web2project user guide v1

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  • USER GUIDE2008

  • Index Table

    Table of Contents

    2008 user guide

    Login Screen..........................................................................

    New Sign up...........................................................................


    Gantt Chart...........................................................................

    Project Index..........................................................................

    Add/Edit Project..................................................................

    View Project........................................................................

    Add/Edit Task..................................................................

    Task Index............................................................................

    View Task.............................................................................

    Task Chart............................................................................






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  • Login Screen2008 user guide

    Welcome to the web2Project login screen. Here you can login to the system to begin managing your projects and task.

    If you already have an account, or are the admin logging in for the first time, enter your user name and password in the text fields.

    If you are having problems logging in, or have forgotten your password click on the corresponding link.

    If youre new to the system you will want to apply for a new user account.

  • New Sign-up2008 user guide

    If you are accessing the system for the first time, youll need to apply for a new user account by filling out the following form. Once you complete this form, an e-mail will be sent to the system administrator with your request. The administrator will either approve or deny your request and youll receive an e-mail with the results.

    Please note: You will need to use a valid e-mail address in order to receive approval.

    Fields marked with * are required.

    The anti-spam feature is designed to protect the system against web crawlers and spam bots.

    Once you have completed filling in the necessary form fields, click the sign me up! button. This will send an e-mail to the system administrator.

  • Navigating2008 user guide

    The main navigation around the system is a list of links at the top of the page. What you see in this MENU depends on how the administrator has configured the system. In most cases, you may not see all the options you see on this screen.

    Sub-Menus contain items such as quick jump-to menus, help, view your information, tasks you have to-do, do-today, and also the option to logout of the system.

    Many pages will have tabs to access additional data or for changing the layout of the information displayed.

    This screen grab of the My Task To Do highlights active tasks that are assigned to you.

    From this page you can track task progress, add task logs, and change task status.

    Note: This page will be blank if you do not have any task assigned to you. Youll learn more about Tasks in another chapter.

  • Gantt Chart2008 user guide

    A Gantt chart is a popular type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project. Some Gantt charts also show the dependency (i.e., precedence network) relationships between activities. Gantt charts can be used to show current schedule status using percent-complete shadings and a vertical TODAY line

    Choose an owner from the drop down menu. This will be your name by default.

    Select a time frame and other options from the menu and hit the submit button to view the details according to your filters.

    The dotted line represents today in this time line.

    The above Gantt is accessed from the To Do page

    Left: The Projects List also has a tab for accessing a similar Gantt chart with an overall breakdown of Projects instead of Tasks

  • Project Index2008 user guide

    Project management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources (e.g. People) in such a way that the project is completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints. A project is a temporary and one-time endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service, which brings about beneficial change or added value. This property of being a temporary and one-time undertaking contrasts with processes, or operations, which are permanent or semi-permanent ongoing functional work to create the same product or service over and over again. The management of these two systems is often very different and requires varying technical skills and philosophy, hence requiring the development of project managements. - Wikipedia

    Clicking on Projects from the main menu will take you to the project queue where you can view a list of projects.

    Filters allow you to view projects by: Company, Department or project owner.

    To create a new project, click on the New Project Tab.

    Tabs define the projects life cycle and are defined in the system administration.

    View the projects overall %, Project name, company, start & end dates, project owner, task count, and status.

    Change the projects status by marking the select box - Choose an option from the drop down then press the Update project status button.

    Note: This moves the project throughthe tabs noted above.

  • Add Project2008 user guide

    This takes you to the project add/edit pagewith a short form to fillout.

    Project Name:Enter a project name

    Parent: ~ optionalAssign a project parent.

    Owner: ~ optionalAssign a project owner. Defaults to your own name, but you can change it to assign another owner.

    Company: Assign a company. This also defaults to your company.

    Dates: Choose a start date and a target end date.

    Budget: Assign a target budget & actual budget. Target = Shoot for this goal. Actual = Do not exceed.

    Selecting Contacts: Used to easily identify steak holders and also allows special access/notification when available.

    URLS: Used to link project files either internally or externally.

    To create a new project, click on the New Project Button located in the project index.

