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Simba Seals Swimming Club Handbook 2016-2017 Season

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Page 1: Web view · 2016-09-06Simba Seals Swimming Club. Handbook. 2016-2017 Season. . TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introduction3. Vision and Objectives of Simba Seals3. Simba Seals Constitution

Simba Seals Swimming Club


2016-2017 Season


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1. Introduction 32. Vision and Objectives of Simba Seals 33. Simba Seals Constitution and By-Laws 34. Simba Seals Parent Body 75. Duties and responsibilities of the Parent Body 76. Training Sessions and Expectations 11

a. Expectations from Swimmers 11b. Expectations from Guardians 12

7. Swimming Clothing and Equipment 128. Training Groups and Placement Considerations 14

a. Points to note 14b. Beginners Swimming 15c. Intermediate Swimming 15d. Advanced Swimming 16

9. Preparing for and enjoying galas 1710.Guidelines for attending galas 18

a. Before the gala 18b. Arriving at the gala 18c. Parents - What to say to your child after the race 19d. After the gala 20

11.Simba Seals Strengths 2012.Simba Seals Swimming Fees 2013.Gala Costs 22

14.The Role of Simba Seals Parents 2215.ZASU Gala Calendar 2416.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) 2417.ZASU Standard Times - Explanation 2818.ZASU Handbook 2819.FINA Rules 2820.Simba Seals Awards 3121.Simba Seals Club Swimming Records 3122.Simba Seals Website 3123.Simba Seals - Media 31

1. Introduction

This handbook explains how Simba Seals Swimming Club is run, and outlines the various policies and principles by which the club operates. This handbook should be read in conjunction with the Zambia Amateur Swimming Union (ZASU) handbook. It is by no means a definitive handbook and will be updated as necessary, but its main


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function is to explain the intention and operations of the Club to new and existing members; to identify the rules to which members are expected to adhere, and to explain ZASU standards and guidelines for participation in galas. Please use this handbook as a reference tool throughout the season.

2. Vision and Objectives of Simba Seals

Our vision is to help swimmers reach their individual maximum potential; to encourage and develop swimmers to compete at national and international gala level, and to foster both individual determination and focus, and also team spirit and cooperation. We expect commitment and hard work from our swimmers, but we also aim to give them a rewarding and enjoyable experience in the swimming club. We also depend on a spirit of dedicated enthusiasm from our swimmers’ parents – we very much see the club as a joint, team effort, in which everyone, including swimmers, coaches, school staff and parents, plays a role in ensuring that the Club grows from strength to strength.

3. Simba Seals Swimming Club Constitution and By-Laws

Article 1 – Title The organization will be known as “Simba Seals Swimming Club” (registered as

“Simba Amateur Swimming Club”), hereinafter referred to as “Simba Seals” or “the Club”. All club functions and training sessions, unless otherwise specified, will be conducted at the swimming pool of Simba International School, Ndola, Zambia.

The office address of the Club shall be C/O Simba International School, PO Box 240216 , Ndola, Zambia

Article II – Membership Simba Seals is a private swimming club. The Club enjoys the training facilities

of Simba International School, the services of the head coach employed by the school, and other forms of assistance from the school (such as access to hiring the school bus), but it is an autonomous club in so far as its operations are concerned. Membership places are limited by the available training facilities and training times that can be offered. Membership is offered in the first instance to pupils of Simba International School, and if still available, places are also open to swimmers from outside Simba International School, and the Club welcomes such swimmers.

The Parent Body, comprising parent representatives and coaches, reserves the right to allow or deny individual membership at any time.

Membership shall be contingent upon payment of seasonal membership dues as determined by the Parent Body.

Although membership is granted to the actual swimmers swimming with the Club, each swimmer’s designated parent or guardian shall also be considered to share that membership with his or her ward, so the term ‘member’ may be further defined as “Swimming Member”, which refers to the individual swimmer, and “Guardian Member”, which refers to the swimmer’s designated parent or guardian.

Article III – Club AffiliationsThe Club is sanctioned by the Zambia Amateur Swimming Union (ZASU) and operates under ZASU’s national guidelines. All swimmers registered with the Club are required to enrol as members of ZASU so that they are eligible to participate in ZASU


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sanctioned events. The Parent Body shall at all times foster close ties with the ZASU Copperbelt Representative to ensure that open communication channels between the Club and ZASU are maintained at all times.

Article IV – PurposeThe purpose of the Club shall include the following:

To provide a quality, skilled, competitive and pleasurable swimming programme for all interested swimmers of various levels of skill and ability.

To provide each swimmer with the opportunity to improve and to reach his or her maximum potential; and to promote personal achievement of goals within a supportive and positive environment.

To teach every swimmer the values of hard work, dedication, sportsmanship, teamwork and success.

To instill and develop team spirit and to seek to achieve excellence not only on a personal level but also on a club or team level.

To provide opportunities for social, emotional and educational development and to encourage peer and family participation within the Club structure.

To assist and encourage proficient swimmers to compete in organized swim meets and competitions.

Article V – PowersThe powers of the Club shall include the following:

To ensure participation in all swim meets and competitions as determined by the Parent Body to be in the best interests of the Club.

The publication and distribution of programmes, updates, club newsletters and other publications designed to promote the activities and affairs of the Club.

The obtaining of sponsorships for competitions, fund-raising events, and monies for swim equipment and apparel as may be deemed necessary by the Parent Body.

The operation of food concessions and the sale of swimming equipment and paraphernalia to Club members and other persons.

The authorization to engage in any lawful activity as may be necessary to properly carry out the purposes of the Club and conduct its affairs in an appropriate and professional manner.

Article VI – Rights of Members Each designated Guardian Member shall have one (1) vote on all matters that

may need to be brought before a vote. This will include the election by vote for office bearers on the Parent Body, should it be decided to elect office bearers by vote. Please note that at the time of writing, members of the Parent Body, with the exception of the coaches, serve on the Parent Body in a purely voluntary, unelected capacity.

Simba Seals Swimming Club wishes to ensure transparency in the manner of its handling of club fees paid by members. As such, fully paid-up Guardian Members have the right to see financial reports detailing the Club’s income and expenditure, should they so request. However it remains the jurisdiction of the Parent Body to set Club fees and to approve and carry out any expenditure that they deem fit.

Article VII – Meetings of members The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting before the start of each

swimming season for the purpose of reviewing the activities and financial affairs of the Club, and approving the volunteer Parent Body and/or electing Parent Body members, if necessary.


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The Club may also hold any other special meetings of the membership as may be necessary from time to time to properly conduct the affairs of the Club. All meetings of members shall be held at a convenient time and venue designated by the Parent Body. Written advance notice of the meeting shall be given to all members.

At any Membership meeting where voting is required, the presence of at least twenty (20) percent of the Guardian Members will constitute a quorum. Only Members present at the meeting shall have the right to vote as there will be no voting by proxy. The decision of the majority of the members shall be the decision of the Club.

The Parent Body shall hold regular meetings throughout the season to properly conduct the affairs of the Club, without consultation with the other members of the club.

Article VIII – Club Organizational StructureThe Club shall operate with two tiers of leadership:

The Parent Body Members who form a democratic group with no internal leadership tiers. However the chair of the meetings will conduct meetings and act as a spokesperson for the group where required. Members on the Parent Body serve on a voluntary, unelected basis, but may be removed from the Parent Body by written request from 75% of the Guardian Members. Parent Body Members are ultimately accountable to the entire group of Guardian Members.

The Guardian Members who are all accountable to the Parent Body.

