wee,~~~,~~cus weekly' ar,gus. · pdf filetdolla8t. )iixoit, :y. n.• ""...

WEEKLY AR CUS .\ [) \ -r. RT I5 IXG n, \T ES : 0 ,,,' 1,,,'1.. n ... t I" ...rt l,," .. ... .. ,., I:nd , 1"'1!o;('o lllrlO t 11 ' '' 'rl l" I I" \ f!I. l" 1 ,'O:umn . i'"'r m01 lt h 00 '_ ,,Yl hUliu. loorm..." tlt _., .. ...•.. t; 00 loltltllU. ' '''r '»o,a ll.. . .••. .•.. 3 00 10 In,,, ,,,,, 1,1 ..,rllo n. lI1 u.t be alWmj.... k<J b,.UlOl \,.1 . h . ,4" ..... . m l& ",,"t ll l'd ._U. II ..." T il l- : ,,0 . 19. AR,G US . PORT TOW" SEND, W. T., ,J ULY ;1, 187,;. VOL V. ]) cl'o ferl to Ge JH' J" a{ Inte ll i (Jc llce anll Pr .lIlotioll OJ' l lo ll wL ntcrc» te. - ----- - T ilE - I WEEKLY "' P all T amell, WalhlUll on Tcmlo ll ... ATu u nAY C. w. l'JIlI , I< HIC'k• • : 1>""",1;, St: B8CRIFnox H A" f E8 : For OM 'i' ,.r 1 {Ill For 81:1 ll "ll tl .. .... 1 ; ;, F or Th Y\'e :\(ontho .... . .. .Iun FASIIIOS l{OTE". Ev cr )·tlt in l;, to I'aunty and a elbbcn est ened lo it In on(O V.Il J or anothe r. It in abo ut Yorkcn will spend the aumme rin I Enropo . I Th e f&ll hion. ble gle -e {or gen· tlemen b.... e hVQburtone. R ....i. leathe r and "e lr "t I»c-. a nd bollll {or use in traveliog are Iga 1n quite popular. A dark. de ep blue !!i lk La very mue h li ne d Ioe underdresees .. nd tr imm i ng s or n ew cos tu me s. Tho faabionable ribbon o{ thlt season ia called the "ll.ocl u<;I silk and comus in It Yariety o{ colora. Plain roun d waisto'l are enlirel y o ut of .. cost ume with atyle, ead a is known to bllye been IIl ld e lut ye ar . Some new .n w ool d ree H I "" tri mmed with roWI o{ Tiw b raid edged with crimped an lo1 ta ue! {ring9. W ick er b Mkets, conta.ininl .. dress a nd long linen d n.ter jc be used in tr ueli ng, Ale aoId In the :Sow Yor k furnishing atore&. A dre M hItTing th e Deek OtIt in \" ebape Bbould 1 ..... 13 th e edr fin.. .... ith :I. rurna., while thtl throat eboutd bo corered witb whit e t ulle . Travel ing dr CMCI are wad, II simple at poBlIible. {or in Iny eue th.. y &OOn dr aggl ed and WOl1l, and ..uy auperfi OU I triw min p gi\'eB them a still more aha.bby .. p. peAlance. T Le pretty BO{t lIeekliell now iu us e, are eom e ti mee made to .e rYII double purposes, by twil ti ng ... I lIC.. rf amund tb. cro wn of • ha.t when tb. eclce o{ a ooatu mll worn maklll" o ha nK" desirable. Tho EwP"'M ia Kid to haye been n ry fond o{ per - (u llle l . .. nd to b .... " used JbolD to such an exte nt th;\t tbe odor h.. not )' et b een p.ai.nt- cd or ..had out of b er dr e lSin g room in :\Ia.l ma.iaoo . i. TRl"E KEn o. lI1iS(c tiO ItC OIlS• A . F. I.F..loIUiW. ts . r OW U :I:. , . n. or Tn. VAR IETY STORE, r na T U ,. "N"CtTXO :m L X Q "'[J'" 0 -. AU. cI. O:l.ar_. Door s, W lnd ows .Blln de , CAl IFORNIA REDWOO D C EDA"- Eo 8.FOWLER &, CO . HA RDWARE, ETC, Sh ip Chandlery. GROOERIES, AS D Oommieaion MEn CIIAXT S. F orwarding '[' lIt : sow P ilE- 1 .. ...... , 'n bn lhl ......... .... !• .- ..-. of Illo , \o..- r1r llon Ill> dl.,...' cl>. . ..... 1 .a n ...n. t """,5o""" on "I"" I'll." n,,". , I c.. r- .... d.. lo orol ... , aao:! kepi ,,,,,.'anU) .... s..n o1 " " •• 7 0 . ..... <1. J UlI .. 19, 1t'7,), IH t LEGAL. DENN ISON It B LAN C HAR D Atto rneys o. t Law. DAVID W. S MITH. CJr l'""" koo In .n Cn u r!' nf I ... . ·• . l;'lOU)", and ...,'ml .... If )·. 01 W... hlnll'lolI T· · n1 " " T· Of'Y I('l': AT !"o , KT "1 ....... 01 /l. tt e" llon lllven 10 ,,", ['01"" 1" HQm..tea d and P- l"'n. ." ", .."" ,r1 "1< " ,1" 10 " lI.lrn... s..1f ... r-nocrons P ... \ To. n .. nd .... vr... hlfllfton T c rt110 r 1 ." I. " . "A I.I., ..... ........ 1' .... , To.. " .. nd. ",... tt l<'. HA L L" ANDR EWS, L.A '"VV" Y::IiI Z'I. B, PM"$ ,.......... . . -..IIi _ lI l.,"'.T. U""l"tacl1 ce ,n ... of W&Ohln l M O , u. , JA ME8 C. SWA N, At tor-n ey at 1. .. vvv; l 'UO CT OH IS .oH ' ::" m"' Il' !' ,·nu e. 1"Ort T<I .. ..-" . 'f't . T. HENRY C. STR UVE, ATTOHN gy A1 " L A"'. O ly mpia. "'V . T . o rr lc t;-l;ro-. t..l..... ", ·. r Hllln\< ('If GO<>r'lr" J. . t\oo.r n ..... n .. "" 1\1 ro'toC, lc<Il" .11 110., "('11''' . 01 of ; .... Ul ti lt · T,· ... l" 'n·. Port J. .. pucK, I II PROPRIETOR Be, ch.r will 11011 La.nd to OR . C. V. CA LH OUN, w•. OR. FR ED. W. SPAR L IN e , r-a ....... - \... ... A. Will pror l "" W,..Jld " . .... ry I" .."d . I-oIlI !lttal.llot ... oJ , Iou a lt )". . ." U. S. Mar ine ;Hospital. .... . T. A ll" T t'.\I l..<lR W II O " ".. 11 ... \>1 1 &1 "ll f .. r I" " h. 1 ........ 1. l "ll hi •• "plal n lbr.J",""Ion .I. c ntl,l<. ...t 10 J h"r l1&1 ms.- I. " Por't.'l. ·o..... n ooclld JI p l t Q1. ",. ,. ....... I_ltIOII Oll h.. '-o a fl """"' ... ft .1>"""""."1 1'\)o\lnll , .... l n" ...1 "I.. ' .. 11•• , >1 1&1 ..... ll " •• l 'a u.. " .. "" P' ..... t! ... I"' .rr'M.... ' ail , ...... ,,'" --.la- P ...,., ,,,,,,,, Ih. .. , I.' '' ' MI"' '' '' ' w UI mlJll.o I"lf 10 Ih . «I, . ton _4""" ' ..... lo. o<'O tof I"'h.l .pals.- .... 'nI1ol1ot t" IIno.p1ta l_h 01 ""-a rr.n....... .., o1 II ,. I!u II... " I" ..... f'IoUlln 11 liAo I . ... " It "." ,,- reil lted Ilnd ...,..... 16llooI. 1l •• _ tIlJ "ar.!. II..." &<T"<>m_llon. _ . 10",., .. h nn _ .11'Nl ... l lerIll ..,el. ..... 1 -.. 1 1.0 . 1" •• l.r' .... t ror _ ' ho , >01. ...... ,. "1 ,,,,,, ,n.... , .ael. tonnOlu t _ I"" t. "", .., IIn,U "" , 1tO dfotl ", I M rn. . '1Il ""' fl' rn Lo b004 wllb J t. ""'''''' ..... ,, · .., I"I.ftIC .... d dl.U ""\,,,,,, .1l. " 1 ••' '''''' 1..... ot lI lIl _ " ...... " .1 Ih,_ Inr ...... loId II> . b' l"t'IDlt. I• ...uOOl IO lhe "-1 'bOot"""""" ..,1If:r1". nwrn .......1.- ... el.- ..... m be ' ''''''' ·I .... '.Iel. " 'ho 11 ""l'1l&1. tl b_ ' .I1"'''''' ,.. ll .., ._1 . P E OP L E 'S Con ,t. ntIy on HO M t he CHOICES T "VOBC"tab10s. A 1 ..... Cor" .. ' Rt-<·r !'or lo, I'\ mnkN P "tl; and Hr"'l nll'l:,"". ' ftt i'"'_ &0;., 4 <:. T. JACKMAN & CO. l'ort W. T. a .. tf The tall est au! Be st Sel ec led S lacl of Jewell! au P ot et S al1lld , Very ban d!lOD\. peUiooata of he musli n baTe .. d ee p f1 ounoe o{ about hal{. Jartl lIC..lloplll on euch edge ..lid richl)' embroidered with handaowe embroidery. The Gnnt of th CllC eoo '3.3 , b ut .arne Ie... ela.borata ly ,YO' k e d m'l b4 bad fIX ' 10 .. nd upward. The Bhapelt of eolian aro quite Y ar i ed th i-. __One lrind turna over in front . nd illla.id Jlat tIll"' n ill turlll dowo. . 11 around, . nd l ti ll lUolbe r hl l the corners curled without being lI.a tte uotI. Tb .Re ... N ,. ¥wk 1 h... J cd ica.t&d D Ill I b lol ndred churches, . nd: not one i, in debt. Ann .. Diek iDBOI1 ia leeulri. s on t be U Vry Ro t.." . ll lo nero lt, th. hietorian, be10ur to tbirty t;urepea.nciuLs. _. Dana, <I f th o N 6W York S. n. hu &n income or 1110,000 per au' Ilum. Hanry W an.! _bort l, go to th" relt b'w.ell . W bo "' l lIti a tbro.nll'! Hi _ M. · j uty o{ G recco wlaba to .. Wi c.te . Droll H ar te h .... 10 h .. yl, U A aWllet { ool, "{ or t ho bllro o{ hi_ {QtthM<Qing noyel. Vand('r bi lt i_ 82 , and ,et he bu " lip well u n-i ..f tho wei ght of his willioua. T DOllA8T. )IIXOIt, :Y .n.• "" lIatYallit1l1ul'j{""" 1115CELLAXJ::QlJ 8. ""' •b _" G...",J,J.Dr'y . OIo ' ...... T ......... Freah Wa ter Bay . W. T. FARM F OR SALE. 81:0A xn. F orry. - n .. lM.. mu

