websphere datapower soa appliances and xslt part 1

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  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


    IBM Software Group


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    WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliancean! "S#T $Part % of &' ( Tool

    )er*ann Sta**(Wilbran!t $ta**w+!e,ib*,co*'DataPower "M# -o*piler De.eloper/ #01 2ul3 &4%4

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    Boo5*ar5ing DataPower creen for ea3 acce

    Multibox boo5*ar5let 6 the3 a.oi! na.igation through left na.bar in WebG7I8 St3leheet -ache $0,9,x boo5*ar5let : 0,;,4 boo5*ar5 : 0,;,4 boo5*ar5let'

    • e?uet$@St3leheet-achingSu**ar3@/&4@genericStatu@'

    • http8::3ourbox8webguiport:tatu:St3leheet-achingSu**ar3• 

  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


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    St3leheet profiling $%:&'

    -onfigure profiling of a t3leheet b3 a co*pile option polic3 $for it "M# Manager'

    an! a *atching Profile >uleX there,

    Sen!ing re?uet againt the er.ice containingthe t3leheet gi.e profiling infor*ation,

    Thi *a3 be loo5e! up in WebG7I un!er StatuY"M# ProceingYSt3leheet ProfileX

    =luhing the "M# Manager reet the profileinfor*ation,

    Z!p8profile[ allow to !efine profiling region

    Source8 Appen!ix D, -o*pile Option Polic3 conf iguration:Prof iling o.er.iew $CommandReference'


  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


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    St3leheet tracing

    -onfigure tracing of a t3leheet b3 a co*pile option polic3 $for it "M# Manager'

    an! a *atching Debug >uleX there,

    Sen!ing a re?uet againt the er.ice containingthe t3leheet return a trace )TM# page,

    If nee!ing a $le infor*ati.e' trace facilit3 notaffecting MultiStep proceing 3ou *a3 want toha.e a loo5 at trace,xlt b3 Oli.er Bec5er,

    Source8 -o**an!>eference : trace,xlt b3 Oli.er Bec5er 


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    DataPower "M# !ata proceing $%:V'

    Docu*ent Obea!ing the no!e the application procee the* an! then !elete it torage,

    In other wor!/ the tree i not built, Intea!/ the !ata i procee! on(the(fl3,

     All che*a .ali!ation in the DataPower appliance ue the SA" *o!el,

    Strea*ing *o!el

    )3bri! techni?ue/ the application tart proceing in SA" *o!el *anner, If nee!e! the application progra* buil! tree for that part of the !ata a the DOM,

     After proceing of thi tree co*plete it i i**e!iatel3 re*o.e!,

    =lexibilit3 of the DOM *o!el with o*e of the torage a!.antage of the SA" *o!el,

    Source: OptimizingThroughStreaming-v1.pdf


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    Strea*ing $&:V'

    Thi t3leheet i trea*able,

    The co**enting out wanecear3 $!ouble ue of ,X',

    ]ou can en! !ocu*entcontaining *illion of recor!through the box without noticeable*e*or3 increae,

    Source8 =in! t3leheet an! c ript for generating large input !ata in appen!ix

  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


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    Partial Strea*ing $0:V'

    Thi te*plate i not trea*able SA" li5e,

    >eaon i the Zxl8chooe[ tate*ent,

    But the t3leheet i partiall3 trea*able,

     A ingle recor! i procee! DOM li5e,

     After proceing the *e*or3 i gi.enbac5 i**e!iatel3,

     Again 3ou can en! !ocu*entcontaining *illion of recor! through thebox without noticeable *e*or3 increae

    Source8 =in! t3leheet an! c ript for generating large input !ata in appen!ix

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    Deter*ine wh3 a t3leheet i not trea*able $V:V'

