week 1 sweet retreat challenge submissions 2015

Sweet Retreat Week 1 Challenge Submissions This week we challenge you to take a few quizzes to increase your Sugar Smarts. We asked you to share something new or surprising that you learned about sugar. Here’s what you said! I was surprised to see how much added sugar we have in soda and since finding this out I am no longer drinking soda and drinking more water. Thanks for the information on sugar and what amounts we are consuming without being aware. – Brenda Leihser, Edwardsville 9G I learned that Brazil has is the leading country in sugar. I absolutely thought that it was the US. – Jessica Strehlow, Hartford Something surprising……I did not know that sugar/carbohydrates stimulate the release of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin, which makes us “feel good” when we eat them. No wonder I crave carbs and sugar…it’s because I like the way they make me feel!!! (I can honestly say that it makes sense because broccoli does nothing for me to make me feel good. J ) – Kari Jellum, Lakeville I was surprise to learn that the average American person drink or eat 22 teaspoons of sugar each day! Wow it is a lot of sugar even more for kids. – Maria Huerta, Edwardsville 9G I took 3 tests and learned a lot. Most interesting thing I learned was to avoid the center rows in the grocery store. The healthier foods are on the perimeter of the store. – Chris I was very surprised with the facts on the different quizzes, based on the little I knew of sugar and sweeteners I was surprised of my results Sugar and Sweeteners, 67% Sugar and Sweeteners Dietary Health Quiz, 10 out of 18, 56%, average is 50% Are your Sugar Cravings Out of Control? I’m in control, moderation is a key Founded very interesting data, some of it shocking “number of tea spoons we drink every day” almost half a cup WAO!!!!! – Eduardo Rincon, Mexico I took the Sugars & Sweeteners quiz on webmd.com and was surprised to find out that we are born with a sweet tooth. According to the information provided, humans are hardwired to prefer sweets from birth because sugar is a type of carbohydrate and stimulates the feel-good brain hormone, serotonin. ~ Sandy Conklin, PrePrint Brazil is the leading producer of sugar. United States ranks 9th. – Mike Hedman, Lakeville

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Week 1 Sweet Retreat Challenge Submissions 2015


  • Sweet Retreat Week 1 Challenge Submissions This week we challenge you to take a few quizzes to increase your Sugar Smarts. We asked you to share something new or surprising that you learned about sugar. Heres what you said!

    I was surprised to see how much added sugar we have in soda and since finding this out I am no longer drinking soda and drinking more water. Thanks for the information on sugar and what amounts we are consuming without being aware. Brenda Leihser, Edwardsville 9G

    I learned that Brazil has is the leading country in sugar. I absolutely thought that it was the US. Jessica Strehlow, Hartford

    Something surprisingI did not know that sugar/carbohydrates stimulate the release of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin, which makes us feel good when we eat them. No wonder I crave carbs and sugarits because I like the way they make me feel!!! (I can honestly say that it makes sense because broccoli does nothing for me to make me feel good. J ) Kari Jellum, Lakeville

    I was surprise to learn that the average American person drink or eat 22 teaspoons of sugar each day! Wow it is a lot of sugar even more for kids. Maria Huerta, Edwardsville 9G

    I took 3 tests and learned a lot. Most interesting thing I learned was to avoid the center rows in the grocery store. The healthier foods are on the perimeter of the store. Chris

    I was very surprised with the facts on the different quizzes, based on the little I knew of sugar and sweeteners I was surprised of my results Sugar and Sweeteners, 67% Sugar and Sweeteners Dietary Health Quiz, 10 out of 18, 56%, average is 50% Are your Sugar Cravings Out of Control? Im in control, moderation is a key Founded very interesting data, some of it shocking number of tea spoons we drink every day almost half a cup WAO!!!!! Eduardo Rincon, Mexico

    I took the Sugars & Sweeteners quiz on webmd.com and was surprised to find out that we are born with a sweet tooth. According to the information provided, humans are hardwired to prefer sweets from birth because sugar is a type of carbohydrate and stimulates the feel-good brain hormone, serotonin. ~ Sandy Conklin, PrePrint