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Page 1: WEE,~~~,~~cus WEEKLY' AR,GUS. · PDF fileTDOllA8T. )IIXOIt, :Y. n.• "" lIatYallit1l1ul'j{""" 1115CELLAXJ::QlJ8. PHOTOGRAPIlF3~ ""' • b _" G...",J,J.Dr'y. OIo ' .....T

WEEKLY ARCUS.\ [) \ -r. RT I5 IXG n ,\TES :

0 ,,,' 1,,,'1.. n ...t I" ...rt l,," .. . . . .. • ~ ,. ,I:nd , 1"'1!o;('o lllrlO t 11 ' '' 'rl l " I I"

y ~ \ f!I.l" A I>'Ttrrl' '')l}". ''"T ~ :

1 ,'O:umn . i'"'r m01 lth , ~ 00' _, ,YlhUliu. loorm..." t lt _., .. . . . •. . t; 00l~ loltltllU. ' '''r '»o,a ll.. . .••. .•.. 3 00

Tr:t n' l~nt n,h-. r1 l~ml'll t-. 10 In,,, ,,,,,1,1 .. ,rllo n. lI1 u.t be alW mj....k<J b,.UlOl\,.1. h .

~AI I ,4" ..... .m l& ",,"t ll l'd ._U.I I ..."

T il l-:

,,0. 19.

AR,GUS.PORT TOW"SEND, W. T., ,J ULY ;1, 187,; .VOL V.

])c l' oferl to GeJH'J"a { Intell i (Jc llce anll Pr.lIlotioll OJ' l lo llw Lntcrc»te.- ------


I .~~

WEE,~~~",~~cus WEEKLY"'Pall Tamell,WalhlUllon Tcmloll

• 1i: \' ~T

...ATu u nAY :'lIOnS I"'(~ .

