wednesday woman ur idenl for...

Fair and Warmer Tonight Thursday LAST EDITION NUMBER 4857 WASHTSTGrTOISr WEDNESDAY EVUNOTG OCTOBER 2 1907 PRICE ONE CENT i ffir ashington ar me sand + Justice Ford Signs Order Directing them to Show Cause Charge of Combination to Raise Tolls Made by Jackson KEW YORK Oct 2 Justice in the supreme court has feigned orders at the instance of General Jackson directing the Weston Union Telegraph Com pany and the tal Telegraph Company to show in the court Friday why he should toot have permission to sue them forfeiture of their charters Attorney General Jackson made to Justice Ford this for permission to com Zmence suit in the peoples name fegainst the Postal and Western tfnion Telegraph Companies to va late both corpprations charters kind annul their existence so far as fefew York State is concerned Contracts to Fix Rates He maintains they have entered Into Contracts to fix rates on messages with Ur New York or filed In New York to olnts In the United States and else The attorney genocal charges that the agreements to which he refers have In an Increase In rates In many Instances to 20 per cent than was charged before tfce now ttarlft was established It la alleged too that at Lake Placid iiN Y companies do business in the office and are represented by i joint agent Inspired by Strikers The Aitomey Generals action follows fcers of the Commerlelal Tele Union to Induce the State to attack companies charters on the ground that they were sending messages filed and accepted telegrams by mall and ex- press and were therefore not doing a telegraph business Whether the present attack merely a change In or bas Ire connection with the telegraphers complaints Is not yet clear Superintendent Chancellor Declares Negroes Are Dead Weight Unfortunately In this city we have p problem to solve which is seen In few ether largo towns I refer to the rice In this city we have the larg negro population of any city in the Hcountry anti owing to sentiment it is necessary to place thorn In separata schools They are a dead weight hold back many improvements that could otherwise be carried Into eltect This was a part of a very strong ad jflress made by Dr William E Chan Superintendent of the Public Schools at the opening fall meeting of rthe Columbia Heights Citizens Associa- tion hold at the Savoy last night Negroes Stop Improvements Dr Chancellor declared that many In faovatlons that he felt would be bene- jflclal were prevented by the Inferior In of the negroes While offer ting no suggestions as to how the evil be remedied Dr Chancellor stated that it was a situation that would nand serious Intention In the near fu- ture The large number of negro schools tld he housing as they do no Incon siderable portion of Washingtons chil- dren are a hindrance to tho white schools improvements that I would have personally suggested have been Jroppod because they would affect both the whlto and black pupils Want University Site The meeting was largely attended by the members of the association Hoyt Sherman one of the trustees for thu estate on which the association hopes to persuade George Washington Uni- versity to build Its new college was present at the meeting and suggested that a committee be appointed to con- ic with the George Washington Uni- versity board in tho near tuture with c view to finding what chances the as- sociation had tof securing the university- on Columbia Height The uncultivated space of ground at the corner of Fourteenth street and Columbia road which has been pro posed at different meetings as j site for a large and extensive park was recommended as the site for a public gymnasium by George Simmons At the end of Considerable discussion the association decided to allow the lot to rest peacefully for time to come as there is at present no feasible way of either getting a park or erecting- a gymnasium TELEGRAPH COSi SUED BY STATE fOR CHARTERS At- torney cause morning where vigorous effort the striking m nJ jfhijisr a means AYS BLACKS BAR BETTERING SCHOOLS roblem CSt ng t can tie Many om 1 r Ford su- preme for the re- t ulted amount- ing ore same 1 is by the 4 s t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ For Custody of Child Woman Fights Husband Wife Feared Kidnaping Photo lIT StlMle MRS A J WEDDERBURN JR Who Has Been Sued by Her Husba nd for Possession of T Child PaIne Mrs Feels Sure Courts Will Up- hold Herr GourseT- M of Alexander J Wwafler burn obtain possession tit Tilfe twoyearOld daughter Helen by habeas corpus proceedings will be bitterly tested by the little girls mother the child Is brought Into the District Supreme Curt on Friday Mrs Wed derbun said today that she had been move of this sort on the part of hor husband from whom she separated about September 1 and that In relieving her suspense the suit was in sense of the word welcome 1 left my husband about four on account of his treatment sold Mrs WedderbUTn and canto to Wash- ington to live with my mether Mrs Lucy Pollock of 1119 Seventeenth street northwest Prior to this time my and I had lived in Fairfax county Virginia As as we separated my husband began to make threates that he would gain possession of my baby At first he attempted a reconclllatipn but his repentance might not be did not return to Threats to Kidnap Baby- It was evidently not genuine for he has spice vowed that he would get Helen even though he