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2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Community Grants Notice of Funding Opportunity Background: The Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County is the county’s external facing initiative to help coordinate, connect and align priorities for partners to collectively make an impact on improving the health and quality of life for residents within our communities. Over the past year, Clackamas County Public Health has convened community members and organizations to prioritize the goals, objectives and strategies within the Blueprint report. The Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Community Grants fund community- driven projects that can work to implement the identified goals, objectives and strategies within the plan. There is an emphasis on funding projects that will create coalitions in advancing health equity and trauma-informed approaches within specific communities in Clackamas County. We would like to acknowledge our partnership with United Way and their generous donation of $40,000 toward Blueprint grant funding that will help organizations to address equity framework in their applications. Recipients of Blueprint grant funding will be required to hold one United Way workplace campaign during their grant cycle. Grant Details: Approximately $216,000 will be awarded to develop or enhance projects in health equity zones that create or improve places or systems that support The Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County prioritized goals, objectives and strategies. Grants will vary in size from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000 for up to 36 months. Grant awards are contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of applications. Multi-year continuation awards are contingent upon the availability of funding. Grant structure: The three types of funding opportunities included in this grant application are: Capacity Building Grant: $10,000 to $30,000 for up to 16 months. Innovation Grant: $30,000 to $50,000 for up to 24 months. Impact Grant: $50,000 to $100,000 for up to 36 months. Priority Topic Areas:

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2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Community GrantsNotice of Funding Opportunity

Background:The Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County is the county’s external facing initiative to help coordinate, connect and align priorities for partners to collectively make an impact on improving the health and quality of life for residents within our communities.

Over the past year, Clackamas County Public Health has convened community members and organizations to prioritize the goals, objectives and strategies within the Blueprint report.

The Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Community Grants fund community-driven projects that can work to implement the identified goals, objectives and strategies within the plan. There is an emphasis on funding projects that will create coalitions in advancing health equity and trauma-informed approaches within specific communities in Clackamas County.

We would like to acknowledge our partnership with United Way and their generous donation of $40,000 toward Blueprint grant funding that will help organizations to address equity framework in their applications. Recipients of Blueprint grant funding will be required to hold one United Way workplace campaign during their grant cycle.

Grant Details: Approximately $216,000 will be awarded to develop or enhance projects in health equity zones that create or improve places or systems that support The Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County prioritized goals, objectives and strategies. Grants will vary in size from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000 for up to 36 months. Grant awards are contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of applications. Multi-year continuation awards are contingent upon the availability of funding.

Grant structure:The three types of funding opportunities included in this grant application are:Capacity Building Grant: $10,000 to $30,000 for up to 16 months.Innovation Grant: $30,000 to $50,000 for up to 24 months.Impact Grant: $50,000 to $100,000 for up to 36 months.

Priority Topic Areas:The community’s priorities are categorized as Access to Health Care & Human Services, Culture of Health and Healthy Behaviors, and include a number of goals and objectives.

Access to Health Care & Human Services priorities include three goals and seven objectives.


(1) Increase utilization of health and human services through the reduction of barriers and increased awareness.(2) Improve quality and capacity of health and human services through health equity. (3) Improve physical environments and access to transportation.


Increase the utilization of primary medical and dental care for individuals with Oregon Health Plan (OHP) in communities within Clackamas County.

Increase the proportion of individuals in Clackamas County with mental and substance use challenges who receive treatment.

Improve the community’s capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health care decisions for OHP recipients and the uninsured.

Increase number of formal partnerships and collaborations amongst agencies that deliver and provide services based on disparities within the 10 Health Equity Zones.

Increase the availability of culturally appropriate and trauma informed care services provided. Ensure residents have equitable access to transportation options for health and human services. Improve physical environments to support access to health and wellness.

Culture of Health priorities include three goals and nine objectives.


(1) Clackamas County will use housing as a platform to improve health.(2) All Clackamas County residents have access to healthy food.(3) Clackamas County families with children, ages 0-5, are engaged in high quality early learning experiences and are

connected to comprehensive health care services.