C . w. l'JIlI,I< HIC'k• • : 1>""",1;,

St:B8CRIFnox HA"f E8 :For OM 'i',.r 1 {IllFor 81:1 ll"ll tl.. . . . . 1 ; ;,For Th Y\'e :\(ontho . . . . . .. . I un


E vcr)·tlt in l;, to I'aunty and ~ '.r'l i ~ h . ha ~ a elbbcn est ened lo it In

on(O V.Il J or an othe r.

It in t hou~ht abo ut 2~.OOO ~ewYorkcn will spend the aumme rin IEnropo. I

Th e f&llhion. ble gle -e {or gen·t lemen b....e hVQ burtone.

R....i . leathe r and "elr"t I»c-.and bollll {or use in t raveliog areIga1n quite popular.

A dark. de ep blue !!ilk La ve rymue h lined Ioe unde rdresees ..ndtr immings or new costu me s.

T ho faabionable ribbon o{ t hltseason ia called the "ll.ocl u<;I silkl all:l p l ~," a nd co mus in It Yarietyo{ colora.

Plain round waisto'l are enlirelyo ut of .. cost ume wit h atyle, ead apolona~ is k no wn to bllye beenIIl lde lut year.

Some n e w .n wool d reeH I ""trimmed with roWI o{ Tiw braidedged wit h crimped anlo1 taue!{ring9.

W icker bMkets, conta.ininl ..dress and long line n d n.ter jc beu sed in t rueling , Ale aoId In the:Sow Yor k fur n ishing atore&.

A dreM hItTing th e Deek OtIt in\" ebape Bbould 1.....13 th e edr fin..i~he<1 .... ith :I. I~e rurna., while thtlt hroat eboutd bo corered witbwhit e t ulle .

Traveling drCMCI are wad, IIsimple at poBlIible. {or in Iny eueth..y &OOn ~t draggled and WOl1l,

and ..uy auperfiOUI triw minpgi\'eB the m a sti ll more aha.bby ..p.peAlance .

TLe prett y BO{t lIeekliell now iuuse , are eome ti mee made to .erYIIdouble purposes, by twil ti ng ... I

lIC..rf a m und tb. cro wn of • ha.twhen tb . ec lce o{ a ooatu mll wornmaklll" ohanK" desirable.

Tho EwP"'M J~phin. ia Kidto haye bee n n ry fond o{ per ­(u llle l . .. nd to b...." used JbolD tosuc h a n extent th;\t t be odor h..n ot )'et been whi~"uhed, p.ai.nt­cd or ..h ad out of ber dre lSin groom in :\Ia.lma.iaoo.

i. TRl"E KEno.lI1iS(ctiOItCOIlS•A . F. I.F..loIUiW.•ts. r OW U :I: ., .

"· I~I.U lll n. L E..\.R~ F. fl or Tn.VAR IETY STORE,

rna T U ,.

"N"CtTXO :m

L X Q "'[J'" 0 ~ -.

To~AU.cI. O:l.ar_.

Doors,W ln dows.B l lnde,




Ship Chandlery.



OommieaionM E n CIIAXT S .


' [ ' lIt: l' ~ " ';R- I (; ~ t: tI I ~ sow P ilE­1.. ......, 'n b n lhl ......... .... ! • .-..-. o f Illo

,\o..-r1r llon Ill> dl.,...'cl>.. .....1 .a n ...n. t """,5o""" on "I""

I' l l." n,,". ,

Ic..r- ~m"'II""Il· ....d.. lo orol..., aao:! kepi

,,,,,.'anU) .... s..n o1Jn ll ~ AI,lU A~ "r.R .

" " •• 7 0 . ..... <1. J UlI .. 19,1t'7,), IH t


DENN ISON It BLAN CHAR DAtto rneys o. t L a w .

DAVID W. SMITH.L .A."'tI'D"'"'Y:m~.

CJr l'""" koo In . n l h~ Cn ur!' nf I... . ·•. l ;'l OU)", and ...,' ml....If )·. 01 W... hlnll'lolI

T· ·n1 " " T·Of'Y I('l': AT !"o , KT T"W SH:~{).

~ " 1.......01 /l.tte" llon ll lv en 10 ,,", ['01" " 1"HQm..tead and Pr~tlon

P- l"'n. ." " , .."",r1 "1< " ,1" 10 " lI.lrn...s..1f

...r-nocrons I ~ " 1>~ln"l.TT.

P...\ To . n..nd . . . . vr...hlfllfton T crt110 r1."

I . " . "A I.I., ..... ........T"''''' ~,1'.... , To.." ..nd. ",...tt l<'.


PM"$ ,.......... . . -..IIi_ lI l . , " ' . T .U""l"tacl1ce , n 1~ C<>ur ... of W&Ohln l M O

, ~n1 10ry. u. ,


At tor-ney at 1...vvv;

l 'UO CT OH IS .\.I J ~l ilL\ I. T Y.

.oH '

::"m"' Il' !' ,·nu e.1"Ort T<I....-". 'f't . T .


ATTOHNgy A1" L A"' .O lympia. "'V . T .

orr lc t;-l;ro-. t..l..... ",·. r Hllln\< ('If GO<>r'lr"J. . t\oo.rn..... n ..

"" 1\1 ro'toC, lc<Il" .11 110. ,"('11''' . 0 1 n«or~ of; ....Ul tilt · T,·...l"'n·.

Port...P~~~t. ~~lel,J . .. pucK, I I I PROPRIETOR

Be, ch.r will11011 La.nd to

MJo~nlCA I ".

OR . C. V. CA LH OU N,w • .~.

OR. FR ED. W . SPAR LIN e ,r-a .......- \... ... A .

Will pror l"" W,..Jld " . ~,I ~Ilr-.... ry I" .."d. I-oIlI !lttal.llot ... oJ , Iou a lt )". .."

U. S. Marine ;Hospital.roRTTv~!\Q.~Do .... . T .

A ll" T ~ 11..1l: t'.\I l..<l R W IIO " " .. r .~w11...\>1 1&1 "ll f .. r I " " ,,~ "" h . 1........1.

l "ll hi• • "plal n lbr . J",""Ion.I . c ntl,l<....t10 Jh"rl1&1 ms.-I. "

Por't.'l.·o.....n ooclld J I p l t Q1.

