wednesday – july 30th - ·...

CHECK IN 08H – 09H AUDITORIUM OPENING CEREMONY 09H – 09H45 Giovanni Giovannelli Luciano Kliemaschewsk Marinho André Quintela PLENARY SESSION 09H45 – 10H30 EDUCATION MEETING EXCELLENCE A REFLECTION ON 21ST CENTURY DEMANDS Marcia Gherardi Pearson Brasil [email protected] COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT TO PARALLEL EXHIBITION 10H30 – 11H WORKSHOPS 11H – 12H30 ROOM 01 HEY… WE GOT THE POWER! TRANSFORMING PERFORMANCE INTO EXCELLENCE! Célia Santos & Fernanda Froes Yázigi/Pearson Brasil [email protected] ; [email protected] WEDNESDAY – JULY 30 TH

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  • CHECK IN08H – 09H



    Giovanni GiovannelliLuciano Kliemaschewsk MarinhoAndré Quintela

    PLENARY SESSION09H45 – 10H30



    WORKSHOPS11H – 12H30

    ROOM 01

    HEY… WE GOT THE POWER! TRANSFORMING PERFORMANCE INTO EXCELLENCE! Célia Santos & Fernanda FroesYázigi/Pearson [email protected] ; [email protected]


  • The Academic coordinator daily challenge is to do what is supposed to be done in the right way and in the right time achieving the expected result. To do so, it is necessary to transform core duties into differentials for students and teachers as well. How can you cope with this demand and take the best of it to achieve excellence in your performance? How to make this equation possible when we have so many things around to distract us and to divert our objectives? The concepts of focus and flow among others, can shed some light on this reflection. Come and join us in this workshop!

    ROOM 02

    EXCELLENCE IN THE CLASSROOM: IS GOOD TEACHING FOR ONE AND FOR ALL TAKING PLACE?Elisandra Person & Juliana Mello Yázigi /Pearson [email protected] ; [email protected]

    After observing lessons, do you usually feel that a good teaching is being delivered for one and for all? Or what you observe is that teaching one size fits all? Do your teachers prioritize learning results considering the needs of all learners in the classroom?Apart from all the other activities embraced by the OP, students’ learning results must be a priority in the path to Excellence in the classroom. For this reason, you’re invited to join us in this workshop which main goal is to provide reflection, guidance and advice on how to deliver good teaching for one and for all!

    ROOM 03

    EXCELÊNCIA, COMO OBTÊ-LA NO DIA A DIA COM SUA EQUIPE?Marcia PiresProfranquia&negó[email protected]

    O cotidiano das boas empresas atualmente pressiona as lideranças por produtividade, excelência e resultados. Aprenda uma pouco mais sobre o assunto de absoluta responsabilidade das lideranças! Como a Liderança Pedagógica da franquia Yázigi pode, de forma cotidiana e pragmática, obter melhores resultados de sua equipe e atender a estas demanda de produtividade, excelência e resultados. Participe de workshop e chame para si esta responsabilidade, qualificando sua atuação profissional!

  • ROOM 04

    HOW “21ST CENTURY UPDATED” IS THE PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE OF MY TEAM?Ana Cecília MacielYázigi Atibaia/[email protected]

    You are very aware of the importance and use of social media and mobile devices. Great! Do the teachers you lead use them? How often? Effectively? Are you happy with the flow of the lessons? Is your school known as pedagogically trendy? The objective of this workshop is to help you make your team put the lessons mediated by the current way of living: “tapping search and like” into REAL practice.

    ROOM 05

    BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN CLASSES AND HOUSE OF ENGLISH.COMGeorgia Cristina Somenzari CarneiroHouse of – Yázigi/Pearson [email protected]

    Is House of a great learning tool or just more homework? It depends on how our teachers view and deal with that. According to Lopes, the teacher has to be the mediator between students and technology, facilitating the construction of knowledge. Linking House of to the classes in a way that is meaningful to students can change their views and boost their learning experience. But how? We have some ideas.

