the letter. In this part, attention of the reader should be drawn to the previous correspondence, if any. For example with reference to your letter no. 326 dated. 12th March 2003, I would like to draw your attention towards the new brand of television.

(b) Main part - This part usually contains the subject matter of the letter. It should be precise and written in clear words.

(c) Concluding Part - It contains a statement the of sender’s intentions, hopes or expectations concerning the next step to be taken. Further, the sender should always look forward to getting a positive response. At the end, terms like Thanking you, with regards, With warm regards may be used.

8. Complimentary close - It is merely a polite way of ending a letter. It must be in accordance with the salutation. For example:

Salutation Complementary closei. Dear Sir/Dear Madam Yours faithfullyii. Dear Mr. Raj Yours sincerelyiii. My Dear Akbar Yours very sincerely (express very informalrelations.)


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9. Signature - It is written in ink, immediately below the complimentary close. As far as possible, the signature should be legible. The name of the writer should be typedImmediately below the signature. The designation is given below the typed name. Where no letterhead is in use, the name of the company too could be included below the designation of the writer. For example:

Yours faithfullyFor M/S Acron Electricals(Signature)SUNIL KUMARPartner

10. Enclosures - This is required when some documents like cheque, draft, bills, receipts, lists, invoices etc. are attached with the letter. These enclosures are listed one by one in serial numbers. For example :

Encl : (i) The list of goods received(ii) A cheque for Rs. One Thousand dtt. Feb. 27,2003 (Cheque No........)towards payment for goods supplied.

11. Copy circulation - This is required when copies of the letter are also sent to persons apart of the addressee. It is denoted as C.C. For example,

C.C. i. The Chairman, Electric Supply Corporationii. The Director, Electric Supply Corporationiii. The Secretary, Electric Supply Corporation

12. Post script - This is required when the writer wants to add something, which is not included in the body of the letter. It is expressed as P.S. For example,

P.S. - In our offer, we provide two years warranty.

Format of a Business Letter

Tel. Name of the firm E-mail:Fax. Postal Address Website:Ref. Dated:ToName andaddress of the person to whom letter is sentSubject:Salutation,_______________________________________________________________Opening part _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Business Studies162____________________________________________________________________Main part ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.____________________________________________________________________Concluding part ______________________________________________________


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_______________________________________________________.Complementary closeSignature(name)DesignationEnclosuresCCPS

Type of Business Letters

Business letters are written for the fulfillment of several purposes. The purpose may be to enquire about a product to know its price and quality, availability, etc. This purpose is served if you write a letter of enquiry to the supplier. After receiving your letter the supplier may send you details about the product as per your query. If satisfied, you may give order for supply of goods as per your requirement. After receiving the items, if you find that the product is defective or damaged, you may lodge a complaint. These are the few instances in which business correspondence takes place. Let us learn the details about some important business letters.

i. Business Enquiry LetterSometimes prospective buyers want to know the details of the goods which they want to buy, like quality, quantity, price, mode of delivery and payment, etc. They may also ask for a sample. The letter written to sellers with one or more of the above purposes is known as enquiry letter.

Specimen of Business Enquiry Letter

M/s Acron Electricals Main Road 22/c,Darya Ganj, New Delhi-2Tel. 23241053

E-mail: [email protected].: 23244155 Website: http://www.acronelc.comFax.Dated: July 27,2002Ref. PR/F/2002/27

M/s Bharat FansBharat ComplexHyderabad Industrial EstateHyderabad - 500032Subject: Enquiry about the prices of fansDear Sir,We are dealing in retail trade of electrical appliances. We would be interested in selling your product, Bharat Fans through our retail showroom. Could you, therefore, send us your quotations and let us know the terms and conditions of payment.Thanking you,Yours faithfully,For M/s Acron ElectricalsSd/-(A.B.Kumar)


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Points to be kept in mind while writing letters of enquiry-– Letters of enquiry should clearly state the information required, which may be askingfor a price list or a sample.– Write specifically about the design, size, quantity, quality, etc. about the product orservice in which the buyer is interested.The period or the date, till which information is required, may also be mentioned.

ii. Quotation LetterAfter receiving the letter of enquiry from a prospective buyer, the sellers supply the relevant information by writing a letter that is called quotation letter. These letters are written keeping in view the information asked for like price list, mode of payment, discount to be allowed etc. Businessman should reply to the inquiries carefully and promptly.

Specimen of Quotation Letter

M/s Bharat Fans Bharat Complex Hyderabad Industrial EstateHyderabad - 500032

Tel. 508632-35 E-mail: [email protected]. 508600 Website: http://www.bhfan.comDated: August 10,2002Ref.-SL/F/2002/12M/s Acron Electricals22/c, Main RoadDarya Ganj, New Delhi-2Subject: Your letter No. PR/F/2002/27 dated July 27, 2002Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of enquiry. We would be glad to meet your requirements of selling our fan in your retail showroom Our quotations are given in the price list enclosed. We offer 10% discount on order above Rs.50,000. Besides, we allow a grace period of 45 days for payment of dues to our regular customers. We are confident that you will find our prices competitive and our terms and conditions reasonable. We look forward to meeting your requirements.Thanking you,Yours faithfully,For M/s Bharat FansSd/-(Des Gupta)Encl: Price List & Terms and Conditions Sales Manager

iii. Order LetterIn the previous section, we have studied about letters of enquiry and reply to enquiry i.e., quotation letter. The prospective buyer after receiving the reply to his enquiry letter may decide to place on order with that business house which offers goods at minimum price and at favourable terms and conditions. Letters written by a buyer to the seller giving the order to purchase the goods is called order letter.


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Specimen of Order Letter

M/s Acron Electricals Main Road Darya Ganj, New Delhi-2

Tel. 3241053 E-mail: [email protected]. 3244155 22/c, Website: http://www.acronelc.comDated: August 22,2002Ref. PR/F/2002/32M/s Bharat FansBharat ComplexHyderabad Industrial EstateHyderabad - 500032

Subject: Your letter of quotation No. SL/F/2002/12 dated August 10,2002Dear Sir,Many thanks for your prompt reply to our enquiry letter of July 27, 2002. As we find your prices and terms quite reasonable, we wish to place a trial order as per the list enclosed.As pointed out in our enquiry letter, quality is important. Should the goods meet our expectations, substantial orders will follow.Payment will be made within the time limit prescribed in your quotation letter.Thanking You,Yours faithfully,For M/s Acron ElectricalSd/-(A.B.Kumar)Encl: Order List Partner

iv. Complaint LetterA complaint letter is written when the purchaser does not find the goods upto his satisfaction. It is normally written by the purchaser when he receives wrong, defective or damaged goods or receives incorrect quantity of goods. It can also be written directly to the transit authority when the goods are damaged in transit. Thus, we may define a letter of complaint as the letter that draws the attention of the supplier or any other party on account of supplyof defective or damaged goods.

Points to be considered while writing a complaint letter-Complaint letters should be written immediately after receiving the defective goods.Mistakes as well as difficulty due to mistake should be mentioned clearlyProposal to correct the mistakes should be madeSuggestions on how the complaint should be dealt with, i.e., mention of compensation,replacement, discount, cancellation etc, should be made.Mention period in which the corrective action should be taken

Request to be careful in future.

Specimen of Complaint LetterM/s Acron Electricals 22/c, Main Road


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Darya Ganj, New Delhi-2

Tel. 3241053 E-mail: [email protected]. 3244155 Website: http://www.acronelc.com

Dated: September 5, 2002Ref. PR/F/2002/27

M/s Bharat FansBharat ComplexHyderabad Industrial EstateHyderabad – 500032

Subject: Complaint regarding fansDear Sir,I would like to draw your attention to the fact that some fans are found missing in the parcel, dispatched by you, which I received today. It appears that the following items were not included.Bharat fan super quality 3 (Three)Bharat fan standard 2 (Two)We will appreciate if the above fans are sent to us or the amount credited to our account.Yours faithfullyFor M/s Acron ElectricalSd/-(A.B.Kumar)Partner

v. Recovery LetterThe letter written by the seller for collection of money for the goods supplied to the buyer is called recovery letter. The aim of recovery letter is to collect money without annoying the customers. The letter should include information regarding the amount of arrears argumentfor payment, and last date for payment. The language of recovery letter should be polite, so that the customer is not offended and future transactions with him are not adversely affected.

Specimen of Recovery letter

M/s Bharat Fans Bharat ComplexHyderabad Industrial EstateHyderabad - 500032

Tel. 508632-35 E-mail: [email protected]. 508600 Website: http://www.bhfan.com

Dated: December 10,2002Ref.-SL/F/2002/12

M/s Acron Electricals22/c, Main RoadDarya Ganj, New Delhi-2Subject: Recovery of dues


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Dear Sir,We believe that the payment of our bill No. 1713 dated September 2,2002 must have escaped your attention. As the payment is due since long, we would appreciate if you send us your cheque immediately. Please let us know whether payment is being withheld for some special reasons.Thanking you,Yours faithfully,For M/s Bharat FansSd/-(Des Gupta)Sales Manager


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Business inquiries are questions with regards to business. For example asking a company for more information

about a product or service you are planning on purchasing is a business inquiry. If you are emailing somebody

you may be interested in doing business with about doing business, then you are inquiring about doing business.