",. ,. ....... I_ltIOIIO ll h ..~ l '-oa fl""""'...ft .1>"""""."1 1'\)o\lnll , .... l n" ...1" I..'.. 11•• ,>1 1&1 ..... ll " •• l 'au.." .. " "P '.....~_,.'l. t!... I"' .rr'M.... ' ail ,......,,'"

--.la- P ...,., ,,,,,,,, Ih... , I.' '' ' M I"' '' '' 'w UI blO1IpiontI~" mlJll.o I"lf 10 Ih . «I, .ton _4"""' .....lo. o<'O tof I"'h.l.pals.- ....

'nI1ol1ot t"~,-.;n.a IIno.p1tal_h01 ""-a rr.n....... ..,o1 II,. I!u II... " I " .....f'IoUlln ~nll""""l . 11 liAo I. ..." It " . " ,,-reil lted Ilnd ...,.....16llooI. 1l••_ tIlJ "ar.!.II..." &<T"<>m_llon. _ . 10",., .. n ~ h nn_.11'Nl ...l lerIll• ..,el. ..... 1-..11.0 . 1" • •l.r'.... tror _ ~.I-", ' ho , >01. ...... ,."1 ,,,,,,I·,n.... , .ael. tonnOlu t _ I"" t. "", .., IIn,U""~._ , 1tO dfotl", I M rn. . '1Il ""'fl ' rn Lob004 wllb J t. ""'''''' ~n ll ..... ,,·..,I"I.ftIC ....d dl.U""\,,,,,, . 1l. " 1 a<I ~lll"r,,"~,.

~ Tb••' ''''''1..... ot lIlIl _ " ......" .1Ih,_ Inr ...... loId II> . b ' l"t' IDlt. I• ...uOOl IOlhe "-1 'bOot"""""" ..,1If:r1". nwrn .......1.­~Io.. . el.-.....m be ' '''''''·I .... ' . Iel." ' ho11""l'1l&1. tl b_ ' .I1"'''''' ,..ll.., ._1.


Con,t.ntIy on HOM t he


A1.....Cor".. ' Rt-<·r ~ rl'l !'or lo, I'\mnkN~I . - .'I'- P"tl; and n..:. 1~,. ~1I "" (/;Cl'.

Hr" 'l nll'l:,"". 'ftt i'"'_ &0;., 4 <:.

T . J ACKM AN & CO.l 'ort Towu~II 't. W. T. a ..tf

Thetallest au! Best Selecled Slaclof Jewell! au Potet Sal1lld,

Very band!lOD\. peUiooata ofhe musli n baTe .. deep f1ounoe o{abou t hal{. Jartl lIC..lloplll oneuch edge ..lid r ichl)' embroideredwith handaowe e mbroidery. TheGnnt of thCllC eoo '3.3 , but .arneIe ... ela.borata ly ,YO' ked m'l b4bad fIX ' 10 ..nd upward.

The Bhapelt o f eolian aro quiteYaried t hi-. __• One lrindturn a over in front . nd ill la.idJlattIll"'n ill poinleo&llot~lIl)r tu rlll dowo.. 11 around, . nd l ti ll lUolbe r hl lthe co rne rs cu rled without beinglI.a tteuotI.

Tb.Re... Dt.h~o{ N,. ¥ wk1h... J cdica.t&d D IllI blolndredchurches, . nd: not one i , in debt.

Ann .. DiekiDBOI1 ia leeulri. s ontbe U Vry Rot.." .

lllonerolt, t h. hietorian , be10urto tbirty t; urepea.nciuLs. _.

D a na, <If th o N 6W York S.n.hu &n income or 1110,000 pe r au'Ilum.

H an ry W an.!_bort l, go to t h"rel t b'w.ell.

W bo "'l lIti a tbro.nll'! Hi _ M. ·juty o{ G recco wlaba to ..Wi c.te.

Droll Har te h.... 10 h ..yl, U AaWllet {ool," {or t ho bllro o{ hi_{QtthM<Qing noyel.

V and('rbilt i_ 82 , and ,et hebu" lip well u n-i ..f tho weight o fhis willioua.

T DOllA8T. ) IIXOIt, :Y. n .•"" lIatYallit1l1ul'j{"""



""' • b _" G...",J,J.Dr'y .

OIo ' ...... T .........

Fre a h Water Bay. W. T.


81:0Axn. F orry.­n .. lM..mu

Page 2: WEE,~~~,~~cus WEEKLY' AR,GUS. · PDF fileTDOllA8T. )IIXOIt, :Y. n.• "" lIatYallit1l1ul'j{""" 1115CELLAXJ::QlJ8. PHOTOGRAPIlF3~ ""' • b _" G...",J,J.Dr'y. OIo ' .....T


(fb r"

::'IrQ115.. -,-",l.-....: ·l't..,-jri l. I<:-,I I.y 11,.. " , '"ir ­" , :~E ll~" III B.~I " " . t. · h~ rlt',l"wn.

1.'"1 i l 'F I0I1 IIn,1('''' ,r l ·nl. .... . ~"n .

1'1", t '.ontl' ''''' I. :''' of I; ;:, rml~ht

'""tI .. ...rl l".l lilr." UWJl .. bo WI~ lI Ei .

I" I ..· 1"1: 1:':.

,I ttrTl:n.. I'U T.

-- ' --'


.. . . .A. 'X' ....


... . O N .. . .


1lJ' _or OCna...lltMoI~' '''

H . L .TlIUU .LL !l.1l, )IIJU.~"

w. II . U :.\. k .. t ll. J . T . )iu lUl l "Il., WATE•• .l.Jf .

r <>rt To.........d,. ,JIlDe .. ISlJ. 11


MON DAY EVE N I~ (I ,JULy 5th. 187&.


\l ll 1.I' '' ''' £1-''''' ' ,U III: 11&' ''11 .....0 £

• & hl'aAd ll&ll'" Un. , ll y _ 1M CHO'DI"S of 11>00 .u..~lIu... III

C() :!I ( :~U~ORA.TJO:or

.... 01: .

GRAND BALL!17'16, ~ " 1In5,

Page 3: WEE,~~~,~~cus WEEKLY' AR,GUS. · PDF fileTDOllA8T. )IIXOIt, :Y. n.• "" lIatYallit1l1ul'j{""" 1115CELLAXJ::QlJ8. PHOTOGRAPIlF3~ ""' • b _" G...",J,J.Dr'y. OIo ' .....T







Merchandise,Po rt Town.end. W . T.