    LUNCH BREAK12H30 – 14H




    LYGA YÁZIGI14H45 – 15HThiago DorácioRodrigo Andrade


    VALOR, LAÇOS E MANUTENÇÃOPedro Vitor de Abreu FilhoPearson [email protected]


    ROOM 01

    PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR TEACHERS – AIMING AT EXCELLENCE! Marcela HarrisbergerYázigi São José dos Campos/[email protected]

    As most of Yázigi Schools do not have a HR department, some of the processes are usually run by coordinators, who do not always have the necessary qualifications to do so. In order to provide some guidance for all of them, the following project proposes a performance evaluation for teachers based on competencies. It will present a list of competencies demanded for the teaching position and also its details. Finally, a suggestion of implementation will be proposed, covering from the ideal tool for the performance evaluation based on competencies, until the most appropriate way of conducting feedback with the employee.


    This communication aim is to reflect about the evaluation process at Yázigi schools through the perspective of Chaos/Complexity Science and Second Language Acquisition by Larsen-Freeman (1997). The participants will think about why so many problems still happen even when we have it all organized, then, they will be lead to try to change the pair of glasses with which they have been seeing this issue and maybe after that better results on their schools.

    ROOM 02

    LINKING TEACHERS: HOW TO FORM A WINNER TEAM? Jimmy Azevedo Yázigi João Pessoa Bancários/[email protected]

    Teachers are the backbone of a school, essential to processes and vital to keeping students motivated, satisfied and aware of learning. Achieving it depends on many aspects that have to do with the AC: training, monitoring, sharing opinions, doubts, mistakes, shortenings, etc. The relationship among the collaborators, how they deal with Yázigi’s routine, and sympathy and synergy - must be taken into consideration towards a winner team. Also, the link that connects us is important. But, is there a formula to have a group of individuals acting as a homogeneous team? What ingredients could be mixed for a best result? Our purpose in this communication is to contribute to this troublesome matter.


    This work is a display of successful experiences of Kids and Teens ESL teaching at Yázigi Araraquara. It contains theoretical information on Second Language Acquisition, the importance of routine and play in the Early Years classroom, as well as photos and videos from classroom practice. All data shared shall function

  • as a timeline, what must engage participants and speaker and raise discussions on the matter. The presentation is recommended to anyone who is interested in developing skills to teach young learners and straighten the relationship between school and families, as we will also present a successful communication strategy.

    ROOM 03

    7 STEPS TO KEEPING STUDENTS AT SCHOOL Renato Cossermelli de AndradeYázigi São José dos Campos – Pindamonhangaba – Perdizes/[email protected]

    This workshop will provide the skills needed to handle the objections of students wanting to quit or leave the school. The 7 steps takes participants through a process that allows them to understand the needs and the motives of the student and provides solutions to solve whatever problem a school may encounter when a student wants to leave their studies. At the end of this presentation, the attendees will be able to empower their staff to handle students problems in an appropriate manner instead of sending them to the coordinator or director.

    HI-TECH MADE SIMPLE – STEPS FOR ENGAGING MEANINGFUL USE OF TECHNOLOGY Flávia Amorim Sperandio Yázigi Vitória/[email protected]

    This communication aims at sharing actions taken in order to have a qualified teaching staff who will master new languages and tools and create new means of interaction which will, for its part, create stronger bonds to students. An InService was conducted as a colaborative experience on a “tablets for dummies” basis, taking advantage of differences in background knowledge. Here you will take the passenger’s seat as to live parts of that InService the way it was performed with our staff, easing its reproduction to your team.Testimonies from teachers will be presented as to illustrate the impact both on teachers’ self-confidence (“I can use gadgets I never thought I would be able to”) and practical actions (“my students really dug that app”). Press F5 and enjoy the ride!

  • ROOM 04

    SKYPE A NATIVE! IMPROVE YOUR SPEAKING! André Luís de Andrade & Ligia dos Santos MezadriYázigi Jacareí/SP & Yázigi Demarchi - São Paulo/[email protected];[email protected]

    This communication describes how Skype has been used at Yázigi Demarchi with MYP and ADV students to improve their English. These students discuss the topics of some units with a native speaker. According to Lopes (2009), development takes place when meaning is built and when we are free to use human capacity to change the whole. Coordinators will have the opportunity to see how it works at Yázigi Demarchi and how they can do the same in their schools, helping students build meaning through the virtual interaction with a native speaker. They audience will also watch a short video showing one of these interactions.

