week four design & simulation example slides. agenda review the tiny example (minako...

Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides

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Page 1: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Week Four

Design & Simulation Example slides

Page 2: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report


• Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week– look at the detailed static timing report with a

constraint added in– Brute force a simulation

• Do the same for a shift register• Give example of combining modules and do the

same (MIX)• Look at Honkin’ Shifter Experiment

Page 3: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Logic: Code and Schematicmodule Logic( input A, input B, input C, input D, output OUT );assign OUT = A & B | C & D;endmodule

Page 4: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Logic.ucfNET "A" LOC= P86;

NET "B" LOC = P87;

NET "C" LOC = P11;

NET "D" LOC = P12;

NET "OUT" LOC = P43;


Page 5: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Piece of Static Timing Report

Page 6: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

module LogicTestbench;// Inputsreg A;reg B;reg C;reg D;// Outputswire OUT;// Instantiate the Unit Under Test(UUT)Logic uut (





.OUT(OUT));initial begin

// Initialize InputsA = 0;B = 0;C = 0;D = 0;

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish#100; // Add stimulus hereA=1;B=1;C=0;D=0;// Wait 100 nsec for delay#100A=0;B=0;C=0;D=0;// Wait 100 nsec for delay#100A=0;B=0;C=1;D=1;//wait 100 nsec for delay#100A=0;


Page 7: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Logic Waveforms(functional Sim)

Page 8: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Logic Waveforms(timing Sim)

Note time delay due to routing delays

Page 9: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

module Shifter( output reg DO, input [7:0] DI, input CLOCK, input RESET,

input LOAD ); parameter piso_shift = 8; reg [piso_shift-2:0] DI_REG; //reg DO; always @(posedge CLOCK)

if (RESET) beginDI_REG <= 0;DO <=0;end

else if (LOAD) begin DI_REG <= DI[piso_shift-1:1]; DO <= DI[0]; end else begin DI_REG <= {1'b0, DI_REG[piso_shift-2:1]}; DO <= DI_REG[0]; end


Shifter Verilog & RTL Schematic

Page 10: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Shifter: Simulation File`timescale 1ns/1psmodule ShifterTBW; wire DO; reg [7:0] DI = 8'b00000000; reg CLOCK = 1'b0; reg RESET = 1'b0; reg LOAD = 1'b0; parameter PERIOD = 40; parameter real DUTY_CYCLE = 0.5; parameter OFFSET = 100; initial // Clock process for CLOCK begin #OFFSET; forever begin CLOCK = 1'b0; #(PERIOD-(PERIOD*DUTY_CYCLE)) CLOCK = 1'b1; #(PERIOD*DUTY_CYCLE); end end

Page 11: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Shifter UUT ( .DO(DO), .DI(DI), .CLOCK(CLOCK), .RESET(RESET), .LOAD(LOAD)); initial begin // ------------- Current Time: 105ns #105; RESET = 1'b1; DI = 8'b10101010; // ------------- Current Time: 145ns #40; RESET = 1'b0; // ------------- Current Time: 185ns #40; LOAD = 1'b1; // ------------- Current Time: 225ns #40; LOAD = 1'b0; // ------------------------------------- endendmodule

Page 12: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Shifter: Waveform

Page 13: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Mix: 8 Bit Registermodule register(C,D,CLR,Q);input C,CLR;input [7:0] D;output [7:0] Q;reg [7:0] Q;always @ (posedge C or posedge CLR)beginif (CLR)Q<= 8'b00000000;else Q<=D;endendmodule

Page 14: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Dual 8 Input, 8 Output Mux

module octal_mux(INA,INB,OUT,SEL); input [7:0]INA; input [7:0]INB; output [7:0]OUT; input SEL;assign OUT [0] = (~SEL&INA[0]) | (SEL&INB[0]);assign OUT [1] = (~SEL&INA[1]) | (SEL&INB[1]);assign OUT [2] = (~SEL&INA[2]) | (SEL&INB[2]);assign OUT [3] = (~SEL&INA[3]) | (SEL&INB[3]);assign OUT [4] = (~SEL&INA[4]) | (SEL&INB[4]);assign OUT [5] = (~SEL&INA[5]) | (SEL&INB[5]);assign OUT [6] = (~SEL&INA[6]) | (SEL&INB[6]);assign OUT [7] = (~SEL&INA[7]) | (SEL&INB[7]);


Page 15: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Mix: Bolting them Togethermodule MIX (CLOCK1,CLOCK2,CLEAR,SELECT,INPUTA,INPUTB,OUTPUT);input [7:0]INPUTA;input [7:0]INPUTB;output [7:0]OUTPUT;input SELECT;input CLOCK1;input CLOCK2;input CLEAR;wire [7:0]INA;wire [7:0]INB ;

register copy1 (CLOCK1,INPUTA,CLEAR,INA);register copy2 (CLOCK2,INPUTB,CLEAR,INB);octal_mux copy3 (INA,INB,OUTPUT,SELECT);


Page 16: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report


Page 17: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Zoom into Copy1

Page 18: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Mix: Simulation Filemodule Mix_tb; reg CLOCK1 = 1'b0; reg CLOCK2 = 1'b0; reg CLEAR = 1'b0; reg SELECT = 1'b0; reg [7:0] INPUTA = 8'b00000000; reg [7:0] INPUTB = 8'b00000000; wire [7:0] OUTPUT; parameter PERIOD = 100; parameter real DUTY_CYCLE = 0.5; parameter OFFSET = 100; initial // Clock process for CLOCK1 begin #OFFSET; forever begin CLOCK1 = 1'b0; #(PERIOD-(PERIOD*DUTY_CYCLE)) CLOCK1 = 1'b1; #(PERIOD*DUTY_CYCLE); end

Page 19: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

MIX UUT ( .CLOCK1(CLOCK1), .CLOCK2(CLOCK2), .CLEAR(CLEAR), .SELECT(SELECT), .INPUTA(INPUTA), .INPUTB(INPUTB), .OUTPUT(OUTPUT)); initial begin // Process for CLOCK1 // ------------- Current Time: 100ns #100; INPUTA = 8'b00001010; // ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 135ns #35; CLEAR = 1'b1; INPUTA = 8'b00000101; // ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 235ns #100; CLEAR = 1'b0; INPUTA = 8'b00001010; INPUTB = 8'b00001111;

Page 20: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

// ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 335ns #100; CLOCK2 = 1'b1; INPUTA = 8'b00000101; INPUTB = 8'b00000000; // ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 435ns #100; INPUTA = 8'b00001010; INPUTB = 8'b00001111; // ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 535ns #100; CLOCK2 = 1'b0; SELECT = 1'b1; INPUTA = 8'b00000101; INPUTB = 8'b00000000;

Page 21: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

// ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 635ns #100; INPUTA = 8'b00001010; INPUTB = 8'b00001111; // ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 735ns #100; CLOCK2 = 1'b1; INPUTA = 8'b00000101; INPUTB = 8'b00000000; // ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 835ns #100; INPUTB = 8'b00001111; // ------------------------------------- // ------------- Current Time: 935ns #100; CLOCK2 = 1'b0; // ------------------------------------- end

Page 22: Week Four Design & Simulation Example slides. Agenda Review the tiny example (Minako “logic”)from last week – look at the detailed static timing report

Mix: Waveform