1... ('('}' LO ll s /a ll tly on I I a n d




And will Sell


P ug et Sound.BOOTS AND SHOES,

,- 5 Shl P Chandler)',

H ....:aDW...a a ,




Markets are



Superior to any.




- -'_.'---G ll A0 1SG .-)l r. Plummer i ~ mi·

iug!.is lo t 0 11 \ \"Il.sh inll" to n 8t~et.

:'>1... ssnI. G erri sh an<l Seaver arealso fi ll in~ in their Inh .

We sottt uit·c aucl take Excltauue onCR O CKE R Y,


At the most Liberal Dteeount.


Exchang o on San F,,"el!Kio., Eu t·

em, IU1d Principal Ciu oa o{

Europe Bo ught IU1d & Id.

Liberal AillBces l aloBJmelb.


Tho H igb eat Price Paid (IN Wool.

Hid "", Fun and Produce.

Good, Bo ught and Sold on Com­mi llion,

rtALIFORXIA WIS ES, llIPORT·\..I ql lty lU dlre«ly trom the vtne­ya.tn pips. barreJa. or quan tltie&t& ~It. For sale nI l'lall }' ranel'OOratea lty ItOTUSCUII.D .t co.

N E W AS D FASlnOSABLEMprlng anrl 8ummer Goods rc­

oelved b1 tho lui. ak:awcr.ROTfItlC IIILD ..t: co.



CLOt H IN G; '

r <>. l"'-l <>tl.... J"UL LGOOll'Ttl' of hair <>"l lald 1I.....w.. aq,j h, _ I I><>rI time 1 &b&lIl,u b lltlt

f>,I....o ~ T....-t tmonlalllVf .- hM If I &1re&41 dorI~. I'artIM !"e _oldllll! 1<> 1' <>1'1 To w""",,<1 and ' Dr..".~ thai...., 1..,., 101<;\whh booJd ,,-. 01' thlJu. _ 0'h"". tan """0 II. _J'<>li<'<1 a~ a ..-bkI" Knte ""W I pllbl.1&b tho fwon> ~mt»,,1001..

I om «LviIIII' _ RAH..E OrPQIln;ln T Y 10""rt ln "",Id lnj{ In rort ,.<>.........<1. ..,, """ <an nO_ 10" .-IUl· fDrtll.hedor whal' he Itca,o.." hae o<XOmi>l!ab(l(l. If "" " 'onud.l n dJ"llIl'. olio<> 110" h.&Ir l'rott> IlI.1lJ.all' 011'.

Yo. I'nrt"'" partlcui&ft",,*, u

J, Koner'lHair·drwiJI: Emporlnm,ron't T'OI'o"NBL'IP, ,,", 'I'•


WboIeuJoand Rttail Dealer In





01'l. c>O.K.:JD:R.Y


C iO"u r s ,T o b a c c o NEW DRF.SS GOODS, TRIliliEDIJato.. R Ibbo,1A, ll"tton~ no""'....

WALL PAP ER Embro~r1e:a, etc.,lattst ~ty&c.., ROTII~IIII,D ol co.

v:V, BARTLETT,Stermlng

Gen~' md BOll'FashionableSnits.

JDHN P.PETERSON, r NO!.!C El, • ToWlom II IU Canem:

MerohantTailor, I lJ.l. n ; ' U ST Duconuu ....


Mr. l'e~....n iI &8"'''1 for ' L~ C"",,, ... f£<I

":JlnllOll' ":Je-wlnK~ ..hlno


...." ,. J'&I'I1 ,leool . 1n l I" 1", ... 10 _ " ne or~"~JI&nl ",,,,,10 nt'mn <»JLAn<l ('n1mh'e tlM"n 01 'h ~ .\ Kt'n ' " 01""'" " r b" . ln, ... ." " In m_ Rn mt ,.,., Ill n '\.. .... S ....~l1"" An,11~ I<~ " ,,,, ' ,," 111 " " to..nd. AllMu Mn,. w"m.nIO'I for lI ~e " ...... ... <1-.. "" " ,,1hl~- ro"'''' "'' ,.. ,." i h Oot en l'}'to",U,. I,..\·~ " ~ I " R'·. y ,,'h lne. r unt".'nooiloa. "<>w to o [':n ' lo t ho ~,h."b lu ..will "'" gl1Tfl r......

Pon T" .. ., ..",d. W. T .

E'~c.llent Choevlot Suit. 'Of' , .a oo

W Il\H L ' T O I S FOR li 1Il~ 1' .\ T ltuS SI " A' .... 11 ollll d OI,lil' !>". I",... In I ho

OLl' I;TllU iu>" w" ...

Sterming's Saloon5" ",, 110' I,IunlIU,'" " f

Po,", I" .. & 1)onH' ..1h' C ia''' ....( ;on.la n tl y on han '1.

" 1ifo" ,I'. "",I 1"K ' n " ' O""' .. ~It.,-,,,,o.p"" T ,,,,,,,,'n ,l. t'e b. 1. 1"';1.

£ Io&a"" !lottver S\lI1. from :10 t04£1

EIOJ.E'loi: a m Bea",' r Sult. , 2 0 .0 0

Men'. Fa ncy c.••Lmero .. I Ii to 30

~en's & Boy s' Clothing.

an d F urnisWn g Good s.

G~: :"nI.ElI ~: S '~ C I. O T lI t :S U

- - - J;c., .t c.,.te. lIud "LohlngGoor.Jt..DIAGONAL SUITS d W T HOTU SCUl W e CO., Pori Townsen, . •

Veiret, Sill and Cas ~mere Vesls! . EST A!;SORTllE" 0 1' CH I.'1 For Sale at a Bargam B turnl" ,n:mr. I..· . ,,~1 ('>o k) 8ft..

~::~==::E 120tons Tl'mothy Hay ~~"J:!::i~ J~~~e:IK~~~~=:~~1& 11<1.'1, I..ockI'tJl" &<:•• that ha , e eve r

J ~. ' l'N'<' 1"~d ]'!" o! ,."",ur 1-"" ,\,,~~',.. been on'el"Cd for 'l4lc on l"t~t Bound.I" 1,, 1., .. f reerlnd by la'll \teIlmer. &nil (ut ,.ll~

rA t BARTLET T'S. i I ' . r -. B.\ lr rLETT. ' ll OT Il!"l': IIIU I.!: (·O.

Aoo attend to any and aU


A I Aueti on ee r.

With PI OIl lOIb l6•• a net D1.patoh.

Noticetothe Public

NE W' ADVERTrSElfEl'l l'S.