     A t3leheet will onl3 be procee! trea*ing if a co*pile option polic3 i configure! for it "M# Manager/

    a *atching Strea*ing >uleX or Atte*pt Strea*ing >uleX i configure! there

    an! the t3leheet itelf i trea*able,

    In or!er to !eter*ine whether a t3leheet i trea*able

    ue *atching Strea*ing >uleX $to enforce trea*ing *o!e'

    en! an3 traffic againt a er.ice containing an action uing the t3leheet in cae the t3leheet i not trea*able 3ou will get a generic error in the log,

    =or t3leheet not being trea*able fin! the reaon b3

    witch to StatuY"M# ProceingYSt3leheet StatuX in WebG7I

    inpect t3leheet@ entr3

    loo5up colu*n -o*piler #ogX for !etaile! error

  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


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    "Path Tool

    In WebG7I@ left na.barclic5 on _Obouting Map_

    -lic5 on _A!!_ an! electthe _>ule_ tab

    -lic5 _A!!_ again/ a popup

    open -lic5 _"Path Tool_ in the

    popup/ _"path Tool_ popupopen,

    Or ue boo5*ar5X

    7ploa! "M# file

    -lic5 o*ewhere $eg, #og'

    Inpect generate! "pathan! ta5e it a a tart

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    7ing xpath tool to gain infor*ation on "M# an! "S# file

    ` xpath _tring$::na*e$'@xl8cop3(of@:+elect'_ xpath,xl


    `Y get inight in t3leheet

    ` xpath _count$::na*e$'@xl8for(each@::na*e$'@xl8for(each@::na*e$'@xl8for(


    Y unco.ering $tructural' perfor*ance iue in t3leheet

    xpath _:::na*e$'@!p8repone@:na*e$'@!p8tatu@:St3leheetStatu:#ogtext$'_ dY return all warning:error retrie.e! b3 get(tatu SOMA call for co*pile! t3leheet

    Source8 xpath tool poting on !e.eloperWor5 DataPow er =oru*


  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


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    Scripting DataPower 

    DataPower Scripting i preferabl3 !one o.er the "M# Manage*ent Interface Thi i a reall3 goo! >e!Paper on thi topic8

    WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance8 The "M# Manage*ent Interface

    >olf Wittichhttp8::www,re!boo5,ib*,co*:abtract:re!pVVV1,ht*l

    Internal -#I cripting i poible/ too8

    tore a -#I cript eg, a local8:::cript,cfgX open a -#I eion to the box

    !o exec local8:::cript,cfgX

    External -#I cripting can be !one eg, with netcatX co**an! $nc/ #inux®:-3gwin'

    ha.e Telnet er.ice enable! $on intranet interface'

    tore e?uence of entrie of a -#I eion into eg, cli,txt

    execute nc 3ourbox telnetport Z cli,txtX

    Executing -#I co**an! fro* within a t3leheet i poible $poting lin5 below'

    While DataPower currentl3 ha no raw T-P upport on the front i!e it )AS

    upport for raw T-P on the bac5 i!e/ the protocol _tcp8_ $Y Telnet er.ice'Source8 Executing -#I co**an! f ro* w ithin a t3 leheet poting on !e.eloperWor5 DataPow er =oru*


  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


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    Proceing 7T=(; 7>#(enco!e! 7>I with WebSphere DataPower 

    DataPower action _con.ert(http_ create "M# !ocu*ent for )TTP for* !ata

    con.ert non("M# ?uer3 para*eter to "M#

    au*ption i ISO(;;\^(% enco!ing

    Wor5aroun! for 7T=(;/ ee technote reference! at botto*

    Main apect of wor5aroun!

