weekact thoferal justasgood iithefcdornlgov what is a...

r ct- of < l 1 II N p t Ii i 11 4 L μ 0 yn 1WHL j rU JITS OPPONENTS T WIN THE FIGHT Codrtylocal Option 8 ill In Hostile Committees Hands US FRIENDS TALK OF GAG RULE Next Move of the Advocates of the Maesure Awaited With interest Bill Presented to Prevent the Cus ton of TreatingPropositions of Importance Befrue the Kentucky General Assembly BY J H STUART Frankfort KySpeclalCter a tour days hard struggle the oppo tents of the county unit local option bill won their tight to have that mean Inc referred to the committee on re Ulon and morals on Thursday afler noon The tight came up to tills vay The rules of the senate provide that whom a hili has been printed and Is read n second time by Its title It hall bo referred to no appropriate committee by the president uf the senate unless the ronimltlee to which be refers It shall be changed hy nr majority or the senate It Is under- stood that Lieutenant Governor ox- nbo is president of the seuato Is favorable to the hili and wond have reforred It to some commltteu that was somewhat favorable to the bill Uqortunatel for the bill tocrnor- WUson had to go to Washington which made President Cox the acting governor and made President Pro Tern Linn the acting president of the senate till lorernor Willson returned It is understood that Liun Is apposed to the county unit hill and If left to him he would rnror It to the rommlt tee on religion and morals which as at present constituted Is opposed to the hilt and will report It unfavorably The rules further provide that when a bill la reported unfavorably It tales a two thlyds vote of the se1ialn to ad- vnnce It to Its third reading Ror that ruasun the frllllds of the huh + ven opposed to giving Llnn an opporlun fly to refer the hill and tried to fight off its reference till LItutonant ever nor Cox al11I l1ecaml the presiding officer of tilt senate The senate is fonlldpred to he about evenly divided If the hill ever come to Ii direct vote with possibiv a slight majority In f1or or the nua are though there nre two or three renators who have voted with the trknds or till bill for the past week who will vote against it Oil final pai- sage and till same number who hnve voted with the opponents of the bill tho will vote for tilt bill on thnal passage The friends of the bill claim that soma most extraordinary parliament try rulings were made In order to rixteh the point where the IJIII was- referred all Thursday while Ihe op- peaanh of the hill sa they we t only following a bang line of precedents in Insisting that till bill should go- to tJle religlnh and murals committee Led by Senator Thomas of Bourbon the friends of the bill made fI heper ate tight to hold the fort till Cox rf tinged and acme rather vmstlct- hhnps were daholl1 about the gag ralee of the SIIIIo that had been Mdotited so they said for the sole larpasn of defeating the county unit hillJust who the next move of till friends of laral option will ho is not known but It It hrIIIltl they have a card up their skrve5 that vlll he played sorncigne this week but they am kCllln very quiett about their plane 5amcbudy started the rumor chat polltlttl on the utility snit bill had plaiyed II part In having Governor Cox jO to elllt1llati lalil 1Vednesdny thus taking tunn Linn out or thin I1hnlr for tint troy hut It Iii stated here on nudunhted aiithorlty that It had nothing whalor to do with coxs trip III Ohio The present kKtllntllrf is expected to take rnme nllIon ri Native to ills poeing tJr the old ntnle Innse nod thin squaro of ground open which the buildings stand hill qo nee seta s to know eXlllth what wilt become of the hlslorlc old structure Tar first suggestion maim s two years ngo was toduvote tllf building to n slllt his- torical lUlU I and place It III charge or the State historical society and It mot with much popular favor It that time nil the great mnjolll of the peoplo want the old hnlldlllt pre served because so many hallowed memories or iienluckys grlljt men clneo iS9 are ullsoclatedwlh It Recently a limn has been put on foot to convert it into a state normal and raw school and n bill has been Intro duced In thin house looking to that end Senator hhtlrnam of Madison has introduced a bill nutliorizlug the sale ot the bulldlnC and grounds to the highest bIdder provided os much as 75000 can be realized from th sale but this bill hUH met with n storm of