    Brazil is the leading producer of sugar. United States ranks 9th. Mike Hedman, Lakeville

  • I took the Sugar Control quiz and the results said I have situational struggles with sugar. Totally agree with this. I liked the suggestions about finding a substitute or waiting it out. I have tried both, but it is good to see the other comments and see others struggle the same way. I just have to be more present in the moment to make better decisions. Sam Goetz, Oconomowoc

    The interesting thing I found out during my survey is that there is more sugar in a quarter cup of dried cranberries than in a Twinkie! I would have never guessed that. Nikki Salyers, Georgetown

    I learned that the average American eats the equivalent of about 21 teaspoons of added sugar a day. Jill McClintock, Neenah Plant

    I did not know that an average person eats half a pound of sugar a day. Also learn things have changed over the last 20 years, when my husband found out he was a diabetic. Caroline Mcbride, Fort Worth

    AARP Quiz Amazing how wrong I was on items with the most sugar in them. Joel, Menasha Corporation

  • AARP Quiz Wow! I guess I don't know as much about sugar as I thought. Carol Doran, Yukon

    I didnt know that there was an artificial sweetener Stevia that is derived from a plant, but has zero calories. Might be something to try! Jamie Wright, PPS-Neenah

    There was a lot that I didn't know about sugar (as proven by my score of 58% on the first quiz that I took), but I think the most surprising piece of information that I found is the best way to avoid sugars when grocery shopping is to shop the perimeter of the store. That one came as a surprise, but after I saw the correct answer, I realized that as soon as I walk into the grocery store in my town, the wall on the left side is lined with vegetables. If I paid more attention to that, that answer would have jumped right out at me. Also, the "Foods with Hidden Sugars" Quiz, is pretty scary. I only got 3 out of 8 of those correct :( -Deanna Frederick (Edison-Truman)

    Found out Im a terrible judge as far as sugar content in foods. Willard Rader, Georgetown

    Your Results: Your Sugar Cravings Are Out of Control You have some pretty intense struggles with sugar I never realized how much sugar I was consuming and the importance of controlling the added sugars in my diet, now I know how important is to take a minute and read the label, with the hidden sugar quiz I learned how much sugar is my food - Jessica Dominguez, Silao Mexico

    After taking all of the tests, I was really surprised on how little I really knew about sugar. The biggest eye openener was that it affects your liver. That is a good thing to know. - Jenny Feiner, Hartford

    Something I learned about sugar was that the consumption of added sugar has increased dramatically in the past few decades, bringing with it a excess of metabolic problems and diseases. Maria Mendez, Edwardsville 9G

    I took the AARP Hidden Sugar Quiz. I was surprised to learn that I could eat 6 Milano mint cookies rather than a Yoplait Original 99% Fat Free Lemon Burst Yogurt or a 4 oz. serving of Motts Original Applesauce and actually consume less sugar. I dont believe this would qualify as a healthy alternative though!! Kevin Schuh Corporate Office

    I was surprised to learn that adults take in an average of 22 teaspoons of added sugar per day. Jeff Sprague, PPS-Neenah

  • In addition to the other great tips, Popcorn is a very healthy snack to eat. (Watch the butter and the salt though.) Shop the perimeters of the stores for healthy foods to purchase. Water is the best drink. Beverages are loaded with sugars. Bonnie Hudec, Hodgkins

    It is amazing how sugar is hidden in so many products. Our family already tries to shop the perimeter, and avoid processed foods. Who knows how much extra sugar my kids would be getting if we didnt?!?! Michelle Zimmer-Maertz, PPS-Neenah

    I was surprised to learn that Brazil was the world leader in producing sugar. I already knew it did not cause diabetes but its hard to convince others that not the case. Vanessa Dancy, Midwest

    I learned where to look for healthier foods at the grocery store! David Austin, York

