week ending november 12, 1937 - world radio history


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Jean Hersholt To Star In Country Doctor Role Eight Stars Rolled Into One

Here are the eight world-famous singers who comprise radio's first permanent concert company. Engaged to appear exclusively on the General Motors Concert series, heard over WCKY and WLS through the NBC Blue Network each Sunday evening, the artists appear as soloists, in groups of two, three and four, and as a full company. Top, left to right: Maria Jeritza and Grace Moore, sopranos; Donald Dickson, baritone. Center, left to right: Jussi Bjoerling, Richard Tauber and Joseph Schmidt, tenors. Below: Erna Sack, coloralura soprano, and Helen Jepson, soprano.

Carborundum Program To Feature Speakers

From Industrial Field Lammot du Pont, president of du

Pont, will be the first in a series of

speakers to be featured during the

Carborundum Band Concert begin-

ning Saturday, November 6, at 7:30

p. in. (E.S.T.), over the WABC-Col-

umbia network, including WKRC,


The plan to show industry's part

in promoting the welfare of the Amer-

can people and raising their standard

of living above that of any other

country in the world was conceived

by Frank J. Tone, president of the

Carborundum Company of Niagara

Falls, N. Y.

Mr. Tone announced that "a por-tion of each program will be turned over to the speaker in order to give the people of America an opportunity to learn the story of industry and what industry means to the nation."

The series will feature speakers of some of the outstanding industries in the United States.

Those Two Nuts Are Back Again New Series Makes „

Debut Sunday Afternoon

Jean Hersholt, film star, will bring

his famous country doctor characteri-

zations to the radio audience in radio's

first "tailor-made" show, "Dr. Chris-

tian," to be broadcast over the

W ABC-Columbia network, including

WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, begin-

ning Sunday, November 7, from 2:30

to 3:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Hersholt achieved fame for his

"Dr. Christian' characterizations in

the picture "The Country Doctor" in

which the Dione quintuplets ap-

peared. The Danish star, making his

first appearance in a radio series, will portray incidents in the life of Dr.

Paul Christian, practising in the myth-ical town of "River's End," situated in our Middle Western States.

The program will originate in Hol-lywood and supporting Hersholt will be a cast comprised of some of the cinema's best known character actors and actresses. Hersholt made his film debut in 1915, and his family has long been identified with the Danish theatre.

Children's Symphonies To Be Aired Over 'KRC

Mr. John McCormick, general manager of WKRC, today (No-vember 1) announced the fall and winter series of Children's Con-certs to be given by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra would be broadcast through the facilities of WKRC over the Columbia net-work. The first of the series will be heard Tuesday, November 9, beginning at 3:30 p. m.

Others will be broadcast De-cember 7, January 11, February 1 and March 22.

This season's series of concerts will differ from those of other years in that there will be com-ments and explanatory remarks made to the live audience. Those in the concert hall will hear only the music for the program.

The initial program will be an all-Wagner one and the selections to be heard are:

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6)

Overture to "Flying Dutchmen." Procession from Lohengrin. March from "Tannhauser." 3 Excerpts from "Die Meister-singer." a—Prelude to Third Act. b—Dance of the Apprentice, c—Homage to Sachs. Seigfried's Rhine Journey. Forest Murmurs from Siegfried."

Pictures above are Gracie Allen and George Burns in one of her weaker (mentally) moments. But their listeners will be glad to hear that they are returning to the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM, on Monday, November 8, at 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Senator Byrd Morgenthau

To Speak Three prominent figures in govern-

ment, politics and finance will be heard over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY and WLS. on Wed-nesday, November 10, from 8:45 to 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) when they speak before the annual meeting of the Academy of Political Science at the Hotel Astor in New York City.

Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury; Senator Harry F. Byrd, of Virginia; and S. Parker Gil-bert, partner of J. P. Morgan and Company will be the principal speak-ers at the meeting over which the lat-ter will preside. The general subject under discussion will be "Expendi-tures of the Federal Government." The meeting itself will be con-

ducted in three sessions, morning, af-ternoon and evening, at the Hotel Astor, New York, where the broadcast will originate.


"PUCCINI NIGHT" Three noted opera stars will take

part in the General Motors concert,

Sunday, November 7, at 8:00 p. m.

(E.S.T.), over NBC-Blue network, in-

cluding WCKY and WLS when "Puc-

cini Night" is celebrated.

Robert Weede, baritone, the pro-

gram's first guest, will join Grace

Moore, widely known soprano, and

Joseph Schmidt, tenor ,in singing

nothing but selections from operas by the famous Italian composer. The program will be different from others

because it will stress singing more than orchestral achievements. The 70-piece orchestra and the 24-

voiced Chorus will take part under the direction of Erno Rapee. John B. Kennedy, commentator, will be on hand with the latest news develop-ments.


International Armistice Celebration On CBS Erwin in Action

This fairly exclusive and sore of intimate candid camera pic-ture of Stuart Erwin reveals the screen star as a latent dynamo of activity in the process of prepar-ing for his part on the "Jack Oakei's College" broadcast heard over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS, and WHIO Tuesday nights at 9:30 o'clock (E.S.T.).


Freddie Bartholomew, juvenile star, and Fannie Hurst, comedienne, will be guest stars on the second pro-gram in the new series featuring the talent of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corn-pany on the "Good News of 1938," over the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM, Thursday, Novem-ber 11, at 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.). "Good News of 1938" is the new

title that has been adopted in place of the old "Show Boat." Spencer Tracy, Judy Grland, Artie Auerbach, Reginald Gardiner, Betty Jaynes, Val Rosing and many others also are fea-tured on the program.

New Announcer For Local Station

It was Franklyn McCormack, narrator on "Poetic Melodies,' aired over WKRC and the Columbia network, who talked Eddie Humphrey, new 'KRC announcer, into taking a try at radio. Hum-phrey and McCormack were members of the same stock company and the latter saw a bright future for the young lad who was doing such good work before the footlights. Eddie's first radio job was with WTRC in Elkhart, Indiana. Last ye* he was awarded a cup by the Am; er.can Bowling Congress for the best bowling broadcast of the year. Humphrey comes to WKRC from WHIO in Dayton, Ohio, where he spent the past year handling special events. He is a native of South Bend, Indiana, and attended Wittenberg Uni-versity at Springfield, Ohio, and Notre Dame in his home town. Eddie is 5 feet 11, weighs 185 pounds, has brown hair and blue eyes and is single.

New Cast for "Silver Three Continents To Theater"

Celebrate End Of War

Brian Aherne, noted film actor, and Jane Wyatt, rising young cinema actress, will be heard over the WABC-Columbia net-work, including WKRC, WHAS, and WHIO, in an original radio drama, "Honesty's Policy." by Faith Baldwin, on Sunday, No-vember 7, from 5:00 to 5:30 p. m. (E. S. T.), during the "Silver Theater" program. Conrad Nagel is narrator, director and producer of the program.

The Magic Key Of RCA Turns To Cincinnati

The Magic Key of RCA, popular NBC-network program heard through stations WLW, WLS, and WSM, will turn to Cincinnati for the first time when Hank Karch and his Wurlitzer

String Symphony are featured on that program, Sunday, November 7, from

2:00 to 3:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

The present 40-piece orchestra,

whose members range from 10 to 60

years of age, was organized in 1930

by Mr. Karch with only five mem-

bers, and since that time has been

proclaimed national champions seven


Among the members of the orches-

tra are a nurse, beauty operator, tail-

or, hospital interne, shoemaker, me-

chanic, executive secretary, drafts-

man and the like, showing it to be a

real cross section of Cincinnati's pop-


Famous statesmen and educators from three continents will speak on a trans-Atlantic Armistice Day program entitled "The Family of Nations" which is to be presented over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Thursday, No-vember 11, from 3:00 to 4:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for Interna-tional Peace. The broadcast has been an annual

feature of the Columbia network for the past several years during which time policies looking toward the es-tablishment of world peace have been discussed by scores of internationally-known figures.

This year's program will present Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University and of the Car-negie Endowment, acting in the dou-ble capacity of chairman and repre-sentative of the United States:

Others speakers will include: For China, V. K. Wellington Koo, Am-bassador of China to France; for Great Britain, the Marquess of Loth-ian, secretary of the Rhodes Trust; for Hungary, Count Paul Teleki, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Prime Minister of Hun-gary. For Italy, Signora Margherita Sarfatti, writer, critic and author of a biography of Mussolini; and for Switzerland, William E. Rappard, di-rector of the Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales at Geneva. The Carnegie Endowment, which

was established in 1910, has for its sole purpose the promotion of inter-national peace. It is divided into three divisions, that of Intercourse and Education, under the direct su-pervision of Dr. Butler, that of In-ternational Law, under the direction of Dr. James Brown Scott, who also is secretary, of the Endowment; and that of Economics and History, under the control of Dr. James T. Shotwell.

Noted Speakers On Y.W.C.A. Program

Mr. Edwin Raum, manager of the Cincinnati Field Office, Social Secur-ity Board, will speak on "Social Se-curity Legislation" on the "Indus-tries and Y. W. C. A." radio pro-gram, over WKRC, Tuesday, Novem-ber 9, at 4:45 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Miss Fern Dunkin will speak on "The Problems of Household Em-ployees" and Miss Charleta Taylor will discuss "The Industrial Federa-tion of the Y. W. C. A."

This program is arranged by Mrs. Vance Towler, publicity secretary of the Y. W. C. A.


Weekly RADIO DIAL Entered as second-class matter July 29, 1931, at the post-office at Cincinnati, Ohio,

under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Published every Friday by the Radio Dial Publishing Co. 22 East 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio

Six Months for $1.00. Single Coees 5 cents

RADIO DIAL brings you the latest available programs and news of your favorite stations and artists. All programs listed are correct up to press-time, but are, of course, subject to

later changes by networks and local stations.

Telephone—CHerry 0710-0711 J. A. ROSENTHAL, Editor


FIRST AND TEN ON In certain departments there is plenty of room for debate about what

radio does for the listener. But in others, radio makes a far better showing. One of those, very much to the fore just now, is football broadcasting.

Every Saturday afternoon the air is filled with descriptions of gridiron battles. Some have local, some regional, and some national interest. Altogether they attract a large and enthusiastic audience; perhaps larger and more enthusiastic than any sports broadcast, with the possible exception of the World Series.

When you stop to think of it, that of itself is noteworthy. American football is not a simple game. To appreciate it, one must be familiar with the technicalities. Indeed, many of those who attend big college games in person are drawn by the color and pageantry as much as the game itself. Yet radio descriptions which rely solely on an ear-view of the pro-ceedings command widespread interest.

Paradoxical as it may seem, this is because football broadcasting appeals both to those who know and those who do not know the game. The interest of dyed-in-the-wool gridiron fans is obvious. They listen because they know and love the game. But the interest of uninitiates is puzzling at first glance.

For instance, we know a woman who has seen only a couple of games in her life. She doesn't know the difference between a wingback and a touchback. Yet she listens eagerly every Saturday afternoon. What grips her is the excitement of battle, the tense drama of conflict above and beyond the technicalities of formations and intricate plays.

To those who know their running guards and eligible pass receivers, football broadcasting has a particular advantage that makes it attractive. It lets them hear games which they could not see in person.

We are not thinking merely of the Scotch contingent. Distance and time, as well as money, make it impossible for many ardent fans to attend games of outstanding interest. This is particularly true of intersectional classics. Radio brings the ganse to the fan, sometimes more completely than if he had a poor seat in a crowded stadium.

Further, it brings him not only one game, but several every Saturday. When one palls he can turn to another. Or if he is interested in two or three he can keep track of all by timely dialing.

Not that football broadcasting has reached ultimate perfection. Certain announcers still need to learn their trade. And the network practice of duplicating the game is still too common. But these are relatively minor faults.

Beyond question, football broadcasting is one of the things that make a radio worth having. If all other departments served the listener as well, broadcasting would be in a far stronger position.

WARDEN LAWES—Great Humanitarian The entire nation is up in arms

over the activities of vicious rackets, super-criminals and other vultures in human form that scar the progress of American living.

These problems are paramount and for the first time in the history of radio, the first time in the history of Warden E. Lawes' six years of broad-casting, the world-famous humanita-•. i flan s holding an open forum for the studio audience,' answering questions on crime as they are presented to him. Warden Lawes' new program, "Be-

hind Prison Bars," is heard over WCKY, Cincinnati, through the NBC-Blue network at 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) every Monday night.

His former show, "20,000 Years in Sing Sing," had no studio audience,

but "Behind Prison Bars" has a large one, and the members of it are in-vited to ask questions about crime. More than 32 of Warden Lawes'

54 years have been spent in prison work. Thirty-two years ago he started as a prison guard in Clinton Prison, Dannemora, New York. After several years there and as chief guard at Auburn Prison and superintendent of New York City Reformatory, he was appointed by former Governor Alfred E. Smith to take charge of Sing Sing Prison on January 1, 1920.

Since then his name has become synonymous with prison reform and he is known throughout the world for his humanitarian views and his efforts to restore unfortunates to re-spectable citizenship.

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trousweimmummunnumilmuimminioneuxuli This is surely a typical example of

the irony of fate: Six years ago, Gabriel Heatter, who conducts the "We, the People" program on Co-lumbia through WKRC, and m hose picture appeared on the front cover of last week's RADIO DIAL, was operating a publicity office and one of his clients was Sans Rubel, owner of a coal company. Because of the depression, expenses were being cur-tailed and Heatter's services were dispensed with. One by one clients were forced to make similar moves and soon he was jobless. He went to a New York station, applied for and got a job as commentator. He worked there under awkward circum-stances but enjoyed the work and when his old client, Rubel, canse to him, offering to again have him han-dle his business, Heatter refused. Rubel made no bones about telling him that he thought he was crazy... so crazy, in fact, that he went to Mrs. Heatter and insisted that she convince Gabriel that he was all wrong. Even her pleas had no ef-fect and Heatter continued with his radio work. Shortly after, beer be-came legal and Heatter was engaged by the Ebling Brewery as commenta-tor on their radio program . . . Ebling's is owned and Ciperated by Sans Rubel!


ft • ft

In Bess Johnson's starring vehicle,

"Hilltop House," now being aired

over 'KRC each week-day at 5:45

o'clock, there's an array of big

names. Carleton Young and Jay

Austin play the roles of two public

spirited citizens who try to keep the

orphanage going in the face of diffi-culties. Irene Hubbard, who became universally known for her work as "Maria" of Captain Henry's Show Boat, is cast as Thelma Gildey, as-sistant to Miss Johnson. John Moore plays the mysterious Englishman and Janice Gilbert and Jimmy Donnelly enact the parts of "Jerry and Adair," two orphans who live at "Hilltop House."

ft • •

Francis Pettay, announcer on "The Freshest Thing In Town," sponsored by the Rubel Baking Company, re-ceived a card from a fan telling him how much he enjoyed the show, his announcing, and "Tasty" bread!

* * •


And so after an absence of four-teen months I return to Radio Dial as a full-fledged half-wit which trans-lated from the original sanscript means columnist . . . alt no my gentle little readers . . . I'll amend that to read "alleged columnist" . . . you're not going to trip me up so easily by nasty letters this time as in the past. I don't claim to have grown any miser with the years, but even a baby will move its head when the hammer hits it for the hump-teenth time.

• • •

For "Silver Theatre" airings on WKRC each Sunday at 5, there's quite a list of celebrities lined up. Jane Wyatt is set for next Sunday's show. Brian Aherne will co-star. Then, Spencer Tracy will be heard in Adele Rogers St. John's "Photograph Finish" and both Clark Gable and Madeleine aCrroll have signed for an appearance.

Let's talk about my favorite sub-ject for awhile. I'll beat you on the answer to that one too. It's about TenEyck. The years have dealt ikndly with my fevered brow, I still retain most of my original teeth, ans hobbling around at present with fall-en arches, leaking heart, a portion of this morning's headache and a piece of yellow note paper in my wife's handwriting reminding me to buy a new canary bird the same shade as the paper. (Yes, I'm still married to the same lovely redhead.) My proficiency with the typewriter has decreased but then what differ-ence does that make. My profi-ciency or graceful deftness in crook-ing the elbow to raise a glass of scotch and soda has increased and that, of course, is far preferable and much more profitable financially re-gardless of what eminent authorities on the subject may quote you.

* • •

In defense of the above paragraph

let me add the following. Back in the dim dark past when I was a hard-working and (perhaps) respected an-nouncer for dear old WLW and points east I was just exactly that. I mean hard-working. One had to jump when the powers that be de-creed that jumping was the order of the day. In fact, one got to be quite a fancy jumper if you follow me. The pay was mediocre and as you entered the various studios where I have worked you knelt upon the car-pet towards the east and after bow-ing three times went about your daily tasks. Today all that is changed. I am now an honored (?) vice presi-dent of WSMK at Dayton, Ohio, and only have to bow once to the east as I enter the sacred portals, instead of the former display of gymnasitun ex-ercises. No longer am I tied down to a detestable schedule, and if my elbow is too tired from raising scotch and sodas with prospective clients to hold a telephone for long periods, I

merely tell the operator that I have been suddenly called to Europe and that ends that. I have discovered to my amazement and unbounded joy that after becoming an executive one can mix pleasure with business and all the old adages about bard-work-ing industriousness don't count, be-cause the guys that wrote them didn't know anything about the radio busi-ness. My old friend and brother an-nouncer Bub Burdette discovered all this a few months before I did and put me wise to what was going on in

(Continued on page 13)

HITS of the WEEK

(All Eastern Standard Time) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6.