protects fmm till those who want the old building preserved intact There aro three buildings ou the grounds the statehouse proper till executive ulhllnj and the red brick building as the smallest building Is eplled The stdo house proper Is n- ehassIe old structure wIth blc stone columns In trout and a wonderful self lnpportlng spiral stone stairway Jt a was erected between IS9 stud 1832- i end iii Telitene l t was gtiMed from the banks or the Kentucky river and sawed out by baud HenrYClay John C Breckinridgo J Crittea den and all of Kentuckys great ora- tor and statesmen for tbeJtt 80 years havo spoken Many historical scenes havu trans splrcll within Its high ceilings and It is looked upon with reverence by nearly everybodyin the state from school children up to the oldest In habitants Till following are the titles to some of the more Important bills that have been introduced during thepast weekAct providing that contrIbutory negligence shall not bo a bar to rev covert of damages but may serve to reduce the amount of damage award ed for death or Injury Act providing for appointment ot four State Bank Examiners by the secretary of state nt 3000 a year salary each two of them to be Der- ocrats and two tepubllclJns the sal nrles to bo paid out of the fees charg- ed the banks for the examInations Act providing for an appropriation of 120000 for erection of buildings for a tuberculosis sanatorium and SsQ000 annually thereafter to main thin IL Act fixing the flun5 mont for bur- glary at lire imprisonment or thin In nllllon ot the death penalty In the discretion ot the jury Act declarIng all trgraph tele phone express and pipe Ilne com Panics to hI common carriers and i placing them under the supervision ot till t + tale railroad commission Actt granting pensions to Confeder ate soldiers Att providing that the state treas- nrer III authorized to pay interest ou mute warrants AItlU prohibit the sale of Intoxlcat lug liquor on legal holidays tj it Is now prohibited on Sunday Art appropriating liOOIJO for new buildings at state university 545000 for same purpose at each of the two state normal schools and uoa0 ad- ditional annually to state university for running expenses and IU1I011 an rurally to 1astern Xorrnal school for running expenses- l Ont of the mot unique hills that has over been presented Is one to proliihit the habit tit treating It pinvldes that If anyone shall give or pay for II drink of intoxicating liquor for another ht shall he fined rWIII Slit to 5 and also provides a liar for the kerymr or seller ot till Ilciliur so sold or used In treating It Is contended and properly too causesImllrl stepped that more than half or the evils uf drinking would soon disap- pear It seems very doubtful how- ever about the enforcement Gf suedh- it law fur it Inulll hI so easily cad If tile law should be passed and led msu desired to treat another could give him the price of the drInk IlId they could wlll Into the I saloon together and each pay for his drink without any one being the wlllr as to where the money came i from t strong effort is brine made nt I this StIOII of the legislature to en ncl a hew that will give women the right to vote In school lllctlons nail Ithe chalices now appear to lavur the passsgo of such II bill it pointed out that Kentucky 1IHr nearly at the bottom of the i states ntl for us the education of Its people is coticerned the per cent of 1tldtcrarv being ro great liS to really I iirs Desha Dreekln iliterj meeting In Frankfort last week nt- which a number of legislators were I present made a most admirable ad- dress on tile subject She said that nearlyy all the progressive states now allow the women to vote In school elections and predicted that If worn en were given the right to vote in- Kentucky they would go to work and reduce the per cent of illiteracy to a minImum In II few years The wom I ens slabs app over Kentucky art talc i lug an active interest In urging thin passage of the law and zt number of lead III leglsAlor nre already pledg- ed to vote for It Senator Claude I Thnrnasot Bourbon has Introduced the bill In the senate and will use I every effort au have Itbccmne tI law I Kentucky had a Democrat or gov- ernor tor about live hours last Wed nesday and both branches of the Democrat legislature took a recess of fifteen mlnutc to go clown to the executive olllrl to congratulate the acting governor The law provides that when both the governor