    I learned that sugar is lurking everywhere. I like to make banana walnut bread and have decided from now on to substitute the cup of sugar with unsweetened applesauce. Im sure there is still hidden sugar in it somewhere. Liz Springer, Neenah Plant

    The average American eats and drinks 22 teaspoons of sugar per day! That is more than double the recommended dose for men and 3x the recommended dose for women! Rick Fossen, Deforest

    Most added sugar comes from beverages. I am not a sugar addict. J Brazil makes more sugar then the US. Saccharin is 300X sweeter than sugar. Casey Cook, Menasha Corporation

    I was surprised to learn that the average person consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar a day! When 1 gram equals 1/4tsp, that seems like such an absurd amount. Im a label reader, but will definitely pay more attention to this! Angie Maenke, Lakeville

  • I took the Foods with Hidden Sugar Quiz, getting 4 out of 8 correct. One of the most surprising things that I learned was that sugar is typically listed as one of the first two ingredients in sport drinks and vitamin-enhanced waters. Christine Plamann, Preprint

    Got a score of 10/12 on the quiz. I am surprised at that but have been working this year on eliminating artificial sweeteners from my diet by looking for it in various foods. Thought it was odd the quiz suggested drinking diet soda over regular soda, not that either one is good, but I thought all the additional chemicals in the diet soda made it worse than the regular sugar in other sodas? J- Mary Fordon, Oconomowoc

    Surprising fact about sugar: Craisins have more sugar than yogurt raisins. Rachel Thompson, Madison Heights

    I found interesting the advice to stick to the Perimeter of the Grocery store , it will not only improve my health and my familys but it will also help our Budget, I always say that its not a good idea to go to the Grocery Store without having Breakfast first, you are always craving for things that you dont even really need . Gabriela Mar, Mexico

    I knew that sugars were in so much of what we eat but I didnt realize that it was in so much basic items that we eat. It tough to learn a sugar free lifestyle. ~Savannah Graham, Urbana

    I was surprised to learn that we are born with a sweet tooth! I have also been miscalculating a gram of sugar as a teaspoon its actually teaspoon. Jessica Comeau, PearceWellwood

    I completed two sugar surveys. I couldnt believe the foods that had more sugars in them than others. A Twinkie has less sugar than a cup of Craisins, crazy and that a Granny Smith Apple has less sugar than a Red Delicious Apple. These were interesting quizzes! Jennifer Mueller, Oconomowoc

    I just completed the survey on foods with hidden sugar. I was totally surprised to learn that a granny smith apple has less sugar grams than a red delicious. I had no idea that there could be such a difference in apples!! I assumed all apples would have the same amount of sugar. Great information!!! Debbie Boardman, Neenah Plant

    I was amazed that we as Americans consume 22 teaspoons of sugar a day! When a woman should only have 6 teaspoons and a man 9. Connie Brown, Lakeville

    I took all the quizzes listed and decided that I need to get a bit more educated on sugars that are in foods. I was able to get some of the food products figured out, but the ones that surprised me were the ones that I actually eat (such as Craisins or the delicious apples). More label reading in the future for me I guess. Janet Devers, Mentor

    I have situational struggles with sugar. but its not my fault.

  • Ours brains are hard-wired from birth determining whether or not we have a sweet tooth. Brian Wuensch, Lyndhurst

    I learned and was surprised that Saccharin is still used today Aaron Pontow, MFC

  • After taking the Sugars and Sweeteners Quiz, I learned that sugar is listed as grams on packaging and that 1 gram of sugar is equal to teaspoon. I also learned that men should only have a maximum of 9 teaspoons of sugar per day. After taking the Foods with Hidden Sugar Quiz, I realized sugar is in everything! Steven Kamke, PPS-Neenah

    I was surprised to learn in the WebMD quiz that we are born with a Sweet Tooth. It makes sense because looking back as a kid, I always wanted sugary items and not my veggies, but surprising nonetheless. Mike Vaughan, Madison Heights

