weblis an introduction as 'topping up' on the stimulate itp cds/isis lectures by e. de...

WEBLIS An introduction as 'topping up' on the STIMULATE ITP CDS/ISIS lectures by E. de Smet

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An introduction as 'topping up' on the STIMULATE ITP

CDS/ISIS lectures by E. de Smet


➲ Introduction➲ Some background info➲ Technological platform of WEBLIS➲ Installation➲ The WEB-OPAC➲ Cataloguing and data-entry➲ Loans circulation management➲ Problem shooting➲ Future expectations

Introduction to WEBLIS

➲ WEBLIS : web-based library management with ISIS

➲ Functions realised :● Cataloguing● OPAC basic, advanced and thesaurus-

based● Loans management (with statistics)


➲ Origins reside with FAO ➲ Developed by Henryk Rybinski (Poland) for

FAO● First developed as cataloguing system for

AGRIS (and later also ASFISIS) for FAO

=> integration of thesaurus in data-entry and searching=> strong validation features of data-entry to assist 'weaker' Southern agricultural and fishery centres

● FAO libraries and some other libraries (e.g. GTZ, Germany) use it as their own library system

● Experimental implementation in university libraries of SUA (Tanzania) and Mekelle University (Ethiopia)

Background (2)

➲ 2004 : WEBLIS handed over for distribution and support to UNESCO / ISIS

➲ WEBLIS is available from http://www.unesco.org/isis free of costs with full working application coming with easy installation tool

➲ At the moment : only Windows {:-(➲ Support organisation :

● still unclear...● Should link to world-wide AGRIS support● ... but will be crucial for the success !


➲ SERVER – CLIENT● Client : any web-browser, focus on non MS IE● Server : developed with Xitami but also working

with Apache and IIS➲ HTML-forms create CGI-calls dealt with by

ISIS3W-server, see 'Publishing ISIS on the Web'

➲ ISIS – server : isis3w.exe (former www-isis)● ICIE's (Rybinsky) counterpart of wwwisis.exe● Main difference : uses ISISDLL

● => little bit slower● => more functions can be embedded easier

Technology (2)

➲ Largely using 'HTP'-templates (e.g. search.htp) and advanced PFT-formats

➲ Largely adaptable in all aspects...● ... but risky due to sophistication

➲ The LIBCAT database ● Demo structure of WEBLIS installation set● Based on 'AGRIS' bibliographic format● But : simplified, generalised● Typical : bibliographic levels A/M/S with handy

links in between● Conversion to this structure is, at the moment

(limited support !) advised and possible, e.g. CCF2LC.FST


➲ Run setup.exe from installation package➲ Three main directories created :

● CGI-BIN● Contains isis3w.exe and ISIS32.DLL● Contains configuration file : Isis3w.exe.cgf

● DB● Contains subfolder for each application, e.g. LIBCAT● This folder contains subfolders for the databases, e.g.

● Auth -> authority files● Libcat -> the proper own catalogue main database● Thes -> the thesaurus (e.g. AGROVOC)● Loan -> database with loans transactions● Item -> database with items-based info for bibliogr. Records● Patron -> database with users for loans management

● LIBCAT : main application html-files

Installation (2)➲ The .CGF file :

● Parameters to be set/checked manually :● DB_name Libcat● CookieDomain● EntryAccessFile d:\libcat\Libcat\access.def● All others path-specifying can be adjusted

● CookieDomain : to be adjusted according to real server-name used in URL ! (error 1028)

● Important : make sure CGI-access rights are properly set and DB-folder can be 'written to' !

➲ Create 'alias' (Apache : in httpd.conf ) or 'virtual directory' (in IIS)

➲ Replace isis3w.exe in CGI-BIN with version 2003 (not 2004 !)