Lammont du Pont, speaker, on Car-borundum program-7 :30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Hellmut Baerwald, pianist and com-poser, on Columbia Concert Hall —6:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7. Jewish War Veterans on WCKY, at

11:30 a. m. Jean Hersholt, actor, in "Dr. Chris-

tian"-2:30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Jasch.a Heifetz, violinist, on Ford Concert — 9:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Brian Aherne and Jane Wyatt, ac-tors, in "Honesty's Policy" on "Silver Theatre" — 5 :00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS,

Charley Lung, actor, in "The Oper-ation" on "Hollywod Showcase" —10:00 p. m., WKRC, WHIO.

Grace Moore, soprano, Robert Weede, baritone, Joseph Schmidt, tenor, on General Motors Concert-8:00 p. m., WCKY, WLS.

Carolyn Urbanek, lyric soprano, on "Rising Musical Stars"-10:00 p.


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8. Burns and Allen, comedians, return, —8:00 p. m., WLW, WSM.

Sir Ernest MacMillan, conductor, m., WSAI, WSM.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9. Bob Burns, comedian, on "Hollywood Mardi Gras"-9 :30 p. in., WSAI, WSM.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Bidu Sayao, soprano, on Andre Kos-

telantz's program — 9 :00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS,

Dr. William Lyon Phelps, Yale Uni-versity on "Magazine of the Air"

— 11:00 a. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

"Manon," opera, from San Francisco, 11:30 p. m. to 12:45 a. m., WCKY.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I l. James Barton and Betty Garde, in "The Informer," on Kate Smith Hour-8:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Freddie Bartholomew, Fannie Brice and Judy Garland on "Good News Of 1938" — 9:00 p. m., WLW, WSM.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, Dr. Karl Reiland on WCKY, WSM,

7:15 p. m.



There'll be little musical heat ra-diated from Crosley's Station to warm up your living room this winter. Seems P. C. decided in favor of the sweet arrangements, after tuning in a number on his station that he failed to recognize because of its swing arrangement. ,To prove his point, a survey was conducted to discover what bands and what type music was preferred . . . and the slow, smooth, sweet tunes won again. The new ruling was a tough break for Jimmy Dor-sey's band, who very recently concluded an engagement in the Pavillon Caprice. WLW wouldn't carry his swingy shows . . . but did offer their equipment to NBC for airing via the network.

• Biggest thing in local radio this

week: WCKY's broadcast of the Shillito dedication program . . . biggest disappointment in local radio this week: WCKY's broad-cast of the Shillito dedication program. The town's writers . . . unfortunately not radio performers . . . were chosen to help dedicate the new building. Summed up, the show was just a swell plug for Cincinnatus and Paul Kennedy .. . •


E AS TR 0 /4

not the fanfares and startling, fast-moving, up-to-the-minute hour expected. Cincinnatus amused him-self by not telling his age, and Kennedy's interviewing created just a picture of a brilliantly lighted store, occupied by a handful of people who had lived in Cincinnati longer than he.

Personality of the week: WLW's Jack Zoller. Tall, dark, mustached, thirtyish and single. A good catch for some lovely miss interested in a ten-year-old juvenile actor. Jack left the Crosley staff a couple of times . . . but always comes back stronger than ever. He returned from New York last year to rejoin his mother in Cincinnati . . . in spite of the fact that he was doing well on big network shows.

ALONG THE MILKY WAY: Rumor has it that WLW is giving up its downtown studios. Glimpsed Virginio Marucci on Fourth Street, Mary Elizabeth Woods (Mrs. lsh Drain) at the Symphony, and Helen Nugent at the first of the Artists Series. The summary of the past


three years of The Life of Mary Sothern to be published in the De-cember issue of Radio Mirror . . . smart stuff. WKRC's Eddie Schoel-wer abed with ptomaine poisoning ... hope he'll be back soon. Aside to Paul Kennedy . . . Frank Zwy-gart's radio name (at least one of them) is Rex Davis . . . tsk . . . tsk. Several network personalities will broadcast from WKRC next week . . . in town for the Women's Exposition, Kathryn Cravens and Dr. Allen Roy Rafoe will broadcast from the hill-top station. Larry Menken, writer, and Sydney Mason, say goodbye to WLW.

• THUMBS UP: A round of ap-

plause for the WCPO Hahn re-porter. This show broadcast, twice a day . . . after each court ses-sion . . . brings, in very realistic style, the latest happenings in the blonde prisoner's trial. 'CPO's on their toes of late . . . their gag of planting a studio with audience space on Walnut Street is okeh.

• More star shooting with the

Astronomer next week, and, as usual, more peeps at people. THEME UP AND OUT.


Outside the studios it's well-known that listeners aren't exactly enthusias-

tic about commercial announcements at an, time. Somehow they don't go into ecstacies over the very best

of blurbs. So it's not surprising that few bonfires are being lighted by a rejoicing populace to celebrate the bumper crop of plugs in football

broadcasts this year. Gridiron fans had the idea that football and adver-tising don't mix. They felt that they ought to be able to enjoy their favor-ite sport without having to be on guard against high-powered testi-monials. But it seems they were all wrong. Sponsors have ordained that football shall carry its due quota of commercials. The only hitch is that this hasn't changed listeners' minds. And radios still have dials, pushbut-tons or other gadgets that make it easy to squelch anything not wanted.

• • Praising those Philharmonic broad-

casts is pretty much gilding the lily. But aside from their superb quality, one thing that makes them so enjoy-

able is their generous length. On the air, too much good music suffers from being jammed into an arbitrary time straightjacket. Another advan-tage the Philharmonic programs offers is Deems Taylor. If there must be a commentator (the dial-twister isn't at all sure about that), Taylor is the man for the job.

• * *

For the information of that famed sports "expert," Ed Thorgerson, Min-nesota and Ohio State are not going to meet on the gridiron this fall.

* * *

During the past few weeks the breaks of program schedules have brought General Hugh Johnson to bat with the bases loaded. In suc-cession he's been able to comment on the speeches of F. D. R., Governor Landon and former president Hoover. Whether he struck out or put the ball over the fence is a matter of opinion. The point is that he's been able to comment on their speeches shortly after they were delivered. Radio seldom gives an opportunity

for prompt reply or criticism. The General has been showing what could be done with intelligent scheduling.

* * *

Sid Skolsky's kilocycling (NBC-WCKY, Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.) can be pigeonholed as another Hollywood column on the air. If movie fans aren't getting their fill of film gossip it's not radio's fault.

* * •

Movie and stage comment of an-other sort are being supplied by Alistaire Cooke (NBC-Red, Wednes-day, 10:45 p. m. He's a dramatic critic, recently imported from Eng-land. An engaging style makes him easy listening. But it will be inter-esting to see how far he goes in his criticisms. Radio's tieup with stage and screen might well be cramping.

* * •

Agreeable music at the right spot

isn't the only asset of Supper Sere-nade (WLW, Monday through Fri-day, 6:15 p.m.. The quarter-hour is unmarred by announcing. That's

a relief! (Continued on page 13)



(Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of football articles by Dick

Bray, WKRC's sports announcer. Dick officiates at some of the season's biggest games. He is the only sports announcer in radio that does "big time" refereeing. Last Saturday, Oc-tober 30, Dick refereed the game be-tween Santa Clara and Marquette at Soldier's Field, Chicago.)

To the football fan, November is more than just thirty of the three hundred and sixty-five days which go to make up our calendar year. It is the time of the year when people travel far and wide to watch their favorite fall sport played on the grid 'rons of our country. Millions make the stadium turnstiles hum a merry

tune, an unfinished symphony, ye the receipts from the games finist college buildings which might never have been erected were it not for football.

Grid games at many of our univer-

sities have built and paid for the class looms wherein the arts and sciences are taught. Sixty minutes of play,

on each of the ten Saturdays during

the fall makes more than mere enter-tainment for players and fans alike.

When the "gate" is counted, the professors smile for they know it will be possible to put a greater part of the money into new buildings. There are many people who say college football has grown to be a big busi-ness. No truer statement has ever been written, or spoken. At schools like Ohio State, Notre Dame, and Southern California gridiron tussles make more money in ten weeks than a thriving business makes in twelve months.

As an advertising medium for a college, football has no equal. Head-lines in the papers, space which can-not be purchased, tell the world how one team walloped another, or how little "Podunk" upset the dope by winning from larger "Squeedunk." What a business man would gladly pay to be able to buy space on the first page of our Sunday morning paper, where, in bold face type, can be found, *Ohio State Wins From Northwestern, 7 to 0." It would warm the cockles of the hearts of downtown merchants to be able to

(Continued on page 14)


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6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WCKY Cincinnati (1490 hr.)

Tick Tock-Seven O'Clock

Morning Round Up

...... -•• Norsemen N Liebert Ensemble N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WLW Cln. ,nnat. 1700 Mt.,

Brown County Revelers with Pa and Ma..

Morning in Mountains Familx Prayer Period.. WLW Mail Bag Doc Schneider's Texans

Norsemen Quartet N. Peter Grant-News... Cornbread and Caviar

WKRC Cincinnati (MO kc. ,

Jerry Foy Sun Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition-News Dow's Dawn Patrol.

e. .

1 1.

09 O.

Woman's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Breakfast Club N

. .

Sweethearts of Air N Swing Serenade N. To be announced Bill Krenz's Orch. N

Household Hour

Jane Rohan Coon Creek Band

WCKY News Brick Holton, tenor N National Farm and Home Hour N



Club Matinee N

Breakfast Club N

Synagogue of the Air

Ladies' Day

Bill Krenz's Orchestra N

News; Live Stock Ford Rush & Slim N WLW School of Radio

Academy of Medicine Vic Arden's Orchestra 4-F1 Club N 4-H Club (local)

4-H Club N Campus Capers N.

Louis Panic.) Orch. N

Your.Host.ls Buffalo N

Football Jamboree ...

Ray Block, piano C.. Dalton Bros. C Richard Maxwell C Fiddler's Fancy C

Musical Calendar Fred Feibel, argan C. Let's Pretend C .

Cincin'ti Conservator of Music Program C

The Captivators C

George Hall's Orchestra C

Orientale C Jimmy Shields C Buffalo Presents C

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

two 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 kc.)

• •

Morning Prayer Early Express

et 98

Malcolm Claire N.... Good Morn. Milo& N Do you Remember N..

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 kc.)

WHIO Dayton (1260 kc.

Six-to-Niners Breakfast Express

WCPO News Six-to-Niners

0 •8

ell • • . .....

1. II

.0 10

09 0

40 le

WCPO News Six to Niners

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Little Tom Yesterday's Favorites

WLS-WENR Chicago. III. (870 lu.)

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Smile A While 04 11

..... DeZuriks and Ramblers Sing, Neighbor, Sing Pat and Henry

'News Report Evelyn & Hilltoppers Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

WSM Nashville, Tenn. (8801u.)

Curly Fox Delmore Bros.

Golden West Cowboys WSM News Do You Remember/

WHAS Louisville. KY, (820 he.)

Asbury College

Kentucky Mountaineers Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree

le fe

88 4.

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

The Wise Man N Streamliners N

What Next

Variety Program M.

Army Band N

-Ed. Fitzgerald M ee

Half Past Eleven N. Kentucky Clocker

WCPO News Musical Menu

Ray Block C Dalton Bros. C Richard Maxwell C Fiddler's Fancy C

NeWi-iie Flying Club.. Syracuse Variety Let's Pretend C

WCPO News Gene Austin Kiddies Karnival

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round

iureau of Recreation Cincin'ti Conservatory

of Music C Farm Review

8:-00 ¡Lulu Belle & Scotty. 8:15 I News Report 8:30 Morning Roundup 8:45 Morning Minstrels

9:00 Junior Stars Program 9:15 9:30 Big Gumbo Program 9:45 News and Markets. 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

High School P Priscilla Pride WLS On Parade

Breakfast Club N 04 le

1. .0

Banner Newshawk Homemaker's Chat Bill Kranz's Orchestra N

Patricia Ryan N Magic Hour Our Barn N

Sam, Gil and Louie.. Dalton Bros. C Richard Maxwell C Meador Lowry-News

Fred Feibel at the Console C

Let's Pretend C

Cincin'ti Co tory of Music C


12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Madison Ensemble C Meet the Missus Ann Leaf, organ C Tours in Tone C

Continentals N

Rex Battle M

1:00 Happy Jack M 1:15 Escorts and Betty N. 1:30 Dick Stabile's 1:45 Orchestra M

2:00 Palmer HOOS• Ens. M 2:15 Three Graces M 2:30 Football Game 2:45 0 el

WCPO News The Playboys Man on the Street.. Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles

From -lawaii

Captivators C News Listener Speaks News, Weath'r, Mark's

Orientale C Don Jennings Buffalo Presents C

11 11

WCPO News Siesta University of Cincinnati

vs. Ohio U-Football

Madison Ensemble C Ann Leaf at the Organ C

Tours in Tone C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Football Game N....

. ell

4:00 4:15 4:30 445



6:00 5:15 6:30 5:45 Rakov's Orchestra N..

Notre Dame vs. Pitts-burgh Football Game

00 80

To be announced C.,

Waltzes 'f the World C Notes and News


Dictators C Eddie Schoelwer The Dancepators C

Count Basic's Orchestra C

George Olsen's Orchestra C

Football Scores To be announced Ka ltemeyer's Kindergarten N

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

le et

49 II

iv I.

18 .6

To be announced

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

600 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:15 7:30 745

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Ma rek Weber's Orchestra N

Press Radio News N Johnny O'Brien N

Message of Israel N.. " " .....

Eddie Varios Orchestra N

Al Roth's Orchestra N

Paul B. Sullivan Nola Day N

Football Roundup Truly American Bob Newhall Alfred Gus Karger

Renfro Valley Barn Dance .....

•... ....

Believe-It-Or-Not Ripley N

Jack Haley's Variety Show N

Colton. Concert Hall C Dick Bray-Sports Sports Resume C Ben Feld's Orch, C

Saturday Swing 4ession C

Carborundum Band C

"Your Unseen Friend" C

Johnny Presents C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

-8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

80 0.


El Chico Revue N

Game Re el

Hahn Reporter

U. C. vs. Ohio U

.0 el

81 ell

To be announced C

Waltzes of the World C Dictators C

Jam for Supper

Your Sub'ran Thëatre


Dancepators C

Frank Dailey's Orchestra C

Geo. Olsen's Orch C Pigskin Parade

11:00 Fanfar Interview . 11:15 Chuck, Ray, Christine 11:30 For People Only .... 11:45 Markets-News

12:00 Poultry Service Time. 12:15 Curly & the Ramblers 12:30 Grain Market 12:45 Livestock Market Rev'w

1:00 Home Talent Acts 1:15 The Old Timers 1:3 Home Talent Program 1:45 Kentucky Girls

2:00 WLS Merry-Go-Round 2:15 2:30 2:45 " "

3:00 Football Game 3:15 3:30 " " 3:45

4:00-4:15 4:30 4:45

Call to Youth N WSM News National Farm and Home Hour N

.0 ..

0. .4

Banner Newshawk ..

Club Matinee N

To be announced N Vanderbilt vs. Sewanee

Football Game




.1 R.



.. if

Louisville School of Music

Geo. Hall's Orch. C 4-H Club

Skeets Morris Livestock; Weather.., Dance Ban.)

Madison Ensemble C Ann Leaf, organ C

1. le

Tours in Tone C

To be announced

Waltzes of World C.. Dictators C

The Dancepators C... .1

16 II

10 1.

Rakov's Orchestra N.

Vagabond Adventures N

Kaltenmeyers Kinder-garten N

Count Basic's Orchestra C

Out o' the Dusk

Ran Wilde's Orchestra ....

Billy Snider's Orch.-.7 Frenchy Graffolier Bernie Cummins' Orchestra

Hi There Audience M

Lairs Barn Dance

WCPO News Art Tatum Dinner Club

Harry Ogden Rosens' Rangers . Sports Revue Race Results

WCPO News Better Sportsmanship Fourth Downs

Columbia Concert Hall; News C

To be announced Ben Feld's Orch. C.

Saturday Swing Session C

Gene Baker's Orch Bob Chester's Orch

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

il:00 11:15 11:30 11:45


Front Page Dramas .. Bordertown Barbecue..

Gun Smoke Law N...

Streamline Revue ...

National Barn Dance N


él 8.

Professor Quiz C

Personalities on Par'de Musical Moments .

Your Hit Parade C.. To be announced

NBC Jamboree N

Leon Navarros Paul Sullivan Orchestra N .... Bernie Cummins' Orch.

Jerry Blaine's Orch.- Al Donahue's Park Central N Orchestra N

Patti Chapin, songs C

Ross Pierce's Orch. F. Masters' Orch. C Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Louisiana Hayrid• M .0 0

Noble Sissle's Orchestra

Ben Young's Orchestra

Sydney Mason Frenchy Graffolier

Reggie Childs' Orchestra

Harry Candullo's Orchestra



7:00-Message of Israel: Rabbi Louis Wolsey, guest speaker. Organ music. WJZ WLS WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

-Top Hatters Dance Band. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Saturday Night Swing Club. WABC WKRC WHIO wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wadc wwva wsfa wwl wcco

7:20-Football Scores. WEAF only 7:30-Eddie Varios Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY WLS kdka wtam wowo

-Girls of the West. (NBC) WSM wgy wtam wmaq

-Uncle Jim's Question Bee-Jim McWilliams, conductor. WJZ wgy wmaq kdka wtam

-The Carborundum Band: Lammot Du Pont, guest speaker. WABC WKRC WHAS wcco wcau wgar wbt wadc wbbm wk.

-Steinie Bottle Boys. WEAF only 7:45-Jean Sablon, songs. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

8:00-Robert L. (Believe-It-Or-Not) Ripley. 8. A. Rolfes' Orchestra and guest star. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq wwj wave kyw kstp wbap

.-"Your Unseen Friend" with Harry Salter's Orchestra. WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wcau wbbm wjr wwva wadc


WCPO News Thompson's Ambass'rs Fourth Downs

WCPO News Fourth Downs

Cotton Club Orch..

