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1 Shore House Gazette July 2015

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Page 1: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink


Shore House GazetteJuly 2015

Page 2: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

In Memoriam

Sadly, Shore House lost a dear member on Wednesday, May 27, 2015.

Kristin Bedford was a bright light extinguished far too soon. She passed away at the age of 32.

A woman of many talents, Kristin was also quick with a joke and cared deeply for others. Whether she was belting out a tune or creating a stunning piece of visual art, Kristin’s many talents couldn’t be denied. She didn’t crave praise, however; what she longed for was to help others and bring smiles to people’s faces. She often gave her work away as gifts or donations and expected nothing in return.

Kristin not only had a creative mind, but a beautiful spirit. She took pleasure in what money couldn’t buy: family, friends, the ocean, long walks. She often described herself as a hippie because she believed in peace, love and getting along with people from all walks of life. Her friends, some of whom called her “Ma” for her instinctive nature to nurture and protect, were as diverse as a group as you could find. Kristin didn’t consider things like gender, sexual orientation, age or socioeconomic factors when selecting friends, which might explain why she had so many.

Kristin’s passion for helping others led her to become a home health aide until she became disabled. Though she struggled with health issues, she would always smile and make time for others, much like her greatly-missed mother, who she considered one of her biggest role models.

Kristin loved children and animals, especially her niece, Rowan and her cat, Joey, who both gave her great joy.

Here at Shore House, we’ll miss Kristin’s smile, her love of fun, and her willingness to pitch in. It is a comfort that she is at peace.



Page 3: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Unit NewsBusiness & Administration

June saw B & A members writing letters, making phone calls and pounding the pavement in search of a venue for our annual Art of Recovery show. Who knew how far people booked in advance?? At any rate, we are confident that, with persistence, we will find the perfect venue for our member art show.

On other fronts, tours have been steadily increasing, as has membership. We are becoming increasingly organized, identifying our strengths, and pinning down areas where our Clubhouse needs improvement.

Education & Employment

We are excited to increase our use of social media. Currently our web site and Facebook page are our main uses of social media. We have decided to add Twitter and Instagram to the mix. Members working in E&E have been researching the best ways for nonprofits to use these mediums. We are putting together a PowerPoint slide show with all of the information gathered.


Our garden is growing! We have harvested our first vegetables: radishes. The weeds are growing at an equally rapid rate so there is much work to be done during our twice weekly visits. Members continue to turn in their physicians forms and the gym is getting its’ own kind of work out from use. That is the best kind.

Standard Readingby Nancée Labrecque

Standard #19: All work in the Clubhouse is designed to help members regain self worth, purpose and confidence; it is not intended to be job specific training.

At the Clubhouse, members have the opportunity to work in any unit and maximize skills in many areas of interest. Learning to handle the daily functions of work required to run the Clubhouse brings happiness, good relationships and renewed confidence in members, no matter how difficult or simple the task. We find education to be the reward itself, as Standard #19 states.


Page 4: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Comrades: The Raceby Susan Mazzeo

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

We can start with the best: the start of the race was amazing. We made our way to the start in the dark at 5:00 in the morning. The announcer had us turn to the left and then to the right to wish each other a good race. Everyone sang the South African national anthem, then the theme from Chariots of Fire, the cock crowed three times and we are off.  My friend looked at me and said “This is it!” Off we went.

Everything about this race was different than any race I had run before. There were no clocks on the course and the race was marked in kilometers, starting at 88 and working down. Instead of cups of water, volunteers handed out these totally cool water pouches. Little plastic tubes of water that you rip open with your teeth. Once you get used to that, they are great.  You can sip at your leisure and not worry about getting it up your nose.  Only down side is when runners step on full ones that find their way onto the

ground it sounds like a gunshot. Maybe that is why the New York Marathon doesn't use them.

I wore my Hoboken Harrier shirt and people asking me where that was.  I told them it was the birthplace of baseball and Frank Sinatra.  Next question, what is baseball? This is the land where rugby, soccer and cricket rule.