     Acceing the 7>#

    • d [email protected]::er.ice:7>I@'_ :[ ,,,

    To5eniing the ?uer3

    • Zxl8for(each elect_tr8to5enie$ubtring(after$`url/@@'/@a*p@'_[

    Deco!ing the 7T=(; 7>#(enco!e! !ata• d elect_tr8!eco!e(uri$ubtring(after$,/@@''_ d

    DataPower pro.i!e lot of Extenion function:ele*ent/ 3ou *a3 want to ha.e a loo5 intothe Extenion =unction -atalog ,,,

    Source8 Proce ing 7T=(; 7>#(enco!e! 7>I w ith WebSphere DataPow er  technote


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    Enhancing nearX SOAP With Attach*ent !ata


    $Soap With Attach*ent' MIME boun!arie

    content t3pe _*ultipart:relate!_

    -ontent(ID for each:*ot ection

    arbitrar3 content inclu!ing binar3

    firt ection SOAP

    )TTP for* !ata $)TTP POST'

    content t3pe _*ultipart:for*(!ata_

    -ontent(Dipoition for ection

    wafor* tool

    on("M# re?uet t3pe polic3

    replace _-ontent(T3pe_ *ultipart:for*(!ata b3 *ultipart:relate!

    replace @-ontent(Dipoition ,,, na*e_x3_ ,,,@ b3 @-ontent(I!8 Zx3[@

    prepen! root ection with _!u**3_ SOAP *eage

    Source8 w afor* (( u ing )TTP for* a generator for _Soap With Attach*ent_ poting on !e.eloperWor5 DataPow er =oru*




    Strip Attach*ent

     a *  p l  e  a  p  p l  i  c  a t  i  o n 


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    Proceing e*be!!e! t3leheet














    or5ia3eb4UIusing9b:ectsmenu/select9b:ects $;7Processing Processing  %ction/teTransformisate!tfieldintispageandyouinput“ct!”tere.

    Source8 &,9 E*be!!ing St3leheet $"S#T %,4 pec' : c!catalog,x*l


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    DataPower tool built(in



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    =lw=x>=Hy >P  Jb>H >bHD?>bx>bHD?Hy >P  Jb>H KDHD?KDxKDHD?Hy >P  Jb>H b??= {H| }Ixb??Hy ~> 1%%4 17  Jb>H >|{H|Hx>|HP  Jb>H D?D?xD?HP  Jb>H M>J=xM>JHy M>JP  Jb>H xbHPQ

    Jb>H xDGK?HP

     Appen!ix $for cop3pate'




  • 8/15/2019 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and XSLT Part 1


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    Su**ar3 Built(in DataPower tool $St3leheet profiling an!

    tracing/ "Path tool' DataPower "M# Data Proceing $trea*ing/

    partial trea*ing' Other DataPower tool $xpath tool/ cripting/

    proceing 7T=(; 7>#(enco!e! 7>I/ EnhancingnearX SOAP With Attach*ent !ata/ proceinge*be!!e! t3leheet'

    ext webcat $&:&' will be on Tip an! Tric5X

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     A!!itional WebSphere Pro!uct >eource

    #earn about upco*ing WebSphere Support Technical Exchange webcat/ an! accepre.ioul3 recor!e! preentation at8http8::www,ib*,co*:oftware:webphere:upport:uppUtech,ht*l

    Dico.er the latet tren! in WebSphere Technolog3 an! i*ple*entation/ participate intechnicall3(focue! briefing/ webcat an! po!cat at8http8::www,ib*,co*:!e.eloperwor5:webphere:co**unit3:

    2oin the Global WebSphere 7er Group -o**unit38http8::www,webphere,org 

     Acce 5e3 pro!uct how(*e !e*o an! tutorial b3 .iiting IBM® E!ucation Aitant8http8::www,ib*,co*:oftware:info:e!ucation:aitant

    iew a webcat repla3 with tep(b3(tep intruction for uing the Ser.ice >e?uet $S>'tool for ub*itting proble* electronicall38http8::www,ib*,co*:oftware:webphere:upport:!&w,ht*l

    Sign up to recei.e wee5l3 technical M3 otification e*ail8http8::www,ib*,co*:oftware:upport:einfo,ht*l

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    We Want to )ear =ro* ]ouj

    Tell us about what you want to learn

    Suggetion for future topicI*pro.e*ent an! co**ent about our webcat

    We want to hear e.er3thing 3ou ha.e to a3j

    Please send your suggestions and comments to:

    [email protected]

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    kuetion an! Anwer