· web viewswbat to affectively explain what maritime commerce...

Alexis Stowell EDU FINAL PROJECT: Multimedia Component: Nearpod Nearpod was a great tool that I used for my multimedia component. Its purpose is to show and teach bartering in a fun and engaging way. Nearpod is an interactive presentation so as I am teaching about bartering, I can also incorporate interactive activities such as drawings, quizzes, polls, collaborations, and many more. All of its interactive features that made presentations less boring is why I decided to use this tool. However, I did use the premium 30-day trial and it seemed to run out. I still have the exact same presentation, but the video component is not as easily accessed. Since my trial ran out, I decided to instead paste the link into the appropriate slide, whereas before all the students had to do was simply click the video once they reached the slide. When this assignment was due the first time, I had to personally show you the multimedia component in person because it was not working. However, I tried emailing it again and I also added the link below. Bartering: Maritime Commerce: Presentation Notes: Are with the lesson plans and each slide is explained. Formative Assessment: Socrative Reasons to why I used Socrative: Socrative is used for my lesson due to all of the strengths it provides. To start, Socrative has a free account

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Page 1:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

EDU FINAL PROJECT:Multimedia Component: Nearpod

Nearpod was a great tool that I used for my multimedia component. Its purpose is to show and teach bartering in a fun and engaging way. Nearpod is an interactive presentation so as I am teaching about bartering, I can also incorporate interactive activities such as drawings, quizzes, polls, collaborations, and many more. All of its interactive features that made presentations less boring is why I decided to use this tool. However, I did use the premium 30-day trial and it seemed to run out. I still have the exact same presentation, but the video component is not as easily accessed. Since my trial ran out, I decided to instead paste the link into the appropriate slide, whereas before all the students had to do was simply click the video once they reached the slide.

When this assignment was due the first time, I had to personally show you the multimedia component in person because it was not working. However, I tried emailing it again and I also added the link below.

Bartering: Commerce:

Presentation Notes: Are with the lesson plans and each slide is explained.

Formative Assessment: Socrative

Reasons to why I used Socrative:Socrative is used for my lesson due to all of the strengths it provides. To start,

Socrative has a free account available for teachers to use for their students. The free account alone can have up to fifty students per session, one public room for your class, launching of one activity, on-the-fly questioning, and Space Race assessments. After creating an account, it is so easy to do everything else. 

For quizzes, it begins with adding a title. The following feature that I really enjoy is the connection to current Massachusetts History Curriculum frameworks. After doing that, the next option is to create quizzes with endless multiple choice, true/false, and short answer with even pictures/visuals. The questions can have one answer or a variety of answers, which is a great attribute. Explanations while the students are taking the test are great for students to understand what they got wrong and why. Once the quiz is created, the next job is to launch the quiz with either a quiz format, space race, or exit ticket. All of these assessments are engaging and bring forth the student’s attention from wanting to get everything right to winning a race. 

For purposes of my lesson, I will decide to launch my assessment as a quiz that is

Page 2:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

teacher paced. When I launch it, it is very simple for students to find. All the students have to do is type in, then go to student login where they put the room name provided by the teacher and then their own name.  After that is done, the teacher will start the quiz by using any methods and settings. Some methods include either instant feedback, open navigation, or teacher passed. Features such as required names, shuffle questions and answers, show question feedback, and show final grades can also be added to my assessment. All of these tools are great in the classroom to make every students test look different as well as informative for every student’s needs.

Once the students are done taking the test, I will be provided with reports as well as charts to see how each student did and what they need to work on. In conclusion, I really enjoy Socrative and I believe it will definitely improve my lesson. The tool is very engaging and stimulating with pictures and even the potential to play games to compete against teammates. Feedback is immediately provided and it is a quick test that is age appropriate for my classroom.

Objectives: o SWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. o After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the 17thcentury

SWBAT determine how those practices helped the Massachusetts Bay Colony economy grow.

o SWBAT to act as news reporters going back in time in the 17thcentury. They will

After the students are done with a question, this shows up. It shows the question, the correct answer, and an explanation for guidance.

This picture shows the students grades after the tests are taken. It shows which questions they got right and wrong as well as what they wrote.

Page 3:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

follow the journey of a colonist and record every exchange they make as well as explaining how affective it was in the Massachusetts Bay Colony economy.

Problem Solved:o Some issues that arise with assignments are…

Students are not immediately provided with feedback. Teachers take a while to grade work and it is very time consuming.