The one thing that was not different was the vibe on the course. It was fun and festive. The spectators were amazing, handing out everything from salt to homemade sandwiches. They were barbecuing along the course and there was everything from bacon to boerewors, South African hot dogs. They take this race very seriously and do their best to support each and every runner. My name was on my bib and they would shout encouragement in their sing song way of speaking, “Don’t give up, Sue-san” The runners themselves looked out for one another, the veterans were especially kind to the novice racers. I, myself, was the recipient of one very kind runner who saw me struggling, offered me some biscuits when I was

not feeling very well and stayed with me. The finish was epic, I was able to watch the runners come across the finish line. Some were crying, some hobbling, one was carried over the line on a stretcher, and all were smiling.

The worst:So I did not finish and, of course, that is disappointing but I guess the thing is I did not give up, I got pulled off. I hooked up with the sub 12 hour pace bus (they call pace groups buses) which was great.  The pacer blew his whistle, we ran, blew it again, we walked.  It was perfect, I did not have to think, although I might start running the next time I hear a whistle.  So it was a pretty hot day, and I had a little trouble managing my fluid intake.  I was drinking a lot of water (loved those plastic tubes...) and not eating as much as I should have been.  I started to feel pretty funky, and sparing you the grisly details, I had to stop and walk, fell off the bus and missed the fourth check point so they pulled me off the course.  I was pretty bummed because I had about 30 kilometers left (roughly 18 miles).  There was this mobile medic on a


Page 5: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

motorcycle (ha ha) and I told him what happened. He asked me my name and I told him.  He said, “Listen, you know your name, you are coherent, and you are standing. I need to take care of the runners who are none of those things.” He told me I had over hydrated and messed up my salt level and to get a Gatorade-type drink.

As I reflect back on this whole experience, I can say I am honestly glad I did it. I was able to see a part of the world I have never seen before. I took some valuable lessons home with me that I can use at Shore House. There were about 17,000 runners in this race and about 200 of them were American, about 1% of the field. This was the first time I was not in the majority and things did not bend for me, I had to do the bending. It was a humbling lesson. I can relate a little better to how members feel like they are a minority. Going so far away from my family pushed me way outside my comfort zone, more than I have ever been in a long time. I think it was important for me to do this, since my world has become very small and I realized the more set in your ways you get, the harder it is to try new things. Again, now I can understand how members feel when I am asking them to do things that are way outside their own comfort zones. The last and most important lesson I learned, salt is your friend…

So I am not sure if I can live with a DNF (Did Not Finish) and I am contemplating going back in two years to try it again that is when they will run UP the hill again. For now I am happy to be home and truly grateful for the members who made it clear they were proud of me no matter

what the outcome of the race. Now that is what a true Comrade is.

Editors’ note: We are very proud of Susan. The effort she put into training for and running Comrades was inspirational to us and, as we’ve told her, if we’d done our best and not been able to finish, she would be there to support and applaud our efforts. We’ll look forward to supporting her again if she does decide to go back in two years!

Photos: Susan at the Wall of Honor, which features previous Comrades runners.Poster signed by the “King of Comrades.”Elephants at the Hluhluwe game reserve.


Page 6: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Heartfelt Thanks from Shore HouseThe members of Shore House would like to thank Board member Mrs. Mary Jane Kroon for sharing the experience of live theater with us. A few of those of us who were treated to a performance of Be More Chill at the Two River Theater are pictured below. For more on the show, please see page 10.

We’d also like to thank Ed Roskelly and his staff at Bullet Lock & Safe Co. in Long Branch for donating the labor to install new locks at our Clubhouse! Your service is greatly appreciated and anyone in the Long Branch area should definitely check out the Broadway showroom, which is very cool-- especially the antique locks and keys!


Page 7: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink


by Jon Waldrop and Bobby L.

Fireworks during the Fourth of July are as American as apple-pie, but did you know that two out of five fires reported on that day are started by fireworks, more than for any other cause? The good news is you can enjoy your holiday and the fireworks, with just a few simple safety tips: Proceed with caution!