had to kidnap her and I have nut dared to leave her since coming to Washington for fear that he might carry out his throats He knows that in Helen ho would have a stick to hold over my head for I could not live without my baby and this probably accounts for the method he had taken in attempting to wrest her from me I am not afraid of the Issue in the courts and rather than be in this sus- pense would rather have the matter settler I will pot discuss the reasons for our separation now but believe that I can show the court that the little girl belongs to me and that I was justified in the action I have taken When I was forced to leave my husband I came baok to my mother Wife Ready to Tell Story I dread the embarrassment of all but prefer s ing into court and telllrtg my story rather than being In continual suspense as I have teen for over a month expecting every moment to see some one attempt to take my lit- tle glrl from me Little Helen for whom the two are fighting happily around her mothers knee while the recital was taking place and was willing to make friends with tho visitor You see how beautiful she is said her mother She will go to any one I and for this reason I have to watch her closely I left her for the first half hour today in a month and was fright cntd dreadfully when told by my nurse that a strange man had been here and asked to her This I now learn was you Will Fight for Child Mrs Wedderburn said that tho papers In the case had not yet been served upon hot and a Times reporter first brought her information as to the fil of suit She said that she would immediately notify her attorneys of and prepare to fight for the possession of child Mr declined to discuss the matter other than to admit that such a suit has been tiled In his he alleges that Iris wife left him on September 1 taking with htsr their that his wife Mrs Helen Weddurburn and Mrs Lucy D Pollock her mother be required to produce the baby in court next Both Mrs Wcdderburn and Mrs Pollock said how- ever had nothing to do with th retention of and should not have been named in the papers when a one weeks ago soon It See In t e er urn e efforts eon expecting hus- band genuine bar- ber pe- tition ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Chief Naval Station Es tablished Within 300 Miles of England EBRLIK Oct 2 Germanys most naval move In In- volving a direct menace to Great Britain has just been determined on by the gdvarnmtuit This Is the transfer of naval headquarters from Kiel to WT- helmshaven establishing Germanys chief nal station within 000 miles of the British coast and the Kaisers entire fleet within sixteen hours sail of It IF intention to station all the Gor man Dreadnought at Wllhelmshaven which will be the base from which all naval maneuvers will be directed in the future No efort Is being wade by Germany to conceal her intention thus to read- just the balance of naval power In tire North sea and the authorities with their plans with disregard to Englands view of this of base BRITAIN MENACtU BY REMOVAL OF GERMAN FLEET yearsone Im- portant Eng- land seeding apparent ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SIGNALS FAULT fcTEUBENVILLE Ohio Oct to defective signals and heavy fog two traction cars on the Steubenville and Toronto line crashed together north of this city this morning Motorman Noah Adams was caught- in the wreck his leg being broken Ho has fatal internal injuries Motorman John Doerr jumced sprain ing his ankle Twenty were injured among tho following Allison bruised Ross Devlin left log injured cuts on head Matthew Edwards head cut Thomas bruised Edward Richards Violet An- derson of Canton Ohio and John Mc Cuilough MRS ELIZABETH J SIMMS LEAVES ESTATE TO SONS The will of Mrs Elizabeth J Slmms filed today loaves to her son Richard D Simms the house and goods situated at 1250 street The residua of the estate is to be held in trust by the executor for her two sons Charles N and Richard D Slmma and Is to be divided equally Richard D is named as executor The will Is dated December 15 1902 MANY CASES OF TYPHOID- At the close of the week ending Sep- tember 28 as shown by the health re- port for that period issued this mornjhgr there were 270 cases of typhoid fever In the There were fortythree nw cases reported for the week with twentyone cases discharged five by death There Is a of cases of diphtheria under quarantine with new panes reported an In crease of ten cases arts three discharges TROLLEYS COLLIDE AT 2Due ors Shannon leg and neck cut and househpld 1 I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Former T pton Mayors Ribs Bf Testi fies Doctor TRENTON 1CJ dot 2 Tesllmony charging that exMayor Joseph B alUe was beaten in the Morris Plains Asylum was given at the inquiry the asylum affairs being conducted tho Hahn Investigation committee Dr Alvan Van Syokle ex mayor of llackettstown testifced that Seattle was committed to the Morris Plans Asylum January loG The witness vibiU- dJcattle In the asylum two days after lie was tak there He swore l at Bealtle recognized him and said Doc- tor that brute almost Killed me Tic witness him and found two ribs broken The witness then hunted up Dr Htr ford and told the latter that some at- tendant had beaten Boaottla He got the two attendants Mitchell and before him and Boattlr recognized Mitchell as tho man who had beaten him DYiNG STATEMENT Former