Article IX – Parent Body The Parent Body shall consist of sufficient members to adequately cover the

following positions or areas of responsibility:o Chairing and co-ordination of meetingso Overseeing of coaching and development of swimmerso Co-ordination of galas – liaison with coaches, swimmers, guardians and

ZASU to ensure punctual and correct entry of swimmers at ZASU galas, including handling all necessary paperwork and monies

o Team management for galas - working in conjunction with coaches to ensure proper conduct and attendance at galas by both swimmers and Guardians serving any role requested at galas

o Co-ordination of Club finances – management of the Club bank account, income and expenditure, including collection of members’ fees in good time

o Communications – liaison between the Parent Body, school, coaches, parents and ZASU to ensure good flow of communication about all the activities of the Club

o Sponsorship and Fund Raising – fund raising and seeking sponsorship to assist the Club in all its activities

It is to be noted that the voluntary Parent Body has chosen to adapt and at times combine the traditional roles of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, etc to best suit the available individuals involved in the Parent Body. These positions are not fixed and may be amended as required in future.

The Parent Body shall always include a representative from Simba International School, to foster a spirit of cooperation and good communication between these entities. At this point in time, the Head Coach of Simba Seals is also the Head Coach of Simba International School, and as such the Head Coach shall also act as the school representative on the Parent Body.


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As Simba Seals uses the services of the coach/es from Simba International School, it is noted that Simba International School reserves the right to discontinue the services of the Head Coach.

At the time of writing, positions on the Parent Body are filled on a voluntary basis by interested Guardian Members and coaches. This method of appointment may be changed by request at an Annual General Meeting or special membership meeting whereby 75% of members request the change or whereby the Parent Body itself requests that voting be held by Guardian Members to vote members into the designated positions.

The Parent Body shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations and to alter and amend same from time to time in order to effectively conduct the business and activities of the Club.


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4. Simba Seals Parent Body for the 2015/2016 Season

Please note that the individuals serving are doing so on an entirely voluntary basis. Below are the names and contact numbers for this season’s Parent Body. Please contact the appropriate Parent Body member who is best placed to answer particular queries you may have.

Position Committee

Person Phone Email

Head Coach Executive Kosamu Chibende

0978 893 978 [email protected]

Team Manager Communications and Chair of Meetings

Executive Shabnam Ismail

0966 203 148 [email protected]

Local Gala Coordinator Clothing & Equipment Coordinator

Executive Emma Webb

0966 668 814 [email protected]

Financial Controller

Executive Sivalekha Ramesh

0974 777 648 [email protected]

Fundraising & Sponsorship Coordinator Gala Coordinator

Executive Urshlla Gomes

0977 367 944 [email protected]

Fundraising Sub Bayenkhu Mulenga

0965 730 660 [email protected]

Membership Coordinator

Sub Yogita Gohil

0965 929 918 [email protected]

IT Data & Gala Selection Entries

Sub Matthew Shone

0974 026 538 [email protected]

School Communicator

Sub Nicki Moyo

[email protected]

Gala Team Call Ups & Gala Coordinator

Sub Lara Maistrellis

0966 781 551 [email protected]

Team Chaperone

Sub Royden Webb

0973 378 767

NOTE: The executive committee is responsible for the daily running of the Club, the sub-committee to assist as required.

5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Parent Body

The Parent Body has the authority to set policy and to direct the affairs and business of the Club. The duties of the Body are to set policies, establish goals and objectives for


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the Club, obtain funds to carry out the functions of the Club, and to ensure the effective day to day running of the Club.

Special Note: Whilst the designated member of the Parent Body takes overall responsibility for the duties listed below under his or her area of responsibility, other Parent Body members will also help carry out the duties, and in addition the Parent Body invites, needs and welcomes help and support from other parents involved in the Club.

Head Coach 1. Responsible for the overall swimming training programme and for managing and

coordinating all the ‘wet’ operations of the Club.2. Responsible for the swimmers’ safety and well-being during training and at

swimming meets and as such, the Head Coach’s authority prevails during team training and at meets.

3. Supervises and allows for the professional development of assistant coaches.4. Supervises the swimming programme for the different levels of ability of the

swimmers registered with the club.5. Provides guidance, in conjunction and collaboration with the Assistant Coach, to

swimmers in choosing the appropriate training session according to their level of skill, ability, maturity and commitment.

6. Responsible for instruction, in conjunction and collaboration with the Assistant Coach, pertaining to stroke correction and improvement, competitive swimming techniques and efficient race strategies.

7. In collaboration with the Team Manager, makes decisions regarding which meets and galas a particular swimmer should attend and advises the swimmer with regard to the events in which he/she should be entered.

8. In collaboration with the Team Manager and Assistant Coach, makes decisions regarding the compilation of relay teams.

9. Must attend all league and national galas. If unable to do so, must appoint an appropriate person (usually the Assistant Coach) to stand in.

10.In the event of the Head Coach being unable to attend training sessions for whatever reason, the relevant training programmes and instructions must be given to the Assistant Coach who will stand in his/her stead.

11.Responsible for delegating responsibility to the Assistant Coach.12.Offers constructive feedback, support and race critique to all swimmers after

each gala event.13.Keeps and maintains a daily swimming register in conjunction with the Finance

Coordinator. Provides regular reports on swimming activities and progress with individual swimmers.

14.Acts as a communication link between Simba School and the Parent Body, to facilitate good cooperation between these bodies.

15.In liaison with the Assistant Coach, Simba School PE Department, and agents of other schools in the community, actively recruits potential new swimmers to expand and maintain the Club and to develop swimming ability within the school and community.

16.At the end of the season, in consultation with the Parent Body and Assistant Coach, nominates swimmers for Club swimming awards.

Assistant Swim Coach1. Receives instruction relating to Simba Seals swimming from the Head Coach.2. Must attend all League and National Galas.3. Runs training sessions on his/her own as designated by the Head Coach, and

assists the Head Coach in other training sessions.


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4. Assists the Head Coach in maintaining discipline among the swimmers.5. Works with the Head Coach, Simba School PE Department and agents from

other schools, to actively recruit potential new swimmers to the Club and therefore to enhance and improve swimming at both school and club level.

6. Should the Assistant Coach also be a competitive swimmer, an agreement must be reached regarding his/her personal training in collaboration with the Head Coach and Parent Body.

7. As the Assistant Coach often acts as a link between the Head Coach and the swimmers themselves, he or she must always act in a mature and exemplary fashion. He/she should be aware that he/she acts not only as a confidant to swimmers but also as a role model for them.


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Gala Coordinator and Team Manager 1. Organizes and coordinates all matters pertaining to galas, both local and

international. This includes making arrangements and bookings for suitable accommodation, arrangements for transport, room allocations and so on.

2. Ensures that parents of all travelling swimmers have completed the required permission documentation for travel.

3. Maintains a “Swimmers’ File” containing all the swimmers’ personal details, registration forms and other documentation of an administrative nature.

4. Maintains a file containing all swimmers’ gala swimming times. This information will be available to members.

5. Liaises closely with ZASU regarding all administrative matters pertaining to the Club such as provision of gala entry lists, registration of new Simba Seals swimmers and so on.

6. Attends all league and national galas to assist the Head Coach wherever necessary. This will include timing the swimmers in their respective events, giving swimmers feedback on races with respect to their personal best times, obtaining gala events programmes, and passing on gala information to the swimmers and their parents. It is his/her responsibility to inform the ZASU Recorder of any swimmers who are absent due to illness or injury. He/she also sets up national record attempts with ZASU where appropriate.

7. Is responsible for the collection and payment of all transport, meal and accommodation expenses for away galas, and the submission of gala income and expense reports, to the Finance Coordinator.

8. Provides the Finance Coordinator with a list of all swimmers currently registered with the Club, for invoicing purposes. This list will be copied to the Head Coach to ensure that swimmers coming to training are in fact registered with the Club.