WCPO News Dance Awhile Dance Awhile

Your Unseen Friend C

Johnny Presents Russ Morgan's Orch. C...

Professor Quiz C

Dance Music Mr. and Mrs

Your Hit Parade C

Newspaper of the Air

'Frankie Masters' Orchestra C

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Marek Webers Orchestra N

Alma Kitchell N Red Grange

Message of Israel N..

Eddie Varios Orchestra N

"Meet the Folks"

Freddie Rose Sunday School Lesson News Summary Asher and Little Jim'y

Sacred Quartet

Girls of the West Francis Craig's Orch.

Gardner Nurseries Delmore Brothers Jack's Mountaineers Vagabonds

Barn Dance Party

Columbia Concert C.. Meador Lowry-News, Eddy Dooley C Seven-Up Pick-Ups

Football Scores Dr, Charles Welch The Carborundum Band C

Your Unseen Friend C

Johnny Presents C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

National Barn Possum Hunters Dance N Uncle Dave Macon...

Dixie Liners . Lakeland Sisters

Barnyard Jamboree . Serie and Sallie Possum Hunters

Hometown Memories.. Golden West Cowboys DeFord Bailey

Tall Story Club ;:rack's Mountaineers Barn Dance Orch

Fireside Party Curly Fox .6 .1 .. Vagabonds

Professor .Quiz C

Saturday Serenade C

Your Hit Parade C


To be announced

WHAS Barn Dance Louisville Dance Time

Meador Lowry-News


-AI Roth and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30-Linton Wells-descriptive comments and reminiscences of a newspaper man. WJZ kdka whk wave wham wowo

-Jack Haley's Variety Show, with Virginia Verrill, blues singer; Warren Hull, master of ceremonies of ceremonies; Wendy Bar-rie, comedienne; Ted Fie Rito's Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw wwj kstp wave wbap wdaf wire

-Johhny Presents: Russ Morgan's Orchestra; "City Desk," dramatization; Frances Adair and Glenn Cross, vocalists; Mixed Ensemble. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmox wgst wcco wcau wadc wwva wbt

8:45-Nola Day, songs. Norman Cloutier's Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham wowo

9:00-"Professor Quiz," with Bob Trout. WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwl wcco wgst

-Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance: Henry Burr; Verne Lee and Mary; Hoosier Hot Shots; Novelodeons, male trio; Sally Fos-

ter; Lula Belli and Arkie, songs; Uncle Ezra. WJZ WLW WLS kdka wham whk wave wile wbap

-Special Delivery, dramatic sketch, with Marion Randolph. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

9:30-Saturday Serenade with Mary Eastman, soprano; Bill Perry, tenor; Gus Haenschen's Orchestra and Mixed Chorus. (CBS) WHAS wcau wgst wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wwva wbt wsfa wwl

-To be announced. WEAF kyw wgy wtam wmaq wdaf wwj kstp who

10:00-"Your Hit Parade-Guest; Al Good-man's Orchestra; Songsmiths, male quartet; Fredda Gibson and Buddy Clark, vocal-ists. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsbt wwva wjr wgst wwl wcco

-Gun Smoke Law: Dramatization by Wilbur Hall. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

10:30-To be announced. WJZ whk wave wire wham

-NBC Jamboree: Harry Kogan and his Or-chestra, with guest artists. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who

10:45-Patti Chapin, songs. WAIIC WKRC wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwl wcco

11:00-Carlos Molina's Hotel Stevens Orches-tra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Frankie Masters' Orchestra. WABC (WKRC on 11:15) WHIO v.* wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsfa wcco wwva

-Esse News Reporter. WJZ only

-Leon Navarros Hollywood Restaurant Or-chestra. (NBC) whk wave wham

I I:05-Leon Navarros Hollywood Restaurant Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wham

11:30-Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Or-chestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Jerry Blaine and the Park Central Hotel Orchestra, WJZ WCKY wire wave wham whk

-Benny Goodman's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar' wfbm wcau kmox

MIDNIGHT-Eddy Rogers' Rainbow Grill Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY WLW whk wave wire wham

-Ran Wilde's Netherland Plaza Hotel Or-chestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

-Orrin Tucker's Orchestra. WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wjr whk wfbm kmbc wcau

kmox wadc wsfa wbbm

12:30-Blue Barron and his Southern Tavern Orchestra, WEAF WLW wgy who wdaf wtam wmaq kyw

-Joe Reichman's Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham

-Bob Crosby's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wfbm kmbc wbbm

Has Two Programs

Back from Hol-lvood where he

appeared in sev-eral musical films, Buddy Clark is ow heard on

"Your Hit Par-ade," Saturday nights at 10:00 p. m. (E. S. T.). .over the Colum-bia network, in-cluding W KRC,

-:WHAS, and

BUDDY CLARK WHIO, as well as on his own pro-

gram "Buddy Clark Entertains," on Thursday nights at 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the same network, in-cluding WKRC and WHIO.


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (C BS) 4.4 Denotes 1.18S1 PROGRAMS FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7


WCKY Cincinnati (1490 14c.)

WLW Chsehmati (700 we.,

7:30 7:45

8:00 Norsemen N 8:15 Benno Rabinoff N 8:30 one Pictures N 845

Norsemen Quartet N Benno Itabinoff N Church Forum

WKRC firreinnnt1 MO kg'.

7:30 745

Wayside Church—Sun-day School Lesson

Youth Education Program

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

454 I Cincinnati (1330 ice.)


WCPO Cincinnati 01211111

WHIO Dayton (1219 hr..)

Sweet and Lovely... et le

William Meeder N.

Kidoodlers N Animal News Club C

Gladys and Mary.... Enquirer's Uncle Bob.


Sunday Morning Concert

Christian Tabernacle

9:00 ..oast to Coast N.... 9:15 « 9:30 « 9:45 40 Ob

Children's Hour N...


10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

Russian Melodies N...

Dreams of .Long Ago N

Russian Melodies N. Ellis Frakes News Review Modern Miracles

Cadle Tabernacle Choir

Rural Roundup

Alice Remsen N Neighbor Nell N Jewish War Veterans Program N

God's Bible School.. Sunday at Ant Susan'sC Veterans' Civic Hour


9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Church of the Air C..

W. Brown from WGAR C ..•

The Texas Rangers C..

Glendale Presbyterian Church Service

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1108 11:15 11:30 11:45

Nagel's Rhumba Orchestra N

Sermonette and Hymn Time

Hamilton County Jail Church Service .

Musk and American Youth N

News .8

Remember When

WCPO News For Mother and Dad

et 0

• . et

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's; News C


sé .0

Hillbilly Hullabaloo.. be



Amateur Revue

a e.

Church of the Air C..

W. Brown—String Ensemble C

The Texas Rangers C.. ..

Major Bowes Capitol Theatre Family C.

6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR 111. (ere he.)

I▪ .

80 ell


WSM Nashville. Tenn. (elielle.)


-. M. .............

WHAS Ky. (830 IreJ

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

.......... ele•••••••••••••••

. ••••••••••••••

......... •••••••••••••••••••

......... •••••••••••••••••••

8:00 Everybody's Hour. 8:15 conducted by 8:30 John Baker 8:45 f.

9:00 Little Brown Church. 9:15 Dr. Holland 930 9:45

a «

WLS News Report..

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

100 1:15 130 1:45

2.110 2:15 2:30 2:45

Southernaires N

Music Hall Symphony N a

Spelling Bee N


Radio City Minic Hall N



Smoke Dreams e.

Rosario Bourdon Orch

Waltz Favorites WCKY News

Magic Key of RCA N


Major Bowes' Capitol Family C

Ship . os Song .

Church of the Air C

Voice of Tolerance To be announced

Romany Trail C L. White Entertains C Dr. Christian C

12:00 12:15 1230 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:oo 2:15 2:30 2:45

Denver String Quartet If

Foothealth Frolics 11. If

Canal Days Music for Madame Ted Weem's

Orchestra M

Beauty Parade a a

Way Down Home N.

WCPO News The Playboys Wurlitzer Future


Apostolic Church a

Deutsche Lieder e.

.0 e.

te et

Indianapolis vs. Cin-cinnati Models


be S.

Salt Lake City Choir C To be announced

1000 "Felts Worth 10:15 Knowing" 10:30 WLS Concert 10:45 Orchestra

Harold Nagers Orchestra N ....

Letter From Abroad N Melody Moments N...

Radio Pulpit N le Of

News Summary Fidelis Class—First

Baptist Church .... a

Second Guessers N.... Al and Lee Reiser N..

Sunday Morning at At Selene C


Meador Lowery-News.

Church of the Air C .

Sunday Jail Service..

Fourth Avenue Presby-terian Church

Major Bowes' Capitol Family C

WHIO News Concert Miniatures Voice of Tolerance C Hawaiian Echoes

Sunday Players a a

Dr. Christian C I. be

3:00 3:15 3:30 345

400 4:15 430 445

Leo 5:15 5:30 5:45

On Broadway N.

Senator Fishface N.... Movitsiond News

Sunday Vespers N.

Beth Chandler N Movieland News

Metropolitan Opera Auditions N .

Smilin' Ed McConnell N

Polly. Pretends

Cycle Trader —Bicycle Party N

Romance Melodies N a

Church by the Side of the Road

Musical Plays M

The Time of Your Life N .

Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York —John Barbirollt conductor C

3:00 3:15 3:30 345




le U.

400 4:15 430 4:45

"Silver Theatre"— Jane Wyatt C

Hits of the Week

6A10 6:15 koo 6:45

hoo 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Dedication of Sunshine School N

WCKY News Movi.sland News

Popular Classics N... 84 el

Baker's Broadcast N..

Around the World....

Court of Human Relations

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone

Songs You All Sing Interesting Neigh'rs

Don Ameche and Edgar Bergen N....

General Motors Sym-phony Concert N...

ff I


Joe Penner C

"Romantic Rhythms" C

500 5:15 5:30 5:45

Relic News Reel N

Song Shop M

Review of the News

Lutheran Layman's League M

Ry Krisp Program N..

Hits of the Week--olé e.

Hahn Reporter

Models vs. Indianapolis

0 el

le te

Your Favorite Band ..

Prof. Leo Stoffregen.. Reading G'pel Tabe'e

Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York C

8. .1

Bern Dance and Variety Revue

de ..


11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

1200 12:15 12:30 12:45

The Southernaires N.

Grace Wilson Helen Jensen, organist

Radio City Music Hall N

NBC Spelling Bee N •

Magic Key of R. C. A. N

First Presbyterian Church

11. Salt Lake City Choir C

1:00 1:15 130 1:45

Paul Martin and , His Music N

Smoke Dreams, N

Magic Key of RCA N

Church of the Air C..

Voice of Tolerance. ..0 Trend of the

Salvation Army

Dr. Christian C

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

To be announced

Sen. Fishface--Prof. Figgsbottle N

Sunday Vespers N.—. ..

Rhythm in the Air.. Ranch Boys. trio N.

Metropolitan Opere Auditions N

Smiling Ed. McConnell N

Silver Theater— Brian Aherne C

On Wings of Song . News; Clara Oglesby

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

The Antique Shop. Paul Sullivan To be announced


WCPO News Emma Scully Church Federation,

ff.. if

Open House -- Jean-nette MacDonald C

Gulf Oil—Phil Baker C et Ile

Columbia Workshop C

Milestones C

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8.45

Bernie Cummins' Orchestra

Fireside Recitals N Ran Wilde's Orck

Benny Davis' Stardust Revue M

Wayne King's Orchestra M

The Muses Popular Melodies Yours Truly Rainbow Trio

Hahn Reporter Sunday Swing Sunday Swing

Lyman, organ Stars of Broadway Seymour Simon's Romantic Rhythm C

Open House with Jean-nette McDonald C

Phil Baker; Oscar Bradley's Orch. C

Columbus Workshop C a

Milestones with David Ross C

300 3:15 3.30 3:45

400 4:15 4:30 4:45

Lyric, Moods

Bicycle Party N ef

Sunday Vespers N

Lutheran Hour M se .8

Metropolitan Auditions of the Air N

Acme Sunshine Melodies N

Philharmonic Symphony Society C

Il N



en 01


Silver Theater— Brian Aherne C

Guy Lombardo's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 945

1000 10:15 10:30 1045

1I00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Concert Hall of the Air

Xavier Cugat's Orch Irene Rich N

World Salon Orches-tra; News

Cheerio N

Woodbury Presents Tyrone Power N.

Jargons Program N... To be announced

Foundation Program hi

Unsolved Mysteries--

Press- Radio News N.. Paul Sullivan .. J. Dorsey's Orch. N... Noble Sissle's Orch... Eddie Versos' Ben Young's Orchestra N Orchestra


Ford Sunday Evening Hour C

8. 48

Hollywood Show Case C

Newscast—Lee Bland Ross Pierce's Orch..

Jay Freeman's Orchestra C

Cab Calloway's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:46

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Manhattan Merry-Go-Round N

American Album of Familiar Music N

Rising Stars N

News Review Thompson's Arnim:sets Tomorrow's Rhythms


Morton Gould's Orchestra M

11:00 Harry Candullo's 11:15 Orchestra 11:30 Nob le Sissle's 11:45 Orchestra ...



NOON—Denver String Quartet. WEAF WSAI wgy vetarn wmaq who wdaf

—Southernaires: Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY WLS sugar wave wire wham

12:30—University of Chicago Round Table Discussion: Current topics; guest speakers. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Radio City Music Hall of the Air: Sym-phony Orchestra and Viola. Philo, soprano. WJZ WCKY WON (WLS on 1:00) wgar wave wire wham

—Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir end Or-gen. WABC WHAS WHIO wfbm kmox wcco

1:00—Church of the Air: Rabbi Joseph L. Fink, Ph. D., Temple Beth Zion, Buffalo, N. Y. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wcau wadc wsbt wsfa wcco

—Paul Martin and his Music. WEAF WSM wmaq wtam who wdaf kyw

1:30—The Voice of Tolerance: Rabbi William F. Rosenblum. WABC WHAS WHIO WKRC wadc kmbc wwva wgar wfbm kmox

—Tuskegee Institute Choir Concert by 100. voice choir, director William L. Dawson, composer, conductor. WEAF wgy wtam

—NBC Spelling Bee, Paul Wing, conductor. WJZ WCKY WLS wave wire wham whk

—Smoke Dreams: Orchestra and guest art-ists. (NBC) WLW WSM wmaq kstp kvoo who vide wtam

2:00—The Magic Key of R. C. A. (from

Paris, France): Eve Curie is interviewed by Andre Maurois, French a uthor; orchestra, direction Frank Black; Milton Cross, m. c., and guests. WJZ WLW WLS WSM kdka whk wfla kvoo wfaa wham wave wowo

—Sunday Drivers: Variety program, with Fields and Hall, m. C.; novelty orchestra, and Frances Adair, soprano. WEAF wgy kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Romany Trail. WABC WKRC vojr wfbm kmox wadc wbt

—"The Fun Bug." (CBS) wbbm kmbc wcco

2:15—Lew White Entertainers. WABC WKRC

2:30—Way Down Home, dramatic sketch. WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire

—"Dr. Christian"—dramatic sketch with Jean Hersholt. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wcau wgst awl wfbm kmbc kmox wade wbt wcco wir

3:00—Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York: John Barbirolli, conducting; Deems Taylor, commentator. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS air wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wbt wcco

—The Radio Newsreel, with Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth interviewing per-sons in the week's headlines. WEAF WSAI wgar wtam kyw wgy wwj wmaq kstp wdaf

—On Broadway: Dramatic sketch of every-

WCPO News The Tango and the Rhumba

Cotton Club Orchestra

WCPO News Sign off

Ford Sunday Evening How C

el ell

Hollywood Showcase C

"Headlines and Bylines" C

Jay .Freeman s Orch. C 10:00 News: Globe Trotter.. Irene Rich N Meador Lowery-News. 10:15 Earl Hines Orch George Fischer N.... Jay Freeman's Orch C

Cab Calloway's 10:30 Eddy Varsos' Orch. N Tyrone Power N Cab Calloway's Orchestra C 10:45 Six-Day Bike Races .. a a Orchestra C


500 5:15 5:30 545

4:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

Sach's Amateur Hour ell


a a

Marek Weber', Orchestra

Ozzie Nelson's Orchestra N

77:3000 General Motors Sym-7:15 phony Concert N....

fé f. 7:45

Catholic Hour N ....

The Pepper Uppers...

Joe Penner — Jimmie Grier's Orch. C..

Romantic Rhythm C..

Jack Benny and Mary Jeanette MacDonald-Livingstone N Vick's Open House C

Baker's Broadcast with Phil Baker; Oscar Orrie.Nelson's Or. N Bradley's Orch. C

Edgar Bergen and Columbia Workshop C Don Ameche N

Milestones with David Ross C

8:00 Woodbury Presents 6:15 8:30 845

Tyrone Power N Jergens Program N Irene Rich N

Foundation Program N e.

