wedding values.docx

Wedding values The Wedding Day - A Day of Commitment for life time, a bridge to provide the bride and groom an opportunity to make promises to each other. A ceremony which make the Boy ‘A MAN’ to his Wife & A Girl into ‘A WOMAN’ for her Husband… to fulfill those promises form the basis of their marriage, therefore a proper care should be taken in being firm that- the promises, if kept, will make their marriage fulfilling and secure, this then gives an official right to them being the husband and wife. The entire wedding ceremony emphasizes and clarifies those promises to the Guests, Friends and Family present there. The wedding ceremony should focus wedding values & attention on what the bride and groom will be promising to each other. Also it should be a guide for guests who may have forgotten their own pledges. Many who attend weddings sermons should find recommitting themselves to each other when the purpose of the ceremony at Pheras or at the time of Nikha Khutba or at the time of wedding vows it is made clear. “In the words of Mr. Kashif Husain MD IMPRESSIONS WEDDING FOR Wedding values It is a blessed contract between a man and a woman, in which each becomes “permitted” to the other, and they begin the long journey of life in a spirit of love, cooperation, harmony and tolerance, where each feels at ease with the other, and finds tranquility, contentment and comfort in the company of the other”

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Post on 26-Sep-2015




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Wedding valuesThe Wedding Day - A Day of Commitment for life time, a bridge to provide the bride and groom an opportunity to make promises to each other.A ceremony which make the Boy A MAN to his Wife & A Girl into A WOMAN for her Husband to fulfill those promises form the basis of their marriage, therefore a proper care should be taken in being firm that- the promises, if kept, will make their marriage fulfilling and secure, this then gives an official right to them being the husband and wife.

The entire wedding ceremony emphasizes and clarifies those promises to the Guests, Friends and Family present there.The wedding ceremony should focus wedding values & attention on what the bride and groom will be promising to each other. Also it should be a guide for guests who may have forgotten their own pledges. Many who attend weddings sermons should find recommitting themselves to each other when the purpose of the ceremony at Pheras or at the time of Nikha Khutba or at the time of wedding vows it is made clear.

In the words of Mr. Kashif Husain MD IMPRESSIONS WEDDING FOR Wedding values It is a blessed contract between a man and a woman, in which each becomes permitted to the other, and they begin the long journey of life in a spirit of love, cooperation, harmony and tolerance, where each feels at ease with the other, and finds tranquility, contentment and comfort in the company of the other

The relationship between spouses, which brings love, harmony, trust and compassion, in the most moving and eloquent terms:- is the strongest of bonds, in which God unites the two, who come together on the basis of love, understanding, co-operation and mutual advice, and establish a family in which children will live and grow up, and they will develop the good character and behavior to become a strongest component of a society when its members are productive and constructive, helping and encouraging one another to be good and righteous, and competing with one another in good works.

Traditional wedding promises emphasize three core elements of marriage:1st, A marriage is permanent relationship for lifelongEncouraging spouses to write their promises, and increase in thought that they are in this relationship for lifetime.2nd , It is sexually exclusive for each other are faithful & TrueThey will guard their modesty & outside threats, making sure that they will never have an illegal romantic relationship with anyone else. And they will care for each other far more than they will be concerned for anyone else & be first in each other's lives.3rd , It is a relationship of extraordinary care, love, comfort, honor, cooperation, harmony and tolerance.Extraordinary Love & Care to make each other happy by meeting each other's most important emotional needs, especially the needs of affection, intimate conversation, sexual fulfillment, and recreational companionship, also it means that they will avoid making each other unhappy and they will take the necessary time to be sure that those needs are met, regardless of how busy they become. They won't be demanding, disrespectful, angry, or dishonest. They will consider each other's feelings and interests before making decisions. They will protect each other from their selfish instincts.

We all know in church weddings a priest asks the bride & the groom: - Will they live together in the covenant of marriage? And will they love each other, comfort, honor each other and keep in joy and in sorrow, in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, and they should be faithful to each other so long as they both live.

Once a couple has accepted each other as a marriage partner, when a Nikha Nama is singed as an official traditional marriage contract the marriage is sealed, and the gathered congregation may bless them; they sing the oath: -

Bride:I, offer you myself in marriage & in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon Him).I pledge, in honesty and with sincerity, to be for you an obedient and faithful wife.

Groom: I pledge, in honesty and sincerity, to be for you a faithful and helpful husband.

These and similar vows emphasize in The Seven Vows of Hindu tradition Saath pheras have proven to be very valuable over the centuries. The Seven Vows:

Groom: You will offer me food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you and provide welfare and happiness for you and our children. Bride: I am responsible for the home and all household responsibilities.

Groom: Together we will protect our house and children.Bride:I will be by your side as your courage and strength. I will rejoice in your happiness. In return, you will love me as you soul mate.

Groom: May we grow wealthy and prosperous and strive for the education of our children, may our children live long. Bride: I will love you solely for the rest of my life, as you are my husband. Every other man in my life will be secondary. I vow to remain chaste.

Groom:You have brought sacredness into my life, and have completed me. May we be blessed with noble and obedient children.Bride:I will shower you with joy, from head to toe. I will strive to please you in every way I can.

Groom: You are my best friend, and staunchest well-wisher. You have come into my life, enriching it. God bless you. Bride: I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live. Your happiness is my happiness, and your sorrow is my sorrow. I will trust and honor you, and will strive to fulfill all your wishes.

Groom:May you be filled with joy and peace. Bride: I will always be by your side.

Groom:We are now husband and wife, and are one. You are mine and I am yours for eternity. Bride: As God is witness, I am now your wife. We will love, honor and cherish each other forever.

We have also experienced something similar in a Sikh wedding (Anand Karaj) counsels the couple with the verse "Dhan pir eh na aakhee-an behan ek-thae hoe||: - Wife and husband are not called so simply because they come and sit together as one.

They are advised that marriage is not merely a social and civil contract, but a spiritual process uniting two souls so that they become one inseparable entity. The couple is reminded that the spiritual nature of family harmony is given emphasis by the example of the Sikh gurus, who themselves entered matrimony and had children.The husband is to love and respect his wife, encourage her with kind consideration, recognize her individuality, regard her as his equal, offering guidance and support.

The wife also show her love and respect with loyalty, support her husband's objectives willingly, harmonize with him, and share in happiness and sorrow, prosperity or adversity.The couple is to ally themselves with each other in an endeavor to achieve a harmonious union, intellectually, emotionally, physically, materially and spiritually.The Bride and groom affirm the acceptance of their marital obligations, and bride sits to the left of the groom directly in front of the Guru Granth.

As we all know wedding is a religious & social affair so it also has values added to make it more comprehensive, a bond which remains there for a lifetime complementing each other in all phases of the time span..

Impressions wedding

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