Develop cross-sector partnerships that promote health and housing. Increase housing stability in Clackamas County. Increase distribution of produce to food insecure individuals and families. Increase number of food distribution sites in Clackamas County. Conduct analysis of current resources to enhance health food access points within existing locations in

Clackamas County. By June 2020, 95% of children through age 5 have developmental screenings completed annually, and reviewed

by a Primary Care Provider with whom the child is connected. By June 2020, 92% of children have had two well-child visits completed in the first 15 months of life. By June 2020, 92% of children between two and five years have had a well-child visit completed within the

last 15 months. By June 2020, the number of early learning experiences will increase.

Healthy Behaviors priorities include two goals and ten objectives.


(1) Reduce heart disease and type II diabetes.(2) Reduce substance use/abuse and suicides.


Improve worksite wellness to increase physical activity opportunities and healthy food policies to increase activity of employees and increase healthy food consumption.

Improve school wellness by increasing physical activity done by students and increasing consumption of healthy foods during school hours.

Reduce the consumption of added sugar to CDC guidance of less than 10% of daily calories. Increase the percentage of people consuming CDC recommendation of 5 or more fruits and vegetables per day. Reduce percentage of children ages 0-5 screen time exposure to CDC recommendation of 1-2 hours maximum

recreationally. Increase the percentage of people meeting the CDC’s physical activity recommendations of 30 minutes daily for

adults and 1 hour daily for youth.

Public Health Division ~ 2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Grant Page 2

Reduce the % of youth using tobacco, alcohol and/or other drugs. Reduce the number of attempted suicides Reduce the number of emergency department visits for drug overdose. Increase the number of trauma-informed care agencies in Clackamas County.

Multiple Language Formats:Clackamas County Public Health Division is seeking grant applications from organizations to address the prioritized goals, objectives and strategies within the Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County plan. To request a copy of this funding opportunity in a language other than English, or alternate format, please contact Kirsten Ingersoll at [email protected] or by phone 503-742-5954.

РусскийОтдел общественного здравоохранения округа Клакамас нуждается в заявках на получение грантов от организаций для решения приоритетных целей, задач и стратегий в рамках плана Блупринт для плана здоровья округа Клакамас. Чтобы получить копию заявки на финансирование на другом языке, кроме английского, или в альтернативном формате, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Кирстен Ингерсолл по адресу [email protected] или по телефону 503-742-5954.

EspañolLa División de Salud Pública del Condado Clackamas está ofreciendo solicitudes de subvenciones (grants) a las organizaciones para abordar las metas, objetivos y estrategias de prioridad dentro del plan “Proyecto para un Condado Clackamas Saludable” (Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County). Para obtener una copia de esta oportunidad de financiamiento en un idioma diferente al inglés o un formato alternativo, por favor contacte a Kirsten Ingersoll en [email protected] o por teléfono al 503-742-5954.

Tiếng ViệtBộ Phận Y Tế Công Cộng Quận Clackamas đang tìm kiếm những đơn đăng ký tài trợ từ các tổ chức để giải quyết những mục tiêu ưu tiên, những chủ đề và các chiến lược trong kế hoạch chi tiết cho một kế hoạch Quận Clackamas Khỏe Mạnh.

Để yêu cầu một bản sao của cơ hội tài trợ này bằng một ngôn ngữ khác hơn là Anh Ngữ, hay qua một hình thức thay thế, xin vui lòng liên lạc với Kirsten Ingersoll tại [email protected] hay điện thoại 503-742-5954.

Reporting requirements:Grant awardees must submit performance reports including financial information. Continuation awards will take into consideration if the grantee has made progress in achieving the goals of their project and has expended funds in a manner that is consistent with its approved application and budget.

Health Equity Zones:The Clackamas County Public Health Division divided the county into 10 Health Equity Zones to analyze health needs by geographic areas. The Health Equity Zones serve as a tool for residents, policymakers, community-based organizations and businesses to address the unique needs of the communities located in each of the zones.

