wednesday, sel'teml cents. ctobilsr istott, steel iron ranges · 2015. 5. 30. · lainiis,...

tJt '" .? 4 It I FU 4, 4 VOL. IV. NO. 51(5. THE DAILY BULLETIN PRINTED AND rUIJMSHED EVERY AFTERNOON I.X01 TT SUNDAY IIY T1IK Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., at Tin: oKricF, Merchant St., Houolnlu, Hawaiian Islands. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IB l'UilMSIIKI) ESVli3K,"5r At Folilt l)oi,t,iis i Yum to Domestic, iiml Kim: Doi.l.wts to Foreign sJubscilbois. SUIlSOltlPrlON-S- lx l)nu.n.-- i aY i:ii. Dclivotcd in Honolulu tit Fiit, Month, in alliance. BOOK AND JOB' PRINTING 12 Done in Superior Stylo. Addtcss letters for the pnper "Editor llui i.i.i i," nnd business letters "Mnnngor Built tin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may utilise delay in atten- tion. Uoth Telephones li'sJ. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager. r. Business Cards. J. ALFRED MAGOON, ATTOIlNl.l-ir-Lll- AMI No. UtY PlIHUC 12 Mcii'hiint Street, Honolulu. I LEWEES & COOKE, IlllI'OItTl It" AN1I I) I M.l US IN IjUMII1.II ANII AM, KINDS OI ItUII.DIMI JI T1 ltlAl.S. Fort Street, Honolulu. WILDER, & CO., Ui'MjIIIS I.N l,, PlI.NTS, OlI.S, NllIS, Salt, ami IIuii.iiimi Maiiiuiih 111-- l.Vl IIY kINll. OotJiei Foit and Queen Stteets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, IMI'OIITIUS AND COMMISSION1 Ml 111,11 INTS. Fort Stteet, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO., Gi.NiitMi Commission Acitnts. Coiner Fait and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Imi'Ohtj its AM) Commission Muiciiants, Kaalinmnnn Street, Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, iMroituu ami l)j!i,nit in Gi:ni.kIj r. Queen Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Allor O.NI I KAMlGlCNKItlL lillSINISS Ad NT. t Mnhukoun, Kohala, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., MANUKACTUISIMl AM) 1 MI'OKUMI .Tl.W 1.1,1 Its. Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, MNUKUTUKIMI AND WATCH- - MAKKR. Kukiii Jewelry a Hpecialty. Patticnlar ntteiition pild to all kinds of rei)airs. King Street, Houolnlu, ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. OK LONDON, H. W. Schmidt & Sons, AOKN.I, fOIt TilK Hawmian Ihmniis. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, HTl.tM H.MIINhS, SuilAlt MllIS, lloiLFIts, Cooi.Fits, Ihon, IlitihS, ami Li:aii CAhllMlH, Machinery of I.vcij Description Made to Oidtii. Particular attention paid to Ships' llltiek-siuithiii- Job Work e.ieuted nt Short Notice, VETERINARY INFIRMARY, i:l'I!l.I.l,N. At'tOMMOIIATIO.N Hill PaTILMH. - King Street, Honolulu. Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. S. on'ion nouns: 7:30 to 10 , m, H.::)toL'i,1 m.j h'lototi v., iieii m. ti:li:phoni:s Mutuui iw. P. O. Hot 3211. 0. B. RIPLEY, AROHITHOT. Coinpleto jilnns nntl siieeillentioiiH for every tlescriptiou of building. Contracts draw n and careful suporiiiteudenie of given when n quired, Call and pxuiuino plans, New designs. Modem hulltlings. Ollice, ltoom fl, Siireckels' llloek. jMiitunl Tel. 1!0S. E. J. MOKG-AN- , CARPENTER AND BUILDER. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1 84 Borotania St. Bell Telo. 280 451 3m Wildert Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. W. 0., Pies't S. 1). Item , Sce'j Oait. J. A. Kimi, Toil Stllit. Stmr. KINATJ, CLARKE, Commander, Will litive Honolulu nt 2 r. m., touching tit I,ahniim, Munition liny and Mukcmi the siitnedtiy; Mnhukoun, Kuwnihio and the following , urtiving nt llilo at ntldiiiglit. Hcturning leaves llilo, toiii'hing nt sainu day ! Kniinlluic i. m.j 10 a. it.; Mttkeii.i li i.; .Mtttiltie.i liny (I p. m.; l.ahaina 8 p. m. the following day; arriving tit Honolulu II i. m. Widnes-daj- s and Saturdiijs. K& No Freight will ho leteived ttftet noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES, Commander, Will lcne Honolulu every Tuesday nt f m., toilehiug nt Kahiilui, Huelo, Hnntt, Hninoa nntl Klpnliiilii, Maui; and P.iuu-ha- Hawaii. Keturning will anive nt Honolulu oveij Sunday niorning. COr No Freight will be leiciied ttftei r. M. on tay of sailing. Consignees must bo nt the bindings to receive their l'i eight, ns we will nol hold ourselves responsible nftei siilIi Fi eight has been landed. While the Company will use due dili- gence in bundling I.he Stoik, we decline to assume nny responsibility in ease of the loss of same. The Company will not lie responsible for Money or Jowcliy unless plaucd in the erne of Pursers. Baldwin Locomotives. The undersigned having been appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands ion Tin: ci i.r.mtiTi n Baldwin Locomotives FltOM THH WOltKS OF Burham, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Ponn., Aro now prepared to gie l',stimales mid leeeive Orders for these lhigincs, of any sio and st j le, The Baldwin Locomotive Works ARE NOW MANUFACnjl.IXO A STYLK OF LOCOMOi'IVi: PAltTICULAltLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A number of which have rceontlv been received nt these Islands, and wo wifl hao pleasure in furnishing plantation ngoiitu and managers with pmticularsof s.uiio. The Superiority of these Locoinothes over nil other makes is known not onlj here hut is acknowledged throughout the United States. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. DO YOU FOLLOW ME? :o: Tho "Tonmsr is made of Genuine Viiginlu anil Turkish Tobac- co Filler with Ha- vana Wrapper of superior grade, uud without paper; by connois- seurs to be the liuest smoke extiiut. 1 nil ih pe n si bl i! wheien short smoke istlesiiid. Health- ier nntl better than u eigitictte foi a "betwion eoiliMt" wbitl, SF Ask join denier for them I :o: Mini: n. The Kul'oy & Co. Branch of the American Gigarolte Co., Houolnlu. 50S-3H- 1 L, KONG- - FEE, Merchant Tailor, Fort htriet, next to Club Stnbles, Ijittely Cutter and .Manager of Goo Kim it Co. Guarantees Good Fit and lliu- - btmiitilu Priees, Putroniige solicited. 011-l- m ForMouhUnijs, Frames, l'uttch, Arto-type- Photogravures, JHehiny, uml everything in the line oj J'kturen, yu to Kiny Ikon,, Hotel atreet. HONOLULU, II. L, WEDNESDAY, SEl'TEMl CENTS. CTOBIlsr IsTOTT, lMPOltTT.It AND DIjAU.I! IK Steel & Iron Ranges Stoves Sz, iFlzsc-frU-res- , HOUSEKEEPING GOODS & KITCHEN UTENSILS Agate Ware in Large Variety, WHIT 13, GHAY and SILVEK-PLATE- LAMPS & CHANDELIERS, Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, "Water and Soil Pipes. PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK. DIAMOND BLOCK, Nos. This Space FOR 03 k, 07 Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. BRUCE & A. J. CAFvTWFvIG-HT- , General Agents Tor Hawaiian Islands. is Reserved THE to. Alakea J O. .Tritnks.ele., H A . II U A , IMPOKTHll AM) DHALFjK in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED. Frosli California Roll Butter Butter ON HAND Goods by Every Steamer Francisco, i& All Ordets fuithfitllj titteniled solicited and picked witli cue. LINCOLN King Street TELEPHONE Hi). KING STREET. (satisfaction guarantied, Island Orders Bet. Fort and Streets. J3QX !!72. lkthy Ctibs, 0 S S T 0 E and Island &S3- - ALWAYS Jgt New Received from San BLOCK, WEST CORNER NDUANU & KING STREETS. P. 0. Box 480. Mutual Tolephone SO. IF YOU WANT TO SAVH TIMi: AND MONF-- ItUV YOl'lt FUltNI-TUlt- C AT THi: IXL. COlINF.It NUUANU .t ICING STIILIIIS. F(JUNI) The iilacu to llu New eemh BRags and hecond-han- d I'uiiiltiire of all kinds at Lowest I'lites: Tlic IXL, Jp coiner .Niiiiaiiii ninl King stnets, Jledioom hets, Wittdiobcs, leu WW Iloves, Stoves, Cliuirs, Hnnglng Lainiis, Itugs.llureniis, Chelloniirs, SK etc,, Sold Cheap for (ash at the I .v I,, coiner JMiuaiiii ninl King m? aiv sineis. Stcniner and Veranda Chairs, ,rL JjKu. Sofas, lied Lounges Clothes llttskutH, Sewing .Mtiehiucs. ITBtrviril HiBfTill Whatnots, Meats tft bold ttt the Lowest Cash Pi lees at the 1 X L New mid becoud-han- d Fur- niture House, (tinier N'titiauu and ICiug streets, S. "W. LEDERER, Proprietor. STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK. LEWIS Sc CO., ti:li;phoni: 2iu m FORT STREET. p.o. iionunt. IMI'OIl'l lillH. WHOLKSALi; AND Kin AIL DHAI.Ultb IN- - Groceries and Provisions. ON ICF. Ilj each steamer of tli4 O. b b. Co. fiom California Flesh California lioll lltttler, Froon OjMeis and Flesh Califoinia Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc, A coniph le line of Cro-- .V lUnckwell's and J. T. Morion's ('.tuned and llottled Goods IllWU) S Ull IIU1IU. .lust leceivcdn Fresh Lino of Geiiiuili Pates and Potted Meats and llottlid PiomtmiI Pi tilts, Lewis A Co.'s Mnlti- -e llrniid biigai Cured Hams nntl Hilton, New lireitkfiist Ciieuls, Criiim Out I'lakes and Cumiu Flukes, Mill Lemons, Culifoniiu Itiver-sld- o Oiunges, Oicgon lluiliuuk Potatoes, t te. Satisfaction guarnntiid. ti:li:phoni: 02. i'. . itox u H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., l.MPOK'iHIIb AND DHALUIIS IN Groceries, Provisions strid Peed, Now Goods Iteieived by Uvoiy Paiket fiom tho I.nstein States and Luroisi. ri:u cAi.iFoiiNiA pitoDuci: iiy i:vi:hy sti:ami:u. All Ordern failhfullj nttonded to and Goods delivired to ttny pait of tho City fieo. Island Oidom boliclle.l. bnlbfitetioit guaranteed. EJast Ooi-ne- r For-- t Ss Kins Streets. Oceanic Steamship Go. Australian Mail Service, For San Francisco: '1 lit new ninl lino .VI Steel Steamship r The "ALAMEDA" Of the Oiemiie Steaiiiship Cotiipan will he due nt Honolulu from Sjilitfj mil A iti):-l'lli- d on or about September 22d, Ami will leave foi the nhoe pmt with M.dlsiiud Pasetigi isonot tiboitt that date. For Sydney and Auckland : The new ninl line jVI Steel Steamship "MONOWAI" Of the Ou.tnie Ste.unsliip ('oiii).iny will bo due nt Honolulu, fiom Km Fi.incisco, on or about September 23d, I And Mill lime pionipt despatch with Mails and P.issengeis for the above ports. The undersigned ire now ptepiud to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. CCF I'oi fiuthci p'irticiil us lcginling I'leightot I'.tss.ige upplj to WHI. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., General Agents. PaciflcMailS.S.Co. to AND THi:- - Occidental and Orientals. 8. Go. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Ste.iiueis of the nhoe Companies will call nt Honolulu on their wa to the nboic ports on or about the following dates: Stmr. "China" Oct. IS, 1b!)2 Stmr. "Oceanic" . . Nov. 1, lb').! Stmr. "China" Dec. VI, lb!U Slmr. "" . .I.m. II, Itiil Stmr. "China" Feb. 20, ls'H fetmr. "Gaelic" .. Aptil II, ,1 For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Coiupmius will call at Honolulu on their waj-fio- Hong- kong and Yokohama to the above pott oil or about the following dates: Stun. "China" . !, IV 12 Stmr. "Gaelio" OlI. ,'il, 1.VI2. Stun. "City of KIo de .Iniieiio" . . . Die. ::0, Is!l2 Stmr. "liclgic" Ftb. 8, l)l Stmr. "City of Poking" .Mitieli III. IbOl htmr. "Oicniile" . . May 7, lfclll Round Trip Tickets TO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350. ISf Fot Fieight and Passage applj' to H. HACKFELD & CO., 2j-- tt Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time TaTole. LOCAL, LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from b, I'. forb. I'. Sojil.7 Sopt. H Ol, Ti Oft. 12 Nov! 2 THROUGH LINE. Fiom San Fraud i o Fiom Sjdney for for Sydney, ban Fianeisco. lliniiiliihi. titnxe lliniiiliilii. .MONOWAl.beid 2,i A LAM i:i)A, Sept. 22 AI.AMF.DA, Oit. '21 MAIMPOSA, Oel.llJ MAIIll' MONOWAI, No.. 17 MONOWAI, Die. HI ALAMLDA, Die. Jfi CHAS, T. GULICK, Notary Public for the Island of Oaliu. Agent to lake Acknowledgement. to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant Mailing! Liu iiot, Hono- lulu, Oaliu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A Scott's Freight nud Paicel i:xpioii. Agi'iit foi the Builiiigtoti Itotite. ItF.AL LbTATi: ltitOkUH imi AGHNT. iiiii.ih- s- ti:li:phoni: -- muto lll'l P. O. ilo us OH llh ;is Merchant st. . . Honolulu, 11, 1 Retiring from Business (H It LMIl.F. SI OCR Must bo Sold by January 1, 1893. We will Commence Celling Out Next Saturday, Sept, 3, 1892, Ami will (Dtttintic until the Whole block is disposed of. STORE TO LET! FIXTURES FOR SALE! CHAS, J. iniSHHT-- i, Lending .Milliner House, cor. Fort otlsj anil Hotel stieets. 1 Election of Olltcors. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT THH AlMOURNI'l) ANNUAL V .Meeting of the Moikholdcrs of the Olou.ilu Complin held Aug. ."), lb'IJ, nt Iheolllceof W. OItwin A t., (L'd), the following Ollli eis weio toseive dining the ensuing V. 0. Irwin . . President, F. W. Maefarlitne . . W. M. Oillntd . . Tieusitier. tSectetan C. llosse . . 1 " or I ( Auditor, of no Min ok mm doits: W. 0. Irwin, F. W. Macfarl.ine and Aug. JitiniHlrerg. W. M.ClFPAni), rll)-l- Seeretarj pro tent. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT Til I! AI).KHTtNi:i) ANNUAL a Meeli U Waioliiim Agriiultiial i. (ir.iiug Co. lit Id this dnj, the follow tngOlliceis were ekcted for the ensuing je ir: President .. 'Hon. W. O. Ii win. .Mr. .1. M., it Seeietnrv ) it . .Hon. C. P. lauken, Treasure! ) Auditoi .. Hon. W. M.Oillurd. miti ( ions: W. O. liwin, .1. M. Moiisarrat, C. P. lnuke.i, .1. Knuh.ino, .1. J). Puris. C. P. IAUKHA, Secretin W. A. ,V G. Co Honolulu, jug. 21, lblL'. f0ti-li- u ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ANNUAL MINTING OFTHK ATTIIF, I'lmmbei of Commerce held the .'list ult., the following gentlemen wen1 elected to oIHlo for the ensuing, w it: Hon. ('has. It, ltishop.. Piesident, F. A. Sch.iefei . ( feeeicUn .1. 11. Atheiton . . J ( Treasurer. luiiuiioi uiiin:TioN: 'I'. It. W.tlket, II. F. Glade, .1. O. C.titet, C. M. Cooke, V. A. behaefei. .1. 15. ATHl'jlflON, rl.l-l- Sceietars. ELECTION of OFFICERS. A 'l'TJIi:ANN'UALMi:i:TINfi OFTHi: xV, Stockholders of the Houoniii .Stigat Company held this d.i, the following Olllccis weie elected for the ensuing je.u : Piesident . . ToinMnj, Titiistirer . .Geo. II. Itohcrtson. Setretnrj . A C, Loiekin, Auditoi" . . F. Wundenbiug, I .1. 0. Cam i Diieetors Win. G. lii.ish. A. C. LOVLKIN, Sicietiuv lloiioiuu Sugar Co. Honolulu, Aug. 10, J b' 12. 1'lMiu ELECTION OF OFFICERS. THF- - ANNUAL MK1-T1N- OF AT the Sloikholdeis of the HANALKI SUGAlt .M1I.LCO.MPANY, iield tlnsdaj, the following Olllieiswete elided for the ensuing jenr: Piesident L. Carter, K-- ii, nl . lion .1. N. b. Williams Sccrctarv .1. O. Carter '1 ic.istlier.. Gto. II. Ifoboitson Auditor .1. O. Cttrtir Who aie also Diieetors of the Coinp.inj. .1. O. CAUTUI!, bciretarj II. b. M. Co. Honolulu, .lulj ls, WM. IT To Let or Leaso, TO LET. rpwo nici:ly vv- - 1. uislied Itiioms, i louited. lmpiiie at Ifuti.i.TlN Ollice. IfiMf TO LET. Pl!F,Mlbl-S- , ,11 kste-- lleretiinia htreet, Fort strict cliuicli. W'AVk ttT&VliU. Applj to 11. 1. lillii:, ;c,2-t- r M Then. II D.iviiis.V. Co. COTTAGES TO LET. TWO CO'ITAGKb 'lO i vsa. s 1 Let t one on Merchant avi-iSBiT- j street mid one on l''ort Mijf7ija2. street net to school hoiis-e- . JJjiW- - Apph to W. MiCANDLL.-sh- . Mri-l- HOUSE TO LET. !.,, j.M) VI. Ill 1 j?U A Colli enieiit Cot time PJZ'7?- - .. ,.. -, .. . ',. iriiiiw io ici on iviiiau siicei, an K3li(t-i- i improvements. For tiirti- - sihtiii!4 cularstipplj to N.b. S.t llh, fil Kll l'"nrl strut. TO LET. IV i:w liot'hi; of fivi; iv.i - , X rooms, on .Miigaiiie strict with Bathroom, pit- - IU'SiSt. Hit W. 0., etc. Commands tlliijSirCS-ou- of the llui'st views in Honolulu. Applj to (177-tf- ) J. M. VIVAS HOUSE TO LET. rpilF. COM.MllDIOUh y&r i ntory Dwelling on . Pitnehbowl stieet. bctwciu jW ', 'rTZTltf Heretnniii and Klin:, oceu- - 3iiAiiiK&. pied by the uiidersigned to whoiiiutiplj for partieulars. . b. l.l't l!. fifMw TO LET. N1 Ci: COTTAGi: ON ,v.i . A itiirclillthi .In .,1 tiiMi, A' ,h,- 5- . , I' Ktrn.t ci.iilntiili,,. W.iJi?- - Purlor, 2 llcdroonis. Hath. iSjJX.'i room, Diuliiurooni. Pantri and Kitchen bin unit's room, Carriage lloilM'.Mublc.ete. Trnim'.u-- ,:us i!cr 20 iidiiules. AiijiIj nt ollico of this pajier. Ks-t- f Philtre Fnimr vimlr to order from hilest Styles of Mouldinys, lleiwui-lio- n of Old Ph-lure- tt specialty ut Kiny liroa,, Hotel ttnctt jftju The Golilon Era. HiUjKiin: "TIh Guidon Era" No. 1, Vol. 1, claims that tho lottury will gioatly liLMit'fit t!u Morkingiuuii of Hono- lulu. Tin' promoturs of tlio bill bo fon tlit) Legislature niakc tho work inginiMi say in Uicir putition, as priutoil in "Tho Golden Em," tho following: "If 31111 miilu in Pi'i'iiriuy tho old on fi nits for ih and our littlo ones, t shall hold your names in grate- ful loinoiiibrance. .Should vou re se, and tlio. timeoior w ljjiL, r . iiu"olf is al Tiltr door, AvlmTTvill I ' otir feelings? What can you say to tho children begging in the streets for biond, and what aigiiuieiit c:iu comfort tho httngiy and homeless?" Wo lime tuner had a lottery in operation hoio under the protection law, hence tho best way to judge its merits is to soo ils results in other places. Tho Louisiana lottery has boon in full blast in Now Oilcans for nearly twenty -- the cnrs. Tho wotkingmen of Now Orleans hae a daily (Sunday excepted) as woll as monthly drawing. If what "Tlio olden Eta" wiy. be true then tho workingmiMi of New Oilcans should now hao wealth untold. Think of Tho Golden Eia for nearly twonty-lh- o eaio1 Tho Centm,) Magazine for February, 1SD2, gives tho following description of how tho lottery in its palmiest days did for Now Orleans and what wo may o.xpocL in Honolulu: "A dialling occurred Ihothiid day after 1113-an- il al. On that morning Now Oilcans was in a ferment 01 er tho local piimary election for dele- gates to tho State coinontion in which election the lotlety candidate for goiornor got all tlio men chosen. Jiul in tho business .section of tho town tho excitement over tho (haw- ing was pniamottnt. Women vendors of tickets wore making their last calls tit ollices, and sheet brokor.s weio thionging hotel lobbies and bar-- i 00111s. As eloicn o'clock ap proacliod, doalet.s iiished with their un&old tickets to the main ollico pio-feriin- g theii lift eon percent commis- sion on the tickets thoy had sold to tho chance of winning a groat .sum by becoming icsponsiblo for tho un- sold tickets. Opposite, in a theatre, tho drawing promptly began. One of tho boxes was occupied liy ladies who took a homelike interest in tho pioeoodings. Tho sparse company of men in tho both of the thoatio wore redolent of ruin and tobacco and pooi bathing facilities and had no taste or 11101103' for clean raiment. "The fact in logard to this lot ten- ant! ils peisoniiol, no matter how in diioctly put, will seem to bo harshb said. To a .stranger tlio 'daily draw- ing' with tho 'polio' nlayini', in one hundred and eight special local ollices, has a look compaied with which tho rest of tho business is di- vine. It is haul to speak disiespeot-fulb- y of .1113' charil3', but uory shop 1 oiitoiod htoathed the atmospheric 000 of a pawnshop, and almost ovi ry customer I saw was a tit ob- ject of charit3. Some showed a tio-m- of excitement in asking for their faiorito number or combination. The bosl-diesso- d customer I saw was a widow in her woods, hor hat hav- ing thohhapo of a sun-bunno- t. (Jhil-dio- n aro sunt for tickets, sometimes in tho suhtii hs for a long distance. "in tho daily drawing, hold at J p. 111., tho chances are absurdly .slight for the players, and all tho delusions of ignoiance and fatuity are at work. On tho streets may bo seen tiained paroquots that for live cents will pick out a winning number. A fam- ous play is tho 'washerwoman's gig,' On I ho two day, pre- ceding tho primary election, it so happened thai approximations to that 'gig,' such as !M -1 1 and weio drawn, a coincidence which excited comment. Inveterate plti'- - j 01s stop childion in (ho stieet and ask their ago; they consult voodoo doelorn; if thoy see a si ray dog, thoy plaj ft; a drunken man counts 11, and a dead woman Ml; an exposed le; PI113.S tho mystic number 11; and to dieaiu of a lish is a reminder to play l!l. Such nonsense as this takes tho place of ideas of thrift and with a steadily growing pait of the population, as tho diminish- ing lot 111 its of tho savings banks suf- ficiently piove." Such aio tho bonollts of the Loui- siana loltoiy to tho woiking 111011 of New Oilcans. Will tho pioposod Hawaiian lottery bo anv bettor? H. W. Feck. rpili: HULLKl'lN IS THH LHADING X Dally PniKir of the Kingdom. 1 ifty cents, per month, i.