Sheriff Brown Connected With Boise Cases Terribly Injured BAKl R CITY Ore Oct This Is a stats of great ejcpit nsnt today and aM Js 8 and of on try rer former Sueriff Harvey Brown who was terribly injured by the explosion Of a bomb as he opened the gate to his home on Monday night The was planned ir the same manner as the that killed former Governor Steunen berg of Idaho Jn IMS antemarten statement Brown said I on my way home from uptown night when I met a man n front of residence which Is a block homo I luve been conscious of kixvlng boon iv Hovnd for thsee weeks and I have nn doubt that those who attempted tnr life are persons connected 7i4i the Wtatern ederatlon of Miners count of my cnmv i enberg and Steve Adams cases Commission Will Hear Real Estate Owners Next OlEO Ur BLOWS fROM NURSE IS CHAHGtD I Insane Into by In I VICTIM OF BOMB ACCUSES MINERS 1 y- In 4USQUwI the antemQ mtemnt explo len one Was i and that I marked for on ac with the Steun UNDER ADViSEMENT H o ken to death examined Dono- van l business Depended groups tNw of last tom- my arts oath CLAIMS CONTESTS ¬ ¬ ¬ < The Union Station grade claims com- mission has concluded its hearings In connection with the appraisement of the damages which have resulted to the property fronting on Third street be- tween M and N streets northeast owing to a change made by the District Com missioners in the grade of Third street The commission took the case under advisement announcing that It would report Its llndings to the court within the next few dii s The next claims for damages to up by the commission bo those filed by the owners of the real estate on the north tide of McCuilough street in square 62S The commission will meet and ainJrte this property Monday afternoon and on the day meet jat the City Hall and the hearing of testimony relative to the damages sustained by the claimants Try It A lady said to the clerk In F P Wellers pharmacy 3534 M street northwest some weeks agoDo you ever buy homemade candies and cakes or do you know anyone wno does I make awfully nice things and have time to do it Just now at vaca tion tires a little extra sioney would come in very hand I would suggest advertising said the clerk We have a rime Want Ad Branch here The lady now has more orders than she can fill bE- taken ex- Yust i II wilt t r ¬ ¬ > ¬ Pre idenl Welcomed I By Chorus of Cheers At to St Pier Louis Millionaire Was Accused of Keeping a Woman Prisoner on Yacht NSW YORK Oct 2 Oliver Weadall BarneS II wire swooped down on New York some months ago with money to and a liking for greenback smoke and wfce startled by seaiier- alttf nngi7 married s d lenV In- Jeflfersen It r at l this and his bride are eajoytee their honeymoon la Mftnlttutn bride who said she was Edna Browning McGoron er 901 Lexington avenue Brooklyn is a member of the chorus of the Fascinating Flora com- pany Barnes marriage so soon after his experience at where be went on a chartered motor beat the Marlquita a girt who accused him of keeping her on board the craft her will created surprise After this episode a dispatch from Plttsburg was to be appointed for the spendthrift in that he could be kept from spending all his patri- mony Since was Barnes has kept himself in the background Barnes fs part owner of the Hotel Rand of which Wilson Mlzner the husband of Mrs Charles T Yerkes Is manager Barnes bought this because he objected to the service under Use former management Confers With Purdy and Makes Little Attorney General Bonaparte announced today that he has taken up certain alleged corporation evils with B Purdy his clilef trust buster jost back from Europe There Is nothing definite that I can say at this time he nupuad in response- to a question as to whether any imme diate was to tie begun One of his interrogators remarked that Pres- ident KooseveltB speeches In the West indicated a purpose to educate the peo ple to the idea of some man of enor mous wealth being put behind the bars Cold you say whether such Is the purpofo of department he was asked With a characteristic Bonaparte smile and a of the shoulders he re- sponded I Ul persons who have been so fortunate i 3 to amass considerable wealth have done so by strict obedience to the law and an exhibition of T1 Ute virtues which to mako up good citizenship If however it should turn out owing to the weaknesses of human one or nore of them have to some extent astray from the fold we may perhaps take such action us may them The Attorney General said there was to eny at this time relative to the Harriman case It may be some little time before we can public such decisions as we reach In to an Inquiry he declared that the department not taken up any new trust investigations DENIES DIVORCE PLEA OF GEORGE C HENNING I today dismissed a a case Mr Kenning was formerly president- of the Traders National Bank Mr Mrs have been married about four years and the suit was filed a year ago WEDS AT MIDNIGHT OLIVER VI BARNES WINS CHORUS GIRL burn Bread e I aleck rmg t dif Th JUIU VUh where Barnes held forth and his millions said a guardian hotel SEES TRUSrBUSTER Speech Milton utlon b feature gone tlon for divorce byGeorse C Hen Hennln r r ashwng tea thl ety Sues net 7A1tiul made di- vorced BONAPARTE rid tt tics ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < After Drive Over City Address Is Delivered AuditoriumS- T LOUIS Oat 2 TAe oU stecn wheel steamer