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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

About this free course

This free course is an adapted extract from the Open University

course .

This version of the content may include video, images and

interactive content that may not be optimised for your device.

You can experience this free course as it was originally designed

on OpenLearn, the home of free learning from The Open

University –

There you’ll also be able to track your progress via your activity

record, which you can use to demonstrate your learning.

Copyright © 2016 The Open University

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Unless otherwise stated, this resource is released under the terms

of the Creative Commons Licence v4.0

http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en_GB. Within that The Open University interprets this licence in the

following way:

www.open.edu/openlearn/about-openlearn/frequently-asked-questions-on-openlearn. Copyright and rights falling

outside the terms of the Creative Commons Licence are retained Page 3 of 16 25th August 2016


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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

or controlled by The Open University. Please read the full text

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We believe the primary barrier to accessing high-quality

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much free content as possible under an open licence. If it proves

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Contents Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

2.1 What do you do? 2.2 About licensing 2.3 Your OER places 2.4 An OER rubric

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Photo Credit: About to fly away by Thomas Tolkien,

CC BY-NC 2.0

This week you are invited to jump in and:

learn about Creative Commons licences

explore and add to your treasure chest of open


think about how you may go about evaluating the

quality of open resources.

2.1 What do you do?How do you go about preparing for a class? Do you have a look at

the textbooks you have at home or in the library? Do you go

online? Do you ask your colleagues to share ideas?

Activity 1Allow about 15 minutes

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Take a few minutes and jot down your thinking in answer to the

questions above.

Provide your answer...

In the video below, we’ve asked a language teacher the same

question. Watch the video and then have a look at your notes: are

your experiences similar to hers?

Watch the video at YouTube.com.

How do you go about preparing your class?

2.2 About licensingIt is common enough to assume that because something is online,

it is also free to use. But is it, really? Do you normally ask the

person who uploaded their materials online whether you can use

them in your class, in your presentation, in your report…? Of

course not! That’s what Creative Commons licences do: they

let you know exactly how an author would like you to use their

materials while they retain copyright. The following image explains

what each of the licences allows you to do.

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Source: How to Attribute Creative Commons Photos, by FOTER.

View description - Uncaptioned figure

These licences can be combined. For example, the image

reproduced right above this paragraph has been released under a

CC BY-SA licence, which means that it can be reused in this

course as long as it is attributed and shared under the same terms.

The author has not added any restrictions with regard to adapting

the resource (note that we have cropped it from the original) or

using it for commercial purposes.

What is important for you to understand is that only resources

allowing for adaptation are actual OER; if you can’t adapt it, then

it’s not open. See the slide below: a resource with a No-Derivatives

(CC-ND) licence stops you from making any changes to it,

therefore it is not open.

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Source: Creative Commons Licenses, by Paul

Stacey, CC BY 4.0

View description - Uncaptioned figure

Watch Josie Fraser talking about Creative Commons licences and the decisions we make when choosing which licence

to use.

Activity 2Fancy playing a game? Follow the instructions in the link and

remix four different media types to create a new resource.

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

2.3 Your OER placesAlthough research tells us that open content is hard to find, there is

a growing number of repositories and search engines to help you

locate what you need.

Here are some suggestions:

OER Commons contains 50,000 learning materials in

a variety of subjects ranging from preschool to adult


OpenLearn is the home of free learning materials

from The Open University.

OpenStax CNX offers thousands of textbook-style

resources in a host of disciplines that can be viewed,

downloaded, adapted and shared.

PhET is a collection of free interactive simulations for

Math and Science from the University of Colorado.

For language learning materials, head over to the

Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning at the University of Texas.

iBerry The Academic Porthole helps you connect

to information and resources in Higher Education.

Open Education Europa contains a very useful list

of European repositories of OER classified by country,

language and subject among other categories. Page 11 of 16 25th August 2016


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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

If you are looking for images, Photos for Class allows you to

directly search properly attributed, Creative Commons, age-

appropriate images from Flickr; Unsplash contains photos

licensed Creative Commons Zero, and Pixabay gives you

access to hundreds of thousands of public domain images,

including vectors and art illustrations.

Activity 3Allow about 15 minutes

What websites would you recommend to other people?

Imagine you are helping to crowdsource a list of must-go online

places: think of at least one link to your preferred repositories/sites

and make a note of it below. Perhaps your colleagues at work

would be interested in giving you a hand.

Provide your answer...

2.4 An OER rubricOnce you find an openly licensed resource (an image, a lesson, a

unit, etc.), how do you decide whether you are going to use it in

class or not?

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

The questions below, adapted from Achieve, suggest some

aspects you may want to consider when evaluating the quality of

teaching and learning resources.

Quality of explanation of the subject matter

How thoroughly is the subject matter explained?

Are the main ideas clearly identified for the students?

Utility of materials designed to support teaching

Are materials comprehensive and easy to understand

and use?

Are suggestions for ways to use the materials with a

variety of learners included?

Quality of technological interactivity

If interactive, is this feature purposeful and directly

related to learning?

If interactive, do materials create an individualised

learning experience (i.e. do they adapt to students

based on what they do?)

Opportunities for deeper learning

Do materials engage students in working

collaboratively, thinking critically and solving complex Page 13 of 16 25th August 2016


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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

problems, learning how to learn, communicating

effectively, etc.?

Assurance of accessibility

Are the materials fully accessible for ALL students, i.e.

visually impaired, print disabled, etc.?

Source: Rubrics for Evaluating Open Education Resource (OER) Objects by Achieve, CC BY 3.0

Activity 4Allow about 30 minutes

What aspects do you consider when you are evaluating a resource

for teaching?

Provide your answer...

You can now move on to Week 3 Reuse in action.

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Uncaptioned figureDescriptionThe image shows four Creative Commons licences. (From left to right) Attribution (by) You may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. Non-commercial (NC) You may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. No Derivative Works (ND) You may copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works based on it. Share Alike (SA) You may distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original work. Below the badges is a notice that reads: A licence cannot feature both the Share Alike and No Derivative Works options. The Share Alike requirement applies only to derivative works.

Back to Session 1 Figure 2

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Week 2 Find and evaluate OER

Uncaptioned figureDescriptionThe slide is in three columns. The first column has ‘least free’ at the bottom with an arrow pointing upwards to ‘most free’ at the top of the column. The middle column shows the creative commons licences available: the most free at the top of the column is Public domain; next is By, then BY SA; BY NC; BY NC SA; BY ND and finally, the least free is BY NC ND. The third column has an arrow against the first five licences with the word OER. The last two licences (BY ND and BY NC ND) have an arrow against them and the words Not OER.

Back to Session 1 Figure 3

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