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Page 1: WEDNESDAY, SEl'TEMl CENTS. CTOBIlsr IsTOTT, Steel Iron Ranges · 2015. 5. 30. · Lainiis, Itugs.llureniis, Chelloniirs, SK etc,, Sold Cheap for (ash at the I.v I,, coiner JMiuaiiii





FU 4,


VOL. IV. NO. 51(5.




Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,

at Tin: oKricF,

Merchant St., Houolnlu, Hawaiian Islands.



ESVli3K,"5r TTJEJSD.A.irAt Folilt l)oi,t,iis i Yum to Domestic,iiml Kim: Doi.l.wts to Foreign sJubscilbois.

SUIlSOltlPrlON-S- lx l)nu.n.-- i a Y i:ii.Dclivotcd in Honolulu tit Fiit,Month, in alliance.


Done in Superior Stylo.

Addtcss letters for the pnper "Editorllui i.i.i i," nnd business letters "MnnngorBuilt tin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may utilise delay in atten-tion. Uoth Telephones li'sJ.

DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager.

r.Business Cards.


12 Mcii'hiint Street, Honolulu.I



Fort Street, Honolulu.

WILDER, & CO.,Ui'MjIIIS I.N l,, PlI.NTS, OlI.S, NllIS,

Salt, ami IIuii.iiimi Maiiiuiih111-- l.Vl IIY kINll.

OotJiei Foit and Queen Stteets, Honolulu.



Fort Stteet, Honolulu.


Gi.NiitMi Commission Acitnts.

Coiner Fait and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Imi'Ohtj its AM) Commission Muiciiants,

Kaalinmnnn Street, Honolulu.


iMroituu ami l)j!i,nit in Gi:ni.kIj r.

Queen Street, Honolulu.



Mnhukoun, Kohala, Hawaii.






Kukiii Jewelry a Hpecialty. Patticnlarntteiition pild to all kinds of rei)airs.

King Street, Houolnlu,



H. W. Schmidt & Sons,AOKN.I, fOIt TilK Hawmian Ihmniis.


Cooi.Fits, Ihon, IlitihS, ami Li:aiiCAhllMlH,

Machinery of I.vcij Description Made toOidtii. Particular attention paid to Ships'llltiek-siuithiii- Job Work e.ieuted ntShort Notice,


- King Street, Honolulu.

Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. S.on'ion nouns:

7:30 to 10 , m, H.::)toL'i,1 m.j h'lototi v.,iieii m. ti:li:phoni:s Mutuui iw.

P. O. Hot 3211.


Coinpleto jilnns nntl siieeillentioiiH forevery tlescriptiou of building. Contractsdraw n and careful suporiiiteudenie of

given when n quired, Call andpxuiuino plans, New designs. Modemhulltlings. Ollice, ltoom fl, Siireckels' llloek.

jMiitunl Tel. 1!0S.




1 84 Borotania St. Bell Telo. 280451 3m

Wildert Steamship Co.


W. 0., Pies't S. 1). Item , Sce'jOait. J. A. Kimi, Toil Stllit.

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will litive Honolulu nt 2 r. m., touching titI,ahniim, Munition liny and Mukcmi thesiitnedtiy; Mnhukoun, Kuwnihio and

the following , urtiving ntllilo at ntldiiiglit.

Hcturning leaves llilo, toiii'hing ntsainu day ! Kniinlluic i. m.j

10 a. it.; Mttkeii.i li i.; .Mtttiltie.iliny (I p. m.; l.ahaina 8 p. m. the followingday; arriving tit Honolulu II i. m. Widnes-daj- s

and Saturdiijs.

K& No Freight will ho leteived ttftetnoon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES, Commander,

Will lcne Honolulu every Tuesday nt f

m., toilehiug nt Kahiilui, Huelo, Hnntt,Hninoa nntl Klpnliiilii, Maui; and P.iuu-ha-


Keturning will anive nt Honolulu oveijSunday niorning.

COr No Freight will be leiciied ttfteir. M. on tay of sailing.

Consignees must bo nt the bindings toreceive their l'i eight, ns we will nol holdourselves responsible nftei siilIi Fi eighthas been landed.

While the Company will use due dili-gence in bundling I.he Stoik, we declineto assume nny responsibility in ease of theloss of same.

The Company will not lie responsible forMoney or Jowcliy unless plaucd in the erneof Pursers.

Baldwin Locomotives.

The undersigned having been appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

ion Tin: ci i.r.mtiTi n

Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Ponn.,

Aro now prepared to gie l',stimales midleeeive Orders for these lhigincs,

of any sio and st j le,

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purposes

A number of which have rceontlv beenreceived nt these Islands, and wo wifl haopleasure in furnishing plantation ngoiituand managers with pmticularsof s.uiio.