Finance Coordinator 1. Keeps accurate and full accounts of all income and expenses and collects,

deposits and disperses all monies as agreed upon by the Parent Body.2. Maintains the Club bank account and manages all records and procedures

pertaining to the account.3. Issues invoices to all Simba Seals families and the receipts thereof.4. Issues notification to members whose fee payments have lapsed.5. Is ultimately responsible for the punctual payment of all gala entry fees,

registration fees, penalties or fines to ZASU.6. Is ultimately responsible for the collection and payment of all transport, meal

and accommodation expenses for away galas.7. Provides an annual financial statement at the end of each swimming season,

which must be available if requested to any paid-up Simba Seals Guardian Member. This is to ensure transparency and accountability within the Club.

8. Prepares an annual budget and fundraising programme and circulates this to all Parent Body members.

9. Arranges for payment of all new equipment purchased for the Club, after approval from the Parent Body.

Communications Coordinator 1. Keeps and maintains a file containing all the records, correspondence and

documentation pertaining to the Club.2. Arranges the recording of accurate and concise minutes of all Club meetings.3. Is responsible for making available the Simba Seals handbook to all registered

families at the start of each swimming season and ensures that the Handbook is updated each season as appropriate.


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4. Sets and arranges meeting times for the Parent Body and Members meetings; prepares the agenda for such meetings and also chairs the meetings.

5. Maintains a current list of all Simba Seals families together their contact details.6. Is responsible for sending out notices to members in order to keep them

informed of any decisive actions by the Parent Body or by ZASU.7. Liaises closely with all members of the Parent Body and the Head Coach in

particular regarding all matters concerning the management and well-being of Simba Seals swimmers. Also liaises with Simba School heads regarding swimming matters pertaining to or affecting Simba Seals.

8. Handles any disputes or sensitive issues arising from dealings with ZASU, Simba School staff, Simba Seals coaches, or Simba Seals parents.

9. Provides written feedback and information updates to all swimmers and Guardian Members as appropriate.

Clothing and Equipment Coordinator1. Controls stocks of Club clothing and equipment2. Maintains an accurate record and inventory of all Simba Seals clothing and

equipment and provides such information to the Finance Coordinator on a regular basis.

3. Organizes design and purchase of new stocks of clothing and equipment as necessary

4. Assists with any other Club duties as may be appropriate.

Sponsorship and Fund Raising Coordinator1. Plans, organizes and coordinates all fundraising activities and events involving

the swimmers and their families.2. Appoints a subcommittee to assist in fundraising work and oversees the

subcommittee.3. Ensures that all details regarding fundraising events are communicated to

Guardian Members. 4. Heads sponsorship drives to secure sponsorship for Simba Seals to help the Club

meet its goals and objectives, including clothing and equipment needs.5. Assists with any other Club duties as may be appropriate.


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6. Training sessions and Expectations:

Training sessions are the most important aspect of competitive swimming. Consistent training is needed to progress and improve and as such, it is important that each swimmer attend as many training sessions as possible to derive the full benefits of the swimming programme.

A) Expectations from swimmers: Swimmers are expected to arrive at the pool on time – no later than five minutes

before the scheduled start of the training session. Late starters compromise the entire squad by delaying the start of the session. Swimmers who arrive consistently late for training may be suspended for a time from training as a disciplinary measure.

Swimmers will be allocated a lane by the Head Coach. Each lane will be given a designated lane leader and swimmers are expected to follow the lane leader in a clockwise direction at all times. No swimmer may leave his/her designated lane unless approved by the Head Coach.

Swimmers are expected to stay for the entire duration of the practice session. Often the last part of the practice is the most important. Also, important announcements are often made at the end of each training session.

Swimmers are expected to follow the respective coaches’ directions and instructions at all times. Disrespect or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. This includes abusive language, arguing with or complaining to the coaches, lying, stealing, vandalism, bullying or unsportsmanlike behaviour towards other swimmers. Swimmers guilty of any such behaviour will be subjected to disciplinary action which in mild cases will involve ‘time out’ or dismissal from that day’s training. In severe cases, disciplinary action could involve complete dismissal from the team or suspension from competing in forthcoming galas.

Swimmers may only leave a training session with the coach’s permission. Swimmers in each training group are required to attend all the sessions that are

appropriate to that group. These are outlined later in this document. For example, swimmers in Level 2 swimming must attend a minimum of 4 training sessions per week.

In certain cases, swimmers may be excused from training sessions provided that they notify the Head Coach in advance. Examples of excused training sessions include, but are not limited to, participation in another team competition or match, school field trips and cases of illness or injury. It is requested that medical and dental appointments be made at times outside of training sessions.

Unexcused training sessions are those sessions that are missed without informing the Head Coach. Regular unexcused missed sessions will result in the swimmer’s dismissal from the team and/or his/her suspension from competing as a Simba Seals team member in ZASU galas.

B) Expectations from guardians during swim sessions: No children are permitted to run or play inside the swimming pool area while

training is in progress. Children who are not involved in a swimming session may NOT remain in the

pool area unless accompanied by an adult responsible for them. They may not


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roam throughout the school grounds unaccompanied. Parents are requested to ensure that their children are well supervised outside training sessions.

Parents are asked not to communicate with their children in the training sessions, nor should their children communicate with them, as this is disruptive to the coaches concerned. If a swimmer has any problem or concern during training, he/she must discuss this with the coach and NOT with the parent.

Parents are also requested NOT to speak to the coaches while training is in progress as this distracts the coach from the swimmers in the pool.

Parents are welcome to speak with the coach before or after training sessions, or to any member of the Parent Body. Please address queries to the appropriate member of the Parent Body – for instance, gala queries should generally be directed to the Gala Coordinator.

7. Swimming Clothing and Equipment

Towels: All Simba Seals members, on first joining the club, are eligible for one Simba Seals towel (stocks permitting).

Gala Kit: Certain Simba Seals clothing and equipment will be awarded or sold to swimmers who qualify to swim in ZASU galas. The criteria for awarding or selling such clothing and equipment is laid down by the Parent Body, and is summarized as follows:

o Swimmers selected to swim in a ZASU gala are immediately eligible to purchase a Simba Seals swimming costume (if available), swimming cap, baseball cap and shirt. These items are only available to gala swimmers. Please note that Simba Seals gala swimmers may wear their own (FINA approved gala costume); however we ask that you try to purchase a costume in the Simba Seals colours (blue or yellow).

o Simba Seals has been fortunate to secure sponsorship of gala tracksuits from VS Cargo and more recently from Bolloré Africa Logistics. The tracksuits are awarded without charge on the following basis:

Gala swimmers will qualify for a tracksuit when they have participated in a minimum of TWO ZASU galas in the season.

In special cases, tracksuits will be awarded to swimmers at the discretion of the Parent Body.

Please note that if swimmers lose their tracksuits, or part thereof, they may PURCHASE a replacement tracksuit, if available.

Please also note that Simba Seals members who have not yet swum two ZASU galas in the season, are not eligible for tracksuits, which must be earned and worn with pride.

With regard to gala kit, it is important to note that:o Gala swimmers should wear their gala kit with pride, having earned the

right to wear it.o Swimmers selected to swim in ZASU galas must wear all the kit that has

been provided to them, at all ZASU galas, and should not use other caps, etc unless by prior authorization from the coach or Parent Body.

o GALA SWIMMERS MAY NOT USE ANY OF THEIR GALA KIT DURING ORDINARY TRAINING SESSIONS. The kit is for use exclusively at galas, both to preserve the life of the kit and because the kit has been designated for this purpose exclusively. This applies to the Simba Seals swimming costumes, swimming caps, baseball caps, shirts, tracksuits and any future Simba Seals kit that may be introduced. Swimmers who persistently arrive at training with gala kit will be excluded from training.


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All swimmers should wear swimming caps during training. During training sessions, any brand of swim cap may be worn. However, during galas, only the Simba Seals swim cap should be worn.

All swimmers should wear swimming goggles both for training and for galas. Goggles protect the eyes from chlorine and enable the swimmer to swim with his/her eyes open. The goggles should fit tightly to keep the water out and prevent leaking. It is recommended that the swimmer always carry a back-up pair of goggles.