CALtlOl'll.-.U lleat tJe. (In t he Dlh nil. ,ltr . !l. G . (::alhonn, IIO:(I(l . l.oo" I '" / .. . .... Inhi . d u ' h lbe 1'~rrl '"l')' b.. 100 . " u,Je

I'h J'llIc1An a lllU, IfOO<J ........w111(; 111'. - .u licat tk , <>n lh o 2llih n il "

"'.... H~ltlll)l . Wrl¥ l>t. wLre 0{ CApt. T oo...A. W . ..,ht. 1_ II '" a daU¥l>\(lr ofJ u. N. flobbllli.


a TIlE C N D&KliIQN ED IL-\rrscIIOW ","", p leled hill I1&U In l ito

, Slone BnUdl D&', oaen U 1b.r"'Il l ... toll...."

TbMU'f.tlU~per ll leht. ts ooI"ot Loct.... ...d ~l-... .. .. ... . t ellP'<>.!loc\o,l~.. .. . .. t Mr.... l'u Wlo< llaU>o. ... .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . a 00

Wil l>t~hu ...<I _ U l"u .., lolo<'<1 .1';. 8. FOWLER.

P o rt T 01tUXII<l,J l1ne ti, 1117! . 18

A~~~~,~~,R ! L~OK AT THI~!Liberal Advances

""'.-OONSI G N M E N TS,



A lJI'M a : WILL nil a nt D~n.T n e..Iwee" Jan,,. K~l'm ' 1..." dl ,,3', POI"t

n tao<>..ery An,II'or! 1' ....., ,1. l...vl n lt 11>0I-d ll\ll ln l he morn lnlt and l'el.lt m lnlt , ,,ItooI lI"~m"".,. 1;0 e qoe-n ILI 'to "1*1"><1' 0 In&k"~lIrero N mto ltle. and 0Qulot U1p.

I d" .......1. ""'I""", r" I1)' "'>lIci t fmm tI ,..I " Ve ll ne j'Jtltollo a to.1r _ 0' .... r-lroll'....~ flo> ,1<llo H or- I" nll~ II'''''''''' ,,1 aU

til",.... h J: YJ. T . 1I ,\ IUIOS l'.I' <>r l To w " ..., <I, J"M 10., I~;)' • til

.Th.. Iou Or lite and dam&gc to

p roperty in F rance, d uring tboput week, by t ho floods is greaterthan pre vic uelj- reported , Thod Uli'llstation has been wide spre ad,At To ulouse nearly all the houlle'in th e St. Cuprian quarter are d e­slroy!!" , and the bodies ot o,et ahundred persons have been toundin t he rInne. Ma.ny othoMl puri.r.h .ed an d their horlie" were carrie doff in t he bo uecs that were ~wept

a"ay. At Ve rd un, in the depart--

ment bt ArtielCe, Oyer fitty hOUIl(l' 1 2~~~~~':;:=~~;:~::::::!~ I __-'- -'-__-'- _had (allen , and man)' p .tBOn s weredrowned. From ~Iontaubau a re ­port cornea t hst.lI t he cro ps 0 11

tho ha" k, o{ the TaTDo and Ga·tonne are ruined. T he G aronn \!.in IIOlIIe p!:t.cu , 19 (our milee wide.A bridge o{se "en stelles, at Taber,hu be e n carri ed a way. The in ­unda tion s lU e general in the de­pllft m"nIA o{ A ube, H aute G a,rcn ne auJ T u ne .

I • •

M. S. BooTH, Auditor of KinKCount, _ ill a card p ublished in th oll:lte!hgcnccr, adnl U the Cummi.­~ i onen or that count y, th. t tor j'\("h the healthy financlal bllsi. of.rell'OnlOll they Inu at acq u irc th o 8& '

gacitl or its Co~:"}gsionera.

Psosr -scns o. -.: ~rc8Srs . S.. ig.man, Roonoy am] Kemcnoll', woobave been lor llome time inmatesof the Mar ine I1oRpiW , hav e sofar eeccee eed their health 11'1 toh••e cut. ed upon . J'l ro~poct ingt our foe gold"; t he COM! Hange.

" I '"" -A"W"iI'tiag I<lhool was open ed in

' t hia city on laat T but$lb.y h,)' Prof.E . J . H oin'!>, whcee re p utat ion I .a eucceesful tea cher had alreadypreceded bim. ,- Child ren , and&th. lts wisbing to imp eoee t heirpQnman.hip , wou ld do well toavail th omMl h'cs ot thischan cc.

•T lla ll.&lno ot tbe ,dlOon or tha t

...... lea nched at Port L ud low last

....oek i . ' the " Ida Scbnauee,"Her dirnehiou. are 110 te"('t keel,31 t~~ 3 lnche.. bum , Mil 9 fee td oep; her n!g i,ter is 22,) tons.She i, bu ilt lor tll fl COMt t rado bvIrall , Bro', (or . Hay'll'uW & Har­m O il. San FrancilK:o., Cal., and".iIl be l,lQmmlWlded by Capt. Cbas.Scbnauer.


Page 4: WEE,~~~,~~cus WEEKLY' AR,GUS. · PDF fileTDOllA8T. )IIXOIt, :Y. n.• "" lIatYallit1l1ul'j{""" 1115CELLAXJ::QlJ8. PHOTOGRAPIlF3~ ""' • b _" G...",J,J.Dr'y. OIo ' .....T


_ n _

_.' ! :

Rca."Uced. rt.a.toet:




N o rthern Pacific Ranroad

,r", l l . J•. TIJillA 1$ I. I .... "1t..lI l ltl 1'"."1"""-..... ,,,1 t..r II.. S or1h" flI [' , ., 11<'11.\ ·

.....' [ R~ .. ffr . u l1 y .

l ~" .. ... -

For Sale.

\ "n. I tu l .I.I .U II'T.l.BLI: . TUMn~i ....',"' ,,,.•. ,. , ~". 1<0,.1. t ·..",·[',• • • , 1' 10.,lit".. '''''~ ''. "" " ,)' "'......~l'l d) , ,, II . I •. Tl Il II .\I.- .

r",t 10 . " .."d. l"t lo. It. 1.';'\ ' ~I ~ r

X 1'11. 1.1: 1:: , '11~1 -<:

.~ U) . Ul; .' 11 . '- ) .... ":11

. n " :. r ;... ...- I .I'"' ''''' i '_~f ".,. , I\, no' l ~. h, In. .,_ "r di 1 ,.}" ..-!W- I1'"""' 1>~"'''", ''' , .: '+-.