Vocal Varieties Vierra's Hawaiians

900 9:15 9:30 9:45

Manhattan Merry Go Round N

American Album of Familiar Music N

Rising Start

Merck Webers Orchestra N


Ford Sunday Evening Hour C

Vocal Varieties Harry Curries Orchestra

Broadway Stars

day folk on the famous street. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wham

3:30—Senator Fishface an-d Prof. Figgsbottle. WJZ (WCKY off 3:45) WLS kdka wave wire wham whk

—Bicycle Party; Swor and Lubin, blackface comedy team; Bill Slater, sport commenta-tor and m. c., interviewing sport celebri-ties; Bert Whaley, baritone; Hugo Mariani and his Orchestra. WEAF WSM WLW wave wgy wtam wire wmaq kstp kvoo kyw wwj who wdaf wfla wfaa

4:00—Sunday Vespers. "Man's Critical Need of Interior Stability". Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick. Male quartet, direction Charles A. Baker. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whk wave wire wham

—Romance Melodies: Orchestra, dierction Roy Shields, with Ruth Lyon, soprano; Charles Sears, tenor. WEAF WLW wgy wdaf kyw wwj wtam wmaq wire

4:30—The World Is Yours: Dramatization. Program under auspices of Smithsonian In-stitute. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq wdaf kyw awl

—Beth Chandler, songs. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

4:45—Dog Heroes, dramatic sketch. Harry Swan and Effie Palmer. WJZ

—Ranch Boys. (NBC) WLS whk wave wire wham

5:00—Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the Air: Wilfred Pelletier conducting the Mef-ropolitan Opera Orchestra and guests. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM wham kdka whk wowo retie wave kvoo wbap wgy


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes CBS 5.4 Denotes MBS



WCKY Cincinnati (1490 kc.)

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Tick lock—Seven O'Clock

Morning Round-Up te. 44

Norsemen N Wm. Meeder N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

Clectsenti (706 ke.)


WKRC Cincinnati (550 kc.)

Brown County Revelers with Pa and Ma....

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor, Sing Merrymakers

Rube Appleberry Peter Grant—News Before Breakfast The Gospel Singer

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast. Early Edition News. Dow's Dawn Patrol...


Women's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

IWO 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club ir N.... Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'ce

London Stock Market.. Lady Be Good Breakfast Club N Young Wielder Jones..

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N

Household Hour

Murdock Williams Coon Creek Band

Linda's First Love. All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison The Goldbergs

Metropolitan Parade C Newscast Morning Moods C Bachelor Children C Musical Calendar Myrt and Marge C. Tony Wons C Ruth Gerhart, songs C

Public Library Program Magazine of the Air C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 I:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News Bally Axton N Farm and Home Hour N

WCKY's Neighbors ... Movieland News

Girl Alone N Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Home Hour N

0 0

Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

Home Town Sing to Me Civil Government

Strollers Matinee

Let's Talk It Over N et et

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C.

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Woman's News C Meet the Minus American School of the Air C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

6:00 6:15 5:30 5:45

Sports Rochester Civic Orchestra N


Club Matinee N All Sports Review National Youth Club Matinee N

All Sports Review Four of Us N Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Pepper Young's Fam. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W

Newscast Matinee Musicale Jenny Peabody C Notes and News

Sing and Swing C Eddie Schoelwer Dr. Defoe C

Follow the Moon C. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

Little Orphan Annie N Army Band N WCKY News Movieland News

Time to Shine N

Vic Arden's Orchestra Christine Johnson N.

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Campbell's Royalists N Vanity Fair N


8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Amos 'n' Andy N.... Four Stars Tonight.. Lum and Abner N.... C'nt of Monte Christo

Burns and Allen N....

For Men Only .0

Smilin' Dan Musical Visions..... George Hall's Orch C Community Chest

Poetic Melodies C To be announced Jay Freeman's Orch. C Boche Carter C

Horace Heidt's Orchestra C

Pick and Pat C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra N

. .

. .

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

Behind Prison Bars N

Streamline Revue

Eli Dantzig's Orchestra N

Magnolia Blossoms N

Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N ea 411

Lux Radio Theatre--Lux Radio Theatre C.

Famous Jury Trials "

Sweet Adeline

Paul Sullivan Bernie Cummins' Orch Reggie Childs' Orchestra

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Newscast—Lee Bland Phyl Coe Mysteries.

Leaders in Dance Time Glen Gray's Orch. C George Olsen's Orchestra C .

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8.00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

WSAI Cincinnati kc.)

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 Ice.)

Morning Praysr Early Express

• ----Malcolm Claire N.. .. Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N Women's Newsreel


WCPO News Six-to-Niners

WCPO- News Six-to-Niners

WHIO Dayton (1260 kc.)

Breakfast Express

ell 6.

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11.00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge Streamliners N

4 0

What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N Jonn's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N . How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie

WCPO News Musical Menu


WCPO News Variety Show Clarence Berger Elaine's Stories

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round


Cornelia on the Air.. Metropolitan Parade C Municipal Court Trouble Shooters ..

Pretty Kitty Kell); C Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line Ruth Carhart, songs C

Louise and Lads C Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Freshmen Follies Noonday Reverie D. A. R. Program. Rosa Lee N _ _ Barber's Interviews Words and Music N My Boy Matt Netherland Orch.

Norman Cloutier's — Orchestra N

Cincinnati Your City Three Cheers N .

WCPO News Happiness Ahead . Man on the Street... Melody Parade

-WCPO News Rhythm Rambles . Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News Siesta Op. House for Ladies Hollywood Brevities

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News, Weath'r, Mark's Ann Kirk Trio Bob Richardson, songs House Party

Woman's News C.... Dalton Bros. C American School

of the Air C 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Little Show....

Ladies Step Out To be announced

Lorenzo Jones N It Is Strange To be announced Mary Paxton _ _ Bonnie Stewart N Terry Pirates N Johnson Family M Nixson Denton

Speed Gibson Music for Madame Paul Sullivan Billy Snider's Orch

Ran Wilde's (fftch Uncle Ezra N Bernie Cummins' Orch.

Album & Songs

The Voice of Firestone N ....

Hahn Reporter Today's Winners

WCPO News Today's Winners Concert Master

Jam for Supper "

Your Suburb'n Theatre

WCPO News Home Beautiful Dinner Club .

News; Elsie Thompson, organ C .. , ... .

You Shall Have Rhythm Broadway Matinee C .

Between Bookends C. "Sing and Swing"_

Kelsey's Orch. C Dr. Allan Defoe C..

Tea Time Tunes Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

• This Rhythmic Age. Harmony Hall Yours Truly Race Results

Hahn Reporter Cin'ti Fed. of Music. Musically Speaking Gypsy Fortunes

Howard Phillips C Si Burick News; George Hall's Orchestra C

Vic Arcrin's Orch Hollace Shaw C Jay Freeman's Orch. C Boake Carter C

Whispering Jack SmitS Plantation Boys Bob Chester's Orch To be announced

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Melodic Strings M WCPO News Thompson's Ambasers

George Price's Feminine Words and Orchestra M Music

Contented Program N WCPO News Musical Newsy

Sydney Mason Music for Moderns N Cotton Club OrcSestra Bernie Cummins' Orch. WCPO News H. Candullo's Orch. Dance Awhile Noble Sissies Hahn Reporter Orchestra Dance Awhile

Lux Radio Theatre C.


Wayne -King's Orchestra C

Gene Baker's Orch.. Newspaper of the Air Moon Magic — Glen Gray's Orch. C George Olsen's

Orchestra C



7:00—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW who wgy kyw

...Time to Shine: Lloyd Shaffer's Orchestra; John B. Gambling, m. c.; Barry McKinley end the Griffin Chorus. WJZ WCKY WENR WSM kdka wave wfla wbam wgar

...Irma Glen, organist. (NBC) wtam wmaq

...Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor,and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, with Carlton Kersey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC wade wwva wbt wcau wgar

,-"Skelly Court of Missing Heirs," dramatic sketch (CBS) wbbm kmbc wcco kmox

7:15—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A," with Pat Barrett, Carlton Guy, Nora Cun-neen and others. WEAF WSAI kyw edam wmaq who wdaf wstp wire wgy wbap

...Song Time with Hollace Shaw and Del Casino. WABC WHIO kmbc wade wbt wfbm wgar wgst

7:30—Jay Freeman's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WLS WHAS WHIO kmbc wadc wbt wfbm

Weymann, mezzo-soprano. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

o.-Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR

—New York on Parade: Mark Warnow's Or-chestra; John B. Kennedy, commentator; Orestes H. Caldwell, narrator; Mark War-now's Orchestra. WEAF only

—John Herrick, baritone, and Christine John-son, soprano. (NBC) (WLS on 6:45) kdka wave wire wham wowo

7:45—Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco

—Christine Johnson, soprano. WJZ WCKY wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00—Burns and Allen with Tony Martin and Ray Noble's Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wtam wwj wire wmaq who wdaf wfla kstp wave kvoo wfaa — General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

—Alernite Half Hour with Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. WABC WKRC WHAS wit wbbm wfbm kmox wcau wbt wcco wwj

8:15—Roy Campbell's Royalists WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—The Voice of Firestone: Richard Crooks, tenor; Margaret Speaks, soprano; Mixed Chorus; Symphonic Orchestra; Alfred Wal-fenstein, conductor. WEAF WSAI WSM

5:30 5:45

WLS-WENR Chicago. Ill. (870 kc.)

Smile A While ..

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (WO kc.)

WHAS Louisville, Kg. (120 he.)


6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Ky. Girls & Ramblers Sing, Neignbor, Sing Pat and Henry

News Report Pokey and Ankle Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

Stamps Baxter Quartet Delmore Brothers ....

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Freddie Rose

Asbury College Devotions

Kentucky Mountaineer, Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Morning Roundup The Hill Toppers

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fam. N News Report

The O'Neills N The Road of Life N Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

limakfee ,Club N - Metropolitan Parade .. Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons' Book C... Ruth Carried, songs C The Rangers Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories

Banner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeath N Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norman Sherr, piano N Rhythm Serenade .... How to be Charm'g N Whitney Horse Auc. N

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray á Christine Shopping News Markets; News

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time ..

Voice of Feed Lot...

School Time The Old Timers Closing Grain Market Melody Parade

Time for Thought Console Melodies National Farm and Home Hour N .. .

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

U. of Tenn. Program.. Strollers Matinee N. To be announced N...

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen TrentC Our Gal Sunday C

Linda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock—Markets .. Sunshine Sue

Woman's News C.... Dance Band University of Kentucky le .0

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

News: Julian Bentley. Homemakers' Matinee —Orchestra

Mary Wright

Club Matines N




Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic ,and Sade N The O'Neill: N

A Woman's News ... The Guiding Light N Club Matinee N Road of Life N

Bon. Stewart, songs N Piano Recital N News: Dance Music Claude Sharpe, tenor

Six-Day Bike Races... Music Circle Julane Pelletier N Vierra's Hawaiians N

Betty and Bob Hymns of All Churches "Jenny Peabody" C Yellow Blank Salute..,

Hope Alden's Rom'ce Weekday Devotions... Sing and Swing Dr. Allan Defoe C

Out o' the Dusk ....

Meador Lowery; News "Hilltop House" C

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Junior Nurse Corps N. U. S. Army Band N What's the News? Escorts and Betty N..

Time to Shine N

Lum and Abner N. Christine Johnson N.

Rhythm Time Afternoon News Jack's Mountaineers Asher & Little Jimmie

Time to Shine N

To be announced Stars of Broadway

Burns and Allen N.... Alemite, with Horace Heidt's Orchestra C

Voice of Firestone— Pick and Pat in "Pipe Richard Crooks N... Smoking Time" C

Howard Phillips C.... Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Early Evening Revue

Sportraits Whispering Jack Smith Jay Freeman's Orch. C Boake Carter C

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Rabbi Louis Mann.. Campanas Vanity

Fair N

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra N

"Behind Prison Bars" N

Radio Forum N

Verdi's "La Traviata"

I ,

Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N

Carnation Contented Hour N

Adventures that made America

Amos 'n' Andy N .... WSM News Magnolia Blossoms N

Lux Radio Theatre C..

46 ..

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Here's To You

Poetic Melodies C Glen Gray's Orch. C. Geo. Olsen's Orch. C Meador Lowery-News.

WHIO II WLS-WENR WSM I WHAS wgy kvoo wfla wmaq wdaf wwj who kstp wfaa wave wire wtam kyw

—"Pick and Paf in Pipe Smoking Time," blackface comedy and music; Edward Roecker, baritone; Benny Kreuger and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm whk kmbc wcau wbt wadc

—Campanas Vanity Fair, with Cal Tinney, m. c., and orchestra. Sheilah Graham, mo-tion picture commentator from Hollywood. Eileen Barton, comedienne-singer; Larry Duncan, impersonator; Douglas Wilson, tenor, and orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

9:00—Fibber McGee and Molly, comedy sketch, with Marion and Jimmy Jordan; Ted Weems and his Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj kvoo wgy wile wmaq who wdaf wfaa wave

—Lux Re-di° Theatre. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc

—Philadelphia Orchestra, Sir Eriest Mac-Millan, conducting; University of Pennsyl-vania Choral Society, direction Dr. Hari McDonald; W. M. Kiplinger, Washington news-letter writer, and Dr. Neil Carothers, economist and director, College of Business Administration at Lehigh University, speak-ers. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

313—Hour of Charm. Phil Spitalny and his

Girls. WEAF WSM WLW wfla kstp kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire wfaa kvoo

10:00— Wayne King's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt ww1 wcco

—Contented Program: The Lullaby Lady, Male Quartet; Choir, direction Noble Cain. Orchestra, direction Frank Black; Vincent Pelletier, announcer. WEAF WSAI WSM kyw wgy wmaq wtam wwj who wdaf wfla wave kvoo wfaa wire kstp

—"Behind Prison Bars." Warden Lewis E. Lewes of Sing Sing. Dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham kdka

10:30—Music for Moderns. WEAF (WSAI on 10:45) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—"Brave New World—The Empire of the Sun," dramatization, U. S. Office of Educa-tion Program. WABC wadc wbbm wcco

—Public Hero No. 1—dramatic sketch. (NBC) wmaq who wfaa

—National Radio Forum--guest speaker. WJZ WLS whk wave wire wham

I I:00—Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Or-chestra. WABC (WKRC, WHIO, WHAS on 11:15) wgst wbt wgar kmox

—Poetic Melodies (CBS) WHAS win wbbm wfbm kmbc kmox wwl wcco

—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy.

(NBC) WSM wdaf wbap wmaq wire kstp wtam wwj

—Rudolph Friml, Jr.'s Ritz-Carlton Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wgy who

—Eli Dantzig's St. George Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire

11:30—George Olsen and his Orchestra. WABC WHIO (WHAS off 11:45) WKRC wjr wgar wfbm wcau wspd wsbt wadc wgst wbt

—Magnolia Blossoms—Fisk Jubilee Choir, WJZ WCKY WSM wave wire wham wowo whk

—Woody Herman's Normandie Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

MIDNIGHT—Gao. Hamilton and his Orches-tra. WABC WKRC WHICr•-WHAS wgar wcau wadc wbt wjr wsfa wed whk wowo

—Don Bestor's New Penn Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

—To be announced. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

12:30—Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Cafe Or. chestra. WEAF WLW WLS WSM wgy silent wmaq who

—Lang Thompson's Commodore Perry Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave

—Orrin Tucker's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wfbm wjr



6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY cinonnan Moo kc.)

.... ..

Tick lock—Seven O'Clock

Morning Round-Up te

Charioteers N Liebert Ensemble N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

WLW Cen.ennel (M I kt.1

WKRC Cincinnati kc.)

Brown County Revelers with Pa and Ma....

Morning in the Mtns Prayer Period Mail Bag Merrymakers

Charioteers N Peter Grant—News. Arthur Chandler, Jr The Gospel Singer

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

God's Bible School. Early Edition—News. Dow's Dawn Patrol..

et e.

6:30 645

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

el el,

Woman's Hour ee

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 kc.)

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 kc.)

Six-to-Niners •

Morning Prayer Early Express

$1 04

$4 0

Malcolm Claire N. Good Morn. Melad. N Do you Remember N.. Women s Newsreel

WCPO News Six4o-Niners



WCPO News Six-to-Niners


MI 0

WHIO Dayton (1260 Ise.)

Breakfast !stores'

ell 0

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News


5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

WLS-WENR Chicago. In. (870 kc.)

Smile A While O. SI

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (680ke.)


DeZuriks & Ramblers Curly and Hilltoppers Pat and Henry

News Report Evelyn & Hill Toppers Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

Wake Up, Neighbor Delmore Brothers

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Vagabonds

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:15 10:30 10:45

Breakfast Club N Se

London Stock Market., Breakfast Club N

For Women Only Vaushn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N

Household Hour 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Murdock Williams .... Coon Creek Band

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'ce Hello Peggy Young Widder Jones .

Linda's First Love All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News The Road of Life N The Hi Boys N The Goldbergs

Music in the Air News C

Richard Maxwell C Bachelor Children C.

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Musical Calendar Myrt and Marge C. Emily Post C Bliss and Sutton C

Jean Abbey Magazine of the Air C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:46

WCKY News Hymns for Everyone Farm and Home Hour N

.1 ei

Love and Learn N.... Movieland News

Girl Alone N Vic Arden's Orchestra National Farm and Home Hour N

Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

The Artist Vocational Agriculture Living Literature

Swinging the Blues C. Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C.

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Fun to Keep House Meet the Missus American School

of the Air C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge Streamliners N

What Next Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harurn N Backstage Wife N Mary Paxton Ribber Shannon

WCPO News Musical Menu

04 0

.1 11

Cornelia on the Air Dear Columbia C. Municipal Court Trouble Shooters .

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line. News: Sutton á Bliss..

WCPO News Ch'ber of Commerce Consumers Conference Jimmy Lee

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Freshman Follies Noonday Reverie News Rosa Lee N

Barber's Interviews Music for Madame.. My Boy Matt Netherland Orch.

Don't Loak Now M. Mary Williams M . Cincinnati Your City.. Armchair Quartet N.

11 ..

WCPO News The Playboys Man on the Street Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News Siesta


Hollywood Brevities

Ranch Boys Have You Heard N Home Folks Frolic Beatrice Fairfax 16

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

6:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

All Sports Review Marine Band N

All Sports Review N.. Lady Astor Club Matinee N

Sports Review a

Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Little Orphan Annie N Paul Kennedy Press-Radio News N Movieland News

Easy Aces N Lost Persons N Jack Smith Vivian della Chiesa N

Husbands and Wives N

Dial Memories Xavier Cugat's Orch

Pepp'r Young's Film. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill' N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields.