It is recommended that each swimmer purchase his/her own pair of swimming fins, and pool buoy and kick board. There are extra fins, boards and buoys available for Club use but it is preferable for each child to have his/her own equipment. Each child should carry all swimming gear in a suitable carrying bag.

It is strongly suggested that each swimmer bring a water bottle to each session and place it at the end of their allocated swim lane. No fizzy or diet drinks are permitted.

Training Swimming Costumes: Boys are not allowed to wear swim trunks or board shorts for training as these are too cumbersome and loose for effective training. Swimsuits should be snug, as loose, oversized suits will create drag and impair performance. Speedo, TYR, Finals, Finis, Nike and Adidas are all examples of creditable brands of swimsuits. When purchasing a swimsuit, ensure that the suit is lined, does not ‘bunch’ or gather anywhere and that it fits tightly – generally, ‘the tighter the better.’

As a safety precaution, large earrings or other chunky jewelry must be removed prior to getting into the pool. No jewelry or watches may be worn during galas.

Other: A towel, sunscreen and a tracksuit of hooded jacket (for cooler weather) are recommended but not required.


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8. Training Groups and Placement Considerations

a) Points to note:i) Simba Seals will offer six categories of training sessions, being Learn to swim,

Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite and Masters. Please note that there will also be an afternoon Simba SCHOOL training session, by invitation by Simba School. This training session will be run by the Simba Seals/Simba School coach as a School Extra Curricular Activity (ECA). Although this is not part of the Simba Seals training programme, this school training session will be used to encourage and identify children who show good swimming potential. As they progress in their swimming, these school swimmers will be encouraged to join Simba Seals.

ii) The coaches will determine the training group for which your child is best suited and will allocate him/her to that group, and where appropriate, will also determine which days and times he/she will train. You may consult the coach/Parent Body should the allocated days or times not suit you for any very good reason, and if reasonable, changes may be made. However the coach’s decision is final and we ask that you be aware that in the interests of the proper functioning of the Club as a whole, we may not be able to cater to your individual wishes.

iii)Simba Seals Intermediate, Advanced and Elite will be divided on the basis of commitment, proficiency and ability, and not on the basis of age. The reason for this is to make coaching more efficient so that swimmers of similar abilities (irrespective of age) can train together. Generally however, most Primary School swimmers will be allocated to Intermediate. Exceptions will include very strong Primary School swimmers who consider swimming to be their ‘main’ sport and who are willing to commit to a minimum of four compulsory swim training workouts per week as offered in the Advanced and Elite programme. Likewise, most swimmers from the Secondary School will probably be allocated to the Advanced or Elite training session. Exceptions will include those Secondary School swimmers who do not consider swimming to be their ‘main’ sport and as such, do not want to commit to four compulsory swim training sessions per week.

iv)Allocation of swimmers into training groups will be made on the basis of considerations listed below. (1) Should parents or swimmers NOT agree with the session allocated,

they should discuss this with the Head Coach. New and existing swimmers will be placed into the level that has the swimmer’s best interests at heart and which best sets that swimmer up for future success. This decision will be made by the coaching staff and in certain ‘special’ cases, in consultation with the swimmer and his/her parents.

(2) If the coaching staff has made a mistake in judgment, it will soon become obvious and the swimmer will be moved up or down accordingly after consultation with the swimmer concerned.

(3) Parents are requested to think very carefully before asking for their child to be moved up a level. Swimmers who are stretched too far beyond their current ability soon become demoralized and frustrated because it is evident to them that they are lagging behind the other swimmers. This can lead them to give up swimming, or to feel demoralized and ashamed if they are moved back down to their previous group. Progressing to a more advanced level will be at the Head Coach’s discretion and he/she will ensure that a swimmer is moved as soon as he/she is ready. Keeping up


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is a huge factor in a swimmer’s success and more importantly, in his/her enjoyment.

v) Simba School (both Primary and Secondary level) has made the following concession for Simba Seals swimmers: Simba Seals swimmers who choose swimming as their ‘main’ sport may be excused from attending other, non-compulsory, school sports sessions, provided that, in total, their total activities attendance per week meets the requirements of the school. (In the case of the Secondary School, for instance, students are required to take four afternoon activities per week.) However it is to be noted that in general the school takes the view that students should try to take part in more than one sporting activity.

b) BEGINNER SWIMMINGi) This is mostly for very young children who are still learning to master the four

basic strokes and who ultimately want to improve their techniques, fitness and speed in order to fulfill the requirements necessary to enable them to progress to a higher level. In other words, these are our ‘baby seals’.

ii) A swimmer wishing to join BEGINNERS must be able to swim 25m unaided, without stopping. Be able to remain in the water for 45 minutes during a training session.

iii)Training sessions will usually take place at the same time and venue four days per week during the swimming season, with each swimmer having the opportunity to swim at least twice each week.

iv)Some, but not all, BEGINNER swimmers may be selected to swim in ZASU galas depending on their level of proficiency in a given stroke. Please do not assume that your swimmer WILL swim in ZASU galas by virtue of becoming a Simba Seals swimmer. The coaches will only allow a BEGINNER (or any other) swimmer to enter a gala when he or she is deemed ready, and this will not be the same for all swimmers, regardless of age. Galas place a considerable level of pressure on swimmers, and it is not fair to impose such pressure on a swimmer until he or she is ready for this.

c) INTERMEDIATE SWIMMINGi) Swimmers need to commit themselves to a minimum of two sessions per

week if involved in other sports or after-school activities. If not involved in other sports or after-school activities, they will be expected to attend a minimum of three sessions per week. This 4 training session minimum will be strictly enforced. This session would be of interest to those children who would like the flexibility to participate in other sports and after-school activities as well.

ii) Swimmers need to be able to swim all four strokes with reasonable proficiency.

iii)Swimmers need to be able to execute legal turns, backstroke starts, dives and finishes.

iv)Swimmers need to be able to meet the demands of a sixty-minute training session with a minimum swim distance of around 2.0-2.5km.

v) Swimmers should be able to make short course standard times. ZASU standard times are included in this handbook for easy reference.

vi)Swimmers in INTERMEDIATE will be eligible to compete in ZASU league galas in those events in which they are achieving standard times.

vii) The goal of this group of swimmers is to continually work towards improving their stroke, speed and fitness in order to reach the stage where


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they fulfill all the requirements necessary to move up to ADVANCED. For those swimmers who do not want to commit to the four-session per week minimum requirement demanded at ADVANCED, they may opt to remain at INTERMEDIATE and thereby, retain the flexibility to engage in many other school activities and extra-curricular activities.

d) ADVANCED AND ELITE SWIMMINGi) Swimmers need to commit themselves to a minimum of four (or preferably,

five) sessions per week. This 4-session minimum rule will be strictly enforced. Weekly training programmes will be carefully planned and formatted, so missing a session is NOT recommended. This session would generally be for those children who consider swimming to be their ‘main sport.’

ii) Swimmers need to be able to cope with a swim session of at least 90 minutes in duration where total distances are likely to be between 2.5km to over 4km and as even as much as 5 or 6 km for the older and more advanced swimmers.

iii)Swimmers need to be fully proficient in all four strokes as well as in the techniques associated with dives, starts, turns and finishes.

iv)Swimmers should aim to make standard times in at least 80% of all the events being offered in the ZASU leagues, i.e. standard times in at least 12 of the 15 events on offer. ZASU standard times are included in this handbook for easy reference.

v) All swimmers in ADVANCED AND ELITE will be eligible to swim in all galas in every event in which they are exceeding the standard ZASU times by at least 5 seconds. Preferably, they must compete in all league galas unless sick or injured.

vi) The goal for this group of swimmers will be to continually improve speed and technique as well as to learn the finer points of racing strategy and the mental and physical preparation needed for competition in national and international galas.