  • Add Project2008 user guide

    In most work flows, projects may have a priority that is either higher or lower than other projects. Here you can give this project a specific priority.

    The system automatically assigns a short name.

    Project Status will place the project into a specific tab in the list.

    Progress represents the overall progress of the project if it has tasks assigned. (New projects will have a value of (0.00%)

    The Project Description is usually a place to define the projects scope. This information may be important to build the projects tasks breakdown, so it is important to be descriptive here

    The check boxes (when checked) will ensure all stake holders are notified of the projects existence or updates.

    If this project has a parent project or is somehow related to other task work, you can import those task here.

    Give your project a unique color identifier. This could have a number of different uses as specified by your system administrator. For example - A color could represent the project designer, owner, or department. It can also be used to specify a projects status or priority.

  • View Project2008 user guide

    When you click on a project name from within the project queue that takes you to the View Project Page. From this page you can view the projects scope and begin your production.

    From here you can create tasks, events, or add files.

    Delete ProjectSub-menu lets to go back to the list, edit, design, or view reports

    At the bottom of the project view page, you can see all the task you have created for the project in addi-tion to other details. Simply click on a tab to view the structures.

  • Add/Edit Task2008 user guide

    The Add Task page contains a number of components for controlling the projects overall scope. You can have as many tasks in one project as is necessary. You can also assign users and elements as resources, track budget cost, assign priority and more.

    The fundamentals of the task start in the first panel and include elements such as task name, status, progress, priority, and milestone. Note: Not all elements on this page are required to create an effective task.

    The bottom panel includes more elements such as assigning a task owner (defaults to your current login), assign permissions, assign to another task as a child, assign task type, contacts, department and enter your budget.

    You can also assign dates and allocate hours, dependencies, and human resources. See the online documentation for more information.

  • Add/Edit Task2008 user guide

    The second panel in the add task page is used for allocating your time against the project. Its important to note the projects target end date when planning accordingly.

    Set start & end dates Set start & end times

    Once you specify your start and end dates & time, you can click the calculate duration button and the system will automatically calculate the time in hours or days.

  • Add/Edit Task2008 user guide

    Task groupings can help in managing large lists of tasks or in creating small sub-projects within a project that can be monitored in their own right. Tasks are grouped under parent tasks with the sub-tasks being known as children or child tasks. A dynamic task is not an active task in its own right. It inherits its duration and start and finish dates from the child tasks associated with it. You cannot record tasks logs against a dynamic task

    Select the option required to either use dependency tracking or not

    If this option is turned on then the task is regarded as firstly a parent task and secondly dynamic meaning that it will take its duration and start and end date based on the values of child tasks

    Regardless of any dependencies that are set - turning this on will drop the task from the dependency set

    Using the arrows and highlighting the tasks you can move the tasks that you wish to have as dependent tasks to the from All Tasks to Task Dependencies (or back again to remove the dependency)

  • Add/Edit Task2008 user guide

    These boxes allow you to select users to assign to the task by highlighting the name and clicking on the arrow in the required direction

    Directly under the resource assignment boxes is a % box - use this to select the percentage of a resources time that you wish to assign to a task BEFORE you do the assignment

  • Task List2008 user guide

    You can access the task list page by clicking on the Tasks link on the menu bar. This page will typically define a designers actual workflow and displays a number of useful information about the tasks life cycle.

    To edit a task click on the edit icon Set filters to view different tasks assigned accordingly

    Create a new log by clicking on the green (+) icon

    Overall Status bar Color codes to help you identify priority task

  • View Task2008 user guide

    When you click on a task name, that takes you to the task view page which is similar to the project view page. This view will show you specific detailed information about your task.

    When you add a log to a task it is recorded in the database and posted here in the first tab.

    Edit existing log

    Create a new log

    Create a new task for this project or add a fileEdit or delete this task

  • To-do Gantt2008 user guide

    Gantt Charts are a good way to display your tasks and projects in a time line view. You can access the Gantt charts in the projects list page, projects view page, project designer module, and your task to-do page.

    Set filters and display options for your results

    Task and project essential information A status bar will run through this grid showing the task time line according to the dates specified.

  • Calendar2008 user guide

    When you create events, you can view those events in the calendar view. The calendar is a great way to track your appointments and you can filter your view by year, month, week, or day.

