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2014 Website plan- 1220HSL ZHAJ2D1401 JOEY ZHAO

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Page 1: Website plan-1220HSL · Web viewForecasted Use Environments6 User Tasks6 Website Content and Development Tools6 Website Content Storyboard7 Website Template Designs7 Process Analysis8


Website plan-1220HSL



Page 2: Website plan-1220HSL · Web viewForecasted Use Environments6 User Tasks6 Website Content and Development Tools6 Website Content Storyboard7 Website Template Designs7 Process Analysis8

Introduction and Business Background....................................................................................2

Business Goals and Website Goals...........................................................................................2

Competitor Website Analysis...................................................................................................3

Target Audience.......................................................................................................................5

Forecasted Use Environments...................................................................................................6

User Tasks................................................................................................................................6

Website Content and Development Tools.................................................................................6

Website Content Storyboard.....................................................................................................7

Website Template Designs.......................................................................................................7

Process Analysis.......................................................................................................................8

Marketing Techniques............................................................................................................10



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Introduction and Business Background

The hotel is located at the finance centre of Melbourne which is the second popular city of Australia and have a population just above 4 million. The city is not only the art capital of the country, but also full of high technologies like car manufactories. As one of the important financial and business centre of the Asia Pacific Zoon, the city have a lot of companies choose to place their headquarter here and therefore is welcoming a large number of business man every year for their important meeting from all over the world which is the part of the reason why the Melbourne airport is the second busiest airport in Australia.

1.1 Business Background

The hotel is placed at a position of high-class hotel and is planning to attract the business

man to stay in the hotel. The hotel is aiming at a high quality service with high standard

of facilities and is located at a waterproof place. Since there is a lot of European citizens

come to Australia for the Sunshine, the company is trying to design our hotel as a

Mediterranean style as our way to attract people.

Business Goals and Website Goals

2.1 Business goals:

• To have a market share of 5% at the end of 2 years after the company

established as there are a lot of hotel located there and we are targeting at the

elite which is only a small number at the top of the pyramid. Meeting this goal

is also a good reflection of achieving a good market and bring profit constantly

as the market share around this area shows us the percentage of people are

choosing to stay in our hotel during their journey, which is as more as possible.

• To have our hotel reach a room-occupied rate over 80% also after 2 years after

the establishment. Having this figure reached is telling us we have a large

number of people are coming and are willing to stay in our hotel as a short

settlement in the travel and it implies the hotel are meet the most of the market


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need in the market we are targeting.

2.2 Website goals:

• To have a website browse number of 2000 every day. The figure can shows how

your information have been sent directly to your consumer and a knowing that

they know our hotel and we are kind of under their consideration.

• To have a progress on the percentage of online booking at a level over 15%

from the beginning which tells us how the users are getting along with the

internet well and the number of people are choosing our hotel

Competitor Website Analysis

Competitor Hilton Melbourne South Wharf





Intercontinental Melbourne -

The Rialto






Structure of the

whole page

It is not very clear as the website

is too confusing. They are not

even telling people they are the

official page of Westin


The overall structure is good

as it put different under a small

title but the users still needs to

move up and down for further

information. However there

are too many linking business

that makes the website a little

bit messy.


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of the website

The website is




It is not a clear website name

and can be easily confused with

other booking website.

A good part is although the

website did not use their name

on the link either they have

shown lots of proof for their

identification which confirms

the users’ safety.

Scale of the


It is sorry to say but they did this

part bad as well as the website

picture is smaller than my

browser and I need to move the

website up and down to get the

information I need.

The scale of this website is

good as it fits well for my

browser but with a long page

that I need to move a lot to get

the customers’ comments

which might help the hotel to

attract more potential


Conciseness of

the information

The information put up on the

website is shown very clearly

and has be done as a easy-

understanding way and they

have the director at the top

clearly showing which part are

you looking and you may want

to look.