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9 Preparing for and enjoying galas

Swimming Meets can be a great experience for the whole family and we strongly encourage parents to accompany their child to these events. The galas foster team spirit and commitment as well as providing a good measure of performance, both individually and as a team. Competition galas bring us together as a team and are also a way of checking how we are doing individually and as a team. Although galas are just a snapshot of a performance on a given day at that time and under those conditions, they provide valuable feedback to coaches and swimmers. Parents also have the opportunity to cheer for their child as they watch him/her in action, share in the happiness of a Personal Best time or comfort their child when he/she is upset with his/her performance. Parents can also show their support for the team by assisting with official duties such as timekeeping, calling up swimmers for their events, team photography or working in some other capacity.

The Parent Body, particularly the Team Manager/Gala Coordinator, will be able to give you all the information you need as to exactly what is required of you when your child attends galas. This will include notifying you that your child has been selected to swim, and which races he or she is to swim, giving you details of the gala including times and venues, and helping you to arrange accommodation and transport. Normally, Simba Seals is able to organise team transport and accommodation. Parents are liable to pay gala entry, transport, food and accommodation costs associated with the gala, but it is the role of the Parent Body to assist in keeping costs as low as possible, and we always do our best to reduce the cost to the parents – after all, we are parents of swimmers too!

Trips to swim meets outside of Ndola are an important aspect of a swimmer’s development and career. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind when travelling to and participating in these out of town galas:

As advised, the Gala Coordinator will organize and coordinate all the finer details and parents and swimmers will be advised accordingly. Payments due towards the gala must always be paid before the gala, by the date specified by the Gala Coordinator.

Usually a certain hotel, B&B or camp will be designated as the ‘team headquarters’ and it is recommended that the team stay there. Galas are an excellent opportunity to build up team spirit and camaraderie. However the Parent Body completely understands and accepts that some parents prefer to take responsibility for transporting their own child and making their own accommodation arrangements, particularly now that the roads are so much busier.

Parents are encouraged to attend out of town meets with their swimmers and to chaperone the younger children. These trips can be great fun for parents and swimmers alike.

A bus will usually be provided to transport those children unaccompanied by their parents, and a responsible adult will always accompany the children. Obviously, parents will be requested to contribute towards the cost of such transport. However, should swimmers be travelling with their parents to the out of town venue, there will be no transport cost levied.

Simba School generally allows the team bus to leave at 12h00 on a Friday in order to attend weekend galas in Lusaka. However Simba School swimmers (and their parents) must ensure that they catch up on lessons missed because of this. In addition, parents who are travelling independently of the bus with their swimmers, are requested NOT to take a whole day off school to do so, as this


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amounts to an abuse of the school’s assistance towards these galas and often results in non-swimming siblings also missing important school lessons.

Any swimmer who fails to hand in the required forms and monies by the deadline date will not be permitted to travel to the gala and will be responsible for any fees that the club incurs due to this withdrawal from the gala.

10. Guidelines for Attending Galas

a) Before the Gala: Make sure you get plenty of rest the night before. Ensure that you know how to get to the gala venue. If a swimmer becomes sick or is unable to participate in the gala for whatever

reason, notify the Head Coach or Team Manager immediately, and in the case of sickness, ensure you get a doctor’s sick note. Unless you provide a valid sick note, you will have to pay any “No Show” fines applicable to your swimmer (K10 000 per event).

Ensure that you have been signed up for the correct events. Pack the following kit:

o Simba Seals swimming costume, goggles, two towels including Simba Seals towel, Simba Seals swimming cap, Simba Seals baseball cap, Simba Seals shirt, black PE shorts and footwear. Doubling up on swimsuits, goggles and caps is always a good idea as these items can break, tear or go astray. Label all equipment with a permanent marker.

o Warm change of clothing or tracksuit. o Sunscreen, socks, shoes or sandals. o Nutritious snacks and drinks. Recommended snacks are white bread

sandwiches (white bread digests quicker than whole-wheat), energy bars, pancakes and bananas. Also, pack loads of water and energy drinks like Energade, Game and Powerade. Avoid dairy products, fatty greasy food, sweets and fizzy drinks until after the gala.

b) Arriving at the Gala: Ensure that you arrive at the pool at the time specified by the coach. This is

usually one hour before the scheduled start of the gala. Stretching, warm-up swim, pep talk, war cries and last minute advice from the coach is an essential part of success in the events to come.

Find out where the team is stationed and keep together as a team. The coach and other officials need to be able to find you quickly when the need arises.

Bring the programme provided to you so that you are sure of the timing of your races.

Warm-ups: Before the gala is scheduled to commence, all swimmers need to warm-up in the pool. A good warm-up is essential to a successful performance. The coach will supervise and monitor the warm-up session and give last-minute advice on turns, starts and dives. After warm-ups, the swimmer should go back to the team area and wait until his/her name, heat and lane number is called out by the person in charge of event call-up. This is a good time to get a drink or go to the bathroom.

Once receiving the event information (heat and lane number) swimmers need to report to the Head Coach for any last minute advice before heading off to the Marshalling Area prior to the event. Last words of encouragement and a review of ‘focus goals’ are quickly discussed at this time. Parents should avoid providing this information themselves as it may conflict with the coach’s advice and confuse the child. A simple word of love and encouragement will suffice.


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In the Marshalling/staging area, the Marshall will direct the swimmers to their seats in accordance with their heat and lane number. Swimmers are to be quiet and respectful while in the staging area. Any swimmer who fails to follow instructions given by the Marshall will be withdrawn from the race.

After the race, it is extremely important to report back to the Head Coach for a critique of the swim, however good or bad it might have been. While the race is still fresh in the coach’s mind, he/she can best analyze what just transpired. The coach will offer constructive criticism and point out the value of the swim whether a PB was achieved or not. Remember it is possible to swim poorly and still do a PB. Likewise, it is possible to swim well and not achieve a PB. The time and finishing position is NOT always what we are after – improvement in swimming is! That might not show up in a faster time, but it can mean the stroke was improved, strategy was well executed, start/turn/ finishes were improved, etc.

One of the Simba Seals core values is sportsmanship. Unsportsmanlike behaviour such as throwing goggles or caps, loud vocalization or swearing after a disappointing swim will NOT be tolerated. Poor swims are part of the learning experience and should be handled with dignity. Likewise, bullying, name-calling and teasing of other swimmers will not be tolerated under any circumstances and offenders will be punished with a one gala suspension.

There is a lot of time to rest between individual events. Swimmers should use this time wisely, staying out of the sun and resting, while mentally rehearsing and visualizing the next race to come. Cheering team members is also encouraged.

c) Parents – what to say to your child after the race

If the swim has been poor or disappointing, refrain from criticizing. Find something positive to say, and share in your child’s disappointment without showing any disappointment IN him or her. Help comfort your child by offering a warm towel or clothing, a drink, etc. Ask what the coach said about the swim.

If the swim has been good, provide plenty of praise and encouragement. Provide towels, drink, food, etc and ask what the coach said about the swim. Do not undermine the good performance by picking out any poor aspect of the swim.

d) After the GalaRecord your child’s times for your own family’s information, then go and celebrate. The celebrations are what swimmers tend to remember best – for instance, that huge ice cream on the way home!

11. Simba Seals Strengths

We want Simba Seals swimmers not only to become the best swimmers they can be, but to become the best people they can be.

Swimming is not actually about beating the other people in the pool, but about beating your own personal best, and then beating that personal best – always striving to do the best that you can.


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The good character you show in training, at galas and indeed everywhere also marks you out as someone who is striving to be the best that he or she can be. Think about your attitude to training, to competing, to your coaches, to officials, to your competitors, to your team mates and to your parents and siblings. A true Simba Seal is hard working, respectful, enthusiastic, encouraging and fair. Enjoy your swimming. Enjoy being part of the Simba Seals family which includes your parents and siblings, your coaches, your Parent Body and your fellow teammates. Do your part to be the best individual that you can be, in the best team that you can help to build.