An enquiry letter should clearly state what the information required is. If the buyer has a particular article or

service in mind, he should spell it out clearly. The letter should have clarity. It should also be complete. All

details regarding the product, its quality, price, the quantity that can be supplied, the mode of despatch its cost

etc., should be enquired into. Sometimes, the potential buyer may not have any idea on the purchase that he

intends to make. The technical features that will satisfy his requirement may not be familiar to the writer. Then

the buyer should clearly state the service that he expects from product and request the recipient to suggest

alternatives that will provide the required service. The buyer should word the letter cautiously so that the seller,

under some misperception, does not treat it as an order. He should indicate at the beginning itself that it is just

an enquiry.


a) We will be glad if you can send us the catalogue / brochure / price list….

b) We require some information on…

c) We are planning to buy……

d) Please provide us with information on…

Some of the above beginnings act as a caution to he receiver and will prevent hasty conclusions that it is a firm

offer to buy. So, an enquiry letter should be drafted carefully so that it is not misunderstood. The concluding


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portion of an enquiry letter should clearly state that the buyer is seeking only information on the product /

service available with the seller in unmistakable terms. Te letter should also imply that an order would follow if

terms are favourable.

Points to be Remembered while writing a letter of enquiry

a. Give a detailed account of the exact type of product / service required. If the writer is not conversant with

options available, he should not hesitate to ask them from the seller / dealer.

b. Probable quantity required and the time-frame for the supply of the product / service.

c. The seller’s terms on credit, discounts, transit, packaging etc., should be enquired into.

d. Opening sentences to indicate the reasons for the enquiry.

e. Closing sentences to request an early reply for the enquiry to be transformed into an order in future.

f. Care should be taken to prevent the recipient from misconstruing the enquiry as an order in future


A quotation is also often known as a quote. It is a document that a supplier will submit to a potential client that lists the proposed prices for the supplier's goods or services. The quotation is normally created based on certain conditions stipulated by the client.

Generally, if the supplier had fixed rates, there would be no need for a quotation. Therefore, a quotation is often required for services but is also commonly used by businesses that sell goods.

By sending the quotation to the potential client, the supplier is committing to the proposed price. The quotation, then, is quite different from an estimate, as an estimate is not binding for the supplier. Because the quotation is binding, it should take into consideration all the costs associated with the job and be calculated with a markup in order for the business to make a profit.

Quotations usually include quite a bit of details. In the quotation, the supplier will include a breakdown of the factors that have led to the specific price, such as taxes/VAT, material costs, labor, etc. Also included is the time frame for when a service will be completed or for when the goods will be delivered.

Quotations may often also include the time period for when it is valid (after the period is expired, a new quotation will be required), as well as a clarification of changes in price due to adjustments or modifications to the original invoice.


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A catalogue is a list of things such as the goods you can buy from a particular company, the objects in a

museum, or the books in a library.


The letter that is written in response to the inquiry letter, it is called reply letter to inquiry. In a broader way, when the receiver of an inquiry letter writes a reply letter to the original sender, it is known as reply letter to inquiry. This letter provides the reader or inquirer with the information relating to persons, products and enterprises. The reply letter may contain favorable news (positive information) or unfavorable news (negative information).

In the opinion of Quibe, “Letters of reply to inquires are messages that provide the reader with information about products, services and persons.

The reply to a letter of inquiry should be timely. Delay in response may reduce the utility of information. However, if reply cannot be provided immediately, a letter of acknowledgement can be sent mentioning the expected response date.

The reply to personal inquiry letter may contain either positive information of negative information. Whatever the nature of reply is, it contains some general contents along with particular positive or negative opinion. The following contents are generally included in reply to personal status inquiry letter:

Acknowledging the letter of the inquirer. That means, acceptance of the letter of inquiry should be mentioned.

Name, address and other particulars of the person of whom information is provided. Providing specific information as asked by inquirer. Information supplied should be accurate and relevant

whether it is positive or negative. Providing additional information that may help the enquirer to make a better decision. The replier should not put his own assumptions with the facts. A statement expressing the intention not to take any liability resulting from future transactions with the

person. Requesting the enquirer to keep information secret. Giving assurance of providing further help in future. Expressing soreness if the information supplied goes against the prospective candidate. Using simple and unambiguous words and sentences. Wishing inquirer’s business prosperity with thanks. Mentioning the name, position and address of the information provider.


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An order letter is usually written to assign orders or place order of goods. The letter is written in a very precise

and specific manner. Order letters are quite common and are written on daily basis. The language of the letter

however is formal and everything is written in a standard format. If you need to write an order letter, you can

have a look at the below mentioned sample and get an idea about how to write it.

Order Letter Writing Tips:

Write the letter in a precise manner Make sure you keep the language of the letter formal and easy so that the reader does not find it difficult

to read If you are writing the letter to place order make sure you do not make any mistakes Avoid making spelling and grammar errors Do not deviate mid way from the topic while writing the letter Write the letter in a polite and apt manner




Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)



Subject: Order Letter15

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Dear _____(Sir or Madam)

I ……………..(name of the person) am writing this letter to you …………..(name of the receiver) to place an order for goods for our ongoing project. Actually we had ordered enough goods for our work, however the quantitly seems very less now and hence we require more goods for our work to be completed soon. The attached list of goods with this letter will tell you precisely our requirement of goods. Hope you send it as soon as possible so that our work can continue without any halt.

Hoping to receive the said order soon without any delay, also the payment for the same would be done soon.

Thanking you,

Yours Truly,

Name of the person


Sign of the person


A follow-up letter is an important form of communication in a range of situations. After a job interview, or a great business meeting, or even after making a good business contact at a trade show, a follow-up letter is an effective means of consolidating a relationship between you and the intended recipient. It provides a platform for continued communication, and also to accent certain points discussed at the previous meeting. A well written follow-up letter, free of English grammar and spelling errors, can make all the difference to your success.

As a follow-up letter is usually written during the early stages of a relationship, the writing style needs to be fairly formal. Thorough proofreading is absolutely essential to the success of your letter. So, before you even sit down to begin writing, make sure you have the English tools available to make the letter worth sending. At a minimum, this means a quality grammar checking tool, and a comprehensive spell checker. A good dictionary is also essential. WhiteSmoke gives you all this and a whole lot more in a seamlessly integrated interface.

Let's consider some tips to help you write a better follow-up letter in any situation:

1. Use a follow-up letter to re-iterate your attributes, and the positive dimensions of a new relationship for each party. If you are representing your business, you can make a short sales pitch. If you are applying for a job, remind the potential employer of your key skills.


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2. Don't cover old ground: offer new insights to add to your appeal.3. Make sure your follow-up letter is sent within 2 days of the meeting or interview; this will help keep

things fresh, and promote continuity between your performance at the interview and your letter.4. In your follow up letter, indicate how you want to proceed from this point.5. Do not convey any negative sentiments in your follow-up letter.


Purchase Order Acceptance Letter

[Your Name][Your Address][Your Contact Information][Date]

[Recipient Name] [Recipient Address]

Dear [Recipient Name],

This letter is to confirm our acceptance of purchase order number [123456] which we received on [15 July 2015]. We are truly excited to do business with you and thank you for putting your trust in our products and services.

Your order has been placed and delivery is expected on [20 September 2015]. Should you have any queries regarding your order, please call our customer support number or get in touch with me directly.

Looking forward to a long and successful partnership.


Meaning of order refusal letter:

When seller writes a letter to the customer expressing his inability to supply the ordered goods, it is known as order refusal letter. Although sellers expect more and more orders from customers, they may not entertain all the orders placed by customers. In some cases, sellers reject orders. In that situation, they need to write order refusal letter. Thus, order refusal letter informs the customer that the seller could not grant his order.

Though refusing order is an un-friendly business practice, the sellers often do so. Such refusal may arise due to various reasons such as, legal restriction on delivering goods to some specific locations, shortage of stock, suspicion about buyer’s financial credibility etc. whatever is the cause of refusing order, the language of the letter should be courteous and friendly.



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Purchase Order Cancellation Letter (Individual)

Name of consumer

Address of consumer

City, State, Zip Code


Name of Company

Address of Company

City, State, Zip Code

RE: Cancellation of order number NUMBER

Dear Sir/Madam:

This letter is to formally inform you that I am cancelling order number NUMBER and request a full refund. The

amount of the order is DOLLAR AMOUNT. I placed the order on DATE. Enclosed is a copy of the invoice.