I ll . L • . III. U'l - !.I ••S n~u'\ :'lS... I •.. ..-.f1 I..-I .._ -=Ilo..-. , I:.- 1..-- 1 1r.. ~ t:,.....s·_ · ~·;. · ··l l . r ,I I<l<>'.- ~~ l'h~1It , ,,, . ",,,-~"'-.Jr. ....d all ,.., ........ " ' llo- .h~ _ • ·') I·J>llI ,I'r'\o-P. f ; 1 , "'.......Ilk. I.I!: 111' ·11.\1 · 1.1· . ·:> 1'l.\1 __ . ' ~'

So. :" T>-t1 ....,'. ),1 1. "r' ," 'U' ~~__I1, ,...... l a I t.-- I~ • . I rl M!< I ' _ to-ot Jlnooo T b n ..' tIl , ...ka l.tl.poaad ~__'mrl"" '_ "' llI-_ IM Lion'''' .,,<1 " no,.... aU .I...._, 1h<'.'-..t b<-IlloT ..-:t"T. .. tlJ~_ I..-." "'"'"*" r · lo. o·I_...hoP l I "" ·1 beaJ '''r. ..... ..'1· ·.t . .. l1 , " ...

1I11.1.t; MIn i u ·.,. ' o<'L" .:X ~ ".\S I'lI.\:>oTII . ' T a,;. ,."..he ...."' • •of ,.,~ _ .

....1, 1" " ",_. <ino' rl. 1. 111 TT....• ~ • • I d . ....I'JI:O"_I I"rk... t. ~ I . "Ie' .

J ' t.:.. LT. 11;1.·11 .\1 ·... (,,'1.1 ,1;.." ~ 1 " ' :>O I ~ lIIS .1 .., I ·.~h .1 h "",. ,.... ..... .- " I , .."'nco l a lla m a ..' ''Q.....', , "..... _I .'1 d'_ r , beIi ;..l ) · oI I11oo1.:.T. 1..........1 ' 11• •

" ~ ".,.n" "" 1111 . I. t: HI. -II .'I .,. .; ...• IlIi.X ..ILL.... "... ""...Ia.1 W.-..k " ....... !I":btEm-... Im ""taK)-. .... .1 . 11 •.It_D.I" "" }I.-,n_11oN< ..." ..:1......1\-... 1", _ U,... , .,,, T " ..".ur...' ''''''''" IlaI<ootu bo I' '' ' "1 1). II, ,11. ",~

..... ....,.lpl <If Jl. ..... U,,· .., " M_ I"'I" "'Ill, _ I ..::1 ,. n, .of l h .· ·a",.'· ..- n... ....."' I)-r-_ J _n,1t, · n.- ~..e.t_ r..' _ .

.. _ .. ,......, ..... ..1' 10..... 1 . bon. ....... ' ,'.,.,. nI b R. b"""'- , .".."" .,._ .\~~ ' ·.'·.I:rnl,n l.. ,tf·'''.

w ,;, _ lt" w,,·l lk "" 'I :~ '- , · .

IL' \". <'Om<".,....).•nd _ "".n 'I ,,~· r· · x. , . ,. Nt" . ·" ·110<. ,,'-·. 1.

$ 1 . 0 0 0 ~"'t:'l7~



onum'\ VANT -Y 0 1]

Sloop w. H. TWiligh t

... _ 111-.... lind III""""u " rIODIe. J~lllmclM t>y ..II Itl.....1·:~:~Pb1ok_~bou~lho.V:"I~

r.•...,. taDlll1 .~ld M .... l.I I II .LMhoto.... " ..

• Itoo1tod oPnllIonuo-.... """" ....... , &>Iotl>1 !, 11 Uot"'" JlN,1"" ...4 Drunul.&."

H. DPBTDIlf • co.• r1Il<>l. !'n>pn.,o......

6la .....,.,. II.... II,,'. FIlA","""", C': , .

It YOll " . 111 r.~11 TI,·"' I..

II r Oil ,,-"" l Ill"" !; h r:tn . ,

U )""1 ,"';t01 11"'0 11. Ilr<'tl' .

I( yeu " alii lIo UIc J..ahr l"

It )'011 " ':&111 8 111nk 0 ,,1...",

It )'011 "'anl cllm",; Ca"'"

It you "lIllt Db ,,1.: ( 'In"",

If ) '0\1 1r.Inl t:,."'loI..... .

II yo" ..a,, 1 Box Lahti..

If rQrl _ Ill Sl" lm,..n~

Jr you .....1ste w ea..l..

If yoo " 'a lit S ot" 11.-1..

Whidby Island Ferry


Weekly Argus

c...., .......~ ........Port T OlOUSe-lld ,TV.T.


It ) '0 11 " Mi t .\ ,It1 """" c.,..~ .

U r Oil " -'l ui " ".-I I"" Ta......

H f Oil WlIIl I AIl~1 10lt 1II11s,

H r oll w:m t LU g<! I.....t<·n.

II ron wlnt lI W1lm..." Card..

II rOll. n'llut DllL..k 1~1 1'U,

H )'011 ""lInl 0 1.....1.100 Ca..to.

It rOil " 'a"t BLa nk <:e rtllk:lI~

If r oo """ \\"...1011"11; In d tlJlIo" ,,­

II )'ou want 100 or 100,000 C\n:ul:trs.

Ityou wlolbNlIlllul prl ol l" g In tol"n,

II r('ll " I nt J ob l'rlnth,1t of any df.o

~r1I>1I00 OOIl, ln II IJ"IlIuocr 1U'l", rlo r 10

tI.st 01 anr .Dt~r prllltl.., I!fltAblub·

!Pent In WaoJtlngtnn T lml"",. and

~tal 10 '''1& ~ I..DJ Oil thtl f';lt.1lk

co-.t. at l'f'll!'IDI1~bIe"I.... ,...nte 10 Il..

'1'"It I OD""'01 Il ill·!tf"IIo,}o,



&' c .,&c.•

.AT TilE


CIGAn.q" 4<: .. .te.



Of all Kinds.

B'Uc::rK EI 2 om



OF EXTRA gowi!.!"





Taylor's Sulky Rakes.

SE E D - D R I L L S


L ::J: Q "0 <> R. S,

j)10 WER& REAPER, '


Boots and Shoelj,


Hoose and Shli Carienler's Tools, !



CLUB O.u.s.