12. Simba Seals Swimming Fees

The Parent Body will set fees at the beginning of each swimming season and may review these fees during the season if necessary. Changes in fees will be communicated to all Guardian Members in good time. In addition to regular training fees, Guardian Members will also be required to pay an annual Simba Seals registration fee, an annual ZASU registration fee (as prescribed by ZASU), gala entry fees, and of course any relevant transport, food and accommodation costs for attending galas.

NOTE RE ZASU REGISTRATION: ALL SIMBA SEALS MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER WITH THE ZAMBIA AMATEUR SWIMMING UNION (ZASU) EACH SEASON. Registration includes payment of the annual registration fee; the completion and submission of a ZASU registration form, and submission of a copy of the swimmer’s birth certificate and CURRENT passport. Payment and documents are to be submitted to the club, which in turn will pass over payment and documentation to ZASU.


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FEES FOR THE 2015/2016 SEASON1. Annual Club Registration Fee: TBA2. Annual ZASU Registration Fee: K300 per swimmer3. Visitor’s Training Fee: K20 per session or K50 per week4. Seasonal Training Fee – as outlined in the fees table below. It is important to


LEARN TO SWIM K450.00Beginners K 350.00 Intermediate K 350.00Advanced K 400.00Elite K 400.00MASTERS K 200.00

There are 2 payment options, as follows:-1. Payment Option 1: Pay the monthly fee, in advance, on the first day of the

month, for 9 months2. Payment Option 2: Pay for the full season in advance and get one month free

(i.e. pay for only 8 months) Children who have not paid their fees will be denied access to swimming training

and participation in galas. No swimming fees – no swimming. It is the Guardian Member’s responsibility to notify the Head Coach as well as

the Parent Body IN ADVANCE of any intention to terminate membership of the Simba Seals Club. Members will continue to be billed for training fees unless prior notice has been given.

Swimmers who have registered with the Club but who do not attend training practices are still eligible to pay their monthly fees. However, in the case of extenuating circumstances such as prolonged illness or severe injury, fees can be deferred for a time after consultation with the Head Coach/Parent Body representative.

There will be NO refund of training fees for drop-out swimmers unless it is for unexpected family relocation reasons.

Payments may be made by two methods:o Place your payment in an envelope marked with the swimmer’s name, the

amount being paid and the period for which payment is being made. Seal the envelope and deposit it in the Simba Seals Payment Box, which is located in the Simba School Primary Reception. The box will be cleared weekly and receipts issued.

Deposit your payment in the Simba Seals bank account. Ensure that your deposit carries a reference, including the swimmer’s name, and the period for which payment is being made. The bank account details are:

Bank:                 Standard Chartered Bank


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Branch:              Ndola South BranchA/C Name:          Simba Amateur Swimming ClubA/C Number: 0150438082500

13. Gala costsGuardian members are responsible for the payment of all costs associated with their swimmer attending a ZASU gala. These costs include gala entry fees, any fines applicable (e.g., no-shows in the event of the swimmer missing an event without providing a valid medical note), travel, food and accommodation costs.

The club will do its best to arrange for shared team transport, normally using a bus provided by Simba School, and shared team accommodation and also food, although it is not obligated to do so. Guardian members wishing to avail themselves of team transport, accommodation and food will be given the opportunity to book this. However, once this has been booked, guardian members are obligated to pay the full cost involved even if they later choose not to use the transport, accommodation and food provided.

14. The Role of Simba Seals Parents

To build a successful swimming programme there must be trust, understanding and above all, COMMUNICATION between coaches, parents, the swimmers and the Parent Body. The Head Coach and members of the Parent Body are all responsible for relaying information to you, the parents. However, for communication to be effective, it must work both ways. So, parents and swimmers are responsible for reading, understanding and acting upon this information where necessary. If there is anything you do not understand or, have a concern about, please speak to the appropriate person on the Parent Body. Usually potential problems and issues can be resolved through clear and friendly communication between all parties.

Some things to think about with regard to Parent/Coach/Swimmer/Parent Body relationships:

Every individual learns at a different rate, so don’t compare your child’s progress to another’s. “Early bloomers” often get overtaken by “late bloomers”.

Our swimming programme, particularly in Level 2 and 3, is demanding. New swimmers might find it very difficult to cope initially. Encourage them to persevere for a couple of weeks while they learn to adapt to the new training loads and while they adjust to the new environment and routine.

Plateaux occur in every swimmer’s progression. Simply encourage your swimmer to keep training and bide his/her time. Improvements will soon come.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress or about coaching techniques or training programmes, arrange for an appointment with the Head Coach, rather than complaining to others. Likewise, if you have any grievance with any person on the Parent Body, please take this grievance to that person or the Parent Body to resolve it. Please play your part in keeping good relations with all members of the Simba Seals ‘family’.

If there is any ‘special’ information about your child that the Head Coach needs to know about, please inform him/her immediately – medications the child is on, ADD, allergies or phobias, behavioural problems, etc. This information may be shared with Parent Body members or the Team Manager if necessary. Otherwise, it will be kept strictly confidential.


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Just as you would not attempt to fix a major problem with your car by yourself without suitable mechanical expertise, please refrain from giving stroke correction advice, race strategy tips or pre-race nutritional advice to your child. Please leave this to the Head Coach. Your information, while well meaning, may be outdated and may conflict with what the coach says and will only cause confusion and anxiety.

Never say or do anything that leads your child to equate love with performance. Some children really do believe that their parents will love them more if they swim well and when they don’t have a good swim, they feel like they have let their parents down. There is a very fine line between support/encouragement and pushing/unreasonable expectation.

Responsibilities and requirements of Simba Seals parentsSimba Seals is excited about the potential we have to grow from strength to strength as a swimming club. We ask each and every Guardian Member of the club, to assist and volunteer whenever and wherever possible, so that the club can continue to grow. The duties of the Parent Body are often demanding and time consuming, and your support and help will be much appreciated. Each parent is also asked to provide AT LEAST the following assistance to help the club and the swimming fraternity:

Timekeeping: We are required to provide Timekeepers at galas held on the Copperbelt. This is not a difficult job and keeps you very close to the action! Please volunteer to help, or agree to help when asked.

Gala Management: to assist the Team Manger and Head Coach as a Call-up official - calling up the swimmers well before their scheduled event, relaying heat and lane number information to them, ensuring that they report to the Head Coach prior to the swim and then ensuring that they move to the Marshalling area. Also sometimes needed is a Marshall, a position particularly suited to someone who loves working with children but at the same time is firm. He/she mans the Marshalling area and ensures that all the swimmers are placed in the correct events, heats and lanes.

Photography: Parents who bring cameras to galas are encouraged to pass along photographs for use on the bulletin board and website.

We also ask and encourage parents to join and support fundraising ventures to help promote and develop the Club.


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15. 2015-2016 ZASU GALA CALENDAR


or LCM (50m)


17 September 2016 Jubilee SCM Simba International School, Ndola

15-16 October 2016 1st League Gala LCM OYDC, Lusaka

12-13 November 2016 2nd League Gala SCM Baobab College, Lusaka

3-4 December 2016 3rd League Gala LCM Mufulira Swimming Pool

28-29 January 2017 4th League Gala SCM Simba International School, Ndola

17-19 March 2017 NAG SCM AIS, Lusaka

16. Some FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

How are gala meets usually structured in Zambia? Most league meets and other galas are Timed Final Meets (with no qualifying

heats or semi-finals). League galas are swum over the course of two days. In the ZASU league, most events are swum in 4 divisions as follows: Boys 11yrs

and under; Boys 12yrs and over; Girls 11yrs and under, and Girls 12yrs and over. In the league galas, children swim according the age they will be on 1st January

of that swimming season, but for purposes of heats, they will swim in one of the 4 categories outlined above.

o For example, in the Boys 11yrs and under category, say there are 40 swimmers aged 11yrs and under signed up for the 50m free event. These swimmers will usually be divided into heats (or races) of 8 swimmers, to accommodate all the swimmers in the event. Unseeded or slower swimmers will be placed in the earlier heats and the faster swimmers in the later heats. After all the heats are complete, swimmers will be ranked according to their finish time in their own age group (based on their age on 1st January) and points for their club given based on their finishing position in that age group. Parents are often confused why their child ‘wins’ a race, only to find they have only come 4th or 5th or 6th on the results sheet. This will be because their child won their particular HEAT, but children of the same age will have swum faster times in other heats swum in the same event.