    PQPY: PROGRAMA DE QUALIDADE PROFESSOR YÁZIGI JARAGUÁ DO SUL Cintia Cordélia Battisti Raulino Yázigi Jaraguá do Sul/[email protected]

    Yázigi is a company that has endlessly aimed and valued quality and excellence. In order to have an excellent class, satisfied students and well-trained teachers, coordinators and supervisors, the school needs to elucidate to its employees what is expected from them. One of the ways to do so is through a performance evaluation. Besides, based on the idea of producing better results as well as motivating the teachers, Yázigi Jaraguá do Sul works on employee performance through rewards. In this sense, the presenter will demonstrate a program called PQPY: Programa de Qualidade Professor Yázigi Jaraguá do Sul/SC. The presenter will exhibit the PQPY document that is submitted to the teachers every year, explain how the program works, the team’s opinions and comparative results, and finally some exciting videos of the result announcement of PQPY 2013.

    ROOM 05

    The Implementation of Yázigi Kids Ricardo Gondin Yázigi Assunção - São Bernardo do Campo/[email protected]

  • The goal of this presentation is to share the results of the implementation of Yázigi Kids in our branch in Assunção, SBC and promote ideas and suggestions to all other schools regarding children teaching focusing on several activities that will improve their learning experience through the usage of simple activities and games. By exploring their Sensorimotor experiences already mastered during the last Stage we will be able to bring out their best performance at attention/concentration spanning. Other aspect of such activities is fidelization of students: parents seem to be way more prone to re enrolling than before.During this presentation we will be checking on several activities that can be done to both entertain and educate our Little Citizens.


    We all know how important and delicate the establishment of relationships, as well as their upkeeps, are. They are essential so an organization may operate, compete and develop itself over time: A living proof of its consolidation in a scenario that calls more and more for innovation, quality, excellence of services and remarkable results. Many controls and processes are needed so that we can manage this multitude of variables. Controlling is of the essence so an organization may take actions to ensure desired results. This communication aims at sharing ideas, sheets, documents and processes adopted by our coordination staff as well as projects we expect to implement in the near future.




    DIDÁTICA E METODOLOGIA EM EDUCAÇÃO 3.0 Juliano de Melo Costa COC Sistema de Ensino/Pearson Brasil

  • Esta palestra trata dos diversos recursos didáticos e metodológicos comumente empregados na chamada “educação 3.0”, voltada intensamente a recursos digitais, colaboração e interação com conteúdo e gestão do aprendizado. Traz reflexões profundas sobre práticas pedagógicas e modelos de plataformas digitais de aprendizagem.



    ESPELHO! ESPELHO MEU! QUE TIPO DE ORIENTADOR PEDAGÓGICO ERA/SOU/SEREI EU? EXPERIÊNCIAS, CRENÇAS E IDENTIDADES Kleber Aparecido da SilvaUniversidade de Brasília (UnB) Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

    No âmago de uma sociedade dita globalizada, onde o contato com diferentes culturas e línguas cada vez mais se intensifica através dos meios de comunicação e das novas tecnologias, a aprendizagem de pelo menos uma nova língua assume um papel fundamental. Levando-se em consideração esta premissa, a presente conferência visa apresentar e discutir resultados de estudos empíricos voltados à formação de professores de línguas estrangeiras (LE), com vistas à reflexão sobre as diversas materialidades do processo nesse contexto e com foco na (trans) formação cidadã (Rocha e Maciel, 2013). Ao ser (re) conhecida como um dos importantes letramentos para o engajamento social e discursivo do cidadão no mundo atual, densamente multisemiotizado e marcado pela pluralidade cultural e identitária, a língua estrangeira revela-se, ao lado de muitos outros, um elemento central na formação para a cidadania crítica. Nessa perspectiva, são muitos e variados os fatores que merecem atenção, visando a um ensino de língua estrangeira efetivo, crítico e compatível com as características da sociedade contemporânea, no que diz respeito ao modo como hoje ocorrem as relações humanas por meio da linguagem, em suas múltiplas formas ou semioses. Nesse contexto, orientando-se principalmente por uma visão enunciativa de linguagem e sociointeracional de aprendizagem, o principal objetivo desta conferência é apresentar e discutir elementos para identificação e reflexão das experiências, crenças e identidades dos coordenadores pedagógicos do Yázigi, a partir das suas respectivas praxis pedagógicas. Acredito que a perspectiva filosófica a ser defendida nesta conferência corroborá para uma ação positiva rumo a um processo educativo e formativo mais informado, significativo e emancipatório (SILVA e ARAGÃO, 2013; FREIRE, 2004).



    ROOM 01

    HEY… WE GOT THE POWER! TRANSFORMING PERFORMANCE INTO EXCELLENCE! Célia Santos & Fernanda FroesYázigi – Pearson [email protected] ; [email protected]

    The Academic coordinator daily challenge is to do what is supposed to be done in the right way and in the right time achieving the expected result. To do so, it is necessary to transform core duties into differentials for students and teachers as well. How can you cope with this demand and take the best of it to achieve excellence in your performance? How to make this equation possible when we have so many things around to distract us and to divert our objectives? The concepts of focus and flow among others, can shed some light on this reflection. Come and join us in this workshop!

    ROOM 02

    EXCELLENCE IN THE CLASSROOM: IS GOOD TEACHING FOR ONE AND FOR ALL TAKING PLACE?Elisandra Person & Juliana Mello Yázigi /Pearson [email protected] ; [email protected]

    After observing lessons, do you usually feel that a good teaching is being delivered for one and for all? Or what you observe is that teaching one size fits all? Do your teachers prioritize learning results considering the needs of all learners in the classroom?Apart from all the other activities embraced by the OP, students’ learning results must be a priority in the path to Excellence in the classroom. For this reason, you’re invited to join us in this workshop which main goal is to provide reflection, guidance and advice on how to deliver good teaching for one and for all!

  • ROOM 03

    EXCELÊNCIA, COMO OBTÊ-LA NO DIA A DIA COM SUA EQUIPE?Marcia PiresProfranquia&negó[email protected]

    O cotidiano das boas empresas atualmente pressiona as lideranças por produtividade, excelência e resultados. Aprenda uma pouco mais sobre o assunto de absoluta responsabilidade das lideranças! Como a Liderança Pedagógica da franquia Yázigi pode, de forma cotidiana e pragmática, obter melhores resultados de sua equipe e atender a estas demanda de produtividade, excelência e resultados. Participe de workshop e chame para si esta responsabilidade, qualificando sua atuação profissional!

    ROOM 04

    WE ARE ALL AUTONOMOUS LEARNERS! NO TEACHERS NEEDED, THEN? Emeli Luz & Marcia GherardiPearson [email protected]; [email protected]

    According to Freire (1996) learner’s autonomy is related to the capacity of learning to build and rebuild knowledge which is a must for anyone living in today’s world. Being so, this workshop intends to work with the concepts of autonomy which have been tracing trends for this century learning process. This involves the new roles teachers should take up to lead their learners to blossom their autonomy. In a diversity of authors on the issue, we will address Freire, Paiva, Holec among others, to help coordinators raise awareness and build strategies to develop their teachers’ perspectives towards this no-way-back trend.ROOM 05

    THINK BIG - SOME IDEAS ON HOW TO INCREASE THE AVERAGE OF STUDENTS IN CLASS Faber Becker Yázigi Sapiranga/[email protected]

    How difficult is it to work with large groups? How challenging is it to increase the average of students per class? The coordinators are placed in the middle of this dilemma having in one side the teachers and on the other one the franchisee.

  • So, what to do? This workshop aims at sharing some ideas implemented at Yazigi Sapiranga in order to increase the number of students per class without losing, whatsoever, the quality of a Yazigi class.

    LUNCH BREAK12H30 – 14H


    ROOM 01

    USEFUL EDUCATIONAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (PIS) IN LANGUAGE TEACHING BUSINESSES Mônica Marques Yázigi São José dos Campos – Adyanna/[email protected]

    According to Rowe and Lievesley 2002, Useful educational performance indicators (PIs) are those which are relevant, cost effective, timely, reliable and valid – in terms of their capacity to inform the processes of strategic decision-making and decision-taking – resulting in measurable improvements to desired outcomes. This communication tends to foster discussion to foster discussion in the field of leadership and management in Language Teaching Businesses, in a comparison to our brand new PEF.

    MAKING PARENTS AWARE OF WHAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE LEARNING: BE CONNECTED WITH THEM Mônica Niederle de Abreu Yázigi Florianopolis/[email protected]

    What does communicate really mean? Why should we do that? And how? According to the dictionary “to communicate” is to convey information about; make known; to reveal clearly; to be connected. And we know we need to be connected with children’s parents. We also know that customers are becoming more and more demanding, and due to this it is really important to create magical moments beyond the classroom. Thereby the school as a company can be competitive and alive. The purpose of this work is to discuss those topics and share with other coordinators an experience carried out since last year at Yázigi Florianópolis.

  • GREEN FESTIVAL – A PARENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY Mayko Paiva Fonseca Yázigi Parquelandia – Fortaleza/[email protected]

    Accountability is when the student accounts for what he has learned, when he is going to show or report his achievements on a particular TASK. When it comes to children it is also important to let parents see how far their children are going. For that, a project called Green Festival was created and it was applied at Yázigi schools in Fortaleza bringing a great success to the schools’ maintenance. The workshop is going to describe how the project was held and created justifying and making connections with the theory of learning (socioconstructivism) and the approach used in our class more visible to the parents.

    ROOM 02

    PRESERVICE AND INSERVICE 3.0 Fernanda Cristina Trasferetti Baccan Yázigi Indaiatuba & Yázigi Itu/[email protected]

    Teachers´ attitudes towards the inservice and preservice program are considered to be an important aspect of teaching and learning at Yázigi.This communication identifies the need to explore alternative ways of performing preservice and inservice in the perspective of teachers and the schools method of education. It offers a 3 fase program to enhance teachers’ development helping the academic coordinator to monitor and evaluate teachers work through classroom observation and feedback sessions.

    HELPING TEACHERS TO CREATE MAGICAL FINAL PROJECTS Marta Côrtes Gallotti Peixoto Fernandes Yázigi Florianópolis/[email protected]

    Teachers find it difficult to organize the final projects and go beyond the singing songs and the short individual presentations. Parents need to see how much the students are learning and that they can communicate through short dialogues, Developing short plays or movies with the students in which they can use the learnt language is a good solution.

  • Teachers must be able to link the stories to the content of their student´s books. This communication shows how coordinators may aid teachers to develop such plays. Participants are going to see some clip excerpts of plays performed in Yázigi Florianópolis.

    PARENTS’ MEETING: AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR STUDENTS Lauren PrezziYázigi Caxias do Sul/[email protected]

    This communication shares the idea of a parents’ meeting that has the objective of bringing the students’ families to school to develop awareness about Yázigi’s teaching approach and methodology. Also, the meeting is conducted in order to provide teachers and academic coordinators an opportunity to learn more about their students, as tested at Yázigi Caxias do Sul. Recent pedagogical theories which state the importance of considering students’ characteristics and personal background during the learning process support this type of interaction with parents. Therefore, it is intended to show how much the school and the teachers may benefit from the parents’ contribution about their children’s social, emotional, physical and linguistic characteristics brought during the meeting.

    ROOM 03

    DEVELOPING A MANAGEMENT BASED ON MERITRenata Marques de Avellar Dal-BóYázigi Tubarão/[email protected]

    Nowadays, more and more companies are adopting models of performance evaluation based on meritocracy, which aim at enhance and retain employees that really make a difference in the work environment, that guarantee results and constant growth of the organization. Based on the online course “It’s ok to be the boss” and having in mind the Yázigi’s Excellence Program, implemented in the first semester of 2014, Yázigi school from Tubarão/SC has developed a project, which main goal it is to evaluate and monitor teachers’ performance, to recognize and reward the ones who do a very good job and manage those who need to improve.

  • BUILDING UP STUDENTS’ SELF-EFFICACY Julio Cesar Costa Batistella & Danilo Rangel DiasYázigi Taubaté & Yázigi Tremembé/[email protected];[email protected]

    How can we help students take an active part and change their attitude towards their learning process? How can we build up students’ self-efficacy and metacognitive skills in a way that the student himself/herself can assess and redirect his own learning process? This communication aims at presenting coordinators a project conducted with the teachers from Yázigi Taubaté (based on concepts of metacognition, self-efficacy, ‘the second self’ and outcomes-based learning) and provide participants with resources and a plan of action so that the project can be implemented or adapted to their school’s reality and needs.

    HOUSE OF ENGLISH: SOME IDEAS FOR PROMOTING ITS USE Alessandra Picoral Sarandy Machado Camaratta Yázigi Viamão/[email protected]

    Although House of English offers great opportunities for learning the language and plays an important role in students’ final results, teachers face the challenge of making students aware of this importance and of keeping them motivated in working on the tasks with interest, punctuality and in a regular basis. Based on the TV Yázigi program ‘Some ideas to promote HOE at schools’, the pedagogical staff at Yázigi Viamão established an action plan in order to motivate students and monitor their work on HOE. This communication aims at sharing with the audience the steps of this work and celebrating its results.

    ROOM 04

    Y-PASSPORT & PEF – WORKING TOGETHER! Marcio Monteiro da Silva Yázigi Chácara Flora / Interlagos – São Paulo/[email protected]

    The objective of this work is to bring a suggestion so that schools can work together with the criteria required by PEF in the pedagogical area and Y-Passport through a biannual competition involving students and teachers, who receive

  • stamps in their passports on the proposed tasks, to be converted into points at the end of the semester. The format of the project will be presented, as well as the rules drawn at our school and suggestion awards, aiming the goals we hope to achieve at the end of it, involving four pillars of the school: the classroom, extracurricular activities, events and the administrative sector.

    NEWSLETTER: A TOOL TO GET THE DOTS CONNECTED AT YOUR SCHOOL Tafarel Schmitt Yázigi Ivoti & Yázigi Campo Bom/[email protected]

    This communication discusses the necessity of a tool which helps our teachers connect the dots of the ideas discussed during feedback and talk sessions and pedagogical meetings, as well as informs them of what is happening at the school. Thinking of these topics and of the importance of an excellent pedagogical management, participants of this communication will be presented to the newsletter, a tool that helps us with those necessities. Besides, ideas of how to create a newsletter will be discussed and four different models will be shown as examples to be used by coordinators with their teachers.


    Everything´s perfect till you find out Unit 1 has finished, Unit 2 has started and you haven´t met you students´ resource books or - even worst! – none of your pupils have accessed House of so far. You talk to them, but all you hear is “I have no time, teacher. By the end of the semester I hand you everything in.” How to handle the fact that these so important tasks are not having the attention they should? This presentation aims at showing a project that offers possibilities on how to motivate and make our students aware of their roles as learners, which can help us guarantee the learning and consequently retain more students each semester.

    ROOM 05

    “30’ A WEEK KEEP THE TEACHER AWAKE” Vanessa Rodrigues Almeida Yázigi Planalto – Manaus/[email protected]

  • This work discusses the effective participation of teachers in the process of monitoring rates and retaining students. Through a 30’-a-week management, teachers are able to keep effectiveness and anticipate dropout. Also, they have a better control over the aspects that influence the rates of school maintainability. Brown (2001) states that teachers should avoid stress developing a behavior of peak performers. Aspects such as attendance, homework completion, HOE tasks, communication between parents and teachers will be more effectively monitored if teachers play an active role in the management process. The presenter will show some tools used by teachers to manage their groups and avoid school drop-out.

    “FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE THE MOST LASTING!” HOW TO MAKE YOUR STUDENTS LOVE HOUSE OF ENGLISH.COM AT FIRST SIGHT Simone Zanetti Pacheco Pizza & Sueli Porteiro House of – Yázigi/Pearson [email protected]; [email protected]

    Enchantment, as defined by Guy Kawasaki, transforms situations and relationships. It changes skeptics and cynics into believers and the undecided into the loyal. The aim of this presentation is to show you how you can enchant your students at their first contact with House of and consequently help them make the most of it.

    HOW TO GET MORE FROM OUR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY Vilson Lúcio Borba Yázigi Santa Cruz do Sul/[email protected]

    This communication aims to discuss the way we analyze and reflect our projects and practices, while managing our school, through an assessment process. In order to get more from this process we rethought and redefined our Customer Satisfaction Survey Form, adapting it to our needs, so the students could have a moment to reflect, not only on the services we had been offering, but also on the school, teacher’s and their own role in the learning process. This communication will show how the new procedures have impacted in our decisions and in the feedback given to our teachers.



    PLENARY SESSION16H30 – 17H30


    Muito se discute sobre o uso de dispositivos digitais em sala de aula, mas ao mesmo tempo acumulam-se evidências científicas de que a incorporação de novidades tecnológicas não promove resultados melhores do que os obtidos por intermédio de técnicas tradicionais de ensino. Em sua mais recente palestra, o professor Gustavo Reis apresenta o perfil psico-educacional dos jovens da “Geração Next” e propõe o resgate do foco naquilo que, em sua opinião, jamais deixou de ter valor: a percepção de proximidade do professor e sua consequente tradução em efeitos de sentido que favorecem o processo educacional, tais como motivação, inspiração e empatia