The Superiority of these Locoinothesover nil other makes is known not onljhere hut is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.


Tho "Tonmsris made of

Genuine Viiginluanil Turkish Tobac-co Filler with Ha-vana Wrapper ofsuperior grade, uudwithout paper;

by connois-seurs to be the liuestsmoke extiiut.

1 nil i h pe n si bl i!

wheien short smokeistlesiiid. Health-ier nntl better thanu eigitictte foi a"betwion eoiliMt"wbitl,

SF Ask joindenier for them I


Mini: n.The Kul'oy & Co. Branch of the American

Gigarolte Co., Houolnlu.50S-3H- 1


Merchant Tailor,Fort htriet, next to Club Stnbles,

Ijittely Cutter and .Manager of GooKim it Co. Guarantees Good Fit and lliu- -btmiitilu Priees, Putroniige solicited.

011-l- m

ForMouhUnijs, Frames, l'uttch, Arto-type-

Photogravures, JHehiny, umleverything in the line oj J'kturen, yu to

Kiny Ikon,, Hotel atreet.



Steel & Iron Ranges

Stoves Sz, iFlzsc-frU-res-,


Agate Ware in Large Variety,WHIT 13, GHAY and SILVEK-PLATE-

LAMPS & CHANDELIERS,Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, "Water and Soil Pipes.



This Space


03 k, 07

Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES.


General Agents Tor Hawaiian Islands.

is Reserved




J O.


H A . II U A ,



Frosli California Roll Butter Butter


Goods by Every Steamer Francisco,

i& All Ordets fuithfitllj titteniledsolicited and picked witli cue.

LINCOLN King Street



(satisfaction guarantied, Island Orders

Bet. Fort and Streets.

J3QX !!72.

lkthy Ctibs,

0 S S T 0 E

and Island&S3- - ALWAYS Jgt

New Received from San


WEST CORNER NDUANU & KING STREETS.P. 0. Box 480. Mutual Tolephone SO.


AT THi: IXL. COlINF.It NUUANU .t ICING STIILIIIS.F(JUNI) The iilacu to llu New eemh BRags and hecond-han- d I'uiiiltiire of all

kinds at Lowest I'lites: Tlic IXL, Jp coiner .Niiiiaiiii ninl King stnets,Jledioom hets, Wittdiobcs, leu WW Iloves, Stoves, Cliuirs, Hnnglng

Lainiis, Itugs.llureniis, Chelloniirs, SK etc,, Sold Cheap for (ash at theI .v I,, coiner JMiuaiiii ninl King m? aiv sineis.

Stcniner and Veranda Chairs, ,rL JjKu. Sofas, lied LoungesClothes llttskutH, Sewing .Mtiehiucs. ITBtrviril HiBfTill Whatnots, Meats tftbold ttt the Lowest Cash Pi lees at the 1 X L New mid becoud-han- d Fur-niture House, (tinier N'titiauu and ICiug streets,


LEWIS Sc CO.,ti:li;phoni: 2iu m FORT STREET. p.o. iionunt.


Groceries and Provisions.ON ICF. Ilj each steamer of tli4 O. b b. Co. fiom California Flesh California lioll

lltttler, Froon OjMeis and Flesh Califoinia Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc,

A coniph le line of Cro-- .V lUnckwell's and J. T. Morion's ('.tuned and llottled GoodsIllWU) S Ull IIU1IU.

.lust leceivcdn Fresh Lino of Geiiiuili Pates and Potted Meats and llottlid PiomtmiIPi tilts, Lewis A Co.'s Mnlti- -e llrniid biigai Cured Hams nntl Hilton, New lireitkfiistCiieuls, Criiim Out I'lakes and Cumiu Flukes, Mill Lemons, Culifoniiu Itiver-sld- o

Oiunges, Oicgon lluiliuuk Potatoes, t te. Satisfaction guarnntiid.

ti:li:phoni: 02. i'. . itox u


Groceries, Provisions strid Peed,Now Goods Iteieived by Uvoiy Paiket fiom tho I.nstein States and Luroisi.

ri:u cAi.iFoiiNiA pitoDuci: iiy i:vi:hy sti:ami:u.

All Ordern failhfullj nttonded to and Goods delivired to ttny pait of tho City fieo.

Island Oidom boliclle.l. bnlbfitetioit guaranteed.

EJast Ooi-ne- r For--t Ss Kins Streets.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco:

'1 lit new ninl lino .VI Steel Steamshipr The"ALAMEDA"Of the Oiemiie Steaiiiship Cotiipan will

he due nt Honolulu from Sjilitfj mil A iti):-l'lli- d

on or about

September 22d,Ami will leave foi the nhoe pmt with

M.dlsiiud Pasetigi isonot tiboitt that date.

For Sydney and Auckland :

The new ninl line jVI Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Ou.tnie Ste.unsliip ('oiii).iny will

bo due nt Honolulu, fiom Km Fi.incisco,on or about

September 23d,IAnd Mill lime pionipt despatch with

Mails and P.issengeis for the above ports.

The undersigned ire now ptepiud to issue



CCF I'oi fiuthci p'irticiil us lcginlingI'leightot I'.tss.ige upplj to

WHI. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,General Agents.

AND THi:--

Occidental and Orientals. 8. Go.


Ste.iiueis of the nhoe Companies willcall nt Honolulu on their wa to the nboicports on or about the following dates:

Stmr. "China" Oct. IS, 1b!)2

Stmr. "Oceanic" . . Nov. 1, lb').!Stmr. "China" Dec. VI, lb!USlmr. "" . .I.m. II, ItiilStmr. "China" Feb. 20, ls'Hfetmr. "Gaelic" .. Aptil II, ,1


Steamers of the above Coiupmius willcall at Honolulu on their waj-fio- Hong-kong and Yokohama to the above pott oilor about the following dates:

Stun. "China" . !, IV 12

Stmr. "Gaelio" OlI. ,'il, 1.VI2.

Stun. "City of KIo de .Iniieiio". . . Die. ::0, Is!l2

Stmr. "liclgic" Ftb. 8, l)lStmr. "City of Poking" .Mitieli III. IbOlhtmr. "Oicniile" . . May 7, lfclll

Round Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350.

ISf Fot Fieight and Passage applj' to


2j-- tt Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time TaTole.



Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom b, I'. forb. I'.

Sojil.7 Sopt. HOl, Ti Oft. 12

Nov! 2

THROUGH LINE.Fiom San Fraud i o Fiom Sjdney for

for Sydney, ban Fianeisco.lliniiiliihi. titnxe lliniiiliilii.

.MONOWAl.beid 2,i A LAM i:i)A, Sept. 22

AI.AMF.DA, Oit. '21 MAIMPOSA, Oel.llJMAIIll' MONOWAI, No.. 17



Notary Public for the Island of Oaliu.

Agent to lake Acknowledgement. to La-

bor Contracts.Agent to grant Mailing! Liu iiot, Hono-

lulu, Oaliu.Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A

Scott's Freight nud Paicel i:xpioii.Agi'iit foi the Builiiigtoti Itotite.

ItF.AL LbTATi: ltitOkUHimi AGHNT.

iiiii.ih- s- ti:li:phoni: -- muto lll'lP. O. ilo us

OH llh;is Merchant st. . . Honolulu, 11, 1

Retiring from Business(H It LMIl.F. SI OCR

Must bo Sold by January 1, 1893.

We will Commence Celling Out

Next Saturday, Sept, 3, 1892,

Ami will (Dtttintic until the Wholeblock is disposed of.


CHAS, J. iniSHHT-- i,Lending .Milliner House, cor. Fort

otlsj anil Hotel stieets. 1

Election of Olltcors.


AT THH AlMOURNI'l) ANNUALV .Meeting of the Moikholdcrs of the

Olou.ilu Complin held Aug. ."), lb'IJ, ntIheolllceof W. OItwin A t., (L'd), thefollowing Ollli eis weio toseivedining the ensuing

V. 0. Irwin . . President,F. W. Maefarlitne . .W. M. Oillntd . . Tieusitier.

tSectetanC. llosse . . 1 " or

I( Auditor, of

no Min ok mm doits:W. 0. Irwin, F. W. Macfarl.ine and

Aug. JitiniHlrerg.W. M.ClFPAni),

rll)-l- Seeretarj pro tent.


AT Til I! AI).KHTtNi:i) ANNUAL aMeeli U

Waioliiim Agriiultiial i. (ir.iiug Co. lit Idthis dnj, the follow tngOlliceis were ekctedfor the ensuing je ir:

President .. 'Hon. W. O. Ii win..Mr. .1. M., it

Seeietnrv )

it . .Hon. C. P. lauken,Treasure! )

Auditoi .. Hon. W. M.Oillurd.miti ( ions:

W. O. liwin, .1. M. Moiisarrat, C. P.lnuke.i, .1. Knuh.ino, .1. J). Puris.

C. P. IAUKHA,Secretin W. A. ,V G. Co

Honolulu, jug. 21, lblL'. f0ti-li-u


ANNUAL MINTING OFTHKATTIIF, I'lmmbei of Commerceheld the .'list ult., the following gentlemenwen1 elected to oIHlo for the ensuing,

w it:Hon. ('has. It, ltishop.. Piesident,F. A. Sch.iefei .

( feeeicUn.1. 11. Atheiton . . J

( Treasurer.luiiuiioi uiiin:TioN:

'I'. It. W.tlket, II. F. Glade, .1. O. C.titet,C. M. Cooke, V. A. behaefei.

.1. 15. ATHl'jlflON,rl.l-l- Sceietars.


A 'l'TJIi:ANN'UALMi:i:TINfi OFTHi:xV, Stockholders of the Houoniii .StigatCompany held this d.i, the followingOlllccis weie elected for the ensuing je.u :

Piesident . . ToinMnj,Titiistirer . .Geo. II. Itohcrtson.Setretnrj . A C, Loiekin,Auditoi" . . F. Wundenbiug,

I .1. 0. Cam iDiieetors

Win. G. lii.ish.A. C. LOVLKIN,

Sicietiuv lloiioiuu Sugar Co.Honolulu, Aug. 10, J b' 12. 1'lMiu


THF-- ANNUAL MK1-T1N- OFAT the Sloikholdeis of the HANALKISUGAlt .M1I.LCO.MPANY, iield tlnsdaj,the following Olllieiswete elided for theensuing jenr:Piesident L. Carter, K-- ii,

nl . lion .1. N. b. WilliamsSccrctarv .1. O. Carter'1 ic.istlier.. Gto. II. IfoboitsonAuditor .1. O. Cttrtir

Who aie also Diieetors of the Coinp.inj..1. O. CAUTUI!,

bciretarj II. b. M. Co.Honolulu, .lulj ls, WM. IT

To Let or Leaso,


rpwo nici:ly vv- -1. uislied Itiioms, i

louited. lmpiiie atIfuti.i.TlN Ollice. IfiMf


Pl!F,Mlbl-S- , ,11 kste--lleretiinia htreet,Fort strict cliuicli. W'AVk

ttT&VliU.Applj to 11. 1. lillii:,;c,2-t- r M Then. II D.iviiis.V. Co.


TWO CO'ITAGKb 'lO i vsa. s1 Lett one on Merchant avi-iSBiT- j

street mid one on l''ort Mijf7ija2.street net to school hoiis-e- . JJjiW- -

Apph to W. MiCANDLL.-sh- .



!.,, j.M) VI. Ill 1 j?UA Colli enieiit Cot time PJZ'7?- -.. ,.. -, .. . ',. iriiiiwio ici on iviiiau siicei, an K3li(t-i- i

improvements. For tiirti- - sihtiii!4cularstipplj to N.b. S.t llh,

fil Kll l'"nrl strut.TO LET.

IV i:w liot'hi; of fivi; iv.i - ,X rooms, on .Miigaiiiestrict with Bathroom, pit- - IU'SiSt.Hit W. 0., etc. Commands tlliijSirCS-ou-

of the llui'st views in Honolulu. Appljto (177-tf- ) J. M. VIVAS


rpilF. COM.MllDIOUh y&ri ntory Dwelling on .Pitnehbowl stieet. bctwciu jW ', 'rTZTltfHeretnniii and Klin:, oceu- - 3iiAiiiK&.pied by the uiidersigned to whoiiiutipljfor partieulars. . b. l.l't l!.



N1 Ci: COTTAGi: ON ,v.i .A itiirclillthi .In .,1 tiiMi, A' ,h,- 5- . ,

I' Ktrn.t ci.iilntiili,,. W.iJi?- -Purlor, 2 llcdroonis. Hath. iSjJX.'iroom, Diuliiurooni. Pantri and Kitchenbin unit's room, Carriage lloilM'.Mublc.ete.Trnim'.u-- ,:us i!cr 20 iidiiules. AiijiIj ntollico of this pajier. Ks-t- f

Philtre Fnimr vimlr to order fromhilest Styles of Mouldinys, lleiwui-lio- n

of Old Ph-lure- tt specialty ut Kinyliroa,, Hotel ttnctt


The Golilon Era.HiUjKiin:

"TIh Guidon Era" No. 1, Vol. 1,

claims that tho lottury will gioatlyliLMit'fit t!u Morkingiuuii of Hono-

lulu. Tin' promoturs of tlio bill bofon tlit) Legislature niakc tho workinginiMi say in Uicir putition, aspriutoil in "Tho Golden Em," thofollowing:

"If 31111 miilu in Pi'i'iiriuy tho oldon fi nits for ih and our littlo ones,

t shall hold your names in grate-ful loinoiiibrance. .Should vou re

se, and tlio. timeoior w ljjiL, r .

iiu"olf is al Tiltr door, AvlmTTvill I 'otir feelings? What can you say to

tho children begging in the streetsfor biond, and what aigiiuieiit c:iucomfort tho httngiy and homeless?"