The website is not do very

good at it since there is only

one review covers the biggest

part and always having a long

talk about what’s going on, it

is too much for the users. The

front page should always be

clean otherwise they will lose

their potential customer or

even the existing consumer as


The general

theme colour

Chosen a dark yellow as the

back colour which is good as it

The basic colour for this

hotel’s website is black but


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is trying to deliver a very cosy

feeling while they also use green

on their button which express an

active part in their company. It is

be done quite good as they are

attracting the people both need

to rest and having a lot of fun

and, more importantly, keep

their high-standard as usual.

personally I think it is not very

good to use that especially the

website is trying to promote all

the service industry the

company has and the range

various a lot which might be

harmful to lose the high-

classic customer.

The online

booking system

As one of the most important

part of the hotel website, Westin

did it in a very clever way: they

combined the two system in to

one and put it at the right of the

page which is easy to see it

straight away. So that people can

book it straight away if they find

rooms is there for them.

The booking system did very

well as it has been designed as

a part of the website page. It

gives users a clear website

with the number of room

available for each type but it

does not really attracts users’

idea at the first glance.


Target Audience

We are trying to attract the people from Europe who comes to Australia for the sunshine

even during their business trip. The market we are targeting is mainly from the cold cities

who needs a sunshine and experience the native experience. We are aiming at attracting

the business people and even their family with them since there are many meetings

happening here. As mentioned in the introduction, Melbourne is a very developed city in

Australia which has a high level of economic and technology, which implies there are


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many people are coming here for the meeting from both domestic and globally .”The City

of Melbourne is a diverse community with different groups of people residing, studying

and working in its suburbs. Our population springs from a wide variety of countries of

origin, including New Zealand, Korea, Italy, Somalia, India, the United Kingdom, and

many more. International students are also a significant part of our multicultural


ROFILE/Pages/Multiculturalcommunities.aspx) (Multicultural profiles)It can be seen

from the paragraph that Melbourne are tend to have a big percentage of people that are

like here very much because the climate, lifestyle or even air here and it is an opportunity

to attract those tourism who come here for the first time to stay with us.

Forecasted Use Environments

As an international city of Australia, Melbourne is full of high technology and many

computer is located. There is also an immigrant city with the new citizens all over the world.

The majority of people coming there is from China, Europe…while the Chinese and the

Indian is at a huge growing which nearly interfere everything in Melbourne.

( The native people there is a

combination from all over the world which is good for a booming business as it is welcoming

everything from all over the world.

User Tasks

• To develop a full website, the company will need to install the programme to support

visa and bank card payment for online booking.

• Secondly, a flash is also needed to make the picture of the hotel show repeating at the


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front page to attract the users at the first stage.

• The web site can also link some facebook link just in case the users are recommending

our website to others.

Website Content and Development Tools

• The scale of the website would be 1920*1080 and design at a yellow base and the word

showing will be dark gray to linking to our attraction as Mediterranean style.

• Elaborate would also have a green serious with a grey back to have a clean and easy


Website Content Storyboard



restaurant recipy

comments about the


our main chief and

introduction of


booking system and

room avability

paying system

events on

more detail of

every one and

the address

introduction about us

contact us


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Website Template Designs


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[email protected] us:phone 1234567890email: qld.4122.austraslia


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Process Analysis

The website is belongs to the company and we will have the right to change it. As there is

an online payment system, we should have some IT people looking after it however as a

start company and to save money, this online payment part will also under controlled by

the accountant.


[email protected] us:phone 1234567890email: qld.4122.austraslia

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To make the website runs sufficiently, we could hire a technology to check our website at

a year basis just in case the system goes down and the department of human resource will

be preferably dealing this kind of daily maintenances.

Marketing Techniques

To attract more customer, we could do some advertise on the airport and may have the

tourist agency to doing a recommend for us and, as a reward, we could give them some

money back to the agency if certain amount is arrived.

We could also have a discount for the opening bargain and encouraging people to


Moreover, we can introduce a pre-booking policy, if the people are booking at now, they

could have a free dinner in the restaurants or dry cleaning.


The hotel is worthwhile to invest as the city of Melbourne are welcoming many tourists

all around the whole year and the combination of the Australian and European style of

hotel would be fascinated by the tourists.


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INTERCONTINENTAL hotels & resorts. (n.d). Retrieved from


WESTIN HOTELS&RESORTS.(n.d). Retrieved from


Multicultural profiles. (n.d). Retrieved from


Immigration (2012). Retrieved from