Public Health Division ~ 2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Grant Page 3

Clackamas County Health Equity Zones Map

Who Can Apply: For- profit, non-profit and not- for-profit organizations serving Clackamas County residents are eligible to apply. Coalitions are highly encouraged to apply. Individuals and County Departments are NOT eligible to apply.

Notice of Non-Discrimination: Consistent with the policy of Clackamas County, the Public Health Division is committed to compliance with all state and federal non-discrimination directives, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. No person shall be excluded from participation, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, regardless of funding source, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, Limited English Proficiency, age, disability, religion, marital status, sex, gender, sexual orientation or source of income.

Application:Complete the grant application form and submit via email. Hard copies dropped off or mailed to the County’s building will not be accepted. The form includes cover page, proposal questions, and budget. Proposals received after the due date will not be considered. All proposals must answer the following questions.

Public Health Division ~ 2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Grant Page 4

2018 Blueprint Grant Cover PagePhone (503) 742-5954 Email: [email protected]

Project Title

Amount of Funds Requested

Brief Project Description (one paragraph) 300 word limit.

Principal Applicant for ProjectOrganization Name


Phone Fax EmailProject ManagerOrganization Name


Phone Fax EmailFiscal Agent for ProjectOrganization Name


Phone Fax EmailHealth Equity Zone(s) to be addressedCheck the box(s) that apply. (Priority will be given to projects within one health equity zone)





Lake Oswego

Molalla River

North Clackamas

Oregon City

Oregon Trail

West Linn/Wilsonville

Grant Fund Tier Level requestedCheck the box for the Tier Level you are applying for (select one box only)

Tier 1 – $10,000 to $30,000 Tier 2 – $30,001 to $50,000 Tier 3 - $50,001 to $100,000

1. Blueprint Priority Area(s), Goal(s), Objective(s) that will be addressed (select all that apply)Public Health Division ~ 2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Grant Page 5

Check the box for the Priority Topic Area(s) ,Goal(s) and Objective(s) that will be addressed Priority Topic Area: Access to Health Care & Human Services

Goal(s): Increase utilization of health and human services through the reduction of barriers and increased awareness. Improve quality and capacity of health and human services through health equity. Improve physical environments and access to transportation.

Objective(s): Increase the utilization of primary medical and dental care for individuals with Oregon Health Plan (OHP) in

communities within Clackamas County. Increase the proportion of individuals in Clackamas County with mental and substance use challenges who receive

treatment. Improve the community’s capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed

to make appropriate health care decisions for OHP recipients and the uninsured. Increase number of formal partnerships and collaborations amongst agencies that deliver and provide services based

on disparities within the 10 Health Equity Zones. Increase the availability of culturally appropriate and trauma informed care services provided. Ensure residents have equitable access to transportation options for health and human services. Improve physical environments to support access to health and wellness.

Priority Topic Area: Culture of HealthGoal(s):

Clackamas County will use housing as a platform to improve health. All Clackamas County residents have access to healthy food. Clackamas County families with children, ages 0-5, are engaged in high quality early learning experiences and are

connected to comprehensive health care services.Objective(s):

Develop cross-sector partnerships that promote health and housing. Increase housing stability in Clackamas County. Increase distribution of produce to food insecure individuals and families. Increase number of food distribution sites in Clackamas County. Conduct analysis of current resources to enhance health food access points within existing locations in Clackamas

County. By June 2020, 95% of children through age 5 have developmental screenings completed annually, and reviewed by a

Primary Care Provider with whom the child is connected. By June 2020, 92% of children have had two well-child visits completed in the first 15 months of life. By June 2020, 92% of children between two and five years have had a well-child visit completed within the last 15

months. By June 2020, the number of early learning experiences will increase.

Priority Topic Area: Healthy BehaviorsGoal(s):

Reduce heart disease and type II diabetes. Reduce substance use/abuse and suicides.