MtwisrtiwU with the big flag of the President oC the United States flying from her peak slipped the tads bridge b fcir 9 Retook this uaerslns nonrtjr an UWlp IMM her The cloud vf gaily steamers tugs launches aa l plaasur cirJt of all adscrtptlons that was awftiting the arrival chorused a aolsy- wokxMae with bens sireaa ad just plain whistles and the President on out on deck to acknowledge the wel eonf ay wvj s his hat CKpt Seth and Lieutenant Mo- Ilh aay at the Presidents side when he made Me at Levee At 190 the cemmittne the busines orpaftlzaaons drove to the levee to receive the PteeWent and a few min- utes later the Mteeteeippt steamed up to the toe snSP 5 out and the President came over at double ttlek pace escorted by his Se cret Service guards a d secretaries By George this is Just splendid he said as he surveyed the the line of decorated boats and the bunting decked business houses on the levee Just as the parade started a down pour of rain began to fall but standing in his carriage waving his right hand to the crowd on one side and his hat In his left to the other of Vie street the President greeted the the line The seat in the carriage was a of water AH carriages In tbe parade were covered handshaking with the of the committee the President en tered a carriage and rtth the members- of his party was driven around town and then to the wjiere he made in address TJh great Amflrlcnn cocktail is miss- ing front the men cf the luncheon which was served to PresWe t Ro sc halt today The committee put the sot pedal on the chef And wilt none of drink that lost Vice President Fairbanks a lay delegateshlp to a church conference However thero be champagne and At the Wood river refinery below Al- ton this naming 1WO Standard OH en- ployes fired twentyone charges of to the Presidents boat as a salute The superintendent had the 1900 em yelling lustily and waving flags DELUGE OF RAIN FAILS TO DAMPEN ARDOR OF PARTY a blue e loo arrival decorated Be lock were ReceIved representing dock crowd After mem- bers have U iU dyna- mite rIver bank ead RICH PRINCESS WORKS EVANSTON I L un- der ohe4sIa tip Presidents appearance c as thrown side thou- sands Auditorium brandy os man ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ Chicago Suburb well Done by Clever Woman Swindler CHICAGO Oct today Is afraid It dons not knew a real prlness tram Imitation Several citizens there are iiowalllns sums ranging front K to 00 Mrs Elizabeth Volk Is J cause She said her real name was Bus beth Wyndlscltkraflmtz that sha was an Austrian prlncoss princess A few weeks ago she started the re- port that she was to receive 21000000 from the family and estate Meantime she money One man loaned her 300 on condition he should Today the Is missing Po- lice and the Austrian consul are 2Evanston fin and receive of tho forane advanced or i tit W SIB n rinses Investi- gating ¬ >> in Death of Vinegar Factory Employe Victim of Tragedy Found Many Hours After End FellowWorkers Think Accident Was the Cause E lHg1 with his head split open William Abigail an employe of the Corbj vinegar factory at Langdon D C was found dead this morning by Edward Karey fireman of the factory The death of Abigail is shrouded- in mystery for there was no one about the place had seen him or had any intimation that a trag edy had occurred until Karey found the body of the dead man shortly after 10 oclock this morning Many Theories Advanced Many theories have bees advanced as to how he met his death but the mst plausible solution to his feliawem- nteyes is that he was In the BMLohtaary In way and received a bloW which his skull and which must raattitad in fnstantaneous death A little M oclock Karey went loco the engine coom to attend to his dudes and on the floor lay the body of Abigail vtvtf a terrible cut through bend which laid his skull open and it wee evident that h had The Codas was notified and Win make an of tile ease Lit- tle is known of AblgaH was well thought of ky M aaseciatds who are of the that ill feftlh was purely accidental He lived hi M L Presidents Policy Outlined in Speech At St Louis Today Apply constitutional power so as to cover changes conditions have undergone since the adop tion of the laws of the country Gain controller corpor- ations and supervise them Determine what is State and what is national com merce Government control of all industrial corporations Improve river transpor tation facilities Do it gradually so as not to work hardships on the tax- payers Build levees on the lower courses of the Mississippi river to protect bottom lands from floods Maintain forcible navy to hold the place the United States has attained among nations of the world For full text of the Pres idents speech see page 8 r SKULL SPLIT PUZZLE Mystery caught some Alit Rave j beeR dme have dta all but belle I 1 who after There deed aetare 1 ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ THE WEATHER REPORT- The weather tonight will be generally fAir In Atlantic districts and the South with somewhat higher tempera tures in iicrt ern districts The weather Thursday wilt Also be fair Showers are probable Thursday in the lake TDMPBRATUKE a m 67- IS m 1 p jn W SUN TABIffi Sun sets today Sun rise tomorrow 543 557 TIDE TABLE High today 4i3pm Low water t aay Spm High tomorrows 4 an 6rjipra wate tomorrow 1133 am pm HARPBI1S FERRY W Va Oct I Both rivers muddy I lower 9 61 water T ¬