The items on the order to be cancelled are:

• Three light blue T-shirts, size L, inventory number NUMBER

• One beige tunic, long sleeved, size L, inventory number NUMBER

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I expect written confirmation of this cancellation from you and to

see a full refund within 10 working days. If you have any questions, I can be reached at [email protected] or at



Signature of consumer

Printed name of consumer

List of enclosures


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Letter written to bring these mistakes to the notice of those who must own the responsibilities for them are

called claim or complaint letters. So, when a letter is written to the seller by the buyer raising complaints or

claims regarding mistakes taken place during the order to payment period is called a claim or complaint letter

Dear Sirs,

Reference to our order no. ____________ of ____________ (Date) for ____________ meter. of ____________ (Item Name) which has not been received by us till date. We had very much pressed for an urgent delivery as an export order is pending with us but it seems our many requests have had no influence on your tardy working. We shall be glad to know when we may expect delivery. This delay on your part is causing us considerable embarrassment. Please intimate us on the phone the status of your delivery schedule as soon as you receive this letter. We may be forced to cancel the order and buy the required cloth from the local market if you fail to reply and cause any more delay.

It is now up to you to salvage our belied expectations.

Yours faithfully, (Your Name)

Reply to above

Dear Sirs,

We very much regret the delay and want to assure you that we have done our utmost to expedite the delivery in spite of the recent strike in our factory. We are sorry to have kept you waiting. We are aware of your urgent need and that’s why we have set aside many other orders. This season the demand for our linen has been unprecedentedly high. We trust this will convince you of our sincerity towards our customers. This is for the first time that we have been unable to execute your orders within the stipulated period.

We have already dispatched the goods today. In the meanwhile we want to assure you once again of our best cooperation, always.

Yours faithfully, (Your Name)

A. Complain of not receiving the order


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1. Referring to our of ____________ (Date) for 10 bales of raw wool, we regret to say that we have not yet received the same.

2. We refer to our order No. ____________ dated ____________, for a complete set of children’s encyclopedia.

3. As per our order No. ____________ of ____________we placed an order for 120 thermos flacks.

4. On ____________ (day) of last Month I sent you an order for a dozen of German – Hindi Dictionaries.

5. Please refer to our order No____________, ____________ (Date) for ____________ (No of toy guns and their cartridges).

B. Discuss the delay

1. There were promised within a week. We have been to a great inconvenience through this long delay.

2. We regret the fact that neither consignment nor any letter you has been received by us.

3. Over a month time has elapsed but goods ordered have not been received so far.

4. So far there is neither sign of the goods ordered nor any intimation from you.

5. You have information that the goods have been dispatched but they have not yet reached us.

6. We are sorry to write that the items ordered have not so far been received by us.

C. How the delay has affected you

1. The items are urgently needed by our customers. This delay may result in substantial business loss to us.

2. The non-delivery of goods has caused holding up our much business work.

3. We need these to keep our urgent commitments.

4. This delay has put us in a very awkward position.

5. We don’t know what explanation we should offer to our customers for this delay…

D. End by insisting on prompt service

1. Alternately we shall have to procure the good some other source.

2. We shall appreciate your urgent looking into the matter. Let us have yo’ur reply on phone.

3. We request you to comply with our order immediately.

4. In case you are unable to send the goods immediately let us know so that may make alternate arrangements.


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5. We shall be glad if you understand the urgency of the matter and let us know when may expect the items ordered.

6. We look forward to an early dispatch and intimation.

7. You remember while pi acing the order we have understand the importance of delivery latest by the end of the week.

A. Regret the delay

1. We regret the delay and can assure you that we have done our expedite delivery.

2. We are sorry to state your order No. ____________ dated _____________, was not received in time and therefore this delay.

3. We very much regret for the delay in executing your order but we want to assure you that this was due to some unavoidable circumstances.

4. Thank for your recent order but we regret our inability to execute the same because of strike in our mill.

5. Thank you for your order but the item you have asked for are at present out of stock.

B. Give the details how the order would reach the party

1. The heavy demands of these products have it impossible to deliver as promptly as we wish to do.

2. The desired items have however been today by V.P.P for an amount of ____________ (Amount) only.

3. In spite of our best efforts we could not dispatch the consignment earlier then today. We hope you will excuse us for this inconvenience caused to you.

4. We are sorry to write that your letter has not been received. Perhaps it got lost in transit and hence we request you for a fresh order.

5. You might have by now received our telegram informing about the delay in dispatch of our consignment.

6. You could not get the delivery perhaps because of delay in transit. We took special care to execute your order promptly.

C. Apologies for the inconvenience

1. We once again regret the delay and want assure you that your esteemed orders will at all times receive our utmost care and attention.

2. We may assure you once again of our best co-operation always.

3. Rest assured, we shall be glad to give first preference to your always.

4. We are taking immediate steps to dispatch the good at the earliest.


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5. We are taking up the matter of delay with railway authorities.

6. We assure you that no effort will be spared to guarantee any future delivery in time.

7. Once again we offer our apologies for the delay and want to assure you are doing our utmost to speed up the delivery.


Naresh Arun106 High RoadLlanelliCarmarthenshireWalesPC1 2MA

1 High RoadLlanelliCarmarthenshireWalesPC2 3MA

30 August 2018

Ref: 2015/63

Dear Sir or Madam,

Consumer Rights Act 2015

On 3 October 2015, you did the following work for me: Install a boiler and central heating system for the cost of £1200.

The goods supplied as part of this contract are not of satisfactory quality.

One of the radiators leaks and has ruined my carpet.

I enclose copies of photos of the damage to my carpets from the leaky radiator in support of my claim.

I would like you to replace the leaky radiator, and the other radiators that have all been painted using paint meant for walls and provide payment to cover for the cost of the damaged carpet.

Please respond to my complaint in the next 14 days. If you fail to respond or put the problem right in this time, I will have no option but to consider taking the matter further.

Yours faithfully

Naresh Arun


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Transfer of funds, usually from a buyer to a distant seller, instrument of transfer (such as a check or draft), or funds so transferred.

A remittance letter is a document sent by a customer, which is often a financial institution or other type of firm, to a creditor or supplier along with a payment to briefly explain what the payment is for so that the customer's account will be credited properly. Remittance letters are often used when the customer does not have a fully established account with the counterparty

Sending a Remittance Letter

A remittance letter can be used by customers in instances where there is no remittance slip accompanying an invoice or a bill. The customer should manually include information in the remittance letter what would otherwise be included on a remittance slip so that the supplier or vendor can appropriately credit the payment to the customer's account. Similar to the remittance slip, this information includes the customer's name, address, account number, balance due, due date, and invoice number. The customer should also include any other specific information they feel would be helpful to the supplier or vendor in crediting the payment appropriately.



This is to bring to your kind attention that your outstanding payment for the month of ____________ (Month) is yet to reach us. Your credit period of ____________ (Day) is already over. Kindly make the remittance of the Bill No. ____________ of ____________ (Amount) ____________ (Date) at the earliest.


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Looking forward to a positive response.

With Warm Regards,Manager Finance(Company Name)

Write a Suitable Reply in Your Capacity as the Dealer of (Company Name)

ToThe Finance Manager,(Company Name)(Address)


In reference to your letter ____________ (Date). I would like to intimate your good self that since the beginning of our business, this has been the first time that our payment has delayed. As you are also aware of the slump in the market, we will request you to give us some more time for the remittance of your payment. Your payment will reach you by ____________ (Month) end.

Your kind consideration in this matter will be appreciated.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely,(Your Name


Business collection letters usually adjust their tone to the amount of time an invoice is delinquent. While the primary goal of a collection letter is to persuade the customer to submit payment, the collection process shouldn't jeopardize the business relationship. Companies may use collection letters as the only means of communication when they attempt to collect past due invoices. Some might use them as a supplement to collection calls.

Just as you wouldn't send a form letter as a thank you letter, the process of writing a collection letter must be personalized as well. The writer should maintain a professional tone at all times, certainly, but the content should also:

Address the contact by name or with a Dear X. Reference the product or service purchased. Reinstate the terms of payment/sale, such as "Net 30" or "Due Upon Receipt." Express the precise date and method payment is due. Provide a "live body" for contact and questions. Thank the customer for their business.


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Have a real signature.

State these variables in a firm but polite way. It's also a good idea to attach a copy of the original invoice. Remember, anything could have happened to the invoice or, for that matter, the customer. How you've written the collection letter will support your case if further action needs to be taken to collect on the debt.

The First Request

September 21, 2006

Mark BlaineCustom Puppy Popsicles121 Dogwood LaneLincoln, NE 67893

Dear Mr. Blaine,

We are writing to inform you that we have yet to receivepayment for the 10,000 Popsicle sticks ordered on July21, 2006 and shipped on July 22, 2006.

Invoice number PS345Quantity 10,000Amount Due $2,285.00

As you may recall, our terms are Net 15 upon receipt oforder. Please process the invoice and submit payment tous by September 30, 2006. Your usual check payment willbe fine.

If you would like to set up a convenient credit cardwithdrawal for this order, or have any questions, pleasecontact Amy Montgomery on our toll-free number of 800-567-8734.

Thank you for your business.


Pamela ReynoldsAccounts Receivable ManagerWooden Novelties, Inc.

The Second Request

If there's a need to send another reminder letter, usually two weeks after the due date on the first letter, the tone can be more firm, especially if the debtor didn't make contact.

October 14, 2006Mark Blaine


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Custom Puppy Popsicles121 Dogwood LaneLincoln, NE 67893

Dear Mr. Blaine,

This is the second request for payment for the 10,000Popsicle sticks ordered on July 21, 2006 and shipped onJuly 22, 2006. Please see the attached documents toreview the original invoice and first payment request.

As outlined in our Order Agreement, unpaid invoices thatare more than 45 days due incur a 20 percent penalty.Please note the new amount due below.

Invoice number PS345Quantity 10,000Amount Due $2,285.00 original invoice + 20 percent latepayment penalty = $2,742.00

Please process the invoice and submit payment to us byOctober 30, 2006. Your usual check payment will be fine.

If you would like to set up a convenient credit cardwithdrawal for this order, or have any questions, pleasecontact Amy Montgomery on our toll-free number of 800-567-8734.

We appreciate your attention to this matter. Do nothesitate to call if you have questions.


Pamela ReynoldsAccounts Receivable ManagerWooden Novelties, Inc.''


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Sales Letters Although the primary aim of sales letters or offers is publicity yet it is the most important written form of business communication. It reaches out to a large number of people interested in a particular product or service and turn them into buyers. Even if people are not interested in the product, them the aim of this letter is to make them interested in it. Starting with the assumption that the receiver may resist the offer, the sales letter has to be persuasive or powerful enough to make recipient act. They are unsolicited letters, mostly written by professional writers. The effectiveness of such letters depends on the writer’s ability to use language suited to his purpose that is above all to influence the recipient – his thinking, taste and behaviour. This is the aim of persuasion. Sales letters are, therefore, persuasive or indirect approach letters.

Sales letters are the best way for approaching to the prospective buyers indirectly. These letters are an easy and effective way of securing business. No other type of letter influences so many people or brings as big a return in terms of money as this letter.

Importance (Objectives) of Sales Letters:

Sales letters are part of the publicity – cum – advertisement campaign for a product or service. When compared to TV, Cinema, newspaper, magazines, handbills, direct marketing and window displays which are the other forms of publicity and advertisements, sales letters have the following advantages:

1. Personal touch: Sales letter can add a personal touch to advertising which is not possible in other forms of publicity and advertising. It also keeps the customers constantly in touch with the company and its products and services.

2. Direct communication: It can be sent directly to prospective customers.

3. No competition: The messages in the sales letters do not have to compete with other advertisements unlike TV and newspaper advertisements where ads of various competitors are shown.


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4. Goodwill: It creates and Maintain goodwill among the customer by offering quality products and services.

5. Convenience: Unlike TV and Cinema advertisements sales letters can be set aside and read later at leisure.

6. Cheaper: It is less costly as compared to other forms of advertisement.

7. Easy assessment of effect: As they are sent to a definite number of persons who are classified into demographic groups based on age, income, profession etc. their effect can be accurately measured.

8. Quick: Unlike sales representatives, sales letters get quick, direct access to the target person.

9. Wider Area: Sales letters that are posted can reach remote areas which are not possible in case of modern means of advertising and promotion. It widens the market for existing products without much cost.

10. Mail order business: It is the main source of securing orders for a mail order business.

11. Customer education: it educates the customer in selecting the right type of goods and services.

12. Reminder: Repeated appearance of a sales letter has the effect of a reminder. It helps the customer to remember the product or the service of a firm whenever he is in need of it.

13. It functions as a Salesman: A sales letter educates persuade and convinced the customer to buy a particular product or service wherever a salesman cannot visit the customers.


NEW PRODUCT : A term of many opinions and practices, but most generally defined as a product (either a good or service) new to the firm marketing it. Excludes products that are only changed in promotion.Launch: The process by which a new product is introduced into the market for initial sale.Commercialization: The process of taking a new product from development to market. It generally includes production launch and ramp-up, marketing materials and program development, supply chain development, sales channel development, training development, training, and service and support development.



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Subject: Introducing our newest product

Dear Mr./Ms.________,

We are extremely pleased to present to you our newest model, the ______ [write the name of and describe the product]. We are sure you will receive it extremely well.

In the brochure we have attached, please find included all the details of ______ [name the product]. We look forward to receiving your feedback.


__________ [Name and designation]


A product promotion letter basically acts as a marketing tool to introduce new products to existing customers or to potential clients. This letter contains a detailed description of the product that you are launching in order to provide all the necessary information.

Product Promotion Letter Writing Tips:

Significant specifications of the product. An introduction to the services and products offered by your company. Information that will help customers realize the value for money that they will get from your product.

From, _____________

__________________________ ( your address)



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__________________________ ( address of the person the letter is addressed to)

Respected Sir/ Madam, _______________ (name of your company) presents to you our revolutionary____________________

(type of product and name). __________________________________________________________ ____________________________ (Describe your product in one or two lines) . Like all our previous products, we have received best results and testimonies from all our clients.

Our company____________________( name of the company) has been in the industry of nutrition for over 70 years now. Some of our well known products that have received great reviews from industry experts are__________________ (Names of the products) which are ______________________ ( describe products in a few words). ___________________________________________________ _____________________________( talk about addition services)

We request your to display our new product at your fitness centres . We assure you that this association will be beneficial to both the companies. We await your optimistic reply to take this venture forward effectively.

Looking forward to your reply. Thank you Yours sincerely,

______________ (Name and Signature)


A sample advertising letter is a formal letter written by the representative of a company to a customer or a potential customer as a part of the advertising campaign of the company. These letters inform the customer of the various special features of the company and the upcoming discounts and offers.

They are also descriptive of the services the company offers, and the amount of importance it gives to customer care. These letters are not informal, but carry a very polite and concise tone. They are intended to give the recipient an idea of what he/she can obtain if he/she shops or purchases from that particular store or company.

Advertising Letter Writing Tips:

1. Make sure you get it across to the consumer or customer that his attachment to the company is greatly esteemed by the company or the store. Always thank him for being a part of the department family and for contributing to its welfare and income.

2. Make sure you mention all the particulars of your price cuts and offers in an detailed and systematic fashion. Do not baffle the customer with a mounting number of terms and conditions. Such offers annoy the purchaser.

3. Always finish the letter with thankfulness and the expectation that the customer will maintain his membership in the store. Keep the tone of the letter short and crisp.

4. From,31

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5. ____________________________________

6. Date-7. To,8. ____________


9. Subject: Offers, sales and discounts for consumers10. Dear Mr./Ms_______ [Name of recipient],11. We at ______ [mention name of company] are pleased to inform you that in _______ [mention month

or time] we shall be having the ______ sale [mention name of sale or discount]. We believe you would benefit greatly from purchasing from us as we give you the best prices and rates for all the commodities under one roof!

12. We hope you will be present for the sale. We welcome you officially to the ______ [mention name of store] family.

13. Regards,14. ________

[Name of company and team]


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The word ‘circular’ comes from the Latin word circulars which means circle. A circular means a paper intended for wide distribution. Any information which must be made known to a large number of persons, is circulated. In the business life, circulars have to be sent to the customers, dealers, agents, etc. These are known as trade circulars.

Circulars are also sent to the members of an association giving them some information. For example, a Government Notification is circulated among the members by a chamber of commerce, or a circular is sent to the subscribers of a journal that the annual subscription is going to be raised from the next year.

Drafting of a Circular:

A circular may be drafted into two distinct forms:

(a) It may be in the form of a letter when there is an intention to persuade the members to do something or to cooperate with the association. It is often called a circular letter. Sometimes it is in the form of an appeal.

(b) It may be in the form of a pure circular and not a circular letter.

Some specimens of different kinds of circulars are given below

Specimen 1—Circular to the members of an association

West Bengal Professors’ Association

Reg. Off…………..,

July 15,1988

To All Members

Dear Sir,

The undersigned has the pleasure to inform you that Calcutta Book Club, a premier publishing firm, has offered to the Association 50 copies of its forth-coming publication named ‘Commerce Manual’ at a concessional rate of Rs. 100.00 per copy (market price being Rs, 125.00) for its members.


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Any member intending to buy a copy may deposit the amount with the Office Secretary of the Association on or before 14.8.88.

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary


COMPANY NAME Address Date Time

Dear Sir,

We have pleasure to inform you that a large increase in the volume of our trade compel us to move from our old premises at _________________ (old address) to new __________________(address).

In the last 10 years, we have grown-with your patronage and cooperation. We, therefore, request you to send all your communications after _________________(date) to our new addresses.

We trust that the new premises, being more commodious and central location, will prove more advantageous to you.

Yours faithfully,



Bank United Ltd.

22/1 Washington C/A.

New York- 1493

30, December, 2011

Dear Sir,

‘Now Bank United is flourishing in the city of Texas’

Bank United has been servicing for the last seven (7) years and earned the faith of the millions of people. Now it’s our pleasure that we will be able to serve the people of the city or Texas.

We are going to open 107th branch at zindabazar, Texas on 1st January, 2012.


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You will get all the ‘customer facilities’ along with the foreign exchange facilities. From now you will be able to receive any kind of foreign remittance within 48 hours and also can maintain accounts in foreign currency. More over ATM and Credit card facilities will be available from the Zindabazar branch very soon.

We hope to see you on the branch opening ceremony. You are most welcome to your bank and give us an opportunity to serve you.

Sincerely yours,

Manager, sales and promotion


We take pleasure in introducing ____________ (Name), who has joined us in the capacity of investing partner and shall operate as Chief General Manager, All India Operations, w.e.f. ____________ (Date). We are bound to greater successes and turnover under his able stewardship. The specimen signatures of ____________ (Name) are given below, for administrative convenience.

Thanking you for your favourable support.

Yours faithfully,

A. Announce the introduction of a New Partner

1. I have pleasure in informing you that due to large expansion of my business. I have taken ____________ (Name) in my partnership.

2. I am pleased to write that I have this day admitted ____________ (Name) to my partnership.

3. We feel great pleasure in informing you that we have taken ____________ (Name) into our partnership.


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4. It is a matter of great pleasure that today we have admitted ____________ (Name) to our partnership. ____________ (Name) has been associated with our firm for the last several years.

B. Justify the introduction

1. This new admission was necessitated by the death of my old partner and associate ____________ (Name).

2. The recent expansion in our business in India and abroad has made a new admission inevitable.

3. The new admission became unavoidable due to the retirement of ____________ (Name) from our business.

C. Briefly elaborate upon his qualities

1 ____________ (Name) is an experienced person and possesses deep and extensive knowledge of business management.

2. ____________ (Name) has been with us in various executive and managerial capacities for the last 12 years.

3. ____________ (Name)’s expertise in this particular branch of business will be of great value to push up the production and sale of our products.

D. Garner support, expressing gratitude

1. We thank you for your confidence in us in the past and hope for its continuance in future.

2. We want to assure of better standard of service to our customers and patrons.

3. We are grateful for your co-operation in the past and hope you will continue the same in future.

4. We are proud of your past co-operation and patronage and hope for its continuance forever.

5. We may assure you of the same promptness and care in executing your orders.


This is notify all concerned that ____________ (Name), Partner, ____________ (Company Name) is taking Retirement w.e.f. ____________ (Date) on account of his ill-health. His pioneering vision and astute leadership qualities were an invaluable asset.

We will undoubtedly miss his services. However, we wish him good health and happiness. The Management has arranged a Farewell at 4 pm. on 31.7.2007 for him. Kindly make it convenient to attend.

1. Announce the Retirement of the concerned person, giving his particulars.

2. Mention the date of effect and also the reason for this step.


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3. Throw some light on his personality, achievements and positive traits.

4. Convey the greetings and good wishes.

5. Make the invitation for the farewell, if any.




official correspondence is memo, letter, circular and other official letter in a office. official correspondence define only official works letter.it include all action of work in a office. official corresponding is a short note of letter.its defined only important message and related an office.for example- memo,business letter,letter circular and etc


An official letter, as discussed above, comprises a message that is sent in connection with some official business. It may be by an official or by an individual, in his own capacity or on behalf of a &nartment or organization, to a public office or official.


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These days almost all public departments, organizations, autonomous bodies and corporations have their printed letterheads which bear their titles, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, etc. However, most formal official letters have the following parts:


This includes the name and address of the public deparünent and other such information as telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.


It denotes the reference number of letters, and is mentioned to enable the reader to link the letter with previous/subsequent correspondence on the subject. It is usually indicated alongside the left-hand margin, leaving double space after the last line of the Heading.


Date is usually typed in line with the reference number. It is preferable to mention the date in full.

Inside Address:

It consists of the name, designation and official address of the addressee.


It is the complementary term used to commence the letter. The usual forms are when writing to an individual, ‘Dear Sir’ (for a man), ‘Dear Madam’ (for a woman). The more formal salutation is ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’, However, in official letters between two public departments, no salutation official letters between two public departments, no salutation is usually required.



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In most official letters, the subject of the letter i.e. the central idea, is mentioned to enable the reader to know at a glance what the letter is about.

Body of the Letter:

It contains the message or the information to be communicated. The various points dealt with, should be treated in order of their importance, and a separate paragraph should preferably be devoted to each. It is desirable that the paragraphs making the body of the letter are numbered as 2, 3.

Complimentary Close:

It consists of words expressing the regard of the writer towards his correspondent. It is simply a polite way of ending a letter. Complimentary Close should always be consistent with the Salutation. Complimentary Close like ‘Yours obediently’ or ‘Your most obedient servant’ is now eliminated and should not be used.


It comprises the name and designation of the person who signs the letter. It is placed below the Complimentary Close.


In most of the official letters, initials of the employees involved in the drafting and typing of the message, are mentioned alongside the left margin, below the signature, for identification purpose.


If a letter contains an enclosure or a document, it is indicated by writing the word ‘Enclosure’, one or two space below the identification initials.

Carbon Copies:

If copies of a letter are sent to other persons or departments, it is indicated by using the abbreviation ‘dc’, followed by the name and address of the respective addressee.


Postscript is the additional note made at the close of the letter to communicate an idea or information that occurs in the mind of the writer after he has completed the message. It begins with the abbreviation SPS.


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‘Demi’ means ‘half’. So D.O’s or Demi-Official Letters are half officials and half personal. They are written by:

One officer to another A private individual to an officer An officer to a private individual

The subject of a Demi-Official letter is of confidential nature.

The Demi-Official letter is always addressed to the corresepondent by name and not by designation. Such letter should never be reffered to in official correspondence if the letter is of very confidential nature.


It is briefly termed as ‘MEMO’ . it is a kind of official communication which is used:-

a) Between departments and offices of equal standing;b) In reply to petition or applications;c) When the matter is not very important;d) When the addressee is an ordinary person or is an official of a subordinate rank;e) When a reminder is to be sent to a person.


When the communication is to be brought to the notice of several offices or individuals a Circular is issued. A circular may be in the form of a letter, a memorandum or an endorsement according to the requirement of each cases.


It is very brief form of an official communication. A letter has been received from another office, the original or of which has to be forwarded or submitted to a third party in other office for information, or to report. The endorsement is either placed at the end of the original or on the copy of that letter. It is always dated and numbered and the name of the office forwarding the letter is given.



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Notification are official communications. They are not addressed to any officer or an individual but they are meant for information to the officer as well as for the general public interest. Communication are official communication in respect of appointments, promotions, transfers, retirements.

Notification are written in third person and are published in the Official Gazette. Such notification must bear the signature of the Heads of the office issuing them.




Definition:- Banking has been defined as “Accepting for the purpose of lending & investment, of deposit of money from the public, repayable on demand order or otherwise and withdraw able by cheque, draft or otherwise


1) Primary Function:

1. Accepting Deposits:

It is the most important function of commercial banks.


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They accept deposits in several forms according to requirements of different sections of the society.

The main kinds of deposits are:

(i) Current Account Deposits or Demand Deposits:

These deposits refer to those deposits which are repayable by the banks on demand

1. Such deposits are generally maintained by businessmen with the intention of making transactions with such deposits.

2. They can be drawn upon by a cheque without any restriction.

3. Banks do not pay any interest on these accounts. Rather, banks impose service charges for running these accounts.

(ii) Fixed Deposits or Time Deposits:

Fixed deposits refer to those deposits, in which the amount is deposited with the bank for a fixed period of time.

1. Such deposits do not enjoy cheque-able facility.

2. These deposits carry a high rate of interest.

(iii) Saving Deposits:

These deposits combine features of both current account deposits and fixed deposits:

1. The depositors are given cheque facility to withdraw money from their account. But, some restrictions are imposed on number and amount of withdrawals, in order to discourage frequent use of saving deposits.

2.They carry a rate of interest which is less than interest rate on fixed deposits. It must be noted that Current Account deposits and saving deposits are chequable deposits, whereas, fixed deposit is a non-chequable deposit.

2. Advancing of Loans:

The deposits received by banks are not allowed to remain idle. So, after keeping certain cash reserves, the balance is given to needy borrowers and interest is charged from them, which is the main source of income for these banks.

Different types of loans and advances made by Commercial banks are:

(i) Cash Credit:


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Cash credit refers to a loan given to the borrower against his current assets like shares, stocks, bonds, etc. A credit limit is sanctioned and the amount is credited in his account. The borrower may withdraw any amount within his credit limit and interest is charged on the amount actually withdrawn.

