website analysis


Upload: charlie-mossman

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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On this webpage the audience is able to use social media network sites in order to connect with the aritst and discover further infomration based upon his music career. This can benefit the aritist as, he woul d be able to receive reconsion through the views and shares by his social network audiecne users. This can make his figure seem more popularised

Clear text that states the name of the artists website so the demographic know who they are viewing . This text is very identical to the font style used upon Sam smith most recent album cover for the artists name making him more recognisable.

Navigation system which is used to guide the audience to different sections of the website to seek more about the aritist. This is a typical convention of a webpage layout for a band/aritist

This website has a black and white Houstyle, which is very similar to the Housestyle of Sam Smiths most recent album cover and tour poster. This feature helps the audience to make a connection between the media products being used to promote the artist.

This section is a significant feature as the web user can buy and access merchandise and other products in relation to the artists

This is the logo of the bands name oasis. Placing this logo on the bands website page helps the audience to quickly identify the band. This would typically be used elsewhere making the band more recognisable

The website also has a newsletter that the target demographic can sign up to. It is accessible with small and illustrated text in order to avoid mass writing as the website is constructed in a simple but effective format.

The bold text WONDERWALL can clearly be recognised as one the bands song names in regards to the target demographic. Images of the band are within the background of the WonderWall title, taken from the official music video. This is another convention that helps the audience to make the connection of the images to the song itself.

This music icon allows the web user to listen to the bands songs using the platform of Spotify and iTunes when buying them. This is simple and easy feature in order for the audience to access their music.



Facebook logo – informs the audience the social networking site that they are accessing

Cover photo used of the artists who is being followed/ viewed. This cover image has be adjusted with text in order to give it a professional outlook making the artists seem important and idolised as a popular figure

Profile picture – displays the image of the airts so the demographic has a clear identification of the artist and knows who they are

Typical conventional feature used to display the number of likes the page has. High figure displays the high recognition and popularity

Most Recent Posts created by the artist himself. Post will help in the promotional aspect of the artists image with relevant and up-to-date information on the artists activities.

Personal and relevant information about the artist.

Twitter Logo – informs the audience what social networking site they are viewing.

Large Cover image taking up most of the twitter page making this feature seems most dominant and eye-catching for the web viewer to see. This may suggest that having a large cover image maybe important when trying to catch and target the demographics attention towards the page. This cove image also uses a similar style in comparison to the profile image

Profile picture displaying their most recent front album cover of the bands CD Packaging. This is a convention that is used to further their promotion and recognition of their album itself.

Allows the web user to follow the page and find information simply

Figures in regards to twitter activities. Number of tweets, followers and other pages they are following. High followers figure suggest a good level of popularity