Wo lime tuner had a lottery inoperation hoio under the protection

law, hence tho best way to judgeits merits is to soo ils results in

other places. Tho Louisiana lotteryhas boon in full blast in Now Oilcansfor nearly twenty -- the cnrs. Thowotkingmen of Now Orleans hae adaily (Sunday excepted) as woll as

monthly drawing. If what "Tlioolden Eta" wiy. be true then tho

workingmiMi of New Oilcans shouldnow hao wealth untold. Think of

Tho Golden Eia for nearlytwonty-lh- o eaio1 Tho Centm,)Magazine for February, 1SD2, givestho following description of howtho lottery in its palmiest days didfor Now Orleans and what wo mayo.xpocL in Honolulu:

"A dialling occurred Ihothiid dayafter 1113-an-

il al. On that morningNow Oilcans was in a ferment 01 ertho local piimary election for dele-gates to tho State coinontion inwhich election the lotlety candidatefor goiornor got all tlio men chosen.Jiul in tho business .section of thotown tho excitement over tho (haw-

ing was pniamottnt. Women vendorsof tickets wore making their lastcalls tit ollices, and sheet brokor.sweio thionging hotel lobbies andbar-- i 00111s. As eloicn o'clock approacliod, doalet.s iiished with theirun&old tickets to the main ollico pio-feriin- g

theii lift eon percent commis-sion on the tickets thoy had sold totho chance of winning a groat .sumby becoming icsponsiblo for tho un-

sold tickets. Opposite, in a theatre,tho drawing promptly began. Oneof tho boxes was occupied liy ladieswho took a homelike interest in thopioeoodings. Tho sparse companyof men in tho both of the thoatiowore redolent of ruin and tobaccoand pooi bathing facilities and hadno taste or 11101103' for clean raiment.

"The fact in logard to this lot ten-ant! ils peisoniiol, no matter how indiioctly put, will seem to bo harshbsaid. To a .stranger tlio 'daily draw-ing' with tho 'polio' nlayini', inone hundred and eight special localollices, has a look compaied withwhich tho rest of tho business is di-

vine. It is haul to speak disiespeot-fulb- y

of .1113' charil3', but uory shop1 oiitoiod htoathed the atmospheric000 of a pawnshop, and almostovi ry customer I saw was a tit ob-

ject of charit3. Some showed a tio-m-

of excitement in asking for theirfaiorito number or combination.The bosl-diesso- d customer I saw wasa widow in her woods, hor hat hav-

ing thohhapo of a sun-bunno- t. (Jhil-dio- n

aro sunt for tickets, sometimesin tho suhtii hs for a long distance.

"in tho daily drawing, hold at J p.111., tho chances are absurdly .slightfor the players, and all tho delusionsof ignoiance and fatuity are at work.On tho streets may bo seen tiainedparoquots that for live cents willpick out a winning number. A fam-

ous play is tho 'washerwoman'sgig,' On I ho two day, pre-ceding tho primary election, it sohappened thai approximations tothat 'gig,' such as !M -1 1 and

weio drawn, a coincidence whichexcited comment. Inveterate plti'- -

j 01s stop childion in (ho stieet andask their ago; they consult voodoodoelorn; if thoy see a si ray dog, thoyplaj ft; a drunken man counts 11,

and a dead woman Ml; an exposedle; PI113.S tho mystic number 11; andto dieaiu of a lish is a reminder toplay l!l. Such nonsense as this takestho place of ideas of thrift and

with a steadily growing paitof the population, as tho diminish-ing lot 111 its of tho savings banks suf-

ficiently piove."Such aio tho bonollts of the Loui-

siana loltoiy to tho woiking 111011 ofNew Oilcans. Will tho pioposodHawaiian lottery bo anv bettor?

H. W. Feck.

rpili: HULLKl'lN IS THH LHADINGX Dally PniKir of the Kingdom. 1 ifty

cents, per month,


Page 2: WEDNESDAY, SEl'TEMl CENTS. CTOBIlsr IsTOTT, Steel Iron Ranges · 2015. 5. 30. · Lainiis, Itugs.llureniis, Chelloniirs, SK etc,, Sold Cheap for (ash at the I.v I,, coiner JMiuaiiii

IHEvPi ka " " - . , .

HHRiXuW. BY AUTHORITY. unoviKllonlou.oii.l,ii.iio.M and loss T Jfjin TJORFTflN NKWS UNITED STATES- - , - . njLmmfl II A BMSB. populous noiyhborhood a groat boon H Detectives have clue tm SI.VX) A 1 1 OP1 1 dt FilUlOll JtiAKJJ WB

mST- - o would bo acfoinplislii.d. T ho wash- - coin back of!tho hou?o of Evans XJL lAsk 'LICI Uflfipk ' Jjt hour's ate an oyosoro whoro Uioy wl,u with Soiling commit ted tlio C ,.SoaK' ' arc, as well as a inonaco to (ho pub- -

llpr '' AiWfSwMVhM

AraSa&sH rlk Hi health.



l)tiritg tlio process of Pfciumltig tltcClinnncl nt the I'litraiit-- tu Honolulu lmr-l-

tlio Drcitgur will lu in opffutlon nlghltuitl iluy.

At niglit thcrottill hi- - n Dnugrr Signalpliu'eil on tlio forward tlurrick of DrcitgiSr,about !!0 foot nliovi son lovrl, vliluli vim lieseen Jiy nil vouN nniiroiiuliliig tliu lmilxir.Tlio Signal eonsistsof 3 Itotl lights unit aWlilto light-- as In ' "i: "M'tliu diagram tlio ledlights being nbout 3feot apart, with tliu WlitTi:white light In tliu j

ojnter. ltr.liAll steamers cross.

ing the liar will stopat a sufo distance from tlio Drcdgur andgive one blast of their whittle, which will

be answered by a single blast from theDredger, to be followed by three blastsfrom the Dredger when the passage is clearand they can proceed.

The Tug will bo on lihnd when not other-

wise engaged to assist sailing craft in pass-ing the Dredger when necessary.

U N. SPHNCKlt,Minister of the Interior,

Interior Otllce, March!), 1N1A300-- tf

Tenders for the Purchase of Ha-

waiian Government Trea-sury Notes.


Honolulu, 11. 1., Sept. 1, 16!)--'. )

Under authority of the Act approvedAugust 30, Ih'J-- ', the Minister of rinaneeoilers at par Treasury Notes of the Ha-

waiian Government for $.71,01)0, in denomi-

nations of not loss than $.VX) or more than$r,000, payable one-ha- lf in four monthsand the other half in eleven months fromthe lir.--t day of September, 1MIJ. Thu-- o

Notes will bear interest not exceeding 0

pel cent per annum, payable semi-annual-

in U. S. Gold Coin, and are exempt fromtaxes.

Tenders for the above will be icceived atthe Treasury up to the 20th day of Septem-

ber, lb!).!, which tenders shall state theamount desired, and the interest whichwill be accepted by the person applyingfor same.

11. A. W I J) KM ANN,513-1- 0t Minister of Finance.


Of Government Land at Puna, N.Kona, Hawaii.

On THURSDAY, Oct. !, 1S02, nt 1'2

o'clock noon, at the front entrance of A

Halo will be sold at Public AuctionTwo hots of Government hand at l'uaa, inN. Kona, Hawaii, as follows:

Lot 1 Containing an Area of 17

Acres. Upset price .$.)0.

hot 2 Containing an Area of 10 0--

Acres. Upset price if.V).

C. X. SPKNUKlt.Minister of the Inteu'or.

Interior Oflico, Sept. 7, lb!)-- '..r'1(l-:- it


Holders of Water Privileges, or tlio?opaying Water liatos, are hereby notifiedthat, owing to the drouth and tlio scarcityof water in the Government KeMirvohs,tho Hours for using water for Irriga-tion purposes aro from 7 to S o'clock A. M.,

and Ti to (i o'clock v. m., until furtlier notice.JOHN 0. WHITK,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works,Approved :

(), N. Si'KNcmi,Minister of the Interior.

Honolulu, 11. h, Aug. fi, IS.",).'.

lS'J-- tf


Owing to tho drought and scarcity ofwater, the residents niauka of Judd streetaro requested to collect what water thoymay require, for household purposes before8 o'clock A. M.

JOHN ('. WlllTi:,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, Sept. U, Is!)-- '. filS-t- f


Owing to tho scarcity of water the Arte-sian Well at Waikiki will bo turned on fora few days. JOHN 0. WHITE,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu, Sept. 0, lh!U, filfi-t- f


l'leihjnl to neither Heel nor J'urtji,Jlut Jiutiihlished for the Jlmefil of All.


In reply to the resolution of acaucus of members of tho Legisla-ture, asking Her Majesty to call aleader from among tho majority whocarried tho resolution of want ofconfidence, to form a now Cabinet,tho Queen this morning summonedJlon. A. P. Peterson, one of tho OaliuNobles, to perform that task. Mr.Peterson has boon consulting withmoinbors all tho forenoon, and thisafternoon tho caucus in in .sessionagain, deliberating with tho view ofinviting gentlemen supposed to bo

available and acceptable for tho nowMinistry.

Tho suggestion is made to thoBulletin that, in rebuilding thoburned wash-house- s, only a singlestory structure should bo erected,and it should bo confined strictly tolaundry purposes. Tlioro ought tobo no lodging, or cooking, or opiumsmoking rooms provided, so that both

Moniborsof tho Logislaturo shouldrolled that tlioy havo not been sentthere to foreo either one party oranother into or out of ollieo, but tosee that the business of. tho oouutryis out rusted to tho hands of goodmen whom they are confident areable and willing to carry it out, notfor tho profit and advautayo of oneman, family or class of men, but fortho equal advantage of all; and fur-

ther they aro sent to make whole-

some laws for tho benefit, of thowhole people. Personal considera-tions and oven parly considerationsshould be entirely sol aside and support given to only such men as will1)0 able to tide over tlio presentfinancial dilllculties of tho countrywithout having recourse to danger-ous, vicious, immoral, or visionaryand untried oxporimonts at restoringthe national prosperity. Lot allwork together for tho common good,sinking potty and personal dill'or-oneo- s,

and every ono will receive thobenefit of the restored confidence oftho community.

An article in tho creed of everyhonorable man which ho rigidly ad-

heres to forbids him to attack thocharacter, inoti es or dcedsofanot herman except in his presence whon hocan defend himself before tho sameaudience. Our constitution guaran-tees to persons accused of oven thogreatest crimes that thoy shall meettheir accusers face to face and Havo

an equal right to bo heard with them.Hardly will any man, however dis-

honorable, attack a woman ovenunder such circumstances, and noone having any pretensions to boconsidered a gentleman will over in-

sult a woman either in her presenceor in her absence. All right-minde- d

men and women abhor and repro-bate such conduct even if they pro-

foundly pity tho lack of tho finerfibre of manly sentiment and deedin the creature (wo cannot say man)who does so. It would do good tosome of our legislators to carefullypondor over and assimilate thesewholesome truths, though it maypossibly be merely dofectivo earlyeducation and not tho want of man-

liness which produces their spleneticand slandoious outbursts from timeto time.


Hoot "Beer on draught at T5ensou,

Smith & Co.'s.

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

White P. K. scarfs ,5 for 25 cts.during tho clearance salo at Sachs'storo.

Fresh, frozen oysters on ico havobeen received at the Beaver lunchsaloon.

Sunburn relieved at once by Cu-

cumber Tonic. Benson, Smit h & Co.,Agents.

Tlio S. S. Australia will sail forSan Francisco at noon of Wednes-day next.

At Mystic Lodge, K. of P., thisevening tho amplified third rank willbo conferred.

Dr. TJowat has bought tho CityShoeing Shop and installed J. "W.

McDonald as manager.Men's fine silk shirts for $1.75 re-

duced from $0.00 during tho clear-

ance salo at Sachs' store.A variety of goods olsowhoro spe-

cified will bo sold by Jas. F. A organat 10 o'clock

.las. l Morgan will sell Californiaapples, potatoes and onions at hissalesroom noon.

Gentlemen's hemmed stitch whitesilk handkerchiefs for 50 cts. duringtho clearance salo at Sachs' store.

Two lots of Goyerninont land aPuaa, North Kona, Hawaii, will bosold at Aliiolaui Halo on October(1th.

Mechanics' Home, 51) and 01 Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, week ormonth 25c. and 50c. a night; .1?L

and $1.25 a week.

Dr. McLennan has lemoved to Ala-ke- a

street, opposite tho Y. M, C. A.

hall, iromisos lately occupied by Dr.Lutz. OJlico hours, i) to 12, 2 to 1,

and evenings 0 to 7 ; Sundays 10 to 1.

Jell telephone 107 ; Mutual 0S2.

Tho Tramways Company intendintroducing a through service, every20 minutes, between Nuuauu Valleyand Puuahou, by way of Queen, Fortand Borotania streets. Tho timetable for Borotania street will not bochanged. Tho now time schedulefor Nuuauu street is advertised inanother column, Tho now arrange-ments are to take effect on and afterMonday, Sept. 12th.

S. S. Auatralia.Steamer Australia, II. C. Howl,

lotto, commander, sailed from SanFrancisco August 111, at 2 p, in., withJll cabin ami II steerage passengers,

public scandal and public danger and 11 bags mails. Experienced re-

frain fire may both bo averted. This is inarkably iiuo weather throughouta good suggestion and if tho whole the entire voyage, and arrived atwash-hous- e establishment could bo Honolulu September 7th at i) a. m.

Sun lyvie!sco, AuiUhI SI, per S.



Tho Diyeaso Spreading in Europe-Appea- rs Itin tho British Isles

Alarm in tho United States.

Seven cholera cases weio in hospi-

tal at Antwerp on the 2!)lh, some ofthem in a serious condition. A

stoker belonging to the steamerUrania from Hamburg has diedfrom cholera in Amsterdam. Thir-teen cholera patients were admittedto the hospital in Bremen. Eightynow cases of cholera and twonly-fou-r

deaths were reported in Havreon the 281 h. Twenty persons suffer-

ing from choleraic diseases were ad-

mitted to tho hospitals in Paris thosame day.

Cholera has reached Herv in Turk-estan, and panic prevails among thoinhabitants. Tho American mer-

chants wanted to close their shopsimmediately, but tho governorthreatened to oxpol them from thocountry if thoy did not continuebusiness. Should tho Americans boallowed to close their shops it wouldcause great distress.

On July 6 tho native inhabitantsof Tashkent!, a town of Asiatic Rus-sia in Syr-Dary- a, becoming enragedby tho reports that the Russian doc-

tors were poisoning all tho victimsof cholera in tho hospitals, liokl amass meeting and precipitated thoworst riot ever known in that partof tho country. Tho mob invadedtho Russian quarter, tore down thohouse of tho Doputy' Governor andstoned him to death. Thoy wreck-ed many neighboring houses And set,

lire to tlio hospital.Tho mob increased until it was

5000 strong. Troops from neighbor-ing towns wero hurried to tho scene.Thoy wore mot by tho mob, ready tofight to tho death. Tho soldiersopened lire, killing sixt y and wound-ing several hundred. Then tho mobcharged tho troops and a desperatestruggle followed, in which fifteensoldiers wore killed outright andmairy wore soriouslj' wounded. Itlooked as though the mob was goingto win, whon the soldiers wore roin-force- d

by a largo body of Cossacks.Tho mob was driven to a mosque,where another battle was fought.Altogether about 100 wore killedand H00 wounded.