News; Fire Prevention Future Favorites P.T.A. Program Notes and News

.1 0.

Bob Byron C Eddie Schoelwer Y. W. C. A. Program

Follow the Moon C.. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights. "Hilltop House" C...

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong N Singing Lady N Singing School W....

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N.

Amos 'n' Andy N. Vocal Varieties N Lum and Abner N Tonic Time

Johnny Presents N.

It Can Be Done— Edgar A. Guest N

Smilin' Dan Dick Bray—Sports News: George Hall's Orchestra C

Poetic Melodies C Musical Moments .. Famous Actors Guild— Helen Menken C.

Edw. G. Robinson— "Big Town" C

Al Jolson ond Others C

1:00 1:15 1:30 145

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Art of Living Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Swinging the Blues C. Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks. News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio Betty Fairfax House Party

Petticoat of the Air C Cheri and 3 Notes C American School of the Air C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show ...

Ladies Step Out To be announced

Lorenzo Jones N It Is Strange To be announced Songland M

Nellie Revelle N Terry Pirates Pl Johnson Family M. Nissan Denton

Hahn Reporter Today's Winners


MI 00 •

News; Col. Jack Major C

Hollace Shaw & Concert Orch C .

WCPO News Today's Winners Concert Master


Between Bookends C. Bob Byron, songs C... Story of Industry C

Jam for Supper


Your Sub'rban Theatre

Tea Time Tunes Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

The Emperors Kentucky Colonel Paul Sullivan Billy Snyder's Orch

Ran Wilde's Orch Bernie Cummins' Orch, Musical Speedway

WCPO News Home Beautiful Dinner Club


This Rhythmic Age.. Rosen's Rangers Yours Truly Race Results

Hahn Reporter Better Sportsmanship. Musically Speaking Men of Vision

All Hands On Deck C Si Burick—News News; George Hall's Orchestra C

Stars of Broadway Community Chest Helen Menken: "Second Husband" C

Edw. G. Robinson— Dramatization C

Al Jolson Show with Martha Raye C

c e un o y with Al Pearce C.

Jack Oakie's College C

Benny Goodman's "Swing School" C

Bob Chester's Orch Newspaper on the Air

11:00 Noble Sissie's Orch . WCPO News Gene Baker's Orch. 11:15 H. Candullo's Orch.. Dance Awhile T. Dorsey's Orch, C 11:30 Reggie Childs' Dance Awhile George Olsen's 11:45 Orchestra 40 Orchestra C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Jar: Nocturne M Silk Topper Wayne King's

Orchestra N

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

WCKY News To be announced Roy Shields' Orchestra N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Choir Symponette N.. Streamline Revue ....

0. te

Hoosier • Housewarmers

Tue Detective Mysteries

WLW Opehitita

Jimmy Fidler N Men at Work

Paul Sullivan . Noble Sissle's Orch... Ran Wilde's Orch Bernie Cummins' Orch.

Watch the Fun Go By C..

Jack Oakie's College C

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

Newscast—Lee Bland "Ballads by Binder"

Leaders in Dance Time Tommy Dorsey's Or, C George Olsen's Orchestra C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Taxicab Night Club King's Jesters Orch. N Jimmy Dorsey's

Orchestra N

9:15 . . 9:30 Hollywood Mardi 9:45 Gras N

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45


0 e.

Sydney Mason F. Graffolier's Orch

Claude Thompson's Ambassadors

East End Y. M. C. A WCPO News For the Piano


Cotton Club Orchestra



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Francis MacCormack, poetic reader, and Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC wgar wcau wadc wwva wbt

—Easy Aces comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

—Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

—Louis Panico's Orchestra. (NBC) WSM wtam wmaq

7:15—Vocal Varieties: Choral Group of Voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw wdaf

—Song Time with Ruth Carhart and Bill Perry. WABC wjr wgar wadc wwva wbt

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (830 Ire.)

Asbury College Devotions

Sheets Morris Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree

.0 .......... 11.

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Morning Roundup Morning Minstrels

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fam. N News Report

The O'Neill: N Road of Life N Vic and Sade N Markets, weather, news

Breakfast Club N ...

0 0


Banner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeath N .. Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norma Sherr N Rhythm Serenade Hi Boys N George Harhvick N

Music in the Air C.... Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge O... Emily Post C Twin Pianos C

Mary Lee Taylor C. ... Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray & Christine For People Only Mkts.—weather—news

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time...

Voice of Feed Lot..

Music Appreciation.. The Old Timers Grain Market "How 1 Met My Hu'd

Terri Farnconi N Farm Scrap Book National Farm and Home Hour N

.1 .6

et 11.

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

Fun in Music—Dr. Jos E Maddy N

Fed. Women's Clubs N Armchair Quartet N.

Swinging the Blues C.. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets .... Sunshine Sue

The Rangers Dance Band University of Kentucky

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:1:10 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

News: Julian Bentley, Homemakers' Matinee —Orchestra

Mary Wright

Club Matinee N Br'dc'st from London N Club Matinee N

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill' N

A Woman's News ... The Guiding Light N Club Matinee N Road of Life N

Songs by Carlotta N Nellie Revell N Financial News Freddie Rose

Six-Day Bike Races... Music Circle Julane Pelletier N Vierra's Hawaiians

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Sheets Morris Yellow Blank Salute.,

Hope Alden's Rom'ce. Weekday Devotions .. State Teachers College

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News 'Hilltop House" C...,

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

Junior Nurse Corps N. Rokov's Orch. N What's the News? Escorts and Betty N

Easy Aces, sketch N Lost Persons N Lum and Abner N Vivian Della Chiesa N

Husbands and Wives N

It Can Be Done N

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 Ile 4.

Hammett and Cooney Afternoon News Console Melodies Asher á Little Jimmie

Sports; Music N Green Boosters Whispering Jack Smith To be announced

Johnny with Russ Morgan N

Wayne King's Orchestra N

All Hands on Deck C Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Early Evening Revue

Baptist Seminary

Helen Menken In "Second Husb'd" C.

Edw. G. Robinson— Dramatization C....

Al Jolson Show, with Martha Raye C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Merck Webers Orch. N

Roy Shield's Revue N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Choir Symphonette N Celia Gamba,

violinist N Globe Trotter La Salle Hotel Orch. N J. Dorsey's Orch. N. Six-Day Bike Races

Merck Weber's Orchestra N

Hollywood Mardi Gras N

0 ee


Jimir4i Fidler N Musical Moments

Amos 'n' Ancl-'7 N WSM News Sports: McDowell's Orchestra

Watch the Fun Go By C

Jack Oakie's College Benny Goodman's

Orchestra C

Broadway Stars Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies C Louisville Dance Time

Meador Lowrey—News


—Sammy Watkins' Orchestra. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

7:45—Vivian Della Chiesa, soprano. (NBC) WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham wowo

—Benno Rabinoff, violinist. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—John B. Kennedy, commentator. WJZ only 8:00—Edward G. Robinson, with Claire Trevor

in "Big Town", newspaper drama. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wit wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco wadc

—Johnny Presents Russ Morgan's Orchestra: Charles Martin's Thrill; Swing Fourteen; Frances Adair; Rhythm Rogues, and Glenn Cross, WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who kstp wdaf wfla wire kvoo

—Husbands and Wives: Conducted by Sedley —Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. WJZ Brown and Allie Lowe Miles. WJZ WCKY WCKY WLS whk kdka wham WLS wham whk

7:30—Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy 8:30—Al Jolson Show with Martha Raye, Park. sketch. WJZ WLW WLS whk yakarkus and Victor Young's Orchestra.

—George Griffin, tenor. (NBC) wave wire WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wham wfbm wgar wcau kmox wbt wadc wwj wcco

—Famous Actors Guild Presents Helen —Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Mencken in "Second Husband." WABC Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM kvoo wwj WKRC WHIO WHAS wcao wgar wbbm wjr who kstp wmaq wire wave kyw wgy wtam wcau kmbc km« • wfaa

.-Steinie Bottle Boys. WEAF only. —"It Can Be Done," dramatic sketch, with

Edgar Guest. Frankie Master's Orchestra, WJZ WLW WLS kdka whk wham

9:00—Vox Pop, conducted by Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth, WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf wire

—Merck Webers Hotel Stevens Orchestra, WJZ WLS WSM kdka whk wave kstp wham wfla kvoo

—"Watch the Fun Go By," presented by Al Pearce and His Gang. Nick Lucas, singing guitarist; Arlene Harris, "Human Chatter-box:" Lenore Ulric, guest; Carl Hoff's Orchestra, VABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wl wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsbt wbt wcco wgar

9:30—"Camel Caravan"—Jack Oakie's Col-lege" with Jack Oakie, Stuart Erwin, Ray-mond Hatton and William Austin, come-dians; Helen Lynd, comedienne; Patsy Flick, comedienne; Harry Bans, songs; Meyer Alexander's Chess; Georgie Stoll's Orchestra and guests; "Swing School" with Benny Goodman's Orcestra and guests. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS volr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wbt wsfa wwj wcco

—Hollywood Madri Gras: Lanny Ross; Charles Butterworth; Don Wilson; Jane Rhodes, Rhythm Singer; Raymond Paige's Orches-tra, WEAF WSAI WSM who kyw wgy wwj wtam wdaf wire kstp wfla wave wmaq kvoo

—Roy Shields' Revue. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00—General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham kdka

10:15—Choir Symphonette, WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

10:30—Del Casino, songs. WABC kmox wsbt kmbc

—Phillips Poly Follies. (CBS) wbbm wfbm kmox wsbt wcco kmbc

—Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood Gossip. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq who kyw wwl wire wfla wave wbap kvoo wdaf kstp

--Celia Gamba, violinist. WJZ WLS whk wave wire wham

10:45—Serenade in te Night—Orchestra and Vocalists. WEAF wgy wtam wave wire kyw wmaq wwj

—Four Stars, Girl's Vocal Quartet. WABC I I:00—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wwj wdaf wire wbap kstp

—Science vs. Crime—discussion and dramati-zation by Capt. P. B. Kelly, auspices of Criminal Science; "The School," Dr. J. Cayce Morrison, speaker. WEAF wgy wtam who wmaq

—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC, WHIO on 11:15)

—"Poetic Melodies:" Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn McCormack, reader, with Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wwj wcco kmox

—The Vagabonds. (NBC) whk wave wire wham

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only

11:05—The Vagabonds, Negro Male Quartet. WJZ whk wave wire wham

I I:15—King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

—Lou Breese's Fernch Casino Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam who wmaq

11:30—George Olsen's International Casino Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC wit wbbm wcau wgar wfbm kmox wadc wsbt wbt wife wcco

—Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

—Jimmy Dorsey's Congress Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY (WLS off 11:45) kdka whk wave wham wfla wire

MIDNIGHT—Joe Reichman's Ambassador Ho-tel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

—Richard Himber's Essex House Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm

—Jerry Blaine and the Park Central Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wwj wgy wtam who

12:30—Jack Winston's Bal Tabarin Orchestra, WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham whk

—Kenmore Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Ted Fiorito's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wjr

Phil Baker carries several packaies of gum with him every day but chews only during program rehearsals.


N Denotes !NBC) C Denotes CBS) 14 Denotes MSS) Je. PROGRAMS FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10


oao 6:45

7d/0 7:15 7:30 7:45

s:oo 8:15 8:30 845

WCKY Ctnetnnatt (use

Tick Tack—Seven O'Clock

Morning Round-Up 11. .•

WLW Cinentaan (700

Brown County Revelers with Ma and Pa...

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor. Sing Merrymakers

WKRC CineheeaU (550 Sze.)

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast. Early Edition News... Dow's Dawn Patrol...


Four Showmen N Rube App',berry .... Wm. Meeder N Peter Grant—News . . News for Executives Before Breakfast Lucille & Lanny N.. . The Gospel Singer

S. 4.

Woman's Hour "

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Breakfast Club N

London Stock Market Breakfast Club N

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Women's Exposition

11110 Household Hour 11:15 11:30 Jane Rohan 11:45 I Coon Creek Band

Hymns of All Chinches Hope Alden Rom'nce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

Linons First Love .... All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah .

As You Like It C Richard Maxwell C Fiddlers' Fancy C.... Bachelor's Children C

Musical Calendar .... Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons C Ruth Carhart, songs C

Magazine of the Air C

Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison The Goldbergs

12:00 WCKY News Girl Alone N . 12:15 Edward Carnage N Doc Schneider's Orch. 12:30 Farm and Horne National rarm and 12:45 Hour N Home Hours N 1£10 " .. be .

so.. ..... 1:15 " " .. 1:30 WCKY's Neighbors . Voice of Experience.. 1:45 Grace end Scotty N. Kitty Keene, Inc

2.110 Negro Educationaj Once Upon a Time.. 2:15 Au'n Program N.... Contemporary Writers 2:30 Waltz Favorites N.... The Great Northwest. 2:45 Beatrice Fairfax

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C.

Betty and Bob C Betty Crocker C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Woman's News C Meet the Misses American School

of the Air C

3:00 Sports Review 3:15 Continental Varieties N 3:30 Kidoodlers N 3:45 Swing Serenade N dog 4:15 4:30 4:45

600 5:15 5:30 5:45

Club Matinee N .8 ..

Sports Review Melodic Interlude

Sports Review Four of Us Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's Fain. N News; Fire Prevention Ma Perkins N Matinee Musicale Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps N Follow the Jack Armstrong Freshest Thing in Town Singing Lady N Hollywood Highliqhls Singing School W.... "Hilltop House" C

Jenny Peabody C. Notes and News

630 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

800 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 leca

Poetic Philosopher ... Early Express

ee ele

Malcolm Claire N.... Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N Women's Newsreel

WCPO ClecInneU (1210 Ise.)

Sixtto-Nineri 9.

WCPO News Six-to-Niners

. . .....

WHIO Dayton (1200 kc.)

Breakfast Express ..

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Greenfield Chapel C Women make the News

WCPO News Six-to-Niners


too 9:15 930 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:46

1100 11:15 11:30 11.45

Rainbow Ridge Streamliners N

Dance Parade

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N . Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie

WCPO News Cornelia on the Air Musical Menu Richard Maxwell C

Municipal Court " ..... . Trouble Shooters

-if.fCP0 News Pretty Kitty Kelly C.. Variety Show Myrt and Marge C. There Was a Time Monticello Party Line

WHIO News; Music

WCPO News Magazine of the Air C Merry-Go-Round

Big Sister C ...... Aunt Jenny's Stories C


5:30 5:45

too 6:15 6:30 la45

too News Report Golden West Cowboys 2;15 Pokey and Arkie Almanac 7:30 Morning Devotions WSM News 7:45 Jolly Joe's Pals ... Freddie Rose

ton Lulu Belle and Scotty Breakfast Club N 8:15 ¡News Report 88;30 Morning ll Roundup " " :45 The H 8. ee

9:oo Mary Marlin N 9:15 Ma Perkins N B:30 Pepper Young's Fam. N 9:45 News Report

10:00 The O'IMills N 10:15 Road of Life N 10:30 Vic and Sade N 10:45 Edward McHugh N

WLS-WENR Chkaeo. III. (870 kc.)

«Smile A While


Ky. Girls 6 Ramblers Sin, Neighbor, Sing Pat and Henry

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (450Ite.)

WHAS Leesville. Me Me Iota

Stamp's Quartet Delmore Brothers

Asbury College Devotions

Kentucky Mountaineers Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree

.1 et

Banner Newshawk Vauqh Deleath N.... Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N

Hollyw'd High Hat'sits Melody Caravan How to be Charm'g N Originalities N

As You Like It C Meador Lowery-Nansa Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Une. Myrt and Marge C... Tonss,Wons' Book C... Ruth Carhart, songs C

Crumit-Sanderson C.. Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

hoo 1:15 130 t4s

2.110 2:15 230 2:45

Freshman Follies ... Jane Gray News Joe White N

Barber's Interviews... Words and Music N.. My Boy Matt Netherland Orch.

Don't Look Now M... Yasha Davidoff M Cincinnati Your City.. Men of the West ...

WCPO News Mary M. McBride C Happiness Ahead Edwin C. Hill C Man on the Street... The Listener Speaks Melody Parade News; Markets WCPO News O. L. Cunningham.... Rhythm Rambles Evelyn Day, songs Dot Club News House Party From Hawaii WCPO News Woman's News C Siesta Jack Shannon, songs C Open House for Lad American School Hollywood Brevities of the Air C.. ...

11:00 Virginia Lee, Sunbeam 11:15' Chuck, Ray & Christine 11:30 Shopping News 11:45 Markets, Weather

12:15 12:30 12:45

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time

Voice of Feed Lof....

100 Business & 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 1Grain Market 145 I Melody Parade

Time for Thought N.. Concert Sketches; News National Farm end Horne Hour N

.1 8.


Banner Newshawk el

U. of Tenn. Program.. Recorded Revue Waltz Favorites N

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Linda's First Love.. . College of Agriculture Livestock .Markets .... Sunshine Sue

Woman's News C Dance Band University of Kentucky

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Curtis Music Institute C Eddie Schoelwer Dr. Defoe C

600 6:15 6:30 6:45

Little Orphan Annie N Harry Kogen's Orch. N WCKY News M ovie la nd News

Easy Aces N Lost Persons N Vic Arden's Orchestra Charlotte Lansing N

Eddie Duchin's One Man's Family N Orchestra N

Sid Skolsky N To be announced Academy of Politica I " "

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N Amos 'n' Andy N Don't Listen Lum and Abner N Bernie Cummins' Orch.

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

IWO 8:15 ex) 8:45

Smilin' Dan Musical Visions News: Farnk Da iley's Orchestra C .

Poetic Melodies C "Hobby Lobby" C.

Soak. Carter C Cavalcade of America C.