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Page 1: WEDNESDAY Woman Ur idenl For… · Fair and Warmer Tonight Thursday LAST EDITION NUMBER 4857 WASHTSTGrTOISr

Fair and Warmer TonightThursday LAST EDITION


i ffir ashington ar mesand +

Justice Ford Signs OrderDirecting them to

Show Cause

Charge of Combinationto Raise Tolls Made

by Jackson

KEW YORK Oct 2 Justicein the supreme court has

feigned orders at the instance ofGeneral Jackson directing

the Weston Union Telegraph Company and the tal TelegraphCompany to show in the

court Friday why he shouldtoot have permission to sue them

forfeiture of their chartersAttorney General Jackson made

to Justice Ford thisfor permission to com

Zmence suit in the peoples namefegainst the Postal and Westerntfnion Telegraph Companies to valate both corpprations charterskind annul their existence so far asfefew York State is concerned

Contracts to Fix RatesHe maintains they have entered Into

Contracts to fix rates on messages withUr New York or filed In New York to

olnts In the United States and else

The attorney genocal charges that theagreements to which he refers have

In an Increase In ratesIn many Instances to 20 per cent

than was charged before tfce nowttarlft was established

It la alleged too that at Lake PlacidiiN Y companies do business inthe office and are represented byi joint agent

Inspired by StrikersThe Aitomey Generals action follows

fcers of the Commerlelal TeleUnion to Induce the State to attackcompanies charters on the ground thatthey were sending messages filed andaccepted telegrams by mall and ex-press and were therefore not doing atelegraph business

Whether the present attackmerely a change In or basIre connection with the telegrapherscomplaints Is not yet clear

Superintendent ChancellorDeclares Negroes Are

Dead Weight

Unfortunately In this city we havep problem to solve which is seen In fewether largo towns I refer to the rice

In this city we have the largnegro population of any city in the

Hcountry anti owing to sentiment it isnecessary to place thorn In separataschools They are a dead weight hold

back many improvements that couldotherwise be carried Into eltect

This was a part of a very strong adjflress made by Dr William E Chan

Superintendent of the PublicSchools at the opening fall meeting of

rthe Columbia Heights Citizens Associa-tion hold at the Savoy last night

Negroes Stop Improvements

Dr Chancellor declared that many Infaovatlons that he felt would be bene-jflclal were prevented by the Inferior In

of the negroes While offerting no suggestions as to how the evil

be remedied Dr Chancellor statedthat it was a situation that wouldnand serious Intention In the near fu-

tureThe large number of negro schools

tld he housing as they do no Inconsiderable portion of Washingtons chil-

dren are a hindrance to tho whiteschools improvements that Iwould have personally suggested havebeen Jroppod because they would affectboth the whlto and black pupils

Want University SiteThe meeting was largely attended by

the members of the association HoytSherman one of the trustees for thuestate on which the association hopesto persuade George Washington Uni-

versity to build Its new college waspresent at the meeting and suggestedthat a committee be appointed to con-

ic with the George Washington Uni-versity board in tho near tuture withc view to finding what chances the as-

sociation had tof securing the university-on Columbia Height

The uncultivated space of ground atthe corner of Fourteenth street andColumbia road which has been proposed at different meetings as j sitefor a large and extensive park wasrecommended as the site for a publicgymnasium by George Simmons

At the end of Considerable discussionthe association decided to allow thelot to rest peacefully for time tocome as there is at present no feasibleway of either getting a park or erecting-a gymnasium









vigorous effort the striking m nJjfhijisr


















re-t ulted amount-ing




is by















For Custody of ChildWoman Fights Husband

Wife Feared Kidnaping


Who Has Been Sued by Her Husba nd for Possession of T Child


Mrs FeelsSure Courts Will Up-

hold Herr GourseT-

M of Alexander J Wwaflerburn obtain possession tit Tilfe

twoyearOld daughter Helen by habeascorpus proceedings will be bitterlytested by the little girls motherthe child Is brought Into the DistrictSupreme Curt on Friday Mrs Wedderbun said today that she had been

move of this sort on thepart of hor husband from whom sheseparated about September 1 and thatIn relieving her suspense the suit wasin sense of the word welcome