However, with the tool of Socrative, these problems can be solved. Socrative provides a great tool while the student is taking the test. After every question, the students are told whether they are right or wrong. An additional feature is the immediate feedback provided, which will explain to a student why their answer may not be correct. This attribute alone minimizes the problem that paper assignments have of not getting feedback right away. Another problem that arises with assessments is that they can take a long time to grade. Yet, with Socrative the quiz is graded as the student is working on it. Students are immediately provided with scores on Socrative. As well as the assessment immediately being graded, Socrative provides reports and charts of all grades from the whole classroom. This is given to make the teacher’s job that much easier. In all, there are always problems with assessments, but Socrative helps minimize such issues. 

Instructions to Quiz for students: 1 Let’s take a quiz to show what you learned!2 Go to Next step is to go to student log-in, which will also be shown in class as a visual.4 After, type in the Room Name which is Stowell 6883.5 Then put your name in. (ex: Billy Smith)6 Wait for me to launch the quiz.7 Remember for multiple choice click only one of the answers, for true and false click

either true or false, and for short answer type your answer to the best of your ability.8 Take the quiz and use as much detail as possible.

Access to my Formative Assessment Options:o Quiz Name and Number: Bartering and Maritime Commerce in the 17th

CenturySOC-39424456o Room name when the quiz is launched: Stowell6883o Link from my account: Copied Link: Also shared as a PDF in foldero Emailed to you as well

Student Project Component:

Reasons to why I chose Canva:Canva is a tool that makes it possible to design anything and publish anywhere. It is a

user-friendly drag and drop tool with thousands of customizable templates, over 400 million designs, and a variety of symbols. This tool is great to use for their assignment of creating a unique newsletter. They can add different fonts, texts, designs, pictures, charts and colors to

Page 4:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

make their newsletter fun and engaging. With this tool, students can truly add and reinforce the content learned as the students create tables. With the tables, the students can express their journey after observing for a month. Following that, students can create another page with a fun newsletter including symbols, colors, and pictures to share with the rest of the community. As a whole, Canva is a great tool that only helps express the student’s unique qualities.

Problem Solved:o Some issues that arise with assignments are…

When students are done with their newsletter, it disappears. When students are struggling, they don’t have templates to guide them.

By creating a newsletter on paper, it can get lost in the mix. However, when students use Canva, they can save the document in many ways. Some examples include provide an opportunity to share their work with endless amounts of people through social media, email attachment, and through the site. As well as sharing the newsletter, students can also export it through a PDF. With this being said, the newsletter won’t get lost. Canva is also great when students are lost and don’t know how to set up their newsletter.

With Canva, students are able to look at 400 million designs as well as well as thousands of customizable templates to get an idea and start their newsletter. As well as the templates and designs, students can also create their own to be creative.

Sample Project:o Shared as a PDF in foldero Images below of assignmento It can also be printed as a poster, flyer, invitation, and postcard.

Here are all of the options to share and save the students newsletter,

These are a few samples of some templates the students can use for their newsletter. They can also search some as well.

Page 5:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

Example 1)

Example 2)

Project Rubric Design:o Shared as a PDF in folder.

Performance Assessment:You job is to act as a news reporter going back in time during the 17th century. While

you are in the 17th century for about a month, you are to follow a colonist and observe the individual either bartering or participating in maritime commerce with an English man in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. As you go through your journey, you are to observe the different

Page 6:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

types of goods that are exchanged back and forth and create a chart with every interaction of goods exchanged. Then at the end of your journey, you will write a newsletter to the people today summarizing your experience and writing about why you think bartering or maritime commerce was so affective for colonists during the 17th century. Your newsletter is supposed to be very unique with pictures as well as adding the chart of exchanges. All of this will be done on the technology tool known as

Steps for how to create a basic newsletter/ letter: 1) Write the date on the top right corner.2) A few lines down on the left you have to write who you are writing to: Dear

people in society today,3) Written letter explaining summarizing your experience and why bartering or

maritime commerce helped the Massachusetts Bay Colony economy grow.4) When you are done writing the newsletter/letter go down to the next line and on

the right you will write Sincerely,5) Directly underneath Sincerely you will sign you name.

Steps for how to create a table:1) Select insert on word documents2) Select Table3) Click the amount of rows and columns you want: should be at least 4 columns and 3


Steps for Using Canva: o Video of how to use Canva: o Create an account (free trial):

Name Tell us what you do: Student

o Click create a design Category: use documents

o Select a template or create your owno Use the editing tools to make your newsletter unique (left heading of page)

Elements Text Background Uploads (pictures) Folders

o Adjust tools by adding different font types, size, and coloro For the chart- interactions of goods exchanged:

Create chart in word documents Screenshot the table

Hold: CTRL-Shift- 4 Upload image in Canva

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Alexis Stowell

o Make it creative!o Share or create a PDF

Concept Reinforcer Component: StoryboardThat

Reasons to why I chose Storyboard:StoryboardThat is a website that lets kids create storyboards for learning or fun.