➲ Comes in three 'interfaces' :● 'basic search' (based on overall 'basic' index)● 'advanced search' (field-specifics with Boolean)● 'thesaurus-based search' (AGROVOC)

➲ Design in 'database.def.eng', e.g. ● Basic search :

"Keywords from record(Enter any word(s) from Title, Personal Author, Corporate Author or Subject)", "keywords_record", "K=", "1" ;

● Advanced search fields :"restricted_terms", "keywords_record""Collection", "rtype", "T=", "11", "5", "0", "8", "MON","Books", "ANA","Papers", "SER","Serials", "MIS","Miscelaneous""Keywords from record", "keywords_record", "K=", "1" ;

WEBLIS Thesaurus search

WEB – OPAC (2)

➲ Features : ● Three search-interfaces● Index consultation from ISIS-IF (with prefixes)● Search history● Multi-database searches (new version)● Help-pages (!)● Tips : text in HTP\search.htp● Truncation : on/off switch ('exact match')● Sorting of output● Display format selection box● ISIS-Query Language remains available (no

sequential search with '?')➲ Display : list or full (with links and loan-info!)

Data entry

➲ URL : localhost/weblis/de.html➲ LOGIN for user-control based on access.def

● access.def allows your own definition of user-classes in XML-like style, with identification of allowed forms and access-rights (AMD) setting

➲ For higher security : please move out of website and adjust .CFG accordingly !

➲ Definition of entry-form : Entry.def● Worksheets contain pages (<page></page>)● Pages contain fields● Fields can contain subfields

Data Entry (2)

➲ (Sub-)fields can have :● Name● Description (as HTML-link with A HREF)● Tag from ISIS-database● Types :

● 1 : text● 2 : textarea● 3 : single choice combobox● 4 : multiple choice combobox● 5 : check boxes with pre-defined values● 6 : radio buttons with pre-defined values● 7 : comment● 8 : automatic pre-defined, e.g. TRN or accession no.

● Fields can have 'look-up' specs -> “BROWSE” to retrieve lists from ISIS-IF

WEBLIS Data Entry

Data Entry (3)

➲ Selection of appropriate worksheets➲ Validation : after submitting a form, all fields

are checked against a validation format (actually : a PFT) before being stored

➲ Authority lists are available in demo system for Corporate Authors, Conferences and Journal Titles

➲ Validation lists are available for languages, countries and regions

Loans management

➲ URL : http://localhost/weblis/loan.html➲ Login screen, see Data Entry➲ Items-database : contain 1 record per

physical object representing an instance of the bibliographic record (FRBR Entity-relationship model) item=single exemplar of a manifestation (=the physical

embodiment of a expression (=intellectual or artistic creation) of a work)

● To be created, e.g. using ISIS-Pascal 'lib2it.pcd'● Therefore : Loans management with 4 instead of

3 databases : catalogue, items, transactions, users

● Items can be created on the spot➲ Transactions by 'patron' or by catalogue


Loans management (2)

➲ Creating a transaction : identification of 1) patron and 2) item (by e.g. Barcodes) and submitting forms

➲ Urgent tasks :● Overdue loans● Overdue holds● Waiting lists

➲ Statistics : using 'statist.exe' in statist-database folder (ISISDLL based)

● Spreadsheet definition with upto 16 columns● Time-based analysis

Loans Management (3)

➲ Advanced features :● Patron classes creation● Material types creation● Overdue notices, using e-mail addresses● Urgent tasks● Fully integrated with OPAC-display

➲ Not implemented :● Fine calculation (but : possible with validation

PFT after submitting loans-form !)● Automated date-due calculation


➲ WEBLIS is fully documented :● Www-isis-refman● Www-isis-techdoc● WEBLISdoc :

● Loans adaptation● Loans Technical Doc● Loans Users Guide

● Tutor for Data Entry● Tutor for Search

➲ Spanish version is on its way

Concluding remarks

➲ Acquisition module is on its way➲ Support conditions (e.g. by FAO, UNESCO,

AGRIS ?) still not clear but crucial for the future

➲ Problems of diacritics still difficult to solve➲ Linux-version is being prepared (!)➲ Will be available 'open source' soon➲ All in all : advanced free library system➲ Competition : from other free (open source)

library systems (PHP/MySQL) or OpenISIS-based solutions (e.g. CLABEL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/clabel/)

WEBLIS Loans Management