    Americans basically consume their weight -- about 142 pounds -- in sugar in just one year. I didnt realize it was that much! I scored only 67% on the sugar quiz not as informed as I should be. Christa Sanders, PPS-Neenah

    I took all the quizzes and it was amazing how many I got wrong! Obviously, there is a whole lot to plain old sugar, then I realized and I have a lot to learn about sugar and how it relates to the foods I eat. Very interesting stuff! William Pittman, Coloma

    I was really surprised that a 20 oz. bottle of Glaceau Defense Raspberry-Apple water, and more sugar than three French Crullers from Dunkin Donuts. I will make sure I start paying attention to nutrition labels on food. Robert Peters, Coloma

    Did poorly on the sugar survey, not to knowledgeable about sugar but then again I try to eat very little. Colleen Thomson, Hartford

    One thing I learned from taking the Sugar and Sweeteners Dietary Health Quiz, and was very surprised by is that people consume their weight in sugar each year. That seems like a lot of sugar. Jeff Lawniczak, Home Office

    I took the Are Your Sugar Cravings Out of Control quiz on SparkPeople. I was happy and surprised to hear that I have my sugar cravings under control. I am sure I would not have had this result 2 months ago. About six weeks ago, I began making sure I eat all my fruit and vegetable servings each day instead of eating the high carb foods that would normally fill that spot. I also try to choose whole grain foods over processed. Doing both of these things has reduced my cravings for really sweet things. Julie Weyenberg, Home Office

  • Looking at cup of sugar, it seems pretty disgusting to think we consume that much in one day! Laura Lentz, Hartford

  • I learned Brazil is the worlds top sugar producer and the US is ranked 9th. Joshua Cummings, Corporate

    After taking the Foods with Hidden Sugars quiz, it is important to read your labels as Healthy doesnt always mean Healthy. Dana Lamp, Oconomowoc

    Americans consume a 1/3 pound of sugar each day. Mark Widman, Latrobe

    Something new and surprising about the Medicine net quiz Ronald Reagan was a sugar addict, and that he had to have jelly beans on his desk at all times. Erik Becker, PrePrint

    Here are my results for the Sugar & Sweeteners Quiz 11 of 12 = 92%! Jacqui Fahey, Hartford

    I was surprised to learn that the average adult consumes the equivalent of 22 teaspoons of sugar per day in their diet. I wouldve thought it was closer to 13 teaspoons. It just proves how these sugars are hidden in most of the foods and that most people arent aware of how to interpret a food label/nutritional content. I also wasnt aware that were hard-wired to prefer sweets. I wouldve thought it was more of a developed preference. Amy Bravick, PPS-Neenah

    The surprising item on the quiz I took was that granny smith apples have half the sugar of a red delicious apple or an orange. Stacey Bartlett, Neenah Plant

    I took two of the tests on line The AARP test, I only scored 38% - Yikes!! The 2nd one I took was the WebMD which I scored 100% I learned that cranberries & raisins have more sugar than a Hostess Twinkie!! I try to satisfy my sugar cravings with dried cranberries the type of sugar in the cranberries & raisins is better but SUGAR IS SUGAR!! Kay Kniefel, Lakeville

  • I learned that one gram of sugar = teaspoon. Will be helpful in knowing how much sugar I get per day from prepackaged foods. Jay Eggener, Menasha

    I am not a big sweets fan, but I learned that dried cranberries have more sugar than a Twinkie! Ive been putting those on my salad thinking they were healthy all along. Rachel Stackhouse, Corporate

    I learned that sugar is toxic to the liver. Kathy Collien, Corporate

    I took the sugars and sweeteners quiz and was very surprised that the recommended maximum of sugar for each day is 6 tsp for women and 9 tsp for men and that most Americans consume their weight in sugar in one year (approx 142 lbs). Soda, fruit drinks, fruit juices, sports & energy drinks and the #1 source of added sugar. Sugar is a type of carbohydrate that stimulates the release of serotonin, a feel good chemical in our body, we prefer sweet taste from birth. Sherry Miracle, PPS-Neenah