StoryboardThat is also great for students to use as a visual for a concept reinforcer. It provides a strong visual with a story behind it in a way that students can be engaged and connect with. There are elements of plot, characters and settings. With this, StoryboardThat has scenes, characters, textables, web and infographics, worksheets, and uploads that can be added for the better of the students. Overall, with all of the visuals and text that can be displayed, it will help students remember the content in a connective way. You can also add narration from another source to make the concept reinforcer stronger for the students. Overall, StoryboardThat was a great tool that helps engage students.

Problemo Some issues that arise with assignments are…

Concept Reinforcers can be boring. Sometimes it is hard to be creative.

Without StoryboardThat, there are many concept reinforcers that can be boring and a waste of time. However, with StoryboardThat, students can engage and connect to a fun story that they can follow along with. There are a variety of fun scenes, images, and text that students can fully engage and connect with as well as learn rather than there on being text. Also for concept reinforcers, it is hard to be unique and creative and with creating stories sometimes it is hard to think of ideas. However, with StoryboardThat, there are variety of scenes like towns, school, athletics, transportation. For characters you can pick teens, kids, jobs, sports, 1900s, 1600s-1800s, and classical era. There are also other many more descriptive aspects like different textables, web and infographics and many more. As a whole, StoryboardThat creates an engaging and creative way of adding visuals and textual displays that are creative enough for students to remember the context. Narrations added will also only help the students.

Concept Reinforcer Design:

Page 8:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

o Narration for Video:Hello students. Today I want to show you a few examples of both bartering and

maritime commerce. First, I will show you an example on storyboard that shows bartering. Remember bartering is an exchange of goods for other goods without money. Here is a couple from the Massachusetts Bay Colony looking to barter with an English man. A puritan couple walks around when they realize they need some dishes to eat dinner tonight. So the woman decides to ask the English man, “Hello sir! Do you have any pewter dishes you want to barter”? The English Man gladly agrees and says, “I sure do! I will give you some dishes for the basket of corn”. The individuals then barter with one another and are very thankful. They ended a great day with a successful exchange. This is something that really helps the community grow, as a variety of new goods are added to the community. Remember some of the other benefits include.

Added new and variety of goods Added Essential to help the economy flourish Important when there was a lack of money Variety of people were involved Provides a strong safety net

The next storyboard talks about maritime commerce in the 17th century. Remember Maritime commerce is the study of human interaction with an activity at sea. The activities of a navigator or commerce on the sea included fishing, shipping and trading. This story board shows the Massachusetts Bay Colony whom took part in maritime commerce in order to improve their economy. One activity included shipping goods to one another. So here is an English man shipping goods to the Massachusetts Bay colony. The gentleman says, “wow, all of these goods will help the Massachusetts Bay Colony”. Because he knows that they both help one another brig new goods. Another great activity included fishing, which brought another source of food. In this scene the gentleman is saying, “Fishing is so much fun! I can’t wait to eat this later”. The final scene of maritime commerce shows the English man and the puritan meeting up together. The English man arrives on land with his goods and is ready to exchange with the puritan. The English man says, “Let’s exchange some goods that I shipped”. Then the puritan answers, “Yes, what a great idea to improve the community”. All of these activities alone helps the economies grow. Remember with maritime commerce the other benefits include.

Opportunity to regulate and tax Different way to gain money Fishing, shipping, and trading brought in more goods Fishing brought in wealth Variety of new trades

Thank you for watching, I hope this was very helpful.

Access-StoryboardThat with Narration:

Page 9:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

Instructions that I would give to students: 1) Go google classroom.2) Home page find concept reinforcer.3) Click link.4) Make sure your volume is on.5) Watch the Storyboard that includes the narration.

Lesson Plans:

Bartering: Attached in Folder

Maritime Commerce: Attached in Folder

Google Classroom: Work and sources for students, which I shared with your account.

Explanations of Technology: Are all expressed within the lesson plans.

Works Cited

Michener, Ron. “Money in the American Colonies.” EHnet,



Page 10:  · Web viewSWBAT to affectively explain what maritime commerce and bartering is. After learning all about maritime commerce and bartering in the

Alexis Stowell

“Maritime Commerce, Maritime History of Massachusetts--A National Register of Historic

Places Travel Itinerary.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,