Tho United States Governmenthas taken alarm, as have tho author-ities of some of tho chief cities.

Tho following despatch has beenreceived at tho State Departmentfrom tho United States Consul atGlasgow: "There is a cholera out-

break hero among Russian emigrantsfor America."

Tho Consul at Liverpool cables:'Cholera is imminent; strongly urgomedical inspection of immigrantsunder consular directions with olli-ci- al

disinfection."Chicago is having all its back

yards cleaned out.At San Diego, Cal., it. is believed

that tho danger of cholera reachingthat port is very remote. There isdangor by tho Pacific Mail steamers,but vessels out many days wouldhavo all dead or convalescent, as thopest runs its courso in two to tendays. Tho dangor is from vesselsthirty days only from infected portsor from passengers therefrom whocomo overland.

A cablegram to the Now YorkWorld sa3rs it begins to look asthough cholera had come to Englandto stay. Tho only mitigating featuresin what now must bo admitted to boa cholera outbreak aro tho lntonessof tho season and tho pronouncedfall of tho temperature that hastaken place the last day or two.

Gravesend is tho chief seat of thodisease in the London district. Theschooner Ilelono arriving on thoBOth had two cases on board, andtho vossol was quarantined and thopatients removed to tho LondonSanitary Hospital. As tho schoonerwas on her way to America, it showshow easily tho disease could bo car-ried across tho Atlantic.

Tho Treasury officials at Wash-ington havo received assurances oftho oilcetivoncss of tho National andStato quarantine services, and saythe Department has done all it canto prevent cholera gaining admissionto tho United States. Collectors ontho Canadian and Mexican frontiersaro instructed to exorcise specialvigilauco in tho examination of im-

migrants and their ofTocts.

Tho latest from Germany indi-

cates no diminution in t ho progressof the disease in the many townswheio it has appeared, Hamburgprosents a mournful aspect. Therelias been a stampede of people whocould afi'ord to get away,

Thoro is a decided improvement intho health of Paris.



Collis train robbery in California.Tho latest from Fall River, Mass.,

is that tlioro is not the smallest par-ticle of evidence on which to holdLizzie Borden for (he murder of herfather and step-mothe- r.

ProT. Holtlen of tho Lick Obser-vatory has reported to the police(hat ho had observed for (hrconights parties encamped at (he footof Isabel peak, in a wild section,and ho thinks thoy aro tho Berkeleytrain robbers,

Collector Phelps of San l''Vanei''eohas planted a licet of lovonuo boatsat tho Golden Gate to watch for thoyacht Halcyon, Twonly-on- o coast-

ers wero boarded and searched between daylight and dark on August30.

a ihj.ssian smimi:.Tho Russian warship Seabraka

has captured ono American andthree British schooners sealing otftho Copper islands. Tho captainsand crows wore sent to Victoria ontho American bark Majestic. Whontho captains objected to seizure,claiming they wero free men on afree sea, tho Russian marines prick-

ed them with tho points of thoirbayonets and informed them therewas such a place as Siberia for (hosewho spoke too loudly of freedom.Thoy wero given tho astounding in-

formation that Russia hold jurisdic-tion a thousand miles from hershores. Under threats of being sentto Vladivostok for court-marti- al

and sentenco to Siberia, tho skipporssigned a paper admitting thoy hadbeen sealing, in Russian waters. Be-

fore being shipped on tho Majestictho prisoners wero kept for days ina prison room 11x11, with a leakyroof and broken fioor. Tho fourvessels wore sent to Petropaulovskito bo sold.


The New York Tribune assortsthat tho customs officers have un-

earthed frauds by which the Gov-ernment has boon cheated out ofthousands of dollars in the importa-tion of sugar by an extensive andsystematic uudorwoighing of sugarand that a number of prosecutionswill soon bo begun. From August1, ISfll, to March 1, 181)2, when sugarwas put on tho free list, 1,000,000pounds was imported which was notaccounted for to tho Custom-hous- e,

and tho Government is said to haveboon defrauded out of ,?(J5,000 to$75,000. Eight importers aro in-

volved, as well as several employesin tho weighers' department. Thooflicors will not rovoal names for thopresent.


Louis B. McWhirtor, a prominentlawyer and democratic politician,was decoyed from his house atFresno, California, into his yard andelmt... tlirnmrl,......0.. iu-- .., .......lmnvl. ..vnf ..,,,'t1o'clock on tho morning of August2i). Circumstances indicated thatho sold his life dearly, and it isrumored a man with a pistol woundhas been arrested. McWhirtor is

bolioved to have been assassinatedfor his political belief and not formono'. Tho citizens of Fresno havomade up a reward of $10,000 for thoconviction of tho muiderer.

"Unwritten Law."

Editor Bulletin' :

The Advertiser and its friends andbackers, over since 1887 whon thoymanufactured tho Constitution un-

der which wo exist, havo discoveredHaws of all kinds in it, tvhich pre-vent thoin from having things ac-

cording to the dictates of their ownsweet wills uncontrolled by any con-

sideration for others. In order togot things thoir own way and sub-vo- rt

and destroy tho rights of othersthoy persistently attempt to amendthoir Constitution not in the waythemselves provided in tho body ofthat document. No! fearing at thetime that some of thoir preciousprovisions would bo excised sooneror lator thoy made tho amendmentclause so practically ironclad as tonow provont their own endeavors tointerpret tho Constitution according to thoir own wishes. Whatremedy do thoy propose then? Dothoy drop thoir aggression on therights of others under cover of up-

holding constitutional principles?No. Thoy havo abandoned thoir at-

tempts to coorco the Supremo Courtas in tho veto clause, etc., to con-

strue tho Constitution to suit thoin,and simply stato that "tho opportu-nity has now arisen to clarify andperfect tho working of Hawaiianinstitutions by definitely incorporat-ing it in tho body of our unwrittenlaw," What uttor imbecility whenthoy aro 'well aware wo have no un-

written law as regards our Constitu-tion, and no amount of speciousargument in (ho Advertiser will giveus any till the majority of tho peo-ple amend the Constitution to per-mit it, Constitution,

Saved from Sunstroke.Tho poor youth's brain began tirwhirl

As ho stood 'neatli tho win's llureo glare,Hut hu winked at u pretty llostou girl,

And she froze him with a stare.AVic i'urk J'((m,

Flower" I inherit some tendency to Dys-

pepsia ft om my mother. I sufferedtwo years in this way ; consulted anumber of doctois They did me

no good I then usedRelieved in your August Flower

and it was just twodays when I felt great relief. I soongot so that I could sleep and eat, andI felt that I was well. That wasthree years ago, and I am still first-clas- s.

I am neverTwo Days. without a bottle, and

if I feel constipatedthe least particle a dose or two ofAugust Flower doesthework. Thebeauty of the medicine is, that youcan stop the use of it without any bad

effects on the system.Constipation While I was sick I

f e 1 1 everything itseemed to me a man could feel. Iwas of all men most miserable. I cansay, in conclusion, that I believeAugust Flower will cure anyone of

indigestion, il takenLife of Misery with judgment. A.

M Weed, 220 Belle-foiitaiu- c

St., Indianapolis, Ind." J

By Jas. F. Morgan.


Apples & Potatoes !

To-morro,- wl Sept. S,AT ll! O'CLOCK XOOX,

At my Salesroom, Qui'Pii Rtrcot, 1 will soilnl Public Auction

50 Boxes Cal. Apples,

50 Bags Cal. Potatoes,25 Bags Cal. Onions.

g&-A.- U TO UK SOU)-i- &l

Jas. V. Morgan,fliii-- it AUOTIONKKU.

To-morro- Sept. S,AT HI O'CLOCK A. SI.,

At my iSiilesioom, T will si'll lit PublicAuction

JDx-- y GoodsKmlius' ,t Gent's Slioes, Uiitli'nvonr,

F TJ PL 3ST I T XJ IR. E5,Asb llcilniuni Sots,

J'ine Jtcilroom Sots,

33io.rea.-us- , Lounges,Mattrnssps Pictures, Etc., lCtc,

Jas. F. IMIorga-n.- ,


Household -:- - Furniture.A.T A.XJOTIOJSr.

On. Friday, Sept. ,

AT 10 O'UI.OCK A. M.,

At tho Uesiui'iu'i' of AlltS. I'HPbAH, Xo.112 Korl sheet, comer (if Iteretniiiii street,I will tell at Public Auction, tho KntiioJlousoliolil Furniture, cumprii-iiii- ;

1 New Wicker Parlor Set,Kitsy Clmirs it ltockurs,

Jilack II. C. Lounge,Jlurblotop Center Tabic,

Drawing Room Portiere,1 Elegant Piano Stand I,ainr,C'Hiur Spiint; Jlattiabscn,

2 Fine B. W. Marble-to- p Bedroom Sets,

It. Clieilbiiicru, Mosquito Nets,Vonmcla t'liairH, Funis , Plants,

2 Ash Marbletop Bedroom Sets,

Meat Safe, Ico Chest, Jlath Tub,

1 Automatic Sewing Machine,Now Guidon Iloso,

1 Parrot Stand, Etc., Etc.

Jas. !F Morgan,filt-- lt AUOTION'KKlt.



OKPA11ATK 8HA1.KI) PltOPOSAI.SO will bo received at,Kipley, Architect, IJooiuoKmecljolaUlock,until ''i o'clock c. m,, on tliu 10th day ofSeptember, Ih!U, and opened immediatelythereafter, for all tho labor and materialrequited for tlio Foundation, Mason Work,Carpenter Woik, PlumhliiL', Plastcrine;,Painting and Hlectiio Work, on tho NewMasonic llulldiuo: to bo erected at the cor-ner of Alakea and Hotel utreots, in accoid-anc- o

with tho drawing ami Hpeo!tlcutioun(v on lllo at the Architects ollieo, copiesof which may be had on application. Theitulldini! Committee reserve tho right toreject any or all bldn.

O. 11. UIPUIY,613-- lt Architect.


Hia.i. Ti:i 1111, t9-MiniAi,TKi.. hi.&-- Ui hiiiksck Hni.i, Tia.. ,"ii.'t. -- j.i

pIIAUI.KB U'.ONAIU) IJKdS TO 1N-- Jform his friends ami the public that

ho has opened tho Carriage Stand, coinerof N'uiianuaiid King streets, to bo called tho


whuro Special Kates will bo mado for Tou-rist and Piculo Parties t" nil places of In-terest j also Careful Drivers provided for La-dles calling or shopping. Tho undersignedhopes by strict attention to business togain custom and fiivor by all.

TI8- P- Carriage furnished at all hours, dayor night, alto Jluggago Kxiuess.

OWi-l- (J, WJONAIU).

Ouxnxn.iii.sf Sloclt,

M. & D. Wrought



rABE CO., Lid.



Ranges !

Their New


L V ' J.T .... ' iiMiw.-"- -?" -

KV- VrtW , VlL-L-tx-u. jy-- -r ' - . - j- jf



China, Glass and FurnitureSalesroom on Kaalmmanu St., Ground Floor,


Large Assortment of New Goods, ex Benmore.



"" and Other Fine "Ware.

3STe-- Rugs eliicI Oarpets,Englisla UTTjimit-are- ,

R.atta,n Ware.Fine of Glassware, Ivoryware, Bohemian Vases, Yine Glasses,

Tumblers, Cut Salads, Etc.

JELeciTxoecL- -





O oCylinder

s. i:iini.icn.

Fort Strpet.







Mountain, Gem


Ice Cream Freezers!

& Barrel Churns.


Temple of FashionCORN 131? OF FOJtT AND HOTEL STREETS,

"Wo Jvist KaoeivedIsTe-- w Dress Goods,3LjEiciies' BeciforcL Caps,Belts, Xjsitest Style.

Also a Large Line oi Traveling Trunks and Valises.


USTe-- w OoocLs ! IsTe--w Goods !



Ladies', Childrons' and Infants' WearIN (II1KAT VAKIKTY AT LOW I'KIOKS.

A Fine Line in Zephyrs, Cretonnes, Etc.

Bettlaiaag Siaits in. Cotton and. WoolKUll J.AIUIW, (1KNTH, A XI) OHIIJMtNX,

CALL A.2-T3- SEE OXJR, ISTE'W GOODS.Dressmaking under the Management of Miss Clark.

B. F. EHLERS & CO., 99 Fort St.

Page 3: WEDNESDAY, SEl'TEMl CENTS. CTOBIlsr IsTOTT, Steel Iron Ranges · 2015. 5. 30. · Lainiis, Itugs.llureniis, Chelloniirs, SK etc,, Sold Cheap for (ash at the I.v I,, coiner JMiuaiiii

JSF, - . . - ."' ' " in ii ii. ..IlT' ..... ii i... ii 1,1

' t




I:v.- -



s.. - x

.J :i--

' if y.v

i :' ir






, i t

site "iilJiv uLL- -



Lv. Honolulu, Oslo 8:15 1:1) 1:351

An. HoNoiM.uil.t, T;L0 !):57 2:57 6:331l.v. ItoNoui.llil.l, 7:.'!0 10:13 3:13 fi:I2t fcAit, Honolulu, 8:3. ll:M 1:55 0:501

1'kuil Gitv Local.I.v. fi:L'0

An. l'tiAitt. CIity 5:fiSgI.v. l'MAttl. Oirv (1:00

Ait. IIonomii.u (!:10

Stitidtiyn excepted. 1 Baturdaya only.? Saturdays excepted.

Tidos, Bun and Moon.n v c. .1. I.YnNH,

ai a' s r t's fiv, j?- I- Sim 1DAY.

)1 HH(3 SB S,2 P cl"S,?f i n " - -

I., n. in I). inMnn. r :i I". :i Mi. 8 a;' Ii o 5 tl r. 12 Rfi

Till". (i 4 us :i i.v i! ii lo ,i 41 (i ll tt :iWeil. 7, i in i '.'o,Ki 'Jo 5 4:, in, 7 ll

Thiirs. R 5 17' fi ( 'T 11 00 r I.V c, Oil' 7 ri

111. "I n fit) 5 fid 11 17,11 30 fi I J Ii OS, 8 31'l.iii. li.ui. il.lil.