    I learned that on average, Americans consume 1/3 of a pound of sugar a DAY! Amy Liethen, PPS-Neenah

    Craisins and yogurt raisins have more sugar than a Hostess twinkie! I couldnt believe this one fact from one of the quizzes I took. I was putting these in my salads! Patty Rega, Yukon

    I learned that eating too much sugar does not cause diabetes, but it can lead to liver damage. Lupe Gonzalez, Chicago

    I didnt realize that sugar was hard on your liver. I found this very interesting in the quizzes. Jana Doemel, PPS - Neenah

    I was aware the athletic drinks contain a great deal of added sugars, so I do limit my familys intake of them and defer to water. However I wasnt aware that health drinks like Vitamin Water can be higher in sugars as well. Amy Melnick, Yukon

    Something new I learned: that on average we consume our body weight in sugar annually (~ 140 lbs). Shouldnt be surprised given the lengths food companies go to disguise how much sugar is in their products! Troy Martin, Neenah

    I learned that Sucrose is table sugar. Melissa Acosta, Rock Island

    I learned that the United States was not the number 1 producer of sugar. Dan Mack, Rock Island

    I had no clue sugar came from beets as well. I didnt know India was one of the largest producers of sugar. I always thought it was Brazil. Fabiola Alvarez, Chicago

  • Didnt realize that nasty Saccharin is still round! Not surprised that Im a sugar addict.something I work on every day! Renee McNamara, Oconomowoc

    I didnt realize a gram of sugar is only tsp. I watch labels on food and thought grams was much more. Deb Ludeman, Oconomowoc

    I am a label reader, but I was still surprised by the number of names that are noted for added sugars. I have a new understanding of 6 teaspoons a day as being acceptable (thats going to be really hard! - Kim Dresselhaus, Lakeville

    I took the quiz on sugars and sweeteners. I was surprised to learn the humans are hardwired for sugar. It is good to know by limiting carbs it will help to control the sweet cravings. Teresa Armeta, Santa Fe Springs

    Didnt know humans prefer sweets from birth. Angie Shepard, PPS-Neenah

  • I never knew that Sugar toxicity causes liver damage. Brian Henze, Corporate

    Omgmy Yoplait non-fat yogurt has more sugar than six Pepperidge farm mint Milano cookies! AND a cup of craisins has more sugar than a Twinkie? Jane Boettcher, Neenah Plant

    I was shocked to find out that a sports drink has more sugar than a doughnut from Dunkin Donuts or an ice cream sandwich. I knew that sports drinks had sugar in them but is surprised me to find out how much. Brian Gass, PPS-Neenah

    I was surprised to learn that the average American consumed 22.5 teaspoons of added sugar a day. Stephanie Wall, Newville

    A bottle of raspberry flavored vitamin water has more sugar than 3 donuts from Dunkin Doughnuts. Nikki Flanagan, Neenah Plant

    I took two of the quizzes and only received roughly 67% on both quizzes. I guess I dont know as much about sugar as I thought I did. I wasnt expecting the amount of sugar in sports drinks. You think because you are drinking to replace electrolytes you have lost that it is healthy, but thats completely false. I will have to check the labels more closely and always opt for water instead of sugary sports drinks. Karen Alliet, Hartford

    I took Sugar and sweeteners Quiz and the Are you addicted to sugar quiz. I had no idea that juices were so full of sugar. I thought they were healthy choices. I should stick to the actual fresh fruit! Brenda Witte, Rock Island

    I learned that I had better be much more diligent in understanding the sugar in my food choices. I took the quiz and had more wrong than right. I really thought I had made the healthiest choices. Now I know to pay more attention and understand the sugar content. Patricia Heckman, PPS-Neenah