Points are awarded as follows: 10 points for a win, 8 points for 2nd place, 6 points for 3rd place, 5 points for 4th place, 4 points for 5th place, 3 points for 6th place, 2 points for 7th place, and 1 point for 8th place. However, swimmers only


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qualify for points IF THEY SWIM THE EVENT WITHIN STANDARD TIME. In addition, there is a prescribed limit for the number of swimmers from one club, who may earn points in an event.

Please do not hesitate to ask a Parent Body member to explain in more detail how galas ‘work’ – for someone new to ZASU league galas, it can be very confusing to understand!

How are the age groups different for the NAG gala? The National Age Group gala is an exciting gala swum at the end of the season, over and above the 4 league galas. Points earned in the NAG event are SEPARATE from the league galas and prizes are awarded to the winners at the end of the gala. Unlike in the league galas, where swimmers are placed in age groups according to their age on 1st January, in the NAG, swimmers swim according to their age on the FIRST DAY of the gala. Therefore, a swimmer whose birthday is on, for instance, 2nd February, may swim as an 11 year old for the league galas, but for the purposes of a NAG held on 30th March, he will swim as a 12 year old, having turned 12 before this event.

What are Standard Times? See Item no. 17.

What are league points? These are the points awarded to swimmers who achieve 1st to 8th place in an event in their age group, in the ZASU league galas. The points are accumulated to the swimmers over the course of the season and at end of the season, the swimmers with the highest number of points win awards, in their age groups. The points are also awarded to the swimmers’ respective clubs and go towards the Club award at the end of the season. Points can also be lost if swimmers fail to show for an event.

How do relays work? Most meets include relays that are worth double the points of an individual event. Relay composition will be decided on by the Head Coach so swimmers must check with him/her if they have been signed up for a relay. There are many variables for the coach to consider when deciding on a relay– swimmer’s fastest time, how well they are currently performing, how much rest they have had since their last race, general attitude and practice attendance of a particular swimmer and so on. Relays are fun and exciting – so much so that often a swimmer will perform better in a relay than in the individual event. In Zambia, the relays are 4 x 50m free and 4 x 50 medley, with shorter relays in short course pools.

What is the difference between short course and long course? A short course gala is one that is held at a 25m pool (Simba, Baobab, Lechwe and AIS are examples of short course venues). A long course gala is one that is held in a 50m pool (Lusaka and Mufilira are long course venues). Personal Best times are usually faster in short course races due to the extra number of turns, which give the swimmer an extra boost. This is especially noticeable in longer events like the 200m – a long course 200m race will require a lot more actual swimming than the short course equivalent where there will be 7 turns compared to only 3 turns in the long course.

Do you have general information on event strokes? There are four competitive strokes and each stroke has very specific rules designed to ensure that no swimmer gets an unfair advantage over another swimmer. In Zambia swimming, the FINA rules will apply (For more details consult the Head Coach or Team Manager who usually carry a copy of the FINA rules). Every swim meet will include races in the four basic strokes plus relay events. Swimmers in freestyle, breaststroke and butterfly races will start by diving off the side


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of the pool. Backstroke swimmers start in the water. Individual medley races (IM) are races in which the swimmer has to swim each of the four strokes in the order fly, back, breast and free (In Medley relays, each swimmer swims only one of the strokes and the order is back, breast, fly and free. So, this race also starts in the water and not from a dive). The general details regarding each stroke are given below. Additional rules are given at the end of the Handbook.

Freestyle – Swimmers can use any stroke or kick to swim across the pool. The usual and most efficient stroke is the ‘front crawl.’ In the turn, both feet have to touch the wall.

Backstroke – Swimmers may use any stroke as long as they remain on their backs. The usual stroke is the ‘back crawl’ and swimmers have to learn to use the lane lines and the overhead flags to keep track of where they are in the pool.

Breaststroke – this consists of two parts – the arm pull and the “frog’ kick in alternating sequence. Elbows must stay below the water except for tagging the wall at the finish. Turns and finishes require a simultaneous two-hand touch on the wall and the swimmer may not freestyle kick off the wall after turning. This is usually considered as the most technical stroke of all.

Butterfly – This also consists of two parts – arms move simultaneously with the elbow breaking the surface during the recovery part of the stroke. The kick is a ‘dolphin’ kick where the legs stay together and move simultaneously. Turns and finishes require a simultaneous two-hand touch on the wall. Here again, no freestyle kick is allowed off the wall. This is usually considered the hardest stroke for most swimmers to perfect.

What about disqualifications (DQ’s)? During swim meets, trained officials observe each swimmer to ensure compliance with the technical rules for each stroke. If a swimmer violates any of these rules, they will be DQ’d and in this case, they will not receive an official time or finishing position in that event. Technical DQ’s occur when a swimmer fails to touch the wall at the turning end, does improper tumble turns or performs some component of the stroke improperly. Some other common reasons for disqualifications are false starting, moving on the blocks while under starter’s orders, touching the bottom of the pool or pulling on the lane ropes. Young or inexperienced swimmers are often disqualified during their first year of swimming, particularly in breaststroke and butterfly. Although disqualification can be very discouraging for swimmers, it can also be one of the most valuable ways for them to learn what a ‘legal’ stroke is. Parents should prepare inexperienced swimmers for the possibility of being disqualified. (Note: No parent should approach a gala official in matters concerning DQ’s – that is the Team Manager’s job! If you feel your child has been unfairly DQ’d, please take your concern to the Team Manager who may be able to explain the reason for the DQ, or make a query on your behalf if he/she agrees the DQ was questionable.) NOTE: SIMBA DO NOT CARRY THE COST, THE PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE K10.00 and K100 no show.

What about age-grouping in International Galas? Age group placings will vary from gala to gala but usually in international and in the bigger national galas, the age groups are as follows: 8 and under, 9 -10’s, 11 – 12’s, 13 – 14’s, 15 – 17. An ‘Open’ or “Senior” age category means that the event is open to any age category, including adults. The age group that a swimmer competes in a meet will be determined by his/her age on the first day of the meet. Swimmers must swim in their respective age brackets and may participate in only one age division corresponding to his/her age (except in Open categories where anyone may swim)


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Are there any awards for Simba Seals Swimmers? Simba Seals club has implemented an awards system which is aimed at recognising consistent effort not only for outstanding swimming achievement but also for other areas of development – eg team spirit, perseverance, commitment, etc. Simba International School also awards full and half colours for swimming to students who qualify.

And finally, the million dollar question….Why swim at all? Well, not only is it fun but many physicians consider swimming the ideal activity for developing muscular and skeletal growth.

Swimming develops high quality muscular endurance, the most important key to physical fitness.

Swimming does a great job in proportional muscular development by using all the body’s major muscle groups. No other sport does this as well.

Swimming enhances children’s natural flexibility (at a time when they ordinarily begin to lose it) by exercising all of the major joints through a full range of motion.

Swimming helps superior coordination because it requires combinations of complex movements of all parts of the body, enhancing harmonious muscle function, grace and fluidity of movement.