and the lieutenant governor are out or the state the president pro ten ot tiro senate shall become the actlu goer nor Governor Willson was In Wash Ington and Lieutenant Gnvernnr Cox was compelled to be In Clnclnoail for a few hours on important business on Wednesday so resident Pro Torn Conn Linn ot Calloway county be- came the acting governor While lie was In the executive chair a movement was started to have hIm pardon Henry Youtsoy the only one of the man indicted for the murder of Governor Goebel who Is senlng a term In prison A resolution was pre- pared to bo Introduced In the tOUSIJ and senate asking the acting gover- nor to pardon Youtsey but some of the friends of Linn urged that It would put him In an embarrassing position to Dsle him to do something that tha Ropubllcan governor had not been asked to do so the resolution ps never offered and Youtsoy Is still II the penitentiary x 1Y y mr OURLEYIOUETY NOT AFRA Li LIGHT r Attitude of Leafiere Made 3PlainWithia the Law S- Membors or the D l11cUTOb1ocO So city are repeatedly they think ot the pmbaLle outcome ot the suits tiled itt thoFeral courts by certain Jndapendtlntmnnutrtctur oru against the society and of the iitheFcdornlGov gaUon or the socoty The moot sgnlflcanfIndlcaton ot tho value placed uponrthese matters by the oCtca1 bodIes oftho society is that they go on In tho even tcnor or their way carIng for thG present CrJ and planning confl1cnUy for the future The propcr legal steps have been taken to defend The suits but ttho officers from the main issues and ono rnrcly hears the suits mentioned In the official bdoles t Any statement therefore purport iltg to ho an official valuation ot the went of Juatice It to also opinion- s tutcs of the UurleY1Tpbacco So ciety Worst be unauthorized and has no other weight thnl1 ttaches to nu expression ot personal opntory But front hIs very atUtudo on the par of tho official bodies deduetnos may be drawn So far as any expreiaton has bee heard regardIng the olIed luveetil- gation of the society bjr the Depart mont of JustIce It is the opinion tILlt the rumor so tar as tt has foun Idatlon Is trlbutnry to pie independ- ent In the Federal courts These suits wilt brIng out all the tnctg us to the purposes and ni thods ot tho society and there Is ho apparoLt- reasnu why the Government should nt thIs juncture Ihatitute action manJ1testell he turned on wltll full power lu a movement that involves moro than 40000 farmers n covered poltcy or i one ot flls1Il or concealment would ThelBurley to have Its st1tutcs tested lu the Fed eral courts as It has beau Itl ted In In the State courts The adheruuts ot the Burley To bacco Society feel aecureiu the fun dumcaital principlo that tiioproducers of ultimate wealth ar ejttLled to II just proportion ot the profits ot the tlnlshpd product1hn13 principle Inheroll1It man which rights tli Sherman iuttt- ruoC law was encctrd to protee and which this law has thus hI signally failed to prgee and Ill 110- other Instonco so signally failed IS is iMalbtrtamceottYeteeae llt + r- ing industry iApdnu w comp thevGrtJ um who have xnocefiafuhi defeated itheptti poses O tile law and aakcd ik be n adO the hisirument fothe ri tinned inS lon or tho men whose rikbtii1i was designed to protect The Burley Tobacco Seckty believes It In nowise oontravet1es the provu Fong of thO Sherman ani trust law and It just auconfidently believes the tho ends for whIch the IOClbty ogn tends will not be surrondereitsl1outd any court find Rho society to conflict with this law This JB net meant in any spirit of defanec of law but as a just npprccUiUon of the nature and purposes oflnw Law Is not designed ta ° bo n Procrustean bed for honest then to die on Delb are mndo ralth- cr to suit tho needs of men not men made to lie drawn out ur cut short to sUit the length of the bed Laws for the Sabbath were made for man and not man for the laws The Sher- man nnUtrust law was meant to be a staff It It turns out to be a club the sarno powers that enacted Jt nray amend or repeal Jt The Burley tobac- co growers are not out gatthertng early plucked posies They are In for a fight to the finish and Ule fact that tho tIght may be lung hard and determined In no way affects their purposes ThrIce Is ho armed that bath his quarrel just twoI Burley Tobacco Society han no rcs- ponsllilllry other than that eharedi lIy all good citizens These infractions may have been committed by sympa- thliers cf the socIty or they may havo bath their source In personal grudges So far os the Burley belt Is concerned they have bees entirely local and SporadIc The Burley Pobac- ao Society Js no moro responsible tor there disorders than any pontlcal party Is for the disorders on eletfJon day But we shall not forego elections liccauso partIsan zealots quarrel and even kill each other Every forward movement In history mas been nttemkd whih morn nr 1e s disorder These disorders have been nn excre CCQce and un audiUonal burden to the real workers In the movement They form po part or the essence and method of the movement One ot the results of tho birth ot the PrInce of Pearce was the burning fo heretics and still the world knows that nothing could be farther from the spirit and essence d ho teaching of the gentle Nazzarene But why should tIle nlghtrl1cr question at this juncture claim ro much space lit Northern newspapers Who is behind this dlgglllg up and exploiting of happiness now two years olll Are there no lIvo Iirsuea requIr- Ing consideration Is the object to hunt out and punish the night riders to scare tho tobacco growers Into ubmll510n to UIO trust For Rheumatic Pains As we get older the blood becomes sluggish the mus cles and joints stiffen and aches pains take hold easier Sloaus Liniment quickens the blood limbers up the muscles and joints and stops any pain or ache with astonishing promptness Proof that it is Best for Rheumatism Mrs l > mr H nli1lr of Manns Choice RFD No JIa writes jointsIt i so for Stiff Joints Mr MLros 1Vm attar too Motris Ave Birmingham Ala writes stiffjoints nQI en is the qickest and best remeclyfr Rheuma- tiSln Sciatica Toothache Sprains Bruises and Insect Stings Price 2e r1Oc and 100 nt All Dealore send for 8toani Hies taoiroqllorses Address DR EARL S SLOAN BOSTON MASs er 0t J tf The Kind YOU Haye AlwaysBonght and which J1asbeeaI j in use for over 800 years has borno the signature of andb seenJriadhenn4 rll I sonalsupcrvlslon itsinihncy- Allow no one tOdeooive yoiu ln this All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments that trifle wIth and cnc1angcr the health or Infants and ChildrenFaperionce agaJpst Experiment Il jt What is CASTORIA oastorla Js a harmlesssubstitute for rUPare gone Drops And Soothing Syrups It Is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is IqJguaranteo It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves TeethIng Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Dowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tile OhUdrens Panace The Mothers FrIend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Jj Beare the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THe OSNTACN COMPANY TT MONNAY nCCTNCWYOO GOOD POSITIONS Draughon gives contracts backed by chain of 30 Colleges ZOOOOOOO capital and 19 years success to secure positions under reasonable con ditions or refund tuition BOOKKEEPINGDraughons competitors by not accepting that he teaches more Bookkeeping in three months than they do in six Draughon can con vince you S A SHORTHAND 75 per cent of the United States Court Report- ers write the system of Shorthand Draughon teaches because they know it is THE BEST + FOr FPEE CATALOGUE and booklet Why Learn Telegraphy which explain all call on or write JOHN F DRAUGHON President DRJUGHOlitS PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE freconeoaasa EVANSVILLE PADUCAH NASHVILLE ST LOUIS SPRINGFIELD MEMPhIIS1r A GENUINE WB- ONDGUARANTEE s rACKED INSIDE EACH ROLL O- FCONGO t ROOFING Roofhi eo bond Itcames with it term end conditions that make it especially at- tractive to anyone who must consider the roofing question For 10 years you eat rest easy about your roofs it covered with 3ply Congo and we know that it is probable you will act seen longer service out oI it The Surety Company u suing these bonds end back of them is their taw million dollars of amlJ1t na matte of keen utisfattion to us that they were willing to stand behind Congo Rooting You are immune from any responaihi1it7 other than giving the roofing ordinal care Write today for samples of Congo and full information Remember that with every toll of Cotes you get a genuine Surety Bead IFORDSVILLE MadeIooJJ matured in wood before hot I guaranteedor 4 Full IuaitsS4OO Express Prepaid To Your Nearest Express t WWrite 91anks rE B GISONi WHOLSS4LII tQU R DEALER SWrhlr I t v ex757IOI ONNArIot r t 4- T 1V M r

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Page 1: weekAct thoFeral Justasgood iitheFcdornlGov What is a rUParenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r3b2w/data/1331.pdf · r ct-of < l 1 II N p t Ii i 11 4 L µ 0 yn 1WHL j rU JITS OPPONENTS T WIN



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1WHL j rU



Codrtylocal Option 8 ill In Hostile

Committees Hands


Next Move of the Advocates of theMaesure Awaited With interestBill Presented to Prevent the Cus

ton of TreatingPropositions ofImportance Befrue the KentuckyGeneral Assembly

BY J H STUARTFrankfort KySpeclalCter a

tour days hard struggle the oppo

tents of the county unit local optionbill won their tight to have that mean

Inc referred to the committee on reUlon and morals on Thursday aflernoon The tight came up to tills vay

The rules of the senate provide thatwhom a hili has been printed and Isread n second time by Its title Ithall bo referred to no appropriate

committee by the president uf thesenate unless the ronimltlee to whichbe refers It shall be changed hy nr

majority or the senate It Is under-stood that Lieutenant Governor ox-

nbo is president of the seuato Isfavorable to the hili and wond havereforred It to some commltteu thatwas somewhat favorable to the billUqortunatel for the bill tocrnor-WUson had to go to Washingtonwhich made President Cox the actinggovernor and made President ProTern Linn the acting president of thesenate till lorernor Willson returnedIt is understood that Liun Is apposedto the county unit hill and If left tohim he would rnror It to the rommlttee on religion and morals which asat present constituted Is opposed tothe hilt and will report It unfavorablyThe rules further provide that whena bill la reported unfavorably It talesa two thlyds vote of the se1ialn to ad-

vnnce It to Its third reading Ror thatruasun the frllllds of the huh +venopposed to giving Llnn an opporlunfly to refer the hill and tried to fightoff its reference till LItutonant evernor Cox al11I l1ecaml the presidingofficer of tilt senate

The senate is fonlldpred to heabout evenly divided If the hill evercome to Ii direct vote with possibiv aslight majority In f1or or the nuaare though there nre two or threerenators who have voted with thetrknds or till bill for the past weekwho will vote against it Oil final pai-sage and till same number who hnvevoted with the opponents of the billtho will vote for tilt bill on thnalpassage

The friends of the bill claim thatsoma most extraordinary parliamenttry rulings were made In order torixteh the point where the IJIII was-

referred all Thursday while Ihe op-

peaanh of the hill sa they we t onlyfollowing a bang line of precedentsin Insisting that till bill should go-

to tJle religlnh and murals committeeLed by Senator Thomas of Bourbonthe friends of the bill made fI heperate tight to hold the fort till Cox rftinged and acme rather vmstlct-hhnps were daholl1 about the gagralee of the SIIIIo that had beenMdotited so they said for the solelarpasn of defeating the county unit

hillJust who the next move of tillfriends of laral option will ho is notknown but It It hrIIIltl they havea card up their skrve5 that vlll heplayed sorncigne this week but theyam kCllln very quiett about theirplane 5amcbudy started the rumorchat polltlttl on the utility snit billhad plaiyed II part In having GovernorCox jO to elllt1llati lalil 1Vednesdnythus taking tunn Linn out or thinI1hnlr for tint troy hut It Iii statedhere on nudunhted aiithorlty that Ithad nothing whalor to do withcoxs trip III Ohio

The present kKtllntllrf is expectedto take rnme nllIon ri Native to illspoeing tJr the old ntnle Innse nod thinsquaro of ground open which thebuildings stand hill qo nee seta s toknow eXlllth what wilt become ofthe hlslorlc old structure Tar firstsuggestion maim s two years ngo wastoduvote tllf building to n slllt his-torical lUlU I and place It III chargeor the State historical society andIt mot with much popular favor Itthat time nil the great mnjolll ofthe peoplo want the old hnlldlllt preserved because so many hallowedmemories or iienluckys grlljt menclneo iS9 are ullsoclatedwlh It

Recently a limn has been put on footto convert it into a state normal andraw school and n bill has been Introduced In thin house looking to thatend Senator hhtlrnam of Madison hasintroduced a bill nutliorizlug the saleot the bulldlnC and grounds to thehighest bIdder provided os much as75000 can be realized from th salebut this bill hUH met with n storm ofprotects fmm till those who want theold building preserved intact

There aro three buildings ou thegrounds the statehouse proper tillexecutive ulhllnj and the red brickbuilding as the smallest building Iseplled The stdo house proper Is n-

ehassIe old structure wIth blc stonecolumns In trout and a wonderful selflnpportlng spiral stone stairway Jt


was erected between IS9 stud 1832-


end iii Telitenel t was gtiMedfrom the banks or the Kentucky riverand sawed out by baud HenrYClayJohn C Breckinridgo J Critteaden and all of Kentuckys great ora-

tor and statesmen for tbeJtt 80years havo spokenMany historical scenes havu transsplrcll within Its high ceilings and Itis looked upon with reverence bynearly everybodyin the state fromschool children up to the oldest Inhabitants

Till following are the titles to someof the more Important bills that havebeen introduced during thepastweekAct providing that contrIbutorynegligence shall not bo a bar to rev

covert of damages but may serve toreduce the amount of damage awarded for death or Injury

Act providing for appointment otfour State Bank Examiners by thesecretary of state nt 3000 a yearsalary each two of them to be Der-ocrats and two tepubllclJns the salnrles to bo paid out of the fees charg-ed the banks for the examInations

Act providing for an appropriationof 120000 for erection of buildingsfor a tuberculosis sanatorium andSsQ000 annually thereafter to mainthin IL

Act fixing the flun5 mont for bur-glary at lire imprisonment or thin Innllllon ot the death penalty In thediscretion ot the jury

Act declarIng all trgraph telephone express and pipe Ilne comPanics to hI common carriers and

i placing them under the supervision ottill t+tale railroad commission

Actt granting pensions to Confederate soldiers

Att providing that the state treas-

nrer III authorized to pay interest oumute warrants

AItlU prohibit the sale of Intoxlcatlug liquor on legal holidays tj it Isnow prohibited on Sunday

Art appropriating liOOIJO for newbuildings at state university 545000for same purpose at each of the twostate normal schools and uoa0 ad-

ditional annually to state universityfor running expenses and IU1I011 anrurally to 1astern Xorrnal school forrunning expenses-


Ont of the mot unique hills thathas over been presented Is one toproliihit the habit tit treating Itpinvldes that If anyone shall giveor pay for II drink of intoxicatingliquor for another ht shall he finedrWIII Slit to 5 and also providesa liar for the kerymr or seller ot tillIlciliur so sold or used In treatingIt Is contended and properly too

causesImllrlstepped that more than half or theevils uf drinking would soon disap-pear It seems very doubtful how-ever about the enforcement Gf suedh-

it law fur it Inulll hI so easily cadIf tile law should be passed and

led msu desired to treat anothercould give him the price of the

drInk IlId they could wlll Into theI saloon together and each pay for his

drink without any one being thewlllr as to where the money came



t strong effort is brine made ntI this StIOII of the legislature to en

ncl a hew that will give women theright to vote In school lllctlons nail

Ithe chalices now appear to lavur thepasssgo of such II bill

it pointed out that Kentucky1IHr nearly at the bottom of thei states ntl for us the education of Its

people is coticerned the per cent of

1tldtcrarv being ro great liS to reallyI iirs Desha Dreeklniliterjmeeting In Frankfort last week nt-

which a number of legislators wereI present made a most admirable ad-

dress on tile subject She said thatnearlyy all the progressive states nowallow the women to vote In schoolelections and predicted that If wornen were given the right to vote in-

Kentucky they would go to work andreduce the per cent of illiteracy to aminImum In II few years The wom

I ens slabs app over Kentucky art talci lug an active interest In urging thin

passage of the law and zt number oflead III leglsAlor nre already pledg-ed to vote for It Senator Claude

I Thnrnasot Bourbon has Introducedthe bill In the senate and will use

I every effort au have Itbccmne tI lawI

Kentucky had a Democrat or gov-

ernor tor about live hours last Wednesday and both branches of theDemocrat legislature took a recessof fifteen mlnutc to go clown to theexecutive olllrl to congratulate theacting governor The law providesthat when both the governor and thelieutenant governor are out or thestate the president pro ten ot tirosenate shall become the actlu goernor Governor Willson was In WashIngton and Lieutenant Gnvernnr Coxwas compelled to be In Clnclnoail fora few hours on important business onWednesday so resident Pro TornConn Linn ot Calloway county be-

came the acting governorWhile lie was In the executive chair

a movement was started to have hImpardon Henry Youtsoy the only oneof the man indicted for the murderof Governor Goebel who Is senlng aterm In prison A resolution was pre-

pared to bo Introduced In the tOUSIJ

and senate asking the acting gover-nor to pardon Youtsey but some ofthe friends of Linn urged that Itwould put him In an embarrassingposition to Dsle him to do somethingthat tha Ropubllcan governor had notbeen asked to do so the resolution

ps never offered and Youtsoy Is stillII the penitentiary

x1Yy mr



rAttitude of Leafiere Made

3PlainWithia the

Law S-

Membors or the D l11cUTOb1ocO So

city are repeatedly theythink ot the pmbaLle outcome otthe suits tiled itt thoFeral courtsby certain Jndapendtlntmnnutrtcturoru against the society and of the

iitheFcdornlGovgaUon or the socoty

The moot sgnlflcanfIndlcaton ottho value placed uponrthese mattersby the oCtca1 bodIes oftho societyis that they go on In tho even tcnor or

their way carIng for thG present CrJand planning confl1cnUy for thefuture The propcr legal steps havebeen taken to defend The suits butttho officers from the main issues andono rnrcly hears the suits mentionedIn the official bdoles t