Leave fireworks to the professionals. Do not use consumer fireworks. The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public display conducted by

trained professionals. After the firework display, children should never pick up fireworks that may

be left over, they may still be active.


Page 8: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

When Family Isn’t Emotionally Supportiveby Dan Pineiro

I was first diagnosed with a mental illness at the age of 18 while attending college. Due to the stress of my studies, I became very depressed, had to drop out of college, and ended up with my first psychiatric hospitalization late in 1986. I wanted to study Art at Rutgers University but my parents forced me to study Engineering, something I had no interest in and a very stressful curriculum. Once I dropped out of college, due to my mental illness, my parents treated me like I was worthless. Not only did they not support me emotionally, but they psychologically abused me by taking advantage of my mental illness. They ruined my life on several occasions, damaging my relationships with relatives, friends, and girlfriends. Although it may seem wrong, I can honestly say that I hate my parents.

The first time I left home was at age 18 and I went back and forth until the age of 23 when I left for the last time. I always supported myself and have been very independent. I didn’t want my family to control me. My family went out of their way to make sure I didn’t become successful.

I love my older brother, Manny. He has Down’s Syndrome and unfortunately has to depend on my parents. Someday, I hope to have a 2 bedroom apartment or even a house of my own and I hope my brother can live with me so he can learn to be more independent.

I think others with mental illness can relate to what I’ve been through with my family. I’ve been doing very well, for the past 10 years, on the proper medication (Risperdal and Lamictal) and I receive therapy and have made healthy relationships, usually with other mental health consumers in board and cares and at Shore House. Family really isn’t important to me. I’m glad I have a few good friends I can really count on when I need emotional support. I hope my positive attitude can take me on a realistic journey to improve my life to the point that I can say, “I’m Successful!!!” For example: I can have a healthy intimate relationship, get married, drive a car, have a full-time job or business and own a home someday. I’m grateful for the few things I have in my life and the good friends I have to share good times with. I thank God for all He has blessed me with.

Editors’ Note:

Unfortunately, many of us do not have good relationships with our biological families. This is why it is so important that we are here to support each other here at Shore House; we are a family. We spend holidays together, as well as much of our free time. We share in each other’s triumphs and heartaches and are never alone. We, too, are grateful for our community of hope and all it gives us.


Page 9: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Shore FitThe Importance of Staying Hydrated

Now that the warmer weather has arrived, it is important to keep yourself hydrated. Why? Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work correctly. For example, your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. Water is needed for good health.

Water makes up more than half of your body weight. You lose water each day when you go to the bathroom, sweat, and even when you breathe. You lose water even faster when the weather is really hot, when you are physically active, or if you have a fever. If you don’t replace the water you lose, you can become dehydrated.

People are at higher risk of dehydration if they have certain medical conditions, are sick, or are not able to get enough fluids during the day. Older adults are also at higher risk. As you get older, your brain may not be able to sense dehydration and send the signals for thirst.

You may have heard different recommendations for daily water intake. Most people have been told they should drink 6 to 8 8-ounce glasses of water each day, which is a reasonable goal. However, different people need different amounts of water to stay hydrated. Most healthy people can stay well hydrated by drinking water and other fluids whenever they feel thirsty. For some people, fewer than 8 glasses may be enough. Other people may need more than 8 glasses each day.

Tips for staying hydrated

Keep a bottle of water with you during the day. Purchasing bottled water is expensive and creates plastic bottle waste. Carry a reusable water bottle and fill it from the tap instead.

If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime to your drink.

Be sure to drink water before, during, and after a workout. When you’re feeling hungry, drink water. Thirst is often confused with hunger.

True hunger will not be satisfied by drinking water. Drinking water may also contribute to a healthy weight-loss plan. Some research suggests that drinking water can help you feel full.

If you have trouble remembering to drink water, drink on a schedule. For example, drink water when you wake up; at breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and when you go to bed. Or drink a small glass of water at the beginning of each hour.

Drink water when you go to a restaurant. It will keep you hydrated, and it’s free!


Page 10: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Theater Reviewby Sherone Rogers

On Wednesday, June 17th, several Shore House members were treated to a trip to the Two River Theater by Board member Mary Jane Kroon. We packed a lunch and actor Paul Whitty spoke to us a bit about Be More Chill and its journey from Ned Vizzini’s novel to Joe Iconis’ (Music and Lyrics) and Joe Tracz’s (Book) play. Whitty affectionately referred to the latter as “the Joes.” He also told us that the play three years in the making, underwritten by the Two River Theater. Whitty went on to explain that Be More Chill was a rock musical and that the musicians would be right on the stage. As a rock musical, there were instruments such as an electric guitar and bass, as well as more unusual instruments such as the Theremin, Vocoder, and Flugabone, the use of which Whitty explained to us.

In a nutshell, an awkward high school student, played very convincingly by Will Connolly, is advised by another student to take a Squip (super quantum unit intel processor, I believe). The Squip is basically a supercomputer in pill form that hard wires to the brain when swallowed and is activated by Mountain Dew. Following the directions of the Squip, one never has to think for oneself and can simply follow instructions, no matter how cruel, to become popular.

During intermission, Nancée mentioned that she was wary of the message that the play was sending and we briefly discussed peer pressure and the correlation between ingesting the Squip and the glorification of taking drugs. This was disturbing, to say the least. Fortunately, our protagonist comes to his senses and there is a satisfying resolution.

The production itself was wonderful, from the LED-lit set to the choreography (done by Chase Brock of Broadway’s Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark) to the soaring vocals. Cast members gave stellar performances and included Monmouth County native Gerard Canonico, who went to school with our own Jennifer Kline before landing roles in feature films and Broadway’s Les Misérables, and joining the original Broadway casts of Spring Awakening and Green Day’s American Idiot.

All in all, a phenomenal job was done by all capturing the ups and downs of youth, as well as the particular problems facing Millennials, such a viral text messaging of private affairs. If this was indeed a metaphor for drug use to “survive” one’s high school years, I’m glad our hero had a good Dad, a good friend and a bottle of red Mountain Dew.


Page 11: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Music ReviewsBorn in the USA, Bruce Springsteen 4.5/5 Stars

Greatest Hits, Bruce Springsteen 5/5 Stars

Reviewed by Danny “Rocker” Pineiro

Born in the USA (1984)

The song “Born in the USA” is about the troubles that face Vietnam veterans:

“Born down in a dead man’s town

The first kick I took was when I hit the ground

You end up like a dog that’s been beat too much

‘till you spend half your life just covering up

Born in the USA”

Bruce sings songs about depression, also, like “Downbound Train”:

“I got laid off at the lumberyard

Our love went bad, times got hard

Now I work down at the carwash

Where all it ever does is rain

Don’t you feel like you’re a rider

On a downbound train”

Another song about being low is “I’m Going Down”:


Page 12: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

“I go to put my arm around and you

Give me a look like I’m way out of bounds

You let out one of your bored sighs

Well lately when I look into your eyes

I’m going down”

“My Hometown” is sort of melancholy, too:

Now Main street’s whitewashed windows

And vacant sores

Seems like there aint nobody

Wants to come down here no more

They’re closing down the textile mill

Across the railroad tracks

Foreman says these jobs are going boys

And they aint coming back

To your hometown”

There are a couple of songs that are uplifting, like “No Surrender”:

“Cause we made a promise we swore we’d

Always remember

No retreat, baby, no surrender”

My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”:

“Glory days, well they’ll pass you by

Glory days, in the wink of a young girl’s eye

Glory days, glory days”

I think Born in the USA is one of Springsteen’s best CDs. It came out when I was in high school in the 80s which, in my opinion, was one of the greatest eras in rock since the 50s! This is Bruce Springsteen in his prime.


Page 13: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

“Greatest Hits” (1995)

This CD has some classic Springsteen hits like “Born to Run,” “Thunder Road,” “Badlands,” and “The River.”

Some songs are off the Born in the USA album like “Born in the USA,” “My Hometown,” and “Glory Days.”