    Events appear in the calendar along with the color code you specify. Hovering your mouse over the item will display the events details

    Switches to week view

    Set Filters Accordingly

    Year View

    Week ViewClick the box in the year view to access the week view

  • Calendar2008 user guide

    The event add/edit page lets you schedule events that will appear on your calendar. You can assign this event to a project, give it a priority, specify dates & time, in addition to resources.

    The day view of the calen-dar lets you see events that you have scheduled for the day.

    View events for another day by clicking on the monthly calendars on the right side.

    Change your view

    Create a new event

  • Company2008 user guide

    The companies module stores all the companies and departments that your users, projects, and tasks are assigned to. You can add an unlimited amount of companies, and departments in your system.

    Note: Its required to have companies configured before you start adding contacts, users or projects. Also note that you can customize these sub-tabs in the system admin - lookup values.

    Make sure that you have the correct company owner filter set when viewing companies.

    The company add/edit page contains a form that allows you to collect and store a wealth of information about a specific company

    When you click on a company name in the company list page, you can view the companies details, assign de-partments, view active and archived projects, users, contacts, files and other information.

  • Files2008 user guide

    The main files index shows all the files in the system. Files are a good way to track objects that are associated with your projects or tasks.

    You can add just about any file type to the system and you can even organize your files within a unique folder structure. In addition, You can check out files and track file version.

    To edit a fi le

    You can specify the tabs in the System Administration Lookup Values

    Add a new fi le or folder

  • Files2008 user guide

    When adding a file you can specify a folder, version, category, project and task. You can also specify whether or not to notify the project/task contacts & owner.

    When you create a new folder, you can also assign that folder as a child to another.

  • Users2008 user guide

    The active user list displays a number of details about your users that typically have access in the system.

    From here you can edit a user, change their preferences & permissions or delete the user. You can also e-mail the user, or view more details about them.

    Click on a user name or login name to go to the view user page.

    Edit - Permissions - Delete


    Add new userView User Details

    View User PageUser Permissions Page

  • Users Prefs2008 user guide

    When a user account is created that account will inherit the default preferences as they are at the time that the account is created. Any further changes to the default user preferences will not be reflected in previously created user account preferences - those changes must be made for each individual user

    Depending upon the number of translation packages you have installed there will be more than one locale to be selected. Selecting the locale establishes the default translation package to be used - any sites with no translation packages available will default to English.

    This option sets the preferred format for tabbed views throughout the system

    This option sets your short date format

    This option sets your preferred time format

    This option allows you to select the preferred user interface style or theme.

    This option allows you to nominate the default maximum percentage applied to each task for your user login. The default is 100% but if you are, for example, a part time worker you may wish to set this to an alternative fi gure (e.g. 50%).

    This option establishes the default task and event notification method you would like to use:

    This option sets up the default settings for Task Log emails. You can turn on any of the options Email Assignees, Email Task Contacts or Email Project Contacts so that every time you complete a task log the email out function will automatically occur. Remember that this would have to be turned off at each task log if you want emailing out to be optional.

    This option allows you to set up how a task log emailed record is incorporated into particular task logs. If you turn it off then the notice that a particular task log was emailed and to whom will not be incorporated, if you turn it on it will automatically be incorporated at the bottom of the task log entry after the task log has been saved

    This option sets a default email subject for your task log

  • View User2008 user guide

    The view user page is useful not only to view essential information about a user, but you can also view their log (when they logged in) permissions, roles, projects, and Gantt.

    You can also change the users password.

    View the company and department

  • Contacts2008 user guide

    A user is somebody with login access to the system. They can have a contact record associated with their username and password or login record. A contact is not somebody who can login, but has an address card recorded. Contacts can be attached to projects and/or tasks to receive general updates, but they cannot be assigned to actively work on any tasks.

    You can search for contacts by clicking on an alphabetical letter or by typing your criteria in the search box

    This option imports one vcard at a time at present and is accessed from the main contacts screen - option to the right hand side of the screen. You can also export a CSV list of all contacts in your database

    Right: The add/Edit screen for contacts.

    To delete a contact, Select the contact you wish to delete, select edit and then select delete