Eddie Cantor—Texaco Town C

400 4:15 430 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

600 6:15 6:30 eAs

too 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Little Show..

Ladies Step Out To be d

Lorenzo Jones N It Is Strange To be announced Mary Paxton

Jolly Jo M Terry Pirates N Johnson Family M. Nixson Denton

Hahn Reporter Today's Winners


WCPO News Today's Winners Concert Master

Speed Gibson Music for Madame Paul Sullivan Billie Snider's Orch.

Frenchy Graffolier Uncle Ezra P4 La Conga's Orch, N. Jean Sablon N

Ran Wilde's Orchestra

Wayne King's Orchestra N

News; Orchestra C. Ray Block's Orch. C You Shall Have Rhythm Acad. of Medicine C

Curtis Institute of Music C

Dr. Allan Defoe C...

Jam for Supper Lee and Dunkleberger .0 Musical Visions . The Arcadians

Your Suburb'n Theatre "Hilltop House" C

WCPO News Home Bea utiful Dinner Club

Doris Kerr, songs C Si Bunch News; Frank Dalley's Orchestra C

Vic Arden's Orch "Hobby Lobby" C

This Rhythmic Age. .. Harmony Hall Yours Truly Race Results

WCPO News Musically Speaking This Rhythm Age WPA Program

Boake Carter C

Philharmonic Concert

Texaco Town, with Eddie Cantor C .

9:00 9:15 930 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

Science Program N


.. 1.

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Dogs & Game Streamline Revue

Vagabonds N King's Jesters <>Ch. N Manor. N

. .

Town Hall Tonight N w Se


0 ee

Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra C

"Tish." by Mary R. Rinehart C

Gang Busters C .•

Newscast—Lee Bland Leaders in Dance Time

Ross Pierce's Orch. . Benny G'dman's Or. C Sammy Kaye's

Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Your Hit Parade N....

•• ••• • To be ed

Paul Sullivan Los Amigos Orchestra Ran Wilde's Orch Noble Sissle's Orch.

10:03 10:15 10:30 10:45

V. Lopez's Orch, M.. Kay Kyser's Orch. M Don Albers' Orchestra

Bernie Cummins' Orchestra

Sydney Mason Only Snider's Orch Harry Candullo's Orchestra

Reggie Childs' Orchestra

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

300 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

News: Julian Bentley. Homemakers' Matinee —Orchestra

Mary Wright

Club Matinee N .1 .1

Parents and Teachers National Congre N

Six-Day Bike Races. WSM on Parade Music Circle H. Kogen's Orch. N Financial News Vierra's Hawaiians N i Vaughn Quartet

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N ....-The O'Neills N A Woman's News .... The Guiding Light N Cole and Moore Road of Life N

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Jenny Peabody C Yellow Blank Salute

Hope Alden 's Weekday Devotions Teachers College Dr. Allan Defoe C Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House"

500 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Junior Nurse Corps tl, Rhythm Time M. Webers Orch. N.., Afternoon News What's the News?.. Vagabonds Escorts and Betty N..1Asher 6 Li'tle Jimmie

Easy Aces, sketch N7I B. C. Sports—Music Lost Persons N John Lewis, songs ... turn and Abner N. Mary Dugan Pleasant Valley Frolics1Stars of Broadway

Eddie Duchin's One Man's Family N Orchestra N. .......

Sid Skolsky, News N i Wayne King's Academy of Politicall Orchestra N

Doris Kerr, songs C.. Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts ... Early Evening Revue..

Sportraits Leland Brock Whispering Jack Smith bake Carter C Cavalcade of America C

Texaco Town with Eddie Cantor C

WCPO News Thompson's Ambass'rs Clock on the Mantel

Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra C.

"Tish" by Mary R. Rinehart C

Gang Busters C

Bob Chester's Orch Newspaper of the Air

Phyl Coe Myst'y Drama B. Goodman's Orch. C Gene Baker's Orch 10:30 Sammy Kaye's Orch. cn 10:45

WCPO News Musical Newsy

Cotton Club Orchestra

WCPO News Dance Awhile Hahn Reporter Dance Awhile

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, and Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wgar wcau

—Easy Aces, comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

werepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

Panico's Oriental Gardens Orchestra. (NBC) wtam wmaq

1:15—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A," with Pat Barrett, Nora Cunneen and others. WEAF WSAI wgy wmaq wtam wire wdaf kyw who wbap kstp

•-i-Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

.—"Hobby Lobby," featuring Dave Liman and Harry Sa lter's Orchestra. WA BC WKRC W1-110 wcau wadc wgar wjr wfbm wbt

1:33—Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS whk

.—Mario Cozzi, baritone. (NBC) wave wire wham

—Ithymond Littee's La Conga Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

7:45—Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO


WHAS wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmos wcco wbt

—Charlotte Lansing, soprano and orchestra WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

—Jean Sablon, songs. WEAF WSAI wgy edam wmaq who wdaf

8:00—One Max's Family, dramatic sketch. WEAF WLW WSM wdaf wgy wwj wtam who wmaq wfla wave kvoo wbap kyw kstp

—"The Cavalcade of America"—Historical Drama, Don Voorhees and his Concert Or-chestra. WABC WKRC WHAS w¡r wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwj wcco

—Elizabeth Arden presents Eddie Duchin and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

8:30—Texaco Town with Eddie Cantor, come-dian, Deanna Durbin; Pinky Tomlin; Jimmy Wallington; Jacques Renard and his Orches-tra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmor wadc wwj wcco

—Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM wtam wfaa wgy ww¡ kyw kvoo wbap kstp who wdaf

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Science .Meeting N..

NBC. Minstrel Show N

Gen. Fiugh Johnson N Nola Day N Walt: Interlude N.

01 .1

10:00 10.15

Globe Trotter King's Jesters Orch To be announced Six-Day Bike Races

Town Hall Tonight N


gm • go

Andre Kostelanetz Concert Orchestra C

"Tish" by Mary R. Rinehart C

The "Gang Busters" C Your Hit Parade N... 91 0

.8 Ile

Vocal Varieties

Amos 'n' Andy N ... WSM News Sports; Adrian McDowell's Orch

"Hobby Lobby," with Dave Elman C

Poetic Melodies C Louisville Dance Time

Meador Lowery-News


—Skolsky from Hollywood. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

8:45—Academy of Political Science Annual Meeting—S. Parker Gilbert, Senator Harry F. Byrd, and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morganthau, Jr. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wowo

9:00—Chesterfield presents Andre Kostelan-etx's Concert Orchestra; guest artists; Deems Taylor, commentator; Paul Douglas, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar knsbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wsfa wwl wcco wsbt

—Town Hall Tonight: Walter O'Keefe, come-dian, with the Town Hall Quartet, Peter Van Steeden and Orchestra, and guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf kstp wave wile kvoo wgy wfak wire

9.30—"Tish" by Mary Roberts Rinehart. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwj wcco

10:00—"Gang Busters," true crime dramatiza-tions. Conducted by Phillips H. Lord. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wwj wcco

—Your Hit Parade: guest, Mark Warnow and his Orchestra; Stuart Allen, baritone; Song smith Quartet. WEAF %raw WSM wgy wtam wmaq kyw wdaf wfaa who wfla kstp wave wwj wire

—General Hugh-Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:15—Nola Day, songs. WJZ WLS whk kdka wowo wave wire wham

10:30—Patti Chapin, songs. WABC wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wbt wsfa wwj wcco

—Waltz Interlude—Ernest Gill and his Or-chestra. WJZ WLS whk kdka wowo wave wire wham

—"Hobby Lobby". (CBS) WHAS wbbm kmox wcco wwl wsbt wgst wsfa

10:45—Alistair Cooke, British commentator. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

—To be announced. WABC wadc wbbm wcco wgar wsbt wgst

11:00—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wire wmaq wdaf kstp wtam wwj

—"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wcco kmok wwj

—Joe Rises' Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam who kyw

—Benny Goodman and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on 11:15) wadc wsbt wbt wgst

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —Vagabonds. (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire

11:05—The Vagabonds, Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

11:15—King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orches-tra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

11:30—Rudolf Friml. Jr., and his Ritz Carle-ton Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

—Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra. WABC (WHIO on 11:45) WKRC wjr wcau kmbc wadc wbt wsfa

—San Francisco Opera Company, WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

MIDNIGHT—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox

—Eddy Rogers' Rainbow Grill Orchestra, WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Frankie Master's Orchestra—(CBS) wbbm kmbc

12:30—Lights Ouf: Mystery drama (NBC) WLS wgy wtam wmaq who

—Bob Crosby's Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm wade

Alfred Gus Karger, Cofnmentator, WLW and WLW Line, will have as his guest, Miss Mabel Madden, Su- •

pervisor of Community Activities of the Public Recreation Commission, to be interviewed on the subject of "What To Do With Yourself," Sat-urday, November 6, 1937, at 6:4e p. m. (E.S.T.).


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes CBS 81 Denotes MIS


6:30 6:45

WCKY Cincinnati OM stc.i

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Tick Tock—Seven O'Clock

Morning Round-Up

Charioteers N Lieber} Ensemble N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

WLW Cincinnati (700 iota

Brown County Revelers with Ma and Pa

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period WLW Mail Bag Merrymakers

Southernaires N Peter Grant—News Arthur Chandler, Jr The Gospel Singer

WKRC Cincinnati 350 kv.,

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition—News.. Dow's Dawn Patrol

et el


Woman's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N

London Stock Market. Breakfast Club N

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N

Household Hour

Jayne Rohan Coon Creek Band

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'nce Hello Peggy Young Widder Jones

Linda's'First Love. All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News Road of Life N Peggy Tudor The Goldbergs

Dear Columbia C Richard Maxwell C. Musical Calender Bachelor's Children C

Musical Calendar Myrt and Marge C Emily Post C The Instrumentalists C

WKRC Bulletin Board Magazine ot the Air C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

6:30 6:45

noo 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Ctnrinnatl (1330 Mc.)

Mornieg Prayer Early Express

Malcolm Claire N Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N. Women's Newsreel ..

WCPO Cincinnati MOO kc.)


WCPO News Six-to-Niners

ee IR


WCPO News Six-to-Niners

WHIO Dayton (1260 kv )

Breakfast Express

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7-15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR Chicago. Ill. (870 ice )

Smile A While te e•

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (650 kv.)

DeZuriks & Ramblers Curly and Hilltoppers Pat and Henry

News Report Evelyn & Hill Toppers Morning Devotions.. Jolly Joe's Pals

Vaughn Quartet

WHAS Louisville. KY. (820 Ice.)

Asbury College Devotions

Skeet: Morris Salt and Peanuts

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Vagabonds

Early Morning Jamboree

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10.00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge .. Streamliners N

What Next

Mrs. Wings N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N Mary Paxton Ribber Shannon

WCPO News Musical Menu

VII.--CP0 News Chamber of Comm'ce Armistice Day Parade.


WCPO News Morn. Go Round.

Cornelia on the Air. Music in the Air C Municipal Court Trouble Shooters

Pretty Kitty Kelly —C Myrt and Marge C. Monticello Party Line News; Dance Time The Art of Living Carol's Romance C Big Sister Aunt Jenny's Stories

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Morning Roundup Morning Minstrels

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fem. N News Report

The O'Ñeills hr -Road of Life N Vic and Sad. N Edward McHugh N.

Breakfast Club N ....

Banner Newshawk Vaughn Deleath N. Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

High Hatters N Rhythm Serenade Hi Boys N Gay Nineties N

Dear Columbia C Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Emily Post C The Instrumentalists C

Mary Lee Taylor C.... Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C .... . Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

WCKY News Edward Gowage N . National Farm and Home Hour; Corn

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Husking Contest N

Love and Learn N Movieland News

Davies and Kargan N

Home Folks Frolic. Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N Vie Arden's Orch National Farm and Home Hour N

•• ••

Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

Current Events Vocational Guidance Latin America

Cheri and 3 Notes C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C.

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Fun to Keep House Meet the Missus American School

of the Air C

12:00 12:15 12,30 12:45

1.00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Freshman Follies Noonday Reverie News To be announced

Barber's Interviews Music for Madame My Boy Matt Netherland Orch. Musical Guild N

Cincinnati Your City.. Men of the West N...

WCPO News The Playboys Man on the Street.. Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Ramblers Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News Siesta

Hollywood Brevities...

Hahn Reporter Today's Winners

Cheri and 3 Notes C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio Better Business Bureau House Party

Petticoat of the Air C Louise and the Lads C American School

of the Air C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Light Opera N Sports Review Eastman School of Music N

Sports Review Club Matinee N

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Sports Review Vets of Foreign Wars N Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's Fem. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill: N.

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields.

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W

Armistice Day Celebration C

Bob Byron, songs C. Eddie Schoelwer Women's Exposition.

Follow the Moon C Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C.

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show

Ladies Step Out To be announced

Lorenzo Jones N It Is Strange To be announced To the Ladies

Golden Melodies N...

Johnson Family M.... Nixson Denton

ee .

WCPO News Today's Winners Concert Master

Jam for Supper

Your Suburb'n Theatre

ews Home Beautiful Dinner Club

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Little Orphan Annie N Paul Kennedy WCKY News Movieland News

Easy Aces N Lost Persons N Jack Smith Kidoodlers N Gen. Hugh Johnson N Liedersingers N The March of Time N

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Amos n Andy N Vocal Varieties N . Lum and Abner N . Valley Frolics

Rudy Vallee— Variety Hour N

I. It

0. ee

Smilin' Dan Dick Bray—Sports Sports Resume C George Hall's Orch. C

Poetic Melodies C Musical Moments "We, the People" C

Kate Smith's- Variety Hour C

auser s c 6:15 Ky. Colonel 6:30 Paul Sullivan 6:45 Billy Snider's Orch....

7:00 Ran Wilde's Orch 7:15 Rex Battle's Orch. M 7:30 Dick Stabile's Orch. M 7:45

8:00 Bernie Cummins' Orch 8:15 Silk Topper 8:30 WSAI Open House. 8:45

This Rhythmic Age.... Rosen's Rangers Yours Truly Race Results

Hahn Reporter Musically Speaking

Dimwit College

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray & Christine For People Only Markets, weather, news

Dinnerbell Program

Voice of Feed Lot....

"Touring the World".. The Old Timers Grain Market "How I Met My Hu'd

Farm Credit Interview Peggy Tudor .... Farm and Home Hour N

U0 le


Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture

Edward Davies and Olga Kargan N

El Caballero N Musical Adventures N

Goodwill Industries. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C...

Linda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets .... Sunshine Sue

The Rangers Dance Band University of Kentucky

News; Armistice 2:00 News: Julian Bentley. Day C 2:15 Homemakers' Matin»

Between Bookends C.. lob Byron, songs C... U. S. Army Band C.

el, ell

Community Chest Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

De asino, songs Si Burick News; B. Selvin's Orch. Geo. Hall's Orch, C

Stars of Broadway Song Time C We, the People C

2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

—Orchestra Mary Wright

Club Matinee: Variety Show N

Six-Day Bike Races.... Music Circle H. Kogen's Orch. N Vierra's Hawaiians N

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

A Woman's News ... The Guiding Light N Club Matinee N Road of Life N

Golden Melodies N..

Financial News Freddie Rose

yt m sme Afternoon Newt Two Pianos Asher & Li'tle Jimmie

Armistice .Day C

be et


• unlOr srse orps M. Webers Orch. N

5:30 What's the News?.... 5:45 Escorts and Betty N

6:00 Easy Aces N Sports; Music N Herbie Koch, organ... 6:15 Lost Persons N String Quartet Song Time C 6:30 Lum and Abner N.... The Time of We, the People C 6:45 Kidoodlers N Your Life

Kate Smiti-- Hour—Jack 7:00 Gen. H drih Johnsol N Rudy Vallee's Kate Smith Hour— Miller's Orchestra C 7:15 Howard Peterson Variety Hour N.... Jack Miller's Or.

7:30 The March of Time N chestra C 7:45

Hope Alden's Rom'ce. Weekday Devotions .. University of Louisville

Out ce the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

Ear y vening evue Jack Armstrong Eddie Dooley, Sports To be announced

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra N

America's Town Meeting N

Streamline Revue ....

Vagabonds N Elsa Schallert N Ran Wilde's Orchestra N ...

"Good News of 1938" 22 MGM stars N

Bing Crosby, Bob Burns a n d Johnny Trotter's Orch. N..

Major Bowes' Amateur Hour C

Buddy Clark Entertains C

Newscast—Lee Bland "Essays in Music" C

Ross Pierce's Orch... Cab Calloway's Or. C George Olsen's Orchestra C .

Paul Sullivan Theatre Digest

Bernie Cummins' Orch.