1 left my husband about fouron account of his treatment sold

Mrs WedderbUTn and canto to Wash-ington to live with my mether MrsLucy Pollock of 1119 Seventeenth streetnorthwest Prior to this time my

and I had lived in Fairfax countyVirginia As as we separated myhusband began to make threates that hewould gain possession of my baby Atfirst he attempted a reconclllatipn but

his repentance might notbe did not return to

Threats to Kidnap Baby-

It was evidently not genuine for hehas spice vowed that he would getHelen even though he had to kidnapher and I have nut dared to leave hersince coming to Washington for fearthat he might carry out his throats Heknows that in Helen ho would have astick to hold over my head for I couldnot live without my baby and thisprobably accounts for the method hehad taken in attempting to wrest herfrom me

I am not afraid of the Issue in thecourts and rather than be in this sus-pense would rather have the mattersettler I will pot discuss the reasonsfor our separation now but believe thatI can show the court that the little girlbelongs to me and that I was justifiedin the action I have taken When I wasforced to leave my husband I came baokto my mother

Wife Ready to Tell StoryI dread the embarrassment of

all but prefer s ing into court andtelllrtg my story rather than being Incontinual suspense as I have teen forover a month expecting every momentto see some one attempt to take my lit-tle glrl from me

Little Helen for whom the two arefighting happily around hermothers knee while the recital wastaking place and was willing to makefriends with tho visitor

You see how beautiful she is saidher mother She will go to any one

I and for this reason I have to watch herclosely I left her for the first halfhour today in a month and was frightcntd dreadfully when told by my nursethat a strange man had been here andasked to her This I now learn wasyou

Will Fight for ChildMrs Wedderburn said that tho papers

In the case had not yet been servedupon hot and a Times reporter firstbrought her information as to the fil

of suit She said that she wouldimmediately notify her attorneys

of and prepareto fight for the possession of child

Mr declined to discussthe matter other than to admit thatsuch a suit has been tiled In his

he alleges that Iris wife left himon September 1 taking with htsr their

that his wife Mrs HelenWeddurburn and Mrs Lucy D Pollockher mother be required to produce thebaby in court next Both MrsWcdderburn and Mrs Pollock said how-ever had nothing to dowith th retention of andshould not have been named in thepapers









t e

er urne

















Chief Naval Station Established Within 300

Miles of England

EBRLIK Oct 2 Germanys mostnaval move In In-

volving a direct menace to Great Britainhas just been determined on by the

gdvarnmtuit This Is the transfer ofnaval headquarters from Kiel to WT-helmshaven establishing Germanys chiefnal station within 000 miles of theBritish coast and the Kaisers entirefleet within sixteen hours sail of

It IF intention to station all the Gorman Dreadnought at Wllhelmshavenwhich will be the base from which allnaval maneuvers will be directed inthe future

No efort Is being wade by Germanyto conceal her intention thus to read-just the balance of naval power In tireNorth sea and the authorities

with their plans withdisregard to Englands view of this

of base







seeding apparent







fcTEUBENVILLE Ohio Octto defective signals and heavy fog twotraction cars on the Steubenville andToronto line crashed together north ofthis city this morning

Motorman Noah Adams was caught-in the wreck his leg being broken Hohas fatal internal injuries

Motorman John Doerr jumced spraining his ankle Twenty wereinjured among tho following

Allison bruised RossDevlin left log injured cuts on headMatthew Edwards head cut Thomas

bruised Edward Richards Violet An-derson of Canton Ohio and John McCuilough


The will of Mrs Elizabeth J Slmmsfiled today loaves to her son RichardD Simms the house andgoods situated at 1250 streetThe residua of the estate is to be heldin trust by the executor for her twosons Charles N and Richard D Slmmaand Is to be divided equally Richard D

is named as executor The willIs dated December 15 1902

MANY CASES OF TYPHOID-At the close of the week ending Sep-

tember 28 as shown by the health re-port for that period issued this mornjhgrthere were 270 cases of typhoid fever Inthe There were fortythree nwcases reported for the week withtwentyone cases discharged five bydeath There Is a ofcases of diphtheria under quarantinewith new panes reported an Increase of ten cases arts three discharges





Shannon leg and neck cut and









Former T pton MayorsRibs Bf Testi

fies Doctor

TRENTON 1CJ dot 2 Tesllmonycharging that exMayor Joseph B alUewas beaten in the Morris Plains

Asylum was given at the inquirythe asylum affairs being conducted

tho Hahn Investigation committeeDr Alvan Van Syokle ex mayor of

llackettstown testifced that Seattle wascommitted to the Morris Plans Asylum

January loG The witness vibiU-dJcattle In the asylum two days afterlie was tak there He swore l atBealtle recognized him and said Doc-

tor that brute almost Killed me Ticwitness him and found tworibs broken

The witness then hunted up Dr Htrford and told the latter that some at-

tendant had beaten Boaottla He gotthe two attendants Mitchell and

before him and Boattlr recognizedMitchell as tho man who had beatenhim


Former Sheriff BrownConnected With Boise

Cases TerriblyInjured

BAKl R CITY Ore Oct ThisIs a stats of great ejcpit nsnt todayand aM Js 8 and

of on try rerformer Sueriff Harvey Brown who wasterribly injured by the explosion Of abomb as he opened the gate to his homeon Monday night The wasplanned ir the same manner as thethat killed former Governor Steunenberg of Idaho