Any statement therefore purportiltg to ho an official valuation ot thewent of Juatice It to also opinion-

s tutcs of the UurleY1Tpbacco So

ciety Worst be unauthorized and hasno other weight thnl1 ttaches tonu expression ot personal opntoryBut front hIs very atUtudo on the parof tho official bodies deduetnos maybe drawn

So far as any expreiaton has beeheard regardIng the olIed luveetil-gation of the society bjr the Departmont of JustIce It is the opiniontILlt the rumor so tar as tt has foun

Idatlon Is trlbutnry to pie independ-

ent In the Federal courts Thesesuits wilt brIng out all the tnctg usto the purposes and nithods ot thosociety and there Is ho apparoLt-reasnu why the Government should ntthIs juncture Ihatitute action

manJ1testellhe turned on wltll full power lu amovement that involves moro than40000 farmers n covered poltcy or i

one ot flls1Il or concealment would

ThelBurleyto have Its st1tutcs tested lu the Federal courts as It has beau Itl ted InIn the State courts

The adheruuts ot the Burley Tobacco Society feel aecureiu the fundumcaital principlo that tiioproducers

of ultimate wealth ar ejttLled toII just proportion ot the profits otthe tlnlshpd product1hn13 principle

Inheroll1Itman which rights tli Sherman iuttt-

ruoC law was encctrd to proteeand which this law has thus hIsignally failed to prgee and Ill 110-

other Instonco so signally failed IS

is iMalbtrtamceottYeteeae llt + r-

ing industryiApdnu w comp thevGrtJ um who

have xnocefiafuhi defeated ithepttiposes O tile law and aakcd ikbe nadO the hisirument fothe ri

tinned inS lon or tho men whoserikbtii1i was designed to protect

The Burley Tobacco Seckty believesIt In nowise oontravet1es the provuFong of thO Sherman ani trust lawand It just auconfidently believes thetho ends for whIch the IOClbty ogntends will not be surrondereitsl1outdany court find Rho society to conflictwith this law This JB net meant inany spirit of defanec of law but as ajust npprccUiUon of the nature andpurposes oflnw Law Is not designedta °

bo n Procrustean bed for honestthen to die on Delb are mndo ralth-

cr to suit tho needs of men not menmade to lie drawn out ur cut short tosUit the length of the bed Lawsfor the Sabbath were made for manand not man for the laws The Sher-man nnUtrust law was meant to bea staff It It turns out to be a clubthe sarno powers that enacted Jt nrayamend or repeal Jt The Burley tobac-co growers are not out gatthertngearly plucked posies They are In

for a fight to the finish and Ule factthat tho tIght may be lung hard anddetermined In no way affects theirpurposes ThrIce Is ho armed thatbath his quarrel just

twoIBurley Tobacco Society han no rcs-

ponsllilllry other than that eharedi lIy

all good citizens These infractionsmay have been committed by sympa-

thliers cf the socIty or they may

havo bath their source In personalgrudges So far os the Burley beltIs concerned they have bees entirelylocal and SporadIc The Burley Pobac-

ao Society Js no moro responsible torthere disorders than any pontlcalparty Is for the disorders on eletfJonday But we shall not forego electionsliccauso partIsan zealots quarrel andeven kill each other

Every forward movement In historymas been nttemkd whih morn nr 1e sdisorder These disorders have beennn excre CCQce and un audiUonalburden to the real workers In themovement They form po part or theessence and method of the movementOne ot the results of tho birth ot thePrInce of Pearce was the burning fo

heretics and still the world knowsthat nothing could be farther fromthe spirit and essence d ho teachingof the gentle Nazzarene

But why should tIle nlghtrl1crquestion at this juncture claim romuch space lit Northern newspapersWho is behind this dlgglllg up andexploiting of happiness now two yearsolll Are there no lIvo Iirsuea requIr-

Ing consideration Is the object tohunt out and punish the night ridersto scare tho tobacco growers Intoubmll510n to UIO trust


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