(ii) Demand Loans:

Demand loans refer to those loans which can be recalled on demand by the bank at any time. The entire sum of demand loan is credited to the account and interest is payable on the entire sum.

(iii) Short-term Loans:

They are given as personal loans against some collateral security. The money is credited to the account of borrower and the borrower can withdraw money from his account and interest is payable on the entire sum of loan granted.

(2) Secondary Functions:

1. Overdraft Facility:

It refers to a facility in which a customer is allowed to overdraw his current account upto an agreed limit. This facility is generally given to respectable and reliable customers for a short period. Customers have to pay interest to the bank on the amount overdrawn by them.

2. Discounting Bills of Exchange:

It refers to a facility in which holder of a bill of exchange can get the bill discounted with bank before the maturity. After deducting the commission, bank pays the balance to the holder. On maturity, bank gets its payment from the party which had accepted the bill.

3. Agency Functions:

Commercial banks also perform certain agency functions for their customers. For these services, banks charge some commission from their clients.

Some of the agency functions are:

(i) Transfer of Funds:

Banks provide the facility of economical and easy remittance of funds from place-to-place with the help of instruments like demand drafts, mail transfers, etc.

(ii) Collection and Payment of Various Items:

Commercial banks collect cheques, bills,’ interest, dividends, subscriptions, rents and other periodical receipts on behalf of their customers and also make payments of taxes, insurance premium, etc. on standing instructions of their clients.

(iii) Purchase and Sale of Foreign Exchange:


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Some commercial banks are authorized by the central bank to deal in foreign exchange. They buy and sell foreign exchange on behalf of their customers and help in promoting international trade.

(iv) Purchase and Sale of Securities:

Commercial banks buy and sell stocks and shares of private companies as well as government securities on behalf of their customers.

(v) Income Tax Consultancy:

They also give advice to their customers on matters relating to income tax and even prepare their income tax returns.

(vi) Trustee and Executor:

Commercial banks preserve the wills of their customers as trustees and execute them after their death as executors.

(vii) Letters of Reference:

They give information about the economic position of their customers to traders and provide the similar information about other traders to their customers.


You are new visitors of the bank and have no know any ideas about how to open account in bank then you may follow these instructions to open new saving account. Firstly, you need to carry your important and vital documents as birth certificates, Aadhar Card, Electric bill , driving license etc. Now start drafting your letter as following steps:

1. Start your letter with bank information such as name of bank, branch and their address.2. Make the subject of your letter as 'to opening new accounts'.3. Now start the main part of letter with elaborate in the body 4. Never miss to mention the type of account.5. At the closing of your letter use friendly and simple language.

In Application form

Clearly mentions your detail information in the application form like Name (Title of your account), PAN Card Number, designation (if you are employee) and address including PIN Code.

Sample format of letter to bank for opening new account



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ToThe Branch ManagerName of BankBranch Name Bank Address

Subject: Request for opening a new Savings Account.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

With this letter I hereby wish to submit a request for opening a new savings bank an account in your bank , my name is ___________, belonging from ___________[City] and ___________[State]. Therefore I am enclosing require vital and important documents along with filled application account opening form.

I kindly request to you provides saving account in the name of ___________[Name of Candidate] in your branch. I hope that the process of opening an account in your branch as soon as possible.

I am waiting for your favorable reply,

Sincerely,Your Name[designation]


1. An application form duly filled.2. Xerox copy of identification3. Xerox copy of address proof4. Recent Photographs


1. Your personal information like proper address must be written at the top right hand of the letter with the date of submission.

2. Do not submit any original copy of your documents.3. Do not enclose any type of cheques along with saving account opening application form.4. Your signature must be clear in your saving account opening application form.5. You need to enclose your latest passport size photos or maximum six months old photos.6. At the bottom of your letter you need offer bank members for any types of queries via email or contact



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A specimen letter for closing a bank account may be as follows -To,The Manager,…….. Bank,……….Branch,CitySub: Closure of Savings Bank Account No………………Sir/Madam,You are requested to please close my Savings Bank Account number ………….. as I am not in a position to operate the same due to unavoidable circumstances.My pass-book, cheque book containing unused cheques no. …….to ……., ATM-Debit Card No. …….. and Credit Card No………are returned herewith.You are requested to please return my balance amount through a demand draft or transfer the balance amount through NEFT to my other bank account no ………….. as per following details-Account No. ………….Name of Bank …………IFSC code………Yours Sincerely,YOUR SIGNATURE(Name of applicant)Date: …./…./…..Place: Address of applicantPhone number of applicant


Cheque stop payment letter is request letter from a bank's customer to its bank to stop making payment on a

cheque already issued by that customer.

In case you have issued a cheque in favor of a person or an organization, but later on you decide not to make the

payment to the said party, then you have to request your bank not to honor the payment when the cheque is

presented to them. This whole exercise is generally referred to as 'Cheque Stop Payment' requests.

You will have to write a letter to your bank requesting the same. Though many a bank these days are also

providing this facility through net-banking online/app medium. However, in case of no other alternate

mechanism, you can use the following format of the letter to write to the bank.

Please fill in accurate details in the red marked fields and submit it at the branch of the bank.


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Sample #1 - Letter by an Individual

Date: dd.mm.yyyy


The Branch Manager

(Name of the Bank)


Sub.: Request for stop payment of Cheque(s)

Ref: Savings Account No. 12345677654321

Dear Sir/Madam,

I request you to kindly arrange to stop the payment of the cheque bearing no. 123456 dated dd.mm.yyyy issued

in favour of (name) for a sum of (amount). The cheque was issued under my savings account bearing number

12345677654321 maintained at your branch.

I would highly appreciate if you can please stop the payment immediately on receipt of this letter and

acknowledge with a confirmation towards the same at the earliest.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Yours Sincerely,

- (sign here) -

(your name)

Sample #2 - Letter by a Company/Organization

Ref: tata/bank/2018-19/007

Date: dd.mm.yyyy


The Branch Manager

(Name of the Bank)



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Sub.: Request for stop payment of Cheque(s)

Ref: Current Account No. 123456789098765

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby request you to kindly stop the payment of the cheque bearing no. 123456 dated dd.mm.yyyy issued

in favor of (name of the company) for a sum of (amount). The cheque was issued under our company's current

account bearing number 123456789098765 maintained at your branch.

We would highly appreciate if you can please stop the payment immediately on receipt of this letter and provide

us with a confirmation towards the same at the earliest.

Thank you for your co-operation!

Yours Sincerely,

For (name of the company)

Letter to Bank Requesting for Overdraft Facility

From(Company Name)(Address)(Date)

To The Manager (Bank Name)(Address)

Dear Sir,


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We are having a current account with you bearing no. ____________. Our monthly turnover is above ____________ (Amount) and our amount has never been overdrawn against our current account. Besides, not a single cheque of ours has been returned ever since we opened an account with you about ____________ (Years) ago. As we are now planning to enter into export market, we need additional funds of ____________ (Amount). We have been able to raise ____________ (Amount) from our friends and other sources but we still need ____________ (Amount) and hence we approach you for an overdraft facility of this amount.

We are enclosing a photocopy of our assessment for the ____________ (Year) for your perusal and also copies of balance sheets and profit and loss account for the last three years. We can mortgage our stock, which is always worth ____________ (Amount) and above.

Looking forward to your immediate action in the matter.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,(Your Name) for (Company Name) Manager

Letter Regarding the Dishonoured Cheque

To,The Manager, (Bank Name)(Address)

Dear Sir,

I am so surprised to know that my cheque No. ____________ dated ____________ for ____________ (Amount) issued in favour of ____________ (Name) has been dishonoured by your bank.


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On ____________ (Date) there was a credit balance of ____________ (Amount) and a further amount of ____________ (Amount) was deposited with you on ____________ (Date) vide my cheque No. ____________ dated ____________ issued by ____________ (Name) in our favour.

There was sufficient time in collecting the proceeds of my cheque of ____________ (Date) for ____________ (Amount) and so there is hardly any reason that the balance to my credit may have fallen short of the required amount resulting in the dishonour of my cheque.

I would appreciate if you please let me know immediately the circumstances under which my cheque has been dishonoured.

Yours faithfully,(Your Name)



To, The Branch Manager, (Bank Name) (Address)


This is to bring to your kind attention that the undersigned has lost his cheque book of ____________ (No. of Cheque) cheques from No. ____________ to ____________, during transit. However, no cheque leaf has been signed. You are requested to cancel the above-mentioned cheque book.

Your positive action in this case is awaited

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,(Your Name)A/c No._____________


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In simple terms, a letter of credit is a bank undertaking of payment separate from the sales or other contracts on which it is based. It is a way of reducing the payment risks associated with the movement of goods.Expressed more fully, it is a written undertaking by a bank (issuing bank) given to the seller (beneficiary) at the request, and in accordance with the buyer’s (applicant) instructions to effect payment — that is by making a payment, or by accepting or negotiating bills of exchange (drafts) — up to a stated amount, against stipulated documents and within a prescribed time limit


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This Letter should be written in The Letter-Pad of the Company.From :

The Sender's Name,Door Number and Street's Name,Area Name,City.Postal Code : XXXXXXXPhone Number : 0000 - 123456789E-mail ID : [email protected] :Reference :TO :Addressee's Name,Designation,The Company's Name,Full Address with Phone Number.Subject :Dear ____,We are enclosing a copy of our order No. 228 dated (DATE) together with five copies of Performa invoice No. 19988273 from Nancy publications - Avenue Road - Bangalore.The amount of the letter of credit as also all incidental expenses may please debited to our current Account with you.

Kindly arrange to forward a copy of letter of credit to us as soon as the same is opened in order to enable us to inform oursuppliers accordingly.Thanking you.Yours Sincerely,(The Sender's Signature)The Sender's NameEnc :



8, Russel Street,HYDERABAD – 500 023.Phone : 098 – 13245678Fax : 098 - 1324567812th May 1999To :Marine Towers,


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3, Symphony Arcade,MUMBAI – 400 022.Dear Sirs,Our Managing Director, Mr. Prathap will be in Mumbai from 25th to 28th May. Please reserve double room with single occupancy of executive class on these four days. He will be checking in around 10.00 AM on 25th May.You may kindly forward the bills to us directly for settlement. As in the past, we will send the cheque within ten days after receipt of your bills. Please allow 10% discount on the room rent as per our agreement.Please confirm the reservation before 20th May.Thanking you.Yours faithfully,For TRAYONS COPPER LTD.(K. DEVARAJU)ADMINISTRATION MANAGER


Name of ApplicantAddress of ApplicantCity, State, Zip CodeDATEName of Hiring Manager or EmployerName of MuseumAddress of MuseumCity, State, Zip CodeRE: Requesting a job interview for the position of Curator

Dear Name of Employer,This letter is to request an interview for the position of curator of the Museum of Modern Art in City. I came to know that the position was open from your advertisement on the Museum’s website. I believe that my education and experience in the field of fine arts makes me suitable to become part of your esteemed staff at the museum.

I graduated with honors from Name of University in DATE and received my Ph.D. in Art History from the same university on DATE. I spent the next two years studying modern and classical art in several top museums in Europe including the Prado in Spain, the Louvre in Paris and the Tate Gallery in the UK. The last six months of my time in England, I was the curator of a small modern art gallery, Name of Gallery, in London.

I have learned the responsibilities of the curator of a modern art collection, including delivering a coherent, financially viable and sustainable program for the museum, and I have directed three assistant curators. I have conducted curatorial research and implemented several different exhibitions as well as contributing articles to the scholarly publication, Name of Publication.


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I admire the strong support given to the Name of Museum by the local government and citizens, and would like to be a part of your forward-looking team. During my vacations while an undergraduate, I supported this city’s public art program and helped recruited sculptures from internationally known artists throughout the world.

I would like to request an interview for the position of Curator at a time that is convenient for you. I can be reached at Phone Number or at Email Address, and will call you in 10 days to arrange an appointment.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application.


Signature of ApplicantPrinted Name of ApplicantList of Enclosures: resume




Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk management, primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent or uncertain loss.

An entity which provides insurance is known as an insurer, insurance company, insurance carrier or underwriter. A person or entity who buys insurance is known as an insured or as a policyholder. The insurance transaction involves the insured assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in the form of payment


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to the insurer in exchange for the insurer's promise to compensate the insured in the event of a covered loss. The loss may or may not be financial, but it must be reducible to financial terms, and usually involves something in which the insured has an insurable interest established by ownership, possession, or preexisting relationship.

The insured receives a contract, called the insurance policy, which details the conditions and circumstances under which the insurer will compensate the insured. The amount of money charged by the insurer to the insured for the coverage set forth in the insurance policy is called the premium. If the insured experiences a loss which is potentially covered by the insurance policy, the insured submits a claim to the insurer for processing by a claims adjuster. The insurer may hedge its own risk by taking out reinsurance, whereby another insurance company agrees to carry some of the risk, especially if the primary insurer deems the risk too large for it to carry

An insurance claim is a formal request to an insurance company for coverage or compensation for a covered loss or policy event. The insurance company validates the claim and, once approved, issues payment to the insured or an approved interested party on behalf of the insured.

Insurance claims cover everything from death benefits on life insurance policies to routine and comprehensive medical exams. In many cases, third-parties file claims on behalf of the insured person, but usually only the person(s) listed on the policy is entitled to claim payments

Letter To LIC To Get Insurance Policy

This Letter should be written in The Letter-Pad of the Company.

The Company's Name

Door Number and Street's Name,Area Name,City.Postal Code : XXXXXXXPhone Number : 0000 - 123456789Fax Number : 0000 - 123456788E-mail ID : [email protected] :Reference :TO :Addressee's Name,Designation,The Company's Name,Full Address with Phone Number.Subject :Dear Sir,I want to get insurance policies for myself and my daughter aged four years. You are requested to depute one of you agents who can guide us about various policies in detail. I am an online trader and have PAN and ICICI Bank Account. If required, I am ready to meet you in person at your convenient time and date. An early action in this regard is solicited please.Thanking You.


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Yours Faithfully.R.K. Jain

NOTE :This is a typical letter. You have to add your company's name with full address. And the receiver's name and full address also should be added in the place allotted for that purpose. Without those primary details no letter carries any significance. So, you are requested to provide all those important details. Failing which the letter will make a wrong impression about your company and you among the receivers of your letters. This is the most unwanted attitude on your side in dealing with the clients who are the most valued assets of any business organisation.

Letter of Reply of LIC

This Letter should be written in The Letter-Pad of the Company.

The Company's Name

Door Number and Street's Name,Area Name,City.Postal Code : XXXXXXXPhone Number : 0000 - 123456789Fax Number : 0000 - 123456788E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,Designation,The Company's Name,Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear Sir,58

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We thankfully acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 5TH June 2009. We are deputing mr Praveen Arora authorized agent alongwith our development officer Mr. R. P. Sharma as per your request. They will guide you about the policies that will suit your needs. Please feel free to discuss your requirements with him in detail so that he will guide you properly to meet your demands at the minimum cost and time. If you come across any problem, please feel free to contact the undersigned.Thanking You.Yours sincerely,P. D. MadanBranch Manager


A claim letter is a means to inform the company regarding the partial or complete damage happened and request the company for the reimbursement of the same. The letter has to be written by the claimant to ask for the compensation or to inform about the damage that has taken place. This letter is also written by claimant in case of death of his relative to ask for the claim amount

Sample Letter for an Insurance Claim Writing Tips:

Claimant should write this letter immediately after the damage has taken place. You must include all the details of the damage date, venue etc. You have to also mention the reason for

the damage if any. Write the reference number on the basis on which the claim is being asked for. You have to attach supporting documents along with this letter. These documents may include death

certificate, report of the doctor etc

From _____________

_______________ Date To ____________

_________ Subject – Claim letter Dear _________ (name) I, ________ (name) .I am having a life insurance policy in the name of my father ___________ (name

of father) the policy number is __________ (policy number) dated _____ (date). The policy is nominated in the name of my mother _______ (name of mother).I am writing this letter to you to inform you about the sad demise of my father. As my mother is legal nominee and she was dependent on him, I request you to pay her the claimed amount. As per my records the amount for the reimbursement comes to Rs.____________ (amount). The detailed documents and the death certificate


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are attached herewith. You are requested to release the due amount as it can be helpful for her. Looking forward early response from your end.

Thanking you Name, _________ Signature



Notice of a Meeting:

When a meeting is to be convened, a notice is required to be sent to all who are to attend it.

It should satisfy these conditions:


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1. It should be under proper authority

2. It should state the name of the organisation

3. It should state the day, date, time, and place. Also, sometimes, how to reach the place

4. It should be well in advance. Some require seven days’ notice, some 48 hours’

5. It should state the purpose and, if possible, the agenda

6. It should carry the date of circulation and convener’s/secretary’s signature

7. It should go to all persons required at the meet

8. It should mention the TA/DA etc. payable and the arrangements for this

In practice, it is necessary to ensure that the notice has reached in time. This may be done telephonically. Dispatch section and post are prone to delays

We often find that between the date of a letter from a major public organisation and the post mark on the letter, there is a gap of 10-12 days. A notice that should reach seven days before a meet should not reach seven days after the meet.


As stated earlier, an agenda is the list of items to be considered at a meeting. It is also called business or order of business. It comes from the Latin word agendum (singular) which means ‘a thing to be done.’ But agenda (the Latin plural) is used as a singular noun.

It is the route map of the meeting. The specimen notices above already contain a hint of how it is written. The agenda may be a part of the notice or may be attached as an annexure. The convenor/secretary prepares it in consultation with the chairperson and gets his approval.

The items of agenda should cover all that is necessary to be considered at that time. Meetings take time and effort to arrange; hence the agenda has to be well thought out.

The items may be devised from:

(a) Previous minutes

(b) Suggestions received

(c) Actions and events since last meeting


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(d) Correspondence of the organisation

The agenda contains routine items as well as special ones.

Here are some guidelines for listing the items:

1. Apologies from absent members (need not be written previously)

2. Condolences if any (may or may not be written previously)

3. Reading and approval of minutes of the last meet

4. Matters arising out of previous meet’s minutes (this need not always be mentioned)

5. Urgent and non-controversial items

6. Matters requiring closer discussion and debates

7. Any new, on-the-spot items with the approval of the chairman

8. Date of the next meet.

The last item in a meeting is a vote of thanks to the chairman but this need to be mentioned. The items are mentioned briefly or elaborately according to the practice or need.

The style used is as follows:

(i) Appointment of auditors

(ii) Induction of new members

(iii) Reading of minutes

(iv) Felicitating so-and-so on the award of Padmashri to him/her


(i) To read and approve the minutes of the previous meet

(ii) To consider the advertisement draft

(iii) To organize a blood donation camp


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(iv) To appoint sub-committees for sports competition and music competition

The agenda should be manageable within the time at disposal. Some clubs have a time limit for the duration of a meeting (e.g. 90 minutes), which automatically dictates the scope of discussion.

Minutes of the Meeting:

The minutes of a meeting are the record of the discussions/decisions therein. They have an official status; they are useful in law, and in some cases required by law to be written. Minutes are final when they are approved by the members of the group to which they relate, generally in the next meeting, and signed by the chairperson.

Even if there are emotional moments in a meet, the minutes are written in an unemotional manner, are cool, factual, impersonal, and impartial. Moreover, such are the demands of time on most people that the minutes should be concise, boiled down to the essentials.

Only some organizations’ require that they record the detailed discussions as well (i.e. who said what and what were the reactions… until the decision was reached). Normally, the body of the minute’s records.

(a) The motions and amendments thereto

(b) The proposer and seconded of motions

(c) The details of voting, if any

(d) Recommendations

(e) Decisions/ resolutions

(f) Tasks assigned to individuals, sub-committees

The overall minutes should give:

1. The name of the organisation/ unit

2. Day, date, time and place

3. Number in order (e.g. 33rd meeting of…)

4. Names of chairperson and secretary

5. Names of members present

6. Names of the absent

7. Attendees by special invitation, e.g. auditor, caterer, etc.

8. Record of the transactions (on the guidelines given above)

9. Signature of secretary and, after approval, that of the chairman. 63

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Tips for writing minutes:

The minutes are written generally by the secretary from the notes taken during the meet. He/she can use the agenda as the framework for writing them and use short forms, shorthand etc. to take quick and accurate notes. He may have to ask members to repeat their words to get them right.

He should note down all the particulars needed for the fair copy of minutes. The items of the minutes can be written under short headings such as are used in the agenda.

(As for reading them, some committees circulate them in advance and take them as read. Otherwise the reader should read them loudly, clearly, and quickly.)

Style wise, they use one of these constructions:

a. It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved.

b. It was decided that a sub-committee be set up to consider

c. Resolved that a blood donation camp be held on 15 th August. (The verb is used in the subjunctive mood: “be done, be appointed”, etc.)

Alternatively, the description is given in the past tense:

1. Minutes of last meet:

The secretary read out the minutes of the meet dated… and they were approved.

2. Donation received:

The chairman informed that he had received a donation of Rs. 50,000 from ex-member Mr. Gopal Rathi.

At the time of approval, the chairman asks, “Do you accept the minutes as they stand?” OR “Any matters arising out of the minutes?”

Your ability to write good minutes can earn you a prize position in an organisation. Also, if you hold a position and do not know how to write minutes, you may face embarrassment.




An export is a function of international trade whereby goods produced in one country are shipped to another country for future sale or trade. The sale of such goods adds to the producing nation's gross output.



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An import is a good or service brought into one country from another. The word "import" is derived from the word "port" since goods are often shipped via boat to foreign countries. Along with exports, imports form the backbone of international trade. If the value of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports, the country has a negative balance of trade.

Specimen Of Introductory Letter To The International Importer

This Letter should be written in The Letter-Pad of the Company.

The Company's Name

Door Number and Street's Name,Area Name,City.Postal Code : XXXXXXXPhone Number : 0000 - 123456789Fax Number : 0000 - 123456788E-mail ID : [email protected] :Reference :TO :Addressee's Name,Designation,The Company's Name,Full Address with Phone Number.Subject :Dear sir,We are exports of wide variety of items including the white metal toys and white metal sheet. We have been dealing in these items for the last twenty years and exporting a variety of items to many Asian and Eurpean Countries including the USA and the UK.We are one of the recognized exporting houses in India. We belive that your company imports these items from India. We are enclosing herewith a copy of our catalogue and pricelist alongwith our discounting rates and other terms for your perusal. We shall be glad to have business relations with you. We assure you better competitive rates and good quality products.Yours FaithfullyRamesh RahejaSenior Manager - MarketingEncl: As Above

NOTE This is a typical letter. You have to add your company's name with full address. And the receiver's name and full address also should be added in the place allotted for that purpose. Without those primary details no letter carries any significance. So, you are requested to provide all those important details. Failing which the letter


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will make a wrong impression about your company and you among the receivers of your letters. This is the most unwanted attitude on your side in dealing with the clients who are the most valued assets of any business organisation. If necessary, leave those spaces blank.

Specification Copy Of Agreement Between Exporter And ImporterThis Letter should be written in The Letter-Pad of the Company.An Agreement made this …………………..day of ………………month………………...(year ) between ………….name and address here after called the importers of the second part wherein the exporters grant to the importers the importation and selling right in the territoty of ..(fill name of country) for ..(names and brief description of product) subject to the terms and conditions given below.

The exporter agrees that during the currency of the agreement he will not correspond or in any way deal with any part in the territory specified unless requested to do so by the importers.

The exporter agrees that any orders or enquiries relating to the specified territory received by him during the currency of this agreement will be passed on to the importers to deal with.

The exporter agrees that he will make shipment of all orders received from the importers by earlier shipping opportunity unless prevented from doing so by circumstances beyond the former’s control.

The exporter agrees to charge the importers for all goods ordered during the currency of this agreement the prices detailed in price list no …….. appended to this agreement unless any order is received at least one month after notification of price change by the exporter to the importer.

The exporter agrees to pay the importer commission on ………. (fill in the dates of each year during the currency of this agreement) at the rate of ……. Per cent of …. The FOB value of all orders satisfactorily completed during the ……………. Moths preceding the dates specified.

The exporter agrees that he will allow to the importers ……………… per cant ………. Of the value of all business asatisfactorily completed with th importes during the currency of this agreement as contribution towards the importer’s costs in publisising he products coverd by this agreement. This allowance is to be settled by deduction from the manufacturer’s invoices to the importers.

The importers agree that during the currency of this agrrement they will not sell, recommend or in any other way deal with any competing or rivaling lines in the territory specified.

The importers agree that they will use their best efforts and endeavors at all times during the currency of this agreement to promote the sales of products covered by this agreement.

The importers agree that they will make net and full payment for all goods ordered through confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit established in ……………..(name of manufacturer’s town or city) or the importers agree that they will make net and full payment for all goods ordered against presentation of draft and shipping documents in ………..(name of importer’s town or city) or the importers agree that they will immediately upon


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presentation at ………… and retire such drafts net and in full upon maturity.

The importers agree that they will write to the manufacurer at least once each calender month and will send to the manufacturer a full market report on the prospects for sale of the products covered by this agreement every six months.

The importer agrees that they will place regular and adequate order with the manufacturer amounting in total to not less than ………….. during the first calendar year and not less than Rs …………… in each and every subsequent year during the currency of this agreement.

This agreement shall become valid with effect from the date of shipment of the substaintial order amounting in value of not less than Rs ………… and remain in force for a period of twelve calendar months therefrom subject to either party being at liberty to terminate this agreement without notice in the event of the other party being in breach of any of the terms and condition stated herein notwithstanding anything herein aforesaid if during the first tweleve calender months the importers have placed satisfactory orders with the exporters amounting to not less than Rs………… this agreement shall be automatically renewed year after year provided that in the tweleve calendar months immediately preceding the expiry date satisafactorily business amounting in total to not less than Rs ………….. has placed by the importers with the manufacuters.Any disputes arising under this agreement shall be settled in accordance with Indian law in (………………)

Signature (exporter)………………………

Signature (importer)………………………

Witnesses (signatures and addresses)

1………………..2. …………………3. …………………