Jn IMS antemarten statement Brownsaid

I on my way home from uptownnight when I met a man n front

of residence which Is a blockhomo I luve been conscious of

kixvlng boon iv Hovnd for thsee weeksand I have nn doubt that those whoattempted tnr life are persons connected7i4i the Wtatern ederatlon of Miners

count of my cnmv ienberg and Steve Adams cases

Commission Will Hear Real

Estate OwnersNext












4USQUwI the antemQ mtemnt

explo lenone



and that I marked for on acwith the Steun




to death




business Dependedgroups tNw




arts oath






The Union Station grade claims com-

mission has concluded its hearings Inconnection with the appraisement of thedamages which have resulted to theproperty fronting on Third street be-

tween M and N streets northeast owingto a change made by the District Commissioners in the grade of Third street

The commission took the case underadvisement announcing that It wouldreport Its llndings to the court withinthe next few dii s

The next claims for damages toup by the commission bo

those filed by the owners of the realestate on the north tide of McCuiloughstreet in square 62S

The commission will meet andainJrte this property Monday afternoonand on the day meet jatthe City Hall and the hearingof testimony relative to the damagessustained by the claimants

Try ItA lady said to the clerk In

F P Wellers pharmacy 3534 Mstreet northwest some weeks

agoDo you ever buy homemadecandies and cakes or do youknow anyone wno does I makeawfully nice things and havetime to do it Just now at vacation tires a little extra sioneywould come in very hand

I would suggest advertisingsaid the clerk We have arime Want Ad Branch here

The lady now has more ordersthan she can fill




Yust i









Pre idenl Welcomed I

By Chorus of CheersAt to StPier Louis

Millionaire Was Accusedof Keeping a Woman

Prisoner on Yacht

NSW YORK Oct 2 Oliver WeadallBarneS II wire swooped down on NewYork some months ago with money to

and a liking for greenback smokeand wfce startled by seaiier-

alttf nngi7 married s d lenV In-

Jeflfersen It r at l thisand his bride are eajoyteetheir honeymoon la Mftnlttutn

bride who said she was EdnaBrowning McGoron er 901 Lexingtonavenue Brooklyn is a member of thechorus of the Fascinating Flora com-pany

Barnes marriage so soon afterhis experience at where bewent on a chartered motor beat theMarlquita a girt who accused himof keeping her on board the craft

her will created surprise Afterthis episode a dispatch from Plttsburg

was to be appointed for thespendthrift in that he couldbe kept from spending all his patri-mony Since was

Barnes has kept himself in thebackground

Barnes fs part owner of the HotelRand of which Wilson Mlzner the

husband of Mrs Charles TYerkes Is manager Barnes bought this

because he objected to the serviceunder Use former management

Confers With Purdy andMakes Little

Attorney General Bonaparte announcedtoday that he has taken up certainalleged corporation evils with BPurdy his clilef trust buster jostback from Europe

There Is nothing definite that I cansay at this time he nupuad in response-to a question as to whether any immediate was to tie begun Oneof his interrogators remarked that Pres-ident KooseveltB speeches In the Westindicated a purpose to educate the people to the idea of some man of enormous wealth being put behind the bars

Cold you say whether such Is thepurpofo of department he wasasked

With a characteristic Bonaparte smileand a of the shoulders he re-sponded

I Ul persons who have been sofortunate i 3 to amass considerablewealth have done so by strict obedienceto the law and an exhibition of T1

Ute virtues which to mako up goodcitizenship If however it should turnout owing to the weaknesses ofhuman one or nore of themhave to some extent astray fromthe fold we may perhaps take suchaction us may them

The Attorney General said there wasto eny at this time relative to

the Harriman caseIt may be some little time before we

can public such decisions as wereach

In to an Inquiry he declaredthat the department not takenup any new trust investigations


I today dismissed a

a caseMr Kenning was formerly president-

of the Traders National Bank MrMrs have been married aboutfour years and the suit was filed ayear ago





e I

aleck rmgt dif




where Barnes held forthand his millions said a guardian








feature gone

tlon for divorce byGeorse C Hen




ashwng tea thl etySues

















After Drive Over CityAddress Is Delivered


T LOUIS Oat 2 TAe oU stecnwheel steamer MtwisrtiwU with the big

flag of the President oC the UnitedStates flying from her peak slipped

the tads bridge b fcir 9 Retook thisuaerslns nonrtjr an UWlp IMM her

The cloud vf gaily steamerstugs launches aa l plaasur cirJt ofall adscrtptlons that was awftiting the

arrival chorused a aolsy-wokxMae with bens sireaa ad justplain whistles and the President onout on deck to acknowledge the weleonf ay wvj s his hat