    I took the the WebMD Sugars and Sweeteners Quiz and learned that the average American consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar a day and the recommended levels to stay at or beneath are 6 teaspoons for women and 9 teaspoons for men. It is easy to understand why Americans have such high sugar intake when you consider how much soda we drink and the fact that one soda has 8 teaspoons of sugar in it. Another interesting fact I learned was that sugar consumption by itself does not lead to diabetes. Contributing factors for diabetes are genetic along with a being overweight and eating a high calorie diet. But sugar is a big factor toward high calories in our diet. Randy Trelka, PPS-Neenah

    I learned that 1 gram of sugar is teaspoon. That is a lot smaller amount than I thought. It makes me think about how many grams are in the foods I eat on a daily basis. Greg Bohm, Lakeville

    I was surprised by the daily average of sugar intake. Craig Anvelink, PrePrint

  • Karen Glaeser, Neenah Plant

    Before taking these quizzes, I was not aware that we are born with a sweet tooth. I learned that humans are hardwired to prefer sweet from birth. Sugars are a type of carbohydrate. When we eat carbs, they stimulate the release of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin. Most brain cells are influenced in some way by serotonin. This includes brain cells related to mood, sexual function, sleep, memory and learning, and appetite. After hearing this, it makes sense why so many people struggle from over-eating sweet treats. Austin Leigh, Neenah Plant

    I took all of the quizzes, and could not believe all of the different forms/names that are used for sugar, and some snacks that I thought as of healthy, are really not. I knew before I started this challenge that I have a problem with sugar, but the quizzes I took, and the sites I visited, it is worse than I originally thought. This challenge came in the nick of time for me. There is a history of diabetes in my family, and my bad eating habits are just contributing to it. I am going to do the sugar detox, and hope I can stick with it. I have done it in the past, and did good for two and half months, and then fell off the wagon. Thank you for this opportunity to change my unhealthy ways. Tammy Semshack, Yukon

    I actually opted to take all 4 quizzes and found them all quite interesting. I never knew that 1 gram of sugar is equal teaspoon of sugar. I will definitely be paying more attention to the number of grams of sugar listed on labels. Thank you for making me a little more aware of what I am feeding my children! Carmelita Smith, Yukon

    The average American consumes the equivalent of 21 teaspoons of sugar per day. Ron Timm, MPC Home Office

    I completed the Web MD Sugar & Sweeteners Quiz and scored 75% lower than expected. A few things I have learned from this quiz: The best way to avoid the added sugar is to shop the grocery stores perimeter. You are born with a sweet tooth. Brazil leads the world in sugar production. Mike Paladichuk, Pearcewellwood

  • Kelly Riser, York

    The fruits that contain the most sugar are: 1. Figs 2. Grapes 3. Mangos 4. Pomegranates Francisco Bautista, Mexico

    I was very surprised to read that General Mills Oatmeal Crisp Hearty Raison cereal has more sugar than Post Cocoa Pebbles or Kellogs Frosted Mini Wheats! You think youre grabbing a healthier cereal with something that has oatmeal and raisons in it, but really youre not. Kristan Williams, Muscatine

    I took all 4 quizzes and the one that I learned the most from was the Foods with Hidden Sugar Quiz. The foods that I thought would be the healthiest foods for you were just the opposite when it came to how much sugar they contained. I learned that I really need to pay close attention to the labels and read up on how much sugar each healthy item I buy at the store, really contains. Bill Sickles, Mentor

    The thing I learned is to definitely read a label. Some of the answers I chose were due to the name of the food for instance Craisins and I would have thought Vitamin water would be good for you. I will be reading more labels to see how much sugar is in items. Loretta Tonn, Hartford

    The question about being born with a sweet tooth surprised me, sugar affects many aspects of our lives. Doug Orischak, Yukon

  • I never realized how much sugar we can eat in a day 1/3 lb of sugar is a LOT! Christine Olsen, MPC Home Office