Objective(s): Improve worksite wellness to increase physical activity opportunities and healthy food policies to increase activity of

employees and increase healthy food consumption. Improve school wellness by increasing physical activity done by students and increasing consumption of healthy

foods during school hours. Reduce the consumption of added sugar to CDC guidance of less than 10% of daily calories. Increase the percentage of people consuming CDC recommendation of 5 or more fruits and vegetables per day. Reduce percentage of children ages 0-5 screen time exposure to CDC recommendation of 1-2 hours maximum

recreationally. Increase the percentage of people meeting the CDC’s physical activity recommendations of 30 minutes daily for

adults and 1 hour daily for youth. Reduce the % of youth using tobacco, alcohol and/or other drugs. Reduce the number of attempted suicides. Reduce the number of emergency department visits for drug overdose. Increase the number of trauma-informed care agencies in Clackamas County.

Public Health Division ~ 2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Grant Page 6

2018 Blueprint Grant Narrative2. Project/Program Need: Please summarize 1). What you are proposing to do, 2). the need for this

project/program and 3). the results you hope to achieve. 1000 word limit.

3. Please describe the populations served; age, ethnicity, race, language(s) spoken, gender, ability, economic status.

Priority Population Number of People Affected

4. Please describe the specific strategies you will use to make policy, systems, and/or environmental changes in your chosen Health Equity Zone(s). If applicable, describe how your project will target, recruit, and retain program participants.

Public Health Division ~ 2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Grant Page 7

5. Please describe the specific trauma-informed practice(s) that will be incorporated in the project.

6. Please describe how the project will address and/or improve health inequities within the population(s) served?

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7. Evaluation: Please describe the anticipated outcomes of this project and how the outcomes (results) will be collected and analyzed.

Outcome Data Source Data PointExample: Conduct trainings with youth.

Example: Attendance records. Example: Number of trainings conducted.

8. Please describe the qualifications (skills, resources, experience) of project staff and partner organizations.

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9. Please a). describe project partners, b). Role in the project and c). resources they will provide.

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10.Provide Projected Work Plan / Timeline / Milestones Note: Only complete what is necessary to accurately detail your project work plan / timeline / milestones. *School based projects may negotiate an alternate timeline that coincides with the academic calendar.

Task / Activity Start Date Completion Date People Involved Milestone / Result

Public Health Division ~ 2018 Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Grant Page 11

2018Blueprint Grant Budget11.BudgetProjected expenses (cannot be less than $10,000 or exceed $100,000) If asking for multi-year funding, please, break down expenses by County fiscal year of July 1-June 30. Multi-year awards are not guaranteed and contingent upon the availability of funding.

(FY July 2018/June 2019, FY July 2019/June 2020, FY July 2020/June 2021)

Item (Materials, Staffing, Evaluation)

Explanation Cost

TOTAL(cannot exceed $100,000)

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Answering this question will be scored as part of the Blueprint grant evaluation.12). Did you or your organization participate in a Blueprint subcommittee? Yes No If yes, which subcommittee?

Answering this question will be scored as part of the Blueprint grant evaluation.13). Did you or members in your organization watch the Blueprint workshop? Yes No If yes, who?

Answering this question will be evaluated as part of the Blueprint grant evaluation.14). Did you or members in your organization register at Yes No If yes, who?

Answering this question will not be scored as part of the Blueprint grant evaluation.15). Do you need technical assistance from Public Health in your grant project? Yes No If yes, what type of request would you anticipate? (Data, planning, evaluation)?

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Evaluation of grant applications:

Applications will be reviewed by a panel consisting of Public Health managers, Clackamas County staff and community partners using the following criteria:


Quality of project proposal and alignment with Blueprint for aHealthy Clackamas County goals, objectives & strategies 25

Community Impact (health equity zone and populations) 20 Evaluation (describe how your project results will be measured) 15 Qualifications of Applicant 15 Timeline 10 Attended/participated in a Blueprint subcommittee 5 Viewed the Blueprint workshop 5 Budget 5

Total: 100

Key Dates:

Blueprint grant workshop available online September 6th, 2018 Grant applications due by 5pm October 25th , 2018 Grantee notification November 19th , 2018

Proposals should be directed to:Kirsten IngersollCommunications CoordinatorClackamas County Public Health Division2051 Kaen Road, Suite 367Oregon City, OR 97045(503) [email protected]

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