CKpt Seth and Lieutenant Mo-

Ilh aay at the Presidents sidewhen he made Me

at Levee

At 190 the cemmittne thebusines orpaftlzaaons drove to the leveeto receive the PteeWent and a few min-utes later the Mteeteeippt steamed up tothe toe snSP 5

out and the President came over atdouble ttlek pace escorted by his Secret Service guards a d secretaries

By George this is Just splendid hesaid as he surveyed the the lineof decorated boats and the buntingdecked business houses on the levee

Just as the parade started a downpour of rain began to fall but standingin his carriage waving his right handto the crowd on one side and his hatIn his left to the other of Viestreet the President greeted the

the line Theseat in the carriage was a of waterAH carriages In tbe parade werecovered

handshaking with theof the committee the President en

tered a carriage and rtth the members-of his party was driven around townand then to the wjiere hemade in address

TJh great Amflrlcnn cocktail is miss-ing front the men cf the luncheonwhich was served to PresWe t Ro sc

halt today The committee put the sotpedal on the chef And wilt noneof drink that lost Vice PresidentFairbanks a lay delegateshlp to achurch conference

However thero be champagne and

At the Wood river refinery below Al-

ton this naming 1WO Standard OH en-ployes fired twentyone charges of

to the Presidents boat as a saluteThe superintendent had the 1900 em

yelling lustily and waving flags






eloo arrival


Be lockwere




After mem-





rIver bank ead






ohe4sIa tip



c as thrown














Chicago Suburb well Done

by Clever WomanSwindler

CHICAGO Oct today Isafraid It dons not knew a real prlnesstram Imitation Several citizensthere are iiowalllns sums ranging frontK to 00 Mrs Elizabeth Volk Is J

cause She said her real name was Busbeth Wyndlscltkraflmtz that sha wasan Austrian prlncossprincess

A few weeks ago she started the re-

port that she was to receive 21000000from the family and estate Meantimeshe money One manloaned her 300 on condition he should

Today the Is missing Po-lice and the Austrian consul are




receive of tho foraneadvanced or


titW SIB





in Death ofVinegar Factory


Victim of Tragedy

Found Many HoursAfter End

FellowWorkers ThinkAccident Was the


E lHg1 with his head split openWilliam Abigail an employe of theCorbj vinegar factory at LangdonD C was found dead this morningby Edward Karey fireman of thefactory

The death of Abigail is shrouded-in mystery for there was no oneabout the place had seen himor had any intimation that a tragedy had occurred until Karey foundthe body of the dead man shortlyafter 10 oclock this morning

Many Theories AdvancedMany theories have bees advanced

as to how he met his death but themst plausible solution to his feliawem-nteyes is that he was In theBMLohtaary In way and receiveda bloW which his skull and whichmust raattitad in fnstantaneousdeath

A little M oclock Karey wentloco the engine coom to attend to hisdudes and on the floor lay the bodyof Abigail vtvtf a terrible cutthrough bend which laid his skullopen and it wee evident that h had

The Codas was notified and Winmake an of tile ease Lit-

tle is known of AblgaH was wellthought of ky M aaseciatds who areof the that ill feftlh was purelyaccidental He lived hi M L

Presidents PolicyOutlined in Speech

At St Louis Today

Apply constitutionalpower so as to coverchanges conditions haveundergone since the adoption of the laws of thecountry

Gain controller corpor-

ations and supervise themDetermine what is State

and what is national commerce

Government control ofall industrial corporations

Improve river transportation facilities Do itgradually so as not towork hardships on the tax-

payersBuild levees on the lower

courses of the Mississippiriver to protect bottomlands from floods

Maintain forcible navyto hold the place theUnited States has attainedamong nations of theworld

For full text of the Presidents speech see page 8







beeR dme

have dta allbut







deed aetare









The weather tonight will be generallyfAir In Atlantic districts and theSouth with somewhat higher temperatures in iicrt ern districts The weatherThursday wilt Also be fair Showers areprobable Thursday in the lake


IS m1 p jn W

SUN TABIffiSun sets todaySun rise tomorrow


TIDE TABLEHigh today 4i3pmLow water t aay SpmHigh tomorrows 4 an 6rjipra

wate tomorrow 1133 am pm

HARPBI1S FERRY W Va Oct IBoth rivers muddy