    Something interesting I learned from taking the quizzes this week was that shopping the perimeter of your grocery store will help you reduce your purchases of products with added sugars. After reading that I thought of the grocery store I frequently shop at and I have to agree that the staples such as bread, dairy, meat, and produce are all located around the edges of the store while everything else that is not necessarily a staple is in the center. I think the next time I go grocery shopping I will take a trip around the perimeter of the store first and only go into the aisles for specific items I need instead of browsing the whole store and picking up impulse treats. Rachel Snell, York

  • I learned 1 gram of sugar is equal to teaspoon of sugar. Lisa Libassi, Chicago

    I have a sugar addiction and it is very tough for me to avoid it. One of the things Ive done to help this is to choose foods with less sugar (but still get my treat!). One of the big surprises was in the suggested Foods with Hidden Sugar Quiz. I didnt get one answer correct. There are a lot of assumptions I make when it comes to sugar and some of it is in the name. More sugar in Dunkin Donuts French Cruellers vs. Vitamin Water? Wow! Theres 32g of sugar in a Big Gulp? Yikes! The main thing I learned is that I was really only looking at calories on labels, when realistically I have high triglyceride levels and should probably look a little closer to the sugar content of items. Mike Donegan, Philadelphia

    Eating sugary sweets is easily justified for me if my friends or co-workers are eating the same sweet treats. Greg Pearson, Rock Island

    Mike Gruber, York

    I took the Sugars and Sweeteners quiz. I was not aware that food contributes more than causes diabetes. I also just learned that 1 gram of sugar = teaspoon of sugar. I also thought it interesting that shopping around the perimeter of a grocery store is the healthiest way to shop! Valerie Knetzger, Oconomowoc

    I learned something new from the WebMD quiz you can be born with a sweet tooth! Explains a lot about my family! Its a super hard habit to break. Robin Oilschlager, MPC Home Ofice

    I was surprised to learn that tsp. of sugar is equal to 1 gram of sugar. Additionally, it was fun to learn that President Reagan had a bowl of jelly beans on his desk at all times! Thanks for a fun way to become educated on sugar. Some very enlightening information! Wanda Hase, Neenah

    Completed my first quiz, didnt do very well (67%); lots to learn. Never realized that all (most) the healthy foods are on the perimeter of grocery stores. Bob Mueseler, Latrobe

    In taking the quizzes, I was taken aback by the amount of sugar in crasins, one of my favorite snacks. Until now anyway. Fran Ciborowski, Edwardsville

  • I took 3 of the quizzes and it is CRAZY how much sugar 1 person consumes in one day! Makes you really think about what youre eating everyday! Kristina Moser, Hartford

    I find it sad that the cereal with the most sugar was the Oatmeal Crisp Hearty Raisin. Names can be deceiving. Pam Obry, Neenah Plant

    I didnt know the reason they use high-fructose corn syrup in so many food is because its cheaper to make than sugar. Nallely Barraza-Rodriguez, Newville

  • I just found out that the average individual consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar per day. Dan Frankfurth, PPS-Neenah

    I learned two things from taking the sugar smarts quizzes. I am more in control of my sweets eating habits than I thought so I should do well avoiding sweets for this competition, and I did not realize saccharin was still in use. David Uitenbroek, Oconomowoc

    I was shocked by the correct answers for the Foods with Hidden Sugar Quiz. Things that sounded healthy had the most sugar. Just because it sounds good for you doesnt mean it is. Emily Grutza, ORBIS Menasha

    Two of the many things that I learned taking the quizzes, is that 1 gram of sugar = 1/4 teaspoon. So 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon. This makes it easy to add up how much sugar is in a soft drink before you decided to drink it. Also the average American consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar a day. Kevin Sanderson, York

    I was surprised that diabetes is not just caused by eating more sugar! Also that Brazil is the leader in sugar growing. Beth Kryzaniak, PPS-Neenah

  • The Sweet Quizs really open your eyes to how much sugar is in different foods especially drinks This has opened my eyes to read the LABELS more closely at the sugar content in the products. I think trying Stevia ( sugar) as a baking substitute is definitely the way to go to have your favorite foods without feeling guilty. Darla Duncan, York