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Detecting the Planets following sovereign courses in the Universe, the Ancients believed that they were Gods. Their appearance in the sky and their behavior reflected the divine roles that had been given to them. The one with color of red, Mars, was the God of War. The small planet which was running front and back but never away from the influence of the despotic Sun, was the messenger of Gods, Mercury. The Global Gods were living great mythical dramas that were reflecting to the human emotions and experiences. They loved, they were making war, betrayed and being deceived, dying and reborn. Astrologers, believed for thousands of years that the movement of the planets were not only were describing the behavior of the Gods and the events that revealed in myths, but also were concurring with the expression of the archetype

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Detecting the Planets following sovereign courses in the Universe, the Ancients believed that they were Gods. Their appearance in the sky and their behavior reflected the divine roles that had been given to them. The one with color of red, Mars, was the God of War. The small planet which was running front and back but never away from the influence of the despotic Sun, was the messenger of Gods, Mercury.The Global Gods were living great mythical dramas that were reflecting to the human emotions and experiences. They loved, they were making war, betrayed and being deceived, dying and reborn. Astrologers, believed for thousands of years that the movement of the planets were not only were describing the behavior of the Gods and the events that revealed in myths, but also were concurring with the expression of the archetype elements themselves, in the life of the human entities. The position of the celestial bodies « keys » according to the birth of a human entity and later at their critical stages of life, they were considered to be more than symbolic.

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They were synchronized with the powers that were forming life in some way advantageous, and many times were not becoming comprehensive but painful if someone could not make right predictions. The proficients in other fields - even those who were despising Astrology- accepted that the fundamental mythological issues, that still continue to exist in history, are really related to Life.Carl Jung supported that the Mythological Archetypes are dawned in the Collective unconscious of the Human Mankind. He used to say, that only the Humans that understand themselves and the Archetypes, can avoid the pain they feel when they relive blind myths. Astrologers believe, that the planets are offering a kind of path to this understanding.In Astrology, the term Planet, is being applied to the ten celestial bodies of our Solar System that appear and revolve around the Earth, in fact eight planets, plus the Sun and the Moon. Here in this column, that I will write, I will describe the supposed character of the planets, their specific properties and their general astrological meaning of every planet. However, the

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meanings of the specific planets, in a Horoscope are being revealed after complicated calculations, from which we have in mind other sort of factors too.

The SunIn Ancient people, the Sun was the strongest figure in the sky, the initial source of Light, heat and Life, much bigger and stronger than any other celestial body. Even though with the modern Astronomy, we finally note that the Sun, is a common, if not a small star, knowing in absolute terms that still is the strongest one, perhaps more than we can imagine.Is a giant oven that roars constantly – 333.000 times the mass of the Earth. Its flaming heart reaches the temperature of the 15.000.000 degrees of C. The huge energy that vents is the source of Life on Planet Earth. Except the production of light, and the heat that preserve our existence; the Sun also is

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venting a cascade of harmful radiation, if not protected by the atmosphere of the Earth.Mythologically, the Sun, in ancient times was considered everywhere, as a strong life-giver God. Many people presenting him with hands or rays that reach the Earth to give life to the mortals. In the entire world, the Kings were claiming to be descendants of him. Perhaps, the Sun, with the greatest influence to be the Greek Apollo that was crossing the skies in a flaming chariot.Apollo grew up and became a man very soon. When still a baby of a few days was, killed a dragon. Then, he became the ideal of power and Juvenile beauty. He obtained a number of children with mortal women and nymphs. To those who did not wanted that, he was becoming a dangerous fiancé. Greeks, recognized his duality- he was the Phoebus Apollo, the Effulgent Apollo or Loxias Apollo (Loxias=vague).

Like Apollo, so in this way the natural star, the Sun, in Astrology has a double nature. Even though is strongly visible, however is contradictory, a

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good source of Life and beauty and at the same time capable to bring great disasters. Astrologically, the Sun rules our essential being, ambition, the spirit, will the power and the organization. Between the trends he gives are also creativity, pride, generosity, and dignity. Is also being connected with egoism, arrogance and excessive condescension .In an opposite aspect with the Moon it represents the cruel, hot masculinity – the Moon is cool, wet and feminine. Sun is the consciousness, the bright side of the mind. The Moon is the subconscious or the intuitive knowledge.In the human body, the Sun affects the spine, specifically the heart, the circulation system and generally the health and vitality. The Sun with the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars is one of the internal or personal planets that considered giving the most immediate effect in the life of human beings. The Sun rules the zodiac sign of Leo, which is his particular kingdom, and personified in kings, leaders of nations, as also in fathers, teachers, male companions and older friends. Each Astrological Planet has its own ancient symbol or Graphical representation that is being used at the syntax

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of the Horoscope. It s being created from the different combination of the three basic elements, that Astrologers call the Circle of the Spirit, the Crescent of the Soul and the Cross of Matter. The symbol of the Sun, as we see is a circle- a picture of completeness- and a dot in the center or the Focal Point of Life.

The Moon

The nearest celestial body to all of us was always intimate and mysterious at the same time. Even if it has the same d=side turned constantly to the planet Earth, is changing all the time and also the shadows of the Sun projections crawl along the length of her valleys which is full of volcanic craters. But the most significant characteristic of the Earth s satellite is it s periodicity. Is changing from the |New Moon into Full Moon and again from the beginning every 29 1 /2 days, with an unchanged stability.

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Since old times, people ascribed to the Moon the power to affect the course of the Nature. They knew, as also we, that the Moon was the cause of the tide and therefore they thought that affects the liquids of the body. The greatest Goddess of the Moon was the twin sister of Apollo, the Greek hunter Artemis, who was known to the Romans as Diana. When her father, Zeus, king of the Gods, offer her presents, she choose the eternal purity, the independence and a short skirt which was making things easier for her to hunt the animals.Armed with a silver arc, was walking in the mountains unbound, accepted with hesitation to discontinue her activities that was imposed from women, in order to help them in born. She was the essence of the woman as a being and not the companion of the man himself. Ekati, one more Greek Goddess, was related with the dark side of the Moon. She was the queen of the ghosts and other secret things, ruling the magic and deep wisdom. Ancient Astrologers were not able to know the size of the Moon and much unimportant was at the cosmic whole. They only one thing they could see

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and understand was this sphere at the sky was a very important object at the sky. So, they connected her with the Sun, an s a male –feminine duality. Astrologically, represents the soul and the conscious self. She is feminine and emotional in contradiction with the dry beauty of the Sun. She is connected with fertility, motherhood, family, development, death, the damage.In horoscopes she appears with duality, with bright and dark properties, rates, changes, sensitivity and memory. The Moon, rules Cancer, but because she moves so fast all through the zodiac every month, it s being considered that effects also other zodiac signs too. Naturally, is being connected with the stomach, breasts, ovaries, lymphatic system, body fluids and cerebellum. The scope of her orbit angles slightly to the Earth, which is being called Elliptical, so the scope of her orbit is crossing the ecliptic every 13, 1/2/ days. The points of touch are being called North Node and South Node. Astrologers consider that the influence of the Moon Nodes is proportional with the influence that the planets impart. The position of the

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Moon during someone s birth is revealing a lot about the relationship of the Mother with the child. When an individual is being born during the Full Moon is younger, reactive and irritable and when someone is being born at the waning of the Moon may be older and skeptic in thought. Moon has many symbols, and one of them is the Crescent.


Circumstances that make planet Venus dazzling to the eyes of the observers at the planet Earth could be fatal for human beings if they would have been transferred there unprotected. Certainly is completely coincidental the incident that the Ancients give, to the Goddess a dangerous seduction. The atmosphere of the planet consists mainly carbon dioxide, which is very

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heavy and that traps the solar radiation. So, the temperature of its surface, reaches the 460 degrees of C.But the thick wrap of hot gases is coming up, by winds speeds exceeding the 200m. per hour, is being covered by clouds by acid salphate, which is reflecting the 70 % of the solar light, and that is falling upon them. This brightness is making planet Venus, the third and brightest star of our sky. The incident that it appears sometimes in the morning hours and other times during night, made many civilizations to think that they were watching two different stars, the Aposperitis and the Lucifer. Also, that her hours are noting the period where the people chose for love, perhaps gave to the planet its traditional relationship with the Goddesses of Love- Ishtar in Mesopotamia, Aphrodite in Greece, Venus in Rome. Venus emerged from the sea, perfectly well-shaped and irresistibly beautiful. She was married to God Hephaestus, but she presented him three children, that their real father was the strong and aggressive God of war, Mars.

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When Hephaestus heard that his wife cheated on him, hammered a net from very thin brass fibers and wrapped it, secretly around their bed. Then he announced that he would go on vacation to an island, but he returned within a few hours later, in order to catch Venus and Mars in bed trapped into the net. Completely is Shane, he called the other Gods to make them martyrs of her infidelity. Possibly they were snickering, while they were setting free the couple, from the net. Despite that fact, Hephaestus, was still in love with her and kept her. The episode just offered him a few more antagonists.Venus was the incarnation of the feminine sexuality, without shame or waverings, so love and sex she was supporting, was source of joy for human beings. She was inspiring passion where it was taking the shape of worship. But like other Gods, she had also her dangerous side; too. The strong desires she had, making the people to sacrifice family and duty. They calling her « dark» because the sort of passions she was exposing were ending up most of the times, into tragedies.

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Venus, could be also cunning and demanding Goddess. Once, she helped two mortals that were in love, to get married but after that they denied to honor her. So, she made them offend the Goddess Cybele, where she transformed them into a couple of Lions, contemned to drug her chariot eternally. Despite all that, Venus astrologically, is mainly being connected with things are wonderful and desired. Such as Love, beauty, joy, Arts, feminine nature for men and women, harmony, peace, unanimity, reconciliation, and pleasure. Her influence becomes felt, in all kind of relationships, social, professional, Love and sex. It s being said that when Venus is in the right place in a horoscope, then someone is kind, warm, emotional, full of grace and will have artistic abilities. On the other hand, it s supposed that Venus negative influences make an individual lazy, jealous, indecisive, and give him a romantic behavior and not practical.Tradition, notes that a man who is born with Venus in some positions, is being threatened with death from the hands of a woman. Later interpretations, report that his destiny is to be dominated from a woman. In

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Mundane astrology regulates victory in war.Venus is a ruler of two zodiac signs, Taurus and Libra. In Health she reflects the neck, kidneys, as also the natural beauty. Her graphic representation, a circle above a cross, indicates the domination of the spirit over matter - accepted as a global symbol of the woman.


Erosion is the cause of the red color of the planet Mars that probably is the cause for the character is being given to the Gods that are being connected to this planet. Crystalline rocks on his surface have been broken and have been oxidized. It was natural for the Ancients to connect the red ball that turns on/off during the night with the angry Gods, since their characteristics were fitting with this color. So, Babylonians were saying that the planet was

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Nergal, the God of war that dominates in blood, fire, and heat. For Greeks, the red ball, their God of war, Aris, a wrangler, arrogant God, who was also being admired for his bravery, and hated him for the pleasure he get during the bloody collisions. The Roman God, Mars, contains many characteristics and myths from his Greek precursor, Aris, but his position was more respected than this one of the Greek God. He was holding the scepters of agriculture and the war, and he was the second God after Jupiter, in Roman pantheon.Human impulses are being represented by the archetypical Aris-Mars and he is one of the most intense and decisive factors in History. They become apparent during the battles between armies. The archetype also plays his role in every human achievement that demands courage, huge effort, and bravery, stamina whatever that is for athletic achievements, explorations, mechanism, social reformations, and expeditions or in education. Probably, the impulse of Mars drive most of the last century ,more than ever before - just think of the terrible wars for a moment, the financial empires, the heroic

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achievements, Medicine, the human rights, technological modernities and space traveling.So therefore, is not a surprise that in Astrology, Mars, represents from the one side, the mischief, anger, unrestrained aggressive self-confidence, personal ambition, the desire for power and on the other hand, the positive creativity, courage, the seek for achieve things in our life instead of power. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. Its being considered that represents the man in general, specifically, the husband and that is being related with military career, police, athletes, clergy, and the artists since their career needs much courage. It s being said that a human being under this influence of the planet is luck of tact, kindness and depth, and can be only aggressive, cruel, impatient, excitable, with trends of wrath. But this person will never be tired to try, will never fear to provoke the existing order. Naturally, Mars is being connected to RBC, muscle system, adrenals, the temperature of the body and the sexual organs. Usually, is the cause of aggressive behavior in sex. His graphical representation, the Cross of matter has been transformed into

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an arc, shaped at the top of the circle, which is representing the domination of the matter over spirit. It s the global symbol of the male.


A tiny planet is running in an eccentric orbit, Mercury, reflects, its disordered and mythological heritage. His size is much smaller than the Earth and is the second planet of our Solar System, after Pluto, is faster and completes it s orbit around the Sun in 88 days.Perhaps because of his small size, but his position near the Sun, the ancient Greek mythology gives to God Mercury the properties of a naughty child. He is the seed of Love between Jupiter and nymph Maia- daughter of the Titan Atlantis- developed from a little boy, a few minutes after his mother put him to sleep as a baby, and when she turned her back, Mercury went out noiselessly and steal a herd of cows that belonged to his step brother, Apollo. The God-Sun, god really angry but the

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child charmed and calm him down with playing him a tune with the first lyra in the world. He invented it that moment, using the cow intestines as chords and tied them up on a turtle shell.Because of his resourcefulness, was named as the Messenger of the Gods. To execute the Gods wills, he was endowed with a flying helmet and flying sandals. Greeks, considered Hermes (Mercury), the most intelligent of all the other Gods, and believed that he had invented the Alphabet, the musical climax, astronomy and boxing. Moreover, he was the master of the Journeys, trade, and protector of the alchemy and also to haunt after metals into gold.Romans, welcomed into their Pantheon, God Mercury, as their own God, who was ruling any sort of exchanges too. The abilities of the God, as an alchemist expanded also in the field of Medicine. So Hermes introduced the Caduceus, a rod, where two snakes had been wrapped around it, and had the power to cure the ill.Exactly, like Astronomers, ignored that planet for long time, till recently…but Astrologers give him great significance too. His size and his influence maybe

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be small, but astrologers believe, that the planet is a strong factor of self-knowledge. In Latin, he has the same name with «Mercury», mercury (element) so he symbolizes the liquidity that overcomes the inflexibility. So, he is the master of any start, disruption of any conventional trends, flaming paths, the inventions and the Changes. Hermes message is relevant with the personal transformation, a bridge between the individual and abilities. The tem « Hermic» is being used for people with lively and variable temperament.Astrologically, the people who have been born under his influence, say that they are experts to break others bubbles – discovering their pretenses and make then to re-examine their attitude. Of course, it s about a talent that the entire world admires and specifically the victims of the person who owns it. Even though, Mercury, has the tension to criticize, argue or gibe, the planet is also offering the gifts of great Perception, Mental Agility and the Art of Communication. He is the magician, the alchemist who transforms magically the words into a real meaning. The planet is appearing

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dynamically in our times, which is the time of computers, with great progress in the field of Communications. Astrologers, support that people who have a strong influence of Mercury in their Horoscope, is possible the individual to be a journalist, teaching, tourism, education, Medicine, to become also secretaries, engineers and joiners.


Vast and grand Jupiter, the greatest planet of our system is the most appropriate celestial symbol for the king of the Gods. Having a mass 300 times bigger than the Earth revolves around the Sun completing one rotation every 12 years. Despite the fact he is large, this planet is just a hot balloon with hot air. It is a gas giant with a mass slightly less than one-thousandth of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System. Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen with a quarter of its mass being helium, it may also have a rocky core of heavier elements bulge around the equator). The outer atmosphere is visibly

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segregated into several bands at different latitudes, resulting in turbulence and storms along their interacting boundaries. A prominent result is the Great Red Spot, a giant storm that is known to have existed since at least the 17th century when it was first seen by telescope makes 11.9 years to orbit the Sun, remains 361 days at one zodiac sign. Represents Thursday.In Rome Jupiter, took his name from the king of the Gods, known as Zeus and ruler of the Mount Olympus, in the Greek pantheon. His legends mentions that he took the power in his hands, dethroned his tyrannical father, Saturn, an action which is usually interpreted as a triumph of the human reason over brutal instincts. Greeks, reflect Jupiter as a man with bearded wrapped in a blue mantle, sometimes on an Eagle. The God is holding a thunderbolt, symbol of his own power. Even though his spiritual level was extremely high, his physical side was also well developed too. He was married to his sister Hera, the Juno of Romans but also he liked to go with other women too. His Olympic appetites and vitality was enough to go with mortals and immortals and of both sexes.However, Greeks thought that he was guarding of the social castes, and specifically supported the idea that the man was superior to the woman.

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Roman Jupiter was more respected than the Greek one. He was the lord of the day – and also the lord of the thunderbolts that were resulted as straight messages to humanity. Jupiter, was developed quietly passing from the ancient myth to his astrological role, representing the male power.They also tend to talk generally about everything and bring deep opinions without analyzing the « thin letters» and that can make them blindly and dangerously optimistic. He is the wise man who gives the light to the world, with meanings beyond the thunderbolt. It s being said that he is inspiring and helps us to get over our wrongs, on a spiritual and materialistic level.

The planet is being connected to philosophy, compassion, justice, law, honesty as also the wealth and the social caste. They also represent the High Intelligence. Those who may have an intense influence of Jupiter in their Horoscope, supposed to be respected and successful. But as people with consciousness they will laugh with the typical stuff around them at the name of the greater authorities. It s supposed that they function at the highest climax, and if they will be controlled, they will reach the absolute extremism.

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Priests, philosophers, scientists, doctors, philanthropists, judges, solicitors, teachers, diplomats and managers are being influenced by Jupiter.They also tend to talk generally about everything and bring deep opinions without analyzing the « thin letters» and that can make them blindly and dangerously optimistic. He is the wise man who gives the light to the world, with meanings beyond the thunderbolt. It s being said that he is inspiring and helps us to get over our wrongs, on a spiritual and materialistic level.

The planet is being connected to philosophy, compassion, justice, law, honesty as also the wealth and the social caste. They also represent the High Intelligence. Those who may have an intense influence of Jupiter in their Horoscope, supposed to be respected and successful. But as people with consciousness they will laugh with the typical stuff around them at the name of the greater authorities. It s supposed that they function at the highest climax, and if they will be controlled, they will reach the absolute extremism.


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Inauspicious Saturn, the most far in distance from the Earth, only visible with naked eye, is the sixth planet in turn, from the Sun. Greeks identified him with Saturn, the leader of the Gods giants, who named Titans and ruled before the Olympic gods. Feared from a prophecy, that was saying that one of his children would dethroned him, the horrible God was eating every child was coming into life after its birth. Despite that fact, his wife Rea saved one infant, offering to the god instead of that, a stone ,and so Jupiter, grew up to fulfill the prophecy. Romans identified Saturn with the god of Agriculture that delivered from the Etruscans. The result was, Saturn, the god of Agriculture and the Time. Astrology is considering the planet a very complicated and substantial and constrictive power which balances the extreme optimism of Jupiter. Saturn, may declare bad luck but also usually serves a very realistic perspective.He is being considered the mean between the inner, personal planets but the external «interpersonal» - those who rule a wider environment, beyond the Ego, and the interaction between a person and the existing environment. Saturn as a regulator, represents the power. His position

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during his birth defines the relationship of a child and the father. Also, represents the inner power, the consciousness and the self-control. In any case, that someone will fail to listen at the Saturnian limitations, then the collision with the establishment and the social system may become inevitable. This influence can destroy or inspire.In positive cases, Saturn can give patience, endurance, persistence, economy and management skills. His powerful appearance at the horoscope, may show a person that is fond of the routine and its destiny is to make a career at the army, at the government, in marketing or even religion. A negative Saturn, may warn for selfishness, cruelty, wickedness, greed and suspensions.His orbit around the Sun, takes 29.5 years. His first complete circle is when an individual approaches the age of 30, is being considered, a period of change, a chance for appreciations and transformation. Saturn remains 2.46 years in each zodiac sign. Saturn, is the ruler of Aquarius and Capricorn. It also rules the aging process of an organism, and its diseases which is a result of it and also the illnesses that affect the bladder and the spleen. Saturn is also representing the findings, civilizations, social order,principles,reality,limitations,structures,ambition,carrer,duty,authority,

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hierarhy,discipline,responsibility,physical and emotional endurance. Long-term planning, is also marks significant is a person s life. In medicine, signifies the right ear, spleen and bladder, phlegm, bones. Represents the day of Saturday and the Art of Astrology.Like Jupiter representation includes the Cross and the semicircle. But in the case of Saturn, cross has a greater value. Makes the matter rule over mind, and transfers on the earth everything immaterial.


In 1781, a self-taught English astronomer, Sir William Hartselle, observing through a telescope, discovered behind Saturn, one more planet. They named him Uranus, and he was the first planet in history that was added in the image that humanity had for our Solar System. He took his name from the Greek god Uranus, a tyrant that was neutered by his son Saturn and throw him off the skies. But when Astronomers observed the new planet, saw too little despotism on him. On the contrary, they said, he seems to dissolve the old systems. It seems that this discovery he made himself, flustered the before centuries certain conviction for the existence of a

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system with seven planets and additionally, almost that fell with the French and the American Revolution.Astrology, concluded, that the best name for the planet should be Prometheus, which means « someone who thinks in advance» - from the name of the Titan that gave to the people the gift of the fire, the source of every progress. With this spirit, Uranus, is about every creative energy, and the break of all the old models of faith and action.As first, from the external, interpersonal planets, is being considered that the field of his influence is being extended beyond the individual, provoking deep and fast changes in whole civilizations and Eras. According to astrology, the picture of the previous century provoked many radical changes. An important appearance of Uranus in a horoscope during someone s birth, shows a person determined to change possibly, the society instead of adjusting himself into the existing one. With this strong influence someone can be inventive, unconventional, independent and certainly progressive. The incarnation of workers of the uranian-Prometheus spirit are containing electricians, inventors and technicians.Of course Uranus has his negative side too. Those who are influenced in this way may tend to the division and the reform, and even become

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antisocial even when they have good aims. Their need to be different from the others, make them sometimes rebels for the favor of the revolution itself and their restless energetic nature to be showed off with sarcasm, rudeness and other sort of whims.Uranus rules Aquarius and the brain, mainly the pituitary. The breaker of conservatism, obits the Sun every 84 years and remains at the same zodiac sign every 7 days. Uranus represents the genius, unconventional, ideas, discoveries, electricity, inventions, individuality, beginnings, industrial revolution, groups, societies, progressive ideas. Also the sudden and unexpected events, freedom, originality, enlighten, democracy, human rights, the colonies, the nervous system, the mental disorders, breakdowns, hysteria, spasms, cramps and the 11th house.


The appearance of the planet had been already predicted before the planet was visible to the astronomers. Neptune, worshiped by Greeks a as god of the sea and the waters. He was sharing the cosmic power with his

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brothers,, Jupiter who was ruling the skies and Hades who was ruling the underworld. Even if he was living in a gold palace at the depth of the ocean, he was violent, unbridled and he was coming on the surface with the form of earthquakes and tidal waves. The god of the sea may be the feeder or destructive. He was representing the male fertility- his waters were playing the role who was the father of the Sparta. Greeks, also were considering him as the tamer of the horses. In the Roman pantheon, he was worshiped as the lord of irrigation.The modern astrology connects his aquatic kingdom with the powers of the unconscious mind and his horses with the power of the row instinct. It is believed that is the bridge between the conscious mind and the collective unconscious, that one of the theoretical store of the world human memory and perception, which is common to all human beings. Mystics, believe that the collective unconscious is the source of the human creativity and renewal.An attack at the forefront, maybe enough dangerous, since the unconscious thoughts that come on the surface of the mind abruptly is possible to bring mental division or even madness. But also they say that the Neptunian Ocean gives great ability of understanding and also the ability to realize

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someone the mistakes of the human personality. People, with strong Neptune, have been blessed with a power to get over their worries and serve the family and society, without any trouble. It s being said also, that they are dreamers, a tension that contracts to their possible success as a top spiritual or artistic personalities, actors or poets or singers. Also, having in mind their mythological relationships, they may be navigators, offshore divers or coastal explorers of oil.Despite his virtues, Neptune has his dark side too, since it s believed that his power is making bigger, every good or bad. His influence is breaking very suddenly and violently like an earthquake in order to impose to people to do things that are not prepared to control, and with possible result to regret for it later on.According to astrology, his Trina brings the teeth of the obsessive idea. Is considered that leads to drugs and alcohol those who wander or those who are not prepared for deep knowledge, giving them the hope that in this way they will satisfy their spiritual longing.Neptune, is being connected with the discovery of anesthetics and hypnotism. Also with Institutions. People who are exposed to the negative side of Neptune, maybe victims of delusion and fanaticism. This planet rules Pisces, and also the pituitary of the brain,

Page 30: Web viewThe kingdom of the Hades in the underworld, rough his name because he was ruling the people at the area of the dead’s. The gates were well guarded from Cerberus, the dog

the liquid of the spine, the amniotic fluid – the inner sea that supports the embryo. Every 165 orbits the Sun, and remains on the same zodiac sign for 13.75 years. Discovered in 1846.Represents the illusion,confusion,deception,idealism,compassion,religion,spirituality,mysticism,mass media, art, music, drugs, fantasy, imagination, psychic phenomena, mental state, hospitals, prisons, monasteries, institutions, the retreat from the society. Hypnotism, anesthetics. In political issues the Nationalistic movements, the Socialism, the beginnings of the Welfare state. Utopia ideals, Communism, the Art of Impressionism. In Medicine, the thalamus, the spinal cord, and in the end severe and mysterious illnesses and neuroses.

PlutoA cool and dark guard in the dark space, Pluto abstains 4 billion miles from the Sun. His orbit defines the external planetary frontiers, of the known solar system. Pluto orbits the Sun, in 248 years and remains in a zodiac sign for 20.6. Years. The kingdom of the Hades in the underworld, rough his name because he was ruling the people at the area of the dead’s. The

Page 31: Web viewThe kingdom of the Hades in the underworld, rough his name because he was ruling the people at the area of the dead’s. The gates were well guarded from Cerberus, the dog

gates were well guarded from Cerberus, the dog with the three heads, who was eating the mortals and ghosts that were trying to get away. Hades fall in love with Persephone, daughter of Demeter, Goddess of cultivation, at one of his rare exits from his dark kingdom and kidnapped her in order to make Demeter his wife. Demeter, from her sadness dried the Earth and so the season of the Fall and Winter, were created.Even though, he was provoking fear, he was respectable, mainly for his wealth, for instance his ground was fertile and under it different sort of metals were shining. Modern astrologers, were hard to define the meaning of Pluto, like happened with Uranus and Neptune. It is believed that his influence is wide, deep and provokes drastic changes that effect whole populations, since he is the most external, interpersonal planet. Also, it s supposed that rules, the deep, catholic and most personal human mystery of all. Death itself, Rebirth and Transformation.Loyal, to his evil skills she was discovered at the time of the economical crisis and the World war. But to take less hopes, the planet also represents the development, the evolution, the destruction of a structure and the death that leads to rebirth. The Plutonian aspects are importantly visible in the 20th century at the time of the nuclear threat and the plutonium that

Page 32: Web viewThe kingdom of the Hades in the underworld, rough his name because he was ruling the people at the area of the dead’s. The gates were well guarded from Cerberus, the dog

spread all over the planet. According to astrology, he represents the power of the smallest particle of the matter, the atom. It s being also calculated that is the source of discovery of a higher reality. It looks like Jupiter when it s being called to act in the name of some authority.Those who are born under the influence of Pluto, maybe feel obligated to uproot injustice, for instance. Pluto, corresponds at the useful frustration that acts the person in order to improve himself. People, who receive clearly his message, will win from the tragedies and the obstacles and will try for a new start. Also, his explosive power can be reversed. Those who don t manage to recognize and accept his negative abilities of their personalities, always find disadvantages to others, ignoring theirs. Of course, such moves bring disastrous and violent results. People, with hard aspects of Pluto, in their horoscope, at the worst case, may become criminals or sadists without ethical principles or concerns. Pluto with Mars, rules Scorpio and Aries.Affects the female and male genitals, the immune system and the illnesses are connected with it. For this planet many symbols have been suggested through the times. The most accepted is the cross with touches over the semicircle and in it there is a circle. This complex shows the forged spirit to

Page 33: Web viewThe kingdom of the Hades in the underworld, rough his name because he was ruling the people at the area of the dead’s. The gates were well guarded from Cerberus, the dog

test the matter. Pluto destroys in order to renew and also means transformation, power, big business, wealth, mining, surgery, detective work. Pluto brings the truth into the light. Represents Tuesday. Also, fascism, Stalinism, First and Second World War, The Cold war, nuclear weapons, psychoanalysis, events and culture, Cubism, Surrealism, the Reproductive system, the predictive work. The Space.