PE ft ' U"M Elty ,


DR U G S ,

lOo n. To.-u-.con d. ""•• T .

Lo~e&'t Pr:1oc eYaler !onIl1iet to lesse~ ' families ;

_<tIC.....-... ......1

Te a m in g o f all kinds d o no.

..."tt>. . ... JU .l'tif; "' 101 " O . )( 1Il1.'1;\I0 X Bt:.

.I.' _.-pUJ' •..--""'

A L.~• • ~• • ortment.


.JG.N . & P . I

Steamship Co.I OF CALIFOn " ' A, I



Miscellaneous Stock ICustom Work




TI N , COPPER,_ ... !II>--

Sheel-iron Ware,

STOVES, m wAIl.E Tibbals'SuperiorTeams

,y- "",IP_ .._ _ . --......

_. of u.o LOnU' --. ronT~w. ,.. 64,1

T he. ~iclg (e.,. , "" 1a n e n'th ll~io I~, write t . ncel. anolh.r planla 1 ha.e erer eeen, inita l~hl_ ud adaptatiou Cor .~.IJ. D;'TL.L,ClnlID*lti!l.l'-pdlA"l :IU:-'!JO,Il.d8 ~ll M'~ ",..,. 1M) dee pl1 Mr-ratM tbat tMyprod_ • ~t perfect effeet

when~rro~ ~ . -a!'a,en...ea.thftlg \l~-mi~ aM •wiado_ . IDd ita frui t or -.I._••_ DRl:GS.

,,_ aN n q.mite ill t he ir light~ Qa,.ant:i'*! oI i t ANI

.aid • tire - • • td_a ill ' ou r chi. C

. u., boch po t I II aad in the&.II .... tN t J'ft4 the demandtor it • lMlI& .iMM; Cot . b.n__ "'W1 ODe -dee,. it. l"aW'l' ".at... of .. IURct&

Is daf- _ -u. all witll . li..·incr-.udk-r- iw brigbtco1· OLAll8,Of IIIl1tll '" ....anD.va (a<.1et it to .lirt bron. wMQ. i~Ded oYerth4I ir..mH>r ~ 'IIiinoi.; &ita\~bg

ri~ IN reS . l!4.'*! :Ma ~'1Ue-,nm1agl,. doubling th"ei r Du~ber.the "ect t. ex:eeMiugly lo1'ely .En_. room dna 1IdonJed, IUId

JOfI" btdly COQnao. 10nwlltha& 1M ri_ IN ft01 gromg ill :iOAI'8,_ . bidden f'ee4lptade, 1M) brightlIN~f hue- 10 C~b their. ~po.......... . ... .

.iil,-tii;~k lui;'~;;;': -" P ORTT O\VNSEND ''''''''. 11 ",,, ', " ,I. ' " ,, - --- -- :--.- Bloot .~~T Shoe ----- ------lA~,@':'tj:$'

Tilt Tru . llr....<.r Ibt 110'('1'_ "'\; lJ \...(""'pl . in Dm.. n. or Ih l' k !l.l'I{':,n I B001~ :~ JOB

i . c. ' " ;''''' '' ".,r.".' " .,. S TO R E . O· FGERRI~II&['0't he l l ih of ju t m(\lItb. in ('m.Jl:" "_ ;0". i,.,. ~r, , r ,h, l". S, man- >liS" 'lOYo' I I I " 'e r-.... r L'ulnl..., I. " .I. " I..:c-b "':I. ~ " " •. , \, ' ' , -- - PI11'ffl'11rUI in t•• ,oJ uok in " ""'I't"" ..\ ).\;;"'0~ 'I~~ .;in·:~ · :o:: 1 . t l\ I J In ..... I" hy the Cotl (...I,·n. t. -' • •am Wholeq~ and R~ull rIO 'ole" I"\ ";r l>ini... i n I N>2. Il i..e"" la,1 Doot.s ct! 8 ho0 8 Ibeen at work on d ,,, wrec k 10.:'0 " f 1!Je Y<'ty ""'-I 'lUlll l<- . and fit thf I)"('an, haring In .. i.... the r..eo ...· r~· Lato'J't l"&u..m l .

" f tlii••afe. 1"bf' ludo.y w2.u h..J Ctflf'~:;-;~IM1' I' I GF~ER \ ] Ionly been .tthe wr «:1I. r...rt)"'(' llrh t ~~ .J • '"

1.A..l.-Qtl 0 O-V•.n-Sbe>oe- '

hours .h<!' fl. btl found t be Wofe hu. 1t ied in t b~ or (" IU C~:t of m...I. ~"t'~ CAd~"-;;: IDd Cl'1 II<1 l'f'''·1 "'IE ROllA. NDlsI?,Tbe ..I tl'r I t t blt " lac. ' ~ Sl" " "t~·. II 'J~ight f~' .I~l" Brtbe o)x l'l~(ln n.u.bbor~or-.hoo.l __,-- _()( . torpedo the &aro ...a~ cracked. Shoe Finding .•nd.a it .... hoUteel on deck. RI I L 'f...... pleees ()C gol<l c..ill dropped g g n g &ather. Etc.0 ..1. it ; ~ gen..ra lly l.c lie l'ed t ll a~ A o..'Ompwle u oortlJl""t ot

the ..Ie ('()f. tli lll~ betw een ! W.\J()()and 1100,000 in g old .

It i. eatiml~ t hat more tha n'100.00> heee beeu l'>lI l bv d iffer·en t rartiea in trying to ' reco,",' r A.,.I Rtplllrln,lt n:"'~II..1 .. uolL1.l , 100lh i. t N:Ullre. The ..Ie Illd ,",Ill ' "411·fltl:lo" ,It"ltr:tlllt.~I .tire b.lo ng to Cart. Bee...n and 0 I l7 A c"lr ~I","• •'1 the ~t l"tJ Il~l:e 0 1

tie 11l1"1l~ .. ...,11" ,1,,1.K. Mah to,. of Kor folk. and Her - J . t ·ITZPAT HIC K.Lert Smi th. or Detr oit. ~ l ic hiKall . _

W hile Captai n B rown 'IU S

r.earcl,ing the .. reck IUl camel elOM" pt'tri fi ed human hod)'. ioI perfect ltat. of pr 6&en ation. I t..... IInbll~ by c,u. .,.. 'j sL; ",0tho 11Mb .... extremely han!. T heClrt.i in IlIpP"*' l lhe hody to hetbat or an e DicI.r. &lid '\,e i n~ntl .

to return ..d get it. .

-------- - --------------