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Ti:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Jack Denny's Orchestra M

Sinfonietta M

WCPO News Thompson's Ambass'rs Clock on the Mantel

Frenchy Graffolier . WCPO News V. Lopez's Orch. M. . For the Piano Sydney Mason Noble Sissle's Cotton Club Orchestra

Orchestra WCPO News Harry Candullo's Or. Dance Awhile NBC Concert Hour N

Major Bowes Amateur Hour C



te et

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

luddy Clark 9:00 Entertains C . . 9:15

Bob Chester's Orch . 9:30 Newspaper of the Air 9:45

Gene Baker's Orch . 10:00 C. Calloway's Orch. C 10:15 George Olsen's 10:30 Orchestra C 10:45



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader. Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC wade wwva wbt wgar wcau

—Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy *tam kyw wwj who

—Louis Panico's Oriental Gardens Orches-tra. (NBC) wmaq

—Easy Aces comedy sketch featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wire wham

7:15—Vocal Varieties—Choral group of 14 voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw

—Song Time with Lorraine Grimm and Harry Cool. WABC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm wbt wgst

—Mr. Keen, Tracer of lost persons; dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS whjc kdka wham

7:30—Schaefer Revue: Leo Reisman's Orches-tra; Bud Collyer, m. c. WEAF only

—"We, the People"—Gabriel Meatier, di. rector; Mark Warnow's Orchestra—Drama-fizations. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wcco

—Savitt Serenade. (NBC) wgy wtam who kyw

—Horlick's Program, with Lum and Abner:

Comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS wsb —Al and Lee Reiser, piano duo. (NBC) whk wave wire wham

7:45—Kidoodlers, vocal and instrumental quar-tet. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham wowo

8:00—Kate Smith Hour, with Henny Young-man, comedian; Jim Crowley, Football Forum; Jack Miller's Orchestra; Dramas and great stars. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wade wwva wbt wwj

—Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM wtam kyw wgy wbap kstp wfla kvoo who wdaf wave wire wwj wmaq wfaa

—General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

8:15—The Liedersingers—Carol Deis, soprano; Celia Brans, contralto; Fred Hufsmith, tenor; Alden Edkins, baritone. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—The March of Time: News dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham

9:00—"Good News of I938": Freddie Bar-tholomew, Fannie Brice, Judy Garland, and others. WEAF WSM WLW wgy wtam wmaq wave wwj wire kyw who wdaf kspt

Rochester Philharmonic "Good News of 1938" Orchestra N 22 MGM stars N....

America's Town Meeting of the

Air -N

NBC Jamboree N

Major Bowes' Amateur Hour C

Bing Crosby and Bob I Broadway Stars Burns with Johnny Herb Koch, organ Trotter's Orchestra N Essays in Music C

Globe Trifler King's Jesters Orch IBismarck Hotel Orch Six-Day Bike Races .

Amos 'n' Andy N WSM News Sports: Adrian McDow-I ell's Orch.

Poetic Melodies C. Harry Curries Orchestra

Meador Lowery-News

WHIO J WLS-WENRI WSM WHAS —Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra: Jose

Iturbi, conductor. WJZ WLS WCKY kdka wham

—Major Bowes' Amateur Hour, WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau kmox wade wwco wbt wgst

9:30—America's Town Meeting of the Air— Round table discussion featuring prominent speakers. George V. Denny, Jr., moderator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00—Kraft Music Hall, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Burns, comedian; Johnny Trotter's Orchestra; quest artists. WEAF WLW WSM whk wgy wtam wwj wmaq wire wave kyw who wbap kstp wdaf kvoo

—Buddy Clark Entertains, WABC WHIO WKRC wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc

10:30—Essays in Music: Victor Bay's Concert Orchestra. WABC (WKRC on 10:45) WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau kmox kmbc wgst wwl wcco

—NBC Jamboree. WJZ WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

11:00—NBC Concert Hour: H. Leopold Spi-talny, conducting. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Cab Calloway's Cotton Club Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on 11:15) wade wbt wbst wcco kmox wgst

—"Poetic Melodies:" Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn MacCormack, reader, and Carl-ton Kelsey's Orchestra. (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wwj wcco kmox

—The Vagabonds. (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire wham

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only

—Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wdaf wfaa wmaq wire why

I I :05—Vagabonds. Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

11:15—Elsa Schallert Reviews. Previews of the week's outstanding pictures; guest. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire whim

11:30—George Olsbn's Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC wgar kmox wade wsbt wbt wbbm kmbc wcco

MIDNIGHT—Orrin Tucker and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wgar wfbm kmbc wcau wade wbt wwj

—Jerry Blaine's Park Central Hotel Orchestra. WEAF WLS kdka wgy wtam wmaq who •••

—Henry Busses Chez Paree Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

12:30—Garwood Van and the Trocadero Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham

—Red Norvo's Orchestra, with Mildred Bailey. WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau wade wsbt wbt wcco wwva kmox

—Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Cafe Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

Claire Trevor

editor on the big

Society Editor Film actress

Claire Trevor has

the feminine lead in "Big Town" heard over the WA B C - Columbia network, includ-

ing WKRC, W HAS, and WHIO, every Tuesday at 8:00 p. m. (E. S. T.). Edward G. Rob-inson plays the role of managing town tabloid news-


AI Jolson is trying to buy a half interest in Jack Benny's racing horse, "Buck Benny," now at the Vander-bilt stables in Virginia.


N Denotes (N BC) C Denotes (C BS) II Denotes MBS) * PROGRAMS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 *


WCKY Cincinnati New Inc.)

6:30 6:45

Tick Tock—Seven 7:15 O'Clock 7:30 Morning Round-Up 7:45

1:00 Four Showmen N 8:15 Wm, Meeder N 8:30 News for Executives 8:45 Lucille and Lanny N

WLW Cincinnati (700 Itc.i

Brown County Revelers with Ma and Pa...

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor Sing Merrymakers

Rube Appleberry Peter Grant—News Arthur Chandler, Jr. The Gospel Singer...

WKRC Cincinnati isSo 'tea

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree .

Christian Science Early Edition—News.. Dow's Dawp Patrol

0 0

« ss

Woman's Hour

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 730 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

1Af SAI Cincinnati flue lee.1

Morning Prayer Early Express

Malcolm Claire N. Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N. Women's Newsreel

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 W.)


WHIO Dayton (1M0 Inc.)

Breakfast Express . 5:30 5:45

WCPO News Six-to-Niners

4. 10

'I/CPO News Six-to.Niners



Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Variety Revue Dunker's Club Women Make the News

9:00 Breakfast Club N .... Betty Crocker 9:15 ss Hope Alden's Rom'nce 9:30 London Stock Market Lady Be Good thes Martha Lane Young Widder Jones.

TO:00 For Women Only -.7:7 Linda's First Love.... 10;15 Vaughn de Leath N All the Answers 10;30 Monticello Party Line. Betty and Bob 10:45 Viennese Sextet N.... Houseboat Hannah

11:00 Household Hour 11:15 11:30 Murdock Williams 11:45 Coon Creek Band

News The Road of LifeN Carson Robison The Goldberg'

Metropolitan Parade C Richard Maxwell C Sunny Melodies C. Bachelor's Children C

Musical Calendar .... Myrt and Marge C Tony Wons C Ruth Carhart, songs C

Magazine of the Air C

Mg Sister -C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

9:00 9.15 9:30 9:45

1000-10:15 10:30 1045

Rainbow Ridge Streamliners N


What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N WCPO News John's Other Wife N Variety Show Just Plain Bill N Clarence Berger Today's Children N. Elaine's Stories

WCPO News Musical Menu

80 ..

0. O.

Cornelia on the Air . Richard Maxwell C. Municipal Court Trouble Shooters

Pretty Kitty Kelly C. Myrt and Marge C. Monticello Party Line. Ruth Carhart, songs C

Magazine of the Air C st ss

Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

11:00 David Harum N.... 11:15 Backstage Wife N 11:30 How to be Charming N 11:45 Grace and Eddie

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

IX10 1:15 130 1:45

WCKY News .. Hymns for Everyone.. Farm and Home Hour N

WCKY'. Neighbors .. Movieland News

Music Appreciation Hour N

Sports Review Beatrice Fairfax

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

400 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Radio Guild Drama N 01 64

• all

Sports Review Club Matinee N Movieland News Hilltop Serenaders

Sports Review Edward Davies N Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Girl Alone N. Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Home Hour N. .

Betty and Sob C Betty Crocker C

Voice of Experience. Grimm's Daughter C Kitty Keene, Inc Hollywood in Person

Music -Appreciation Women's News C Hour—Dr. Walter Meet the Misses Damrosch N American School

of the Air C

Pepp'r Young's Fam. N News, Fire Prevention Ma Perkins N Matinee Musicale Vic and Sade N Jenny Peabody C The O'Neills N Notes and News

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nee Helen Treat C Our Gal Sunday C.

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterflelds

Junior Nurse Corps.. Jack Armstrong Fairyland Lady Singing School W

Girl Scouts Program.. Eddie Schoelwer Dr. Defoe C

"follow the Moon C. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights. "Hilltop House" C

600 Little Orphan Annie N 6:15 M. Webers Orch N. 6:30 WCKY News .. ¿HS Movieland News 7d10 7:15 7:30 7:45

II:00 11:15 0:30 1:45

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Mary Small N , Amos 'n' Andy N' Dr. Karl Reiland N Four Stars Tonight Vic Arden's Orchestra Lum and Abner N Louise Florea N Singing Cinderella....

Grand Central Tonic Time Station N Homer Griffith

We Present Another.. Death Valley Days N •

12:00 Freshman Follies .... 12:15 Jane Gray 12:30 . News 12:45 To be announced

1:00 Barber's Interviews.. 1:15 Words and Music N 1:30 My Boy Matt I:45 Netherland Orchestra, 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Don't Look Now M Sylvia Clyde M Cincinnati Your City. W. Logan's Music N

WCPO News Happiness Ahead Man on the Street Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles Dot Club News From Hawaii

Wan, News Siesta ...... . . Open House for Ladies Hollywood Brevities...

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio Your Neighbor House Party

Woman's News C Bob Byron, songs C American School

of the Air C

3:00 WSAI Little Show... Hahn Reporter 3,15 .. Today's Winners 3:30 Ladies Step Out

3:45 To be announced ss ss

ceo 4:15 4:30 4:45

500 5:15

Lorenzo Jones N It Is Strange To b. announced Deon Craddock

Arthur Lang N To be announced

5:30 Johnson Family M 5:45 :Nixon Denton

Watt) News Today's Winners Concert Master

.1 0

Jam for Supper Jam for Supper

Your Surburban Th'tre

News; Columbia Concert Hall C

You Shall Have Rhythm Four Clubmen C.

Between Bookends C Ion Voyage C. . ...

Dr. Allan Moe C

Tea Time Tunes Friday Pep Session The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

ceo 6:15 6:30 6:45

WLS-WEN R Chicago. III. (870 kt.

Smile A While 6. 41

WSM WHAS Nashville. Tenn. (630 kt.) Louisville. Ky. (520 ke. ,


Ky. Girls & Ramblers Sing, Neighbor, Sing Pat and Henry

News Report Pokey and Arkie Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

Stamp Quartet Delmore Brothers

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Freddie Rose

Asbury College Devotions

Kentucky Mountaineers Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree


8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 945

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Morning Roundup The Hill Toppers

Mary Marlin Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fans. N News Report

The O'Neills N Road of Life Vic and Sade N Gospel Singer N

Breakfast Club N .... «

Banner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeafh N.... Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N

Highhatters N Rhythmic Serenade How to be Charm'g N Originalities N

Metropolitan Parade. Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons' Book C Ruth Gerhart, songs C

Crumit-Sanderson C... Carol's Romance C.. Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12d/0 12:15 12:30 1245

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Time for Thought N. Chuck, Ray & Christine Concert Sketches .. "Big City Parade"... National Farm and Markets; News Home Hour N ....

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time....

4. 11

Voice of Feed Lot...,

IX School Time 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 Grain Market 1:45 Melody Parade

0. te


Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

NBC Music Appreci-ation Hour N

Mary M. McBride C. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Triode Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love ... College of Agricetture Livestock Markets.... Sunshine Sue Women's News C Dance Band University of Kentucky

2:00 r News; Julian Bentley.. 2:15 Homemakers' Matinee 2.30 Orchestra 2:45 Home Service Club

Club Matinee N --3:15 3•30 3:45

4:00 Six-Day Bike Races—. 4:15 Music Circle 4:30 H. Middleman's Or. N 4:45 Vierra's Hawaiians N

40 01

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill' N

A Woman's News .... The Guiding Light N Club Matinee N Road of Life N

Arthur Lang N Ed. Davies, songs N. Financia I News June Moody ..

Betty and Bob Betty Crocker Jenny Peabody C Yellow Blank Salute

Hope Alden's Rom's,. Weekday Devotions... Gold Coast Music C. Dr. Allan Defoe C.

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

Smilin' Dan 6:00 Speed Gibson Musical Visions 6:15 Music for Madame. News; Music 6:30 Paul Sullivan Frank Dailey's Orch. C 6:45 Billy Snider's Orch... Poetic Melodies C. 2:00 Frenchy Graffolier Song Time C 7:15 Uncle Ezra N. Dinner Concert C 1:30 Ran Wilde's Orchestra &sake Carter C 7:45 Bughouse Rhythm N. Hammerstein 's Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Dance Band—Alice Faye C

8:00 Cities Service Concert 8:15 I —Lucille Manners N 8:30 J 8:45 j « ..

WCPO News Home Beautiful Dinner Club

Margaret Daum C Si Bunch News; Frank Dailey's Orchestra C

Vic Arden 's Orch Song Time C Whispering Jack Smith bake Carter C

Hammerstein Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Orchestra C

This Rhythmic Age Congressman Bigelow Yours Truly Race Results

Hahn Reporter Football Roundup ..


0 . . 9:00 WCKY News

•I5 Football Program 9:30 Tommy Dorsey's 9:45 Orchestra N ..

To be announced N 10:15 10:30 Streamline Revue 10:45

11:00 Taxicab Night Club 11:15 King's Jesters Orch. N 11:30 Jos, Escarpanter's 11:45 Orchestra N


Varsity Show N

Cafes of Yesteryear... ss

First Nighter N

Jimmy Fidler N Dorothy Thompson N Paul --Sullivan Salute to Elgin,

Illinois Noble Sissle's Orch

Hollywood Hotel: Fran-ces Langford, Ken Murray, Oswald and Jerry Cooper C

Song— She-p C 10:00 10:15 mao

Lee Bland's Newscast 10:45

Ross Pierce's—Orch. 11:00 Glen Gray's Orch. C 11:15 Richard Himber's 11:30

Orchestra C . 11:45

9:00 1 Waltz Time N 9:15 1 " " 9:30 Pat Barnes' 9:45 Opera House M

Topper Ballroom Orchestra

Sydney Mason Billy Snider's Orch Harry Candullo Orchestra

Bernie Cummins' Orchestra

WCPO News Thompson's Ambass'rs Football Roundup .... Wrestling Matches .

Hollywood Hotel C


Songshop ..0

Cotton Club Orchestra Newspaper of the Air WCPO News Gene Baker's Orch.... Dance' Awhile Glen Gray's Orch. C Hahn Reporter Bob Chester's Orch Dance Awhile I R. Himber's Orch. C

5:00 Junior Nurse Corps N. 5.15 M. Webers Orch, N.. 5:30 What's the News? 5:45 Escorts and Betty N.. 6:00 Mary Small, songs N. 6:15 6:30 Lum and Abner N.... 6:45 Football Prophet ....

7:00 Grand Central 7:15 Station N 7:30 Death Valley Days N.. 7.45

Rhythm Time Afternoon News Vagabonds Asher & Little Jimmie

Sports; Mary Small N Dr. Karl Reiland N. Whispering Jack Smith Stars of Broadway....

Francis Craig's Orch. Musical Moments Home Town Memories Waltz Time

Margaret Daum C.... Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Early Evening Revue

Sportraits Song Time C Dinner Concert C bake Carter C Hammerstein Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Dance Band C

8:00 Varsity Show N 8:15 8:30 Tommy Dorsey's 8:45 Orchestra N

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

The Story of Business

Vocal Varieties S. Williams' Ore

Varsity Show N

Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra N

First Nighter N

Hollywood Hotel— Jerry Cooper; Ray-mond Paige's Or-chestra C '

Songshop with Kitty Carlisle C

Tomorrow's Winner .. ss

10:00 The Globe Trotter .. Amos 'n' Andy N .... 10:15 King's Jesters' Orch.. Teachers College 10:30 Escapanter's Orch. N. of the Air 10:45 Six-Day Bike Races News, Sports

Musical Moments ....

Poetic Melodies C. Gridiron Glimpses ...

Meador Lowery-News.



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor. Franklyn MacCormack, reader, and Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC wgar wade wcau WWVII wbt

—Mary Small, songs. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whk wave wire wham

Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy wtam who kyw

—Irma Glen, organist. (NBC) wmaq 7.15—Song Time with Betty Grable and John

Payne. (CBS) WKRC WHAS WHIO wadc kmos

..-Chrysler Football Parade, with Frank G. Menke. WABC only

...Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp who

—Dr. Karl Reiland, commentator. WJZ WCKY WSM wenr wham kdka whk wave

7:30—Louis Panico's Orchestra. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp

.--Dinner Concert. WABC WKRC WHAS wgst wade wbt

Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR whk

Duchin's Orchestra: Stanley Worth and Patricia Norman, vocalists; Roger B.