Sat. Ill ii 17, ii an. n in n 07' h iftSun. ll 8 ool7 :io o no :i (nil ft IIS n tKl 1(1 01

I'nll moon mi Sept. 11 ll, nl Kill. "ilm.


WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 18i)2.

JE.K.I3STE NEWS.Arrivals.

M'niiNnttiAY, Sent. 7.

S S Australia, HouiUiittu, from San Fian- -eiseo

Bktne Tropic llird from TahitiStmr Kinmi from Maui and Hawaii

Vessels LeavingStmr Hawaii for llainakunBtinr l'elo for Olowalu and Hamakua

Cargoes from Island Ports.Stmr ICiuati 410 bags potatoes, 21 hags

corn, 43 hitler, 14 eases pineapples, 3hordes and ISO ikgs sundries.

Passensors.From San Krntiulhcu per S S Australia,

Sept 7 Mra S T Alexander, Miss llarnard,Kev .1 0 Ulapp, Miss Dollam, S Khrlich,wife nnd child, (.' II Gcllcncy, Miss V Gilli-lan- d,

It Halstead and wifoi Miss IJcrnieoHalstoad, H A Jones and wife, 1 C .lones,wife and daughter, 'Miss Jones, A A Kis-singer, Ilobt'Lcwers, M I.onisson, Jacoh SLowrv, Mrs K K .Moore, F V Maufarlnne,Miss Ivatc Mclntyre, Miss Mary Molntyre,Itruther .lames Rchocndorf, Mrs 11 (.' Snald-in- g,

Mrt U A Tumes, Mrs 1j H Walhridgo,Mrs James Welsh and child, Miss AdelineWillis, Miss Beatrice Willis, James Jaeger.

From Maul and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau,Sept 7 MNes C! A Carter, li K. Nawahi, hI.ynian, Mabel Hitchcock M, ItichartNon,Lilian Hapai, Ilattie Austin, S llyoroft, SSiemsen, Jl McKinley, G Johnson, li Hlloml, li K Cummins, llella Wood, AliceWood, Muhcl Wood, Maud Wood, LucyWood and 11 Thompson: Mrs J T Aluli,Mrs It II Damn, David Kiihaulclio, MovjsKauwe, Mrs John Itichardson and 3 chil-dio- n,

Henry 0 Carter, Miss li Kealoha,Ilenrv Hapai, liildy Hajiai, Mrs Ii 1'iorce,llov S L Doha and son, Mark llyoroft,Sani'l Parker, Jr, Archie Kaaua, F aDodgo, W Jarrctt, C T Koel, W llerlowitz,0 C llond, Uishop Willis and wife, ChangChow, J Kekuown, S Wood, 1 Cockett,Noah Aluli, J J Hair, L M Baldwin, K Ok-kot- s,

Leo Tenhman, Master li L Liko, A 1!LoehciiKtein, W 11 IJenson, Mrs M Spencerand son, llev S Kaili, John Parker, PalmerParker, Henry P Peckley, 1) Kawai, S Ma-huk- a,

M Koki, wifo and son, It Yogi, JItenton and wife, It li Bond, I) Kekuewa,Frank Wood, Alex May, llev KG Bcckwithand wifo, II lteis, B 5 Baldwin, E Hop-kins, F Maby, and !)7 ileclr.

Shipping Notes.

The Gorman bark" Paul Isenherg willleave in about a week for San Francisco.

The steamer Kinau arrived this morningfrom Maui and Hawaii and reports fairweather and alternating seas.

Tho steamer Hawaii will leave for Olo-walu, Maui, and ports on Ilamakua, Ha-waii, with coal.

The hriir Lurlino left San Francisco forllilo on August 30, and the brig J. I).Sprcckels for Kahului tho day after.

The brig W. 0. Irwin came oil' the Ma-rino Hallway this afternoon and dockedabove tho 0. S. S. wharf.

Tho American barkontine Tiopic Bird,engaged as tho regular packet between SanFrancisco and Tahiti, arrived unexpectedlyIn port this afternoon.

The barkentines S. K. Castle and Planterare projected departures at San Franciscofor Honolulu, the former commencing toload on August 20th, and tho latter on tho3tst.

Tho stcamor China duo on Friday fromYokohama and Hongkong will coal hero.The neeessury fuel will be transferred tohorby tho steamer C. 11. Bishop.

Tho arrivals at San Francisco from thisport are getting few and far between, therebeing only two arrivals to note since lastmail, viz., the S. X. Castlo, Aug. 27th, 21

days, and tho Planter, 2(1 days.


Arrived Aug. 31, steamer Kinau fromHonolulu; Sept. 2, steamer Claiullno fromHamakua; tt, steamer Kinau from llilo.

Sailed Aug. 20, American lmrkontinoAmelia, I). H. Ward, for Sail Franciscowith 11,100 bags sugar, weighing 1.230, IdU

pounds, valued at 30,137.(3. Shipper:J, T. WaterhousoSKWbags, T. 11. Daviesit Co., 203ri bags. 31, steamer Kinau forllilo; Sept. 2, steaiuer Claudino for Maui;l), steamer Kinau for Honolulu.

Born.SMITH In this city, Sept. 0, to tho wife

of Captain Smith, a daughter.

Public Concert.

Tho Royal Hawaiian MilitaryBand, Prof, II, Borgor, leader, willgive a concert this evening at thoHawaiian Hotel commencing at 7:550

o'clock. Following is thu program:1'AltT 1.

Overture TI10 Hunt (new) SchneiderCornet Polka Lovu's Serenade (now) .

StarkeSaxoplion So!o(jueon Llliuokalanl(hy

request) ,. I.ihoruloTorchlight Procession Maii'h .MoverbeerMikiol. lla Hlkinoiiio A'u.

l'AKT 11,

liclio Piece Sounds from Near andAfar . .Humid

Quartet Oh, Ye Yalleysand Ye Moun-tains (now) . Sackur

Mi'tllev North and South , TobanlHawaii Ponol.

Mr. Ltmdor's Rocommondation.

Mr. J. A. Landor, a prinninontoitiztm of Clarksburg, Mo., andwidoly known in that Stnto, says ofOhaniborlain'H Colic. Oholora andDiarrhoea Roinodv: I havo soon its

, jootl results anil can rouoihnmndit." For salo by all doalur.s. JJunson,Smith & Co., Agonts,


Sugar is up to HJ uoiit?, but tliorovery litllo to soil at 11113' prico.

Fitly thousand dollars in goldcoin caino by tho Australia to Bishop

Co.'s bank.

Diamond Head, IS p.m. Weatherhazy, wind fresh east; barltentinoTropic 13ird ou" port.

Engine. Companies Nos. 1 and 2will hold their regular monthlymeeting this evening.

Purser Laurie J. J?yan, of tho S. S.Australia, has thu thanks of the IJitl-lkt- is

for news favors.

Nearly fill tho plantations onKauai are closed, only two are run-

ning at tho present time.

Tho band will play at tho Hawaiian Hotel this evening for tho bene-fit of passengers by the Australia.

Tho Kinau brought a largo list ofpassongors from Maui and Hawaiito-da- y 80 cabin and 7!) steerage.

Tnmayaua, a Japanese belongingto Hawaii, was committed to tho In-

sane Asylum this morning on thoovidenco of Dr. (Jhas. Petcn-o-n thathis mind was affected.

Tho night-bloomin- g cereus atOahii College will bo in bloom thisevening for tho last time this season.There will bo 70fX) or S(XK) blossomsand tho sight will bo worth seeing.

Tho Queen's birthday, Sept. 2d,was generally observed on Kauai.York was suspended on all thoplantations, although nothing specialwas billed in commemoration of thoday.

Rov. and Mrs. Bishop Willis returned from Hawaii by tho steamerKinau this morning, to welcome thoMisses Adeline nnd Beatrice Willis,who woro passongors by tho S. S.Australia.

Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jones andfamily returned lo their island homoby tho S.S.Australia this morning.Thoy all look well, mora especiallyMr. Jones, whoso shadow has notdiminished.

Emily Kaihumua, a hard nut, wasarrested yesterday afternoon forslapping Miss Cullcn. Emily stalediu Court this morning that such wastho case, but she had been given pro-vocation. She was reprimanded anddischarged.

Ted Pritchard, tho English ht

champion who defeatedTom Smith, was knocked out by JemHall, tho Australian middle-weigh- t,

on August 19th, in London, in fourrounds. The light was fur .?5,000.Jem Hall passed through hero sometimo ago.

A Dahlgron shell andabout half a dozou Hat irons haveboon brought up from tho bay bytho dredge. Tho coral encrustationon tho Jlatirons is supposed lo bo ofthirty years' growth. Thoy are onexhibition in Benson, Smith it Co.'sami's tore.

Two young boys, Kapuhi andKama, escaped from tho Reforma-tory school on Saturday last. Thoywere quickly apprehended and thismorning Kapola was given a changeof rosidonco to Oahu Prison, whileKama was given an extra threemonths in tho school at tho expiration of his former sentence.

Mr. F. M. English, who becamemanager of tho Hawaiian Hotel attho first of this mouth, is intro-ducing reforms in tho . internaleconomy and improvements for thobenefit of the public. The now man-ager has tho qualities of a popularand successful hotel-keepe- r, and thoold Hawaiian may bo expected toprosper under his management.

Coming Visitors.Tho following society item ap- -

pears in tho S. F. Chronicle of August 31 :

"Miss Aileon Ivors, tho Californiabello who is to marry 12. M. Robin-son of tho banking firm of Droxol,Morgan it Co., contemplates spend-ing tho month of November in SanFrancisco with hor mother. Mrs.and Mins Ivors will then go to Hono-lulu to p:is the holidays with Mrs.Irwin, Mrs, Ivors' oldest daughter.Tho date of tho Ivors-Robinso- n nup-tials has not yet boon sot,"

Miss Aileuu ivors was hero sometime .ago with her mother, on a visitto hor sister, Mrs. W. CI. Irwin, andhor many friends will bo happy tohear of another projected visit.

- -

Taka Good Curo of tno Ohildron.

Jf yru l.tiMi childrou yon will bintomsted in thu oxporionco of Mr,.lohn Coo'- - (!' Rilot, Yorniillion Co.,Jll. Ho 8'iys: "Two yours ayo twoof my fain'ly, a yotuif,' man and agirl, had vory sovoro and daiigoronsattacks of bloody llnx. Tho doctorhoro was unablo, aftor it wcok's timo,to chock or ruliovo oithor cao. Ithrow I ho doctor ovorboard and be-gan using Chamberlain's Colic, Olio-lor- n

and Diarrhu'a Hoinedy.was scon vory soon and

my ohildron in a fow dayhfrom what 1 foared would bo thoirdeathbed. It is a grand, good modi-cino.- "

For salo by till dealers, lion-so-

Smith & Co., Agonts,.

When you want u I'orlruit linhtryedvail on l"imj Ikon., jje.t their J'rice. Lint,and gfl &,. Thjij citn't bo bgutl




Wr.iiNiisDAY, Sept. 7, 181)2.

inMorning Session.

Assembly convened promptly at10 o'clock for prayer by the Chap-lain, President Walker in tho chair.Tho minutes of tho previous moot-ing wore read and, as usual, approv-ed.

President Walker announced thatnothing new had transpired relativeto tho Cabinet dead-loc- k to hisknowledge.

Rop. Smith moved that instead ofadjournment tho llouo take a re-

cess until 1:30 p. 111. lo-da-

Noble Cornwell moved that thoHoue adjourn.

Noble Macfarlane said that hofavored a recess as ho had heard that ofHot-- Majesty had addressed a letterto tho chairman of the caucus com-

mittee (Noble Young) and if he washero tho information containedtherein would undoubtedly throwsome light on the situation. But asthe member was absent it would beadvisable, as he thought, to simplytake a recess until afternoon whenNoble Young would bo present.Time would bo gained by a recessand ho was in favor of that motion.

Rop. White seconded the motionto adjourn.

Tho President put tho questionat 10:0S and tho motion to adjournwas carried.

Cabinet Construction.

Among tho latest somi-ollici-

notices of now Cabinets posted attho lobby entrance to tho LegislativeHall are tho following:

von ministers:Foreign Affairs, William R. Castle.Interior, James B. Castle.Finance, George P. Castle.Attorney-Genera- l, Henry N. Castle.


Foreign Affaits, Godfrey Brown.Interior, Frank Brown.Finance, Malcolm Brown.Attorney-Genera- l, Cecil Brown.


Foreign AM airs, Thomas R. Lucas.Interior, Chailes Lucas.Finance, Albert Lucas.Attorney-Genera- l, Georgo Lucas.


Foreign Affairs, John S. Walker.Interior, Thomas Rain Walker.Finance, Johnny Walker.Attorney-Genera- l, Henry Walker.


Foreign A Hairs, C. E. Williams.Interior, H. II. Williams.Finance, J. J. AVilliams.Altornoy-Gonora- l, Bill Williams.


Foreign Affairs, D. P. Peterson.Interior, E. W. Peterson.Finance, Chas. Peterson.Attorney-Genera- l, A. P. Peterson. '


Foreign A Hairs, J. A. Cummins.Interior, W. H. Cummings.Finance, Thomas Cummins.Attorney-Genera- l, Thos.P. Cununins.


Foreign Affairs, Thos. J. King.Interior, J. A. King.Finance, W.C, King.Attoruey-Ciuiiera- l, William 11. King.


Foreign Affairs, C. N. Spencer,Interior, J. G. Spencer.Finance, James Spencer.Altornoy-Gonora- l, Thos. P. Spencer.

(No mora room on this paper, sowon stop.;

Hero's another:

Foreign Affairs, Hon. W. Y. Horner.Tutorior, Little Jack Horner,Finance, Hon, J. M. Hornor.Attorney-Genera- l, Hon, A. Horner.

That Petition.

Editor Bulletin --

Tho xUlvortisor says this morningthat "1 did not soo thu editor or tinyreporter of the Advortisorj no inter-view took place and no rot motionwas made,"

Tho facts tiro that I wimt to thoollico of tho Advertiser several timesthat day and 1 dually intorviowedMr. Paris, who was in charge of thoollico, and who slated exactly as waspublished iu your paper last night,viz., ''that tho article was built up ofM root rumors and was not intendedto hurt myself personally."

If tho Advertiser is so sure thatintimidation was practiced on thomembers of the police force, letit produce onk man who wasthreatened with dismissal oithor bymo or anyone else on tho force if hedid not sign tho petition in quos- -..,,,tton. ;t ono mandid not sign, and has neither boondibiuissod nor warned that ho wouldbo dismissed. --Tho petition and itssignature woro entirely tho work ofthe inen'thoinsolvos, ami no compul-sion was used to make thoiu sign it.

ROIIKUT I'aiikck Waii'a,Rolico Statiou, Sept. 7, 18U2,


Dr. Q. P. Androws Elocted Physicianvico Dr. McKibbin, Resigned.

Tho regular quarterly meeting ofthis corporation wnoheld this morn-

ing at the Chamber of Commerce,Hon. Chas. R. Bishop, vico president,

tho chair, and besides whom tliorowere present of the Board of Trus-tees fourteen members. Tho min-

utes of the adjourned meeting oftho 22d ult. were read and ap-

proved.Tho report of Dr. Robert McKib-

bin, physician of tho Hospital, wasthen read and on motion acceptedand ordered printed. Tho treasurerreported verbally a debt this date loBishop Si Co. of S . Tho report oftho visiting committee was pre-

sented, accepted and the committeedischarged.

Tho election of a physician wasthen announced in order. Mr, J, B.

Athorton desired to add the nameDr. G. P. Andrews to tho list of

nominations made at the last meet-

ing. The secretary by permissionread tho application of Dr. Androwsfor the position of physician, andalso tho declination of Dr. F. R.Day. Air. Cleghorn reported verb-

ally that Dr. G. Trousseau had .also

declined the nomination. Ballotswere then distributed and Air. TomAfay was appointed teller. Tho resultof tho ballot elected Dr. G. P.Androws, physician, and Dr. CD,Wood, surgeon, to servo until theannual election next June.

Hons. II. A. Widomann, C. P.laukea and J. B. Athorton were ap-

pointed 1)3-- tho chair as a visitingcommittee for tho ensuing quarter.Adjourned.

John II. Paty,Acting-Secretar-

To Tim TncsTixs or Tin: Quin:x's A

Hospital:Gentlemen: 1 have tho honor to

submit tho following report for thoquarter ending August 31, 1892:

Tho number of patients at presentin tho Hospital is 71, viz.: 3D Ha-waiia-

(28 males, 1 1 females), 1

Chinese, 5) Japanese ami 22 of othernationalities; 2S paying.

Tho number of admissions duringtho quarter was 118, viz.: 51 Hawai-ian- s

(37 males, 17 females), 5 Chi-

nese, 21 Japanese and 38 of othernationalities.

Discharged, H),", viz.: ol Ilawai-ian- s

(32 males, 1!) females), 5 Chi-

nese, 18 Japanese and 31 of othernationalities.

Deaths, 17; viz.: 8 Hawaiians (ti

males, 2 females), 2 Chinese, 1 Japa-nese and 3 of other nationalities.

Of the above one died ton min-

utes, 0110 forty minutes and fourwithin two days after admission.

Tho causes of death were: Angina-poctori- s

1, Bright 's Disease 2, Con-

sumption (5, Disease of Bladder 1,

Dysentery 1, Hepatitis 1, Alenin-giti- s

1, Ovarian Cyst 1, Pleurisy 1,

Tetanus 1, Typhoid Fever 1.

Tho highest number of indoorpatients was 70; lowest f8; dailyaverage GO. Calls at the dispensary122. Nuinbor of prescriptions 2591.

The total number of patientstreated at tho Hospital was as fol-

lows: June, 1M; July, 103; August,105, Respectfully submitted,

RoiiEirr AIoKiiini.v.

A Fizzle.

Word was received by (he steamerKinau this morning that the Japa-nese who was taken to Olowalu,Maui, by Captain Hopkins yesterdayby the Claudino to identify tho placewhero tho Japanese was murdered,for which two others aro undersentence, failed to rocogui.o tho spotor tho pickaxe and seemed lo knownothing of tho place. Tho Japaneseinspector staled that it seemed thoman had never boon there. Thewhole all'air was a fizzle. It is sup-posed this Jap only wanted to throwtho authorities oil' the trad; ofanother murder ho is accused ofhaving committed.

C, J. McCarthy has lots on Lilihastreet for sale.

Hooting Notices,


TIUO HK.fMTJ.AK COXVKXTIOX UKAT Myatic Lodge No. , KnightH ofI'vthliiH, to be held THIS ( Wednesday)K.YlININtl, the Amplilled Third Itankwill be conferred and other importantbusinesH will be transacted. All Knight'(iiiulllloil are retnteMcii to lie present.

I'er order ul thud. lA. V.OKAlt,

MlS-- lt K.of U. iV B.


MIIKTINU OK Till: HT.Arll'KOIAIi Church AsmicIiUIoii held..,.,..iu the Cathedial Schoolroom at

.1 imv'lil V IH'I.'VIV1t'm, ,.,,1, itlt., I(1 Oonide'r ituMiluiiunM ii!condemnation of the proposed Lottery

' Kehemo, All meiuhern of the AK.sociatlonare letpieHteil to attend and to liriiiK tlu-I- r

frit""! rin-i- t


opened ami u prepared to do llrat- -class work an funnel

A. It, UOWAT.I'rojirietor.

J W, MoJtoKAM). Mauugur,W.iiKi ii ll mllt. . N ', OlfelwiiUIIUllllUI Kl.'!'" ! Blf'

,;- i

Pacific Hardware Co.

White Mountain Ice Cream Freez-

ers. From one quart to 12 quarts.

Tho larger sizes with lly wheel.

All attempts to supersede this

pattern have failed.

Call and get a Whitman Patent

Riding Bit, nickel plated.

Pacific Hahdwaiii. Co., Ld.

Fort SI reel.

VITA Oilyf2S..j.U,,"iiiiSJ'i)PV.

.iwssr'?" ' Trfi

.A. FKT-OEJA- . FORSprains, Bruises,

flufe Rnrnouuio, uuinu,Lame Joints and

Gold on the Lungs.

Remedy Endorsed by the Medical Profession

Mr. .1. L. Goodman, of Auiator, Cal.,Miyi: "I have had repeated opportunityot'oWrvinu and testing the relieving nndhealing iiuality of Vita On. when appliedto painful, and inllaiued parts, 0 inlame joint, piains and bruNc.. I amconfident that to the extent its safe, activeand poweiful healing merits aretried.itwill he considered the indispensable familyremedy.

&&-- For the you will reeeive'.il.iU Testimonial Letlcr. Head one and doyour own thinking.

Mm, Newman & Co.

Wholesale Agents,CO It NT. IS FOIST AX I) IvlXO ST I SHUTS.

Hawaiian Tramways Co., L'd,

On and Aftor Monday, Sept. 12th, the


Will l.lvAVK l'AUOA ( :10 A. M., (1:30,(itfio, and UVUItY 20 MIXUTUSuntil 10:30 1'. M.

f.tF The-- e Cars will run through tovia Queen and lSeretanla streets,

OAceptthe 10:10 ami 10:30 r. m., which willgo to l'alania. On Saturdays the 10:10 v. ji.will go to l'unahou.I.KAVn WIIA1SF 0::;:! . M., ):.-:-!, 7:i:s.

and HVKIJY tf) MIXUTl'.S until10:13 i M.


Will run through to tho Valley, via Queenstreet. Times as at present.


I.r.AVK l'.UKlA (via chool, I'ort andAlaUea stieet.s) a. M., H:X), (onSimdaVH 0:35), U:3.r, lu':3.ri v. M., 1 ::,1:35, .r::i5, 0;3.'i, (for I'.ilama 7:3."i i m.)

VltOM WIIAItK (via Port and Schoolhtieet.s) ,S:3.A. M 0:3, 10:3, 11:3,1:3l'. m., :3, :3, 5:3, il:3 and 7:3 i: t.

tSf All Fort-stre- Cars will connectwitn lteretanin-stre- ct 1'urt. at CentralUnion Church.

gtF Detailed Time Tables may be ob-tained gratis from the Company, or fromlloliion, .ewuian iv ( o,, eonur iing aimKurt htiects.


3 til 4) ?M &


Por S. S. Australia.

At the Beaver Saloon,H. J. Nolto, Proprietor,

nlU-'- it


Steamship Do.For SAN FRANCISCO.

TIIK, Al KTUAMrillU'' ' AUSTR j&JLTJ ' '

wh.i. i.n.vvi; noxoi.ui.i'holt 1111'. Allow, roar ON

Wednesday, September 14th

JT ISTOOsT.Tho underigned are now piuptued to

isue Through Tlcketo from this city lo allpoints iu the United Htates.

For further particulars regarding Freightor I'a&sage apply to

Wm. 6. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,MMJt QjBiiJirul Auydj.

". .u. 1 ...

'.. ,'1 'f'h" f34i ,W,Mi,4: ..iv Mffi3tfr-- .

--rm K-


W t l - S '

jJd-sr3- ' If you don't know the value of rubber hose get aIIosk Rkf.l iitirl see how much longer it will live.

iSS "Hope deferred innketh the heartsick," and un-less you have credit it has a bad effect on the stomach.We offer a discount for cash.

BsS?3" Win." 11 poverty is abolished some one will have toset up an Asylum Tor Homeless Dogs. Our stock of Coi.-la- hr

and Chains for the pets is unlimited.

(( Phere's no mendingthe clothes you've outgrownUur record lor good valuesmonkeved with.


broken record. ' It's

2T oonsKiering now awiuiiy good tue times ot ourgrandfathers were in Honolulu, it's a pity some of thegrowlers were, not young enough to enjoy them. Our pricesconform with the times cheaper than ever.

"True character seldom appears on the surface."The slatternly hole in the heel of one's stocking is usuallycovered by well-polish- ed leather. The character of our NrcwOlotiiks WiMNiSHiis, however, sticks out all over.

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort Street, Honolulu, : : : : Oppo. Sprcckels' Bank.

good only for smallerprompt delivery not been

tilt ii






104 Poi't SU'sot, Honolulu.

Commence Monday, August 29, 1892,


Two Weeks Only !


--r GREAT SACIUrTCE -All Goods will bo Marked in Plain Figures and

Sold fox Oatslx Orxl-- y

Bona-fid- e Sale ! ogr Positive Bargains !


TWO WEEKS 'ONLYThe Popular Millinery House.

ee: e



AVu curry in stock tho following Woll-know- n Brands :

Liebig's Extract of Meat,

Armour's Extract of Beef,

Parke Davis & Co.'s Beef Jelly,

Wyeth & Bros' Beef Juice,Valentine's Meat Juice,

Johnston's Fluid Beef,

Mospera Beef Meal,

Mosquera Beef-Caca- o.


109 Port Street, - - Hoaaolvilvi, H. I.

just receivedFer Bu.rlt " t'

A kui:kii 1NVOICK OK

Hay, Grain, Feed Best Refined Alcohol!I

N1 For Mechanical & Medical Purposes.

CROWN FLOUR In 1 and 5 Gallon Demijohns'

For Sale Cheap lu Quantities to Suit. at ti. nm:



JOHN F. COLBURN & CO.,i'JJl tjjiceu lrceL l1

a likemen.





H. Hackfeld & Co.


, l.T'.S 3Per O-a-lloi- a

I'.is. INl'LUDlN'n I'ONTAISKH. ',liu

Wit' 'ivrt IhiitU to send to your friends(ifiriKiif in Kilty, Htm. "lllMtrnted

u'bJoh ia gallon up forAftMHrjigifl,(imtnoJunJ'flrti!M'n. ;

Page 4: WEDNESDAY, SEl'TEMl CENTS. CTOBIlsr IsTOTT, Steel Iron Ranges · 2015. 5. 30. · Lainiis, Itugs.llureniis, Chelloniirs, SK etc,, Sold Cheap for (ash at the I.v I,, coiner JMiuaiiii

JUlo Nowb.

Hilo is not going bnckwnrri. Sloro-kcupo- rs

arc not eninplniniug of dulltiinos. Three nii'o now buildingshnvo boon eroded latoly and ono isnow occupied. The. .lapaneso mis-

sion, located on the main street, wastorn down and a bountiful now oneerected, much larger and of a dif-

ferent stylo of architect uro. It hasbeen all at tho oxpensoof the .lapan-eso, as thoy said thoy did notwish contributions from outsiders.Tho church will seal two hundred orinoro. It is beautifully painted incolors selected by our home artist,Mr. C. 17urnonu. Tho pulpit (01

desk) is of beautiful design. Themis a platform on which it rests, alsoa cabinet organ, on which Mrs. Fur-neau- x

plaj's, and those who load thomusic, sit. Tho mission is in a very t

prosperous condition. Jlev. dimOknbo is much liked. There is amissionary at llonomu, How Mr.Oku, who lately arrived from Japan,who has been very successful in thatcountry. Kov. O. 11. Gulick, whohas labored with him in Japan,speaks in tho highest terms of him.There is also a missionary at Hono-kaa- .

Tho Hawaiian Board are en-

titled to many thanks for doing sowell by tho Japanese.

Two doors above the JapaneseChurch is tho now building erectedby Mr. Silva the photographer,which is also an ornament to Hilo.It has every convenience. The mainroom is beautiful, as also the di eas-

ing room. Probably there is nobetter artist on tho islands. Picturesaro truthful and wear well. Eachpicture is a portrait. He has had 12."

years' experience as a photographerin California and the islands.

On tho corner of Front and Wni-anuen-

streets is tho new store ofAntonio Serrao, also an ornament toHilo, and is opposite tho store of L.Tumor.

Tho Steon-Sniit- h Combinationhave given three entertainments,and gave general satisfaction, butthe first two nights to small but ap-

preciative audiences. The last night,Saturday, there was a largo house.

On Saturday evening the Portu-guese Mission gave an ice for tho purpose of raisingmoney for an oran. As usual thereworo for sale flowers, cake, lemonade,home-mad- e candies, netting a nicesum. The ico cream, made by Mrs.Piorra, was perfectly delicious andall who tasted praised it. So wasthe homo cocoanut candy made bytho ladios praised.

Glad to know that tho Volcanoroad is making rapid strides undertho now management. It should befinished this year. J. A. M.

Hilo, Sept. f, 1892.

An Ignored Reply.

Editor Bulletin--:

Tho followingletter was handed to tho editor oftho Advertiser last night, and as thatpaper made no allusion to it in to-

day's issues and has not retracted itsfalso statomonts, T ask for its inser-tion in your columns.


Mn. Editor: Thoro is a popularsuperstition in Honolulu to thoeffect that tho editor of tho Advor-tise- r

is a gentleman. Does tho fol-

lowing excerpt from journalconfirm such a belief, or does it sus-

tain your journalistic motto of "Bojust"?

"The 'white-washe- d' American em-ployed in a planing mill is threaten-ed with a loss of his position unlessho indites letters to gratify thespleon of his warrant shaving em-ployers."

I mado certain charges againstyour paper under my signature intho Bulletin, charges that you couldnot rofuto. I conducted my side oftho controversy in decent Englishand in a gentlemanly manner, andyou have replied like a blackguard.Tho insinuation above quoted that Ihave been influenced or coerced intowriting a single lino for or againstyour paper or tho proposed lotteryis an unqualified falsehood. I canreadily understand that you shouldimagine that a mechanic is obligedto submit to tho will of his employ-ers in such matters, for the intellec-tual ounuch, commonly called nn edi-

tor, is obliged to sacrifice his mentalindependence to tho policy of thopaper. To become a quill-drivin- g

automaton and to await the approv-al of his chiof before the

products of his pencan moot the public gaze. Fortun-ately tho world moves and the Gal-lilo-

of industrial life aro no longerobliged to whisper that fact on thethreshold of a prison. T think youowo tho gentlemen you have sogrossly insulted, my employers, asample an apology as you latoly ex-

tended to Miss Calhoun for a similarcowardly attack. As for myself, J

am not at all offended with yourcoarse innuondos, for I am awarethat my letters must have furnishedyou considerable amusement, andI always strive to annuo.

ICalph Tuhneh.Honolulu, Sept. (5, 1892.


uiiuiH of IntereRtlui! Heading .Matter.Islands. $4: HiaUeU to'foreh;" eouutrius, $0.

y iFfc tf

TitiiBTTTii mfW MKMBMwnMME3ni&

Undo Sam Won't Hiwo It.ISntTon Bt'Lt.r.Tix :

The lottery men ask for tho un-

restricted use of the Hawaiian mails.We aro a member of tho Postal

Union. How long would wo remaina member of tho Postal Union, ifthis thing woro established horo? Ifthere is a. plague-spo- t hero, don't,you suppose tho civilized world willestablish a quarantine?

You say that is not our business.It is very much our business. If webuy property ol a man, wo proposeto examine his title to the real estate.If we make a little deal with thedeil, wo propose to count his chips.

The people of tho United Stateshave expended treasure and madesacrifices to suppress tho lottery.Will they receive lottery mail? Willhoy allow lot lory cable messages? In

cipher? Yes, and tho HawaiianGovernment will receive their moneyin cipher too. We want our moneydown!

If tho cable is built by a lotterycompany, tho United Stales will notallow tho end to land on theirshores.If the bulk of our mail matter isknown to bo lottery mail, it will notbo allowed to land at any port in thoUnited Slates. It will bo watchedand excluded as effectually as Chi-

nese immigration. The scheme is

not feasible, and tho fool-kill- er is

liable to stop our way.If we are to become the bye-wor- d

of the civilized world wo don't wantto become its laughing slock. Itwould be a pretty sight to see thoworld holding itsuoe with ono handand pointing at us with the other.

Sept. 7, 1892. J. P..

It Will Break Dillingham.

Editor Bulletin :

livery man who signs his name totho petition in favor of tho lottery,signs the death warrant to Mr. Dil-

lingham's success abroad. Everythinking man knows it. There ammany people in this community, whoaro waiting eagerly for his return,knowing thai if successful in his mis-

sion, it means honest work andhonest pay to hundreds of laboringmen in our midst, who can therebymake for themselves a comfortableexistence to say the least. Hawaiihas been her own worit enemy morethan onco in recent history. Willshe go down to a suicide's grave at.

last? Is Mr. Dillingham to returnempty-hande- d, and find that hisyears of effort and labor have boondestroyed by the hands of men hetrusted to sustain at homo, tho inte-

grity and honesty of tho country heis representing abroad? W. L.

Sept. (i, 1S.)2.

The First Law of Nature.

Tho balloon was tugging at thoropes that held it, as if eager tobound upward into tho tracklessdopths of space.

Tho aeronaut, pale but d,

stood at tho side of the bas-

ket giving his final directions to thomen in charge of the ropes.

As ho was preparing to take hisplace in tho frail vessel in which howas about to navigate tho air an ex-

cited young man with a hunted lookin his eyes rushed up and asked himhurriedly:

'Will this balloon take up twomen?"

''ft will," answered tho aeronaut."Is the basket strong enough for

two?""Yes.""Then 1 want to make tho trip

with you.""Young man, do you know any-

thing about the dangers of a balloonvoyage?"

"No, sir; but. I'm not, afraid ofthorn."

"Do you see that it is gettingcloudy in the west, that tho wind is

rising, and a storm is coming up thatmay carry us 500 miles from hero be-

fore we come down?""That's all right. It doesn't scare

mo a cent's worth. I'd rather gothan stay, and I'm ready to climb if

right now.""What's your business, young

man?""I'm a newspaper reporter.""Oh! you want to go along to write

tho thing up?""No!" said the young man, wildly.

"I'm trying to dodge the cityoditor.He's looking for a reporter to sendto write u) a Woman Suffrage con-

vention!" Chlvuu" '1'rtlmnr.t m

Saved, a Woman's Iiifo.

Mr, J. 13. Tlioroughgood, writingfrom Georgetown, Delaware, says:"Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhum Rem-

edy saved tho life of Mrs. .lauoThomas, of this place." ilo alsostates that several other very badcases of bowel complaint there havebeen cured by this remedy. Forsale bj' all dealers. J5onson, Smith& Co,, Agents.

Old Rags Wanted.

Clean white rags, suitable for band-ages, aru wanted for uso at tho HishopHomo and the Hoys' Homo, LeperSettlement, Molokai. Ring up 281Mutual telephone, and they will besent for; or leave tho same at theotlico of tho Hoard of Health, or atJ. T. Watorhouso's, Queen fit root.

When you want a 1'ortrait JiiiUtrjlfil

cull on Kintj JSron., jet their Price. List,ami nee. Hampka. They can't be beat!

Golden Rule Bazaar,


JPmst, Received.NEW DOMESTIC



TOILET SOAPSAt jirlct'K which wo eslnltlhhed on

comiiii'iu'liiK CASH llusini'si.

Turkish Bath Soap, 4 Gakos 25 cts.Farina Bouquet, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

Oatmoal Soap, 4 Cakos 25 cts.Curly Maple, 4 Cakos 25 cts.

And Other Soaps at 3 for 25 Cents.

fSf See our Fine Line of




Blank Books of all Descriptions.

Base Balis, Tennis Balls, Tennis Rackets.

6F Cull ami -- ei1 our floods bifuu buy-ing el-- e here. L:it hut not least

a l.usui: vAiur.TV or

Novels & Popular Bound Books.

Jcwarc of Imitations !

fen-- J


1 CAUTION tho I'uldie iigainst the oll'er-ing- sof "Normal bnnltiiry Jaeger

Underwear" udveiti.-e- d by uiiM:nimioiishouses to mislead tins imlilic. The

Genuine Normal Sanitary



lf Cannot lie iiurehaboil there, hutonly at niv Store.

e. OtOI.:d:b:e:r,c3-- ,


For the Hawaiian Thiamin of Dr. mod. 0.Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear.




Elite Ice Cream Parlors,Wish to inform the, l'uhliuof Hono-lulu and all lesidents of the otherIslands that they have scented theservices! of Jlr. Charles I.udwigt-en- ,

an expert Candy Maker of long ex-

perience, and who is particularlyfamiliar with theitastes of all loversof sweeti.

Having recently made great im-

provements and added new machin-ery to onrextensive Candy Factory,we nre now hotter ahle than everlieforo to supply the puhlie withHigh (irade Confections of Unsur-passed Quality and Strictly I'uiiiand Wholesome Material. Ourmotto will always ho

"not how l'huai', hut now noon"can we mulco the Candies.

Yours, anxious to please,1IAUT & CO, li'K Cki:ah I'Aiu.omami Candy Faimokv,



Life, Fire and Marine



New England Mutual Life Insurance Co,,


.Etna Fire Insurance Co.,


Union Insurance Co.,




Piano Lessons


Residence 13 Emma St. Mutual Tel, 321,605-l- w


Are Kccelviiig New InVolt.os of






Where they arc fully prepared lo do allMuds of work in the latest styles at

the shortest notice and at themost Hates.

Fine Job Work inColurs a Specialty!

- i


Executed in the Most AttractiveManner.



KpwI the following partial list of spec-ialties and get the Ulm.i.utik's prices hu-fo- rc

placing your order-- . 15y so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Head?,Note Heads,

iiill Hcadf,Memorandums,

Hills of Lading,.Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Chuck lioolis,Legal lilanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cimls,

Visiting Cauls,HusinesH Cardh, Curds,Admission Cauls,

Kr.ilornul Cardp,. Time Cauls,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Theatre Tickets,Suliolur&hip Certifieates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Cortilicuten,

IteuoipU of till kinds,I'liuitation Orders,

Promissory K')ten,J'uinphloth,


LuIkiIm ul (ivinj variety,I'utitioiiH in any language,

Knvul(imH &. Letter Circiilurt,Spiirtiiig Scorew & JlecordH,

ruriiulusil Withliing LiHtH,

General Hook Work,ISI11.. ICtu., Etc., Etc.,

i'rliited, uiiil Hloeked when ileslred.- -

t8T No Job is allowed to leave tho of.lieu until II gives uatisfaetion.



Honolulu. II, I.

IM-'o- .


Manufactured from Pure Malt


Brewing Association.



No Corn or Corn Preparations used iu plaeo of .Malt, as U done hy oilier Kast-c- m

llrmvurics in oritur In elienpen the cost of their lleer, and to compote with ourwoild-- i unowned and iuMly famed article,lXij C. riAtfcXsifeSari,i-astuJassi- J

With the Completion of the Wew Brewhouse,the Brewing; Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity: C kettles every 24 hours, C,000 Barrels, r 1,800,000

Barrels per year.Consumption of Material: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 3,600,000

bushels per year. Hops: 7,.500 lbs. per day 2,250,000 lbs. per year.No Corn or Corn Preparations are used in the manufacture

of the Bp.f.u. It is, therefore, the highest priced but the'lost wholesome and really the least expensive for its superior quality.

' Annual Smi'PiNc Capacity ; Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs.

The ANiii:uM:u-r.use- n Co. have carried oil' tho Highest Honors and thejllighest(!las Gold .MedaK wherever they have competed. At all of Urn International Kxhihi-tion- s

Ihioughoul the world their lteer K.eelled All Others. I

This Company have pieparcd a Special of their Highest Giade lteer for theHawaiian Islands, lcnown as "SPHOlAIi IIIUJW," with a handsome lahel and in WhiteHollies, which, with their hest "KXPOUT ANHKUSI01! " in Dark lloltles, lieielofoicimported, we will now supply to the Trade iu Quantities to Suit.

G. W. MACPARLANE & CO.,Avoids for tho Hawaiian Islands.


REAL ESTATE BROKERFire Insurance Placed. Collections To.







- Celebrated High Grade Cano Manures.

Wo are also iriiiarod to take orders for

Rossi's. N, 01alR.iiclt &Oo.'oFertilizors,

Insuring puiiiipl delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!ills is a superior Paint Oil,

less iiigment than Unseed Oil, andgiving a lasting hiilllimuv to cidois,Used Willi driers it gives a snlendid HourMirfurt.

Lime, Cement,ItHFl.N'MDHlHIAIIB,


FairbaukCanuing Co.'b Corned Boof

I'AIIAl'lltili i'MNf C'O.'h

Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel &

PaintKsjwlulJy designed for Vacuum I'aus,

and Highest Grade Hops!




Evor-lasti- no


LIFE and



Hartford Firo Insurance Co.,

Assets, $6,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, 84,317,002.

Thani83 anil Kersey Marine Ius. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, SG,124,057.

New York Life Ius. Co.,Assets, 8125,947,290.81.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

Mer. Ji)iji Jlron.are xhowinu a fineline of llamhmt uud other ktijk J'urlorHatch, Wall Jlruc.hcts, ami WindowCornices, at Price to meet the ('.





Pierced WorkNow so Popular


KOlt SOUH 1IKII1 (lllAl)K (1001)8.

IT. F. W1C11MANT. V. HKVI'.MX. A. W. 110 I.ST Fit.

Aloha Gallery,Kort nt.( over V. (iertz's Shoe Store.



Sueli af Xatives Mailing Voi Grass HouschHawaiian Style Hiding JlulnhuluDaneors Coeoanut Groves I'alm

and Date Groves Street Viewsand lIuildinAVar Vessels

Shipping and MarineViews, Kte., Ktc.

ANo a Large Collection of all Prominentand Interesting Views of the HnwniinnIsland, either Mounted or Unmounted.

Books of Hawaiian ViewsMade up to Order at the most Jteasonnhle

Itutcs in Honolulu.

Cabinets SG and S5 a Dozen.(1) . O. llox 498 tf

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(MM1TKD)

Win. G. Irwin, President and ManagerGlaus Spreekels, - - - - nt

V. M. GitUml, Secretary and TreasurerTheo, O. 1'orter ...... Auditor

STjLga.r FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS Ol' THE

Oceanic Steamship Company,OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAh.


General MercantileAND

Commission Agents.1 . O. Curt er President and ManagerG. II. l'ohertson.. TreasurerK. F. IJishoi) SecretaryW. F. Allen AuditorHon. C. 11. JJishon.S.C.Allen ziDirectorsII. Waterliouse,,


The Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. and CoffeeAT ALL HOURS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.




Wholesale and Retail Butchers


G-- . J. Waller, Manager.




White and Black SandWllleh wo will hell ut (ho Very Uwest

Miiilcet llutes for Cash,

Bell 414 TELEPHONE - - Mutual 19

For Sale.


OF HOUSKHOLDAFULLRKT it HtiiudH. The Ia'iiso ofthe l'liiiiiibCH No. U'J Fort street, is ulsooli'ered lor disiosiil, Further jmrtleuluraon implication 10

MltS. l'EDLKIt,103-- tf On the nreiuiaos.


O HOHKK POWKltUl'ltlOHTUAXTKIl'L Kiminu uud Holler, In good workingolder. For luii'tiuulura or tnrniH uiiily to thix


jS'Jil jatlJlJg Jlc . :jh& Si. LmOOowu.- - t, fb l 4HZ&H& 4& Aii:.ulMi: Li& aUw . ilj2kS&