Swimming is the most injury-free of all sports. Swimming is considered to be good for asthmatics. Swimming also helps to develop greater intellectual competence. Learning and

using swimming skills engage the thinking processes as they develop and plan movement sequences. Using these skills also contributes to a stronger self-image

Swimming is a sport that will bring fitness and enjoyment for life. Participants in Masters Swimming Programmes are still training and racing well into their 80’s.


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17. ZASU Standard Times

What they are and how they are applied: These are qualifying times that are set in place by ZASU as a benchmark of what times swimmers are EXPECTED to be able to swim, based on their age. These times are calculated accorded to established formulae and are based on historic ZASU league data since 2006. There is an expected 15% ‘failure rate’ (i.e. it is anticipated that 15% of swimmers will fail to meet these Standard Times). One of the purposes of Standard Times is to ensure a certain level of ability at ZASU galas, which encourages a high standard of swimming nationally. Swimmers should earn their right to swim in league galas by achieving or being very close to achieving, standard times. Coaches should not enter swimmers into an event for which they are well outside standard times, and it can be extremely demoralizing for a swimmer to finish far off standard times, and/or way behind all the other swimmers, so parents should refrain from trying to insist that their child swims events for which coaches do not believe they are ready. Note that that Standard Times apply to all age groups, with the exception of 7yrs and under.

It should also be noted that the club incurs a monetary penalty for each swim that fails to meet Standard Time. Simba Seals carries the cost of Standard Time penalties at this stage, as we do not wish to discourage developing swimmers, but it should be noted that the penalty system is part of the process of trying to ensure high standards of swimming.

18. ZASU HandbookAt the beginning of each season, ZASU brings out a comprehensive handbook with pertinent information regarding present Zambian records, forthcoming galas, ZASU protocol and so on. This handbook is available to download from the Simba Seals website.

19. FINA Rules


SW 5.1 Freestyle means that in an event so designated the swimmer may swim any style, except that in individual medley or medley relay events, freestyle means any style other than backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly.

SW 5.2 Some part of the swimmer must touch the wall upon completion of each length and at the finish.

SW 5.3 Some part of the swimmer must break the surface of the water throughout the race, except it shall be permissible for the swimmer to be completely submerged during the turn and for a distance of not more than 15 metres after the start and each turn. By that point, the head must have broken the surface.


SW 6.1 Prior to the starting signal, the swimmers shall line up in the water facing the starting end, with both hands holding the starting grips. Standing in or on the gutter or bending the toes over the lip of the gutter is prohibited.


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SW 6.2 At the signal for starting and after turning the swimmer shall push off and swim upon his back throughout the race except when executing a turn as set forth in SW 6.4. The normal position on the back can include a roll movement of the body up to, but not including 90 degrees from horizontal. The position of the head is not relevant.

SW 6.3 Some part of the swimmer must break the surface of the water throughout the race. It is permissible for the swimmer to be completely submerged during the turn, at the finish and for a distance of not more than 15 meters after the start and each turn. By that point the head must have broken the surface.

SW 6.4 When executing the turn there must be a touch of the wall with some part of the swimmer’s body. During the turn the shoulders may be turned over the vertical to the breast after which a continuous single arm pull or a continuous simultaneous double arm pull may be used to initiate the turn. The swimmer must have returned to the position on the back upon leaving the wall.

SW 6.5 Upon the finish of the race the swimmer must touch the wall while on the back.


SW 7.1 From the beginning of the first arm stroke after the start and after each turn, the body shall be kept on the breast. It is not permitted to roll onto the back at any time. Throughout the race the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and one leg kick in that order.

SW 7.2 All movements of the arms shall be simultaneous and in the same horizontal plane without alternating movement.

SW 7.3 The hands shall be pushed forward together from the breast on, under, or over the water. The elbows shall be under water except for the final stroke before the turn, during the turn and for the final stroke at the finish. The hands shall be brought back on or under the surface of the water. The hands shall not be brought back beyond the hip line, except during the first stroke after the start and each turn.

SW 7.4 During each complete cycle, some part of the swimmer's head shall break the surface of the water. After the start and after each turn, the swimmer may take one arm stroke completely back to the legs. The head must break the surface of the water before the hands turn inward at the widest part of the second stroke. A single downward dolphin kick followed by a breaststroke kick is permitted while wholly submerged. Following which, all movements of the legs shall be simultaneous and in the same horizontal plane without alternating movement.

SW 7.5 The feet must be turned outwards during the propulsive part of the kick. A scissors, flutter or downward dolphin kick is not permitted except as in SW 7.4. Breaking the surface of the water with the feet is allowed unless followed by a downward dolphin kick.

SW 7.6 At each turn and at the finish of the race, the touch shall be made with both hands simultaneously at, above, or below the water level. The head may be submerged after the last arm pull prior to the touch, provided it breaks the surface of the water at some point during the last complete or incomplete cycle preceding the touch.


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SW 8.1 From the beginning of the first arm stroke after the start and each turn, the body shall be kept on the breast. Under water kicking on the side is allowed. It is not permitted to roll onto the back at any time.

SW 8.2 Both arms shall be brought forward together over the water and brought backward simultaneously through -out the race, subject to SW 8.5.

SW 8.3 All up and down movements of the legs must be simultaneous. The legs or the feet need not be on the same level, but they shall not alternate in relation to each other. A breaststroke kicking movement is not permitted.

SW 8.4 At each turn and at the finish of the race, the touch shall be made with both hands simultaneously, at, above or below the water surface.

SW 8.5 At the start and at turns, a swimmer is permitted one or more leg kicks and one arm pull under the water, which must bring him to the surface. It shall be permissible for a swimmer to be completely submerged for a distance of not more than 15 metres after the start and after each turn. By that point, the head must have broken the surface. The swimmer must remain on the surface until the next turn or finish.


SW 9.1 In individual medley events, the swimmer covers the four swimming styles in the following order: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle.

SW 9.2 In medley relay events, swimmers will cover the four swimming styles in the following order: Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Freestyle.

SW 9.3 Each section must be finished in accordance with the rule, which applies to the style concerned.


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SW 10.1 A swimmer swimming over the course alone shall cover the whole distance to qualify.

SW 10.2 A swimmer must finish the race in the same lane in which he started.

SW 10.3 In all events, a swimmer when turning shall make physical contact with the end of the pool or course. The turn must be made from the wall, and it is not permitted to take a stride or step from the bottom of the pool.

SW 10.4 Standing on the bottom during freestyle events or during the freestyle portion of medley events shall not disqualify a swimmer, but he shall not walk.

SW 10.5 Pulling on the lane rope is not allowed.

20. Simba Seals Awards

Simba Seals club has implemented an awards system which is aimed at recognising consistent effort not only for outstanding swimming achievement but also for other areas of development – eg team spirit, perseverance, commitment, etc.

21. Simba Seals Club Swimming Records

The Club Records, established in 2010/2011, are available on the Simba Seals website, at http://simbaseals.com/index.php?p=1_16_Club-Records.

22. Simba Seals Website (www.simbaseals.com)

The Simba Seals website is a useful resource not only for anyone wishing to find out more about the club, but also for all members wishing to access current information. The website features general information about the club and the coaches, information about upcoming galas, including meet programmes, pictures and results from galas, club records and general news, etc.

23. Simba Seals and Media – proviso

Simba Seals reserves the right to use photographs taken at galas, special events, training and any other events related to its activities, on its website, other websites of associated organizations, and other media such as billboards, posters, adverts, pamphlets and other printed material. Should you not wish to have images of yourself and/or your swimmers/family members, used in this way, please notify the Parent Body. Simba Seals will not use inappropriate images on any of the media under its control.

From time to time, members of the Press may ask to interview Simba Seals members about swimming matters. Members are asked to confer with the Parent Body or the ZASU Copperbelt Representative, before communicating with members of the Press, to help prevent instances of misreporting that have occurred from time to time in the past, usually through no fault of the swimming members themselves.


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