Then there are some later hits like “Murder Incorporated”, “Blood Brothers”, and “This Hard Land”.

This CD is a must-have for your Bruce Springsteen collection, especially if you’re from Jersey and a die-hard fan of the “Boss”.

I’ve written to Bruce many times and even sent him a couple of songs I wrote. He’s very busy and doesn’t have time to write back, but I hope he takes the time to read my letters. I didn’t make a very good impression when I met him in 1997. He just wanted to shake my hand and I didn’t recognize him. I still consider him a good friend and I hope he thinks the same of me. Anyway, buy these two CDs-They’re worth it.


Page 14: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Word of the Monthby Bobby L. And Jon

Conservation1:  a careful preservation and protection of something; especially:  planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect 2:  the preservation of a physical quantity during transformations or reactions

Conservation is very important because it preserves resources that are required to sustain lives of plants, animals and humans.

When very dry heat occurs conservation plays an important role for example in farming where livestock and plants need the most resources such as water.

Conservation is also used in transportation in the use of fossil fuels. People car pool because of this and in years to come cars and other means of transportation will change because of alternative resource such as the use of batteries.

Houses and businesses are using conversation in the use of electricity by looking into other use such as solar (the use of the sun).

Joke of the Monthby Kerri Zeblisky

Q: What happens to a frog’s car when it breaks down?A: It gets toad away!

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be??


Page 15: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Asa – Pancakes

Dan – Raviolis, because it’s one of my favorite foods. It contains protein and carbohydrates and I love eating the tomato sauce with some bread afterwards.Taylor L – Pierogies Nancee – Lobster – I could eat lobster 24/7.Mary – Chocolate and pizzaSherone – Pancakes with strawberry compote, whipped cream and sausage links on the sideCarol - Shrimp

Scott – Seafood combo with cheesecake on the sideJim – Rainbow trout and pumpkin pie

Taylor V - PizzaSusan – Nutella and peanut butterLucile – Well, my favorite food is pancakes but I wouldn’t want to eat them every day. So I guess I’ll say steak.Mike – CheeseburgersJen – Pizza, pizza, pizza! Oh, and more pizza!

Marjorie – Kielbasa; I love it!Kerri – Different salads, because I’d get protein and vegetables all in one shot!


Page 16: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Wish ListOur wishes are broken into four categories: GOODS, SERVICES,


GOODSOffice Supplies-

Pens and pencilsCalculatorsCopy PaperBulletin boards

Electronics & Software-Sharp toner cartridges (MX-C30NT-B, MX-C30NT-Y, MX-C30NT-M, MX-C30NT-C)Ink Cartridges (HP 564XL black, HP 564XL yellow, HP 564XL cyan, HP 564XL magenta)1 Mac Book Pro (for graphics and media)Adding machineAdobe PhotoshopInDesign

Paper Goods-Paper TowelsToilet TissueFacial TissueKitchen BagsSmall Garbage Bags

Clothing & Household Goods-Women’s Plus SizesMen’s Clothing (all sizes)

Kitchen-BlenderFood ProcessorKnives

Leisure-Art Supplies (canvasses, paper, mattes, paints, charcoal, etc.)

SERVICESEmployersLegal AidDoctor ServicesGroup Fitness Instructors

VOLUNTEERSTutorsMentorsTravel BuddiesEmployment H.R. Prep (mock interviews, assistance preparing resumes)Evening & Weekend Social Activities Coordinators (Creative Writing, Art, Photography, etc.)Videographer

18TH INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR CONFERENCEAirline MilesPartial Sponsorship of a Member Delegate

* Please note: If something is checked off and you would like to donate it, we can always use more! Thank you!



Page 17: €¦  · Web view · 2016-07-29My favorite Bruce Springsteen song of all time is the catchy “Glory Days”: “Glory days, well they’ll pass you by. Glory days, in the wink

Happy Independence Day!

Shore House celebrates Fireworks Safety Month this

July. Be careful!


JULY 2015

Shore House wishes Kim, Jen, Chelsea G., Warrie, Brian, Pat, Mike & Karen very happy birthdays!!!!