Whiteman, author and journalist. WEAF only

—Dinner Concert. (NBC) wave wire wham 7:45—Boake Carter, news commentator. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wit wgar wbbm kmox wcau wcco kmbc wbt

—Ilughouse Rhythm. (NBC) WSAI —Louise Fiore.", soprano. WJZ WCKY wave whk wire wham

8:00 Grand Central Station, dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wave whk wire wham

—Cities Service Concert: Lucille Manners, soprano, and the Cities Service Quartet; Rosario Bourdons Orchestra. WEAF WSAI stogy wtam wmaq wwj who daf kstp wbap wfaa wfla

—"Hammerstein's Music Hall": Ted Ham-merstein, m. C.; Jerry Mann, comedian, guest star, and Music Hall Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar kmox wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau wcco wadc wbt wvel

8:30—Death Valley Days, dramatic program, with John MacBryde, Jean King, Harry Humphrey and Jeff Bryant; Orchestra di-rection Josef lonime. WJZ WLW WLS kdka wham whk

—"Music from Hollywood", starring Alice Faye with Hal Kemp's Orchestra; Carleton KaDell, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO ydr wer kmox wbbm wcau wadc wbt kmbc wgst wwl wcco wfbm

9:00—Waltz Time, with Frank Munn, tenor; Lois Bennett, soprano; Manhattan Chorus; Abe Lyman's Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy *tam wmaq wwl wdaf kyw who wire

—Hollywood Hotel: Musical Revue; Brian Aherne and Olivia De Haviland in "The Great Garrick," guests; Frances Langford; Jerry Cooper; Anne Jamison; Ken Niles; Raymond Paige's Orchestra, with Ken Murray and "Oswald". WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar kmox kmbc wcau wadc wbt wcco wgst wwl

—Pontiac Varsity Show, featuring under-grad-uate talent from the campus of Michigan State University: Paul Dumont, m. C. WJZ WLS WLW WSM wham kdka whk wfla wave wfaa

9:30—True Story Court of Human Relations, dramatization. WEAF wgy wtam wwj kyw who wmaq wdaf wire

—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. "Ask Yourself Another:" Edythe Wright, vocalist; Paul Stewart, announcer. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM kdka whk wave wham wowo

10:00—To be announced. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wham wfla

—The Songshop, starring Kitty Carlisle, Frank Crumit, m. C.; Reed Kennedy; Alice Cor-

nett; Songshop Quartet, the 22-Voice Glee Club, direction Ken Christie; 47-piece Or-chestra, direction Gustav Haertschaen, WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wir wgar wads wbbm wfbm kmox kmbc wcau wsbt wwl wcco

—Campane's First Nighret "Romance Should Begin at Home," dramatization starring Les Tremayne and Barbara Luddy. Orches-tra, direction Eric Sagerquist. WEAF WLW WSM wwl wave wmaq whim wdaf who kstp wile wfaa kvoo wgy

10:30—To be announced. WJZ whk wham wave wire

—Jimmy Fidler and his Hollywood Gossip WEAF WLW wgy "dam wmaq kyw ow( wire kstp wdaf

10:45—"People in the News." Dorothy Thompson, news commentator. WEAF WLW kyw wgy edam w.vi wire wmaq kilo wdaf

—To be announced. WABC wbbm vejr wfbm wcau wcco kmox wadc wgst I I:00—George R. Holmes, Chief of the Wash-ington Bureau of International News Serv-ice. (NBC) wgy wfam wdaf kyw

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only

—Glen Gray's Casa Loma orchestra. WABC (WKRC W1-110 on 11:15) wadc wbt kmox

—The Vagabonds. (NBC) whk wave wire wham

—Poetic Melodies. (CBS) WHAS wir wbbm wfbm wwj wcco kmox kmbc

—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wmaq wfae

wire wbap kstp wwj wtam

11:05—The Vagabonds. WJZ whk wave wire wham

11:15—Eddie Le Baron's Rainbow Room Rhumba Orchestra. WEAF wwj wave wtam kyw who wgy

—King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire

11:30—Richard Himber's Essex House Or-chestra. WABC (WHIO on 11:45) WKRC wIr wfbm wcau wadc limos wbbm limbe wsbt wbt wgar

—Joseph Escapanter's Orchestra, WJZ WCKY (WLS off II:45) whk wave wire wham

—Joe Riess' Orchestra. WEAF wwl Wave wmaq %Hem wdaf kstp wgy

MIDNIGHT—Guy Lombardo and Ms Royal Canadians. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO w¡r wear wfbm wads wbbm

—Henry Busse's Chez Paree Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

—Trump Davidson's Club Esquire Orchestra, WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kdka

12:30—Felix Ferdinando's Biltmore Hotel Or-chestra. WJZ whk wave wire wham

—Ted Fiorito's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm limos wadc

—Eli Dantzig's St. George Hotel Orchestra, WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who 'odd kdka



Fra,nk Strother and Jay Carlisle,

both 21 and residents of Hyde Park,

will be the featured guests on "Per-

sonalities On Parade," over WKRC,

Saturday, at 9:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), a

local program which is rapidly gain-ing popularity among radio listeners.

These two youths, neither of whom had been on the water before, sailed a 18-foot skiff from Barngeat, N. J. to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., via the At-lantic Coast intercoastal waterway in

six weeks. They will tell of their adventures on the program when in-terviewed by Marsha Wheeler.

"Personalities On Parade" is spon-

sored by RADIO DIAL and is heard each week at the same time.

TEN EYCK SCRIBBLES (Continued from page 4)

the world. Bob spends his mornings sleeping, his afternoons golfing, his evenings doing the social butterfly act, and his Saturday noon hour col-lecting his pay as an official of WRVA at Richmond, Va. . . . On to the attack of the microphones you rigid code announcers. One pro-gram a day, a desk and a pair of spurs on my feet to keep them from slipping off the desk will suit me.

* *

My childhood ambition to be a champion has somehow been thwarted however, and then came our radio ad-vertised breakfast foods. But there are at least four breakfast foods clut-tering the airwaves whose individual sponsors insist are the favorites of all the champions in all the sports. Lou Gehrig proved this one night but memories are notoriously short but no shorter than his. He couldn't even remember which one it was that gave him such brawny muscles. I do wish though that they'd all get together and kind of apportion the champions among them so the claims wouldn't sound as ridiculous as does this column.


Earn Extra Money for CHRISTMAS

Easy. Pleasant, Profitable Work

Call CHerry 0710 or

Write RADIO DIAL 22 East 12th St. Cincinnati, O.

Penner's Singer

Julie Gibson, young and love-ly. is the new feminine singer of Joe Penner's Sunday night musical and comedy show, heard over the WABC-Columbia net-work, including WKRC and WHAS, from 6:00 to 6:30 p. (E. S. T.).

WCKY Discovery "Heart Breaker"

Jayne Rohan, attractive per-sonality singer, is a regular fea-ture on WCKY at 11:30 a.m. (E.S.T.) every Tuesday, Wed-nesday, Thursday and Friday. Miss Rohan, "discovered" by WCKY studio officials several years ago when in her early teens, now ranks as one of Cin-cinnati's outstanding radio sing-ers. A network career is pre-dicted for her.

"' , neart Breaker " is the name of Helen Musselman's coiffure: Helen is starred in the serial, "One's Man's Family," which is heard over the NBC-Red net-work, including W L W and WSM. Wednesdays at 8:00 p. m. (E. S. T.).

Music for Madame

"MUSIC FOR MADAME" is the title of the heart-

thrilling program Stevens' Furs brings you every

Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at NS P. M., and

every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6: I 5 P. M. Listen to the glorious, romantic voice of Ralph

Nyland as he sings to lovely ladies everywhere over


The Crosley Rodio Corporation


(Continued from page 5)

A full-hour program by the Phila-delphia Orchestra is always first page. But when that program falls on Mon-day evening (NBC-WCKY, 9:00 p. m.) it deserves an eight-column head. For reasons still undisclosed, Saturday and Sunday are radio's tra-ditional smphony days. Maybe

there wasn't room for the Philadel-phia orchestra's program in week-end schedules. And maybe—da ring thought — it dawned on the powers that people will listen to good music other nights. Anyway, the Monday spot shows intelligent timing.

* * *

Joe Penner's comedy still consists of a maudlin laugh and brute-force

puns. Well, radio has built impres-sive reputations out of less.

* * * The resumption of NBC's Spelling

Bee (WCKY, Sunday, 1:30 p.m.) brings back Paul Wing, just about the best man for that difficult job radio has uncovered. He's courteous yet always in command of the situa-tion. He's an able showman, but doesn't stoop ot ringmaster tactics. As much as the competition itself, he makes the half-hour very pleasant





Come in—let us show you how the

Estate Heatrola pays for itself, with

the money it saves in fuel.

You Can't Pay for a Heatrola . . . It Pays for Itself

Wide range of styles, sizes, prices; convenient terms.

For list of authorized Estate Heat-rola dealers in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, see Page 224 in the Classified Section of the telephone directory (Summer, 1937, issue).


SPOTLIGHT (Continued from page 5)

see the name of their business on the same front page, yet the space is not for sale. Some schools frown on broadcast-

ing their games, using the argument that it keeps people from the con-tests. To my way of thinking, and I am not using my radio teaching to form my opinion, all things being equal, the football fan will want to see the game rather than listen to it.

Radio, on a day like the one which showed up October 23rd of this year, snow and cold weather being the or-


\ by GAS or Novocaine.

4IM Missing Teeth


One-Day Service


set 5th & 6th Opp. wand Theater Tel. MA. 1613

der of the day, might hurt the attend-ance at the games. But how about the advertising the air lanes give to the gridders, every other word is Ohio State's ball is on the North-western ten-yard lite. The average radio listener would never stand for the name of a product, on a com-mercial broadcast, to be tossed his or her way every few seconds, yet the football fan hears a "plug" for the colleges and never even considers the advertising value of the broadcast to the schools playing the game. A sports announcer airing the

games in a clean-cut, colorful (with-out too much of the same) manner can build up instead of knock down the attendance figures. Then, too, how about the people who are con-fined to their homes with illness, fans who live in the smaller outlying towns, men and women who have to stay at their jobs on Saturdty after-noons? Radio has given these peo-ple a seat on the fifty-yard line. The sports announcer these days,

at least the fellows airing the larger games, really "bear down" in getting the information you hear on the af-ternoons when the games are played. The fellow who tells you about the games usually arrives at ii‘e scene of action on the Thursday before the game. He spends his first day get-


.7s z o.us, .93 WATCH 15r ANY


ting the facts and figures about the

home team. On Friday, when the visiting team arrives, the sports spieler takes out after the men away from home.

From the coaches, the announcer will learn the formations to be used, single or double wing back, whether or not the teams use a shift, the passers and kickers, in fact, all the information that can be collected is catalogued and studied. It is no longer a job where the announcer arrives an hour before the game, bor-rows a pencil from one of the stu-dents, if the student has a pencil, and waits for the public address system to announce the opening lineups.

Play-by-play announcers have the lineups long before the man on the stadium loud speaker gets hold of the same.

their teams and the men in broadcasting coops have kept confidences placed in them.

All in all, football has grown to be a big business, but the game is still

the thing which counts most.

(Editor's Note: Next week, Dick

Bray will write about the manner in

which games are scouted. If any

readers have questions on football

they would like answered, just write

to RADIO DIAL and your prob-

lems will be turned over to Dick to

be answered in his column or by


'KRC's Bob Geis

Coaches have learned to trust the There's another on spielers with inside information about the roster of announcers at

the WKRC and it's that of Bob Geis. the Bob hails from Canton, Ohio,

where he worked at WHBC. A graduate of Kent State Univer-sity at Kent, Ohio, the home of Governor Davey, Geis had been in radio for the past four years. He is heard daily except Sunday on the morning news program broadcast over WKRC at 7:15 a. m. He is twenty-five years old, 5 feet 6, has black hair and brown eyes and it's rumored that there's soon to be a Mrs. Geis.

For a really unusual program

tune in

Mary Margaret McBride former newspaper editor

and columnist


WKRC 55 on your dial

Monday, Wednesday and Friday


12 o'clock noon (EST) WKRC is owned and operated by the Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.

new name


COAST OPERA Richard Bonelli and four other

famous opera stars will be heard in

the second and third acts of Mas-

senet's opera "Manon," from the War

Memorial Opera House, San Fran-

cisco, over the NBC-Blue network, in-

cluding WCKY, Wednesday, Novem-

ber 10, from 11:30 p. m. to 12:45

a. m. (E.S.T.).

"Dance to the Music of the Nation's Finest Orchestras"


Special Friday

BIG APPLE CONTEST Everybody eligible—Fun, thrills, laughs

ADMISSION 55c Res. MAW 1804


Cooking Authority

An outstanding authority is brought to the air in WCKY's new series, 'Martha Lane's Kit-chen," heard at 9:45 a. m. (E.S.T.) over WCKY each Fri-day.

For over 20 'ears Mrs. Lane has been an expert on home eco-nomics. On her new program, sponsored by the millers of Puri-tan Maid Flour, she is assisted by Yale Whitney, ace announcer, and the staff of her $1500 Holly-wood kitchen.

Vina Bovy, Rene Maison, Norman

Cordon and George Cehanovsky also

are featured with Richard Bonelli and

the orchestra under the direction of

Pietro Cimini. This will be the fifth

in the series of San Francisco opera


TUBE Magic Tuning Eye


FANTLE'S e 324 E. Fourth. MA. 4648 j




by The Contest--"‘Reporter

N EEDLESS to say that rhythm,

or smoothness of expression, is an important quality in the compila-tion of contest entries" according to Estelle Pattillo, well known contest winner and writer.

In an article prepared for Contest News, Miss Pattillo feels this is not only a streamlined age, but_ also a rhythmic one. So, under the heading "How To Acquire Contest Rhythm"

she continues: "The human ear is attracted by

pleasant sounds and repelled by harsh, grating sounds. Just so, an entry that possesses the charm of well chosen and euphonious words is more apt to bring home a prize than an entry built on high-flown, stiff, cum-bersome phrases.

"After all, contest entries are writ-ten primarily for advertising pur-poses, and all advertising copy must have a general appeal. Often a good entry is spoiled by a poor choice of words. In order to make their work stand out from the mass, contestants choose difficult, technical words and phrases thinking thereby to gain the uniqueness they desire.

"But the selection of simple words is justified when a study is made of the advertisements in the best maga-zines. For example, here are a rew phrases taken from current advertise-ments: 'Pick of the Crop,' Hinds for Honeymoon Hands,' Choose Your Shoe for Sty le,"Launder and Like It'. "Rhyme is often with rhythm.

Rhyming is, indeed, a method of ob-taining rhythm, but often when rhyme is attempted, rhythm is sacri-ficed. Especially is rhythm sacrificed when attempts are made to build difficult acrostics — and not only

rhythm, but also sensible construc-tion. "Some tried and true methods of

securing rhythm in contest entries are as follows:

I. Choice of simple words—usually of Anglo-Savon origin.

2. Alliteration. 3. Syllabic Repetition. "Alliteration brings a harmony of

sound into the simplest words as in 'gray garlands of graceful moss'. Syllabic repition is useful when a rhyme written in several lines would place the entry in the Mother Goose class. As, 'White clothes white, col-ored one bright, are a housewife's delight.'

"Remember, originality alone counts in contesting. But, with your notebook carefully compiled, it should be very easy for you to write an ap-pealing entry when the big contest breaks. At your fingertips you should have all the attractive phrases and sentences in use, plus your own origi-nal productions. You will have but to choose the combinations which will make for clever, rhythmic en-tries."

We believe that most of these publi-cations have sufficient merit to justify their existance, but on the other hand we are convinced that most of them are priced entirely too high.

Due to the fact that a large num-ber of Radio Dial readers have made inquiriies about these publications, we are considering a general review of all the better known ones with a frank and unbiased published opin-ion.

If you would care to have this done, just drop us a postcard.

* * * •

About ten years ago one could count contest books and publications on the two hands and have some fingers left, but now its different. More than a hundred different books, booklets, pamphlets, treatises, maga-zines and newspapers have been pub-lished, all claiming to help people win more and bigger prizes. In ad-dition, there have been a number of courses on how to win contests. The Contest Club has refrained

from officially endorsing any of then: except occasionally quoting or calling attention to certain meritorious parts


OF Tide, AM



• * *

Interesting facts continue to develop from the recently closed Old Gold contest. It is now stated that Cadet Staggs of, the U. S. S. Ranger will not have the pleasure of spending the entire first prize he won. Four others

helped him and will receive $20,000 each. On- October 9th Winner Staggs used a part of his to marry Miss Grace Glassed, of San Diego, a schoolday sweetheart. The Curtis Publishing Co., of Phila-

delphia, is advertising $20,000 in prizes. One thousand prizes, with $1,000 as first. Details on application. Apparently based on the number of subscriptions submitted for Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Yournal and Country Gentleman.

The Brown Fence and Wire Corn-pany, of Cleveland, Ohio, offer $500 in 50 cash prizes—$250 first, for recipe and name for stove shown in catalog. Prizes doubled if purchase is made. Closes December 31.

Tim and Irene, for Admiracion

Purchase requirement. Liberty Magazine has a new con-

test—$500 to $5, for counting objects in a picture and writing short state-


Shampoo have changed their contest subject. It is now to complete "I Like Admiracion Shampoo better, be-cause " in 25 words or less. Address 1440 Broadway, New York.


RICHARD CROOKS Friday at 2:45

Tickets available at $1.50 to $2.25 beginning Tuesday at Wurlitzers, 121 E. 4th st. ClIern 2538.

Soloist MUSIC HALL Saturday

at 8.30


Tubes .delivered free of charge and complete arialysis of your radio trouble without cost or obligation. All work guarante(.1 by technical experts in your home.



"Martha Lane's Kitchen"

Presenting Martha Lane, leading authority of cookery, with tested recipes and hints on home economics

Every Friday at 9:45 a. m. (EST) on 10,000-WATT WCKY

Sponsored by the millers of Puritan Maid Flour


Tuned Electrically...

Modernly Styled...

A Remarkable Value ...

The Crosley Chairside Dynatrol 6


*Every home should have a chairside radio...

a handy utility set that seems so much at home

alongside your favorite armchair. The Crosley

Dynatrol 6 makes an instant hit with all who see

it, with all who examine the Dynatrol motor drive

that turns the dial pointer electrically. Yes, it is an

electrically tuned radio in a smartly styled cabinet,

as attractive as you would ever want to see. The

handsome piece of furniture houses an American

and Foreign receiver as well as providing a space

for smoking paraphernalia, etc. Indented shelf is

underneath for books. A modern radio that's a

great "space saver".

2 Bands, 540-1725 Kc., and 5800-18,300 Kc.

Mirro-Dial is set in top and edge lighted to give a

three-dimensional effect. Other features include: 8-inch electro-dynamic speaker, automatic volume

control, intermediate frequency expansion or

adjustable selectivity. Continuously variable tone

control. Push-pull pentode output, 5 watts maxi-

mum. Power noise filter.

Cabinet dimensions: 193/4" high, 11" wide.

193/4" deep.

Visit your Crosley dealer and see this remark-

able radio. Whatever haopens ... You're THERE with a Crosley. There's a model for every purse

and purpose.



3401 Colerain Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio