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Celebration in Worship Baptism of the Lord Sunday January 13, 2019 We believe the words of Jesus: “I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” John 6:37 GATHERING AROUND THE WORD PRAYER OF PREPARATION Turn us around, God. Turn us around into your way of thinking, around into your way of loving. Turn us around and confront us with Jesus. Meet us at the river flow and baptize our fears with your joy. Amen. PRELUDE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Responsive) The Lord be with you. And also with you. Visitors, friends, members, welcome to worship! We are glad you are here. Please feel free to participate in ways that you feel led, and comfortable if you would just like to observe. We welcome your presence and invite you to join us for coffee in the Fellowship Hall after the worship service. *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Scott Pratt One: Sisters and brothers, today we recall: Jesus came to the waters of baptism. All:In baptism, our Creator claims us and frees us from the power of hatred and death. One: In baptism we are joined to Christ and we are joined together in unity, recalling All: “There is no longer Jew or Greek there is no longer slave or free there is no longer male or female for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” One: In baptism, the Spirit of God anoints us for ministry and makes us signs of divine love. It is the mark of acceptance into the church and the beginning of our growth into full Christian faith and discipleship. All:Therefore on this day, the whole church, the Body of Christ, remembers and celebrates. One: Let us worship God! *HYMN 405 Praise God for This Holy Ground Glory to God Hymnal CALL TO CONFESSION (Leader) Broken? God promises to make us whole. Lost? God promises to come and find us, gather us up, and bring us home. Confused about tomorrow? God promises our future is grounded in love. Let us confess that, though we have heard the promises over and over, we have trouble believing them, as we pray together saying, PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Eternal God, our judge and redeemer, you delivered us through water, but we long to return to Egypt.Your Word calms the storm, but we timidly cower in fear. Your justice would flow down like rivers, but we obstruct its flow. You bid us bathe and be healed, but we limp and struggle in pain. Have mercy on us, and cleanse us, Lord God. Deliver us and grace us with joy, that we may die daily to sin and rise daily to new life in Jesus’ resurrection. Grant us the gift of your grace that we might always give glory to your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A time of silent prayer is observed. PROCLAIMING THE WORD ASSURANCE – as water is poured into the font One: Every time you see water—like when it rains or you go to the river— remember God’s beauty and sustaining love all around us, and remember that you’re a baptized child of God. God who created you and formed us in God’s image, said, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Friends, this is the good news! All: I belong to God. Alleluia! Amen! PASSING THE PEACE (Responsive) As an extension of God’s hospitality, let us greet one another with the sign of God’s peace. The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. CHILDREN’S MESSAGE ANTHEM SCRIPTURE READING Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 SERMON Living Wet Jennifer Martin, Teaching Elder RESPONDING TO THE WORD

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Celebration in WorshipBaptism of the Lord Sunday

January 13, 2019 

We believe the words of Jesus: “I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.”    John 6:37



Turn us around, God. Turn us around into your way of thinking, around into your way of loving. Turn us around and confront us with Jesus. Meet us at the river flow and baptize our fears with your joy. Amen.

 PRELUDE                WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS  (Responsive)    The Lord be with you.        And also with you. Visitors, friends, members, welcome to worship! We are glad you are here. Please feel free to participate in ways that you feel led, and comfortable if you would just like to observe. We welcome your presence and invite you to join us for coffee in the Fellowship Hall after the worship service.                                                                                                       *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Scott Pratt

One: Sisters and brothers, today we recall: Jesus came to the waters of baptism. All: In baptism, our Creator claims us and frees us from the power of hatred and death.

 One: In baptism we are joined to Christ and we are joined together in unity, recalling All: “There is no longer Jew or Greek

there is no longer slave or freethere is no longer male or femalefor all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”

 One: In baptism, the Spirit of God anoints us for ministry and makes us signs of divine love. It is the mark of acceptance into the church and the beginning of our growth into full Christian faith and discipleship.

 All: Therefore on this day, the whole church, the Body of Christ, remembers and celebrates.

 One: Let us worship God!

*HYMN 405                Praise God for This Holy Ground                     Glory to God Hymnal CALL TO CONFESSION (Leader)

Broken? God promises to make us whole.  Lost? God promises to come and find us, gather us up, and bring us home. Confused about tomorrow? God promises our future is grounded in love. Let us confess that, though we have heard the promises over and over, we have trouble believing them, as we pray together saying, 


Eternal God, our judge and redeemer, you delivered us through water, but we long to return to Egypt.Your Word calms the storm, but we timidly cower in fear. Your justice would flow down like rivers, but we obstruct its flow. You bid us bathe and be healed, but we limp and struggle in pain. Have mercy on us, and cleanse us, Lord God. Deliver us and grace us with joy, that we may die daily to sin and rise daily to new life in Jesus’ resurrection. Grant us the gift of your grace that we might always give glory to your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

A time of silent prayer is observed.

PROCLAIMING THE WORD ASSURANCE – as water is poured into the font

One: Every time you see water—like when it rains or you go to the river—remember God’s beauty and sustaining love all around us, and remember that you’re a baptized child of God. God who created you and formed

us in God’s image, said, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”   Friends, this is the good news!

 All: I belong to God. Alleluia! Amen!

PASSING THE PEACE  (Responsive)As an extension of God’s hospitality, let us greet one another with the sign of God’s peace.  

The peace of Christ be with you.        And also with you.             CHILDREN’S MESSAGE                                         ANTHEM            SCRIPTURE READING        Luke 3:15-17, 21-22            SERMON                Living Wet  Jennifer Martin, Teaching Elder 


*HYMN 476                Crashing Waters at Creation                  Glory to God Hymnal

REMEMBRANCE OF BAPTISMAs we were buried with Christ in our baptism, so we rise with Christ to new life by turning from sin and turning to righteousness. Therefore, let us renew our profession and affirm our commitment to Christ and Christ’s church.One: Do you promise, by the grace of God, 

to be a disciple, to follow in the way of Jesus Christ, to resist oppression, to show love and justice, and to witness to the work and word of Jesus Christ,as best you are able?

ALL: We do. One: And do you promise, according to the grace given to you, 

to grow in your faith and to be a faithful member of the church, celebrating Christ’s presence and furthering God’s mission in all the world?

ALL: We do.

One: Let us pray. O God, we rejoice in your grace, given and received. We thank you that you have claimed us, that you wash us, strengthen us, and guide us, that you empower us to live a life worthy of our calling. So we reaffirm our covenant with you, to be your people, your servants. Make us as water in a dry and thirsty world. Make us places of refreshment. Root us and establish us in love, that with all your people we may rightly and justly serve you. Fill us with your fullness, that our lives may overflow in service and love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. *HYMN 484           Out of Deep, Unordered Water  Glory to God Hymnal       

During the hymn the congregation is invited to come forward and remember their baptism. 

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (Unison)    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.    Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, 

as we forgive our debtors;    And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. AN INVITATION TO OFFERING (Leader)

When we give our tithes and offerings, we are witnesses to the transforming love of God in Christ.  I invite you to give as generously as you have received.

OFFERTORY                *DOXOLOGY  (Unison)    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;    

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!    Praise God, all creatures here below:        

Praise Christ, whose mighty power uplifts!    Alleluia! Alleluia!                

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!                Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! *PRAYER OF DEDICATION  (Unison)

Generous God, we offer our gifts in recognition that we are baptized people, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.  So, we will hold nothing back but will share our lives, our hearts, our energies, as well as our efforts, in ministry to the world around us.  This we pray in Jesus' name. 

Amen. *HYMN 765            May the God of Hope Go with Us                       Glory to God Hymnal                        BENEDICTION           POSTLUDE  

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